#samurai brotherhood
mrazota · 16 days
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I’m so in love with this sketch
Hope someday it will become a full work masterpiece 🫠
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midddoriya · 2 years
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2000s anime
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whoishotteranimepolls · 3 months
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Next part of the 6-Way Battle Royale experiment. Again I'm pretty sure people can guess the theme
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amorryblaine · 1 year
Men showing abs after winning a battle
appreciation post
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I most certainly forgot some, waiting for you to remind me in the comments
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symphonic-scream · 11 months
Context: hi! I realized my anime watch list was 100 anime long and, I need to get on that! And I can't choose where to start, so I'm leaving it up to Tumblr!
Rules: Top 2 from each of these 5 polls will go to the finals! I'll watch the winner of that
The tag to find all the polls will be 100 anime poll!
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historynerd1945 · 4 months
Ok Tumblr, we've established Mulan doesn't stand a chance against Mizu, but would Mizu win a fight against Oliver Mira Armstrong from Fullmetal Alchemist?
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discoeleutherio · 1 year
"If you meet Buddha, kill him"
Airing out some ideas for a festival that may showcase some art, secretly based on Mage: the Ascension.
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verogutierrezart · 2 years
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Some lovelies 💜
Accepting requests for a next one :>
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alexa101234 · 1 year
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My Funko pops collection I know it's not that much. Kept collecting as well catching my childhood collection as well.
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joellekasuga · 2 years
Sorry that I haven't been active for a while. So please accept this gift. It's a collage of all the characters that I love dearly. Enjoy ❤, (I forgot to edit Juzas and forgot to put Hazama, I am sad 😖)
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nobody-is-here01 · 1 year
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liloptimixts · 1 year
Cant wait til the 20th?
Check out the bandcamp
Link in bio
Peace & Luv🥷🏾
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theresattrpgforthat · 4 months
hello! I've played the fallout ttrpg (the one they had to pull the rights from when it was pretty much done so they called it Exodus instead), I wish it didn't suck so bad! Is there any system I could borrow that would fit with Fallout's setting? I love the world in itself, but Exodus was rushed and published half-baked
THEME: Fallout
Hello friend, I have quite a few games for you to check out today! Some of them are direct homages, while others simply just have elements that might remind you of the video game.
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Rebels of the Outlaw Wastes, by Nerdy Pup Games.
Play misfit outlaws fighting against the authoritarian Powers That Be in a hyper-saturated, film-grained, retro dystopia. Save the future with the power of friendship, whoopass, and explosions! Features sticker-based character advancement, effortless cinematic vehicle action, and player-driven Ride-or-Die system usings d4s, d6s, d8s, d10s, and d12s.
This game is a bit more colourful and punk-rock, and a little less morally grey than some of the more popular Fallout games. The designer cites some pretty colourful inspirations, such as FLCL and Six-String Samurai, but also concedes that you can make the tone fit that of Borderlands, Fallout, and Mad Max. It depends on how you build your world - what tech was there before? What kinds of weirdness persists? What beliefs have survived?
You’ll make skill rolls that can be boosted by gear or your personal style, with anything above a 4 granting you a success, with bonuses for rolling even higher at an 8 or a 12. Badges are the representations of character growth, tied to the skills that you choose to improve, somewhat like how concentrating on certain skills in Fallout gives you access to perks. If you want a stripped-down basic idea of the rules for this game, the designer has a Pay-what-you-want playtest that you can download for free, just to dip your toes in the water.
Earth: After Death, by Hammer City Games.
Boasting deep and crunchy mechanics reminiscent of the golden age of 90s TTRPGs, Earth, After Death focuses on OSR-style gaming, dungeon and hex crawling, fast-paced combat, high lethality, and a unique and fascinating setting to explore.
There’s plenty to do: kill mutants, explore ancient ruins, get lethal radiation poisoning, find a gun that has infinite ammunition, use psionic powers to blow up peoples heads, replace your legs with tank treads, and more!
This is a chunky, old-school style game that takes care to mention that your level-up system is just like the advancement system in Fallout games. You’ll be dealing with mutations, ghost machines, bartering for gear, and hex-crawling through dangerous wastelands. The character sheets point to a lot of moving pieces, so if you like wrangling together a character that does exactly what you want them to do, you’re going to have a lot to play with here. It looks like mutation is also a pretty big deal in this game, with over 100 different kinds advertised on the game’s store page.
Right now just the Wasteland’s Handbook is available to purchase, but the kickstarter for this game will be taking off later this year. If this sounds like your kind of game, then maybe hop over to the website to get in on the first full edition as it releases!
Fallout: The Roleplaying Game, by Modiphius.
In 2077, the storm of nuclear war reduced most of the planet to cinders. From the ashes of nuclear devastation, a new civilization will struggle to arise. A civilization you will shape. How will you re-shape the world? Will you join with a plucky band of survivors to fight off all-comers and carve out your own settlement? Will you team up with pre-existing factions like the Brotherhood of Steel or Super Mutants to enforce your own ideals on the Wasteland? Ghoul or robot, paladin or raider, it’s your choice - and the consequences are yours. Welcome to the Wasteland. Welcome to the world of Fallout.
Utilizing Modiphius’ celebrated 2d20 cinematic role-playing system, the Fallout RPG will take players on an exciting journey into the post-apocalypse! Create your own survivors, super mutants, ghouls, and even Mister Handy robots. Immerse yourselves in the iconic post-nuclear apocalyptic world of Fallout, while gamemasters guide their group through unique stories and encounters. The 2d20 edition of Fallout is as close to the bottlecap bartering, wasteland wandering, Brotherhood battling excitement as you can get.
Modiphius gets the license to make a lot of games for different properties, so a Fallout game fits in alongside other big titles like Dune, John Carter of Mars, and Alien. This company uses their own 2d20 system, with a focus on inventory and Perks in an effort to make the game recognizable to any typical Fallout fan.
That being said, the game has come under fire for being poorly edited and inconsistent when it comes to finding the right rule. The company updated the game last year and released a Settler’s Guide book, so this might be something that’s a bit more read-able now. But if you want something set directly in the Fallout universe, this is your game.
WASTELAND, by MaelikGames.
WASTELAND is a simple tabletop RPG about adventurers in the world that has only recently became hospitable after a War that might not end all wars, but almost ended the world. You and your friends decide whether this world is bleak and hopeless, like the one in Metro, or somewhat whimsical, as in Fallout. 
Much of the inspiration from Fallout appears in the character options of this game. Arkanites are homages to Vault-Dwellers, Radkin are inspired by Ghouls, and robots are, well, robots. The talents also look like they are directly inspired by Fallout perks, such as Animal Friend, which allows you to turn hostile animals into allies. Gear and inventory are both very important in this game, which is something that I never find surprising in post-apocalyptic games, since having to track inventory feels like a pretty important thing in a game about scarcity. Your skills are also based on a percentage of success, because you’re rolling a d100, with the goal of rolling under your target number. If you’re looking for a game that can mechanically reflect much of what’s available in the Fallout video games, this might be for you!
Dystopia Rising: Evolution, by Onyx Path.
No one knows how long it’s been since the world was blasted with nuclear radiation and became infested with the undead. The survivors of the Fall were the first strain of deviation of the human condition and were able to make it through the rapidly spreading epidemic. Finding a community of decent size in this world is rare; finding one that has any concept of equality or morality is rarer still.
Oh, and people have the unnerving ability to come back from the dead, regrown from the very virus that destroyed the world.
This is a completely different world from Fallout and yet I think it might still be worth talking about in this rec post. Dystopia Rising has a rich, detailed world, with various factions and faiths, and your characters are differentiated by the Strains that have helped them survive. There are plenty of conflicting beliefs that can be the seeds for unlimited conflict, including various faiths in things like evolution or the preservation of humanity, strains that give you psychic powers, and a universal ability to come back to the dead so many times before you’re turned into a mindless zombie.
There’s plenty of opportunity to fight things hand-to-hand, but there’s just as many possibilities to politic your way out of tough scenarios, which is a hallmark of Fallout New Vegas. Not only that, there's no clear "good guys": this is a complicated world with complicated people. If you want a game that carries a lot of similar themes of Fallout but puts you in a new setting, maybe check out this game.
Games I’ve Recommended in the Past
Extinction Punk, by Extinction Punk.
Wastoid, by Jason Tocci.
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sepublic · 5 months
So I watched the drawing request livestream from today that I missed out on, and I must apologize! Near the end, Dana clarified that she preferred for the requests she drew to be Patron-exclusives, with her releasing them to the public as she saw fit; As such, I've deleted my previous post showcasing them. Sorry about that...
As for some fun facts I learned during the stream; Apparently Severine is named after Dana's middle name, Mary Severine! I thought Severine was a made-up name, in reference to the word 'Severing' as per Boiling Isles morbid aesthetic, but it's actually a real one! Dana Mary Severine Terrace...
Dana also mentioned how the red grass and purple trees of the Boiling Isles were meant to invoke a bruise that's healing; Symbolic of the Boiling Isles having issues it's dealing with, since even before Belos, and the colors of the isles were meant to convey the idea of Belos striking like a sledgehammer.
We very easily could've not had The Owl House, because of a coin flip! When deciding between Animation and Illustration as a career path, Dana literally flipped a coin to decide... Talk about a gift of fate! Though she did note throughout the stream that art direction isn't her thing, nor is illustration, as it focuses on fine-tuning specific details, whereas Dana prefers things like animation, writing, drawing, etc., getting her ideas out there. TOH might’ve still happened regardless.
And yes, Dana IS a fan of Fullmetal Alchemist, she watched both series when she was around 14 years old on Toonami! I freaking knew it, the similarities between TOH and FMA, the acknowledgement of Arakawa as someone Luz would've emulated in art... Dana prefers Brotherhood, since it's closer to the manga. The chimera episode messed her up like everyone else, and FMA was one of her favorite childhood cartoons alongside Powerpuff Girls, Samurai Champloo, Courage the Cowardly Dog, and Pokemon.
Dana also watched Dragonball Z, including the Buu and Cell arcs in real time, and was quite creeped out by Cell, as he was unlike anything she'd seen before; So the reference to DBZ in Eclipse Lake is probably from Dana's own experiences, as was the realization of how long it's been. Dana's first and favorite Ghibli film is Princess Mononoke, followed by Princess Kaguya, and she obsessed over the Gorillaz music videos.
Someone in chat suggested that for artists who want to get used to streaming themselves drawing, they can begin practicing by drawing in public! Dana liked the idea and encouraged people to also begin with friends to ease into it.
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historynerd1945 · 3 months
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donnetellotheturtle · 4 months
My hyperfixations are combining so have a Ninjago tangled the series/Varian and the seven kingdoms AU
-Rapunzels a samurai
-Hugos an earth ninja
-Nuru is a wind ninja
-Yong is a fire ninja
-Im trying to decide whether Varian should be the green ninja or an ice ninja
-Adira and the brotherhood take on the role of master Wu, misoko, and sensei garmadon
-Eugene is a lightning ninja, older than the rest of the crew, taking on an older brother role
-Lance is kinda a Darreth archetype but is far funnier
-Red and Angry are kids in the village who train under Lance
-Cassandra is also a samurai but a ronin
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