#say i like a guy. let's call him teo
ceruleansx · 1 year
tipsy | peeta mellark
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↳ warnings : mention of being drunk, tipsy/drunk behavior, fluff at end
↳ peeta mellark x reader x best friends to lovers
↳ summary : after a random party, peeta accidentally had more than one drink. after a call from finnick saying that he needs help to put peeta to bed, you leave to help your boyfriend
it was a long day, you and peeta had so many meetings with sponsers after the first games. you teo returned back home, with finnick and a few other visiting.
you said your goodbyes to peeta as he left for the party that finnick was hosting.
you wouldve gone, but the day wore you out, and all you wanted to do was stay back and watch tv. you basically had nothing to worry about, since you for sure knew peeta wouldn't act up.
even if he follows what everyone says, he knows what good and bad. plus, you promised him that you two will cuddle once he gets back home.
the thought of him made you miss him, making you wanting to go so badly.
as you thought more, there were 3 loud knocks on your door, pretty aggressively.
"y/n!!" you heard someone yell from the other side. the person sounded like finnick.
you got up, already a nervous face on your look by the tone of his voice. your heartbeat became faster. what if something bad happened to peeta? what if someone got into a fight with him?
you hurled to the door and swung it open.
to your surprise, you say johanna, finnick, and peeta. peetas arm was wrapped around finnicks shoulder as finnick held him up to balance.
peeta's legs were droopy, barely even standing. his face was staring at the floor eyes half open.
"what happened?" you asked.
"got too drunk i think."
"he said he didn't want anyone helping him except for you." johanna chimed in.
even with your nervousness, you still felt flustered at the thought of peeta wanting you instead of everyone else.
"okay um," you walked up to peeta and took his arm away from finnick.
he was still a little tipsy, but managed to stand.
"thanks guys, ill see you tommorrow." you said waving goodbye as you closed the door.
"johanna leave~.. mhbb.. i only want my girl." peeta mumbled.
you slightly gasped at his words. his girl? that was a new one to add to the book.
"let's get you upstairs.." you whispered as you took him and lead him upstairs carefully.
"j-johanna i said no.." he whispered, "i need y-y/n!"
you paused mid stairway and faced him. you grabbed his face with both your hands. he was so warm. he was always warm, something that you never thought would bring you comfort.
"peeta look." you whispered.
he looked up. his eyes widened.
"it's me.."
his smiled softly, making his eyes scrunch up.
"oh.." he whispered, as his face slowly grazed your hair.
"lets get you changed and put to bed, 'kay?" you said softly, taking his soft hand again.
after him protesting on him putting your shirt himself, you two finally managed to get in bed. your head was on his chest, while his arm drapped around you.
"y/n?" he whispered. you thought he already passed out after being so tired.
"thanks for helping me out tonight." he wiggled around getting more comfortable.
"anything for you peeta." you moved your head to look at him. "i'll always be here. i've been doing it for years."
he smiled softly while looking at you.
"i um.." he looked away trying to hide his blush that crept around his face.
he finally looked back.
"you know i love you right?" he whispered even more softer, like thin air.
you looked at him. no one's every actually told you that, like in a romantic way. you had so many things to say, but they somehow didn't come out.
"but not like the friend way, the-" his words by cut off by your lips.
his kiss was just as warm as his touch, now knowing that his kiss is the only kiss you want to feel for the rest of your life. after a couple seconds later, you finally pulled away.
"guess i have that affect huh?" he chuckled softly.
"peeta oh god-" you laughed, but cut off by a more tender and loving kiss.
both of your lips were in sync, it was like they were made for each other. you two pulled away, forheads touching. his hand lifted and allowed his thumb to graze your bottom lip.
"i love you.." you whispered against his thumb.
"i love you too baby."
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milaisreading · 1 year
Hi, I wanted to say i love your blue lock fanfic and is it possible for me to request a short story about manger reader and the boys fighting in who will sit next to her on the bus and to the character who got to sit next manger reader was getting death stares/glares because she feel asleep on them and began to like cuddle up on them while being asleep
(And if you make this is wanted to say thank you so much for making this ❤️)
Author:Hii! I hope you like this and thank you sm for reading and requesting! Have a great day and stay safe🩷
Warnings ⚠️: Reader uses she/ her. Requests are open
⚽️Blue lock belongs to:Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura⚽️
Once in a blue moon Ego shows some mercy to his players, Anri and (Y/n), and surprises then with something. Whether it's an extra day off or for a day the players and the manager can eat whatever they wish. Today was one of the days where Ego and Anri had organized a small trip to Osaka. The group was pretty excited as they were able to visit some shrines as well as some malls. The last part was mostly exciting to Reo, (Y/n) and Aryu who went looking for clothes, while the rest were either at a nearby arcade or food restaurant.
"That looks cute! You should get it." Aryu comments as (Y/n) showed them a sweater she found.
"Yeah~ it would look nice with that skirt." Teo added, pointing at the item with a grin. (Y/n) looked at the skirt and then at the sweater. Then went to look a little bit closer at the skirt.
"Hmmm~ It does look cute Reo-" (Y/n) froze in her spot as she looked at the price tags of the two.
'Is...is this made out of gold?! My time in Blue Lock made me forget how expensive living is...' The girl looked and looked back at Reo and Aryu, laughing nervously.
"Ahh~ now that I think of it, it will just be a waste. I have nowhere to wear it, anyways." She said rather quickly and put the sweater away.
"Huh? You seemed so excited about it. It would look really cute" Reo urged as Aryu chimed in.
"Beaides, if wearing it nowhere is an issue I have a suggestion. I will take you out on a date-"
Reo kicked the taller boy's leg before he could finish his sentence and sent him a side-glare.
"Still I can't-"
(Y/n) was interrupted by her phone ringing and she handed the sweater to Reo.
"It's Ego-san." She simply said and left to take the call.
"You are not as smooth as you think, Aryu." Reo said, his smile dropping as the taller rolled his eyes.
"Learned it from the best."
"Whatever, it's not like she will pick you in the end, we all know I have the upper hand." Reo said, inspecting the sweater, trying to find the issues.
"You with that hair can only dream of it."
'Hmmm...' Reo thought as he looked at the sweater.
"Guys, we need to get to the bus." (Y/n) said, returning to the duo. Aryu nodded his head and grabbed her hand, pulling her away from Reo.
"Reo, hurry up." (Y/n) exclaimed.
"I will be there in a minute, I need to call my mom." Reo said nervously, hoping she won't catch his lie. Thankfully Aryubwas there and he didn't really care much about Reo, so he just kept pulling her away.
"Let's go~"
"I call dibs." Isagi announced as the rest looked at him in confusion. The part of the group that was scattered around the mall was already at the bus and waiting for the trio to come back.
"What dibs? To sit next to the window, I already claimed it as my spot!" Bachira exclaimed, earning a sigh from Rin.
"Can you both just shut up?"
"Where did Nagi go?" Niko asked, looking around the place as Karasu pointed at the bus.
"The sleepy genius went into the bus."
"No, I call dibs on sitting next to (Y/n)." Isagi answered back, catching the attention of the others.
"What? Why you?" Chigiri retorted, causing Isagi to smile.
"Because, I am her favorite."
"Since when?! If anything, I am, I cause her the least amount of trouble." Gagamaru sent the boy a challenging glare. Kunigami cleared his throat and pointed at himself.
"I think I should call dibs, since I am the one who helps her around in my free time."
"Ok, muscleman that gives you still no rights." Chigiri rolled his eyes.
"(Y/n) tells me most of her concerns and issues she has. So I am her favorite, with that I deserve sitting with her." The redhead said proudly as Baro chimed in.
"You peasants don't even deserve being in the same room as her, let alone be her favorites. She should sit next to me, also I am better to lean against."
"Please,I am a much softer option. She also is the calmest around me. Best option for a long trip from Osaka." Hiori said, earning a slap from Kurona.
"We are basically the same, Hiori. So I am just as good, even better than you."
"You and your shark teeth should need to get in their lane." Kurona and Hiori glared at each other as Karasu chimed in.
"To make things less complicated, I will sit next to (Y/n). After all, I make her laugh the most."
"It would be quite romantic if (Y/n) sat next to me. Just like all the cute couples do." Otoya sighed dreamily
"No!" The rest yelled.
"Why are they arguing now?"
Niko blinked at looked over as  (Y/n), Aryu and Reo approached them.
"Ah... the usual." The black-haired boy commented as (Y/n) shrugged her shoulders.
"I am too tired for this... I will leave it to Ego-san." The girl yawned as Aryu, Yukimiya and Reo tried to shut them up, afraid that Anri and Ego might punish them.
Using the opportunity, Niko ran after (Y/n) and stopped her before she entered the bus.
"Can we sit together, (Y/n)?"
"Hmm... sure!" She smiled and the duo walked inside.
Short to say the ride back to Blue Lock was tense as Niko kept receiving death glares from the others, especially after seeing (Y/n) fall asleep on him.
"Sleep with one eye open..." Karasu whispered ad Kurona huffed. Niko didn't pay much attention to them, feeling happy at the moment and at peace.
'This feels nice...' He sighed, ignoring Nagi's constant complaining and telling him that Reo will write him out a check if they switched spots.
"I will buy you an island too, just move." Reo cried out.
"No thanks~"
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enchantedmyth · 1 month
Zuko, What’s my name?
Fate hasn’t always been in the gang’s favor. Through their journey of finding Aang in the iceberg to meeting an awkward Zuko, they’ve had numerous ups and downs. So, it was wild when Zuko tried to convince them that he's on their side. No one saw it coming. Especially Sokka.
In general, Sokka was a very analytical person. Always bearing the responsibility for the safety of the group, for keeping them on track, and for coming up with innovative ideas to escape life-threatening situations. Of course, the most important thing, being the one who kept things light. 
As far as his calculation went, Zuko could not be trusted even though he had surprisingly turned out to be useful. He’d been skeptical ever since Zuko first showed up. Neither Appa licking him with joy nor Toph’s feeling that he wasn’t lying could convince Sokka. Sure, Zuko had won his trust a teeny-tiny bit by helping them against  Combustion Man, so Sokka gave in and decided to let Zuko teach Aang fire bending if it meant sending the plan into motion to defeat the Fire Lord. That was the only thing that mattered for Sokka. 
Still, something was bugging him. Right after everyone had agreed to let Zuko stay, he realized something when they were having lunch, something weird. 
Then, again during dinner, when they were sitting around the fire, he noticed the seemingly increasing weirdness of the situation. As soon as he had taken his last bite, he decided to speak up.
“Guys…” he started calmly. “I think we need to address the elephant in the room,” he declared, grabbing everyone’s attention.
“What elephant?” Aang asked.
“It’s called a Bison,” Toph commented.
“I KNOW WHAT A BISON LOOKS LIKE!” Sokka screeched, before he cleared his throat, “I’m talking about him!” Sokka pointed at Zuko.
Katara rolled her eyes. 
Aang raised his eyebrow. “I think we have already established that he is part of the group now, Sok-”
“Stop!” Sokka shook his head. “No, no, no. Don’t say my name!”
“But So-”
“DON’T SAY MY NAME!” Sokka screamed.
“What’s with him?” Aang whispered in Toph's ears, feeling defeated, and Toph shrugged nonchalantly.
Sokka stood up to face Zuko. “So…Prince!”
“Uhh…” Zuko curled his upper lip. “Yeah?”
“What is my name?” Sokka squirted his eyes.
Toph laughed. “I think Combustion Man got to his head.”
But Sokka didn’t budge. “The fact of the matter is, I haven't heard him call any of us by our names. It's always The Avatar or The Bison.” He said, impersonating Zuko as he stepped closer to him. “What is my name, Zuko? See? I just said your name! It’s not that hard.”
Katara growled, growing impatient, but chose to stay silent, just like Haru, The Duke, and Teo, who were also witnessing the whole thing while eating their dinner.
Zuko let out an awkward laugh. “Lee?”
Everyone gasped.
“SEE!” Sokka pointed at him again. “I KNEW IT! THIS GUY DOESN’T KNOW OUR NAMES!”
Hearing this, Toph sat up. “Wait, really?”
“But you've been following us forever!” Aang added.
Zuko scratched his cheek. “Uhh…You guys never really told me your names.”
Aang slowly shook his head in disbelief, “And you decided to just roll with it?”
“It was very awkward this morning,” Zuko argued. “You know, with the assassin trying to kill everyone? Then you guys went to do your own things. I thought it was too late to ask.”
An awkward silence took over only to be broken when Sokka cracked up. “And to think he followed us around the world!” He snorted. Toph and Aang joined in while Haru, The Duke, and Teo softly chuckled.
“Who do you think Appa is?” Sokka hollered.
“Is that the Earth Bender or the Bison?”
Sokka laughed even more. “Holy waters!” He wiped away a tear. “Can you guess who Aang is?”
“Who…Oh Spirit! Who is Sokka?”
“Hahaha! Who are these extra people then?”
“I’m seeing them for the first time…”
“Okay, guess who is the grumpy girl with the hair loopies?”
“The waterbender…”
“Don’t drag me into this,” Katara spat.
And just like that everyone else laughed, breaking the ice. Maybe Sokka trusted Zuko a little more now. 
I wrote this a while ago in a sleepy state and thought I did something. Inspired by a post I can't seem to find. This is not exactly romantic but I see some zukka potential here idk man.
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mavrintarou · 1 year
[4:38 PM] Oikawa Toru [5]
I know, you all have been patient with me on this series. Really want to finish WYE with an explosion lol so please continue to bear with me on that one.
Warning: none, just two humans trying to be better...
Fourth part Sixth part
Y/n waited patiently outside their units by the elevator for Toru and Mateo.
At last, their door cracked open and Toru stepped out with Mateo strapped to his chest in a baby carrier facing outward. “Oh!” Toru’s eyes widen, “how long have you been waiting for? You should have come over.”
Y/n smiled, shaking her head. “I wasn’t waiting long, I figured you guys would come out eventually.” She stepped forward and held her hands, “give me the diaper bag, I’ll carry that.”
Toru was reluctant to but gave in. “Thank you.” He turned so Mateo could see her, “say hi, Teo.”
“Hi, Mateo!” Y/n cooed, rubbing his cheek. He smiled bashfully and Y/n spotted a tiny white tooth appearing. “Is that a tooth?”
“Yep, he’s teething and drooling everywhere,” Toru answered, indicating the bib around his neck, was already damp with drool.
She had gone a few days without seeing them but they had made plans to go out to the new restaurant that opened down the street.
Y/n slipped the backpack pack and pressed the button for the elevator, “shall we head down?” Mateo answered excitedly kicking and flapping his arms.
Toru reserved a private room that was closed off from the public area. Although he played professional volleyball for another country, Toru held a large enough fan base in his home country. He was often recognized out in public and bombarded with questions and requests for autographs.
Mateo sat in the high chair patiently waiting to be fed by his dad.
Toru’s phone buzzed for the second time after he silenced the first call. He sighed, “do you mind if I take this call?”
Y/n nodded, setting her chopsticks down so she could take Mateo’s feeding spoon and his baby food. “Not at all, go for it.”
Toru gave her an apologetic expression and exited the room before answering the call.
Mateo immediately blabbered, eyeing his food in her hand. “Okay, okay,” Y/n giggled quickly feeding him. “Yummy, right?” He smiled, showing his gummy smile. “Goodness, you’re so cute, Mateo!”
Y/n couldn’t deny that he held a special spot in her heart. She has always been softhearted for babies in general but something about Mateo, he had her wrapped around his chubby tiny fingers.
She wiped his mouth and continued to feed him when Toru reentered the room, she could immediately sense the irritation in him even if he quickly tried to mask it with a smile. “Is everything okay?”
He hesitated but sighed, he took a seat again and wiped Mateo’s mouth. “It was the head coach for Japan’s volleyball team. He’s trying to recruit me to play for them now that I’m back in Japan.”
“You… don’t want to play anymore?” Y/n grabbed Mateo’s cup, giving him some water.
He remained silent for a few seconds before uttering a quiet, “no.” He inhaled sharply, looking at her before continuing, “with the piano, do you ever have moments where you question your passion? Like you’ve plateaued and don’t know where you’re going with it anymore? That’s where I’m at. I don’t know if I just don’t care for it anymore or I’ve done all that I can and I’m ready to start something new now.” Toru lets out a chuckle, “I never thought there would be a day I would say that,” he looked over at Mateo, reaching over to brush his hair, “until this little guy came along. I want to spend as much time as possible with him because I know how hectic it’ll be if I continue to play professionally.”
Y/n nodded, understanding him. “I feel the same way too.”
Toru’s eyes locked with hers, “about your career?” She nodded to his question.
“For a few months now, I’ve been stuck in limbo contemplating what I want to do with my career now. I was blessed to play alongside some of the greatest and most amazing musicians and traveled for my career,” her voice paused as if she was reminiscing on old memories. “I just don’t know what to do anymore.”
Toru nodded, “that’s exactly what I feel too, got to play for an international team and traveled, played professionally… what more do I want or can I do now?”
“Do you feel like… you just need a break? A breather?”
“Yes,” Toru answered with a smile, understanding exactly what she meant. “To be clear, I’m not saying I’m done with volleyball, I think I just need a break like you said. A long break.”
Y/n looked over at Mateo who was blowing bubbles, she smiled lovingly at him before looking at Toru. “Well, if you’re looking for a sign to take one, I’ll be the sign. I give you permission to take a long break, Oikawa Toru.”
Toru’s eyes water as he looks down, chuckling. “Why are you always making me cry, Y/n?”
Y/n’s eyes widen, “don’t cry! I’m not making fun of you, I promise!”
He shook his head, looking up and wiping his tears away. “No, I know you’re not making fun of me, it’s just… you’ve been saying everything that I just need to hear and it’s so relieving. So, thank you. Thank you for giving me permission to take a break.”
. .
Toru came out of the men’s bathroom shortly after he entered and looked at Y/n with a face she couldn’t quite decipher.
“That was… a fast diaper change,” Y/n’s tone was filled with half sarcasm and amusement.
Toru made a face, “I’m really sorry to ask this but the men’s bathroom doesn’t have a changing table…”
“Ah,” Y/n reached for the diaper bag and took Mateo, “come on, Teo – let’s go change your poopy diaper.”
“Thank… you…” he watched the two of them march and disappear into the women’s bathroom happily.
His heart raced with a mixture of emotions. Gratitude welled up within him, an unspoken appreciation for Y/n’s boundless kindness and loving heart. Each passing day seemed to deepen his feelings for her, as he found himself falling for her even more.
Toru knows he shouldn’t, but he can’t resist letting the scenarios in his mind play out temporarily. Observing how wonderfully Y/n interacts with Mateo, he couldn’t help but envision the possibility of them forming a small, loving family.
He doesn’t have the heart to admit how he has been longing to complete his little family and he knows Y/n means no harm by it but he couldn’t help but just wonder… how does she feel?
Will she be willing?
Can she see a future with him and Mateo?
He knows he’s getting ahead of himself and he shouldn’t, he shouldn’t have such expectations. He should just be thankful that Y/n wants to associate herself with them.
“What?...” Toru mumbled when he felt the ground beneath his feet began to tremble. His balance wavered as he swiftly realized that an earthquake was occurring at the very moment.  
Screams and shouts echoed around him as he scanned his surroundings. Cars had come to a halt, and buildings were shaking violently. The tremors beneath his feet intensified, causing windows to shatter and fall from various directions.
“Y/n!” Toru shouted, deftly avoiding falling debris and frantic people in his rush to reach the women’s bathroom. “Y/n!” he cried out, as a group of women inadvertently surged past him in their haste to exit the restroom. Amid the chaos, he was jostled and pushed back from the women’s bathroom, but he stood firm and pressed onward, still shouting, “Y/n!”
“Toru!” He heard Y/n’s scream, “Toru, we’re still inside!”
With no time to spare, he rushed into the bathroom, pushing aside any concern. He advanced further until he turned the corner, where he discovered Y/n hurriedly trying to get Mateo off the small changing table. He swiftly collected Mateo’s belongings and stuffed them into the backpack. “We have to leave quickly,” he urged.
“I think it’s safest to remain here, the walls are cemented and there’s no windows.” She pressed Mateo close to her chest, a protective hand over his head. She looked down at the changing table, “this table is large enough to cover us, we should get under it.”
Toru nodded and followed Y/n who scrambled underneath the table, securing Mateo tightly in her arms.
“Shh, it’s okay baby. It’s okay,” she whispered soothingly as he started to cry. She pulled him tighter in her embrace, murmuring soothing words to calm him.
Toru’s arms enveloped them protectively, drawing them close as the ground shook even more violently than before. Dust and other debris began falling from the ceiling. The lights in the bathroom flickered and then, with a final quiver, lost their connection.
It was the longest few minutes of their lives holding their breath and praying for the earthquake to pass.
The ground had finally grown still, no longer quaking.
“Is it over?” Y/n whispered, her breath unsteady. She looked down at Mateo who calmed down and suckled his pacifier, staring back at her with wide eyes.
A light illuminated the closed-in bathroom as Toru turned on his flashlight on his phone. He looked at Y/n and Mateo before letting out a sigh of relief. “I think so.” He held his phone up, “I don’t have any signal.”
“Cellular towers must be down too,” Y/n shifted Mateo in her arms and gazed at the baby, “are you okay?” Having no clue what he had just gone through, he spat out his pacifier before smiling brightly at Y/n’s words, his dimples appearing on his chubby cheeks. Her heart melted and leaned to kiss his cheek. Her eyes widened for a split second, realizing what she had just done in front of Toru, and blushed, thankful they were still surrounded by the darkness. “We should… probably wait until they give us the green light to leave, we might be best staying here for now.”
Toru sighed and rolled his neck. “Yeah, I agree.” He reached over and let Mateo wrap his chubby fingers around his, “you are a trooper, not even realizing you just experienced your first earthquake.”
“It’s a story we’ll need to tell him later,” Y/n remarked.
Hearing her say ‘we’ll need to tell him later’ caused Toru’s heart to swell to the point of almost bursting. Those were simple words, but they filled him with hope that maybe she would continue to be part of their lives. He smiled as he watched his son burst into laughter while Y/n made funny noises and tickled him.
He swallowed the lump in his throat before uttering the words he’d been dying to say. “I love your interactions with my son.”
Y/n turned her head, eyes wide before she smiled at him, “it’s hard to not adore him, Toru. I enjoy spending time with you two but I hope you don’t think I’m trying to evade your privacy or boundaries. I do – don’t want you to think I’m trying… to be his mother…”
“Can I be completely honest with you?” Toru murmured, gently tucking her bangs behind her ear. When Y/n nodded her head, he smiled warmly. “You are the most incredible female figure Mateo has ever had, and you’ve never crossed any boundaries or invaded our privacy. In fact, I’m sure Mateo agrees with me that we both would love for you to spend more time with us.” He swallowed hard, a lump forming in his throat. “I just want you to know… and I hope what I’m about to say won’t scare you away because I don’t know what Mateo and I would do if you no longer want anything to do with us anymore but I can’t keep it to myself any longer, but God, Y/n, you have no idea how much I wish you were his mother.”
Mateo squealed loudly as if he understood and agreed with his father.
Y/n adverted her gaze momentarily, clearing her throat. “I once heard a quote: ‘Every child deserves a parent, but not every parent deserves a child,’” she began. Then, she turned her gaze back to Toru. “I won’t deny that what you just said caught me off guard, but it certainly didn’t frighten me.” Her eyes met his, silently conveying that she shared his sentiments. “To be completely honest also, I’ve been longing for a child for a few years now,” she admitted. She shifted her focus to Mateo and playfully wiggled his arms. “That’s partly why I lost my passion for the piano. I didn’t exactly know how I was going to make it happen, but…” she chuckled, feeling a rush of embarrassment. “Let’s just say I’ve been on the baby-fever bandwagon for quite some time, and meeting Mateo… it truly was a blessing.”
Toru shifted, sitting with his back against the wall and staring off into the darkness. “It goes both ways, Y/n. You are a blessing to Mateo and me.” He reaches towards Mateo, who instantly grabs a hold of one of his fingers. “I – I was wondering… are you… seeing someone?”
It took Y/n a few seconds before she answered, “no, I’m not. That man you saw the other day was Woojin. He’s also a musician, and that’s how we became acquainted. But that was the last time I’ll be seeing him, we decided to go our ways.”
A small smile appeared on Toru’s lips, his heart was going through all sorts of emotions but at this moment, it was warm hearing Y/n confirm she was not seeing anyone.
“What about you, Toru?” Y/n inquired, “are you seeing someone?”
“No,” he shook his head, “I am not seeing anyone.” His breath trembled and his heart raced as his mind screamed at him, here’s your chance. “Although… I do want to get to know someone.” He glanced at Y/n to see her reaction before continuing, “if I should be so bold as to ask, are you open to seeing someone, Y/n?”
Y/n’s breath quickened, and her heart raced as her mind grappled with how to respond to him. She couldn’t deny that over the past few weeks since she’d met Toru and Mateo, she imagined and daydreamed about what life with them could be like. She also couldn’t deny that after she heard about Lucia, she had secretly wished she could have been the one to carry and give birth to Mateo, the sweet boy in her arms. The idea of considering a man who already had a child with a previous partner had never crossed her mind before, but in this situation, with Toru and Mateo, she realized she wouldn’t mind at all.
She cast him a shy glance, her cheeks tinged with a rosy hue. “If I’m allowed to be as bold as you,” she replied with a hesitant smile, “and if it’s you, then yes, I’d be open to seeing you.” She is immediately hit with the idea that she might have misunderstood his question and she quickly adds rashly, “oh my goodness, I just totally assumed you were referring to… you and I… I’m so emba – “
Her sentence was abruptly interrupted as Toru gently pressed his lips against hers, hushing her words. He gave her lips two tender pecks before pulling back, his gaze fixed on her rosy lips before meeting her eyes. “I’m referring to you and me,” he whispered.
“Toru,” Y/n whispered.
“Kiss me again.”
His lips curved into a boyish grin before he leaned in, pressing his lips to hers softly. His hand comes to cup her face, taking it slow…
Toru’s breath hitched with Y/n’s mouth shifted and her tongue teased at his lower lip before he smirked and met her eagerness. He did not peg Y/n as one to take the lead in a kiss but he wasn’t going to complain if she preferred it. Cool chills ran down his spine as Y/n let out a soft moan against his mouth and all he could think about was how he wanted to hear more of it.
The moment was interrupted by their phones dinging with a notification informing them of the status of the aftermath. Seconds later, the lights in the bathroom flickered on.
Y/n was the first to pull away and Toru chuckled at the annoyed and slightly disappointed expression that briefly crossed her face. She then quickly averted her gaze, her cheeks flushed with a blush.
Mateo cooed, reminding the two adults that he was still present. He suckled his fingers, drooling everywhere.
Toru playfully poked his son’s cheek, “sorry son, didn’t mean to make you the third wheel.”
Upon their return home, they found the apartment building’s management making announcements. They explained that the external structure of the building had not suffered any damage, but this assessment did not extend to the interior structure. Each unit would undergo inspection to ensure it met safety requirements.
As soon as the three stepped out of the elevator, Mateo was sound asleep in Toru’s arm.
“That was quite a day,” Y/n remarked, shifting her weight onto her heels. “Get some rest, and I’ll catch up with you…”
“On a date. I’m going to take you on a date, is that all right?” Toru finished her sentence for her.
Y/n nodded her head, a bright smile on her face. “I’d love that.”
“You go in first.” He jutted his chin towards her door, “have a good night.”
Y/n walked backward, maintaining eye contact with him until she gently bumped into the door. “Good night,” she whispered before disappearing into her unit.
She dreaded the idea of finding her place in disarray after the earthquake but to her surprise, when she reached the living room, only a few items lay scattered on the ground. Her piano was not a concern; she had it secure in place specifically for situations like earthquakes, and there was nothing near it that could have caused damage.
She tossed her purse on the couch and turned her heels to head for the kitchen when she froze and turned her heels 180 degrees.
Her hand covered her mouth as she muttered, “oh my gosh…”
A big portion of the thin wall that separated her unit from Toru had completely collapsed, and as Y/n stood there in shock, she met Toru’s mirrored expression of surprise.
. . .
E/n: Will be back to edit.
@queenelleee @mfreedomstuff @erintaro @callmeraider @chaotic-fangirl-blog @wolffmaiden @cloud-lyy @rukia-uchia-98 @qualitygiantshoepsychic @anejuuuuoy @tooruchiiscribs @mommyourcall420 @haikyuubiggestsimp @lilguycoded @random-734 @ghostlyneckoaftoad @abcde12345 @shotenvinsoot @princess-sunshyn @anonymoussimper @junglewoos
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Tried to think of some Miraculous Gaang names! You may want to Google a few of these, fair warning.
Ladybug!Sokka - Captain Harmonia/Harlequin/Beetle
Black Cat!Katara - Painted Jaguar
Turtle!Aang - Lion Turtle, Tortiseshell
Snake!Suki - Pythonic, Tealtime, Naga, Aspen, Tock Viper, Medusa/Stheno/Euryale, Teal Gorgan
Tiger!Toph - The Blind Tiger
Dragon!Zuko - Seiryu 
Fox!Azula - Inari, Kistune, Silver Reynard, Kuma Lisa, Blue Ren (“the tale of Miss Ren”)
Pig!Jin - Babirusa
Bee!Ty Lee - Bumblebee (there is literally a “Dance of the Bumblebee” music score), Honeycomb
Mouse!Mai - Rat Queen (based on the “Rat King” from the Nutcracker Ballet. Kind of as a slide parallel to her canon thing, here, Mai’s parents signed her up for ballet, where she met Ty Lee and Azula.)
Ox!Haru - Oxenfree (all I got right now)
Horse!Teo - got nothing but “Pegasus” which is taken
Rabbit!Yué - Luna Lapine, Luna Angora, Satin Moon, Velvet Moon
Monkey!Kuzon - a bit more explanation here. Mostly, I was trying to fill out the miraculous roster, cause AtLa only has a few “main” characters, I was trying to find some named characters the Gaang is shown being friends with who are roughly their age. I didn’t list Jet or his friends, cause, honestly, what exactly would their story be?? How do they integrate? Like, I’m sure you could do something, I just couldn’t really think of anything at the time. But also, I realized all the friends of the Gaang belong to Katara, Sokka, or Suki, later Zuko - Aang and Toph don’t really have any that are unconnected from them. In Toph’s case, she was raised super sheltered, and never got a chance to meet anyone, while Aang HAD friends, but they’re all mostly dead, except Bumi, because of the 100 years in ice thing. And we already have Bumi here being an old man. The only other friend Aang really mentions is Kuzon, the Fire Nation kid who … I think there’s a short story about the pair of them fighting off poachers? Anyway, I was basically imagining Kuzon as “Le Chien Kim, but Animal Lover and Environmentalist Advocate”. He would have grown up next door to Aang and Gyatso, and that’s how the pair are friends. As for names … I want to say Tarzan or Mowgli, but I feel like, even in universe, those would get him visits from lawyers.
so, Katara/Aang. Aang I see as non-binary - they don’t mind which pronouns you use, but mostly uses he/they when referring to himself. Katara believes she is straight, but is actually bi with a bigger attraction to males.
Sokka is poly-pansexual. His relationships start with Sokka/Yue, until Yué realizes she’s actually AroAce, and they break up. Then later Sokka/Suki, which morphs into Zuko/Sokka & Sokka/Suki, which changes to Zuko/Sokka/Suki. Suki’s bi, while Zuko is … Zuko (demi-pan, but never has the words for it till WAY later).
Toph is Aro, or at least grayromantic, as is Teo. Teo I also see as trans, but that might just be me.
Mai/Ty Lee eventually becomes Mai/Ty Lee/Azula. (Sexuality uncertain, but my cousin does call them the “Deadly Lesbians”.) There’s a brief Mai/Zuko, but only to get Mai’s parents to back off and leave her alone.
Haru is our only totally straight guy, congrats man, you are our cishet+!
Thoughts, Feelings, Opinions, New/Different Ideas?
(Also, side note. We still have Cabbage man, right?)
Loving the names! I think I’m gonna make a masterpost of the names here once I finalize them.
Totally get the thing on Kuzon. Like yeah I’m trying to think of other characters to fill out the Hero team and other than Jet’s group there aren’t a lot. There’s a reason I dragged Jin into this(other than the fact that I love her)
And yeah I’ve been turning Jet and co over in my head trying to think of what they’d be and I can’t think of anything for them because there’s so many changes to the base setup.
I have my ships I like and while I do take suggestions it’s my au and I get the nonsense!
Obvs the Aang/Katara stays.
I see the Zuko/Sokka/Suki and raise you adding Jin in there.
Swinging to Yue: I always have mixed feelings in some AUs because I love her and Sokka in Canon but most AUs they never really work out. And in this one idk why they wouldn’t exactly? Like nothing gets in the way. Maybe if I write Sokka starting the Suki relationship first and then while they’re poly they’re not at a ‘hey how do you think about another person?’ discussion stage when they meet Yue? And then by the time they are at that stage either they’ve moved on or Yue has her own partner?
That said. Yue/Azula. Any time I have the chance for them I take it. Like the equal opposite you see my vision.
I also have this weird soft spot for Toph/Ty Lee. Probably has something to do with that post of ‘Ty Lee teaches Toph to walk on her hands’ thing because as funny as that post is these two are menaces it’s great, the amount of trust involved in it!
Haru is def our token straight though.
My one original thought:
So like. The Gaang has a range of ages. And in atla that’s fine due to the circumstances. But here it’s kind of a question of ‘how do they all meet/become friends/etc if they never really meet’? so I’m gonna make shit up to squish them into the same grade in school. 
Aang and Toph skipped a grade. Homeschooling put them a bit ahead of their peers in public school so they just got placed ahead.
On the flipside, Zuko got held back a grade due to the whole ‘being kicked out and horrifically scarred’ thing. Like between the mental and physical care he’d need he missed a lot of class that year so just. Repeat the year.
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annbourbon · 3 months
My head is getting crazier apparently lol cause I have a huge idea about how to connect Mysme AND The Ssum. Hear me out!
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Ah right~ ⚠️Spoiler Alert⚠️
Zen: It is said during Teo route that we dated Zen sometime ago.
So Zen was our first boyfriend according to this tl. Probably will not remember us because of the Reset Theory. It does have some flaws. I admit. Because of his dreams, be might as well remember us. But what if he doesn't remember us at the very beginning? Like, what if by the time he remembers we're already in another route so he doesn't always gets the chance to be with us unless we're in his route?
In some routes like Jumin he does say to have a dream about a cage (in a call) and tried his best to warn us. Not to mention that he's always dreaming about something happening to us as MC basically the day after we enter a route. Which would obviously leads into this theory that he does remembers but only when it's too late so he instead chooses to let us be happy. TBH I feel like he's also trapped. In a different way but, he is.
200 Days
During this route it is said that we do not know who Harry is. Right? But Jaehee, Mint Eye and even Elizabeth the 3rd are making their appearances every now and then. The cult it's say to be around but it's barely starting so that's why we see them trying to reclute some people. I guess we can say even Rika had a hard time starting. And that it's difficult to start lol sometimes we have the opportunity to make fun of it. But they tried to have Teo in their lines. And apparently some other characters.
400 days?
We start strong now cause thanks to June, we meet more of Jumin's world. And we even have some pics with Rika and V. Please take into account that what I've been saying it's only without playing his route yet. I have at most one or maybe 2 weeks of game in his route. But I saw a lot of spoilers and people saying that the timeline is ruined or stuff so in a way I wanted to talk about my theory since some interactions are really interesting there, and I feel we as players have another look onto it.
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It's quite obvious Jumin hasn't reach his peak years yet but there are already a lot of people calling him a promise~ nothing but the best for him. Why then he doesn't mentioned to us his brother? I have 2 theories. The most simple one is June is a difficult topic to touch considering South Korea approach to people who are different, crazy or out of norm. Like, just having a wheel chair or a baby sets you aside. Let's not talk about being always sick or mentally ill, much less neurodivergency. They don't fit and they are treated as nothing. And maybe MC is not gonna talk bad about his brother, but there was a lot of drama in every route, please take into account that even though we play the game (Mystic Messenger) there might be even more content we are unaware of. If anything, it's great to have more of this world. (I don't approve what Cheritz is doing about AI and as a company, but that is that and this is this~)
My other theory is that June died. Dark. I know, but it's not unexpected if we see his health issues.
Henri: I swear I had the whole thing planned on and I even had how many days approximately he would have but beats me. I lost the paper where I wrote my timeline. Anyways~ we now have someone who knows Jumin and doesn't like him because he doesn't know him. Anyways it is said that his route begins after June's first season. I took the time to see everything, date included and it does match! Besides, Jumin gets Elizabeth the 3rd during his route. There are some discrepancies but I'm working around them. I'll show you as soon as I can get my notes back♡
The Angel: Despite what it is said and the picture (yeah, thx spoilers TT)
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I don't believe for one second that that guy is the Angel. Like, it doesn't fit at all cause we don't have interaction with anyone outside the chat. So I believe there's only one answer~
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It just not that, but we also begin to get closer and closer to Mystic Messenger Events. Yes, I believe it's the same MC. We don't date the angel. But we do have a close encounter with them (as far as I know) Maybe it's here were the Bad Ending of Another Route takes place? (The one with MC reporting the incident to the police)
Harry: 271 days?
After that close encounter, we meet Harry. We know him when he's quitting his career. He's also going to MOM but I really need to understand that part. I have yet to finish his route.
And then a couple of months pass by, we have Ray kidnapping MC via playing a game lol and we go with Mysme Timeline.
I also have my suspicions with how Harry's parents were pretty much involved in laundering money through art. Keep in mind that MC is close to Harry and knows the whole thing. That puts her in danger. Harry's parents do seem the kind of people that make others disappear if you're in the way. And MC seems to have been meddling in a lot if things. Plus, V father is also art related.
Actually, art seems to be a theme in both games. Which is one of the reasons I had to come back to all that since inside the community there are a lot of things like gossips, secrets and stories. Anyway, back to V's father, and V of course~ this connects them with:
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Anyways the whole thing makes me think that MC is either way younger than the characters in The Ssum. Or she did time travelled. After all the spaceship is there. And there's a couple of choices you can come with where it implies that MC is indeed a fime traveller. I had some notes where I used the calendar to make sure the timeline fit but I lost them lololol so I'll update this as soon as I can with those notes and the rest of my theory♡ it's a promise!
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highfantasy-soul · 7 months
Moments I loved from NATLA Episode 4 - Into the Dark ❤️️❤️️
Aang and Iroh interacting more - love that they're not friendly to each other, per se, but it builds a foundation that makes their later respect make sense
The Earth Kingdom being harsh with their 'fallen foes' is nice to seed in here as in the animated version (season 1), most of the 'bad' stuff was relegated solely to the Fire Nation
The Earth Kingdom is no pushover and it's nice to see that early
Sokka defending his dad "My dad would have never done what you did" even after he commiserated with the Mechanist about his dad 'not valuing' what Sokka could bring to the table.
Though Sokka is frustrated that his dad doesn't see "him", he knows his dad is an honorable man doing his best and when Sai tries to use him as an example of 'doing the wrong thing just to survive', love that Sokka calls him on it
Like them introducing this now - all old buildings have secret passages - it's just a law
Teo's "its time to fight!" attitude - love it. He's so ready to stop cowering and wants to hit back
Flopsy statues!!!!!
Rolly ball throne? Nice touch
"Bumi? BUMI!!" :D
"You did 🤨" Love how Aang keeps his "I'm just gonna say the truth and I don't care if that's 'not allowed' I'm gonna do it anyways because your social rules are stupid" attitude
Katara's water pouch!!
Love the shake in Jet's voice as he tells Katara "I am nothing like the firebenders"
Katara's assessment is shallow on her part, but the core has a ring of truth - no, freedom fighters aren't the same as their oppressors, but when you start harming your own people to hurt the enemy, then you really have lost sight of what's right and wrong - why you're fighting.
I love Jet, especially this version of him, but yeah, no touchy
And Katara is absolutely right: Jet might have helped her through her block, but her power, that's all hers.
What are you going to do, Zuko?? What choice will you make!!??
Love that we're getting this choice of his here in Omashu
Bumi's puns 😭 kill me now - though very canon accurate
Like the vibe that everyone just has to laugh as to not anger him - there's less of a whimsical madness vibe to Bumi here and a more serious - yeah, this guy is our leader vibe that's quite unsettling
The tonal shift with Bumi did give me pause, but I like how the writers kept the jokes, the games, his eccentricities, but shifted the vibe to make them darker
In the cartoon, whimsy might work, but if you think about it realistically, that leadership style would NOT work during a war - a 100 year war, at that.
Sokka getting into that maraca - you let your little musical heart fly
"What are you doing here?" "We're doin' what we're doin'" :)
Oma and Shu lesbian supremacy!!!
Always get chills when this story is told
Lol Sokka's "There's no such thing as angry spirits." Right before the episode where they're kidnapped by an angry spirit XD
Love the switch up of the rocks not really being the path out - keeping us animated show fans on our toes as to what the lesson will be this time
Everything about the Earth Kingdom soldier's interaction with Iroh - all of it is just so good.
The cartoon glossed over Iroh's warmongering past - but he did do terrible things that hurt so many people. No, 'it was war, I was a soldier' is not an acceptable excuse (we didn’t accept it with Jet, so why the double standard for a ROYAL MILITARY GENERAL??)
The funeral scene
Leaves from the Vine
Zuko offering a soft and kind memory of Liu Ten instead of just talk about him being a soldier
Zuko sitting next to Iroh so he won't be alone!!!!!!!!!
The conversation between Katara and Sokka in the cave where she talks about how Jet helped her and Sokka how Sai helped him - then Katara reminding Sokka that when he was forced into a leadership position for the Southern Water Tribe, he didn't have anyone to help him through that
The concept of us all needing people to help us through our journeys is so important and really comes around at the end of the episode and just through the entire series
Is it bad that all I could think about was how cute it was the entire time it was on screen?
Dallas Liu is so. Freaking. Good. At. His. Stunts!!!!
And the first mention of the theme Zuko struggles with of compassion being weakness!
Sokka's little 'thanks!' as Katara saves him from the badgermole XD
Seriously, all the little touches in Ian Ousley's performance are great
Idk why Sokka assumed the badgermole was a man, that's clearly a dignified lady
The power of sibling love guiding the badgermole was a great alteration from the OG - if they can be controlled through music, they can definitely respond to emotions
Bumi's whole speech here - and his willingness to get crushed - is what brought me around on this portrayal of him
He's right: it's a game where you have to make impossible choices - you have to fight even when you don't want to (a much more poignant message for Aang than 'look at things a different way')
The power of friendship saves the day!!!
"You CAN rely on your friends - and that's the only way I'm going to save the world: with my friends"
"You think like a child" (derogatory) "Is that really so bad?" (genuine)
Bumi made Appa's whistle!!! 😭😭😭😭
One last time Zuko chooses protecting his uncle over capturing the Avatar 🥲
"Everything I need is right here on this boat" 😭😭😭
[Masterlist of my NATLA thoughts]
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honey-minded-hivemind · 7 months
X Men Evolution. Yandere Lance with little sister reader who has the ability to control air.
Aaaaawwwww! Siblings! Let's see if we can't give the rock guy a sibling! (I do gender-neutral Reader). Let's give you something good:
Being in the foster care system was tough.
It made Lance a rougher, harder person, hard to break and tough to crack. His powers only made him stronger, able to cause earthquakes and control the rocks underfoot. But he did have a soft spot for one person:
You were his little sibling, his good luck charm, his Blarney Stone, the one person who could make him feel better with no effort at all. Just look at you:
You were perfect.
Not to mention your powers complimented his.
Air manipulation. The ability to control the air and use its full force, creating strong gusts of wind, cool breezes in the heat, and a powerful current capable of toppling someone thrice your size over.
Wind wears down rock, rock stands through wind, erosion and sediment and all of that.
Point was, you were the (literal) winds beneath his (figurative) wings. Where he went, you came with, and wherever you went, he wasn't far to follow.
That being said-
He hated having to share you with others.
The Brotherhood was okay. Not great, but a lot better than other places. He was more or less the leader, and the others (eventually, if not immediately) followed orders. They could fun to hang out with, each with their own unique gifts and talents (usually causing chaos with them). They were pretty alright with him.
Except for right now, when they were hogging you from him.
"C'mon, Lance. They're sweet as pie! Plus they say they can make it!" Fred told him, while Pietro was talking a mile a minute with you.
"Yo, man, they're a good one. Why can't we hang out with them more? Aren't we their friends too?" Toad wheedles, sitting atop his perch on Fred's shoulder. He almost acts like a parrot, or hawk, or some bird that isn't far from its falconry friend.
"And you've bothered them enough. Reader, come on! We're taking a ride somewhere!" Lance calls, and that catches his little sibling's attention, while earning him an annoyed look from Pietro. Yeah, look, he gets it, his sibling is awesome and listens to everyone and tries to be inclusive. But they're HIS sibling, and that means HE should be able to hang out with them without the others stealing them away every five minutes.
"Okay! Where're we going, Lance-a-lot?" you ask, using the nickname you gave him. The other teens snicker, until you turn and give them a sharp look. "Stop laughing! NOW!" The air in the room goes freezing cold, blasting sharply at them, earning a small shriek from Toad and Pietro. "Hmph!"
"Good job, squirt. You're my dragon in shining scales," Lance praises gently, and the Teo of you leave to head to his Jeep. "Oh, and guys? They're my sibling."
That earns a few shocked looks as well as questions, but the two of them are out the door and soon sitting in the old Jeep, picking out a destination. "So, what's it gonna be, squirt? Where do you wanna go?" he asks, giving his sibling a soft smile.
"McDonalds!" you cheer, a wide grin on your face. "That way we can share the chicken nuggets!"
"Okay, to McDonalds!"
Man, he loved being your brother...
"Hey, Lance, hey, kid. Can we get slushies?"
"Oh, hi Wanda!"
Well, at least it's just Wanda...
"How did you get in my Jeep?!"
"I slept in here."
"Can we still get McDonalds?"
He sighs.
"Yeah, we can still get McDonald's."
"Oh yeah, man, can we come too?"
"Stops screaming Lance and drive," Pietro orders from the back.
"Yeah, Lance! They have Ty Beanie Babies in their Happy Meals!"
... Well, at least he gets to spend SOME time with his sibling... Plus his friends. At least he doesn't have to fight the X-Teens over them...
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14dayswithyou · 2 years
I read the last Teo fic. I love your writing skills, it made me hate him and myself for lowkey simping for hot garbage even more 💖💕✨
Now I imagine how he would react if Angel starts to act like that, leaving [him] with a boner to go with Leon/Ren/[REDACTED], makes out with others regardless of what he has to say about it or talks with him as usual until x calls and tells him "I'm leaving". Hilarious, magnificent even. The rest of the cast deserve all love and respect tho, only with him. Because bitchiness is a game two can play and he can rot in Karen's pussy for all I care 🥰✨
✦゜ANSWERED: LMAOOOO I love the energy we've created in the studio today, but Teo honestly would not care at all if you did something like that ^^;
He's got so many other people he can mess around with — and getting freaky with others isn't something he considers special or intimate. It's just another way for him to have fun and pass the time.
If you wanted to go make out with Leon at a party: be his guest because he's already flirting his way into the pants of the host to even notice you. You want to go woohoo with Ren in the library? Teo doesn't even know who the guy is, and he doesn't really care when he has some random person going down on him in the privacy of his own home.
The only way you'd ever leave a lasting effect on him is by making him catch feelings before casting him aside — which is near impossible to do since he won't let people get that close to him in the first place.
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thelegofamilyau · 8 months
Ninja Dads
Here is the first fic for this Au! This is a little teaser for the much bigger fics!
If the nightmare king became the Emperor of ninjago then he'd have control over the ninja.
But when things seemed to be going south the night hunter changed priorities.
Get the master of fire.
Fire is Destruction, if they merged the nightmares with fire they could make the dream world fall to its knees.
“TEO! Bring us in close! Let's take the fight to them!” Logan said before he jumped onto the shark ship and started to beat ass!
“Wow, he really is special.” Kai said to Mateo before he jumped onto the shark ship.
Kai began to free the kids when he felt arms wrapped around him and cloth was held to his mouth, causing him to pass out.
No one noticed as the night hunter took Kai. They where much more focused on the kids he threw off his boat.
Mateo caught them and Logan hitched a ride with Zoey. The bounty crashed to the ground but Mateo had more than enough room for the wise master and the nindroid.
The Shark Ship rode off and the world returned to normal! All celebrated until…
“Wait! Where's Kai!?” Lloyd said after a head count. “He had jumped onto the ship to help Logan!” Mateo explained. “The nightmare guy used a rag -yawn- to knock him out. He put him in the cage.” The shy girl said as she woke up.
“We left Kai!” Jay screamed. Cole and Zane held his hands and Zane helped with his breathing. “We have to get him back.” Cole demanded. “Then we have to go to the nightmare realm.” The sound of a ship came from behind them. Everyone turned around to see Oz and Albert.
“This isn't anything we haven't done before gang! Just like Logan's rescue mission. But it will have to wait. You all have a test in the morning.” The dream Chasers groaned. “Mr.Oz! Last time we didn't know they had Logan. How are we supposed to get through the day knowing the nightmare king has a guardian.” Mateo asked. “And what about us!” Nya cut in. “Where not dreamers. You just expect us to wait here while my brother is being held prisoner!” “Didn't he leave you to be captured by Skeletons for almost a month?” Oz said. “So what!” “So, Kai can handle himself.” “As a former prisoner of the Knightmare king, I can confirm- Not that bad. They just keep you in a cage a break down your self esteem so that you will join his army.”
“KAI IS NO WHERE NEAR MENTALLY HEATHY ENOUGH TO SURVIVE THAT! ALL OUR HARD WORK TO MAKE HIM LOVE HIMSELF DOWN THE DRAIN!” Jay yelled. Zane handed Jay a paper bag and he began rapidly breathing in and out the bag. But Zanes eyes never left Logan. He seemed to…recognize him?
“Okay! OKAY!! Look you have to go to school. But I will get you guys all out of last period gym. Say the dream club has a meeting. Go straight home and then we can take care of this.” The dream chasers nodded as they woke up.
“Wait!” Zane ran over to Logan but he was already gone. “Whats up Zane?” Cole asked. “Did that boy….Did you recognize him….” “No why?” Cole asked. “....No reason.”
Okay so school was the worst. Everyone was on pins and needles, wanting to get to the dream world fast. But Logan was more relaxed about things. He new the ninja were close and that Kai had a better support system then Logan ever has.
Logan had one study hall and then on IPE class. Aka a teacher helps him with his work if he doesn’t understand. But Logan didn't have any work. So he chose to nap. Maybe make a plan with the Ninja or just hang.
When he woke up he took a portal to Ninjago. Things looked different. Instead of that small Jankey town the monesearty was on the ground. Logan walked up to the gate. “YOOOO!!! LOGAN IN THE HOUSE!” He yelled embarrassing him self. ‘Oh my God what is wrong with you why would you say that-’ “Logan!” A robotic voice called. That Zane guy walked over and took Logans hands. “Please come hang out me. Cole is training and Nya is calming Jay down and helping him prep for battle!” Whoa- wait- this guys actually wanted to hang with Logan?
“Sure man!” Logan didn't ask any questions as he was pulled into the monastery. “Whats your favorite food?” Zane asked. “I want to cook something.” Zane said taking out his cook book and sitting at the table with Logan. “Oh, uuuuhhh I don't know. I mostly eat like cereal and protein bars- Oh! I do love Mrs. Casteos burritos but I had one this morning.” Zane raised and eye brow at him. “Is that all you eat?” “Well my moms are two very successful and staring business women, they cant be home all the time so I eat what I can make.” Zane didn't like that.
“....Let me show you how to make an easy and heathy meal.” Zane said getting up and placing his cooke book on its stand. “Cool!” Logan hoped up. “What we cooking good looking?” Zane laughed. “Very funny kid, but Im taken thank you.” “Yeah I know….Yall really love each other…..How did that happen?” “Well frist of all im teaching you to make dumplings. You make the dough ill make the red bean past.” Zane put the book in font of Logan and he got to work.
“....We had fight along side each other for a long time. We always flirted but it was all jokes. I didn’t really understand what was going on.” Zane laughed. “It took me dying and being kidnaped for us to finally get together. “The tournament of elements?” “How do you know about that?” “I watched a bit of the show. But from what your telling me it’s not super accurate.” “Hmm, disappointing. Any way we where on and off for a while but now…Now im fuzzy…Im not sure where we left off.” Logan noticed Zanes distress. “Well it’s probably because some dreamers have seen the whole things and others aren't. And the show doesn't show your romance so…Wait so thats means your not the show ninjas.” Logan realized.
Zane stopped making the past and was thinking.
“....Logan, are you adopted?” “...Yes.”
Zane stoped what he was doing and washed his hands. “Can I do something real quick, if you don’t mind? I just need of hair.” “Yeah sure.” Zane sniped a piece and started walking down the hall as Logan said. “But me and my moms have done DNA test. Cant find a single match. We think there from east asian and just left me in america for a ‘better life’.” They walked into a tech room. Zane put the hair in an analyzer then took out a petri dish with a smaller sample of hair and put that in another analyzer. It was thinner and lighter but still black, looked like it was from a new born.
“We had a son.” Zane admitted. “...What?” “Me, Cole, Jay, Kai…we had a son. Kai’s dads showed us how to crave a child out of stone. We did the rituale and we had a son. He was very powerful, but he was strong enough to control it. And that made him a target. Some people can and wanted him for his power. So we put a stone in the back of his neck to hide the powers and left him in a different dimension. We did everything we could and made Ninjago safe, build back up teams to take over for us and when we went back for him…..We couldn't find him.”
Logans hand when to his neck. He had a blue birth mark on the back of his neck. “...What was his name.” “...Li….It means strength, and power.”
The machine buzzed and they looked at each other. Zane looked down at logan because of his hight and had hope. He held Logans cheek and Logan leaded into the touch. He hugged Zane and Zane hugged him back. “Perfect match.” The machine said and they father and son let out sobs. “Im Li?” “Your Li.” Zane nodded holding his son close.
“I cant believe this. Your my dad- your all my dads.” “Logan if we could have we would have destroyed every universe to find you. Never though the universe who give you back to me.” Zane promised.
“Logan!” They herd a voice call out. “Im going to wake up.” Logan said. “Tell them! Tell the others! When we get Kai back we can find out how I can be with you. I need to be with you-” Logan cried as he woke up. “You will.” Zane promised.
“You will….”
Kai was locked in a little cage and was surrounded by little nightmare monster. As soon as the left the realm he got his fire back so he was currently on fire.
The nightmare creatures cheered for the warmth.
“Fire ninja….Where is your team?” The hunter guy said from a dark corner of the room.
“Jay is having a panic attack, Nya and cole and training like crazy and Zane is cooking while they make a plan.” Kai answered simply. Hunter stomped up to the cage. “How do you know that?!” He demanded. “Because I know my husband’s and I know my sister. And I know what happens when Lloyd gets kidnapped…. Can’t say I know what lloyds doing though.”
“Well you should know that you don't have long. If there not here in time the Knightmare kings going to turn you into a nightmare. Kai took aways his fire and stood up fast. “What!” “What? You just thought we were holding you hostage? Your strong. The nightmare king could use you on his side. After all you sacrificed for the those ninja, they don't seem to appreciate you. I know that Green one thinks your selfish.” Kai rolled his eyes.
This guy was trying to open old wounds.
Kai watched as he left. “Um excuse me?” Kai looked down to the grim spawn. It looked like a dog with one eye. “Can you bring the fire back please?” Kai sighed and lite his fire again. He set the cage on fire too in hopes of escape but nothing.
“Hey you look familiar?” The grim spawn said to Kai. “I do?” “Yeah you look like that Logan kid.” “What?” “Yeah, same eyes, same voice….Maybe your his dad. He’s adopted you know, two moms. Ran a bunch of DNA test and cant find his bio parents.” “Why do you know so much about Logan.” Kai demand. There was a fire in his chest and it made him feel…. Protective over Logan.
“I guardian him when we kidnapped him, kid likes to talk and thinks his friends hate him. I mean it took them almost 2 days to come get him.” Kai hated that. Why did Kai hate that.
He thought of Li. His son. He took a picture out of his gi. It was of him holding the baby but the top part that had Kai had been ripped off. Li was born with a head of thick black hair and blue eyes. You could perfectly see Li reaching for the camera in the photo and Kai’s arms making sure his son didn't fall.
He examined his son’s face. He looked at his eyes. So wide, so bright, so blue. Kai tried to think of Logans face. Logan had blue eyes. Okay well that doesn’t mean anything…. But maybe? It’s always a possibility. Kai can’t get his hopes up. He had looked for Li so for so long with no luck. He had to except he can’t have him back…Even if he is right in front of him.
Logan woke up in his math class. The class room was empty and Miss Putnum was in front of him. “Logan are you okay?” Logan touched his face and it was wet. He had been crying. “I-i need to go home.” Logan stood up and got his stuff.
He ran to the nurses office and showed him a note from his moms. One of many they left him so he could leave when needed. He ran out of the school and into his empty house. He threw his back pack on the couch. “FUCK!” Logan screamed. “Fuck!” Logan collapsed to the ground. All this time, all this fucking time! There were people out there who wanted him! Who where looking for him! He didn’t have to spend 13 years in this house alone with small visits from two women to supposedly wanted him. But what was he going to do! There in the dream world he’s in the real world. His actual parents might be in another dimension! Then what about the dream ninja! This was too much. Logan began to take deep breaths. He got up and got a glass of water. But before he could drink it he realized something.
Kai was his dad. Kai was imprisoned.
Logan carefully drank the water and thought about what Kai had said. “Whats so special about you?” Kai….Kai didn’t like Logan.
Zane clearly cared about him but what about the others. It’s been 13 years.
No one wanted Logan.
Logan knew this to be fact. He walked up stairs to his room when he saw the attic. He went up and found his baby box. It had all his adoption paper work. He began to sort through it all. Piles and piles of paper work. Every dna test result all coming back with no leads. Logan through the dna papers across the room. Something caught his eye. He dug through the box and found a pendent. It had 4 symbols surrounding a white marble. It must have been and opal. They looked like animals, a octopus, a gorilla, a lion and a tiger. Under it was an open letter.
‘To who ever has our son. Take care of him. Be there for him. Make him know he’s wanted.’
“...Thats it? Thats all they say? Not my name, not my powers not even a birth certificate!” Logan was so upset! Why. why did anything happen like this! Something fell out of the letter. Logan bent down and picked it up. It was a photo. It was ripped in half but it was a picture of Kai. He was smiling and looking down at something. Something he truly loved. Logans gaze moved to the pendent. He put in on. He can get the whole story when he goes back. He tucked the letter in his pocket and went to his room. He laid down and waited for sleep to take him.
He woke up expecting to be at his dream pad but instead found himself in the nightmare world. “Shit.” Logan changed to be small and blue and began running to the castle. He was going to have to do this alone. He understood the nightmare realm. He knew to be quiet and unnoticable.
He walked through the front gate with a group of grim spawn. A larger group walked out of what Logan recognized as the room they had held him captive in. He broke from the group and walked into the room. Once he spotted Kai he changed back into himself and walked over to the cage. “Whos there!” The master of fire asked shaking his cage. “It’s just me man.” There was a big ball of anxiety in his chest. “What? Where is everyone else?” “There not here. I went to sleep and woke up in the nightmare realm so I came to save you.” “Thats dangerous! Who knows what these guys can do!” Logan took a step back as Kai raised his voice.
“...I do! I was kidnapped by them! I know! So shut up and let me save you!” Kai doesn't like him and he doesn't want him. He was wrong they don't want him. He’s going to save them and never go back to ninjago. He can live with his moms, he’s lived that way for 13 years. No reason for that to change.
Kai was silent. He crossed his arms and leaned back. “Go ahead. Try.” Logan glared at him as he changed into the blue him and jumped on to the cage. He stuck his hand in the lock and unlocked it. As the door swung open he changed back. “Come on. Hate it here.” Kai looked shocked but he walked out of the cage and fallowed Logan.
“Whats the plan?” Kai asked. “Exits right there.” Logan pointed at the door. “...Are we just walking out the front door? Theres no way thats going to work.” “And yet-” Logan opened the door and walked out. “It does.” Kai followed after Logan confused.
“We have to get to where the portal open’s so the others can get us out of here.” Logan explained as they walked across the land. Logan felt the picture and pendent in his pocket. He took out the photo and grimaced at it. “And here. You can keep that.” He smacked the photo into Kai’s chest and kept walking.
Kai stoped at the sudden hit. He looked at the photo and his eyes widened. “Wait! Wait! Li!” Logan stoped in his tracks. No even Zane had called him that. “How do you have this? Do you know what this is!?” “Yeah its the photo you guys left in yout shitty letter.” “Logan!” Kai stood in front of him stoping him walking forward. Kai took out his photo.
Logan watched as Kai held them together. It was like two perfect puzzle pieces fitting together. “I tried leaving the whole photo but I was attack- It ripped- I just-” “You what? Wanted me to know who wrote that letter? Bull shit.” Logan pushed past the ninja “What are you talking about?” Kai asked as he fallowed behind. “‘To who ever has our son. Take care of him. Be there for him. Make him know he’s wanted.’ Bullshit. If you wanted me you would have left anything to help be find you besides a ripped photo that was stuck in an envelope for 13 years.” Kai stoped. “....Thats not what the letter said.” Logan groaned. He took the letter out of his pocket and handed it to Kai. But then the letter was glowing. “It didn’t do that before.” Kai saw the pendent. “....Did you read it before or after putting on the pendent?” “...Before.”
Kai took the letter and began to read. “Li. Were sorry. Theres a war and we have to keep you safe. We are your fathers. Kai master of Fire, Zane master of Ice, Jay master of lighting and Cole master of earth. We love you-” Kai's voice began to crack. “And we want you. If when your reading this we haven't found you yet take out the opal from the pendent. Throw it to the ground and it will bring you back to ninjago. We don't know how much time has passed and we can understand if you have a life and don't want us but….we want you.” Kai dropped the letter. “I want you…. I want you logan.” The father and sons face were wet with hot tears.
“...I want to be wanted.” Logan croaked out. “You are! You so are! There’s so many people who want you and miss you.” Kai opened his arms. Logan took a step before he fell into Kais arms. They just cried and held each other. “Your so special.” Kai told his son. “We can do whatever you want about this. I promise.”
Suddenly a portal opened. Mr.Oz’s bus can through frist then Nay’s mech. “Okay gang, we have to find Kai and Logan-” “No you don’t!” Logan yelled not letting go of Kai. “Logan!” Everyone yelled. The Ninja ran over to them. Zane was the first to join the hug but Jay and Cole quickly fallowed.
“Is it really you?” Cole asked, holding the side of Logans face. “It is.” Logan Held up the pendent and the family broke into more sobs.
“Uh, do you know whats happening?” Cooper asked Mateo who nodded no.
The family parted and walked dover to the group. Lloyd and Nya where quick to hug Logan. “It’s been so long Li!” Lloyd laughed. “I cant wait for you to be back.”
“Um does some one mind explaining?” Zoey asked. Logan turned to his friends. “...You guys know im adopted?” They all nodded. “We could never find my birth parents….and I just did. Ninjago is real and it’s its pawn dimension. Out side of the dream world and our own world. The ninja helped me find out.” Logan held out the pendent. “All I have to do is break is stone and I can go home.”
“Wait but what about your life? Your moms, sports, school?” Izzie asked. “My mom’s don’t care about me. I see them maybe once every two week! I hate school. I hate sports. Honestly I hate my life! But this can bring me home. To people who actually want me.” “...What about us?” Cooper asked.
“....” Logan didn’t what to say. He didn’t think they liked him his much. “....Ill still be in the dream world every night. If anything thats better than seeing me at school-” “But what about morning burritos!” “And dj gigs?!” “And Sheep week!?” Logans friends bombarded him with questions. He wanted to be upset but he just couldn’t be. He started laughing and Oz came over. “Kid’s kids! Leave Logan be. It’s his life and his happiness.” “Thanks mr.Oz. Ill miss you class, you had the best desks to sleep at.” Oz patted his back. “And I wont miss you snoring.” “Oooooo!” Everyone laughed at Mr.Oz’s burn. But laughing turned to crying. And crying turned to hugging.
Logan turned back to the Ninja. “So, when I break this…Ill go back to ninjago. But what about you guys?” Zane held Logans shoulders. “Well…I think the universe will fix it’s self and we will be them and we will just be normal dreamers.” Zane explained. “So, yall wont remember this?” Logan felt panic. “It sounds like us in Ninjago won’t remember but we will.” Cole said gesturing to the ninja.
“...So what do I do?” “Wake up, Break the stone, Walk through the portal.” Jay explained. “And we’ll be waiting on the other side.” Kai explained. “And if you change your mind and you want to go back. Talk to us. We’ll make it happen.” Logans heart swelled. “We love you Logan.” Cole told him. “...I love you guys too. I cant wait to come home.”
When Logan woke up it was still night out. He packed a backpack with all the things he couldn't live without. But he had to carry his key board. He texted the group chat and asked them all to meet him in the park. He left a note on the counter.
Dear mom’s, I've been in this house alone for 13 years. I found the letter and the pendent my parents left me. Why you never gave it to me ill never know. There was a ripped picture with the letter and using that I was able to find my dad. I know it’s him because he had the other half. We also got a dna test done and it came back a match. I've left to go live with him and I want to be no contact. I've loved you both as my parents for years but time for me to go.
“Well… we had some fun. Thanks for always being here house.” Logan locked the door as he left.
When he got to the park everyone was already there. “I couldn’t do this alone.” He said as he walked up to Cooper, Izzie, Mateo, Zoey and Mr.Oz. “We wouldn’t let you if you tried.” Zoey snarked. “Im going to miss you so much lo-lo! Here, I want you to take snappers. So whenever you hug him you’ll think of us.” Izzie said as she started crying. She gave logan her blue crab plush. Logan himself started to tear up. “Thanks Iz.” They hugged. Izzie was always there for him rain or shine. “You know, im actually going to miss you Logan.” “Yeah yeah ill miss you too Mateo.” They two boys shared a first bump. Logan couldn't even turn to Cooper before he was tackled in a hug. Logan was shocked for a moment, but he carefully hugged him back. “You really helped me man. I wouldn’t be who I am today without you.” “...I know Coop. I know.” Cooper finally let go as Mr.Oz came over.
He gave logan a packet. “I don't know if they have schools were your going so this is the home work for the rest of the year.” “Hehe, thanks Mr.Oz.” Logan for the frist time hugged a teacher. Mr.Oz awkwardly held up his arms at frist but then he dropped them and hugged the dreamer. The others came in a hugged Logan one last time.
“Okay. It’s time to go.” Everyone stepped away.
Logan took stone out of the pendent. “Good bye.” He threw it to the ground and it shattered as it hit the pavement. There was a flash of white light and when Logan opened his eyes he wasn’t in the park anymore. He was in a monastery.
“Li?” Logan turned around to see four ninja.
“...Hey Dad’s.”
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hyobros · 11 months
is it alright to ask if you can go more in-depth as to what goes on later in the days? i heard about some things but i would love to know your side
So I stopped reading days past 13 because cheritz has already been testing my patience and between Jumin being June's half brother and what I'm about to whine about I just can't anymore.
So on day 11, June meets a guy named Henri who introduces himself as someone who volunteers at the hospital on occasion. They chat a little after a tai chi class that Henri hosted for patients.
Then, that night as June is getting in bed, Henri knocks on his window and asks to be let in. (According to a nurse later, June is on the top floor) And he gives June some food that fits into his currently prescribed diet. This wouldn't be a problem if, as far as June knew, he wasn't just a volunteer. Henri doesn't explain himself or anything and June is extremely uncomfortable through the entire interaction and doesn't eat what he gave him (for understandable reasons).
The next morning, he reports what happened to a nurse and she doesn't believe him, instead asking if he ate anything or took medication, and didn't listen to him about what he needed. She says she'll tell his doctor about it.
His doctor? Overnight, he got a new doctor and guess who it is! And Henri doesn't acknowledge any of what happened or why June could possibly be so upset and uncomfortable. He tells his mom, but she can't do anything because Henri is the son of the guy who runs the hospital and he's a childhood friend of Jumin and V... ((GOD MAKE IT STOP))
And it just goes on. And on. Getting uncomfortably close, setting up a date without consent.
It feels just like a damn yaoi, the trope that is so popular and is exactly why I avoid BL. And now it's invading my self indulgent game where it's supposed to be about a romance between me and a guy.
I'll stop myself before I start throwing out stuff about how people treat yuri and GL. That can be a separate post if you're curious about what I have to say. Just know, my aversion to BL is not out of homophobia (tho at this point I have been jokingly calling myself a homophobe cuz it seems like I'm the only person that has a problem) but out of disgust for what these so-called romances are built on.
I came for a sweet romance like there is with Teo and Harry, instead I'm witnessing a toxic BL plot probably meant to be another way cheritz finds new players to pander to (checked the google play reviews and one of the most recent ones is screaming "june x henri forever" so uh they were successful –_–)
Apparently Henri does cool down later on, but the fact that this happened at all and is just a 1:1 of a popular trope killed it for me.
Btw I'm planning on making a post going into detail about everything that disappoints me about this route because June deserves better and Cheritz needs to fuckin learn. Replies to their posts are mostly unconditional support from people who never cared for this game to begin with
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purplerose244 · 1 year
Watched the tenth episode of LEGO DreamZzz: LOVED IT!
So I actually watched this episode a whole while ago but forgot to post this... BUT NOW THE SECOND PART OF SEASON 1 IS ALL OUT SO I NEED TO PUT MY THOUGHTS DOWN 😍😍
Also the LEGO Youtube channel continues to bless me with shorts of the series, I'm already a huge fan of Draw with Mateo, and now we got Logan's Training Tutorials (he got such a massive ego istg 😂) AND EVEN AN ANIMATED SHORT CALLED "DREAMOLITION DUO VS THE MUTATED MATH MONSTERS" 🤩🤩🤩 (that one was EXCELLENT, I really hope we get more of those with that style)
Since all the new episodes dropped at the same time I might just make a single or two posts about all of them, we'll see! It's literally just for me to scream about how I love this show 🥰
Anyway, without further ado, let's get into this!
This coach is pretty narrow minded, but I never had a PE teacher that wasn't 100% convinced gym was everything, so 😂
Dreamcrafting as a concept feels like elemental powers from Ninjago: it's likely the most powerful thing there is, but in most situations it gets nullified or nerfed so it's hard to use it all the time with no limits 😅😅 It does make sense for this place to be no imagination zone, though
I'm sure Logan feels very guilty for the mess he got into, but I do hope he doesn't get forgiven immediately, so I'm glad Mateo is genuinely upset at him
Okay thank goodness 😂
Glad Logan isn't here to hear these orders and not follow them (sorry Logan 😅)
Edison bomb, we had the Edison ray before, I find it funny that the focus is on the guy that dreamed about his inventions
Mmmmm, I'm interested in the Night Hunter, I think there's more to him
To be fair, he's doing pretty good on his own for not being able to dreamcraft
Wolf wolf wolf wolf wolf- also interesting that this are the most normal creatures we saw so far, and it is in the place where the imagination is robbed and taken. Like here they don't waste time with creative creations like in the rest of the world
Yes Logan take your time 😅
Feels like karma Logan getting Stinkbrain as a nick he doesn't like, after mocking Mateo about Mattie this whole time
This show really says "best plan is run" 😂
I love Sneaky, someone needs to humble Logan a little bit... okay A LOT
Everyone loves and cares for Teo so much! LOVE ME A GOOD SUPPORTIVE TEAM 🩷
I still wonder where Zoe found her bow, and if there is a connection over the fact that she got a bow and the Night Hunter got a crossbow, they are the only ones with actual weapons and they are both long range kind of weapons
No worries mah boy Teo is out there with Z Blob I'm sure he'll think of something!!... oh yeah there's Logan too 😅
AWWWWWWWWWW MATEO HUGGING LOGAN THAT WAS SO CUTE!!! 💚💙💚💙 Despite being mad at him and with reason too, he was still worried about him! That's why I love him 🥰🥰
Oh, this is nice, Mateo didn't forgive him but he sees that Logan cares. And Logan for once asked him what's the plan, instead of going on a limb as usual! GROWTH!!! 💙
"Everytime I dreamcraft, bad things happen! And then we do a lot of running!"
"Welcome to my world!"
LOL loved that
AWWWWWW!! This is what I was talking about when I said Teo is a great leader, and knows that now Logan can give a great input since he can't dreamcraft like the others! I know I'm focusing on Teo so much but he is my favourite, so 😅💚💚💚
Coop getting PTSD from that cage, the poor thing! Do not bring him back in! 😱
Even the Night Hunter is afraid of the Grimwolf! Just what kind of things are living in this place??
OMG TEO ALMOST GOT STABBED BY ZOE'S ARROW TO SAVE LOGAN MY GOSH 😱😱😱 ... I wonder if I can make a fanfiction out of this one 😂
Aww Logan was apologizing for once in his life! Lol Mr. Oz is so confused
"Drive it like you stole it!" Logan, 2023
DREAMBASH!! Okay I saw the LEGO sets for this one, but this is such a cool thing for Cooper and Logan to share! ❤️💙
Okay but Logan jumping off the ship to get back the hourglass? Teo and Sneaky following suit? Mr. Oz being absolutely done with these kids' recklessness? I loved that sequence so much 😂
Wait Sneak didn't die, he ran away? To avoid the ray? So he's alive? I hope so!!
Poor Logan, he met a good friend...
Pff, does the Night Hunter not know Mateo's name? Little artiste?
So now the Nightmare King is after the Waking World... GREAT 😅
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justyuuki · 2 years
Hello hello my cute little curious babies 👋🏻
I come to tell you about harry's route in the game "THE SSUM"
Harry's route is the favorite of most users, the calm and pleasant way to advance of this route, in addition to the process of knowing his past, his phobia and his true way of being.
What I'm about to tell you contains a LOT OF SPOILERS. So if you want to know this on your own, don't read on and enjoy the process.
First of all, use the time machine, but I try to play every day that the machine allowed me
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Having said that, let's summarize the days 😉:
From day 1 to 35 we will know little about him, we will have knowledge of Big guy, his friends, Malong being the most involved in his life, we will know that he is a director and that he does not go anywhere without his mask.
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Day 36 - 80, advance these days because here we will know how little he eats, the history of the piano in the bar, we know that he has contact with Teo the other love option of the game, but we will talk about him later. We will know the reason why he ran away from the film festival in the early days, Harry suffers, agoraphobia, what is it?
Agoraphobia: Symptoms include fear and the need to avoid places and situations that may cause feelings of panic, confinement, helplessness, or shame.
He doesn't like places with too many people, or being in contact with too many people
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However, although Harry does not like people, he enjoys our company and it is something he expresses openly.
One detail I forgot and it is important, on day 35 the mc declares their feelings for Harry, however, he rejects us because he says that love relationships end and he doesn't want what we have to end just like that.
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Day 81-100, from these days Harry is much more open with what he feels about us, he shows discomfort when we tell him that we know Teo and we talk to him, I want you to remember that Harry has never had a house, he spends it in hotels, and he is in an apartment, besides his emotional change is noticed by the people around him, he talks to his friends of MC, they know about the relationship we have, besides Harry gets a nice tattoo that we choose, since he constantly asks for our opinion.
Days 98,99 and 100 are important, the egg that PIU-PIU, has taken care of will be sent to a person to find his special person, but he shows us the coordinates, and the options we are given are:
-These coordinates, is it...?
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To which PIU-PIU says that those are the coordinates for who that egg is for, so he doesn't know who it is for. And it's a nice coincidence, since these coordinates are for someone we already know, do you know who it is? 🤔✨
On day 100, Harry mentions that he is ready for the house he is going to build, in previous days he contacts an architect to finally have a house.
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He shows us the plans and comes out with a basket that Malong made, since he lives with him because he is broke, he gives him a nice basket with a wine and some food, which later we know that actually Malong helped him because he told him that he celebrates something important, the 100th day of meeting MC and he declares himself, saying that the house he is going to build will be under the constellation of our zodiac sign, and it will be a place that only MC and him know.
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He says that MC is the first person he thinks of when he wakes up, that his feelings are sweet. After this we have a call and he says he is sleepy, and that's the end of the day.
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This is all I know so far and it makes you feel special, this route feels real, like with a real person, it's slow, personal, it's completely unique and sweet.
Thanks so much for reading, and tell me what you think, cute curious person. 💕✨
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nymosity · 2 years
Day 61/62
I finished my 2nd day on planet Crotune and let me say so far this is pure bliss. Teo is so sweet and we finally get to be flirty again. I really hope it will stay like this for a while. Lots of sweet interactions.
Short recap: Teo is visiting his family and he's getting a little nostalgic. He's reminiscing his childhood and what his personality was like back then. For me it was interesting to learn more about him.
Since there are quite some screeshots, I've put the major spoilers under cut. I apologize in advance as they are not chronological at all. It's more a hodgepodge of random conversations they had.
First things first: not only Teo is thinking about marriage... and he definitely likes that it's mutual. :P Of course, officially we don't know what's going on in his noggin but I like that we can be a little bold here as well.
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Our guy is thinking a lot about turning our 'love story' into a movie. He even created a draft for a movie poster already... I feel like I'm saying this way too often but Teo's just too cute. What if our love story had a never ending?? Right in the feels, my guy.
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Yes, Teo, that was exactly what I had in mind. MC is very bold. (you can confirm his guess, it just didn't make it on the screenshot):
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Finally, he is bringing up the subject of meeting each other for real! I've been wondering all this time why neither Teo nor MC even mentioned it. You know, apart from the 'I wish I was with you' sentiments. My heart is soaring♡
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They are so cute. I love these cringe-worthy interactions. T-T
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Why is he so damn sweet and romantic? He just confessed that MC is the first person he really likes. T-T I'm not crying, you are. (For context: he visited his old school and apparently there is a wall which grants your wish if you write on it)
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There is so much more going on: he got a call from a director who wants to work with him on a movie (I really hope it's going to be successful this time), he is talking about his parents and how they also used to be in a long distance relationship for some time, you learn a bit about his mom.
A final, random thought: Crotune looks super tasty! It's basically a dripping ball of chocolate.
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So far everything is super sweet and chill on Crotune. The planet description, however, hints at some bitterness:
"sweet are the fruits of your goal, but bitter is the journey towards your goal."
"blind chase after sweetness might result in your own meltdown."
Let's see where the journey takes us.
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Wait a second what are we doing with Lu Ten in Miraculous Gaang?
Is he alive? I know he got like really sick at one point, but are we letting him live? If so, how old is he and what is his relationship to the Gaang? Because I imagine him being quite a bit older and seeing the Gaang as his much younger siblings that he has to mentor. He's probably away at university during most of the events of this, but Zuko and Azula call him in to save their hides for some of their civilian problems. Assuming he's alive
And how did he get sick? Did he like use the peacock or did he just get really ill and it woke Iroh up to the fact that he was being kind of a neglectful parent?
Also, other named kids you can use for miraculous if you want:
Song, the chick that saved Iroh from poisoning, tried to bond with Zuko over being hurt by the fire nation, and then he stole her ostrich horse
June, but she's probably a bit older than the rest of the crowd, maybe even Lu Ten's age.
On Ji, the girl that Aang talks to when he goes to Fire Nation school and consequently gets into a fight with her boyfriend Hide.
Shoji, another kid from the fire nation school, very nervous type.
Chan, the guy that Azula tries to flirt with in The Beach, and then they burn his house down.
Meng, Aunt Wu's assistant who keeps trying to flirt with Aang in The Fortuneteller, and who gets utterly blown off, only to eventually tell Aang at the end of the episode that Katara is really pretty and they deserve each other, and also gives them the cloud-reading book for their plot (because she's been stalking Aang, and HEY that's on brand for ML).
Of this selection, the only ones I have any particular attachments to are Meng and Song. I think I'd give Meng the goat if we keep your usual Dreamwalking powers, due to her fortune teller associations. Song could honestly have any of them, but I'm leaning Dog. But yeah, it's interesting that most of the Gaang's allies seem to be adults. Between the white lotus, various world leaders, and assorted other Randos, the significant adults in this show probably outnumber the significant children.
Yes! So!
We decided that since this is taking place in a Miraculous-esque Universe, a chunk of people get to live. Like, there's no war fucking up the world and we're axing the Bending (like if they had Bending on top of the Miraculous then OOF.) and also this is a modern world with better healthcare capabilities.
So yeah some people live. Lu Ten was never on the frontlines of a war. Kya never had to protect Katara from raiders looking for a Waterbender. Yue won't have to sacrifice herself to save the Moon Spirit, etc.
Not to say everything's perfect because there's going to be injuries and close calls and some of these fuckers can get killed off.
So since I can change things and let characters live, I am!
Anyway. Lu Ten!
So we're going with some kind of car accident type deal for him. He was in a coma for a few months. (During this we had the drama of Iroh falling apart with worry, Azulon 'dying', Ozai taking over the family company, and Ursa disappearing).
He's alive but has some medical problems. Mostly mobility issues. Usually in a wheelchair, though he can use a cane for short distances if needed. His hands are bad too, but he can still get stuff done.
He's a good decade older than the Gaang. Like in his mid-to-late 20s.
Between the age and mobility thing he's probably not getting a Miraculous himself (I mean the mobility isn't stopping Teo but he's the 'I'm gonna use the Miraculous Transformation to give my wheelchair jet rockets and fly' type of guy).
He's very much the older brother figure! Especially once Zuko gets kicked out.
As for the other character suggestions!
June is too old for the group, as much as I love her. Ji, Shoji and Chan never vibed with me. Song vibed with me more but we're also getting to the 'wow huh there's not a lot of kid characters that consistently appear huh?'.
Meng is actually a great idea and I love the Dreamwalker thing I'm keeping that.
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solardick · 6 months
I doubt im getting back to normality” any time soon. Oh, Sightly loathing. You are a something to see. It’s being built up again. I suspect another crisis. Im losing count. The jupiter in aqua is an awefull piece of shit as my brother would say. On the positive side of abuse and harrasment. And placement. And despair. Hig ols steliem of demons. Is what the centaurs are. Playing this horrorscope to a T. Destruction. And glee. Glee? Yeah glee. Its the most consistent thing inknow from others. Its just there. And yet not one person. Noy one person had come forward other than yo gleem a peice of info. Like y’all fo here. Looking for something? I got plenty.
Anyway. I was thinking. a or the other way of writting it. And, o, e, c. Probably a dead end. Maybe not. Blind fool. O fool, the E fool and the high priestess. There it is again. And something new. We got two pillars. An innocemt fool amd a “guilty fool. And the Oo death card. Whichbis neat being a card that uses the letters on the card to speak it own play. Its a passage of time. And a glimpse of the future amd the fear ewith death on thr consequences if it isnt speaking something else also. The distant and the present.
The more convinced i become that this card is wuite magical indeed. And a right slection. Whoch was waiting to be plugged in. Wasn’t my choice. Just the body. The things that come to when one is in solitary.
The marseille fool. The current E-fool. Is a negative figure. I preffer the negative figure. It just nakes more sense. Symbolically. I mean you can try and bend the rules all yah want. So that it fixed as a projection. Cant use waites fool. For that. The blind fool is best. Spwaks the same message and then some. Without all the fancy excesorries. They played the marseeille fool on me. Didn’t really fit cause their wrong but. They dont listen
Know what. Im gonna talk openly about my love for jesus. To everyone around me. Would you kiss jesus with the mouth?! Jesus. Come, here. This guy wants a kiss. Yeah thats what inthought shut the fuck yp. The current list of demons” are called pests. Pestilence. Bzz bzz. Go be by myself. They make sure they fallowed me around and rub in how much they enjoy being cunts.
Well lets put the crusofix back on. Since that is my life. And watch all these cunts give me a hard time. Hey look the weather report id wrong. Its usually spot on to thr minute. But not today its raining out. Not cloudy.
Just because i believe in god doesnt mean i have to be polite about. Hlaf the world is busy sucking eachother off, createing single peramt families and being cunts anyway.
The term cocksukr is poli numerous or however its called. If its been seperated into its original
Teo words. Its literally all in the eye of the beholder. People eat cocks all the time. And to be called a sucker. Means what? Point made.
Oh shit! Its a dove. Good. Doves are good. God agrees with me. The problem
With eating a bird. Requires destruction of natural resources.
Alright. Do an std screening and if thats negative get a rectal cancer screening. If i have to wear a diaper for the rest of my life. Im backing out.
Moral of my life. Dont be an incompetant retard and have children.
n dit turns out god was right when the crows warnes mw agaisnt nate on the day he said we would be working together. He’s just another fucktard that wnjoys fucken with people. Though its weird how he mostly just specificcalt warned me about him. Pudgy batman and the neurotic troll too. To anlesser degree and the others.. not muchnof anything. Odd. Probably because the others dont try and hide it.
After this grouo of people messing with me i womder who the next group will be.
Place after place year after year. Since childhood. Born in hell.
Anyway god. Thanks for looking out for me. In this world full of narcissists. Taken joy in ruining my life. But i dont need it. You’re wasting your time. All life is is other people hurting me. Its all its ever been. Father’s a narsicist. He always showed me elation when talking about having the upoer handover someone. The smiles he used to gove me instead of giving me guidance. Like you used to say about Tony’s father. “I used to use as a punchign bag” said it multiple times when a smile on his face. All life is is this. After 30 years. Of constant upgeaval. I dont want to be alive anymore. Sont waste your time on me. Im not surviving much longer.
Inwish i was a narsicist peice of shit too. Maybe id have a life and be a degwbweate fucktard to the rest of humanity toi and have a sens eof acconomishment. Like lak these others. Ive been beaten since i was 13. Dead since i was 13. They’re never going to stop. I dint know what life is not being fucked with. Its always been this way. An dinknow that theyre never going to stop. They take oleasure in it. Over 30 years mu entire life is other people hirting me. So i doesnt matter what i do. Im stuck her essrroinded by criminal assholes. How have been taling my existance since birth. So just go away. And stop trying to help me. I need them gone. Or your efforts are useless they laugh and mock you god. Leave me be. And let me die. I dont want yiur help anymore. Im not allowed to be myself. Surrounded by all these fucken cocksukrs.
I thought about going to go see for soem help for my psychosocial issues. But then i realized that these faucktards have been engeneering me to be this way. Somits pointless cause its not really me. Its them. I wish there was a lesson for me to learn in allnof this. But theres not.after this many years. Theres notheing to learn. Thats isn’t isnt actually the real world. Its a torutee chamber i was born in. And have been a target in sinve birth. Theres nothign to take away from it.
I have a life sentence of being fucked woth foe other reason then being born. Im hoing to start leaving my door unlocked so, y’all can vome in freely and drug up my food again. And do whatever sicknand twisted y’all want to do to me. 39 and i still dont know what havign a sense of securoty feels like. Womder what it feels like being libed and having someone hows got your back. I womder what it feels like not havign an environemnt animinical to uour well being. I wimder what it feels like being a narcissi t peice of shot. Womder whatn it feels like feelig. Rightious while destroying and slowly killing soemones life. Wonder what it feels like havign responsibility for someone else life. Womder what it feels like beign there and supporting someone you know isn’t fucking with uou. Winder ehat life would be like not being raised by enemies. Wo
We what its like not being an object of ridicule. Womder what its like havign i sider i formation on my own life. The world had been plotting agaisnt me sonce i was a child. I wish there was soemthign to learn in life. But, theees not. Ive already learnt wverything 30 years ago. I have a teachers personality. And everyone treats me like im a in now at all bettwr than thou charecter. Its easier to lear. While you teach. To bad being a study means you never learn anything. Eomder what its like not being serroundd by criminals. Havign people, shoving dick and drugs in your face everyday. Been that way since choldhood. Its never going to change.
Hey its my birthday tomorow. Wonder what sick twosted bs their going to gove me. My retarded invred family will
Probably send me money. Ugh. More cash to donate to charity supposed.
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