#scanlan comments on it too.
gorgynei · 2 years
scanlan singing beautifully in the background of grog's craven edge conversation is actually such good storytelling. u dont get it. hes INCREDIBLY talented but all he gets used for is background poop accompaniment music. blows up
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lizardlycrimes · 6 months
I just read your tags on your reblog (of the thing I stole your tags for 😅) and - you know the moment in the cartoon where Kash says "we were hoping Earth Wind and Fire here could assist" and everybody looks at Keyleth and Keyleth looks the other way first like "...oh you mean me??" That was 100% me ^^' I am HIGH KEY flattered, but also I'm very much "??!???!?" at the thought of anyone fangirling over me, of all people! whyyy (for real, though, really!?)
(also always SO SO GOOD to find someone else who fucking loves Scanlan 'Patented Disaster' Shorthalt, warts and all 💜)
I don't think I've gotten an ask before!!! This is exciting!!!
Also I love that scene in TLOVM so much I get what you mean by the whole "oh you mean me thing" sjshdjdn I'd probably be a lil shocked too but I'm genuinely am like. A big fan. Getting even this ask got me fangirling all over again!! I love your art so much and you have such an accurate way of portraying Scanlan it drives me nuts!! Both your design and characterization in comics and such just ahh!! Being able to say that's my boy!!! Is so exciting to me!!
It's so hard to find people who are decent about Scanlan it's insane though!! I've seen Scanlan be put through such hellish miss characterization and exclusion. Often times treated more like a thing than a person in my opinion. (Sam's characters as a whole I think are very slept on. Like even with big character reveals the only time I've seen fcg really be posted a LOT about was in relation to romance) on the rare occasion where I see someone who clearly appreciates Scanlan's complexities they basically get immediately engrained into my brain just like you have. Though with how much you've posted of him I think you're past simply engrained and just are part of my brain now.
Also warts and all is a funny way to put it while also being very accurate ajshsjsn but if I dive into that this post though I'd end out discovering what's the word limit on Tumblr 😅
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shorthaltsjester · 2 months
doing questionable things like rewatching a bard’s lament for “fun” and scanlan and vex you will always be famous. the fact that scanlan brings up that they’ve travelled across planes to fix vex’s daddy issues but then it’s vex’s daddy issues that ground her rebuttal to scanlan when she tells him to stop treating kaylie like an object. and god. vex’s “fuck him! fuck him for not saying anything sooner. and fuck us for not asking.” in the immediate aftermath, and then once she has time to put her walls back up, vex’s “my take-away from scanlan is that we all talk too much.”
the fact that vex was the one who made that comment that without his magic scanlan is just some guy but he’s also the some guy that vex spends the campaign looking up to (even if she does it through barbs and snark), the fact that when vex was fighting against saundor hearing things like “unproven ally” scanlan was all jokes until he realized how much vex believed what was being said to her. the fact that when scanlan comes back, it’s vex who literally sees through his disguise.
what do you mean scanlan was a deadbeat father who discovered a daughter that he did love but loved only as an object until vex called him out on it? what do you mean vex was a woman who struggled to forgive in part due to her crapshoot father and she was the first to forgive scanlan when he came back?
vex and scanlan also have such interesting interactions in terms of the balance of snark, silliness, and sincerity. it’s not uncommon from any characters of sam or laura’s since they are both silly little guys who also love drama and roasting each other especially when it comes to character rp, but as always it’s so dynamic when it’s the two of them bouncing off each other, especially when they’re doing so through scanlan and vex who are already bitchy characters (affectionate) with humour as a deflection method. but it’s a silly and deeply sincere moment when vex finally puts the witch hat scanlan gave her back on with his promise that he won’t run away from the final battle. it is one of my favourite laughable moments in c1 but it also reeks of sincerity when scanlan asks vex if she prefers planetar scanlan or normal scanlan and vex tells him he is fucking hot as a planetar, but she loves him like he was and he’s her favourite when he’s just himself.
like. they’re insane do you understand. the dawnfather asks vex to prove herself and scanlan turns her into a dragon to help her succeed, pelor asks vox machina what vex means to them and scanlan says she’s greedy and mean and the most perfect of them all. the knowing mistress asks scanlan to prove himself and vex escorts him on a broom he unlocked for her and then she picks an impossible lock for him, ioun tries to remind scanlan that his strength is the joy he provides to his friends and he makes a deflective quip that he’s really powerful and vex undercuts his deflection with a sincere assertion that he is. scanlan cast his last wish spell letting her see her brother on her wedding day. vex sent herself across the continent alone with her worry and grief while scanlan’s corpse lay awaiting resurrection to ensure that his daughter could be there to either bring him back or say goodbye.
they are the platonic chosen soulmates of all time to me. i make a post like this like once a year minimum and it’s because they Haunt me. both sam and laura said what if we made high charisma characters using their charisma as a shield and humour as a weapon and they saw through each other’s masks but they never explicitly talked about it to one another. good riddance to talks machina but i will never forget the episode post bard’s lament with laura and sam where sam revealed that vex was the only one who said anything that actually got through to scanlan and another episode where laura revealed that the reason vex was so angry and sad when scanlan left was that vex felt like her and scanlan had a unique bond where they were the only two who really saw one another’s masks for what they were. also laura providing the insight that while vex was actively working on being more forgiving, another reason she was so open and happy with scanlan when he came back was that vex didn’t want to scare him away again.
what am i supposed to do with all that? be normal about scanlan and vex? literally impossible
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demigoddessqueens · 9 months
Okay but imagine this
The members of Vox Machina being super nervous to ask out their crush. When they finally feel like the time right go ask. However they fuck up and said “want to get married “ instead “want to go on a date”
And the crush is just “sure but I think we should go on a few dates first, I’m free tomorrow”
Oh you just want to give them heart attacks 😆
Posted here on Masterlist 9
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Trying to be calm and nervously brushing off his comment, gladly accepts and then has his freak out-happy moment behind closed doors
Tries to play it cool but then less than five minutes later you hear her gushing over it with Grog
In his own awkwardly charming proper way, you find it oddly adorable to see a slightly bashful Percy. Plus when you accept, he gave a hand kiss too
Completely ecstatic so be prepared for him to pick you up into a big hug too! Cheering over it with Pike later.
Has a mini cheerleader moment after you say “yes” and leading up to it, most likely daydreams about how your date would go
This is the most you’ve seen her flustered but you think it’s cute when she keeps looking back at you ever after you agree
Yes! Frankly he thought he died for a split second but does a finger-gun move to play off how erratic his heart is beating right now
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seb-reads31 · 7 months
Could you write some scenarios where the Vox Machina ladies are trying to listen to their Artificer S/O explain their invention, and just not understanding a word they're saying?
Tw's - me hinting that the reader is a caffeine addict,
Type - head canons
Genre - fluff
Comments - Awww, this sounds cute 🥹🥹 I'll try and work on the other Vox Machina series I started I swear 😭 (this is a gn!reader) let me know if you like the dialog or if it doesn't sound right, decided to try something 🤷
Uh.. That's very nice dear..
- Keyleth, my sweet baby, understands nothing
- She's sitting in a chair or on your bed in your little makeshift workshop, oggling at the contraptions and gadgets all around the room
- She tries to pay attention as you explain your newest invention.. uh.. she knows what it is just give her a second-
- She mostly nods along, trying to keep up with you while you're going a mile a minute, you had obviously had stayed up far too long and drank too much coffee
- She does ask you to repeat several things, but she loves it when your eyes light up when she finally clues in and understands a bit more
- Some things she won't ever understand completely, but she's happy with knowing you're happy with your rambles to her <33
"Hm? Oh- uh, yes! I'm still listening! Just.. uhm.. could you explain this part to me a little better? I uh, didn't get it fully.. hehe.."
- She sort of understands?
- She knows enough from Percy getting on a tangent or needing assistance with his gadgets that she can understand your half awake-half caffeinated rambles
- She might even take notice of something that might cause your invention to fail and will point it out
- Or she might not, just to see it poof and see how goofy you are lmao
- But all in all she is probably the best to ramble to
- She definitely looks for parts you mentioned you needed or thinks you might want/need while they're adventuring
"Yes, love, while this new trinket of your looks very great, this component here will cause it to misfire. Hmm, maybe I should be an artificer? That would certainly be handy."
- Kinda like Kiki, she has no idea what you're talking about
- She does, however, take great interest in your inventions
- She even asks you how to make something, like a music box to start with
- She loves learning about your craft and she adores the happy glint in your eyes when she first asked you if you could teach her
- She loves learning, she's a little nerdy even though she seems super stronk on the outside
- She obviously doesn't make the music box right the first couple of times, but she doesn't let it deter her!
- When she does finish it and tests it, she secretly enlists Scanlan's help to make a little music sheet to run through the music box
"Hmmm.. Hey, starlight? Can you help me with this part here? It doesn't want to fit and I'm a little afraid to break it, hehe.."
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critter-genfic-events · 2 months
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This time, we have seven fics that talk about mentorship! Sometimes for the better, sometimes for worse - and a lot of thoughts about legacy. Check them out behind the cut, and as always - comment and kudos if you like them!
The Slow March of Time by Swan_Song (13737,General) Warnings: Major Character Death/Lifespan angst Pairings: Yussa Errenis & Essek Thelyss & Caleb Widogast, background Shadowgast, QPR Essek and Yussa
Yussa and Essek talk about Caleb, about grief, and about memory.
Reccer says: gorgeous and sad
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we all need someone to stay by whyyesitscar (2776,Teen) Warnings: None Pairings: Dairon & Beauregard Lionett, Dairon & Yudala Fon
a short character study on dairon's thoughts and feelings about our favorite punk monk
Reccer says: I liked it
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Tiny Monks and Little Mages by devil_seabird_king (ShaaKi) (2011,Teen) Warnings: None Pairings: Beauregard Lionett & Caleb Widogast
When Caleb needs assistance with a lesson, Beau takes the opportunity presented and runs with it. The outcome may just have a lasting impact.
Reccer says: Great Beau voice, and cute!
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Unnamed Baby Boy by tfm (1270,Teen) Warnings: Pairings: Dairon & Beauregard Lionett, background Beauyasha
Beau takes her newly adopted son to Zadash. Dairon is unimpressed (or are they??)
Reccer says: Fun and hilarious and adorable
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prospective pupils by quinn_of_aebradore (1128,General) Warnings: None Pairings: Essek Thelyss/Caleb Widogast
After a two year break, Caleb begins tutoring another class of Soltryce rejects.
Reccer says: I love the characterization and thought put into the students, and the emotions described for Caleb
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Let Others Light their Candles by ChronicBookworm (2801,General) Warnings: None Pairings: Patia Por'co & The Raven Queen, Cerrit Agrupnin & Patia Por'co, Imyr Por'co & Patia Por'co, Maya Agrupnin & Patia Por'co
Patia, her mentors, and the one she never got the chance to mentor.
Reccer says: God, thinking about Patia just kills me and this fic does her justice and gives me so many feelings
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kill your heroes by CorvidFeathers (16440,Teen) Warnings: None Pairings: Kynan Leore & Anna Ripley
The ballad of Kynan Leore and Anna Ripley
Reccer says: Amazing fic about a character that doesn't get too much attention - and super clever to boot
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This is one of our weekly communally-generated gen rec lists. Every week we announce a new theme and allow anyone to submit a fic recommendation. Please note that the summary and content notes are provided by the reccer, and may be different than what the author has provided. Please assume good intentions all around. <3
And hey, anyone includes you!
We'll be back on the first with Scanlan Recs - then on the fifteenth with fics featuring dreams.
Any fics coming to mind? Well, then use this form to submit! If you're looking for some more, check out some fics written in the critter genfic bingo tag, or the older rec lists! Or you can request your own card and join in on the fun!
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utilitycaster · 1 year
queueing this on purpose as it's about no one single incident, but the (finally) slowly dissipating looming specter of Campaign 1 stereotypes/discourse has always been weird to me because I have only ever experienced the backlash.
I completely understand, and have even seen the older comments proving it was the case, that it was common during Campaign 1 that people would send death threats to Marisha for breathing; and that because Vax was clearly portrayed as bi and having mental illness, and to a lesser but not complete extent that Percy was 1. played by a bi man and 2. was more complex than Punisher sticker you can put on your pickup truck, that bro-y types would latch on to Travis and Sam as the REAL MEN who HAVE MANLY CHARACTERS. But coming in with Campaign 2, with my main fandom home being Tumblr, I've mostly experienced the (fortunately, significantly toned down) opposite. And as someone who likes all these players but has had actual, textual criticisms of Beau or Laudna (or even just...doesn't think they are perfect and the leader and the best), and who vibes heavily with what Travis does and finds a lot to enjoy about Sam's characters even when they frustrate me I feel half the time the arguments I get are directed not at me but with some guy who actually quit watching five years ago.
Like, I'm not saying "dumbass DM's girlfriend can't play a druid," I'm talking about an entirely different character who happens to be played by the same actor and saying "I feel this character was created with a particularly heavy focus on aesthetics, and the mechanics and backstory do not always cohere as a result." I also find myself in the weird position of preferring the more "serious" Campaign 1 characters of Vex, Percy, Keyleth, and Vax, but finding a lot to appreciate in Grog and Scanlan and Tary that often gets pushed aside in order to paint them as either nothing more than goofy comic relief or as an exercise in selfishness, when they're not ignoring them entirely; and worse, find that people will treat Fjord and Veth like Grog and Scanlan despite that being an entirely false comparison.
I've also mentioned that I feel this in online d&d spaces too - like, I fully believe there was a time once when the contempt was reserved for the tiefling druids and changeling bards and REAL PLAYERS play a dwarf fighter on a quest for revenge, but that just fully flipped, and now you have players who sound like absolute nightmares claiming moral superiority solely because they play a firbolg with a mohawk who acts at all times like they'd rather be in Monsterhearts than a D&D campaign, instead of one of those cringey human fighters. Just, in general, it feels like the middle ground in a lot of actual play and TTRPG discussions is lost because half the people I talk to are still carrying on half of an argument they once had in 2016.
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dreaming-in-4d · 1 year
Beauty and the Booze - Grog Strongjaw x Dragonborn Reader
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Vox Machina arrived in a new town just as night was falling. They were all tired, hungry, and magically burnt out. Grog had already decided many miles ago that his allies were in need of ale. The group headed for the local tavern only to see a large crowd gathered around the entrance.
Our heroes asked one man, "what's this here, friend?"
"A weekly ritual at this point, stranger," he replied. "Another dumb schmuck has challenged (y/n)."
"The blacksmith's daughter."
With his great strength and might need for booze, Grog plowed through the crowd. The goliath's companions follow behind. Once inside, the adventurers take in the sight of two figures sitting across from each other with several empty mugs and a number of spectators strewn about them.
On the left is the challenger; a large man nearly seven feet tall. To the right, the reigning champion, (y/n); a dragonborn lass with shining golden scales and sharp curving horns. Her smaller stature doesn't seem to deter her from downing multiple rounds of alcohol.
Grog gazes at the hardy female, feeling both impressed and infatuated. He couldn't help but stare as the ale dribbles down her chin and onto her chest, soaking into her soot-covered shirt.
The challenger seemed to be near his limit. Onlookers could see the man going pale. Moments later, he rushes from the building to unload his insides on the outside streets.
The bar erupts in a roar of rowdy cheers as their champion arose from her seat, pumping her fists in victory.
"She's perfect," Grog swooned. Pike looked up at her lovestruck friend and smiled.
"Well lads," the draconic dame chuckled proudly, "it's been fun but I gotta head out."
She began making her exit tipsily, bumping into our heroes and unintentionally tapping shoulders with Grog.
"Oh, sorry about that, bud," she said. Grog just stood there slack-jawed and with even less brain power than usual. "Right." She moved past the crowd and began making the trek back to her own home.
Percy went to the tavern owner and acquired a couple rooms for his party. Room 1: Percy, Vex, Vax, Keyleth. Room 2: Pike, Scanlan, Grog.
Most of the party were able to knock out pretty easily while one remained awake. Grog couldn't get (y/n) out of his head. She was everything he could've ever wanted, but judging by their interaction downstairs, he didn't know how to approach his feelings.
The goliath nudged Scanlan awake. The gnome groaned, looking up at his friend with tired eyes. "Ugh, Grog, it's late. What do you want?"
"I need to ask you something," Grog explains, "do you uh...do you believe in love at first sight?"
Upon learning that this was a romantic matter, Scanlan sat up from his cot. "Well buddy," he began, "if you look just a little bit to your left you'll have your answer."
The duo moved their vision towards the sleeping form of Pike.
"I don't get it," Grog responds.
Scanlan refrains from smacking his own forehead at his friend's utter obliviousness. "Yes, Grog. Yes I do."
"Okay. And say you want to try to impress the person you're in love with. What would you do?"
"Well, going by my own talents, I'd most likely spin a heartfelt song for them. But that's me. You need to think about what you're good at."
"Hmm...fighting, smashing things...fighting...and drinking. Oh my gods. Scanlan I think I just had an amenity."
"I think you mean epiphany," Scanlan commented.
"Yeah that too"
With the situation supposedly remedied, the two friends returned to their sleep.
The next morning, Grog conspired with his two gnome friends on how to get (y/n)'s attention. The plan was for Grog to be the next person to challenge the object of his affection to a drinking contest.
The downside was that Grog was in no position to talk to her when out of his element. Instead, Scanlan was sent as a singing telegram to the daughter of the blacksmith.
Scanlan entered the smith's shop, its walls and shelves filled to the brim with well-grafted weapons and armor. His eyes first take notice of a towering dragonborn working at the forge.
"Um, hey there," he said awkwardly.
The draconic male stepped away from his tools and greeted him saying, "good day, my small friend. How can I help ye today?"
"I come on behalf of a lovestruck goliath."
"Well you may tell them I'm flattered but I'm already married."
"Well actually his affections are directed to your daughter."
"(y/n)? How unforeseen. Very well. (y/n)!"
(y/n) enters the shop from the back door dressed in full artificer's regalia. "What is it, dad?"
"This gnome apparently has a message for you from a friend."
(y/n) looked curiously as Scanlan retrieved his lute.
♫ my dear beauty with the golden scales,
meet me tonight for a round of ale
I've seen the might of your drinking skills
let's see who has the greater will ♫
(y/n) was stunned. Never had she received a challenge in song form and certainly not one with romantic undertones.
With an intrigued chuckle she says, "tell your friend that I happily accept his challenge."
"Great," Scanlan said with a grin, "thank you. I'll be on my way now."
Scanlan exited the shop just as (y/n)'s mother entered.
"What was all that now?" she asked.
"Our daughter has a date," the father answered.
Later in the evening, everyone gathered at the tavern to witness the challenge. Grog was sitting at the bar, feeling anxious. Pike gave her friend some words of encouragement. In that moment, Grog decided he needed a starter. He ordered himself a pint, filling his body with liquid courage. The townsfolk announced (y/n)'s arrival at the tavern.
"Alright," she said with confidence, "who among you has challenged me?"
Swallowing down his starter, Grog stood up and said awkwardly, "uh, that'd be me."
"Oh yes, I remember you from the night before. I'm flattered by your rather unorthodox message."
Grog felt a warmth in his face that for once in his life didn't come from booze.
"I see you've already given yourself a head start," (y/n) commented, noticing the large mug in her challenger's hand. Grog embarrassingly tosses aside his mug (nearly clocking some poor soul in the face) before moving to one of the large tables. (y/n) took her seat across from him as the barkeep came over.
"House rules," they began, "first to puke or pass out loses."
"Good luck," (y/n) says.
The barkeep brings over the first round and the battle of the booze begins. The two appear equally matched as stacks of empty mugs begin to pile up. (y/n) seems to move at a slightly faster pace. A half-hour passes by as (y/n) takes the time to compliment Grog.
"I must say," the gold scaled girl says, "I don't think I've had anyone keep up with me. Color me impressed."
Grog tries to keep his composure at her words, focusing on his drinking.
Tensions rose at the top of the hour, the locals cheering for (y/n) while Vox Machina (specifically Pike and Scanlan) calling out to Grog.
"This goes on much longer and tavern will be completely cleaned out," Percy commented.
"Wouldn't be the first time," Vex added.
The tavern was in fact on their last barrel. (y/n) winced slightly while promising to heavily compensate for the amount of ale she and Grog had been running through. She looks to her opponent who has been double fisting for the past few rounds. With a slip of the hand, (y/n) toppled over, knocking her head on the table.
There was a long silence as all gazed in awe. The townsfolk were in shock as their long time champion lay buzzed out on the floor.
"Fuck yeah!" Scanlan hollered, breaking the silence.
"Woo, Grog!" Pike shouted out. They rushed to their victorious friends.
Grog himself was almost in disbelief. He didn't feel like he had to win the challenge. To him, he had already won back when (y/n) had spoken her words of admiration. On the subject of (y/n), she slowly came to, groaning in pain.
"Pike," Grog gestured to his friend. The cleric understood what he was trying to communicate.
Pike wanders over to the inebriated dragonborn and uses her magic to heal her.
(y/n) came to asking, "What happened?"
"You...you lost," one of the bystanders answered, still shocked.
"Lost?" she turned to Grog who gave an awkward wave. She chuckled and said walked over to him. "I seem to have been bested. I congratulate you Mr..."
"Uh Grog. Grog Strongjaw."
"Grog; another word for ale. I like it."
The smitten giant responded with a goofy smile, making (y/n) giggle.
"Damn," she said looking at the time, "we've been here a while. Guess I'll see ya around." (y/n) took her leave, smiling back at the tavern.
After spending two nights in town, Vox Machina was ready to press on. They were about to exit when they heard a familiar voice behind them.
"Wait!" The group looked to see (y/n) rushing towards them. She had an unknown object tucked under her arm. Grog's face flushed as she approached them. "I just talked to the innkeeper," she said, "He told me that you were on your way out and that you paid for ale."
"A gentleman must be the one to pay the bill," Percy stated.
She nodded to the gunslinger and turned to Grog, presenting the object him. A gauntlet to be worn on the wrist, forged with obsidian.
"To yesterday's champion," she spoke, "I've been saving it for two-and-a-half years, waiting to gift it to whoever could out drink me."
Grog accepted the gift with awe-stricken eyes.
"It might be a bit small on you but I'm sure you can have it resized."
Grog snatched the bag of holding from Vax and quickly tucked the piece of armor inside.
"One more thing..." (y/n) gestured for him to lean down at which point she pressed a kiss to his cheek. "Until we meet again."
(y/n) trekked back into town as Scanlan hollered, "Alright Grog!" The goliath didn't answer.
"Grog?" Pike spoke. The group looked to see that Grog's eyes were glazed over and he had a slight smile on the corner of his mouth.
"Oh great," Percy spoke, "she stole his heart and his brain."
"What was left of it anyways," Vex added.
It took the whole of Vox Machina to pull Grog along as the band of adventurers continued onward.
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blorbologist · 1 year
33, Vax and Percy (gen), please? (also your writing is excellent)
33. Power Word Pain.
"You speak a word of power that causes waves of intense pain to assail one creature you can see within range. If the target has 100 hit points or fewer, it is subject to crippling pain. Otherwise, the spell has no effect on it. A target is also unaffected if it is immune to being charmed.
While the target is affected by crippling pain, any speed it has can be no higher than 10 feet. The target also has disadvantage on attack rolls, ability checks, and saving throws, other than Constitution saving throws. Finally, if the target tries to cast a spell, it must first succeed on a Constitution saving throw, or the casting fails and the spell is wasted."
[This one hardly followed the prompt - sorry! My main thought was either Power Word Pain killed him, and the fact that these words hurt.]
[TW: Temporary character death]
It’s no end. This much Percival knows. 
It was just a little outing to stay sharp - perhaps spurred on by an offhand comment about his aim being off from Scanlan. 
Pike is here - there - besides. And gods know Vex’ahlia will not let him leave so soon. Especially not with a fourth child on the way; he wouldn’t dream of it. Dearly, he hopes this does not give her a fright so early.
Well. Either way, he is coming back. He knows this. It isn’t his time. 
Which is why the sight (you are dead, fool, you can’t see anything) the presence of a figure in this not-space is startling. And, immediately, terrifying. He knows well he deserves death, yes, but he won’t go quietly this time, not with Vex - 
“I do not accept this.”
“At ease, Lord de Rolo,” rasps the quiet. 
Oh. Oh dear, that’s worse. 
“I hope,” says Percival, “you are not here to escort me to your Matron. Your sister would not be happy.”
What should be a little shake of his head is made ample. Excessive, even: the beaked mask swings wide, his hair echoes the movement like a snake. 
“No - merely here to calm you,” says the Champion of Ravens. “There is nothing to fear, contrary to your… ordeals prior.”
Yes, he remembers. Smoke, Percy learned, can have teeth and claws. It can chew, if you give it enough to work with. It’s not particularly good at it - which mattered little, when Orthax had an eternity ahead to eat him alive. 
Percy shivers. The feathers of - his - mantle do, too. A bird, bristling against the cold. 
“She wants to name one after you,” Percival offers, suddenly. On impulse, because who knows how much time they have. Pike usually works quickly. Then again, what is time to a dead brain? He’d have to look into it later. (There will be a later.) 
He swallows. “I - I don’t think it’s a good idea. For her, or for Keyleth.” Scrutinizing the Champion, he finds - there - a jerk, a puppet string pulled too quickly, at the name. “But I want you to know she wants, so badly.”
“Are they well?”
That’s a relief, that he cares to ask. Whatever he is, what’s left of him, or diluted, or parceled out.
“Yes,” Percy replies. The growths from the shoulder are bleached antler one moment, tender enoki another. “As well as I can keep them. They can laugh about your stupid jokes again, you know. Vesper thinks a few are a riot.”
There’s a pause he hastens to fill. Usually he would consider his words more carefully, but he lets his mouth run, lead by what his heart has wondered countless sleepless nights: “Is there - could there be any way, to undo this now? Any true hope? I couldn’t give them false hope, but I have to know. If you want to come back -”
“Wanting is… beyond me.” Said slowly, because of course he has all the time in the world. “Because it has not been long enough to miss my love, my sister - you, my brother.” 
“I will see you soon. I will see them all soon. And yet not for ages yet. There are countless more for me to guide, and yet I recall their faces clear as the last.”
“So that’s a no?”
There’s a tug, where his heart should be. Percy glances down to behold gold - a thread, so beautiful it should inspire tears. He hadn’t - hadn’t expected to see it whole, unfrayed. 
Apparently he is wanted elsewhere. Good. Good.
It feels like a waste. All this - whatever earful he will be in for when he returns, the stress to his friends and wife, the tailoring on his fucking coat - and he can hardly come away with reassurance. A cheap death - at least with his last he helped kill a dragon. At least with his first he learned to forgive. 
He sighs. Glances about, in the vain hope that the Matron watches him. There is no seamstress working at his thread - only Pike, he knows, on the other side. Only everyone but this man, whoever he still is.
“I do not accept this.”
The Champion smiles. “Still sticking to indignant and irritated, Percival?”
Percy barks out a laugh. “Oh, screw you, Vax. That was a callback, you shit.”
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agereoneshots · 1 year
The next morning, as the group stumbled into the kitchen, Keyleth happily called to the others.
"I have gifts for everyone! Wait here!" The others looked around wondering what she could have for them.
"She definitely made them herself." Vax concluded, the others nodded.
"My guess, flower bouquets." Scanlan suggested.
"No, she'd make something that would last a while." Percy commented. Keyleth came back setting each gift down in front of the recipient.
"I made stuffed animals for everyone! A bear for Vex, a black cat for Vax, a crow for Percy, a dog for Scanlan, a hummingbird for Pike, and a lion for Grog!" As the others thank Keyleth for their gifts, Percy fought the urge to grab his and squish it against his chest.
"Do you not like yours?" Percy looked up at Keyleth.
"No! I love it!" Percy stumbled over his words as his still foggy brain told him he was too young to know how to speak.
"You haven't even touched it. Is something wrong?" Pike, ever the mom friend, asked gently. Percy couldn't help the tears pricking his eyes. Sighing, he took the bird and hugged it close.
"I'm fine....just...." Percy took a deep breath and, despite his brain practically screaming at him at this being a horrible idea, he decided to be truthful about what was bothering him knowing there was no other way out. "Sometimes....my...my brain makes me feel....younger....than I actually am....I know it's weird and I'm probably the only one who does this." Percy was aware he was rambling.
"No you aren't." Grog stopped him. "I do too." Percy looked over and blinked at him.
"Sometimes the big guy is a little guy." Pike shrugged. Percy hugged his crow closer, brain fogging over even more.
"I...I do something pretty similar. Sometimes my brain makes me feel more...more like a dog than a child? If that makes sense?" Scanlan looked around the table, waiting for someone to tell him no.
"of course it does!" Keyleth glared daggers across the table, getting her message across.
"Since....since everyone else is sharing...." Vax started.
"We do something similar to both actually." Vex finished.
"While we don't....really have it where we feel younger or like an animal, pretending is stress relieving." Vax explained.
"Pretending is just the best word we got. We do get into a mindset that tells us we're younger or that we're a dog or a cat, we can just....turn it off or on? At will?" Vex clarified. Suddenly, Keyleth got an idea.
Percy slept curled up in one of the sitting room lounge chairs with a blanket over him, crow stuffie in his arms, as he slept. Keyleth sat in a nearby chair. Scanlan laid his head in her lap, chewing gently on his new dog stuffie's leg as Keyleth scratched his head, calling him a good boy. Grog and Vex sat on the floor, playing with each other quietly so they wouldn't wake the baby. Pike and Vax sat near them, watching their respective little.
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vethbrenatto · 2 years
TLOVM S2E7 Thoughts
WOW, I was like “i wonder if they’re going to keep in the ‘vex calls scanlan useless’ bits” a day ago and they literally. just started it I’m insane my intuition
I hadn’t even considered grog and the gnomes might not be in the episode but now I’m thinking that e7 might be team half elf plus Percy and e8 will be grog and gnomes
Lmao nerd boy is nerding
You couldn’t just pretend to be happy Vax
Nope totally wrong grog and the gnomes are here
literally this whole scene he’s holding her how am I supposed to focus
why do i have three peni.
how could you say that about his books vax
I’m really of two minds about the Pikelan direction they’re going in: I think it aids Scanlan in that it emphasizes his need to deflect sincerity with comedy. However, I think it really detracts from Pike in that campaign-Pike thinks Scanlan is funny. She likes his jokes. A lot of pike’s s1 arc in TLOVM feels inconsistent with her dislike of Scanlan’s crass side- like it’s very in her nature to find this stuff funny. Not that she can’t also like the sincere side, which she does, but just that I think her side of this narrative is making her character seem flatter than it should, especially when you group it with the fact she’s been given a lot of Kiki’s campaign personality traits
the drug trip scene is funny but was it necessary. there’s 8 minutes left where is saundor. or syldor. Where is the Vex focus. Maybe,, they’ll stay in the feywild for e8 while grog and gnomes head to Westruun?
Garmelie was merely the TRAVELER
okay so syngorn next episode.
Best Characterization: Percy. Love u nerd boy
TLOVM S2E8 Thoughts
ohhhh this episode is the Echo Tree, I had the order in my mind wrong no wonder I was so confused about the pacing
Syldor your bitchass can die
ngl I think the titling hit less animated but fun nonetheless (it’s about the reactions, the live audience, the Matt’s face)
I love saundors voice literally slay sendhil
I adore this Vex in the Echo tree scene, I’ll touch more on it at the end
“My heart is someone else’s” NOW THERES A PUNCH THAT HITS
arty my boyyyy
Best Characterization: Vex
TLOVM S2E9 Thoughts
Boulder parchment shears!!
OKAY THERES THE PIKELAN I WANTED. she flirts back! it’s stupid!! he takes it too seriously!! they joke!!
I don’t have much comment I just love the grog backstory
black hair pike 🥹💚
wait so scanlan wasn’t part of dranzel’s troupe :( that’s such a weird detail to remove
zanror does have a cutie nose
“What if I need you” mirroring s1 buddies ahhhh
Best Characterization: Grog/Pike
Overall Best Characterization: I’ll say Grog.
Okay so I liked this batch a lot, but I’ve got to come back to the question: Split the party- yay or nay?
And I’m still wavering between yay and nay.
Yay: I think the character beats particularly that came from the Grog + Gnomes side of the story hit harder with them sequestered on their own. This new “Grog finds his strength” taken literally storyline is a huge boon to Grog’s character even though I found it a bit superfluous at first. They were able to emphasize the Pikelan and to a lesser extent Scanlan/Grog dynamic that they haven’t been able to touch on as much before.
Nay: I felt like the episodes had some wasted time. Episode 7 I felt like we didn’t need the Feywild side of the story (the most important part is meeting Garmelie- the fight in that episode is essentially to drive further home that Vax is on a diverging path, something I think 4-6 already firmly established). Episode 8 I felt we didn’t need the Grog/Gnomes side of the story (meeting Wilhand was great, but the B plot of “giving grog an enema” was weak)
Ultimately, I think I come down on the side that I would’ve preferred the party to stick together. The weaker plot lines I outlined above I think could’ve been axed and the whole party could’ve gone to the Feywild, we’re still given significant Grog + Gnomes content, and then we’re given just a bit more time to stew in the concept of Syngorn. The punches, specifically with Perc’ahlia in Syngorn, fell flat to me because I don’t think they were given enough time. Had they cut the original E7 fight to make more context for Syngorn, I think it would’ve gone well in expanding context. Then, E9 could’ve remained totally the same just with the rest of VM along for the ride.
That said, maybe the split was worth it just for the country traveling Pikelan bop.
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tsunderetypea · 1 year
Little Slayer 3| TLoVM x platonic!reader
Preface| Every party had their outlier. For some, most people would think it was Scanlan of the legendary group Vox Machina. Yet as we know fate has its own working on the matter.
Enter amnesiac Y/N who happened to cross their paths. For the most part they appeared utterly normal as a human could be but well as the party would soon realize there is more to them than meets the eye.
Word Count| 1490
Link to [Part 2] | [Part 4]
[A/N]: Hey, I hope you are enjoying the series so far! Part 4 is in the works and I hope its not too much to ask but if you all would not mind commenting or sharing an emoji in reaction to the story so far. Thank you all for the likes on it that have liked it!
Also I started posting the story on Wattpad also if you prefer reading on there. It's with the same name.
Happy reading!
Vax and Vex watched you with fixated interest as you approached their group. Keyleth had finally managed to join them but also watched your figure walking towards them. She and Pike’s eyes flickered in recognition of you. 
The twins on the other hand were undecided if they should kill you then and their or at most harm you because for all they knew it could be a ruse.
It was possible you were playing them and they fell into your trap.
“How do we know it’s real?” Vex was the first to speak to you, albeit with a cold attitude as she seemed to want to shoot you from where you stood. Pike and Keyleth sent her questioning looks, confused in her change in attitude especially since it was toward someone they just met. Yet the look on Vax’s eyes told them to follow their lead. 
You began to sweat even though you weren’t guilty of anything. Why was she being cold to you? 
“I saw when you all were fighting it, just before he took off with Grog that he had something behind his jaw err jawbone,” you slightly stammered as her steely gaze held you like a vice. “You couldn’t tell because of his skin but he has gills… like a fish,” you continued. “— and smoke covered them too so yeah you couldn’t really see them.”
“It makes sense why I hadn’t seen any smoke coming out of his nostrils,” remarked the cleric as she thought back to their battle just moments before. “I thought it was coming from his mouth 
but this changes everything.”
Keyleth, holding her staff, nodded in agreement. “She’s right, we would all just need to attack at those vulnerable areas to take him down,” added the air Ashari. 
“Yes but in order for that to work he has to be on the ground with all of us present,” Vex who finally  let go of her locked gaze with you turned to speak toward her friends. She wasn’t done with you even though she now had her back to you. Unsure on what you should do, you remained at where you stood as the unplanned spectator among their midst. 
The aura from earlier was different now that the twins took the lead. 
Maybe you should run.
As you debated about leaving, the footfalls of approaching company was heard much closer than your liking as you turned your head to see the man with glasses and Scanlan close to reaching the five of you. 
“Sorry we’re late, it wasn’t easy trying to get everyone out,” the bard was the first to speak upon arrival yet paused before noticing your figure.
“Is that… the kid?!” he shrieked in surprise as panic washed over him. “What are they doing here?! You—“ he was walking toward you. “— should go! You’re going to get yourself killed!”
You merely held up your arms in surrender as Scanlan spouted reasons why you shouldn’t be there, yet you felt the eyes of the gunslinger once more. You looked up, seeing his gaze rested on you and you could see in his eyes he seemed conflicted as well.
‘Man everyone sure seems to have a problem with me… I should have just left before they came.’ you sighed to yourself as you felt the gaze of Vex return on you. 
‘Not that we do actually want them to leave…’ were among the archer’s thoughts as she lowered herself to the ground. But perhaps she and Vax were wrong, your eyes spoke truth when you spoke about the weakness on Scargone’s head.
Still she was wary. 
“They were telling us about a weak spot they found Scan,” the voice of Pike broke her out of her mental musings. “Don’t tell me it’s up its ass again…” he groaned, face-palming himself while the Matron’s champion looked off to the side. 
They did not want to remember that experience for quite a while. 
“Technically you created that for yourselves,” Keyleth slightly teased while Percy chuckled. “True but we don’t have a trap or anything to take it down…” the de Rolo commented as his expression then grew serious. “What do we have left?” he questioned as the gears of his mind worked in overdrive in trying to formulate a plan. 
Always the analytical one that man with glasses seemed to be in your perspective. 
“We still have Grog on him,” piped up Pike. “He stayed on longer than last time.”
“Well whatever the plan may be, we can’t have the child around.” Vax who had been quiet for the most part finally spoke as he walked toward your short stature. “You should run along as you can now. Thanks for your help, we’ll handle it from here.” he said once he reached where you stood, his voice neutral but his eyes were another story. 
Conflicted, you read even though you weren’t sure how you knew that as you nodded slowly in understanding.
He did not want to let you go either, but they had bigger things to worry about at the moment. 
You took a step back from him before noticing the rest of the group had grown quiet as they also had their eyes on you.
“Good luck, then. I uh hope… you all survive.” you spoke truthfully as you bid them farewell with a wave.
You could still feel their gaze on you even after you turned on your heel to walk away from them. It wasn’t until you were out of sight that with your hearing you could hear Scanlan as the one who was the first to speak.
“What the hell was that for?! I saw what you guys were doing!” he hissed as he pointed a finger at the half-twin elves. “A precaution, darling..” was all Vex uttered in response, ignoring his directed anger as she walked to stand beside her brother. 
“Nevermind that, do we at least have something to take down that beast?” Percy took the lead on changing the topic of the conversation as the gnome grumbled in the background. He also wanted to talk about the topic further but not when they had to slay a dragon. It also did not sit right with him that they had to let you go but for his reasons they were entirely different from Vex and Vax.
In his eyes he saw his poor, destitute self every time he saw you.
Maybe it was why he felt a kinship to you.
“Well I was thinking,” his thoughts were interrupted when he heard Keyleth speak.
If they survived, perhaps he could find you. But for now he pushed his feelings aside so that he could listen to his comrades plans for the time being.
Even though you were out of sight, you were able to hear part of what the group was speaking about, such as when Scanlan chastised the twins from what you presumed. 
As much as they outright told you that you weren’t wanted, even by their body language; you found yourself stopping short from taking another step. 
That feeling from earlier resonated once more with you. 
Was your body telling you not to leave?
But why?
Somehow you thought maybe this has to do with who you once were prior to your amnesia. 
‘I hate this. I could have been a badass for all I know and I don’t remember it…’ a sigh escaped your lips as the feeling of hopelessness settled within you. ‘... but nothing.’
You were at a crossroads. On hand, your body seemed to know something that you obviously didn’t know but on the other hand, your presence wasn’t needed. 
It was all very confusing. 
How could you know if you should really bite fear in the butt?
“Huh?” you looked up in search of the voice. You hadn’t realized you were not alone. But you saw nothing other than the ongoing flames of the fire around you. 
You heard the voice again. 
“Destiny if this is you… you suck at it.” you voiced your frustration as you ran your hand through your hair. “What can I do?”
You were met with nothing in response. You sighed, your eyes closing in that moment yet you felt that dangerous feeling from before.
You looked up to see something move quickly in the night sky. Scargone was still working to get Grog off him based on the different spouts of flames that lit up the dark of the night.
“You know what… screw it. I’m done doubting myself.”
With a new conviction and the burning thought that this was the second stupidest thing you had done that day, you headed back to where Vox Machina would continue to fight the dragon.
You’ll take your chances with them later. It’s not like they were your family or anything, you were your own person.
That and you weren’t exactly a kid… you’re in your late teens damnit!
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ravendruid · 1 year
Heyo! If possible from the fluff prompts #11. The first time they call them an endearment. (Vaxleth too if thats alright?)
The first time they call them an endearment (This drabble happens during the one-year break, and it gets steamy at the end—nothing explicit, though.)
Keyleth can’t remember the last time Vox Machina sat down for a proper warm meal—that wasn’t chicken—without rushing off to fight a dragon or some other threatening beast. Months have passed since they fell the Chroma Conclave and since Keyleth finished her Aramenté, and each member of Vox Machina had gone their separate ways—most of them in pairs—to do their own thing. Vex’ahlia and Percival are supervising the rebuild and recovery of Whitestone, the successful couple often drowning in piles of paperwork; Pike and Grog have traveled to Vasselheim, Pike to watch over the temple of the Everlight, and Grog to do… well, what Grog does best: fight. Scanlan is the biggest unknown. No one knows where he is or what he’s up to since his sudden departure. And then there is Taryon, the newest member of Vox Machina, who is staying in Whitestone and spending hours in the workshop with Percy working on Doty. As for Keyleth, she had to return to Zephrah sooner or later, right? And what better time to do it than when in the company of the one she cares for the most?
Vax’ildan was tireless during their first weeks in Zephrah. He walked Keyleth to and from work, stayed by her side or slightly behind her whenever allowed, and offered a hand of comfort and reassurance when Keyleth felt like she was drowning. Keyleth isn’t sure if she believes in soul mates, but she knows the love she and Vax have for each other is beyond compare. A passion that existed between her parents but one she was too young to witness. 
Vax still surprises her every day, even after knowing each other for years and being together for months. Vax’s surprises, much like his pranks, often come suddenly and at the most random times. Although Keyleth tries her best to ready herself for them, he always manages to sweep her off her feet. And that’s why, on one of the rare moments that Vox Machina can gather around a table to trade stories and clink their cups full of ale, Keyleth finds herself falling harder for the man who has defied death in many different ways. He’s relaxed and carefree, with no armor or weapons at his hip—except for the ones Keyleth knows are hidden in his boots. Just a man laughing and drinking with his best friends, his found family. Keyleth watches him from across the table. She sees the mischievous shine in his eye as he leans in to steal some meat from Grog’s plate when the Goliath isn’t looking and the wink he throws Pike when she giggles at his boldness. Keyleth sees in Vax pride and pure happiness for his sister, whose head lies on Percy’s shoulder at her side as they talk. She sees a man who has no worries at the moment. No goddesses with debts to collect.
Vax’s voice is soft and sweet. Keyleth almost misses the call because of how enthralled she is by his beauty. It takes her brain a moment to process, but once it does, her face opens up like the sun shining after a rainy day. She looks around, heat rising to her cheeks, hoping none of her friends heard the way Vax spoke her name, lest they tease the couple incessantly as they usually do, but everyone is currently absorbed in their own conversation. 
“Come with me.”
Vax stands up, not even waiting for an answer, and walks with the confidence of a man who knows what he wants and who would go to great lengths to get it. Keyleth knows this stride. She knows it so well it burns her skin to think about the times he has used it to lure her into his trap—a very delicious trap, too—like a spider luring a fly. She could ignore his siren call, but she won’t, so she follows him, tripping on her feet and the hem of her dress, her blood already boiling in anticipation. If any of their friends notice their departure, no one comments—the teasing is usually reserved for when the couple returns with their hair disheveled and clothes askew, their faces still red from exhaustion but smiles brighter than a full moon.
Although the champion of the goddess of death can blend with the shadows and walk with no sound to his steps, he opts not to as he strides down a long corridor decorated with pictures of the long-dead de Rolos. Keyleth thanks him in silence as she guides herself by the sounds of his steps, only able to see the dark shape of his slender body feet ahead of her. She would follow him blindly anywhere, even to her death, but she knows Vax better than she knows herself, and he would never allow such a thing to happen on his watch. Excitement builds up when he finally stops in front of a wooden door leading to a room Keyleth has never seen before. It is dark and small, and it smells slightly of mildew. She considers summoning one of her floating flames to allow them to see more than the gray shadows around them, but Vax is quicker—as usual. In a flick of his wrist, Flametongue is out of its sheath and placed on top of a loaded shelf in the small storage room. From what Keyleth can see, there are boxes and crates around them.
“Hi,” Vax greets her with a mischievous grin. His eyes shine with hunger, the dilated pupils frozen on Keyleth’s lips. 
“Hi,” She barely breathes, her chest rising and falling faster as her body reacts to the closeness of her partner. Keyleth sees in Vax’s eyes the need he has for her, but like the gentleman he is, he waits until she gives him permission. Maybe she should make him wait tonight. She could simply turn around and exit the room, leave Vax in this state of desperate need, and make him wait until the night ends. Keyleth has the power, and oh, how good it feels. But she’s weak to her desires when it concerns Vax, so she grabs the back of his head fiercely and brings his lips to hers, not wanting to prolong the torture anymore.
“You know,” Vax’s hot breath tickles the skin of her neck, just below her ear, where she loves to be kissed the most, “you’re going to be the death of me, my love.”
My love. The new endearment sends chills down Keyleth’s spine. It makes her toes curl, and her need grows even more unbearable—or maybe that is due to how Vax kisses her neck eagerly. 
The man chuckles at the desperation in her voice, at the frantic hands that unfasten the ties of his pants, at the soft moans that ensue as his lips meet Keyleth’s skin again. He knows her deepest desires and effortlessly obeys all her commands. It’s during these moments of greater intimacy between them that Keyleth finds the irony of being worshiped by this man whose soul belongs to a God, and yet, it is to her that he devotes himself without a second thought.
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rogue205 · 10 months
So Scanlan leaves the group for over a year after his resurrection. The catalyst for his emotional tipping point seems to be he feels the others don’t care for him as much as everyone else given everyone was so upset over and ecstatic about Percy and Vex after their returns. When he comes back to life? The group plays a very poorly-timed prank on him instead.
And even when he returns to the group, they all pretty much give him the cold shoulder and make him work to earn any forgiveness. Again, seems not the greatest decision given it plays right into Scanlan’s crippling insecurities about his self-worth that they now know he has.
I can see where the others are coming from too honestly. They feel betrayed that he left them when they needed him and they were like a family. And he left. Yes, they didn’t see past his mask and probably thought he would find the joke funny. Also, some stuff Scanlan said was a bit uncalled for.
So out of curiosity, I’m gonna ask for other opinions. I also somehow forgot “All/Both” as an option. 😓 Please reply in the comments if that’s your choice.
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demigoddessqueens · 1 year
Headcanons about how would Vox Machina react if they accidentally saw their shy crush drawing them please?
This is so cute! 🥰
Tumblr media
Her curiosity got the best of her one day. Noticing how you were hunched over a sketchbook, Vex couldn’t help but glance over and see how you’ve drawn her. All the soft and serious moments, and the sweeter ones too where you’ve drawn her laughing. She’s touched by the unspoken intimacy.
Arch Druidess never really saw herself the way you draw her. Powerful and fearless with the soft vulnerability that’s reserved for the precious time you have together. Not to mention the occasional Ashari runes you’ve drawn with hearts next to them. You do notice the faint blush on her cheeks when she looks through your art.
Just a nosy peak over and he automatically recognizes himself. Maybe he’s still getting used to your shy nature, but he’s over the moon with praises to you on how you draw him. The muscles! The fluffier the beard the better!! Let him sing your artistic praises!
Stealth skills and hiding in the pitch makes for a great sneaking area. You didn’t notice him but he could see you pouring over your artwork. He feels the butterflies in his stomach when he sees your artwork of him. All his moments: sad, happy, asleep, or just tranquility. It’s flattering and he’s touched by this sincere side of you.
It was a quiet afternoon and she saw how engrossed you were in sketching. Just wanting to be in your presence in a “comfortable silence”. Her eyes wander over to what you’re drawing only to be speechless. All her glory with Sarenrae’s power, and how you see her from your eyes! Excuse her if she wants to hug you for a good while!
A little sneak who constantly peaks over your shoulder to see what you’re up to. While he dies admire your art skills, there’s always a teasing comment he “has” to make. “Hhm…maybe a few more muscles there, or emphasize my dashing good looks!” The bard means well and deep down he appreciates how your art captures the parts of him that he never thought highly of.
Ever the curious one, he’s used to sketching himself a new tool or design for future use. Maybe he used to draw liberally in his younger years in Whitestone, but that was before…
So when he sees you drawing him in every loving aspect, even a way Percy never saw himself in, it’s an overwhelming wave after wave of emotion that reminds him he is loved.
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seb-reads31 · 11 months
Hey, so was wondering if you write some headcannons about Keyleth and a Warforged Fighter, and have it be kind of like a mother/child relationship. If you need something to go off of, basically she and the rest of Vox Machina found it busted up while traveling, and she helped it using druid magic. I dunno, sounded kinda cool
Tw's - Mentions of alcohol, basically an abandoned child 😭, possible abuse??, Scanlan being Scanlan, overprotective mama Keyleth because of Scanlan if you so please, me not knowing Warforged anatomy because there wasn't anything helpful online 😭
Genre - Fluff
Type - Head canons
Comments - AWWWWW 😭💖💖 Now, I have no clue what a Warforged fighter is so I'll be doing a lot of research on it. If anything is wrong PLEASE tell me and I'll correct it as quickly as possible 🤧
Don't worry, mama's here
- It all started when Vox Machina were travelling together to the next town over when Vex had heard sparks, and what sounded like metal grinding against metal.
- They were confused, and decided to send Vex, Percy, and Keyleth to investigate the sounds.
- It didn't take too long before they found a small, humanish shaped clump of metal, sparks flying out of it's side. The metal grinding against metal was it trying to move it's legs which were covered in rust, as well as other parts of its body.
- It was sad.. the poor thing couldn't even see, its eyelids being rusted shut.
- Keyleth accidentally stepped on a twig when trying to get closer to the small, child-like, Warforged startling herself, Vex, Percy, and the aforementioned Warforged.
- It attempted to speak, their voice coming out in squeaks and scrapes, "W-who's t-t-there...?"
- The voice was quiet, but the forest was quiet enough for the small group to hear the poor thing try to speak.
- Keyleth kneeled down Infront of the small automaton with a kind smile on her face, even though they couldn't see it.
- "My name is Keyleth, but you can call me Kiki for short. What's your name?" She asked in a sweet voice.
- The small automaton answered in kind, but with a small scratchy voice. It sounded like its voice box was either damaged or rusted as well, and no one knew why it was rusted, possibly beaten, then just left here to face the elements.
- Keyleth felt bad for it, and looked towards Percy, silently asking if he could help them. Percy was a bit hesitant, but with the help some puppy eyes from Keyleth the white haired artificer relented and offered his help to the small Warforged.
- They were hesitant, skeptical, but accepted the help. The 3 called Grog over so he could carry the automaton to the next closest town.
- During the next few hours of travel, Keyleth started talking to the Warforged about their adventures, telling them many stories, some adventurous, while some are funny and light hearted.
- Scanlan attempted to tell one of his.. "adventures" in the bedroom before Keyleth gave him a dark glare, silently warning him to not even dare in front of the child-like machine.
- He immediately shut up and quickly walked away from Keyleth, slightly afraid to anger her again.
- After some odd hours, they reached the town as the sun started to set in search of an inn to rest. Unfortunately, they didn't get to drink much, if anything at all while Percy did his best to fix the dents, scraps, gashes, and try to remove any rust that was left over, mostly focusing on the eyes so they could see where they were and wouldn't panic too much about any loud noises such as yelling or banging.
- It took a little bit of elbow grease (as well as some help from a passerby who gave some advice) and voila! The small Warforged could see again!
- They were happy, yes, but also a little startled at the sudden light and faces. The first person they took a good look at was Keyleth, almost as if they knew that she was the first person who spoke to them.
- There was adoration, wonder, and a warmth in their robotic eyes you would never expect from a Warforged.
- They didn't say anything to Keyleth, instead allowing Percy to take a look at their voice box (I'm guessing here, correct me if I'm wrong at any point-) so he could fix the scratching sound in their voice when they talk.
- As Percy worked, you would occasionally look at Keyleth, but would quickly look away if she looked at you.
- After about 15-20 minutes, Percy was finally done. He did what he could to make your voice less scratchy, but just enough for you to speak without feeling like you were eating heavily rusted nails.
- Percy had you say a few things to test your voice and see if he needed to make any adjustments, but everything went well! You could speak just fine, and the first thing you said was directed at Keyleth, "You're really nice, and pretty."
- Everyone at the table just looked at you like you grew a second head! Well, everyone but Keyleth.. she was on the verge of happy tears. . . probably because she was in the middle of a drinking contest with Grog when you said that, and she's a pretty emotional drunk.
- She quickly placed down her very large mug of beer and hugged you tightly. She basically adopted you from that moment on, and the small Warforged joined her and Vox Machina in their adventures to come!
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