#sand comic wip
pantoute · 5 months
treating myself by setting up a tag for my current comic wip because i need something i can reference whenever i need to fall in love with a little more, you know what i mean
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gingaswag · 6 months
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whipped-cheese · 6 months
Grrrgrgr it has been a wip for decades-
My fish babies!! Aaaa :D
Aaaaaaaaand Sulien!! :]
[click for quality]
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Fish Duty au
EEEEEEEE!!! *Confetti!!*
Ramblings of a madman underneath-
-So, originally- just going to make sun- since I drew him in the little comic I made a while back, but then I decided , why not make a moon too
you know-
no sun is complete without their Moon /silly
So rambling rambling rambling time, info dumping mmm
Wanted to distinct them with their own names-
Esmeray! (or just Ray) -(Sun)
Sulien! (or just sully/sul) -(Moon)
Esmeray means dark moon and Sulien means sun born c:
Sometimes I'll forget so if a say sun and moon at some point it translates to Ray or Sul-
-So the same logic as last time applies,
the lighter size of their face and body is damaged/very sensitive, so the eye that's on the lighter side of their face is very very foggy so essentially, they're blind on that side of the face, soooo half blind. Often causing them to bump into fish or other random things in their enclosure sometimes.
-Usually you only see ONE at a time, but NEVER BOTH.
Often leading visitors to assume that there is only one clownfish in the enclosure that transforms or something when it's night, but really, when it's daytime Esmeray is out y'knoww, entertaining, doing tricks, swimming around while Sulien sleeps and when it's night time, Esmeray sleeps and then Sulien is entertaining, or just glowing around, looking pretty.
You never see them both out at the same time, rarely.
Really unless it's something important or it's something special.
Sometimes they'll both cuddle together in their little cove..🥺 on their sea anemone bed
usually in the late evenings 4-5pm before Sulien gets to go out and roam for the night.
(ray can't fall asleep comfortably, without being close to his brother [happening since they were young] so sulien snuggles with ray until ray falls asleep)
-as I said before- later on down the line, when y/n begins working at a janitor at the exotic fish aquarium, our lil fishy frens kinda gets the memo after a while and starts to draw on a little area of sand that's infront of the glass to communicate and y/n started fogging the glass and writing on it to communicate, Ray (sun) doesn't understand words so they both do little drawings instead.
No one really knows where he learnt it from- but Sulien (moon) knows a bit of English, only a few simple words (hello,bye, mad, you, me, us, angry, food, help, feel,etc.) he also uses the sand.
Performance wise, esmeray does lil heart water bubbles, (or really just any shape, kinda like how clowns do balloon animals and other items) it's something he usually does for visitors, kids mostly. He'll wave, bow, press his face against the glass to be funny, do silly faces that makes the kids laugh, even some regulars that really want to become marine biologist, etc. that often visit the aquarium on weekends that he's very very fond of. He does loads of shows and tricks for people when they walk up to his case, very very active lil fella
the clown fish must perform!! :]
Sulien on the other hand, usually comes out when it's night time, so it's quite rare to see him considering he's mostly active during practically closing time- up until opening hours.
When people do have the rare chance of seeing him at the front of one side of their enclosure, he's not really that active in terms of show BUT he will put on a very pretty light show.
It's absolutely mesmerizing.
Those who get to stay and finish watching it atleast-
The guards are pretty avid on getting everyone out of the aquarium at the designated time.
He also sings sometimes, which is extremely extremely rare-
Guards working there for years have probably only ever heard it twice-
I'll be drawing (mostly sketches) more of them for a little<3
Also- before, I'd prefer posting stuff about my other au 'A Bad Teaser au /lust au' somewhere separate because it's slightly,eeeehhh just a touch suggestive- BUT
I'm gonna redraw and start posting stuff about it here.
Sooner or later (very soon- like I have loads of drawings of them but no where to put it, and I wanna share my suggestive whore men /pos /silly )
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icecry · 1 year
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【Everyone has their own visions to paint...】
『 ...maybe now's not the best time to doubt your own.』 Yelled at by a Nun? Been there and done that, Bruno. Let's hope she doesn't try to sully the waters (or the sands) in the second chapter of my crossover comic The Thief and The Prophet. Bruno's gotta have a little more faith in what he really sees. ✨Halfway through coloring the chapter.✨ [ THESE WIPS ARE NOT FINAL COLOR]
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best-wishes · 9 months
Sandman fic masterpost
With the end of the year, it's a good time to create a masterpost of my Sandman fics, especially since I have written more than 110k words in total in 2023 ! 
So, in chronological order:
Tales of the Sands, 1.6k Mature, variation on the Tales in the Sand comics issue.
A Happy Little Mistake, 15k Gen Dreamling fic, post fishbowl rescue and feel good.
My Dreamling week fics:
Barfight: The Wedding Gift, 1.8k wedding fluff fic.
Decay: Mosaic, 2.5k Hob waiting for Dream's return in the Dreaming
Curiosity: A dreamer like no other, 0.5k ficlet
Midnight Snack: the Time in Between, 1.5k Hob having a midnight snack
Confession: Born Yesterday, 2.5k Mature fic, Comic spoilers !
Touch-starved: The cat came back the very next day (the cat came back it wouldn't stay away) 5.2k, Hob is the cat fic !
Fake/pretend relationship: The King, the Fae and the Peasant, 3.5k WIP, Mediaeval Hob is Dream's fake date to make Titania jealous
and finally the big one:
Vortex-Street, 44.5k Mature Dreamling fic, physicist Hob studies the dream Vortex and saves his beloved in the process.
And more to come with my secret Dreamling Big Bang fic for which 32k are already written!
Update: my Big Bang fic is here, you can check it here on AO3, or here on Tumblr! It's called Don't Look Back, and is a GroundHob Day story where Hob is stuck in a time loop in the late 16th century. (Beware the tags, though)
Happy New Year to you all!
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blackkatmagic · 1 year
Hey, blackkat!
I've been reading your star wars fanfictions for a while now and I'm seriously intrigued by all of them. My favorite is running with lightning feet and I'm currently reading efface the footprints in the sands--poor Master Kolar...
Anyway, I really wonder how you approach writing. You seem to be able to write very consistently and keep track of many stories all at once, which are things I admire very much about you. Would you be able to give some advice on that?
Also, I very much love your characterization of more 'minor' (less appearance in canon) characters and how you breathe life into them with your dialogue. Really make me wonder how you make that out--what do you consider, or do the characterization/dialogue just pop up, fleshing themselves out?
Yeah, I really hope you don't mind me asking these. Again, love your writing very much. Would continue to read your stories always~~ Thank you for sharing them (and putting all your effort into writing them!)
Hi! I definitely don't mind, and I've answered similar questions before in my writing advice tag, if you want to scroll through some other answers that might be worded better.
For how I approach writing...the inconvenient answer is that it's mostly practice. I've been giving myself a goal of 500 words every day for the last....10-ish years, probably? Just consistently sitting down and doing a thing, writing without worrying about quality and only quantity, with lots of WIPs always going at the same time, really helps in figuring out how to juggle them. I usually keep a file of vague notes, one doc for each WIP with a bunch of keywords and ideas I want to hit eventually, and plot twists I'm aiming for, though I don't ever really outline things, and that helps a lot with keeping track, too.
As far as characterization of minor characters goes, that's the part I enjoy most about writing, and it's one of the easier parts for me, so I'm not sure I'm the best at putting it into words. But basically, you have to get to the very core of how you see the character - what their baseline personality is, what motivates them, what their goals are. It's something that can change between fics (which I think is one of the joys of minor characters; you don't have to stick to one defined interpretation), but it is something you have to nail down, imo. It also takes some filling in the gaps with headcanon and some leaps in logic.
Take Agen for example: canon gives us the information that he lost his padawan on Geonosis, incorporated Tan's lightsaber crystal into his own, and is an incredible swordsman but too blunt and aggressive to be diplomatic, while still being very loyal to the Council/Order. He gets called "the Council's attack dog" in the comics. Also, in the wider universe, we know that Zabraks have a reputation for being aggressive/warlike, and at one point Qui-Gon calls Maul it, even though he has to know what Zabraks are.
Those are all the canon facts. If you go back and fill in the gaps: Agen is someone who's grieving deeply, and he's incredibly devoted. He uses Tan's lightsaber crystal against Palpatine, which means he's sentimental, and he's not willing to speak against the Order in public, so he's at least that tactful. At the same time, he has no patience for people who get in his way, and he's willing to use force to cut through them. He believes in other Jedi until they irrevocably prove themselves traitors, and then he's stern and willing to remove them by whatever means. At the same time, he's very aware of his reputation, and he knows what people say about him/other Zabraks, but he's stubborn enough (at peace with himself enough) that he's not going to change.
From that sort of character summary, you can figure out the way Agen talks pretty easily. He's blunt, and he doesn't always think about the impact of his words, but he can be compassionate and thoughtful, particularly given his own grief. He's willing to defend anyone, and he doesn't make a fuss but always tends towards action - that means short sentences, usually directly to the point with no niceties. He's polite, because that's usually the fastest way to achieve something, but he's not overly deferential. He has a sense of humor, but most people miss it because he's so blunt.
Taking a character and dissecting them like that is something I have a lot of fun doing, which, well. I'm a therapist irl, so that probably helps. But I think it's very much just about breaking a character down into component parts and applying them to whatever you're writing - if you understand why someone reacts a certain way, it's a thousand times easier to figure out how they're going to react in a new situation. And after that, getting them to sound right, getting your dialogue to fit - it's all about practice.
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snarkythewoecrow · 9 months
snippet of my untitled wip for a fandom i had no plans to write for, which is The Sandman, and it's a dreamling fic
seems i'm back on my predictable bullshit in life and writing things i had not planned when i have a backlog of other shit that needs doing
well, at least i'm predictable
so, not sure when it'll be done, not really sure about how the readers and fandom are over in these parts, but eh, rolling with it
i haven't read the comics, only seen the show, and this is me finally giving into the little gremlin in my brain and writing this shit so it'll shut up
this story will be heavy, angsty, and please see the bold warning below:
This fic (and snippet) contain implied rape/non-con
okay, so a little snippet is after the cut, i'll be working on this over the next week, creative energies are slowly returning, enjoy!
(oh and it's a/b/o too, in case that's not your thing)
"Please, Dream, it's not—I didn't—" Hob tried, the world a blur as his only anchor cutting the chain between them.
The stumbled, hurried steps he took in chase never had a chance of reaching him in time—Dream didn't allow himself to be halted unless he chose—Hob knew but still tried.
Further pleas remained lodged in his throat, though, as his gaze briefly caught a glimpse of the discarded flowers which now lay like corpses on the table.
His fingertips brushed Dream’s arm, but before they could make purchase, a gust of sand swept him away.
A hundred thoughts, all dripping with an oily coating of shame, overcame him.
His hand came to claw at his chest as realization of what Dream must have assumed, seeing him in that state, sank into his bones.
Shame and regret pried its fingers between his ribs and yanked, making plenty of room for anger and hurt to make a home.
Oh god, he’d thought… Dream had seen the teeth marks set into the flesh of his neck and not even hesitated to make a judgment…
And that fact, that he hadn’t paused, that he’d just seen the marks left on him by that—by that fucking alpha the night before—the one that had taken what he’d had no right to have….
It seemed impossible that the pain of what he’d been through could have been made worse, but this? The way Dream’s expression had hardened, closing off, the way he’d taken a step back then another, lifting his chin before discarding the flowers on the table, saying all too crisply, “I apologize for disturbing your privacy so unexpectedly—I’ll take my leave.”
Dream had not waited for an explanation—and as insane as it was, the hurt of his dismissal didn’t immediately bring Hob to tears. Instead, it lured something a bit more frightening from the depths,  dragged from the mangled mess of his heart.
Something that sounded wrong to his own ears—a giggle, small, then growing until it twisted and became just shy of deranged.
His shoulders shook as laughter overtook him, louder and more bitter to the point of hysterical as it cut his throat like shards of glass until he was choking on it, until he submitted to the hurt and folded to the floor, right there on his knees in the lingering sand on the floorboards.
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thesymphonytrue · 4 months
For the WIP asks: what's the OCs one about?
Okay, so I talked about that a bit in this ask here
So for this ask, here is a snippet (and draft) of my two MCs meeting for the first time:
“Leonardo?” The voice was bright, like sunlight dancing on the ocean water. Leo looked up from the ship he was repairing to see a woman close in age to his twenty-eight years. She was backlit by the morning sun, her hair appearing to glow golden. Her fair skin looked so out of place in The Sea Village that Leo wondered if a sea nymph had found its way to him, that some creature more magical than him had finally taken notice of his art. Leo wiped his hands with a cloth and stood to greet her. “I am he,” Leo replied, brushing a dark curl from his forehead to see her better. No, she was not a sea nymph, she was undoubtedly human. Her eyes flickered with life and she was….dressed like she was from the mountains. Her formal long skirt and fitted long-sleeved blouse looked very out of place in comparison to Leo’s loose linen shirt and slacks that billowed in the sea breeze. The woman grinned. “I am he,” she said, mimicking him with a comical deep voice, “What kind of greeting is that?” Her smile grew wider and Leo felt color rush to his cheeks. He shifted uncomfortable, toes digging into the warm sand. The waves echoed behind them, offering a soothing backdrop to the encounter. “Well, I am he,” Leo said, frowning slightly, “And you are?” The woman took a step towards him and he felt a sparkling energy as she approached. She has magic. Leo thought, fingers tingling with nervous energy. “I am Anais,” she said softly, looking past him to the ocean beyond, “You can call me Ana if you’d like! I sent the bottle?” Leo’s heart flipped. The bottle. The beautiful stained glass bottle that had tumbled down the Mountain Stream. The craftsmanship of the bottle was like none he’d ever seen. Beautiful colors of emerald, sapphire, and golden all woven into a lovely swirling design. “Oh,” Leo smiled softly, “Um, did you want it back?” Anais let out another laugh and Leo found her laugh starting to become addictive to the pleasure receptors in his brain. “No! Did you not read the message?” she place a hand on her hip and narrowed her eyes playfully.
“Message?” Leo ran a hand through his unruly hair, realizing how…windblown he must look to her. “In the bottle? There’s a message.” “I couldn’t open the bottle.” “Why not?” “Well, I didn’t want to break it and there wasn’t exactly a cap…”
She eyed him curiously, “You don’t have magic, do you?” Leo sighed. Of course. The bane of his existence. A life without magic.
“No. I don’t.” 
He was finished with this conversation. “If you want the bottle back, I will send it back up the stream—” he turned to walk away when Anais grabbed his forearm.
Her hands were cold as ice. He turned to meet her eyes and instead of dancing light, there was longing shining within them. “I can open it for you…” she said softly, then stuttered, “I—I wrote a note and sent it down the stream…I just wanted someone to talk to.” 
Leo arched an eyebrow. “You’re from the mountains, right?”
She nodded and gestured to her clothing, “Yes and I’m roasting right now! The sunlight is so…” she searched for the word, her light brown brows coming together, “bright down here.” Leo chuckled, “Yes, it is. But it is the same sun that shines up there.” 
He nodded to the mountains looming over them, their peaks snow capped. Her face darkened. “It doesn’t feel the same,” she said quietly, breaking his gaze.
They stood in silence a moment, the waves lapping gently at the shoreline, Leo’s boat creaking as it bobbed with the rising tide. “How would you like to take a sail?” he asked, heart hammering, hands sweating. 
Anais’s eyes flitted to him and then grew wide as she studied the boat behind him. “I would love that!” she exclaimed, running to the boat and running her hands along it’s edges, “I’ve never—”
“Obviously,” Leo retorted. She gave him a glare. “Well, you’re dressed to go snowshoeing,” Leo shrugged, “Let me…I have something at home you can wear.” He could feel Anais’s magic sizzling at the sound of that. “Come on,” he beckoned her to follow him, “But leave your shoes.” “What?” 
“You don’t need shoes by the Sea,” Leo said, eyes twinkling, knowing this would delight her. Anais paused and plopped herself onto the beach. With great effort, unlaced her boots, pulled off her long stockings, and set them aside. A soft smile grew on her pink lips as she slipped her toes into the sand. She closed her eyes. 
Leo had never seen anything so strange. But then again, if he was feeling snow for the first time, perhaps he’d do the same. 
Without warning, she skipped to the ocean’s edge, dipping her feet in the cool water, her skirt dampening with seawater. She almost seemed to dance in the tide, smiling at him, the sunlight already kissing her cheeks with light freckles. And Leo knew, somehow, his life would be forever changed. 
Thank you for the ask!! I wish I had more time to work on these two and their story. They and their world fascinate me!
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maskedemerald · 10 months
WIP List (Tag Game!)
I was tagged ages ago by @the-down-upside-finch thank you so much! Sadly I was in deadline and life drama time so catching up on the tagged stuff now.
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Warning: This is going to get long, like seriously I have too many even if I discount the Fan Fic ideas... which I am doing because some of them might get used for future challenges that need them not to be talked about.
Feel free to send me an ask about any of these!
Book Writing Stuff
A Curiosity Piqued Series
Medallion Heist
Message in a Bottle
The Vanished Researcher
The Shadow Master
The Transfigured Corpse
The Traveler
The Queen of Stone
Lapis Feather (Previously Frost Amber)
Vigdis' Revenge
The Shadow Master Returns
The Bleeding Tree
A Brother's Return
Null Beast
Ruins of Crystal Spires
Ari vs Arnvaldr
A Focus of Time
Haunting Memories
Lost Brother
The Queen of Stone's Revenge
Uneasy Aliance
And that's just the A Curiosity Piqued WIPs!
Magic Act
Vampire Saga
Queen's Conmen
Apprenticeships in Sorcery
A Kind of Freedom
Biological Component
Blood Book
Caged Phoenix
Captain's Shoes
Curse of the Sands
Dragon Egg
Dreaming Weapon
Sands in the Hourglass
Frozen Dragon
In the Ashes of the Bookshop
Kayla Rising
Last Breath
Last Man on Earth
Prince Pendant
Prince's Secret
Should Have Been Born a Fish
Stolen Breath
Taking up the Chase
White Raven
Wish You were Here
Astral Projection thing
Book Boy
Wynn equivalent
Lethal Lyra
Spark the Fires
Space Druid
Talisman Warlock
Forget me not
Game Writing Stuff
Light of the Oubliette
New Khronos
Aether Shards
Comics Writing Stuff
Better Luck
Searching Prince
Dragon Cursed
Bottle Pirates
Phantom Circus
Not Under the Mountain
Now for the Tags:
It would be crazy for me to try and tag 1 person for everything listed here, seriously that would be 67 just counting the book writing things! So I'm just going to tag all my current writers tag list and throw it open to anyone else. (Shout at me if you want to be added to the writers list for tag games, whatever you write be it original stuff or fan fiction!)
No pressure tagging @scribe-of-stories, @allie-and-the-words, @card-queen, @sm-writes-chaos, @the-real-lyra-vale, @squarebracket-trick, @jasperygrace, @pb-dot, @wmlittlemore-is-writing, @akiwitch, @aalinaaaaaa, @cat-esper, @chayscribbles, @thetwentiethdisaster, @i-rove-rock-n-roll, @ashwithapen, @vaultofqueenorion, @sparrow-orion-writes, @thetruearchmagos, @taveren-writing, @alnaperera, @amaiguri, @guessillcallitart, @stesierra, @sam-glade, @thebearthatreads, @dogmomwrites, @callahanscorner
I apologize if some of you were already tagged for this game while I was gone with IRL chaos throw a link at me and I'll take a look if you did!
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noemitenshi · 1 year
Here you'll find all the things I create (all type of fics, gifs, metas), conveniently collected in one place. So far I'm obsessed with Cursed and Fear the Walking Dead (which has one common theme, Daniel Sharman). Enjoy 🧡
Fear the Walking Dead
Troy Otto
Ghost 2,126 words, WIP, angst, sad, exploration of Troy's headspace immediately after the last scene we see him at the dam, what did surviving this do to him?
Troy Otto x Alicia Clark
[Series] Sick like you [01 - 02 - 03 - 04 - 05] Troy Otto x Alicia Clark, 9,850 words, finished, smut, so much smut, slight dub-con, D/s undertones, part one is canon compliant, Alicia is done being the good kid, but then she feels bad about it, cheating, enemies to lovers, unhealthy to healthy relationship
Troy Otto x Crazy Dog (Lee) || Troy Otto & Crazy Dog (Lee)
Addicted to mess Troy Otto x Crazy Dog, 185,730 words, WIP, (lots and lots of) smut, fluff, angst, wholesome, enemies to enemies with benefits to lovers, watch them turn an unhealthy relationship into a healthy one , also have I said smut yet?
Fool me twice Troy Otto x Crazy Dog, 20,350 words, WIP, smut, dub con, unhealthy relationship, Troy Otto has a deathwish, Crazy Dog takes advantage
Just around the corner Troy Otto x Crazy Dog, 4,185 words, WIP, fluff, AU - no zombies, In a world without zombies Troy finds a different purpose
Love, endless Troy Otto x Crazy Dog, 1,029, finished (for now), unhealthy relationship, angst, dark, tragedy, COMIC
Moonlit Kisses Troy Otto x Crazy Dog, 32,750 words, finished, fluff, wholesome, sweet, first kiss, first time, smut, canon divergent, teeny bit of angst, some whump
Paint your body in hues of red Troy Otto x Crazy Dog x OC, 1,933 words, finished, smut, fluff, established relationship, wax play, facesitting
Sex Worker AU Troy Otto x Crazy Dog, no official word count, no WIP and not finished but a secret third thing (idea I had I'll probably never write), AU - no zombies, Troy sells the ranch after his father dies and decides to have some fun, includes but not limited to hiring a sex worker (Lee), client to friend to lover, imagine
Soup Troy Otto x Crazy Dog, 696 words, finished, fluff, Troy loves soup
Surprise Troy Otto x Crazy Dog, 625 words, finished, fluff, Troy has a surprise for Crazy Dog
[Series] The easy part is always hardest to see [01 - 02 - 03 - 04 - 04 (alternative version) - 05 - 06] Troy Otto x Crazy Dog, 42,204 words, finished, smut, teeny bit of dub-con, a lot of fluff, some angst, pining, whump, enemies to friends to lovers
[Series] The melody of sand and waves and hope and schemes Troy Otto x Crazy Dog, 2,629 words, finished (for now?), AU - Royalty, arranged marriage, fluff, cute, pre-relationship, Princess Troy series
The monster that brought me here Troy Otto x Crazy Dog, 28,323 words, WIP, dark, angst, hurt, little comfort, sad, Troy is dealing with the trauma of having been raped, Crazy Dog has his own trauma to work through, canon divergent, second part of a series, fallout from 'I'd do it all again'
The moon bathes your face in gentle light no official wordcount, finished (for now) Troy Otto x Crazy Dog, angst, fluff, Troy survives s8, saves Tracy and runs into a familiar face - the two former enemies bond over their similar grief
This insanity you give to me Troy Otto x Crazy Dog, 29,551 words, finished, smut, fluff, teeny bit of angst, instead of avoiding Crazy Dog after their initial encounter in 'Addicted to mess' Troy seeks him out. After all, that asshole can't just do things like that to him and then leave, spin-off of 'Addicted to mess'
What's it gonna be, Troy? Troy Otto & Crazy Dog, 8,146 words, finished, oneshot, soulmate AU, angst, fluff, pre-relationship, enemies to friends (soulmates)
Troy Otto & Jake Otto
Cozy 353 words, finished, angst, some fluff, what was running through Troy's mind during the hug with Jake in s3ep9 (right before he was exiled)
Troy Otto & Madison Clark
Moral Compass no official word count, no WIP and not finished but a secret third thing (idea I had I'll probably never write), a stab at deepening Troy's and Madison's relationship (really just the beginning of it), a mututal madness
What should've been - Troy's revenge 1,242, finished, angst, hurt, some comfort I guess, fix-it I guess, how s8ep11 should've gone
When home becomes a strange place Troy Otto & Madison Clark, 3,370 words, finished, fix-it, hopeful ending, bittersweet, what would it take for Madison to actually start caring about Troy
Troy Otto x Nick Clark || Troy Otto & Nick Clark
I'd do it all again Troy Otto x Nick Clark, 10,185 words, finished, dark, angst, hurt no comfort, non-con (rape), suicide, not a happy story, what if things at the dam went a bit different - and how will they live with the consequences of their actions?
Sketch Troy Otto & Nick Clark, 337 words, finished, angst, hopeful?, fix-it?
That Crazy Bastard Troy Otto & Nick Clark, 728 words, finished, fluff, Troy had been vanishing for over a week now, refusing to tell Nick what he was up to. Until today
Troy Otto x Crazy Dog X OC
I can't stop imagining hurting you Troy Otto x Crazy Dog x OC, 9,424 words, finished, smutt, fluff, Troy gets introduced to the concept of spanking
Lost & Found Troy Otto x Crazy Dog x OC, 32,554 words, WIP, fluff, angst, Troy Otto being saved after the dam, finding his way back to himself, fast-burn, 'Addicted to mess' chapters 1 and 2 happened in this universe too, rest of s3 happened as in canon
No title Troy Otto x Crazy Dog x OC, no official word count, snippet, fluff, angst, abusive!serena backstory
Troy Otto x OC
Earn your keep 131,622 words, WIP, Troy gets a redemption arc, major character death (happens in the first chapter), Troy Otto centric, slow burn, grudging allies to friends to lovers, angst, fluff
Follow me (down the streams of sweat on your body) Troy Otto x unnamed female (could be reader, could be author, could be OC, could even be someone from canon), 5,612 words, finished, smut, slight D/s undertones, bondage, aftercare, fluff, praise kink
Kept 14,893 words, WIP, dub-con, past sexual abuse, AU - no Clarks, dark, angst, suicidal thoughts, bad BDSM etiquette, unhealthy relationship, slow burn to a better place, two broken people trying to figure things out between them, will get worse before it gets better
Troy Otto & his parents (Jeremiah Otto, Tracy Otto)
Childhood memories 2,084 words, WIP, angst, hurt, dark, child abuse, a study of Troy's childhood, his mother's complicated feelings, what happened with the rabbits
Troy Otto & Tracy Otto (daughter)
Reunion no official wordcount, Imagine, finished, angst, fluff, Troy survived s8 and rescues his daughter
I will do it again
Who are you to say that?
Asks & Metas
Jake Otto
Jake Otto as a Brother
even more
Troy Otto
...and Boundaries
...and the Horde
...as a father
Favorite Troy scene(s) and why
'I don't drink'
'I'd do it all again'
...in a relationship
'It's the first time I've felt fear'
On killing Mike
Post s8 thoughts
Troy and Madison
Troy's feelings in his last moments (s3)
Troy's sexuality and more on his sexuality
Why Troy didn't get poisoned like the other Militia members
'You stayed at the ranch because you love me'
Empty ways can cloud your eyes The Weeping Monk x Reader, 20,268 words, WIP (though ch 11 is a good place to end things), redemption arc, crisis of faith, friends to lovers, fluff and angst, whump
Madness is a narrow bridge The Weeping Monk, finished, oneshot, angst, dark, no comfort, a heartbreaking glimpse into the weeping monk's mind while he hunts his own
The Weeping Monk & Squirrel, AOV by Slipknot
The Weeping Monk & Gawain, Custer by Slipknot
The Weeping Monk & his faith (i guess), Broken Crown by Mumford and Sons
The Weeping Monk & his guilt, Lech by Slipknot
The Weeping Monk & his doubts, The burden by Slipknot
The Weeping Monk & Father Carden, The In-between by In This Moment
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truly-sincerely · 1 month
WIP comic script edition
So like I said I'm experimentally doing this fic in comic script form with the (possibly foolish) intention of turning it back into prose later.
This is what that looks like (below the cut). I don't do panel breakdowns unless I have a really clear idea of exactly how the panels should go, just page breakdowns. The next step would be thumbnails. When I'm working with my wife (Elli) she sometimes moves where the page cuts go, so those are just suggestions.
(Same panel layout as page 1)
First panel is the same but it’s night time. The rain is tiny and fast.
Same establishing shot of the bed and surrounding area, but it’s Gortash alone in bed, not quite the same sleeping position, more on his stomach. Sheets are haphazard like he’s been tossing and turning.
Close up on Gortash grimacing, with Raphael’s face looking at him from the edge of the panel, maybe out of focus, definitely cut off by the panel border.
RAPHAEL: You truly are a man with no god, destined for the Wall.
Gortash clutching his chest, eyes a little wild. Leaning over the side of the bed like he might puke.
RAPHAEL: Unless //I// get you first.
All close ups, no clear shots of Chance’s face, but make sure to get the scorpion (or at least its claws/tail peeking up over their collar.)
Chance’s knee is on Gortash’s back. Their hand grabbing him by the jaw. Their fingers pushing into his mouth. His eyes squeezed shut; tearing SFX. Their hand/weight is on his head, pushing his face down into the sheets. They’re holding the tongue up to show it to someone off panel; it’s gross and huge (banana slug-esque), but bloodless.
BANE: Indeed. It’s quite good.
Gortash, with his hands underneath him, pushes up; causing Chance to roll back off his torso.
BANE: Silver, like illithid blood. Venomous. GORTASH: (gasping for air) BANE: Perhaps too soft. Time will tell.
Bane, looking like the mural from the epilogue, back lit in sunset colors, but kinda smeared like a mirage. He’s lounging on an unseen couch of black sand that surrounds Gortash’s bed.
Gortash looks up at Bane in awe. Chance’s hands, like a lover’s hands, are on Gortash’s shoulders at the base of his neck.
BANE: (more mirage than man now) A sacrifice would be appropriate. GORTASH: (puts a hand up to his shoulder to touch Chance’s hands, which are charcoal black now) BANE: (just a transparent outline) Then we might have a conversation, he and I. About his wayward paramour and what could be done to bring them to heel. GORTASH: (hisses in pain and grabs at his side, an ugly black lightning bolt-shaped bruise) BANE: Yes, we could be good for each other.
(outro fade?)
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mydetheturk · 8 months
These are some of my wips for @organsoutsidelovinglydescribed's Trigun Body Horror Week!
i thought about making separate posts but that's a lot more work than i want to do right this minute, so i'm going to a blanket warning of: gore, blood, ... alien weirdness of varying degrees, and frankly erotic organ touching. all the pieces are going under a cut due to the varying levels of the aforementioned warnings, with more specific warnings with each snippet.
heed the warnings and enjoy!
Major tags for this first piece, a dominai fic, where two independent plants sharing one body poke around with the nervous system; it's gonna be rated e for a combination of "domina splits knives like a peach (sexy)" and "whatever's going on there is definitely xeno". Alien weirdness, is all I'm saying. shockingly tender, but alien weirdness nonetheless.
Domina doesn't talk about most of them. Doesn't like to think about how people – humans entirely too full of hubris – cracked her open to see what made her tick. She knows she's lucky she lived. She wears the scars as badges that say “I lived.” The scientists who'd carved her rib cage open like she was so much meat had the audacity to be shocked when Domina reached out to someone else to ask for help. She'd been young then and should still be young now. Now, she's dying. But she's not alone anymore.
Crimsontrip/Crimsonfang with shockingly erotic organ touching. Shockingly tender? The boys are having a Time and if you ask Elendira about it she'll gut you. Warnings include: blood, viscera, insects, mildly graphic medical descriptions, and hints of past traumas. organs and gore as well.
Elendira returned to their side. “How much of this are you feeling?” she asked. Finally, a clearer workspace. She slid her fingers along organs, gently pried them up from where they were tucked in Livio and Razlo’s musculature and viscera. “Wish we could feel more of you,” one of them said. “Bet it’d feel pretty great, havin’ your hands all up in us like this.” Elendira paused with her hand cupping her fools’ liver. She kept her hand on the organ and leaned up and over to press her lips against theirs. When she leaned back up, her lipstick stained their lips a bloody red. “If you two weren’t so fucked up right now, I would slice you apart like a succulent fruit and take you apart one piece at a time.” “Oh.” Elendira peppered a few kisses on their face, leaving marks there. “We’ll have to do this part again, my loves.” She went back to searching, pulling dead worms from inside of them and dropping them on the floor. Worms crunched under Elendira’s feet as she moved. Livio and Razlo’s organs were slick under her fingers. “I have you.” One of them made an almost kitten-weak agreeing noise.
this next piece is from a fic ive been sitting on for two months, I've described it as "a comically biblical amount of insects brings a fallen angel of the lord to climax" and have gotten several people to lose their minds at that phrasing. its less comical, but really, what do you expect from knives of all plants? Warnings include: insects, alien fuckery, xeno. shockingly little gore in this, or at least this part of the fic - knives and zazie have a tussle in the larger fic and bugs are eaten. plants are predatory, imo. it explains their teeth.
Zazie does-doesn’t understand, doesn’t-does understand in a way that is wholly inhuman, a collective, not an individual. Knives is an individual of a collective, a single voice just out of harmony with the rest. Zazie fills the ache, guts him to the core, while Knives claws at Zazie’s carapace, digging trenches, and hissing-clicking and reverberating loud and hard enough to stun many of the small Worms, collapsing them into the sand. Zazie is hot against him, still holding Knives’ face in their mandibles. A mockery of a human kiss. Plants don’t kiss that way and Worms have no need. Knives goes for a headbutt but only taps his forehead against an empty space between Zazie’s endless eyes. Between one breath and the next he reaches out with that part of him that sings with his sisters and touches Zazie’s Whole. Knives burns.
And lastly, a bonus fic for the week, one that i hadn't planned on writing originally but it's getting written anyway, yet another knives vivisection fic. this one's a little different - 2nd pov instead of my usual third person. Warnings for this include: medical horrors, knives having a panic attack, false reassurance that someone's ok in a bad way, more alien freakiness, and Dr. Conrad's special brand of unhelpful bedside manner. eye trauma as wel,
The doctor – false, liar, ripped the creature that should’ve been your older sister in two – looks down at you. A scalpel drips with your resin. The clearest words you’ve heard are spoken. “Subject Knives, this part you might feel.” The blade descends. You stop breathing. It doesn’t hurt. It doesn’t hurt. There is pressure but it doesn’t hurt. It should hurt. A knife, silver in appearance. Blade only an atom wide, perhaps more. It slices the doctor’s cheek but melts as soon as it does. The doctor’s blood drips. It mingles with your resin, pools where the scalpel has sliced open your eyelids. [Well done little brother! You just have to do that harder next time!]
I hope you enjoyed the pieces here and i cannot wait for body horror week to start 💜
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purplewitch156 · 11 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers!!
Thank you for tagging me @racfoam! That was very sweet of you. <3
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
342,149 words. And it's gonna get bigger. I love writing fanfiction.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Harry Potter.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Of Your Making – Harry and Voldemort are trapped in a magical artifact and must forgive each other to be released.
Entwined – Harry is trapped (I have a running theme here…) on a distant, hostile planet and Voldemort is determined to get him back to Earth.
Memento Mori – In the hope of freeing Voldemort from his endless purgatory, Harry chooses to seek him out in death and they end up on a roller coaster of various Lives.
When the Phoenix Cries – Sequel to Of Your Making. Harry and Tom are sent to another dimension where they must deal with a victorious Voldemort and a Death Eater Harry.
Sand In My Shoes – A non-magic AU. Tom is a professional chess player sent to a vacation island to deal with his temper and meets Harry, a comic book artist/surfer.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why? Why not?
I typically do. It’s so exciting to receive happy comments that I want to be happy back. :D 
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Nightshade. It’s the only one I’ve written so far that is a tragedy.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Of Your Making.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Rarely. Negative comments are in the minority, but I still have to remind myself of that fact when one shits in my inbox because I tend to pay more attention to negative remarks – they hit harder than they should. I’m getting better at brushing them off. And if they are particularly shitty, I delete them.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I don’t think any of my sex scenes are smutty enough to be called smut, so no. BUT I would like to one day write a story that leans more into the smut as a personal challenge.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I have not written a crossover.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
No. And if it has happened, I’m unaware.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! A few of my fics have been translated, especially Of Your Making, which blows me away to this day. People are amazing.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I have not.
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
Tomarry, but Harrymort is in very close second place.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Hmmm, that isn't quite how I work. When I get enough of an idea to jot it down in a journal instead of it just floating about in my brain in hypothetical land, I tend to intend to finish it one day. As time goes by, I may decide that the plot isn’t as strong or as compelling as I’d originally thought, and it gets downgraded or repurposed into something better. So I don’t necessarily look at my ideas and say, “I’d like you to happen, but let’s face it, you won’t.” I’m more likely to say, “I think I might strip you for parts…”
16. What are your writing strengths?
Oh lord, I get so stressed with these kinds of questions. I’d say dialogue and engagement.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I rarely spend time describing clothes or structures or people. I have a scene in my current WIP (Deimos) where Tom takes Harry robe shopping (this is such a wonderful trope, god bless) and I tried harder, which meant I Googled ‘mage robes’, found an artist’s rendition I liked, and described it as best as I could. lol
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I’ve dropped in a few words from other languages when I feel like it might help immerse the reader in the setting, but it’s not something I do often.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter.
20. Favourite fics you’ve written?
I love all my fics. I’ve enjoyed writing each of them immensely, but if I had to pick favorites I’d say Of Your Making and A Deathly Visit.
Tagging anyone who sees this and wants to participate! <3<3<3
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aquaticpal · 1 year
WIP Wednesday - Chrysalis
So the other day I promised to share something related to this post 🙂 This is a random OoT idea that popped up a few weeks ago, and I managed to nurse it into a full-blown comic script (thanks @aegon-targaryen for listening to my blabs). Now, I have a buuuunnnch of things to do before I have anywhere near the time to draw such a lengthy comic, so it's going to sit in this script form for a long time maybe forever. Still, I wanted to put it out here so that it at least exists in this form 😌
Rating: G Word count: ~2000 Tags: canon divergence, fix-it fic, healing, let's pretend this is an AU where uhhh Navi doesn't exist
[desert sand dunes - night, around a campfire]
"Hahhh... Sheik, you saved me again..."
"A couple pieces of bread and dried meat was all it took, and you went traipsing across the desert without even that?"
"I had them! It just... didn't last as long as I thought...!
I used to stay out all night in the forest and got by fine just picking a few berries... dunno what happened..."
"You have a body twice the size to feed now. Idiot." "Oh... yeah..."
"Aren't you gonna have some, Sheik? (I feel weird eating by myself...)"
"I ate earlier. No need." "Pff, I know you're just trying to avoid taking down your mask, right? (It's fine, I get it)"
"My hands are occupied."
[Link stretches out under the wide, endlessly vast desert sky, full of stars]
"Thanks for the music. It's a real treat for the last night before the Spirit Temple tomorrow."
"After I clear the last temple... that'll be it, right? Then I'll be able to see Princess Zelda?"
"I wonder what she'll be like, after seven years... Hey Sheik, you know where she is, right? Do you talk with her? Have you met her?"
"As if I would divulge that information." "I guess I'll just have to find out tomorrow~"
"What if when you meet her,
she's not the perfect person that you imagine? What if she's actually selfish, or cowardly, or cruel?"
"What if she has blood on her hands?"
[Link's hand has moved to the Master Sword.]
"You don't like Princess Zelda very much, do you."
"She is using you."
"She's my friend! She's not that kind of person. And I want to help her."
"Aren't the Sheikah supposed to be loyal to the Royal Family? Are you?"
"That is where my loyalty lies. The Princess can trust me to work for her goal, as can you. I have no obligation to like her as a person.
But perhaps you shouldn't trust me fully, either."
"You don't seem like a bad person. You've been helping me get to all the temples. And you've never tried to do anything bad to me even though you could sneak up on me anytime."
Besides, we're friends, aren't we?"
[plink] "You are far too quick to open your heart to others. You may have missed the past seven years, but in a world like this, there are many who would take the opportunity to strike at that openness."
"It's okay, I'm the Hero. I can take it." "You can't treat your own well-being so frivolously like that!"
"All of Hyrule's fate is dependent on you!"
"In a world like this... people need someone who opens their heart more than ever, don't they?
I'm lucky. I slept through all these years, and I woke up strong - strong enough to fight the evils in this world. Strong enough to help all the people who's been hurt and worn down by years of darkness.
So, I don't mind taking a few nicks or hits if it means giving a bit of hope to someone who needs it. It's what I'm made for.
I don't know where Zelda is, but... I hope she can see it, too. That all over Hyrule things are getting a little better, so wherever she is, hopefully things are a little brighter too."
[His optimism makes his face glow in the firelight. Sheik is silent.]
"She doesn't deserve you."
"You sound jealous." ("Don't be absurd!")
"I-I have to go." "Wait, hold--"
[behind a nearby rock formation, Sheik re-materializes, hands clenched]
[shot of clasped, gloved hands - Temple of Time] "...It was I, Zelda. Princess of Hyrule."
"I'm sorry for deceiving you all this time..." [Link steps forward, reaching out, hopeful]
!! [The room shakes, a crystal forms around Zelda]
[her vision blacks out, the last sight being Link inaudibly banging on the crystal]
"...Ganondorf... pitiful man..."
"Six Sages... now!"
"...the road between times... will be closed..."
"Link, give the ocarina to me.
As a Sage, I can return you to your original time with it."
[instead of giving the ocarina, Link reaches out and cradles her outstretched hand, like a wounded thing.]
"Are you all right?" "What... I..."
"You look so sad.
Back then, that time when you were talking as Sheik. You said you didn't like the Princess very much."
"It was my childish whims that threw Hyrule into ruin. I have to make amends for all the souls that suffered the price for my mistake. Most of all, you."
"Can I talk to Sheik?" "I..."
"That's just me, Link." "No"
"Even though Sheik was always behind a mask, It seemed like you could talk more truthfully then."
"Link, this isn't the time..." "This is the time! If you're going to send me back, if you want me to give you the ocarina... then at least I want to hear it from Sheik. I want to hear your true words."
[Zelda turns away, huddled into herself]
[but silently and motionlessly, she Shifts]
"Can we go somewhere else?"
[Lake Hylia - the island with the warp pedestal]
"It's nice to be here without having to worry you'll run off again."
"You're not gonna run off, right?" "Link, please."
[they sit silently for a moment, looking out over the water]
"Is this what you really want? Will it make you happy?"
"This isn't about that. The people of Hyrule--" "That's not what I asked."
"...It doesn't matter." "I'm asking how you feel--" "It doesn't matter!"
[a silent moment.]
"Why do you hate Princess Zelda so much?"
"She was weak. All she could do was cower and hide. All she could do was wait while others fought and bled for her mistake."
"She befriended a brave, pure-hearted boy, only to take advantage of his kindness. She stole so much from him. From everyone."
"How can you even look at her? After what she's done?"
"After I woke up from the Sacred Realm, I met a lot of people who needed help. People who were beaten down and tired, and lost their hope and will. It was all they could do to hang on and get through each day, and some of them didn't make it."
"But not Zelda. She survived for seven years, and not only that, she traveled all across the land, even through all the dangers - all to make sure that her people were protected, and her hero could succeed."
"There would've been no hope in this land if she hadn't worked to keep it alive for seven years. And she kept this idiot hero alive, too."
"I think she's very strong. Even stronger than me. And she deserves to smile, too."
[Smiling - it's something she hasn't tried to do in a long time. Behind the mask, she is worn down, but tries feebly to mount one more defense]
"What about you? You deserve to be rewarded for your efforts and sacrifice, more than anyone."
"Wouldn't you rather go back to a world without turmoil? Wouldn't it ease your mind, knowing that you saved the lives of so many?"
"Yeah, but I'll know there's one person I haven't saved."
"The one person I most wanted to save." "Don't"
"I'll go back if you want me to. I'll do it if that's what you think is best, Zelda. But don't do it because you think hurting yourself is the only right thing to do, okay?"
"I swore, when I met you, that I would protect you, no matter what. Don't make me do something that would hurt you."
[Link takes her hand, and places the ocarina in it.]
"Please, promise me that whatever you choose... you'll do it with a smile."
[Cradling the ocarina, Sheik tries to gather her composure, but she cannot muster a smile. She looks down, defeated]
"...Will you forgive me, if I choose to be selfish?"
"You know what my answer would be. But I think I'm not the one you need to ask that to. Am I right?"
[A vision - Sheik stands looking down at a young Princess Zelda from seven years ago, bloodied and dirtied as if she had just escaped from the castle]
[Slowly, Sheik approaches and stoops to the young girl's level, and reaches out to pull her into an embrace.]
[In the real world, Sheik is wiping at her eyes]
"I'm sorry. Please stay"
[Perhaps, she's saying it to someone else, too. Link holds her, for a long time]
"Look, the sun's coming up."
[still leaning into each other, they look to the brightening horizon]
"This is a lot nicer than last time."
"When I threw a Deku Nut at you and ran away?" "Heh"
[Looking into the light, Sheik reaches up to her mask, and lowers it. She faces the sun for a moment, then looks up to face Link]
"It's good to meet you... at last."
[their faces are so close. She's moved to lean in and kiss him, just a little.]
"Sorry, I..." "Don't be sorry! That was nice. You're... nice."
"Can I kiss you too?" "Link, I..."
"This body... It's a male body." "So?"
"I thought you might not... like..."
"I like you. The real you. Without hiding. Without holding back."
[Blushing but touched, Sheik tucks her hair behind her ear, finally showing her full face.]
"All right, then."
[they do not hold back.]
[partially restored castle - Princess Zelda steps out of a political meeting, looking tired. Out of nowhere, Link tugs her around a corner for a kiss]
"L-Link! You can't just--I'm still Zelda!"
"What? Don't worry, no one's gonna see. (Promise)"
"It's not that, I... I thought you just liked... Sheik."
"I told you, I like you. Did you think I wouldn't want to kiss a beautiful princess?
Zel. You're no less kind, or brave, or hardworking, just because you're in a different body."
[she looks down for a moment, emotional, tempted to refuse. But then she looks up, with a smile.] 
[She steps into his arms, and kisses him fully for the first time]
[Fishing Hole - golden hour. Link is struggling to reel in a fish]
[Zelda's POV - Link turns, and drops his rod in excitement] "Zel! You made it!"
[full shot - Zelda is dressed in a plain, androgynous tunic and leggings, carrying a small picnic basket. Her hair is free and loosely pulled back, without a crown, without a mask.] "And you brought food!! You're the best person in the world."
"Man, I didn't realize I was starving" "You have to take better care of your own needs, Hero." "I don't have to, I've got you~"
"Here, you should have some too--"
"Oh crud - there's no more?" "I'm sorry. Supplies are still low--" ("No I'm the one who should be sorry!!")
"Well, here - I've got something for you too."
[Link pulls out a glass bottle, filled with strawberries. They're a deep, ripe red - the first splash of color in this black & white comic] "I picked them from the Lost Woods. They've just started growing back recently."
[He holds one up to her lips. A little tentatively, Zelda bites into it - and bursts into tears]
"Zel!? You okay?" "Y-Yes, I just..."
"It's been... a long time since I've had anything so sweet."
"You deserve it."
[Wide shot - she has a little emotional fit in his arms. Color is gradually seeping into the comic.]
[But eventually, the berries get finished.]
"Link - there's one more thing. I..."
[Zelda takes out the Ocarina of Time, and places it into his hands.]
"Zel, this..."
[She gives him a genuine smile, fond and peaceful.] "Keep it. I've made my decision."
[She touches her forehead to his, as they share a moment of joy] "It suits you better, anyway."
[Zelda pulls out her harp, and begins playing a tune.]
[Link raises the ocarina, and joins her in a duet.]
[The musical notes drift into the sky, intertwined over a lush, colorful world.]
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sanguinarysanguinity · 9 months
Tagged by @verecunda, thank you! I've lost track of who has been tagged, so please jump in if you'd like to play!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
176, give or take a few that are in currently anonymous collections.
2. What's your total AO3 wordcount?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
My current main fandoms are the Hornblower novels and The Flight of the Heron. But I also write one-offs as please me, either for exchange assignments or pinch-hits, or because I got bit by a plot bunny. (Yes, plot-bunnies are carnivorous!) This year, I've written for Hornblower (novels and TV), The Flight of the Heron, Vokosigan Saga, Elementary, ACD Holmes, Leverage, A Rip Through Time, and Wild Things (1998).
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
The Sincerity of Dust (Mycroft/Lestrade - Sherlock TV) Etta Candy's Last Stand (Etta Candy/Wonder Woman) Three Continents and Many Nations (Elementary gen; Joan Watson has broken hearts around the world) Baker Street Papas (Holmes/Watson, kidfic) Foundations (Elementary gen; Bell-centric fixit AU)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes, because I was taught to write thank you notes. Also, because sometimes I can lure a commenter into a conversation, which is always fun -- and sometimes they even become a friend.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Heh. *rubs hands gleefully* I have a little sideline in fics that made people cry. Let me show you some of my favorites!
The Golden Sand Bush/Hornblower Once again a prisoner of the French, Hornblower awaits his execution.
Cock on the Right background Bush/Hornblower/Maria For as long as he bears them, Bush's tattoos protect him faithfully.
Telling the Bees Elementary gen Sherlock returns from Switzerland, but Watson does not.
Brandy and Soda Holmes & Watson; Mary/Watson (7 Per-Cent Solution) Holmes returns to Baker Street.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Oh, fuck if I know. I've been accused more than once of writing only bittersweetly happy endings. But here, have a story in which Horatio Hornblower, that sad wet miserable bastard, is simply happy for a day:
Nothing So Much Worth Doing
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not often. Earlier this year a commenter objected to a pwp being a pwp. Which. Dude. As a later commenter replied (so I didn't have to! blessings on their house!), the story was exactly what it said in the tags and summary, so take some personal responsibility and don't click on what you don't want to read.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes. Slash, femslash, threesomes; vanilla and kinky; realistic and fantastical; first times and well-seasoned olds. I haven't yet written anything that would bring the antis after me, but that's the kind of thing that I'd put under a different pseud anyway.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Absolutely. Probably Elementary x Bee-Man Comics: THE BEST BEE FIC ON MARS.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I had a couple requests this year for permission to translate a story (both granted), but I don't know the current status of either project.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
@phoenixfalls and I have a story we've been co-writing; every once in a while we talk about finishing it. I'd very much like to; I think it's great fun.
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I have a Twin Peaks x Buffy crossover that I quite like, but which I am extremely unlikely to ever finish. Every now and then I think of it wistfully, though.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Well-organized and precise prose, and strong characterizations.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Inelegant prose, and wobbly characterizations.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
An insidious trap, if your characters speak the other language better than you do. (With the exception of William Bush in French, they always do! Why do I write all these classically-educated assholes?)
My usual solution is to paraphrase the dialogue through my pov character, at whatever their level of comprehension is. After all, that's what the reader needs to know: what the pov character understands. Paraphrasing also circumvents the wild card that some of my readers will know the language and some won't -- this way, no reader has an advantage and no reader is left scrambling for a translation.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Ask Dr. Eldritch! a webcomic written by the talented evannichols.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Whichever one someone just left a lovely comment on.
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eggwars · 1 year
temptation tuesday
rules: share something about an idea you have/something that's speaking to you/an au you'd like to see and are considering writing/etc. etc. Basically anything that is tempting you away from your current wips!
Thank you for the tag @just-slightly-chayotic and @viva-yas-vegas
since I got tagged twice I guess I'll share two tidbits? I currently have four-ish chaptered fics I'm rolling around in my brain. What to share~? What to share~?
I'm putting this under a cut because it got quite long lol fic below!
Okay so my second or third most developed one is probably my KimChay mermaid AU?
So for the mermaids, it started off as a branch idea from another AU I'm working on with Tea. They have also been my muse for this one, which is going to have some Little Mermaid vibes (Kim is nosy in every universe) but with some fun twists. I have some snippets written for this one already!
Sound travels differently on the surface. In the water, his songs are close, intimate. The sound doesn't travel as far, but it's rounder, a bubble of music.
On the surface, sound is sharper, it travels farther, straight across the air like a thrown spear. Kim can't decide which is better. Some of the songs his mother used to sing sound better above the waves, so he finds the closest abandoned beach to sing.
But one day, he's swimming to shore when dulled notes drift over his ears through the water. It's not singing, it sounds like one of those many-stringed instruments humans bring on fishing boats. 
Kim hovers in the water, indecisive. The sound's coming from above the waves, close to where he was going to perch for the evening. Kim should turn around. That's what his brothers would say. He hasn't listened to them in years. 
Kim makes his way inland, belly close to the sand, making sure the powerful beats of his tail don't make waves in the calm evening surf. He's maybe 5 meters from the small beach, when the first hummed notes of a song filter through the water to him. He needs to surface, he needs to hear it. Coming up behind a convenient jut of rocks, Kim's ears finally hear that clean air-sound.
It's beautiful. The singer is clearly young, their notes hesitant, but warm. Kim can't help himself. As he pulls the bulk of his torso on a flat part of the outcropping, he begins to harmonize under his breath. It's as easy as swimming, singing with this boy. And the human's a boy, he can see that now. He misses a few notes when he sees him. He's odd-looking. Humans usually are. Their two legs make them appear shorter than merfolk, and their skin is soft all over, like a hatchling's nascent scales. 
But there is something about this one that gives Kim pause. Maybe it's his voice. Maybe it's the way his fingers cleverly find the next chord to play. Maybe it's the glowing golden of his tan skin.
It's those eyes, Kim thinks, as they meet his. It'd almost be comical, how round they become, if not for how the setting sun has turned those driftwood eyes a deep sea-glass amber.  
Kim has slipped off his perch and is streaming back into deep water before he realizes. 
Oh, he's beautiful.
He wants to sing with him again.
Boom. mermaids. I have some fun world building I'm working on for that :)
Alright and another one for ya! I'm not gonna go into too much detail on the premise of this one, but the Clown Car, y'all know. I haven't written anything for this AU yet, but it's my baby. My child, my most unhinged of thought spirals. My clowns have been subjected to it, there's a playlist already, I have yelled about the world building and I have tortured friends with all the potential angst, but I have not put any thoughts to word.
So, now you're gonna get my first snippet.
The first thing that hits Chay, when the smell of burning oil stops singeing his nose hairs, is how green it all is. He’s not really surprised, he saw Earth from the portholes aboard Orpheus every day. Logically, he knows there were still swaths of green speckling the planet, but seeing it is another beast altogether. For one, it’s greener. Whatever had happened, whatever they avoided all those years in orbit, it had at least done some good for the local flora. 
A shout from behind him drags Chay out of his trance. The spacecraft he called home for three years, The Orpheus, lay in a hulking mass of twisted metal and black smoke, the smell of exhaust still hung heavy in the air. Most of the crew had managed to crawl their way out of the smoldering remains, tarnishing their white landing suits with dirt stains and holes, but Bank has a leg pinned under what used to be the support strut between two habitation pods. It now resembled something like a melted twizzler. 
The shouting had come from Ice, calling the other crew to help fish Bank out of the wreckage. Chay turns to move toward her, but is caught, enraptured by a streak of color in his periphery. A flower. It’s a stark orange, with five petals curling outward invitingly, its pistil and anthers long and the same color as the petals. Some kind of rhododendron, Chay thinks. He hasn’t seen a flower in the wild since he was a child. 
More noises echo through the crew behind him, but Chay can’t pay them any mind. A flower. A flower, growing right there out of the dirt with no greenhouse, no fertilizer, exchanging gas with the Earth’s atmosphere. And it’s blooming, He traces a fingertip reverently over a petal. He’s almost sure his fingers will pass right through it, but they don’t. Its petals are soft and slightly warmed by the afternoon sunlight streaming through the forest canopy. It’s real. 
The murmuring behind Chay grows pointed and excited, before Song calls his name in a whisper shout. Chay turns around to see the crew, standing hushed and quiet. They look like they’ve paused in the middle of what they were doing, and are staring off somewhere into the brush behind the wreck of the Orph. Chay leaves his flower with one last caress, and walks parallel to the wreck so he can get an angle on what’s caught everyone’s attention and then– 
There. In a gap between two wild, untrimmed bushes stands a doe. If wild plants were rare then wild animals– well. 
She stands, ears and nose twitching as she stares down the eight of them. Chay remembers Porsche telling him once about a deer he and Mom saw when they were camping. In those days, the outdoors were more livable, he’d say. The deer had been a stag, young with short antlers. They had come across it while hiking a short trail, and it had skipped away in its hopping gait before Porsche could get close. Now, Chay waits for the doe to realize what they are and bolt. Her nose twitches one more time, and she takes a step forward. 
And then the doe charges. 
So. That's what's tumbling in my brain right now. I don't know when I'll write it bc I have a lot of world building to do and lots of different ideas for plot points. Basically it's gonna be novel length and i'm dreading it :')
okay so that's it for me, idk who all's been tagged so i'm just gonna throw my seeds to the wind. @shubaka @fuckyeah-itme uhhhhhhhh yep idk. anyone else who sees this and wants to do it! Have fun!
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