#scarlet johansson imagine
fandomnerd9602 · 2 months
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Y/N and Wanda nuzzle against the kitchen counter…
Natasha: babes? You coming in? Movie’s starting
Wanda: one second, detka
Wanda kisses Y/N’s nose…
Wanda: why do I need a movie? I got the entertainment right here.
Natasha walks in and nuzzles them both…
Natasha: movie can wait. I need you both in my arms
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lives-in-midgard · 11 months
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You will be remembered
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⚠️ Scarlett's fandom, we got a job to do! ⚠️
I think everyone's aware of Michael Joseph Branham, the guy who's been stalking Scarlett since 2022. He knows where she lives, and sent multiple items to her house, babies toys, letters, and claims to be Cosmo's (her son) father.
Her publicist Marcel and her team are asking for our help! To send them the most information possible. Print screens, accounts, anything useful to help the police and the Law Enforcement to catch this guy.
ANY INFORMATION you have, send to @/whatsupscarlett on X (twitter), who is in direct contact with her team.
post explaining more
We can also help by reporting all of his accounts on every social media (his username is basically his full name) like Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, etc.
He also tries to get in touch with Scarlett by sending dms to fanpages, thinking it's her — so also be mindful of posting about Scarlett's next events locations.
Let's do everything in our power to protect our Scarlett and put this motherfucker behind bars!!
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auroraromaximoff · 9 months
(Nat trying to practice flirting)
Nat: I made tea
Y/n: No thanks, I don’t want tea
Nat: The tea isn’t for you, it’s mine
Y/n: Then why mention it?
Nat: *shrugs* Conversation starter?
Y/n: *laughs* That’s a terrible conversation starter
Nat: Oh is it? We’re conversing aren’t we? Checkmate
Y/n: You’re lucky you’re cute
Nat: You think I’m cute? *malfunctions*
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greynatomy · 2 years
Out of Love
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Elizabeth Olsen x Fem!Reader
another angsty fic. idk why but i’m always emotional on my bday and it’s my bday so you guys should be emotional with me.
idk where this came from but happy reading and lmk what y’all think
Lizzie and Yn have been together for three years. Best three and a half years of Yn’s life. She’s with the girl of her dreams, what more could she ask for?
For the past six months, she’s been planning something for Lizzie. Talking to many jewelers to get opinions on what ring designs. Even talked about it to your closest friend, basically a sister to you, Scarlett Johansson. In those six months, Lizzie noticed how secretive her girlfriend has been. She didn’t think anything of it at first, but every time she asks, she gets no explanation.
One day, walking to her usual coffee shop. Grabbing her coffee, she turns around, only to be hit by a force, spilling her hot coffee on them.
“Oh, shit! I’m so sorry.”
“You’re fine. I wasn’t paying atten— Lizzie?”
Elizabeth looks up.
“Robbie! Hey. How are you?”
“Soaked as of this moment.”
“I am so sorry about that.”
“It’s totally fine. It’s my fault anyway. How ‘bout I buy you another cup while we catch up?”
“I would love that.”
After that moment, they started to hang out more often. They didn’t end their relationship on bad terms years ago, so she thought, why not befriend him?
She would go over to his place, have movie nights, cook dinner and he would come over to her place whenever you were out doing whatever that Lizzie stopped questioning.
It was surprising that the paparazzi hadn’t caught them hanging out together out of the comfort and privacy of their homes.
You were out running some errands one afternoon, when you decided to get something to eat. Walking to yours and Lizzie’s favorite coffee shop, you see her sitting at a table through the window. You pull out your phone and decide to give her a call.
Lizzie hears her phone ring, seeing your name on the screen, she silences it and out it away just in time for Robbie to come back from the restroom, not knowing you were outside watching the scene play out.
“Who was that?” He asked her.
“No one important.” She replied.
You don’t think much of it, just thought that she was catching up with someone, not being able to clearly see who she was with, you went home instead.
Some time has passed. You have three weeks until your four year anniversary, meaning three weeks until you propose. You’ve picked up the ring from the jewelers and it looked even better as you hold the finished product in your hand. You’re excited and can’t wait to spend the rest of you life with Lizzie.
Going home earlier than you told Lizzie, you picked up both of your favorite takeout to surprise her with. Not seeing her as you walk in, you set up all the food at the bar, going up the stairs to cal her down. Nearing your shared bedroom, you hear an unfamiliar voice.
“Give me another chance, please.” It was a man’s voice.
“Robbie.” Isn’t that Lizzie’s ex? You ask yourself.
“I like you, hell I still love you and these past couple of months prove that you have feelings for me too. Meet me at our favorite restaurant tomorrow at six pm if you feel the same way I feel towards you.”
There’s a small pause.
You couldn’t listen to anymore of the conversation. You quietly hurry down the stairs write a note and grab your keys and wallet and drive off, not having a destination in mind, just wanting to be as far away as possible.
Lizzie walks downstairs shortly after, hearing a car outside thinking it might be you. Once she gets down, she sees the table set up with food. Getting closer to the table, she sees a note.
Will be gone for a while. Don’t know how long. Don’t call.
She throws the note away and reheat the food to eat for dinner.
Three Weeks Later
In those three weeks, Lizzie did meet up with Robbie at their favorite restaurant. They’ve been seeing each other regularly without Yn being in the way, even forgetting about her existence.
They decided to go for a long scenic drive, turning the radio on high at a popular station.
“We have some new stuff that we’re gonna be playing in a bit. One song is from an artist that has not released a song in a long time. So, without further ado this is Out of Love by Yn Yln.” Lizzie’s breath hitches and her body tenses. She hasn’t heard about her for a while.
I won't tell you I'm lonely
'Cause it may be selfish
I won't ask you to hold me
'Cause that won't mend what's helpless
There's not a thing I could say
Not a song I could sing
For your mind to change
Nothing can fill up the space
Won't ask you to stay
But let me ask you one thing
Oh, when did you fall out of love, out of love?
Oh, when did you fall out of love with me?
Did you find out about her and Robbie? How did you find out? When did you find out? When did she fall out of love with you? Did she actually fall out of love with you or just filling a missing void while you were gone?
I can't float in an ocean
That's already been drained
I won't cry at your feet now
I know my tears will fall in vain
There's not a thing I could say
Not a song I could sing
For your mind to change
Nothing can fill up the space
Won't ask you to stay
But let me ask you one thing
Robbie hasn’t said a word. He knew what they were doing was wrong, but he was too caught up in finally having the girl back that he didn’t care for the consequences.
Oh, when did you fall out of love, out of love?
Oh, when did you fall out of love with me?
No use wondering
Why your change in heart has wandered
So I'll ask you this question
'Cause it might help me sleep longer
Oh, when did you fall out of love, out of love?
Oh, when did you run out of love for me?
Out of love (out of love)
Out of love (out of love)
Out of love with me
Lizzie was now full on sobbing. It made her remember all of the times she was with you, all the times she listened to your music and made being away from you hurt a little less. How did cheating on you suddenly become something she resorted to?
“That was Out of Love by Yn Yln. Wait, what?” The radio host mutes himself for a bit. “We’ve just received some very horrible news. Music sensation Yn Yln just passed away a couple hours ago.” Elizabeth’s world just came crashing down. She just froze, not knowing how to react to this news. “Her representatives have spoken and released a statement. Stress Cardiomyopathy or Broken Heart Syndrome, is what they said. Wow, she was so young too. That’s just crazy. Rest in peace to such a young and talented musician. She’s touched our hearts with her music. Thank you for blessing us with one last song.”
One. Last. Song.
Those words struck something in her. The song that just played was the very last one you released before you died. And it was you questioning her love for you, or lack there of. She felt guilty. You died from a broken heart. A heart that Elizabeth broke.
She never got a call about you when you passed. It seemed as though you removed her as your emergency contact. She stopped spending time with Robbie. He tried comforting her, but she didn’t want to be anywhere near her living and breathing guilt. She told him to stop contacting him and to lose all contact with her.
Leading up to the day of your funeral, dressed in all black and made her way to where you friends and family were gathered. Scarlett, seeing her come closer, stepped away from her husband.
“You have some nerve showing your fucking face here!”
Lizzie froze in her spot. All the attention was on her now.
“You don’t deserve to be here. I don’t give a fuck if you’ve been together for years because YOU are the REASON she’s GONE! GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM HERE! FUCK YOU!” Scarlett was getting pulled away by Colin. “LET GO OF ME!”
Lizzie breaks down, crying of guilt. Scarlett breaks down, crying of anger.
Lizzie eventually decides to leave, not wanting to upset Scarlett more. She knew how close the two of you were, how you passing is harder for her.
“Wait!” She turns back around seeing Scarlett walk to her with a box. “These are go you. You don’t deserve any of it, but she wanted me to give this to you. I don’t know if she knew of her dying, but she knew she wasn’t gonna see you anymore.”
With that, she drives back to you shared home with all the horrible memories with Robbie and the fainted ones with you.
Opening the box she notices three things. A letter, a flash drive and a small velvet box. Opening the velvet box, she sees a beautiful emerald ring. Knowing instantly the meaning of this ring, tears flood out of her eyes. Unfolding the paper it reads…
If you’re reading this, then Scarlett thought that it was a good time to give it to you. I don’t even know where to start.
Well, I found out. I came home early to surprise you with our favorite takeout and went upstairs to call you down for dinner and overheard your conversation with Robbie. I wanted to know if you went through with his deal and you did so I am writing this as a goodbye to our relationship or not a relationship anymore I guess and to you.
In the flash drive, there’s a song I wrote—
Putting the letter down, Lizzie quickly grabs her laptop and plugs in the dive. She sees one file. She clicks on it and a song plays.
(it’s Emerald Eyes by Anson Seabra you don’t have to play it, just the song I had in mind)
—and it was supposed to be played right before I got on one knee and asked you to spend the rest of our lives together.
(You know how much I love your eyes, so I decided to write a whole song about how they make me feel.)
But, that won’t be happening anymore. After four years of us being together, you still weren’t over Robbie. I just wish that you broke it off with me before getting back together with him. Make it hurt a little bit less.
The ring is something I’ve been working on or working with people on. Took six months. It’s why I was always gone and secretive, which ultimately made you go to another so this whole thing is actually my fault. I drove you away and I’m sorry for me, but glad that you found your way back to the person you love even if that’s not me.
Im just rambling on paper now. I won’t be coming back for any of my clothes or anything. Only took the essentials so you can throw everything out. This is goodbye, I guess. I love you. I always will even if you don’t love me back.
Forever yours,
How can you blame yourself for her infidelity, she asks herself. You loved her so much that you couldn’t even point the blame at her.
She wishes there was a way to apologize to you. To tell her everything she did was a mistake. Most importantly, she never fell out of love with you. You understood and loved her like no other. She’ll never find anyone to love her like how you loved her, not even Robbie could love her like you did.
She was too late. She can never gain back the time to be with you again, not even for a minute. You were gone, believing she fell out of love.
Lizzie took the ring out of the box and slid it on her finger.
“I do.”
But it’s too late.
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Master List
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18+, Men and Minors DNI- Do not repost works without permission!
WLW, Celebrity Fan-fiction. Heavy use of song lyrics for themes and storylines, and I don't like to write short fics. This is my first fanfic blog in a long time- I appreciate reading everyones comments on my work! Focused on Scarlett Johannson and her characters, Elizabeth Olsen, AJ Cook, Blake Lively, etc.
Bonus points to those who can guess all the lyrics being used :]
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Series: I Like Your Blood On My Teeth Just A Little Too Much (ScarJo)
You’re a former military, career oriented security executive who has made quite the living for yourself- but it has always been lacking. Your non-committal attitude has led you down a playgirl lifestyle, never really settling. What happens when your new boss throws you a curveball, and as a result? You end up hopelessly involved with a Hollywood starlet. (Warnings: Smut, Strong Language, Violence, Stalking, Death Threats, Implied Abuse/Sexual Abuse, Flashbacks to War/PTSD)
*More warnings will be added as I write*
Ch. 1 - Are You at One, or do You Lie?
Ch. 2 - We’re Hiding Like a Shadow in the Dark
Ch. 3 - All This Money and This Pain Got Me Heartless
Ch. 4 - Fuck Around and Damn Near Die in it
Ch. 5 - You Pulled Me Under Just to Save Yourself
Ch. 6 - You Blame Me for Everything You Hate
Ch. 7 - Fall Down Before Me, I Want You on Your Knees 
Ch. 8 - The Weight That’s Crushing can be Relieved
Ch. 9 - I Have a Growing Fear and You’re Not Helping Me
Ch. 10 -  I Pulled Off Your Wings, Then I Laughed
Ch. 11 - Army Green Was No Safe Bet
Ch. 12 - Whisper on a Scream, Doesn't Change a Thing
Ch. 13 - Digging Up the Dirt, You Get to Meet All Sorts
Ch. 14 - I Just Want You to Know Who I Am
Ch. 15 - The Only Thing You Brought Is Psychological Warfare
Ch. 16 - You're Gonna Get What's Coming to You
Ch. 17 - A Pebble in the Water Makes a Ripple Effect
Ch. 18 - If You Wade Around Forever, You Will Surely Drown
Ch. 19 - I'll Be Hurtin' When I Wake Up On The Floor
View the Story Board for this pic HERE
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Series: I Work Too Hard, Can You Fuckin' Pay Me? (Wanda Maximoff)
Y/N moved to escape some of thier looming troubles from Westview, to the place that their best friend said would make a difference. New job, new digs, will Y/N make a change for the better, or leave another city with their tail between their legs? (Warnings: Smut, Strong Language, Cheating, Intersex!Reader, Alcohol Abuse, Angst)
- PT. 1 - PT.2 - PT.3 - PT.4 - PT.5 -
One Shots, Drabbles and Stuff
😈= smut 🥰= fluff 😰= angst
S.J. - You Hold Your Hands in the Air, Screaming My Name 😈
S.J. - So Fucked Up, From the Way That You Touch - Pt. 1. Pt. 2. 😈
E.O. - Our Fire When We're Together, Mixed With Paranoid Manners🥰
N.R. - I Got a Secret, So I'ma Drop ‘Em to the Floor 🎄😈
W.M. - Easy to Love 🥰
J.J. - It's Time to Let Her Know What You Need - Pt. 1 Pt.2 😈
N.R. - Let's Talk About Chemistry😈
J.J. - Caught Between Black and White 😰
W.M. - I Just Wanna be Yours 😈
N.R. - There's No Hope In Endless Winter 😰
N.R. - Ancient Sun, Cast Your Light (Pt. 2 to There's No Hope In Endless Winter) 😰😈🥰
W.M./N.R - I Gambled On Red And The Price Was Paid 😈
W.M./N.R - Fuck Me Like You Mean It (Pt. 2 to I Gambled On Red)😈🥰
S.J. - You Should Probably Leave 🥰😈😰
N.R. - I Can't Help The Way I'm Feelin' Pt. 1 Pt.2 😈
E.O. - Watch The World Explode From Underneath Your Glow 😈
*credit for images/lyrics used on this blog belong to respective owners, i do not own these images/songs. contents of this blog are purely for creative entertainment purposes, any similarities between those portrayed in this blog and real people are purely coincidental. all works on this blog are fiction. works are my own, do not copy, plagiarize, or steal.*
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romanoffshouse · 1 year
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thenerdnextdoorxo · 2 years
sorry for another rewuest but would u please do avengers! cast x teen reader who has adhd and has trouble staying on task while filming and the directors being mad or something please❤️
No need to apologize <3
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"Y/N, not again," Said one of the directors while sighing. "Sorry," you said, already feeling the embarrassment creeping from the back of your neck. "It's the last time I promised," The scene you were filming was taking too long to film and you lost your attention to the scene twenty minutes ago. It wasn't the first time you zoned out and its starting to annoy the staff.
"Y/N please don't mess this one up," You nodded and fixed your shirt awkwardly and looked at Scarlett and she gave you a small smile to comfort you. All you had to do is listen to Scarlett and wait until your line starts. Before the scene even started you zoned out, and when you do, you can't get back from that state. When Scarlett started and her lines and she reached a point where you were supposed to start your lines, but when she looked at you you were clearly zoned out and she flinched, already knowing what is going to happen.
"Y/N, seriously?! I can't deal with you anymore!!" You flinched, you never heard that director scream ever, and that made you get scared. "We keep telling you to focus but you don't listen!!" He screamed. "Hey! it's a kid your yelling to, keep it together!" rdj exclaimed back. "And it's not like it's her issue anyways! we know you have not been paying her enough!" Scarlett screamed.
The directors didn't pay you all your money because apparently you weren't doing enough for their standards. Your adhd meds are expensive and you can't pay for it because you don't receive that much. You told Scarlett that a few weeks back when she found you crying in one of the empty rooms.
"If you started paying her what she deserve then there might be a chance that she wouldn't struggle as much!!" rdj said. By that point you were already crying and couldn't stand there even a little bit longer so you ran towards the bathroom to one of the stalls and hid there. After a few minutes you heard a knock. "Y/N, it's Lizzie and Scarlet, come out we need to talk to you," Lizzie said. You didn't respond, you felt so humiliated from what the director said and didn't feel like coming out.
"It's okay Y/N, we just need to talk to you," Scarlett said. You sighed. You knew that they wouldn't give up at all and would probably wait for you until you came out so you decided to go out anyways. When you walked out you couldn't bring yourself to look at them, you were so embarrassed. "Y/N, we convinced the director to pay you more, he wouldn't cut your pay anymore," Lizzie said. You looked up at them surprised, whenever you tried to convince him to give you your full payment he just refused, so they must have gaslighted him.
"Now if he ever decided to cut your payment you tell us, okay?" Scarlett said. "Okay," You nodded and they smiled softly at you. Ever since that day, that director was not mean to you, not even once, and you have Scarlet and Lizzie to thank for that.
I feel like this one is kind of bad but idk
My requests are open
edit: omg I miss spelled scarlett's name lmaoo
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wandaspaperings · 2 years
jesus CHRIST ik this isn't wanda/elizabeth but just look at her
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just her
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limarieb · 11 months
angels like you (series masterlist)
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Pairing(s): Wanda Maximoff x Natasha Romanoff
Summary: Looking forward to this moment for years, Wanda Maximoff had many feelings and anticipations regarding her transition to university: nervous, yet excited. Despite spending half of her adolescence dreaming about her time at university, she truly had no idea how it would go; however, never in her many dreams would she encounter somebody like Natasha Romanoff, her roommate, for the next year.
*any content warnings will be displayed at the beginning of each chapter*
Main Masterlist | ao3 | Wattpad
1 | prologue
2 | to build a home
3 | sharing stories
4 | nighttime blues
5 | the fallout
6 | start of the semester
7 | an invitation
8 | meeting the friends
9 | life of the party
10 | my mind is away
11 | the fallout (reprise)
12 | a bird in your teeth
13 | ballad of an orphaned girl
[Remaining Chapters TBD]
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fandomnerd9602 · 2 months
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Y/N tries to get up only for Wanda and Natasha to wrap them in a hug from both front and back…
Wanda: detka please don’t
Y/N: Steve’s expecting me to—
Natasha: shh…we’ll make it worth your while
Wanda’s hands toy with Y/N’s PJ shirt…
Natasha’s toy with Y/N’s waistband…
Y/N: okay I’ll stay
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wandafiction · 7 months
She Calls Me Daddy
Warnings 18+: Smut, Title Daddy used (Reader), Strap on (Lizzie Receiving), Top Reader/Bottom Lizzie, Praise (Lizzie Receiving), Use of Restraints, Mentions of Infidelity, Aftercare.
You jump a little on the spot, tilting your head left to right to get rid of the last few nerves before you go up on stage. You've done this a million times before, performing at everyone’s favourite club, but tonight was a little more nerve wracking since your friend (the one and only Scarlett Johansson) decided she would bring a few of her friends along to watch you perform. 
You had only ever met a few of her marvel friends, including the dirty blonde who your mind is always thinking about day and night. It doesn't help that this particular dirty blonde has been coming around more and more because her fiancé is just not doing it for her anymore. 
"Hey sexy." You turn with a wide smile to see Scarlett sneaking past the stage curtain with a sly grin on your face. 
"Hello gorgeous." You pull her into a hug, kissing both her cheeks before pulling away and letting out a nervous breath. 
"I'm not going to lie, this outfit is unusual for you to be performing in." 
Scarlett's eyes rake over your body seeing you wearing a white button up shirt with all but one button undone, allowing you to keep some form of decency; but your black lace bra is clearly visible through the thin material. Your pants are from your favourite suit, which coincidentally happens to be the suit you met the green eyed goddess in. They were tight fitting, hugging your legs and ass nicely leaving no room for imagination for those who laid eyes on you. You are wearing black Oxford shoes, with the laces loosely tied so you can slip out of them easily. 
"Got to surprise the audience with a reveal sometimes. Is she here?" Scarlett rolls her eyes, giving you a small shove at your question. 
"And here I thought you were all dressed up for little old me." You smirk lifting Scarlett's chin with your finger and thumb so she is looking up at you, your friendship had always had a flirtatious undertone but you two had only ever seen the other as friends. 
"Well you can admire the show. Did she bring him?" Scarlett quickly shakes her head adjusting the collar of your shirt. 
"No. She said it's a girls night out, which it is, and anyway he doesn't want to be seen in this part of town with her where rumours could start." You raise an eyebrow lifting your chin up so Scarlett can make sure everything looks good. 
"You mean a gay strip club?" She nods quickly, her hands dragging down the shirt to straighten it out, giving her a thankful smile in return.
"Exactly. She is very excited to see you, and I know this for a fact because she is wearing it." You bite your lip at what Scarlet is telling you. 
"My favourite girl, in one of my favourite outfits." Scarlet takes a step back eyeing your outfit up one more time before smiling. 
"Perfect. Knock them dead." She sends you a wink as she walks back to the stage curtain. 
"Bye bitch." She quickly turns around as she walks backwards through the curtain. 
"Bye whore." She gives you a teasing wave before disappearing to where you can only assume is the front table which is normally reserved for her when she comes to show her support. 
You close your eyes, taking a few deep breaths as you hear your introduction to the stage begin making sure that the single button in your shirt will hold and that the belt on your pants is done up. The curtains open and you make your way up onto the stage, your eyes finding the green ones of the woman you had been waiting for. Your eyes wander around the table seeing who Scarlett has brought tonight. Seeing her, Brie, Flo, Tessa and finally the dirty blonde green eyed goddess Lizzie.
You look to the DJ giving him a nod to signal to play the music as you move to the front of the stage, your eyes never leaving hers. The music starts playing, you lick your lips to wet them and smirk when you see her green eyes dart down to watch your actions. 
She's a little bit psycho
But she follows
When I call in the middle of the night
You move to sit on the edge of the stage at the steps, practically in front of their table. You push your legs apart, your hands on your knees tensing as you do so causing a few of your veins to show as you have your sleeves rolled up. You move your hands from your knees to the top of your thighs and then up the side of your body as your fingers dance along your clothes delicately. 
She's got you wrapped around her finger
You try to linger
But she's already on her way to mine
You stand from the steps swaying your hips side to side as you move to stand behind Scarlett, the table and chairs only a few steps away from the stairs, twirling some of her hair around your finger before dragging your other hand down to her jaw and tilting her head backwards to look up at you. She smiles up at you as you send her a small wink, as you both chuckle at your actions.
It might be a little superficial
She plays with the boys
But she comes home to me
Your lips ghost down Scarlett's neck with a smirk before you turn to the woman who is sitting next to her, pulling her chair away from the table so you can sit down on it infront of her; your feet planted either side of her legs on the edge of the seat. Her eyes level with your abdomen as she stares at your abs which you put on show as your hands pull at the sides of your shirt.  
Little fucked up but I think it's official
'Cause she might be your girl
But she's calling me daddy
You slide off the table, ending up directly in her lap smiling when you see her eyes flutter closed for a second and her hands land on your thighs giving them a small squeeze. Her eyes flutter open again when you drag your finger along the left side of her jaw and then down her neck to the thin piece of material that she is wearing around her neck; easily mistaken for what it is by others.
She's mine
She wears a collar with my name
Secretive but not ashamed
You wrap your finger under the leather material giving it a small tug upwards so she is sitting up straight her front against yours, her hands moving up and down your thighs as her pupils dilate and the green you've come to know all but disappears. Your left hand moves to pop open the button holding your shirt closed, Lizzie’s eyes darting down to look at your breasts which are being pushed up with black lace.
She's mine
But I never tie her down
They always come around
You move your hand to cup her jaw, her eyes flicking back to yours as you lift your left leg up and over her lap so you are now standing next to her; towering over her as you force her to look up at you. Your right thumb swipes the skin of her neck just below the leather material, feeling her swallow harshly as you give it another gentle tug.
I'm a bit of an ice cream
Little bit mean
But my girl likes the way I shut them down
You move behind her chair, the hand cupping her jaw moves down her neck all the way to her chest where you can feel it rising up and down quickly. The pink blush spreads from her cheeks all the way down her neck to your hand, you feel the heat radiating off her skin as you slowly work her up. You move your lips next to her right ear breathing hot air down the side of her face as you take her ear lobe between your teeth pulling at it gently.
Say she likes when I play king
A little play thing
Yeah my girl like the way I wear my crown
You push your hand under the practically see-through white top, wearing it just for you knowing it's one of your favourite looks on her, as you move your lips away from her ear and across her jaw ghosting her skin as your other hand moves to wrap around her neck giving it a small squeeze. A small moan passes her lips, and you playfully bite at her jaw in response watching as she pushes her thighs together and one of her hands finds the back of your neck.
You should see their face when they finally realize
That she plays with the boys
But she comes onto me
Your eyes scan the table, an amused smirk growing on your face as you see the woman with looks of shocks on their faces; all but Scarlett who is smirking proudly as you do what you do best. Using a finger from the hand holding her neck you push her chin to the right so she is looking at you, brushing your lips against hers and feeling her sigh against them almost makes you kiss her but you pull away completely with a teasing smirk; her hand dropping to hold the back of the chair. You shrug your shirt off before planting yourself back on her lap.
Wanna change her mind but I get unwise
'Cause she might be your girl
But she's calling me daddy
Her hands land on your thighs quickly as you straddle her once more, your feet planted on the ground as your hands hold onto the back of the chair either side of Lizzie's head. You move your left hand to grab onto her right hand, dragging it up to your belt buckle and giving her a small nod as she looks to your eyes for permission. With the permission she needs, Lizzie undoes your belt pulling it through each of the loops by pulling it with one hand and fiddling with your buttons and zipper with the other.
She's mine
She wears a collar with my name
Secretive but not ashamed
Your hand once again finds its place on her neck, pulling her body forward as press your lips at the base of her neck giving the skin there a few small bites before dragging your tongue up to her jaw where you nip at the skin once more, knowing how much she likes to have your marks but not wanting to leave any in front of her friends. Not that you think it will make much difference as her hands snake around to your back pushing under your pants where they cup your butt cheeks and give them both a squeeze. You lift your hips, a signal for her to pull your pants down which she follows immediately making you smirk.
She's mine
But I never tie her down
They always come around
You quickly stand up kicking your shoes off so you can shimmy out of your pants before placing yourself back down on Lizzie’s lap but lean backwards so you are using your elbows on the table to prompt your body up. Lizzie’s eyes look into yours as her hands hover over your hips, a look of desperation and lust is all you can see. You smirk with a nod, Lizzie’s hands gripping onto your hips as you roll them against her legs and start rolling your upper body in time. Your hands hanging lazily off the table as you practically grind onto Lizzie's lap, her eyes scanning your whole body as she takes in the black lingerie set you are wearing; it does nothing much to hide what's underneath. But that comes with the job, she knows this, but god is she happy that she’s the only one allowed to touch it….with permission of course.
In the mess
She's responsible
Change her mind
It's impossible
Close your mouth
Catch a fire
Watch the girl get
What she likes
You push your body upwards so you are sitting straight up in her lap, a hand on the back of her neck grips at her baby hairs pulling her head backwards to look at you. You bring your lips down to her left ear, smiling against it when you feel her hands squeeze your hips. Your other hand pulls at the leather around her neck as you whisper in her ear. 
“Hello kitten.” She quietly moans in your ear, her hands moving to grope your butt cheeks once more as she whispers back to you.
“Hi daddy. I’ve missed you.” You hum in agreement, a small whine leaving her lips as the sound vibrates into her ear, but you simply give the collar another tug. 
“I have another hour baby, if you’re good we can use your favourite strap. But only if you’re good.” 
“I can be good for you daddy.” You pull back from whispering to one another, planting a chaste kiss on her lips before completely climbing off her lap, giving her friends a small bow as they stare with open jaws between you and Lizzie before sending them all a wink and walking back to the stage. You laugh to yourself when you hear their table break out into quiet conversation, obviously asking Lizzie lots of questions as she looks to Scarlett to save her.
“Fuck, daddy please.” Lizzie whines beneath you as you laugh against the skin of her neck at the sound of her desperation. 
“Look at you, my little baby begging me to fuck her. Tell me what it is you need from daddy.”
“Inside. I want to feel you. You always feel so good daddy, please.” You smirk against her skin as you gently suck on her pulse point causing a loud moan to leave her lips as her body jolts underneath you. 
“Stay still baby, I will be right back.”
You smile to yourself as you climb off the bed, looking at Lizzie who has her arms tied to the headboard and a blindfold on as she fights the urge to close her legs to ease some of the tension building between her thighs again. You grab her favourite toy from the drawer, a 10 inch double ended strap. She told you when you first started seeing you that she had never been a size queen, but with the way you can so easily use this one you are truly thinking of asking if she wants to go bigger. 
You put the smaller end inside yourself, watching as Lizzie’s body buzzes in anticipation. Lizzie gasps when you press your body against hers suddenly, the tip of the strap brushing through her already glistening folds, thanks to the previous two orgasms you had given her with your mouth and fingers. You start rolling your hips to tease her,Lizzie’s hips buck to try and get you where she needs you but as soon as your hand wraps around the collar giving it a tug she immediately stops. 
“You know the rules, kitten, don't move, otherwise I will have to punish you.” You decide you want to see her as you bring her to the final orgasm of the night, removing your hand from the collar to remove the blindfold. “Do I need to punish you?”
“No, daddy. I’m sorry. Please make me cum. I will be good, please.” Her eyes roll to the back of her head as your right hand moves to cup her core pushing your fingers through her folds to collect her wetness. 
“I will let you off this time since you were so good by waiting for me to finish work, but one wrong move and you will be punished. Do you understand?”
“Yes what?” Lizzie’s eyes flutter open once you remove your hand from her core using the wetness on your hand to lube up the toy.
“Yes daddy.”
“Good girl.” Without warning you push the tip of the fake cock into her entrance slowly pushing into her so as not to hurt her a wanton moan leaving her lips as her head presses back into the pillow her hands gripping at the leather cuffs. You look down at Lizzie once you feel your hips against hers letting you know the toy is completely inside so you are waiting on her signal to start moving.
“Okay.” Lizzie’s eyes lock with yours as you slowly start to roll your hips, a small gasp parting your lips next to her ear as the smaller end starts to move inside you. “Fuck daddy, so big”
You moan into Lizzie's ear at her words, she knows just what to say to shoot pleasure through your body. Your left hand plants itself onto the mattress next to her head as you right one brushes down the side of her body to her leg, quickly lifting it up and around your waist. She pulls your hips back into hers with her leg, both of you moaning at the rough thrust. 
You start to speed up your movements burying your head into her neck as you gently bite and suck a trail of marks down it, your hand snaking up the front of her body to her left breast. You roll your thumb over her hard nipple, a small whine leaving her lips at the added pleasure as you suddenly pinch it between your thumb and finger before moving your hand upwards again.
“Don’t stop. You feel so fucking good. Please don’t stop.” Lizzie’s back arches as you start to thrust harder into her choosing to pull the toy most of the way out before thrusting it roughly back in loving how her body writhes underneath you.
“You feel so good wrapped tightly around my cock.” Lizzie’s eyes roll to the back of her head as her leg tightens its hold around your waist, as you moan the words into her ear; the smaller end of the toy brushing against your walls hitting your g-spot every now and again as you feel lizzie’s legs start to shake.
“Please can I cum daddy. I need to….fuck…please.” Her eyes shoot open the most desperate look on her face as you continue to pound into her, her whole body moving with the rough thrusts as the headboard hits the wall.
“Cum for daddy, baby. Show me how good I make you feel.” The coil that had been building up in Lizzie snaps, her eyes rolling to the back of her head as she lets out a near pornographic moan. Your body reacts quickly at the sight of Lizzie’s orgasm as the small side of the toy brushes against your g-spot once more and you sink your teeth into Lizzie's neck to muffle a maon; leaving a mark for sure.
Her back arches completely off the bed, her feet and head the only thing staying in contact with the mattress as her legs shake uncontrollably and her feet slip and push into the mattress over and over. Lizzie’s arms pull at the restraints, her knuckles turning white as her fists clench, the handcuffs sure to leave some marks on her skin. You continue to slowly thrust into Lizzie helping her through the long amount of aftershocks, her chest moving rapidly as she mumbles out nonsense.
Her body continues to move beneath yours as it settles back down on the bed, her leg that was around your waist falls to the bed as her whole body is drained of energy and you can see her falling into a state of bliss and tiredness. When you pull the toy out your eyes widen at how soaked the toy is, and how there is quite a bit on the mattress below; smirking to yourself at the sight. You pull the toy out of yourself and place it on the floor next to the bed before sitting up on your knees and rubbing your hands up and down the side of Lizzie’s body to help calm her body down a little. 
“Are you okay princess?” Lizzie smiles goofily at the change in name, knowing that your soft side is coming out like it always does after sex. Your brows furrow when you don’t get a reply as she continues smiling but her eyes flutter open the green slowly returning. “Lizzie you good?”
“More than good. I’m perfect.” You lean down pressing your lips against hers, Lizzie immediately reciprocates the small kiss but groans when she tries to move her hands. “Do you mind?” She nods up to the leather handcuffs.
“Not at all.” You make quick work of undoing the leather restraints, bringing her wrists to your lips where you kiss along the harsh red marks left behind. “Let's get you cleaned up.”
“I jush wan cuddles.” You turn to look at Lizzie, a small blush growing on her face as she tiredly tries to speak, stuffing her face into the pillow to try and hide it.
“Okay, let me just get a damp cloth for tonight then.”
You make quick work of cleaning Lizzie with the cloth, making sure not to hurt her due to how sensitive she was. You even manage to pull the sheet off the bed and replace it with a new one, once you had transferred Lizzie from one side of the bed to the other and back again before climbing in and pulling the covers over the both of you.
Her body gravitates towards you, her arm wrapping around your waist as you help to pull her to lay on top of you knowing she gets the most comfort from skin on skin contact. Her head rests against your shoulder, her other hand tracing small patterns up and down your arm, silence engulfing the room but it is more confronting silence than awkward. You tilt your head to look at the woman on top of you as she lets out a deep breath and looks up at you with the softest smile.
“I’m leaving him.” 
You choke on air for a moment, eyes going wide at her confession, Lizzie’s eyes not leaving your face as she watches your reaction. You thought back to the few times you had discussed what this was between the two of you and you had both said that it was nothing more than fucking, but you both know the line got blurred somewhere when she took you for a weekend away. Or when you meet for coffee or go for food at a restaurant, both of you hide what was truly there even when you label these activities as dates in your mind. You both do.
“W-why?” You didn’t want to get your hopes up, not after playing the friends with benefits game for 6 months. 
“I can’t be with him.” Her eyes dart left to right looking into yours as her left hand on your waist moves up to your chest to start drawing patterns, something you have noticed she does when anxious or nervous normally. 
“Okay.” You mentally facepalm yourself at the stupid reply, watching as Lizzie’s brows furrow and her features deflate slightly, hoping you would be more excited about the prospect so you quickly add. “Why can’t you be with him, princess?”
“I can’t be with someone when I see the future we are meant to have with someone else.” The finger on your chest moves up to your collarbone where she starts tracing it gently over and over. “I can’t be with him when all I can think about is you.”
“Lizzie I - uh - I.” You were at a loss for words, and however hard you try to think of what to say you can’t get it out. You’ve wanted this for a while, but had yourself convinced she would always choose him. So why now, when she is being open, has your brain decided to short circuit.
“Oh.” You immediately notice her demeanour change, her head shaking a little as she beats herself up probably thinking she just made a complete and utter mistake. When she tries to remove herself from you, you are quick to react, your hands moving to cup her face, quickly moving her head to be over yours and pull it down to smash your lips together.
“I can’t stop thinking about you either.” You mumble against her lips as you pull away for a second, but only for a second as you kiss her again with a passion trying to convey every single emotion through this single kiss. 
Once oxygen becomes an issue Lizzie pulls her lips away from yours, resting her forehead gently against yours as your eyes look into one another. Your right hand moves to push a piece of fallen her behind her ear as your left hand continues to hold her cheek as your thumb traces small circles against her skin. 
“Does this mean I can take you on an official date?” Lizzie buries her face into the crook of your neck giggling sweetly at your question.
“I would love nothing more than a date with you Y/n.” She mumbles against the skin of your neck leaving a few small pecks as she does.
“Well then miss olsen. This Tuesday, at 8pm I will cook and all you have to do is turn up.” 
“Tuesday, 8pm.” She kisses the underside of your jaw, her body completely relaxing into yours letting out a tired sigh causing you to smile softly to yourself.
“Goodnight Lizzie.” 
“Goodnight Y/n”
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lonelylonelyghost · 8 months
Under the Skin analysis nobody asked for
a.k.a why I think that Du Cheng is pretty awesome actually.
SPOILERS for Under the Skin - Chinese drama, NOT a vore? body-snatcher?? movie with Scarlet Johansson. You have been warned.
OK, let's get one thing out of the way first. People give Du Cheng a lot of shit about how he treated Shen Yi at first, which - fair, but hear me out.
Captain Lei for Du Cheng was not just a mentor and a fellow police officer, he was practically a father to him, the one who supported and showed young Mr. Du that he could redirect his anger and strength towards greater cause and help other people.
So imagine, in a very short amount of time, during the phone call with your almost-PARENT you hear him getting stabbed, find his dead body in a ditch, and then the reason the killers were able to identify him at all - a smug little shit of an artist who bragged about remembering every face he saw - couldn't draw for some reason the only face that mattered.
You'd also probably flip out and hold a grudge for 7 years.
Du Cheng also didn't know at this point that Shen Yi couldn't remember the face due to being dumped into the sea, he assumed that the artist just didn't want to do it.
I'm not saying that all this excuses Du Cheng's behavior, he's still a dick to an innocent person, a victim of circumstances - the fact which he already knew. What I'm saying is that it makes sense.
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The scene in the interrogation room was amazing but I think we all know it
Now, onto the thing:
The initial impression of Du Cheng's character is that yes, he's the police captain, and he's capable, but he's also kinda goofy. Like, where the work is not involved he's simple, straightforward person, not a genius like Shen Yi with his art or good with technology like Li Han, not very sophisticated, etc.
He's pretty chill overall (unless it's about murder cases or Shen Yi). Typical big gruff police captain that can be a butt of several jokes in other shows, but here is where things get interesting.
When we first see him in the series, he's submerged in a bath inside of a suitcase, trying to figure out how a crime was committed. (Typing this I realized that there's even more of a theme of water and drowning, specifically of self-inflicted kind, than I'd thought before).
It shows that he's willing to go to great lengths to solve a case, including getting himself in a harm's way in the process, and this is demonstrated constantly throughout the show.
Later we see that he's also a good leader of his team, street-smart and physically strong.
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A lot of wet men this show has
Speaking of physicality, I like how Du Cheng carries himself. With his height and size he could seem awkward, but Du Cheng is in complete control of his body.
His movements are big (wide? idk but you get my point) but fluid and calculated at the same time, partly because of the years' worth of training, partly because like many other tall people he's used to moving in the world that's occupied by smaller humans and a lot of fragile items.
He's not using his size for his advantage in everyday life, unless it's for the case and he needs to save one ever-unlucky Shen-laoshi from trouble for the tenth time that week.
He moves with the grace of a wild animal, calm and seemingly tame until he isn't, which is why although I understand his comparison to a dog in the show, I feel like he's more of a wolf.
Basically, there are three things I can watch forever - how the fire burns, how Shen Yi draws, and how Du Cheng jumps into the swimming pool.
Another little mystery about Du Cheng that just doesn't let me go is - what the hell is his family background?
At first it seemed like he was just an ordinary rebellious teenager from some kind of tumultuous household. We don't hear anything about his parents, so we're simply left to assume (the same goes for Shen Yi).
That was until Du Qing comes into the picture. Du Cheng's sister is like rich-rich, so she could either amount to such power herself (girlboss ❤), or she's already come from money.
If the latter is the case, then what was Du Cheng doing on the streets all those years ago? Rich boy's tantrum? It didn't seem like it. Also, Du siblings seem pretty close, so I don't think that Du Qing would let her younger brother roam the streets if she had a choice.
Maybe I missed something? I don't know, but this tidbit just tickles my fancy for some reason, like what's his deal?
But the thing that proved to me the fact that Du Cheng is as complex of a character as She Yi was when he framed himself as M's killer.
(I mean, I knew that he was innocent from the start, because hello, this is s Chinese contemporary show about cops, there's only so much wiggle room in terms of morality the censorship would allow - either he's guilty and he dies at the end, or he's not and everything will be fine. It didn't seem like the first option, so...)
Even before the whole thing went down, Du Cheng in general never seemed like a sidekick, simply a load of big muscles compared to Shen Yi's torturous genius, but this particular decision really cemented the quality of this partnership - in different ways, but they're equal. Neither can do without the other, and both of them can adapt and change their usual tactics when required.
And do you realize how rare this kind of thing is??
When two people have this sort of dynamic in a show - where one is very smart and the other is more down to earth - the second person more often than not would just feel like an assistant to the first one, and it's incredibly annoying to me personally.
But here it's different and oh my god IT'S SO GOOD! I practically screamed in excitement when it happened.
The motherfucker can scheme! This guy fell down from the stairs, hit his head, saw that M was dead, instantly understood what was happening and came up with a whole plan, which granted, involved getting himself in huge trouble, but it's not like Du Cheng is the only one who likes to be self-sacrificial fool in this show.
He sets a trap for the villain like a predator for the prey and then patiently waits. He knows that the price for this stunt is not only getting framed for the murder and demoted/imprisoned/executed? (I don't know the terms for death sentences in China very well), it's also the trust and potential well-being of his colleagues, and Du Cheng still agrees to pay it. He's ruthless both to himself and others, and I LOVE IT.
The later parts of the show provides us with not only deliciously tense moments, full of suspicions and drama and angst (the dinner with Du Qing, and Shen Yi drawing the eyes from the security footage are especially great), but also proves that BOTH of main characters have this darker undercurrent beneath their friendly exteriors.
And although it can't really be explored properly due to censorship, it still is fascinating to think about.
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auroraromaximoff · 11 months
Nat: Whenever Wanda and I have a fight, I like to go around and tighten all the lids on jars so she has to ask me for help
*Glass shatters in background*
Nat: It hasn't worked yet, but it will one of these days
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therese-lokidottir · 7 months
Do you heard news that Chris Hemsworth is doing voice of Optimus prime/Orion Pax in new transformers film?
No hate for Hemsworth but his voice, even deep is not fit for young Optimus, I meant we know how young Optimus sound (cartoon g1) and if Chris using his own voice and not change it little bit then I don't think I will like it.
Also scarlet Johansson will be voice elita 1 . I blame media and grilboss trend for this, because elita 1 while tough women she also kind and sweet and well ... I really hope they will not make elita be some kind girlboss that not have respect to men.
I bet the first critics for new transformers film will be Chris voice because everyone very used to Peter Cullen voice as Optimus and even op voices by other peoples their voice is look like op Peter Cullen and if Chris can't make his voice close enough with Peter Cullen then well he need get ready getting bashing
So I haven't watched that much of the OG transformers. The one that was on when I was a kid was Transformers Animated, but what I think I am nostalgic for that has Peter Cullen is Winnie the Pooh and imagining Chris Hemsworth as Eeyore just made me giggle.
Idontknow Hemsworth has a pretty bassy voice I'm sure he'll do fine and I think ScarJo is talented enough at voice acting she'll do fine.
Looking at the cast lists films and this looks like a change of from. Previous films mostly used professional Voice actors for the transformers, not live action actors so that's different
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hello all 🖤
i just wanted to pop in really quick, and tell y’all that i am super, super proud and grateful for the love that i have been seeing on my work- especially of late. thank you, thank you, thank you to all that have read, commented and reblogged. reading your comments and tags literally help to make my day!
that being said, i am trying to get rid of the plague that is currently burning like wildfire where i work, so i have not felt up to writing of late. i will try to get an update on ILYBOMTJALTM out, and maybe a Lizzie x IntersexReader one shot out.
thanks for the love, everyone. stay nerdy, my friends 🖤 be kind to one another
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