#sammi david (oc)
blogofsara · 1 year
My Version Of Blaze Of Glory
Comments, likes and reblogs are allowed 👍 (the comic start when Rozetta crying and end when Louis is relaxing).
Special thanks to @sandys16world for the beautifuls drawings 💕.
For this scene I got inspired by a comic of @moringmark.
This comic is a scene from my fanfiction of my version of Blaze Of Glory, Rozetta can say what she thinks about her mother 😉 (Denise's reaction 😂, she deserve it!).
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Littles details in case someone gets confused or doesn't understand: 1-Rozetta and Emilio in my AU are a couple.
2-David (he became chief of police in my AU and never had an eyepatch) and Heaven are in the Seabrook house living room with Rupert, Gloria, Ramirez and some dome members (Elaine, Rupert, Juniper, Barb and Wendy are alive in my AU).
3-Rita doesn't die and allies with Otto and the three Neohumans (whom I called Gene, Hunter and Aspen seeing them as triplets).
4-Nathan is alive in my AU and made peace with Kit (but in the zoo scene Nathan is not present because he was captured by Jackson Peacock, who became Denise's ally).
5-Zachary has been released from prison and is a University student, Cindy and Mason are still alive, Vicky is alive too but she is not present in the scene because she was captured by Coach Kirk (who became Denise's ally), Julian never k1lled Freddy and had a normal life and good relationship with his schoolmates and teachers (his father is alive and well).
6-Martine never returned to Paris, while Grace returned to Grimsborough and became her assistant (Cathy's reaction 😂).
7-the two Aloki children are Kai and Dakota (the names I decided for Delsin Peota's children) the newborn that the little girl is holding is Delsin Jones (David's and Heaven's son) notice Alex covers baby Sammy's ears 🤣.
8-Chris, Julia and Joe are alive but the first two are in the hospital after being attacked by the Neohumans enemies and Joe is watching them.
09-Louis is alive but serving his sentence (Zoe too is alive and is with the civilians in the cave).
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skiddlebats · 1 year
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OC-tober day 15: Memes
An assortment of stupid and awful OC memes LMAO
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for real i do sometimes think everything i've been a particular kind of insane about since beatlemania 2016-2018 has been about chasing that high. finding the john and the paul
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Idk why I feel like doing this all of a sudden, but if y'all have any questions about my FNaF ocs, all *looks at smudged writing on palm* three of them, then feel free to send me them!!
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loserboyisms · 1 year
Anyways. Would anyone like to ask about my silly oc polycule??
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jerzwriter · 5 months
The Big ONE
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Happy Birthday to little Samantha, who turned one on April 20th!
I asked @/artbyainna (IG) to help create artwork to commemorate the special occasion, and I'm simply squealing at the results! While Tobias and Casey are captivated with their little angel, Pietro is all too happy to jump in and get a bit of that cake he's been eyeing all afternoon! I'm just blown away by this!
I wrote a fic highlighting a few moments during Sammy's big day below. I hope you enjoy the sugary sweetness as much as I do!
Book: Open Heart Pairing: Tobias Carrick x Casey Carrick (F!MC) Characters: Vivian Carrick (F!OC), Jordan Carrick (M!OC), Rose and David MacTavish (OCs), the OH gang, and of course, Pietro - the original cat. Rating: Teen Words: 1,700 A/N: @choicesaprilchallenge24 / Kitchen Table
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Standing at her kitchen sink didn't typically usher in so much joy, but then, today wasn't any ordinary day. Casey's heart was full as she peered out the kitchen window into her backyard. It was tiny by suburban standards, but in Boston, it may as well have been an acre. The storms that had been forecasted earlier in the week held off, and the bright sun and azure blue skies provided the perfect canopy for their guests who came to celebrate.
The telltale rattle of the backdoor handle interrupted the silence, and Casey turned to find her husband coming inside. He looked so gorgeous in the fitted pink shirt he bought just for this occasion that she didn't initially catch his expression. Was it bewilderment? Vexation? She couldn't quite make it out.
He reached into the refrigerator and grabbed a bottle of Sam Adams. Popping the cap off, he leaned against the counter and shook his head.
"I can't believe there's a freaking petting zoo in my yard."
Casey chuckled as she closed the distance between them, her head coming to rest on his shoulder as her arms encircled his waist.
"It’s not like you weren’t warned... albeit inadvertently.”
“Still...” he sighed.
“You know, from what I’ve heard, this place was a perpetual petting zoo in the past. Of course, it wasn’t the G-rated type, but even so... this shouldn't be so foreign to you.”
She closed her eyes and pressed closer against him, relishing the way his chest reverberated against her as he laughed.
“While the stories of my past can be a bit on the wild side, they tend to be overexaggerated, my dear.”  
Casey squeezed him tighter. “I can’t believe our baby girl is a year old already.”
“I know,” Tobias replied with amazement. “It all went by in a flash.”
“It did,” Casey agreed. “Although, some of the nights felt like they lasted an eternity. Especially in the beginning. God, sometimes I didn’t think I’d survive.”
“You?” Tobias marveled. “No way! You had the whole motherhood thing down pat from the start. You're a natural, babe.”
“A natural?” She laughed. “Are you kidding me? From the moment I found out I was pregnant, I was a hyperventilating mess!" Her hands rubbed along the silky fabric covering his chest, and her voice filled with emotion. “If not for your bright outlook and constant support, I wouldn’t have been able to do it. You’re my rock, T.”
The tender moment was interrupted when the door handle rattled again, and several of their friends stepped inside.
“Jesus!” Jackie groaned. “Do you two ever stop with that lovey-dovey shit?”
“Aw! Leave them alone!” Sienna smiled. “I think they’re adorable.”
“I might be more accepting of that adorable title if it was any random day,” Bryce interjected. “But what the hell are you doing inside with this kissy face crap when you have a freaking petting zoo and bouncy house in your yard?”
“Yeah,” Tobias chuckled. “Ma didn’t read the memo when we said we wanted a simple party with our friends."
“She also didn’t get that none of our friends have children, and Sammy’s too young for friends of her own... I don’t know that we needed all this.”
“Are you kidding?” Bryce gasped in horror. Vivian is a goddess! I’ve been in the bouncy house for the past hour, and that little wallaby out there is now my best friend. You two really need to come out.”
“Oh, I will so be in the bouncy house before this day is over!” Casey enthused.
“And I’ll be there to gleefully record every second,” Tobias winked. “But we’re going to set up to have the cake in here now.”
A peal of laughter wafted in through the open window, and everyone looked outside to see Sammy flying through the air—her face aglow as she giggled with abandon.
“Give her back to me!” Tobias’s brother, Jordan, insisted as Ethan swung the little one around again.
“Sorry,” Ethan responded. “She’s made her position clear. I’m her favorite uncle. You’ll just have to acclimate to being number two, Jordan.”
“Number two,” Bryce blurted as he was about to stick his hand into the nacho dip. “He’s not number two! And Ethan’s not number one! Sorry guys, I have to get out there and reclaim my ground!”
Jackie heaved out a sigh. “I suppose I should go supervise the children.”
“And I’ll make sure she doesn’t hurt anyone,” Sienna said, quick on her friend's heels.
Tobias slid behind Casey, wrapping his strong arms around her as they watched the joyful scene unfolding outside.
“Oh, no! Our parents are getting in on this now,” Casey observed as Tobias kissed her shoulder. “We better go retrieve Sammy before she's more spoiled than she is already."
"Nah," Tobias declined. "She's in very good hands, and I want just one more moment alone with my beautiful wife."
Casey turned around in Tobias's arms and gently kissed him, but he turned that little kiss into one with decidedly more passion.
"Keep that up, and we'll end up with baby number two," she giggled.
"Damn, she's on to my plan," he winked.
A short time later, the circus had moved inside as the guests crowded into the family's living room to open gifts.
“I was told we were coming inside for cake,” Bryce pouted. 
Vivian, seated next to him, promptly slapped his knee.
“It’s presents before cake, Lahela. Everyone knows that.”
“I don’t think Sammy would mind either way,” he replied but acquiesced when he saw how happy the little girl was ripping into the gift wrap on her presents.
“Look!” Sienna said, tapping Casey’s Mom, Rose, on the shoulder. “She loves the stuffed pony you got her!”
“She does,” Rose beamed. “Although Grandma Vivian supplied the real pony in the yard!”
“Yeah,” Casey’s father, David, laughed. “We’ll have to up our game next year, hon. Vivian here is stealing our thunder.”
“NO!” Tobias and Casey yelled in unison.
“Don’t worry,” Tobias insisted. “My mother is going to be banished from next year’s celebration! We can have some normalcy.”
“Like hell I will be!” she spat as Jordan roared with laughter.
“Please, you have a better chance of Derek Jeter being elected mayor of Boston than you do of Ma missing any of Sammy’s birthdays.”
“That’s right! This fool made me wait almost four decades to be a grandma, I'm not missing any of it now!"
Tobias wrapped his arm around his mother’s shoulders and squeezed her close. “I know you wouldn’t, Ma. And we wouldn't want you to, but... can we celebrate without so many animals next year?”
“I don’t know,” Vivian smirked. “I think it would be wrong not to include your friends.”
A pile of opened gifts sat stacked neatly in the corner as little Pietro played happily with the bits of colorful gift wrap that remained taped to the boxes. But the cat wasn’t the only one excited; after all, it was finally time for CAKE!
“Casey, you look great!” Jordan stated. “But, Tobias, I need you to move a bit to the right.”
“For God's sake,” Tobias groused. “Can you just take the picture already?"
“Can we start singing?” Vivian asked. "I want to sing to my grandbaby."
“As soon as I get this picture,” Jordan replied. “All right! Casey, Tobias... perfect! Now, everyone, help me get Sammy to look this way.”
Everyone gathered behind Jordan, making faces, clapping their hands, and doing all they could to get the precious little girl to look their way. But Sammy only had eyes for one thing... the fluffy pink birthday cake that was just outside of her reach. That is until her feline best friend hopped on the table, stealing her attention and leaving her squealing with delight.
Casey lifted him, placing him gently back on the floor. “Not on the table, Pietro.”
“Yeah!” Jackie replied smugly. “No cake for you.”
The cat hissed at his nemesis as the clamoring to get Sammy to look at the camera continued.
“Oh, for the love of God,” Tobias bewailed. “Can you just take the picture!”
“I sure can,” Jordan nodded. “On the count of three! One... two... three!”
But just as her uncle snapped the photo, Sammy lurched forward and grabbed a fistful of the cotton candy colored icing, and when Tobias attempted to intervene, he ended up with a tiny fistful of sticky, sugary goodness splattered onto his face. A family photo that would be celebrated for generations to come was born.
Beaming, Tobias lifted Sammy off Casey’s lap as her chubby little hands mashed the icing deeper into her father’s beard.
Laughing, Casey pulled her phone out of her pocket to snap some shots of her own. “Our little girl has you wrapped around her finger, T!”
Tobias reached over and pulled Casey close; the sticky icing became a family affair when he kissed her cheek. “She sure does. Just like her, Momma!”
Amidst all the chaos, Pietro saw an opportunity, and he took it! Leaping onto the table, he stuck his paws into the cake and delighted in his sugary bonanza until Casey spotted him out of the corner of her eye.
“Pietro! No!” she hollered as Jackie, the only one who had seen the cat on the table, broke out laughing.
“You saw him and didn’t rat him out?” Casey teased. "What's happened to you?"
Jackie merely shrugged. “You have to admire him. He wanted something, saw an opening, and took it. I’m not about to turn him in for that.”
"Are you and that cat... bonding?" Casey asked.
"I guess Sammy's birthday is capable of miracles."
Hours later, after the final guest had gone home, Casey and Tobias snuggled together on the couch. Sammy slept in her playpen just feet away while Pierto kept a protective watch over her. Despite being exhausted, the proud parents couldn’t wipe the grins off their faces.
“This was such a great day,” Casey smiled. “I knew it would be, but it exceeded all expectations.”
“It was a really great day,” Tobias agreed. “And I think Ma only violated three town ordinances by insisting a wallaby was included in the petting zoo."
“She didn’t break any ordinances,” Casey laughed, her eyes suddenly going wide. “At least, not any that we know of.”
“Well, if she did, we successfully evaded charges, and that's all I can ask for."
“Mmmm,” Casey hummed, snuggling closer to him. “So, do you still want to add another Carrick to all this craziness?”
Tobias sat up, his interest piqued. “Damn straight, I do. Honestly, I want our girls to be close together. Jordan and I had a big age difference, and I’d like Sammy to grow up with her sister, you know?”
“Tobias,” Casey chuckled. “You know we have no way of knowing if we'd have another girl!”
His eyes lit up, and that little dimple Casey found so irresistible took center stage. “Oh, yes, I do. Now the big question... are you ready to have bambina number two?”
Casey sunk back into the fluffy couch cushions with a smile. “Soon? Maybe we can start trying around the end of summer. You know, it might not happen right away, but if we start then, maybe Sammy can have a little sister... or brother... by the end of next year. What do you say?"
“First, sister,” Tobias grinned. “And it will happen right away. Look at how fast it happened with Sammy.”
“Babe, we weren’t planning on Sammy.”
“Exactly,” Tobias grinned, holding Casey close. "I work that damn well when we weren't even trying... you just wait until we are."
Sammy made a funny little noise, and when Mom and Dad realized she was just having a happy dream, they returned to holding each other close.
"Well, I feel a lot better right now than I did a year ago at this time," Casey stated. "I mean, a day of family and friends is a cakewalk next to labor and delivery."
"Yet, you're willing to do it again," Tobias chuckled.
"Yeah, I think I'll make it through," she smiled. "I love our little family, T."
"So do I," he said with a kiss on her forehead. "And I love you."
That's some serious sweetness here, my friends! I hope you enjoyed it... Pietro sure did!
@choicesficwriterscreations @choicesaprilchallenge24 @openheartfanfics
Tagging others separately.
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hannahhook7744 · 10 months
My Ships;
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Chil (Gil and Chad).
Dizzy x Celia (don't know their ship name).
Cevon (Cj and Zevon).
Soaring Angel (Claudine frollo and LeFou Deux).
Bronze Mate (Sammy and Gaston the 3rd).
Hunted flower (Clay and Ginny).
Mad Governor (Mad Maddy and Rick Ratcliffe).
Tiger Hood (Tiger Peony and Bobby Hood).
Jade and Jonas (Jay's cousin and Uma's crew mate).
Hunter x Eliza x Jim jr( Carlos's cousin and Jane's cousin, and The kids from Lady and and tramp).
Melody x Zephyr (Ariel's kid and Esmerlda's kid).
Captain Tremaine (Anthony and Harriet).
De viled Dwarf (Diego and Derek).
Mad de vil (Ivy and Gordon).
Lil Chaca (Li Shang Jr and Chaca).
Pinocchio x Alice.
Lottie and Lars (Charlotte and Hans' nicest brother).
Heddie (Hermie and Eddie).
Rela (Reza and Yzla).
Rap (Ruby x Hap).
Flirty Goth (Anxelin x Tyrone ).
Michael John, son of Milo and Kida and Kailani, the daughter of Nani and David Kawena.
Jackata (Jackson the son of Tarzan and Jane and Katalina, daughter of Kuzco).
Yi-min and Quincy son of Quasimodo and Madeline.
Elle x Jace Badun.
Nakoma x Thomas.
Nizhoni (Nakoma and Thomas's daughter) x Marlon (Merida's emo son).
Herkie x Emile (Zephyr's sister).
Attaang (Nakoma and Thomas's daughter) x Shilo/shy.
Nina x Grouchy (Tina's daughter/Tyrone's twin and Grumpy's other son).
Hanny (Hadie x Danny Darling).
Mozenrath and Sadira.
Isabella Madrigal x Bubo Marquez.
Mirabel Madrigal x Miguel Rivera.
The canon Encanto ships.
Luisa Madrigal x Ryder Nattura.
Tartie= Tulip Lampwick x Artie Pendragon.
Foul Puppet/Puppet Fellow= Pin x Julie Foulfellow.
Hans Westergaard x Drizella Tremaine.
Anastasia Tremaine x Jacob Laythn (the baker).
Tiger Lily x Lampwick.
Jordan x Ally.
Freddie x Zevon x Cj.
Sea three x Royal two.
Nina x Aziz.
Princess Eilonwy x Alexander.
Weighted Tremaine= Gaston Jr and Debbie Tremaine.
Bromtrina= Brok Bones and Katrina.
Charlars= Charlotte La Bouff and Lars Westergaard.
Featuring some ocs of @casinotrio1965 , mine, and @cleverqueencommander .
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mysteryideasgroup · 7 months
Age/Aging Count Meme (Solas by Jamie Duffy)
Zane Arnold (David's Older Brother) (Dead/Deceased) 20 (Dead/Deceased)
David Arnold (Alive/Active) 7 -> 35
Sammir 'Sammy/Sam' Arnold (David's Younger Brother) (Alive/Active) 16
For @laurasanchez36
David Arnold and Zane Arnold belongs her new msa x fnaf movie ocs sonas
Sammir 'Sammy/Sam' Arnold belongs my new msa x fnaf movie oc sona
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laurasanchez36 · 8 months
David Arnold My NEW MSA x FNAF OC
Full Name: David Arnold
First Name: David
Last Name: Arnold
Nicknames: Dave, Dav, Mr. Arnold
Gender: Male
Profile Pic
Age: 35 (his adult from), 7 (his child and past from)
Blood Type:
Actual or Past Occupation:
Favourite Shows/Games: ___/___/___
Favourite Food:
Instrument: Guitar
Favourite Animal:
Family Members Relatives: Unknown brother (his big brother; deceased; killed by Purpler Guy/William Afton/Springtrap/Springbonnie and Victor ___/Vladdy the forgotten Animatronic Demon/Vampire/Ghost Hybird),
Other Family Members Relatives:
Species: Human
Friends: Susan Walterson, Tia, Charlie, Freddy Fazbear, Markus, Bonnie the Bunny, Cream, Chica the Chicken, Foxy the Pirate Fox, Me/Laura (her animatronic Yellow Cat from), Golden Freddy, Black Charro, Gia, Sammy, Mindy Pepper, Muffet Pepper and Izzy, Sarah (You/Her), Phillip, The Missing Kids (his friends) and all allies
Enemies: Purpler Guy/William Afton/Springtrap/Springbonnie and Victor ___/Vladdy the forgotten Animatronic Demon/Vampire/Ghost Hybird
Alignment: Good
Goals: To tell Susan Walterson, Tia, Charlie and others about truth is Purpler Guy/William Afton/Springtrap/Springbonnie and Victor ___/Vladdy the forgotten Animatronic Demon/Vampire/Ghost Hybrid are true enemies, finds the truth and pictures of missing kids and to Help Freddy Fazbear and friends defeat Purpler Guy/William Afton/Springtrap/Springbonnie and Victor ___/Vladdy the forgotten Animatronic Demon/Vampire/Ghost Hybird for murdering his big brother (all Succeeded)
Powers and Abilities:
Skills and Abilities:
Skin Colour:
Eyes Colour:
Hair Colour:
Hair Styles:
Mustache Style: N/A
Beard Style: N/A
@sfcabanasstarcgs and @mysteryideasgroup
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whistlingstarlight · 1 year
I'm sorry for sending you two asks in one day, but I would love to hear you ramble about some of your favorite OCs you've created if you would like to (as long as you have the energy/brain capacity for it; no pressure)
No need to be sorry, and I'd love to talk about them!!
I'm not sure how I can choose favourites though, I love all my little guys🥺 So I'll talk about a few particular ones (featuring their old reference art)
If I did have a choose a favourite it would probably be Sammy Celestine, as bar two others I've had him the longest. He's a piece of nebula that gained sentience and landed on Earth (hijinks will ensue). He's fully embraced the lifestyle and culture of 1980s California, he loves rock music, rollerskating and visiting the arcade. He's part of a friend group of humans, and whilst he can appear human himself when necessary he tends to stay looking like himself when only in his friends' company.
He's one of my of my OCs who are inspired by songs, in this case the Queen song "Spread Your Wings" and David Bowie's "Starman".
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Then there's Bard, who whilst I named I didn't actually design, I bought him off my lovely mutual @honey-dont! I haven't really fleshed him out all that much, he's just a little guy doing little guy things :]
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Then Kels, who originated from a huge sci-fi project I was working on a few years back (the worldbuilding document was nearly sixty pages long!). I sadly lost the original document and didn't have heart to continue it, but I decided to revive a couple of my favourite characters from it just as OCs.
Kels is a Calcanium, an alien race of my own creation. He was originally a general in the Calcanium army, but he's been remodeled into a scout under Commander Piq. He works with his pet "cat" Parellax, the actual brains of their operations.
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There's also Drowse and Inferna, a pair of elemental spirits who are a married couple. They spend their time doing sickeningly cute couple things <33
They're also inspired by songs (again, Queen), Drowse is named after the song of the same name, and they're overall inspired by songs like Seaside Rendevous, Millionaire Waltz, You and I.
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skiddlebats · 1 year
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OC-tober day 5: Relationships!
here’s a text version under the cut
In love with (Red): Isaac is in one-sided love with Jeremiah. Jeremiah is still woefully in love with the idea and memory of David.
Friends (Orange): Jeremiah is one sided friends with Isaac, Sammy is one-sided friends with Jeremiah and Isaac, and is normal friends with Pepper, Glorp, and Leslie. Isaac is in a one-sided friendship with Pepper and is (dubiously child appropriately) friends with Glorp.
Coworkers/Works for (Yellow): Isaac and Pepper are coworkers. Pepper works for Leslie. Sammy works for Gilbert Sr.
Exes (Puke green): Jeremiah is exes with Michael and (by proxy) David.
Acquaintances (Lime green): Jeremiah is acquaintances with Pepper, Claire, and Leslie.
Pet thing (Neon green): Isaac is Jeremiah’s “pet thing.”
Friend Annoyance (Turquoise): Jeremiah and Isaac both pretend to be annoyed at Sammy and lie about not considering him a friend. Jeremiah is generally annoyed by Gilbert Sr's presence these days, keeps up appearances so he can continue to see Glorp. Pepper lies about not being annoyed with Isaac and pretends to be his friend.
Pity friend (Periwinkle): Leslie is Jeremiah’s pity friend. Pepper is Isaac’s pity friend.
Beloved nephew (Indigo): Glorp is Jeremiah’s beloved nephew.
Brothers (Lavender): Jeremiah is Gilbert Sr’s younger brother.
Babysits (purple): Sammy babysits Glorp.
Corpse (deep purple): David is dead and a corpse.
Married (Fuchsia): Claire and Gilbert Sr. are married. Jeremiah and David were “married.” Jeremiah and Isaac “act married.”
“It’s complicated” (Pink): Jeremiah, David, and Isaac all have some complicated bullshit feelings.
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artbywaffless · 1 year
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two more alton towers ocs that r part of davids lore
these r sammy (submission) and anne (energizer/boneshaker) n they r both dead
they were killed in the explosion that chopped off alices arm and cut out davids eye so now they just chill in a white void as ghosts (get it cuz both rides r defunct hehehhahha)
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👄 Aurora
I don’t have them all figured out but her main ones —
Blaine — Blainey, B
Sebastian — Seb, Bas
Wes — Dad, Dr Montgomery
David — Dad, Davey
Nick — Nicky
Cooper — Coop
Sam — Sammy, Samuel
Jeff — Jefferson
Roman — Ro
Thad — Thadwick, Thaderson
Send me a 👄 + an OC and I’ll tell you all the nicknames they have for canon characters
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loserboyisms · 2 years
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Say happy birthday to Sammi :)
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rahleeyah · 2 years
i shall dub myself your d.c. anon. first time asker, long time reader. I have some thoughts and wanted to share and get your perspective on some things… (this might be a long one)
1- I loveeee your bunny. we have wild rabbits in our neighborhood and it’s the best part of my day when I get home
2- your fics are just ::chefs kiss:: I literally can’t read them until your done bc I just want updates right away and I can’t wait. did I mention I livedddd for the epilogue of monsters?!
3- svu/oc have been so much better this season esp with the new sr on svu and the moving on from the casino story line on oc BUT why do you think it’s so hard for us to even get a mention from the characters that they are even in each other’s lives from the sr?
for example, if fin walked into Olivia’s office and she was hanging up the phone and mentioned to fin that it was stabler and they were talking more and working on things. And then just move on with the episode.
I know we got a little last week from Elliot and Amanda but I’m just genuinely curious. I completely understand the limitations of money, time, problems with syndication when it comes to crossovers, sr turnover, etc. and I’m not one to just complain but even just a mention would cost nothing but would make so many ppl happy.
I have more thoughts but I’ll leave it here for now. I’ll be back soon!
hello dc anon!!! welcome aboard lovely to hear from you lmao
sammy says thank youuuuuuu lol he is the cutest it must be said. i do love bunnies so much so thank you for this
oh my god thank you so much?? i'm so glad that you're enjoying the work, and i'm super excited that you got to read the monster epilogue. i don't often revisit fics once they're done but that seemed like a fun thing to do, and i really enjoyed it
i actually haven't been loving oc, it's felt a lil off to me; like last season oc felt to me like the stronger of the two by a long shot, but this season svu is really pulling away. mr david really knows what he's doing and i've really been enjoying the changes. all i can do is speculate about why we haven't heard anything about eo talking to each other outside the shows; i like to think it's bc we're building towards something. a confrontation, maybe. a festivus level airing of grievances that would require them to have still not spoken about a lot of things so that they could explode about those things in our faces. i think they're trying to leave the door open on what eo's relationship looks like right now so that when they pick a direction to go in they aren't shoe-horned in by something they've already written. that may be wishful thinking on my part tho lol
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barkzim · 5 months
OC Introduction: Cooper&Sam
!TW!--mentions of stalking, murder + brief mentions of child neglect and very brief mention of s/a
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Cooper-He/Him cis straight male (autism !!!!!)
Sammy-She/Her (fine w/ they/them) cis bi-curious girl
Cooper grew up in a household with his brother and neglectful mother. Coopers brother, David, was sexually abused by their mother, while Cooper was neglected by her. David was the only one who understood Cooper, and treated him right, but he had to run away from home when he was 17 (Cooper was 7). A couple years in the future, something happened which resulted in Coopers face being horribly burnt (i havnt figured that one out sorry) !!! Cooper, when he was kicked out of the house, fled to the woods to live in an old cabin in a nearby forest, only going into the city to shop very rarily, mostly he lived off of woodland creatures, and eventually found a particular bunny he claimed as his pet, named Mr. F (Short for Mr. Fluffles).
Cooper was always kinda messed up in the head (unrelated to the autism), which was drastically heightened by the neglect, his brother leaving (David couldnt tell Cooper why he had to run away), and the constant bullying due to his face.,, he felt he needed to look normal.. naturally, he decided the best way to do that was to kill people to make a face mask !! Then hed look normal and people would have to like him!! surely !!!
He found people at the edges of town and in the forest and killed them, but became obsessed with trying to make the mask look just right.. One day, when he was in a store, he ran into a girl named Sam.
Sam was a bubbly girl who was just full of love. She loved to write poems and bake! She was of course caught off guard by this scary lookin guy who just bumped into her, but didnt let it be any less kind to him. She quickly forgot about the very short encounter, but Cooper didnt forget. His mind was completely clogged, only thinking of the mysterious shop girl... He quickly found her and started obsessing and stalking her!!! (Thats only the very beginning of the story, if anyone is interested, let me know Ill write about it more in-depth) (or you can go read about it on my Toyhouse, same username as on here)
IMPORTANT NOTE-- My friend Mikey (@marblelynx ) co-created cooper+the story, he designed cooper!
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