#save us doom
mortifiedandawesome · 1 month
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The great Latveria has no vermin, and now YOUR home can experience some of the same glory
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drenched-in-sunlight · 3 months
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some happiness could never be reclaimed
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naomistares · 9 months
posting last comic's timelapse before i delete the file 😭 took me 26 hours total and 34k strokes
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fairyroses · 4 months
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— SMALLVILLE, "Tempest" (1.21) & "Fragile" (5.18)
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thejolteonmastertj · 2 months
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(Source: https://www.tumblr.com/linkeduniverse/758261870143619072/entrance-pt2-coming-soon-comicarchive-about)
This is so ominous, bruh.
Now if something happens to Wild Legend’s gonna blame himself. 😭
He knows it too lmao Lege looks pissed.
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fictionadventurer · 10 months
What was the point of Scrooge's trip with the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come? On a structural level, it makes sense--three is the fairy tale number, and you can't visit the past and present without also including the future--but on a character level, it doesn't quite seem necessary. Showing a man that he'll die alone, unloved, and unmourned seems like the strategy you take as the last-ditch effort to convince a guy that he needs to change his ways. But that situation doesn't apply to Scrooge. He started softening immediately after he first arrived in his past. By the time he finished with the Ghost of Christmas Present, he was fully onboard with the need to reform, so the Ghost's vision of his future seems like unnecessary cruelty. Why show him all this when he was already planning to change his ways?
A few things come to mind. One is that this vision of the future wouldn't have affected Scrooge unless he had already changed his ways. A cold, hard businessman could have seen his lonely death as just the way of the world, might have viewed the people who stole the clothes from his corpse as just people doing what's practical in this world. He needed to relearn the value of the intangibles--human connection, respect for others--to see the true horror of the lonely death and the vultures who defiled the dead man.
But why the horror? Can't he reform without being threatened with doom? It's possible--but it's also possible such a reform would be temporary. After all, Scrooge started as a friendly, loving young man, but retreated into himself and his business out of fear of poverty and fear of the way the world looks down upon poor people. Even if a reformed Scrooge started on a course of Christmas charity, there was always a chance that the enthusiasm would fade, and the worldly fears would start creeping back in. The only way to beat those fears is to give him something to fear that's even worse than poverty. He needs to see the horrible end that his selfish ways would lead to, so he won't be tempted to slide back into them.
There's also the fact that seeing his death makes him ecstatically happy to find that he's alive after the Ghost is gone. Had Scrooge been spared the vision of his future, he might have been happy to find himself on Christmas Day, but his joy would have been nowhere near the manic glee he experiences after coming back from the future. Now, he doesn't just get a new start--he gets a second chance. Coming back from his own grave makes him mindful of his death, but it also makes him hyperaware of the fact that he's still alive. He isn't in the ground yet. He still has time to do good and make connections with others so he doesn't die alone.
Seeing the past reminded him of the innocence he'd lost. Seeing the present reminded him of the people whose lives he was missing out on. Seeing the future reminded him that death is waiting, so it's important to live virtuously while we can. All three are important because all three brought him outside of himself and taught him to value the wider world, just in time to live through another Christmas Day.
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theology101 · 5 months
Literally in the first episode of Fantasy High, I watched an arguement that I had several times with my conservative uncles. It boils down to “According to the main message of your faith, our Divinity accepts everyone who is good of heart and kind - hating people for any reason is antithetical.” Kristen was arguing positive points using her faith as a guide
Which like - im not a christian or religious anymore (raised southern baptists and decided that if God exists he’s cruel) but the immediate writing off of everyone who’s part of a Main Stream Religion as Problematic really pisses me off, ya know?
Like sure, Wolfsong has waterslides and snowball fight and a lot of entertainement during a major holiday and then everyone is trying to figure out how they’re evil ehen they’re just having fun. Hey, my former church (Prestonwood Baptist Church and Benttree Community church in Dallas Texas) i have met so may deeply devout and scripture oriented people who are so incredibly loving and giving that they are leagues above anyone else I know, and for Good Friday they still had a wayer slide cause that shit is fun. Some of the most hateful people I know ALSO use religion as an excuse.
I get that organized Religion can house a lot of hate and evil (im writing my thesis on American Fascism and evangelical faith is a big part) but so many people who are Religious are just good people? Like the basic morals of the Torah+Talmund, the Bible and the Qur’an are really positive? Half the catholic church is socialist?
It just speaks to the religious illiteracy in America. Helio isn’t bad - the racist worshippers who through ‘as above so below’ influence their god ARE bad. Brennan says the Harvestmen are a fringe Minority - newsflash, the KKK is a christian group and the majority of christians reject them and find their message to be a spit in the face to Jesus. Why would it be different in Fantasy High if its supposed to be a commentary? I think Helio chose Kristen because he wanted her to free him from the racist status quo (he was giving her spells for all of freshman year supporting her against Sol up until Spring break if not beyond)
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tapakah0 · 10 months
Sorry just want to rumble a little bit today and no normal thoughts Just... wanted to say... that "Mystic hands" Michelangelo is... very good I only know (I mean have read = know) a few fics about Leo getting back in time, but in this one Mikey gets back in time... I don't know why but it was stuck in my head all day When f!Leo is back, he's about to kill someone, die, later little Leo is suspicious about him, they hate each other (no, they don't, they are just stupid asses)
But god for some reason the way f!Mikey gets back, he just BLOWS everything, he's a walking bomb, that actually makes sense, he's an atom bomb due to the circumstances of his way of getting to the past and the city is lucky they weren't destroyed F!Leo can hold him expression better then Michelangelo does, and Michelangelo doesn't notice how his expression always changes, he just cries and knows that he will Little Leo is suspicious about him (as he should), but the moment he understands that he's the same Mikey, he melts. It tooks weeks for Leos, it took a day for Michelangelo (little (old) brother privileges huh) The way he just, almost blows the WHOLE island, that's exactly was stuck in my head about future Mikey The fact that he was a general, put demoted himself, he was the one discovering the way magic works with science and taught Donnie about it, just all these little mentions and details for some reason made me a bit alive today
(Also the fact that the little one krang is the most dangerous makes SO MUCH sense)
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ditzyblues · 1 year
TLOU au??? Joel Casey and Ellie CJ????? In MY house??!??? you have got to be kidding!!!!!!
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soulless-bex · 1 year
pjo x mcu crossover where hydra picks up percy while he’s left wandering the country while amnesiac. obviously they didn’t just pick him up for no reason, after all i do vaguely remember percy not being all that discreet with his abilities in the son of neptune
it would be quite easy for hydra to turn percy into a killing machine considering that he already can’t remember shit. they only have to do a bit of brainwashing to make him into their obedient little killer.
it still takes them a few years to get him trained to their standards, during which he gets to somewhat know bucky, both of them bonding over the amnesia and shitty names they were given by hydra (the winter soldier and aegis for percy)
fast forward a few years, bucky is saved by the avengers and slowly regains his memories while percy quickly makes a name for himself as aegis, the anger of the sea
the avengers try to stop him, but really, what can you do against a guy who can bend water/blood/poison, is invulnerable (the achilles curse being a pain in the ass), has super-strength and super healing?
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muffinmoonn · 6 months
dark precure deserved better
all she wanted was to be loved by her father. thats why she wanted to kill moonlight. not just cuz its her "purpose" but bc she wanted to be sabaku's "real" daughter. she even says that once she kills moonlight, she'll become the "true moonlight"
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she was jealous of yuri being sabaku's biological human daughter and wanted to kill her to take her place. all she wanted was to be loved by her father
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after she's defeated, she shakily stands up and yells at yuri to get away from sabaku, because he's her father. she sees yuri cling to sabaku and she fears he's is leaving her for yuri. she doesnt want yuri to take her dad away from her, that's her greatest fear.
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and then she dies in his arms and we see her genuinely smile (i think this is the only time she smiled in the whole anime?). sabaku tells yuri that dark precure is her sister, and he loves her just as much as he does yuri. and then she dies.
man this shit was so sad. she had so much potential that was only unleashed at the very end. she didnt deserve to die, she shouldve lived. she died "evil" and thats fucked up. apparently in the novel its confirmed that she doesnt have a heart flower. she doesnt even get a NAME. she's called a "doll with no heart" and yet we see her break down and reveal her true emotions. there no way she doesnt have a heart, u can see it right there in the episode. and she dies with only a little sympathy at the very end, and yet she never got to be human, she never got to be seen as human by the damn show. its so fucked up, she deserved better.
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friendrat · 5 months
The problem with the church today is that so many "Christians" do not actually believe in redemption.
#unironically christian#i say this because of all the people who make comments about people's testimony#like saying they don't believe that only fans girl who was saved and baptized was really saved#like... reading through the comments it becomes clear that the “Christians” don't actually accept her#like... my brother in Christ... your good deeds are as worthy as my used pad#that is straight up in the bible#you are not better than her and you do not deserve redemption more than her#her salvation is between her and God#and yes... you say that time will reveal her fruit and you are correct#but guess what#ananias was called to extend a hand to paul *before* his fruit showed#and he was a frigging serial killer who was out for ananias's blood the week before#you do not get to pick and choose which converts you get to except#you are not God and thank heavens for it because if you were we would all be doomed#*deep breath*#i am just so sick of this... farse... that Christianity has become#Christians need a wake up call#oh! and and when you act like its impossible to accept that she could be saved you belittle God's power#you call into question Jesus's blood and it's ability to cleanse and if that is false your salvation is worthless!#also also you go against the things clearly written in the Bible while wearing the title of Christian#which means you are misrepresenting God's nature and intentions which means you are breaking the command to not take the lord's name in vain#wow... i thought i was done at the deep breath... guess not😅#rat rants
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lesbianphan · 7 months
I'm having a hard time putting my emotions into words about what We're All Doomed meant to me personally. I relate way too much to Dan's stuggles with identity and struggling to feel like you belong, like you deserve to be here and be loved. So when the show turned into the honest sincere bit about feeling like you're never truly happy, I felt that.
All I can say is I'm extremely proud of him, for being vulnerable enough to share it with us in the only way he knows how: through a really amazing dramatic theater kid sort of production, full of lights and really cool effects and soundtrack. It truly is his magnum opus, as he said, and I hope he continues to share with us through whichiever medium he so desires about his journey through life.
Funnily enough, my plan for the year is pretty much taking more chances, living more, trying to find out who I am and what truly makes me happy in life, independent of everyone else. Just finding myself. So Embrace the void and have the courage to exist fits like a glove right now.
THANK YOU @danielhowell we love you! Some of us have watched you grow up in front of a camera and go through all the versions and loved you through them all, all along. I feel honored to finally be able to see this and I can only hope you never forget that we mean it when we say we are proud of the man you've become.
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illuminatedquill · 11 months
“You think I can still handle things, but I’m not who I was
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I’m weak
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Lately, there are these moments where the fear comes up out of nowhere
And my heart feels like it stopped
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And I have dreams. Every night.
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What kind of dreams?
I don’t know. I can’t remember.
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I just know that when I wake up . . .
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I’ve lost something.
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I’m failing in my sleep. That’s all I do.”
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- The Last of Us television series, Joel Miller
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un-pearable · 2 years
i know it’s been years and it’s basically irrelevant now but i genuinely love the green ninja prophecy if only for how much it must have tortured wu and garmadon. how long have they known it!! how did they find it, this script dooming them to forever be on opposing sides!! by the time morro rolls around, wu's spent most of his adult life with this looming over his head - this threat that there's some great evil out there that even their father didn't prevent, and then his brother leaves and adopts the very title that the prophecy foretold against. and then a ridiculously powerful elemental practically falls into his lap, with an uncanny command of his element without even unlocking his true potential, and with another threat already on the horizon (the serpentine) and the rest scattered (not to be brought together until years later), that was all he could do. it's been at minimum decades, at most centuries of the two of them having to carry this burden over their heads - of garmadon succumbing and of this unknown dark lord attacking. when do you think they made the connection. the wrong connection sure, but it makes sense. and it makes sense that years later, after wu is proven wrong and his brother returns to him and his son leaves him, and after his brother threatens to leave him again, he'd work backwards. collect the elementals, rebuild what he can of an alliance, and hope he's proven wrong again. and then kai steals his bag by accident and the rest is history.
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