Sinon [Spider Witch] Sword Art Online: Memory Defrag
#sao md#transparent edits#free to use#sao#sword art online#sao sinon#sinon#transparent#transparent edit#png#transparent png#pngfree#halloween png#halloween
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Sword Art Online Memory Defrag Offline Mod Version 5 is out 🎉🎉🎉
Finally I am able to beat Gleam Eyes Ultimate Fight with S Rank, Arrr! All thanks to U Sinon❤️ (although its 4 am and I can't sleep)
Sword Art Online Memory Defrag was my first multiplayer game. Sadly it was closed in August 31, 2021 and as a token of gratitude the Developers created an Offline Version, with limited characters and missions, of the game for us.
BUT, some incredible Players fought back and decided that SAO MD is not dead yet!!!
For more infos follow the videolink below or join our discord:
#sao md mod#sao md#sword art offline memory defrag#sword art online#memory defrag#sao gleam eyes#gleam eyes#gleam#mobile games#sao is not dead#sao md is not dead#i cant sleep#sao sinon#sao ultimate fight#asslyn's meme cooking#asslyn meme#asslyn memes#asslyn memes cooking#asslyn videos
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RAYE COSTANCE MATTHEWS TELL ME WHO IS THE BETTER COUPLE OF ONG and i wont accept you and kaili as answer anyone else besides you guys
oh my gawd, thats like the hardest question ever! i feel like i should say an answer about a new couple but i don't know much about the new artists in the company, and actually, i think they don't even date a lot here as they used to. in my time, it was more useful than tinder! the most popular answer would be jinhyung and kyungri, although they are lovely and i get the whole fandom, it seems really vague coming from my mouth. haneul and hyuntae are also very cute.... i cannot name a couple where one is a celebrity and the other isn't, right? no, i can't, they not a couple of ong... but i will say that i adore clay and allen they are such fun people, and i helped zeev to find his perfect woman! Oh that reminded me of a couple that happened after i try match one of them with daehyun! i want to say that i didn't not force them together, he simply had this huge crush on her and somehow he could not get a long conversation with her so i simply helped them but it didn't work for more than an hour. fuck sake i try to help daehyun out so much with his dating life that i will now answer that, maybe not the better couple but my favorite couple from ong is daehyun and danbi because they were a rollercoaster of emotion to be together and even after a little, i was even her bridesmaid at one point, but they love each other so much and they have a beautiful family and i will always root for them.
#raye.#vc respondeu 3 asks enquanto eu estive nessa#PQ ESSA MULHER FALOU#E A CULPA EH SUA PQ#A COSTANCE EH FOFOQUEIRA#MDS ELA Nem falou da julie e do valak#deixaram de ser amigas#nem falou do hai tb mds ta vendo nem sao proximos#ui fofocas
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❛ you’re about as intimidating as a butterfly. ❜
as asas em suas costas parecem dar ao mundo uma impressão de fragilidade . não importa seja tão ou mais esperta que o próprio pan e nem mesmo que tenha comandado uma tripulação de piratas , afinal , quem poderia temer uma fada ? não , essa não é a primeira vez que zarina é subestimada e tampouco acredita que será a última , e muito embora aquilo seja uma fonte de irritação , quando se trata de pan —— um capitão a seu próprio mérito —— , é o mais irresistivel dos desafios . ❛ ah , é ? ❜ ela invade o seu espaço pessoal , o curvar de seus lábios e o brilho em seus olhos são uma imagem de pura afronta . mesmo com o tamanho absurdo de uma mulher humana , suas mãos são rápidas em pescar um dos frascos de pó mágico em seu bolso e jogá - lo entre os dois , próximo aos pés de pan . o chão treme por um breve segundo antes de uma raiz enorme romper com tudo em direção ao pergaminho que o outro lhe saqueou . é claro que não é o suficiente para recuperá - lo ; pan é ágil demais , mas é justamente com isso que zarina conta . com a direção em que sua planta cresce , ele escapa para a direita , onde ela já o aguarda com um chute bem dado , que atinge o pergaminho e o manda para o ar , e se aproveita da surpresa do moreno para acertá - lo com outra nuvem de pó . esta traz uma rajada de vento ao seu encalço e o engole num pequeno furacão . ❛ até logo , peter ! obrigada por passar aqui ! ❜ zarina não é nenhuma fada da luz , contudo , ali sozinha na praça , seu sorriso resplandece como o próprio sol ao que o observa esperniar enquanto é caregado para longe , seu pergaminho agora recuperado e seguro na mesma mão que usa para acenar alegremente para ele .
#eu não faço ideia do q foi isso mds laksjdlkasd sao 5 da manha sos eu não sei mais de nada mas o importante é tentar ne ....#ask game#@peterpvn
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nossa, a federal de são joão del rei tem uns campus bonitos, né?
#pelo menos é o que parece#just saying#sao joao del rei#mds eu digitando errado o nome da cidade kkkkkk#personal
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o facebook do kuku eh mt bom kkkkkkkkkk so tem perola. esses links q vou colocar sao de uma thread so com os comentarios do kuku por la
kuku vendedor de camas e colchoes: https://x.com/gorgeousxox0/status/1770062669967503408?t=O0GbqB9qCVmJHbq5Hj5kLQ&s=19
kuku cobrador de dividas: https://x.com/gorgeousxox0/status/1770062373312737336?t=O0GbqB9qCVmJHbq5Hj5kLQ&s=19
KKKKKKKKKKKKKK mds eu to passando mal de rir
top 4 fav desse acervo que é facebook do kuku
alsooo eu criei uma conta no tt pra interagir mais com o fandom qualquer coisa eu coloco akiii
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duas perguntinhas 🥹 onde vc faz suas capas e como vc deixa elas com essa qualidade? mds suas capas sao lindas kajshdh
Hello anon! ��🫂
Primeiramente, muito obrigada pelos elogios e pelas perguntas. Esse é meu primeiro ask, então não repare kkkk
Os apps e sites citados estarão com os links vinculados. Espero que façam um bom proveito! 🌸🍃
Bem, respondendo à primeira pergunta: Onde edito?
Eu edito pelo Ibis Paint X. Desde o começo da capa até a conclusão geral dela, mas no fim, costumo finalizá-la pelo Polarr que é um app de criação de filtros para fotos.
Mais detalhes:
Edito no tamanho 2400 × 1600 para não perder a qualidade e ter um vislumbre melhor para posicionar os elementos.
Redimensiono através do Picsart ou no Ezgif mas, boa parte das vezes eu não redimensiono além de pedidos de projetos e pedidos pessoais — particularmente não sinto diferença, mas eu sou meio cega, então sugiro que redimensione ao tamanho exigido pela plataforma (600 × 400 - Spirit).
Para a segunda pergunta: como deixar a qualidade?
Bem, essa questão é um pouco complicada. Eu não sei ao certo o que deixa uma melhor qualidade, afinal, tem capa que eu faço meio nas coxas por serem pra mim. Mas, falarei os processos que uso e que influenciam nisso — sim, sou uma capista péssima KKKKK.
Sempre busque utilizar materiais com boa qualidade, seja um png que irá usar no fundo até uma fanart ou arte oficial. Quanto melhor a qualidade dos recursos que você tiver, melhor será o resultado do seu trabalho.
"Mas Inse, eu não sei onde achar materiais!"
Bem, eu consegui alguns recursos conversando com amigas capistas e também recorri ao maravilhoso e clássico Pai Google! Meu histórico é desastroso, acreditem...
"Pão desenho png"
"Moldura png"
"Flowers line png"
São alguns exemplos de pesquisas que fiz para achar recursos. Mas lembre-se: não venda suas edições com coisas que não lhe pertence. Estes recursos foram criados por alguém, então não lucre em cima de algo que não fora de sua total autoria!
Tutorial para achar png pelo Google:
Abra seu navegador.
Clique nas opções (ou três pontinhos).
Selecione a opção "Para computador".
Pesquise normalmente no Google.
Entre em "Imagens"
Vá na opção no canto superior direito e clique em "Ferramentas"
Algumas opções se abrirão e nelas haverá uma chamada "Cor", clique.
Um pequeno painel se abrirá e nele haverá 3 opções: "Qualquer cor", "Preto e Branco" e "Transparente". Clique na opção "Transparente".
As imagens irão recarregar e agora você terá imagens em png, diretamente!
Ibis Paint X
O app utilizado para a edição é um app de desenho que permite que façamos muitas outras coisas, incluindo as edições. Então, consequentemente, ele terá uma infinidade de pincéis, filtros e recursos para que seja utilizado.
Na opção paga do aplicativo, há um filtro na opção de "Borrão" chamado: Máscara de Nitidez. E através dele, com a capa finalizada, regulo no olhometro — lembrando, eu sou meio cega — o quanto eu desejo de Nitidez na capa.
Como a opção anterior é um pouco limitada, há este site que utilizo as vezes para melhorar a qualidade. Mesmo que seja pouca, ainda sim é uma ajuda!
O Waifu é um site fácil de mexer, meio bugado as vezes, mas ainda assim é bom!
Versão que mais uso: Waifu2x.pro
Versão que usava antes: waifu2x
Polarr e filtros
A melhor parte de uma capa, onde o lixo vira ouro e achamos o diamante no meio da bosta! De certo, uma das minhas etapas favoritas: a escolha de filtros.
Vamos lá: Filtros ou PSDs são as finalizações que aplicamos nas capas para deixar ela mais viva, mudar a cor ou até mesmo trazer o tcham que ela precisa. Consequentemente, uma das partes que os iniciantes mais cometem erros.
Assim como devemos escolher cuidadosamente nossas imagens para termos um bom trabalho, também devemos nos atentar aos filtros que escolhemos para que a capa não perca qualidade! Ou seja: fuja como o diabo foge da cruz de filtros de blur exagerados, glitchs intensos e ou corrosão. Eles tiram a qualidade da capa de uma forma drástica — ao meu ver e pelas minhas experiências.
Busque sempre filtros que tragam vivacidade e nitidez para a capa, e aqui indicarei 2 dos que mais uso e um que gosto bastante:
Kiddiecore !
Indie kid 🌈
O terceiro filtro, recomendo que use com moderação pois ele tem as franjas mais visíveis, ou melhor dizendo, o glitch mais evidente. E assim como ele, filtros de ruído e blur, também devem ser moderados se deseja utilizá-los!
Finalmente, o fim!
Espero que o post tenha ajudado e tirado suas dúvidas, Anon. Se tiver perguntas, pode fazê-las que irei respondê-las com maior prazer e boa vontade!
Até uma próxima! 💜🫂
#ask insemnia#ask inse#ask#tutorial#capa para fanfic#capa social spirit#duvida#design#dicas#ibis paint x#picsart#polarr filter
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vontade de banana
É esquisito como as coisas podem mudar de um dia pro outro. Eu tenho percebido mais o meu corpo e suas necessidades... Percebi q tenho sentido mais sede e q minha urina nao está tao clara pra quem ta batendo a meta de 3l de agua por dia ou mais, também tenho tido vontade de comer banana, e mesmo q nao seja lowcarb, creio q precise disso, afinal to tentando ter uma qualidade de vida melhor e nao migrar pra uma nova obsessão e ficar refém de um cardápio.
Sei que preciso me exercitar, mas nao tenho tido mt animo, o peso parou de baixar novamente e isso nao é bom. Ao menos reconheço que perdi medidas.
Um outro vicio que preciso eliminar é o de telas, passo o dia na frente do computador trabalhando, qnd chego em casa passo horas na frente da tv vendo minha serie e no final da noite me vejo perdendo horas de sono pra assistir videos aleatorios no celular.
Alem de ter dois trabalhos e dois cachorros, ta tudo uma zona na minha casa, no meu corpo, ta uma loucura e ainda me pediram p fazer essas marmitas fit pra vender, pq ja duas pessoas querem comprar e eu nao tenho certeza se quero me comprometer com mais um afazer, mesmo q isso dê dinheiro. Minhas panelas sao pequenas e ainda teria q calcular todos os custos, até o gás e embalagens pra precificar. ai mds, eu vou pirar
Ontem consegui nao fumar, fui ao mercado e comprei agua com gás e schwepps citrus, pra dar aquela enganada do alcool no fds e ainda nao encontrei um lugar que vende vape no meu bairro, mas com certeza no sabado eu vou sair pra procurar em outro bairro e suas tabacarias.
alguém aqui costuma meditar ou estudar sobre espiritualidade?
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Brazilian refugees from Gaza arrive in Sao Paulo
Brazilian authorities Sunday confirmed the landing in Sao Paulo on a commercial flight of a 30-year-old woman and her children, aged 4, 2, and a baby born on Dec. 24 last year, who fled the war-torn Gaza Strip through Cairo, Agencia Brasil reported.
The family of Brazilian origin was welcomed by a team from the Ministry of Development and Social Assistance, Family and Fight against Hunger (MDS), which coordinates the shelter for migrants from Gaza, the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR), UN Migration (IOM) and a translator.
According to the MDS, all “are in good health, but will undergo medical care to assess their clinical conditions and vaccinations.”
After the carnival holidays, they will all be taken to Belo Horizonte, the authorities said.
Continue reading.
#brazil#brazilian politics#politics#palestine#israel#foreign policy#mod nise da silveira#image description in alt
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First Impression of Reverse: 1999 from a Long Time Gacha Games Player
Hello! Today I'll tell you my first impression about a new gacha game that just release it's global version not too long ago, "Reverse:1999". I preregistered this game and mind you, I actually had zero intention to add more gacha games into my sleeves especially the turn-based ones, but the art... The ART man!! It caught my attention soo let's dig in!
Before we start I'd like the readers (you) to know that I've been playing gacha games daily for a considered long time, since 2017 and still going on today. Although not a lot of them so here are some that I've played for over 3 months (pretty much understand the overall system):
Fate/Grand Order, Arknights, Genshin Impact, Honkai/Star Rail
Bold are my main daily games. And then here are some that I've tried, well at least I know their UI & prologue lol:
SAO MD (discontinued), Food Fantasy, Granblue Fantasy, Punishing/Gray Raven, Tower of Fantasy
I might bring up some titles to compare and most likely from between the "over 3 months" ones. Then, let's start!
What's the big deal of "gacha game" and why I play them?
I like to draw and gacha games have one of the best community for art clout. No this is serious, and one of my top reason of why I'm playing this borderline gambling type of game.
Gacha games are living from their banner rotation. The second ones are new characters and story reveal that updated regularly... Don't you think these are real good timings for posting?? They also got those art gods that somehow helped the promotion and attract the peasants (me included) to get to know the story and make fanarts too. I'm not kidding. This is why I've been here since I started digital art. Lol.
But every actions need consequences. Gacha games are very high maintenance to stay relevant, from the player's side. You missing one update, you'll feel like an old man. This is the most FOMO (fear of missing out) type of game. The main sacrifice is TIME. So many things need to tend in one game, and if you play multiple it means you have to spare some hours in a day. If you can't, get ready to lose something. Why I don't say money? Because I'm pretty much f2p, I never really spent my money for gacha. But time, time bro. Time also money! This is also why I write this post.
The Premise of Reverse: 1999
The early story kind of reminds me to Persona 3 where there are some special times (Dark Hours in P3) where an ordinary human can't survive and there are some special creatures than survived.
In R:1999 the special time is called "storm" which will turn back time further from your original time. For example, MC is from 1999 but she's sent to 1920s thanks to the storm. So they made a foundation or something to get back to the original time. Well in a sense this is kinda similar to FGO (Fate/Grand Order)'s Chaldea, maybe that's why I'm so driven to try this game lol. The name of those "special creatures" are arcanists.
Actually I don't really understand everything yet, but at least that's the glimpse I got. Also they tried to fix the history or something whenever they're getting sent back so, basically a fancier FGO right?? I have no problem though.
The game's mainly set in the west in 20th century. I think this is the main perks of the game, because the entire design and aesthetic revolves around this so it can differ greatly from most gacha games that either have fantasy RPG setting or urban post/apocalyptic ones. Personally I really like this.
The Main Character
The MC is such a breath of fresh air!! It's a woman, and people called her "Vertin". So no, not your typical self-insert anime degenerate persona like most gacha games. Here is a very beautiful EP of her:
The Characters
The characters are pretty unique imo, you can play as inanimate object (visually) like apple and satellites. The arcanists are the playable (and summonable) characters. So expect to see various 20th century-themed designs.
Also the designs are dope!! They're unlike most gacha games' characters designs where they wore something weird that will awaken your darkest corner of brain but here they're just dressed NORMALLY LIKE A NORMAL FANCY PERSON I'm so glad. Normal doesn't mean boring, this is a compliment. Even the "fanserviced" ones are still pretty tasteful than just put random windows everywhere.
This game has a carry-over pity on 70th roll, soft pity started like in the 60th. They use the same gacha currency on both permanent and limited banners. There's 50/50 like in Mihoyo games. You need 180 clear drops (?) to turn them into one rabbit statue (?) for a summon. I think this one is very similar with Arknights. Personally in my opinion this is very generous and reasonable, but I'm a FGO player so yeah my "generous" standard may differ greatly with a lot of people lol.
Oh you also can get guaranteed *6 from beginner's summoning banner.
(Early) Gameplay & Progression
The gameplay is like FGO with extra steps. Or FGO with fewer steps... Anyway, it's a card game. Each character has cards you can choose per turn. Once the "stars" are filled you can unleash the ultimate. Honestly? A little boring lol, but things may change once I get out early-game phase. People said this is very similar to 7 Deadly Sins game but I never get close to the IP so idk.
You can set which enemy to hit per card unlike FGO where it's done per turn. Personally I think this is neat. Although among the games I've tried I think Honkai/Star Rail still superior for turn-based system since they can control the speed and whatsoever. However this kind of "fixed" system also nice since you don't need to farm artifacts/relics to be playable.
The early stages are so easy. Well, most games have very easy early stages though, unless a certain popular furry tower defense game (*cough* Arknights *cough*).
For character progression pretty much just level up, no need for artifacts/relics like Mihoyo games so it's fast and easy.
You can set a "replay" for autofarming once you get 2 stars achievement on the node. You can also choose the "amount" of drop rate for just one battle. This is very neat!
Dailies, Weeklies, etc
R:1999 has similar progression with Arknights and Mihoyo games with this one. The daily and weekly tasks literally like Arknight's.
Tbh their dailies are quite a hassle lol, you need at least spend 5-15 minutes to clear all.
And their "battlepass", looks like Genshin's battlepass or HSR's Nameless Honor
Gotta admit between ALL the games I've played, nothing beats the simple daily of LOGIN in FGO (in exchange with disastrous gacha and tremendous farming🙏).
UI & Visual
Maybe I should've put this a little earlier lol.
The UI is AMAZING!! One of the best. Really (once again) reminds me of Arknights, since I like their UI too, and even better I think especially their retro aesthetic.
The visual is GORGEOUS. The game is presented in common gacha game storytelling method: visual novel, however they tried to incorporate like L2D animation in the STORY'S VISUAL.
The characters have different art styles, I think done by different artists like most gacha games (the only one who didn't do this are Mihoyo games, please explain). And the sprites are full body non-chibi 2d animations! This one's like FGO, although still like 10% chibified so in terms of sprite style, FGO still has the crown.
Music & other sounds
Music is BANGER!
I rate it 4.5/5. Maybe the 2nd music of gacha games that I like after Genshin. It doesn't sound like basic visual novel ost (looking at you FGO and HSR) in most part, tho since this is basically *still* visual novel, so in some part still sounds pretty stale after you heard it so many times.
The voice over is dope! They used various accents, so it's pretty interesting!
The name of housing/dorm in R:1999 is "Wilderness", something like islands. This is once again reminds me to Arknight's "Base" but outdoor.
End game
Honestly I haven't found the endgame content for this one, if you're looking for challenges maybe games like Arknights and HSR still better choice.
Based on every gacha games I've played, I can say progression, UI, and summoning from Reverse:1999 is similar to Arknights, but turn-based and A LOT easier at the start. If you've played Arknights before I think understanding the system will like walk in the park.
For the story it's somewhat like FGO, of course not the same, but still both are "correcting the history and go back to our time" kind of story.
The game doesn't ask much, so I think if you're a gacha game player and barely have any time for more games, this one's still enjoyable with very minimal investment. Suitable as your 2nd, 3rd, or even 5th gacha games. Especially when you're just want to vibe with the art and setting like me.
If you're new in gacha game, there's no problem with trying out this, but I think the game is made with thought that the target market are people that familiar with gacha games. Still, enjoy your time!
Tl;dr if you still want to play your main games daily while join the Reverse:1999 bandwagon, it's totally possible without sacrificing much of your time.
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McDonnell Douglas MD-11 Varig
Registration: PP-VOP Type: MD-11 P Engines: 3 × GE CF6-80C2D1F Serial Number: 48434 First flight: Oct 1991
VARIG (acronym for Viação Aérea RIo-Grandense, Rio Grandean Airways) was the first airline founded in Brazil, in 1927. From 1965 until 1990, it was Brazil's leading airline, and virtually its only international one. Over the years, the airline flew all across the world, offering intercontinental flights to every continent. VARIG was the first airline in Latin America to operate MD-11 aircraft. The first two MD-11s, PP-VOP and PP-VOQ, were delivered to VARIG on November 12, 1991 and began flying on the Sao Paulo – Rio – Paris – Amsterdam route. Since then, the MD-11 has become the main VARIG aircraft for international long-haul flights.
Poster for Aviators. aviaposter.com
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Silica [Easter Bunny] Sword Art Online: Memory Defrag
#sao md#transparent edits#free to use#sao#sword art online#transparent edit#anime transparent#sword art online memory defrag#sao silica#silica sao#ayano keiko#png#pngimages#transparent png
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eu amo observar o corpo do lucas
algumas partes sao extremamente grandes e grossas comparado as minhas q sao bem mais finas e um tico menores por incrível q pareça
essa observação faz com q eu me sinta mais delicada e feminina mds vo chora
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esse é o homem que vcs fala que vai dar a xereca pra ele até desmaiar?? é esse o homem???
ficaram com a xereca piscando pro salsicha do scooby doo cyborg uruguaio meninas?
Enzo mostrando a idade dele ne kkkķk q fotos sao essas mds ai ele é tão esquisito e conceitual as vezes (broxante pra mim😔) Eu achei que a foto era engraçadinha ate ver a msc do radiohead ☠️
#ask 🍒#enzo vogrincic#e o único homem que eu daria ate desmaiar é o felipe#e o kuku fui🏃♀️➡️🏃♀️➡️🏃♀️➡️#acordei agr quem amou#vou tentar escrever#uennnjn
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unpopular opinion but. I think of/md S2 has seen like a serious dip in quality writing. like idk I know this is an unserious show but S1 still compelled me to take it seriously. a feat that S2 fails. something abt perhaps the cast and crew being extra aware of their audience to tailor dialogues in a way that feels... too much like trying to wink wink nudge their twt fan following maybe... idk.. idk if it's the pacing or a sense of disjointedness or if it's.. something else. (maybe the season finale will tie it together in a right and proper way?) but it's all felt very low-stakes not in the balance of the usual reassuring and theatre way but in a very underwhelming way. idk. the only time the show felt like it had the whiff of ye olde S1 magic was when zheng yi sao's ships got blown up.
#the addition of more women to the cast has been refreshing tho.#not complaining abt that.#i will happily eat my words if the sesson finale ties it the season together properly.#it just feels like everyone just assumed it was gonna be a success anyway so they stopped trying.#anyway. not tagging this.#maybe i need to bingewatch the show in full and see if THAT rcreates the feeling of s1.#who knows.#production value and costuming still rules tho#idk what it is abt s2 that feels off to me but something does. and its not bc this is the act 2 part of the story#something feels like its... missing.
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