#scariest living dinosaur
a-dinosaur-a-day · 11 months
not a midwesterner, but a bio student who worked with tagging red-winged blackbirds during my internship. those are FAR AND AWAY the scariest living dinosaurs. those things are vicious!!!
all I was doing was standing too close to a nest I didn't see. In my defense, I was 13.
I was 8 when I faced the cassowary, but here we are
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cypressure · 2 months
Have you got any recommendations for dinosaur nonfiction books?
Your art makes me so happy 🥺
hey thank you, i appreciate your saying so (and also giving me the opportunity to talk about dinosaur books)! under the cut for length--
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starting off with an overview before getting down to specific topics, my first recommendation is Dinosaurs: How They Lived and Evolved by Darren Naish & Paul Barrett. this was first published in 2017, but the third edition was just released with plenty of updates to reflect new discoveries and hypotheses. it's very thorough and accessible, and takes you through all the major clades of dinosaurs and everything we know about their evolution and ecology. this is definitely the best starting point for getting up-to-date with dinosaur science.
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the end-Cretaceous extinction has been getting lots of popular attention lately (thanks to DePalma and the Tanis site I suspect), so if you'd like to learn more on this subject, I love The Last Day of the Dinosaurs by Riley Black, also from 2022. this is the scariest dinosaur book i've ever read--she paints an incredibly vivid and horrifying picture of the aftermath of the meteor impact, and of how the animals which survived the event managed to live on.
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if you want to read about how exactly we know all these things about dinosaurs, I just recently picked up Dave Hone's How Fast Did T. rex Run? (titled The Future of Dinosaurs in the UK i think), published in 2022. he delves into what we know from the fossil record and how paleontologists work to figure these things out, as well as what we don't know yet and what we probably will never know, and the difference between those two. i suggest it for learning about paleontology as a scientific process, and it's a very interesting read.
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so far, all of these books have been about dinosaurs as a whole; if you are looking for popular publications about specific groups, there are not as many options unfortunately (for some reason there isn't a huge audience for 200-page books about obscure thyreophorans. sighs disappointedly). most of what we get is about the large, more familiar clades; you will see books on tyrannosaurs, and there's a few field guide-style books about Mesozoic birds (which tend to be very beautifully illustrated but kind of technical; see below for titles). my pick for clade-specific books is The Sauropod Dinosaurs: Life in the Age of Giants, by Mark Hallett and Matthew Wedel, from 2016. this one goes into serious detail about every conceivable aspect of sauropod paleobiology, which as you can imagine is a huge and fascinating topic, and all the artwork is gorgeous. caveat: it being 8 years old means there's some science in there which will be outdated by now, but as far as i can remember it's still worth checking out.
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and finally, as a paleoartist, i have to mention paleoart books! if you're interested in the science behind the choices paleoartists make when reconstructing extinct animals, especially for your own practice, i cannot recommend enough Mark Witton's The Paleoartist's Handbook, from 2018. he thoroughly explains how to interpret fossil evidence and paleontological research from an artist's perspective, and covers about everything from soft tissues to composing a scene. this is one of less than a handful of books on this particular topic, and it's definitely the most in-depth.
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with any scientific subject you have to be careful with older books; this is especially true with paleontology since the discipline has accelerated so much over the past few decades and shows no signs of slowing down. i would even hesitate to recommend anything published more than 10 years ago, since new discoveries and technology have made so many questions and hypotheses moot (and in turn created new and more interesting ones)! the only exception to this is a recommendation for historical significance: Robert Bakker's 1986 The Dinosaur Heresies is essential to understanding what modern paleontologists call the Dinosaur Renaissance, or how our perception of dinosaurs changed from lizardlike evolutionary dead-ends into the active, successful bird ancestors we see in reconstructions now. this book kickstarted that change, and it's easy to see how: it's a very engaging read, Bakker argues his points very effectively, plus there are cute dinosaur cartoons. (i also love a lot of older works for their personal significance, but gushing about formative dinosaur books is something for another post.)
finally, thanks to the wonders of the internet, books are not the only way to learn about current dinosaur science! the best way is always by reading paleontology papers, where scientists directly describe and illustrate new discoveries or hypotheses. however, i know jumping straight into the technical literature may be overwhelming: fortunately a lot of paleontologists have social media, blogs, and/or podcasts where they write about their work and new developments in the field. the heyday of science blogs is kind of past, but there are still a few very good ones out there: this list on Feedly has a good selection to browse. being just self-published material, all of these don't have the benefits of peer review that papers and books do, so always be willing to take things with a grain of salt and do your own research.
of course this is a non-exhaustive list, especially limiting myself to both works recently published and which i have actually read. i've certainly forgotten or missed out on many new paleontology books (Dean Lomax's Locked in Time is one of these which i still haven't gotten ahold of yet, but which im very excited to get to); i welcome any additional recommendations or thoughts from the rest of paleoblr!
i hope this was helpful and i wish you luck in your reading :)
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Remembering Tumblr is a place of art, writings and ideas. So here's an entire ramble about the Jurassic Park movies and why the inaccuracy of the dinosaurs is a part of the plot
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Anyways so the movies revolve around dinosaurs and stuff right? The usual plot points are always there, but it's a sci-fi thriller movie about dinosaurs and people tend to forget about the whole sci-fi part. I mean the scientists created dinosaurs but never had the complete strand of DNA as stated in the first movie, leading them to replace the rest of it with frog DNA by filling in the gaps. Which later turned into a whole problem in itself with the thing with the fact that they can breed by switching around a few things with their gender, similarly to some species of frog when faced with a female dominant environment.
Such asssss the dinosaurs ‼️
But the whole problem wasn't the dinosaur DNA, nono it was the frog DNA being mixed around with others to fill in said gaps.
It's my leading point as to why I don't understand why people hate Jurassic Park simply because the dinosaurs aren't accurate, when that was the whole POINT.
They ARENT dinosaurs.
They're amalgamations of different DNA strands combined to RESEMBLE a dinosaur, with maybe a little dino dna in place to create a base. And in later movies revealed to be even more fucked up combinations of DNA to keep the publics interest.
They're monsters made to look like dinosaurs, where intelligent and dangerous are key factors that the scientists like putting into creatures that weren't meant to exhibit such thoughts at such a level.
The premise of these animals in the movies was always "Are they actually alive?"
Because yes dinosaur, but also not dinosaur.
They're talked about constantly like objects, even though they are very much alive and living. Yet are constantly in a state of being created to look and act scarier in order to keep the quota that they're nothing but assets on a building board.
But really the scariest part is "Oh, what's scarier than teeth?"
Teeth and intelligence.
As the movies move on, these scientists create the dinosaurs to be stronger and smarter. Feeding into the amalgamation with the idea of a dinosaur in order to create what would be a marvel; not a stability.
Instead of mindless killings, the dinosaurs are aware of what they're doing. Which is considerably worse than if they ever were just instinctual actions.
Both Jurassic world movies had at least someone point something out, basically just saying that the splices of DNA weren't real dinosaurs.
Notice how it's quite often pointed out with subtleness of a simple sentence yet is used to determine the point of the movies. That once again, they aren't dinosaurs.
Both Indos were there in order to bring the plot point to closure, making it simpler to understand.
That amalgamations of DNA will never be a real dinosaur no matter how much it resembles one.
The books did a much better job getting this point across though I must say, as they enjoyed bringing the horror aspect of it all there. Just showing even more how they're obviously lab created monsters.
Anyways shout out to all the little kids out there who were absolutely convinced the dilo could spit venom because of Jurassic Park. (Me fr) 🥰
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in my jasipercabeth feels so here’s how they fell in love
these are all part of a bigger jasipercabeth fic i’m working on that i’ll post on ao3 so let me know if you like what you see so far
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Annabeth Being In Love With Percy
Annabeth had been helplessly in love with Percy Jackson since they were twelve years old. He had been drenched to the bone, covered in monster dust and crying deliriously as Grover and Annabeth supported him, and yet Annabeth could tell. This one was dangerous. This one was someone you should be afraid of.
So naturally she adored him. He was the cutest, dorkiest, most powerful person Annabeth had ever met. He knew everything there was to know about dinosaurs (because he had been really into them as a kid) and could destroy the entire water system in a forty story building with a sneeze; what wasn't to love? Even before he was claimed as the son of Poseidon, Grover use to whine to Annabeth via Iris message about how his new half blood was a complete nerd about ocean life and marine biology.
"Seriously, Annabeth. Today, out of nowhere, he told me that tiger sharks are a species of requiem sharks and the only extant member of the genus Galeocerdo. What the heck is a requiem shark?! And then! He pronounced Galeocerdo no problem and then messed up the word the. The, Annabeth!"
So Annabeth knew without a doubt she was screwed as soon as she saw him. It was Romeo and Juliet from the very beginning, she was a daughter of Athena, he was a son of Poseidon, they were doomed in every sense of the word. But Percy was stubborn and Annabeth was in love so they plowed through anyways.
And Hera took him from her.
The months when Percy was missing were the scariest, darkest months of Annabeth's life and she had been through Tartarus. Even looking back, she ranked those months as the worst months of her life. Her sleep schedule was non existent, she rarely ate full meals and she took on any and every monster that crossed her path. She turned darker than she thought she could go as she asked/begged/tortured for information on where Percy was.
Without Percy by her side, Annabeth felt like half a person and half a maniac. Percy had kept her grounded, kept her level, kept her sane. Without him, she was going crazy. She gave up on meaningless camp activities, isolated herself from her siblings and camp friends, anything that had nothing to do with finding Percy wasn't worth her time or interest and soon, people gave up on helping her. There was only so much they could do for someone who didn't want to be helped.
And then Jason remembered.
He remembered where he came from and they fit all the pieces together; everything pointed to Percy being at Camp Jupiter and yet, Annabeth still went out on search and rescue missions. She canvased all of New York as she waited impatiently for the Argo II to be finished. When they did finally start their journey to California, it took all of her will power to be the leader that her crew needed. Being level headed hadn't come easily to her in the last few months and with every mile they traveled closer to California, her skin crawled.
How many times had they been in California without realizing there was an entire camp only a few miles away? Hell, Annabeth had lived in California and never seen a camp or camper aside from Thalia and Luke.
When they finally made it, Annabeth nearly jumped ship on sight. She was so close. He was so close. Everything in her needed him to be here. She couldn't take it if he wasn't. Arguing with Terminus used the last of her strength and by the time she got to the ground, Annabeth had tunnel vision as she swept the sea of Roman faces looking for the Greek.
Messy black hair, troublemaker smile, sea green eyes. He was here. He was alive. He was safe. Annabeth didn't care about protocols or first impressions or manners, she didn't care because he was in front of her and she needed to be closer. She sprinted without a thought to crash into him, jumping on him with all the trust in the world as she hugged him tightly. Percy caught her without trouble, as he always had, and his arms circled around her just as tightly.
"I missed you so much," he breathed out but Annabeth could only let out a wet, raw sob of absolute relief as a reply. Pulling apart just enough to sit up in his hold, Annabeth kissed him with every emotion in her. His lips still tasted the same, like sea salt, and she lost herself in the intense familiarity. When they finally separated and Annabeth's feet were back on solid ground, Percy's hands cupping her face, Annabeth felt her soul return to her body. She felt the very essence of herself fit back inside her mind and she blinked.
The next second, Percy had been judo flipped to the cobblestones and she had her knee on his chest, her forearm against his throat as she choked on white hot tears of anger. Percy laughed as the wind returned to his lungs.
"If you ever leave me like that again, I swear to all the gods-"
"I know, I know. Your mother made a very similar threat once." Annabeth's roar of anger dulled and she stood up, taking her knee off his chest and her arm away from his throat, offering him a hand up instead. Percy got to his feet and adjusted his grip on her hand so they were holding hands, fingers laced together like they were made especially for one another. Annabeth took a deep breath as Percy pulled her into his side and the smell of sea salt, sweat, metal and the beach filled her nose, grounding her even more.
Being in love with Percy Jackson was the best thing to happen to her.
Percy Being In Love With Annabeth
Percy knew Annabeth was pretty, the very sight of her made his heart stutter all the time, but never had she looked more beautiful than when he thought he had lost her. They were picking up the Di Angelo siblings and Annabeth, always the bravest of them all, went toppling over the cliff. Percy nearly screamed his lungs raw.
It had all been down hill from there; his love and adoration for the blonde had just snowballed. He fell helplessly in love with her, with every aspect of her. He loved her eyes, her laugh, her hair, her sense of humor, her hatred of the gods, her ability to make everything else matter significantly less, her knowledge, her nerdy comments, her ability to put up with him. Everything about Annabeth was perfect.
So when his memories were just gone and he woke up with nothing but a name, invincible skin and a streak of gray hair, Percy fought his way to a laptop. He must have Googled 'Annabeth' at least thirteen times and every single time it was vague and there was hardly any information. Many a library computer had fallen victim to his frustration and Percy started making his way to Camp Jupiter, looking for any sign or information on 'Annabeth' as he went.
Nobody at camp knew of an Annabeth but he was certain that they had met at a camp, pretty similar to Camp Jupiter too. Everybody he met, he asked about Annabeth. He wasn't exactly sure who she was to him but he knew that his entire being ached with the distance between them, he missed her so badly his chest felt like it was about to cave in, he loved her very much, impossibly so.
The streak in his hair had something to do with Annabeth, camp had something to do with Annabeth, hell, even the entire state of California screamed Annabeth at him. She was so involved with every aspect of his life, it seemed like it would have been impossible to get rid of her. Like, even if she had dumped him or they didn't talk anymore, Percy would have seen her everywhere in everything and everyone.
Memories of Annabeth were the first thing to return. It was like somebody was playing a slideshow in his brain because every time he remembered something, a flood of images of the same blond girl would accompany the memory. Annabeth, sitting on the beach and burying her toes in the sand, Annabeth, laughing and singing around a campfire, Annabeth, sleepy and soft in the bed next to him with moonlight beaming across her face, Annabeth, eating blue birthday cake and making faces at him from across an apartment full of blurry faces. Annabeth.
Percy didn't want to sacrifice the quest and leave Hazel and Frank on their own, that would be a dick move. But he remembered Annabeth. He knew who she was, he knew he had to find her, he knew he loved her more than life itself. He knew she was in New York.
When more memories returned, memories of quests and camp and friends and death and his mom and Paul, Percy found it harder and harder to keep his focus on the quest and not on the fastest way back to New York. He calculated distances and bus fares and how fast he could get there by boat, how fast by car, how fast by train. He needed to know how far he was from her and how soon he could get back to her at any given time. It gave him a very vague sense of comfort that he knew who she was and where she was, where he was supposed to be.
After the quest was over, when Hazel and Frank had come back from dragging the Giant into Canada and being ninety percent sure Percy had toppled to his death over a cliff, Percy considered jetting off to New York right away. His heart ached with how much he longed for the comfort of home and Annabeth. Annabeth.
But he had gone back to camp with Frank and Hazel, helped them fight the army and hold the camp. Once again, he had played the part of a good soldier and fought to save a camp, playing into his gods chosen role and making his skin crawl in the process. Percy remembered feeling something inside of him snap around his third monster of the battle, the feeling that these monsters were keeping him from seeing Annabeth made his brain fuzzy with frustration until eventually, he only saw red. Waves of water washed over the camp in a relentless fury, pounding monsters to the ground over and over again as Percy slashed and stabbed and sliced through them like they were pigeons.
He thinks he collapsed with exhaustion after that because he dreamed of Annabeth, of everything they had gone through together over the years. He saw their first quest and the lotus casino, setting animals free in St. Louis, falling from the Arch, the Sea of Monsters and the Golden Fleece, saving Thalia and rescuing Nico and Bianca, losing Bianca, losing Nico, losing Zoe, holding the sky and getting matching gray streaks, traveling the Labyrinth, meeting deranged family members, their first kiss, being blown out of a volcano, becoming invincible, the Battle of Manhattan, losing Luke, losing more campers than they should have, their underwater kiss.
When he woke up, his heart felt like somebody was holding it in their fist. He had dried tears on his face. He felt heavy with exhaustion but he dragged himself from the bed and took a bath, the water lessening his exhaustion immensely, before tugging on clean clothes. He was all set to go to New York right then and there without breakfast or telling anyone or getting any help, he just didn't think he could take being away from Annabeth for another day. It had already been far too long and he could feel his self control slipping out of his grasp.
And then Frank dropped by and he was pushed into a senate meeting and then a scroll was dropping into his lap and Annabeth was coming to him. Annabeth was coming to him.
She was almost there. He just had to wait a little while longer. He just had to walk down to the valley. He just had to make it fifty or so yards. He just had to wait for her to climb down a ladder. He couldn't wait.
There was a clear divide between the Romans and the Greeks but Percy only saw her. Everything that had happened to him over the last few weeks meant nothing, his exhaustion was gone, he wasn't hungry, he wasn't anything because nothing mattered except for the fact that Annabeth was here. She had found him. She was here.
Annabeth sprinted at him and Percy caught her as easily as breathing, his arms crushing her into him as she wrapped him up in her legs and arms like she couldn't bear not touching him with every part of her body. Percy's eyes watered and his body flooded with emotions he couldn't and wouldn't make sense of as he held on to Annabeth like she was his soul life line.
"I missed you so much," was all he could manage as he gripped her tightly. He felt more than heard her sob into his shoulder and he squeezed his eyes shut as he tightened his grip impossibly. Annabeth sat up in his hold and kissed him and Percy felt like his brain was going to explode from how familiar it all was to hold her and kiss her and be with her. It had felt so wrong being on a quest without her, so wrong being at a camp without her, so wrong being in California without her. But now, she was here and everything was so, so right.
Kissing Annabeth was right. So he did. Until neither one of them could breathe anymore. When she pulled away and Percy slowly put her down, moving his hands up to hold her face, he felt his self control slide back into his skin, the reins falling into his hands.
And then Annabeth judo flipped him.
Percy laughed. He couldn't help it. Judo flipping him after kissing him was so entirely Annabeth it made his head spin with giddiness, with recognition, with love.
"If you ever leave me like that again, I swear to all the gods-"
"I know, I know," Percy cut her off with a grin. "Your mother made a very similar threat once." Annabeth had pulled away, stood up, offered her hand just as she had done dozens of times before when they had sparred and she always beat him. Percy got to his feet and wove their fingers together, squeezing her hand and pulling her into his side because he missed her godsdammit and he didn't think he could handle not touching her after months of being separated.
Being in love with Annabeth Chase was something so familiar and easy to Percy it was like breathing.
Piper Falling In Love With Jason
Even knowing that everything she had "experienced" with Jason had been nothing but a trick of the mist, Piper couldn't help falling in love with him. He was kind and caring, sweet and fierce. Everything Piper needed, she could find in Jason.
She could pinpoint the exact moment she realized she was still in love with him.
Over their quest, she convinced herself that they were just at the beginning of their relationship again. Using that logic, is was easy to be friends with Jason. They avoided death together every couple of hours, they could be friends. It was easy. Leo used humor as his coping mechanism and Piper rolled with it, making jokes and laughing with the guys as they ate tacos in a sewer. Jason, proving that ignorance was bliss, laughed with them and cracked his own jokes. When all was said and done, and they were on their way back to camp, Piper ended up leaning against Jason. She was exhausted but her mind was still coursing with adrenaline, no way for her to fall asleep until it stopped, and Jason held out his hand, palm up. Piper looked up at him and found the same soft, caring and open face that she had "imagined" on the roof top.
"Come on, Pipes. We fought a titan together, you shouldn't be scared of my hand," he teased, nudging her shoulder with his. Piper smiled and laced their fingers together. When they got back to camp, Piper was finally exhausted and after telling Chiron everything, he sent them to their cabins to rest. Piper managed a shower and some clean pajamas before falling onto her bed, expecting to fall asleep right away, but she lay tossing and turning for a few minutes before recognizing the panic in her chest.
Huffing angrily, she hauled herself out of her bed and made her way across the little half circle of cabins to the Hephaestus cabin. She knocked, but only because she was scared that if she didn't the door knob would burn her hand to a crisp or launch a net over her or something. It opened a few seconds later and Piper slid inside easily.
"Can I help you?" A voice asked in the dim orange lighting that looked like lava but was probably more like melted metal.
"I can't sleep and I think it's because I don't know where Leo is. Well, I know where he is but I have to see it with my own eyes so I don't have a panic attack and freak out like a total spaz or something."
"Post quest anxiety," the voice said in understanding. "His bunk is over there." A laser beam pointed to a bunk and Piper slipped across the floor carefully. Leo was passed out on his bed, grease still smudging his fingers and cheeks but Piper was pretty sure it was a permanent part of his skin at this point, and she let out a breath she hadn't known had been building in her chest. Leo apparently hadn't been as lucky as her and he was still in his clothes, tool belt and all as he lay diagonally on his bed.
Piper untied his shoes and tugged them off, shoving them under his bed before taking his tool belt and draping it over the end of his bed. She scooped him up like the sack of flour that he was and put him on the bed correctly, tugging his blanket over him before brushing some of his curls from his face. Even if her time with Jason at the Wilderness school had been nothing but a false memory, the ones with Leo had been real. He was like her little brother.
Making sure Leo was safe and still asleep, Piper bid the counselor good night and slipped back outside, making her way to the Zeus cabin as a bit of the anxiety in her chest lessened. A pair of sock clad feet were dangling from the roof and Piper let herself inside the cabin before climbing up to the roof via the massive statue in the middle of the cabin. Shuffling over to the edge, Piper sat down next to Jason. The harpies were circling the camp but every time they tried to get close to Jason a gust of wind sent them somersaulting away and eventually they left him alone all together.
Piper looked out at the beach, waves lapping at the sand and making the moonlight dance on it's rippling surface. It made her heart hurt for Malibu and home, where her dad was still healing under Hedge's orders. The sky, which should have been too polluted this close to the city, was incredibly clear and Piper could find constellations easily, Greek and Cherokee alike. It was deceptively peaceful.
"Can't sleep?" Piper asked softly as her eyes flicked from constellation to constellation.
"Remembering too much," Jason replied in the same soft tone, and didn't that just stab Piper in the chest? Her heart clenched at what Jason could be remembering, a girlfriend probably knowing her luck, but she pushed it down, remembering that they were just friends now and that even if they weren't, Jason getting his memory back was an amazing thing.
"You think that if you go to sleep, you'll stop remembering," Piper deduced, finding the Delphinus constellation above her. Jason was quiet, not answering for a beat, before he gave a single nod that Piper saw out of the corner of her eye. Piper stayed quiet as she found the Orion and Aquila constellations. Focusing on the stars and not on the feeling growing in her stomach, Piper spoke. "What if you go to sleep, and you keep remembering?" Jason turned to look at her but Piper kept her gaze on the stars, looking for the Perseus constellation now. "What if, you go to sleep and your life plays like a movie in your dreams and when you wake up, you're Jason Grace?" Piper could practically hear Jason's brain working to think of a response, she could picture the look on his face without turning around which was good because she was pretty sure that if she looked at him she would start crying.
"I don't think I'm willing to risk that," he finally said. Piper's shoulders grew heavier.
"I need you to," she told him, finally turning away from the stars to make herself look him in the eyes. The eyes she had fallen in love with. The eyes she had looked at so many times before. The eyes she had false memories of looking at her. "I need you to risk it because if you can't sleep, I can't sleep and I'm tired, Jason. I'm so tired," she admitted, eyes watering at the honesty she hadn't even let herself believe until that moment. Jason's eyes, the ones she had fallen in love with, the ones she had looked at so many times before, the ones she had false memories of, turned soft and held nothing but care as he got to his feet and lifted Piper into his arms.
She closed her eyes, tears spilling down her cheeks, and looped her arms around his neck as she leaned her head against his shoulder. Jason floated down to the cabin floor below and carried Piper to a section that was away from the statue's creepy eyes. He sat on the floor, Piper in his lap, and hugged her. Piper tried not to cry, she tried to stop the tears that kept falling, but it was futile and she ended up whimpering into Jason's shoulder as the full force of her emotions, which were dialed to eleven because of who her mom was, crashed over her.
Jason held her until her body stopped shaking on it's own, until her cheeks were dry, until she was no longer hiding her face in his shirt but trying not to look at his eyes. She felt the wind return under her and they were flying again, this time Jason landing in front of the Aphrodite cabin, Piper still in his arms, and he pushed the door open with a small gust. He walked to her bed and laid her down gently, tugged the blanket up around her and made sure she was all set before sitting on the side of her bed and tilting her chin so she was looking him in the eyes. Every single false memory Piper had ever had with Jason was wiped clean and replaced with the way his eyes looked right then. They were full of pain and anger but not at her. For her.
"Go to sleep, Piper," his voice was barely above a whisper since Piper's siblings were sleeping all around them, but Piper felt her heart beat steady nonetheless. "I'm right here." Piper was flooded with warmth as the promise slipped past his lips and his fingers disappeared from under her chin, finding her own on top of her blanket and lacing them together.
"Goodnight, sparky," Piper whispered as her eyes became heavy and the anxiety in her chest disappeared completely, replaced with nothing but love for the blonde sat beside her.
"Goodnight, sleep tight, beauty queen."
Jason Falling In Love With Piper
Jason didn't remember Piper but he liked her. She was pretty and smart and always so ready to fight; like an angry chihuahua. He liked the little braids in her hair and the feather she had woven in, the colorful threads that wound around little sections. She was so colorful all the time, despite trying to downplay her looks and make herself appear as unappealing as possible. Jason liked it.
After going on a quest with her and trusting her with his life without a doubt more times than Jason could pinpoint, it seemed natural to align himself with the Aphrodite cabin. Since he was the only child of Jupiter, Zeus always made his head feel fuzzy, he got to make his own schedule and doing everything with Piper seemed like second nature so he joined the Aphrodite cabin as they scaled the lava wall, practiced their archery, partook in aerial combat practice with the pegasi, picked strawberries in the fields, and made arts and crafts that they usually decorated their cabin with.
Piper was competitive, a trait that made Jason's stomach do acrobatics every time she grinned at him in challenge, and she always raced against him in camp activities. They practically flew up the lava wall as they grinned and tried to kick the other, more arrows had gotten damaged during the Aphrodite/Zeus lesson than any other time in camp history, and Jason always triumphed over Piper in arts and crafts.
Sometimes, after the day had died down, Jason and Piper would sneak out of their cabins to sit on the beach. Jason liked to listen to Piper tell him the Cherokee stories about the constellations and the ocean and more often than not, he wound up laying with his head in her lap as she talked and pointed to the sky. It became a regular thing as they waited for Leo and his siblings to finish the Argo II.
One night, when they were sitting on the beach and looking at the stars as Piper's hands carded through Jason's hair, Jason told Piper he wished she was more free. They had been worried all day about Leo finishing the ship in time and even now, sitting on the sand and looking at the ocean, their shoulders were heavy with anxieties. Jason had told Piper what he remembered of Camp Jupiter and she had listened and played with his hair, smiling every time Jason's body started to buzz with electricity from his excitement about talking about his friends, electricity that made Piper's hair float out like somebody was holding a balloon above her head. They had fallen into a comfortable silence but Jason's mind was still whirring with a million thoughts a minute, despite the relaxed state his body was in, and he spoke up.
"You can be beautiful," Jason said, bringing Piper's kaleidoscope eyes to his face. Piper tilted her head with confusion, an amused smile on her lips.
"Thank you?"
"No, I mean, you are allowed to be beautiful," Jason tried again, huffing in frustration when it still didn't come  out like how he meant it. Piper didn't say anything as she waited for him to calm down enough to straighten out his thoughts, confusion still lingering on her features. "If you like your style right now, that's completely fine too but just because you're a child of Aphrodite doesn't mean you aren't as tough as the Ares cabin. You can wear makeup and designer clothes and bash in skulls too." Something in Piper's eyes shifted and she returned her hand to carding through Jason's hair. "I mean, only if you want to. You don't have to, I just think that-" Piper pressed a finger to his lips, effectively silencing his nervous rambling, before returning her hand to his hair, eyes looking out at the ocean again.
"I used to cut my own hair because I didn't want to look like my dad," Piper started. "He was handsome, radiated power, attracted attention everywhere he went. I didn't want to live in his shadow as just another pretty, spoiled rich kid. So I cut my hair, I wore ripped clothes, I tried to hide from the media. I got shipped off to boarding schools because I would get in trouble and there, my style was rebellious and wild. It gave me an edge that I could use to just survive in those places. At Wilderness, Leo used to give me some of his hand me downs so my street kid look would be authentic. He said, "Your clothes have to say 'hey, I've seen things', mami."
Piper took a breather for a second as she smiled at the memory, Jason laying patiently as he looked up at her face. She was looking at the ocean in front of them so he could technically see right up her nose, but he liked to look at her almond shaped eyes and long eyelashes instead. She was always so pretty no matter how he looked at her and Jason would never get tired of looking at her.
"I think I'm still trying to survive," she finally said. "We're about to go on another quest, we're leaving the safety of camp, we're definitely going to be fighting for our lives, now isn't the time to become a different person. I like other clothes, I thought about growing my hair out, the makeup is growing on me, but the timing isn't in my favor. Maybe after," she said lightly, like she wasn't sure after was a guaranteed deal.
Jason was hopelessly, irretrievably, and completely in love with her.
"You're so smart," he complimented, turning so he could loop his arms around her waist, head resting on her thigh as he faced her stomach, looking up at her face with nothing but fondness. Piper smiled down at him as she ran a hand through his hair.
"Is this just your way of trying to see me in a sundress?" She teased.
"Maybe." Piper laughed, tilting her head back and full on laughing as Jason grinned and chuckled with her.
Piper Falling In Love With Annabeth
Piper apparently had a thing for blonds. Her appreciation for Jason's hair hadn't gone unnoticed by her boyfriend and she usually ran her hands through it while they were sitting on the beach or laying in bed, Jason leaning into the touch without a second thought.
But Annabeth's hair was also blond. And it was long, and curly and absolutely begging for help in that dreadful ponytail.
"Alright, Annabeth," Piper sighed as she hefted a bag full of hair supplies onto the girl's bed, "go take a shower so I can take care of this mess you call hair."
"I'm teaching you proper hair care, now go," Piper chided, flopping onto Annabeth's bed and opening a magazine so Annabeth couldn't argue. The blond had been so sleep deprived lately that Piper doubted she had the strength to construct an argument but she didn't give her room to, reading the latest on Paris fashion trends as Annabeth headed for the shower building.
Piper was still on Annabeth's bed, now talking with one of Annabeth's sisters about eyeshadow pallets, when Annabeth shuffled back in, more tired than before but now fresh from the shower. She had already changed into pajamas despite the fact that it was only four in the afternoon and Piper tracked her as she walked across the cabin in her shorts and Hoover dam t-shirt, hair twisted up in her towel as she dumped her dirty clothes into her trunk.
"Come sit," Piper instructed as she pat the spot next to her. "Now, I'm going to show you everything and tell you what it's for and what order to use it in but I don't think you're going to retain any of this information because you're tired. Ready?"
"Uh-huh," Annabeth managed, eyes blinking heavily. Piper showed her the products she was using, how much she was using and explained what they did as she brushed them through Annabeth's hair with her fingers, working the products into it carefully. Annabeth's head was like a loose bobble head as she let Piper maneuver her however she wished. Every time Piper's nails lightly scratched her scalp, Annabeth's eyes rolled to the back of her head before closing all together in bliss.
"Now, to keep all of my hard work safe from that horrendous ponytail you insist on wearing, we're going to try a different hair style. Still out of your face but protective of your curls," Piper promised as she dropped the bottle of product she finished using into the bag. Annabeth just nodded and Piper pulled a pencil from the bag, separating Annabeth's hair into five separate sections, two small groupings on the sides and one bigger one down the middle.
Fingers gently separating the first section into three pieces, Piper began braiding close to Annabeth's scalp in a corn row fashion. Once the braid was away from Annabeth's scalp, Piper's fingers flew and she finished it in no time, tying it off with one of the miniature elastics she had packed. Doing the same with the other small braids, Piper tied them off before doing the bigger braid, making it look more like a French braid than a cornrow. She added a bit of volume before tucking silver hoops, some with feather charms, into the braids and a few silver coils over the elastics.
"There we go. All finished, honey," Piper said, patting Annabeth's shoulders gently as she looked at her handiwork and passed Annabeth a magic mirror courtesy of the Aphrodite cabin that showed the back of your head instead of your face.
"Wow, that's amazing," Annabeth praised, turning her head every which way to look at the braids.
"Thank you, thank you. I have become very crafty with braids now that most of my cabin partakes in combat training. But this was an Annabeth special," Piper winked as Annabeth moved so her back was no longer towards Piper and wow. Piper had known that Annabeth was a pretty girl and that her own handiwork in her hair was pretty fabulous but seeing her from the front, it was like a love bomb had gone off in Piper's face. She was pretty sure her pupils were in the shape of hearts as she looked at Annabeth, her face framed by the braids and making her look every bit the warrior she was.
"Thank you, Pipes."
"Anytime, honey. I am going to leave all of this stuff with you and we can go over it next time you have to do your hair. Those braids should hold for a few days though," Piper explained as she put the bag of products and elastics into Annabeth's trunk, recovering her composure long enough to make her escape. "I have to go do a cabin check before dinner but I want to see Percy's reaction so don't get to the pavilion before I do, 'kay?"
"I won't," Annabeth promised with a nod as Piper backed towards the cabin door.
"Awesome. Bye, honey!" Piper called over her shoulder as she jumped down the steps and jogged across the grass. Gods help her, she was in love with Annabeth Chase.
Annabeth Falling In Love With Piper
When Annabeth realized she was in love with Piper, it hit her like a brick wall. They were sitting at a dining table in the pavilion, coffee mugs in hand as they watched the ocean and the rest of the camp slowly wake up. Annabeth had woken up around midnight with nightmares, staying up until three a.m. re-reading some of the books in her cabin before slipping into the arena around three thirty to spar with one of the dummies. Piper had joined her around four a.m., her hair messy and wearing only a tank top and a pair of boxers, but her dagger in hand. Annabeth spent an hour teaching her a few moves before they both hit the showers.
Now, with Piper sat behind her on the bench, fingers buried in her blond locks as she braided Annabeth's hair for her, Annabeth felt so content her head cleared.
And that was when it hit her.
She was in love with Piper.
Whirling around with her gray eyes blown wide open, Annabeth came face to face with a pouting Piper, hands still held in the air where she had been braiding. At the blond's panicked look, Piper tilted her head with confusion and concern.
"I'm in love with you," Annabeth said before Piper could ask anything. Piper's confusion and concern melted into a soft look, a gentle smile gracing her lips as she looked at Annabeth.  
"I'm in love with you too." Piper cupped her face with one hand, leaning forward to press a gentle, strawberry Chapstick flavored kiss to her lips. "But you really need to get more sleep, honey. You would have figured that out a long time ago if you were sleeping right. Now turn around so I can finish your hair before breakfast," Piper chided, waving her hand in the air to make her point as she lifted her mug to her lips to take another sip of her tea. Annabeth did as she was told, eyes still wide with her realization and cheeks still pink from being kissed by Piper, and Piper's hands returned to the messy and loose braid.
Percy Falling In Love With Jason
Falling in love with Jason happened on accident. Percy hadn't even considered being not straight, or even polyamorous for that matter, but Jason changed everything. Percy had never really had very many guy friends growing up, it was kind of difficult when you were saving the world every few months, and so he thought that the things he and Jason did together were regular dude things.
Teaching your bro how to skate? Completely platonic. Getting pizza with your best friend? What a nice way to hang out. Catching a late night movie in a completely empty theater where you sat right next to each other and definitely jumped into his arms when you got jump scared by a man wearing a ghost face mask? Just doing what bros do.
So why was Percy staring at the spot where Jason's shirt had slipped up to reveal an inch of skin like it was a blue cookie fresh from the oven? He was pretty sure he was drooling. Finding your bro attractive was a normal thing, right? Like, Percy could objectively acknowledge that Jason was a good looking guy in a completely normal bro way. Right?
"Hey, Jackson! You gonna stand there gawking all day or are you going to come fight me?" Jason called with a smile as he took a step back in the arena, armor now settled over his t-shirt and his gladius in hand. Percy blushed but quickly tried to hide it by grabbing his own armor, pulling Riptide from his pocket and heading for the arena.
Later, when Percy had begged off of arts and crafts and went for a swim instead, Percy sat on the bottom of the ocean and thought about Jason. He had an octopus climbing across his shoulders and up and down his arms, a blob fish in his lap like a cat and minnows darting in and out of his hair, playing peek a boo with each other, as he pondered his feelings for Jason. Usually, when faced with emotions or feelings he didn't recognize or understand, Percy would solve the problem one of two ways. He either ignored it until it figured itself out, or, he talked with Annabeth.
But these thoughts and feelings were filling his body with nervous energy that gave him anxiety and Annabeth was out on her first official date with Piper so Percy was left on his own to figure it out.
"What do you think, Victoria?" Percy spoke aloud, the octopus perking up at her name. "I mean, Jason is an attractive dude, obviously. Anybody who has eyes can see that. But do I think that because I have eyes or do I think that because I wanna smash our faces together?" Percy huffed and rolled his eyes at Victoria's reply. "I hypothetically wanna smash our faces together," he corrected. The blob fish on his lap butted in. "No, it's not just his looks. I don't think so. I mean, I love the guy, he's my bro, and he's just a super cool dude in general. Like, he can draw really well and is weirdly good at arts and crafts. The other day, he made a portrait of Chiron out of pasta noodles. Pasta noodles, Tony!" Percy smiled. He had been thoroughly impressed with the portrait and Chiron had framed it. "He's a major nerd too, like Annabeth. He likes to learn about all the architecture stuff she does and he likes to listen to Piper's Cherokee stories. I don't think he's ever been outside of Camp Jupiter aside from the whole Titan war and questing thing so he likes to learn about new things and travel a lot. Plus, he can use his powers all the time now. The losers at Camp Jupiter weren't very crazy about him being Jupiter's kid but I think it's really cool the stuff he can do. I mean, he can fly. That's amazing! Plus, because he's a giant nerd, he pretends he's Superman sometimes," Percy snorted, shaking his head. Victoria wiggled her head as she climbed up his arm. Percy fixed her with a look at her input. "I'm not in- oh my gods, I'm in love with him."
Percy had never had a boyfriend before so he wasn't sure how to ask Jason out. He knew he could probably ask Annabeth or Piper for advice but this was something he didn't want to share until he knew Jason felt the same. It felt too vulnerable, too fragile, to risk it by speaking it aloud. The answer to Percy's dilemma appeared when not even two days later, Toni the tiger shark from the aquarium, was about to have shark pups.
So Percy dragged Jason out of bed at two a.m. to break into the aquarium to watch Toni have babies. He had put thought into the event, stashed a blanket and Jason's favorite snacks in his locker until it was time, and Percy was rewarded for his actions with Jason looking at the sharks in absolute awe. Jason listened to him ramble about tiger sharks happily and Percy was more than willing to answer Jason's questions and fix his pronunciation. It made him happy to see Jason enjoying the same things he did, to share his interest in animals and marine life.
They watched the baby sharks hatch and then Percy showed him how to open the remaining eggs to help the baby sharks slide out. They named all eighteen of them, making different fish puns and causing the other to burst into happy giggles at the truly terrible ones, before Toni started popping out her pups left and right. Another thirty seven tiger shark pups joined the tank and Jason and Percy named all of those ones too before feeding Toni some more cereal and making their way back to camp.
The closer they got to camp, the more nervous Percy got. He could feel his heart hammering in his chest and his palms were sweaty, his stomach tying itself in knots as he tried to bring up the fact that he was pretty certain he was head over heels for Jason. He had grabbed Jason's hand when they got off the subway and it was a comforting weight that kept him tied to reality. When they got to the hill that looked out over the camp and used to be home to Thalia's pine but now held the Golden Fleece, Percy tugged Jason back.
He wasn't sure what he was going to say yet but he knew he didn't want this to end just yet. Jason looked at him with slight concern and confusion as he turned to face him.
"Yeah, yeah." Percy assured, brushing the concern off as he fought himself looking for the words. "It's just," Percy huffed in frustration, his brain unable to focus or form a complete sentence. Jason turned around all the way and squeezed his hand.
"Take a breath," Jason told him sternly, Percy doing as he said immediately and feeling his shoulders relax a bit. "Try again when you're ready," Jason told him before yawning, pushing his gold wire rimmed glasses up his face from where they had slipped down. Percy couldn't stop looking at him as he took deliberate breaths. Jason was so pretty in the shaded morning light, eyes blinking heavily with tiredness as he made a fist and rubbed at his eyes like a toddler would.
Percy couldn't help himself. Jason looked so perfect and domestic and soft in the light that he just had to kiss him. The hand that wasn't holding Jason's cupped his face as Percy's lips crashed onto Jason's. Percy knew he had caught him off guard but he couldn't help it, and when Jason started kissing him back, Percy's brain exploded. He could faintly register Jason's free hand falling to his hip and he leaned into Jason a little more. Jason's skin was starting to tingle under Percy's finger tips, a sure sign that he was getting to excited about something and lightning bolts would start arcing off of him soon, and Percy pulled away to catch his breath, resting his forehead on Jason's to ground himself and hopefully Jason too. They didn't need a forest fire this morning.
"Yeah?" Percy asked quietly in the small space between them, lips now red and slick from kissing Jason. One word was all he could manage but it was jam packed full of other ones. Jason understood.
"Yeah," he nodded in response as he smiled at Percy, the teen unable to stop his own grin. Jason closed the space between them again, kissing Percy once more and making Percy's skin tingle from where he was touching him.
Jason Grace liked him too.
Jason Falling In Love With Percy
Something about people who looked like Greek gods made Jason fall head over heels in love with them.
Piper's reddish gold skin and shaggy dark brown hair made her look like a goddess in her own right, not to mention her kaleidoscope eyes that made Jason dizzy with color every time he looked at them. He was rarely not looking at them to be honest. Now that the quest was over, she had started wearing different clothes and letting her hair grow out, experimenting with the make up so readily available to her in the Aphrodite cabin. She was more and more breath taking each day as she discovered more about herself and became more confident in her own skin.
Percy was beautiful in a different way, though he still looked every bit as godly as Piper did. Percy skin was more brownish gold and his hair was the color of coal, wavy from all the sea water in it all the time, and his eyes changed from light and green to dark and blue in a second. Jason liked to watch his eyes shift, the light sea green turning into stormy dark blue when someone said something wrong or made a move that Percy didn't like. He was as wild and untamable as the ocean itself, crashing into people and knocking them off their feet, quenching the very breath from their lungs as he pounded against them relentlessly. Even owning all of this power, Percy was usually a babbling brook of a person, making people laugh and smile as he acted a goof.
So, really, nobody could blame Jason for falling in love with him.
He realized he was hopelessly in love with his bro when Percy dragged him to the aquarium at two a.m. one morning to watch tiger shark pups hatch.
"Pst," a voice whispered directly into Jason's ear. Jason barely stopped himself from blasting them away with a gust of wind when he remembered he was at camp. "Jason," the voice whispered in a sing song voice. "Jasonnnn," they drew his name out. Jason finally gave a groan and rolled onto his back, blinking tired eyes open to find Percy's grinning face hovering a few centimeters above his, their noses almost touching. "Do you want to go watch anywhere from ten to eighty two tiger shark pups swim out of their mom with me?"
Five minutes later and Jason was sat on the subway, still in his pajamas, with a happy Percy next to him. Jason was pointedly trying to ignore the homeless man making prison ramen in the corner and listened in a tired haze as Percy talked about tiger sharks in an endless stream of knowledge that rivaled some of Annabeth's rants.
The entire subway trip was Percy practically vibrating out of his skin with excitement and listing off facts about Toni, the tiger shark at the aquarium, that Jason was pretty sure weren't real (no way this shark liked frosted flakes). As they deboarded the train, Percy grabbed Jason's hand and tugged him along as he tried not to run but failed the last two blocks to the aquarium.
"Are we supposed to be here?" Jason asked as Percy pulled a key ring from his pocket and started flipping through them. Percy grinned up at him as he picked a key, pushing it into the lock.
"We are not not supposed to be here," Percy replied as he leaned on the door, pushing it open and walking backwards into the building as he tugged Jason inside with him. Jason's stomach did a complicated acrobatic routine as his heart rate sped up. Locking the door behind them, Percy put the keys back into his pocket before grabbing hold of Jason's hand again and jogging through the aquarium to the Gulfs wing.
The aquarium was darker than usual and Jason couldn't see very well but Percy didn't seem to have the same problem as he led them through the exhibits. Jason was pretty sure the teen could do it with his eyes closed and still get to where they were supposed to go but when Percy looked over his shoulder to smile and check that Jason was still with him, Jason's heart stuttered at the glowing green eyes that met his. Annabeth had mentioned that Percy's eyes sometimes looked like they were glowing but there was no denying or waving it away this time, his eyes a very clear halo of light green as he tugged Jason after him.
The tiger shark enclosure was a pretty shallow one, the sharks preferring shallow water instead of the deep sea, and there was a shark waiting for them as they jogged up to the tank.
"This is Toni, she's the ho." Percy introduced Jason as he grinned with excitement down at the tank, sticking his hand into the water and petting the shark like it was a cat.
"Hi Toni," Jason greeted as he looked at the shark with awe. No matter how many times he had been to the aquarium with Percy, sharks always managed to amaze him. They were so deadly and powerful and yet, turned into complete puppies when Percy was around.
"Tiger sharks incubate their pups in eggs inside of them and then the pups hatch inside of them and the mom shark gives birth to them," Percy explained. "But an aquarium in Seattle had a tiger shark that died while she was incubating her eggs so now we have a few eggs that survived and they should hatch tonight too." Percy looked like one of the little kids he usually gave a tour to as he looked at the shark eggs piled on the bottom of the tank. Percy gently picked up one of the eggs to show Jason, keeping it in the water as he held it with two fingers. "People call shark eggs mermaid purses because of what they look like but I've never seen a mermaid using one as a purse so I think it's just a human thing. Look, you can see the baby sharks," Percy smiled as he shown a flashlight through the thin shell to show the glow of a baby shark curled up in the shell. Jason looked at the egg with amazement, the baby shark looking like a baby snake with the way it was curled up. Percy put it back gently before petting Toni again. "Yeah, yeah. I know you're hungry, you're always hungry." Percy grumbled, opening one of the bins next to the tank and pulling out a box of Frosted Flakes.
"You were serious?" Jason asked, looking at the cereal box incredulously. "Toni the tiger shark actually eats Frosted Flakes?" Percy grinned.
"I would never lie to you about that. Tiger sharks eat anything but she really likes Frosted Flakes. You wanna feed her?" Percy held out the cereal box and Jason took it with a nod. Percy showed him how much to shake into his hand before tossing it into the water. The shark moved with a startling amount of speed, snapping up the cereal greedily and looking at Jason for more. They tossed a few more handfuls of cereal into the tank before Percy put the box away and tugged Jason down onto a blanket with some pillows on it next to the tank where they had a perfect view of the eggs.
Percy had planned this. He had laid out a blanket and pillows, brought snacks and soda as an apology for waking Jason up so early. The realization smacked into Jason like a ton of bricks and he blinked in surprise at the raven haired boy laying next to him, eagerly watching the eggs. Jason's chest grew warm and he resituated himself beside Percy so they were both looking at the eggs.
"Can you hear them talking?"
"All the time," Percy nodded. "That egg, on the left," Percy pointed into the tank and Jason nodded, "she's complaining about how cramped it is in her shell. She'll probably be one of the first to hatch. The egg beside her is singing a song they just made up. The egg below it is asking him to stop singing." Jason laughed and Percy smiled. For an hour, they laid on the aquarium floor staring into the tank and talking about fish. Jason liked listening to Percy talk about the aquarium and all the creatures inside that he cared so much about. Every time he asked a question or botched a pronunciation, Percy corrected him gently and waited for him to say it the right way before answering his question.
Finally, around three a.m., the first egg hatched.
"Look!" Jason gasped happily as the first egg split open and a long, baby tiger shark glided out. The boys watched with wide, awe filled eyes as the baby shark sat on the sand, working his gills as he looked around. "That is the cutest thing I have ever seen," Jason admitted as he looked at the baby shark with awe.
"He says thank you," Percy said, grinning as Jason laughed. More eggs started to hatch, baby sharks sitting on the sand as they became aware of their surroundings and new siblings.
"There's no way you guys are keeping all of these sharks in here, right?" Jason asked, eyes looking at the shark pup covered tank floor.
"No, baby tiger sharks are pretty self sufficient after a few hours so we'll release a bunch of them into the ocean tomorrow night. Depending on how many pups Toni has, we might keep all of hers with her here in the tank. Fifteen baby tiger sharks were sat on the sand when Percy moved the remaining few eggs into a smaller tank within the tank. "Since these one's haven't hatched on their own, we'll look inside and if we can see their gills moving and signs of life, we can actually open the eggs for them."
"It's like making an omelet," Percy said, making Jason laugh as he picked up a flashlight. "I'm kidding. It's mor like opening a band aid. I'll show you," Percy assured as he held one of the eggs and shown a flash light through it. The baby shark inside was alive, gills working as he sat contentedly in his egg, not saying anything. Percy showed Jason how to separate the egg carefully, peeling it back and letting the baby shark glide out to sit grumpily on the bottom of the tank. They opened two of the other eggs, Percy letting Jason open both, his fingers gently brushing across Jason's as he corrected his hold. Jason's heart was pounding loudly in his chest as they hatched the eggs.
"This is amazing," Jason said softly as he lay on the floor again, watching the baby sharks move around and start to get the full use of their fins with wide eyes. Percy grinned from his seat next to Jason, leaning back on his palms as he watched the sharks.
"You know, you technically get to name them."
"Uh-huh. Most fish don't give themselves names, it's usually just ancient Greek monster amphibians that do the self dubbing."
"So Patricia," Jason trailed off as he looked up at Percy. Percy blushed a rosy pink as he looked away.
"All me," he admitted, making Jason's smile widen.
"Well, I think we have to name this one Luigi," Jason decided not to tease him mercilessly, pointing to one of the sharks instead. "I mean, he has the mustache and everything." Percy laughed as he looked at the shark Jason was pointing to, nodding his agreement. An hour after they finished naming the sharks, most of them baring some kind of fish pun as a title, Toni started to give birth to her own litter. Jason and Percy watched with childlike excitement as pup after pup swam out into the water and began exploring. Toni ended up having thirty seven pups of her own and the boys immediately named them all after breakfast cereals and foods, dissolving into giggles at each suggestion and bumping their shoulders together.
It was six a.m. by the time they caught the subway back to camp and most of the campers were already awake, stumbling around groggily as they got ready for breakfast. Percy had grabbed Jason's hand when they got off the subway and he was still holding it now as they reached the tree with the Golden Fleece, the dragon guarding it curled around the branch and snoring little flames. Percy tugged Jason back to stop at the top of the hill and Jason's heart skipped a beat as he looked at Percy, tilting his head to the side.
"Okay?" Jason asked, a complicated expression worrying at Percy's features.
"Yeah, yeah. It's just," Percy huffed, frustrated with himself at not finding the right words and Jason turned around fully, squeezing Percy's hand gently.
"Take a breath," Jason instructed, Percy listening and doing so instantly, relaxing a bit. "Try again when you're ready." Jason yawned and pushed his glasses up his nose a bit from where they had slipped down. Percy was watching him, chest rising and falling with deliberate breaths as Jason waited patiently, blinking heavily as the tiredness he had been feeling for a while washed over him and he lifted the hand that wasn't holding Percy's to rub at his eyes.
Percy pushed forwards in one motion and suddenly, a hand was cupping Jason's jaw as lips crashed into his own. Jason's eyes fluttered wide in surprise but he kissed Percy back as soon as his brain caught up with the program, hand fluttering down to rest on Percy's hip. Kissing Percy was dizzying and grounding all at once. Jason felt his skin start to buzz with electricity. When Percy pulled away, pressing their foreheads together, he could feel every molecule of air between them.
"Yeah?" Percy asked softly, everything he had been trying to say forming one question that Jason understood perfectly.
"Yeah," Jason nodded gently, making a grin spread across Percy's lips as his own mouth turned up into a wide smile. He leaned forwards, capturing Percy's lips in another breathtaking, dizzying kiss.
Percy Falling In Love With Piper
Falling in love with Piper was so easy, Percy didn't even realize he was treating her just like Annabeth and Jason until he was kissing her on New Years. She had been sat on his lap, his arm around her waist to keep her in place as he chatted happily with Hazel and Frank while Piper talked with one of her sisters on the other side, and it seemed like second nature to turn and look at her, kiss her when the clock struck midnight.
And then, because it was Piper, there was a moment where Percy felt like they were the only two people in the room. Fireworks exploded, his heart beat so fast he was pretty sure it was going to fly out of his chest, his vision narrowed to just her. It was every cliché in the book as he looked at her, thinking about how right it had felt to kiss her, how right it felt to have her in his lap and in his arms. Memories flickered through his mind of every time they had hung out, laughter and grins and jumping on top of each other flew through his mind and Percy blinked. The world zapped back into focus but he kept his eyes on Piper as he tilted his head to the side.
"I think I might be in love with you," they said at the same time. "Jinx! You owe me a blue coke!" Piper dissolved into laughter as they continued to speak in unison, leaning backwards in Percy's arms as she cackled and he looked at her like she was the ocean personified.
It made sense, being in love with Piper, because they told you to fall in love with your best friend and Piper had been Percy's best friend since day one. They had verbally roasted Octavian for the duration of breakfast with the Romans, bonded over hating sea food, and were on their way to try sledding down the hill on shields when Annabeth and Jason stopped them (they did eventually try sledding and it was a bad idea. A very bad idea).
Even when they were in life or death situations, Piper and Percy grinned like idiots at each other and made movie references as they sliced up monsters or destroyed priceless monuments on accident with nothing more than an "Oops," as they carried on with what they were doing. They volunteered to do supply runs together and always got sidetracked by art stores or live music from buskers or literally a box of puppies once. Even after the quest, when they were safe in New York and California, the two liked to do the shopping for Sally and Paul and usually came back way later than they should have with at least five things that weren't on the list.
Hanging out with Piper filled a void in Percy's chest that he hadn't been aware was there until she was filling it, making him content and calm and happy. She got his humor and made him laugh exactly the same way, she was okay with his need to touch everybody all the time, she liked the same smoothies as him, she was way better at skating than he was, she went surfing with him (and was also way better than him) and taught him how to snowboard.
Piper was the missing piece. How could he not see it earlier? She was the other half of his soul. He loved Piper Mclean.
Piper Falling In Love With Percy
Being friends with Percy had always come easily to Piper, they were nearly the same personalities really, but falling in love with him was so natural Piper didn't even realize it had happened until the clock struck midnight on New Years Eve and her lips were locked with his.
Fireworks exploded, her breath caught in her throat, she was seeing stars and there was an angel choir singing somewhere far above when her lips met his. Piper had never had such a goddess of love moment. When they separated, Piper was dizzy from the rush of oxytocin that was flooding her brain. She was pretty sure Percy had never looked as good as he did right then.
"I think I might be in love with you," they said at the same time. "Jinx! You owe me a blue coke!" Piper dissolved into laughter at their shared feelings, tilting her head back as Percy held her steady in his lap.
It really shouldn't have taken them by surprise, they had always been closer than normal friends but they chalked it up to dating each other's partners and went skating instead of dwelling on it. That was what made their dynamic work so well in the first place, Percy's ability to make everything else seem not as important as it looked. He shrugged his shoulders, slid on a pair of sunglasses and asked if she wanted to go get ice cream.
"The problem will still be there later, Pipes. Ice cream melts, if you want it we have to go get it right now. Like, why aren't you moving yet? I can practically hear the melted drops hitting the sidewalk now."
Piper always said yes because being carefree was addicting. Percy was addicting.
"Hey, I know you're like, super stressed out about this math test, and I promise I'll help you study later, but, like, do you wanna come to the aquarium with me to find out if I can skate on the tanks but underwater?"
And sometimes he was just an idiot. But she liked it. She liked him.
He had stupid ideas and more trauma than a teenager should have, but he was funny and silly and lighthearted and so caring. He was a total mama's boy and literally so head over heels for Annabeth and Jason, his love was practically palpable, and Piper was in love with him.
It seemed like something that should have been a ground breaking realization but Piper just felt like something had finally clicked into place, like everything was finally as it should be.
True facts of the universe:
-the sky is blue
-the grass is green
-Piper is in love with Percy Jackson
Jason Falling In Love With Annabeth
Jason had been in love with Annabeth since the moment he saw her. The day Jason woke up on a bus with no memories and two best friends he didn't know was the day the fierce, terrifying blond had charged towards them with determination and demanded to know where her boyfriend was. Jason had been raised by wolves. He knew weakness when he saw it, and when he looked at Annabeth, he saw how scared and torn apart she really was about losing her boyfriend. Of course he hadn't known about the whole being raised by wolves thing until they were nearly devoured by a pack, but it was still in his nature to recognize threats and weak links.
Annabeth was in no way a weak link, but she was suffering in silence and Jason couldn't let that happen. So, when they got back to camp, Jason pulled Annabeth aside and let her tell him all about her missing boyfriend. He didn't judge as she cried in frustration, scrubbed at her eyes angrily, called the gods every horrendous name in ancient Greek she could think of. He just nodded and listened and hugged her. That had scared her. Jason had felt her tense beneath him when his arms circled around her shoulders, and Jason had almost pulled away but she relaxed, gave into it and lightly hugged him back.
"I'm sorry you're going through this. You didn't deserve it," he told her truthfully. That had made Annabeth's eyes water again. The night before their quest, when Annabeth asked Jason to keep an eye out for her boyfriend, Jason had put a hand on her shoulder, looked her directly in the eyes, and promised, "We'll find him. Don't worry." Annabeth's shoulders had loosened minutely beneath his palm and he gave her another hug before she went off to coordinate another search.
Later, when they were flying towards California and Camp Jupiter, Jason had put his hand on her shoulder again, looked her in the eyes and promised, "He's here. He's okay." Annabeth had stopped fidgeting, stood up straight, and nodded.
"I know," she said, tone implying that though she knew it, she wouldn't feel good about it until she saw it with her own two eyes. Jason stayed by her side as they flew into the valley. He thought she was going to pass out, her breathing was so frantic. Even when they finally got to the ground, Jason made sure he was within fainting range and kept an eye on her as waves of nostalgia and emotion rolled over him at being back on the familiar Roman ground. For the first time in a while, everything in Jason was calm and at peace, not working overtime translating Greek things into Latin terms. He was in his element again.
Jason could see the exact moment Annabeth saw her boyfriend. Her pupils blew wide and her breathing stopped, her heart beat the only thing making her body move as it locked her into place. Her fingers twitched by her sides and Jason knew she wanted to tug on her strand of gray hair, a nervous habit she had picked up since her boyfriend's disappearance.
Then, between one breath and the next, her body loosened and she was leaning forwards. Jason moved closer but she wasn't falling. She ran, full on sprinted, across the distinct separation of Greeks and Romans and crashed into her boyfriend with everything in her. To his credit, the dude didn't stagger or even stumble, just hugged her so tightly Jason was scared he was going to break one of Annabeth's ribs.
"I missed you so much," he breathed out as they clung to each other, Annabeth let out a sob of relief in response. Annabeth had her legs around his waist and she pulled back just enough to kiss him like he was the last air source on the planet and they were trying to survive off of each other. Jason could tell the Romans weren't happy about a newcomer, a Greek newcomer, practically attacking their newest praetor with her mouth, but he would have fought every single one of them if it meant Annabeth finally got her happy ending. He waited patiently as Annabeth reacquainted herself with her boyfriend's lips and when she finally dropped gracefully to the ground, his hands moving to frame her face, Jason looked towards Reyna.
He looked away for one second and Annabeth judo flipped her boyfriend. Jason reached for a coin that wasn't there as the Romans pressed forwards, ready for a fight, and he just about moved to cover Annabeth when her boyfriend laughed. Laughed.
"If you ever leave me like that again, I swear to all the gods-"
"I know, I know. Your mother made a very similar threat once." Annabeth blinked and she moved her knee off of his chest, taking her arm away from his throat to offer him a hand up. When he was back on his feet, he changed his grip on her hand so their fingers were laced together and he pulled her into his side, holding her close. Annabeth's eyes were calming from their stormy gray to a soft sea glass gray. Jason relaxed.
It became a habit after that, to keep an eye on Annabeth and monitor how she was doing via his wolf instincts. Every time she started to slip a bit, giving in to the nightmares that plagued her or believing some of the awful things her step mother used to tell her, Jason would show up with a new book and a cup of coffee. He knew exactly how she took her coffee, what kind of books she liked the most, and what to do if coffee and books didn't work. Percy and Piper had their own tricks to help Annabeth come back into herself, Piper did her hair and Percy laid on her until she fell asleep, but Jason liked to be a little less dominating with it.
"Hey, you wanna run some errands with me? Sally gave me a whole list of things to get and I want to make sure I do it right."
"Hey, I can't get the columns on this sketch of the Parthenon right, can you help?"
"You wanna catch the new Batman movie with me?"
"I've been stuck on this crossword for three days, can you help?"
"I don't want to train with the Aphrodite cabin today, you wanna do this puzzle with me?"
And somewhere along the line of being her friend and caring about her, Jason realized he was well and truly in love with Annabeth. They were sitting in the Athena cabin, Annabeth laying on her bed on her stomach as she worked on the New York Times crossword, Jason working on the Washington Post, when he looked up at her and just knew. She was chewing on the end of her pencil, feet swaying behind her as her blond hair fell in her natural curls around her face, and Jason felt his heart swell three sizes.
"I love you," he said aloud like he had said it twenty thousand times before.
"I love you too. Booyah! Capricious!" She cheered as she scribbled the word into the space.
Annabeth Falling In Love With Jason
Falling in love with Jason was something Annabeth was scared of. She was scared to even think about it, because what if she was forcing feelings to complete the little circle they had? What if she wasn't actually in love with him but she just thought she was so they could have it all? They couldn't possibly have it all, right?
Annabeth fell in love with Jason without her permission. He was fierce in everything he did, fiercely kind, fiercely calm, fiercely loyal, fiercely loving. His fierceness was what made Annabeth weak in the knees, it always had. At first, she thought it was just because somebody was paying direct attention to her, Jason always made eye contact and it was always strong. But when she got hurt while they were doing a supply run and Jason had stood over her, sword in hand and prepared to take on the remaining monsters all on his own if it meant she was safe, Annabeth got butterflies.
She could see the parallels in her head: Jason protecting her from a few empusai, Percy protecting her from an entire monster army, but she didn't compare them. She was determined not to compare them.
Especially when Jason was standing on her cabin doorstep with a sketch of the Parthenon in hand, telling her he couldn't get the columns right just as she had started to spiral down the rabbit hole of self doubt as she struggled with her studies.
"Can you help?"
"Sure, come on in." She pulled the door open wider and let him in as she composed herself. "What's your issue?"
"Every time I draw the columns, they look wrong," Jason said as he sat down on her bed, Annabeth sitting back down at her desk and shoving her textbooks out of the way. Annabeth looked at his sketch before pulling out her own sketch pad.
"From what I can see, the columns you were drawing were Corinthian columns and the Parthenon was built with Ionic columns," Annabeth said as she grabbed a pencil and started sketching on her own paper, Jason watching intently. "Ionic columns are the most basic columns, super easy to make, and their distinguishing feature is the volutes of their capitals, which have been argued about for millennia. They sometimes have a band separating the volutes and capitals or fruit or flowers around the "neck" made by the volutes but there was a big deal about how pretty the columns actually looked from other angles and so that's why Corinthian columns were designed but 16th century renaissance architect and theorist Vincenzo Scamozzi made a perfect four sided Ionic capital and that became the standard," Annabeth explained the origin and shape of the column.
She kept sketching, talking for half an hour at least about the history and design of the columns as Jason listened, sketching in his own book and checking his work against her own every once in a while. Annabeth didn't notice the day slipping away or her mood changing significantly until the conch for dinner was blown and her architecture bubble was burst. Jason slid his glasses into his hair as he rubbed his eyes, smearing graphite on his face in the process, and blinked down at his paper.
"I didn't realize it was getting late," Annabeth admitted as she blinked her own eyes, clearing the intense focus that made the rest of the room look blurry.
"Me neither, you have a very nice voice," Jason complimented with a smile as he looked up at her.
"Thank you."
"Some interesting knowledge about columns too." Annabeth blushed.
"I didn't mean to-"
"The stuff about Vincenzo Scamozzi was really interesting. Do you know who one upped him?" Jason asked, cutting her off and making her apology die on her tongue as he swung his legs over the side of the bed and lifted his arms up, stretching towards the ceiling. His shir came up just a bit, enough to make Annabeth's cheeks flame a bright pink.
"It was a Greek revival movement in the 18th century, many different architects."
"Have we ever had a revival movement? Like, in the twenty-first century?"
"Not yet. Art Deco is rumored to have a comeback approaching in 2020 as a roaring twenties revival."
"Art Deco?" Jason asked, head tilting to the side. Before Annabeth could answer, the conch sounded again and he smiled, climbing to his feet. "Maybe a different time. Come on, I'm starving." He offered his hand and Annabeth took it, unfolding herself from how she had been scrunched into her desk chair.
Every time Annabeth started to drown in herself, there was Jason. Sometimes he brought her puzzles and mind games that distracted her, sometimes it was his sketch book full of buildings that made up the New York skyline or Roman temples. And sometimes, it was Jason stood on her door step with a coffee from her favorite shop in Brooklyn and one of the books from her To Be Read list.
"It's a bribe," Jason told her honestly when she had pulled her door open to find the blonde on the cabin steps with his gifts.
"What for?" Annabeth asked, taking the coffee and book anyways. Sherlock Holmes vs. Dracula by Loren D. Estleman.
"To help me convince Reyna that Camp Jupiter needs a reform in the way they operate and we can do that without disregarding the old practices completely," Jason sighed, like he knew just how big his request was, and pulled his bottom lip into his mouth. Annabeth pressed her legs together.
"Come in," Annabeth pushed the door open a little wider. Jason took his usual seat on her bed and Annabeth climbed into her desk chair, keeping one knee tucked up to her chest as she pulled out a binder and three file folders from her closet. Passing them over to Jason, she flipped one of her braids over her shoulder. "I've already had a few ideas." Jason grinned and flicked through the papers as Annabeth sipped on her coffee and looked at her new book longingly.
For the next two months straight, they organized a complete reform to the Roman camp in a way that kept the old sacred practices in effect without any disrespect or loss of sacredness. They worked long nights by lamp light and Annabeth actually started to steal Jason's glasses sometimes when she couldn't make out what she was reading. They made a schedule but it only lasted a few days before Annabeth presented Jason with a brand new program that sent their entire project into disarray and threw their schedule out the window.
Every time Jason came up with a new idea that worked, his eyes had little lightning bolts in them and static radiated off of him like one of the metal balls they used at school to learn about electricity. It made Annabeth's braids float in the air, which always made her laugh. Seeing Jason excited about helping change the laws for the better in an effort to make the ground work of Camp Jupiter less oppressive and give everyone equal footing made Annabeth feel like she was full of restless energy.
A comfortable buzz settled over her skin whenever Jason was around and her body felt restless until her skin brushed against his, usually resulting in a shock from his natural energy that was roughly a zillion times higher than a regular person's. Touch was a big factor that made Annabeth realize she was falling in love with Jason. And boy was she falling.
When all was said and done and they were waiting to see what Reyna thought of their plans, Jason and Annabeth sat in the Athena cabin to do newspaper crosswords to take their minds off the fact their work was being judged by the daughter of the war goddess. Crosswords were something that Jason had brought Annabeth before when he dropped by and something they both enjoyed doing. Usually, Annabeth got the New York Times while Jason got the Washington Post and sometimes they raced but usually they sat in the quiet and worked on their own papers. Annabeth had been looking at the same clue for three minutes now, chewing on her pencil eraser as she read it over and over, when Jason broke the silence.
"I love you."
"I love you too," she replied immediately. "Booyah! Capricious!" The clue clicked and Annabeth scribbled the answer down, heart beating quickly in her chest. The admission had felt completely natural, not wrong or forced in the slightest.
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fapper · 1 year
wait life is funny af.... dinosaurs literally used to live on this planet but an asteroud or meteor idfk hit earth and they all died. thats kinda crazy. and we have remnants and fossils of them today. kinda scaryyyyyyyyyyyy and dinosaurs bones like t-rexs and stuff like thats so scary that those kinda stuff were roaming this planet especially the long necked dinosaurs. i think they r like the ancient giraffes they are the scariest cuz theyre so big and have such a long neck and yeah idtotally like. idk jurrassic park is a good movie is all im trying to say i guess (i dont think ive even watched jurassicparl)
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heartfictionkin · 2 years
Incorrect octonauts quotes cuz they sound fun.
(Also with more characters like the octoagents)
Ranger Marsh: What are you doing here?
Ryla: I could ask you the same question.
Ranger Marsh: I live here. This is my house.
Ryla: I should probably ask you a different question.
Prof. Inkling: Why does everyone want to kill Prof. Natquik?
Calico Jack: Because, goshdangit, have you seen them? Their neck looks so snappable.
Peso: Dinosaurs aren't extinct. I mean, Ryla is walking in this room.
Dashi: *wheeze*
Ranger Marsh: Any questions?
Calico Jack: Uh, yeah, WHAT THE FLIP WAS THAT?
Ranger Marsh: Uh, a plan, duh...
Ryla: Calico Jack, chill, I know it’s weird, but Ranger Marsh has a point.
Calico Jack:
Prof. Inkling: Why don't I like this person?
Tweak: I don't know. Maybe it's because they keep stealing your thunder.
Prof. Inkling: Maybe it's because their name is "Dashi". Don't you find that utterly ridiculous?
Tweak: No.
Prof. Inkling: That's because your name is "Tweak".
Shellington: I'm hot, I’m tall, I'm gay, and I'm on my theatre kid arc.
Tweak: Why did you guys dress up as each other for Halloween?
Ryla: Peso is the scariest thing I could think of!
Peso: Ryla told me I should pick the dumbest costume possible.
Pearl: Ryla, what does IDK, ILY, and TTYL mean?
Ryla: I don’t know, I love you, talk to you later.
Pearl: Alright, I love you too, I'll ask Prof. Inkling.
Ryla: Wait- Pearl, no-
Tweak: I think I'm falling for you.
Dashi: Then get up.
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purplesurveys · 7 months
What’s something you used to believe in that you don’t anymore?  Everything about religion.
What’s your favorite dinosaur?  I don't have a favorite dinosaur.
Do you believe in reincarnation? If so, what would you like to be reincarnated as?  I never did, but if it were real I'd like to be a dog...because they're my favorite animal and also so that I don't have to work a day in my life in my next life lol.
What are three scents that you like?  Fresh seafood, curry, and coffee shops.
Do you ever use the grounding technique 54321?  I've heard of it but don't think I've ever used it.
Where would you relocate if you were forced to leave your place of residence?  I might move back at my childhood duplex where my extended family continues to live. It's very near where I live and would make the last-minute move convenient.
What smells better... fresh baked bread or fresh brewed coffee?  Tight competition but I might actually go for the bread on this one.
Have you ever met a president?  I haven't, but I've been at a friend's wake the same time as a president was. I'm pretty sure I've also been at an event which the current first lady attended too, but there were so many people that it was impossible to see her.
Has anyone ever given you a gag gift?  As far as I can remember, no.
Do you find smoking unattractive?  If it's done excessively and if it's starting to take effect on the appearance - like blackened gums - then yes I'm grossed out by it. I don't think I'd mind some social smoking here and there.
Do you think flirting is cheating?  I personally wouldn't be a fan but I guess it also depends on the situation.
Have you ever liked someone who had a girl/boyfriend?  Nope.
Would you ever take someone back if they cheated on you?  I hope I wouldn't.
What's a word that starts with the third letter of your first name?  Brain.
How many wives or husbands do you want?  If I ever get married I hope it only happens once.
What's your favorite color gummy bear?  Any's fine - I like gummy bears!
What's the last movie you saw in the theater?  I saw the theatrical release of BTS' Busan concert twice; once with friends and the next time I went solo.
What color is your iPod?  I haven't used an iPod since high school, but I owned a blue one.
What’s a quality that your sister has that you absolutely can’t stand?  Her memory is terrible so when we get into conversations where we talk about stuff from the past she'd be so stubbornly wrong - "I never said that" "It was you who did this and that" and it always comes off as major gaslighting and is so annoying lol.
Have you ever dated a smoker? If not, would you?  Not a habitual one. I still wouldn't.
Do you share a middle name with any of your siblings?  We share the same legal middle/maiden name if that's what you mean. But our second names are all different.
Name one of your psycho exes?  I wouldn't call them a psycho.
Have you ever been drunk at work?  Nope.
Have you ever taken a pregnancy test?  I have not.
How many bananas have you ever eaten in a row? I can only do one at a time and it's always a bad experience because I hate bananas and all fruits.
Do you have a protective father?  He can be, but in the grand scheme of things it was always my mom who has been more protective. When I was starting to explore my independence and doing more grown-up things, my dad would talk my mom down and tell her I was no longer a kid and that she'd have to allow me to do more things at some point.
Have you ever had to choose between two people?  Hasn't happened to me.
The last thing you remember dreaming about:  I always fail to remember my dreams, lol.
The last place you went:  I went to a nearby mall because I was meeting my sister there to drive her home from her date. I waited at a Starbucks and spent my time there doing some work and watching a few episodes of Friends.
The last time you held a baby:  16 years ago when my now 16-year-old cousin was still a newborn.
What’s the scariest video game you’ve ever played?  I've never played a scary video game on my own. I used to enjoy watching YouTubers do walkthroughs there.
If you had the chance to slip through a portal, despite being unaware of any of the effects and/or consequences, would you do it?  Probably not.
When someone copies you, are you more flattered or annoyed?  Depends on what about me they're copying, I guess? Like it would be extremely grating if I have to deal with someone taking credit for stuff I do at work.
Which is worse: Stale chips or flat soda?  Flat soda, because I already don't like soda.
What health problems do you have?  Scoliosis.
Have you ever had an anaphylactic reaction to anything?  No.
Do you have sensitive skin?  Yes, VERY. I'm dealing with a rash under my left arm for a few days now; no idea where it came from. I also avoid walking through grass because that 100% gives me the rashes.
What would you name a baby boy?  I can't ever seem to decide on a first name for a boy, but I've long eyed having Owen at least as a second name. I'd love to name my son after Owen Hart.
What would you name a baby girl?  Mia's still my favorite.
Do people's rude comments bother you for a long time?  Depends on who said the rude thing. I'd be more personally affected if I was hurt by someone in my personal circle, like family or close friends. Rude people at work absolutely don't affect me nearly as much as it used to.
Name three things you find boring.  Anything about finance and the stock market; attending mass; and racing.
What excites you?  Having days off work; concerts; and literally anything related to BTS.
Would you send your kids to Sunday school?  That would be the worst decision I'd make as a parent ever. No.
What is the most interesting biography you have read?  I really enjoyed Chris Jericho's first memoir.
Do you think your life story would make a good book someday?  Nah.
Do you buy art for your walls?  I don't but that's something I'd love to be able to do (and afford) someday.
Would you ever decorate a room with a travel theme?  I'd rather my room not have a theme.
What insects do you think are pretty?  None of them.
Do you love God?  I don't believe in that.
Is there an ice cream flavor that you strongly dislike? Which one?  Buko pandan and anything fruit.
Do you own any books with an image of a cat on the front cover?  It's very likely, but I can't remember which one/s exactly.
Does anything you own have an image of a bird on it?  ^ Same thing.
Does anyone you know own a spaniel? How about an Irish setter?  Not that I know of.
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elysian-voices · 1 year
Tumblr media
Twenty years have passed since life as we knew it ended, neighbors and loved ones commandeered by a fungus determined to spread across the world by any means necessary. Once vibrant and bustling cities have been reduced to crowded and dismal quarantine zones controlled by the military. Rumors spread of populations immune to the disease, though where they’re based and their very existence depends on who you’re talking to. For most living in what remains of the world, immunity and a cure are just Firefly fairytales, but in the real world, sometimes the scariest thing isn’t the infected, it’s the survivors.
An all muse verse inspired by The Last of Us. I watched the first episode of the show Sunday night and had it on the brain all day yesterday, so it was only a matter of time before this popped up in my brain space. Muse specifics for this verse will be under the read more since some things had to change to make the apocalypse somewhat less terrifying to live through, namely the lack of supernatural beings and/or dinosaurs. That being said, any muse based on a deity (Apollo, Loki, Persephone, etc.) is still a divine being just trapped on Earth without access to the majority of their powers and immune to the disease rather than hiding away on Olympus or Asgard. All dates are vague enough to follow the original game timeline or the new show timeline, which takes place 10 years earlier, depending on which timeline folks want to write in.
Loki - Still our favorite trickster in Norse mythology. Based primarily out of a settlement in the Midwest, Loki doesn’t USUALLY enter QZs unless absolutely necessary. Though deprived of his magic and ability to shapeshift, he’s still incredibly cunning and capable of holding his own against a pack of infected relatively unscathed.
Tyr - Also based out of a settlement in the Midwest, Tyr is still a capable fighter and brilliant strategist. He, like Loki, retains the enhanced durability and strength of his Jötunn heritage and is immune to the Cordyceps infection due to their divinity.
Persephone - Persephone lives in a small, fortified settlement outside of the Hew Haven QZ, away from the bulk of her family. Despite having no access to her magic, her talent for gardening and farming is easily apparent. She has the enhanced durability of all Olympians, though she prefers to remain inside the walls of the settlement rather than venture outside.
Apollo - Despite the majority of Apollo’s family taking up residence near New York, the former god of light has taken up semi-permanent residence outside of Chicago. Still lethal with a bow and brilliant with medicine, Apollo mostly wanders the lower bend of Lake Michigan in an attempt to help survivors trying to flee to a better life.
Artemis - The goddess of the hunt lives a slightly more secluded life in the forests of the Pacific Northwest, leading a small settlement nestled in southern Oregon. Even without her magic, her hunting and tracking skills are usually without equal though she works hard to ensure that the people under her protection are capable of fending for themselves without her should disaster strike.
Lea - Lea lives in the New Orleans QZ with her family. Though born before the outbreak, her teenage years were spent learning how to survive in a postapocalyptic world the kind-hearted girl was ill-suited for. Despite that, Lea has learned how to handle herself in the two decades since the outbreak, often taking whatever jobs she can in order to help support her family.
Juliet - A former resident of the New Orleans QZ, Juliet now lives in the Chicago QZ with her family. Born before the outbreak, Juliet’s world seemed to crumble around her when her then boyfriend was killed in front of her when the infection hit their hometown of Nora Springs. The panic and distress of the incident caused her to be separated from her family and lead her to eventually ending up in New Orleans.
Dallas - Growing up in pre-outbreak West Virginia, Dallas was no stranger to handling weaponry well before he ever needed to use it on the infected. As a child he had dreamt of working with animals, though the new apocalypse meant it would be close to impossible to truly do so. As an adult he lives in a community located in the Wayne National Forest, working with the local vet and training to open his own clinic.
Ichabod - Having moved to Sleepy Hollow just before the outbreak, Ichabod has made a home of sorts for himself in a settlement near the remains of the once idyllic town. Despite the threat of infected, he does everything he can to help support the community he’s grown to care about. His photographic memory, tracking skills, and combat training make him indispensable to the people around him.
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orleans-jester · 2 years
Halloween 2022
Frank: Eric Draven.
Frank mostly goes along with what Delta wants. If it’s up to him, he’d just spend the night either in the castle or walking around and watching the drunks, seeing what sort of freaks show up on Halloween.
Figaro: Magic Mike (One of those plush muscle costumes with a ‘Hi my name is MIKE’ sticker, a Michael Myers mask with Mike Tyson’s tattoo drawn on it, A Mickey Mouse sorcerer’s hat, really tight green leggings and Air Jordans
Gepetto: Adam Ant from Prince Charming Diana - Boy George inspired
On the actual Halloween night, there’s the Funkytown special. The dolls get all dressed up in their costumes, they have the house decorated, and they hand out candy to the kids. Many of them ask what Figaro is supposed to be. They explain it thoroughly. They either leave confused or amused. Willem is more than welcome to take part in this tradition again.
Wiggins: Inigo Montoya
Sitting outside of the office at the trailer park with a jack’o’lantern shaped bucket, handing out candy to the kids in the park. He has backups in case the Beagles rob him.
Rory: Dorothy Gale (for the tips)
Rory will be working through many bars throughout the city, popping in and out. Hardly noticed by anyone except for those who are observant. He does his job well enough to blend in.
Thomas:  Sriracha since he’s pretty hot.
Of course, whatever Valerie might have planned. But given the fact that she is still heavily pregnant and it’s unlikely that they’ll go out clubbing or anything of the sort, he’s more than happy to lounge on the couch and eat the Halloween candy that he picked up that day, posing for a couple of pictures.
Aphrodite: Poison Ivy Bubbles - Post-Apocalyptic Look
They’ll both be wandering Halloweentown for the natural festivities of the town. Not together, just the staff of the school enjoying the holiday.
Jock: Dandy old Gent.
He decides to walk around the city and take advantage of the drunks, get some sips, deal some drugs, end up taking the ‘Deceased’ truck back to the police station and waking up uncomfortably naked in a body bag.
Petey: Taco Iain: Guy Fieri
This pair is going trick or treating in the safer neighborhoods. Iain got invited to a couple of the university parties but ditched them for this. They’ll head out in the early evening, stopping in at Funkytown of course and saying hi to their friends there, hanging out for a little bit and Petey interacts with the dolls, wanting to brush their hair out. But then keep on going so they could be home before dark and watch the scariest movie that Petey can handle - Scooby Doo on Zombie Island.
Ace: Inflatable Alien Abduction Suit Bambi - Jennifer Check Valentin - Vampire Nicolai - Dinosaur
Obviously, Halloween is a big deal for Halloweentown students. Ace will be with Libi, doing whatever Wonderland stuff they can bring to the town. Bambi will be attending her first costume party. Valentin and Nicolai will still be poking around the aftermath of the Devil’s Night Carnival.
GoGo: Suki - Fast and the Furious
If Scout doesn’t feel like many any plans, then she’d just head out and do her usual puttering around on her bike, testing it on the road, maybe stop into a few garages to see if her mechanic friends were handing out any goodies for the season. She’d walk away with a cup-holder for the handlebars, some pin-up girl stickers and a sound suppressor for her muffler.
Livvy: Lola Bunny
If Willem is handing out treats at Funkytown, she’d stop in and say hi. Give him a little treat of a makeout session. And then she was going out with her cousin and his friends for the night to the human parties, just because she wasn’t going to the big Halloween bashes with the girls anymore.
Elsa - Holly Golightly, iconic black dress with pearls. Sally - Molly Ringwald from The Breakfast Club
The two older women will both be handing out candy. Not together, of course, in their respective homes, but neither of them lived exciting social lives. Sally would just want to stay in with her fiance and Elsa planned on curling up with The Turn of the Screw once the sun goes down.
Maddy - Mama Bear
Maddy’s getting a little too big to be waddling around town but she wants to get dressed up anyways. Even if it’s just to find a place to park their rears and hand out full sized candy bars and talk to the kids, that would be a perfect way to spend Halloween.
Clopin - David Bowie, red overalls look.
Why would Clopin ever skimp on Halloween? Just because they were caught in their Peruvian home and the council was still trying to see everything that they were doing, doesn’t mean they won’t celebrate. It’ll hardly be the worst Halloween ever either. He’d dress up flashy, and act the part all through the day. Videocall Valerie and give her a little ‘Rebel Rebel serenade’. They might not have much candy but Kuzco is more than enough to sate his sweet tooth.
Ellie - Skate-boarding Sheet Ghost
Ellie will mostly be doing bakery stuff, tired after the events of the carnival. It’s a busy time of year. Everybody wants treats for their parties so she was called in to help with deliveries but that wasn’t too bad. She made time and a half. More money to sink into the crib. Maybe some new mattresses one day. What a goal. If her crew is busy, then she’d probably just go around town and people watch beneath the lazy sheet she cut up.
Gabby - Mummy
Gabby dressed up for the Haunted Ranch, something that happens each year at Woody’s. Maybe a little more hardcore than some of the others who wear masks, but she gets into it. And then she spends the night protecting the place. Sitting on the roof, feet dangling off the side, katanas strapped against her bandages, smoking. Now’s the time when the veil is thinnest and she’s sent a lot of fuckers down to Hell. Each Halloween, she awaits to see if she gets any visitors.
Also best bet that Pierre is gonna take advantage and wander, see what’s going on with people. Mostly stick around Seven since he’s the only one that doesn’t make him feel totally unwanted.
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tvrundownusa · 2 years
tvrundown USA 2022.10.12
Wednesday, October 12th:
(exclusive): Big Shot (dsn+, dramedy season 2 available, all 10 eps), "Belascoarán, PI" (netflix, Mexican detective mini-series, all 3 eps), Easy-Bake Battle (netflix, home cooking competition premiere, all 8 eps), "I Love You, You Hate Me" (Peacock, Barney the Dinosaur docu-series in 2 parts)
(streaming weekly): The Handmaid's Tale (hulu), Tell Me Lies (hulu), May it Please the Court (hulu, next 2 eps), "The Zone: Survival Mission" (hulu), The D'Amelio Show (hulu, next 2 eps), 101 Scariest Horror Movie Moments of All Time (Shudder), Andor (dsn+), Mighty Ducks Game Changers (dsn+), Ink Master (Para+), The NFL Pile On (amazon, primetime)
(also new): The Challenge (MTV, season 38 "Ride or Dies" opener, 90mins), Love at First Lie (MTV, relationship mystery competition premiere, 90mins)
(earlier - hour 0): The NFL Pile On (amazon, streaming), NFL Slimetime (NICK)
(hour 1): Chicago Med (NBC), DC's Stargirl (theCW), House of Payne (BET, season 9B opener, new time) /   / Assisted Living (BET, season 3B opener, new time), The Conners (ABC) /   / The Goldbergs (ABC), Survivor (CBS), The Masked Singer (FOX)
(hour 2): Chicago Fire (NBC), Kung Fu (theCW), Sistas (BET, season 5 opener), Abbott Elementary (ABC) /   / Home Economics (ABC), The Real Love Boat (CBS), LEGO Masters (FOX), Chucky (SyFy|USA), NOVA (PBS, "Computers v. Crime"), Guy's Ultimate Game Night (FOOD), Dark Side of Comedy (Vice, "Freddie Prinze")
(hour 3): Chicago P.D. (NBC), Big Sky (ABC), The Amazing Race (CBS), Archer (FXX, season 13 finale), Reginald the Vampire (SyFy), Zatima (BET, spinoff series broadcast premiere), "Welcome to Wrexham" (FX, next 3 eps, season 1 finale, 2hrs++)
(hour 4 - latenight): Tooning Out the News (COM)
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a-dinosaur-a-day · 11 months
Was a very hard choice between swans and seagulls. I've been hissed at by a Canada goose and swarmed by a flock of seagulls who so deseperately wanted my bag of fries. >.<
Yeah I have a friend from college who hisses "Eeeeeeevil" every time she sees a swan, its hilarious
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docrotten · 2 years
JURASSIC WORLD: DOMINION (2022, Universal) Dinosaurs & OG Cast Send off the Series with a Kiss
On episode 497 of Horror News Radio:
The Grue-Crew review… JURASSIC WORLD: DOMINION (2022).
Warning: possible spoilers after the initial impressions!
Be sure to subscribe to the Gruesome Magazine YouTube channel to catch all the HNR episodes.
This is HORROR NEWS RADIO, the official GRUESOME MAGAZINE podcast. For this episode, the HNR Grue-Crew are teaming up with the HEROES AND DROIDS hosts to bring you this crossover review.
Back with Doc Rotten once again are the scariest, goriest, bloodiest co-hosts on the 'Net.
Award-winning Film-maker, Christopher G. Moore
Lead News Writer, Dave Dreher
The Slattman!, Christopher Slattery
Comic Book Artist, Chad Hunt
Four years after the destruction of Isla Nublar, dinosaurs now live--and hunt--alongside humans all over the world. This fragile balance will reshape the future and determine, once and for all, whether human beings are to remain the apex predators on a planet they now share with history's most fearsome creatures in a new Era.
Available in Theaters Beginning June 10, 2022
Directed by Colin Trevorrow
Written by Colin Trevorrow, Derek Connolly, Emily Carmichael
Based on characters created by: Michael Crichton
Cast: Chris Pratt, Bryce Dallas Howard, Laura Dern, Sam Neill, Jeff Goldblum, DeWanda Wise, Mamoudou Athie, Isabell Sermon, Campbell Scott, BD Wong, Omar Sy, Justice Smith, Daniella Pineda
Facebook Group:
Vanessa, Facebook:
Vanessa, Instagram:
Christopher, Instagram:
Christopher, Facebook:
Doc, Facebook:
Dave, Facebook:
Check out this episode!
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eievuimemes · 2 years
“[name] is in danger!”
“[name]...you’re shape-shifting.”
“[name]? Can you hear me? Just keep at it!”
“A little piece of my old life.”
“All this power…I know it’s great and everything, but…”
“As nice as it would be to run away from all this…I have no choice. I have to go straight toward it.”
“Back off, man!”
“Be thankful I’m letting you live.”
“Deep down you’ve always known what you are.”
“Does he seem…different to you?”
“Don’t feel sad yet, soldier.”
“Dude, that’s harsh.”
“Get up here.”
“Hang in there, [name].”
“He loves you. Just…talk to him.”
“He shot straight through the concrete ceiling!”
“He’s too far away.”
“I could just die.”
“I do worry about you. We all do.”
“I don’t want to hurt you!”
“I have to get out of here.”
“I hope this doesn’t have anything to do with that button I pushed!”
“I hope you can hear me!”
“I like your T-shirt.”
“I might have an idea.”
“I must have had a dream or something.”
“I need you to cut it out.”
“I really hope this is safe.”
“I really wouldn’t worry.”
“I RULE WITHOUT MERCY. But at the same time, I’m super fun to be around.”
“I tend to annoy him.”
“I think you might be wrong about that one.”
“I will destroy them all!”
“If there’s one thing I know about dinosaurs, it’s this - if you don’t move, they can’t see you.”
“If you don’t mind me saying, you seem very troubled.”
“Is that him?”
“It certainly seems a little intense in there.”
“It feels like I’m being…drained…”
“It seems that none of you fully understand how much danger you’re in.”
“It’s like he’s become the leader.”
“It’s like if our life was some kind of series, then that part probably would have happened around Book Six.”
“It’s time to play outside for a bit.”
“I’d like to ask a favour.”
“I’d rather die good than live bad.”
“I’ll see you on the other side.”
“I’m afraid things are going to be a little more difficult than we thought.”
“I’m exactly where I need to be, and so are you.”
“I’m going to throw up.”
“I’m going up there to help [name].”
“I’m SO EXCITED you’re here, [name]!”
“I’m the answer to your prayers.”
“I’m up here and you’re down there.”
“Knuckleheads. Everywhere I look, knuckleheads.”
“Let’s just wait until morning.”
“Like this isn’t hard enough!?”
“Maybe we should get moving if we can.”
“Oh, c’mon. Lighten up.”
“Oh, man. You must have hit your head hard.”
“Oh. Cool.” [pause] “WHAT!?”
“Release my friends.”
“Sit back, relax, and enjoy this globally televised event.”
“Snap out of it, buddy!”
“So we just have to get to the basement?”
“So, what’s the play?”
“Sometimes the scariest-looking creatures can be the kindest and best of all.”
“So…you probably have a few questions.”
“That probably makes you nervous, doesn’t it?”
“They call me [name] around here.”
“This is a VERY bad idea.”
“This is what I was afraid of…”
“This place is pretty horrible.”
“This was YOUR idea.”
“Time to take a bow.”
“To us, he’s still a kid.”
“Too much power for one little room.”
“Trust me now.”
“Trust your instincts.”
“Try not to die, I guess.”
“Warning, schmorning. Do your worst, you dimwitted hero wannabe!”
“We are just, like, totally over him.”
“We sat up all night trying to think of the stupidest name in the history of stupid names, and - bam! - there it was.”
“We should all be careful not to judge others simply by the way they look.”
“Well, it’s a bit more complicated than that…”
“We’ll annihilate them for you.”
“We’re just doing our thing.”
“We’ve been over it a MILLION times.”
“What!? That’s not even a thing!”
“Why are you even HERE!?”
“Yeah, he’s here. Geez. Get over it.”
“You don’t need them.”
“You seemed like you were in a pretty good place!”
“You tell us, fur-brain. What’s your next big idea?”
“You there! Freeze!”
“You will return to normal.”
“Your entire life, you’ve felt destined for something more.”
“Your power drains you, doesn’t it?”
“Your spending is totally out of control.”
“You’re going to move around a whole lot.”
“You’re not mad about all the bad stuff we’ve done in our lives?”
“You’ve still got it.”
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reelinginthequeers · 2 years
1-94 buddy cmon
1. What is your biggest turn off in a person?
2. What is your biggest turn on in a person?
Easy to talk to?
3. Are you like your zodiac sign suggests that you should be?
I don’t know
4. At what age did you realize Santa was not real?
12 or 13
5. At what age did you have your first sexual experience?
6. At what age did you have your first kiss?
7. At what age did you have your first crush? Who was it?
10. Warren Dunne 😂
8. What is the best compliment you have ever received?
I’ve a kind soul
9. What is the best sex you’ve ever had?
Yet to happen
10. What is the biggest lie you ever told?
I lied about being allergic to things when I was a kid 😂
11. Do you hate anyone right now?
Yeah probably
12. Do you have any hiding piercing’s? If yes, where?
13. Do you have any tattoos? If yes what do they mean?
Four little dinosaurs on my arm
14. Do you miss anyone right now?
15. Do you smoke?
16. To your knowledge, have you ever been cheated on?
17. Have you ever been in a physical fight?
Kind of
18. Have you ever been in a relationship?
19. Have you ever been in love?
Thought so
20. Have you ever been loved by someone you didn’t love back?
I don’t think so
21. Have you ever loved someone that didn’t love you back?
22. Have you ever been betrayed by someone you care about?
23. Have you ever catfished anyone?
24. Have you ever cried over a lover?
25. Have you ever danced without leaving room for Jesus?
26. Have you ever dated someone you met online?
27. Have you ever given or received a hickey?
28. Have you ever had a crush on a teacher?
I don’t think so
29. Have you ever kissed a non-family member on the lips?
30. Have you ever kissed for more than two hours consecutively?
31. Have you ever kissed or been kissed on the breast?
33. Have you ever lead a person on?
34. Have you ever lied to get out of trouble?
35. Have you ever liked a person your friend was dating?
I don’t think so
37. Have you ever played a game involving stripping?
38. Have you ever used somebody for your personal gain?
39. Have your ever been heart-broken?
40. How far have you gone to get something you desired?
Far enough
41. How many relationships have you had?
42. What do you weight?
I’m not sure
43. How tall are you?
Around 5ft 4”
44. If applicable, when did you lose your virginity?
45. If you could bring back a person from the dead who would you bring back?
46. If you could choose one Disney prince to marry who would you choose?
The Aladdin guy with the flying carpet would be cool
47. If you could choose one Disney princess to be your best friend who would you chose?
I can’t think of many, I always liked Pocahontas
48. If you could get married to any celebrity who would it be?
Elon Musk and then divorce him to take all his money and give it away 💸
49. If you could, what would you change about your first kiss?
50. If you had to live in the world of the last T.V show you watched where would you be living?
California I think
51. When was the last time you insulted someone?
I’m not sure
52. When was the last time you were insulted?
Yesterday when someone thought I was English
53. Mention a movie that always makes you cry?
Marley & Me if I ever watched it again
54. On a scale of 1-10, 10 being the highest, how horny are you?
55. What is the scariest thing you have ever experienced?
There’s a few
56. What color of underwear are you wearing right now?
57. What do you think about the most?
Random stuff or someone
59. What is a disgusting habit you have?
Bite my nails
60. What is a relationship deal breaker for you?
61. What is a weird thing you love?
62. What is the sexiest feature you love in the opposite gender?
63. Mention something that is currently bothering you?
My eye
64. Mention something that makes you happy?
My cats
65. Mention something that makes you sad?
Bad news
66. Mention something you do when no one is watching?
67. What is something you like to do when you are sad?
68. What is the best gift you ever received?
69. What is the best gift you have ever given?
70. What is the biggest fear you have overcome?
Some s
71. What is the longest you have ever gone without a shower?
Probably a couple of days
72. What is the major physical trait you look for in a partner?
I’m not sure
73. What is the worst gift you have ever given?
A light up mirror
74. What is the worst gift you have ever received?
A lift
75. What is your biggest fear?
76. What is your favorite holiday destination?
77. What is your relationship with your parents like?
I get on well with my mam
78. Have you ever had a pregnancy scare?
80. What is your zodiac sign?
81. What was the last text you sent?
82. What was the last thing that made you cry?
83. What was the last thing that made you laugh?
A conversation
84. When is your birthday?
📅 📆
85. When was the last time you cried?
A few weeks ago
86. Which celebrity would be your hall pass?
Probably none
87. Who is your celebrity crush?
Hayley Williams
88. Who is your favorite fictional couple?
Lois and Hal from Malcolm In the Middle
89. Who was the first person you ever fell in love with?
My first girlfriend I think
90. Who was the last person you texted?
My auntie
91. Would you ever change anything about yourself and if so what would it be?
To be able to do a Rubik’s Cube
92. Have you ever cheated on a significant other during a relationship?
93. Have you ever been arrested?
94. Have you ever been convicted of a crime?
Thank you for asking! 👍
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abduloki · 3 years
Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous *spoilers*
It’s been yet another amazing season! Like the previous two, this season never fail to deliver! I feel that this season is the most scariest of all, although I did enjoyed all three seasons which are enjoyable in different ways!
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The first focus on building up the relationships between the characters and introducing us to their different and unique personalities and styles of doing things, and their quest to catch the last boat off the island. Looking at things from a different perspective during the events of the first Jurassic World movie, showing what happened on the other part of the island during the chaos.
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The second is more on character development (not just Ben, although his change is the most noticeable and obvious as compared to others which are more subtle unless you really pay attention to them, as they all change in some ways) and the realization that they have to live on the island a lot longer forcing them to learn how to live on the island and survive the hostile environment.
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The third is when they thought they finally understood the environment and the dinosaur behaviors only to realize that world has changed with the presence of a new man-made abomination of a hybrid predator dinosaur rex which upsets the balance of nature on the island, which what makes it more scary as the characters realized they no longer know or understand what is happening. 
That cliffhanger at the end makes me wonder if that’s the velociraptor that attacked the lady hunter from the second season when she tried to leave the island and how the heck did it remained locked and quiet throughout the season. I guess this begs the question if there will be a Season 4. Perhaps, it’ll take place after Fallen Kingdom when the dinosaurs are let loose on the main land? 
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Will this velociraptor escape quietly when the boat reaches Coast Rica and terrorize the locals? Or will it disrupt the gang’s journey in going to Costa Rica, and inevitably find themselves going back to the island or another island, the same one Dr Grant went in Jurassic Park III? As much as I love to watch a 4th season, I really don’t want them to go back to the same island! 
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Perhaps season 4 will lead up to the Jurassic World III : Dominion or even set alongside it, like the first season with the first Jurassic World timeline. I think it will be dope if we could see cameo appearance of Owen Grady, Claire Dearing, Alan Grant, Ellie Settler or Ian Malcolm since we’ve already seen Henry Wu!
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Also, the only issue I have with Season 3 is how things ended with Darius and Kenji. Just when I thought the two are beginning to get along just fine, and they drift apart again over what happened with Brooklyn. Although I understand Kenji’s frustration in Darius choosing to save the dinosaurs over Brooklyn, but its hurtful to see Darius being treated like that despite all the things he had done to keep the gang together and alive, risking and sacrificing his life, asking them to leave him and not wait for him, not once but twice! And making the hard decisions as a leader, which I can tell you is not easy. Hope they’ll reconcile in the next season (if any)!
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clouds-of-wings · 3 years
Just saw by coincidence that you can buy the entire Thief series (which is game 1 through 3 btw, 4 does NOT count) for $3.49 on GOG now! You get stand-alone installers! You own the games! Like in the old days!
If you have any interest in video games, especially of the sneaking variety, please do yourself a favour and try this absolutely legendary series. And, unless you’re really old school or just really like very dated-looking and hard games, play Thief 3: Deadly Shadows first, it’s prettiest, easiest, and maybe the best in the series. Yes, it’s still from 2004, but the graphics have aged very well.
Play a master thief in a medieval-ish magic/steampunk world! Steal from a trickster god who lives in a surreal Alice in Wonderland style mansion! Repeatedly get involved in the drama of the secretive order of scholars that raised you! Fight an omnicidal robot cult! Run from dinosaurs! Explore a beautiful Victorian(?) mansion on a cliff over the sea by night (and steal as much as you can). Play one of the scariest levels in video game history! Rob a bank wearing tap shoes! Meet actual lizard people who actually secretly live among us! Climb around in a Gothic cathedral by night while the monk order that lives there celebrates a religious holiday of their warlike blacksmith god! Run through the subterranean ruins of an ancient city while sentient fireballs look for you and the floor is lava! And listen to your protagonist Garrett make caustic comments in his awesome voice the entire time. He just wants to pay his rent. And now he’s gotta save the world again.
I just can’t stress enough how absolutely fantastic this series is. The day GOG adds Linux support for it, I’m promising them my firstborn. Until then, I’m gonna replay the second game on Windows.
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