#satanic disney princess
copiousloverofcopia · 2 years
When Primo tried to talk me out of becoming Secondo's Prime Mover.
Trust me Primo, I can handle him 😈💚
Primo- ratiopluscopia on TikTok
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🥀 Belladonna & Dracopia 🥀
New commission for my lovely friend and fellow Sister of Sin @sisterbellacirice of her OC Sister Belladonna with Dracopia! It was an absolute joy to draw them! hope you all like it!!
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obeymebutnotlikethat · 3 months
Insert from: Starshower
Did they finally die? They blinked up at the dimly lighted ceiling. A jumbled mess of noise stumbled into their ears and hung over them like smoke haze. Did they even have a body anymore? It didn’t feel like it. Everything was filled with sand and a clock face ticking.
That’s right, Solomon tried to bring them home. Except home didn’t have a table made of gold or a weird painting on the wall. Furniture made of gold, they attempted to close their eyes, oh they just time-traveled. Solomon wouldn’t bring them to their home he brought them back to a different Devildom.
“MC,” someone panicked.
The stranger's voice loomed over them and they noticed the lack of cold tile. They were being jostled in someone’s arms and they didn’t understand. This Demon was crying and it sounded too heartfelt. Oh god, please don’t let it be Solomon doing a theatre lesson.
“Simeon, they’re awake,” another squeaked, “Beel let them go.”
Beel? He was the one crushing their ribs or maybe Solomon fucked up the spell. Greatest Sorcerer their ass. More like the ultimate Demon collector.
“Solomon…is fucked,” they croaked.
“Solomon?” Someone shook their head, “Never mind, are you alright, MC?”
They blinked away the haze as they sat up and observed their surroundings. Simeon, Luke, and Beel kept them from the cold floor. He looked relieved. 
“I thought for sure I died,” they sighed heavily, “What exactly have I missed? Why am I here?”
“You don’t remember,” Simeon hesitantly responded.
“MC,” Luke sniffed.
“Barbatos just took Belphie on account of treason. He is being held at the castle,” Beel managed to inform in sorrow.
“We called Solomon,” Simeon said quietly, “He suggested sending you back in time”
Of course, he did.
“However, it didn’t work I assume,” Simeon continued, “You’ve returned and Belphegor is still being held.”
“The shift in a key event may have formulated a different timeline,” MC inferred.
Oh, they slowly nodded, and they ended up in another world. Instead of formulating themself into the brothers' history…they were replacing another version of themself and this time Belphie was imprisoned. They rose to their feet with the help of Beel and Luke clinging to them like a buoy.
Their brain couldn’t come up with a reason for Belphie’s imprisonment.
“Belphie went against Diavolo,” MC inferred, “Or was it Lucifer?”
“Both,” Beel swallowed.
A sense of unfamiliarity hit them harder than the roof. These beings truly cared for the MC they were handling and it almost made them feel saddened for the one whose place they took. However, if that MC met with Barbatos, they wouldn’t have returned anyway. Barbatos knows everything and would’ve expected their arrival, however, the cunning Demon works in the disguise of his intentions. Even outside of his master’s. At least, the one they dealt with did. 
Their face scrunched up at the thought of their luck. The brothers of their world seemed to draw to them in terms of pacts and their relation to Lilith. Even the early versions liked them for their familiarity. 
“Then, we need to talk to Lucifer,” they looked at each of them. 
They could see the uncertainty on everyone’s faces. It confused them but then again everything always did. 
“He won’t want to talk with us,” Beel replied with a frown.
“They’re mad at you. You won’t be safe,” Luke cried with fright.
“Lucifer would be the best one to help get him back. We can’t keep…hiding from them,” they hoped they didn’t sound too unsure. 
This situation was mundane for them and not for everyone else. These people couldn’t see the difference between the exchange students and they didn’t want to ruin it immediately. No, they needed to guarantee their safety, gather bearings then go after Solomon. Memories or not they’d get him. Their world hardened them for this moment.
“That is true…” Simeon hesitantly agreed.
“MC’s right,” Beel sighed, “We need to talk to hm and the others.”
“Well,” Luke shuffled, “If Mc believes they’ll be fine. You better come back.”
They released a small laugh at his version of caring. His youth shining brightly with nervous optimism.
With a wave, Beel and them took off towards the House of Lamentation. More so the house of horrors their conscience tried to tagline it.
“Beel,” they started, “How did we get here? I mean jog my memory on why your brothers hate us.”
Beel considered them for a moment before responding.
“Lucifer confronted you about our pacts and you told him about Belphie,” he resignedly answered.
“Our pacts?”
This world’s MC made a pact with Beel?
 “Hm,” Beel nodded,” You made pacts with us in the hopes to free Belphie. Except you didn’t pact with Lucifer.That’s how we found out about Belphie being in the attic. He was just trying to protect him in some weird way. Especially by lying.”
“Now it all makes sense. Except the lying part, still fuzzy on that.”
“Are you alright,” Beel said with a start, “It took you a while to get up.”
“Peachy. Just confused maybe a concussion”-they shrugged.
“Lucifer lied to us and said Belphie went to the Human World.”
They bit their tongue as they arrived at the house’s library. How were they supposed to play house when the plot’s a trillion times different than the one they came from? This Belphie was imprisoned by Lucifer in fear of Diavolo imprisoning his brother. They almost rubbed their temple at the logic. It kind of made sense to be imprisoned by a brother instead of a literal prince but at the same time sent to the Human World. No one could travel to the Human World without a portal and those had restricted access.
“You two finally decided to return,” A snobbish voice resounded.
Alright, Asmo certainly wasn’t the one they expected to meet in a library.
“With a good reason more than likely,” a reserved voice resounded from a corner.
Ah that made sense: Satan. Asmo always seemed to drape himself on Satan and it seemed this world was no different. They awkwardly stood next to Beel and hoped he took the lead. 
“We need to speak with Lucifer,” Beel’s voice cut in.
“Why should we? After this Human led us all on,” Asmo huffed, “Do you have anything to say?”
Wow, the other MC must’ve been living the life. ‘Led us all on’ were they in a harem.
“It’s not nice to play with us, MC. Especially when you’re a sheep in a wolf’s den,” Asmo stalked closer, “What should I do to you? Kill you, eat you, or enslave you?”
A hand reached back into a faraway memory and nearly made them stepback. What type of sick game was this?
“Asmo,” Beel’s voice ricocheted off the bookshelves in a warning.
“I’m sorry for hurting you,” MC started, “Hurting the both of you in regards to the pacts.”
They tried to sound genuine, honestly, but the subtle warning from Asmodeus brought back the survival. The weary and guarded walls slowly built themselves up once more.
“It was never my intention to ruin what we have, however,” they swished the words in their mouth for a second, “I also wanted to help Belphie. There was no deception in our time together or even the pacts.”
The pacts you all wanted to make, they internally muttered. Honestly, the brothers of their world and the early timeline were the one’s seeking out pacts. They only happened to be the one who could do it besides Solomon. No one trusted him. 
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adrianasunderworld · 2 years
Obey me x disney princesses
Eric: Ariel, what is that?
Ariel, petting Lotan: My brother’s friend
Mammon to Aladdin: Alright kid! Show me how good you a thief you before coming near Jasmine.
Jasmine: And why would he need to do that?
Mammon: I need a scapegoat
Asmo, carefully analyzing the princes.
Asmo, points to Charming, Shang, Philip, Eugene, Kristoff, Beast and Naveen: You are worthy of my sisters.
Asmo to the rest: The rest of you go home
Asmo knows what up. 😌
Imagine Ariel just being fascinated by all the stuff in Levis room. It's all so colorful and different from what she can find in a shipwreck. They both just excitedly info dump about the stuff they love to each other. And of course hang out in the tank with Henry.
I've said way back when I first started Obey Me that I think Satans favorite princess would be Belle. They can just chill out and read together, and if anyone calls Belle a weirdo or makes unwanted advances towards her, Satan can rip them apart. It'll be great!
Also Belphie and Aroura like it when Belle reads them to sleep. Those two get roped into Anti lucifer league stuff a lot.
Idk why I think Mammon will not get along with Abu. Because will just take stuff and then Mammon gets blamed by default. Mammon got beef with the monkey.
Tiana has a willing taste tester in Beel. Snow will also make him Apple pie. Though Lucifer will have to keep his poison apple snacks away from her. Meanwhile I think Lucifer will get along best with Cinderella and Tiana, just because out of all of them they seem like the most responsible out of the princesses.
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toodefendorperson · 1 year
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Descendants 3 is shit and full of witchcraft. Witchcraft is from Satan.
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starcourtbrawl · 2 years
I’m crying. I forgot about the South Park movie. The music man. The fucking music. Why was it somehow satire, good, and a political parody of itself? Like you don’t understand, I’m going to have La Resistance and Blame Canada in my head for days now.
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aydien677 · 25 days
Princess Lucifer #2
First part: Here
Mc just sitting in the room with the brothers: “Lucifer’s a Disney princess.”
Mammon: “What?”
Asmodeus: *wheeze* “where did that come from?!”
Mc: “Snow White.”
Satan: “oh shit…”
Belphegor: “I hate you so much right now.”
Mammon: *Looks like he short-circuited before laughing his ass off and the others laugh too*
Mc: “and Solomon, Solomon is the evil queen but instead he wants a pact”
Leviathan: “Mc… why?”
Mc: “And Barbatos is the fairy Godmother because his timey-whimey bippity boppity bullshit.”
Beelzebub: *chokes on food*
And then Lucifer walks in after doing paperwork
Lucifer: “What the actual fuck did I miss?”
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koolades-world · 3 months
Thank u for writing my request, I rlly liked it :)
Can I req one more?
MC who sings a lot, like to pass time when they’re doing something/when they’re happy/to comfort themself when they’re anxious/sad.
And then, (if you’re comfortable writing this) they have a bit of a depression episode, and they stop singing for weeks/months. What would the 7 brothers do? And/or how would they react when MC starts singing again?
hi again! great to see you :)
enjoy <3
Singer Mc who starts singing again after a depressive episode
music has always been something he treasured and enjoyed
so when you came into his life, he knew the two of you would get along quite well
during the period where you weren't singing, he still kept music in your life and made sure to be the comforting presence he knew you needed
when you sing for the first time again, he's happy that you're feeling better again and you're doing what you love
he initially found your singing habit a little odd, and was always asking questions about what song you were singing and why
soon he learnt it was just you, and he wouldn't have it any other way
he found himself humming the tunes you'd sung around him, and it made him smile every time he realized he was doing it
throughout your episode, he sung to you everyday, so if you weren't feeling up to it, you could still enjoy it
he understands your habit of singing, since he himself has many habits of self soothing and such
he wasn't sure he'd ever grow used to it, and he told himself he didn't have to since you'd only be in the same house as him for a year
but, he grew to love your voice and it was something he preferred any day over the sound of silence
when you finally start to sing again, he realizes how grateful he is for you, and goes to seek you out to tell you his feelings
he always thought you were something right out of a movie with the way you sang
a disney princess, if you will, and he loved that little habit of yours
the first time he hears you sing again, he feel a sense of comfort creep over him that he hadn't even realized he'd been missing
he's quick to follow the sound of your voice and embrace you like he'd never before
he's easily the first to fall in love with your voice out of the brothers
just something about it is so enchanting and every time he hears a song he's heard you sing, he thinks of you
he will always be there when you need him, and did his best to keep your spirits up
hearing you voice again was like a breath of fresh air to him and made sure his evening was free to spend time with you some more
whenever you sang, he couldn't help but be reminded of his time up in the celestial realm
from time to time, he'd take you down a trip on memory lane and he appreciates you for taking that time with him
when you start to sing again, he's so happy for you and that you're feeling better
he takes a quick trip to the store to buy all of your favorite snacks to gift to you, just as he had been throughout your episode <3
when he was locked up in the attic, he would always hear your voice and found it comforting despite the fact that it was coming from a human
during your episode, he was by your side every day, making sure you ate and drank, and was practically glued to your side
he was asleep the first time you sang again, but it woke him up
a warm smile spread across his face upon the realization he'd made, but he laid there for a little while longer just so he could enjoy your voice before he interrupted you
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wordsvomit101 · 4 months
... Lucifer is how Christian Gray believed he is/jk
We already know Lucifer to be THAT guy but this is just a new whole layer and when combine with some info about him and his brothers, we got a pretty interesting case of why he might has a kink for dacryphilia, or how he might, 'allegedly', be a lowkey sadist (not surprising but still give me a gasp when I think about it).
The original source is here, credits to @shyanimeboi and their friend: https://x.com/shyanimeboi/status/1795183592961655077/video/3\
Warnings: Mentions of torture (info from chapter 5 in canon story), 1ncest, sexual content, and some depiction of violence. MNDI
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I noticed how he been switching his way of addressing MC from Solomon, to Adam, and to Eve, throughout his chats. And it either a spontaneous things where he group the 3 humans he know the most together and just address MC with them on a whims or it could be something more personal.
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The type of unicorn he is talking about is most commonly known in the western folklore, where unicorns are fierce and hostile, and become docile only in the presence of virgins. While occasionally fiction writers have invoked the principle that men can be virgins also (see, e.g. Poul Anderson’s “Honeymouth”), usually, “virgin” implies “girls or women,” and therefore only women who have never had intercourse can tame a unicorn, but it could be also for those that are utterly pure (of heart if not of mind).
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So it pretty much confirm it, Lucifer either get freaky in the 0rgy they got going on in Heaven or he get freaky with his brothers, which is weird but compared that to the torture camps and experimental labs on devil children, the possiblities of unhinged millenia old angels banging each others is something I expected but wholely not interested in opening that can of worm.
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I would call myself the weird one when I think of some 50 Shades of Gray when I look at this image since in the chat Lucifer seem like a Disney princess:
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This part set apart Lucifer and his brothers in a subtle but clear way because unlike how Gabriel and Michael would get into a fight on whether who would get to kill a devil, how Michael would easily commit genocide on an entire race of dragons, and how Raphael would eat his fellow angels for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Lucifer can form a bond with another creature, who would be killed by the trio if he were to show the same attitude as he did with Lucifer. This also reflected how he became Gamigin and Jjok's brother. His normal open-minded aspect is so jarring that when compared to his brothers it stands out like a neon light.
And how he prefers action over words is probably what got him to care for Gamigin, Jjok, and the devils. Devils are honest by nature, and their feelings are worn on their sleeves, with a few exceptions (Leviathan, Orias, etc.), up until now, we rarely see a devil that doesn't commit to their promises or declarations (Satan does bring Minhyeok back from death, Mammon does own Hell's economy, Leviathan live his life perfectly every day for his friends, etc.), in some cases they might really lose limbs or even die for it (in Leraye's event, he broke pieces of his horn to turn them into bullets to protect the city). In a way, he also values genuine actions as proof of one’s character, loyalty, and intentions. Gamigin took him in when Lucifer was a fallen angel and nursed him back to health despite the danger of getting the devil's ire and how much Lucifer rejected his help (and was rude about it too), he persisted and he was consistent in his kindness. Jjok is scared of him, at first, but he still continues to visit and talk to him almost every day while he is in bed, and even begs Satan to not take his "family" away (I will cry again god-).
It also might be an instinct as an angel if he were to compare them to his love for God and how he might find it hard to correct his brothers' mania, where their only purpose in life is to love and worship God, no matter how terrible they become for him. This principle reflects a certain integrity and consistency in him. He expects others to demonstrate their worth through their actions and probably enjoys them trusting him, and he likely holds himself to the same standard (ie, how he becomes a devil and declares to protect Hell, feels guilty for the atrocities his brothers and Heaven have done, how he didn't shut it down and was a part of the problem, etc).
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The horse from Hell he is talking about is probably a bicorn (a not very well-known folklore two-horned creature that is a fan of depraved people) or kelpie (a shape-changing aquatic spirit of Scottish legend known for tricking people into riding on them for some malevolent purpose) or just savage beasts of war that need no rider, the counterparts to the unicorn. So his methods of training the unicorn won't work on them.
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Now to get back to my point on the switching of the address from Solomon, to Adam, and to Eve. It is just a theory but it could mean something like this:
"Daughter of Solomon": Used to express a personal or significant connection between them, possibly based on MC's predecessor's wisdom and who is known to be king of peace and someone who is loved by God and the devils.
"Daughter of Adam": Highlights common humanity (Adam represents humanity as the first human created according to biblical texts) while pointing out unique or odd characteristics.
"Daughter of Eve": Emphasizes femininity or human traits related to curiosity (Eve is tempted by the serpent to eat the forbidden fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge) or innocence (Genesis 2:25 states that "Adam and his wife were both naked, and they felt no shame," indicating their complete innocence and lack of self-consciousness or worldly concerns, which explain the "You are runaway, or have no sense of crisis").
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Um, chile anyway so-
Lucifer has that brat-taming, bondage, and dacryphilia things going on... So be proud and bratty y'all-
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thefandomthings · 9 months
𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙱𝚛𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚜 𝚊𝚜 𝙳𝚒𝚜𝚗𝚎𝚢 𝚅𝚒𝚕𝚕𝚊𝚒𝚗𝚜/𝚙𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚌𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚎𝚜
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Ask: Alright, I looked over your rules and fandoms, so here's an idea:
Match up each of the Obey Me! boys with a Disney princess and/or villain. (Not in a shipping sense, just in a "hey X is most like Y" sort of way.) Hopefully that seems like fun.
Thank you for the lovely ask @daytaker
Notes: Tumblr is being so dumb right now, I can't edit drafts I just created its awful. But this is a fantastic idea!
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Lucifer: Lucifer is Jasmine, you can't convince me otherwise. Or Maleficent. Definitely Maleficent.
Mammon: Hear me out....Mammon is Cruella De Vill. Or Aladdin.
Leviathan: My guy is so Prince John from Robin Hood, it's so funny.
Satan: He is definitely Belle, but with anger issues and a lot more independent that she is. Satan is also definitely the Queen of Hearts.
Asmodeus: I think Asmo would be the Evil Queen, Who's the farest in the land? Asmodeus!
Beelzebub: My baby boy Beel, would definitely be Anna or Tiana. He'd do anything for his brothers/family especially Belphie.
Belphegor: He has to be Aurora, especially with Lucifer being Maleficent. It's just perfect.
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copiousloverofcopia · 2 years
A new fluff piece commission from my sweet friend @sistersaccharine based on the gorgeous art she received from @dipendancesld
Art and story shared with permission
Below the cut for space 💗
Something Within Your Eyes
Also available HERE on AO3
Commissions are still open on the heart mug site, please see pinned post for details.
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It would be her birthday when the clock struck twelve and she wondered to herself how she would be able to control her excitement for the rest of the day. Papa would be held up in Ministry affairs all afternoon, leaving her alone to dwell in her thoughts and anticipation. “What a way to celebrate.” she whispered to herself, bouncing her legs as she sat on her favorite bench along the churchyard. “I wonder what he has planned.”
The autumn breeze carried the leaves along the cloister as Sister Saccharine trembled with excitement. A navy blue envelope held tightly to her chest, filling her with joy. An invitation from Copia to meet tonight at the main staircase, when the moon it’s at its highest in the sky. Her breath halted at the thought. Her dearest Papa, asking to see her at midnight.
The reigning Papa and his demure sister of sin had grown quite close since his return from tour. The two of them, thick as thieves and practically inseparable at times. The ghouls enjoyed kidding her—saying if they wanted to find Papa, they needed only to find her first and there he would be. While neither would admit it, a romance had sprouted between them.
Something small, like a seedling from Primo’s garden, that was always present but overlooked unless one searched for it. Saccharine had been aching inside to tell him. To confess the truth of her heart to her Papa, but whenever the time arose, she couldn’t bring herself to utter the words. Maybe he didn’t feel the same? Would this ruin the friendship between them? All questions she asked herself which ultimately kept her silent. Pining for him, unaware of his own internal struggle with his feelings for her.
As the day dragged on, Saccharine counted down the hours, the minutes, and even the seconds until the time she would meet with Copia on the stairs. Her thoughts filled with imaginings of the surprise he had planned for them. When the time was finally near, she went to her room to change, donning her favorite dress. Frills of lace and such beautiful fabric, one she knew he would love.
She pulled her long brunette hair back with a bow. Gently patting on a bit of blush to the apples of her cheeks, before heading out the door. She bounced down the halls, her heart pounding away as she grew closer to her destination. When she reached the stairs, she saw from the corner of her eye that one of Copia’s rats, Rigatoni, had been quietly traveling beside her. “Well hello little friend, what are you doing here? Don’t you think Papa will wonder where you’ve run off too?” she giggled, the little rat climbing into her cupped hands. He seemed to nod in response, eliciting a smile from the excited but anxious sister.
Suddenly the sister felt a gentle weight placed on her shoulder. Her breath halted as she heard the familiar voice of her Papa. “Mia dolce, you can understand them too?” Copia beamed as Saccharine turned to face him.
“Oh Papa it's you!” she delighted, a smile spread wide across her face. Her pink tinged cheeks, lifting upward toward her eyes. Eyes that sparkled in the light from the stained glass window atop the stairs. The moon, truly shining with its full glory on that night.
Copia looked so handsome. His military style jacket worn over his favorite peasant top and gold embroidered vest accenting his shape. While his tight threaded pants, left little to the imagination. The sight of him alone enough to make Saccharine flustered. He had little Gnocchi on his shoulder, her and Rigatoni, two of Saccharine's favorite rats.
“Sweetheart…Sei bellissima.” Copia praised as he spun her around. He looked deeply into her eyes, taking in her beauty as if to commit it to memory. She was breathtaking and there was nothing he wanted more than to spend this night beside her.
“Papa, you asked to meet me?” she asked, noticing the intense look in his eyes.
“Sí, I have a surprise for you.” he smiled, taking her hand and leading her up the stairs. Saccharine’s heart fluttered away like a million butterflies inside her. Where could he be taking me? They reached a large pair of old doors, covered with deep engravings of Luciferian imagery. Saccharine ran her fingers across them, feeling the rich craftsmanship and sensing the history beneath her fingertips as she waited to see what Copia would do next.
“Papa?” she began before Copia interrupted by taking her hand.
“Sweetheart, please call me Copia.” he insisted, Saccharine nodding as Copia opened the doors. As they creaked open, the sound of their movements echoed into the room before them. The doors, opening wide to reveal their secret. She could hardly believe her eyes—the Ministry ballroom.
She had heard of it before, the siblings recanting tales of parties and celebrations past. When the third Emeritus reigned, he had thrown them often. Splendor and enchantment, promised to all who attended these soires. Such stories filled her with a longing–that one day she would see it for herself, and that day was finally here.
Saccharine walked in, Copia following closely behind her after shutting the doors up behind them. It was so much to take in. The room was massive, the floor covered in black and white checkered tile, that spread as far as her eye could see. The ceiling was decorated with elaborate chandeliers, hundreds of candles awaiting their flames. The towering windows that lined it, allowing in the full luster of the moonlight, filling the room with a hauntingly beautiful glow.
“This night is for you mia cara.” Copia smiled, “Tonight we dance, a celebration of your birth. The day Lucifer graced this worldly plane with someone so perfect as you.” he said, the words igniting inside her.
“Oh Pa–Copia, it's so beautiful.” Saccharine cried, the tears falling from her eyes as she turned away, shyly attempting to conceal them. Copia kissed the top of her head and lifted her chin up to face him.
“May I have this dance sweetheart?” Papa asked her, his gentle hand outstretched to her. The shy sister took his hand, Copia smiling as he placed his right hand on her shoulder. The two of them began to waltz around the room. Rigatoni and little Gnocchi, watching on as Copia spun Saccharine around. Whirling and twirling as the two of them giggled away.
Copia was quite impressed. The sister was a lovely dancer. Her movements, fluid and elegant as they continued their dance. "You're fantastic mia cara, and you dance marvelously!" Copia praised her, his infatuation with her present in his words.
"T-thank you Papa you make me blush…" She replied, feeling her heart pounding harder within her chest. Before she knew it, Copia had spun her around, holding her in his arms as he dipped her down and stared her deep into her eyes. Saccharine's own eyes widened in his gaze, her emotions flooding her inside.
"Ah…ah…" Copia stuttered as he saw her reaction. The unsaid truth between them had begun to seep through to the outside. Copia pulled the sister back up, letting her go and staring down at his shoes. He felt awful for having overstepped his boundaries, maybe he had misread her, all the little things he thought were tells, meanless. A narrative only created within his mind. "...mi dispiace principessa. I forget myself." He apologized, shifting where he stood, so worried he had upset her.
"Papa." The sister said softly, placing her hand on him. She could feel him trembling a bit, nervous and unsure.
"Please Saccharine, Copia." He asked her, unable to look her again in the eye. She lifted his chin, forcing him to face her. Saccharine took in a deep breath—this was it. The moment she'd waited for, she had to tell her Papa how she truly felt.
"Copia. I have something I need to tell you." She began, swallowing back the knot in her throat.
"What is it?" He asked her, a hint of hope in his tone.
"I—I'm in love with you." Saccharine confessed, the words leaving her lips so fast but leaving her feeling like the weight of worlds lifted off her shoulder. Copia grew quiet for a moment, Saccharine patiently waiting for what he'd say. Before she knew it he had lifted her up into the air, spinning her around and bringing her lips to his. Their kiss, feeling more blissful than anything either of them had ever experienced before.
"Sweetheart. I love you too. I've wanted to tell you for so long, but I was so afraid that I was wrong about how you felt. That it was too much to ask Satanas to bless us with something more. I was afraid I would lose you as a friend." Copia confessed. Their heartbeats, synching as he held her tightly within his arms. The sister nuzzling her face against his chest.
"I will always be your friend Copia...even now as something more." She promised.
"I'm glad." Copia said, squeezing her.
"Oh...Copia, can I ask…how could you tell?" Saccharine asked him.
"Tell what mia dolce?" He responded, still unwilling yet to let go.
"How I felt?" She asked him.
"It was something within your eyes." Papa smiled, bringing his lips back to hers. Copia and Saccharine danced the night away. The hours, feeling like time held still for them. A precious moment between them as dawn took control over the night. The two having confessed their feelings and a new chapter unfolding between them in the fading moonlight.
Sei bellissima- You look beautiful.
mi dispiace- I'm sorry
mia cara- my dear
mia dolce- my sweet
principessa- princess
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thepunkmuppet · 4 months
costumes / looks I desperately need gerard way to wear on stage (add your own in reblogs!!)
greek statue, he’s fully painted white including his hair with a white toga with a golden wreath thing on his head. I just think that would look sick
police uniform covered in blood
straight up zombie with full on green decaying gory make up
one of the heathers from heathers
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either the blue cheerleader outfit from the i’m not okay mv or the iconic red ones from teenagers. then we’d have a little trio!
ghostface. possibly cunty ghostface as a treat
vanya from umbrella academy - young version with the school girl fit and black mask OR the all white comic version of course
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also number five from umbrella academy (classic school boy fit)
this sounds weird but I think this would be really cool and meta for wwwy - a stereotypical mcr fan / emo. as in with that one black parade t shirt, heavy eyeliner, black nails, side swept emo fringe, studded bracelets and belts, skinny black jeans, vans or converse. again a very meta concept, after their old person looks in 2022 I can really see them doing this as a whole band this year and I would loooove to finally see gerard in the fashion style that’s so associated with him and his music
howl from howl’s moving castle
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possibly also sophie from howl’s moving castle
literally just satan. like the most stereotypical devil, give them fully painted red skin, horns, fangs, yellow or black eyes, maybe even goat legs. probably with a majestic black suit or something, or for a succubus vibe a black flowy dress with a slit down the leg. now that I think about it, this would be a SICK wwwy look to shock us all, esp if ray mikey and frank all dressed as other demons or the souls of the damned or some shit.
peni parker - he made her!!
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question mark jumper from doctor who
also missy from doctor who omg
jane doe from ride the cyclone, possibly with added marionette or cracked porcelain makeup like in some renditions
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classic majestic white-robed angel, with enormous fake wings and maybe even sparkly gold makeup and a big gold halo. also would be cool in all black, or all white but covered in blood (red, gold, or black, all would look cool)
buffy summers in prophecy girl, except he also has blood all over his neck from where the master bit her. I hope he’s watched btvs I think he would very much enjoy it this look would fit with their vampire vibe sooooo well
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classic frankenstein’s monster
mothman. not only is he a heartthrob but he’s also a hunched goblin cryptid to me. the duality of man (he/theys)
jane prentiss from the magnus archives. if you don’t know she is a living flesh hive of sentient worms, she’s decaying and full of holes. again with all the nasty decaying rotting prosthetic makeup plus THE RED DRESS!!!
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mr darcy vibes, sopping wet regency man with a big puffy white t shirt
opposite side of that, fuck it give him a full on ballroom gown
henry creel from stranger things (pre-vecna, nurse outfit)
any disney princess
crowley from good omens. my man looks GOOD in those anthony janthony aah sunglasses he has
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cute flowy summer dress with like a flowery pattern. either go cottagecore with it and have flowers in his hair, or go full white soccer mum and put him in huge cunty sunglasses a massive straw sun hat with a ribbon on it
all-black cowboy!!!! the fact I’ve never seen him in a cowboy hat is actual sacrilege. also would very much appreciate an all-pink sequin studded cowboy
any alice in wonderland character, especially alice herself, the classic disney movie look with the blue dress and the bow in the hair. he would also do a great chesire cat (spooky big grin makeup paired with his weird ass dramatic facial expressions?? inspired) or a super extravagant queen / king / knave of hearts. also 100000% the mad hatter omfg, he was BORN to do a jefferson from once upon a time look!!
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strawberry-cowmilk · 2 years
mc gets cold while trying to sleep
-> brothers x mc
a/n: it's the whole north pole here so I came up with this idea for your enjoyment <33 seriously next thing I know santa is showing up
mc's gender is not mentioned, not proof read
content warnings: mc and the brother in question share a bed
you were trying to sleep in lucifer's bed while he finished the last of his paperwork of the day
but then he noticed you had basically burried yourself under a mountain of blankets, there were only like three documents left so
lucifer offered to get in the bed with you, so you can cuddle against him for warmth
he is cold too, he's been complaining lately because it feels like sub zero temperatures in the house this time of the year
his solution was to just wear a ton of shirts to bed but you were still cold
so he just 'had to' hug you, now mammon feels too warm but your comfort is more important to him
the fact he sleeps in a bathtub doesn't help
like you touch one spot that hasn't been touched before and disney princess elsa's ice powers surge through you
best levi can do is offer you a bunch of blankets, he's a bit shy to initiate holding you
he was reading a book in bed with you next to him until he noticed you got awfully close to him, sleeping
satan concluded it was because of the cold, now he's scared to move in fear he'll wake you up
this is like the time a cat fell asleep on him at the cat cafe all over again, but he's not complaining he thinks you look really cute
he complains about the cold too, he hates how his lips get chapped way faster than usual and all that stuff
but one good thing comes out of it: you get cold at night so asmo basically has a free excuse to hug you the whole time
if you still get cold he'll get some space heaters, he is straight up done with the cold
he left to get snacks in the middle of the night only to come back and find you shivering from the cold
beel quickly gets back in bed so you can have your warmth source back, he kind of feels bad for leaving you
also the next day he gathers every fleece blanket at devilmart for you
actually he prefers to sleep in cold rooms, it helps his fall asleep faster
but there are times when it's too cold though, and for those times belphie has quality heat blankets, honestly just seeing you shiver made him grab them
you won't ever be cold again with one of those
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toodefendorperson · 3 months
Tiana's Bayou Adventure in Disneyland.
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ifearzombies · 1 year
Even More Headcanons About Living In The HoL
First post here: [x]
Second post here: [x]
- You have purchased a fridge for your room for personal snacks and drinks that you don’t want to share. You... still end up sharing. Beel’s pouty face is hard to say no to.
- You also have a microwave. You tend to keep a few boxes of popcorn for Beel in your room. It’s cheap and easy so he can normally snack on that for quite a bit before he needs something more substantial.
- Because you have a fridge, Asmo got a mini one for his room to store his products in so that Beel would stop eating them and thinking they were snacks.
- You cannot and do not watch Food Network or shows about food. The shows tend to make you hungry. They make Beelzebub absolutely feral and after trying to watch a cooking competition show he ate the entire refrigerator. Not just the food. The ACTUAL fridge. Lucifer was glad that you said ‘never again’ and never had to make it an official rule.
- Satan’s room occasionally gets so disastrous he sleeps in your room. Until Lucifer figures out the reason why and forces him to spend time cleaning his room.
- For the Wheelchair races (the electric one Dia bought you and Luce bought for household shenanigans), the overall winner is Luke. He’s so light the chair zips around pretty quickly. Belphie is second. Last place is Beel. He’s so much muscle, the wheelchair can barely move when he gets on it.
- You were fortunate enough to witness one of the very rare times Lucifer and Satan got physical in their fights. This would normally be horrific. However the two LITERALLY butted heads with their horns out and the two got tangled up and you recorded the two of them trying to untangle themselves before finally telling them they can just go back to human form. They had been too upset to think of that solution.
- Levi figured out you have a tail kink and now whenever he’s in the mood, he’s started to poke at you with his tail. Wrapping it around your leg, poking your side... He’s slowly getting more assertive with it. It stopped for awhile when Mammon realized what Levi was doing and teased him, but a proper shaming of Mammon and reassurance to Levi fixed that.
- Mammon has discovered Disney and he loves every single Disney Princess movie. He ugly cries during a lot of them (Mulan was the roughest cry). His favorite is Mulan because her love for her family led her to great dangers. So he relates to her the most.
- Belphie has told you exactly how entwined he and Beel’s twin link is. He’s described exact food he’s eating. And even can describe what sexual acts you and Beel are doing and that it makes him jealous when he can feel it. He was surprised you found it strange, but you did tell him that human twins don’t have links that strong.
- You HAVE had serious discussions with ALL of your loved ones about the day where circumstances and life or position (for Diavolo) where you might have to choose one of them to marry. Truthfully, none of the conversations have ended on particularly happy notes. They have been understanding; just sad. The overall consensus is that it’d be down to Solomon, Lucifer, or Diavolo. Solomon because the two of you ARE human. And you two would be a power couple of Human Realm ambassadors. Lucifer because the way your pact with him works is you belong to him (something that actually really upset everyone when they found out). And Diavolo because he is the Prince of the Devildom and if the two of you wed it would solidify the relationship of the three realms being in good enough a situation where an inter-species marriage to royalty is not just possible, but accepted. Right now, there is no pressure to choose. No one wants you to (accept maybe Solomon) because it means they lose an aspect of you that they’re not willing to. Simeon was extremely upset he was not one of the top contenders, but he couldn’t even advocate for him to be since he knew their marriage wouldn’t be allowed in the Celestial Realm.
- You and Solomon discussed it and he’s made you immortal like him. No one wants to lose you. And you don’t want to lose them.
- Your family has messaged you from the human realm and asked if you can see departed loved ones. You asked Diavolo about it and It would be possible. But after talking to Lucifer and the brothers, you figured it was best you didn’t.
- You and Asmo have started to listen to reddit drama stories while pampering yourselves. Asmo’s a very gossip-y person so having real drama to listen to makes his day and he gets to talk to you about it while you get your nails done.
- You no longer buy food-like squeakies for Cerberus. Not after Beel ate the burger one and had squeaking hiccups.
- You’ve told Lucifer about Kong toys. He was overjoyed that there was super-durable dog toys he went to the Human Realm and bought a bunch for Cerberus. It was the happiest you’d seen the dog(s?) in a little while.
- Barbatos learned of your tail kink and when he’s feeling cheeky, he’ll go to demon form around you and move his tail. He gives you a knowing smirk when you blush.
- You took Beel to the Human Realm and took him to a food court at a mall and went and took him to each place at the Food court. He was so happy he teared up a little.
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creature-wizard · 3 months
This is your reminder that alter programming/trauma-based mind control is a Satanic Panic conspiracy theory. The stuff you might have heard about gem programming, ribbon programming, Greek letter programming, etc., specifically comes from Fritz Springmeier and Cisco Wheeler, two far right conspiracy theorists who claimed, among many other things, that:
A global satanic conspiracy intends to enthrone the Antichrist in the year 2000. The push toward gay rights is part of this plan.
Said global satanic conspiracy has been practicing trauma-based mind control/alter programming for thousands of years.
The Nazis' eugenics program wasn't actually about eugenics. It was actually a front for researching mind control, and that Project Monarch was based on research conducted by Dr. Josef Mengele (whom they claim was an "adept in Caballistic magic.")
Fairy tales, fantasy media, movies, and television shows are full of deliberate programming. Some (but not all) of the media they implicate includes The Wizard of Oz, The Chronicles of Narnia, Alice in Wonderland, Disney films in general, A Little Princess, Star Trek, Star Wars, E.T., Tiny Toons, The Simpsons, Frankenstein, Bewitched, and Labyrinth.
Basically, anything that doesn't fit the most narrow-minded picture of Good Wholesome Christian Entertainment is is part of the Illuminati's plan to corrupt the youth and lead them down the patch of witchcraft and into satanism.
They claim, and I quote, "drugs, torture, hypnosis and MPD all work to enhance memory" and "most slaves have some photographic memory capability." They also claim that systemwide photographic memory can be created through brain stem scarring.
Babies can learn to read by six months old with the use of subliminal tapes.
Direct quote, "Vice-President Al Gore is a vampire and carries a briefcase of blood with him."
Hillary Clinton is an Illuminati Grand Dame and programmer.
Adrenochrome is a secret black market drug. (Adrenochrome isn't a drug at all.)
Fritz Springmeier and Cisco Wheeler's work is basically a modern mishmash of antisemitic conspiracy tropes and witch panic tropes. Fritz cites fucking Edith Starr Miller as one of his sources.
So why do people "remember" TBMC/RAMCOA? Because they've been coached into it. You can coach people into remembering all kinds of things, as we can very easily see by observing the starseed movement, where people remember past lives in nonexistent places like Lemuria.
If alter programming was a real thing, literature on it would have to exist. I'm talking like, actual manuals that describe in full detail how to conduct all of these rituals and whatnot without killing the victim. The first people who claimed to have experienced this claimed they were programmed back in the 50's, which means it's been seventy years. Not a single manual on this has turned up anywhere; not even in the most depraved child molesters' homes or laptop computers.
RAMCOA is repackaged SRA is repackaged antisemitism and witch panic, end of story.
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