#sandman x male reader
grrw--boy · 1 year
•Sweat dreams•
Morpheus takes care of his sleepless lover♡ (morpheus x gn!reader)
Prompt: so many things got pilled up so you're unable to sleep properly for the last days, and morpheus decides it has been enough.
Tw: anxiety, trauma(?, fluff, comfort.
Its has been a hell of a month, maybe even a hell of years.
You'd haved never had a peacefull life, but lately life seems harder than ever, days feel longer and even more tiring, that not even the soft carress of my lover seems to erase the frown on my face.
Morpheus, dream, my love, he has always helped me feel normal, calm, wanted. So i cant help but feel guilty of being so distant from him lately, knowing full well he always tries to help me in any way he can.
But i cant really help it, can't i?
Work has been anything but gentle, with the amount of late doing work i have, im almost restless, not really taking breaks ethier.
Morpheus was anxious, scared even, he knew your work was tiring but this looks extreme.
Its been days since he saw you in your dreams before youd woken up a few hours later, and even in your own dreams you looked exhausted with dark eyebags and a marked scowl on your pretty face
So he had enough
Everyone has bad days so he though youll be okay in a few days, but it has been weeks, so he decided to visit you when he finally had time to. As this not only worried your fisical state but your mental state too.
He remebers years ago when youll end breaking down in his arms, telling him how you couldnt go on like this in tears.
He'd never wish to see you so sadly lonely again, it would personaly pain him too much.
So after he had remotily finished his work he was running to see you.
You where comsuded by another work fit at 3 am when you heard a knock to your aparment door, in confusion of who might be visiting, you shouted a wait to the door while stoping your work and rushing to the door*
"Who is it?" You move your hair to look more presentable trough your stress.
"Its me dear,-" at hearing his voice after so much time you open the door without second thougth, not letting him finish his phrase, seeing your certain tall, blue eyed lover.
"-morpheus." He chuckles at your eageress to see him, but quickly noticed your tired look, unsurpsingly.
"My dea-" "morpheus!, what are you doing here?, so late... is everything alright?" Your voice quickly changes to worry while you question the reason of his visit.
"No, no, dear, everything its okay i just..." he sighes before saying "missed you, we havent seen eachother in a few weeks and i have noticed you havent being coming to the dreaming a lot ethier" he finishes while coming inside as you opened the door more for him to come in.
"Yes i- i have been busy lately, im sorry love, i think i didnt realise we havent seen eachothee in that much..."
"Theres nothing to be sorry about my dear, i know you're stressed, i want to help you" he notices the amount of work in your desk "and its quite late too, you need rest, and love. come on to bed now" he holds your arm to the bedroom.
"B-but morpheus! Theres to much to fini-" "no, to bed now, tomorrow youll finish your chores, when you're well rested"
You sigh giving up, as you cant convice the dream lord of anything especially about your care, and because the offer didnt sound so bad.
Morpheus gides you into bed before turning of the lights in the office, going to laid with you and give you your well needed rest. He goes to hold you as you get more comfortable next to him, already feeling sleep taking over you while feeling dream kissing your forehead and rubbing your head as you cuddle with him.
Before you knew it you were magicly falling asleep in your lovers embrace, feeling some beat of calmness in a long time, before hearing some soft whispers of your lover, knowing youll get some enticing dreams tonight
"Sleep well my love, ill see you in a moment".
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ramayah · 2 years
days, weeks, months | morpheus
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GENRE. fluff
PAIRING. morpheus + m!reader
CW. kissing, mentions of starvation, time skips
NOTES. js woke up, tired asl 🥱‼️
WC. & TAGS. 2.7k + @asukases
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It’s been,, a week–no, a week and two days since the God of Nature had ‘left the mortals for a better life’, as the Council had said. Death, however, knew better; [name] enjoyed his priority to provide for the mortals, therefore he would never leave them astray. Especially since Gaia isn’t arising anytime soon, as far as the god’s knowledge goes. The mortals depended on him. Without his soil, farms wouldn’t prosper. Without his trees, animals would starve. Without his flowers, lovers would fall. Without him, life would come to an agonizing end due to starvation.
And that is what has occured during his supposed long-term leave.
Mortals, whom were devoted to [name], prayed to other gods, ones lower than him, for their crops to prosper and for their desperation for food to come to a rest. Unfortunately, nothing could happen without a specific primordial. All realms, even the dreaming, became infected with the “Starvation Infection” as the mortals named it. Including the Dreaming, surprisingly.
“I’m–I don’t know, my Lord.” Lucienne, the Dreaming’s librarian, spoke, hands held together as she stood before her lord. “We must, at least, try to find out what happened to him. He isn’t dead, I know he isn’t.” Death, Morpheus’s sister, said, flipping one of the book’s that [name] wrote, eyes scanning the pages, looking for any kind of sign, clue, something.
“[name] is okay. I know he is, he wouldn’t just—run. He loved his job, he never called it that though. He enjoyed helping the mortals, he enjoyed everything. A sour look never came on his face, never. Until he left; he had the worst, most bitter look on his face after leaving the mortal realm.” Death let out a shaky, defeated sigh before placing the book back on the shelf.
Morpheus only listened faintly, Death’s words going in one ear and out of the other. The Endless’s mind was somewhere else, focusing on the vibrant primordial he met only a week and two days prior of this ‘incident’. Why would he leave? Morpheus didn't know much about him, unfortunately, however it seemed like he enjoyed his life as a god, enjoying what he did for the mortals. There was no reason for the god to just get up and leave without a reason; he’s need 334 days out of the year, the other 31 days he goes into a deep sleep, aka what the mortals called ‘hibernation’. It was December yet, therefore he had no reason to leave.
“My Lord, a new page has been written in his book.” Lucienne mumbled, her eyes glued to a page written in scribbled, unlegible ink. Lucienne read it out loud, trying her best to scan and read the words: “Daze–no, day 9: I’ve been stuck in a void,” she read the words slowly, leaning in to the paper, her circular glasses almost hitting the paper. “I don’t know how long I’ve been here. I’ve been.. stripped of my powers; no life has grown around me. Food—little-to-no pieces of bread, at least I think it’s bread, has been delivered to me. Supposedly from a mortal, one who hasn’t turned their back on me. My friends, I wonder if they’re thinking about me. Death, I miss you, your laughter, and your pretty essence. Please, do me a favor if you receive this Death, relay a message to Morpheus for me, please; ‘I’m sorry for not keeping our promise to go to the new café that was by the park, I know you would’ve enjoyed their waffles. I’m being punished for my crimes, I’m sorry, again. If my punishment comes to an end—” Lucienne stopped, eyes growing wide at the paper before she snapped the book shut and put it back on the 5th shelf from the top.
“What?!” Death shouted, standing up from her seat abruptly and running over to her, reaching to grab the book from the shelf before Lucienne grabbed her hand. Lucienne gave her a look, ‘it’s for Lord Morpheus’s eyes only’, Death slowly pulled her hands back and looked at her brother, then at Lucienne and back at her brother.
“Hm. Tell me what it says, lil’ bro, when I come back. Bye!” Death exclaimed, waving goodbye to the duo and returning to the mortal realm before curiosity could kill the cat.
Morpheus lifted an eyebrow in confusion, standing up and grabbing the book off the shelf in a swift manor before flipping the pages diligently and finding [name]’s entry. Lucienne bowed, making up an excuse about dusting something and then leaving him in his lonesome.
“—I’ll take you on a date, court you, and make you the happiest god alive. That is a promise, one that I vow to keep this time. I’ll make sure that once we wed, we’ll spend the rest of our days together. For eternity and then some; you’re a dream come true. Even as cheesy as that sounds, you really are my dream.
Sincerely, [name].”
Morpheus’s normally pale complexion turned into a rosy pink after he had finished mumbling the words he had read; “He—I–” his words came out choked as his heart began to pound in his chest and butterflies seemed to erupt in his tummy. “I’ve never felt such a way before. I’ve never been—desired.”
Morpheus’s manicured nails traced the outlining of the paper, slowly stoping to tap on it with his index, deep in thought. He let one of his thoughts slip past his lips:
“I’ll wait for you.”
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spicyspiders · 2 years
you grip it tight inside
Morpheus x Male Reader
Warning for smut. I’ll probably be writing more for Morpheus soon, as well as The Corinthian. 
You were pretty sure that you have insomnia. It wasn’t something that was diagnosed, but after looking up the symptoms one morning after waking up tired, you were sure you have it. You were used to waking up in the middle of the night, that was normal for you, but waking up in the middle of the night to someone else in your bedroom was new. 
Once your eyes had gotten used to the darkness of your room, you then noticed that someone was standing in front of the foot of your bed leaning against your dresser. 
“You’re awake,” the voice said. You guessed it was a man after hearing his voice, the deep timbre of it feeling like it was low enough to rattle your bones. “There’s no need to be afraid. You’re dreaming right now, safe in your bed.”
Your heart pounded in your chest, but you still forced yourself up to sit against your pillows. “Why’re you here then?” You whispered. 
“You drew me here,” the man said. He pushed off the dresser and stepped forward until his legs met the edge of your bed. 
“Why?” You asked. Now that the man was closer you could see his eyes. You couldn’t tell what color they were, but now that you thought about it, you shouldn't be able to see his eyes. From how close he was, it looked like he had taken two stars from the sky and put them where his eyes should be. 
The man let out a dark chuckle before responding, “I’m here to help you,” he stepped from the foot of your bed to the side and then sat down. 
“With what?” You asked.
“I think you already know the answer to that,” he said. He glanced down your body and your eyes followed his. 
When you looked down, you could see that the blanket that was on your bed was gone. You were left laying on your bed in the clothes you went to sleep in and on top of the fitted sheet you had struggled to put on your bed. 
Dream logic, you guessed.
“Aren’t these kinds of dreams supposed to be with someone I know or have seen?” You asked. 
“How do you know I’m not one of those people?” 
“Touche,” you said. The man watched you for a moment before leaning forward to press his lips to yours.
The kiss started off slow, a soft press of lips, but it soon picked up. By the time the man’s tongue was pressing into your mouth, two wet fingers were sneaking between your legs. Your legs that were supposed to be covered with the pants you went to sleep in, but when you pulled back from the kiss, you noticed that your clothing was all gone. 
“Relax,” the man said against your lips. 
It had been longer than you wanted to admit, but you hadn’t had sex in a while. What you would admit was it had been long enough that two fingers right from the beginning would burn. When the two fingers pushed in, they did without pain. 
Dream logic, again, you guessed. 
“You’re wet,” the man observed. 
“Isn’t it supposed to be like that?” You panted out. 
“Well,” the man began, pulling his fingers out and moving his hand up to wrap it around your cock. When your hips jumped up into the grip, the man let out a chuckle, “I’m used to it from here, not from there.”
“Why is it doing that?” You asked. You trying to roll your hips up and fuck your cock in the warm channel of his fist, but the man used his other hand to keep your hips down. 
“You’re in control.”
“Am I?” You whispered, but mainly to yourself. And since you were, you swatted his hand that was wrapped around your cock away, and manuvered the two of you until you were on top, and he was now on the bottom. 
You leaned down to kiss him and when you pulled back and opened your eyes, the man was now naked below you. You reached back to wrap your hand around his cock, wet with lube. With a shaky hand, you guided the head to your hole. 
When you could feel the crown breach your hole, you could feel the man wrap both hands around your hips. It was a slow slide down, but when you finally bottomed out, you let out a breath you didn’t realize you were holding. 
Like the man read your mind and knew your were ready, he moved both hands from your hips down to your ass cheeks. 
With the man’s help, you started up a nice rhythm up and down his cock. To steady yourself, you placed both hands on the man’s chest. On a particularly nice roll down onto his cock, the man brought himself up to latch onto your neck. 
You threw your head back when the man bit into the delicate skin of your neck. The stark contrast between the soothing motion of the man’s tongue on your neck after he bit into the skin, and the harsh thrust his cock against your prostate made you moan into the darkness of your bedroom. 
As his cock met your prostate, you could feel a heat building in your gut. You knew what it was, but it still caught you off guard when your orgasm punched through you. The man let out a loud groan into the skin of your neck as you clenched down onto his cock. 
“You made a mess,” he panted out. 
You looked down at his chest, slick with sweat and painted with stripes of your come. “Sorry about that,” you whispered. You slid down his cock and clenched back down again, and the man let out a long groan and gripped your hips tightly as he came. 
You fell down onto his chest as you both came down from your orgasms. The man moved his hands slowly up your back. You let out a whimper when the man’s cock softening cock slipped free. 
“Can I have my covers back?” You asked. 
It felt weird, having your covers just appear over you, but it felt familiar and comfortable. It also felt weird, falling asleep with your dream, but then you were awake again. Awake in the real world, to the light of a new day. 
The man was gone, and you felt wet and sticky in your pants. When you dragged yourself from your bed to the bathroom so you could clean the mess you made, you looked into the mirror. You were you, everything was still there, but when you stepped closer and craned your neck, you could see the mark on your skin. 
It hurt when you pressed a finger into the bruise, but the feeling made you smile. Your smile stayed on your face as you pulled your clothes off and showered, only wavering when you pressed your fingers back into the bruise.
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mirrorhunt · 2 years
I went to the youtube rabbit hole, and found this gem, and like 👀 hello, Morpheus x male OC. I thought at first "oooh, Hob and Dream when they were fighting!" But also like. Two princes. Enemies to lovers. Like 👀 please, give me this. And the song is just 🤌
And maaaaaybe I have a plot forming already 🫣 But feel free to run with the idea for your own fanfics 💛
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xmalereader · 12 days
— Endless —
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Bruce Wayne X Endless! Male Reader
SUMMARY: The endless family are made up of 7 siblings, so why is there an eighth with no purpose in the world? What could they possibly be destined to be? Reader spends eons in the shadows, in the background of his family’s lives. He didn’t even have a proper name for himself so why even stick around?
WARNINGS/CONTENT: Angst, MDNI 18+, black sheep reader, sibling bond between dream and reader, slow burn, mentions of trauma, self doubt, death, post riddler, dark theme its Gotham, dream is trying to be a good brother, endless siblings mentioned, other entities.
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『 Chapter One 』
Coming soon….
|| If you wished to be tagged comment below! ||
TAGS: @circusdexxter @lordzachariah0-0 @apolo1808 @i-cant-sleep615 @kayden1 @boylicious143 @h-ib @kik1010 @toxic90sboy
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grrw-boy · 1 year
Sometimes i wonder if my fictional crushes are all 30+ or inmortal beings because of my daddy/mommy ussies... probably not, i just have a type...
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lazycats-stuff · 10 months
Main Masterlist
Sandman (Netflix)
Sandman (Morpheus)
The Corinthian
Bruce Wayne
Damian Wayne
Tim Drake
Dick Grayson
Jason Todd
Clark Kent
Ra's Al Ghul
Poly/Platonic/Monogamous 141 and Los Vaqueros
The New Heir
Prologue, Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10
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hopelessrromantix · 8 months
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kinktober day 1 - somnphilia
somno obviously, not much prep, not gendered but reader has a dick
cis women dni
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What a rare sight, Morpheus actually letting himself rest.
He was surely somewhere in the Dreaming. He was much weaker asleep than he was awake, but it meant he had to let himself relax. Mostly because he couldn’t perform his usual duties while sleeping himself.
Usually you wouldn’t want to disturb his sleep, but upon finding out that Morpheus can still feel what happens to his body he was practically begging for this.
You started small, light touches that hopefully wouldn't alert him. If anything he'd think you were shifting in your sleep. Your hands skimmed his hips and brushed his collarbone, not enough to give away your plans.
His back was against your chest, his body more relaxed than you'd seen him in a long time. His clothes were much lighter, though still the signature black color you never saw him without.
The small touches didn't go unnoticed, but they didn't disturb him either. Perfect.
You grew a bit more daring, sliding your fingers into your own mouth before dipping your hand into his pants.
Your finger softly traced the rim of his hole before dipping in, stretching him slowly. No noise so far, but time was sure to be limited before Morpheus decided to come back.
You dipped another finger in slowly, eventually adding a third. Soft moans came out of his mouth, just above a whisper.
You fully slid down his pants, lining yourself up and sinking into him slowly.
That elicited a much louder moan, and for a moment you were certain he'd woken up.
Still nothing. Wherever Morpheus was in the Dreaming, it seemed like he was having fun with this too.
Given the lack of intervention, you stopped being subtle.
Your hips snapped into his, forcing your cock deeper into him. He was tight around you, slowly clenching as you continued to fuck into him.
"Is this your idea of relaxing?"
His voice surprised you, though it sounded strained. You slammed your hips against him again, prompting a much louder moan.
"Well I was having fun," you smirked. "Couldn't help fucking you when you look so pretty."
You grabbed his hips, changing your position. You knelt behind him, facing him into the pillow as you kept going.
He whined at the compliment. "Touch me?" He pleaded, voice breaking slightly with each thrust.
"Ask nicely." You pulled him back onto your cock, thrusting forward at the same time. He let out a much louder whine.
"Touch me please? Please?"
You chuckled at the eager sound of his begging.
"No, sweetheart. You can cum on my cock alone, can't you baby?"
His whine was more like a whimper this time.
"I want an answer." You clarified, stopping your hips.
"Yes, I'll cum without you touching me." He responded, trying to drive his hips back.
"Good boy."
You were going to drive him mad.
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gaypirate420 · 10 months
Moonshine and Starlight //Dream*
Dream* of the Endless x witch!GN!reader.
Summary: Morpheus helps you sleep.
Angst/Fluff. Dream and Reader being divorced..
A/N: Probably ooc because I haven't written for my husband for so long.
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"What's the matter, Matthew?" The words of the King of Dreams echoed through the wide halls of the entrance to his palace.
The Dream Lord found his raven very busy in another matter, that being melting onto your touch while he nuzzled on your lap.
"We have a visitor, my lord." Was all the raven could respond as your gentle fingers brushed down the feathers of his head making him caw.
"Why are you here?" He asked not really knowing what tone should he use with you.
"I'm afraid I'm not here because I wanted to see you, but because I have a problem with dreams, my lord." You said mockingly as you caressed the feather's of the new raven before standing up and meeting his star filled eyes and long figure, those black ropes dripping down the marble floor.
"Enlighten me then. What kind of problems are dreams causing you, dream witch?" Morpheus muttered with the silky smooth voice that you adore, you took his arm and begin to walk, seeming so normal, muscle memory perhaps.
"It must be something important if it makes you come to my palace after two hundred years. Something that goes beyond the centuries of knowledge you possess." He spoke gently. You smirked and looked at him and although his gaze remained emotionless but you know when your ex-husband is teasing you.
"A client of mine. She's been having this— weird dreams about her family telling her very specific things." You explained as you begin to walk alongside the Endless, the night sky that lied above your head on the palace's ceiling captured your eyes.
You stoped for a moment to look at it, missing it's beauty.
"I've been looking inside her dreams, trying to decipher their meaning." You continues with a tone of slight frustration before meeting his gaze, noticing his starry eyes looking at your every moment.
"You came here just to ask the meaning of some mortal's dream?" Morpheus asked as his eyes took in your image, you smirked again and shaked your head.
"No. I don't give up that easily, Oneiros." You smirked with smugness, the Dream Lord mimicked your smirk.
"I never said you did. Why is it that you're here then, moonshine?" He asked as he walked you through to the large halls of the palace.
Moonshine, what a nickname to give someone, specially coming from the Lord of Dreams. The Endless that finds you as bright as the shine of the moon, a signal of light in darkness.
It's been so long since he's mutter such nickname.
"Well, It's been costing me my sleeping hours, but that's not new— the things is when I do sleep I have dreamless rest or the most horrible nightmares." You whispered, there was a linger of anger on your tone.
"I came here to ask you something, Dream."
"Ask away, moonshine."
"Have I done something wrong? Something to deserve this punishment, perhaps?" Your whispers makes him stop on his tracks, his eyes meet yours. The Lord of Dreams face had an expression one of confusion and deep sadness.
"Do you think that is my doing? You think of yourself worth of a punishment so severe?" He whispers back, his eyes looking at your tired eyes, the darks circles under them.
"Do you think I would do such thing as that to you?"
You stayed silent, looking away from his gaze. His pale hand cupped your cheek, you gasped and a silent tear fell down your cheek which was wiped by his thumb that consequently held your chin and make you meet his eyes once more.
"The answer is no. I am not punishing you because those night terrors that invade your sleep were not send by me, moonshine." He whispered with such conviction.
As in saying "Believe me. I could never harm you."
"And you have never wrong me nor this realm. You've been an impecable aid and- companion for me." He stated, you smiled and felt yourself blushing, a yawn scaped your lips and his gaze softened.
"Am I boring you, moonshine?" Morpheus smirked you looked at him with sleepy eyes.
"It's not my fault your voice is so comforting and I'm- exhausted for my work and the horrible sleep I've had." You explained before smiling.
"Comforting?" The Dream Lord asked, you nodded and looked up at him with a smile.
"Soothing. Perfect for listening while you fall asleep." You explained before yawning again.
Feeling his hand on the back of your neck and in a matter of second you were lied down on the softest of mattresses, resting your head on a pillow that could pass for a cloud.
You looked up and met the most beautiful night sky you've ever seen, pink and purple surrounded with constellations.
The bed itself was almost floating in between marble floors and the night sky.
This is the room of Dream of the Endless himself.
"Why are you not sleeping yet?" Morpheus's voice snap you back to reality, you meet his eyes that now shine with the reflections of the galaxy that surrounds you.
"I dunno, maybe you've lost your touch." You teased, The Dream Lord furrowed his eyebrows but his lips let out a soft chuckle.
"Perhaps you're just stubborn." He whispered while his slim finger caress your cheek, you leaned on his touch so quickly that it made you disappointed in yourself but it felt so good.
"Those nightmares won't bother you again, my moonshine." Morpheus stated as his fingers kept moving across your face with delicacy.
"Why am I in your room? There's like two hundred guest rooms." You asked as your eyes closed. Dream fell silent for a second.
"Because I- want you here." He started speaking so softly almost as if he was embarrassed to say it, you nodded for him to continue.
"Your precense on The Dreaming has been missed, the creatures of the dreaming had voiced that sentiment many times." The Endless continued, his mouth still slight open, you could picture him trying to find the right words.
You nodded once more, it always difficult for him to speak his emotions and needs.
"The haunted dolls of my shop miss you." You spoke sleepy, The Dream Lord arched his eyebrow and smirked as his hand moved to your hair, touching it with a hint of shyness, thinking if he's still allowed to do such motion. Afraid of crossing any lines or boundaries.
"The- dolls? Do you miss me, perchance?" He asked with a uncharacteristically shy and insecure voice, you opened your eyes.
"Do you, Oneiros? Or just the creatures of your realm?" You snapped back with a smirk. He leaned closer to you, the stars in his eyes shining bright, his thumb stroked your bottom lip as his eyes got lost on yours.
"Yes." Morpheus whispered with a discreet but playful smile once that 'yes' was heard by you.
"I do miss you, moonshine."
You closed your eyes once more after his words, so much sincerity and raw devotion within such a short sentence.
"I miss you too, starlight." You whispered back with a smile, Morpheus smirked and kept stroking your hair.
How has he missed that nickname.
A play of words with the one he has for you.
Starlight. The light of a start that accompanies the shining moon at night. He wonders how, of all things, you could see him as a star.
The drowsiness was unbearable now for you.
The last thing you felt before falling asleep was a gentle kiss on your forehead.
"Sleep well, moonshine." Morpheus whispered against your ear, making you fall into a deep and much needed rest, filled with the sweetest dreams one could imagine of.
And of course, The Dream king holding your hand all the time, supervising these dreams.
A/N: Heyyyyyyy, it's been a while since I've wrote for my husband, ugh, I love him, I always enjoy writing for him, it just so right. Hope you liked this!
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arcade-writing · 2 years
Pairing: Morpheus (dream) x AFAB! Reader
Warning: aphrodisiac used - both parties consenting, flood play, outdoor sex but in a private area, oral, face sitting, blow jobs, desperate sex, nipple play, overstimulation, established relationship, AFAB but gender not stated, french kissing, cum play, Cream pie, aftercare, porn with fluff, minor smelling kink from dream, implied both of you are switches, slight praise kink, LOTS of dirty talk
Absolutely obsessed with sandman at the moment. Morpheus owns my heart. My pathetic soggy meow meow. Been enjoying reading the fics on Tumblr and A03 and decided to give my hand at writing some smut for him!
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"My lord, I am requesting your company in the gardens, it's been awhile since we've been able to enjoy a nice stroll."
Dream looked down at you from his throne. Tilting his head as he rested it in his palm. "Oh? And when are you expecting my company?"
"In 2 hours, I am assuming you're accepting my request."
"Always, it would be my pleasure."
You smiled. Turning on your heel as you marched out of throne room. Going straight to the kitchen to prepare some meals for the two of you, whilst dreams don't need to eat you weren't always a being of the dream realm. Once a human just like any other until you crossed paths with Morpheus. Gifted the abilities to walk through both realms as a guide to dreamers when he is away to important matters.
So whilst eating was not necessary, it gave you comfort. It was familiar.
But what was new was the small jar of honey by your hand. A gift. You gossiped with Desire whenever you could, they loved knowing every detail of your embarassing life. Listening to your worries and lack of confidence concerning their brother despite the two of you being together. And so, they gifted a jar of sweet aphrodisiac. A gentle one. One to give you a boost and spark your confidence. Strong enough to even effect an endless like themselves.
You needed to ask Dream before you opened it. You intended it to be for the both of you. And so you hurried along, getting your date ready.
You changed into something light, the sun beaming down on the realm was warm. The breeze cool. Perfect weather as always. You brushed out the blanket on the lush green field, admiring the fountain not too far away. A cobble path leading towards it and outwards, covered in moss and vines. The sound of the rushing water eased you nodded to yourself. Trying to calm down your racing heart.
You jogged back to the back of the castle, instantly colliding with the chest of the very man you were looking for. Looking up to see Dream offering you a smile. Small and warmer than the sun.
"Lead the way." Was all he said, linking his arms with yours.
You two took your time. It was peaceful back here. No one ever came out here unless it was for maintenance. It was the perfect place to be undisturbed.
"I have a gift for you but I want to know if you'll accept it." Your eyes flickered towards him. Your palms growing sweaty as you brows knitted. Worried he wouldn't approve.
"It's from Desire, up their mischief I assume."
He kept his eyes trained ahead. You just caught the small tug on the corner of his lips. Trying not to show his distain for his sibling. But he knew your relationship with them was friendly, Desire was kind in their way when they wanted to be. Even if there's always a catch.
Your eyes widened. A flash of surprise hitting you before you shook your head. "Of course you know." Looking up at him once more to watch his expression. "I was curious to try it but I need your permission, My lord."
"It is granted, i trust you."
Those words made your heart grow fuzzy. Trust from a being such as Morpheus was not easily gained. Often times it was given reluctantly. But you knew him, he was being honest. He truely trusted you and that was all you needed.
Once you two arrived at the picnic, you were first to move. Taking off your shoes and he did the same. Not wanting to track mud on the blanket. Sitting down and patted the spot beside. He followed you and sat down, elbows leaning on his propped up knees. You couldn't help but let out a small chuckle. His eyes snapped to your direction, a smile tugging ever so slightly on his lips.
"What amuses you?"
"Just you, my Lord."
You grinned. Eyes trailing down to his lips. So pouty. So soft. No Matter how many times you've kissed you still couldn't stop imagining how they would feel. Wanting it imprinted on your memory until you couldn't think of anything else.
"We are alone, starlight, I wish to hear my name from your lips."
"Would you like some tea, Morpheus?" Straying from your thoughts as you tried to not focus on the heat rising up your neck.
He nodded. Finding words not necessary as he helped you take out the tea set you put in the basket. Carefully pouring out the misty tea from the flask as you grabbed the jar of honey. Looking at him, waiting for him to say anything. Wanting to give him another chance to consider his decision but he just took it from your hands. Stirring a glob of honey in each of your cups.
You pulled out the box of chocolates you made the night before then strawberries.
"How fitting, starlight." He mused, grabbing the heart shaped fruit. It was a vibrant red, plump too. Perfect. Watching as you pulled out more fruit, blueberry and cherries. You made sure they were seedless.
Happily stretching out your legs as you got comfortable. Leaning on your elbows as you took a cherry from its container. Biting down with a soft groan. Dream mirrored your position and plucked the cherry from your fingers. His tongue poking where you bit before he ate the rest.
Your cheeks flushed as you watched him smile once more. "Very sweet." He sucked the juices off his thumb, not daring to break eye contact.
Finding your mouth parting, wishing to say something but unable to find the words. You took your cup of tea, taking a long sip avoiding his intense gaze. He chuckled as he used two fingers to push down your drink.
"Slow down, take it in small portions or you'll be too overwhelmed."
You nodded. Feeling a fuzz run through your veins. Trying to calm yourself as you took a chocolate. Shaped as a ball with a cream filling. Shyly pushing it to his lips, which parted eagerly to try what you made. His tongue poking the tip of your finger. That fuzz spiked into a shock of electricity. Already feeling it's effects creep through your system.
He took a small gulp of his own drink trying to even out your situation. A warm flush spread from his throat down to his stomach. His muscles beginning to relax as the heat caressed him.
You grabbed another chocolate, he did the same. Copying you like an inexperienced actor. This ordeal unfamiliar to him as he's never had to eat before, not like you. But he felt a small twinge of magic flow back into him everytime. After all, he made the trees bloom in your little garden, the kitchen you found yourself in made by him. His efforts to make you feel more at home.
Whilst he went to eating it whole, letting it melt on his tongue as he watched you. You took a small bite out of it, lapping up the white moose filling. Eyes looking up at him to watch his expression twitch. You felt pride swell knowing you were effecting him.
Dream took another gulp of his tea but this time a bigger one. His eyes darkening, trained on your every movement as you plucked more food into your mouth. His brows scrunching, holding back a noise as he pressed his stomach to the blanket. The slight friction felt like lightening.
You noticed. Looking down at the small tent, licking your lips. Of course he saw. He hasn't stopped staring at you since this picnic started.
"Hungry, my love?"
"Starved." You croaked out. Crawling towards him, careful not to knock anything over, your hands shakily reaching for his chest as you pushed him onto his back. Dream let you do as you please, enjoying the way you trembled. Your eyes frantic to soak in the sight of him.
Your body sunk lower, finding your place between his legs. Raking your nails over the fabric making his breath hitch. His muscles flexed under your touch as you began to unbutton his trousers. Tugging them down to his knees along with his underwear. Your hand dragging up his thigh to his toned stomach, lifting his shirt in the process. Each touch felt like fire on his skin, his breathing becoming more heavy. His fingers digging into the blanket as he tried to stay still. Trying to keep up his front of control.
He was dream of the endless. The nightmare king. The ruler of this realm and your king. The personification of the dreaming.
He was-
He was putty in your hands.
You slowly pumped his aching cock, relishing in the way it hardened in your grasp. Running your thumb over the vein that run along the underside. Your mind was becoming foggy with every twitch. Your own arousal becoming more apparent to you.
Suddenly, an idea struck your mind. Morpheus knew that look all too well. Biting back his groans as he tugged on your arm, wanting your focus back on him.
"What is that mind of yours conjuring?"
"Desire did tell me there were multiple ways to take this, I wanted to see what would be more effective." You chewed on your lower lip, still thinking of your next move. Trying to not get giddy with excitement knowing you were leaving him so desperate.
Dream had enough paitence to wait thousand's of centuries just to see the solar shower that happened across his families realms. But yet, here he was straining his body to not chase his own pleasure. His lips pulled into a small snarl as he wanted nothing more than you to move your hand.
"And how do you plan to do that, starlight?"
You grabbed the spoon with your free hand, your other than squeezing the base of his cock. He let out a shaky gasp as he jerked his hips up. Humming as you tasted the honey, it was sweeter than you expected. Sharp on your tongue as you kept it on your tongue.
Moving back between his legs and laid on your stomach. Holding his hips as your mouth swallowed around the tip of his cock. The honey dripping down as you sucked, coating his sex completely. His sensitivity going from 5 to 100. Choking out a cry as he throw his head back. Thrusting up into your mouth as you greedily took in as much as you could. Using one of your hands to squeeze and twist the base.
You sucked on the head. Swirling your tongue over the slit making him groan. His fingers ripping at the blanket, your hand kept jerking as you could see he was getting closer.
"You can take all of it, I know you can my love, Take it." It was not a command but a plea. His gorgeous eyes shimmering with tears. Just needing that push to the edge.
And who were you to deny your king?
You removed your hand making him curse under his breath. Forcing his hips to stay down with both hands as you slowly bobbed your head. Taking more inches each time as you loosened your jaw. Feeling him slide into your throat as you adjusted your head, pulling his cock more towards you.
The warmth of your mouth surrounded him. Feeling your tongue drag as you moved your head once more. Up and down. Taking everything right down to the base. He choked on his breath. Feeling himself tip. Throwing his head back as he thrusted harshly into your mouth, cum squirting in thick ropes.
You came off with a wet pop. Panting as your nails dug into his hips. The arousal between your legs was pooling. Dream watched you closely as you crawled up. Sitting between his legs as you rolled out your tongue. Showing off the mixture of spit, honey and his cum. It was filthy. You felt it but seeing his eyes widen only made you shiver. His large hands grabbing at your body as he yanked you towards him.
His lips crashing against yours. His tongue prying through your parted lips. Groaning as your tongues glided against each other. Able to taste himself fully. It was bitter yet intoxicatingly sweet from the honey. You could feel his hand on your neck, squeezing as he tried to pull you closer. You pawed at his chest and shoulder. Pressing your body against him as much as you could. But it wasn't enough.
His fingers making you squirm as they grabbed at your shirt. Only leaning back to remove, throwing it to who knows where. Your clothed heat flush against his cock. Both of you letting out a groan. You let out a squealed laugh as he started kicking off his pants. Reaching back to help him. Why he always insisted on wearing such tight clothing you'll never understand.
You let out a gasp as your back hit the blanket. He tugged down your pants, throwing them to the pile of your scattered clothes. Only leaving with your underwear.
Completely weak beneath him. Trapped under his form as he took in the sight of you. Rubbing your thighs together as you sought out your own pleasure. You needed him. Needing to hear more of his noises. To feel his hands on you. To be inside you.
All you could do was whine. "Touch me"
"I'll do more than that, starlight, I'll kiss every inch of your body as you squirm underneath me."
And true to his word, He held your waist. Caressing your sides as his head dunked down. Kissing along your jaw as he spoke. You rolled your hips up, trying to seek out his body but it was futile. Gasping as his knee pressed against your sex.
"I'll caress and mark your body, you are mine, I will make sure every being understands that." He kissed you down to your chest, sucking on the skin just above it.
His fingers swiped at the honey, taking as much as he could. Spreading it to both hands as he kept kissing your collar bones. Smearing the sticky treat across your chest as he fondled the flesh. Rolling your nipples between two fingers. Pinching them as the honey coated them.
You let out a loud moan, your sensitivity flying. It felt so warm. Like electricity was sparking on your nerves. Mewling as he tugged them. His usual stoic expression morphed into a smirk. Completely smug.
"Taste you until you're trembling and gasping-"
He grabbed as your side, kissing down to your nipple before taking it in his mouth. You couldn't help but grind against his knee. Growing more desperate as the aphrodisiac flooded your system. Already feeling it's sparks from the tea and now feeling it ten fold.
His other hand moved from your other nipple and now Infront of your parted lips. Honey coated them still as you took it in your mouth. Humming as your swirled your tongue around his digits. Your eyes trailing down to see his cock still hard. Straining against him. The head was blushing a dark red as pre cum spilled.
Releasing your nipple he continued his descent down your body. His fingers leaving your mouth with a string of salvia connecting to to them.
"Stealing every chance of breath as I devour you." He moved his body to lay down. His nose nudging your clit. Taking in a deep inhale, smelling your arousal. You wanted to force Your legs shut, embarrassed but he kept them open with his shoulders.
A scream was ripped from you as he tore off the only piece of cloth you had left. Leaving it tattered on the ground as he grabbed your legs. His back slamming down on the grass whilst you sat on his chest. You clutched at the ground trying to stabilize yourself after the sudden movement. Shaking as he just let out a deep chuckle.
Gliding his hands up your thighs as he tugged them forward. You hovered over him, thinking you were crushing him but he guided you over his face. You clenched air as you grabbed his head. "Morpheus...."
"Are you not my lover? Do you not deserve your very own throne? Sit on my face, my love, let me please you."
With that you let yourself lower. Clenching his head between your thighs as he licked a long strip up your folds.
"I could feel how wet you were but now I'm tasting you? You're more addicting than any aphrodisiac."
His words were going straight down to your core. His tongue lapping up what he could. Groaning as he tried to bury his face deeper.
"You've done this to me before-"
"And everytime I can't get enough." He breathed out. Pulling your hips down, putting more of your weight on him. Whining as his noses pressed against your sensative bud.
His tongue squirming between your folds, starting to tongue fuck. You squirmed at the sensation, moving your hips to chase your pleasure. Anything he tried to say was muffled. The vibrations sending you reeling as you moaned.
You let out a cry as he tried to shove your sex even closer. His senses were entirely filled with you. But he insisted. Wanting more. Needing more. Drunk on your taste.
"Morpheus - please -"
Your hands weaved through his block locks. Tugging them rightly in shaky fists. He groaned as he finally moved his head. Sucking on your clit, gently rolling it between his teeth before he lapped it up. Your body heaved as it struck you. Feeling your release get closer and closer.
His eyes locked with yours. Knowing you were hanging on the edge. Parting from your throbbing sex for only a second. "Come for me."
It hit you like a storm. Crying out as your body flinched from how hard you came. But Morpheus didn't stop. Humming as he lapped up your juices. You tugged at his hair again trying to squirm away from his vicious mouth. Greedily taking every last drop from you.
"Too much-!"
Yet it felt so good. Your back arching as you melwed. Rolling your hips to get more but everytime you did it made you tremble. The pleasure becoming unbearable. You sobbed as he licked your clit.
"Morpheus-!" You screamed as a second orgasm crashed against you. Gasping for air as tears ran down your face.
He finally pried himself off you. His eyes were fixed on you. Hazy. Eyelids fluttering as he panted. You crawled back, sitting on his stomach as his hands caressed moved from your hips now to your back. Caressing your spine. Hugging you close to him. Smiling to himself as you shook in his arms. Feeling every twitch in your legs.
"You are cruel...." You whined. Hiding your face in his chest. He could feel your smile as you kissed his pale skin.
"That was mercy, my love, if you allowed it I would spend the rest of entirety with your thighs around my head."
You moaned at his words but as tempting as it was you needed to feel him. Unable to cool the fire souring through your body. As soon as your high ended you were coiled tight in need. Your desire only growing stronger as you grinded back on his sex. Sitting up as you positioned yourself over his thighs.
"I need...I need you to-"
You couldn't wait anymore. The fire consumed you. Clawing at your insides as all of it screamed for him. Morpheus sat up, leaning on his elbows. Only lifting one hand to cup your face. Making you look at him as you shuddered.
"Take what you need, I am your servant, use me."
You gripped his cock, your thumb pressing down on the slit as you guided him towards you. Groaning when he brushed against your aching bud. Unable to stop yourself as you rolled your hips, bouncing up and down as you kept him flush to your sex. The veins running up his dick rubbing against you deliciously.
Squeezing the head as you coated the underside with your juices. Your brain too far gone to feel ashamed. Just desperate for more pleasure.
"And you say I am cruel." He breathed out. Only able to watch. Twitching in your grasp. Your pleasure was his, seeing you so desperate made his head spin.
"Please keep talking...."
You whimpered out. Nuzzling your face into his hand, using your free hand to keep it close. Seeking out more of his warmth.
He was not as cruel as you think. More than happy to guide you to your orgasm. After all, was that not his job? To help those who appear in his realm, seeking out their dreams.
"So desperate, chasing pleasure only I can give you."
His voice was consuming your brain. It was so soft yet so loud. Rattling in your head like thunder but feeling as gentle as rain. It was as rich as the chocolate you ate earlier. It was one of the things you loved so much about him. Ever since you heard it in your dreams you were always seeking it out. To hear every emotion he could muster.
And that needy breathless tone he was using now? Oh - it made your whole body burn up.
"I can feel how wet you are, completely covering me in your arousal, my love, I bet you'd feel so good clenching around me, do you want that? To no longer feel so empty?"
You nodded, feverishly jerking the head of his cock as you kept bouncing. Unable to reach the spike you needed. You couldn't bring yourself to stop. Too lost in the aggravating slow build of it all. It felt so good yet wasn't enough but you couldn't bare to strip yourself away from this pleasure.
"Morpheus, please fuck me, claim me all over again - I need you-!"
He bucked into your grip. Grabbing your chin as he pulled your face down. Forcing you to stare into his eyes.
"Keep begging for me like that, you sound so sweet."
"Please Dream, please my love, I'm already yours so just take me-! You feel so good- please! Fuck me." You let out a sharp shaky breath as you tried to muster your words. "Fuck me until I can't walk, be good for me, you're always my good boy- please-"
He let out a stuttered groan as he suddenly came. His cum spilling all over your hand as his back hit the ground once again. You gasped as you clenched the head of his cock.
Morpheus grabbed your hips, rolling you both over, aligning your sexes together as he glared down at you.
"I'm going to ravish you."
You didn't even get to say a word. He slowly thrusted in, letting out a soft moan. Shocked at how easily he was able to slid in. Bottoming out instantly as he did one rough thrust. You wrapped your legs around his hips, trying to keep him as close as possible.
Dream couldn't keep his hands off you. Grabbing at your body as he fucked into you. Your hands turning into fists either side your head, tugging and pulling at the grass below. Your lover desperately trying to ground himself as he lost himself in the feel of your warmth. Feeling every twitch and clench. The lewd squelching that came from between your bodies. It was all too much.
His hands finding their way to your chest, holding you just under your armpits as his thumbs rolled your nipples. Your body was glistening under the sun, still sticky with honey. Just as quick as they came, they were gone. His hands back on your hips as he kept you steady. You pawed at his hands and dream happily took them. Your fingers threaded together as he pounded into you.
You clenched as he hit that certain spot. He knew your body all too well. Knowing exactly how to make you see stars.
One of his hands left yours and moved to your clit. Rolling it in tight circles as he puffed out his chest. His head bowing as he let out a strangled cry. Your walls clenching around him more as your pleasure rose.
"So warm.... hugging me so tight- That's it, feels so good when I touch you here, doesn't it?"
You nodded. "Feels....so...good." Drool was now on the corner of your lips. Eyes wet from how intense everything felt. Your mind was going blank as speaking became a challenge.
Each thrust hitting exactly where you needed. His thumb working you up. That peak coming into your mind's eye as he rolled faster. Adding more pressure. Your eyes rolling back as you screamed. Unable to keep yourself to the ground as your back was stuck arched.
With your free hand you pulled him down by the neck. Grabbing a large chunk of dream's hair as your mouths crashed together. Swallowing each others noises as he kept his brutal pace. You could feel it; he was close too. You needed to cum with him.
Dream felt dizzy. Clenching your hand tight. You felt too good- sometimes he wondered if you were real. So perfect for him. Everytime you two delved into this ocean of pleasure he found himself reluctant to swim. Wanting to drown in every fibre of your being. You were his anchor and hardest temptation.
You were practically choking his cock. Even as his tongue pushed into your mouth you were loud. He could hear every gasp, moan and hitch. What has he done to deserve such a wonderful lover?
Morpheus couldn't keep himself together much longer. Feeling his release dangle Infront of him. His thrusts becoming sloppy as you mewled and whined. Knowing you were hanging on just like him.
Your legs wrapped around him tighter, pushing his hips forward. Wanting him just as desperately as he wanted you. Dream finally parted the kiss. Burying his face in your shoulder as he let out a loud moan. Slamming himself into you as your walls twitched. He trembled as small gasps of air left him. Little whines threading through them as he came.
The sheer force drove you over the edge. Milking every last drop out of him as your orgasm hit you. You hugged him tight as your hands pulled at his hair.
You both panted as your hearts slowly went back to their normal pace. He stayed buried inside you as he slumped. Laying ontop of you as you kept him in a tight hug like a koala. Your fingers now weaving through his hair. Soothing the dull ache he felt in the back of his head. He hummed as he let his muscles completely melt.
"That.....was amazing." You beamed. Nuzzling your face into the mop of darkness on his head.
"You were just as spectacular as always, my love." He kissed your neck. Morpheus mused. His voice somehow becoming even deeper. You let out a small laugh as you kissed his head. Thanking him for his kind words.
"Are you feeling okay? Was it too much?"
"No, it was perfect - what about you? How are you feeling?"
"Just as content." He hummed.
With that you smiled. Letting your eyes flutter, enjoying having him so close. The world blurring as you closed your eyes. Embracing the blanket of heat the sun gave the two of you. This was better than any dream you could think of.
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maj-3k · 1 year
Y.N (looking at Corinthian): I could fix him
Dream: Y.N I'm beginning you. Stop being horny for a second.
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362 notes · View notes
morpheusic · 1 year
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all of my works will contain mature themes, i am fully aware i cannot control the age range of those who view my works but seriously minors dni with posts that have smut in the warnings
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reblog tendencies.
— my requests are always open, this is a multi-fandom acc so expect works from multiple medias since I tend to fixate on a lot from time to time. Most of my works may be focused on genshin impact since it's what gets the most views from what I know (I don't play the game anymore though). — I write drabbles, oneshots, headcannons and imagines. feel free to request any
— the fandoms/medias I'll write for: honkai star rail, genshin impact, the sandman, castlevania, chainsaw man, honkai star rail, marvel
— Tumblr is the only site I write and post my works. If you see me on other writing sites like Wattpad, AO3, etc, it's not me. If you ever see any of my works posted on any other writing sites than Tumblr, please let me know immediately.
— I won't publish often, it'll depend on how much motivation I have and I only post when I feel like it. Do not rush me to finish something, I have my own life and issues outside of Tumblr.
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alina-dixon · 9 months
A Fable
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Pairing: Morpheus x Male reader
Warnings: violence, blood, captivity, fluff.
Requested: Yes / No
Part 1
A/N: The reader is the Hero from Fable 2! I really love the game Fable 2! So I thought why not? Have fun reading!☺️❤️
It's a cold winter day in Bowerstone, you and your Sister Rose are standing at a fireplace. You and Rose are homeless. You are only nine years old and your sister is fifteen. You were just trying to get warm, when suddenly something fell on your head and when you touched it you immediately knew it was bird poop! Your eyes went wide and tried to get rid of it while making a disgusted sound.
Rose looked weirdly at you while having her arms around her body to stay warm. “What was that? Oh! Yuck.” she said while taking a step back. When you stopped she put her arms back around her and so do you with yourself. “Well… That’s lucky. Like finding a four-leave clover. Although I think I'd prefer the clover.” her voice sounded a little awkward when saying that.
Then she looked at the castle amazed that stood in the center of Brightwood. “Look. little Sparrow…Castle Fairfax looks so nice in the snow. Imagine the grand dining hall. I bet Lord Lucien’s having roasted duck at this time of the year.” She ranted while you just kept quiet while putting your hands over the fireplace and listened to her ranting.
She put her hands on her hips. “But he must be really lonely since his wife and his little girl died. In that big castle, all by himself… If only we could live there.” She looked at the castle with a sad expression.
Suddenly there was the sound of loud cheering heard from behind the houses. “What is going on over there? Come with me, little brother.” she said while running in the direction of where the sound came from. So before you could say anything you followed her, but you were a little behind.
When you turned into the alleyway and went farther down you saw a man talking to your Sister, You saw him talking to her a few times back then. “Hello there, young Rose. You look hungry. Have you reconsidered my offer?” he said oddly nice but also very weird. You of course do know what he's talking about.
You approached them slowly. Rose had a disgusted and angry look on her face. “We’ll never be that hungry. The answer is NO!” That angered the guy. “You’ll be back. And I'll be waiting for Ya.” he said with an angered tone, then walked away.
Rose sighed and looked at you. “Come on, little Sparrow. Let's see what's going on.” she said as we both ran again to where the sound came from. Rose sighed again. “That filthy creep… I hate him.” she spat.
You finally arrived only to see a crowd around a taider. “Oh… It's just a trader. I can't see anything through the crowd.” She was clearly disappointed.
“A-ladies and a-gentlemen… I have traveled the land accumulating wondrous and mysterious objects! Which I now offer to you for the modest price of five gold coins!” he said proudly.
“Consider this. This is truly a magical mirror. For as long as you look into it, it will make you beautiful!” he said lowly. “I'll take it!” a random guy screamed from the crowd. “Very wise! Now just remember: the magic only works if you look at it in complete darkness.” He had a smug look on his face.
The trader turned to something that looked like a music box, but it was completely made of metal. “Ah, now this is truly a marvel.” he said smiling at it. “This small, unassuming box is actually a device created by the ancients. As was used by the old rulers of the kingdom themselves! Turn the handle three times, and you shall be granted a single wish!”
Rose looked unamused at this and scoffed. “There’s no such thing as magic!” she said and she thought that nobody heard it because they were busy watching the trader, but hooded women turned towards us. When you saw her eyes, you noticed that she was probably blind.
“We live in grim times indeed, if the young doesn't believe in magic anymore. Most children your age believe eagerly.” she said in a calming voice. Rose looked at her weirdly but you thought that she was right, only because you believed in it yourself. “Look, I can see your eyes are bad, but I'm telling you, that magic box is rubbish.” while she said that the crowd beside us was getting smaller and smaller until everyone was gone.
“That's what the seller thinks. He has no idea what he stumbled upon. But you have an inkling, have you? Some part of you wants to believe it's magic.” Her voice still calm as before, she turned around already walking away from us.
Rose looked looked at he women surprised. “What? You… you really think it could be?” she asked hesitantly. The woman stopped but only turned her head to the side. “For five gold coins, you could have your own answer.” Rose looks dumbfounded at her answer. “For five gold coins, we could eat for a weak.” Rose frowned.
The women started walking away. “Listen to me, Rose. At the end of the week you and Y/N would be no closer to your dream- no closer to the inside of that beautiful castle.” she started. ‘She, is right actually…’ is all what you thought to yourself.
Rose turned to face you frowning slightly. “What if it is real? I bet we could get five gold coins… and maybe this could be a way out of here, after all. What is there to lose, little sparrow?” she sounded confident. I smiled at her. “Probably nothing!” Rose laughed then nodded. “All right! Come on, there must be someone around here who will pay us to… do something.” with that we went around town to earn some money.
After about half an hour we finally had our five coins to buy the music box! Rose and I went back to the trader. The Trader Murgo looked at you smiling. “Hello children.” he said happily. Rose and I smiled back at him. “Hello, we’ve come to buy the music box.” she started still smiling.
I walked towards the man held my hand in front of him showing him the five coins. “Very wise, little ones! Go ahead and turn the handle- but mind you go somewhere quiet, like.” he smiled at the both of you. “Okay thank you! Bye mister!” you waved at him. “Let's go make our wish, little Sparrow!” she said excitedly, as you both started walking back to your little stay.
You put the music box onto a box wooden box that was around half of your height. “Alright turn the handle!” Rose was a nervous as you started to turn the handle. “I wish… I wish…” After she said her wish the box opened and started glowing in a bright golden color. A beautiful sound was playing but then the music box started rotating and the music got faster, the golden color was turning red and then all of a sudden, the music box lighted up in a bright golden color and disappeared right in front of our eyes!
You and Rose we're shocked. “But… where did it go? Why are we still here? Five gold pieces… Let's just go to bed.” she sounded sad and disappointed. You yourself were sad at this, but still you followed her. “Oh. I was so sure this was it. I had this feeling like… that we weren't going to be stuck in Old Town anymore! Why didn't the box take us with it?” she still sounded sad but tried to push it aside. “Come on, Sparrow, go to bed.” so you both lay down to end the day. “Good night! Love you big Sis!” you said turning to your side. “Good night. I love you too, little Sparrow.” and with that, you both went to sleep. You only hoped that tomorrow would be a better day, and Rose won't be sad anymore.
It was still nighttime when Rose woke up to the sound of footsteps, scared that it could be a thief or something like that. She carefully opened her eyes and stood up, and when she saw who it was she was relieved, I was only the guard that they helped to earn some money for the now gone music box. “What do you want?” asked Rose the guard curiously.
The guard cleared his throat. “I work for Lord Lucien, miss. And would very much like to see you in his castle. I've been sent to collect you.” With that, he walked away, and Rose walked up to your sleeping form. “It did work! Our wish came true! Come on little Sparrow, wake up.” So you opened your eyes and stood up still a little tired. “What's happening, Sis?” you asked her with a yawn and rubbed your eyes.
Rose smiled brightly at you. “Everything is fine. We're going to Lord Lucien’s castle! Now come we have to go little Sparrow!” she said as she ran in the direction of where the guard went to wait for us. When I ran after her I saw her standing with a few guards waiting for me.
“Let's go to the castle!.” Rose said happily, and so we were guided to Castle Fairfax. “What do you think does Lord Lucien wants from us?” I asked her confused. “I don't know, but we will find out shortly, Little Sparrow.” she said looking to at the big doors of the Castle.
The door was open and an old-looking Butler stood there waiting. “Evening. Jeeves. Here are the children Lord Lucien asked for.” he said proudly. The Butler smiled at us. “Excellent!” was all that he said to the guard, then turned back to us. “Hello, young masters.” This confused you but you ignored it. “Hello, sir.” both you and Rose answered politely.
His smile tightened and turned around. “If you'd follow me please.” he said and started to lead us into the castle. We look up at this castle every day and think how nice it is. We both do. But inside it's even more beautiful than I imagined.” Rose told him dreamily. Jeeves chuckled. “It's quite wonderful, isn't it?” it was more of a statement than a question.
Then we saw a man walking past us. “Ah, hello. Master Garth.” Jeeves greeted still walking while the other male said nothing. “Huh, Man of few words.” He led us further into the castle. “Where is the grand dining hall?” Rose suddenly asked curiously. “Oh, in the north wing. Lord Lucien hadn't been there since… Since the tragic deaths of Lady Fairfax and little Amelia.” he told us as we claimed some stairs and further down the hall. “Oh, I heard. That was so awful.” Rose’s tone was sad. Jeeves nodded. “Yes, he misses them terribly.” Rose raised a brow. “So where does he eat?” Jeeves looked at her. “Actually, he takes most of his meals in his study. He's in there working all hours, doing research...” You frowned. “What does he research?” you asked him curiously. “History, mostly. Lord Lucien is quite keen on antiquities of all sorts, but he is chiefly interested in things relating to the Old Kingdom.” Rose nodded understanding. “There was a Trader in Old Town who said his stuff was from the Old Kingdom.” Jeeves nodded. “Yes… yes, I believe Lord Lucien… heard about that.” he told us hesitantly. We were standing in front of some big doors now. “We bought a piece of it and we made a wish and now we're here!” She smiled brightly.
Jeeves smiled again. “That's wonderful. Now, when you meet Lord Lucien., you must show respect at all times. Address him as “my lord.” Speak only when spoken to.” he told us, You and Rose nodded. “Yes sir.” she awnsered shortly. Jeeves stood in front of us “And do not mention Lady Fairfax or Amilia.” he said a little more sternly. Jeeves opened the door to the study. “Here we are. Lord Lucien? The children are here.” Jeeves informed as me and Rose walked in and the door closed right behind us. ‘I don't like this’ is all I thought as I tried to push a weird feeling away.
Lord Lucien turned towards us. “Children. It's come to my attention that you have some sort of magic box. May I see it?” he asked looking at us curiously. “It vanished m’lord. We were winding it up, and we made a wish, and then it started to glow and it disappeared.” she said sadly. “After you used it?” is all he asked. Rose nodded. “Yes, m’lord. The man who sold it to us said it was magic.” Lord Lucien looked a little interested.
“The box is of no interest to me, what's remarkable is that you were able to use it. What was your wish?” he then asked. Rose gasps a little scared. “Well, speak up… what did you wish for?” he asked nicely. Then she looked up at him confidently. “To live in a castle… like this one.” Lucien smiled. “Perhaps that could be arranged. I working to rebuild… well, I'm working on something wonderful, for which I need individuals with particular talents. Let us find out if you have them. Would you kindly stand in the circle, please?” Rose looked at him nervously “Erm…” Lucien Looked at her reassuringly. “I promise, it won't hurt you.” This made my weird feeling grow but Rose still obliged and stepped inside the circle, while you still stood at your spot behind Lord Lucien. Behind the circle were also very big colored windows.
Suddenly the circle started to glow in a bright blue. “What's that?” asked scared. “Nothing to worry about.” Lucien answered. You looked a little scared at the circle. Lord Lucien looked at me with reassuring eyes. “Go on. Stand in the circle.” Then Rose looked at you. “It's all right, little Sparrow. Don't be afraid. It doesn't hurt.” Her tone was soft. So you made a quick nod and stepped into the circle.
When you stepped inside there was some sort of a blue glowing wall. You were trapped. Lord Lucien stood in front of you, his face was full of shock and relief. “It's true. Your blood… you are Heroes.” This of course shocked you and Rose. “Heroes? You mean like in the old stories?” she asked amazed. Lord Lucien then tried to touch the barrier and it sent some shocks to him. “Ah!” he screamed out pulling his hand away and holding it. When this happens the circle suddenly starts to glow bright red. “What are you?” he asked angrily as he walked to a table with many papers and a book on it.
He started panting. “Wait. There was, there was something here…” mumbling to himself. “M’lord, what happened? What's that light?” Rose asked seemingly scared. “Quiet! You're heroes… but you're not any of the three…” he would us while looking through the papers. “What's happening?” asked terrified as Lord Lucien suddenly pulled a gun out. You froze as he suddenly pointed it towards Rose. “This isn't what I wanted… but nothing must stand in my way.” he said darkly. Rose looked even more terrified now. “No, wait. Don't! Nooo!” she screamed in agony, but it was too late he pulled the trigger and she fell to the floor. Tears were now streaming out of your face as you realized what happened, You looked at your now dead sister but you still couldn't move, you were to terrified.
Lucien then pointed the gun towards you. “I can't allow you to live either. I'm sorry.” is all that he said. You pulled your arms in in front of you as you backed away towards the window. And then he shot you which made you crash out of the window onto many roofs before crashing into the street.
When you laid there on the street you barely moved Your fingers. You then heard footsteps and a voice. “Death is not your destiny today, little Sparrow… Y/N” You knew that voice… it was the blind woman from the market. Then you felt how you were picked up into her arms, then you blacked out cold.
Suddenly you woke up to a familiar face it was the woman she had a dog with her that licked your face. It was the dog that you and Rose rescued once. Then time went by fast you reached out for the comfort of the dog’s warm fur, ready to take your first steps in a new life.
Ten winters blanketed in Albion, ten summers filled the air with the sounds of insects and laughter. With time your pain turned to strength. Your grief became will. A will to change the world. And to avenge the death that haunted your every dream.
Now you are 19 year old. You got your revenge for your sister with the help of the other three heroes.
Hammer is one of the other three heroes. You and her were taking a walk with Theresa. “Today is very beautiful, it's not too warm and not too cold! So it's the perfect weather to take a little walk.” Hammer breathed out with a satisfied smile. “Mhm” You nodded in agreement.
“How about we go into town and eat something? My treat!” Hammer asked. “Seems like an nice idea.” Theresa agreed. “Yeah sounds good to me!” you cheered happily. “All right, let's go!” Hammer said while laughing at you, so does Theresa.
So when you were halfway there about to reach the town something felt off as you three talked to each other. Suddenly you noticed your surroundings started to glow. “What's happening?” Hammer asks confused with a little hint of worry. “I don't know!” you answered back. “I feel magic behind it, and it's not yours. It's not good either…” Theresa said as you all stopped. Then the wind started to get stronger, the glowing got brighter, and started to circle around you very fast. You put your arm over your eyes to see something but the sight was getting less by every second that passed.
You, Hammer, and Theresa started to panic. “Help me! Please!” you begged inside the glowing mist. Hammer with half tears in her eyes looked at you then at Theresa panicked. “You have to do something. What's happening to him!?” Hammer screamed. “I can't do anything. This is way against the skills I have.” She said trying to sound calm. “What-” Hammer was about to say something as the mist disappeared, and you with it. Hammer stood there wide eyed. “What happened? Where is he? Theresa where is he!?” She screamed as she fell to her knees. Theresa walked to her side putting a hand on her shoulder to calm her down. “He will be alright. He will find his way back home.” Hammer was in tears as she looked at her. “You think so?” she sniffled. Theresa nodded. “Let's go home for now.” Her voice was even calmer now. Hammer nodded because she knew that Theresa was right.
Far away in a mansion in America was a Man. Roderick Burgess, he and other people stood in a dungeon under the house. They were a cult and Roderick Burgess was the leader of them. They stood around a summoning circle. They spoke in Latin, then the circle started glowing.
Right next to them was Morpheus held captive. He saw what they were doing. He laid there motionless watching them. As they summoned something, or someone. Then a little explosion was seen above the summoning circle and a bright glowing was there but when it vanished, there was a boy lying on the floor unconscious, on his belt was a well made sword and on his back was a crossbow.
“Take his weapons! And his clothes!” ordered Burgess. One of the cultists stepped towards you and bowed down to grab your sword, and another one grabbed your crossbow, then two others came and started to undress you, which led to you opening your eyes. “Oh, you're awake. Let's talk about business then.” You only glared at Burgess but stayed silent, you were now fully naked. “My Name is Roderick Burgess and I want you to be my personal guard, and hear on every command I give you. If you accept, you will get your stuff back. But if you don't, we will put you in a cage and you will rot in there until you die or eventually give in and accept.” again you stayed silent and didn't respond. Burgess let's out a disappointed sigh, then he nodded at the others and walked away.
While you were put into the glass ball you saw a another male that was also naked, in the cage next to yours. He was tall, and skinny, had black hair and bright blue eyes that stared right into yours as you now laid there.
Out of nowhere, Burgess stepped right in front of your view. You looked at him but didn't dare to move a muscle. “I have that you will rethink about my offer. Even if you don't want to, in the end, you will starve and start to beg for it. I hope you're smarter than this.” then he left again.
When he and everyone left it was only you and the other caged male. You both starred at each other again, only that you didn't really look at him because you thought about Theresa and Hammer, and the fact that you miss them and only wanted to get out of here and back home. Your eyes started burning so closed your eyes and silently let the tears slip.
Morpheus watched you as the tears slipped out of your eyes, but after a short while they stopped, and then he noticed that you probably fell asleep, which was probably better that way, is all what Morpheus thought.
The next day you opened your eyes and sat up slowly. Right now you tried to stay calm so you closed your eyes again. And while sitting there you felt the other males eyes on you but you ignored it.
Then Burgess came in and walked in front of Morpheus's cage. Two other people sat in the back playing a game. Burgess held himself on the cage. “The woman who lives with me has gone and robbed me of my fortune. She’s also robbed you. She's taken your helm, your sand, and your ruby.” this made you open your eyes and look at them. “Now I can unlock this, you can go after her…” Morpheus looked up at Burgess with a glare. “If you give me what I've been asking for. Wealth, youth, immortality. Oh, your a god. These things are nothing to you. Don't you want your weapons and freedom? Just like you Hero?” Burgess said lowly looking between the two of you.
So when you and the male in front of him didn't answer he got impatient and angry. “Speak to me! Speak to me! Speak to me!” he screamed and banged his stick against the glass, which caused the male to flinch shortly. A boy came walking from behind. “Come on! Speak to me!” he screamed again. “It's all right, Father.” the boy put his hand on his shoulder tho stop Burgess of what he was doing. ‘That asshole has a kid?’ is all you thought.
Burgess pushed him away. “Get away from me! If you were any kind of son to me…” he told him as he held the stick in the air and lashed out to the boy, but he dodged it, but hit him with the second one. The boy grabbed the stick so they both held it and faced each other. “If Randell was still alive today-” Burgess was cut off by the boy. “If Randell were alive, he would hate you as much as I do.” he said with hatred, and pushed Burgess back as he tried to attack the boy again, which led him to lose his balance hand his head hit the cage.
Burgess let the stick fall hand put his hand on the back of his head and saw blood when he looked at it, then he fell to the ground, with a big wound on the back of his head.
The to other man and the boy rushed to him. “Sir?” one of them said in panic. But when the boy put his hand on Burgess’s head as he saw a pool of blood leaping out of the wound. You and Morpheus only watched the scene. “You won't get out of there. Never.” Burgess looked at You and Morpheus one more time, then his eyes closed. “Sir can you hear me? Sir?” one of the male askedand tried to shake him but Brugess didn't answer. He was Dead.
The boy looked shocked and looked at his father as he sat there on the ground. “He isn't moving. Is he…” one of the males said. “He's dead.” the other one answered as the boy stood up, Looking at his bloodied hand and back to his dead father.
The Boy stumbled away a few feet but stopped between our cages. He stopped at the cage of the other male and turned to look at him. Morpheus stared back at him and slowly stood up, Your checks got red as you saw that but you wanted to see the interaction.
Morpheus reached his hand out. ‘He’s probably asking him to open the cage.’ is what you thought. The boy turned his head a bit as he reached out too. “Don't do it, sir. He’ll kill us.” one of the males said. “What would your father say?” the male spoke again, Before the boy's hand touched the glass he stopped and put his hand back down, and looked at the ground.
The male in the cage looked disappointed, as the boy looked back up. “I need to think.” he said and looked at the other male then to you, then he left. Morpheus also had put his hand back down watching him leave.
You were angry, but still, you stood up slowly wich made Morpheus look at you. You were a bit ashamed because you had no clothes on but you pushed that aside as you both looked at each other. You held sadness in your eyes as you slowly reached out and put one hand flat on the glass. Morpheus did the same while staring into your eyes. When you looked at him you immediately felt safe.
Then nine months later the door to the Dungeons door was heard which made the guards stand up and open the gate. Alex and also another boy came in. “How are they today, Rogers?” Alex asked. Rogers sighed. “Moved his hand this morning. Right hand. And the other one is also just sitting there but didn't move.” Alex nodded, as the other boy walked in. He had a look of shock on his face and gasped. “Oh, my God.” he looked at Alex and back to you and Morpheus. “Alex?” he asked.
Alex then walked in looking at the both of you. “Hello. This is my friend, Paul.” he told you as they walked further in. “Paul, these are our unwilling guests.” he said looking at his friend shortly.
Alex was getting a little nervous. “Look, we've been talking, Paul and I, and if I let you out, will you promise not to harm us?” he asked calmly while looking at us. You both didn't move not answered his question. “If you could just speak to us.” Paul said a little nervous himself, but again silence.
Alex looked at Paul. “You see, I told you.” he was a little disappointed. “I'm telling you, you have to keep trying. Show them that they can trust you. Show them that you mean it.” Paul softly awnsered back.
Alex nodded at us. “I do mean it. Just promise that you won't hurt me or Paul, and I will let you out.” Alex tried to reason. But again we didn't answer. We just looked at them this time.
Almost eighty years later you had developed feelings for the Male in the cage next to you which was weird because you didn't even know his name, but little did you know that Morpheus also grew feelings for you.
Also the guards started to change every now and then until they looked very modern. And you, you were still looking young and didn't age which you thought was weird and not normal, but Alex was old now just as Paul was, they both married year's ago. They were in the dungeon again. Alex stood in front of Morpheus's cage and had his hand on the glass. “I could have asked you for wealth or Power, and protection, like my father did. But all I wanted was to be free of you two.” He said softly.
You and Morpheus looked up at him. “Surely you want that too.” Paul walked into view pushing a wheelchair in front of him. “Alex, darling, please.” he said softly mentioning to the wheelchair. Alex put his hand away from the glass and sat down in the wheelchair, Paul's hand on his shoulder. He looked at us one more time. “Take me upstairs, Paul. I won't be coming down here again.” is all that he said as Paul started to push the wheelchair, and now there was a gap in the protective circle. Paul stopped a few feet away and looked back seeing it, then he looked at us and made a small nod. He then around and and left with Alex.
Morpheus looked at the gap and wondered why Paul would do that, but in the end it doesn't matter, he can free himself and you now and that's all that matters to him right now.
So when they got out, and the door to the dungeon closed, it was only two guards left inside. “Old Dracula here’s not moving an inch. Just like the other weirdo.” the Female guard said quietly, looking up from her book she was reading. “Why do you call it Dracula and weirdo?” The male guard said tiredly while looking up from his newspaper. “Because I think they are. What do you think they are?” she asked quickly.
The male sighed. “I try not. You know what I think about?” he asked her, again looking up from his newspaper. “Majorca. Four days… and I'll be on a beach. Stinking of suntan lotion.” he said and smiled to himself at the thought.
Morpheus leaned forward holding himself on the glass while glaring at the guard. And you were just watching. “Lucky bugger. I was on Corfu on holiday once.” the female guard told as the other one yawned and fell asleep. Suddenly something weird starts to happen as Morpheus stares at the guard. The guard stood up from his chair and shot both of our cages and they started to break. You sat there wide eyed. “Fred!” the female guard screamed.
She ran towards him to stop him. “Fred, stop it! You'll… Fred!” she screamed but it was too late Both of your cages exploded into many pieces and our surroundings were glowing. You and Morpheus got out of your cages. “Don’t move! Stay where you are!” the guy called Fred screamed. “What… what's he got in his hands?” the female screamed. You looked at Morpheus and saw that he had something in his balled fist but you couldn't see it.
Morpheus slowly put his hand up where he held something in it right in front of his face. The guards already had their weapons aimed at us. “Oi! Open your hands, now!” she screamed at him.
And so he opened his Hand and you saw him blowing some sort of sand towards them, which made them instantly fall asleep. You were watching the scene curious. But then all of your strength suddenly left your legs and you fell to your knees right next to Morpheus with a thud. He instantly looked at you and kneeled down to your hight.
He slowly put his hand on your cheek and his eyes looked at you softly. “I'll get us out of here.” he said and his tone was smooth but very deep. You melted into his hand and nodded at him. Then he slowly picked you up bridal style. Your arms around his waist as you were sucked into the glowing. You… you were getting your revenge now.
Then in a room a black cat came in and sat on a chair in the middle of the room. There also came Alex into the room he looked young again and he curiously looked at the cat with his head tilted to the side. Suddenly the cat disappeared and Morpheus sat on the chair and you stood beside him both fully clothed as you looked at Alex darkly. “Hello” Morpheus said.
Alex was scared you could see it in his eyes. “It's... It's you two. You're… you're free.” he said quietly. “We are.” Morpheus simply awnsered as he stood up and the wind started to blow through the open window. “And have you any idea what it was like? Confined in a cage for over a century?” he asked as he slowly walked towards Alex. “Do you understand the damage you've done to your world?” he asked again. Alex was more then just scared now, he was terrified. “I'm sorry. I… I didn't know. Please.” he said backing away a bit.
Morpheus looked at him unbothered just like you. “Your punishment, then, shall be a gift.” when he said that Alex turned to a little boy. “I give you this, the gift… of eternal… sleep.” when he finished the sentence he blow some sand in Alex’s face and he fell asleep.
Morpheus looked looked back at you holding his hand out. “Let's get out of here.” That's all you needed to hear and took his hand as he teleported you both.
A voice was heard. ”Sir. Sir.” It was the panicked voice of Lucienne. “Oh, my goodness.” she kneeled down to turn him onto his back. “Sir. It's me!” she panted as she saw his eyes opening. “It's Lucienne.” she said as Morpheus looked at her and started to smile and took her hand. “Lucienne.” he whispered weakly. “Your home, my Lord.” and that's when Morpheus started to frown. When he looked beside him he noticed you weren't there. “My Lord? What's wrong?” she asked worriedly.
Morpheus started to stand up. “A boy, he was held captive. Just like me. I brought him with me.” He said as he started to look around. Not even a minute later he saw you laying a few feet away from him, and he immediately sprinted towards you with Lucienne. “A Human? Why was he held captive?” she asked confused. Morpheus shook his head as he turned you around and saw you breathing normally. “He is not fully human, it seems. Because he didn't age for almost a century. The man who held us captive once called him Hero.” Lucienne looked at him baffled. “Do you think he is one of the three heroes? My Lord?” she asked. “I don't know.” is all he awnsered as he gently put a hand on your cheek which made you open your eyes.
When you saw him you started to smile. “Your safe now.” Morpheus said softly as he helped you off of the ground. You looked around and saw the woman with pointy ears and smiled at her. “Hello, jung Man.” she smiled back at you. You were a little scared to speak because you didn't talk since you were held captive, but you decided to still try it. “H-Hello.” you said but your voice didn't sound raspy or broken as you thought it would be. Morpheus and Lucienne smiled at you. “Thank you, for taking me with you…” you started but you trailed off because you didn't know his name.
Morpheus smiled softly at you. “My name is Morpheus. And this is Lucienne.” he told you. “Thank you, Morpheus. And my name is Y/N.” you smiled at both of them.
You started walking over to very huge gates on a massive wall. On those big gates were some pictures in it it looked well made. It made you look at them amazed with your mouth wide open. Morpheus looked at you and chuckled. “You like them?” he asked which made you blink before realizing, and looked at him. “Yeah! I-I mean they look astonishing!” you smiled at him nervously.
Morpheus then raised his hand and touched the gates, they began shaking and started to open up. “Forgive me, sir, but… the realm, the palace… they are not as you left them.” Lucienne said as Morpheus looked at her. Morpheus looked through the gate as it opened. His look… he was shocked with what happened to his Realm… his home.
You, looked shocked too, even if you didn't know how it looked like before. You saw the dead trees and bushes, the land looked like as if it was completely dead. Then you saw that a piece of the roof from the half destroyed castle fell down. “What happened here? Who did this?” He asked not daring to look away from his destroyed home.
Lucienne let out a sigh. “My Lord, you are The Dreaming, The Dreaming is you. With you gone as long as you were, the realm began to… decay. And crumble.” she looked at him sadly as he looked back at her. “And the residents? The Palace staff?” Morpheus asked with a little hope. “I'm afraid most have… gone.” she looked at the ground. “Gone?” he asked rising his eyebrows. “Some went looking for you.” she looked back at him. “And the others?” He asked walking in front of her. Lucienne looked back down to her side, then back up. “They thought, perhaps, you'd grown weary of your duties and…” Morpheus stopped her. “What? Abandoned them? Had they so little faith in me?” he asked in disbelief.
Lucienne didn't know what to say. You on the other concentrated on the view that was in front of you, as the conversation went deff on your ears. You slowly started to move away from them and towards the destroyed landscape. You felt welcomed even if the view in front of you didn't look welcoming in the first place. You closed your eyes whilst you took in the fresh air.
Lucienne looked towards you, which made Morpheus look behind him and he sees that you are walking away from them. When suddenly they saw some tears rolling down your face, when you turned your head sideways.
Lucienne looks worried. Then you felt a hand on your shoulder which made you open your eyes and look at the person who's hand was on your shoulder. It was Morpheus. You look at him puzzled. “Y/N?” Morpheus asked. “Yes? Is something wrong?” you tilted your head. “You seemed lost in thoughts. What's wrong?” he asked softly. “Didn’t notice that! I'm happy to be free again and out of this tiny cell in that weird Dungeon… Aaaand I'm probably a little tired after some sleepless nights.” You laughed awkwardly while scratching your head.
Morpheus nodded. “How about a little sleep then?” He asked while rising a brow. “Hmmm, no. Not before I helped you rebuild your realm!” you said grinning and put your hands on your hips. “But if you want to help him, you will need your sleep.” Lucienne reasoned. You humed. “You're probably right. Okay, I'll sleep once we’re there.” you smiled. Morpheus nodded again. “Let's go shall we?” you nodded at his question and walked beside him.
When you arrived at the castle, Morpheus turned towards you. “Come with me, I show you where you can sleep,” he started as you part ways with Lucienne. “Can I ask you something, Morpheus?” you look at him. “Of course. What do you want to know?” you thought for a short second. “I wanted to know who you are besides Morpheus, you know?” you asked nervously. Morpheus smiled and made a small chuckle. “I am an Endless, Dream of the Endless to be exact. People also call me the Sandman. Also we're here.” he said opening a door to a bedroom that was still intact. When you went inside you saw that the room was painted in black, but it was held simple.
You pulled your shoes, coat, and shirt off. When you sat down on the bed, Morpheus follows you and stands in front of you. “Who's room is this?” you asked looking around. “It's mine.” he simply answered. Your head shot into his direction while standing up. “I didn't know. I can sleep on the floor too.” you tried to say as he already put a hand on your shoulder and sat you back down. “It's alright. I told you to sleep, didn't I?” you looked baffled as you nodded at him. “Now, lay down.” you did as you were told and pulled the covers over you.
Morpheus kneels down to your height, and holds a closed hand in front of his face, which makes you realize what he was about to do so you stop him. “Wait!” you said which made him raise a brow. “Yes?” he asks while looking into your eyes. “We can share the bed if you want! I mean if it's okay with you…” you said shyly. This catches Morpheus off guard but he starts to smirk slightly. “If that's what you want. I will. But I will go and talk to Lucienne shortly, then I'll be back.” he says and you give him a closed-eyed smile. “Yeah, I'll wait.” Morpheus gives you a nod as he stands up and leaves the room grinning to himself.
About ten minutes later he returned. “I'm here now.” he says and you simply nod at him. So he pulls his shirt and pants off but leaves the boxers on. He walks over to the empty side of the bed and gets under the covers. You both stare at each other until you slowly fell asleep. Morpheus smiled at your peaceful sleeping face as he slowly touched your cheek with his hand. Then the next second, you had your arms around him and snuggled into his chest. “Good night, Y/N.” Morpheus had a small smile on his face as he laid his arms around your body.
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writeshite · 2 years
i absolutely adore your fics omfg,,
could i request morpheus x tattooed!reader where he likes tracing reader’s tattoos when he’s stressed or upset? or reader playing with morpheus’ hair !
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Morpheus’ fingers trailed across your forearm; the sleeve tattoo contained both meaningful and unmeaningful tattoos - he’d shuffled into the room looking a tad unhappy, you’d uncrossed your legs, opened your arms, and the endless had gladly taken the invitation. His back to your chest, he traced your tattoos as you combed a hand through his hair, chuckling at the near cat-like tendency he had to lean into your touch for more.
Morpheus x Male!Reader
Fluff | Tattooed!Reader |
Words: 262
Author's Note:
I swear all these compliments are gonna make me cry 😭 thank you
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Morpheus’ fingers trailed across your forearm; the sleeve tattoo contained both meaningful and unmeaningful tattoos - he’d shuffled into the room looking a tad unhappy, you’d uncrossed your legs, opened your arms, and the endless had gladly taken the invitation. His back to your chest, he traced your tattoos as you combed a hand through his hair, chuckling at the near cat-like tendency he had to lean into your touch for more. He hmms to himself, going over a few of the curves repeatedly, before turning over to grab at your other arm. He moves his head back into your face, and his hair tickles at your skin, eyes glancing lazily into yours. He smiles. 
“I see you’re enjoying yourself,” you remark.
“Of course, nothing better after a stressful day.” You raise an eyebrow in question, and he sighs, “Desire,” he says, and you try not to laugh, “they, well we, had a fight.”
“That’s nothing new.”
“It must have been this time, Death got angry,” he continues, “she called me an idiot.”
“Well…” your voice takes on a teasing tone, and Morpheus gawks at you, smacking your chest with a pout, he goes to move away from you, but you trap him in your hold, insincere apologies pouring from your mouth. “Oh, do forgive me, my dear,” you say, peppering his face with kisses.
He tries not to grin, but with every small kiss, there are cracks in his faux pout until he’s laughing alongside you. He returns to tracing the tattoos, and you follow suit, threading your hand through his hair.
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End Note:
Hope you enjoyed reading this. Stay Hydrated.
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why-what-no · 2 years
Welcome Back
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Pairing: Morpheus x Male!Reader
Warning: Smut, imprisonment. This one’s a little shorter than normal :(. Also, lots of use of (Y/N). Turned out it’s hard to write smut when both people have the same pronouns lol
Summary: Morpheus’s lover had tried and failed to rescue him in his prison. So when Morpheus gets out, the two of them celebrate his freedom in their own way (I wrote stuff for the fems, now it’s time for the mascs) :)
Requested by: @mypsychoticlove
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(Y/N) pressed Morpheus against the wall of their room, kissing him desperately. It had been ages, ages since he had been able to touch the King of the Dreaming.
“Fuck, it’s been a while.” (Y/N) chuckled, running his hands under Morpheus’s shirt. The Dream Lord gasped at the feeling of his lover’s hands on him, not used to the touch of another person.
(Y/N) stilled his hands, waiting until Morpheus kissed him again to let him know it was okay to continue
“Indeed.” Morpheus breathed out. “I’m glad that you’re alright. I was worried.”
(Y/N) scoffed, knowing exactly what he was talking about. “It took a while to heal. But you didn’t need to worry. I’m unkillable.” Morpheus chuckled at that boasting.
When Morpheus had disappeared, his lover had spent decades looking for him. When he finally found Morpheus and tried to save him, he got shot by the humans holding the King hostage.
The house was too protected for (Y/N) to try again, having magic but not being nearly as powerful as the Endless. He spent the next year healing, trying to figure out a plan.
Trying not to exhaust all his powers by razing that entire building to the ground. The only reason he didn’t was because he didn’t want to risk Morpheus. And because it would probably kill (Y/N), but mainly for Morpheus’s safety.
But now Morpheus was back. And after years of worry, they were finally together again.
And after hours of talking, and some crying, and just holding his partner in his arms, they began to make up for lost time.
He undid Morpheus’s pants, taking him in his hand. His lover’s hands were gripped on (Y/N)‘s arms as Morpheus had his face buried in his lovers neck as (Y/N) touched him.
(Y/N) gripped Morpheus’s hair in his other hand, knowing that drove the King wild. Years of being together let (Y/N) know exactly what made his Morpheus tick.
He came with a low groan, biting at (Y/N) shoulder to keep quiet.
Shoving Morpheus onto the bed, he kissed him passionately. Breathing heavily as he pushed his cock into the Dream Lord, (Y/N) thanked whatever higher power he could for bringing his lover back to him. He had missed this feeling so much.
“(Y/N)!” Morpheus gasped, just as relieved that he had (Y/N) back. “I…”
“Yeah, yeah.” (Y/N) could feel his high rapidly approaching, knowing that Morpheus’s was as well.
When (Y/N) finally came - working Morpheus through his orgasm - he nearly laughed at the joy he felt from the feeling.
He wouldn’t let anything take Morpheus away from him ever again. (Y/N) didn’t care how many times he’d get shot, their enemies should be scared.
He’d destroy them all.
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xmalereader · 2 months
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Lord Morpheus X Modern AU! Male Reader
SUMMARY: Reader works for Morpheus Dream, assistant of The Dreaming company that makes medicine for people who suffer with sleep. He is the assistant of Dream who helps him out in any way possible until his family sends a wedding invention. His little sister is to be getting married and forcing him to bring a date when he doesn’t have one. Dream decides to join him to this wedding and fake their way through it.
CONTENT/WARNINGS: Fluff, slight angst, modern AU, desire and death have different names, endless children, mentions of autism, sighs of autism, Morpheus is a gentleman, humor, language, weddings, fake dating trope, slow burn-ish, mentions of Lucifer, company issues, slight possessive Dream, reader has autism.
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『 Chapter One 』
『 Chapter Two 』
『 Chapter Three 』
『 Chapter Four 』
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TAGS: @un-namedmalereader @fanficsforheartandsoul @boulevardofgalaxies @byler4lifeblog @gaysimp614 @mfairycow @1s3v3n1 @mypsychoticlove @horrfilm @flintthegoodboyo @the-ultimate-librarian
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