#sci fi medical advancement
bogleech · 3 months
Also going to finally make a pinned post for all my stuff:
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BOGLEECH - my tumblr blog is named after this website I created around 2002 and still update. Thousands of pages worth of content focusing on creature design as well as real biology. My review of the original Legend of Zelda monsters might be the most straightforward example of my articles. Links to some of the most popular content:
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POKEMON REVIEW ARCHIVE: - I rate and review each and every single Pokemon, in Pokedex order, on its merits as a creature design. I also do so as someone whose favorite animals are all parasites.
DIGIMON REVIEW ARCHIVE - same, but more chaotic.
CREEPYPASTA COOKOFF ARCHIVE - for several years I hosted a yearly writing contest before it grew too big for me to keep up with. There are over a thousand user submitted horror, fantasy, sci fi and surrealist stories here emphasizing unconventional, original ideas you seldom see from the "creepypasta" community!
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The original "MORTASHEEN" Monster Archive - since the early 2000's I've created and illustrated more than 800 creatures and counting for my own monster-catching world, now set for release as a tabletop RPG setting.
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AWFUL HOSPITAL: SERIOUSLY THE WORST EVER (page one): an interactive comedy-horror-sci-fi webcomic I started in 2014 about a medical facility that could maybe be better.
Some of my other internet stuff:
PATREON - constant work makes my patreon updates inconsistent, but the content backlog goes back years with a huge amount of exclusive art and writing. I try to put up new exclusive stuff whenever I can.
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ETSY - I design all sorts of original enamel pins like these, plus I sell zero-maintenance terrarium plants (just leave them in a jar!), original books and other things!
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COLOR THE ABYSS (available on the above etsy!) - a 30 page educational deep sea coloring book! Includes a few famous favorites like giant isopods and hagfish, but mostly focuses on less popular, often much weirder animals.
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UNBELIEVABLE BUGS - also regularly restocked in the etsy store, 30 of the strangest and most surprising arthropods most people have likely never heard of, illustrated by myself and @revretch, written for even the youngest kids to understand (but will likely teach you something new at any age)
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My Itch.io and Ko-fi - both sell digital versions of my books, including some creepypasta collections and my first novel, "Return of the Living," about a world of entirely ghosts suddenly dealing with the appearance of ghost-hunting monsters.
TWITCH CHANNEL - I now try to stream something at least monthly, sometimes weekly when possible, from horror games to books and art.
YOUTUBE CHANNEL - archives my twitch streams and other little things.
INSTAGRAM - look at pictures of my huge weird collection of toys and Halloween collectibles
BLUESKY - I'm going to put mainly just updates to my stuff on here. SEE ALSO:
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HUMANS-B-GONE - a science fiction animated series by my partner @revretch, about a world of kaiju-size, technologically advanced insects and arachnids to whom vertebrates like us are just pesky little "gubs." Also has a tumblr account @humansbgone FINALLY, HERE'S MY GUIDE AND RESOURCE TO MAKING YOUR OWN INTERNET WEBSITE IN A FEW MINUTES WITH NO KNOWLEDGE OF CODING
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undeadcourier · 2 months
Ghouls are, put simply, humans suffering from advanced, prolonged radiation sickness and whose bodies have mutated such that gamma radiation extends their lifespan past natural limits.
The process of ghoulification is outlined in canon sources, but I wanted to make a guide that goes into more detail on the effects of radiation sickness in various cases, since the level and type of exposure significantly affects the outcome.
This is the first in what will be a series of posts exploring both real-life cases of radiation sickness and the sci-fi concept of ghoulification in some depth. Graphic descriptions of the physical deterioration of the body are included for informative purposes; reader discretion is advised.
For this first case study, I examine the effects on the human body of exposure to high levels of radiation in a short period of time, with a focus on the real case of Hisashi Ouchi.
On September 30, 1999, a lack of appropriate safety measures and the proper materials resulted in an accident that caused three workers at the nuclear power plant in Tōkai-mura, Japan, to suffer from severe radiation poisoning while purifying reactor fuel.
Point of Criticality
An uncontrolled fission reaction was produced when technicians poured nearly seven times the legal limit of uranium oxide into an improper vessel containing nitric acid. The men reported seeing a bright blue flash—indicative of Cherenkov radiation—when the mixture reached critical mass, flooding the room with radiation. The workers evacuated to the decontamination room, but already, the two who had been handling the reactive solution were overcome with intense pain from radiation burns, severe nausea, and difficulty breathing. Hisashi Ouchi, who suffered the highest level of exposure, also experienced rapid difficulties with mobility and coherence. Upon reaching the decontamination room, he vomited and fell unconscious.
~1 Hour Post-Exposure
Ouchi regained consciousness in the hospital about 70 minutes after the criticality accident, where doctors confirmed that he had been exposed to high doses of gamma, neutron, and other radiation.
The maximum allowable annual dose of radiation for nuclear technicians in Japan was 50 millisieverts. Exposure to more than 7 sieverts is considered fatal. Yutaka Yokokawa, the supervisor, had received 3 sieverts. The technicians who had been handling the uranium, Masato Shinohara and Hisashi Ouchi, received 10 sieverts and 17 sieverts, respectively.
~1 Day+ Post-Exposure
During the first few days in the ICU, Ouchi appeared to be in remarkably good condition, given the circumstances: the skin of his face and right hand was slightly red, as if by a sunburn, and swollen. His eyes were bloodshot, and he reported pain under his ear and right hand, which had received the most direct exposure, but he could speak normally, and he joked with the doctors and nurses attending to him.
6 Days Post-Exposure
Tests revealed that the high energy radiation that Ouchi had been exposed to had obliterated the chromosomes in his bone marrow. They were unrecognizable—some severed, some fused, all out of order. This damage meant that his body was unable to create new blood cells. The red blood cells that transport oxygen could not be replaced, and Ouchi's white blood cell count was near zero, leaving him extremely vulnerable to infection.
~1 Week+ Post-Exposure
Intensive treatments, including numerous skin grafts, blood and bone marrow transfusions, and revolutionary stem cell transplants were conducted in an attempt to stabilize Ouchi, but ultimately without lasting success.
The skin grafts couldn't hold; when medical tape was peeled from his skin, his skin came with it, and the marks left behind couldn't heal. Blisters like those of a burn appeared on his right hand.
Ouchi reported frequently that he was thirsty.
~10 Days Post-Exposure
By this point, Ouchi's oxygen levels were so low that even speaking required tremendous effort. Ouchi was placed on supplemental oxygen and required sedatives to be able to sleep.
2 Weeks+ Post-Exposure
Ouchi was no longer able to eat and required an IV. By day sixteen, most of the skin on the front side of his body had fallen off.
His low platelet count and lack of healthy skin meant that his blood and bodily fluids leaked through his damaged pores, resulting in unstable blood pressure.
Donor stem cells that were meant to allow his body to create new tissue were also destroyed by the radiation present in his body.
~1 Month Post-Exposure
On the 27th day following the accident, Ouchi suffered from intense diarrhea. The mucus layer of his large intestine had vanished, exposing the red submucosal layer beneath. His body could no longer disgest or absorb anything he ingested; even water was excreted as diarrhea.
The skin of Ouchi's right hand was almost entirely gone, leaving the surface of his hand raw and dark red. Blisters spread across his right arm and abdomen, then over his entire body. Gauze was required to replace his skin, and his fingers had to be individually wrapped to prevent them from sticking together. Without skin to keep him warm, Ouchi required an electrothermic device to maintain his body temperature while his bandages were changed—a daily procedure that took hours. Every time the gauze was removed, more of Ouchi's remaining skin went with it. His eyelids could not shut, and his eyes bled. His nails fell off.
Ouchi's right arm was necrotizing, leading to an increasing amount of myoglobin—a protein in muscle tissue—flowing in Ouchi's blood. Untreated, this could result in renal failure as the kidneys could not process the amount of myoglobin present.
Ouchi's body could not regenerate the platelets that form scabs, meaning the risk of hemorrhage was extreme.
By day 50, more than two liters of fluid seeped from Ouchi's damaged skin each day. The amount of fluid prevented skin grafts from adhering. Furthermore, he began to suffer from blood in his stool, and permeated blood seeped between his inflamed small and large intestines.
2 Months+ Post-Exposure
On the 59th day after the accident, Ouchi suffered the first of many heart attacks. His kidneys and liver were also failing. He no longer showed reactions to stimuli.
By day 63, Ouchi's macrophages—the immune cells that normally attack and consume bacteria and viruses—were attacking his own healthy blood cells.
After 67 days, Ouchi suffered internal hemorrhage. He bled from his mouth and intestines.
Ouchi would continue to suffer from heart attacks, as many as three in one hour. Each time, he was revived, but he suffered increasing brain damage, until multiple organ failure ended his life after 83 days in the hospital.
Ouchi's colleague Masato Shinohara underwent numerous successful skin grafts and a stem cell transfusion as well as radical cancer treatment, but he, too, died of multiple organ failure after seven months. Their supervisor, Yutaka Yokokawa, was treated for minor radiation sickness and was released from the hospital within three months of the accident.
This detailed chronology was referenced from the book A Slow Death: 83 Days of Radiation Sickness by Iwanami Shoten, translated by Maho Harada. My post, of course, focuses on Ouchi's physical condition in his final months, but it’s important to remember him not just as a victim or a patient. He was a loving husband and father whose sense of humor and resilience left an impression on everyone he came into contact with. The book is available in its entirety here and provides a moving, nuanced account of the incident and the efforts to save Ouchi's life.
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Writeblr intro post
So yeah when I first came here I didn't know this was a thing so I've been working on this in the background. Now that it won the poll, I'm making it now!
I'm going to edit this post as I go so it has more links as I make posts about my WIPs!
About Me
Hi. Call me Kaylin. It's a pen name but I like it. (Some people are just finding out this isn't my real name and y'all should've read the bio)
I'm an education major and do writing on the side and it's a huge passion of mine (hence why I want to teach literacy)
Asexual demiromantic sapphic (she/her) currently in a relationship - (I am comfortable within reason to talk about my experiences)
Love ask games and tag games and generally interacting with others
Love reblogging mutuals' writing talking about WIPs!
21+ but my WIPs are YA - I don't usually reblog anything with a mature community label (sorry in advance for mutuals who do), but when I do I mark it 18+ and I try to label content warnings (LET ME KNOW IF I MISSED SOMETHING)
I'm an educator by heart so I love giving feedback, know a lot about kids, and of course education psychology and theory
I have minor scoliosis, early start of arthritis in my hands, and chronic headaches and migraines attacks in control with medication if anyone needs to ask me about these experiences for writing purposes. I also occasionally use a cane due to knee pain from an injury.
I have an ultimate get to know me game here if you want to check that out
My asks are always open! Feel free to stop in whenever you want!
The Secret Portal
See linked intro post for more detail!
YA sci-fi/fantasy
Planned to be a five book series
Quick version: A bunch of adolescents discover a portal to a dimension populated by people with powers. There's also a war. Yayyy.
The first installment is currently in the process of being read by beta readers. Apply to be one here!
Tagged as #the secret portal, #tsp, or #teaspoon if you want to give it a nickname. #tsp updates and #tsp excerpt are used as well. All characters get their own tag and #alium will be used when talking about my world building
Ask to be added to or removed from the tag list! @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites
@nebula--nix @literarynecromancy @honeybewrites
School of the Legends
YA urban fantasy fairy tale retelling
International school for people with gifts (born with), majicks (learn), and curses (given).
Currently in planning stage but five chapters have been written.
No intro post yet but I'm working on it!
Tagged as #school of the legends and #sotl. Also use #sotl updates and #sotl excerpt, though not as often as TSP
Ask to be added to or removed from the tag list! @illarian-rambling @katwritesshit @wyked-ao3
Other Ideas
It Was All Just a Dream - high school senior gets an entire redemption arc via vivid dream
The Emerald of Secrets - temporary title for vague fairy fantasy idea
Perspectives - we watch the same event five times in a row from different perspectives
Eternity - temporary title for a supernatural detective story
The Others - temporary title for a sci-fi apocalypse story
There are more but these are the main ones
What I Post or Reblog
Updates on my writing
Tag games and ask games! I love them dearly but it may take a bit to reply! I have a lot piled up and not all of them are simple. But I will get to them!!
Writing from others
Writing advice
Beta requests, book announcements, and intro posts to help boost!
I try to keep things positive! If I see a negative post about writing I'll usually reblog it with some positive spin. Sorry if that's annoying but it makes me sad that people aren't happy about writing.
I always try to include image IDs to make my blog accessible - if something is incorrect or you have any suggestions for making IDs better let me know!
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Maybe the clan could call themselves the “Subway clan” or the “Station clan” or something like that just to try to either jog Ingo’s memories and/or just use something familiar. They would also call Ingo “Boss ingo” or “subway boss ingo” and all the other people would be super confused like : “ What in sinnohs name is a subway and why is that clan obsessed with them?”
Just some silly ideas, I REALLY like this AU, Super bravo!! Excellent!!
I feel like since Ingo is the only boss around, they'll just call him Boss or Sir, as opposed to Boss Ingo or the mouthful that is his full title. Plus, they do at some point realize that attempting to get Ingo to remember is actively hurting him because of the pressure, so they're careful to just... act normal around him, and don't make attempts unless he specifically asks for it. The medic on the team won't have them giving Ingo any stress, ESPECIALLY with how injured he was.
Anyways, I'd like to think that at least one of the depot agents is probably a sci-fi nerd. Meaning that they're hyper-aware that fucking with the timeline is uhhh Bad. I imagine at some point they would panic and come up with a wild cover story about them being from a totally different world altogether.
Which would OBVIOUSLY fuck with Historians in the future even MORE. Did the existence of modern day trains come from the schematics from another world? Just how advanced was the otherworld train that had crashed in Hisui, in comparison to modern trains? How advanced was their society? WHY DID THEY REFUSE TO HAVE THEIR PICTURES TAKEN—
Basically it's a "were trains invented by aliens" debate bc One Person panicked and came up with the worst story imaginable. It's like how people think the Pyramids were made by aliens.
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ystrike1 · 1 year
Salty Lust - By Limunchi (8.5/10)
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A desperate yandere? Alien biology? Sounds good to me. The saving grace here is our everyman protagonist. He is a genuinely charming underdog character.....who accidentally seduces an unassuming alien overlord. The sci-fi concept is actually utilized and expanded upon, but be warned this story is REALLY perverted.
Nux of the eighth district is (was) a child prodigy. Originally he was raised on Earth, but he was too smart for the countryside, so he moved up to a satellite station for school. Slight problem. An Earth genius is dumb as a brick on the interplanetary stage.
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Also, Nux isn't from a rich family. So, he's fucked. He's a foreign exchange student with no money. He was banking on getting a scholarship but that's impossible. He's a C rank student in space. He works in an illegal robot production factory to get by.
That is a great start for a protagonist. In my opinion anyway. It's funny without being stupid. Nux has become more rough and humble. He's not the smug brat he used to be. He's a level headed and snarky college student...with no friends. He's too busy working to enjoy his college life.
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This is Owen Asperier. He is a type of alien called an Asangard. His mother planet is super far away and his species kicked off hyperspace travel. Without the Asangard species space travel in general wouldn't exist. The Asangard people are by far the richest and most advanced race around. They reproduce sparingly. Their medical technology is just too good. Asangard natives live healthy, long lives. So, the urge to have kids is rare. Rare but not impossible. An Asangard can pick a partner they like by smell. They look human on the outside but it's implied that they can change shape a bit to please the partner they pick. That's kind of a secret, though. Most people believe Asangard natives are sterile. Attraction is rare for them, and their actual culture is shrouded in mystery.
Asperier owns ten planets.
He's technically an exchange student, but it's weird. Like, as a reader you can tell he's there to be in charge of a lab and other important stuff. Yet, he poses as a student and he acts friendly. Even though he's literally powerful enough to have everybody on the satellite killed.
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Nux meets Asperier in the hallway, and he's drunk. So drunk...and maybe on drugs? He's super aroused in public and it's very awkward. Nux drags the man back to his own room out of pity. Plus Asperier throws him some cash as thanks. The money is helpful. Nux doesn't spread any rumors, but he avoids Asperier. It takes a week or so but Asperier eventually tracks him down.
He wasn't drunk. He was reacting to Nux. His species acts...out when they find a partner. The robotic overlords turn into barbarians when they find a mate. Asperier is........really pathetic about it. He begs for simple things like touching for ten chapters and he reacts to those things...dramatically.
When he slowly starts pushing for more Nux realizes he's in trouble.
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Sure, the money is good.
Great, actually.
Asperier sometimes literally passes out from pleasure with just touching, so he looks kinda harmless and silly at first.
Then problems start to pop up.
Asperier always knows where he is.
Asperier has more authority than the professors. Nobody can protect him.
The stalking gets very intense. Asperier cries cutely like he's pathetic. He looks like a clingy and stupid yandere for a while, but then it clicks. Nux has absolutely no privacy, and Asperier has absolutely no limits.
Nux even has a breakdown, because he is afraid he will be enslaved by Asperier.
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Oh also the school is corrupt. It's a dog eat dog competitive place. Other students work illegally. It's common. Nux knows his classmates steal his stuff to boost their own grades and get rid of the competition.
This is Gale. A thief who uses illegal pleasure androids.
Asperier starts to suspect that literally anyone near Nux is also attracted to him.
Nux, of course, protests because that's ridiculous.
Asperier doesn't let it go though. He has only ever been attracted to Nux, so he suspects that Nux is super popular.
Even though he isn't...
I'm really not sure if Gale is going to survive.
Asperier's logic is very...barbaric?
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Also there's two of him. Nope. Wait. There's five of him. One Owen is on the mother planet. One is in the army. One is MIA (traveling in space?). Two Owen's are at the school with Nux. One of the two, Asperier, is the main body. Asperier gets jealous of his other piece/self when Nux pays more attention to him/it.
Let me explain.
Hyperspace travel is weird.
Asangard natives have multiple bodies. That's why they are such a dominant species. Some of them have twenty bodies at once. So, when you fight an Asangard you're dealing with a one man super-army. Even if you manage to kill one that one still has a spare body hidden on the mother planet. It's implied that they can live for a very long time using this method.
It causes...some problems. All five versions of "Owen" want to be with Nux now.
The one in the army has already deserted, and he's on his way. Also, the five are all slightly different. The army one is the meanest toughest one...so good luck!
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After Asperier is done beating up one of his Owen's for Nux's attention...Nux diffuses the situation. He gets good at that. Asperier is easily distracted by dates, hugs, and gifts.
Nux keeps falling deeper into panic, because things somehow keep getting worse.
Nux gets to know Asperier.
His cute side isn't really an act. Asperier really is happy. He's glad he has a partner he can feel lust and love for. He's willing to use cash to lure Nux in, and absolutely everything else. He's even willing to shut down illegal work factories to force Nux to take his money.
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Shit gets really real around chapter twenty. Asperier's end goal is clear as day. Nux calls him out for it. He has to start appeasing the overly desperate yandere, or else. He could lose his legs, or even worse his freedom in general.
Asperier tells Nux he has Asangard blood. How? I'm glad you asked. The mother planet started a breeding program 1600 years ago. Pure Asangard natives had basically stopped breeding by then, so sperm samples were donated to create offspring with Asangard DNA. Specifically to create decendants who would be attractive partners for pureblood Asangard natives.
After almost two thousand years the Asangard natives have a decent pool of potential lovers to choose from.
That...is so deeply fucked up. Nux's bloodline was purposefully laced with Asangard catnip. He had no choice in the matter. He is just one of many potential mate prospects. He's almost all human, so in his logic he doubts how real Asperier's love is.
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They cuddle together, but somehow the plot continues to escalate. This one is funny because it's uncomfortable. Nux is pretty relatable, which helps as well. I can't even guess how messed up this will be by the end.
I am curious about the plot, but only 22 chapters are out. There are three more Owen's to meet, so hopefully this will be a long story.
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I get that YA fiction protagonists are teenagers because the target audience is teenagers, so "in this setting a 16-year-old is considered a legal adult so they can do whatever they want without anyone asking where their parents are" makes sense, but I'd find it funny to have fantasy and sci-fi stories that do the opposite. People live much longer for magical reasons or because of advances in medical science, so the age of actual adulthood is like 25.
The same trope of other characters encountering the protagonists and going "oh fucking shit gods have mercy, the fate of the world is resting on the shoulders of goddamn teenagers", but the whole cast is in like. Their early 20s.
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Doctor Who, but Chronologically: 46
Well. Tonal whiplash.
We advance three years, to 1986, and therefore we go from an almost aggressively mid Gatiss story on a Russian submarine to World Enough and Time, the Capaldi season finale that opens with the Doctor stepping out of the TARDIS mid-regeneration (which we've seen! It was a WW1 story with Mark Gatiss as an actor! He's a much better actor than writer), then cuts back in time to show us lovely companion Bill being horrifically cyber-converted on a Mondasian colony ship. I wish we were still on that submarine.
LOADS of plot though WOW. We get so many answers! Can't wait to update the list. The story proper starts with Bill, the ever-confusing Nardole ("I should go back to being blue" he muses at one point, because what the fuck is he), and of all people, Missy. They step out onto a 400 mile long colony ship stuck by a black hole which therefore has fun timey-wimey stuff going on whereby the top of the ship is moving much more slowly in time than the bottom. This is, to be clear, an absolutely fantastic concept to base a sci-fi horror story around, but only if you have a writer capable of spotting plot holes big enough to drive a bus through, which alas we do not have, so the whole thing is permeated with a constant urge to scream "JUST GET BACK IN THE ELEVATOR YOU FUCKING IDIOTS" at the screen.
So. They arrive, and Missy is pretending to be the Doctor while he listens in from the TARDIS. She describes Bill and Nardole as "Exposition and Comic Relief."
"Those aren't our names," Bill says.
"They aren't names, they're genders," Missy replies.
We are then treated to a flashback in which the Doctor says Time Lords don't care about genders and their associated stereotypes. This juxtaposition seems to be entirely unintentional.
BUT! So many answers. The Doctor explains that Missy is his oldest friend and a fellow Time Lord (our first Other Time Lord! Interesting, since we've been told repeatedly that the Doctor is the only one left.) They were friends together in the Academy, they've both changed gender since, and she's very like him so he wants her to be good.
"She's a murderer" says Bill, and the Doctor straight up compares sapient people to animals in an analogy I suspect Moffat thought was Really Clever, but I suppose it's a very Colin Baker response. In any case, this is presumably why Missy was living in a vault in the TARDIS, and could fly a TARDIS, and it confirms now that she is not, in fact, another regeneration of River. Origins for both! Huzzah. Let's see what's happening back on the ship.
A blue man immediately shoots Bill for being human.
He does this because as soon as they arrive, the lifts start moving and rising to their current floor, and whatever is inside is specifically attracted to humans. The Doctor could in fact have prevented him shooting, but rather than actually stressing to the blue man that he will just put Bill back in the TARDIS to hide her, he instead chooses to go on an extensive self-aggrandising monologue about how great he is and is still mid-sentence when the lifts arrive so blue guy just fucking blasts a dinner plate sized hole right through her chest. Some patients in bandages step out, and take Bill's cooling corpse for 'repair'. They go down in the lift.
So at this point two things happen, to whit:
Bill wakes up in a hospital with a sort of coffee maker strapped to her chest, and spends the episode variously befriending a weird fake Russian (why so many fake Russians atm?) with a nakedly rubber face. His name is Mr Razor, and he does provide excellent comic relief. It turns out that the bottom of the ship has been here for generations and so is decaying - the air is engine fumes, the walls are rust, so some medical personnel are trying to upgrade everyone so they can move up in the lift and escape to a higher floor.
The Doctor realises the time difference as the lift with Bill is still going down. Rather than immediately following, he spends ten minutes explaining how black holes warp time to the blue guy who is not even going to be coming with him, and whom they ultimately abandon. This means Bill is down there for years.
Still, good to know the limitations of the TARDIS, eh? I mean, everything would have been solved if they'd simply been able to, I don't know, materialise outside the ship at a safe distance and then tow it away from the black hole. Clearly black holes must defeat the TARDIS. Got it. I shall remember this for future stories.
Anyway, here are several issues:
Of the 50 odd staff who were running this empty colony ship, many went down to the bottom floor when they first got stuck by the black hole. At this point, they did not bother going back up in the lift. Instead, for reasons that are entirely unexplained, they decided to stay down there and form a society, so the ship is now filled with their descendants. We literally know the lifts work; the people came for Bill immediately. There is no reason for the original staff to have done this.
The only difference it should make is that the blue guy would appear to the crew to have not moved in the ten minutes they were down there. They absolutely could still get back, though.
Like I have had days when I have felt 1000% done with my job but I have never decided to just build a house where I'm standing and start a colony so I don't have to go back to the office.
Perhaps, Tumblrs, you are wondering, like me, why the people on the bottom floor now can't just. You know. Get in the lift. Once again, in order to get Bill, several patients immediately got in the lift and came up for her, and then returned with her. So they do literally know it's possible. Bill asks this of Mr Razor. "We sent up an expedition to the higher floors once," he says. "But we never heard back from them."
Yes, that is blatantly the time difference, isn't it.
If there are still humans on those middle floors, why haven't they been retrieved by the patients? They came immediately for Bill, and she was on the top floor.
...and on, and on...
ANYWAY then Mr Razor BETRAYS Bill and has her cyber-converted. There is, fair play, an excellent reveal that these are Mondasian cybermen, which admittedly I did guess but still, credit where it's due. The conversion is shown to be more horrific than you can imagine, too. Semi-converted patients at one point are on a ward, repeatedly pressing speech buttons that say "Pain" and "Kill me", and the nurse who comes in just turns off the volume so they can't be heard. It is, imho, way too fucking dark for this show, actually, but that largely sums up Capaldi's era.
And that's the cliffhanger! The Doctor and Nardole staring in horror at crying Cyber-Bill (apparently she's still flesh inside the suit, though, that sure does imply it's reversible). BUT!
Also Mr Razor finds Missy and he peels off his rubber face.
"I had to wear this mask because I used to be Prime Minister on a different planet," he declares, which is baffling to us as we have not seen this, and also that doesn't make sense. "I'm a past incarnation of you and also the Master."
SO THAT'S THE MASTER! A character we have only heard named in passing. SO MANY answers in this episode.
I also still don't understand Nardole.
“She” (an unknown person) is returning (NEW INFO: perhaps River returned as Missy. River and Missy are separate! Could be either of them I suppose. Maybe Me? Maybe Clara???!)
There is something on Donna’s back
An entire planet, Pyrovilia, just… disappeared, somehow. (Maybe because the TARDIS is exploding??? Saturnine was also lost, and that WAS because of the TARDIS exploding. The lion man’s planet was also lost but he was a bit of a knob about it if I’m honest. The Thijarian planet was destroyed by some sort of impact). Is this the Flux?
Amy is maybe dead (she’s not)
The Doctor has been cubed (he’s out, but how?)
River is possibly blown up  (NEW INFO: unless she’s Missy. She's not Missy. Nope: she is definitely not blown up)
The TARDIS has blown up  (It’s fine now. Except it’s sort of melting now because it’s corrupted, but it’s fine again. NOPE, back to not working.)
The universe appears to have ended  (the universe is back again)
The Doctor has employed(?) Nardole
(And Nardole was “reassembled???” Nardole had glass nipples and invisible hair?? NEW INFO: he used to be blue, and could apparently go back to it??? WHAT THE FUCK IS HE)
NEW INFO: There’s a vault in the TARDIS and it contains Missy but we don’t know why (sometimes she knocks for the bants) She's a murderer and a fellow Time Lord and he's trying to rehabilitate her.
There’s an immortal Viking girl now. Her name is Me and she’s now looking after the people the Doctor abandons
Why was Rory entirely unconcerned by the entire world suddenly going silent when that is Not Normal and should have been, at the very least, extremely disconcerting?
What did the Doctor do to Queen Lizzie One?
Why is Amy seeing a one-eyed woman in a vanishing window? (She’s with the Silents, but we don’t know why Amy saw her)
Why is Amy’s pregnancy inconclusive? (Maybe because the baby had Time Lord DNA?) She’s deffo pregnant and the baby becomes River, but why inconclusive?
Who is Sarah-Jane Smith?
How is the Doctor Bill’s teacher and why/where does he have an office?
What is going on with the Cyber War and the Cyberium???
What happened with the Other Cyber War?
What happened with the Third War that deleted the void?
Why does Rose seem particularly important?
What order do these Doctors go in? (Eccleston, Tennant, uncertain, Smith, Capaldi, Whittaker)
Which companion just… forgot the Doctor, and how?
Yaz and Vinder are about to die as Mori/Mwri/Muuri (Not anymore, somehow)
There is a Lupari shield around Earth.
What’s a Time War?
What’s the Rift?
What’s Bad Wolf?
In which war did the Doctor become a war criminal, and how?
Who is the Master? NEW INFO: This is now resolved! The Doctor's oldest friend, a fellow Time Lord, but also a murderer.
Why has Amy forgotten Rory? How did she forget a Dalek invasion?
Is Rory plastic or not? Yeah, must be, he couldn’t possibly remember being plastic otherwise
Why is the Doctor sulking on a cloud?
How exactly does the Doctor have a cloud?
What exactly happened with Strax to, uh, tame him?
Which friend killed Strax?
Which friend brought Strax back?
Where did this lesbian lizard and human couple come from?
What happened with Clara as Souffle Girl and the Daleks?
How does Clara actually join?
Why so many Claras? A psychic midwife says she’s just normal human
Why is Missy apparently in robo-heaven?
Why is probably!Missy pushing Clara and the Doctor together?
What is Trensilor and what happened there?
Who is Handles?
The Doctor is about to be dissolved by a beautiful geode man
The universe is being crushed by the Flux
Will the Doctor open the fobwatch?
Sontarans are invading Earth again
Who is Kate?
Who is Osgood? Another name of Clara’s again?
The fuck is the deal with the Grand Serpent
Does Martha get to go to an ice cream planet with 12-fingered massage aliens?
How did the Doctor forget Clara?
Who is Bill’s puddle girlfriend Heather?
How did Nardole die?
When does Bill get Cyberman-ed and die? NEW INFO: Resolved! On a colony ship stuck by a black hole
When does the Doctor shrink and enter a Dalek called Rusty?
Whittaker is falling to her death rn
Was that ring relevant?
Does anyone know the Doctor’s name?
When did Yaz talk to Dan about fancying the Doctor?
When did Dan talk to the Doctor about fancying Yaz?
What’s happening with the bees?
What happened with Donna’s ex and a giant spider?
What war wiped out the Daleks, and is it one of the ones already mentioned?
What did the Doctor mean when he said “The (Daleks) always live, while I lose everything?”
If Dalek Caan is the last Dalek left why are there more now?
How did the rest of the Time Lords die?
How and why did Amy melt?
What’s the question that will make silence fall?
Why do the Silents… want silence to fall?
How and why are Silents at war with the Doctor when he… hasn’t even heard of them?
How does Hitler get out of the cupboard?
What’s the significance of fish fingers and custard?
Why does the Doctor feel guilt about Rose, Martha and Donna?
What happened with the space whale?
When does Rory defend Amy for 2000 years? Since Roman times, it seems
How does the Doctor survive River? He doesn’t, apparently
How does he erase himself from history
Did Captain Jack lose his memories to the same people as the Doctor? What did he lose?
When did the Doctor send the Daleks into a void to save the universe?
What’s with the weird crack in the wall and is it affecting memories?
Why do Amy and Rory think the Doctor is dead? Is it because of River as an astronaut?
Is Matt Smith’s Doctor a tree racist?
Why is the beautiful geode woman stealing people into a Passenger form?
River says she’ll die one day when the Doctor doesn’t remember her, let’s hope she doesn’t mean it
Why doesn’t the TARDIS like Clara?
When was the Master Prime Minister?
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ThePandaRedd Appreciation Post: Bill and Ted
This is me screaming into the void that I think my two favorite characters in the comic scene are Ted and Bill from the Pandaverse (the comics universe created by ThePandaRedd's tiktok skits). I freaking love these two because they are hilarious and I gotta say it somewhere.
Consider this a ThePandaRedd appreciation post.
Bill is a very long running Pandaverse character and is a professional henchman in Gotham City. He has been henching long enough to see the formation of the goonion, have batman steal so many of his bones that they're kept ground up in a jar, see the rise and graduation of every robin, batgirl, or other, and become so tired that he can backtalk his most consistent employer---the Joker.
Bill is a jaded henchman, mostly in the job because it's the easiest way to get money in Gotham, and because he's kinda in too deep to quit now. He's one of the best advertisers the goonion has, strongly discourages other people from henching in Gotham, and has so many residual medical issues from getting brutally beaten up by the batfam that he just doesn't care anymore. While he is regularly employed by the Joker, he has also been seen working for the likes of Penguin, Black Mask, and Bane, presumably when the Joker is in Arkham. Most other characters treat him with some instinctive respect for having stayed in the Gotham henching game this long, and he could absolutely go toe to toe with Superman if not just easily secure some Kryptonite and whoop his ass. Fortunately for Superman, Bill sticks to the Gotham scene.
Ted, meanwhile, is a relatively new character, and he has recently moved to Gotham from Coast City (where the Green Lantern lives). Suffice it to say, he is not aware of all of Gotham's idiosyncrasies and is still learning the wheel. If Bill the henchman is to be believed, Ted dropped out of the high school they both attended and may or may not have moved to Gotham for ease of employment.
One of his first appearances was when he'd just joined the GCPD and was trying to covertly get some info on the villain scene by asking Bill about how to start a career in henching. While Bill did not discover that Ted was working for the GCPD, he also gave away pretty much no valuable information since he instead launched into a rant about why anybody would be so suicidal as to try to START henching in Gotham City. His most recent appearance has him presumably out of a job again and noting some of his findings about Gotham as a Coast City Transplant (batburger's overrated, gang territories are gerrymandered, Robins are scarier than Batman, you'll be gifted with a water filter a gas mask and a gun upon moving houses if you send advance notice, etc.)
So, why are these two gag characters from a comic book tik-tok creator my favorite comic book/comic adjacent characters? Because they do exactly what they are designed to and narrow in on the every day.
Comic Books are a sci-fi/fantasy genre that focus on impossible stuff happening, frequently at a pretty grand scale. And while it is super cool to read or hear about stuff like Batman and his adoption problem or Superman being a basically god while still being the most human ray of sunshine ever, that's not even close to my favorite stuff.
No, my favorite type of media to consume is the kind where we get a peek into the everyday of someone in a vastly different circumstance from ours, and feel just how normal they are. I find a lot of comfort and humor in recognizing that even in very unfamiliar circumstances, there will still be simple, everyday things that persist.
Bill might be a goon in a city with some of the most insane and terrifying vigilantes ever, working for some of the most insane and terrifying villains ever, and the city is explicitly a commentary on the general shittiness of urban environments like New York, but that's not what he cares about most of the time. Instead he's busy explaining why you shouldn't smoke to his fellow goons, or dealing with the fact that his employer won't keep a reliable schedule, or having a crisis that he regularly has to run away from a 12 year old dressed like a traffic light or else die trying, or trying to convince people to mask up during quarantine, or promoting that fellow goons "do bad shit safely." And I like to think that if I somehow ended up as an evil goon in someplace as nonsensical and dramatic as Gotham City, I might respond similar to Bill after a while. And that level of normalcy and sanity persisting in such a fantastical environment is both very funny and very comforting. Human nature will persist.
Ted is similar. Everybody who has experienced moving cities knows that it can be disorienting and confusing and even a little scary as you try to figure out how things work, but you'll figure it out regardless and probably have a fun(ish) time doing so. Ted shows that the same principle applies even when those differences get cranked up to 11 and include superpowered and/or impossibly determined and crazy people. He makes my own experience moving cities where I joke and complain about the differences feel validated and it's just so funny to see someone react so normally to such an abnormal situation.
Ted's experience is something that can actually he applied to my own life, like when I learned about Rural vs. Urban stupid zoning laws or trying fry sauce after moving to the mountain west and having to defend my stance that it is an abomination. So seeing someone like yourself doing the EXACT same thing in such an insane circumstance both strikes a chord of truth and makes me laugh myself to the floor.
I also really appreciate that the PandaVerse in general has connected lore for what is basically a gag series used to affectionately parody comics. Something about people actually caring about their jokes enough to make connected lore makes me so so happy.
So thank you ThePandaRedd for creating Ted and Bill, continuing along with them, and making me smile.
Seriously, all this was to say that ThePandaRedd is cool, you should go watch his stuff, and that Bill and Ted are hilarious.
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This week’s games are all horror games of different genres, with settings that grab me by the lapels and pull me in. I’m excited about all of them.
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Kaichu-Shi, by Lone Archivist.
In this system-agnostic Sci-Fi supplement and love-letter to Mushishi by Yuki Urushibara, your characters play as frontier doctors called Kaichū-Shi or Parasite Masters. 
They'll explore dark forests and research parasitic organisms, known as Kaichū,  that exist in a classification somewhere between plants and insects. Heal colonists and blue collar workers who fall sick with mysterious ailments, exhibiting symptoms that vary from minor to life-threatening.
Many of the organisms are only visible when viewed through specific spectrums of light. Some only partially exist in this universe. When viewed, they are often semi-corporeal, ethereal creatures that bend light around them as they float and crawl around.
This game comes with a short settlement description and map, as well as a way to generate creatures and scenarios. I’m curious about playing it in a game like Mothership, Liminal Horror, or something from the 24XX system of games. I’m not sure what the sliding scale is when it comes to horror for this game - if healing your fellow colonists is relatively easy, then you can come away from it feeling like you’ve saved the day, while if the parasites are harder to combat, then you could aim for a more horrific or tragic tone. The idea of the parasites being semi-corporeal certainly has a lot of horror potential!
Wrath of the Undersea, by EfanGamez.
"The Great Ones promised retribution for the folly of Man. Their empire spreads across the once great kingdoms that now reside below the ocean's depths. Only then did we, chosen of great Dagon and Mother Hydra, climb ashore to heretical ground to lay our foundation once more. We gave the usurpers the children of the sea to feast upon, and ancient shells that whisper hints of prophecy in exchange of resettlement. This was the way it was…until betrayal plagued our kind."
Wrath of the Undersea is a 17 page game where you play as Lovecraftian monsters seeking revenge on the people who kill your kin and have stolen your land. Use powerful Incantations to cast spells, pray to the Great Ones for help, or use fang and spear to reclaim the shore for yourselves once more.
Embrace the horror and play as one yourself, in Wrath of the Undersea. This game comes with a selection of peoples that you could play, and has a style of play that’s familiar for players of traditional ttrpgs. You’ll roll 2d6 and add stats in an effort to beat a Difficulty Class, with Eldritch Incantations and chances for character advancement to buy or improve your PC’s traits. The PDF itself is beautiful and dark, and perfectly evokes the mood of the game inside.
Bloodclotte, by Sillion L & Nick Duff.
Bloodclotte is a tabletop RPG about doctors in a world of Gothic horror, where alchemy, reanimation and medical astronomy are used to save lives every day. Player characters work in a war hospital settled inside an abandoned castle, treating the soldier and civilian casualties of a continent in violent chaos. As patients develop unusual symptoms, the war unfolds, supply lines falter, and morale breaks down, the doctors must work together to keep the hospital from being overwhelmed.
Right now this edition is still in the works, but it’s a full-enough game to play. Each patient you treat has a reason why that can’t simply heal, manifested through Clot Boxes. Your job is to create and find resources to take care of these Clot Boxes, thus raising your patients’ chances of a full recovery. This game contains the horror of working on the front lines, with people who are both physically and mentally traumatized. Your character classes are a mix of the medical and the magical, including Death Priests, Metaphysicians, and Yellow Chemists. If you like medical dramas but want to make them gothic and spooky, you should absolutely check out this game.
Exuviae: Relics of House Dragonfly, by Sean Smith.
It's the forties. You live in a bayside city that's secretly under the control of an insect cult, and tonight you're going to prove it.
EXUVIAE produces horror-noir one-shots with a single pack of playing cards and no preparation.
EXUVIAE is designed to produce an investigative roleplaying experience without needing elaborate planning. If you've ever wanted to run an investigative game but haven't had time to dedicate to preparing a mystery, this is the game for you. What's more, because the structures of the game provide specific narrative prompts from the players, it better enables characters to make deductive leaps and the horror feels closer to home.
Using a pack of cards, your party will investigate a town with threats left behind by the insect cult, while trying not to attract too much attention from the cult itself. I’m not sure if this game is run by a GM or GM-less: it feels like it could go either way. Overall the setting itself is what fascinates me, and that’s why this game is on my list.
What Lies Beneath the Darkness, by Cezar Capacle.
What lies beneath the darkness is a gaslamp fantasy game about intrigue and struggle. 
You play as a Horror employed by a faction to expand their dominance over the victorianesque city of Ravenswatch, while you fight to balance the human and supernatural natures that inhabit you. You will face the dark streets of Ravenswatch performing missions for your faction. You live an internal battle between your human links and your dark instincts, between what you want and what your faction demands.
Powered by Push, this has a dice mechanic that allows you to push your luck in such a way that there can be too much of a good thing. It’s advertised as zero-prep and online-friendly. You can play as a group, or you can play solo. I’d love to see this game as a prequel or partner to something like Urban Shadows or Apocalypse Keys, but this game looks more than enough to be played on its own.
The Hunted, by Chris Bissette.
The Hunted is a folk horror storytelling game for 3-5 players that blends together mechanics from Forged In The Dark, Powered By The Apocalypse, and Belonging Outside Belonging games to create a lean chimera of a game unlike anything you have ever played.
Players take on the role of a group of friends on an expedition who become cut off from civilization as they are hunted by an unknown entity. As the game continues the players will tell their own stories about the thing hunting them, building up a unique legend that feeds directly back into the narrative. The more stories you tell the more your characters succeed and the longer they survive - but with each story the Hunter grows stronger and becomes more of a threat.
I love collaborative storytelling, especially in a horror game like this, because sometimes not knowing what’s hunting you is the scariest thing of all. With generative mechanics that help you build as you go, I can see this game being suitable for a number of settings; fantasy, modern, sci-fi and post-apocalyptic are at the top of my head.
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generic-whumperz · 10 months
Intro Post & Masterlist(s)
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Anything explicitly NSFW will be marked “Mature,” but still this isn’t really a kid-friendly space so minors please DNI!
Side blogs:
•@generic-whumper (SFW whumping) •@generic-throw-away-blog (random bs & some fandom stuff) •@generic-writing-tips (exactly as it sounds) •@generic-horror-slut (for just straight up horror and gore)
The Aid Masterlist (current WIP, 18+)
Other works can be found at the bottom of this post under “Story Stuff,” but there isn't much else because I'm focusing on The Aid for now.
Congratulations, you have stumbled upon another (generic) whump blog, hence the name! New whumper in town, made this blog Aug 2023, and just started writing. Currently just working on one story right now (yay hyperfixations), that is slowly consuming every waking thought. Help
Other blog info below the cut!
About me:
🔪I prefer to be anonymous on here, so just call me “Generic/Gen,” them/them, mid (quit lying to yourself) late-20’s.
🔪Dyslexic bitch & silly goose—please excuse typos, misspellings, and any grammatical errors! I don’t have an editor or beta reader, so cut me some slack; I re-read and edit as best as I can, but my brain be playin’ tricks on me, and shit falls through the cracks! Just manage your expectations is all I’m sayin’, I’m not a professional.
🔪I’m (unfortunately) an American and my obnoxious word choice will probably reflect that.
🔪I’m currently a full-time college student taking a fucking break! But still, any written works I choose to share will not be uploaded on a set schedule (I write slow, my brain only occasionally works, & I’m busy), I apologize in advance!    
🔪I run a queue- there I said it! I am shameless about it, and nah I won’t tag it.
🔪I’m not a professional writer nor am I going to school for an english degree. I write for funsies and this is mostly just a hobby for now.
🔪Lover of cryptids (Mothman fucks), paranormal enthusiast and certified Haunted™️. Weird shit WILL leak into my writing eventually. Don’t be surprised if a ghost or skin walker makes a cameo. It’s more fun this way, just go with the flow.
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What You’ll See Here: 
All types of Whump; I’m talking all of it bay-bee (detailed types below this section), including: polls, writings, prompts, tropes, scenarios, art, gifs, etc.
Really bad home grown memes 
Whumpy rambling coming straight from my delirious brain
My own sub-par short stories, ficlits, and maybe even an eventual series or two
My own mediocre art (eventually)
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Whump I fuck with (like a said, pretty much all of it!):
All gender & POC whump (including lady whump, lady whumpers, mixed gendered Whumpee & Whumper combos, etc. Errybody getting whumped ‘round here.)
Hurt/no comfort
No hurt/comfort
Physical, emotional, and mental (if there’s all three it’s a magical trifecta of hurt)
Sickfics (I HATE being sick so I get it)
Medical (totally have iatrophobia—I’m a wuss who’s terrified of doctors and hospitals—so once again, I gettt ittt)
Lab (this is like medical, but worse)
Pet (including WRU, BBU, etc.)
Captivity (short & long term)
Multiple Whumpees, multiple Whumpers
All types of Whumpees, give me stoic, give me angsty, defiant, broken, cursed, conditioned, big, small, ALL OF IT
All types of Whumpers, but especially those creepy and intimate ones that make you want to rip your own skin off (look, I’m here actively seeking out to have a bad time—bad time=good time)
Caretakers in any and all form, my favorites are platonic or found-family caretakers, but if Whumpee just so happens to find their new boo-thang, love that for them just the same.
Recovery and caretaking
Gore and body horror
Chains, restrains, collars, rope—just tie that B down!
Fantasy, sci-fi, paranormal, supernatural, magic
Historical, present, future
Non-human (and human)
Explicit stuff like non-con, dub-con, forced drugging, etc. I will always add TW’s and tags to my posts containing hardcore stuff and it will be marked ‘mature’!
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Whump I refuse to Touch with a 10-foot pole:
Anything explicit with minors
Furries (sorry, I just fucking CAN’T)
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Other Story Stuff & Random Things:
Subject X: BB217 Intro
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endogenicredstar · 3 months
Hello, everyone, and welcome to our little patch of heaven! I know I made an intro post before, but I feel that it’s become outdated already. So, after this post has been submitted, the old one will be unpinned, and possibly deleted, along with the original system intro post. Because all of our info will be in this one submission! Before we begin, please keep in mind that this page is a secondary blog! As a result, we won't be able to follow back! Now, without any further delays, let’s get started!
About the Host
My name is Shane, but you can also call me Sylum! I’m 29 years old. I’m physically disabled, chronically ill, and I’ve been diagnosed with anxiety, depression, and inattentive type ADHD. I’m part of the Alterhuman community, meaning that I don’t psychologically identify as a human (This can also include spiritually for some people, but not me.). More specifically, I’m primarily fictionkin. I identify as an individual member of a fictional species known as the Buma from Final Fantasy VII– even more specifically, a subspecies that I developed, called the Icicle Variant. If you’d like to know more, please feel free to message me.
My secondary kintype is shapeshifter. A paleo shapeshifter to be more precise, meaning that I can mentally shift to any extinct species at any given time. So you may wind up talking to a living, breathing dinosaur at some point.
Important Info: Due to my anxiety, I may not reach out to anyone outside the system. If you’d like to talk, please send a DM. Please be patient with me, as it may take a bit for me to respond. If anyone’s up front aside from myself, they may answer in my stead. Please be aware that some system mates aren’t social. So I apologize in advance if they come off as rude.
Now, it’s time for the fun part! Let’s meet the system!
Note: I’ve decided to use an almost sci-fi space marine/military naming theme in regards to their roles. (I’m a nerd. Shush./j) Please be aware that the guys aren’t all like their source materials.
The Red Star System
Let’s get one, very important detail out of the way: We are an Endogenic System, meaning that we don’t stem from trauma of any sort. If you would like to know about non-traumagenic plurality, please check out the ICD-11, as it’s a tad more in date than the DSM-5. Now that that’s out of the way, let’s get on with member introductions!
Good afternoon! I’m Knockout, the Chief Medical Officer of the Red Star System. My job is to make sure that the host’s body is well taken care of. Everything from reminding Shane to eat, to administering medication, to checking blood sugar is my responsibility. I’m often at the front whenever Shane experiences some form of medical issue. Or, when he goes to see a human doctor. I often help him cope with medical anxiety whenever it rears its ugly head. Please note that, due to my job as a medic back home, that I may not respond to questions or comments right away. And please don’t ask me for medical advice. I may be the Chief Medical Officer here, but that doesn’t mean I know everything about human biology.
Heyya! I’m Breakdown! I’m kinda like a nurse, which is also what I am back home! I help Knockout with medical stuff in the field, and I help take care of Shane! I also double as a Security Officer. Ya know, making sure that our little guy’s safe and sound! I usually come out whenever there’s a physical problem that needs solving; like figuring out the safest place to park his chair. It doesn’t sound like much, but I promise you that it’s important work! Like Knockout, I might be busy with other things, so I might not answer right away.
Greetings. I am Starscream, the Commander– though Shane insists that rank and duty are two separate things here. Regardless, my job is to ensure our host’s physical safety, as well as maintain his psychological security. I am often at the front whenever he is under extreme stress, and needs to be removed from the situation. I am a boundary enforcer; I make sure that certain lines are not crossed. I suggest you tread carefully, unless you wish to face my wrath.
Hi there! I’m Nanaki, and I’m one of the system’s Councilors! My job is to help Shane through some psychological issues. I don’t counsel him in regards to severe problems, like his depression spikes, but I can help him with his anxiety. I can also be a listening ear if he needs to vent. Please remember that I’m considered a minor in human culture, so please don’t mention anything adult whenever I’m at the front, okay?
Name’s Cloud. I’m a Security Officer– which means that I protect Shane from anything, or anyone, that might hurt him. I’m always on the clock, so if anyone tries anything, you’ll have to deal with me.
Hola! My name is Miguel O’Hara, and I’m the system’s head Security Officer. I usually front whenever Shane feels threatened by someone/something. Or, if he’s experiencing acute distress. If anyone gets particularly outta line, it’s my job to make sure they get back in line. Because I’m my universe’s Spider-Man, and a protector of the multiverse, I might not be around all that much. However, I’ll try to respond, or post, whenever I have the time.
Sup? I'm Hawks, better known as Keigo in some circles on here. My job is to protect Shane from any perceived danger-- a Security Officer, if you will. As long as you're chill, I'm chill. Kay? I might be unavailable at times due to hero work, but rest assured: I'll post and answer any asks you send as soon as I get the chance!
Hey. My name is Kai Chisaki, also known as Overhaul. I don't really go by that anymore; it leaves a bad taste in my mouth whenever I hear it. I'm a Medical Officer I guess-- that's still up for debate though. I'm not always busy, so I'll be around more than most of the people here.
A transphobe, TERF, Homophobe, etc.
A Pedophile/MAP.
A Zoophile.
An ableist.
We hope to see you folks around some time soon! Thank you for taking the time to read all of this! We appreciate it!
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the960writers · 1 year
Science in Sience Fiction: Radiation
The Expert: Sifa Poulton
The heroes enter the room and an irregular click click clicking noise can be heard. The frequency of the clicks increases as they slowly advance. That is the sound of a Geiger-Müller counter, ubiquitous in media and labs as a way of detecting ionizing radiation.
Ionizing radiation isn’t just present in the labs of villains, though. It constantly arrives on Earth from the sun and the rest of the universe as cosmic rays, radiates from rocks in the ground, and can be deliberately created in accelerators. Some of its many uses include medical imaging, cancer treatment, inspecting manufactured goods, and determining the age of historic objects.
The Expert: Steven Fritz
Radiation is widely misunderstood in both science fiction and popular culture. The word is used to refer to radiation emanating from many things that have little in common: power lines, cell phones, microwave ovens, UV lights, X-ray machines, radioactive isotopes,  and nuclear reactors among others to name a few. But the real hazard in space comes from specific types of ionizing radiation. Ionizing radiation, as the name implies, is radiation with enough energy to ionize atoms as it passes through material.
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kris-mage-fics · 11 months
So there are some things that have been bothering me about Andromeda Six. For a quite a while I told myself I was overreacting, but the more I think about it the more convinced I'm not.
A lot of those things others have brought up before, and I think they have done a really good job of articulating those issues, so I'm not going to touch on them. (Like how heteronormative the game is.)
What I want to talk about is Bash's story line. Now I'm aware he used to have a drug addiction plot, I wasn't around when that was still a thing. From what I've gathered it took quite a while for that to be changed. While his new story line isn't racist, which is an improvement, I have a lot of issues with it. (My thoughts are under the cut since it's significant spoilers for Episodes 6 and 7.) This will be long! Also, I'm going to be mentioning ableism and chronic pain.
As we know, Bash took the events at the end of Episode 5 pretty hard. He decides that the way he can protect the people he cares about is to get more bionics. Sure, it may not be the best idea to make that choice in such an emotional state, but otherwise there is nothing wrong with it.
Now the game forces the Traveler to be fully against this idea. No option to say "hey, maybe revisit this idea when you aren't so upset to make sure it's what you really want to do." Which would be a totally reasonable response. The reasons we are given for the Traveler to be against it is because A) he can't physically feel anything and B) it will take away who he is and his humanity.
The idea that you can't feel anything with the bionics is fucking wild to me. Like you have such advanced medical tech, yet can't integrate the bionics into the existing nervous system?! How does the bionic work if it's isn't at least partly integrated? How do you know the right amount of pressure to use when lifting a glass verses using bolt cutters? It makes no fucking sense to me that you can't feel anything!
But the big issue here is the idea that it will take away part of who Bash is as a person and his humanity. Which is such a bullshit take! Yes I know other sci-fi and cyberpunk stories have this too, I always think it's terrible. (Originally in cyberpunk the issue with cybernetics wasn't 'loosing your humanity', it was 'having things that are owned by corporations implanted in us is a terrible idea'. In other words, it's a critique of unrestrained capitalism. By showing how allowing companies access to our physical bodies and control over medical issues gives them an absurd amount of power and will result in a lot of cruelty and inequality. Which is actually a really good take and something we should be wary of!)
Who we are as people can't be taken away because a limb is taken away or a cybernetic implant is added. This is an incredibly ableist idea. Are amputees less human or less themselves because of being an amputee? Fuck no! Are people who use prosthetics less themselves or less human? Again, fuck no! Yes, it takes time to adapt to changes in your body, but that doesn't make you less human or completely change who you are as a person. (Maybe comparing cybernetics/bionics to prosthetics isn't fair, but it's the closest we have. And in Bash's case, his bionics were essentially prosthetics at first.)
I don't use prosthetics and I'm not an amputee. I don't use mobility aids even though there are times I really should (now is not the time to go into why). But I have quite a few invisible physical disabilities, and live with a lot of pain 24/7. If I had the chance to exchange my body for a cybernetic one and didn't have to deal with the pain and other shit my body puts me through, I would in a heartbeat! Sure it would take a while to get used to the difference. But I wouldn't stop being human, or lose myself. Actually, I'd be happier because I wouldn't be in a lot of pain every second of my life! (This doesn't mean my current life isn't worth living. Just that it's hard and I'd be happier if it were easier.)
So in conclusion, this is an ableist story line and, in my opinion, part of it doesn't even make sense. The fact that the Traveler is forced to think this way drives me nuts! Also, did anyone else think it was kinda messed up that the Traveler talks to KY-L3 about it and he agrees with their take and agrees to talk to Bash? I feel like that oversteps some boundaries. Edit: I also found this excellent post by Cyrus the Cyborg about how frustrating it is for xem as an amputee to see this trope in cyberpunk and sci fi media.
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0l-unreliable · 3 months
Ahhh your trickster mode sci-fi au looks so cool!! do you have any more details on it?? More specifically the alpha kids?
buddy i can yap about this for days. ok here we go:
The alphas set out on a large colony/planetary research ship when they were about 15-16; They took mostly assistive and non-essential roles.
Dirk started and stayed in flight engineering with some crossover with the robotics development and advancement team (though he mostly does his own stuff). He has his own small dorm and 'office' and took over most of the responsibilities partway through. When the ship docks he usually stays on board. Dirk sends his paychecks to Dave.
Jane was hired as an administrative assistant/stewarding though she also splits her time in the medical center as more people get sick. She was initially the only Alpha hired, but she made a case for the other three. When the ships dock on planets she often leads a small team, usually including the other Alphas (and Hal). Jane doesn't particularly need the paychecks, but she'll send John and her father things on their birthdays and holidays.
Roxy came on to be an assistant in the biotechnology sector but slowly transitioned (ba dum tss) to doing her own stuff with synthetic biology. Like Dirk, she has an office/lab but she shares it with a few other people. When docking on planets she collects samples both for her actual job and for her own personal research. She has been reprimanded on multiple occasions for her 'personal projects'. Roxy sends her paychecks to Rose, but Rose often sends them back.
Jake bounced around the most and was the hardest Alpha to get hired, but he was allowed on as a gunner/security officer. As he helped Roxy collect samples has was allowed increasing access to the labs and somehow slipped into one of the groups. He now works as an Osteologist, looking for and collecting bone fragments on previously/currently inhabited planets they dock at. Jake buys gifts and sends them to Jade.
Hal was an unauthorized project Dirk began a few months in using stolen or scrapped materials. When he was discovered Dirk was almost stripped of his responsibilities and sent off but at that point Hal was so advanced the higher-ups begrudgingly let both of them stay. He tagged along on missions as 'security'. Hal went through several forced shutdowns after Dirk, eh, left and so has only corrupted memory files and a heavily encrypted death video.
AFTER the disease, when in trickster mode, I'm unsure if I want them to be zombie-like, more 'fucked up human' (like in the comic), or as partially transformed creatures. Whatever direction they do still have cognitive abilities, and can interact with each other and others; I have the idea that they manage to jump ships and ingrain themselves in the new environments before tearing it all down and moving on again (like the..like that game...with the vents...).
Four years after the tricksterizing, the betas began looking for them.
That's what I can think of so far
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I know it's not important to the plot but, what is the future like in Owlphibia? You said that this will happen in 2050, how advanced is the technology in this future, of course there are no flying cars but maybe cars that drive themselves? I repeat I know that you are not interested in those topics but as someone who pays attention to the small details I have interest, greetings
I thinking about that stuff when I show things in the post-series Owlphibia setting, a combo of the IT Gals reverse engineering the Frobot parts from Frogvasion and whatever tech Hailey Banks makes in that time (along with other shows) advanced tech to a point that while flying cars aren't around, some hover tech is there. Better transportation, medical, entertainment, random tech but even tho' it'd be 30 or so years I'm not gonna say that tech is sci-fi amazing but it's getting there
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drelldreams · 6 months
Mars in Mass Effect: A series of headcanons
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Mars is not one of the largest human colonies due to not having the best conditions to be terraformed. Still, despite those circumstances it maintains a relatively large population of 90,000.
Extra efforts were made to create good conditions on Mars due to humanity’s long dream to colonize Mars. The planet also being the first to be discovered to have signs of alien life played a large role in the amount of resources spend to make Mars inhabitable.
Unlike on other planets there is no natural animal life but through artificial means scientists were able to introduce microbial life to Mars.
Due to the large amounts of Prothean ruins to be found on Mars, a lot of people who live on Mars are researchers or scientists. Archaeologists, cryptologists and xenolinguists are incredibly common. Other common professions of Martians include civil and environmental engineers, geologists, biologists and technicians.
Children of scientists often grow up on research stations on Mars. Those are designed to be very family friendly.
Mars is known for its Prothean museum, which features many artifacts found by the asari archaeologist Liara T’Soni. A lot of historical information of humanity’s first contact with signs of alien life is to be found there. Museum curators will often go into depth about the effects of this revelation on human culture.
Crime rate is exceptionally low on Mars. Due to being located in the relatively safe Sol System, it is not commonly attacked by pirates and raiders like other planets with lots of Prothean ruins.
Mars’ capital city is called New Capetown, due to one of the most influental countries to work on the project of terraforming and colonizing Mars being South Africa.
There is no official language in New Capetown. Large parts of the population speak English as their first language, but Afrikaans, Zhulu and Xhosa are also common mother tongues.
Healthcare is universally free on Mars and one of the finest in the galaxy. Medical technology is quite advanced.
Despite not having as impressive scenery as more life friendly planets such as Eden Prime, Mars has become a planet humanity takes pride in. The whole idea behind the colonization of Mars was to create the utopia that humanity has dreamed of finding on Mars.
Students on Mars are multilingual. Due to large part of the population being native speakers of Afrikaans, this language is offered in every school on Mars. The idea behind this is cultural/linguistic preservation. Other languages that are found in all Martian schools are the most common human languages English, Chinese and Spanish.
Classes are taught in English, but it is possibly to take bilingual classes. For example, students who have learned Spanish for a few years to be fluent enough can take history courses in Spanish.
Mars is a good place for teachers of foreign language to earn a respectable salary due to it’s education systems focus on language preservation.
One of its most beautiful towns is Lillyfield, located in New Capetown and known for its unique aesthetic. Lillyfield is full of street artists and known for its colorful graffitis thematizing peace, the idea of an utopia, philosophy, and retrofuturism.
Lillyfield features a large shopping mall of retrofuturistic style, minicing the visions of Mars colonialization humanity had back in the 20th century.
Aside from offering many shopping opportunities, Lillyfield also offers a diversity of human foods from different cultures, a 20th century themed sci fi skating hall, polaroid photobooths and other means of entertainment and cultural enrichment.
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