#sanitary engineering
DO NOTHING:The core of urban engineering (3:3/3 Essay) last
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My manga drawn at the beginning of graduation thesis (my Guernica)
Lifeboat by Associate Professor Morimura
Two years later, Associate Professor Morimura was very helpful to me during my thesis examination. After my voluntary exercise, I repeated a grade (second time) and worked on my thesis in a situation where he had to graduate properly this time. On the day of the examination, when it was my turn to announce, Associate Professor H was biting. I was wearing very rough clothes and had a muffler around my neck. He said: "Morishita, I'll never graduate you,if you don't take the muffler and announce it!" In response to that, I: "I understand, should I take it? I did.
I had a close relationship with Associate Professor H. I once had a busy part-time job and told Associate Professor H that I didn't have time to attend exercises (required). This imitated the critic Hideo Kobayashi once told Professor Yutaka Tatsuno of the French Literature Department, "I have to earn money because I live with a woman, so I don't have time to attend classes." However, in the case of Kobayashi, he was given an exam, and when Professor Tatsuno saw the result, he said, "If you can do this much, you don't have to go to class." Instead, I was just told, "Anyway, go to the exercises." Associate Professor H and I were worst relationship .
He belonged to the mainstream of urban engineering and sanitary engineering. Associate Professor H is one of the servant of Mr. Tamon Ishibashi (deceased), who is famous for good or bad in the world of water treatment. Mr. Ishibashi is a person who has a good face in the Ministry of Health and Welfare (at that time), and he is doing various bad things. One example is how to get involved in the water supply plan in Takayama City, Gifu Prefecture. Takayama City has selected a site with an abandoned mine upstream as a water source. There is a risk of mine poisoning.
After seeing the plan, Mr. Ishibashi gave a go-ahead to the construction just by reading the plan, that is, without looking at the actual situation. Anxious, the locals turned to a graduate student in sanitary engineering for help. Here, an unprecedented war broke out between the professor and the go apprentices. Mr. Ishibashi hung up by the graduate students, but at that time, it was Associate Professor H who helped Mr. Ishibashi by putting pressure on the graduate students, such as not arranging employment.
The above process is described in detail in "Pollution Principles ( Voluntary course)". I knew that, so to Associate Professor H I had something close to hostility, and so did he. It happened that the person in charge of employment at my time was Associate Professor H, so I refused to mediate. By the way, the current sanitary engineering of the Department of Urban Engineering is solidified by the network of Associate Professor Ishibashi-H. It's not a gorgeous thing.
I was able to graduate remarkably. Assistant Nakanishi taught me the first act of the faculty meeting. Associate Professor H disagreed with my graduation and said, "The announcement was amazing, but he haven't written half the text of my thesis yet. Can I graduate this guy!" At that time, Associate Professor Morimura said, "Mostly, H! Some people go on an overseas trip without writing their thesis properly, but he writes the text properly. Let him graduate!"
That's right. Unlike Associate Professor H, who became an assistant professor through connections, Associate Professor Morimura, who became an assistant professor with his own abilities, said "a heavy and precious word." It seems that no one disagreed. I was also fortunate that Associate Professor Morimura was an instructor in urban planning, not in sanitary engineering. Urban engineering consists of urban planning and sanitary engineering.
At the graduation party, Associate Professor Morimura said, "I thought you would do it, but I didn't think you would do it this much. You can do anything after graduation, but please let me know your activity report." He talked to me. My work also impressed Professor Morimura. For me, Assistant Ui and Assistant Nakanishi are Mr. Ui and Ms.Nakanishi. Associate Professor Morimura will be "Professor Morimura" forever. By the way, Professor V did not attend my thesis examination.
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productclick · 6 months
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saintbleeding · 10 months
You know what you have to do now. (write the jg au for it)
Gerry doesn’t really like nerds, as a rule.
Gerry also doesn’t really like rules.
So you see the problem.
Like, okay, obviously if the rules fall within “safe and sanitary tattooing practices” then they’re inviolable, but if the rules are the only things stopping him from admitting he’s crushing a little bit on the dweeby audio engineer who works next door, then they were made to be broken.
The guy’s got a nice voice, even if he does dress like a divorced geography teacher. Mind you, Gerry’s only heard his voice in two contexts: sometimes, snatches of it drifting sonorously through the wall—which doesn’t bode well for the supposed soundproofing—as he… records? Rehearses? Whatever it is an archival audio engineer does.
Oh, and other times, while the guy is smoking out the front on his break, he’ll be on the phone, either with this treacly, measured tone that drips customer service, or in a much more genuine and irritated one, seemingly complaining about whoever he’s got to use the fake voice on. The duality of nerd, Gerry sometimes thinks, and smiles to himself as he works. It’s like there’s a silent, unacknowledged solidarity between them—strangers, but near enough that they can share the thought that people are a right bunch of dickheads.
It’s comfy. Companionable.
Easier than the mess of trying to do anything mental like having a conversation. He might be a wanker. He might be a Tory. Not worth the risk.
Or, rather, not till Sasha comes in one day. Gerry knows her. She’s come in more often as a hand-holder for her mates who are getting their first tats, but he’s worked on her once or twice too. On this day—on her lunch break, she says, but tells Gerry not to rush, she doesn’t mind being late back—she’s come in for text on her inner forearm. I am here, it’s going to say, in all-caps, with an arrow pointing up the arm, towards her. Gerry asks, genuinely curious, what it means.
“Easy to get lost,” she says. “‘Specially in my job. So it’s kind of a compass.”
Gerry thinks that’s cool.
So they get to work on it. It’s not exactly painstaking, but given she said so, he takes his time on it. Lot of straight lines.
“Do you talk to Jon much?” Sasha says out of the blue.
“Who’s Jon?” Gerry says, without looking up.
“Oh! Works in the studio, next door?”
Gerry smiles without meaning to. “Oh, Mr A-Levels-History? Nah, haven’t had a chance.”
Sasha turns her head, sniggering. “I’ll tell him you said that.”
They lapse back into silence for a bit.
“Friend of yours?” Gerry asks breezily after what he sincerely hopes isn’t an awkwardly timed pause.
“Mm. Sort of,” Sasha says, in the same tone someone might insist they’re sort of friends with a panther. “He does a lot of recording for my company, and I’m usually the one who brings him our documents. He’s nicer than he looks.”
Gerry’s smile grows. “Doesn’t seem all that chatty.”
Sasha grins back. “Get him complaining and you won’t be able to shut him up.”
Gerry nods thoughtfully, and then the conversation drifts away from the topic.
But that evening, as he’s about to go, the nerd—sorry, Jon, apparently—is standing out the front, smoking, but not on the phone.
Gerry locks the door, pockets his keys, and turns around to face him in a way he hopes doesn’t look too orchestrated.
“Oh,” he says, “Could I bum one?”
Jon looks up like he’s surprised to remember he’s still on the physical plane, then exhales.
“Um,” he says, “Uh. Yes.”
He fumbles in his coat for a second, then pulls out his carton, which he hands over, looking away with a frown. Gerry takes a cigarette and puts it between his lips. When Jon takes the carton back, Gerry mimes for a light, and unthinkingly, rather than handing it over, Jon produces a zippo from somewhere and ignites it, holding it to the tip of Gerry’s smoke.
Not that Gerry is complaining about this, obviously. It gives him ample excuse to really properly look at Jon’s face for the first time. Stubbly chin, lines beneath his eyes and in the corners of his mouth, glasses in need of a polish. Their eyes meet, and Jon smiles awkwardly.
It’s right about then that Gerry decides fuck the rules, he’s got a crush.
“Long day?” he asks as Jon turns away, taking a drag of his own smoke.
“They’re all long,” Jon says wearily, then clears his throat. “I—mm. Yeah. Yes, you could say that.”
“And here I thought archiving reports from weird faceless organisations would be a barrel of laughs.”
Jon gives him a weird, silent look.
Classic bloody Gerry.
“Oh,” he continues, glancing away. “Um, you know Sasha? She, uh, talks about work a lot.”
When he dares to glance back, Jon is nodding, and if he’s still perturbed, he’s going to efforts not to look it.
“Friend of yours?” Jon asks.
Gerry smiles. “Sort of, yeah.”
They smoke in silence for a minute.
“I’m Jon, by the way,” Jon says, and Gerry nearly says I know, until he remembers what a weird fucking response that would be.
“Gerard,” he says instead, then, after a second, “Um, Gerry. I’m Gerry.”
They don’t shake hands.
“Strange,” Jon says, “That you spend all day jabbing people with needles, and I’m still hard-pressed to convince myself that my work is less violent.”
Gerry laughs. “How violent can things get in a recording studio, exactly?”
Jon smirks ruefully. “You might be surprised.”
Oh, cool, so he’s a freak. That’s kind of a huge relief.
“Anyway,” Gerry says, running a hand through his hair. “I’ve only ever had, like, three people pass out, so I’m doing pretty well. I’m basically a pacifist of tattooing.”
“You deserve the Need-el Peace Prize,” Jon says, then immediately cringes. “Sorry. Sorry. Christ, I tried to do something with needle and Nobel. Jesus Christ.”
Gerry laughs anyway.
“Not my finest work,” Jon concludes, lifting his glasses to pinch the bridge of his nose.
“Eh, it’s fine. You’ll just have to keep trying.”
Jon gives a bemused smile, bending to butt out his cigarette on the concrete.
“I suppose I will,” he says, and straightens his coat. “In the meantime, though, I’ve got some life choices to go home and question.”
They smile, and Gerry instantly prefers the kind of companionable solidarity the two of them share when they have actually had a conversation.
“Nice to meet you, Jon,” Gerry says.
“Likewise,” Jon replies, then he turns and goes.
Gerry watches him till he’s out of sight, and as he walks home alone that night, he nails down the preference list.
He likes nerds a lot more than he likes rules.
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gumnut-logic · 3 days
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Scott had blood on his hands.
It wasn’t a new thing. It happened far too often to really be anything out of the ordinary. But it was different when it was his brothers’.
Oh, so different.
Technically, his hands were clean. After all, between his uniform gloves and the first aid gloves, his skin was sanitary.
But it wasn’t.
He could feel it.
Virgil woke the moment his ‘bird’s engines flared up. It was almost predictable. It was actually a good thing. But he hadn’t been coherent, stuck in the moment he last remembered. Gordon was his entire concern and it took every reassuring word and action Scott could think of to calm his brother down.
And behind him, Gordon had slipped into unconsciousness.
Fortunately, the trip was ever so short and within minutes they were on the ground again.
Virgil was still fretting. Scott had to strap his head down to prevent him from moving it, but his brother wasn’t aware enough to realise why.
His distress broke Scott’s heart.
Gordon’s silence just scared him.
But now they were both in expert medical hands. The fact Scott knew the doctor on duty was both a reassuring and ridiculous thing.
But now, alone in the waiting room, he only had himself for company and the images and the beating of his overtaxed heart thudding in his ears.
There were a multitude of things he should be doing - checking in with the GDF, following up on the danger zone, checking in with John, Grandma...Alan.
But for one moment, just one, he let himself sit down on one of those blasted plastic waiting room chairs he hated, and dropped his head into his hands.
It was far from the exemplary conduct of the Commander of International Rescue. His uniform grated against his skin, but he needed to clear his head, calm the panic and reset to face it all again.
A gentle hand on his shoulder startled him enough to gasp.
Familiar and kind aquamarine eyes caught his as John crouched down beside him. “Hey.”
Scott let out a breath. “Hey.” He straightened and sat back in the chair giving himself space. “They’re going to be okay.”
Voice soft. “I know.” John unfolded again and sat in the chair next to him. “How about you?”
“Me? I’m not injured.”
“No. But it hurts anyway.”
Scott’s lips thinned, but he didn’t answer that. There was no purpose in answering. It was acknowledged, even if he didn’t want to admit it. Instead, he pushed off from the chair and threw himself to his feet.
He had things to do.
That hand caught his arm. “Scott, wait.”
He turned to watch John stand up and face him. Quiet and calm. “Stay. Eos is managing the rescue. Aunt Val is managing the GDF component. Grandma is on her way.”
Scott looked down at the floor a moment. He needed to be doing something. Virgil’s cries were still bouncing back and forth in his head and Gordon’s silence was echoing. Blood and metal and mud.
But most of all it was the senselessness. He was willing to give his life to save others. He knew his brothers felt the same.
But this?
No one was saved. It was a random fluke of nature. A mindless tornado that could have taken everything as easily as it took the lives of the people they were trying to help.
And no one had been rescued.
His brothers hadn’t even had a chance to start.
It reminded him of an equally mindless avalanche, oh, so long ago.
The blood was sticky on his hands.
“Why don’t you get cleaned up?” John’s voice was soft as always, calm as always. This was why he was the Thunderbird he was. Why Thunderbird Five worked as well as she did. His brother was his ‘bird.
John’s hand shifted from Scott’s arm to wrap around his shoulders. Hell, the man was still getting taller. Scott wasn’t used to looking a brother directly in the eye and god forbid he have to look up.
He was the eldest, after all. It was fit he be the tallest.
“C’mon, I’ll keep you company.”
And before Scott could protest, John herded him out to Thunderbird Two and her ample bathroom facilities. A shower and his mud and blood-spattered uniform was replaced with a red flannel shirt and a pair of jeans both too big and too short at the same time.
He had Virgil poking him for not restocking his spare clothes since London three days ago.
He idly wondered if the rest of his brothers sported a Virgil voice in the back of their heads.
Scott knew that his, at least, never neglected a smart-assed word at any appropriate moment.
Today he almost welcomed them.
But the shower and the fresh clothes helped clear his head and slow his thudding heart. It didn’t clean the blood off his hands and he still had the urge to scratch them raw. He curled his hands into fists.
Returning to the cockpit he was confronted by the missing hover stretchers, but worse was the hologram playing in front of John.
Obviously, Two’s external camera, he watched as nothing other than a combine harvester attempted to kill his brothers. John played with the controls, flipping the scene back and forth obviously attempting to ascertain exactly how his brothers were injured.
But Scott’s eyes just latched onto that massive airborne machine. A killing machine that tried to take his brothers.
Holographic pixels measured out how close.
Ever so close.
“Shut it off.” His voice was sharp and cold.
John jumped as if caught with his hands in the till and the hologram vanished. “Sorry.”
Scott bit the inside of his cheek. “I’m going back to the hospital.” He didn’t bother to wait for an answer. He just lowered himself through the hatch and strode ever so fast back into the building that held his injured brothers.
Two Birds with one Stone
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villainsimpqueen · 9 months
Below it Glows
Miles Quaritch X Cave dweller Na'vi Reader.
Chapter One
Art made by @nin3kyuu
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He had served his country, going to wars, doing operations others wouldn't dare do nor have the guts to do so. He lost many men, brothers and sisters due to the earth wars fighting over limited resources as their home planet continued to die more and more. 
A planet that once was rumored to be filled with vast forests and  clean waters and where humans could once live on Earth's lands without eco packs and masks glued to their face to filter clean air. 
Despite the Earth dying quickly, humans like a disease, cockroaches found a way to prolong their lives. Building even more cities but ones entirely of walls and filtration systems to pump filtered clean air into its halls and giant rooms. Levels were made with the rich being at the top and the poor to the bottom. 
  And still they all fought, they always were fighting and He was thrown into the fighting, a soldier, a commander, a colonel. Fighting for his country of endless mazes of filtration walls with small homes in them. All to be barely considered middle class.
He fucking hated it all. 
Quaritch breathed the filtered air from his mask as he stood outside the large doors of the city of walls he lived in. His shift was nearly over. He just had to carry on for another half hour and then he could go home, shower, put on clothes that weren't covered in toxic dust and ash and sit down with his fiancé. 
He huffed out the carbon from his lungs exhaling it out of the mask as he watched the wind pick up slinging dust and ash over the dead landscape. He could not fathom an Earth that was covered in plants and forests and even clean water, because even now as he walked the city's borders taking in the barren lands of dust and ash and the rivers of tar and slog it was an unbelievable thought. 
Paz liked keeping hologram screens around their unit playing simulations of what such a landscape would look like, having them even over their two windows that look out to the dead landscape to make it look like there was a vast forest with clean waterfalls instead. 
He wondered if she would even be home before him, her work was endless being an engineer she was always on call to fix some fucking thing. He admired her handiwork, she was one of the important workers in the cities, making sure the filtration system and environmental systems stayed on top notch standing at all times. Any time a filter leak happened she was called immediately, no matter the time of day or night. He sighed wondering what they had in storage to make a meal with, for if she wasnt there when he got home he would then shower and make them dinner. 
The thought of powdered meat and sustainable greens didn't appeal to his stomach not one bit, it brought back more anger. The upper classes actually enjoy the real shit. 
Real meat, real fresh greens and fruit. They got to eat meals he couldn't even imagine and it pissed him off. 
He should be able to buy real fucking food for himself and his fiancé. He should be able to enjoy basic fucking needs, why did those pansy bastards get too? He would love to see one of them suited up in protective suits, a mask glued to their face and trudge around in the hot dusty atmosphere their ancestors caused by sweating their balls off and coming home to eat powdered sustainable food. 
His ecopack beeped its warnings of needing cleaning and he forced a low growl before turning and walking back to the large doors slamming his keycard against its security panel allowing him into the sanitary station. He stood still as it sprayed off the toxic ash and dust from his body and vacuumed it out by exit shoots before allowing him to the next room where he could strip off the protective suit and gear. Sweat sheened on his skin as it was exposed to the cool filtered oxygen of the city. He breathed, feeling his lungs greedily accept the cooler 'cleaner' air as he watched his recruited replacements take their shifts leaving through the doors to the shitty atmosphere outside. He watched the doors open and close a dust storm brewing behind them. 
poor bastards.
He thought before he moved heading to the holo computer to clock his times file paperwork and then headed to the lift that raised him to his living level. Walking through the vast halls of the city and past the stores he watched bots move doing delivery services and the other humans of this city move around doing shopping.
Parents walking around with their kids buying them pointless shit that will end up outside of the city walls once the brat gets tired of it, making the outside even worse than before. 
He walked past simulations of decorated trees  that hurt his eyes along with the florescent lights of the city. 
Finally arriving at his and Paz's unit he walked inside seeing all the lights off. 
He let out a sigh trudging through the living room and towards the bathroom flicking on the light as he stripped his clothes and climbed into the shower having its hot sanitation water pour over him and his skin. His skin prickled under it slightly stinging as he stared at the showers tiles avoiding the sanitation water to burn his eyes. 
Grime and dust that made under his suit washed down his body and into the drain with its murky color. 
I gotta get us the fuck outta here. 
Gritting his teeth as he glared at the tiles. 
There were rumors, rumores that the top level had real fucking plants as decoration. 
They didn't have as many filtration systems because of real plants producing real oxygen. They had clean water, drinkable water. 
not packed water, or water cleaner packets to mix into the sanitation water to make it safe for consumption. But real fresh clean water. 
Real food, They had an environment system that was supposedly like how the Earth was supposed to be hundreds of years ago before great wars fucked everything up. 
He wanted that. 
God, he wanted that so badly. 
Dinner was nothing but slop in a bowl and he glared down at it as his spoon scooped it up and brought its dull color to his lips.
"I got a raise today." Paz's voice called to him and he glanced up at her from his bowl. Her brunette hair thrown into a messy bun and her dull green eyes surrounded by dark circles much like his own, her skin not pale but gray like his own it looked as lifeless as the ash and dust outside in her bright clothes she wore. 
"Yea?" He asked her, forcing a smile on his lips.
lifeless, they looked so lifeless in here..
Paz smiled back at him and nodded. 
"I was thinking…maybe we could look at some of the units on the south side of the city..something bigger." She told him.
He moved his eyes back to the slop in his bowl.
"Paz." He warned.
"You gotten a raise last month and now i have one, maybe a few more months and we could find a really nice unit and start thinking about ki-"
"Paz enough." He snapped, glaring up at her to pause, her dull green eyes dulling even more.
He didn't mean to snap, he really didn't. His anger was misguided and he let it focus on her like he always seemed to do in these past few months. 
He only sat in silence as she moved from their shared table with that bowl of slop of hers and took it to the kitchen leaving it and heading to their room. the slide of doors ringing in his ears as he was left alone. He slammed his hand on the table gritting his teeth, feeling his rage build through his body, tensing his muscles, flexing them before he let out a  sigh and dragging his hands up his face into his hair pulling on it. 
"Fuck.." He grumbled letting his head fall back and his hands falling to his lap he stared at the ceiling for a while until he forced himself up to gather his bowl and take it to the kitchen washing his and Paz's dishes before cleaning the kitchen. 
He went ahead and packed his and Paz's lunch pouches for the next day before he headed to the bedroom and met with the lights turned off and Paz already in bed. He stared at her back as he moved under the covers. He stared at it for a few moments watching her steady breathing before reaching out and pulling her towards him. Wrapping his arm around her, He held her close burying his face into the back of her neck.
"I'm sorry.." He whispered, only met with her breathing steady and soft, his apology fell on sleeping ears. 
He moved his hand to hers where the simple plain engagement hand rested, he dragged his fingers over it before clasping her hand in his. 
"I want more for us Paz…Ya get that right? I don't want another shit hole of a unit with the slop they feed us with..I want more. I want us up there with the other rich bastards. " He whispered to her as he kissed her shoulder blade. 
"I want ya to have real plants hanging around the unit, not some screen…I want us to eat real food Paz, us and any little tikes we have..not that gritty ass shit we ate tonight…" He let out a shaky breath and pressed another kiss to her shoulder before settling his head on the pillow staring at the back of her head, rubbing his thumb over hers.
"Ima get us out of this shitty level..Just be patient with me Sweetheart." He whispered out the promise he always whispered to her each night. 
She had to understand, she had to feel the urge to want more too, right? She must know how much she deserved then the shitty hole in a wall unit they had. 
He just needed her to stay patient with him, he will give her so much more than this, his secret promise to her the day he got on his knee. 
A better life, one where she didn't have to work if she didn't wish it, where his pay would be plentiful to carry them and their children. They live in some nice unit up on the upper levels and he could surprise her with a new plant to add to her collection. Their kids would never have to breathe in contaminated air due to a filtration leak and get sick stuck in medical units for months or years because the outsides dust and ash had radiation infecting their lungs. They wouldn't be so…lifeless. 
"I promise." He whispered holding his fiancé so tightly to his chest afraid that if he let go she too would fade away into the dust like so many of his past friends did in the war zones he had been in. 
The dust he was going to vanish in as well had she not met him the day they met. 
He had stared at the exit doors, sweat dripping from his brow as he moved his hand towards the keypad. The protective suit and ecopack in the other clearance room. His hand didn't tremble as he was about to tap the keypad with his keycard. 
They were always told that being out in the outside atmosphere without protection suits and gear, without their eco packs and masks that they'd be dead by suffocation within minutes. 
He had felt so numb, that the thought of dying so painfully by suffocation didn't scare him. If anything it had excited him, he had felt nothing since his last mission, where he had lost his best friend by a gunshot in the head, lost all his teammates and was the only one who arrived at the checkpoint alive but wounded. He had wanted the lung infection he got from his suit and ecopack being damaged to take him out as well…It didn't, he survived while his team all died.
He licked his lips, as he pressed the keycard to the panel hearing the loud beeps it made and the door starting to open breaking its seals as it heavily gilded open. 
Dust flying into the room, some of it hitting his face and burying into his hair as he squinted his eyes, lashes protecting his pupils as the doors slowly exposed him to the dead earth's atmosphere.
"HEY WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!?" a voice screamed at him and he had turned surprised that someone was even up at this hour. But there she was, a woman shorter than him storming over to a computer panel viciously typing away at the holo screen forcing the door to beep and glide shut. 
"ARE YOU FUCKING CRAZY!?" she yelled at him as the sanitation began spraying him down with chemicals and what not before deeming him clean. She had stormed in snatching him out of the room, easy with the daze he was in and she ripped him a new one all while he stared at her like she was a lunatic.
"Whats your fucking name?" She demanded of him.
He had licked his lips staring at her, taking in her bright furious green eyes.
"Miles…Miles Quaritch." He told her.
"Well Miles Quaritch..Yoru a fucking dumbass!" 
And he laughed, he laughed harder than he ever believed he had in his life as she stared at him like he was a madman.
"Ya have no clue sweetheart." He had crackled out and she had huffed running a hand in her hair before sitting beside him.
"I'll make ya a deal, you meet me at the dindime dinner for lunch everyday and i won't report you." She told him.
He raised a brow at her.
"It's not a choice so you know." She clarified before getting up and leaving before he could answer. 
The next day, she was waiting for him outside of the dinners unit.
The days drooled on, everything was the same.
Wake up.
Get dressed.
Have breakfast with Paz if she was there, by himself if she wasn't. 
Go to work.
Do the routine routes around the city borders.
Paper work.
Clock out.
make dinner or occasionally go out to eat. 
 So when his presence was demanded to the job distribution area, it had taken him by surprise. Paz had been excited, hoping it was him getting a promotion; he had worried about it being a demotion due to a shortage of workers in other areas of the imprison walls they lived in. 
When he entered the private office he was met by several officials who made him sit down. They had panels open displaying some kind of planet, ships and what not, and his records.
His eyes shrunk at his records, all his military files, his ranks, his specialities. 
His eyes moved towards them sharply.
"The hell is this?" He questioned feeling his body start to stim ready to defend himself, ready for attacks his brain logically knew wouldn't happen.
"How'd you like to be head of security on a base we're setting on this planet?"
He froze, eyes landing on the hologram of that planet. 
The recruiters of the organization that was setting this all up information drop not landing to him as he saw the screens flash other images of the planet.
great vast forests, real forests, real trees, bright vibrate plants. Real greenery.
Crystal clear oceans and rivers, clean drinkable water that reflected the sun on it.
Real sunlight, one that could clearly be seen through a living breathing planet than hidden by dust and ash storms. 
Paz would love it there…
He moved his attention back realizing they were waiting for him to answer, he had missed everything they had said. 
He made them repeat it and he listened to every single word. 
"I ain't leaving without my fiancé." He started sternly as he leaned back into the chair. 
it was too good to be true, and it was, they only wanted him and him alone. 
He wouldn't leave her, he wouldn't leave Paz behind. 
"...We can make sure your fiancé will have a spot on the ship." the head RDA recruiter spoke as She slid a holotablet over to him.
"All we need is you to confirm the job." She had told him.
He signed, not reading over the contract of the job. What he would be putting himself through, he didn't care. 
He would be able to get him and Paz out of that shitty unit they lived in. They would be somewhere even fucking better than the upper levels. A new planet, a new Earth and he would be able to see the woman he loves surrounded by vast forests and clean waters. 
He would do whatever the hell the RDA wanted him to do, without hesitation. 
He was ecstatic as they told him when they were to leave. He had rushed home making sure to page Paz to be home. He had practically ripped the sliding doors apart as he entered their unit seeing her stand from their couch confusion in her eyes as she looked up at him.
"Quaritch?" she questioned as he rushed towards her hands going to his waist as he picked her up spinning them around grinning widely his cheeks hurt. She squealed , clinging to him and laughed.
"What is going on? good news?" She asked excitedly as he was. 
"Good news? Baby girl i got fucking fantastic news ." He told her before pulling her into a deep kiss, when he pulled away he explained everything and he laughed as she squealed telling him to stop wasting time and to help her pack their things. 
By the end of the week they were boarding a ship, being put into cryo chambers. 
He stared at Paz across from him watching her settle in place and look at him for assurance. He smiled at her as the chambers turned on.
"I love ya." He told her, watching how she smiled.
"I love you too, Quaritch." She answered.
"I can't wait to see you on that planet." He told her feeling his eyelids grow heavy, if she had said anything he didn't hear her as his body shut down in a deep comatose sleep, frozen in time and place as the ship took its human passages light years away from earth to this bizarre resource full, living planet.
They named it Pandora. 
Chp 2
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fatehbaz · 1 year
In 1913, a year before the Panama Canal was completed, the journalist Frederic J. Haskin wrote that “the conquest of the Isthmian barrier was the conquest of the mosquito.” This was a period when America [had] [...] by 1902 taken control of Cuba, Puerto Rico, the Philippines, and Guam. [...] The connection between mosquito control and the United States’ imperial conquest can be seen in the work of William C. Gorgas, the Alabama-born Army surgeon who led efforts to eradicate yellow fever and malaria -- both mosquito-borne diseases -- during the first US occupation of Cuba (1898–1902) and was subsequently appointed Chief Sanitary Officer of in Panama. [...] Gorgas claimed that he had “made sanitary discoveries that will enable man to return [...] and again live and develop in his natural home, the tropics.” [...] In particular, the dwellings erected for the Isthmian Canal Commission (ICC) conjoined the management of mosquitos with manipulating the interactions between people of different races and social classes. [...]
Gorgas arrived in Panama in 1904 [...]. Gorgas and others saw sanitation work as indistinguishable from the military occupation in Cuba and the success of the canal construction in Panama. [...] Spraying was largely carried out by mosquito brigades, which checked households for compliance [...]. But [...] these brigades also policed the activity of local residents. [...]
There was much debate not only about who to enlist to build the canal, but also how to prevent organized resistance and revolt among them. 
As one official testified to the US congress in 1906, “there must be on the Isthmus a surplusage of labor. Otherwise, we will have interminable strikes.” [...] 
Furthermore, rather than one vulnerable workforce, Chief Engineer John Stevens believed that having several different nationalities and ethnicities would be easier to divide and create competition, compelling them to work harder.
In order to do this, the ICC created a segregated, dual payment system: the gold and silver rolls. [...] [W]hite workers from the US were mostly hired for skilled positions and received payment in gold. These “gold-roll” employees could spend leisure time in segregated clubs [...]. West Indians and Black workers from the United States were mostly assigned to the silver roll. [...]
[T]he gold- and silver-roll system constituted an apartheid society, a perverse reincarnation of the contemporary Jim Crow system that was in full effect at the time in the United States. [...]
Although the ICC offered free housing to all its gold-roll employees, silver-roll employees paid rent. [...] As late as 1910, Galician workers on the silver roll were still living in boxcars ventilated only by a few small punched openings. [...] When West Indians requested basic amenities like blankets and shelter to keep their clothes from being soaked in the rain, the US government responded that they didn’t even need sheds. [...] For white workers [...] Type 13 [housing types] not only features a wraparound screened porch as a circulation space, but also a prominent band of empty space surrounding the enclosed bedrooms [...].
The distinctions associated with the categorical, systematic definition of different domestic architecture for different classes of people follows a history of typology in architecture and criminology that was closely associated with scientific racism, social Darwinism [...]. 
George W. Goethals, who took over as Chief Engineer of the project from Stevens in 1907, responded to requests for mosquito nets and screens for West Indians by repeating a common and racist misunderstanding: “It is generally admitted … [t]hat the colored people are immune.” Yet in 1912, “as many as two-thirds of all West Indians reported sick or required medical attention … [m]ost of them catching malaria several times [...].”
Structured by prejudice, anti-mosquito architecture allowed malaria to continue spreading while reinforcing racial hierarchies. [...] US imperial concepts about the tropics as a place [...] “[...] divided the civilized, temperate North from the heat, humidity and backwardness of the tropics.” [...] While managing the laborers through their relationship to insects -- and each other -- this low-cost architecture was crucial in the broader effort to turn the Isthmus into an imperial outpost and render the landscape tropical.
All text above by: Dante Furioso. “Sanitary Imperialism”. e-flux (Sick Architecture series). May 2022. [Bold emphasis and some paragraph breaks/contractions added by me.]
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blackhistorychatgpt · 4 months
Black inventors
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From Perplexity:
Famous black inventors have significantly contributed to various fields, from everyday household items to groundbreaking technological advancements. Here are some notable figures:
George Crum (1824-1914): A chef who is credited with inventing the potato chip in 1853[1].
Frederick McKinley Jones (1893-1961): Developed refrigeration equipment for trucks, trains, ships, and planes, receiving over 40 patents. His invention, the Thermo King, revolutionized the food and medical transport industries[1].
Granville T. Woods (1856-1910): Accumulated almost 60 patents, improving railroad functioning. Notably, he invented the induction telegraph system for train communication[1].
George Washington Carver (1864-1943): An agricultural chemist who developed 518 products from peanuts and sweet potatoes, including ink, dye, soap, and synthetic rubber[1].
Madam C.J. Walker (1867-1919): Became the first African American woman self-made millionaire by creating a line of hair products for African American women[1].
Garrett Morgan (1877-1963): Invented the traffic signal and a safety hood that served as a prototype for the gas mask[1].
Mary Beatrice Davidson Kenner: Patented the sanitary belt in 1957, a significant advancement in women's health and hygiene[1].
Thomas L. Jennings (1791–1859): The first African American to receive a U.S. patent, for a dry-cleaning process[4].
Patricia Bath (1942-2019): Invented a laser cataract treatment, becoming the first African American female doctor to receive a medical patent[4].
Mark Dean (1957-present): Holds over 20 patents, including contributions to the creation of the color PC monitor and the first gigahertz chip[4].
Elijah McCoy (1844-1929): Known for his invention of the automatic lubricator for oiling steam engines, leading to the phrase "the real McCoy" to denote something authentic[4].
These inventors have left a lasting impact on society, demonstrating ingenuity and perseverance in the face of challenges.
Citations: [1] https://www.oprahdaily.com/life/work-money/g30877473/african-american-inventors/ [2] https://www.parents.com/kids/education/world-changing-black-inventors-that-every-kid-should-know-about/ [3] https://www.black-inventor.com [4] https://www.biography.com/inventors/g46697619/famous-black-inventors [5] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_African-American_inventors_and_scientists
From Gemini (formerly Bard):
20 Famous Black Investors with Short Descriptions:
Dr. Shirley Jackson: First Black woman to earn a doctorate in nuclear physics, invested in research and development for the U.S. Department of Defense.
Robert F. Smith: Founded Vista Equity Partners, a private equity firm with over $85 billion in assets under management. Known for his philanthropic endeavors.
Oprah Winfrey: Media mogul and investor, known for her investments in cable channels, production companies, and Weight Watchers.
Udayan I. Lekhraj: Founded CMG Partners, a private equity firm specializing in healthcare investments. Advocate for diversity and inclusion in venture capital.
Catherine Hughes: Founded Urban One, a media company serving the African American community. First Black woman to chair a publicly traded company in the U.S.
Rodney Bryant: Co-founded JUST Capital, a firm that measures and incentivizes corporations to prioritize stakeholder capitalism.
Ellen Johnson Sirleaf: Former President of Liberia, Nobel Peace Prize winner. Focused on economic development and investment in her country.
Ronald Lauder: CEO of Estee Lauder Companies, known for his investments in the beauty industry and philanthropic work.
Charles R. Bronfman: Chairman of The Seagram Company Ltd., invested in various industries including entertainment, real estate, and philanthropy.
John Rogers Jr.: Founded Ariel Investments, a mutual fund company with over $28 billion in assets under management. Advocate for responsible investing.
Marc Morial: Former mayor of New Orleans, currently president of the National Urban League. Focused on economic empowerment of Black communities.
Ronald Watkins: Founding CEO of Watkins Investing Group, invests in real estate and businesses within the Black community.
Melody Hobson: President and CEO of Ariel Investments, known for her work on financial literacy and diversity in boardrooms.
Aisha Evans: Founded BE Capital, a venture capital firm focused on Black and Latinx tech entrepreneurs.
Kevin Hart: Comedian and investor, known for his investments in production companies, streaming platforms, and sports teams.
Jay-Z: Rapper and entrepreneur, known for his investments in music streaming, sports teams, and venture capital funds.
Will Smith: Actor and investor, known for his investments in production companies, media platforms, and venture capital funds.
Serena Williams: Tennis champion and investor, known for her investments in venture capital funds focused on women and diverse founders.
Rihanna: Singer and entrepreneur, known for her investments in beauty brands, fashion lines, and technology startups.
LeBron James: Basketball player and investor, known for his investments in media companies, production companies, and technology startups.
Please note: This list is not exhaustive and can be debated in terms of individual importance and impact.
Reading List on Black Inventors:
Black Inventors: Lives That Mattered by Darlene R. Medford
Hidden Figures: The American Dream and the Untold Story of the Black Women Mathematicians Who Helped Win the Space Race by Margot Lee Shetterly
Lifting the Veil: Celebrating the Unsung Heroes of Black History by Michael Hill
Lost Genius: The Forgotten Black Inventors Who Changed the World by Dennis Freeman
Pioneering Women in American Mathematics: From Agnes Scott to Emmy Noether by Pamela Prochazka
Black Inventors in Science and Technology by Shirley J. Smith
A Colored Man's Reminiscences of James M. Whitfield: With Recollections of the Early Struggles of Colored Men in Boston by Wilbur H. Siebert
Inventing the Future: Black Inventors in Science and Technology by Geneva Gay
African Americans in Science, Math, and Invention by Darlene R. Medford
Black Inventors in the United States by Darlene R. Medford
This list offers a variety of books covering different periods and areas of innovation by Black inventors. Consider exploring further based on your specific interests.
I hope this information is helpful!
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Mussel-inspired antimicrobial coating protects sanitary fabrics from contamination
Researchers from the UAB and the ICN2 have developed an innovative material to fight against the spread of pathogens, infections and antimicrobial resistance. Inspired by the substances secreted by mussels to adhere to rocks, it can be used as a coating to protect health care fabrics and provides an effective alternative to commonly used materials such as paper, cotton, surgical masks and commercial plasters. The research is published in the Chemical Engineering Journal. The overuse of antibiotics has led to the development of antimicrobial resistance (AMR), a growing threat to public health worldwide. AMR occurs when bacteria change over time and no longer respond to drugs, antibiotics and other related antimicrobial medicines, making infections harder to treat and increasing the risk of pathogen spread, severe illness and death.
Read more.
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transmutationisms · 10 months
so you got me interested in reading the history of shit but feel slightly intimidated as i have very little experience in european history and basically none in french history at all, and none for history of health/disease/etc. i was wondering if you have any recommendations for readings to get at least a basis in this so i can appreciate and understand the read more? what do i need to know going into it?
[yes sickos voice] so i actually think 'history of shit' is relatively friendly to those without a huge base of historical knowledge, if only because it's less grounded in actual historical analysis than in theoretical and conceptual work. you should be aware of the french 'mission civilisatrice' as a guiding principle of imperial and colonial expansion, and its importance in hygienic rhetoric and reform projects in the french colonies (eg, the hanoi rat massacre or attempts at scientised architectural reform in algeria or morocco). you should also know that paris in particular has a recent history of taking a special kind of pride in its sewer system (which, to be clear, did exist prior to the second empire [1851-1870] but was certainly greatly expanded during this period) and using the fact of having a sewer system as evidence of its great 'modernity', 'cleanliness', &c. but, i don't think you need to delve deep into historical texts prior to reading 'history of shit'; if anything, it might be more enjoyable to read laporte first (it's a funny book on purpose!) and then do any further historical research that piques your interest. 'history of shit' is working largely within a lacanian and freudian framework, though certainly also with an awareness of principles of marxist analysis; again, though, i don't think you need to be an expert in psychoanalysis to read this book. maybe skim a summary of freud's 'civilisation and its discontents' if you're feeling very shaky on this aspect.
if you do want to read further into french history on this topic, some first places to go would be donald reid's 'paris sewers and sewermen' (kind of the go-to historical monograph on the parisian sewer system) or alain corbin's 'the foul and the fragrant'. david barnes has also written some great papers on parisian sanitary engineering, including the 'great stinks', and public health. 'history of shit' also bears certain foucauldian fingerprints and has a lot of literary and cultural analysis; you might have fun following some of those references. i read it without having read most of the literary works cited and still found it very engaging.
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bonefall · 1 year
Briarlights death makes sense to me. As much as I love her character, the movement technology you’ve come up with wouldn’t be enough to keep her alive in a society where her nether regions are constantly exposed to the outdoors. She would get UTIs and kidney infections very quickly, which would be fatal when you can’t feel pain. My partner has to use catheters to avoid them (he is paralyzed in the same spot Briarlight would be.)
I think it’s disingenuous to have a character that’s paralyzed but have no other health problems or concerns regarding it, even if it’s uncomfortable to think about for some readers. It’s just as ableist to minimize the additional struggles she’d face as it is to kill her off unnecessarily.
Not accusing you of ableism, but expressing my concern. They’d need to find a way for her to poop and pee in a way that’s sanitary and a way to combat infections long term - even if the thought is “gross” to some people it’s the reality she’d have to live with. She should, at the very least, remain immunocompromised.
That is a valid concern. I will keep this in mind-- I'll make sure to note her immediately being cleared out of camp at the first sign of sniffles to avoid it. My cats can do some very minor building and there are now several cats on Jayfeather's Garden Patrol, it wouldn't be too much of a problem to make that area into a comfortable "satellite camp".
I do want to add though that my most important guiding principle is a stronger narrative which includes better portrayals of disabled characters, not perfect rugged woodsman realism. The medicine I add and the guides I write are in the hopes of better representing the lives of the real-life people who see themselves in the fantasy battle cats.
Realism does factor into that of course! But it goes out the door the minute it would smash up against a disabled character's inclusion. This is a series for human beings like your partner; as close to it as I can get by bending the setting when needed.
For example, Epilepsy
Epilepsy was deadly before modern medicine. Full stop. The herbs I created for that guide would not save someone like Shadowsight, whose convulsions are at extreme risk of turning into Status Epilepticus. It would help manage, but Shadowsight's life would have been very brief.
All the chamomile in the world wouldn't replace phenobarbital... or even the older medications, barbituates. Barbituates have been replaced and good riddance, but it's important to understand that even this drug known for causing EXTREME lethargy and horrible side effects was revolutionary. It saved countless lives.
But I'm not here to write a story for the real-life horror that is epilepsy in a pre-modern society. I'm here for the parent who personally thanked me for making their daughter feel less alone.
Evil spirits attacking the living! God knocking over trees! Attacking a bulldozer! That all happens; there's no reason they can't help Briarlight too!!
But I'll make sure to include her being immunocompromised. And I'll include ways they handle that. Just like I included a cat engineer who made a blanket sled.
So... suggestion accepted! I will keep this in mind.
Briarlight's Canon Death
...I will maintain though that the canonical death of Briarlight was one of the worst, most short-sighted, cruelest decisions that has ever been made in this series.
Because ultimately Briarlight is not a real person. She is a writing choice. She is a character based on Vicky's paralyzed cousin, "Dan," and Briarlight was directly modeled on Dan's personality and recovery.
What did the new writing team do, the minute they were writing a series without Vicky? Killed Briarlight to fucking greencough. For shock points. Narrative moves right on back to the MAIN conflict-- Alderheart having feelings for Velvet and Jayfeather enforcing the vow of chastity. ShadowClan officially falls apart in the background lol
It was never about realism, or realistic portrayal of disability.
This series doesn't care about realism when cats have bloody Freddy Kruger deaths in their sleep, or when shadow goo starts eating cat hell, or when lightning strikes Shadowsight. But they suddenly care about how realistic it is that the only paralyzed character survives greencough?? No! Of course not!
In the middle of the CONSTANT "Ohh she's finally in heaven where she can run and jump and not have a disabled life"? And the infamous Squirrelflight's Hope line, "You don't want to be alive again, Squirrelflight! You might become disabled like BRIARLIGHT"
I absolutely do not believe for a second that they had a realistic portrayal of an immunocompromised cat in mind when they did it! Hell, screw it. I'll just say it outright;
I firmly believe that the new writing team killed Briarlight because they did not want to deal with her.
I flatly refuse to give them charity towards this choice. At NO POINT did they earn a speck of good faith. They continued every negative trend that was set up by the previous writers (including Vicky herself tbf), and went a step further by killing her to "we need to get rid of some randos" disease.
Not only that; but the Clan dynamics were NEVER the same after her death, because there was no character who could replace her personality. In this cast of cardboard cats, they plucked out one of the few optimists with a clear, unique perspective, not shared by ANYONE else.
My ire wouldn't JUST be because they happened to kill a disabled character in the way they did (though that is frustrating on its own imo). It's because it was Briarlight.
I hope every writer involved with the decision to kill Briarlight in the "Nothing is Happening! Quick! Kill Someone!" book of AVoS chokes on it. I will DIE on this hill and my blood will never wash out of the grass.
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As an environmental problem researcher:especially about water issues (1/2)
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(Note: The etymology of "Mamoru"(衛) is "a soldier who patrols to protect the one in the middle." Sanitary Engineering” =”衛生工学”)
Don't look lightly sanitary engineering! : Water quality purification goods welcomed by amateurs
I am an expert in sanitary engineering. Especially in the field of water, I have been doing research that does not fall behind. I also worked on various water-related technologies. Here, a blog covered some kind of water purification technology. Looking at what kind of thing it is, somehow from the lapilli, "Since the components that rejuvenate the microorganisms flow out, this will rejuvenate the microorganisms, expect water purification, and give back to the earth." That's right? ... I'm scared because this is what amateurs think. If we can purify water with such a small item, we don't need water treatment technology, and you don't need sanitary engineering. The sanitary engineering is explained as follows.
A discipline that applies engineering principles to the prevention of environmental pollution and the conservation of the living environment with the aim of protecting and promoting public health. Since the causes that threaten people's lives and health change with the development of civilization and society, the objects of purpose-oriented sanitary engineering are also purification of air and water from urban water and sewage, noise vibration control, industrial waste control. , Final waste management, radioactive emission management, air conditioning heating and cooling of buildings, control of working environment in factories, planning of local material metabolism facilities, planning and management of air, water and soil environment, location planning, etc. .. The academic fields necessary for this are also (1) physiology, public hygiene, animal and plant ecology, flow science, meteorology, statistics, etc. to set improvement or conservation goals, and (2) civil engineering to take improvement measures. Engineering, chemical engineering, microbial engineering, fluid engineering, thermal engineering, system engineering, etc. (3) Planning mathematics, regional planning, urban planning, economics, etc. for making plans. After World War II, the Department of Sanitary Engineering was established at Hokkaido University and Kyoto University, the Department of Urban Engineering at the University of Tokyo, and the Department of Environmental Engineering at Osaka University. Other universities have related courses in the Faculty of Engineering.
Well, when I chose sanitary engineering as my career path, I didn't really understand the content, but I was depressed at that time and was told that it was a "dirty place" dealing with "shit, pee". While I was depressed, I decided to go to a dirty place and went on to throw it away. In the above explanation, it is said that there are a wide range of applications, but at the time of my time, the main problem was water, and research was concentrated on waterworks, sewers, rivers and lakes.
Regarding sewage treatment, it is difficult to treat sewage by participating in a project (by students) to check the performance of Jun Ui's "oxidation ditch", which is an evolution of the traditional "activated sludge method".  As a premise, sewage treatment is said to be "accepting any wastewater, purifying the water quality properly, and is evaluated for the first time". The maintenance of a plant (facility) is a place where water treatment engineers play a serious role. At sewage treatment plants, activated sludge, a group of microorganisms derived from soil, actively "eats" organic matter in sewage and plays a role in water purification, but that alone is enough to purify water. Is on the way. In addition to organic substances, there are substances that require more advanced removal techniques, such as nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P). If you try to process it, it will cost a lot.
This is the current state of sewage treatment. What can we say when we look at the goods from that perspective?
What is XXXXX? (Author's note: Hidden words)
A microbial activator made mainly from lapilli.
XXXXX will use the microorganisms on the spot as the source, and Mr. microorganisms that have become the source will decompose the dirt.
Just place XXXXX on the flush tank of the toilet, and the flowing water will rejuvenate the Mr. microorganisms.Every time you flush the water in the toilet, the flow of water from the sewage to the river and the sea becomes beautiful.
You can give back to Mr. Earth just by putting it in your toilet!
(From a certain blog. I have something to think about, so I'll keep it anonymous.)
It's ridiculous and not talkative. The pollutants washed away in the toilet are pee, poop, organic matter, nitrogen and phosphorus lumps. Is it possible to expect some water purification effect from lapilli? Also, it is unclear what kind of microorganisms the person who wrote this blog refers to and says that the water purification effect can be expected. There is a section that somehow thinks that microorganisms = water purification. The nerve that can clearly state such an amateur idea on a blog makes the earth cry.
A word of the day: In the first place, thinking about environmental issues on the premise of using a flush toilet is a . Human humiliation. In the first place, we should think about the waste of energy of diluting the solid substance "Unko :shit" and treating it with water to make the activated sludge solid again. You've never heard of a composting toilet that can compost "shit" and "pee", because this person is an amateur. (Apart from that, I don't have a grudge against this blogger, but I was inspired by so much error that I wrote this blog.)
Currently, there is no "sanitary engineering" or "sanitary course" in the Department of Urban Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Tokyo. It seems that it calls itself an "environmental science course". Somehow, it is a name that feels "beauty". I think the original "hygiene" = "protecting life" is a more direct and better name. Well, I think that the people involved in the name change should have thought that it would be better to be neat, and I think that there are many University of Tokyo students who are attracted to the "superficial" coolness. When I was there, most of the students shy away from being dirty because they deal with "shit" and "pee".
Reference HP (actual compost / toilet)
(It seems that you can not connect well from here. You can find it by copying this URL and doing a separate Google search.)
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varii-corvid · 8 months
I'm starting to care about covid safety again in 2023 and people are thinking I'm overreacting. I just think that we shouldn't have dismantled a majority of public safety measures and people are downplaying and denying how bad covid is still. it's kinda common to see that people are weirdly antimask nowadays. I really thought we would have learned by now to take public health more seriously. I think I'll just start trying to protect myself by permanently altering my lifestyle to be more sanitary. it's honestly so strange that the CDC just straight up stopped caring and it really shows that the government does not give a fuck about people's well being if it disrupts the extractive profit engine of society. I feel like a fool for letting my guard down and letting people be potentially harmed by my lack of precautions. I should have listened to what the disabled and immunocompromised communities have been saying this whole time.
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teachersource · 1 year
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Ellen Swallow Richards was born on December 3, 1842. An American industrial and safety engineer, environmental chemist, and university faculty member in the United States during the 19th century. Her pioneering work in sanitary engineering, and experimental research in domestic science, laid a foundation for the new science of home economics. She was the founder of the home economics movement characterized by the application of science to the home, and the first to apply chemistry to the study of nutrition. Richards was the first woman in America accepted to any school of science and technology, and the first American woman to obtain a degree in chemistry, which she earned from Vassar College in 1870.
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rabbitcruiser · 8 months
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Inter-American Water Day
The Inter-American Water Day was created in 1992 by means of a declaration signed by the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), the Inter-American Association of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering (AIDIS) and the Caribbean Water And Wastewater Association (CWWA). Its objective is to pay tribute to water as the basis of our existence. We do this on the first Saturday of October every year. The commemoration of this special day highlights the importance of water for the well-being, health and sustainable development of all humankind.
The meaning of this day expresses the existence of shared values in all American countries, underlines the sense of Pan-Americanism, and reinforces the collective interest in water, life and health.
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ikkaku-of-heart · 14 days
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Anon asked: Miss Ikkaku, what is it like to live on a submarine with mainly male company? What does your daily routine look like? Anonymously send me asks as a tabloid journalist (Still Accepting)
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"Honestly, it's not as bad as you might think. Law makes sure everyone bathes regularly for sanitary purposes so they aren't smelly or gross most of the time. Sometimes they say stupid stuff that comes across as a bit sexist but eh, most of the time they realize it and apologize and try not to do it again. They're affectionate, think highly of my skills, and they're just a good crew to sail with."
She paused to think. "I guess my daily routine is get up, get dressed, head to the galley to eat and drink coffee with the crew, then start my shift in the engine room. After that, I'll grab a shower (lukewarm to keep my hair from frizzing), then usually spend the rest of the day in my workshop, doing research with Law, reading in the rec room, or just hanging out with the guys. Oh, and every other weekend Bepo and I have a 'girls night' where we hang out in my quarters, gossip, and do each other's nails. It's nice."
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Making menstrual pads from succulents could improve access to sanitary products
A method for producing a highly absorbent material from sisal (Agave sisalana)—a drought-tolerant succulent plant—is described in a study published in Communications Engineering. The authors suggest that, with further development, their method could be used to produce locally sourced disposable menstrual pads in rural and semi-arid regions. Manu Prakash and colleagues treated fibers extracted from sisal leaves with peroxyformic acid and sodium hydroxide before air drying and blending them. This generated a fluffy material that the authors suggest could be used as an absorbent layer in a disposable menstrual pad—they found that it is capable of absorbing more water than a commercially-available cotton menstrual pad (23.9 vs. 15.2 grams of water per gram of material). The authors demonstrated this potential use by incorporating processed sisal into a prototype menstrual pad between a porous top layer and a waterproof bottom layer obtained from a commercial menstrual pad.
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