#savant skills
my-autism-adhd-blog · 5 months
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Myth vs Reality
I really don’t like the stereotype that autistic people are super smart but their social skills are nonexistent. Not all of us are geniuses. Some of us are just normal, regular people.
I wish writers, directors, and others could understand that.
Spectrum Sloth
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caligvlasaqvarivm · 4 days
Eridan seems like the type to me to say that video games are stupid and then get horribly hooked on one the second he plays
yeah. and unfortunately he would probably be really good at it too :/
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of-pale · 2 months
Welcome to my latest headcanon. Sure made Nero contemplate over his whole existence:
Nero: What the Fu-
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spooky-space-kook · 2 years
If we do get more movies and we get cameos from other main characters, I want them to act as an information network. I want them to be informants with unique skills.
Marta's ability is to infiltrate quietly, disappearing in a crowd with absolute ease.
Helen's ability is a to get in and out fast and smash when needed.
I want them to be the phone-a-friends and the suddenly-sat-across-from-you-at-the-diner appearances. I want small appearances that show they're still living their lives, happy and glowing with whatever success best pleases them, have them drop an incredibly helpful bomb, and see them go back to their lives.
I want the newest soul suffering the latest tragedy to be a little in awe. I want them to see their potential future and ask if that's what's seen in them.
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piplupod · 2 months
also (sorry i'm chatty today and just in general as of late lol) it's really weird to be talking to people at the centre (mainly the leaders/ppl in charge) because they always comment on how many hobbies and interests I have and like. I kind of forget that this is apparently abnormal? I just... I like a lot of things? and I try a lot of things. at some point I changed my perspective from "oh man I could never do that!" when I saw something cool to "hmm I wonder how I could do that?" and I either try things out exactly the way I see other ppl doing them or I adapt it to work for me with my restraints (constraints?) on money/energy/skill level/etc.
and i'm also very quick to jump on opportunities to try things! there is not a lot available because of where I live (small town, rural, conservative, etc) so when things pop up that I am able to try out I jump on them immediately!
when an opportunity arose to learn the accordion (classes were offered and my neighbour offered to lend theirs to me) I hopped on it so fucking fast because I knew if I didn't then I'd likely never have the chance to learn it ever again! when someone is giving away art supplies for free/very cheap, i will usually take it because I know I'll find a use for it (or I can rehome it if I end up realizing I can't use it). when someone offers to show me how to do something (like skin a mouse), I will agree because why the fuck not! i love learning!
but then people always look at me like I possess some incredible talent just because I have so many hobbies and interests and weird bits of knowledge like... no ? 😭 I just try things. and I give myself the grace to learn new things and be bad at them and continue to try if I have the interest. I hate being told this is my autistic superpower or that I'm some kind of creative savant because I genuinely just... work hard. to learn things. I practice a lot. I enjoy making stuff so I do it a lot because it makes me feel good and keeps me from killing myself dsdgjkl. it feels like they dismiss all the time and work I put into this stuff. I honest to god think just about anyone could do this if they just decided to put the time into it. I'm not special for it, I'm honestly just desperate to be good at something so I put a lot of work into this.
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few more Musings on Possibilities working off of the premise that winston's dick energy is related to the [psych (lol.) this is Wendy's new therapist, really] subplot:
just that ofc maybe he doesn't quit before/at the start of the episode. that would just be a hypothetical way for higher ups to realize this therapist (is modern psychoanalysis inherently a therapeutic practice? i think so. ugh grimacing sighing at looking up the theory / origins of any psychiatric practice but lord when isn't that the case. automatically i want more for winston, for anyone, than even a theoretically good fit psychiatrist) exists. since this hinges on anyone considering his quitting enough of a disruptive problem somehow to be motivating, versus maybe a comedic "btw anyone seen winston like, this week, now that i think about it" "[unsure murmurings]" moment about it.
maybe ppl are bothering to interact with just him outside the office, that we get to see, b/c of some different avenue of singling out: like that i do figure if winston wanted to see a therapist he would not go to wendy / not consider going to her, so after twisting anyone else's arm about where all this coordination amongst employees to Hurt Wendy's Ego came from, it's quickly like, oh yeah it was winston who started it, he recommends it to his friend with so many problems tuk, or ben, or some such deal. then everyone goes off to twist winston's arm about it too, asap, nigh literally
maybe it's about figuring this is some nefarious plan of winston's; wags being a good friend to wendy by killing all nerds who won't accept her performance coaching(tm). and/or about wresting info about this nefarious rival therapist from him as the expert (seeing her first / the longest), or him as A person seeing her who they most feel like grilling for information like hey nobody wants to accidentally make ben cry again but if winston cries b/c you were assaulting him then who cares, go see your fancy new therapist about how you're a total pussy. maybe wags just can't stand winston possibly having the choice to give them info, or even to take his time in doing so, basically being the "sure some ppl don't like getting their hands dirty. some babies don't have the stomach for it. but torture works! & i'm just the loose cannon committed to The Goals to stop waffling around about it" cliche, &/or is Disproving any approach that might treat winston like a person like no, treating him like a nonperson is the way, how can we stand otherwise? meanwhile the secret edge this person has is the basic obvious shit in contrast to even wendy's non special occasion therapy(? performance coaching) tactics are still just "i want to hurt you as much as i possibly can" & how just like her official job goals are wringing as much from employees as possible & making sure the company can steamroll them in any matter if convenient, a lot of which entails supporting the egos & enabling the behaviors of the employees who shit on everyone else. and here's dollar bill, wags. rian, "wendy's people" from the start....herself. axe. prince on occasion
maybe there's absolutely no especial reason for going after winston except that the audience gets the setup that assaults are no stakes & entertaining if it's winston who's targeted, so we won't be asking for further explanation lol literally do not care. little a treat for him, in his maybe last episode for maybe no especial reason, to maybe see him attacked thusly in his own home, that doesn't look like a particularly characterized setting. if that's even where he is
antibonus points if the cool new therapist shit talks winston still lmao like even if to basically Also pull a wendy like "ohh some ppl are just sooo complex & interesting (as though axe doesn't run on one line of code abt continuously feeding his ego & everyone/everything being fodder for that b/c that's the only way he can view anything & his potential interactions with them. b/c all that there is is Feeding His Ego)" where she'll dismiss all those other peons she treats like heh heh yes whatever Them, open & shut bunch of losers but i'm still nice to them b/c that's my brand of professionalism. but, wendy! You! you're Extraordinary! in fact i'll drop them all to take you on, as further incentive / b/c you'd be the one standout worthy case :)
bonus points is, supposing winston quits After being graced with whatever treatment in the episode & after being given fucked up input like that maybe he hinges his self esteem too much on what this job or anyone or anything associated with it seems to validate. but that maybe it's also about the treatment he's gotten repeatedly, the whole time, & he gets to say anything about it, & nobody gets to just tell him to shut up / pwn him so that in establishing him as the loser/inferior, nothing he says matters
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whalehouse1 · 2 years
DC Comics and edgelord Batman fans: He works alone and only under the cover of darkness.
In canon: Has been out during the day plenty of times and has had 8-12 protégées more or less with 7 who he still actively teams up and will team up with that are so entuned to how each other fight that when one of them who had just came back from the dead after lord how knows how long in comic time and was actively trying to kill him, Batman and him were in perfect synch and Batman wasn’t worried that he’d get backstabbed by Jason.
But yeah, edgy loner who hates and mistrusts everyone 👍
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andromedasummer · 2 years
found a homebrew class perfect for one of my dnd characters. wonder why its fit so well. why the traits and stuff feels so in character. its called the savant class. remember im autistic. remember i cant make neurotypical characters because i cant discern autistic experiences from neurotypical ones.
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ehj3 · 10 months
“If you act like a rock star you will be treated like one.” ―Marilyn Manson Every once and a while I pretend to be an editorial cartoonist. But being a real one is outside of my comfort zone. Coming up with new ideas for a different-actors/same-plot situation is an impossible task. Every once and a while something or someone that’s not politics-as-usual appears and some new metaphors pop…
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 4 months
Autism + Savant Abilities
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Mrs Speechie P
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rn I can’t differentiate between giving my accessibility needs and saying ‘I’m more productive when’ and I hate which one the one that makes people feel more valued and respected in the workplace is
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of-pale · 3 months
There are but two certainties in life: death and taxes. So it’s business as usual.
Nero walked into the shop, surprised to see Vergil in Dante's chair, sifting through papers, while Dante lounged lazily on the sofa flipping through a magazine.
"What's going on here?"
"Oh, you know, Vergil being Vergil,” Dante gestured dramatically toward his brother as if presenting a circus animal in a grand display. “He thinks he can do a better job at managing a demon hunting business. Not like I've been doing it just fine for decades.”
"Anyone with opposable thumbs could do a better job than you, brother," Vergil replied dryly, scrutinizing the atrociously messy paperwork and accounting. It didn't require a genius to see how badly Dante’s business would be in the red if it weren't for all the money Dante undoubtedly weaselled out of Lady. Still, that's money that has to be repaid, and Vergil didn't even want to think about the returns the loan shark hag expects of Dante.
What truly frustrated Vergil was knowing for a fact that Dante could do a better job at running the business. Annoying as it was to admit, Dante had always been better with numbers. Ever since they were kids, adding up numbers at lightning speed was as easy for him as reading was for Vergil. So this accounting mess? It was like Dante didn’t bother to put any effort in it. And hadn't for decades. From the looks of things, he even got enough jobs coming in to get by, so why…?
“Damn, I wish it was that easy and I could just hire a monkey to do it,” Nero shook his head. “This shit's boring as hell.”
Vergil couldn't help but let his frustration leak through, “Something for Dante to consider then, since it would do a better job than this.”
"Does that mean I can pay you in bananas, Verge?" Dante fired back with a grin.
"A considerable improvement, since you don't pay me at all.”
"Hey now, you get your cut at the end of the demon hunting jobs.”
“You mean the rightful pay earned for a job I complete by myself, from which you take a cut simply because you act as a broker of a broker?”
"Welcome to capitalism, bro. It's how things are run topside.”
"I miss hell already,” Vergil replied sarcastically, massaging his temples. “Please tell me you at least paid the taxes.”
"Hey, I may be the Legendary Demon Hunter, but even I don't mess with the IRS.”
"Wait, you do all the bookkeeping on paper?” Nero raised an eyebrow. “You know we live in the 21st century, right?”
"Eh, it's easier on paper.” Dante shrugged. “Especially if the occasional job needs to be kept off the books.”
“You just said you don't want to mess with the IRS.”
“Oh, if there's one thing scarier than the IRS, it's Lady when she's come to collect her due.” Dante got up from the sofa and sauntered over to his desk, where an open pizza box awaited. “A wise man picks his battles.”
“A fool sets himself up for them,” Vergil muttered, quickly realising the irony of his own words.
Dante grabbed a slice of pizza and took a curious peek over Vergil's shoulder at his notes. “Hm, you got the total amount wrong by a couple hundred. Right there.” He pointed at it before cheekily patting Vergil on the shoulder and continuing on his merry way back to the sofa.
Vergil growled demonically in pure frustration, fighting the very real urge to roll all the blasted papers into a ball and dump them in the bin.
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supershot73199 · 3 months
So something I would like to point out is despite the shit we give him Danny is a fighting savant.
Like any time Danny is fighting with his feet planted on a surface he is pulling off badass martial arts maneuvers or kicking ass. Hell in the first episode he manages a roundhouse kick with enough force to basically cut through multiple meat monsters, and this is at his weakest in the show.
Like we say he fights like a feral racoon but that's only when he's fighting midair and how would he have midair combat training? Humans can't fly like that.
Still in the first season Danny catches Fright Knights sword barehand without a scratch! Boy is a badass.
When he was fighting with his classmates to rescue their parents in pirate radio he was the most competent one there until he let himself get thrown over the edge to give him an excuse to transform without anyone noticing.
Like sure he's getting dogged in this fight but not from a lack of skill, Danny gets several good hits in but he doesn't have the strength this early in the series to do any damage to Fright Knight. But then he not only catches the blade but disarms and judo flips him without getting cut by the blade once.
So I think it would be fun to have DC characters notice this he has the skill and he now has the power to back it up. Have Danny meet Wildcat the former boxer turned vigilante who trained both Black Canary and Batman in boxing.
So one thing that i would like to see is Danny in a similar situation like in the video, Deathstroke is literally a super soldier and mercenary so some rich bastard who Danny pissed off hires him to kill this kid i like the idea that danny is patenting a medical device that can be used to treat metas or non human biology and the rich guy is pissed Danny won't sell him the patent. Bat of your choice, I'm going with Cass, gets told by Oracle who hacked into the communications between the two but she's not quite fast enough to stop the fight from breaking out.
Danny is in his human form which limits his strength but he has skill enough fighting foes who are physically his superior. Cass shows up to see this random scientist holding his own against Deathstroke who earned his title of The Terminator. However before Cass can jump in Danny pulls off the disarming judo throw winning the fight.
Now Cass has a crush on this cute boy. Bruce is considering hiring an assassin himself (not really he's just being dramatic about his baby girl falling in love.)
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teaboot · 1 year
Cant wait for the age of enlightenment that will come when we all collectively realize that serial killers aren't highly-capable savant geniuses toying with police and the media for grand and complex reasons but are actually usually just random dumbfucks who stumbled into the golden ratio of 'low-empathy sadist with bad reasoning skills hates women/kids/sex/other races and wants to feel powerful, happens to be in an area with a poor investigative force, gets away with it one time and gets fucking cocky' cause I'm kinda getting tired of it
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ot3 · 2 months
ace attorney characters: do they fuck good?
phoenix: what he lacks in skill and experience (and i DO believe he lacks these things at least until he starts fucking kristoph on the reg) he somewhat makes up for with enthusiasm and taking direction well
mia: i do think she was partying hard at law school almost rumspringa style after getting away from living as a Mountain Nun so yes
maya: i do think she could fuck like a champ but u gotta be in to her clown antics or it's not gonna land. kinda girl who would strip naked and hten u see shes got like eyes drawn on her boobs with sharpie
gumshoe: i think that he's so The Type of whoever is gonna be sleeping with him that it almost doesn't even matter. he's probably fine though. hes a nice guy.
edgeworth and franziska: sharing a slot because they share an answer. no, for identical reasons. they're such neurotic perfectionists that sex terrifies them because there's not any way to practice before someone has to see you do it. they need someone who can love them the way a tween girl loves a Problem Horse to blossom into their full potential
larry: no.
lana: no because shes a workaholic and shes just trying to get it over with half the time because she's got other shit to do
ema: to repeat myself from earlier i think she kind of sucks and kind of doesn't give enough of a shit #depressiongirlswag
apollo: yeah i think apollo fucks
klavier: this one's really hard to me because i do think klavier is giving it his all but due to him being hot and famous i'm just not sure he's ever gotten honest feedback in this department so i really can't say. i think odds are decent that he's mid and coasting and if he ever knew this it'd devastate him
kristoph: unfortunately for everyone i think the answer is yes but only if his entire personality isn't a dealbreaker for you
lang: obviously. next question.
justine: yeah
asougi: not as good as he thinks he is. once again the hotness is doing a bunch of heavy lifting
ryuu: i know he's a freak in bed but i don't think he knows he's a freak. despite or perhaps because of that that i think he's kind of a savant in this department since it's the version of reality that's funniest for me.
van zieks: pray forgive his discourtesy of getting glass shards and red wine stains on the bedsheets and also just generally staring off into space like a brooding widow during these carnal acts
sholmes: the attention span is just too fucked he's that post about leaving someone tied up in the other room and then forgetting. if you could get him to stay still long enough the dick would probably rule but you can't. you just can't.
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protectionsquad24601 · 6 months
Sherlock Holmes, despite being one of the most adapted characters in media, is almost always characterized differently than in the source material. Despite having a habit of unnerving people with his deductions, and his distaste for the police force, Sherlock Holmes is canonically good at reassuring people, gets along amicably with clients, and has an affectionate relationship with Watson. However, he is almost always adapted to be extremely stoic and unable to interact with people in a regular fashion, as is a common trope with genius characters. Whether being smart but socially inept is a caricature of Savant Syndrome or a result of an effort to create flaw in a character whose skills were not balanced out with much deficit, it is clear that Sherlock Holmes has been the subject of much transformation in the public consciousness, straying from the envisioning of Sir Arthur Ignatius Conan Doyle. Is this modified personality better, creating a more well-rounded and interesting character? Or, does it instead stereotype and boil down the traits that, left alone, made Sherlock Holmes the quintessential star of detective fiction, restorting to trite and digestible cliché? In this essay I will
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