#sandiego you just got beached
astrodances · 1 month
Olympics prompt
So I may end up regretting this, taking a long time, or maybe not even following through (fair warning XD), but I like learning about different Olympic sports, so, in an effort to do so, I thought of a prompt idea:
give me a character (or two) [for a fandom I know] + an Olympic sport, and I'll try to draw or write something for it! 😄⚽️🏊🏃🥇
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I'mma say something people will deem controversial.
MCU Loki:
Lost his mystery.
Can't warp reality just by existing.
His film director literally gets his Norse myths wrong (including Sleipnir).
Stays on a throne all day and night.
Got Bam Bam treatment from a green giant with anger issues.
Dark Horse Cinematic Universe Loki:
His Throne is freedom.
His hair is spiked as a crown.
Leather trenchcoat.
Rain Coat = Where on Earth is Gothic Sandiego?
Leather buckles looking like an antique chest binder. Yet confident enough to tan evenly.
His literal beach blanket is most likely an ode to Jorgmunder, and how he wishes for his snake son to be saved from the oceans he was thrown into. Which is more tragic considering Odin is forcing him to do all this work to get the mask back.
"Bro, listen. I'm a god. I can shapeshift. I can create stuff out of nothingness. I can alter the fabric of reality. So please, quit being a knucklehead."
Has a dope ass mask that can grant the wearer anything.
He IS the green giant with anger issues.
Hates homophobes with a burning passion.
Alan Cumming is a phenomenal actor, and he truly carries the weight of a person with Daddy issues beyond mortal comprehension.
Tumblr sexyman before his time.
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Also, I used to listen to nostalgia critic. Guess which hashtag is my favorite of these now. I just KNEW there was a reason I grew more depressed listening to criticism.
The movie scared you as a kid? It was doing its job. False advertising hurt this movie so damn badly.
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lefemmerougewriter · 8 months
Rise of the Scarlet Wildcat
Catra tells Adora to break-up with Pearl and it goes badly. She gets thrown out. Adora tries to search for Catra, with the assistance of friends, and is unsuccessful. One day, everything changes for the wildcat when she meets someone, dressed in a red trench-coat and fedora, that... she never expected. They have a much deeper connection than either had originally anticipated.
Characters: Catra, Adora, Pearl (implied), Carmen Sandiego
Friendships: N/A (?)
Romantic pairings: Catra / Adora / Pearl [formerly], Adora / Pearl, Catra / Adora [formerly], Catra / Carmen Sandiego [presently], Carmen Sandiego / Julia Argent [formerly]
Words: 1970
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/52999234
Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/1413710022-rise-of-the-scarlet-wildcat
Quotev: https://www.quotev.com/story/16296028/Rise-of-the-Scarlet-Wildcat
A/N: After writing my Red Moonstone fic ("A Red Moonstone Shines Brightly"), and my Catsandra fic ("Cassandra and the Catgirl from the Sky"), both of which are inspirations for this story, I decided to write this one. It is a spinoff from my "An Unlikely Alliance" series. For the full context, please read that series, with some of the chapters of that series also listed as story inspiration for this fic. This is one crack ship I thought would be interesting considering what happened in that series.
It had been over a year since Catra, with assistance from the geeky princess, Entrapta, had gone through a portal from Etheria to Earth. She confessed to Adora, a girl and childhood friend that she slowly realized she had feelings for. However, Adora already was in a relationship with another woman: Pearl! Over time, she came around to Pearl. At the same time, Adora started to realize that she loved Catra as well. All three of them had become a trouple and returned to Earth, just in time for a dance party in Beach City.
Good things don’t always last. Pearl began to get on Catra’s nerves more and more every day. While she ignored it at first, one day she blew up. She demanded that Adora break up with Pearl. She explained that even though she deeply loved Adora, she found Pearl to be annoying, bossy, and inconsiderate. Adora took offense at this, explaining that she would not have "such toxicity" in her life. She asked Catra to leave. Bawling her eyes out, she flew out of the apartment window, with glass smashing around her. She had nothing but the shirt on her back. She vowed to never return.
Adora realized she had handled this badly. She had made a big mistake. Catra was gone. Adora stood on her apartment's balcony, sobbing as raindrops streaked down her cheeks. As the days passed, her friends on Earth searched for Catra high and low, in every nook and cranny. This was to no avail. Pearl comforted her in these dark days.
She realized something: Catra didn’t want to be found. She wanted to disappear. Adora accepted this and went on with her life. One day, this all changed.
Yawning, Catra stretched. She opened one eye and got up with a start. She didn't know where she was. After moving her arms a bit more, she realized that her dirty and soot-laden clothes had disappeared. Instead, she had on gray sweatpants and a black t-shirt. The front was emblazoned with the words "Black Sheep Incorporated." On the back was the saying "A Charity for the Masses." As she began to take off her shirt, a beautiful woman, wearing a red v-neck t-shirt and gray sweatpants, with a white drawstring, approached her. "Oh, you are finally up! I thought you might like some warm tea."
Unsure of how to respond, Catra fumbled her words. "Uh…sure…that’s fine." Before she could say anything more, Carmen interrupted. She sighed. She wanted to make sure that this woman was ok. When she found her the previous night, she didn’t look too good. "I’m sorry I had to change your clothes last night…I couldn’t turn my back on someone in need." Catra nodded. Carmen then added, "you were drunk…and at one of the BSI shelters…so I thought I'd help." This sounded a little fishy to Catra. This woman took her in after she was drunk. How could she be sure that this woman didn’t do anything to her during the night?
Carmen tried to lay off any suspicion. "Nothing happened last night, if that's what you are thinking…I'm not that type of person anymore." Catra raised an eyebrow. What the heck did this woman mean by that? Had she done something in the past? Carmen interjected once more to clarify. "I mean that I’m not in a relationship anymore. We parted ways. She’s still living in Tokyo and working at the VILE Museum."
Catra understood a little more. She recognized this woman, although she hadn't at first. She blurted out, "you’re Carmen Sandiego, aren’t you? The one that Adora kissed on the date in that lagoon? She told me about that." This took her aback. How could this woman know that? Who was she, anyway? Then a thought came to her mind. She must be the other woman she had heard about from her friends. She never saw that woman in person since she and Jules had missed the dance party in Beach City. "Uh, yes," she answered. This couldn’t be a coincidence. "Are you…Catra by chance?"
This was a little awkward. She knew that Adora had a crush on her. Later, something she learned made Pearl jealous. She also remembered the time, after she and Jules crashed into a skyscraper, that Adora visited her in a Japanese hospital. She was unaware how much it was common knowledge, among her many friends. How many people knew about the date she had with Adora in the lagoon?
Catra answered without hesitation. "Yeah, that’s me." Then she added, "I don’t use my last name for…certain reasons." Carmen was fine with that. Wanting to get back at Adora since she refused to dump Pearl, Catra came up with a devious plan. There was one hitch: it required Carmen's consent. What she was about to do would be risky. She hoped it would be worth it in the end.
"So…Carmen…can I kiss you?" This caught her completely by surprise. At the same time, it made as her happy as when Adora asked her out on a date, all that time ago. After all, she was bisexual. Even so, she was romantically drawn more to women than men. She struggled with taking off Catra’s clothes the previous night. She almost collapsed since touching another woman's body made her various embarrassed. Breathing deeply, and coming back to reality, Carmen answered, with a hint of hesitancy. "Yes?" She then added, "I don’t know you that well…yet…so, maybe we should take it slow?"
Gritting her teeth, Catra grabbed the reddish phone from a nearby table. She started to apologize. "I'm sorry in advance for what I’m about to do…I have to make someone jealous." Carmen nervously looked at her. The phone rang, with a new video call. A blonde-haired woman picked up. She was not expecting a call. "Carmen, we haven’t talked in such a long time…is everything ok?" Catra then looked into the camera and snickered loudly. She pulled Carmen close and turned her head toward the camera. "Adora, this is what happens when you dump me!"
Her lips touched the soft, succulent lips of her counterpart. Staring into her gray-blue eyes, Catra was entranced. Carmen’s lush auburn hair touched her forehead. If she had seen the trademark red trench-coat, and hat, like Adora had, that day she first spotted her in Beach City, she would have felt the same way. They both continued kissing, leading to further shock, and almost horror, from Adora.
Catra stopped for a second, breaking out of their tender embrace. She exclaimed, "and I’m dating her!" She clicked off the screen. Carmen wasn't sure what she had gotten herself into. What was Catra’s deal? Why did she want to get back at Adora? Putting that all aside, a cat-like woman, with slender and athletic build, had kissed her. And she couldn’t get enough of it. She smooched Catra on the cheek and whispered, "so, can I keep kissing you?" Catra shrugged. She could see now why Adora was so drawn in by her. As the night wore on, they cuddled. Carmen jokingly played with Catra. She used toys that would excite a cat, like a fake mouse and a ball of yarn.
As they lay on the couch next to one other, Carmen asked her what this was all about. She wanted to know. "Why did you call Adora...to make her jealous?" Catra cleared her throat. She had to tell the truth, even if it embarrassed her, at least this time. "I wanted to make her feel like she was missing out...since you were kind of her ex and all." Carmen laughed. She had only met Catra the previous night. But now she felt she couldn’t live without her. As she petted Catra behind her catlike ears, causing her to purr, she said "I know I said we should go slow, but...I really want to be with you...and I won't leave you behind."
Catra rubbed up against her. Resting her chin on Carmen’s chest, her almond heterochromatic eyes stared at Carmen. She felt so comfortable that the claws, on her toes and hands, had retracted. Her tail even began to wrap around Carmen’s body. They both felt safe with one another. As Carmen began stroking the wild, and spiked, cedar brown hair below Catra’s ears, Catra said softly, "Pearl is annoying, you know." Carmen nodded. She did find Pearl a bit extra sometimes. She then said, "I’ve heard that she can be controlling, has an inferiority complex, is pessimistic about humanity, can be selfish, and betrayed the trust of a Gem Warrior." Catra continued to purr. She couldn’t agree more with what Carmen was saying. Adora and Pearl had some sort of special bond, apparently forged on Etheria. It was much more than what she and Adora had. At least, that’s how it felt to her.
"I know she has pale skin, blue eyes, and peach-colored hair, and that she can be devoted. That might be something Adora needs. But I'm not part of that...and that’s okay." Carmen pulled Catra closer. She quickly fell asleep, with Catra in her arms. Both slept on the couch that night, getting closer than either one had imagined at the beginning of the day.
The sun shone through the apartment window. Carmen stretched and opened her eyes. Catra wasn't there! In a gesture of goodwill, she walked in with two teacups on a tray. "Good morning! Here’s your tea." Carmen carefully grabbed it off the tray and drank it. As she did so, she began to burn her tongue. She appreciated this. But she had to put the cup down before she hurt herself.
"I’d drink it but…it's too hot." Catra cringed. She half-expected this would happen. She began muttering and bowing her head. "I'm sorry…I won't do it again...I'm sorry, I won't disappoint you." Carmen got up. She hugged Catra tightly. She didn’t know everything that her feline friend had been through. But she guessed, rightly so, that Catra had been traumatized, in one way or another. "It’s okay, wildcat," she began. She then added, "you can take it easy...no need to apologize...I'll show you how it's done later."
Carmen was more chill than in the past. Recently, she had retired, discarding her original desire to become a model. Her friends Zack and Ivy had finally been returned to normal, after they were turned into caramelized monsters in a candy colony gone wrong. She barely talked to them anymore. Even Player had gone on to do his own thing. He became a member of ACME, so he could continue fighting evildoers. Even so, he had his doubts about private intelligence services becoming the salvation of the masses. The pay was good, so he stayed there.
"You are the best cat-person I know," Carmen exclaimed. She snickered, adding, "and the cutest." This made Catra's face warm. She began to blush. How could she have known that a woman who saved her from the dumps would be so nice and caring? If Adora had treated her like this, instead of staying with Pearl, then it might have been different. Maybe in some other universe, she and Adora were together, having a grand-old time, and traveled the galaxy together. However, in this world, she was happy where she was, and wouldn’t do anything differently.
At one point, Catra remarked, "together, we are the scarlet wildcat…and that’s alright." Carmen wasn’t sure exactly what she meant and she didn’t care. She gave her a peck on the cheek and continued hugging her. Even with war, famine, disease, and oppression across the world, for them, everything would be fine, no matter what happened next.
End note: This fic is also meant to show struggles in polyamorous relationships, as Catra / Adora / Pearl were in such a relationship before it fell apart. I used the “Carmen Sandiego (2019 character)” page on the Carmen Sandiego Wiki and the “Catra” page on the She-Ra and the Princesses of Power Wiki in this fic. I’m thinking of writing another fic which is like this one, but from Pearl’s perspective. I forgot how wild "An Unlikely Alliance" series was. After writing this fic, am inspired to rewrite it (on squidgeworld.org). A lot of this fic was written a while back (the file history on my computer says I started writing it in late December 2022). I'm in a different headspace nowadays and would probably write something differently. However, I wanted to get this story out there into the world. Where the story goes from here, I don't know! But I'm totally down to possibly continue this in the future.
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nityarawal · 1 year
Morning Songs
Yesterday's Boytoy
(The Handler)
Mahalo My Lord- Trinity
Why'd You Have
To Defend
Your Baby Boy-Toy
Why'd You Have To
Yesterday's Boytoys
Why'd Your Octopus
Around All The 
Boys Necks
If You Don't Like
What They Say
Filmed By Cellular
You Pull The Ropes
Go Mamma Go
I Said
Tell The Truth
Don't Appease
The Attys
With A Happy Ending
For What
They Do
It's Probate Fraud
Real Estate Law
Tenants Rights
By Murderers
Yeah We Know
What We're Talking 
From Little
Drunk Fools
Putting Out Their Hands
We're The Bribes
At Idyology
From Stirling Bros
Did Atty Bill Whitman
Assure You
He Was A Good
Muir Brokers And Sons Begged
Him To Help
My Kids
And I
Michael Villanueva
After Neighbors
Militia Murder
On Country Club
You Witnessed
However We'd 
He Don't 
Go To Ukraine
And Adopt Baes
From Surrogates
Down On Their
Raped By Government
His Allies
He'd Rather Go To
With PDs
Pick Up Some Baes
A Babies
Anonymous Factory
For Sterile
Invitro Gay Attys
No Harm Done
You Say
Then You Won't 
Mind My Song
My Words
My Pen
My Metaphysical Sword
For Children
My Disclosure
It's Only Weapon
I Have
Are The Boytoys
Afraid Of The Cougars
Militia Beg
Don't Tweet
OK My Little
Nazi Lambs
Proud Boys
Uh Huh
I Won't 
I'll X You See
Call Me A Snitch
Drunk Snarling
Civil War Activist
Hello Angels
Wanted Our Royal
Some Piece
Of The Princesses Pie
Harley Davidson
Stalking Bob Bernard's
My Dad's BFF
Business Partner
They Ate A Chunk
Or Two
Attempted Murder
With Real Estate
Attys Too
So I'm Pretty 
I Got Boundaries
From The Snakes
Of Sandiego
Iowa Judges
Roxanne De Palma
Idy Poser Yoginis
I Got Boundaries
Josh Radnor Said
He Had Boundaries Too
When He Saw My
Trying To Pimp
Me Out
We Got Boundaries
Civil Activists
You Work For Free
On Commission
For Civil
We Got Boundaries
Pure Souls 
We Got Boundaries
Prudent Boundaries
We Got Boundaries
And I
On Dear Prudence's
Song Date
Always Did
A Little Faith
For The Breeders
Who Made Einstein
A Little Faith
For Community
Like Montessori
By Moi
Helping Real Estate
Sold Out By
Fundamentalist Pasteurs
Village Farm School
Sold Out By
Our Idy Encinitas Families
We Appreciate
Innovation School
Just Not The
Julian Charter School
Umbrella'ing It
Who Stole My Family
With Texas Marines
Hand Jobs
Posing As Moms'
Spreading Disease
In A Pandemic
Priests Selling Out Our 
To Scramble Under
Cellular Towers
Didn't Appreciate 
Restraining Orders
From My Beach Homes
HomeSmart Realty
Didn't Appreciate
Lawyers Beatings
At Clark- Viviano Law 
In The Night
Or Ticks Planted
On Me
And My Rockstars
Nearly OD'd
On Lithium
Planted Handlers
We Want To
Know Price
What Does
Sammy June Get Paid
On #FreeBritney Heads
For Being
His Persian
Kite Runner
How Did Lou Taylor
Another Victim
Call Justin Bieber's
Magistrate Judges
Charge Them For Treason
Already Ordered
Lou Taylor
Tri-Star Prosecuted
We Want Her In 
A Cage
Not Brit's Dad
In Prison
Charge Lou Taylor
Attys To Clerks
Deputies Dicks
Even The Chopped
For The Defense
This Kink
Of Court
Charge Them For
For They Tromped
On Trinity
And My
Gals At Chowchilla
Every Single One Of
Says Nina's
"Been Waiting For
She Jokes
Been Writing You
Gavin Newsom
Jerry Brown 
Sheriff Bianco
DA Senator And VP
Kamala Harris
DA Summer Stephan 
Deaf Ears
Pushing Defense Gay Man's
We Wrote You
Now #TimesUp
3 Warnings
You've Had Dozens
3 Red Flags
No More Warnings
7 Years 
Of Holocaust
Mother Nature Is Screaming
PDs Inconsistencies
For Constipated
Dr. Gardner
Not Handing
Call It Rude
I'm Allergic To Your
Poly Crew
Seems I Need
Another Tribe
To Tell Another 
At Every
20 Residences
Plus Camps
To Back Off
On Smear Campaign
Or They'll End Up
In A Defamation Trial
Like Johnny The Pirate
As A Gypsy
Grew Up In The
Born In Chicago
Schooled In Iowa
Writers Capital
Seems Your Attys
And Officers
Think I'm Chattel
Not True
Never Was
Sacred Autonomy
My Dear
They Probed
My Who-Who
For Proud Boys
Like You
And Your Bros' Smears
And No
I Never Did
Like Your Hookers Of Court
But Somehow
They Got Us
Mixed Up
They Got
18 Months
Of Free
Naked footage
For Dark Web
Nothing Is Free
You Know That Now
For Perverted
Spin Dr's
Like Carmel Benson
Dr. Queresheri's
Dr's Discriminating
On Bribes
Riverside Healthcare 
Breaking Hippa Laws
Gossiping Nurses
Drm Natalya
Can't Get Pathology
Therapist Tima
Ivanova Bickers
Hiding Property Manager
Emily Pearson's Fentanyl Fairy
Double Agent Oath Keeper
Sheriff Coroner Bianco 
Ghosts Us
On Probate Cons
Mommy Haters
Somehow They Sold Me
And I Didn't Want
To Be Bought
So I Whistleblow
For Poppy
Since You're Not Present
And Anjali
My Daughter's
Always A Nanny
An Auntie First
Praying DA
Gets Arrested Before
You Two
Because Once
A Relationship
The Community
Because Boy Toy 
"Hit Me,"
It's Never A Secret
By Sheriff Conspirates
Never A Hells Angel 
Gag Order
Some Of Us Say
Said "No!"
And Fought
For Autonomy
Long And Hard
For Our Civil
Activist Rights
You See
On Nitya X
Britney X
Civil Activists
Malcolm X
Anne Heche 
Didn't Make It
A Punch In The Gut
When They Cut
Her Oxygen
At 911
Con With Fentanyl
Probate Fraud
By Brokers
Naya Rivera
Didn't Make It
By Divorce Court
My Glee Love
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hillarystarbright · 2 years
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Mom and I have had a great week house- and cat-sitting in Golden Hill, but today we’re back at the beach! We got to take care of a very sweet kitty named Mr. Rueben Corned Beef Sandwiches (that’s Mr. Sandwiches to you), and we just generally enjoyed the lovely neighborhood … we had a fabulous steak dinner at the @turf_supper_club, lots of donuts and sweets from @panchitasbakery, and just generally enjoyed not being in an RV for a while. This week, catch us back in OB! #ob #starbrightsadventure #sandiego #rving #goldenhill #rvlife #bucketlistadventures #housesitting #followme (at San Diego, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjQ-lWjvVSp/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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cleverclove · 3 years
I love how everyone literally thinks you're going insane and you're just embracing it like "yeah guys I'm insane cool right? :D" also Dapple's comment as your background?
Honestly people thought I was crazy a long time ago, I’m glad I can be more comfortable with it now! Also yeah. I felt it described me 😌🖐
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brookreader · 3 years
24, 25, and 44 for the cute asks game :)
Thank you! :D
24. are you happy?
Sometimes! At the very least I’m not unhappy, so that’s good
25. what are you thinking about right now?
Ducklings, the fact that a random dude walking behind me in the park is lowkey scary, making an origami frog
44. what do you think about when you can’t fall asleep at night?
Ahh, usually characters from a show I watch or my own characters. Sometimes I try to imagine fluffy chill scenarios or really sad melancholy ones to help myself fall asleep
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emily-prentits · 2 years
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about me
jo, thea
previous urls: @/sandiego-you-just-got-beached, @/that-gaysian-bookworm, @/longhandwrittennotes, @/your-ivy-grows @/filipinabatgirl, @/dragjesus, @/pasiithea
swiftie <3
my ao3
my twitter
my complete fic masterlist
multi-fandom blog!
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All of the Carmen Sandiego character Aesthetics I’ve made so far...
Collaborated w/ @sandiego-you-just-got-beached
1. Carmen
Carmen is a BROWN latina. Please dont whitewash her in your aesthetics.
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2. Player
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3. Zack
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4. Julia
(like regular Jules vs Agent Argent)
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5. Devineax
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6. Paper Star
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7. Tigress
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Characters I still have to do:
VILE Faculty
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drawing conclusions
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a carmen sandiego social media fic inspired by this post by silverandjules: 
“a photo is captured of the infamous Carmen Sandiego looking rather close to an unknown woman. The photo goes absolutely viral as people furiously try to find any trace of who Carmen’s potential lover is. Amidst the media circus and Carmen having to work harder to avoid the press revealing her location, Julia’s students notice she looks remarkably similar to the woman in the photograph. Cue an interrogation from Julia’s university kiddos going absolutely apeshit over the fact their prim and proper professor has probably (definitely) made out with with an infamous international superthief.”
updated 26/1/21 with amazing art for the tweet also by silverandjules!
none of the usernames are actual people!! i am very bad at coming up with witty usernames
tw: cursing (not toooo much, but its definitely there)
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tagging @sandiego-you-just-got-beached​ and @froggyrights​
part 2 - part 3 - part 4
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meduseld · 3 years
Hi, not sure if you answered this already but I just caught up with The Lost Symbol, have you finished the first season? What did you think?
Hey! I have now lol. I still hold with the reviewer (Polygon I think) that said it was Carmen Sandiego for adults. Though honestly with the Langdon&Nuñez dynamic maybe more like Jonny Quest (as in they're Dr. Quest and Race Bannon imo). It's just a fun time to not think to hard over. Ridiculous but not in a bad way and what really saves it is the character dynamics and the chemistry of the cast (SatoxAdamu totally bounce to a beach for a while right? Bc phew that hospital scene, it was loooove) And the fact that they decided this Langdon is a bambi limbed nerd going through it and consistently failing at social interaction (sidenote, if you are a whump fan this show is for you. There's a lot of stuff that seems primed for fandom/fan creations and I hope with the NBCmove we may see more of it bc. Potential potential for fic let me tell you). Basically if you go into it with the mindset of not taking it seriously because this is gonna be wild and weird and have that particular Dan Brown flavor you will like it.
I do have to note though, people with not awesome relationships to religion might want to skip it. Bc (the Christian) God is in fact shown to be very real here, in Dan Brown fashion, and its almost like a sidenote? Like there is divine intervention on screen and literal magic/psychic powers and such but everyone just goes on like whatevs, so what if God spoke to me I got stuff to do. I watched with a group and we were all like "okay that's weird". Still it mostly shows up towards the end but I know that's a dealbreaker for plenty of people and that's fair. It's just the show is bonkers so it was easy to go lol at.
Finally I liked the open ending! Flexible enough for new adventures but essentially enough closure for the season. That being said, I don't care that it doesn't make sense and Langdon has a new girl and crew per book, bring back my bb Nuñez pls and don't disappear the Solomons from the face of the Earth.
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moldy-mold · 3 years
July Blog I occasionally have a social life.
My friends from different states came together to visit for July 4! It’s been a while since we’ve seen each other - probably since before pandemic times. We did the usual, getting takeout at the recommended food spots, going hiking, playing games. We finally had a self care day, which is what everyone desperately needed:
We jumped in a freezing cold river, watched ducks, soaked up the sun. I was born and raised in the sunshine state, meaning I am a creature of the water. Every summer, my fellow Floridians and I long for our hometown beaches. I’ve never considered swimming in the rivers so this was my first time. It was cold, numbingly cold. But the river’s current pushing at my back, being in the open water and surrounded by trees and wildlife with hardly anyone around was definitely a profound experience.
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We ended our self-care day with boba tea, face masks and John Wick. Nothing like sharing a relaxing spa time with Keanu Reeves.
Compilation of other things we did. I feel like all we did was eat...
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Uhhhhhh......... I have more because I lack self-control.
I can explain... Our local park started hosting a farmer’s market so my roommate and I wanted to check it out. It also has a greenhouse / plant store. Its caretaker is a grandpa whose name is Art. The guy just really loves plants and just wants to keep growing new things.
I first established my relationship with Art when he gave me an offshoot of his super huge and old Christmas cactus. I didn’t have cash on me so he said, “just take it and pay me back the next time you visit.” Two weeks later, I returned to him with the cash.
My cactus is about 3 years old now and he blooms hot pink flowers every Christmas. His name is Kiryu. I have given some of Kiryu’s offspring to my parents and my friends.
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Back to the present... Enchanted by the new and exotic additions to the greenhouse, I could not resist. Luckily Art was there, still planting it up. I told him about Kiryu and he was happy to hear that my cactus was doing well. He gave me my plants for pretty much chump change when they can go for $25+. He even repotted them in new pots for me. Art is the best plant grandpa.
Sooo without further ado, say hello to Ferdinand, the Cosmic Delight Caladium!
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And a warm welcome to Raven, the Flamingo Feather Celosia! Hard to kill, easy to please. Disappears every winter, but returns every summer.
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And here is cat grass! You don’t get a name because you are a sacrifice!
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Rokurou the Venus Flytrap caught his first fly! Had to take a picture. You’re doing great, sweetie. 🥺
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Lorenz is doing ok. He suffered from white fungus thanks to the nighttime showers and lingering humidity. SERIOUSLY, DUDE? Anyway I’m keeping him inside at night for recuperation. I spray his leaves with a soap formula to kill the fungus.
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Finished watching...
Ghost in the Shell: Standalone Complex ✦✦✧ What if we lived in a world in which people have cyber-brains and prosthetic bodies? If we are made of machines, then how do we retain our sense of self? The show explores these kinds of questions. Super interesting.
Sk8 ✦✦✧ Soooooo cute but kind of unhinged. Best sports anime in recent times.
Gundam: Hathaway’s Flash ✦✧✧ Finally. Tbh, I was underwhelmed by it, but I know it’s only one piece of a whole series of movies so I’ll still hang on for the rest. The animation was sooooo good though. I do give it props for showing us in detail what happens when you’re a civilian caught below a mobile suit battle. It was terrifying and well done.
Giant Robo OVA ✦✦✧ Animation was really really good. A show about the world’s energy problems and how it was solved in the distant future. Its plot is like a cousin to Cyborg 009.
Carmen Sandiego ✦✦✦ Solid show for kids and adults. We are all in love with Shadowsan (ok maybe it’s just me). Screamed at the ending.
Castlevania ✦✦✧ It was so cute and then it got really freaky in here and then it was cute again.
Demon Slayer (2nd watch for the legendary ENG dub cast) ✦✦✧ Ufotable delivers the most amazing sword fights. I forgot how cute the boys were. Zenitsu’s VA (Aleks Le) was SOOO GOOD even tho he was screaming 70% of the time. I hope his throat is okay honestly. Also really satisfied that Johnny Yong Bosch is Giyu lol.
Angel’s Egg OVA ✦✦✧ It made sense sometimes but most of the time it’s ???????? Kinda freaky imagery. Superb animation.
This Month’s Shower Thought Why did I get into comics?
I never considered myself a comic artist but looking back, I did get serious about it (aka, putting more effort in) when I was in high school. Maybe I watched/read some serious plots and wanted to create some crazy story of my own. The thing with me is that I never had OC’s. I always drew fanart or drew my friends from school and placed them into difficult situations.
In college, after reading Gekkan Shoujou Nozaki-kun I was inspired to do less angsty comics and switch to comedy. I wondered what made me choose to be “funny.” I was not a funny person. In fact, I was quite miserable during that time. It was an escape, perhaps...
What makes people funny? Is it something that is always within you, waiting to be unleashed or is it a social pattern you pick up on?
I was thinking it had to do with self-confidence. At a certain point in my life, the inhibitor switch kinda turned off in my brain and some ridiculous things come out when I’m talking. I didn’t care if it was embarrassing or stupid. Now it’s applied to my comics.
It might even be as simple as, “it makes me chuckle, so I like it. I will keep doing it.”
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slippinmickeys · 4 years
Five Seconds (4/8)
If you’d like to read at AO3, you may do so here. 
June 4, 2018
Mulder stood in the kitchen wearing only sweatpants, the rented house quiet around him. Scully had headed to the local Meijer for supplies of every stripe, and both kids had leapt at the chance to go with her, a rare occurrence the last few years, but a clear result of forced low profile and cabin fever.
He was nursing a rare cup of caffeinated coffee and watching a black squirrel make a nuisance of itself on the residence’s sole backyard bird feeder. When his new cell phone rang, he answered it out of muscle memory.
“Hello Fox,” said the person on the other end of the line, “aren’t you a sound for sore ears.”
It took him a moment to place the voice.
“Lauren,” he said after a moment, smiling into the receiver, “it’s good to hear from you, too. I take it you got the information I sent you?”
Mulder had had Frohike send her their contact information as they’d previously agreed, and he assumed this was the first of her planned unplanned check-ins.
“It was a little cloak and dagger, even for the District,” she said, and Mulder could hear her smile over the line.
“And I always thought you lived for the drama,” he said companionably.
“Well, I got to wear my best Carmen SanDiego hat, so I guess I can’t be mad.”
Mulder chuckled into the receiver.
“How’s it going?” Lauren asked, her tone shifting to one of sober inquiry.
“It’s going.”
“Dana okay?” her question was sincere, and Mulder marveled how time could change a person.
“She’s good,” he said, “healthy. All systems go. I’m sure she’d want me to send you her best.”
“And the kids? How are they handling it all?”
Mulder sighed.
Will was adjusting, but Lily was miserable. Lonely and bored, unable to talk to friends back home and without the specter and excitement of starting school in the fall. She’d even begged to be able to get a summer job, even as just a waitress at the local Bennigan’s, but Mulder didn’t like the idea of her being away from the house for hours at a time, and Scully wasn’t sold on their borrowed Social Security numbers passing an employment check.
“The kids are… okay.”
“Going that well, huh?” she asked.
“Lil is pretty miserable,” he admitted.
“Of course she’s miserable,” Lauren scolded him, “she’s 18 years old and stuck in a house with her well-meaning parents. She should be at the beach with friends getting day drunk on Bud Light-”
“-she would never-” Mulder interrupted, to which Lauren outright laughed in his ear.
“-I assure you, she already has!”
Mulder sighed again. “Aside from dropping her off at the lake and buying her a rack of shit beer, you got any ideas?”
“College boys in tight pants,” Lauren said.
“Excuse me?” Mulder asked, taken aback.
“Take the family to a football game Fox, you’re in a Big Ten town for Christ’s sake.”
“It’s not football season yet.”
“Just take her somewhere with a lot of people. And give her a little bit of freedom. And when it is football season?”
“Yeah?” Mulder asked.
“Take her to see the tight pants.”
 September 3, 2018
It had been months and they started to relax, maybe a bit too much. They were alert, but comfortable. Maybe complacent, Mulder couldn't tell. All he knew was that if he kept the kids in the house for much longer, they'd kill each other and possibly him and Scully in the crossfire, and it would defeat the whole purpose of their hiding out. That said, all was quiet on the homefront -- Darlene and the Gunmen, and to a lesser extent, Doggett, Reyes and Skinner -- had heard nothing with their ears to the ground.
He and Scully had discussed it, and decided that they would let the kids out of the house. They allowed them to socialize occasionally, if they promised to be careful. Will had made a couple of friends around the neighborhood, playing roller hockey in their cul de sac, but Lily hadn't had as much luck, or as much motivation. She had been quiet and keeping mostly to herself, and come September, Mulder had decided to finally take Lauren's advice. They were going to a football game.
William was beside himself with excitement which made up for Lily's lack of enthusiasm. Scully had opted out of attending, citing her increasing need of accessible bathrooms and the inevitable long lines at ladies rooms in sports arenas.
They took the bus to the edge of the MSU campus -- the first time any of them had been on it since moving to the town several months before. There were people everywhere -- most dressed in the hometown colors of green and white, but a rare few -- looking as lost on campus as the Mulders themselves -- in the brown and gold of the visiting team.
Mulder had ducked into the student union to get a campus map, whereupon William insisted he buy all three of them something supporting the hometown team. Lily opted out, but William and Mulder walked out each in a brand new ball cap, the brims stiff and flat -- in addition, William was carrying a big foam finger emblazoned with the number 1 and the gruff face of Michigan State's Spartan mascot, Sparty.
"It's this way," Mulder said, consulting his map and pointing south, and they set off following streams of people headed toward the stadium which sat in the middle of campus.
The day was delightfully mild, and while the sun shone, there were fat clouds everywhere that would cover it as soon as you were at risk of overheating. There seemed to be tailgate parties set up at increasing concentrations the closer they got to the stadium, the air thick with the scent of grilling meat and tinny stereos playing the home school's fight song.
There were frat boys throwing a football back and forth every thirty or so feet, and crowds of coeds sipping beer from green Solo cups, hovering around games of corn hole and beer pong, laughing while they clung to each other like the last few Cheerios floating in a bowl of milk.
Mulder stole a glance at Lily, who looked at them wistfully. School had just started here at Michigan State and the week before at UVA, and Mulder could tell his daughter was fairly heartbroken about not being able to attend.
Mulder pulled up short and Lily and William both stopped several steps past him and turned to look at him expectantly.
"One sec," he said and walked over to a large tent wherein an alumni organization was selling hot dogs and brats to raise funds. He bought three bratwurst and a couple of sodas and walked them back to his kids, hands full and pockets overflowing with napkins and little packets of ketchup and mustard.
He nodded toward a low stone wall that ran along the length of one of the sidewalks and they all sat down and ate sloppily, ketchup plopping to the sidewalk that they leaned over so as not to spill on their clothes. William was of course done first and snapped open his soda, slurping from it happily.
"They call it pop here," he said, raising his can and giving his father a cheeky smirk.
"No one cares, Billy," Lily said, wiping her lips delicately with a napkin and setting the last quarter of the brat on the wall beside her. "I'm stuffed," she declared.
Will happily scarfed the rest of her sausage and Mulder was about to suggest they start moving again toward the stadium when a frisbee glided through the air and scuffed to the ground at their feet. Lily jumped off the wall and picked it up, looking around to find its owner, who was trotting toward them in droopy cargo shorts and an overlarge school shirt that said "I BLEED GREEN."
Mulder shook his head as Lily pulled back and winged it back toward the guy, sailing it in a perfect arc into his waiting hands.
The kid smiled at her, teeth and all.
"Nice arm!" the kid said, giving her one more charming look before trotting back toward his friends who were waiting further across the Diag that cut through the center of campus.
Mulder glanced at Lily who was wearing a small but fading smile.
He stood, balling up the napkin and sausage detritus. He turned to Lily impulsively.
"You want a beer?" he asked her.
She almost blanched and gave him a queer look.
"A beer?" she asked.
"Yeah," he said, "you're a college kid now, no reason you shouldn't enjoy a cold one before a football game like all these other coeds."
Lily gave him a suspicious look just as Will piped up, "I want a beer."
"No," Mulder said, cutting off any complaints with a sharp look and then he walked over to a fraternity tent and talked for a moment to the kid that was manning the keg. After a few words, he handed over a few bills of cash and returned to his kids, handing Lily a dripping plastic cup.
He took a sip of his own cup and inclined his head at his daughter.
"Not the best," he said, while she took a tentative sip.
She smiled over the rim of the cup but kept her eyes on the ground.
"Tastes like college," she said, and Mulder couldn't help but smile.
"Hey Frisbee," Lily heard from several feet to her right.
She stood up from the drinking fountain in a nook of the stadium in between lavatories, and used her wrist to wipe her mouth dry.
The guy who lost his frisbee at her feet while they were eating before the game was standing only yards away, a small cocksure smile on his lips. Lily tilted her head at him.
"I thought that was you," he went on.
She nodded awkwardly and stepped away from the drinking fountain so the person behind her could drink.
"I think you're in the wrong stadium," he said, and when she looked at him in confusion, he smiled kindly and pointed at her shirt.
She'd donned a UVA sweatshirt for the game out of a sense of loyalty or rebellion (she wasn't sure which, if she were being honest) and she only realized when they stepped onto campus how much it actually made her stand out.
"This isn't the UVA game?" she said mock seriously, "God, I took a left heading into Charlottesville and I guess I should have taken a right." The comment earned her a chuckle and a genuine smile. "Guess the extra ten hours in the car should have been my first clue."
The guy took a few steps toward her and held out his hand.
"Travis," he said by way of introduction, and she shook his hand politely. It was warm in hers, and his grip was firm but brief.
"Lillian," Lily said, almost forgetting to introduce herself with her cover name.
"That's pretty," Travis said, and Lily could feel herself blushing, feeling awkward that it wasn't really her name. "So you go to UVA?"
She nodded. "Deferred for a semester while my folks moved here." Her father had told her to stick as close as she could to their actual stories when telling people their covers in order to keep it all straight.
"Cool," said Travis. They stood there awkwardly for a moment.
"I should get back to my seat," she said, "halftime's almost over."
People were streaming back into the seating areas, and she could hear the marching band keeping tempo as they marched off the field.
Travis shoved his hands into his pockets and for a moment looked slightly bashful.
"Yeah," he said, turning away and taking a few steps, before turning back. "Hey, you want to hang out sometime?"
Lily thought to herself that just about anything sounded better than having to spend one more night at home playing Hearts at the dining room table.
"Sure," she said, and Travis pulled out his phone and handed it to her.
She put in the number of the phone that Darlene had given her and felt only a little weird entering "Lillian" in the name box.
When she handed Travis back the phone, he used his other hand to lightly touch her arm.
"Hey, it was nice meeting you," he said.
"You too," she smiled and wandered back to her seat, trying very hard to keep a smile off her face.
"So..." Scully started, not sure how to broach the subject, other than just to spit it out, "Lily wants to know if she can go 'hang out with a guy.'"
She was sitting at the dining room table sipping on an iced tea, the dew of condensation slippery and cold on her fingertips. She was feeling pendulous and heavy, the high of the second trimester given way to the rolling agony of the third. Her husband, as she had suspected he would, looked suddenly aghast.
"She... what?"
"She got asked out, Mulder, and would like to know if it was okay with us if she went."
William came breezing through the kitchen then, opening up the fridge door and hanging in front of it, blankly staring at its contents, unimpressed.
"Pick something or don't, Will," Mulder said testily to his current youngest, "but please stop letting all the cold out of the fridge."
Will grabbed a soda and stood while the fridge door closed on its own behind him.
"That's Billy to you," he said, mocking insult, and made his way slowly out of the kitchen, staring at Mulder who affectionately reached out as he passed and messed his red curls into an orange soda froth on the top of his head.
"You need a haircut," Mulder said, and Will lifted his nose, shaking his hair out with dignified hauteur.
"So do you," the boy said and left the room.
Scully chuckled. "Don't take it out on him," she said.
Mulder shook himself and turned back to her.
"Take what out on him?"
"That your daughter is growing up and you're not ready. You look like you did the night she went to prom with Derek Smead."
Mulder looked completely affronted.
"He didn't even come to the house! He just had the limo honk and she ran out the door. You didn't get any pictures! Who does that? No self-respecting gentleman. I honestly still don't believe he's a real person."
Scully chuckled again. "And she left him at the dance after an hour and took the limo with five friends to the Sonic drive-in. She's got a good head on her shoulders, Mulder."
"I know she does."
"So what do you think? Is it safe to let her date?"
"I don't like it."
"I didn't ask if you liked it. I asked if you thought it was safe."
Mulder blew out a raspberry. Scully knew that he was thinking the same thing she was -- they'd let Will hang out with a few new friends so long as he was careful. Lily arguably had more common sense by nature of her age (and her gender, thought Scully). She would take precautions and employ the minimal tradecraft Mulder and Scully had taught her.
"What do you think?" Mulder asked her.
"I think she's 18 years old and we're lucky she even ran it by us. If she were away at school, she'd be making these decisions for herself."
Mulder's shoulders slumped.
"As long as she's careful," he finally said.
"I'll give her some condoms," Scully muttered, an offhand remark.
"Scully!" Mulder blanched.
"I just wanted to see the look on your face," Scully laughed.
Mulder shook his head and turned to walk out of the room.
Scully was still chuckling minutes later.
"Hey Frisbee," said a voice from behind her.
Lily turned to see Travis standing several feet away in the middle of the footbridge. He was wearing black flip flops, a pair of long khaki shorts and a navy blue polo shirt. His hair -- dark tousled waves, cut short but shaggy -- was poking in all directions out of a  university ball cap, which, she was relieved to see, was pristinely white without a yellowing band of sweat or scuzz. His face looked freshly shaved and he was smiling.
"Hey yourself," she said, and took a step toward him.
He reached into his pocket as she approached and pulled out a ziplock sandwich bag, filled with a gritty grey substance. She took it with some hesitation.
"Is this... a bag of oatmeal?" she asked.
He colored and put both hands up.
"Okay, so: I was going to bring your flowers, but then I thought you know what would be cute? Flour . So I went to our pantry and I'm looking at this giant bag of flour and I'm like what the hell is she going to do with a giant bag of flour? And then I saw the oatmeal and thought -- well, we're meeting on the footbridge, we could feed the ducks! ...So I brought you oatmeal. Bread is bad for ducks."
Despite the lengthy diatribe, Lily laughed. "It was nice of you to think of the ducks," she said.
"Well," he said, and walked with her to the railing of the footbridge, which crossed the Red Cedar River. "The bag itself is multipurpose. If you think it'd be fun, I thought we could rent a canoe later and go down the river?"
"What does that have to do with the bag?" she asked, leaning over the railing and looking down into the tannin-tinted water. A cluster of ducks, trained to anticipate food, swam quickly toward them.
"We can put our phones in it," he said, leaning into her shoulder a little. "I myself have been through the gauntlet of canoe training at Camp Quitcherbitchin as a young lad, but you're an unknown quantity, Frisbee. What if you dunk us? I aim to save our electronics."
Lily laughed again, charmed despite herself. She opened the baggie and threw a handful of oats to the waiting ducks below, which scurried as fast as they could swim for the feast. Lily offered Travis some, and he took a handful and cast it out. They fed the ducks for a minute or so of comfortable silence.
Finally, Lily asked: "Camp Quitcherbitchin?"
Travis smiled.
"Sleep-away summer camp up north. I went every year. It's actually called Camp Nageesh, but some of the counselors were somewhat less than tolerant of complaints, so the campers called it Quitcherbitchin.”
Lily chuckled. "Canoes, huh?"
"Plus sailboats, swimming and archery. I refuse to divulge which I have a higher level of competency in, in case you're some kind of polymath with a competitive bent."
"You aren't one of those guys who can't stand it when a girl is better than you at something, are you?" Lily asked.
“Are you a polymath with a competitive bent?” Travis grabbed another handful of oatmeal and threw it toward a mother with a brood of ducklings that were having trouble getting into the mix.
“I’ve got some game,” Lily said, arching an eyebrow that would have made her mother proud.
"In that case," he said, turning toward her. His eyes were a mossy green, like her father's. He  gave her a small smile, “I look forward to being outmatched."
"Well," said Lily, intrigued. She scattered out the last bit of oatmeal and, blowing some of the grit from the bag, put her phone into it and handed it to Travis for him to do the same. "Let's see what you're made of, Paddles."
"We seem to be drifting a bit to starboard," Lily called over her shoulder. Travis had taken the backseat ("Do you mind if I steer?" he'd asked). They'd managed to board and push off okay -- the bored-looking livery attendant having given them minimal instruction, but held the craft as they both lifted themselves gingerly aboard.
"I'm aware of that," said Travis, his voice a little tense for the first time.
"You said you were steering," she teased him. They were rapidly making for the opposite shore of the river, the canoe swinging sideways with the current.
"I'm aware of that too," he said back, and then a moment later, she felt the canoe sway radically, followed by a splash. She grabbed the side of the craft for dear life and then swung her head to look behind her. Travis had jumped out of the canoe and was now holding it by the triangle at the stern with one hand, paddle in the other; halting their momentum, which had been about to take them into a bramble of cedar branches hanging low over the water.
"Oh my god!" Lily squeaked. "Are you okay? Did you fall?"
"I jumped," Travis said, "If you headed home with a rat's nest of cedar sprays in your hair, you might not go out with me again."
"And they say chivalry is dead," Lily said, setting her oar down on the bottom of the canoe.
"Will you go out with me again?" Travis said hopefully, and the smile he flashed her made her want to say yes, but instead she teased:
"Too early to make that call."
"This water is really cold, Lillian," he said, and turned, pulling the canoe behind him into the water upstream and back toward the livery.
"It looks it," Lily said. "If I do go out with you again, let's stick with something land-based, huh?"
Travis threw a grin at her and kept trudging, clearly trying his best to keep the craft steady so she didn't fall in herself. She checked her pockets briefly for their phones, which she'd offered to hold on to, and watched him. The river was relatively shallow -- he was a tall guy and the water was only soaking the cuff of his shorts.
"Your parents should call Camp Quitcherbitchin and get their money back, Travis," she said, canting her face up to the sun and closing her eyes briefly. She shrieked when the canoe suddenly lurched to one side. She grabbed the side and looked at her date, who had stopped and was wearing a mischievous grin. He was still wearing the dorky orange life jacket that they'd been required to don, and the whole situation made Lily start laughing.
"Laugh it up, fuzzball," Travis said, turning again to continue the trudge back to base. "I'll have you know that I learned how to canoe on a lake. I forgot to account for one variable."
"The current?" Lily asked.
"The current," he admitted.
They made it back to shore and he helped her out of the canoe, explaining to the still benumbed livery worker that they wouldn't be back, but still throwing a soggy five dollar bill in the tip jar. After retrieving his flip flops from the bottom of the small boat, he offered to take Lily to the campus Dairy Store for ice cream.
"Your campus has a Dairy Store?" she asked him curiously.
"This is Moo U, Lillian," he explained, steering her a few blocks from the river to a large brick building beyond the main engineering hall. "This street is Farm Lane. We have cattle."
Once inside they reviewed the offerings, and Lily noticed that they had a flavor for every university in the Big Ten conference -- even their arch rivals. About which he announced, "I'll buy you anything but the Maize & Blueberry. I like you, but even I have my limits."
Once they had their cones (she with Boilermaker Brownie and he with Hoosier Daddy ("basically strawberry," he explained)), they settled onto a picnic table in the shade.
"So," Travis said, licking a drop that had melted onto his knuckle, "why'd you end up deferring this semester?"
Lily swallowed the bite in her mouth without chewing. They had prepared cover stories but she hadn't yet needed to use hers. Stick with the truth as much as you can , said her father's voice.
"My dad got a job here and my mom is pregnant. She was on bedrest for a while and needed help."
Travis was looking at her expectantly, clearly waiting for her to elaborate, but she didn't -- continuing to nervously lick her cone. After a long moment of waiting, he kindly plowed ahead, asking her about her major and telling her about his. He was a sophomore, from a town in the northern part of the state, and she found him inherently easy to talk to and interesting, and wondered, idly, if that was because he really was interesting or if she were just starved for company and attention.
When they finished up, they threw away their napkins in a nearby trash can and stood looking at each other, only a little awkwardly.
“So... “ Travis started, “still too early to make the call?”
She smiled, remembering what she’d told him in the canoe about going out with him again. “I like your chances.”
He smiled back and she felt a little thrill. “Lillian, will you go out with me again?” he asked.
“Dry land stuff?”
“The driest.”
“In that case, yes.”
She was still feeling the soft kiss he'd given her cheek hours later as she sat around the dining room table, fielding invasive questions from her father and trying to avoid her mother’s eye.
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milfcoven · 4 years
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“Sandiego, you just got beached.”
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aurilis · 4 years
Known you before, chap 7 Reuniting again part 1
If life finds a way, so does friendship.
Carmen was now sitting on a deck chair, on a beach. She was still thinking on how she fled her talk with Chase. Even if she knew they would cross path again, she dreaded their next encounter. Dreaded that it would end in a quarrel like before. She sighed. Player checked on her. Staying idle wasn’t her thing.
“ I also have to figure out how to speak with Chase in private, providing he accepts it.” she said.
“ And how to begin.” added Player.
“ What if he doesn’t accept it ? I mean, he already considers that everything was a lie when it was all sincere for me. I might grew up among thieves, but that doesn’t make me a bad person.” continued Carmen.
“ Then say it to him. Say you never did anything wrong during you stay, you even got to work to earn a bit your life. Your former neighbours can attest it was legal jobs.”
“ Yeah … and I had to leave because of VILE. Then … I’ll see his reaction. I’ll see if we can become friends again or …”
Sandiego didn’t dare to end her sentence. Of course she knew they could remain enemies. And if they started over, wouldn’t things be different ? What if it was too different and they couldn’t get alone anymore ? She asked all this to Player.
“ I don’t have all the answers, but you won’t know until you try. If he acceptS your past, then take your time. Maybe it will be different, it’s been three years since you two parted. Of course you both changed.” said Player.
“ You’re right, but it … it frightened me a bit. I really miss our moments. I miss being comforted by him, this sensation of safety as long as he was here. The impression of belonging somewhere, of having a home where I was welcomed, waited for even.”
“ It will be up to you two to make this happen again. To truly reunite.”
Carmen sighed. She changed topic by asking her friend about new datas. Alas, the hard drive she stole has reached its limits. Carmen remained silent. She decided to move to change her ideas. Then, on the evening, she went back alone to admire the sunset. This intense red colour managed to appease her. Until someone startled her.
“ Red ?!”
“ Whoah Player. You seem quite agitated.”
“ You don’t say. I was checking on the dark web to find more about VILE, and found I did.”
“ So why the worry ?” asked Carmen.
“ You won’t like it.” he warned.
“ Just spill it out, Player.”
“ If Carmen Sandiego wants to see her partner Chase Devineaux again, she needs to surrender.”
Carmen opened her mouth. Oh no. No. No no no …
“ They got him.” she blurted in a breath.
An awful fear invaded her. How come … the key card. The one she stole from him in India, and got stolen from. It was her fault. Again. She jumped up.
“ I need to rescue him right away.”
“ It’s certainly a trap, Carmen.”
“ Of course. But it’s my fault he got captured. There is NO WAY I’ll let him in this mess. Now, tell me all you got.” ordered Carmen.
Meanwhile, Chase regained consciousness. He noticed his hands were tied. Before he could ask himself what the hell, he heard a voice. Two people were in front of him, in a dark room. A massive one who appeared to be a woman – what kind of woman could be so damn huge ?- and an Asian one. Devineaux tried to play dumb to be reassured, but there was no mistake : this was an examination. They got straight to the point.
“ What ? Why asking about your own leader ?”
That was weird indeed, and not making any sense. Unless … she wasn’t it. He was here, kidnapped and tied, being questioned about her. Meaning they believed he had a link with her. Like being allies.
“ So … if they interrogating me they must be enemies. She’s … innocent.” he understood.
Devineaux felt something he didn’t experimented in this case for a while. Relief. Relief to know that Carmen wasn’t the criminal he thought she could be. There was still things he didn’t correctly understand, but she was on the good side. That was enough for him. That feeling didn’t last long, as that woman put a weird device on his head.
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emily-prentits · 3 years
❛ there is nothing to writing. all you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed. ❜
— Ernest Hemingway
about me;
jo, thea, or ivy
previous urls: @/sandiego-you-just-got-beached, @/that-gaysian-bookworm, @/longhandwrittennotes, @/your-ivy-grows
deranged swiftie
I change stuff around a lot
multi-fandom blog!
ao3 / old fic list / tag list & mutual ask tags / complete fic masterlist / fandom list
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