#scam artist sherry tenney
kaiyonohime · 8 months
Update in the Sherry Tenney case!
If you don't know who the scam artist Sherry Tenney is, here is my pinned post about her.
[The Bureau of Consumer Protection is writing to update you concerning the consumer complaint you filed against Tenney’s Fiber Farm, LLC (the “Company”) and the above-referenced litigation.
As you may know, Sherry Tenney has filed for Chapter 13 bankruptcy in the United States Bankruptcy Court in the Middle District of Pennsylvania under Case Number 1:23-bk-02752-HWV.
If you have not done so already, you may wish to file a proof of claim form in the bankruptcy. A proof of claim form may be filed either electronically or as a paper document. The Bankruptcy Court has set a deadline of February 12, 2024 for creditors to file proofs of claim. To assist you in that matter, we have enclosed a blank proof of claim form for you to complete and submit to the bankruptcy court.
Please send the completed proof of claim form to:
Sylvia H. Rambo US Courthouse U.S. Bankruptcy Court 1501 N. 6th St. Harrisburg, PA 17102
Please be advised, our office cannot offer you legal advice. You should consult with a private attorney to ensure that your rights are preserved in the bankruptcy proceedings.
Very truly yours,
Mia Paone Consumer Protection Agent]
If Sherry Tenney owes you money, please file immediately!
Sherry Tenney's next court date is February 1st, 2024. So she could be trying to get ahead of a verdict. I have a feeling, given everything that's come out in discovery, that the judge is going to throw the book at her. She also owes nearly $80k in legal fees at this point, and with no income and no job, she's probably stiffing her lawyer too.
And, as always, a trapped wolf can still bite, so please avoid her at all costs. She is still bragging about being armed and dangerous.
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kaiyonohime · 1 year
This video goes over the case the Pennsylvania Attorney General has filed against the scam artist Sherry Tenney, and her attorney’s response.  In 2.5 hours.  Yes, it’s not short, yes it wanders a little, but there it is in video form.  
And yes, she uses an old post of mine, not the pinned post that I keep updated, as a heavy source.  I’m not affiliated with her in any way, nor did I know about the video until it was linked on Ravelry, otherwise I would have asked her to use the updated pinned post rather than an out of date old one.
Link to the pinned post.
A little something from the video: Crabbs and Crabbs is a real law firm, but they’re divorce attorneys.  The thought is that they represented either Sherry or her husband Jim in one of their past divorces, and that’s why she names them as representing her so often.  I do not know if Crabbs and Crabbs has ever been made known, or responded, to her using their law firm to threaten people into silence.
Yes, she threatened to sue me in a video as well.  No, I have no been sued.  I have never been served paperwork from Sherry Tenney at all.  Neither she, nor anyone representing her or working with her, has ever even attempted to contact me.
The oral argument will be held on May 4th at 10 am at Franklin County Court of Common Pleas, courtroom one.  You cannot watch online, but if you live in the area you can attend freely.
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kaiyonohime · 2 years
Update on the Sherry Tenney situation!
For those new to the entire fiasco, here is a summary: Sherry Tenney summary.
Sherry Tenney has been officially been brought up on charges!  She is being taken to court by the state of Pennsylvania!  She is being brought up on two charges, both related to her selling and not giving refunds on top of not sending product.  For every instance she targeted a person over the age of 60 she will pay a fine of $3000, and under 60 a fine of $1000.
She has not yet been convicted, and is using a billboard lawyer to defend herself.  But, if she loses her court case, she is ordered to close down her businesses and cease all sales online through any means, and to not attempt to sell through others either.  She has a history, that she has already been forced to admit to in court documents, of selling through false names and through other people.  So that should be interesting.
Here is a link to the full court case PDF.  
Here’s to hoping this scam artist is shut down.
She is still currently attempting to sell product via her facebook page and Etsy, so it is important to still warn people about her.
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kaiyonohime · 1 year
A summary of who Sherry Tenney is and why all in the fiber arts community should be warned against her can be found here.
Please notice on the linked post, I have updated to include the names of people who are helping her with her scam.  If you see any of those people active in fiber arts groups, please be aware and warn others about them.  They are scam artists as well, and have helped Sherry Tenney harm other small businesses.
The judge has released his findings, and all of Sherry’s arguments that the state of Pennsylvania can’t charge her because she operated her scam online and not in person have been overruled.  The case brought by the Pennsylvania Attorney General against Sherry Tenney will proceed.
Here is a link to a Google drive with all of the legal documents that have been filed by both Sherry Tenney and the court so far.  The file ruling that the case will continue is 2023.06.29 Order of the Court.
As a reminder, the AG is seeking to fine her $3000 USD for every victim over the age of 60, $1000 USD for every victim under the age of 60, and to ban her, or anyone working with her, from selling online permanently. 
If you have been a victim of Sherry Tenney’s scam, the Pennsylvania Attorney General is still requesting complaints.  You can file a complaint here. Please encourage any victims that you know to file as well.  The more that come forward with evidence against her the better.  Especially if you have chat logs that include information linking her to Suzanne Smith Collier.
The list of people associated with the scam artist Sherry Tenney, and are actively helping her with her scam:
Suzanne Smith Collier
Cynthia Karitianos Tilker
Caroline Moss
Roberta Van Harn
Adrienne Lehman
Jeannine Talley-Cramer
Please be warned that, upon viewing some of their profiles online, they are as just as willingly capable of violence as Sherry Tenney has threatened in the past.  Do not confront them in person.  Warn others, and avoid them at all costs.
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kaiyonohime · 8 months
Sherry Tenney has filed for Chapter 13 bankruptcy!
If you are unfamiliar with scam artist Sherry Tenney, I have pinned a post here.
A former bankruptcy paralegal has provided some helpful advice:
If you are a creditor (i.e., if Sherry owes you money), do not count on your claim with the AG’s office if you filed one. You need to file a proof of claim in the bankruptcy case to have any chance at recovery. They will likely ask for supporting documentation, which would be whatever documentation you have that she owes you money.
Also - please note the deadline for filing is February 12th. That’s a little less than 2 weeks away. If you are mailing in the claim form, stay aware of the mailing times - it has to arrive at the Clerk’s office by the 12th, not be postmarked by the 12th. If you wait until next week to file, you may be better off doing that electronically to be 100% sure your claim gets in by the deadline.
You can electronically file using PACER. You will need to make an account as a creditor first. The form is relatively easy to fill out online. As with the paper filing, you will be asked to upload supporting documentation of your claim. If you get stuck or have questions, the clerk’s office is your best bet for help.
In a Chapter 13, unsecured creditors usually are paid pennies on the dollar, although I have seen payments of up to 25%-50% in a few cases. Unsecured creditors are also paid last, so it may be up to four or five years before payment, depending on her plan and whether she is able to stick to it.
Please help signal boost the message as the filing deadline for creditors is in two weeks! Sherry owes more than $100k USD to people.
And, honestly, if this makes her need to sell her animals to get them away from her abuse, all the better.
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kaiyonohime · 1 year
For a summary of who Sherry Tenney is (currently using the name Giltay Sher-lee), here is a post about all the harm she has done, and continues to do, to the fiber arts industry.  Warnings for animal abuse and violence.
This is a warning that one of her known associates, Lindsey E Bucci of Reservoir Fibers, is going into fiber arts groups on FB and trying to encourage people to buy from Sherry.  Lindsey E Bucci has her own warnings about her because she is known to doxx people, and her customers, for no apparent reason in bizarre fits of rage directed at others (she has mental health issues that seem to be untreated, and unfortunately is causing harm to others).  So if you see her posting in any FB groups, please know that she is a known associate of Sherry Tenney, and is also someone to be avoided on her own.
Also, the judge has ruled that the case against Sherry Tenney is continuing forward.  Unfortunately Sherry Tenney has also been posting about how her sheep have not yet been sheared this year (she owes over $20,000 USD to one shearer, so no others will work with her).  So she’s abusing her animals once again.  Hopefully the Attorney General can get that stopped as well.
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kaiyonohime · 2 years
Link to the summary of the Sherry Tenney situation.
Link to the charges filed by the Pennsylvania Attorney General against Sherry Tenney.
Unfortunately there is a new update to the update about the scam artist Sherry Tenney.
Sherry Tenney claims her farm is called the ‘Historic McCullough Farm’.  Her farm is not historic.  The farm was built after the year 2000, and she bought the farm in 2021.
Needless to say her farm is not considered historic by anyone but herself. 
She has also now changed her profile as the owner of the McCullough Farm FB group to list herself as both disabled and Native American.
Sherry Tenney is not disabled.
Sherry Tenney is not Native American.
Sherry Tenney has spent the last year bragging about how she is not disabled, and has even gone so far as to compare disabled people and the mentally ill as demons sent to Earth from hell.  Unfortunately I’m not making that up.  This came up when she claimed she was attacked by literal demons at a gas station and was forced to defend herself.  
Sherry Tenney has also spent years dog whistling that she is discriminated against for having Dutch heritage.  Sherry Tenney is an upper middle class white woman that grew up upper middle class.  She has gone on, at length, about how white European her ancestry is, while also claiming that is why she is being discriminated against.
It’s a shame Sherry Tenney has now decided to switch to these tactics out of desperation to continue her scam, even as charges are brought against her.  But that is a decision she has chosen to make.  She is now trying everything to lure in victims.
She has now also stated that she is replacing the chickens that died under her lack of care last year with four hundred new chickens.  To go with the two hundred sheep she claims to have (no photograph of more than forty sheep has ever been provided).  On a three acre farm.
Apparently her farm is also the TARDIS.
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kaiyonohime · 2 years
Sherry Tenney: the bitch that just won’t stop
So update to the Sherry Tenney situation.  If you don’t know who Sherry Tenney is, I have a pinned post here.  But, in summary, she is a scam artist operating in Pennsylvania that has currently stolen USD $15,000+ from people, is under investigation by the Pennsylvania Attorney General, has neglected animals to death, owns guns and claims to own even more than she has shown in photos, has threatened to shoot and kill people, and will occasionally send shit covered and moth infested fiber to customers.  
In short, Sherry Tenney is a piece of shit.  Of the lowest form.  I wouldn’t spare piss to save her from a fire.
The current situation: the Attorney General has started serving her with paperwork, so Sherry is taking revenge.
You see, when people would join Sherry’s business facebook group, Sherry would require everyone to friend her.  And then she would dig through their entire facebook history and find information on them.  Everything from their children’s names and birthdays to where they work.  Every.  Single.  Detail.
And what would she do with those details?  She would save them in files to be used later as a just in case.  You see, if anyone from the group was ever caught talking badly about her, or reported her scam to authorities, she would use those details.  Just how cult leaders use what they know to control people.
Sherry Tenney is currently using those details now.  
She is calling up people’s employers and trying to get them fired.  She is claiming they are drug addicts and describing their behavior to their employers.  She is demanding that her followers call and report these people, and report them to CPS to get their children taken away!  Just like a violent, aggressive cult leader would.
Yes, Sherry is now knowingly filing false reports with authorities to try to damage the lives of anyone that has ever reported her or left her group.  And because people have so much information on facebook these days, she has a lot of ammo to use for her illegal activities.
So please, be warned about Sherry Tenney.  She is a woman that brags about being armed with multiple guns and willing to shoot people at all times.  She has shown that she is willing to file false reports against people.  She loves to talk about the sexuality of her sheep and how all the rams are attracted to her and want to fuck her.  She enjoys bragging about walking around pissing on all the fences on her property with the excuse that it’s to ‘ward off bears’.  
There is something very, very wrong with Sherry Tenney.  And now that she is in a corner, she is reacting violently and unstably.  So please, pass the word and warn others.  She is still operating her scam on facebook, she is still friending people and collecting their information to use against them if they turn on her, and she is still threatening to shoot and kill people.
Stay away from Sherry Tenney at all costs.  She is dangerous.
This warning is especially for those who may attend Rhinebeck Wool Festival, as she is still threatening to attend as well.  
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kaiyonohime · 2 years
Warning to fiber sellers
This is a summary post that is out of date.  I have a pinned post that is up to date with the facts here.  More has happened since this post was written.
This is a warning to ALL fiber sellers online, especially those who sell via sites like Facebook.  
In recent months there has been some drama that a seller named Sherry Tenney/Sherry Vondorp has been taking money and not sending product or sending the wrong product.  She’s been doing this for years, and to the scope of $15,000+ USD.  People who had been scammed by her connected and started comparing stories, and then discovering just how long it’s been going on and that she’s still doing it.
Sherry Tenney’s confirmed know aliases and the names she goes by (she changes her name frequently on social media):
Sherry Tenney
Vondorp Sherry
Sherry Vondorp
Lee Giltay
Sara Rudacille
Sherry Lee Price
Sherry Tenney Giltay
At first, that’s all it was.  She would send out some fleece/fiber, but maybe not all, and then, in the past few years, frequently none at all.  She would claim all sorts of reasons, like the post office lost hundreds of packages in a year, and other vague hand wavy excuses.  The main issue is that she was violently aggressive toward people who inquired about where their product was.  As in death threats aggressive.  Long, ranting threats about shooting them in fields and feeding them to her pigs threats.  There are videos.  They are disturbing.  
Well, a group called ‘Demon Trolls’ on Ravelry was discussing this and encouraging her to refund or send out the purchased product.  The group ‘Demon Trolls’ keeps track of problematic sellers in the fiber community so that people can be warned.  Sellers that take money and don’t send product, sellers that are falling months behind in shipping, and sellers that are not sending the product that was purchased.  The group keeps tabs, they don’t actively pursue action of any sort, but they let customers share complaints and stories and keep track of the unfolding situations.
Well, Sherry Tenney/Sherry Vondorp has been... unique.  Instead of offering fake apologies (something that is frequently done), or cleaning up her act and running her business professionally (something that genuinely does happen at times as well, sometimes sellers just underestimate how hard it is to run a business at times), she doubled down on the aggression.  There are hour long videos threatening to shoot and kill people from the group, and former customers simply for complaining about not receiving purchased goods.  There has been bizarre stories about ‘microburst tornadoes’ killing her sheep and her leaving them in the field to rot for days on end, her having bears coming to kill her sheep because she leaves them out all night long, her having birthing season go on for months because she just keeps rams in the herd and doesn’t keep track of breeding.
I could go on.  The woman is... unhinged is the only polite way to put it.
It also came out within the past few days that it’s more than just her scamming people.  It turns out what her and a group of about 25 others would do is go to sellers pages on FB, black the mods and admins, and then tell the others that she sold fleece for cheaper and better quality than them.  She would poach the customers from small farms, and her and others would purposefully repeatedly report the small farm and their page to get it taken down so they couldn’t sell at all.
Then, when the farm was desperate, some of these small sellers have reported more than a 50% drop in income when she has done this, she would buy the fleeces at cheaper prices from them, mark them up, and then ‘resell’ them, frequently to the customers she lured away.  Given that she would frequently sell the same fleece to multiple people and never ship it, it was a way for her to get a ton of sales with little to no overhead herself.
She, working in tandem with another woman, would keep passing emails back and forth with customers until the window to file a chargeback would close, and then she would send disgusting messages to the customer and block them.  
If you have a Ravelry account, this has all been compiled for viewing here.  I do warn you, the videos are unnerving and I could barely stomach just reading the transcripts.  
The discussion about what is going on with Sherry Tenney/Sherry Vondorp is here.  I am warning you, it is currently at 300 pages of discussion.  A lot has happened in just the past few months.  It is insane.
Please reblog this so other fiber sellers know to watch out for her, and to be warned about what she is doing.  She is purposefully destroying businesses for her own profit.
I am editing the original post and adding this update.  Sherry Tenney/Sherry Vondorp tries to avoid notice by frequently changing her name on Facebook (where she tries to do business via messenger only so as to avoid having a paper trail), as well as the names of her businesses.  She is trying to rely on people not knowing the names of her accounts, and there are many, and then being scammed.
Sherry Tenney frequently goes by the name Sherry Vondorp (her grandmother’s maiden name).  She will also use other aliases connected to either other family member’s names or the names of former husbands that she legally held at one point.  
On Facebook her groups are:
Farmlife in the country
RAW WOOL 4 ALL selling buying group USA
Tenneys Fibers and raw wool buyers group
Fiber sellers
The Cashmere Turtle luxury fiber affordable prices
The Dye house and Mrs Tuttle country fiber arts (community)
On Instagram her account is:
Although, as I said before, she frequently changes the names of her shops on Facebook.  It is not unusual for her to change her name or her shop names multiple times a month in an attempt to avoid them and herself being noticed.  So please, be very careful when buying fleece over social media and in social media communities.  Tenney has also sold fleece in Dirty Fleece, Done Dirt Cheap in the past as well.  People have reported that the fleeces they have received from her at times have been absolutely riddled with moth larvae and moths in the past, so if you have ever received anything from her please check to make sure it was quarantined from the rest of your stash.
If you are a seller and have been contacted by her, please be sure to get full payment upfront.  Multiple sellers are reporting that they have done business with her and she has either refused to pay or reversed the charges once the product has been received.  She is a thief, this cannot be stressed enough at this time.
Sherry Tenney/Sherry Vondorp works very closely with a woman named Suzanne Smith Collier who actively helps her with her scam, and helps her do damage to other small fiber sellers online.  We do not know if Suzanne shares in the profits from this scam, but she is a documented participant in it.  She will actively help run out the refund clock for customers who email about orders they have not received, and will block people the instant the refund clock is over.  
Suzanne Smith Collier Etsy is ‘FinerThanFroggyHair’, formerly ‘Spinning Yarns & Weaving Tall Tails’.  Her FB group is ‘Finer Than Frog’s Hair’.
Pleased be warned about her as well.
Also, as a reminder, please do not harass anyone online, and especially not in real life.  Sherry Tenney/Sherry Vondorp has once again posted another message about having guns and threatening to shoot people.  The woman should be considered extremely unstable and very dangerous.  She sometimes teaches classes on her farm, and I would not sign up for those even as a joke.  No one wants to see anyone physically hurt in real life.
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kaiyonohime · 2 years
Warning to all fiber artists
This is an updated and abbreviated post to warn all fiber artists about a scam artist that is currently fleecing the community.  I will keep this post pinned and updated with new information as it becomes available.
There is a scam artist in the fiber arts community named Sherry Tenney.  She sells fleece and wool on facebook and etsy.  She frequently does not send the fleece or wool she has been paid for, and plays the customer until the time window for a dispute is passed.  Afterward, if you continue to contact her, she will leave unhinged, violent, and threatening messages to you, doxx your name and address on her facebook live streams and posts, and still refuse to either send product or refund you.
A lot of complaints have also come forward about the product she does send out.  It is frequently moth and larvae infested, contains large amounts of shit, completely matted fleeces, or are trimmings that are completely unusable.  If you have received product from her you must quarantine it and freeze and bake it to destroy the moths and larvae.
She frequently tries to force smaller fleece sellers from small farms to go out of business to purchase their fleeces for cheap.  She, with the help of several associates and sock puppet accounts, will contact people in the groups of small sellers and offer them fleeces for cheaper and claim they will be of better quality.  She, and her associates and sock puppets, will then report the small farms public media repeatedly until they are taken down, thus preventing the farmer/shepard from being able to sell.  Several small farms have confirmed losses of nearly 60% in sales due to her actions. Some have unfortunately gone out of business due to her actions as well.
Sherry has also focused her scam on small, independent suppliers as well. She will orders goods and services and then, once received, she will refuse to pay for them, or dispute charges with PayPal and her credit card.  She will claim the items were never received, were not what she ordered, or were damaged.  She will then sell them to gain a full, one hundred percent profit on the goods.  If she contacts you to purchase goods, or to do labor on her farm, she will not pay you. Shearers on the east coast will not work with her or shear her sheep any longer because of her actions, and she depended on a young charity shearer to save her sheep from heat stroke this year.
Sherry Tenney is also currently trying to sell lambs on facebook (against facebook rules).  Her animals do not have official papers (she does not control breeding, her ewes and rams are mixed together at all times), she does not know the breed of most of her sheep (lots of random breeds together with unknown breeding has resulted in unknown crossbreeds and a large quantity of inbreeding), and her sheep/lambs do not have the proper veterinary certificates that would be required for transport.  
Sherry Tenney’s confirmed know aliases and the names she goes by (she changes her name frequently on social media):
Sherry Tenney
Vondorp Sherry
Sherry Vondorp
Lee Giltay
Sara Rudacille
Sherry Lee Price
Sherry Tenney Giltay
Sherry Tennay
Giltay Sher-Lee
Rudacille SaraEarle
Known associates that are actively working with her on her scam:
Suzanne Smith Collier
Cynthia Karitianos Tilker
Caroline Moss
Roberta Van Harn
Adrienne Lehman
Jeannine Talley-Cramer
Lindsey E Bucci
Brice Wonders
Elizabeth Nicole Washburn
Tuesday Rose
Sherry Tenney’s facebook groups are:
Farmlife in the country
RAW WOOL 4 ALL selling buying group USA
Wool and Fiber artists supplies buyers group and silks too
Fiber sellers
The Cashmere Turtle luxury fiber affordable prices
The Dye house and Mrs Tuttle country fiber arts (community)
McCullough Farm primitives and country life
Sherry Tenney’s instagram is:
Sherry Tenney’s online shops are:
Shop Website: Tenney’s Fiber Farm https://tenneysfiberfarm.com/
Etsy Storefront: TenneysFiberFarm
eBay Storefront: crabapplesheep
Suzanne Smith Collier’s etsy is:
FinerThanFroggyHair (Spinning Yarns & Weaving Tall Tails)
Suzanne Smith Collier’s facebook group is:
Finer Than Frog’s Hair
If you have a Ravelry account, this has all been compiled for viewing here.  I do warn you, the videos are unnerving and I could barely stomach just reading the transcripts.  
Here is a link to a google form filled out by those who Sherry has stolen from, and how much she has stolen. It is currently at over $15,000+ USD.
Here is a link to a YouTube channel of Sherry’s livestreams.  I feel I should warn everyone that they can become violent and aggressive in nature, and several have been known to trigger survivors of domestic violence.
The Pennsylvania Attorney General has filed suit against her, and you can read the paperwork filed here.  If you have filed a complaint with the Pennsylvania Attorney General they will keep you up to date.  If Sherry has stolen from you, please contact the Attorney General, even though they have already filed against Sherry, every victim coming forward helps.  The next court date is February 1st, 2024.
Here is a link to a video on YouTube that goes into detail about the charges filed by the Pennsylvania Attorney General against Sherry Tenney.  The judge has ruled that Sherry’s case is going forward, and has overruled Sherry’s lawyer’s attempt to get the charges thrown out.  Cases take time, but Sherry Tenney is being charged!
Sherry Tenney has once again filed for bankruptcy!  She filed for Chapter 13 bankruptcy.  Here is the info:
[The Bureau of Consumer Protection is writing to update you concerning the consumer complaint you filed against Tenney’s Fiber Farm, LLC (the “Company”) and the above-referenced litigation.
As you may know, Sherry Tenney has filed for Chapter 13 bankruptcy in the United States Bankruptcy Court in the Middle District of Pennsylvania under Case Number 1:23-bk-02752-HWV.
If you have not done so already, you may wish to file a proof of claim form in the bankruptcy. A proof of claim form may be filed either electronically or as a paper document. The Bankruptcy Court has set a deadline of February 12, 2024 for creditors to file proofs of claim. To assist you in that matter, we have enclosed a blank proof of claim form for you to complete and submit to the bankruptcy court.
Please send the completed proof of claim form to:
Sylvia H. Rambo US Courthouse U.S. Bankruptcy Court 1501 N. 6th St. Harrisburg, PA 17102
Please be advised, our office cannot offer you legal advice. You should consult with a private attorney to ensure that your rights are preserved in the bankruptcy proceedings.
Very truly yours,
Mia Paone Consumer Protection Agent]
If Sherry Tenney owes you money, please file immediately!
Sherry Tenney has made multiple claims that would indicate she is abusing and neglecting her animals.  Please do not contact authorities as that would give Sherry Tenney reason to sue someone for harassment.  That is the unfortunate state of laws in the US.  All of her chickens died of neglect last year, she would not bring them in at night and they were eaten by local wildlife, and she has claimed that a fairly large number of her flock has passed away last year and this year as well, over 10%.
Sherry has changed the name of her facebook group to ‘McCullough Farm primitives and country life’ and is claiming that her farm is the historic McCullough farm.  Her farm is not historic, the previous owner was named McCullough and it was owned by them since 2015, before that no McCullough’s owned it or were associated with it.  In fact, Sherry bought the farm in 2021, it is not a generational farm.  Her and her husband move states fairly frequently, they have no generational farm.  She has changed her group name, and has started randomly posting stolen food recipes with stolen photos, in an attempt to confuse people and attract new victims to her group.  Please warn others.  Yes, she frequently uses the word ‘primitive’ for many things.  She is that kind of person.
Sherry was selling in the FB group WAFA via pm, and was called out several times by customers who had received moth ridden fleece that was shorted weight.  After a month the head of WAFA finally stepped in and kicked Sherry and several of her associates from the group.  Unfortunately Brice Wonders of Spinaway Farms is still a member of the group, and he does work with Sherry.  So WAFA is still a group that has a warning about using, as they are incredibly slow to react and only when called out on social media are they willing to take action at this time.  WAFA has also contacted an attorney about the situation, though it is unknown what will be done.  
Sherry has been stealing photos from noteworthy people in the fiber arts community and linking back to them in an attempt to appear that they associate with her.  If you are well known in the fiber arts community please know that she will try to make it appear that you know her and approve of her business.  So please be warned, and please warn others who follow you if you know that Sherry is doing this with your name.
Sherry is currently bragging about luring black bears to her farm to threaten her sheep by urinating, very frequently, on all of the fences that surround her animals.  Human urine will attract black bears, as will animals left in the open all night that a bear would have easy access to.  She enjoys luring them to the farm, and then brags about threatening them and shooting at them with her guns.
It cannot be stressed enough: DO NOT APPROACH THIS WOMAN IN PUBLIC OR AT PUBLIC EVENTS!  She has threatened to shoot and kill people in several posts and rants, and brags about the amount of guns she has.  Within recent days she has bragged about owning a glock, an AK, multiple shotguns, and frequently has them on her person.  A shotgun has been spotted improperly and dangerous stored in the background of her photos.  She is to be considered armed and dangerous at all times.  Do not drive by her farm if you live in her area, do not sign up to attend a class if she holds one in person on her farm.  She is a mentally unhinged and violent woman.  She should not be approached in person at all costs.  No one wants to see anyone hurt because of this.  Especially now that her scam is failing and legal authorities have filed suit.
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kaiyonohime · 2 years
A Sherry Tenney and WAFA warning update
If you are unaware of who Sherry Tenney is, I have pinned a post here.  But, in short, Sherry Tenney is a scam artist in the fiber arts community that takes money and almost never ships out product.  What little she does ship out is covered in feces and infested with various forms of vermin, including moths and ants.  Her, and several accomplices, also target and damage and destroy small fiber sellers online.  She is also extremely aggressive and has threatened to both shoot and sue people, and brags about the guns she has.  She is under investigation from the Pennsylvania Attorney General.  She has stolen, to date, $15,000+ USD from customers.  This is not counting the amount of money she has stolen from suppliers.
Lawsuit update: to the surprise of no one, no, I have still not been served any papers even though she has threatened to sue me personally.  I guess that’s what happens when you ask a chicken to do everything for you.  Shit just doesn’t get done.
Sherry Tenney, currently known as Sherry Tennay, has renamed her main FaceBook sellers group from ‘Tenneys Fibers and raw wool buyers group’ to ‘Wool and Fiber artists supplies buyers group and silks too’.  She has done this in an attempt to draw in new victims that may mistake her group for the WAFA group on FaceBook.  WAFA stands for ‘Wool and Fiber Artists’.  
Unfortunately it’s a little more underhanded than that.  One of the main parts of Sherry’s scheme over the years has been to purposefully destroy other small fiber sellers.  What she, and multiple accomplices, will do is infiltrate a group on FaceBook, message buyers there telling them Sherry will sell better for much cheaper, and then continuously report the group until it is removed from FaceBook.  Sellers have reported 60%+ losses from Sherry’s actions, with some going out of business as well.
Sherry is not only now targeting WAFA and WAFA members, at least one WAFA admin is one of Sherry’s accomplices and is working from the inside to help destroy WAFA and financially harm sellers that use WAFA.  WAFA is a compromised group that is being targeted the same way Sherry destroyed other groups.
If you use WAFA, or know anyone that does, please pass on this warning.  Any seller that they see or are approached by should be researched by looking them up on the Fiber Transaction Board.  The FTB has banned Sherry, and all of her socks and accomplices, from the FTB after several incidents she caused.  Sherry has enough red flags to her name on the FTB to put a communist march in China to shame.
So, as always, please be careful who you buy fiber from online.  Unfortunately there are scam artists out there that only aim to harm the fiber arts community.  And, of course, please avoid any physical contact with Sherry.  She is to be considered armed and dangerous at all times.  She is currently threatening to attend Rhinebeck Wool Festival.  If you see her at the festival avoid her at all costs, just turn and walk away.  She is dangerous, do not confront her.
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kaiyonohime · 2 years
Hey! I'm a journalist trying to write about the yarn scammer you posted about not long ago. My Twitter is jesslucaswrites, if you'd be up for an interview? Contact details on my profile there. Let me know!
First of all, Sherry Tenney isn't a yarn scammer, she's a fleece and fiber scammer. She actually rarely 'sells' yarn, and specializes more in fleece and fibers. So that's a very, very important detail. There have been yarn scammers in the fiber arts world before as well though.
Secondly, I wouldn't be comfortable giving and interview because, while I have been following this entire fiasco since January (it's been documented as starting many years before January), I personally haven't been affected by it. So I'm just another person watching the entire fiasco come to line, following along, and taking notes. A better person to interview would be one of the victims, to be honest. User Subtextsays on Ravelry is the one that brought this to everyone's attention, and they are a victim of Sherry Tenney as well.
So, honestly, I wouldn't be able to really tell you much more than what you have read in the Ravelry thread and the notes.
And thirdly, I just don't use twitter. And I'm most definitely not signing up for an account there. Also, there's an unfortunate history of journalists writing article about several similar incidents in the fiber arts world siding with the scammer (so blatantly that I doubt journalistic integrity was concept they knew), so I know that many will tend to avoid interviews or being involved. We don't want Sherry Tenney garnering sympathy because she's only stolen tens of thousands of dollars, and aren't we internet users means for trying to shut down her scam. I know that sounds dumb, but that's generally how articles about these situations get written.
I will happily provide you with links to the Ravely pages about the subject to read, they have uploaded all of their resources, including screenshots, for everyone to see as well. You will have to register for a Ravelry account, but it's completely free.
Ravelry thread 1
Ravelry thread 2
PDF outline of events from thread 1
Google Drive containing videos, screenshots, and more
And while I would definitely say you should also interview Sherry Tenney for this article, she is on FaceBook constantly, I would warn against meeting her in person for an interview. She has, unfortunately, threatened to shoot people over her scam being exposed, and she should be considered dangerous.
I hope this helps you with your article. And no, though Sherry has personally said she was going to sue me because of what I have posted on Tumblr, she has never sued me. She has never even reached out and made contact with me. She has threatened for the last six months to sue a great many people, and not a single one has ever received any paperwork in the mail.
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kaiyonohime · 2 years
Warning to fiber buyers
Update post on Sherry Tenney.  She’s still selling infested fiber and fleeces and has scammed people out of tens of thousands of dollars, and the Pennsylvania Attorney General is still investigating her.  The wheels of justice are slow, unfortunately.
This post is a warning about shops that use her as a source, knowing that her fleece and fiber is infested, and those that support and help her in her illegal activities.  Any person and or shop listed here is to be considered as having possibly infested product, and should be avoided.  They all also knowingly support Sherry’s illegal activities, or actively help her in her illegal activities, and should be avoided.
ExpressionsInFiber, Etsy shop run by Elizabeth Washburn
Finer than Frog’s Hair, FB group run by Suzanne Smith Collier
FinerThanFroggyHair, Etsy shop run by Suzanne Smith Collier
Spinaway Farm, Brice Wonders
Sheeps and Me, run by Tuesday Rose.  A fair circuit seller, not online
All of these shops and sellers are confirmed to either use Sherry Tenney’s moth infested fleece and fiber to resell to others, or actively support Sherry Tenney in her illegal activities.  Please avoid them, for the safety of your money and your stash.
Sherry Tenney also stores all of her fleece and fiber out in the open on her porch, outside, and under a tarp in her barn, so moths are not the only insect infestation she currently has.  There is a high risk of lanternflies, an invasive species that will do high amounts of environmental harm to an area.  
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kaiyonohime · 2 years
Sherry Tenney; the saga continues
Pinned post on the topic of Sherry Tenney
On Sunday Sherry Tenney, the fleece scam artist in Pennsylvania, posted a rant threatening to sue me.
Here is the video, but I have pulled the relevant info out into text thanks to a transcriber from the Ravelry group Demon Trolls.  
>He read some stuff that somebody uh posted on Tumblr which is 100% deframation of character and we have to sue them now. Um saying I have diseased animals on my farm and that I’m unhinged and I carry guns to go to Rhinebeck and all that, and he’s decided to go ahead and prosecute them. We’re gonna go ahead and sue. But because of that, we have decided..this piece of SHIT on Tumblr and I have the list, and the stuff that she has said is horrible. We have her name, we’re gonna go ahead and sue, but we are not going to hold a class on the property.
She saw my tumblr!  She read multiple of my tumblr posts!  I’m just so honored to now have a brief starring role in her insanity!  I never thought the likes of Sherry Tenney would even know what tumblr was, let alone leave FaceBook to lurk here and learn how to search and read posts!
There are tears.  Honest, happy tears.  She’s angry because I’m doing my part to warn others about her scam, and help protect other fiber artists.  Because, really, that is my goal.  The fiber arts community needs to help one another and be warned about the stinging wasps that sometimes prey upon us.
Now, to address her threatening to sue me: she’s been threatening to sue members of the Demon Trolls group for six months now.  Not a single piece of legal paperwork has ever been filed or received.  It’s all bark and bluff.  And, on top of that, she doesn’t have my legal name or information.  Nor does tumblr to give to her.  Not that I think for a moment that @staff would give her my information without a court order in the first place.
And, honestly, it’s not defamation of character to speak the truth. There are screenshots to back everything I have posted up. Screenshots, and excel files, and video recordings of her rants!  The fine folks at Demon Trolls have been documenting every single move she has made, and everything she has said.  I’ve just summarized it and posted it here because I know not everyone goes to Ravelry, and especially not the forums.
If anyone would care to go to Ravelry, they have all the video files and screenshots of every single thing I have posted about this mentally unhinged woman.  Because, honestly, when you start writing Supernatural fanfiction of you fighting demons at a gas station and pass it off as real life events on your business FaceBook page as an update of your life, you are clearly a mentally unwell person.
But hopefully Sherry Tenney and Jim Tenney can remember to get the uuuuuurrrrrlllll right when they go to the court to try to sue tumblr.
For those curious about the ‘url’ joke, here’s another hour long video rant of hers showing her mental state.  Warning, it’s fairly disturbing, and it does not get better.  In fact, partway through the video she starts feeling herself up a touch and seems to get some sort of sexual satisfaction about her violence filled rant.
It is divided up into parts on this Google Drive.  Everything on this Google Drive, including a hefty screenshots folder of what Sherry Tenney says on her public business FaceBook account, is posted. Please feel free to watch this video and explore the Google Drive for more evidence about what Sherry Tenney has done, and please warn others.
Link to Google Drive and the video rant
And, as always, Sherry Tenney is to be considered dangerous.  DO NOT APPROACH.  She is currently advertising in her Etsy store that she is hosting a class.  Do NOT sign up for that class as a joke.  She is considered to be dangerous at all times and to be avoided in person at all costs!  We do not want anyone hurt because of this!  The Pennsylvania Attorney General is informed and taking actions against her, although the wheels of justice are much slower than we would like.  Please be safe and warn others!
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kaiyonohime · 2 years
Important Sherry Tenney update
So, for those of you who haven’t been following the saga of trying to stop the scam artist Sherry Tenney (who sells out of Pennsylvania, though claims to live in Maryland), I have outlined everything in a pinned post here.
Over the past week Sherry has changed the name of her farm to McCullough in an attempt to hide and lure in new victims, and now Sherry has changed her name on FaceBook (where she does most of her scamming) to ‘Sherry Tennay’.
It is not unusual for her to change her name on FaceBook in an attempt to look like a different seller.  In the past she has gone by Vondorp Sherry, Sherry Vondorp, Lee Giltay, Sara Rudacille, Sherry Lee Price, and Sherry Tenney Giltay.  These names are all combinations of past legal names she has from past marriages, the names of relatives via past marriages, or the names of ancestors.  Her legal name, as of now, is Sherry Tenney.
There are also now screenshots of her confirming that she uses sock puppet accounts under the names ‘Sara Rudacille’ and ‘Lee Giltay’ to spy on people and to destroy small businesses.  We also have confirmation from a small business via screenshot of Sherry asking people to do this and succeeding.  I will put the screenshots below the break.  
Sherry has also decided to use tags to try to create a false monopoly on a specific wool breed.  She always misspells ‘Wensleydale’ as ‘Wensyledale’.  It should be said that none of her sheep are purebreeds, and she has allowed multiple breeds to interbreed without caution for years, so her sheep are simply mixed.  Sherry is currently attempt to sell her lambs.  If you live in her area, or know anyone that lives in her area that may purchase her lambs, please be advised that they are interbred and inbred, and there have been disease outbreaks on her farms this year.  Make sure they insist on a licenses vet inspecting them.  She has been known to sell sick animals to people without informing them.
Sherry has also reiterated that she plans to attend Rhinebeck Wool Festival.  So I will say this again, DO NOT APPROACH HER.  Avoid her at all costs.  She is a desperate woman who is known to lash out.  She has made multiple threats to shoot and kill people in the past few months, as well as bragging about being armed with a glock, an AK, and a shotgun.  She has made posts about fighting demons, and has commented that she thinks that anyone that says anything negative about her must be possessed by a demon.  So, I cannot stress this enough, avoid her at all costs!  If you see her I would advise turning around and leaving or going in the opposite direction.  No one wants to see anyone hurt by Sherry because her scam is falling apart.  Please be safe.
Here are the screenshots.  One is long, but they’re not particularly triggering.  There is mentions of the facts of Sherry’s threats of violence that I have warned people about.  One of the threats is Sherry’s ongoing favorite threat that she is going to bring everyone that exposes her scam to court and sue us all.  To date myself (who she has personally threatened), and all others have received no paperwork.  It is a bluff.
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kaiyonohime · 2 years
Updates on Sherry Tenney situation
I have everything covered so far pinned to the top of my blog here.
After a month I felt I should share updates.  Sherry Tenney is still open and operating her scam.  She seems to be selling everything she can find in her attic, and most of the product shown is covered in mold, stains, and rodent droppings.  I cannot stress enough to avoid buying from her.
Unfortunately her sheep in Maryland are still not sheared.  In early July, after waiting for more than a year, they are suffering in this heat.  No shearer in the eastern US will work with her because of farm conditions and because of lack of payment.  Neither she nor her husband seem able to shear the sheep themselves, though she has claimed to be able to shear sheep in the past.  Supposedly an inexperienced shearer has been located and will be shearing the sheep next week, we are all hoping so for the sake of the sheep in this brutal July weather.
There is a barberpole parasite infestation on her Pennsylvania farm at this time.  As she has repeatedly stated that she has/will be transporting sheep from Pennsylvania to Maryland, sheep from both farms should be considered infected at this time.  
Sherry is also advertising lambs, ewes, and rams for sale from both farms.  She states that they do not have papers.  The sheep on her farm have been breeding without control for many years now, and there is no knowledge on their parentage.  The sheep are mostly likely at least slightly inbred, if not massively in some cases.  If you are looking to buy sheep to use for breeding purposes in her area, please remember there is no knowledge of their genetic lineage and they should not be included with your flock for your flock’s safety.
Known associates of Sherry Tenney who support her and either support her in her scams or actively help her with her scam:
Suzanne Smith Collier of “Finer than Frog’s Hair”.
Brice Wonders of “Spinaway Farms”
Please continue to be warned about Sherry Tenney.  She also goes under the aliases Sherry Tenney Giltay, Sara Rudacille, Lee Giltay, Sherry Vondorp, and others.  Do not be scammed by her, she will take your money and not deliver product.  She is being investigated by the Pennsylvania Attorney General at this time.
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