#same prompt party
tanglepelt · 5 months
Dpxdc idea 179.
After the whole pariah thing and him accidentally become ghost king. Danny is annoyed. Then sam and tucker accidentally become royal advisors.
Shouldn’t have touched the book apparently.
Jazz touched the crown it recognized her as Danny’s family and poof. Another royal member. Same with Danielle.
He as phantom had to stop kwan and dash from accepting training from fright knight. He really didn’t want them to agree then be bound to serve the realm as knights.
But they didn’t listen. So yay. New knights.
Danny doesn’t need help with the ghost. No he needs help to shut the portal down because people are accidentally getting roped into the royal court and royal family in the realms. Can the league please turned the portals off.
So he decides if the league won’t respond to calls, texts and emails. He’ll confront them. He portals in a the middle of a meeting crown and all.
Danny: i get you all seem to think the whole amity park situation is a prank. But can you not? Like I was human and now I’m king. With how things are going I’m concerned another teenager is going to accidentally become royalty for the infinite realms. So please deal with the government and mad scientist. Then get the portal shut down. Thanks.
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wildkimiko · 2 months
Because this is my current fic and I'm rotating my blorbo inside my head*
A leader whumpee who has abandonment issues, so they try really hard to be there for their team, to the point where it's self-destructive.
Maybe they were exiled from their community. Maybe their parents let them down. Maybe they're an orphan, and never had anyone care for them. Maybe they're incredibly afraid of the people they love being harmed in some way. So when they get older, and they're surrounded by people who they care about, they dedicate themselves to them, because that's all they wanted as a child. They always just stop shy of throwing away their life to save their friends, but if the situation came about, they'd do it. Literally "ride or die". Sometimes it scares the team with how much Leader will do for them just to ensure they're safe, healthy, and happy.
But as a result, Leader is terrified that their team will not care for them in the same manner. When Whumper kidnaps them, they can't help but think their team won't come for them. Everyone else in their life prior to that never came when they asked for help. And when Whumper whispers in their ear that nobody will save them, after a while they start to believe it. Days turns to weeks, or months, and they steadily lose hope that anyone is coming to save them.
This can lead down two paths:
1) their team doesn't come for them. Whether it takes them to long go find Whumpee, or Whumpee manages to escape on their own, their worries are validated. The team is excited to see Whumpee safe and sound, but Whumpee seems... Different, now. They don't offer a helping hand, and they begrudgingly will protect them during a fight, but... The dedication just isn't there. Whumpee grows more and more distant until their team confronts them. And Leader Whumpee breaks down, yelling at them for not rescuing them, that all this time they thought their team would care. It takes a lot of time to convince Leader Whumpee that they were looking for them, that they used every trick and connection they shared to find them.
2) their team DOES come for them. They rescue Leader Whumpee and care for them. But Whumpee doesn't quite believe it's real. It takes quite a bit of convincing to tell their leader that yes, they care about them, they'd always come to help, to relax and be the one looked after for a change. Bonus points if they tell Whumpee this when they're incredibly feverish, and the realization that they DO care just causes all the stress to leave their body, and they collapse because they know they're safe and loved.
Just... Ugh. I love it. That's why I'm writing it.
*I have aphantasia and cannot actually rotate blorbo in my head, so that's why you get this post
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opticsel · 4 months
crazy to think that people my age want to have sex… and that many of them have had sex before… and that they are actively seeking out people to have sex with….. and that they talk about sex with their other sex-having friends……. couldn’t be me but y’all have fun tho! stay safe out there and stuff
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fruitless-vain · 3 months
Today was scary
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jmflowers · 5 months
For hygge (sorry if I misspelled it). Maya and Carina having to go appliance shopping (washer, dryer, dishwasher, etc) broke while Maya was on shift. Her and Carina decide to go after Maya’s shift. Maya is checking out all the appliances and seeing which one has the better deal, better warranty, uses less electricity & or water. Carina is tired and pregnant and trying to keep a toddler entertained and just wants Maya to hurry up. Maya finally decides and tries to make it up to her wife by stopping by her favorite fast food restaurant to grab dinner and something sweet for Carina.
I am so not used to getting really detailed prompts, so I didn't follow this exactly. But I hope you like it just the same!
August 2025
“This one has a five-year warranty,” Maya calls out, reading the information tag hanging on the side of the washing machine. “But that only covers repairs, not replacement.”
“Mhm,” Carina hums from somewhere behind her.
“That three-year warranty might be a better deal,” Maya continues, looking between the two indecisively. “Except, that other one without the warranty is more efficient than both of these.”
“Bambina,” Carina huffs, finally drawing Maya’s attention away from the row of appliances she’s been perusing for the better part of an hour. She’s holding tight to the handle of the shopping cart, her body tipped just enough to relieve some of the pressure on her spine. Her free hand rubs at the tight muscles in her lower back, the weight of her 36-week belly clearly getting to her.
Maya pales, suddenly cluing back into reality.
“I do not care if it breathes fire,” Carina hisses, laying a hand atop Andrea’s beloved stuffed ostrich before he can launch it out of the shopping cart… again. “Please, please just pick one so we can go home.”
They’ve been in their new house for only a couple of weeks. Already, the laundry has piled up – new bedding and Andrea’s mud-covered clothes from afternoons spent in the new backyard and stacks of baby clothes that need to be folded and put away before their daughter arrives. And, of course, the ancient washing machine that had come with the house had decided it was perfect timing to officially fall apart.
Maya recognizes that realistically, she’s not being overly rational. She doesn’t need to study efficiency and water usage and warranty details to make the correct choice. The selection of machines before her are all acceptable, all financially-sound decisions.
But there’s a baby in Carina’s belly – her  baby – and that fact alone seems endlessly capable of making her spiral.
It feels like they’re living the weeks before Andrea’s birth all over again.
“I’m sorry,” Maya swears, stepping towards Carina. She holds out her hands, an unspoken offering of the massage or belly-lifting Carina’s been gratefully accepting lately.
Carina shakes her head, though, her frustration and exhaustion evident. She catches the stuffed ostrich again, sighing heavily as Andrea wails loudly at the betrayal. “We will be in the car,” she says, maneuvering the shopping cart back towards the front of the store.
“I’m sorry,” Maya repeats as she climbs into the driver’s seat.
Carina has reclined the passenger seat as far as it will go, the pillow she takes everywhere now shoved beneath her lower back. Her eyes are closed, but she winces still as Andrea roars a little too loudly, one of his toy dinosaurs flying across the backseat and crashing roughly against the rear passenger window, mere inches from Carina’s head.
“Andrea,” she scolds without opening her eyes, “Non lanciamo giocattoli.” (We don’t throw toys.)
“’dactyl!” Andrea yells, as though the fact that the toy he’s thrown is a pterodactyl  is explanation enough for its flight.
“Inside voice,” Maya reminds him, turning in her seat to catch his eye.
He nods, pressing a finger to his lips as he smiles. “’dactyl,” he whispers. “Mama sleep?” he asks a moment later, brows furrowed as he looks at Carina.
“Yeah,” Maya answers, smirking when Carina’s own brow furrows. “Mama needs something yummy to wake her up. What do you think?”
The suggestion splits Andrea’s face into a wide grin, one of his little fingers tapping against his chin in his learned rendition of thinking. “’Misu?” he suggests.
“Good idea,” Maya praises him, smiling even wider when the corner of Carina’s lips lift. “And maybe some eggplant parmigiano, to make up for how long Mommy took in the store?”
“Long,” Andrea echoes.
Carina’s hand drifts across the console, landing gently on Maya’s thigh.
“Hopefully,” Maya continues, “Mama will forgive Mommy when our brand new washing machine gets delivered tomorrow, and Mommy can get back to work washing everything for baby Pip?”
Andrea’s brow furrows again, that little finger drifting back up to his chin. “Maybe,” he repeats, clearly trying to gather the words for whatever else is on his mind.
Carina peeks an eye open, watching him, too.
“Maybe,” he says again, “Mama get rub, rub, rub.”
Maya laughs, reaching into the backseat to grab hold of Andrea’s shoe. Their little boy squeals, delighted but immediately pulling himself out of the grasp. “I think you’re right,” Maya agrees, enamoured with his intelligence. “I think Mama does need a massage, too.”
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revvethasmythh · 2 years
what people don't understand about my relationship with essek is that I do love him, but in a Cain instinct kind of way, like that's my little guy, sure, but I DO want to punch him in the face at all times
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mike-wachowski · 8 months
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qqchurch · 8 months
age-gap yuri prompt: an up and coming all-girl adventurer party is assigned a female veteran adventurer to assist/support/carry them for the next year or so as they tackle harder quests for their rank promotion process, only for them to slowly realize that the veteran was actually their beloved male mentor from almost 10 years ago who they all had a huge crush on... and yet they realize their feelings for her have grown stronger in spite, or perhaps because, of her changes
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willkill4pudding · 9 days
Have you ever been a "the event is at 5:30 and is a 10 minute walk away so we should leave at 5:15 to be sure we get there on time" kind of person living with a "The event is at 5:30 so we should be getting dressed at 5:30 and leave at 5:45 at the earliest" kind of person?
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canisonicscrewyou · 5 months
worst out of the 13 people I have knowingly kissed is clear cut not gonna lie. You are me. You are at a small frat party. You think one of the guys that you kind of know is cute but it's whatever but your friends and his frat bros push you together basically. After a brief flirt and a drink you awkwardly ask if he wants to kiss. You do. His tongue. Is so. So. Cold. It is so cold that it is the only thing you can pay attention to.
After you pull away he is still holding you and leaning on your tits and he tells you point blank you are not his type at all BUT he IS in LOVE with your mutual friend who is a lesbian. He rambles to you about her and how he knows it wouldn't work out. He keeps apologizing to you as if he is letting you down but actually you decided like at LEAST 10 minutes ago that You Were All Set Thanks.
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likecastle · 2 years
Ronance Femslash February - forest
Thank you again to @crushcandles for another excellent prompt: "forest"!
I’m accepting Ronance prompts all month, so please send some my way! You can find previous prompts I've filled here.
“Remind me why we thought this would be a good idea, again?” Robin says, peering over Nancy’s shoulder as she consults the map.
Nancy doesn’t dignify that with an answer. “It should be right here,” she says irritably. “According to this, we’re practically right on top of the path for the waterfall, but there’s nothing!”
Robin knows better than to ask if Nancy’s sure she’s reading the map right. She definitely is. And Robin has absolutely no wilderness know-how with which to critique the job Nancy’s been doing so far. Robin never did Girl Scouts, never went camping, and while her parents are crunchy hippie types, their idea of communing with nature is smoking a little grass at an outdoor music festival. As far as Robin’s concerned, Nancy is a goddamned orienteering genius.
“Well,” Robin says, trying for a silver lining, “at least we haven’t lost daylight yet.” Then she looks up and notices that in the time they’ve spent consulting the map, it has, in fact, started to get dark. Though the sky above is still bright, the little hollow they’re in is caught in the shadow of the hill behind them, hurrying into dusk far ahead of the actual sunset. And that’s when Robin realizes that if you cast any random stretch of late autumn forest in the blue-grey light of twilight, it looks surprisingly like the Upside Down. Years after the world didn’t end, Robin isn’t nearly as jumpy about a possible return to that nightmare dimension as she used to be, but as she looks across at the dim, barren sprawl of trees, she still half expects a shock of red lightning to creep across the sky.
“Oh,” Nancy says, and she’s obviously thinking the same thing Robin is. She gives Robin a worried glance, and starts folding up the map. “We should head back.”
“And miss this view you’ve been talking up all day?” Robin says, trying to force as much confident cheer into her voice as she possibly can. “No way, Nance. I’m with you in this till the bitter end.”
Nancy huffs out a sharp breath, clearly not in the mood for a pep talk. “Robin, it’s late. We’re already going to be hiking back in the dark as it is. Let’s just accept that I got us hopelessly lost and write this off as a failure, OK?”
“Nancy Wheeler,” Robin says, in an overblown Old Hollywood voice that already has Nancy rolling her eyes, “don’t you know there’s nobody in the world I’d rather get lost with than you? Any day we spend together can’t possibly be a failure. I mean, we saw all sorts of cool birds, and that weird rock, and we had a delicious lunch that definitely didn’t get squished because I sat on it. And, sure, it’s a little dark and creepy now, but it’s a beautiful night!” Stepping back, she gives a dramatic sweep of her arm to encompass all the glories of nature, or whatever—and promptly falls backwards into a ditch.
Robin looks up from the heap of leaves she’s lying in to see Nancy leaning over her, an expression of alarm on her face.
“I’m OK,” Robin says, sitting up and brushing leaves out of her hair.
Nancy grabs her by the shoulders, and for a moment Robin thinks she’s going to shake her, but then Nancy is pulling her into a tight embrace. “You just couldn’t resist the opportunity to clown around, could you? What if you’d hurt yourself? What if I had to leave you here in the dark while I went back to the ranger station to call an ambulance?”
Robin snorts, rolling her eyes as Nancy’s curls tickle her cheek. “As if you wouldn’t figure out a way to splint my broken limb using a fallen branch and bandages you tore from your shirt, or something.”
Nancy huffs out a laugh, and finally releases Robin to help her to her feet.
It’s then that Robin notices something out of the corner of her eye. “Hey, Nance,” she says, pointing to a faded metal sign nailed into the trunk of a nearby tree, “is this what you were looking for?”
The word ‘FALLS’ is just barely visible on the sign, along with an arrow that seems to be pointing straight into the bracken on the other side of the ditch.
Nancy reaches out to push the branches aside, revealing a narrow path leading straight up the hill. “I was right,” Nancy says, and Robin laughs, pulling her into a kiss because it’s important that they both have their priorities straight.
They make it to the waterfall just in time to catch the tail end of sunset, which is all fierce oranges and pinks, not a single streak of red in the sky.
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selfetishizing · 2 years
Congrats on 100 followers! Can you do Twilight and Thorn Princess encountering eachother for the prompt request?
After several games of cat and mouse with his target, Agent Twilight takes charge.
Third floor reception.
Twilight could hear them vie for her affection from the library: they competed over who had the loudest volume and the most interesting tale to tell out of the realm of stocks, equestrianism, losing bets, and psychoanalysis—topics a woman could only smile and nod at but add nothing more. She’d throw in a few comments here and there as fodder—spells that had her admirers burst out in laughter.
Gus Glooman—pharmaceutical tycoon—whooped and hollered at her coyish mannerisms of hiding curses behind a satin glove. Edgar Elman—recreational boat conglomerate—weaned off his pipe as he undressed the woman from her black evening gown. He ran his eyes down the graceful curve of her naked spine, holding her waist with phantom hands, pulling her in to carve his bulbous body. Other middle-aged socialites bit down hard on their knuckles, their rubied fingers, to refrain from acting on impulses unbecoming of husbands and fathers.
One would never guess that she was an assassin. The woman Twilight had been trailing for nearly four months would have dispelled the hot-blooded entourage of men with a glare, but the woman before him now was an alluring stranger—a stone cold fox clad in satin armor. She was dressed to tempt, trap, and kill. Garters were not for stockings, but for knives; heels not for stepping, but for stomping. She knew the power she held and zapped it through the tips of her pointed fingers, turning men into toads. Twilight scrupulously observed from afar for signs of aggression, dodging her laser-pointed gaze whenever her eyes darted his way.
Twilight, in the interval of time he set for himself to avert her stare, blushed at the realization that perhaps he was the one actively seeking her attention. It was one matter to trail a target and another to ogle a woman who could command a room with the tilt of her head. 
Twilight, subsumed by determination and idyllic visions of peace, did not falter this time. She held his gaze, coaxing, challenging him. Come get it.
So he did. Tilted his head back and downed his courage. Straightened his back and walked with an assured stride, entering the forbidden garden that existed in the liminal space between East and West. Chandeliers dimmed and lavenders grew beneath the soles of his shoes, leading him toward the glow of moonlight that reflected on her skin. He marched like a man meeting his demise.
“Loid Forger.” She drew out the last syllable as if she were testing the way the name tasted on her tongue. It was much too sweet for her liking. She raised her glass, watching him from the cloud of her Chardonnay. “To whom do I owe the pleasure?”
“Gentlemen,” he said, voice commanding in some newfound vibrato. “If you’d give me a moment alone with Miss...”
“Moriticia.” Twilight almost scoffed. How self-important she sounded! “Now, I’d really hate to break up our merry group. Do join in on the fun with us.” A hike of grunts surrounded them, fearing a monopoly on their shapely whet.
Impatient and frankly vexed by her uncharacteristic nonchalance, Twilight whisked her away, hand tight around her wrist, and led her to the balcony overseeing the sprawling plot; out in the evening chill, alone, reunited.
“They are married. Have children. Where are your virtues?” Twilight whispered sharply.
“A spy teaching me about morals.” She leaned back on the marble banister, tilted her chin up, and laughed mockingly. Wine stained her gloves as she set her glass on the surface behind her.  “That should have been the least of your concerns, Moonlight.”
“They were the ones throwing themselves at my toes, by the way. Ask where their virtues lie. They deserved whatever was potentially coming to them.” She moved to fix his bowtie. Twilight clenched his jaw, unsure of what to make of this strangely intimate gesture. “Don’t give me that cross face, Mister Agent. I was going to be good tonight. I promise. I wasn’t looking for a fight—not when you look so… So…”
“So?” He leaned in, placed both of his hands on the marble surface to coerce the answer out of her. It only emboldened her.
“It pleases me that you took my advice,” she said, fingertips trailing down his chest. “I was right: tuxedos look much better on you. I’d call you dashing if you weren’t so serious all the time.”
“You were extracting classified information from those men to gauge their use to you. Their life’s worth.” He shivered as she pressed herself against his body. Soft. It took everything in him to not give into her wiles and press back. “Don't think that I won't force my hand to stop whatever plans you have to disrupt international diplomacy. Human lives are not for you to gamble with. Consider this your final warning.”
“Your third final warning in a row,” laughed the assassin. “How I wish you’d place your hands on me. It’d be infinitely more exciting than what we’ve been doing. Sidelong glances. Hot pursuits. Mess-ups. Clean-ups. Rinsing. Repeating. I think I’ve had my fill. I’m sure you’ve had yours too.”
“Don’t be ridiculous,” he seethed, peeling her hands off of him.
“Oh, but you love this. The chase. The danger. You love what little control you think you have—control that you think you have over yourself. Over me.” She grabbed the lapels of his coat, pulling him down to her level. Twilight could smell the sin on her lips. “Go ahead. Consider this an exercise in power.”
“Enough.” Twilight’s heart raced, mind meandered. She knew just what to say, how to say it. Knew just the right inflection to get his mouth to dry, get him weak at the knees, to finally give.
“Diplomacy, he says. Such a big, fancy word for a simple emotion. Call it what it is, sweetling,” she whispered hotly in his ear. Twilight could have burst into tears. “Jealousy.”
Their chests flush were against each other, his hands firm on the curves of her waist. He memorized the intervals in which her lungs expanded and contracted; imitated it until they were one, breathing being beating in tandem. In a moment, their noses nudged, and they pushed, pulled away, devoured. Twilight lingered as she caught her breath, kissed the skin—there, on her shoulders, the slope of her neck, swells of her cheek—that ought to have been ruined with bruises, burns, and cuts. Her mouth parted and called out for his alias, begging for kindness, for mercy. Twilight, caught in her cunning, tangled himself in black thread and supped the mead from her split lips. Her wine glass shattered as they fought.
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phlebaswrites · 2 years
Looking in the Same Direction
Kisame finds a heart.
Is it truly a gift for him?
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Rating: General Audiences Fandom: Naruto Relationship: Hoshigaki Kisame & Uchiha Itachi Word Count: 806 (Complete)
Entry for the Kisame Birthday Bash 2023 hosted by @kisames-corner
Day 2 - March 18: Akatsuki Birthday Party | Comrade Killer | Deadliest Catch
For @heyitswrenn​ who gave me the prompt:
What about Kisa finding a love note in his room at the Akatsuki base and wants to find out who left it?
The title comes from this quote by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry:
Loving is not just looking at each other, it's looking in the same direction.
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Kisame steps into his room and hears the rustle of paper under the sole of his sandals.
He lifts his foot to reveal a small origami heart - blue, no, purple in colour.
Setting Samehada down, he picks it up, inspecting it carefully. The creases are neat and there are no hidden seals or traces of chakra. Nothing in fact to indicate that it is anything but what it appears to be - a folded piece of paper.
With great care, he opens it up, flattening it as it tries to fold back upon it self, to reveal words. The message isn't very long and he absorbs it quickly.
I know it's very late, but...
Be My Valentine?
Sincerely, Your admirer.
Read the rest on AO3.
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autumnalwalker · 2 years
9 Song Repeat Tag
Thank you for the tag, @cljordan-imperium.
The game is to list 9 songs I've had on repeat over the past month. To that end it would probably be most accurate to simply list out the entire Stolen Season album by S.J. Tucker, but that feels like cheating, so here's 9 other songs.
"Spirit of the Times" - Christa Lee feat. Jami Lynne
"Begone the Bygone" - Christa Lee feat. Jami Lynne
"I'll Never Falter" - Christa Lee feat. Jami Lynne
"Spirit of the Times - Lofi Disco Mix" - Christa Lee feat. Jami Lynne
"Wild Times" - S.J. Tucker
"All Dolled Up" - The Orion Experience
"Heroes" - emmy curie
"The Town Inside Me" - AISHA, Arc System Works
This cover by The_miracle_aligner of Greenday's "Boulevard of Broken Dreams" in Classical Latin
Passing the tag to @ceph-the-ghost-writer, @dogmomwrites, @rainbowbokchoy, @an-elegant-void, @words-after-midnight, and an open tag for anyone else who wishes to particpate.
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crunchycrystals · 1 year
wait youre telling me that the car accident brennan lee mulligan crawled back into to get milanos which he mentioned on dirty laundry was the same car accident he mentioned on the exandria dm's roundtable where he gets the tony pepperoni shirt
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containmenot · 1 year
Creative Writing Practice - Same party, different perspectives.
Describe a party from the point of view of a soldier on leave from a war-zone. Don't mention the war or the fact that he is a soldier.
He clenched the cuff of his sleeve, fingertip straining against trained reflexes. It was only a party popper. Kids in paper cone hats with strings taut under fleshy chins ran around the backyard. His back was secure in a corner of the yard overlooking the proceedings, clocking the exits. The shrill of a party favor blowout made him wince. At least the barbeque was good.
Describe the same party from the point of view of a child. Don't mention the child.
She ran after Braden, chasing him with the party hat. He had to wear it; it was a birthday party! He turned to her and pulled a party popper, confetti bursting into her laughing face. She shrieked and tackled him to the ground, blowing the noisemaker in his ear. Tag!
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