#is there really anything better than a villain whumpee
whump-in-the-closet · 2 years
I feel like I’m being too obvious but I definitely associate you with hero and villain whump
👀well can’t really argue with that *ahem* i do love villain and hero whump and i am not about to say otherwise
also like that’s the majority of the pieces i write
so there is that i suppose
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fleur-a-whump · 3 months
Overloaded (#1)
Preventative Measures
so like. this is a thing. been toying with this little guy in my head for a few weeks and like, almost nothing is concrete but I'm hoping I'll turn it into a series.
content: ex-villain whumpee, hero/leader whumper, manipulative whumper, just like a LOT of manipulation, collars/collaring, referenced electrocution, low self esteem, subtle threats, guilt trips
I've never done this before, let me know if I missed something!!
masterlist | next
Villain has finally been given a chance. A chance to prove he's more than what the whole city has always thought of him, more than what his father raised him to be. He wanted to do good in the world. The heroes were finally giving him a chance to be more than they've always thought of him. 
...or so he thought.
He gulps as he stares at the shock collar in Team Leaders hands. It's a small thing, sleek and unassuming. But he knows exactly what it is because Team Leader had shown him how it worked.  The man is currently speaking to him nonchalantly. Villain should really be listening to the hero that holds the key to a better life. But that collar... shakes Villain's faith in Team Leader. Just a little.
"Villain," the man says shortly. Impatiently. Shit.
Villain jumped to attention, nerves only growing worse. 
"Sorry, sorry! I'm just-just a little confused. I thought... I was a part of the team..." He tries to keep the heartbreak out of his voice. He doesn't quite succeed. 
"If you'd listen..." the Team Leader sighed deeply. Villain was going to throw up. 
Team Leader began again, speaking slowly as if to a child. Or a stupid person. Villain thinks he fell into the latter column. "I was just saying this will help you better mesh with the team. I'm sure you've noticed people are a little nervous with you around."
Hostile. Villain would use the word hostile.
"Given your past, everything you've done," the man drawled. Villain can't hold back a wince. 
"So, to ease their worries, and allow them to see how great I know you can be, this is just a little precautionary measure. A bit of a show."
Ryan swallowed thickly.
"So... It wouldn't be used..."
He tries to keep himself from thinking about electricity burning the sensitive skin of his throat as it shoots down his spine and into his skull to paralyze him. He's familiar enough with the feeling; he doesn't need to imagine it.
Team Leader gives him an easy smile. "As long as there are no issues, of course not."
"Oh, stuff that'll never happen. Just breaking any of the rules."
Villain arched his brow, slightly dubious. "Rules.”
"Yeah, like, follow orders, don't fraternize with any of your old contacts, don't leave our level, don't work unsupervised, don't harm the team. Stuff you've been doing this whole time."
"Wait, don't leave the level?
"I mean, that's pretty obvious, bud. If we can't see you, we can't know that you're following the rest of the rules."
He nods mutely, gaze wandering. this whole thing just. He didn't know. It hurt.
Team Leader gently tilted his head up. "Villain, I'm only doing this because I trust you. I know you'd never do anything that could jeopardize your place here."
He doesn't trust that Villain is a hero though, obviously. That he's good. Because Villain could never be good. Not now. Not after all he's done. 
No, he can only hope to do good. And the only way he'll be able to do that is with the team. If this is what it takes to ease his team into working with him, if this is what it takes for him to stay, then he'll do it.
"Atta boy, Villain! I knew you could do it, man."
Villain nods, trying to give him a smile.
Team Leader moves towards him all too quickly, and he can't help the flinch. The man doesn't seem to notice—or at least he doesn't acknowledge it—and is soon once again gently tilting Villain's chin up from where it had fallen. 
Villain fights the urge to lean into the touch.
While he's distracted, Team Leader swiftly brings the collar, already disengaged and bent open at the hinges, and presses it to Villain's skin. 
Villain jolts at the cold metal and fights to swallow as it's closed around his neck.
The locking mechanism clicks right up against his spine. He can't help the shudder that trickles down his back at the finality of the sound.
"I'm so proud of you, bud," Team Leader says with a big smile and a ruffle of Villain's shaggy curls.
The tightness in his chest eases, just a little. A little part of him flares in anger at how easily he's comforted. He doesn't deserve the comfort.
But he's trying. The collar now fit snuggly around his neck, like it was made for him, is proof of that.
ps ex-villain whumpee on the hero team but whumped by the hero team is my all-time favorite trope and it is so hard to find I have finally hit the point of needing to produce my own story to scratch the itch
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chaotic-orphan · 2 months
Defiant Leader x Confident Villain (6)
Read part one here! //Continued from here
TW: VERY INTIMATE CREEPY WHUMPER WHO DOESN’T RESPECT BOUNDARIES, WHUMPER WHO DOESN’T UNDERSTAND NO, boundary pushing whumper, close proximity whumper, whumper making whumpee uncomfortable, borderline SA? Kind of? Idk how to tag it, just kind of borderline implied douchebag but i think it can be triggering for people so beware
“Leader?” Villain asked, lunging forward and grabbing Leader’s face in their hands. “Hey, hey. Leader?”
There wasn’t anything except panic racing through their mind as Villain’s fingers trailed down to Leader’s neck, pressing in gently on his pulse. Only then did they relax, tension leaving their shoulders and calves as they pushed back on their heels and just stared at Leader.
“You scared me, you dick,” Villain muttered to nobody. Leader must have passed out from the pain. Doctor did warn them that that could happen when she was training them. Maybe it was a good thing Leader was passed out while his bones fused themselves together again.
Villain ran a hand through their hair, blowing a breath through their lips as they began to pack up their bag. They unclipped the used needle head and put it in the bag of disposables. Supervillain wouldn’t notice one more used anyways, the bag was half full.
No, their rational voice drawled, sarcasm thick. Supervillain wouldn’t notice something so minute at seeing Leader’s healed hand that he took the effort to break. He’ll never notice.
Villain ignored it as they stood, bag in hand. It would be fine. They’d burn that bridge when they came to it.
Villain cranked the metal door open and froze. Supervillain’s sharp eyes met theirs. Villain, the usually calm and cool, collected Villain froze like a child with their hand caught in the cookie jar. Their skulduggery was even childish, quickly hiding the bag behind their back as if Supervillain hadn’t just seen it in their hands.
“Villain,” Supervillain said with a winning smile. Supervillain held a hand up to the person he was talking to, muttering something Villain couldn’t hear before he started walking towards Villain. “So funny, I was just looking for you.”
“Oh, really?” Villain asked, their voice coming out higher than they would’ve liked so they cleared it and pitched it down. “Well, I was just doing my rounds, sir.”
“Were you? So vigilant. How about I inspect it? Like the old days?”
The lie died on their lips at Supervillain’s pointed look. The look that didn’t accept No for an answer. Villain swallowed and inclined their head.
“Of course, sir,” they said pushing the door to Leader’s room back open. Supervillain stepped in and told Villain to shut the door again. Villain didn’t hesitate, though their arms felt heavy as they cranked the door shut again until it sealed properly.
Villain turned to face Supervillain. Even he was dwarfed by the size of the room. It was a bunker from World War II, Supervillain told them when he first showed Villain around. It stored plane parts and guns, ammunition. It was a giant concrete void of space, that Supervillain had repurposed to be his interrogation room.
Villain was far less flashy. The more claustrophobic the better for his victims, though… Leader was able to find the flaw in that approach.
“Hmm,” Supervillain said, drawing Villain’s eyes to his face. “Would you look at that, Villain. Leader’s hand is miraculously healed.”
Villain stepped forward. It was better to admit their guilt now then draw it out and incur Supervillain’s wrath twice.
“I can explain.”
“Can you? I’d love to hear it.”
Villain swallowed and paused, searching for the words because what the fuck were they supposed to say? Villain was Supervillain’s second best interrogator, his best torturer and here they were floundering for words to defend healing Leader’s hand. Their enemy. Supervillain’s prisoner.
Supervillain tilted his head. “No? Do you want me to explain?”
“No, Supervillain… I— listen, I—”
“No, no, no, no,” Supervillain said, wagging a finger at Villain. Only gently scolding them. “I have an even better idea. How about we ask Leader what happened?”
Villain’s eyes shot to Leader, still slumped in his seat and back to Supervillain again. “He’s passed out.”
“I can rectify that,” Supervillain said sweetly. Villain shook their head, holding their hands up placatingly.
“Wait, wait, wait — Supervillain, please. I can—”
“Explain. Please,” Supervillain said, bending to pick up the hammer. His kind, pleasant smile still on his face as he swung the hammer between his fingers. “While I still have some semblance of patience.”
Villain gathered their composure, stuttering wouldn’t help them pacify Supervillain. Villain forced their body to relax before speaking. “You broke every bone in his hand,” Villain said. “The risk of infection was high and then you’d get nothing out of him.”
“And what do I want to get out of him?”
Villain shifted their stance. “He knows exactly who hired him from the commission. He knows who is gunning for you, personally. Shouldn’t we at least try to extract that information before we ki—”
Villain choked on the word. Desperate eyes realising their mistake flashed to Supervillain, searching for sympathy.
“And we can’t extract that information from someone with a broken hand, can we, Villain?” Supervillain asker, sarcasm coating every word. “You’re the expert after all. My expert.”
Supervillain walked around Leader’s chair towards Villain, hammer still in hand. Villain swallowed hard, forcing themselves to remain upright. Not to falter or show weakness. They had no reason to be afraid of Supervillain. Supervillain was their friend. Supervillain trusted them.
Now if they could just assure their heart of that fact maybe it would stop jack-rabbiting in their chest. Supervillain stopped in front of Villain, staring down at them. Villain couldn’t quite meet their gaze so instead they stared at his shoulder. Supervillain swung the hammer between their fingers, but Villain didn’t flinch. Then the metal head of the hammer was under their chin, forcing their head up to meet Supervillain’s icy eyes.
Every muscle in their thighs tensed and released, getting ready to run which was ridiculous because why would they run from Supervillain? If their body could just catch up to their brain that would help them a bunch in this moment.
“I want you to grab the medic bag and bring it back to the medbay,” Supervillain told them. The tension almost melted from their body at his words. See? There was nothing to worry about! Villain nodded, though it wasn’t very effective with the hammer under their chin.
“Of course, sir.” Villain said, moving to grab the bag. The hammer stopped them, this time lightly on their cheek, turning their attention back to Supervillain. Something else hid behind Supervillain’s eyes now, like glittering amusement.
“I’m not finished. When you return the bag, I want you to grab the other for me.”
Villain’s brows drew down over their eyes. “The other bag, sir?”
“Yes,” Supervillain said with a grin. His eyes seemed to glisten with malice, drawing Villain further and further into their crystal blue depths. “Your toolkit.”
Villain stiffened. Supervillain’s smile cut into his face.
“And bring it back here, hmm? I think you’re right, Vil. I think we need to get information from him. Leader seems like a tough nut to crack, but, well, I don’t have to tell you that. You probably know all the things that make him tick. Where to poke and prod, and slice.”
Villain’s hands started shaking at their sides, which they quickly balled, trying to hide the tremble from Supervillain. The reluctance. Fuck. Fuck!
Supervillain wanted Villain to torture Leader… that is not what he meant when he said interrogate him! Villain was just trying to come up with a way that would leave Leader still breathing.
Because you care for him, a nasty voice said in the back of Villain’s head. Even after everything, you still care for him, and Supervillain knows.
This is a test.
Villain nodded again. “I couldn’t agree more, sir. Leader would never turn on his team without incentive.”
Supervillain hummed his approval, dropping the hammer from Villain’s cheek. “My, my Villain. You’re going after the whole team now. I didn’t know you could be so vicious.”
Villain inclined their head, a coy smile on their lips that made themself sick. “Of course you did, sir. It’s one of the reasons you keep me around.”
“We’ll see, won’t we?” Supervillain’s smile was pleasant. His words held a very thinly veiled threat. We’ll see if you stay around after torturing Leader. “Don’t be long! I can’t wait to see this.”
Villain didn’t trust their voice so they nodded. It seemed satisfactory enough. Villain grabbed the bag and walked to the door, cranking it open and stepping out. They froze as the door closed behind them, for just a second. They had to do this. They had to do this. They had to torture Leader, or else they would both end up on Supervillain’s to-be-killed list.
Villain didn’t want to end up in a cell next to Leader. Not with how hard they worked to climb the ranks of Supervillain’s organisation. Not to mention some of the enemies Villain had made here who would just love to see them taken down a peg. Reduced to nothing, another prisoner for them to torture. No, Villain refused to put themself in that position. Not even Leader would get in their way of that.
They took their time bringing the bag back to the medbay, grateful that it was on the other side of the bunker, closer to the entrance. It made sense if anyone got injured in the field, but… it was also closer to Villain’s room. Or rather, their workshop, as Supervillain called it.
Villain’s footsteps seemed to echo down the halls, bouncing off the walls and back to their ears, as loud as gunshots. They shouldn’t have tried to help Leader in the first place! What kind of idiot were they? Healing a prisoner? One that Supervillain had personally seen to! They let their emotions get in the way once, they were not about to make the same mistake twice.
Villain opened the door to their workshop. It was a glorified shed of a room with all different torture devices hung perfectly on the wall. Everything was even from the hooks to the actual tools; sorted in groups that made sense to Villain, whips and blunt objects on one side, knives in a group of their own, and miscellaneous others, like tasers and pliers on the other.
Villain glared at the objects now, bending and grabbing his leather bag from under the metal table. Their mutinous brain was working against them, cataloging all the different things that would make Leader break. The knives were Villain’s favourite, but they doubted Leader would break under that kind of pain. It stung, but only for a little while. Still… It was Villain’s specialty and Supervillain would raise his brows if Villain came back without any.
Villain packed a few, and their nasty whip that left their victims screaming and sobbing in their restraints, begging for mercy.
Villain froze as a horrible thought crossed their mind. Leader would turn into one of their victims now. One of their actual victims. Villain was going to have to make Leader beg and plead and cry and scream— they screwed their eyes shut trying to scrub the image from their mind.
It would soon be undeniably in front of them as they caused the damage anyways. They just needed to retreat to that unemotional recess in their brain. Turn on survival mode, just do what they needed to do and hate themselves later for it.
It would be easy, they told themselves. Maybe if they told themselves that enough, they might actually start to believe it. Well… they could live in hope.
“Knock, knock,” Villain straightened, their back going rigid at the voice. “Hey Vil, I saw you sneak into your friend’s room earlier. Are you bringing them something to keep them entertained while they visit?”
Villain turned, not bothering to hide the look of revulsion that appeared on their face whenever they saw Rival. Rival was the definition of a piece of shit personified. He was tall, a creep that made Villain’s skin crawl, and handsome which automatically gave him a licence to be the world’s leading expert on how to not respect people’s boundaries. Rival thought everyone was in love with him, and could give a masterclass on: how to be a bastard while sucking up to your superiors.
“Yeah. Do you want to come? I can beat the shit out of you while they watch, that should keep them entertained.”
Rival smiled his horrible, handsome smile. He had to bend slightly to step through the door into Villain’s workshop. Villain glared at him as he walked over to the wall of knives and took one between his fingers.
“Oh, how I’d love to come and watch…” Rival said, shooting Villain a sideways glance. “You know how much I love to watch you work.”
Villain’s nose scrunched up in distaste. “You ratted me out to Supervillain.”
“Ratted you out? No. Never,” Rival said, turning his body to Villain’s and stepped closer. Rival pressed the flat of the blade under Villain’s chin, tilting their head up to look him in the eye. He had chocolate brown eyes that reminded Villain a little of Medic’s, but where Medic’s were cold and logical, Rival’s were a sickening kind of warm. “Supervillain just asked about your whereabouts and I told him the last place I saw you was in the medbay.”
Villain’s glare turned cutting. “Oh don’t look at me like that, Vil,” Rival said with a pout. “We’re on the same team here.”
Rival stepped impossibly closer, forcing Villain’s head up at an uncomfortable angle. “Why is it you can get along with everyone else but me, hmm?”
Villain’s arm twitched up but they stopped when they felt the blade knick their throat. Rival’s eyes got brighter as Villain felt a bead of blood surface.
“Maybe because not everyone here is a creep like you.”
Rival smirked down at Villain. “It’s just the two of us here, Vil,” Rival said with a honeyed voice, dragging the blade up, tracing the outline of Villain’s skull with the tip of the dagger. Rival’s hand replaced the blade at Villain’s throat, tightening when Villain tried to step away. “You like all the attention I give you. Admit it.”
Villain swallowed, feeling the weight of Rival’s hand like a collar as they did.
“Supervillain’s expecting me,” is all Villain replied, expression blank. The corner of Rival’s lips twitched up, but he let Villain go. Villain went back to packing their bag, as if Rival wasn’t there.
Villain was glad of the distraction, ignoring the slight tremble in their hands that usually followed an interaction with Rival. They walked over to the chemical cabinet. The drugs that drove Supervillain’s prisoners mad, that heightened all sensation and set nerves alight in agony.
Supervillain was more sadistic than Villain. He liked when people screamed and cried, and writhed in pain. Even when Villain told him it wasn’t necessary to get information. Especially traitors. He liked to sit in and watch them in their lowest moments, screaming and begging for help, for a mercy that Supervillain would never give.
Rival’s eyes never left Villain as they moved about, packing the last of the things they needed in their bag. They grabbed the handles of their bag in one hand, about to zip it up when Rival’s hand slid over Villain’s and stopped them.
“Take this one too, Vil,” Rival said, depositing the knife he used to knick Villain’s throat into the bag. Villain shivered as Rival brushed the small cut on their throat, ignoring his hungry gaze. “Trust me when I say it’s work is delightful.”
Villain didn’t say anything in return. They zipped up the bag and turned away from Rival, only focused on getting away from the monster beside them. Once they stepped out of the corridor of their workshop, Villain put their hand over their mouth and sucked in a startled breath, tears pricking the backs of their eyes. They wanted to be sick, but Supervillain…
Supervillain was… Supervillain was expecting them. They took the moment to gather themselves before straightening again and walking purposefully towards Leader’s cell.
Villain held their head high. They could compartmentalise that encounter until later. Right now they had to be Supervillain’s Villain. Supervillain’s protégé, his in house torture expert and interrogator. They had no time to be regular Villain.
Hell… Villain hadn’t seen that vulnerable side to themselves in a while. Maybe Leader did make them weak. Maybe they would have never reached their potential if they had stayed with Leader… and Medic and Rogue…
They steeled their heart once they turned down the hall of Leader’s cell. Reminiscing wouldn’t help them with what was to come. In fact, it would most likely hurt them and prevent them from doing what they had to do. What needed to be done. Their loyalty to Leader was dead and they had to prove it.
Villain wasn’t an idiot, this was a test. To see when it came down to it, who was Villain really? The pathetic nobody that Leader remembered or a valued member of Supervillain’s organisation?
Not only that, but which one served them better at this moment in time? This was the last thing that Villain wanted to do today, but whatever God that was watching them was a sadistic freak that liked to see Villain suffer. Maybe they deserved Rival’s attention, maybe it was their karma for what they were about to do.
Villain took a breath and opened the door then disappeared inside, the metal cranking closed behind them.
A.N — Sorry it’s short, and also a cliffhanger, it would have been too long if I continued it but next part soon!!! Thank you for reading :)
Orphanage roll-call (tag-list, lmk if you wanna be added or removed): @nameless-beanie @aarika-merrill @criohfreeze @bandnbookbag @gala1981 1 @theonewithallthefixations @libellule888 @cardboardarsonist @shywhumpauthor r r @written-by-jayy @memepsychowhowantsuperpower-blog @whump-is-love-whump-is-life @icarusignite @shirtzip @honeyed-euphrates @shameless-dumbass s @dutifullykrispyland @starlight-hope @thatlittlefirestarter @iskrapolumianka @withercat22 @elizaisnotokay @jumpywhumpywriter
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serickswrites · 1 month
Far Better IV
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Warnings: referenced captivity, referenced torture, referenced stabbing, referenced blood, referenced wounds, hospital, hurt/comfort, hurt/aftermath, hurt/recovery, caretaker and whumpee
Hero was surprised they woke up at all. They were even more surprised when they woke up they found they were in a hospital bed. Caretaker really had rescued them. It hadn't all been a dream.
"Love, oh thank God," Caretaker's face suddenly appeared over Hero's. "I thought I lost you."
"'m 'ere," Hero managed to croak after swallowing a few times.
"Here, have some water," Caretaker held a straw to Hero's lips. Hero sucked greedily on the straw, suddenly parched.
"Thanks," they managed to say normally after a few gulps. "You saved me."
Caretaker's face was full of guilt. "I almost didn't though. You were nearly dead by the time the ambulance arrived. I thought I lost you."
"But you didn't." Hero felt fine. They realized they were probably being pumped full of painkillers. But they were ok with that. They were alive. Caretaker was with them. That's all that mattered.
"It's all my fault," Caretaker said with tear filled eyes. "Love, you nearly died because of me."
"But I didn't."
"Hero, if help didn't arrive when it did, you would have bled out in my arms. You would have died because I owed Villain money. I couldn't live with myself if you died."
Hero put a hand to Caretaker's cheek. "I don't blame you, Caretaker. Villain has always been trying to catch me. It would have happened one day. I'm just glad you made it in time."
"I love you, Hero. And I am so so so so sorry. I will spend the rest of my life trying to make it up to you."
"There's nothing to make up. Though maybe instead of borrowing from a criminal master mind, we can get a bank loan next time."
Caretaker smiled sheepishly. "Yeah. Though we won't need to worry about Villain. They won't be hurting anyone where they are for a long time."
Caretaker kissed Hero's hand. "You need to rest, love. Close your eyes, I'll watch over you while you sleep."
"Good. Good." Hero let themself sink deeper into the pillows. They were alive. Caretaker was safe. Villain was, well, they didn't know where, but Villain was gone. Things were far better than they were before any of this started. And Hero could live with that very easily.
"I love you," Caretaker's voice drifted into Hero's head as they slipped into sleep.
"Love you," Hero whispered as they sank into the welcome darkness of sleep knowing that Caretaker would be there when they woke up. And Villain wouldn't be. This was far, far better than anything else. Hero smiled to themself knowing that their life would continue with Caretaker. And that they were all safe.
Tags: @aarika-merrill@theelvishcowgirl@books-are-everything @glassthedumbass @st0rmm
@lthrboy @painsthegame @lokigodofaces @ladyflautist @defire
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whumpty-dumpty-doo · 2 months
Whumpmas in July 2024 - Day 8 - Describe your favorite type of whumper
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This post is part of my participation in the 2024 @whumpmasinjuly event!
There are so many great whumper types, but I've gotta go with creepy and intimate whumpers. There's something about them that makes me shudder and get whumperflies hardcore, especially when they seem one step ahead with their plans and are full of confidence that they have their whumpees under control. Some of these dudes can be the most evil and devious whumpers around.
Some creepy/intimate whumper things that I love:
Pet names for their whumpees. "Sweetie", "Dear", "Love", "Pet"... Anything that shows that the whumpee is their property or that they're affectionate toward them in some way
Touching and intimacy, whether the whumpee wants it or not. Gently stroking a whumpee's cheek, kissing, hugging, cuddling, running fingers through whumpee's hair, tilting their chin up up look at them, rubbing their hands over the whumpee's back... I love itttttt. Violence and hard hits can be fun, but when a whumper can make their whumpee fall to pieces with a gentle touch... OOOH~ <3
Caretaking. Maybe the whumpee is crying and the whumper is trying to comfort them, or maybe the whumper is simply giving whumpee food. It's the little moments of sweetness and care that help flavor these whumpers so well. Are they gentle and genuine, or are they mocking and belittling?
Affirmations of love. "You're beautiful like this", "I'm so happy that you're mine." "You're safe." "Shhh, shhh. It's okay." These are lines that would be wonderful coming from a caretaker or loved one, but whumper is the one saying them, putting a whole different twist and meaning to the words.
Threats. When things go south and the doting whumper threatens whumpee in some way. Is the threat personal? Do they say they'll harm someone important to whumpee? Do they know the little ways to get to whumpee? Are they so in tune with who whumpee is that the punishment they think up is something that will really shatter them on a deep level? What do they know, and how will they use that knowledge to harm?
Their pleasure, not whumpee's. They keep going when the whumpee begs for them to stop. They say things like "This is for your own good", and maybe in their own sick twisted way they actually believe it. They want what they want, and nothing will stop them. Maybe they even enjoy their harm more when whumpee is protesting.
Proof that they know their whumpees. It's the whumpee's birthday and whumper gets them exactly what they'd want, but it feels wrong coming from whumper. They're out at a restaurant and whumper stops whumpee from ordering something because they know that the dish contains an ingredient that whumpee is allergic to (alternatively, they DO let the whumpee order it just so they'll suffer later). Any time that a whumper knows a whumpee just as well as (if not better than) they know themselves, that's the good stuff.
Confidence. When the whumpers are so sure that they have things under their complete control that they feel comfortable enough to mess with the whumpee in the first place. It's the "No one will save you"s and the "You're all mine now"s that get me.
What creepy/intimate whumper tropes did I miss? Are there any on this list that you particularly enjoy? There sure are some vile villains and characters out there that are creepy whumpers, but I can't help but be fascinated by them. Gotta love those whumperflies!
Tags: @whumpmasinjuly-archive
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iwritewhump · 22 days
"don't make me go back" + white knuckles + used as bait + ballroom
day four of whumptember
1008 words
Villain paces back and forth in the living room, hands held behind her back. Her entire team sits anxiously in the room with her. Henchman jots down ideas and shows them to Medic, who in turn writes down his ideas to show them. 
Whumpee sits on the couch, a blanket wrapped protectively around himself. He stares at the ground and runs a hand absentmindedly over his scarred shoulder. 
Villain stops and turns to her team, “Ok.” She says, a hand running through her hair. “I have a plan.” 
She looks at Whumpee and he shrinks into the blanket, “Please just let me stay here. I don’t think I’m ready for anything else. It’s only been a month.” 
Medic reaches out to him and puts a hand on his arm, “We’ll keep you safe.” 
Whumpee smiles and shifts uncomfortably, pulling his arm just out of Medic’s reach. 
“We will, though.” Villain says, still looking at Whumpee. “Keep you safe. Trust me, this is the only way we defeat Hero. We’ll go to the ball he’s throwing tonight, cause a whole lot of havoc and make sure he’s never alone with Supervillain.” 
Whumpee stands up and disappears from the living room, the blanket trailing behind him. 
“I’ll go talk to him.” Villain says, already following him down the hallway. “The rest of you: get ready for tonight, we’ll leave in two hours.” 
She knocks on his door and pushes it open. 
“Hey,” She says, poking her head in the room. “Can I come in?” 
Whumpee looks at her from the floor. His eyes are shining with tears and he sniffles, “Don’t make me go back.” 
“Oh,” She breathes, sitting down next to him. She inhales deeply and holds her open hand out to him. He takes it reluctantly and lays his head on her shoulder. “Hero needs to see you tonight.” 
His grip on her hand tightens, turning his knuckles white, “Why do I have to be there? Hero knows what everyone looks like. Medic or Henchman can distract him.” 
“Medic’s staying in the van and Henchman needs to keep an eye on Supervillain.” 
“And why can’t you do it?” Whumpee spits. “Why can’t you keep him busy?” 
Villain deflates a little and sinks further down the wall, “I’m not enough. Hero doesn’t care about me. It has to be you.” 
Whumpee sobs and lifts his head off of Villain’s shoulder. He stands up and brushes himself off before offering a hand to Villain. “Ok, if it’s the only way, I guess I’ll do it.” 
She smiles and takes his hand, letting him help her up. “I’ll get you something to wear.” 
And so that’s how the four of them end up at Hero’s banquet, dressed up finer than most of them ever had been. Whumpee’s arm is linked with Villain’s as they enter the ballroom. 
The gentle classical music spreading from the live band in the back of the room mixed with the roaring chatter of all the attendees sets Whumpee’s nerves on edge, but just as he’d done a dozen times before, he takes a deep breath, relaxes his shoulders and melts into the crowd. Only this time, he’s searching for Hero instead of avoiding him. 
With Villain slipping into a nearby conversation, Whumpee feels at ease being able to hear her polite laughter ringing in his ears. He spots Hero and his entire body freezes. 
“Whumpee!” someone calls from a few feet away. 
He turns and smiles, “Mentor!” running up to her, he throws his arms around her and tucks his chin in the crook of her neck. “What are you doing here?” 
She smiles and pulls back just enough to look at him, “I heard you’ve had an invite to all of Hero’s banquets so I did my best to get an invite. I was getting kinda worried since I haven’t really heard from you, but you’re alright?” 
Whumpee smiles and nods, not quite comfortable with the lie. He was technically doing all right. Better than he’d been, and that’s close enough, isn’t it?
“Good. Do you still…work with Hero?” she smiles and cups his cheeks with her hands. 
Oh right. 
He’d assumed that Hero hadn’t really let it out that he’d left, but for some reason, in the back of his head, he figured that he’d told everyone that something happened and they’d split. 
“No,” Whumpee says, pulling away from her slightly. “We, uh, well. I actually-” A hand grips his shoulder, nails digging into his skin, “He’s been so busy with volunteering that he’s not had much time with me.” 
Whumpee’s blood runs cold. He cowers slightly and the smile he plastered on is slowly chipped away as Hero’s grip on his shoulder tightens. 
“Isn’t that right, dear?” Hero spits. 
Whumpee swallows thickly and nods. He takes a step back so he’s standing right next to Hero. Hero lets his arm hang at his side and nods. 
Whumpee does the same and laughs nervously, “Yeah! I just…love to help the community.” 
“Oh, you always did love to help,” Mentor says with a smile. 
“Well,” Hero says, holding his hand out for her to shake, “It was great to chat, but Whumpee and I should probably make our rounds.” 
Before she can even respond, Hero’s walking away with a hand around Whumpee’s waist, whisking him to the hallway. 
“What the hell are you up to?” He spits, pushing Whumpee against the wall with an arm against his throat. “Aren’t you happy hiding with Villain and her friends?” 
Whumpee closes his eyes, “I’m…” 
“Shut up!” Hero snaps, pushing him harder against the wall. “We’re going to have a good night, you’re going to smile and chat and drink…and when it’s all over you’re going to stay here with me. No going back to Villain, no leaving my side. Do you understand?” 
Whumpee nods. 
Hero lowers his arm and Whumpee gasps, hands on his chest as it heaves. “Come on, link your arm with mine and let’s get back to the party before Villain notices we’re gone.”
part two
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whump-place · 3 months
Yahani and Melkien.
2-Band aids.
Content: villain whumpee, hero whumper, abuse of power, multiple whumpers, stockholm syndrome.
Villain didn't have to worry about that week's chores, because Superhero had decided that he could be more useful and learn better with... other kinds of job.
The thought made him bite his lip so hard he tasted the blood in his mouth.
Villain had never seen Hero so angry before, he hadn't doubted a second before sending Villain to Superhero this time, not even allowing him to apologize.
That must've been Villain's fault. Yeah, that has to be it.
Villain wanted so desperately to think that it was his fault. He did something wrong, he yelled at Hero, he needed a punishment, he knew. But the fact that Hero sent him to Superhero just because he raised his voice a little...
Villain curled tighter in the corner of his cell. Those stupid thoughts wouldn't help him, he really should stop trying to blame Hero for his own mistakes.
Hero was good. Hero was safe. Hero wouldn't...
A broken sob escaped Villain's lips. The painkillers Guard had gifted him did help, but he needed something stronger than that to forget the pain he was in.
Hero looked around the cafeteria, he hadn't seen Villain in the whole day. Where was he? Not like that matters, maybe Superhero just let him off the hook, as always.
Though, Hero couldn't manage to hide the smile on his face when he remembers the way Villain was so scared to see Superhero. Like, come on, is Superhero.
He's a saint. And yeah, maybe his ability is kind of scary, but Superhero has been nothing but kind in all the years Hero has worked for him. It's just that Hero enjoys the way Villain really thinks Superhero is capable of anything bad. Surely the only punishment he would receive is to get the second floor moped or something like that.
"Where's that idiot? He should be cleaning up this mess, not us!"
Hero heard the complaining from the other side of the cafeteria; why were those heroes making so much noise? There were other villains there whose job was exactly that, clean and make sure the base was spotless.
Since Superhero started with the program of rehabilitation for those worthless villains everything was easier, and everyone was doing a better job now that they hadn't to worry about doing trivial tasks; the only problem was that sometimes those villains forget their place.
"Hey, you!" Hero called the nearest person with that gray uniform that Superhero gave to the villains. The moment Hero recognized that face he was already frowning. Seriously?
"Ugh, you. Whatever, go and clean whatever mess those newbies did, will you?"
"Right away, sir." Hero could hear the defiance in her voice. She was by far the most annoying Villain in the base, he had asked multiple times for her to be removed from the facility but it was meaningless. For the looks of it, the only person she ever disobeyed was Hero.
"I'm being serious, it's not like you are doing anything else."
"I know sir, I know that I clearly don't have any other responsibilities but to clean here." Oh, but the worst of her was her sarcastic responses. Hero wasn't in the mood for a lowly and disgusting villain like her to disobey.
When he was done with her he was sure that would serve as a reminder of where she belongs. That black eye would take a few days to heal, enough time for her to understand how things worked.
After that incident in the cafeteria Hero's day only got worse. He lost his pen, the elevator didn't work so he had to use the stairs, and he accidentally got a paper cut.
"Ugh. Can this day get any worse?" Hero mumbled as he looked into his drawer for a band aid.
Villain got up as quickly as he could when he heard the door open. Superhero hated when he didn't greet him properly and it was best not to anger him anymore.
But when the door is open, the person he sees is Guard. He brought an ice pack with him.
"Don't ask. That friend of yours thought you might need it." Guard cuts Villain before he can say anything, though he still whispers.
"Hero...?" Villain clings to the ice pack, pressing it against his chest. The cold feeling like heaven against his burnt up skin.
Guard looks down at him with a mixture of disappointment and pity, and Villain understands even before Guard gestures that it wasn't him.
"Do yourself a favor; don't expect anything from him, he's a spoiled brat like all those other heroes."
Villain nods as Guard hands him a few band aids, those were enough to cover at least some of the bruises that covers his face. He was lying, both of them knew, but neither of them said anything and instead stayed silent.
. . .
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tss-whumper · 9 months
*materializes into existence*
Hi :D
Inspired by your whump tss fics!
Anyway, mayhaps an idea: Whumpee is very distrustful of everyone, even after being rescued. The only person who can come close to them without them getting very tense is Caretaker. The rest of the team is... well, unsure about Whumpee at this point. Someone says something that sounds a little too much like Whumper (accidental trigger), and Caretaker is the only one who can calm Whumpee down.
Do with that what ya will.
Have fun :D
hi!! thank you so much for the support, this is an amazing idea! i think i'm going to do my heroes and villains au for this one, it's a really good fit for this particular prompt, plus, father figure janus has my WHOLE HEART he's the best caretaker.
this fic features whumpee roman, caretaker janus, and mentions of whumper patton! also, logan and virgil are there but they aren't really anything they're just chillin'. logan is just trying his best.
also the beginning kinda just offers some general exposition to the au and the dynamics so it's just short little snippets of life before the big angst bomb comes raining down.
(cw -> past parental abuse, flashbacks, panic attacks, brief physical violence)
Roman wasn't a violent dog.
But he knew why he bit.
Every night, he saw the face of his uncle, the man who raised him, the man who taught him everything about the world. And he shivered, because while he never wanted to see Patton again, he also wanted nothing more than to be enveloped in his arms one more time.
When he looked in the mirror, Roman wanted to erase himself and start over from the beginning. Permanent scars that were never going away, endless reminders of what a failure he had been. His gauntlet was the only part of him that was pristine, and even that was so out of his reach.
Janus told him that it was Patton's fault that he didn't know how to use his powers, but Roman just couldn't believe it. He was a superhero. He had to know how to use his powers no matter what. Being a kid was no excuse. Being young and impressionable was no excuse. Being starved and beaten and tortured every time he made the smallest mistake was still not an excuse.
Roman was a hero. He had to be better.
"Virgil, come on, how many times do I have to remind you to wipe your feet before walking in?" Logan groaned, "We're guests in this house, we should not be dirtying it."
"Sorry, Pa," Virgil mumbled, "I'll clean it up."
"Thank you," Logan said, "And have half a mind not to do it again."
Roman, who was seated on the couch as this argument occurred, squeezed his eyes shut steeling himself as he waited for the slap. Or the hit. Or a cry of pain from Virgil. But seconds passed, and there was no sound except for the spray cleaner and scrubbing the floor. The mess took all of ten seconds to clean up, if that. Roman didn't understand. When he was under punishment with Patton and had to clean floors, it felt like it took much longer.
Roman's face was wet with tears, but he found himself feeling scarily numb as he sat in Janus' lap, fiddling with the gemstone necklaces held loosely around his neck with common kitchen twine.
"Ro...we really need to do something about these nightmares," Janus murmured, nothing but warmth in his voice and body. Roman almost felt safe in his arms. "It's not healthy for a kid your age to be waking up screaming every night."
"I'm sorry, sir," Roman said flatly, still trapped in a hellish haze, "I'll be better. I'll do anything you want, just spare me. Please."
Janus could feel his heart shatter in two. He hugged the teenager close, starting to pet his hair gently.
"Oh, baby..." Janus whispered, "What on Earth are we gonna do with you...?"
"If you hate me so much, maybe you should just put me back where I came from! You didn't have to adopt me, you could have just gotten a perfect kid instead!"
It was rare for Virgil to shout, so when Roman heard it, he was shaken immediately. Out of pure self preservation, he hid himself in the blanket he had been wearing. When Logan and Virgil argued, it was difficult, and it was messy. They were both headstrong people, which often led to butting heads more than either of them, or the two people they lived with, liked.
"Virgil, don't be ridiculous, I don't hate you!" Logan retaliated, "I just want you to stop closing yourself off, it's useless to try and handle everything in the world by yourself! You're just a child, when will you get that through your head??"
"Maybe I will once you stop micromanaging me like I'm five years old!" Virgil yelled, "I'm not a baby anymore, Pa, I don't need you hovering over my shoulder! Do you know how hard it is to be known as the tattletale at school?? Do you even care?? No, you don't, because all you care about is making yourself feel helpful!"
"I could strangle you right now!"
"Fine! Do it, see if I care!"
Virgil stormed off, slamming the door to his room, causing Roman to tremble where he sat. Oh, boy. Virgil was going to get it now. Roman waited for Logan to roar, to scream at Virgil to open the door before he regretted ever raising his voice at him. The thought made Roman so nervous. Virgil was injured already. He couldn't handle being strangled too. He just couldn't.
So Roman did the heroic thing: he stepped in.
Before Logan could take another step towards Virgil's room, Roman rushed in front of him.
"Virgil didn't mean it, Virgil didn't mean that!" he insisted, his words spilling over each other.
"Were you listening in to our conversation?" Logan sputtered, his face turning a bit red, "Wh- why would you do that? That was between me and Virgil, it has nothing to do with you!"
Logan side-stepped Roman, coming closer to Virgil's room. In a panic, Roman lunged at Logan, hoping to protect Virgil from any sort of wrath.
"Get off me!" Logan exclaimed, "Roman, what are you doing??"
"Stay away from him!" Roman begged as he punched and kicked blindly, thinking of nothing except weakening Logan, protecting Virgil. Weakening Logan, protecting Virgil. It was his responsibility. "He's still healing!"
"Roman, stop!" Logan pleaded, "Please, stop it, you're hurting me!"
Roman was much younger than Logan. But he wasn't that much weaker. He was a young hero, having trained his entire life to fight people, while Logan was just a civilian. No superpowers, no training. He was a bit fragile, in fact. So it wasn't a surprise that Roman was "winning" this exchange, but the child was too blinded by panic to realize this.
"Don't touch Virgil!" Roman begged, "Don't, please, he can't handle it! He can't handle that, he's good, he's good, he'll be good!"
"Janus!" Logan started to scream, thrashing to get away from Roman, "Janus, help me!"
And just then, Roman's entire world seemed to stop.
Logan's begging and crying for help sounded so much like his own. The way his words would bounce against the wall, hitting nobody as he was forced to endure hours of torture in solitary confinement, no sound to keep him company except for his own fruitless pleading. Logan already sounded so defeated. He sounded like he was ready to die. Just like Roman had been all those times before.
Roman's breathing grew shallow and stuttered, and the second he loosened his grip, Logan scrambled out of Roman's arms, shoving him hard. As Janus raced into the room, he saw his child hyperventilating, and Logan with a scratched up face and broken glasses.
"What- what on Earth happened here?" Janus demanded, "Logan, what did you do??"
"What did I do?" Logan repeated, "Why are you asking me that?? Roman's the one that attacked me, he tried to kill me!"
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry- I'm sorry-!" Roman whispered, starting to grip his own hair as he curled in on himself.
"He's a little monster!"
Roman's shallow breathing turned into desperate gasps as he wheezed irregularly, his chest rising and falling largely.
"There's ice in the freezer, I'm so sorry, Lo. I'm so sorry. I should have warned you- I'll pay for your glasses."
"No need," Logan said coldly, "I need some space, if you don't mind. I'm getting tired of being attacked from all sides."
Janus opened his mouth to say something to Logan as the angry man left, but he was distracted by the sound of Roman's fight for air. When Janus looked over, the child had tears streaming down his face, his eyes large and wild, as if he was a wounded animal.
"Darling...come here," Janus whispered sitting on the floor in front of Roman and starting to pull him close.
"No, please," Roman whispered, "Please don't hurt me. I'm sorry- I didn't mean to- I- I-"
"Shh...shh, Roman, don't speak," Janus murmured, hugging Roman gently. "Breathe. I understand. I understand you. I do."
Janus saw so much of himself in those terrified brown eyes. Roman just wanted to protect somebody, and it had gone way too far. What was the poor kid to do? Of course, he had to apologize to Logan. But that would have to be at another time.
Roman shuddered, and before he could overthink anymore, he threw himself into Janus' arms, sobbing vehemently into his shoulder. Guilt washed over him like waves, and he almost wished that Patton was around to punish him. It was what he deserved for attacking somebody weaker than him. In that regard, was Roman really any different from Patton?
"I'm bad," Roman mumbled, "I'm bad, I'm a villain- I'm horrible-..."
"Shh," Janus repeated, rubbing gentle circles onto Roman's back, "Shh, darling. You're not bad. You're not a villain. You're a child. You're a child who's scared. Let yourself be scared. I'm here for you. I'm going to protect you, sweet thing. I promise."
"But what about Logan?" Roman asked, staring up at Janus with tear-stained cheeks and round eyes that broke Janus' heart.
"Logan will be okay, darling," Janus reassured, "He will be. I'm going to help him, and I'll take him to the doctor's, and I'll make sure he's doing okay. He'll understand. He will. He's got to."
"I don't know why I did that," Roman whimpered, "I don't know why I kept going, I could have stopped, he cried for help, I could have stopped!"
"I know, baby, I know," Janus soothed, "I know how it feels. I know. You made a mistake. You messed up. But you're not in trouble. You're not going to get hurt because you hurt someone else. What's the use of that? Then, everybody is hurt, and nobody is happy. Does that make sense?
"I- I- I guess so," Roman whispered, "But- Logan hates me. He hates me now, he hates me, he thinks I'm a monster-"
"He does not think that," Janus said calmly, "He was speaking while he was angry. Think about it. Do you say what you mean when you're angry? Does anybody?"
Roman shuddered. Patton did. But he didn't say so.
"It'll be okay, sweetie," Janus reassured, continuing to hold Roman as he rocked the teenager gently on the carpeted floor. "It's okay."
Janus used to be a violent dog too.
He understood why Roman bit.
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bunny300 · 1 year
I want a villain or a bad guy or maybe a whumper (whatever you decide), I want that character to be well known by whatever group of people.
He’s a big name and everyone knows of him. I want this villain to be big and bad and menacing
And I just picture a scene where our big bad villain sits down at a bar and orders. What do you think he orders?
“Do bars even have apple juice?”, you may ask and here I will tell you:
They’d have to be dead not to have heard the rumors.
No one has ever seen him hold or drink an alcoholic beverage. In meetings or parties or any social event where alcohol is available he always only gets apple juice.
If a business wants to be a business, wants protection or maybe just less bad things happening to them, they’d have apple juice on hand. Better yet if it’s the specific brand of apple juice. Better better yet if its one of those well known brands and not some high end fancy apple juice.
I want stories where our villain, maybe when he was first rising to the top, would get harassed for ordering or drinking apple juice, and I just imagine him not being violent and since no one ever sees him retaliate, they all think him soft.
That is until they hear about people getting fired from jobs or going out of business or getting in a car accident. Really anything your mind can conjure. Maybe someone fell into debt or got super drunk and cheated on his partner and proof of doing so was swiftly shown to the partner. Maybe someone got their kids taken away.
I imagine that depending on the situation and how they treated and acted towards him determines the level of disparity he causes towards that person and their family. No one has physical proof that he caused it. Many have looked and found no connection linking him to the “bad luck” going around and some are skeptical that it’s all a coincidence, that is until the people investigating start having “bad luck” and maybe even the openly skeptical too.
It eventually get around that if villain shows up anywhere, a restaurant, meeting, bar, wherever, they must have apple juice for him. And they remember not to act any different, no one dares taunt him, throws alcohol on him, actually serves him alcohol or alcohol in the apple juice, or any other childish thing someone could do, not after they recall now the first few were treated.
Villain knew he had to send a message. He was new after all. Up and coming. Not known to many. Not feared. Not respected. He let himself be known. And responding with (more than slight) overkill the first few bad ones, people knew of him. He was feared. Some respected him.
No one would question his choices.
It’s also great that you could have scenes where people that look up to villain order apple juice when they are out and about.
There are so many things.
I would love for someone knew in town to come. I imagine this is our whumpee or love interest, (since the other one is villain in this post, this character will be civilian) and they don’t know this person and he overhears him ordering apple juice (let’s say at a bar) and civilian says, “really man, apple juice?”
And the bar becomes silent.
Civilian doesn’t quite notice it fall silent because he’s hyper focused and is already saying, “orange juice is way better! I LOVE ORANGE JUICE. Hey bar tender! Do you have orange juice!?”
I imagine a chaotic, neurodivergent, adhd riddled civilian getting SOOO bummed the bar doesn’t have orange juice and responds with something like, “FINE. I suppose the gods win this round! I’ll have some apple juice.”
And when he’s waiting for his apple juice he notices how loud the tapping of his fingers and his humming sounds, and that’s when he realized just how silent it was around him and he looked up.
This can happen two ways:
Either everyone is looking at him or looking away.
Everyone could be watching him, gawking at what in the heck just happened. Some are perhaps worried, unknowing if this will get the young man in trouble since what he said was so frantic and all over the place. Or they can be looking away. Sort of the ‘don’t make eye contact’ kind of mentality. Maybe afraid that if he sees them they’ll have “bad luck” despite having stayed out of it.
But oh man, just imagine all of this. And villains reaction! GAH it all makes me giddy
I also want it where a lot of businesses, maybe at a dinner meeting or something, when dealing with villain, will only order apple juice and not alcohol as a sign of respect. Cracks me up really
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moons-cozy-corner · 1 year
It's Necessary
Holy crud its been MONTHS and I havent posted ANYTHING but IM BACK and with some whumpy sustenance for you!
TW: unskillful attempt at healing, restraints, mention of torture/implied past torture, crying, blood (as always, tell me if I've missed something!)
Whumper missed again, the cotton swab hitting only air as Whumpee squirmed once again out of their reach, falling onto their side this time. This had been going on for ten minutes now, and Whumper was getting seriously tired of it.
Instead they took a deep breath, grabbing the other by the ropes that bound their wrists and pulling them into a seated position again. You’d think Whumpee would just stay still, considering the couch was way softer than the old mattress was.
Whumpee eyed them, glared at them, as they reached for the peroxide, dabbing a bit more on the cotton swab before turning back to Whumpee. The poor thing had blood crusted in their hair, splattered all over their face and shirt. The bruises on their face weren’t even Whumper’s doing; Whumpee had fallen hard on the floor from struggling so hard, and couldn’t even put their hand in front of them to save themself.
"Can't you stay still for one minute? You really are stretching this out, Whumpee."
"Oh, I'm the one dragging this out?" Whumpee scoffed, dodging another of Whumpers attempts to help them. "And how long have you kept me here? Fucking over my life for something that isn't even my fault!" Tears now. Great. Just what Whumper needed.
Whumper groaned, throwing down the first aid supplies and standing, bringing Whumpee up with them. "You're nothing but an ingrateful piece of shit!" The entire room echoed with the thud of Whumpee's head banging off of the hardwood floor. Shit.
Whumper fell to the ground at their captives side, pulling them up slowly. The other let out a choked sob, tears falling from their unblinking eyes. "Whumpee, I'm..." No. This was their prisoner, not their friend. "Get up. If you're refusing treatment then we're going to continue."
Their gazes locked. "N- Whumper, please. Please, I'll stop being difficult. I don't want more, no more!" The whining was impossibly loud in the near empty room. Abandoned houses were meant to be quiet.
Whumper scowled, dragging the sobbing bleeding mess behind them as they walked back to the torture room. "Should have thought o' that before pissing me off." They threw Whumpee into the room before slamming the door. Whumper refused to enter with them. They kept telling themself it was necessary, that doing this was for the betterment of so many others. If they could just get what they needed…
But it had been months. Whumper sank to the floor with their back against the door to Whumpee’s room. Their chest racked with silent sobs, invisible tears tore down their cheeks. All they needed was to lure out Villain, or to get an answer out of Whumpee. But it was getting harder to believe Whumpee knew anything, and the hope that any of this would help was becoming hopeless.
Whumper knew that Villain deserved to deal with the loss of a child. That Whumpee should die just to make Villain suffer. That was what they’d believed, why they’d never stopped. But now…
A weak thud sounded from the door. “S-sir, please. Let me- lemme out… please, help me, I- I'm sorry, Sir, please-" A sob echoed the space around Whumpers head, that of their captors and nearly one of their own following. What would that make of Whumper, that they would cry at this? Weak. They can't give up their mission.
They wiped away their tears and stood. "If I let you out, you will let me tend to your wounds. One more slip-up from you today and-and... well let's hope it doesn't come to that." As Whumper pulled the door slowly open Whumpee fell to the floor. There were beads of sweat, tears, and blood running all over their cheeks. It was pitiful; it made Whumpee look like a-
Whumper sighed. "C'mon, kid, let's get you cleaned up."
Tag-list: @meandmy100blanketsagainstheworld @subval01 @bleeding-letters @whumpkinz @aswallowimprisoned @nicolepascaline
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womanofwords · 1 year
Daddy’s Baby Boy (Villain’s POV)
Hero’s POV
CW: platonic yandere caretaker hero, whumpee villain, whumper supervillain, abduction, broken bones, infantilisation, Stockholm syndrome.
I woke up in searing pain. Everything hurt. My vision slowly came into focus, not that it helped clear anything up. I had never been here before. Wherever this was, this wasn’t my apartment.
It was far too nice.
The first thing I noticed was how . . . soft the room felt and was. For starters, I was on a hopelessly soft bed, surrounded by plush animals that I definitely didn’t own. The colours were warm and pale, baby blue walls with a white wardrobe and soft pink bedsheets. It was more like a nursery than a dungeon.
“Oh, Villain! I hope you’re awake, sweetie,” Hero cooed, bounding into the room like his name was Mary Poppins. I stared at him as he scooped me up in his arms and . . . smothered me in kisses? What was going on? “My darling precious, did you have a good sleep?”
I tried to speak, ask him what was going on, but Hero got a bottle and shoved it into my mouth. “Liquid diet for you, love. You got very hurt by Supervillain. Your jaw was punched really hard. How could you have ever gone into such a dangerous career?”
Then I started remembering bits of what I had been doing before Hero grabbed me. Supervillain was angry with me again, and she had doled out a really bad punishment this time. She had retired the whips that she normally used and beat me with chains until I couldn’t move. I had felt someone moving me, but I’d thought Supervillain had sent for someone to drag me back for more punishing. I didn’t think that a deranged hero had kidnapped me to have as a surrogate baby. Nobody thinks that.
“Whaa . . . ‘appe-” It was difficult to speak around the bottle. Some of the formula (if it could even be called formula) leaked out of my mouth, and Hero wiped it away.
“I found you on the floor of one of their dungeons. You were so hurt,” Hero replied, smoothing down my hair. That would not be easy; it hadn’t been brushed in a while and it had become matted. “But it’s OK, I have you now. You are going to spend the rest of your life being Daddy’s baby boy, and Daddy will protect you from bad people forever.”
“Daddy?” I freaked out. Who the hell would want to be a ‘daddy’ to a grown man? I didn’t realize the Hero’s League had forgotten to screen for maniacs.
“Sweetie, try not to move. You got hurt, OK?” Annoyingly, Hero was right; someone had put a cast on my leg and wrapped me in bandages. “And now Daddy needs to look after you fully. Your baths, your clothes, your food, everything. Daddy will love you to pieces.”
This was a nightmare. Hero couldn’t be seeing me without clothes! I had to maintain my dignity, and that involved keeping some space between myself and Hero. He was so creepy, staring at me with those huge, unhinged eyes and that giant smile. Hero walked towards me and sighed sadly.
“I understand, precious. I truly do. You’re scared of me because you don’t know what I’ll do to you.” Hero sighed and held my face so I looked him in the eyes. “But that isn’t going to happen, Villain. I have been watching you for some time, and I know that you won’t be taken care of properly if anyone else is trusted to take care of you. And because I love you so much, I will be looking after you. You will not need to worry about a single thing, and with time, you will call me Daddy, and I will call you my baby boy.”
“What?!” This was getting creepier and creepier. How was Hero going to expect me to call him Daddy? That was creepy as hell and just sounded dirty!
“It’s OK, precious, don’t be frightened, shh.” Hero was snuggling me nice and tight, and there was nothing I could do about it. “Nobody will ever hurt you again, understand? Hush, my love.”
“But Supervillain-”
���Is dead,” Hero interrupted. “You won’t be worrying about that any more. You just rest and focus on getting better.”
When I heard that, I sat in the strange new bed with my mouth hanging open. Supervillain was dead. How? Had Hero done it or had he just found her dead? Does this mean a deranged murderer had kidnapped me for his own fantasies of parenthood? Hero frantically rushed to soothe me, like I was a real baby.
“Sweetie, don’t be upset! I know you must have been really sad about your job going away, but this is for the best. Your daddy can look after you forever now, with no interruptions!” Hero scooped me up and snuggled next to me.
“You’re not my daddy!” I yelled.
“I am now. You’re adopted into my family, baby boo,” Hero cooed. “You’re just not used to having a daddy in your life. Well, that can change. You can practice calling me Daddy right now.”
“Hero, no!” I yelled. I yelled some other things too, but he didn’t care. He just waited until I was exhausted. He wrapped me in a blanket and rocked me to sleep.
“You’re going to love your daddy eventually,” he whispered.
From that moment on, all of my days went the same. I would be woken up by Hero (still calling himself my daddy) for breakfast which would be fed to me in a bottle in bed. After that, I was bathed and my hair was slowly brushed. Hero loved making my hair all fluffy and soft, buying an exorbitant amount of hairbrushes for the task.
After the bath, my bandages were changed and I would be fed lunch by Hero, which was mostly various soups, because I couldn’t chew for quite some time. I would be put to bed for a nap and woken up later for physical therapy so I could move properly without pain. Part of that included massages, where scented oils and moisturisers were rubbed into my skin. Hero enjoyed being able to touch me, and I didn’t stop him because it felt like l was in heaven from the way the hands rubbed and kneaded.
The end of the day for us consisted of dinner in front of the TV as we watched a movie, before being placed into soft footed onesie pyjamas. I would be put to bed yet again, and Hero would climb into bed with me and hold me with a scarily strong grip.
Eventually, I became OK with all of it. This was safer than any place I’d ever lived in before. Hero had had many chances to hurt me, but hadn’t taken any of them. And the foods were actually filling and nutritious, unlike the greasy slop I’d been eating before. I’m not going to lie, I did miss chewing but my daddy promised me that when I was well enough, I could have solid foods to eat. Life was just better with Hero, or as I now called him, Daddy.
Admittedly, it wasn’t like I had much of a choice. Hero only responded to Daddy, so that was what I called him. Soon, I called Hero Daddy whenever I spoke to him.
“Daddy, I need my bandages changed.”
“Daddy, I’m hungry.”
“Daddy, I’m cold.”
“Daddy, it stings.”
It even got inside my thoughts.
I wonder what movie Daddy and I will be watching together.
I wonder if Daddy will bring the nice oil to rub me with.
I hope Daddy won’t pull at my hair when he brushes it.
Maybe Daddy will let me have solid food today.
Daddy loved looking after me. I would hear him humming as he brushed my hair, as he rubbed oils into my skin, as he prepared a smoothie for my breakfast.
In fact, Daddy didn’t seem to want me to leave. My room was painted in my favourite colour once Daddy knew what it was, and he even found several of my things from my old apartment. “I can’t let you go, honey,” Daddy smiled. “You’re far too sweet and innocent; you’ll get hurt again. Besides, you are my baby boy, and I can’t let you leave to a place that I know is unsafe. You are going to need a lot of looking after.” And then I got scooped up by Daddy and he kept me in his arms for the whole day. It felt so good.
This wouldn’t be the first time that Daddy would scoop me up and carry me places. Daddy didn’t like the walking therapy, because it stopped him from carrying me all the time, but he did it for me. I was carried whenever I looked tired, whenever I was cranky, anything so Daddy could ‘relieve me of the burden of walking’.
“Does my baby boy need anything else?” Daddy would ask, smiling. He always smiled, except for when I had physical therapy to do. Daddy didn’t like it when I had to walk for physical therapy, and was incensed when he was told that, for my benefit, I would have to walk for at least an hour every day, but he did it for me because he loves me so much.
For our new daily walk, Daddy took me to the safest places, keeping an eye on me so I wouldn’t stumble and hurt myself. It became our routine, and Daddy would congratulate me for doing so well with my walking. Even when I wasn’t doing very well at walking (sometimes, my legs would become weak and I would be unable to walk), Daddy would still be so nice to me, with kisses and bed rest and everything I would need.
I love my daddy so much.
And I know that my daddy loves me.
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montammil · 2 years
So glad to see your updates! You are awesome. I would like to request superheroes au: Lawrence as supervillain (obviously), and he kidnapped 3 young heroes, because he wants villain family. I also would like to see how would Nathan, Sadie and Marshall interact and help each other. (I imagine Sadie will act as big protective sister for others some reason) .
Have a good day! \(*0*)/
Aw, thank you!! I'll make a part 2 soon if anyone wants me to!! Sorry its a little short, I love writing for villains and heroes and just sci-fi in general, I'm just a little inexperienced writing for it. I hope its ok!
CW: Parental whumper, kidnapping, shocking, manipulative whumper, multiple whumpees, mentioned depression, mentioned insecurity, mentioned parental abuse, mentioned stalking
Marshall looks around the abandoned warehouse with anxiety. He recently just got a note threatening to destroy half the city if he didn't show up, which made him want to laugh, since that's the most stereotypical thing a villain could do.
He can assume who it was from, considering there has only been one villain that's been really annoying him recently. He doesn't even have a villain name. Marshall wishes he did, considering this complete stranger keeps referring to himself as 'Dad'. He can't tell if that's just some smug way to get him angrier at him, or if he's just crazy.
Probably both.
"Ah!" Marshall jumps at the voice, just to see its Nathan. "Oh. What're you doing here?"
Next to him, is Sadie. "You got that letter too, didn't you?"
Marshall sighs. "Yeah. I thought I was the only one."
He's not very well-acquainted to either Sadie or Nathan, but he's interacted with them a few times. Between the three of them, Nathan is obviously the strongest, Sadie is more experienced with stealth, and Marshall... doesn't really fight. Or at least, he tries not to. He'd much rather be on the sidelines and heal anyone who needs it. That's not to say he's completely inexperienced, though.
"Shut up, I hear something." Nathan pushes both of them behind him protectively. "Hey, asshole! Show yourself!"
Just like that, the masked villain hops down from some platform they weren't looking at. He's tall, and wearing an expensive-looking suit that doesn't look fit for fighting. It looks more like a fancy business suit.
"I'm so happy you're all here!" he exclaims, clapping his hands together.
Sighing, Marshall asks, "So what do you want? A fight?" He's used to this guy's unsettling enthusiasm, and he just wants to go back home and not have to deal with this. If he knew Sadie and Nathan had it covered, he might've not even went.
"Well, I'll let you decide," the villain says, taking a step closer. "We can fight, or we can talk. Which do you prefer?"
"Talk about what?" Sadie puts an arm in front of Nathan when he tries moving forward to attack.
"We're not negotiating with him," Nathan growls at her.
"Oh, c'mon, I'm not meaning any harm," the villain chuckles. "Here, I'll even show you how honest I'm being right now." He takes off his mask, dropping it to the ground.
He has short blond hair, electrifying blue eyes, and looks to be in his late thirties or early forties. Marshall glances at Nathan and Sadie to see they look surprised. Marshall wishes he could say the same, but with how cocky this guy has shown to be, he really isn't.
"My name is Lawrence Cross, but of course, I would prefer you call me 'Dad.'" He grins, as if he thinks they'll all have a positive reaction.
Nathan chuckles bitterly. "You're insane if you think anyone in their right mind is gonna call you that." He pushes Sadie's arm away from him and forms gauntlets around his hands, both lighting up neon purple.
Lawrence smiles. "I know everything about you three. You, Nathan Lam, fight anything and everything in your way, blindly. You think you're better than everyone else because you're 'brave.' I see that 'braveness' for what it really is. You just don't value your life."
Taken aback, Nathan goes silent.
"And then there's Marshall Jackson," Lawrence continues. "It takes no genius to see you're insecure and have nobody in your life who loves you. Those fakers you call your parents treat you so horribly, and those so-called friends of yours aren't much better." Lawrence steps closer. "You let those around you abuse you, because you value yourself so little, you don't think you'll get anyone better."
Marshall stares at him in shock.
Lastly, his eyes sweep over to Sadie. "And you, Sadie Mills... you don't even want to be a hero! The only reason why is because you come from a poor family and just want to help them out. You're so selfless that you exhaust yourself emotionally and physically, just to make those around you happy."
Sadie's breath hitches. "What are you talking about?"
He's suddenly standing right in front of all three of them. "I've been watching you all for a while now. Almost two months, to be exact."
"Why?" Nathan demands quietly. "What do you want with us?"
"You three are my kids, of course! I've made that obvious, you just keep overthinking it. It's no act or bit, and it's definitely no joke." He looks directly at Nathan again. "You'd all have a much easier life if you lived with me. So I'm making you an offer."
"We don't want what ever offer you're giving us," Sadie states firmly. She's ready to attack now, hand ghosting her sword.
He sighs. "I thought you, out of all people, would be more willing to negotiate. Well, you can't blame me for trying." Before any of them can react, he throws some kind of smoke-bomb their way.
Marshall tries running in the opposite direction, but only gets two steps in before falling to the ground, overridden by a sudden sleepiness.
He turns his head to see both Sadie and Nathan lying on the floor, too. He tries to fight the blackness dotting his vision, but he gives in.
When Marshall wakes up, he's in bed, but not a familiar one by any means. His first thought is he must have been drugged. He tries to sit up, but his limbs feel like lead.
"Don't try to move yet," a voice says. "You'll get dizzy."
He looks over to see Lawrence staring right at him.
"You..." He still feels a little paralyzed, but he still tries to move. "Where is Sadie and Nathan? What did you do to them?"
Lawrence chuckles. "They're fine. I wouldn't hurt my own children, silly. That includes you."
Marshall's heart skips a beat. "You're not my dad." He wishes he could put things more harshly like Nathan, or be as calm as Sadie, but he can't hide the fear crackling in his voice.
"Nonsense," Lawrence says with a wave of his hand. "You're my child. Maybe not biologically, but that doesn't change a thing. Now, your siblings are already awake I'm sure are eager to see you! Take a bit to rest, and then we can all have breakfast together and talk."
"Please," Marshall whispers. "Please, I don't know why you're doing this, but... but stop. You aren't my dad."
"Oh, Marshie..." Lawrence coos, and sits down on the edge of the bed. "Just like I said earlier, you aren't used to people actually caring about you. I know you're unsure how to accept this, but you will eventually. You'll just come to see I want what's best for you."
Marshall stays silent. He really doesn't know what to do or say.
"I need to go check on your brother, he was throwing such a fit just a couple minutes ago," Lawrence mumbles, leaning down to kiss his forehead and then stand. "Oh, and don't try anything funny, m'kay? There's a whole lot of security outside and if you try escaping, the only thing you'll get is a nasty shock."
"Great," Marshall grumbles to himself. "Thanks for the warning."
It takes an hour for Marshall to get feeling back in his body. He steps off the bed with wobbling legs, and notices a single silver band on his wrist. It looks high-tech, and seems to be a tracker of some kind, especially judging from how heavy it feels.
Marshall jumps when he hears a loud voice and a crash. He opens the door-- surprised it's unlocked-- and goes to the source of the noise, the only thing on his mind being Sadie and Nathan, hoping they're okay.
"I'm not your fucking son!"
No doubt it's Nathan, Marshall thinks. He rounds the corner to the kitchen to see a broken chair, and Lawrence glaring. He sees Sadie next to Nathan, yanking on his arm and telling him to stop.
Lawrence folds his arms disapprovingly. "Listen to your sister, young man. This is your last warning."
"I am not related to anyone in this room, especially you!" Nathan yells. "The other heroes are gonna find us, and then you'll wish you were dead. That is, if I don't kill you myself."
"I didn't want to do this..." Lawrence grabs a remote out of his pocket, and a loud cry rips from Nathan's lips as he falls to his knees.
"What did you do to him?" Marshall whispers.
Lawrence sighs. "Just a little something to calm him down."
"Nathan..." Sadie kneels down and looks at him nervously. "Hey, are you okay?"
Gently pushing her away, Nathan glares right back up at Lawrence. He opens his mouth to insult him, but when the older man's thumb ghosts the button again, he snaps his mouth shut. That doesn't stop him from keeping his defiant gaze.
Lawrence pockets the remote and claps his hands together. "Now! Who's ready for breakfast?"
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serickswrites · 3 months
Whumpas in July '24 Day 1
(Re)Introduce Yourself
Hey friends! I am once again doing Whumpmas in July (so grateful that you put the event on!) My name is S. E. Ricks. I go by any pronoun (as long as it isn't derogatory). I have had this blog for just about 2.5 years now, but I have been on tumblr since the beginning (my now defunct main isn't my first tumblr...i am an elder lol) and I started this blog to put my writing out there. I am still very sensitive about putting my writing out there, but am trying (REALLY trying) to be more confident in what I put out there since it seems like people enjoy what I write. (Or at least I hope I do). Asks/questions/submissions/dms are always open! (I do a little happy dance every time I get one). I mostly write whump, but I do pepper other things in there (for those of you following along with 'Make Me Your Villain', it runs the range and will have some nsfw chapters :D ). I am, sadly, STILL working on finishing up giant WIP (Burnt Offerings since I think people have asked me about it before). I literally have like 8 chapters to go. I just...I just am having a hard time saying goodbye to my characters.
Whump Things I like: just about anything as long as it is not on my ick list.
Whump Things I do not like: underage whumpees, amputation, and unfinished things (yes, hypocritical, please feel free to yell at me to finish things that you would like finish)
Fun facts about me: I run my own business, that I love very much, but it does take up a lot of time and can be kind of expensive. I am a huge animal lover and have 6 cats, 2 dogs, a pond full of fish, and a horse (who I now have under saddle and she's doing so great, so proud of my bb). I do have two pretty rare chronic health conditions which really take the wind out of my sails more often than I would care to admit and it really gets in the way of my writing sometimes simply because I do not have the spoons. My brain is going and has all the ideas, but my body doesn't always cooperate. It's super frustrating especially since writing is my self care. I'm trying to be better about knowing my limits, but things keep surprising me lol.
This is a pretty solid re-intro. But if I left things off or if you want to know, ask away friends!
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hardygalwrites · 2 years
I Decided To Relax
...for the Whumptober of 2022...
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While I was certainly hoping to get some writing done this year, and I had expressed excitement at focusing on some OC centric Whumptober entries, I ultimately decided to just relax and just... do something a little different.
While I did do two little audio editing projects (which I am massively proud of), everything else was basically just some whumpy moments shown off in the form of audio, video, and/or gifs. And I am all right with that, it was pretty nice to just sit back and occasionally be like “hey guys, check this out”
all that being said i do implore whoever might be seeing this to at least check out either one of my audio edits because i really did work hard on them :’]
As always, a big thank you to the crew of @whumptober and @whumptober-archive​ for organising this event and managing it throughout this rather hectic month! I can only imagine the stress and time that goes into keeping up with Whumptober, and I truly admire you guys for sticking through it :D
Audio Edits (Creator’s Choice)
Chip’s Water Nightmare - Just Roll With It: Riptide
No.5: Every Whumpee’s Needs | Running Out of Air
No.24: Fight, Flight, or Freeze | “I don’t want to do this anymore.”
After several sleepless nights trying to avoid his cursed nightmares, Chip is finally forced to sleep, plunging him back into the horrifying depths of the Rakshasa’s curse.
"I was just using you...” - Just Roll With It: Riptide
No. 14: Die a Hero or Live Long Enough to Become a Villain | Desperate Measures
No. 15: Emotional Damage | Lies
Jey Ferin begs her father, Vice Admiral Jayson Ferin, not to hurt her friends, agreeing to return home and give up a pirate’s life. Unfortunately, Jay’s friends are less than willing to let her go, prompting Jay to take a few desperate and deadly measures in an effort to make Gillion and Chip abandon her.
Audio (and Gifs)
“Petulant mortal flesh.” - Devil May Cry 5
No.1: A Little Out of The Ordinary | Unconventional Restraints
No.2: Nowhere to Run​
Nero’s second battle against Urizen goes no better than his first, and Nero is once again defeated by the self-proclaimed demon king. Urizen binds Nero in his blood vines, ready to make good on his promise to give the young devil hunter despair and death.
Alpha’s Final Torture - Red vs. Blue
No. 17: Hanging by a Threat | Breaking Point
Alpha, an AI provided to Project Freelancer, is told that his failure as a mission coordinator has resulted in the death of two Freelancer agents. This cruel lie, the last of many psychological tortures, forces the already broken AI to fragment one last time.
"I’m really tired...” - Red vs. Blue
No. 31: A Light at The End of The Tunnel | “You can rest now.”
Agent Texas attempts to rescue Alpha, but her efforts prove to be just a little too late; the AI is too broken and too tired to want to do anything more than rest.
"You scared?” - Persona 4 The Animation
No.3: Hair’s Breadth From Death | Gun to Temple
No.29: What Doesn’t Kill Me… | Defiance
In the long awaited confrontation against Inaba’s true serial murderer, Yu Narukami’s Persona is swiftly overcome by the Persona of Tohru Adachi, leaving Yu at Adachi’s mercy.
"I... I can’t breathe...” - Cyberpunk 2077
No. 22: Pick Your Poison | Withdrawal
When an abrupt and almost violent dismissal from his job at Arasaka leaves V’s hormone regulators and other company provided cyberware non-functional, V struggles to adjust to the sudden withdrawal.
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Broken Villain whumpee being rescued by hero after months
The villain wasn’t sobbing. They weren’t crying. Rescuing other people was the hero’s job but they’d never seen anything like this before — someone who was completely calm after being tortured for months.
No anxiety related symptoms. No shaking. No knuckles cracking. No lip biting. Nothing.
“Can I get you anything else? A blanket? Tea?”
“No, thank you,” their enemy answered. If they hadn’t known the villain, the hero would’ve thought no one had ever laid a hand on them. They were just as calm as composed. One might’ve said that they had an imperturbable personality.
But the hero knew better. The villain was a passionate person who talked lots.
“Can I call someone for you? Do you wanna call someone?” the hero asked. They knew asking questions about what happened could trigger a lot of emotions. The villain had always been scary to the hero but now they just seemed…lost.
“No,” the villain said as they stared into the nothingness of the hero’s living room.
It broke the hero’s heart, seeing them like this. It was so sad, so incredibly heartbreaking to see someone lively be so quiet. There wasn’t even a voice in the back of their mind telling them that this was wrong. Feeling like this towards their enemy was humane to them. Nothing more, nothing less.
“If you want to talk—”
“No, thank you.” The villain finally looked at them and they looked thinner than they’d been five months ago. So much thinner. Weaker.
The hero could barely imagine what they’d gone through. They’d always been smart and cunning and creative enough to get out of every bad situation. But now, the former villain was gone. What they’d been, who they’d been was gone.
“Hey. You’re not alone. I know you don’t want to talk about it and that’s okay. Just, keep in mind that you’re safe. I’ll do anything I can to make the situation bearable. I know we don’t agree on…various things. But you have a home here for as long as you like,” the hero said. They waited for a response but when none came, they nodded slowly and turned around to go.
“I’m scared,” the villain said quietly. The hero whipped around.
“I’m scared,” the villain repeated a bit louder. “I trusted the supervillain, I really did. I was a fool, I…I should go.”
The villain made an attempt to stand up but the hero pushed them gently back into the couch.
“No,” they said softly. “If you don’t want to talk, that’s okay. We don’t have to talk. I can hold your hand instead and you can just let it out and cry.”
The villain looked like they were about to cry.
“Can we cuddle?”
Accidentally, the hero’s mouth formed an o. They hadn’t expected that. But they weren’t against the idea.
“Of course.” Both of them smiled.
And both fell asleep in the other’s arms on that couch.
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whump-a-la-mode · 3 years
If you are still doing requests
Maybe Villian Caretaker who finds their previous best henchman now being Hero Whumper's little pet/sidekick.
And them planning to rescue Sidekick Whumpee.
Even better if Villian at first thought Sidekick had betrayed them.
Oooh, this one is super creative, I love it! I hope you enjoy what I did with it. Villain whump and pet whump, the best combination. Thank you for your request! This is the last request I’m gonna be answering before I focus on my personal projects for a while.
CW//Pet whump, collars, alcohol mention
Villain worked alone.
Oftentimes, it was a fact that acted as a chain, tight around their neck, binding them in the low. After all, a single combatant against a group of enemies, a group of heroes, did not fare much of a chance. They had no backup, no getaway driver, no medic, and certainly no allies in combat.
Their solitude restricted their actions to the shadows.
That was never how they had liked it, not really. As most villains are, Villain was at one point theatrical, brash. They showed up where they pleased and made a wreck of things.
Those were the days.
Now, Villain grimaced at the ache in their feet as they stepped forward in uncomfortable dress shoes, raised heels threatening to throw them right off their balance. The tails of their suit jacket drifted off the backs of their thighs, making them jump at an invisible enemy every other second.
There had been a time as well that Villain had enjoyed parties. In fact, they had been the one often hosting them, spending a fortune on wine and staff. Passing between guests, striking up conversation, laughter, and the occasional dance if the music was right.
Ever since they’d receded from the lime light, there had been no more parties.
In fact, this was the first one they had attended in... Well, they weren’t sure how long. But this was no fun night with guests and wine. No, they couldn’t risk putting their guard down.
This was no party. This was a mission.
As with most missions that Villain went on nowadays, this one depended entirely on the facet of stealth. They had spent weeks, perhaps even longer, plotting how to acquire the Macguffin. Of course, the heroes had gotten to it first, and, of course, they had secured it in the deepest vault of their base. Going in guns a-blazing wouldn’t have gotten Villain anything but a prison cell or a grave.
When they had heard through the grape vine about the heroes’ Masquerade Party, well, the plan of action had been obvious. With a mask on, they could pass through the disgusting do-gooders like they were one of them, make it to the vault, take the Macguffin, and be out before anyone noticed.
Of course, in all their plotting, they had not given much thought to the fact they would have to actually move through the ballroom. More than that, they couldn’t just make a beeline for the back vault after walking in. No, they would have to socialize.
Yet, so far, they had been achieving the goal, as abhorrent as it was. Toasting with an untouched wine glass, they had made their way through the room, chatting about weather, local politics, and recent events.
Soon, however, it would all pay off. The stairs were just ahead, and at their bottom, the vault door. Villain could feel their lock picking kit, weighing heavy in their pocket.
Almost, almost-
A bulky, well-muscled body stepped in front of them.
Villain’s stomach dropped to their feet.
They barely managed to bring themself to look up.
Hero’s shining grin looked down, back at them. Of course, it was shrouded behind a checkered mask, but even the smile could be recognized from a mile away.
They stuck one, bulky hand out at them. At first, Villain flinched, before realizing what their foe wanted-- A handshake.
Barely managing not to shiver, they obliged.
“Well, afternoon to ya’. This probably isn’t what you expected here, huh?” Hero began.
Villain quirked a brow. “What do you mean?”
“Oh come on! You came here to have a good time, didn’t you? And you’ve been walking around like a sadsack the whole time! Let me guess, you’re too shy to strike up a conversation, huh? That’s alright, cause I’m not.
So, what’s your name?”
“I, uh-” Villain gave a nervous little laugh. “Well, it’s a masquerade, huh? Can’t tell you that.”
“Of course, of course.” Hero’s laugh was much louder, much heartier.
Villain took a step back, already looking for a way that they could get out of this situation. Searching back and forth, they soon came to realize something quite glaringly obvious that they had missed-- Hero wasn’t alone.
Standing next to the do-gooder was another person, far less bulky, with a bit of a wide-eyed, scraggly appearance about them.
Those eyes... Where did they know those eyes-
“What do you mean Henchman isn’t here?”
“They never came back from the mission, I- I’m sorry.”
There was a reason that Villain worked alone, and that reason had a name.
It was for that reason that their life had been destroyed. Every secret they had, revealed in days. The location of their secret base, their real identity, the identities of their henchmen, their sources of funding, all of it. They’d barely been able to keep themself out of the slammer, and building it all back had been even harder.
There was a reason that Villain worked alone, and that reason was the one who had betrayed them: Henchman.
Henchman, who now stared back at them. They certainly looked different than Villain remembered. Sure, they had always been small, thin, too. They weren’t a fighter. Now, however, those features were accentuated to an unhealthy level. Thinness had turned to being utterly gaunt, cheekbones practically poking out through their skin.
Not to mention, the little black leather collar they wore around their throat.
Villain gulped.
They wore a collar, and yet, not a mask. Maskless at a masquerade.
“Well, um- Hey, who’re you?” Villain turned to nervously address their betrayer, their proper Judas. “Don’t you know this is supposed to be a masquerade?”
Henchman smiled widely, but did not otherwise reply.
“Oh, don’t worry about them.” Hero gave the smaller Henchman a forceful pat on the back. “They’re still being trained, they don’t talk yet. But you have to desensitize them to crowds somehow. Do just try to ignore them.”
It took all of Villain’s will for their jaw not to drop to the floor. Mouth ajar, they gazed first to Hero, then to Henchman, then back again.
“What- What in the world are you talking about, you sick fuck?”
Hero’s eyes widened, but Villain had already taken a furious step back.
“What in the world is going on here? Henchman! Wake up! Stop playing! You’ve betrayed me once, tore my damn life to shreds, you don’t get to play this game too!”
Rabidly, Villain snatched a hand forward, trying to grip Henchman’s arm. Yet, Hero smacked it away.
Others in the ballroom were starting to pay attention now, too. Some began moving closer.
“You, you-” Villain stammered. But, they knew when they were beat. Spinning on their heels, they kicked off their ridiculous dress shoes before diving in the crowd.
As they ran, however, they could not help but think:
Could they be a reason other than betrayal that Henchman had not come home that night?
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