#scotland women’s national team
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Erin Cuthbert earns 200 caps for the blues 💙
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woso-scotland · 9 months
Some of my football adventures over the past year here's to many more next year
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scownt · 2 years
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How to say you're Scottish without saying you're Scottish
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pitchsidestories · 8 months
Girlfriend Material II Jen Beattie x Reader
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masterlist I word count: 3223
summary: in which Jen Beattie falls in love with a sports journalist who is also a single mother.
A/N: based off this request here. We hope you enjoy this one and we agree with you that Jen Beattie is really underrated. As always this is just fiction.
audio transcript of the interview with Jen Beattie for the bookproject
Jen: sips on her coffee So, how did you..?
Reader: laughs amused do I have to remind you Jen Beattie that I'm the person here asking the questions and it's about the Scottish Women’s national team?
Jen: I thought we weren’t starting yet!
Reader: You said you got your coffee in front of you and that we can start recording that conversation.
Jen: I didn’t know you meant immediately.
Reader: So now you know.
Jen: okay, sorry. I’ll let you talk now.
Reader: Thank you can see jen lifting her finger Yes?
Jen: No, sorry. I forgot I’m not allowed to ask questions.
Reader: Maybe you can ask a few so it feels more like a natural conversation? Maybe that works better for you too.
Jen: Okay, fine with me. How did you get the idea to write this?
Reader: Easy your team’s story is very intriguing and inspiring. I really wanted to cover more than a story, and, in a book, you get the chance to tell multiple of stories.
Jen: I like that. But I always think, we’re just Scotland, you know? There are more interesting teams to write about.
Reader: Yes, I get that but it might sound like a stupid reason, but I grew up in Edinburgh, so Scotland is very dear to my heart, also everyone loves the underdog.
Jen: I like that.
Reader: So, what I’m trying to say with this is you can trust me.
Jen: I do. Why would I not trust you with this topic?
Reader: Good point
Jen: See.
Reader: going back to our topic, when and how did you feel when you were getting your first call up for Scotland?
Jen: chuckles Oh that was a long time ago but as a football player you always dream of that call so as you can imagine I was very excited.
Reader: Do you remember that exact moment?
Jen: Yes, I do. I still played for Glasgow, and I almost missed the call because I started at the phone for too long.
Reader: You did?
Jen: Yes, I’m not sure what would have happened if I missed it.
Reader: I guess they would have tried it again.
Jen: Who knows, right?
Reader: I think it was meant to be.
Jen: It probably was. I’m glad I took the call though. It changed a lot for me.
Reader: This must have been a big step forward in your career.
Jen: It is. I don’t know if Arsenal would have wanted me if it hadn’t been for that call.
Reader: but Arsenal did want you. Lily entering the room Oh sorry this is my daughter Lily.
Jen: She’s adorable. Hi Lily.
Lily: Hello, are you mum’s new friend?
Reader: Actually, I’m interviewing Jen for my book.
Jen: But it’s almost something like that.
Reader: True. Can you give me five more minutes, Lil? And when we’ll go to the park to play football like I promised you earlier.
Lily: Okay.
Reader: Thanks love. Sorry, so where were we Jen?
Jen: Uhm.. oh, Arsenal.
Reader: Yes, right, you got the chance to play there.
Jen: I did. Together with my Scotland teammate.
Reader: So, you must have been very young when you made your move to London?
Jen: I was 18.
Reader: Right.
Jen: Kim was 18 too when she moved to London the year before, so I was glad to have her there too.
Reader: That’s really sweet.
Jen: We both were the youngest and now we’re the grandmas.
Reader: protests You’re not grandmas !
Jen: No but we like to joke about it.
Reader: I can see that.
Jen: With all the youngsters here.
Lily: wears a Scotland jersey Mum, I’m ready !
Reader: Shit, the five minutes are over.
Jen: You probably shouldn’t let her wait.
Reader: Sorry, that’s so unprofessional.
Jen: No worries. I understand that.
Reader: Thank you.
Jen: Have fun.
Lily: Do you want to play with us?
Jen: I would love to, but I have training. Another time, I promise.
Lily: Oh okay.
Jen: Lily?
Lily: Yes?
Jen: I mean it.
Lily: I trust you.
Jen: I’ll see you soon.
Reader: Goodbye, Jen. Thank you for taking your time.
Jen: Thank you for inviting me. And don’t forget to call me, so Lily and I can play some football.
Reader: I’ll call you. Promise.
Lily: whispers Mum, she likes you.
Reader: I think she likes you more.
Lily: But she likes you too!
Reader: Do you think so?
Lily: Yes!
Reader: When it must be true.
Lily: Its true.
The London Derby was about to start. The crowd at the Emirates was roaring with excitement. Amazed, you took in the atmosphere from the side of the pitch alongside some of the other jounalists.
Across the grass, you caught Jen’s gaze who was standing next to the tunnel in a big puffer jacket. She subtly waved at you which you answered with a small smile.
Kim Little appeared next to Jen, telling her something with a stern face. You knew the game was about to start so you turned back to your work.
“Has anyone seen Lily? Jen, you were supposed to look after the daughter of your girlfriend. “, Kim scolded Jen on the other side of the pitch. Reluctantly, Jen turned away from you and towards her teammate; “You said you would babysit.“ “After the match! I’m in the starting line up, remember?“, Kim replied, more amused than annoyed.
Laughing, Jen rolled her eyes; “Ugh, show-off.“ Her smaller team mate gave her playfully offended look; “Hey, you’re still talking to your captain here.“ “Yeh, sure. I’ll go find Lily.“, Jen answered with a grin and brushed past Kim into the dressing rooms. “Good!“, the Arsenal captain called after her.
Jen opened the door of the dressing room where the Arsenal players were just getting ready for the important game against Chelsea; “Lil?“ “Here!“, the voice of a child piped up. The little girl waved with one hand from her place between Alessia Russo and Kyra Cooney-Cross. In the other hand, she held a crumbly granola bar. Jen walked towards her, a big grin on her face; “What are you doing here? Having a snack?“
“Yes, Lessie gave me something. And Wally promised to do my hair.“, Lily nodded with pure joy. Jen ruffled her hair; “Lucky girl.“ “Comes from the one who only ever wears a bun on match days.“, Lia laughed while she pushed past Jen and took Kyras place.
Carefully, she started brushing Lilys hair. “It’s the least complicated and most effective hairstyle.“, the Scot defended herself with a shrug. Kim rolled her eyes; “And it makes you even taller than you are.“
With raised eyebrows, Jen made a point to look down at her captain; “How can you even tell that from down there?“ “Rude.“, she replied before turning towards the toddler whose hair was now in a high ponytail, “Lil?“ “Yes?“ “Tell her to stop making fun of small girls.“
Lily nodded determinedly, causing Lia to start over with braiding her little ponytail; “I’ll.“ “We’re done.“, Lia smiled a minute later, satisfied with her finished work. Lily happily jumped up on the bench, standing on her toes to eye her new hairstyle in a mirror. Laughing, Jen picked her up; “Good. Because these girls have to go out and play and important game now.“
“Good luck!”, Lily hummed. Gratefully Lia patted the shoulder of the little girl:” Thank you, Lily.” “Can you give me a hug as an extra motivation?”, Alessia asked her with a big smirk on her face. Enthusiastically Lily nodded, opening her arms up to hug the tall forward:  “Of course.” That sight alone melted Jen’s heart in the blink of an eye.
In her bossy tone which was such a contrast to her relatively smallness Kim clapped motivated into her hands:” Alright girls, time to get out there.” While the playing footballers went on to the field Jen and the toddler took their seats on the bench.
Big eyed Lily pulled on the defender’s jacket: ”Jen?” “Yes?”, attentively the Scottish player put her little hand into hers. Deeply amazed Lily whispered: “This is huge.”  “I know, right?”, Jen solemnly agreed. Not long into the game Beth Mead scored the first goal which made Lily jump from her seat shouting happily:” Yes, Meado!”
“Good job, Beth! She’ll be so happy about that girl.”, the defender commented with a satisfied smile. A bit less enthusiastic the girl added:” Mum told me she had a bad injury.”  “Yes, she didn’t play football for almost one year.”, the Scottish Woman replied seriously.
Quite taken by that she mumbled: “ That’s forever.” “And her girlfriend Viv had the same injury.”, Jen explained the past situation to her.  Moved by those words Lily observed: “That’s not fair.” “No but it happens in football.”, the defender reminded her.
The mood was lightened when the little girl was catching where the older woman’s eyes were wandering:” Jen, you keep staring at mum!” Caught of guard the Arsenal player’s cheek turned red:” I’m not I was just looking if she’s looking.” “Sure.”, Lily giggled.
After the match she ran to Alessia, telling her visibly very animated:” Lessi, your goals were soo cool!” “Thank you, Lily! You were our lucky charm today.”, the forward declared beaming.
After the live recording ended you greeted Jen with a huge grin, while she was wrapping her strong arms around you::” Hi love, did Lil behave?” “You know her of course she did. She’s too focused on the game in front of her.”, the Scottish woman answered cheerfully.
Glad about that news you changed the topic easily: “Good. Remind me, where are you taking me out tonight, again?” “You’ll see when we’re there.”, Jen smiled mysteriously. Excited about what the evening would contain you said: “I’ll be right back I’ll be just saying goodbye to Lily and tell her that it might get a bit later tonight, so she doesn’t need to try to stay awake until we’re back.” “Alright.”, with that word the Arsenal player let go of you for now.
A few minutes prior Kim wanted to know from the toddler:” Have you decided whose jersey you want, Lily?” “Can I have yours?”, she asked innocently. The captain was surprised by that wish:” Mine?” “Yes, please.”, Lily nodded quickly.
Flustered the older woman gave the little girl her jersey:” Oh, sure. Here you go.” “Thank you.”, the toddler gratefully pressed the shirt onto her.  Trying not to show how touched she was Kim waved it off:” You’re welcome.”
Lily was already wearing the oversized jersey when you entered the dressing room. Your daughter happily ran into your arms. You wrapped her into a tight hug while you told her; “Hi Lily, I just wanted to say goodbye for now and that Jen and I’ll be back tonight. But I’m sure you’ll have a lot of fun with Kimmy.“
You shared a quick smile with Arsenals team captain. “Okay, have fun, Mum.“, Lily replied, obviously already distracted by what was happening around her in the dressing room. You pressed a quick kiss to her forehead before saying goodbye; “Love you, Lily.“ You could feel your daughters eyes on you while you caught up Jen outside.
Kim realized that Lily was confused by the situation so she kneeled down in front of the toddler; “Tell me, Lily, what do you want to eat now?“ “Can we eat pizza?“, the little girl asked with big eyes.
While Kim nodded, Leah Williamson joined the conversation; “Can we join the pizza party?“ “Please?“, Laura Wienroither added, her facial expression almost identical to Lilys. Kim nodded with a sigh before turning back the toddler; “Sure. How about we make our own pizzas, Lily?“ “Yes!“ “Alright, let’s go.“, the captain decided and got up to grab her bag. She took Lilys hand in hers while Leah and Laura followed them.
At Kims home, they immediately got to work, making small individual pizzas. “I’m jealous. Yours and Kims pizza looks so good.“, Leah complained, eyeing the ham and mozzarella pizza that Kim just took out of the oven. “It’s because Lily and I are a good team.“, she replied, holding up her hand for Lily to high-five. “True.“, the little girl agreed.
Laura laughed; “Not bad, Little team.“ “Thanks.“, Kim said, only partly annoyed by the pun. Excitedly, Leah took her pizza out of the oven next; “Time to eat our pizzas.“ But there was a loud bang that told everyone in the room that Leahs pizza did not even make it to the table. “Oh no.“ “Leah!“, Lily yelled, amused by the mess the tomato sauce and hot cheese made on the tile floor. “Yeah, I know, very funny.“, the defender sighed.
Kim immediately turned back to the kitchen table; “It’s okay, we can make a new one.“ “Lee, you can have a bit of mine.“, Lily offered, gently pushing a piece of pizza towards the defender. Gratefully, Leah picked it up and took a bite; “Thank you, Lily, you’re very sweet.“ “You don’t need to tell her that, she knows.“, Kim grinned while making more pizza. “Still. She shared her pizza with me!“
Finally, the captain admitted; “Yes, okay, it’s cute.“ “See, that’s adorable.“, Leah said. Laura disrupted their conversation, pointing towards the toddler; “Oh my god, girls. She fell asleep with her head next to her plate.“
A soft smile appeared on Kims lips as she watched the child sleep, a piece of pizza still in her tiny hand; “I think it was a long day for her. Winning against Chelsea is exhausting.“ “Very true.“, Leah agreed with a laugh. Carefully, Kim picked the girl up; “I’ll bring her to bed.“ “Good night, Lil.“, Laura whispered. Lily blinked tiredly and yawned against Kims shoulder; “Nighty.“
Meanwhile, you looked at your surroundings being in awe of the restaurant your girlfriend chose:” Jen, this is so fancy here.” “I told you; I’d take you somewhere nice.”, the Arsenal player replied with a warm smile.  Proudly she kept holding your hand until you reached your table and took a seat each. “Yes, you weren’t lying about you.”, you had to admit delighted.
In an honest tone she stated: “As much as I love Lily, you also deserve to be treated to something nice.” “She loves you too, in her kindergarten she refers to you as her mum.”, you confessed, cheeks flushing. Surprised but flattered Jen asked:” She does?” “Yes.”, you nodded cautiously, unsure if this information was too much for your girlfriend.  
The defender let out a shaky breath: “Wow.” “Sorry, if that was too much.”, you stammered an apology. Immediately she reassured you:” No, I like that.” “Anything you would recommend from the menu?”, you tried to lighten up the mood, but the football player was taking your hand meaning you to pause for a second.
Softly the Scottish woman said:” Love..”  “Yes?”, you looked up to her, your free hand was nervously putting a loose string of your hair behind your ear. A deep sigh escaped Jen’s lips, before she confessed: “I want to be honest with you. I never wanted to be a mum; it just wasn’t one of my life goals like it is for other women. But I’d love nothing more than being Lily’s mum.”  
“You’re already a great one.”, you confirmed visibly moved by her words. Equally touched Jen answered: “Thanks. That means a lot.” Because words couldn’t encompass how much her confession meant to you, you kissed her, hoping the kiss could encompass everything you felt in that moment. “I love you.”, the Arsenal player whispered. “I love you too.”  Her voice was filled with gratitude:” I’m so glad you were writing that book.” “It’s coming out soon.”, you announced happily.
Hopefully Jen wanted to know: “Can I read it first?” “Of course, I’ll leave you a copy on your nightstand.”, you promised her excited. A bright grin was on your girlfriend’s face: “Thank you. I can’t wait to read it.”  “I hope you and the team will like it.”, you bit your lip.  “I’m sure we will.” From that on you two had a very pleasant date night.
After the dinner you gratefully greeted Kim in her home:” Hi Kim, thanks for watching after Lily.”  “You’re welcome. She was really tired and already fell asleep at dinner.”, the Arsenal Captain told you. Understandingly you nodded:” To be fair it was a long, exciting day for her.” “That’s true. I hope you had a good date night.”, Kim smiled at you both. Beaming Jen replied:“ We did.” “That’s good.”, the midfielder seemed pleased by the happy faces in front of her.
“Mums?“, Lilys voice interrupted your small talk. The little girl stumbled into your direction, her eyes were barely open. “Yes?“, Jen answered. “You’re back.“, your daughter yawned. You crouched down, your arms outstretched and Lily let herself against your chest. “We are.“, you confirmed as you carefully picked her up. Jen reached over, ruffling the little girls hair; “Yes, and we’re going home now.“ “Okay.“, Lily mumbled, almost asleep again. Jen chuckled quietly; “She is so cute.“
You said your goodbyes to Kim and made your way back home. You placed the sleeping Lily in her bed, carefully tucking her in and placing a gentle kiss on her forehead; “Good night, Lil.“ “I think she had fun today.“, Jen commented from where she leaned on the door frame. You grinned; “Yes, they had pizzas together.“
“Oh, Kim just texted.“, Jen said in surprise. You watched her read something on her phone; “What did she write?“ “That she hopes we got Lily home without waking her up.“, your girlfriend summarized the message quickly. You shrugged; “Kind of. She’s asleep now.“
With a smile on your lips, you took Jens phone out of her hand to snap a photo of your daughter, fast asleep with her favourite plushie in her arm. Grinning, Jen followed up her message to Kim with the photo while you both left Lilys room. “She and the girls seem to like being aunties.“, Jen thought out loud. You nodded happily; “They do. Even though Kim always pretends to be annoyed when you ask her to babysit.“ “Yes, but she secretly loves it.“, Jen replied with a laugh. “Oh yes.“, you agreed while you both slipped into your bed.
Only as your head hit your pillow, you realized how tired you were. Yawning, Jen slipped an arm around your waist and gently kissed your neck once. Just before you two were about to fall asleep, Jens phone screen lit up again.
As she held up the phone and blinked against the brightness of the screen, you caught a glimpse of the message. It was from Kim, reading; “Haven’t seen you that happy in a long time. You deserve this, Jen.“ You could feel a smile spread on your face, similar to the one on your girlfriends and you couldn’t deny that you felt a little bit honoured by that message.
Jen put her phone back on the nightstand and pulled you closer to her. You both didn’t need any words to express how right it felt to be there in each others arms.
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diejager · 9 months
My deep dark desire for a distillery au wherein each force is a competing distillery and you yeet an expert taster reader in there who is in charge of judging each whisky and ranking them. Either they are pulling out all the stops on your tour and treating you like a princess or doing the opposite and threatening you to rank them the highest :')
Mhairi, I am the worse person to ask about whiskey, my parents have delicious smelling ones, fruity and spicy ones, but taste wise? I gag like there’s no tomorrow, especially gin!! I hate gin. The only thing I can stomach so far is sweet, coffee and cream flavoured Baileys Irish Cream. (I know there’s Irish whiskey in it, but it’s only 17% compared to the 40% of any other whiskeys)
Eau De Vie Cw: Alcohol drinking, whiskey taste, tell me if I missed any.
Whisky had always been your favourite, your little secret that you shared with your closest friends alone —your penchent for judging whiskeys and bourbons alone, managing to include rum and brandy in rare occasions. So when you were approached by a known figure in the Whiskey industry that acted as the face for many distilleries across the world, you couldn’t turn down the offer when you were given so much in a simple deal.
You were responsible to drink and rank many popular brands by taste and smell alone, the only person delegated to become the judge. You were given the privilege of taking home a bottle of each brand after this competition, another reason to accept it. So you signed the contract without a second of hesitation, shaking her hand to conclude the deal before she left you squirming with excitement in your office home.
You were flown from your city to a calm part of the Scottish countryside, a chalet overlooking the Scottish highlands and its green beauty. This was the quaint house you would temporarily live in with the rest of the team orchestrating this friendly competition, leaving the connecting house up the cliff side to the different distilleries. From what you’ve heard, Kate Laswell - Kate you called her after a few meetings that had fully bloomed into a friendship of alcohol connoissoir - the participating teams were the British company 141 - who in coalition to Chimera and the ULF - would represent their alliance, the American Shadows, the multi-national KorTac and the Russian brewery Konni. They were all popular brands distilling whiskey and brandy in their own countries, creating a plethora of tastes and sensations that would explode on your tongue after a few sips.
You were ecstatic, your mouth salivating at the simple thought of tasting the finest whiskeys from around the world, but you had a few days to rest and tour the side of Scotland you were shipped to. What you expected to be calm and mild-mannered men and women from their side of the world to meet and eat with refined etiquette, was shattered the second you peered through the door after walking down the connecting path from your chalet to their house.
They were loud, rambunctious in the very sense of it, loud and jovial, hurling insults and hissing out jeers at one another. It was a dogfight between brewers, like cats and dogs. You felt like a stranger, gawking at the group hurling words at one another until it all stopped, the open living room falling in silence when they heard you drop your bag on the polished wood. You’ve never seen humans move so fast until the second after the silence, scrambling to clean the room up and wooing you with their compliments and sweet pleasantries to appease you.
They gave you a tour of the house, the rich wine cellar that was open to you whenever you wanted a drink, the wooden patio that had it’s own lounge and bar, and the various rooms in the mansion-like chalet. They all vied for your attention, ripping one another’s throat to have a second of your attention, kissing up to you with sweet compliments and even sweeter praises.
The Brits - well, three English and one Scott - were a good mix of mature and zealousness, low voices and near-overwhelming figures with their broad shoulders and stocky mass. They came with other people to represent their company: Farah and her devoted Alex from ULF, and the crude Nikolai and Krueger from Chimera.
The Shadows were American, the most American you’ve ever seen, energetic and determined to win you over, and the CEO, a man with a southern accent and a seductive smirk, swiping you off your feet with pet names that made you fluster.
KorTac had as many accents as they had people of different countries, both men and women skilled in multiple languages and conversing so fluently that you started to question if you were on the same planet.
Konni was rough on the edges, their leading figure as scheming as he was gentlemanly, his thin lips letting out the most vicious praises to have you squirming under his dark gaze and unmoving determination for the win.
Days later, you met them at the compound farther down the road, away from the beauty of the coast and cliff, a long table exposing their finest to you. Poured in a cups, one with ice and another without, they were left for you to decide which would win the prize for both straight and on the rocks. Today was the day you would nominate one as the best, standing higher than everyone else without bias despite the times they rendered you a flustered mess and made you unendingly grateful for their help.
Your pallet exploded with flavour every time you sipped on a different brand, eyes rolling to the back of your head with the deliciousness of every bottle. 141 brought three bottles of their aged whiskey: a smoky Scotch Whisky made in the same Highlands you were tasting it, the bitter spiciness of rye whiskey from the American branch of the ULF - credits to Alex for introducing it - and the woody and fruity aroma of Chimera’s whiskey. Shadows had brought - unsurprisingly - their most popular types of whiskey to the table: Bourbon made in their own distillery in Kentucky, a sweet and mellow sub-type of their first one and the smooth flavour of their wheat whiskey. KorTac had a large variety to it’s collection: a floral tasting whiskey that outmatched Hibiki Harmony, a nutty sensation of a bottle made in Ireland and the rich and peaty on of a danish-made bottle. And finally, three Russian bottles from the biggest distillery in Russia: a sweet and smoky bottle, a second one with rich malt and honey, and a third focusing on aroma with it’s spicy odour and fruity taste.
They were all so delicious, if you had these bottles when you working at the bar, mixing concoctions for paying clients, you would’ve been overjoyed, but those days were long gone, your priority standing elsewhere than fulfilling your dream. Truthfully, you didn’t know who to give the medal, the flavours so vast and unique. Perhaps they wouldn’t mind if you took a second or third sip just to be sure.
Part 2
Taglist: @sae1kie @yeoldedumbslut @bvxygriimes @distracteddragoness @konigsblog @havoc973 @im-making-an-effort @daisychainsinknots @0alk0msan @danielle143 @dont-mind-me-just-existing-sadly @tuttifuckinfruttifriday @kaelysia @notspiders @velvetsoulweaver @petwifed @aldis-nuts @randominstake
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aimeedaisies · 6 months
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The Princess Royal’s Official Engagements in March 2024
01/03 In Dubai Princess Anne; 🇦🇪
As President of the Mission to Seafarers, visited Dubai Ports World in Port of Jebel Ali. 🚢
As President of the Mission to Seafarers, attended a Women in Shipping and Trading Conference Panel Discussion at Dubai Ports World Pavilion. 👩‍💼🛳️
Opened Donnelly Lines British Forces Headquarters at Al Minhad Airbase. 🛫
Called upon HH Sheikha Hind bint Maktoum bin Juma Al Maktoum (wife of the Vice President and PM of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai). 👑
Attended a Royal British Legion Reception on board the QUEEN ELIZABETH II floating hotel. 🍾
As President of the Royal Yachting Association, visited Dubai Offshore Sailing Club. 🛥️
As President of the Mission to Seafarers, this attended a Dinner at the One and Only Royal Mirage Hotel. 🍽️
02/03 Departed Dubai International Airport and returned to Heathrow Airport 🇦🇪✈️🇬🇧
04/03 As Guardian of the Chaffinch Trust, held a Management Team Meeting at Gatcombe Park. 🤝
As Guardian of Give Them A Sporting Chance, held a Management Team Meeting at Gatcombe Park. ⚽️
unofficial Along with the Duke of Kent (President of the RNLI), Sir Tim (Vice President of the RNLI) attended a Service of Thanksgiving to commemorate the 200th Anniversary of the RNLI at Westminster Abbey. 🛟
05/03 As Patron of Livability, visited New Court Place, to mark its 180th Anniversary. 🦼
Opened First Garden Cities Homes' Sheltered Housing Scheme at John Coxall Court in Letchworth Garden City. 🏡
As Patron of the Butler Trust, visited HMP/Young Offenders Institute Aylesbury. 🔗👮
06/03 On behalf of the King, held two investiture ceremonies at Windsor Castle. 🎖️
07/03 As President, attended the 32nd National Equine Forum at the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. 🐴
As Grand Master of the Royal Victorian Order, attended Evensong and a Reception at The King’s Chapel of the Savoy. ⛪️🎖️
08/03 As Chancellor of the University of London, visited King’s College London’s Portable MRI Project at the Denmark Hill Campus. 🩻
As Patron of Save the Children UK, attended the International Women’s Day Luncheon at Bluebird on Kings Road. 👭💪
10/03 Attended the Global Fraud Summit at the Guildhall in London. 💻👾
11/03 Attended the Commonwealth Day Service at Westminster Abbey alongside The Queen, The Prince of Wales, The Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh, The Princess Royal, The Duke and Duchess of Gloucester and The Duke of Kent. 🌎🌍🌏
Attended a Commonwealth Day Reception at Westminster Abbey. 🌍🥂
With Sir Tim As Past Master of the Worshipful Company of Butchers, attended the Annual City Food and Drink Lecture at Guildhall. 🍽️🍾
12/03 With Sir Tim Attended a luncheon on board Hebridean Princess to mark its 60th Anniversary in Greenock. 🥪
With Sir Tim Visited Peel Ports Group Limited Greenock Ocean Terminal. 🛳️
13/03 unofficial Attended Style Wednesday at Cheltenham Festival. 👒
14/03 unofficial Attended St. Patrick’s Thursday at Cheltenham Festival. ☘️
15/03 With Sir Tim Attended Gold Cup Friday at Cheltenham Festival. 🏆
16/03 With Sir Tim As Patron of the Scottish Rugby Union, attended the Six Nations Rugby Match between Scotland and Ireland at Aviva Stadium in Dublin. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🇮🇪🏉
18/03 As Patron of Save the Children UK, attended the International Financial Review Annual Awards Dinner at the Grosvenor House Hotel in London.🏅
19/03 As Patron of Sense, opened Sense Hub Loughborough.🦻👨‍🦯
On behalf of The King, with the Duchess of Edinburgh, held a Reception for Korean War Veterans at Buckingham Palace. 🪖
As Patron of the Butler Trust, held the Annual Awards Ceremony at St James’s Palace. 🏆
With Sir Tim As President of the Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851, attended a Presidential Dinner at Fishmongers’ Hall. 🐟🍽️
20/03 Held a morning and an afternoon investiture ceremony at Windsor Castle. 🎖️
21/03 As President of the Benenden Society and Founders’ Patron of Benenden School, attended the Centenary Service in Canterbury Cathedral. ⛪️👩‍🦰
Attended the Commonwealth Youth Orchestra and Choir Presentation Concert at Spencer House. 🎻🎼
22/03 Opened the new North Atlantic Treaty Organisation Allied Rapid Reaction Corps Headquarters Accommodation at the Officers’ Mess in Imjin Barracks. 🌊
Visited the Joint Casualty and Compassionate Centre and Ministry of Defence Medal Office at Innsworth House in Imjin Barracks. ⛑️🎖️
As Patron of Stroud Hospital League of Friends, visited Stroud Maternity Unit. 🏥👶
25/03 Visited MacRebur Limited. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🛣️
Visited the Lockerbie Air Disaster Memorial at Lockerbie Garden of Remembrance. 🌹👼🏻
As President of the Scotch Chef’s Club, opened Browns Food Group’s new facilities at Kelloholm Industrial Estate. 🐄
As Royal Patron of Friends of TS Queen Mary, attended a Reception at the Hilton Glasgow. ⛴️🥂
26/03 Opened the Rural and Veterinary Innovation Centre at Scotland's Rural College in Inverness. 🩺🐑
As Chancellor of the University of the Highlands and Islands, attended the Integrated Land Use Conference. 🚜🧑‍🌾
As Royal Patron of the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland, visited the Saving Wildcats Project at Highland Wildlife Park in Kincraig. 🐯🦁
As Patron and Honorary Member of the Grand Antiquity Society of Glasgow, attended a Dinner at the Trades Hall of Glasgow. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿📜
Unofficial Sir Tim, as Chair of Trustees, attended the opening of the Adani Green Energy Gallery at the Science Museum 🌍🍃💚
31/03 unofficial With Sir Tim Attended the Easter Mattins service held at St George’s Chapel in Windsor Castle ⛪️🐣
Total official engagements for Anne in March: 49
2024 total so far: 134
Total official engagements accompanied by Tim in March: 6
2024 total so far: 29
FYI - due to certain royal family members being off ill/in recovery I won't be posting everyone's engagement counts out of respect, I am continuing to count them and release the totals at the end of the year.
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paschameleon · 3 months
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After some research, I was able to find out where all of the princesses are from. Here are my notes…
Snow White: Snow White was first published in Germany by the Brothers Grimm, in 1812, in their book Grimm's Fairy Tales. Because of this I assume the Disney version is from Germany.
Cinderella: Cinderella takes place in France and it is based on the French fairy tale by Charles Perrault, it says so in the credits. More proof is that all of the women at the ball have French names and Cinderella’s house is referred to as Château which is a french word.
Aurora: The French symbol the Fleur-de-lys can be found everywhere in the castle and in the credits. Plus, the credits it says the movie is based on the Charles Perrault version of Sleeping Beauty.  
Ariel: Ariel is from Atlantica which is a kingdom that is located somewhere in the Mediterranean Sea. This is confirmed on Disney Wiki "Eric's Castle is located on the shore of a Mediterranean-like country". The official Disney Princess youtube channel has a video titled: Fun Facts About Ariel! How Many Do You Know? | Disney Princess, where it says that Ariel grew up in the Mediterranean and specifies that Eric’s caste is in Italy.  
Belle: The movie literally says that it is set in France.
Jasmine: Ron Clements and John Musker, the directors of the film said that the movie was originally intended to be set in Baghdad, Iraq. However, it was changed to the fictional city of Agrabah during production due to the Gulf War in the early 1990s. Here is part of the interview:  “We kept it Baghdad in our first treatment, and then the Gulf War happened […] This can't be in Baghdad. So, I took letters and did a jumbled anagram and came up with Agrabah, Musker told E! News." Agrabah is an adaptation of Baghdad.
Pocahontas: The movie starts off with “In sixteen hundred seven We sail the open sea For glory, God, and gold And the Virginia Company”.
Mulan: It says so in the movie that it is set in China.
Tiana: The movie says that it takes place in New Orleans.
Rapunzel: In the TV show a satellite shot can be seen showing that Corona is located in central France. Mont Saint-Michel and Rocamadour (France) where some of the inspirations behind the kingdom. The video A Tangled World: Creating the Look on the Walt Disney Animation Studios YouTube channel explains that the executive producer wanted to make Rapunzel’s tower look like “the most charming B and B in the south of France”.  
Merida: Scotland obvious clues in movie.
Moana: I guessed Samoa because she wears a Samoan-inspired ceremonial dress at one point in the movie. The song “We Know the Way” features more lyrics in Samoan than other Polynesian languages, and Motunui, the fictional island of the film, mostly drew inspiration from elements of the real-life island nations of Fiji, Samoa, and Tonga.
Anna and Elsa: Arendelle was based on multiple locations in Norway. The team behind Frozen visited Norway to gain inspiration, and you can see Nordic influence all throughout the movie.
Raya: It's difficult to figure out one specific country since Kumandra is based on multiple Southeast Asian countries.
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ollieflopkins · 18 days
Was going through some of my important possessions today (all centralized in a big rubbermaid) and all my football scarves are housed there so thought I’d do a football scarf tour! Going through them makes me so grateful for all of the football experiences I’ve been able to have and brings up so many great memories for me 🥹
(photos below the cut)
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[left] My most important football scarf, the Liverpool scarf I bought when I officially decided to be a fan 10+ years ago. It has gone everywhere I’ve gone.
[right] The scarf of my local MLS team, the Columbus Crew. My college roommate got this scarf for me when Crew were in the MLS cup playoff in 2015 and I cried. We did not win that MLS cup lol.
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[left] The scarf I bought at the Euro 2024 opening match. We were rooting for Scotland and that did not work out lol but it was still incredibly fun and was so special to be there. Feel so nostalgic for Germany.
[right] The scarf I bought at the other Euro 2024 match I went to. We were rooting for Italy and that ALSO did not work out haha. The Arena Aufschalke is so beautiful.
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[left] The last scarf I have from Euro 2024, which I also got in Gelsenkirchen like the Spain/Italy scarf.
[right] A FFF scarf I got from the Stade de France when I saw a national team friendly there in either 2016 or 2017. I lived in Paris (“lived” is an exaggeration - I exhausted my savings scraping by there working an English teaching job) after graduating college. Too much of the little money I made there went to football.
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[left] The scarf I got at the Camp Nou when I went to see Barcelona play in 2016. I went all by myself and it was so magical. Songs were sang and tears were shed
[right] I went to the Women’s FA Cup final in 2016 randomly - my dad and I were visiting London and went to see wembley the day of the match and decided to stay to see the match! It was arsenal v chelsea so we picked arsenal.
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[left] I got this scarf when I went to MetLife Stadium to see Bayern v Real Madrid in 2016. I don’t like Bayern lol but fuck Real Madrid so I rooted for Bayern and also Xabi was there at the time ❤️
[right] This was a surprise to me because I didn’t remember my Dortmund scarf had the ynwa lyrics on it! Got this when I saw Dortmund v Leipzig (I think?) at the Signal Iduna in 2017.
Not pictured bc I could only add 10 pictures lmao: The West Brom scarf I have bc my husband supports Liverpool but also follows West Brom!
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ghostlytales · 1 month
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Ghost caught on camera at Drum Castle. A 'strange mist', believed to be a ghost, was caught on the castle's webcam
The spooky image was recorded on the motion-activated webcam at Drum Castle, Aberdeenshire.
The National Trust for Scotland’s wildlife team set up cameras in the castle’s stables as part of a project to observe a nesting family of swallows this summer.
But when checking the pictures captured overnight they discovered the mysterious image, described as a “strange mist”.
Since the webcam is motion-activated, something with a physical presence must have triggered the camera to take the picture but staff are certain the mist was not caused by a swallow or an insect.
Dr Alison Burke, the National Trust for Scotland’s Property Manager at Drum Castle said: “Everyone tells me that Drum Castle is a haunted place and that there are strange happenings here.
“I have always been highly sceptical but there have been too many inexplicable events that cannot be ignored.
“I have to admit, when I checked the camera and found this image a cold shiver ran down my spine.”
The creepy photo is the latest in a line of spooky goings on at the castle, near Banchory.
The old stables where the mysterious mist was captured are regarded by staff and volunteers as having a fairly odd atmosphere.
At the stables and in the adjacent garden that people have reported hearing two women laughing together despite no-one being present.
Other strange occurrences include sightings of a female figure believed to be Anna Forbes, wife of the 20th laird. Heavy footsteps have also been heard in the stone-floored corridor.
In the castle’s Chintz Bedroom, which is said to be very cold, linen and items in the dresser have been moved when no-one had access to the room.
William de Irwyn was gifted the Royal Forest of Drum and the Tower of Drum by King Robert the Bruce in 1323, making it one of Scotland’s oldest tower houses.
The tower has had various improvements over the centuries, including a Jacobean mansion house extension in 1619 built by Alexander Irvine and his wife Marion Douglas.
But the Irvine family hit financial trouble later in the 17th century, leading to much of the estate -- except the castle and surrounding land -- being lost.
They family found were the losing side in both the 1715 and 1745 Jacobite uprisings.
Mary Irvine hid her brother, the 17th laird, in a secret chamber at Drum to save him from capture by the Redcoats after Culloden.
By the 19th century the family’s fortunes were on the up and they made various alterations to the castle, including the 1876 extension which added corridors and an entrance hall to the castle, designed by the architect David Bryce and built by his nephew.
The castle, garden and estate has been in the care of the National Trust for Scotland since 1976.
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writing-with-moss · 2 months
Rory ‘Valkyrie’ O’Connor~ Character Sheet
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(Rory is my COD OC and I love her sm so this is my little page abt her)
Age- 27
height- 5'8 or 172 cm
weight- 180 lbs
nationality- Irish
Her Callsign-
She prefers being called Rory at base- doesn’t separate herself from her call sign as much as the others do. Also Val because Valkyrie is a mouthful
when she tells you to call her Valkyrie she A. Is pissed at you or B. Hates you
Was eyes in the sky for literally her entire career (loves sniping, has some of the best eyes sight on the team- will never need glasses)
earned the name Valkyrie because she was the only female sniper and often shot from helicopters
her childhood~
she grew up in a huge family. I’m talking like 6 siblings- not including her and she’s the only girl.
lived in Dublin, Ireland (accent is thicker than her and that’s saying something)
Older sister syndrome 😔
Mostly looked after her brothers alongside her mother (who was a stay at home mother). Was raised in a super Christian ‘women’s place is in the kitchen’ type house
always yearned for freedom and getting away from home as quickly as she could
joined the military the second she could (to the agony of her parents)
but still kept her motherly tendencies by smothering the other soldiers in her affection
her vibe~
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Mom friend
Love language is acts of service
loves food more than anything
drama queen
Very spontaneous and energetic
Sunday- Cranberries is her anthem
consistently making jokes (especially with Soap, Ireland 🇮🇪 🤝 Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿)
You know when she likes you
she is FAR from casual, the complete opposite actually
she’s very patient with the other person, allowing them to figure out their feelings first before really trying anything
she wants something slow and romantic. I’m talking dancing in the kitchen, flowers, movie dates, running around in the rain, going book shopping
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I could watch this on repeat all day, what a fiend Erin I love you 
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woso-scotland · 4 months
The Scottish FA has today confirmed that our upcoming uefa women's euro qualifier against Israel will now take place behind closed doors.
The away fixture in Budapest against Israel will also take place behind closed doors
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Full statement here:
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Punch Out Women's Bracket OCs! (Special Circuit)
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The boys had their turn so now it's time for the girls! They're back and better than ever! Names: Nessie Twins/Moira and Fiona McNessie Ages: 30 (both) Heights: 6'6 (Moira) and 6'5 (Fiona) Weights: 164lbs (Moira) and 162lbs (Fiona) Nationalities: Scottish (both) Position: #4 Special Circuit Record: 20-14 (16 KO) Stances: Southpaw (Moira) and Orthodox (Fiona) "A pair of brutish twins hailing from Glasgow, Scotland, these two have an illegal tag-team trick in the ring that earned them a place so high up the bracket. The WVBA haven't bothered to intervein with this as it brings a larger audience, albeit an audience that likes to boo the twins for their boorish personalities and antics. They don't care, though, as they just smugly tell the fans to 'kiss their fat hairy arses'. Charming..."
Name: Jubilee Justice/Giselle Aurora-Belle Felicity Lockridge Age: 28 Height: 5'8 Weight: 131lbs Nationality: British-French Position: #3 Special Circuit Record: 15-8 (10 KO) Stance: Orthodox (Right-Handed) "Giselle may appear to be your average fairytale princess at first glance but do not be fooled by that gorgeous white gown and innocent blue eyes. For, when she steps into the ring, she strips herself of her fancy attire and into an elegant but optimal fighting outfit as her boxing persona, Jubilee Justice! Her parents hate that their little lady loves such a rough and tumble sport but she couldn't give a stuff what they think. Her older sister, however, is very supportive of her and gets most of the castle staff to cheer her on" Name: Nile Blossom/Cleo Jamila Omorose Age: 22 Height: 5'7 Weight: 126lbs Nationality: Egyptian Position: #2 Special Circuit Record: 20-14 (14 KO) Stance: Orthodox (Right-Handed) "A captivating young heiress from a wealthy Egyptian family, Cleo may appear to be a sweet young lady but that's just part of her game plan when she's in the ring. She bears a stunning flower on her head that produces a sweet-smelling pheromone that lowers the guard of anyone who inhales it. When her opponent is blissed out and unaware of what goes on, she strikes them like the thorns of a beautiful rose" Name: Celestia Age: ??? Height: ??? Weight: ??? Nationality: ??? Position: #1 Special Circuit Record: 24-8 (18 KO) Stance: Southpaw (Left-Handed) "Nobody can get a read on this unusual lady. Nobody knows where she's from, how old she is, if she's even a human or not... All of it is shrouded in a thick coat of mystery. People can figure out one thing, though, and that's that this lady bears some out of this world psychic powers that she isn't afraid of using during matches. She's intimidating to most but children to see something of a motherly figure inside of her." Name: Creep Queen/Jasmine Black Age: 28 Height: 7'2 Weight: 224lbs Nationality: ??? Position: Special Circuit Champion/Champion of the WVBA Record: 30-2 (26 KO) Stance: Orthodox (Right-Handed) "A hulking beast of a woman who stands laughing proudly at the top of the list, Jasmine pridefully holds onto the title of the WVBA's female champion and won't bow down to anybody else, no matter their status or name. She's a spiteful brute who prefers to let her fists do the talking when someone's pissing her off and makes sure her creepy little brother, Grimm, gets his way. However, this personality seems to have been made by a very difficult and abusive childhood..."
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justforbooks · 8 months
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The much-quoted phrase “Grief is the price we pay for love” reached a global audience in 2001 when Queen Elizabeth II used it in her message of condolence to those affected by the 9/11 attacks in the US.
But it was the psychiatrist Colin Murray Parkes, who has died aged 95, who first came up with the words that have given solace to so many. In his 1972 book Bereavement: Studies of Grief in Adult Life, he wrote: “The pain of grief is just as much a part of life as the joy of love; it is, perhaps, the price we pay for love.”
When Parkes first proposed a research project on bereavement while working as a psychiatrist at the Maudsley hospital in south London in the 1960s, a professor responded: “What you have described isn’t a project, it’s a life’s work.” And so it proved.
Having noted that grief rarely featured in the indexes of the best-known psychiatry textbooks, he went on to write and co-author hundreds of research papers, and further books including Facing Death (1981); Death and Bereavement Across Cultures (1997); and Love and Loss: The Roots of Grief and Its Complications (2006). A selection of his works was published in 2015 as The Price of Love.
He was regularly called upon to provide assistance in the aftermath of large-scale disasters and admitted to finding this harrowing. Recalling his visit to Aberfan, the Welsh village near Merthyr Tydfil where a colliery waste tip collapsed on 21 October 1966, killing 116 children and 28 adults, he said: “The first time I drove away from the village I felt utterly helpless. Everyone I talked to had been desperate. I had to stop the car three times because I couldn’t carry on. I just needed to stop and cry.”
In April 1995 he was in Rwanda at the invitation of Unicef, who asked for his help in setting up a recovery programme following the previous year’s genocide there. He attended the reburial of 10,000 bodies that had been dug up from mass graves and felt haunted by his experiences in the country for the rest of his life.
After the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center in September 2001, in which 2,977 people died, Cruse – the bereavement charity of which Parkes was life president – was asked to send a team to New York to support the families of British victims. The biggest problem, he recalled, was making real to those families the unimaginable horror that their loved one was never going to come back. “Bereaved people can make it real, but it does take a long time. They have to go over it again and again, and think their way through it,” he said in an interview in the Independent shortly afterwards.
He also worked with those affected by the 1973 air crash near Basel, Switzerland, in which 108 died, mainly women from Axbridge, Somerset; the Bradford City stadium fire in 1985, in which 56 lost their lives; the Herald of Free Enterprise disaster in which 193 died after the ferry capsized near Zeebrugge, Belgium, in 1987; and the bomb explosion in a flight over Lockerbie, Scotland, in 1988 that killed 243 passengers, 16 crew and 11 residents. Parkes also travelled to India to assess the psychological needs of people bereaved by the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami.
He said: “One of the most awful things about bereavement is that the world goes on as if nothing had happened. For bereaved people the world is never going to be the same again.”
Born in London, Colin was the son of Gwen (nee Roberts), and Eric Parkes, a solicitor. After attending Epsom college, in Surrey, he went to Westminster hospital medical school (now part of Imperial College London), qualifying as a doctor in 1951.
He worked for two years as a junior house physician at Westminster, then at Kettering general hospital in the Midlands. After two years’ national service with the RAF medical corps, he joined the Institute of Psychiatry, based at the Maudsley.
Following the publication of his research into bereavement in 1962, he joined the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations. There he worked with the psychologist John Bowlby for 13 years, disseminating the model of grief as consisting of four stages: numbness; pining; disorganisation and despair; and recovery.
Parkes was also instrumental in the introduction of bereavement services in hospices from the 1960s. He worked closely with Cicely Saunders – “the single-minded mother of palliative care with whom I shared angst at the scandalous ways our fellow doctors were treating patients faced with death and their families” – on the planning and launch of St Christopher’s hospice, Sydenham, in south London, in 1967.
Both were convinced that good care must involve families as well as patients. Parkes set up a bereavement service of trained volunteers who went into families’ homes and organised support groups, including some for staff, in the hospice. He remained involved with St Christopher’s until 2014, active as a consultant psychiatrist until 2007. He also performed this role at St Joseph’s hospice in Hackney, east London (1993-2007).
“He was a towering intellectual and hugely influential, but never took himself too seriously,” said the former chief executive of St Christopher’s Barbara Monroe. “He always remained a great clinician – very good at talking to patients and staff. And listening.”
In 1975 Parkes left the Tavistock to take up a senior lecturer role in psychiatry at Royal London hospital medical school, retiring from that post in 1993. His association with Cruse began in 1964, as a member of the council. He became chairman in 1972, and was made life president in 1992. Four years later he was appointed OBE.
Parkes edited the journal Bereavement from its launch in 1982 until 2019. Given the Times/Sternberg award – which celebrates the achievements of those over 70 – in 2012, when he was 84, he urged people to spend the last part of their lives in worthwhile work. “I was basically forced to retire at 65 and I got lots of cards with old men fishing on the front. But life is too short for retirement and the time has given me the opportunity to do things I would not otherwise have done,” he said.
In 1957 he married Patricia Ainsworth. She and their daughters, Liz, Jenny and Caz, survive him.
🔔 Colin Murray Parkes, psychiatrist and author, born 28 March 1928; died 13 January 2024
Daily inspiration. Discover more photos at Just for Books…?
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coochiequeens · 11 months
I already posted about this guy but this article goes into more detail about his fetishes
By Genevieve Gluck November 5, 2023
A trans-identified male academic who was previously criticized for stating that it “would not matter” if women were killed as a result of gender identity policies has been appointed to devise ethical guidelines for therapists. Sophie Grace Chappell, a Philosophy professor at the Open University, is now playing an integral role on the core team tasked with reworking the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy’s (BACP) national ethical framework, reported The Daily Mail, despite apparently lacking qualifications in psychotherapy or counselling.
News of his role prompted criticism from therapists. James Esses, co-founder of Thoughtful Therapists – an organization of clinical psychologists and psychotherapists from across the UK and Ireland “with a shared concern about the impact of gender identity ideology on children and young people,” said that Chappell should be “nowhere near devising therapeutic ethics.”
An unnamed female counsellor told The Daily Mail: “Professor Chappell is completely unsuitable to be deciding what form our ethical framework should take. I fear this person will insert gender ideology into our professional guidelines.”
Chappell first drew outrage from critics in 2021 when, during an interview for Radio Scotland, he told host Kaye Adams that it “wouldn’t matter” if gender self-identification policies led to a “slight spike” in the murders or rapes of women.
“I think we can rightly dismiss that as scare-mongering. It doesn’t matter… It wouldn’t matter if there was a slight spike in those statistics,” he said.
In the online community Mumsnet, women discussed Chappell’s comments with reactions ranging from anger to shock.
“Sophie laughed while making the point, and then rambled about human rights, seemingly forgetting women have human rights too, one of which is not to be murdered,” said one commenter.
Still others took to X (formerly Twitter) to express their outrage. Some pointed to Chappell’s habit of dressing in a style resembling a young girl.
Aspects of blouses and skirts worn by Chappell share similarities with a genre of pornography wherein men dress as and pretend to be little girls. In some cases, men practice “sissification” in public and record their interactions with others as a type of user-generated pornography.
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In a 2022 article on the topic of “being transgender” and “growing up,” Chappell wrote, “Secret time spent dressed feminine was time off from public [sic] being masculine. And that was always a huge relief. Dressing masculine was a weariness to the spirit: it made me feel tired, ugly, constrained, trapped, suffocated, awkward, wrong. It still does. But dressing feminine was, simply, a delight: it brought a sense of serene, calm, happy, relaxed, floating-away euphoria that nothing else gave me, a simple and straightforward innocent childlike joy; just a sense of rightness. It still does.”
Chappell added that the future of feminism, in his view, should focus on concepts such as “live and let live,” “play nicely,” “love is all you need,” and said that he believes women should not “forbid or condemn anything at all unless you really need to.”
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In June 2020, Chappell wrote an open letter in response to renowned author JK Rowling’s essay addressing her concerns regarding the gender identity movement. In it, Chappell refutes her expressed concerns on issues involving safeguarding, and advocates for sex self-identification.
“Perhaps you, Ms. Rowling, think that there’s something dark and terrible – and monstrous? – about trans women. You certainly seem to frame us as a threat,” Chappell wrote. “Trans people are one of the most discriminated-against groups in the world!”
He continued to undermine the position that allowing men to access women’s intimate spaces would result in harm. “Women of every kind should be and feel safe in the public toilets. Of course they should; everybody should. But trans women are simply not a threat to women’s safety,” Chappell admonished.
“If we google hard enough, we can find bad anecdotes about trans women attacking other women in the toilets; the tabloids go to town on such anecdotes whenever possible, and so do some trans-unsympathetic feminists. But anecdotes aren’t data.”
He then recommended that JK Rowling seek out educational materials from a trans activist organization which creates “transgender toolkits.”
Previously known as Timothy Chappell, he began claiming to identify as female in 2014 after marrying a woman and fathering four daughters.
He has also been known as Christian Sophie Grace Chappell, and served as the director of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) from 2015 to 2018.
But Chappell is not the only trans-identified male with an apparent affinity for age regression and sissification who has been associated with the BACP.
As previously revealed by Reduxx, a prominent psychologist within the Gender Identity Clinic at Tavistock has called for normalizing “age play,” “infantilism,” and “sissification.” Dr. Christina Richards, a trans-identified male and an Accredited Psychotherapist with the BACP, is responsible for a publications which seek to rebrand extreme fetishes as “further sexualities.”
In 2013, Richards co-authored a professional guide on sexuality and gender, in collaboration with Meg John Barker, a senior lecturer in psychology at the Open University. In the writing, Richards places extreme and violent sexual practices on the same spectrum as heterosexuality, homosexuality, and bisexuality.
In the guide Richards introduces age play, which involves “an adult identifying as a baby or young child, and is also known as adult baby/diaper lover (ABDL) or infantilism. There may be a sexual aspect… associated with humiliation.”
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Richards goes on to describe how adults who engage in ‘age play’ accumulate various objects and apparel associated with childhood, including children’s clothing. Often one adult will roleplay as being any age from infancy to teenage years, while another adult participates in a dominant sexual role.
“Terms which may be encountered here include daddy’s little girl (DLG) in which an older male top treats a younger female bottom as a nurtured child,” Richard elaborates. “The term ‘sissification’ intersects with age play as it is where an adult male is consensually ‘forced’ to don the clothes of, and behave as, a young girl as part of a BDSM scene. The humiliation the adult male feels at being dressed as a young female is the source of the eroticisation.”
He boasts several other affiliations and titles, such as serving on the Executive Board of the European Professional Association for Transgender Health (EPATH), and as Board-Member-at-Large of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH).
Before becoming a board member, he was selected by the executive board of the WPATH to be Lead Chapter Author for Adult Assessment in the Standards of Care Version 8 (SoC v8) revision, the drafts of which were finalized in the fall of 2022.
In addition to his work with the Gender Identity Clinic, Richards serves as the chair of the British Psychological Society and oversaw guidelines that advise mental health professionals that it can be acceptable to refer to a client as a “slut.”
Ok speculation on my part but I found his bio
and based on his dates of birth and marriage he likely came out as trans when at least some of his four daughters were still teenagers. I think this is another case of a man becoming trans when the attention was on the women of the family, they were the ages to start dating, discussing colleges, etc
I so want a mental health surgery of Trans identified people just to see how many come out when the attention is on others near them. It would fit with the higher levels of narcissism in the TQ+ community
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scotianostra · 1 year
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On July 14th 1927 The Scottish National War Memorial opened.
The Scottish National War Memorial, located in Edinburgh Castle, commemorates Scottish soldiers and civilians, as well as those serving with Scottish regiments who died in World War I, World War II, and other conflicts.
Robert Lorimer was the chief architect who designed the monument in 1919 and officially opened on this day in 1927.
Leading a team of two hundred artists and craftsmen, Lorimer designed the building in a style inspired by the architecture of Renaissance Scotland to include monuments to all the Services, regiments and corps that served in the First World War, but also to the many non-combatants and uniquely to all Scottish women.
The outstanding stained glass by Douglas Strachan and the bronze frieze by Alice and Morris Meredith Williams, together with the numerous other sculptures do more than gather diverse monuments in one place, however. They also present the wider message of hope that the terrible sacrifice of the war should not have been in vain: that it would secure peace and should prove truly to have been ‘the war to end war.’
The names of Scots killed by enemy action or who died from wounds, diseases or injuries during their service in the British Armed Forces, Merchant Navy, armed forces of the Dominions, women’s services and nursing services, together with all members of Scottish regiments, are listed on the Rolls of Honour held within the Memorial.
Those not serving in Scottish regiments must either have been born in Scotland or have at least one parent born in the countr
Last year solar panels were installed on the roof of the Scottish National War Memorial at Edinburgh Castle as part of moves to cut carbon emissions. They have been placed on the building as part of Historic Environment's continued programme to reduce energy use across the historic properties in its care.
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