scribeoffate · 9 months
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for @teenwolfrarepairevents character of the month event Scott/Nemton
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tommystummy · 8 months
“Fandom is better than canon” a Teen Wolf fan once theorized that the show’s (at the time) only recurring Black characters were secretly devil worshippers because she didn’t like that the Black guy cared more about the main character than her teen fave that she liked to ship with a grown man
She was considered the leading academic mind of the fandom.
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blackhholes · 11 months
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Teen Wolf as Horror Subgenres
Season three A: Folk Horror
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novasillies · 4 months
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it’s a femininemeton.
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glowspider · 11 months
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slice-of-magenta · 7 months
BEHOLD the babiesss
Scott and Stiles are so cute as sims gcggc. I didn't even do anything and they're flirting with eachother (fan-girl moment)!! They just moved in!
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letthestorieslive · 2 years
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It all goes back to your family
For @kirayukimuraappreciation week, day 3 : what if the nogitsune chooses to possess Kira
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dailyscottficrec · 2 years
Wed Feb 22, 2023
second nature by idc_chan
Author summary:
“You had an orgy?” Stiles shrugs. “You had an all-night masturbation session at a tree.” 
AKA: The really sweet polypack fic that also happens to have sex at a magic tree as a very thinly veiled excuse for an orgy.
Reasons to love the fic: Basically, it's my birthday, so I can rec weird tree porn if I want to. This is Scott/Stiles/Malia/Kira/Theo/Lydia, which is one of my favorite polypack configurations. It turned out really sweet for all that it's also my Scott/Nemeton crack ship. I think it's fun and like it, so you get to see it.
Feel free to let the author know if you enjoy the fic!
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kitkatwinchester · 1 year
They were ALL there that night??
Allison too??
And THAT'S where the Nemeton is??
These fate/destiny/everything happens for a reason storylines are always soooo fascinating to me.
All three of them were there that night.
The night that all of their lives changed forever.
The night that all of this began.
And now all three of them have to go back to the beginning.
To stop it from becoming the end.
'Cause the CONNECTIONS dude.
The way that sequence was shot was sooo cool, bouncing back and forth between the perspectives as each of them discovered the Nemeton.
And the reveal that Allison had also been there that night, and that it was she and her mom that almost hit Scott...that was PERFECT.
I absolutely loved that scene.
And the transition from Allison starting to pop out of the water into the title card was expertly done.
And thank GOD all of them came back and hopped out of the water, because even though I was 99.9% sure they'd all be fine, I was still a LITTLE worried.
That said...
We have FOUR HOURS left?!
...well sh*t.
This better be the faster y'all have ever driven/run in your LIFE.
Season 3, Episode 12
Let's finish 3a (and this time I'm actually right lol).
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Scott: Dude... do you ever feel like things have just felt... off, you know? Ever since the nemeton ritual? Stiles: Nah, I'm okay. I just have trouble breathing sometimes and I wake up screaming. Scott: Stiles: I'm fine, Scotty. I know tons of people who cry out of nowhere.
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hi!! do you have any fic recommendations that is similar to song of the phoenix by graveltotempo? or just something about stiles and the nemeton being connected?
I think so!
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The Walls Are Breathing In by secondstar
(7/7 I 41,879 I Explicit I Sterek)
Nothing could go wrong. It was just supposed to be a safe trip to the Nemeton. But this is Beacon Hills and things are rarely that simple. Welcome to the life of Stiles Stilinski.
Or, that time that Stiles accidentally became a sorcerer against his will.
The Future's So Bright, I Gotta Wear Shades by Bittah_Wizard
(20/20 I 65,142 I Explicit I Stetopher)
"It’s funny. It is. It’s abso-fucking-lutely hilarious because this is the seventh time in a calendar year that Stiles has been on the run from a bloodthirsty monster and the thing that still trips him up—quite literally—is that he still hasn’t gotten any better at running through the woods."
An AU where everything he loves gets buried in the dirt, so Stiles rips apart the space-time continuum.
song of the phoenix by graveltotempo
(26/? I 104,409 I Teen I Sterek)
In a last ditch effort to save Beacon Hills after everyone else has died, Stiles channels all of his energy and magic into cleansing the Nemeton and the magical core of the town.
But he is more powerful than he knows, more connected to the Nemeton than anyone can guess, and a group of kids, teenagers and adults wakes up in the middle of the night ten years earlier with a second chance they didn't know they needed and a bond they don't understand.
Guardian by Lerya
(100/100 I 202,041 I Mature I Steter)
After Stiles finally realises how little he means to Scott, and how little his opinions and even his research mean to the 'true Alpha', he's had enough. With most of the original Hale pack getting away from the Hellhole that is Beacon Hills, he prepares to do the same. The extra addition wasn't planned, but most welcomed, as was an invite by the counsel.
He could do this, going around the world, helping other Supernaturals, getting to know the world, and learning about himself and the community.
Bite Me (Terms And Conditions Apply) by Morraine
(98/? I 337,609 I Not Rated I Steter)
What if Stiles had accepted Peter's offer to bite him, after all? What if there'd been actual negotiations? How would that impact the story?
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scribeoffate · 2 years
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writerjayne · 10 months
I was thinking about things cause I saw a Supernatural edit, and my ADHD brain followed the thought train to Teen Wolf as it often does, and I have thoughts.
As much as I LOVE Stiles raising a baby/having a baby/ finding a baby and being naturally good at it while Derek is out of his depth when you break it down, it makes no sense.
Stiles and Scott? As only children and BOYS when did they ever have a chance to look after children? (While I think boys are perfectly capable of caring for children parents tend to favor girls in child care so like when would they have even had an opportunity?)
DEREK, on the other hand....
A) he has a younger sister with a fairly significant age gap. B) he had a pack that canonically is referenced as to having children, and with family/pack dynamics, it would not be a stretch that Derek has at least SOME experience with children, especially since it's implied Cora is closer in age to Stiles and co whereas Derek is in his early 20s in season one. (Obviously, we all know what a mess the Teen Wolf timeline is, but for the sake of this post early 20s)
Derek's not good with teenagers... As we know... *insert every early interaction with Stiles and Scott ever* But kids and babies? No problem Think about how he is with everyone in the show but then how he was with those little trick-or-treaters. He scared them sure but he also gave them candy, when he could have just as easily ignored them.
I just feel like if you gave him a baby, he would just be like: "I'm a father now, yes I need the most expensive diapers possible!"
Which after having this conversation with my roomie, I realized would make magical Nemeton baby Eli (My favorite explanation) make SO much sense. Found a clearly werewolf baby in the woods? Guess he's a dad now.
Now don't get me wrong, I do think Stiles would pick up very quickly on taking care of a baby, he's very empathetic and cares very deeply, but initially, I think he wouldn't have a clue what he was doing. He would love the baby and WANT to take good care of the baby but wouldn't really know what he was doing. And babies, especially younger babies can be overwhelming.
So what I'm saying is I need a fic where Stiles finds a baby, has no clue what he's doing and Derek is like: "No that's not how you hold a baby/change a diaper/ hold a bottle" and Stiles falls in love so I'm going to write one
Thanks for coming to my ted talk
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sterekcollabang · 2 months
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Falling Together On Purpose
Writer: @adeceasedtulip
Artist: @escharis
Rating: T Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Derek Hale & Stiles Stilinski, Scott McCall & Stiles Stilinski, Allison Argent/Isaac Lahey/Scott McCall Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Derek Hale, Isaac Lahey, Scott McCall (Teen Wolf), Lydia Martin, Allison Argent, Vernon Boyd, Erica Reyes, Peter Hale, Sheriff Stilinski (Teen Wolf), The Nemeton (Teen Wolf), (Mentioned) Claudia Stilinski - Character, Alan Deaton Additional Tags: Stiles Stilinski is Derek Hale's Anchor, Derek Hale is Stiles Stilinski's Anchor, they're cute what can i say, Flustered Derek Hale, Character Study, sorta - Freeform, there is a lot of internal workings out, Pack Alpha Derek Hale, Hale Pack 2.0, Derek Hale Deserves Nice Things, Getting Together, Fluff and Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Lucid Dreaming, Monster of the Week, well issue of the week but eh semantics, Spark Stiles Stilinski Summary:
The Nemeton has been on the Beacon Hills land for centuries. It has stood strong and protected the Hale pack and been protected in turn. It was only when that was ripped from it that things started to change and the power became tainted. It all changed once Scott Mcall was bit. A Hale came back and stayed. A short period of time passed since all the drama surrounding the events. It was only then that the Nemeton recognised a spark in its midst. It once again began to hope to be free of the darkness. In an attempt to do so, it called out to the spark. Stiles. It called out to Stiles. OR The Nemeton plays matchmaker for Stiles and Derek in hopes of chasing away the darkness that has haunted Beacon Hills for too long.
[Read More]
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mastercherry · 5 months
Yet another Sterek idea.
So in this one.... The Hale family left Beacon Hills after the fire. They were called to protect another territory and another Nemeton. It worked out because being in the area where they were almost killed off entirely wasn't going to be great.
So Beacon Hills is unprotected until a family of Kitsune take over its protection. It's peaceful until their daughter gets caught up with a rogue alpha werewolf who turns her previously human boyfriend.
And that's how Scott and Stiles are initiated into the world of the Supernatural. Through a series of crazier and crazier situations, Stiles becomes the alpha of Beacon Hills.
Even though he's a human.
The Beacon Hills pack is bizarre to say the least. A human, a bitten wolf, a kitsune, a hunter, a kanima, and a banshee. Not to mention the veterinarian witch doctor, the hellhound deputy, and who knows what else.
Derek, his sister Laura, and their Uncle Peter are the Hale pack representatives sent to the United Packs Alliance meeting in the middle of the country. It's a meeting held every 3 years. EVERYONE has heard about the human alpha. For the first time in UPA history, every pack in the continent has sent in at least one pack member to see this bizarre event.
Everyone is gathered in a magically enlarged meeting space in an average sized hotel conference space when the Beacon Hills pack arrives. Late.
Being late would be noticeable enough but the electricity in the air is something no one could ignore. There's something powerful here.
When the doors open they just reveal a very normal pair of guys. A human and a wolf. But when all eyes shift to them, the human's eyes flash a very bright and brilliant red.
All Derek can think is.... Oh no, he's hot.
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patolemus · 5 months
Sterek fic recs: Time Travel AU Edition
As I promised @oldefashioned here is the start of my unending sterek fic reccing. I’ll go by category because this post will never end otherwise.
1. song of the phoenix by graveltotempo
In a last ditch effort to save Beacon Hills after everyone else has died, Stiles channels all of his energy and magic into cleansing the Nemeton and the magical core of the town. But he is more powerful than he knows, more connected to the Nemeton than anyone can guess, and a group of kids, teenagers and adults wakes up in the middle of the night ten years earlier with a second chance they didn't know they needed and a bond they don't understand. Stiles though? Stiles wakes up with a little more.
Notes: It's just. So good. It's kinda hard to explain but basically no one knows what's going on but at the same time it works. Kinda. They're working on it. Stiles is awesome in this, I especially love his relationship with the Hales, because of course I do. It's ongoing.
2. Twice And For All by novasillies
“Derek,” he said despite himself. The werewolf’s eyes sharpened. Scott gave him a distressed look. “Do I know you?” He asked tensely, and Stiles grinned in return. “Oh, no,” he answered, “Not yet.” - In which a well-timed conflict between the magic of the Ghost Riders and Stiles' spark sends him back to the day Scott got bitten. Stiles pointedly changes nothing and so God complexes, needlessly complex romantic drama, and pure, unbridled silliness ensue. (Updates every Thursday wink wonk)
Notes: This is to date one of my favorite time travel fics of all time, across multiple fandoms. Stiles in this one is just *chef's kiss*. Completely unhinged, I love him. Also, the sterek? Easily one of the best dynamics I've read. It's ongoing, only four chapters left!
3. Fly a Little Faster by mirrorkill
Everyone knows when you go back in time, you shouldn't step on an ant, just in case you accidentally kill your own grandparent or something. But what happens when you go back in time and, uh, accidentally interrupt the one event that apparently made the Grumpiest Alpha in Town into a ball of mindless manpain?  Well, if Marty McFly can do it, so can Stiles Stilinski. All he has to do is get Derek and Paige to fall in love before he gets pulled back to his own time. And before he makes anything worse. That's easy as pie, right? Right?
Notes: I liked this one because it's not the typical Stiles travels back in time after everyone else in the pack dies. It's got a different premise, still somewhat canon compliant (maybe??? canon enough), and it's amazingly done. It's complete.
4. Daybreak by TheObsidianQuill
"There . . ." Stiles swallowed and looked down at the bottle in his grasp as he slowly swirled the amber liquid inside. "There's really nothing left. For me. Everyone is . . . gone, and it feels like I haven't thought of tomorrow in years." His words rang in the air like a gunshot, he took another heavy drink. "I would trade every last breath I take to just have another shot—not even a guarantee, just a chance to make things right and bring back even one of them." ----- The pack was gone. He had nothing left. He had no one. With nothing to lose, Stiles puts everything on the line to go back in time to try to prevent the future from becoming his past. Broken, guarded, and haunted by his past, only one overgrown-pup of a wolf seems able to get past his defenses. Changing the future? Easy. Finding a place for himself in the Hale Pack? Impossible.
Notes: So good! Stiles is a traumatized bean and the Hales are just everything! It's complete.
5. The A Spark of Hope and the Butterfly Effect series by Phlinting
It's been eleven years since Scott was bitten by a feral werewolf and, despite his pack's many victories along the way, Gerard Argent's influence lives on. As the knowledge of the supernatural spread to the general population so did the hatred and fear of the unknown. The McCall pack has been picked off one by one and Stiles, Sheriff Stilinski, and Peter Hale are the only three left, on the run and barely surviving. But Stiles has found a spell. He has the magic, the spark, and his belief. He has his dad and Peter to help power it and he has the will and desperation to succeed. He's going back to the Hale fire and this time he's going to stop it ALL before it starts. It's the perfect solution. Too bad things never go quite according to plan...
Notes: The Sheriff and Peter are *chef's kiss* here! I really don't know how to explain all that happens here but it gets a little out of control in the best way. It's complete.
6. The The Long Way Round series by exclamation
A magical accident sends Stiles back in time. Now he's stuck in New York, living with Derek and Laura, and the only way to get back to his own time is to learn to use magic. Meanwhile, he must figure out how much he can tell them about their future. Can he warn them about the dangers they face? Can he change his own past?   And can he trust the creature known as Bookworm, who seems to know him better than he knows himself?
Notes: This series had me in a chokehold, I cried so much but it was absolutely worth it! Stiles doesn't plan to travel back in time on this one, this just... happen, and it all spirals a bit out of control. But don't worry! You may have no idea of what's going to happen, but the author certainly did and they did an amazing work. It's complete.
7. It’s Happening by isthatbloodonhisshirt (wasterella)
Derek stopped listening to him, brain going a mile a minute.   Derek, it’s fucking happening! Derek, please!   He would recognize that fucking voice anywhere. Two years. Two fucking years had passed, and now this little shit was standing in front of him, speaking his name, and grinning like an idiot. “It’s you,” Derek said, earning him a confused look from Stiles. “The phone call. Two years ago. It was you.” (SNYE - January 2nd - Time Travel)
Notes: This is not canon compliant. It's a whole other universe, actually, and it's so good. Good ol' Derek is losing his mind over here, but it's alright! Things work out just fine. It's complete.
These ones are not time travel, but dimensional travel. It’s similar enough so here you go.
8. The play it again series by metisket
In which Stiles goes along with one of Derek’s plans and ends up in an alternate universe as a result. He should’ve known better. He did know better, actually, and that means he has no one to blame but himself. “Laura wants to lure the kid in with food and kindness and make a pet of him, like a feral cat. Derek wants to have him arrested for stalking. They’re at an impasse. (And the rest of the family is staying emphatically out of it in a way that suggests bets have been placed.)”
Notes: I honestly don't know how to show the whole of my appreciation for this series. I think I've read this about five times since I found it last year. Stiles lands himself in a whole other dimension, where the Hale House fire never happened and Scott is human. It goes about as well as you can expect. It's technically not complete, but the main piece is.
9. The Home Across The Universe series by TricksterShi
You can lose your home and spend your whole life looking for it, sometimes you may even find bits of it again. But sometimes home goes out searching and finds you first. ~ The day he loses his father and his pack, Stiles is transported to a parallel world where his counterpart is nine years old and seemingly small changes have had a huge impact on the course of events in Beacon Hills. At first sticking to the shadows as a vigilante to protect his otherworld father and younger self, Stiles is soon drawn out into the light and onto a path that forces him to confront the traumas of his past so that he can make a place for himself in this new world.
Notes: Just. This absolute beast of a universe is seriously so well done, and so good. Imagine play it again, but much more depressing and waaaay longer. The angst is on point! The Stilinskis are the best in this one. And Derek and Laura have my heart, love my pookies. Stiles is not having the best times, but he'll be looked after, don't worry! Also technically not complete, but all the pieces in the series are done.
10. The Ley Lines series by forestofbabel
Stiles is back in town after many years, angry and bitter and disconnected from anything you might call pack. It might as well be a tradition at this point that he gets drunk and wakes up in the woods. Only, this time, something is different.  The ghosts that have weighed in his heart are alive and well, and Stiles gets to witness a life that could have been his. There is one thing he knows, though. No matter how much he may want to stay, he has to go home.  If the ley lines you should follow, and your dwelling at the end, and find your presence has been hollowed, your hereafter is to amend." *** Stiles is faced in this new world with someone he had been avoiding for a long time. Himself.  The Double Walker cannot survive where the Double Walker dwells *** Derek had an itch under his skin. There was something missing. He knew exactly what it was. Who it was. His regrets paraded themselves in a steady stream, and he had to watch as Stiles left time and time again, knowing it would be the only way to let the ley lines heal. That didn't make it hurt any less. Still, some part of Derek hoped.
Notes: I honestly just read the first part, but I thought I'd add the whole series so people know what they're getting into. The first part can be read as a stand alone, so if anyone wants to stop after that they absolutely can. The fic itself is a bit sad, but it has a happy ending! Stiles travels to another dimension, and shenanigans follow. The series is complete.
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