#scott mccall x kira yukimura
This won't go back to normal, if it ever was
It's been years of hoping, and I keep saying it because
'Cause I have to
You'll get better
Soon, you'll get better
You'll get better soon
Soon, you'll get better
Soon, you'll get better
You'll get better soon
'Cause you have to
★∻∹⋰⋰ ☆∻∹⋰⋰ ★∻∹⋰⋰ ☆∻∹⋰⋰★∻∹⋰⋰
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Complete 💯
(Anxiety Attack And Depression)
Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski
Chris Argent/Melissa McCall
Vernon Boyd/Erica Reyes
Scott McCall/Kira Yukimura
Allison Argent/Isaac Lahey
Liam Dunbar/Theo Raeken
Stiles has everything in life. Great job, loving husband and son, family. So why does he have a feeling it's all going to be ripped away? And why does he always have to be right? And how the hell did he end up back at 17, in his old house?
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stereksthings · 8 months
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sterek should have been canon :(
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ryoto-kuki · 5 months
Stiles : How are you guys doing?
ThePack™ : Good...
Stiles : Well,that's great...
Stiles : I have something to tell you guys and don't freak out.
ThePack™ : Oh no...
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stydiaendgame · 8 months
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Scott McCall and Kira Yukimura
Teen Wolf 3x15
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bericas · 1 year
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are you okay?! it's scott. stiles, it's scott.
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ilovewriting06 · 4 months
Mischief and Angel- Part 14
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"Oh my goodness! Look at her! Dad look!"
I chuckle from where I'm curled against Stiles on the couch as Noah sighs, "I'm watching Stiles."
I snort as Lola glares at Noah when Stiles pouts, "Da, sad!"
I smile as Noah looks at Lola in exasperation, "He isn't sad, he's just being dramatic."
Lola flashes her eyes before toddling her way over to Stiles and lifting her arms, "Da, up."
Stiles lifts her up to sit on his lap before Lola wiggles to face him and grabs his cheeks, "Da, 'mile."
I bite my lip to hold in a laugh as Lola uses a hand to push up the corner of Stiles' mouth in an attempt to make him smile. I can see Stiles trying to resist a smile but he cracks and lets out a happy chuckle that causes him to smile.
Lola grins in victory before turning to look at me from where my head is resting on Stiles' shoulder, "Mama, Da happy."
I squeeze Stiles' arm as I answer Lola, "Of course he is, he has you!"
I poke her in the stomach lightly when I say 'you' which causes her to squeal in laughter and wiggle in Stiles' hold. One thing we've learned over the last week since I've woken from my 'coma' and Lola has started to walk and talk is that she is extremely ticklish
We've also learned that she is extremely protective and she occasionally growls at people when they make Stiles and I sad or upset, even if we're actually just messing around.
I snap back to the present when Lola gets her feet back on the ground and she takes off like a bullet to the backdoor that just closed as someone entered the house. I can't help but smile at what comes next, "Un'tle Scoot!"
I bury my face in Stiles' neck as my body shakes in laughter. Lola absolutely loves Scott but she cannot for the life of her say Scott. We assume she took to him so quickly because he's technically her alpha now, although she would take Stiles and I's side over his any day.
Stiles squeezes my thigh where his hand is resting as Scott appears in the doorway with Lola on his hip, "Hey guys! Mom said she'll be over later but she'll need a ride since I took the car."
I perk up at this before unwrapping myself from Stiles and jumping to my feet, "I'll do it! I want to talk with her anyways."
Before I can get too far Stiles reaches out to grab my hand. I stop and look at him to see his wide eyes as he whispers, "Y/n, it's okay."
I scowl before shaking my head, "No, it isn't and you know it."
He goes to protest before I cut him off, "Look at it this way, if the roles would have been reversed and it was me instead of you and Noah instead of Mom, would you let it go without talking to him?"
Stiles sighs in defeat before releasing my hand. I give him a reassuring smile before turning around to see a grimacing Scott, "Just, don't be too harsh."
I raise an eyebrow in question before crossing my arms, "I just want to have a conversation with her, how well it goes depends on her."
Scott nods before turning to Lola, "What do you say, Lola, want to go play with Kira outside?"
Lola perks up before nodding, "RA-RA!"
Scott laughs before heading back towards the door before stopping and turning to Stiles, "You should come outside dude, we can hang out while the girls play with Lola."
Stiles nods and waves his hand, "Yeah, I'll be out in a second!"
Scott nods before heading back out the door. Stiles stands from the couch and wraps an arm around my waist as he kisses my cheek, "Love you, be careful."
I smile and turn to give him a quick kiss and frown when he tilts his head causing my lips to hit his cheek before I nod, "Always am Mischief."
I take a deep breath before climbing out of the car and closing the door a little harder than necessary. This talk has been coming for about a week and it's only waited this long because I wanted some time to cool down and think about what to say before I tried to have an adult conversation.
When I walk through the door I yell, "Hey Mom!"
"In the kitchen!"
I walk into the kitchen to see Mom putting the dishes away before I lean against the island, "When you're done can we talk?"
She hums as she glances over her shoulder, "Mhmm, Lola doing okay?"
I run a hand through my hair before taking a deep breath, "Uh, yeah, yeah Lola's good, great even. Becoming quite the little motormouth and I swear she's channeling the Flash every now and then. Damn near sprints through the house."
Mom chuckles as she closes the cabinet and hangs the dish towel, "Sounds like she takes after her parents, and her uncle for that matter. You know, when you and Scott were that age it took everything in me to get you to stay in clothes and be quite and to keep Scott from running out the door every five minutes. For your sake I hope you never have twin werewolves, or werefoxes, or whatever else they could be."
I sigh before shrugging, "I'd have Stiles if that happened, we'd manage just fine."
Mom raises an eyebrow and leans against the counter so that she's facing me, "Everything okay, Honey?"
I lick my bottom lip before looking into her eyes, "No. Everything is not okay."
Her eyebrows furrow in concern as she asks, "What's wrong? Are you and Stiles okay? Did you have a fight?"
My jaw twitches before I shake my head, "No, Stiles and I are fine...I think. The real question is are me and you okay?"
She straightens with wide eyes, "What?"
I close my eyes and take a breath to reel in my growing anger before looking back at Mom, "Stiles, Mom. What you said to him. How you made him feel."
She frowns and shakes her head, "I don't know what you're talking about."
"Don't lie to me Mom, he told me what happened and what you said to him. God! Mom what made you say those things?!"
Her eyes dart around before stubbornness takes over her features, "He told you?!"
I narrow my eyes, "Yeah, well when I wake up and he looks absolutely gutted because he blames himself for something he had absolutely nothing to do with, I tend to get a little concerned! But I had to pry it out of him, he was holding onto what you said like he was Fort Knox because he didn't want me to be mad at you."
She brushes a stray hair out of her face as she sighs, "Look, I was scared and angry, it just slipped out. I didn't mean any of it."
"Yeah, well it made enough of an impact to make him cry. He cried as he begged me to forgive him. Forgive him! Mom, whatever you said to him impacted him enough that he still feels guilty. It's been a week and every now and then I can still feel his guilt eating away at him when he looks at me. He looks at me and he's bubbling over in guilt and self despair. Do you know how much that hurts? Not just him but me too! He hesitates to kiss me! Sure, he holds me closer than ever before but whenever I kiss him, he hesitates. I've kissed him a total of three times since I woke up, and he's freaked out each time and looked terrified. Like the simplest touch is going to send me running and screaming. Never, not once since I've met him has he looked at me like this!"
"Like what?"
My eyes flash as a small growl rumbles in his chest, "Like I'm going to break his heart! Like I'm going to change my mind and blame him for every single damn thing that has ever happened to me. It's killing me Mom, because it's killing him. It hurts, to see him like this."
Mom steps forward to stand on the opposite end of the island, "What do you want me to do about it?"
I stare at her opening and closing my mouth before hissing, "What can you do? WHAT CAN YOU DO?! FUCKING APOLOGIZE!"
Her frown deepens as she points at me, "Watch your mouth young lady!"
I raise an eyebrow as Lily bares her teeth, "Do. Not. I am asking you as your daughter to just apologize to him."
She sighs, "I already did Y/n."
I flick my tongue over the tip of my fangs before letting them recede into my gums, "Then do it again! And mean it this time!"
She leans across the counter before laying a hand across my hand, "Okay, if it really means that much to you, I will."
I shake my head in sadness, "You just don't get it do you?"
She raises an eyebrow and I frown before pulling my hand away from under hers, "Mom, he's my mate, my fiancé, my soon to be husband, your son, Momma, he's my world. Lola is too, she means the world to me too but Stiles, I can't...I can't live without him!"
She frowns, "The mate bond won't let him leave."
"Really? That's what you got from this? Jesus, forget it, just fucking forget it."
I go to storm out of the kitchen before turning around, "You know what, no! He can't physically leave, but mentally? Emotionally? He can check the fuck out right there whenever he fucking wants."
Mom has the decency to cringe slightly, "He won't, he loves you far too much for that to happen."
A small smile tugs at my lips before it drops down into a frown again, "That's not how guilt works Mom, he loves me, I know he does, but he won't touch me because he loves me."
"You just said he held you all the time."
She looks confused and I rub the bridge of my nose in disbelief that I have to talk about this with my mother, "No Mom, he won't touch me. Which means no more grandchildren for you."
Her eyes widen in recognition when she figures out what I'm talking about, "Oh, well how does me apologizing fix...that?"
I groan in exasperation, "Because he won't treat my like an unstable nuclear bomb that is going to explode if he believes that no one thinks he's at fault for me being hurt."
Mom nods before realization finally flows through her, "Oh my God. Oh my God! I-what I said made him think that?"
I give her a deadpan look remembering where Scott got his denseness from before sighing, "Yes, mother, what you said. You are the one that put all this guilt and doubt in his head and I think you're the only one that can dissipate it too."
She shakes her head in disbelief before clearing her throat, "Okay, let's go. I need to apologize. I never realized it would affect him that bad. I was just angry and, and he was there. I'm sorry Y/n/n."
I shake off the rest of my anger before nodding, "It's okay."
Before we get in the car I stop and turn to Mom, "Oh, and Mom?"
She nods expectantly so I continue, "If you ever, and I mean ever, disrespect my mate again, you'll regret it. I don't care if you're my mother, I love you, I do, but Stiles and Lola are my first priorities so when you disrespect one of them, Lily comes out to play...and she plays dirty."
Mom lets out a nervous chuckle before opening the passenger door, "Yeah, got it, don't piss of Lily."
When we walk into the house I pause and tune my ears into Stiles' heartbeat. I point towards the back door before glancing at Mom, "He's outback with everyone else."
"The house is empty? Even Amelia and her pack?"
I nod with a small hum, "Yeah, Amelia and a few of her pack are out looking at houses and land and stuff so they can move out. They're wanting to stay close since we've become allies and offer more protection for the kids."
Mom nods before walking to the backdoor with me following close behind. Once we're standing on the porch I clear my throat and look at Stiles before speaking, "Mischief!"
He looks up and turns to look at me before raising an eyebrow, "Yeah?"
I throw a thumb over my shoulder pointing to the door behind us, "Can you come inside real quick?"
I feel the nerves and anxiety flood Stiles which Lola must feel to because she stops playing with Kira and looks at Stiles with a scowl. I hold back a smile as Stiles makes his way onto the porch as the boys yell, "SOMEONE'S IN TROUBLE NOW!"
I roll my eyes before leading Mom and Stiles into the house and into the living room. When we're all sitting I turn to Stiles, "I can step outside if you want?"
He grabs my hand and squeezes before shaking his head, "No, stay."
I nod before settling onto the couch and rubbing soothing circles on the back of Stiles' hand. Mom is sitting in the chair across from the couch as she looks at Stiles, "Stiles, I'm so sorry for what I said to you when Y/n was missing. I didn't mean any of it and I took out all my emotions on you which wasn't fair to you."
Stiles nods, "Yeah, yeah I know, it's okay Mel."
Mom's frown deepens as she scooches to the edge of the chair and shakes her head, "Stiles, no it isn't. I hurt you, I hurt my son and that isn't okay."
Stiles makes a small wounded sound which has Mom looking teary eyed, "Sweetie, you may not be my biological son but I knew within a week of Scott being your friend that you weren't going anywhere, ever. I was so happy when you finally asked Y/n out because I couldn't think of anyone better for her and now you're almost officially my son-in-law, but even without the title you're my son. I love you as much as I love Scott and I would do anything to make sure you stay safe and the fact that I hurt you is tearing me up inside."
I look up at Stiles to see him teary eyed and sad. I scooch even closer before Mom continues, "Stiles, what happened to Y/n is not your fault. Nothing you could have done would have stopped it and you found her within hours and you saved her life. You did more than any of us did and I truly believe that without you, she would be dead, so Stiles if anything, you're the reason she isn't laying somewhere lifeless."
I feel the guilt within Stiles start to melt away and I find that most of my stress goes with it. Stiles takes a shuddery breath before he's standing and being engulfed in a hug by Mom. She rocks him side to side as she kisses his cheek, "I love you sweetheart and next time I say something that hurts you, just know that I don't mean it...and then have Y/n come smack me because I sure as hell deserved it this time."
Stiles chuckles into her hair before pulling away, "You got it Mel."
She finally smiles and pats his shoulder, "Well then, I'm going to go find my granddaughter and steal some baby cuddles."
Once she's outside I turn to Stiles, "Mischi-."
"Thank you."
I look at Stiles with wide eyes, "What?"
He pulls me off the couch before cupping my cheek, "Thank you for making her apologize."
I lean into his warm touch before sighing, "I didn't make her do anything, she wanted to once she realized how much she had hurt you. Do you believe me now that it wasn't your fault?"
He quirks a small smile and nods, "Mostly, a part of me will always think there was something else I could have done but your mom was right, you're alive, and that's all that matters."
I don't get a chance to reply because I'm being pulled into a kiss that I've been craving for the last week.
A/n- I AM SO SORRY FOR THE LATE UPDATE! There was some drama with my baby daddy and his family🙄 Anyways, I hope you enjoyed the update and let me know what you think!
Tag List: @ah-blossom @gabby988 @zanypaintermoon
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obisamya · 2 years
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azraphels · 4 months
Inspired by an episode of "The Big Bang Theory" and staying with the theme of my new Thiam-Sterek Fanfic "Fall In Love With A Kiss" coming soon to Ao3
(In my new Thiam there will be no existential, suffering drama of Theo alone where everyone hates him!)
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Lydia has been Theo's best friend since they were seven years old! Ah their discussions about how stupid Stiles was filled their days, along with movie nights (horror movies of course!) and secrets!
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Theo met Allison in high school because she started dating Scott. It was really a troubled affair between Scott and Allison, they were on and off for quite some time and Theo didn't know who to listen to! Scott was stupid and just screwed up, and Theo felt sorry for Allison!
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Malia met her in junior year when she moved out and started dating Stiles (definitely bad breakup apparently!) but still they hated each other especially because Theo always stays at her house! (Peter's fault of course!)
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For Theo, Kira is so innocent that she doesn't know why she is his friend! She was an ex of Scott's but their affair had lasted only a year and then Kira got a crush on Malia but she was still dating Stiles... Luckily, Theo's policy was "Never have romantic relationships with your friends, you always get in trouble!"!!'
Theo has endured too many conversations about his friends' sizes and how they have sex to say with certainty that this rule has actually saved him a lot of trouble! (Theo would never admit it, but he has been head over heels in love with the same person for two years, without having had any other romantic relationships)
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"Theo Raeken's ✨Council Of Ladies✨" meets every Thursday night!
A cup of tea, a fancy dress, lots of pastries and a big white cloth and a projector!
Bridgerton awaits them!
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roxyaddams · 1 year
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may i introduce my kira scott and stiles poly agenda
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jjsstars · 3 months
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Scott McCall Week 2024: day 6, the person you should trust
|| for @scottappreciation event
It was hard to get himself to open up and trust someone after losing Allison, but Kira snuck in through the cracks; is Scott ready for that?
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lilsblavk · 24 days
I need a fic about Sterek with that TikTok wedding trend! ASAP! Where the bridesmaids(Lydia,Allison,Eric,Kira) give the groom(Derek duh!) scandalous polaroid pictures of the Bride/groom(Stiles!!). ITS A NEEEEEEEEDDDD! THENTHEYHAVEWILDASSPOSSESSIVESEXBECAUSETHEWOLFINDEREKNEEDSTOJUSTHURRYUPANDCLAIMWHATSHIS!!!!
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xijura · 1 year
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When your friends are disgustingly in love in public. Come on, guys, not in front of my coffee! 😧
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stereksthings · 6 months
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ryoto-kuki · 5 months
Stiles (angrily reorganising the cabinets in the kitchen) :
Derek (being grumpy Derek on the couch) :
Scott : What's wrong with Stiles? Why is he so angry?
Erica : Derek and him had a fight...
Scott (extremely confused) : But Derek is acting normally???
wrote this cause im extremely pissed off rn.
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stydiaendgame · 8 months
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Scott McCall and Kira Yukimura
Teen Wolf 3x16
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lalosalamcnca · 1 year
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talk some sense to me...
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