#scoundress fanfic
https-hunter · 29 days
Happy early may the 4th!
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walkawaytall · 1 year
Hey, I finished my first Star Wars fanfiction piece! Now onto the next project!
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dracosleftarsecheek · 2 months
INTRO POST (under the cut):
name: Flynn
my favourite colour: green
pronouns: she/they/he
sexuality: lesbian 🧡🤍🩷
gender identity: genderqueer 💜🤍💚
i'm a witch, maiden obviously and i am celtic
my girlfriend is the lovely @uhmmmmaixllezhere <3
i have a fanfic called The Roots We Grow on ao3, under dracosrightarsecheek
EVERY MAIN FANDOM I'M IN BECAUSE NO ONE ASKED!! 👍 + main ships too if you're interested
HARRY POTTER (boo J.K Rowling what a piece of filth)
-Jily/Jegulus (I swing either way)
-Romione, Ronmione? whatever its called the straight one
-Sebinis/Gauntlow same thing innit
plus like scoundress and all the base level ones
-Zoyalai (but nikolai is mine)
I'm in love with Nikolai in a friend way so yk bonus points
-somewhat Flo and George but I am majorly on the fence about aroace George or not
-Zukka (no questions asked)
-Kataang ig
-Mai (Mei?) x Ty Lee
-Juke (obviously)
-Willex (duh)
-Nick x A Pig's Ass (I just strongly dislike Nick okay)
anyways that's like it I think but um if you want a headcanon or microfic or something on any of these just send me an ask and I will get on it! shameless self plug lmao BYEEEE
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lajulie24 · 1 year
B & Y
B. What was the first fandom you read fic in? Which was the first you wrote fic for?
The answer for both is technically Star Wars, meaning that I didn’t specifically write something that was intended as fanfic until I started writing for Star Wars, and that was shortly after having discovered AO3 and reading Star Wars fanfic there.
But after I’d been writing for a while, I realized that I’d been doing some form of fanfic creation ever since I can remember — making up stories from my favorite shows or characters or situations the whole time I was growing up. I spent HOURS on the swingset in my backyard as a kid, dreaming up scenarios and stories and conversations. I think I just never wrote them as fanfic because I didn’t think I was…allowed to? So I played with the characters but then when writing stories would sort of do the file off the serial numbers thing so that I knew this was a story about Teela from Masters of the Universe having a twin sister who was best friends with a pre-fame Madonna and who adopted the child of her best friend who was killed in some epic battle, but all these characters had different names so it was okay. (As a child I also once came up with a scenario where instead of Jesus, the savior of the world being celebrated at Christmas was a girl named Daisy, and even rewrote Christmas carols to incorporate that, but that AU in the Catholic fandom was pretty much confined to my head and the swingset, because I think even at age 6 or whatever I knew that one wasn’t likely to be well-received outside my head.)
Y. What are your thoughts on your personal satisfaction with something you’ve written vs. the popularity of your stories? Do you tend to be most satisfied with your most popular stories?
It’s such a tough issue, because as much as we’d all like to be so chill about what kind of reception our stories get, and not be overly invested in how many kudos or comments or reblogs we get, and just focus on sharing the stuff we want to create and have that be enough, we WANT someone to like what we did as much (or more!) than we do. And there are so many factors that go into whether someone comments on or reblogs or kudos something.
I’m pretty satisfied with everything I post, at the time I post it. I do notice trends in popularity — my pre-ESB stuff tends to be more popular in general, one-shots get more comments than a new chapter of a multichapter fic (especially a long chapter), anything post-ROTJ tends to be slower to get comments. Smut sometimes gets less attention generally but is more likely to get comments. I think some of the fics I wrote when I was doing a ficlet a week for Scoundress Saturdays were probably more popular than my more recent stuff, but I think I’ve kind of accepted that I might be less prolific in terms of frequent posting, but I really like some of where my newer stuff is taking me. It is weird to get comments on my first story, because that feels so long ago and I feel like my writing has evolved a lot since then, but I’m happy whenever someone has liked what I put out there. Some of my more popular stories are also ones I especially love, but that correlation isn’t always there.
Thank you kindly for the ask!
Fanfic writer ask meme
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a-written-dream · 3 years
Chapters: 1/1
Words: 1,399
Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Original Trilogy
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Leia Organa & Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa/Han Solo
Characters: Leia Organa, Luke Skywalker
Additional Tags: Movie: Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back, Pre-Relationship, Missing Scene, Light Angst, Conversations, POV Leia Organa
Han thinks he knows exactly what she wants, and she hates that he’s right.
Or: Leia apologises for using Luke to get back at Han, and Luke gets her to admit more than she'd like.
Leia stops in the doorway to Luke’s room in the medbay. He’s reading a book she doesn’t think she’s seen before, a book that looks like one of those history books that shouldn’t exist anymore, those burnt and destroyed by the Empire.
Luke seems enthralled by it, entirely unaware of Leia’s presence, and it gives her a wonderful excuse to leave and do this later – or never. But she isn’t one to avoid something simply because it will be difficult and she came here with a purpose; she won’t leave without having accomplished it.
She still watches him turn the page twice before she finally decides to step around the anxious feeling in her stomach and knock on the doorframe.
“Luke,” she says softly, catching his attention.
He looks up from the book, a smile forming quickly on his lips when he spots her. It makes Leia feel all the worse.
“Leia! Come on in,” he says, tucking an access card between the pages of the book and placing it in his lap.
“Luke,” she says again, before she can reconsider and back out. “I-“
Luke tilts his head in question, eyebrows furrowing just the slightest, but his eyes are encouraging, kind, and patient. Blast it, it makes Leia even more angry with herself.
She’s never once been one to let her feelings dictate her, and yet she’d done just that a mere hour ago, letting Han get on her nerves and taking it out on Luke. One would expect more from a galactic senator and spy, and she certainly holds herself to higher standards than that.
“Luke, I’m sorry, about the kiss. I shouldn’t have-“
Luke waves her off even before she finishes.
“Don’t worry about it,” he says. “I know you didn’t mean anything by it.” His grin is reassuring in a way that makes Leia know that he really isn’t upset.
“Still,” she says, sitting down in the chair next to his bed and folding her hands in her lap. “I shouldn’t have used you like that.”
“You wanted to put Han in his place, I get it,” Luke says sagely, nodding as if it makes entire sense to kiss your friend just to get a guy off your case. Leia doesn’t think it’s entirely right, but she’s relieved to know she hasn’t jeopardised their friendship.
It’s what allows her to break, to show the frustration and irritation bubbling under her skin.
“He just- gets under my skin!” she exclaims, and Luke nods in understanding. It’s more than enough to encourage her to continue. “He’s so infuriating! He walks around talking all big about how handsome and attractive he thinks he is, and how he’s so damn certain I’m drooling over him like some- ugh! He’s so certain that I find him attractive and would want anything to do with that scoundrel, and I just- I just hate how he’s so- so-“
“Right?” Luke finishes for her. It almost feels like a slap to the face.
Leia’s cheeks grow warm and she’s certain the heat is showing on her face. It’s from anger, she tells herself.
She instantly opens her mouth to argue, but Luke interrupts her. “I know he’s overdoing it, but do you really think he would be doing it if he didn’t actually think there was some truth to it? Yeah, sure, he seems like a cocky asshole sometimes, but you don’t see him act the way he does around you with anyone else, do you?” he says. “As much as he doesn’t seem to pay attention to anyone but himself and the Falcon, I think he’s a lot more perceptive and caring than we give him credit for.”
Leia purses her lips, because she knows he’s right. She knows Han doesn’t walk around chatting up every person he lays his eyes on, knows he’s not as much of a sleaze as she tells herself he is. And she knows, too, how much attention he does pay, how much he does care, even if he won’t admit it. It’s in the little things, the small gestures, the way he wraps his jacket around her shoulders when he sees she’s cold, in the way he ruffles Luke’s hair and says something stupid to get him to smile when he’s having a rough day, in the way he gives Chewie part of his rations because he knows the Wookiee doesn’t get enough to eat, in the way he grins at her across the hanger when she’s stuck in a boring conversation for too long and he sees her start to lose focus.
“I’m sure he’d get off your back if you actually genuinely asked him to,” Luke gives her a teasing smile, “and meant it”
“That’s not- I don’t-“ she stutters, trying to deny the feelings she has been aware of for months but hasn’t wanted to acknowledge. Because telling Luke means telling herself and she isn’t sure she’s ready for that.
Besides, if Luke knows, it’s only a matter of time before Han does too, and she thinks she’d rather face Vader again than have that happen.
“You don’t have to pretend around me, I won’t judge,” Luke tells her. “We’re friends, right?”
Leia purses her lips again, holds her breath, and watches Luke’s reassuring eyes. She lets the breath go in one heavy sigh, and allows the worries and fears to settle over her.
“I just.. I’m helping lead a rebellion! I don’t have time for romance or whatever game he’s playing,” she says, sinking further into the uncomfortable chair. She isn’t about to let him woo her into something just to leave her with a broken heart. Because Han has said over and over that he’s leaving, time and time again. He’s even been close to it, a few times, and Leia doesn’t think she could handle it if she let him in only for him to leave.
“I don’t know,” Luke says thoughtfully. “I don’t think he’s playing any games.”
The worst part is, Leia doesn’t think so either, not really. But it’s easier to pretend that she does, and that he is. It makes it easier not to give in to the feelings she wishes she didn’t have.
“I’m not saying do anything you don’t want to, but I think he likes you, for real,” Luke says, voice soft and eyes softer. “And when will you ever have time, really?” he adds. “Who knows who gets to see the end of the war and who doesn’t?”
Leia knows that he’s right, and she hates it. There is no ‘right time’ in war, too high a risk in waiting for a time that may never come, and she’s not oblivious. She sees the way Han looks at her, feels the gentleness to the way he lets his hand rest on her waist when he guides her somewhere, hears the soft way he calls her Princess or Sweetheart, knows just as well as Luke does that Han isn’t fooling around, for all that it might seem like it.
But it can’t just be that easy, to let herself fall into whatever is between them; they’re in the middle of war, and either of them could be dead tomorrow. Leia doesn’t have time to be distracted by some cocky scoundrel, no matter how pretty his hazel eyes are, or how good he looks in that stupid leather jacket of his, or how his smile makes her insides flutter, or-
It’s not the time, not now, not when the Rebellion and the galaxy need her. And if that means that it’ll never be the time, then so be it. She has more important things to focus on than a man who looks at her like she’s more important than any of it, even when she wishes his gaze would be on her always. She has more pressing matters to concentrate on than love, even when her heart aches for her to take Han’s offered hand. She has more crucial things to think about, even if every day could be their last and she wishes nothing more than to know what it might be like, to love and be loved by him.
She has more important things to focus on, even if she aches to give all her attention to him.
Han thinks he knows exactly what she wants, and she hates that he’s right.
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theprotogeek · 3 years
Top 5 Recommended Scoundress Fanfics
Hi! It’s Emily from the Protogeek team and I’m bringing a new series to this Blog!!! I will be taking the Top 15 romantic ships of the Top Fandoms and giving you the best fanfics for these ships. The first fandom we will be doing is Star Wars, and to start it off we are talking about the best fics for the ship Scoundress. Scoundress is the romantic shipping between Han Solo and Leia Organa. This ship has been around since day one and is actually canonically compliant. To the right is our newly released Han Solo & Leia Organa Ship Shirt, available on our Etsy Store. Now without further ado, I reached out to some Scoundress Bloggers and here is 5 of the fanfics they highly recommended. New Hope, Indiana by Cicatrick Rated: M for mature Summary: On his 24th birthday, a rootless handyman makes an impulsive choice to help a cheerful blond hitchhiker rescue his mouthy cousin. Life in New Hope, Indiana is about to change. https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12076029/1/New-Hope-Indiana Children of the Future by Diggs Rated: T for teen Summary: The Solo children must be hidden again for their own safety, but they get sent to the only two people who can truly protect them: Han and Leia... before they were married. https://www.fanfiction.net/s/6573474/1/Children-of-the-Future
Into the Fire by suezahn Rated: M for mature Summary: Whether things are getting better or worse after the disaster on Hoth really depends on one's point of view. A trip-to-Bespin story and part of my Kismet series. https://www.fanfiction.net/s/4693962/1/Into-the-Fire Identity by madame.alexandra Rated: T for teen Summary: A distress signal reaches Coruscant after the Empire's demise, claiming to be the beacon of Bail Organa. What would the reappearance of Leia's adoptive father mean for her life in a post ROTJ context? What would he think of Han Solo, and what could he tell her about the dark shadow of her heritage? https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11923363/1/Identity Forty Days to Bespin by Leela Starsky Rated: M for mature Summary: They survived Hoth and the asteroid field, but can Han and Leia survive the next 40 days travelling sub-light to Bespin? https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11462032/1/Forty-Days-to-Bespin And there you have it, now get reading. Also I would like to give a big thank you to @theorganasolo, @hanleiaandcarrison, and @anothercarrisonhanleiablog for recommending me these amazing fanfics.
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lothloriien · 4 years
[i don’t want you to leave] [i won’t] - han solo/leia organa
“Leia, you okay?” he asked, concern filling his expression.
Leia felt her heart flutter at the sound of her name - he didn’t usually call her that - but kept her expression neutral.
“I’ll be fine,”
“I don’t care if you will be fine. Are you fine now?” he asked, lowering his voice after a quick scan of the room.
Leia was going to lie to him. She was going to tell him she was perfectly fine, and that she didn’t need his help, and that even if she did need help she wouldn’t have gone to him. Years of diplomatic training to hide her emotions hadn’t gone to waste. But her gaze met his, and the worry in his gaze poured into the air between them, and she knew she couldn’t lie.
continue reading
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subtlehysteria · 3 years
Chapters: 2/11 Fandom: The Mandalorian (TV), Star Wars - All Media Types Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Din Djarin/Luke Skywalker, CC-2224 | Cody/Obi-Wan Kenobi, Leia Organa/Han Solo, Luke Skywalker & Ahsoka Tano, Leia Organa & Luke Skywalker, Din Djarin & Grogu | Baby Yoda & Luke Skywalker Characters: Luke Skywalker, Din Djarin, Obi-Wan Kenobi, CC-2224 | Cody, Leia Organa, Han Solo, Lando Calrissian, Grogu | Baby Yoda, Ahsoka Tano, C-3PO (Star Wars), Sheev Palpatine, Satine Kryze, Boba Fett, Bo-Katan Kryze, Cara Dune, Paz Vizsla, Cobb Vanth, Fennec Shand, Axe Woves Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Princess Diaries Fusion, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Arranged Marriage, Prince Luke Skywalker, Duke Din Djarin, Forbidden Love, Misunderstandings, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Luke Skywalker Needs A Hug, Secret Crush, angsty idiots in love, Obi-Wan Kenobi Is Bad At Feelings, but Cody loves him anyway, Culture Shock, Mutual Pining, Fluff and Angst, Sign Language Series: Part 1 of Royal Catastrophes As Told By Luke Skywalker Summary:
Dear Diary,
I am the worst brother in the world.
Remember that almost-Prince Charming I mentioned before? Well, Leia may or may not be courting him all because of some stupid law and parliament insisting she be married before she takes the throne. Otherwise, this mysterious Lord Han Solo, who no one’s even heard of until now, is going to snatch the crown right out from under her nose. And yet I still find myself trying to come up with reasons why Leia can’t marry Din. Only problem is, there is none. Din is as perfect as any person can be. Accommodating, sweet, kind, an amazing father.
And I’ve barely said two words to him since his arrival.
Freshly graduated from university with BSCs in hand, Luke and his sister Leia have officially moved to the royal palace in Naboo. Leia's coronation is on the horizon but a wrench is thrown into the works when they're informed that Leia needs to enter an arranged marriage to ascend the throne. But out of everyone she just has to go and choose the one guy Luke fell maybe just a little head over heels for not days before at their birthday ball.
Luke is determined to put his feelings aside for Leia's sake. Whether he'll succeed though is still up for debate.
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leia-organa-fics · 3 years
Prompt: post ROTJ. A big reunion scene between Han/Leia after spending weeks apart. They make something of a spectacle of themselves, but Leia doesn't care anymore. She missed Han and she doesn't care who knows it.
Sorry, it took me a while to get this done and it´s not particularly long, but I hope you still enjoy what I came up with. I definitely enjoyed writing it. 
In case it´s confusing: Leia is at a political gala when Han suprises her. 
“Aren´t you a little short for a princess?” drawled a familiar voice behind Leia.
She spun around. There he was. “Han!”
Before she could even fully comprehend that he was here, standing in front of her, he had already crossed the last few meters between them and pulled her into his arms. On instinct, Leia´s arms wrapped around his neck. The polite chitchat around them quietened – or maybe her mind just tuned it out – as she buried her head in his chest and inhaled his familiar scent.
In Leia´s childhood, home had smelled like chinar trees, Papa´s favourite herbal tea, and Mama´s starflower perfume, but now it smelled like this. Leather, machine oil, and something distinctively Han. Immediately, a feeling of safety engulfed her. For the first time in weeks, her mind quietened down and allowed her to exist entirely in this one moment.
“I missed you,” she mumbled against his chest.
Han pressed a kiss to her hair. “Missed you too, princess.”
“What are you doing here? You weren´t supposed to arrive until tomorrow morning.”
“Sometimes the Falcon surprises even me.”
“You´re not supposed to push her that hard, it´s not safe.”
Instead of answering, Han broke away from their embrace and kissed her. At first, Leia wanted to protest. They were in the middle of a room full of diplomats and politicians after all. But then he buried one of his hands in her hair and pulled her that much closer. The rest of the world faded in the background again, as Leia let her body melt into his.
Force, she had missed him the last few weeks. Why couldn´t Mon and Dodonna have sent someone else to the Outer Rim? The time of Han´s absence had felt like an eternity. The days had gone by agonizingly slowly and she just hadn´t been able to stop worrying that something happened to him. She wouldn´t have been able to deal with that. Winning the war just to lose Han directly afterwards… Their victory would have lost all meaning.
“I´m so glad you´re okay,” she whispered against his lips.
“Of course, I am. Takes more than a few leftover stormtroopers to take out a scoundrel like me.”
“You´re my scoundrel.”
“I´m just glad all those self-important chatterboxes know that now,” he smirked. “You look amazing in that dress.”
For the first time since he´d arrived Leia paid attention to the rest of the room. People were staring at them. And whispering. Immediately, she felt a blush creeping into her cheeks. They must have made quite the spectacle of themselves. She let her forehead fall against Han´s chest again so she didn´t have to face all those onlookers. “Mon´s going to kill me.”
“She won´t,” Han replied smugly. “Epic romances are good for the morale.”
“Epic romances?” Leia shot him an incredulous look. “Have you been reading those books again?”
“No!” The offended look on his face was a nice touch, but she didn´t believe him for a second.
“You better behave yourself for the rest of the evening, Captain. Otherwise, I´ll have to tell Luke about that guilty pleasure of yours.”
“Don´t worry, princess.” He bent down to whisper in her ear. “I´m going to make sure that you´ll be very satisfied by the end of the night.”
Those words combined with Han´s hot breath against her neck sent a shiver down her body and she immediately wished that she could cut this gala short to spend some much-needed alone time with him.
Han seemed to be able to read her mind if the smug grin on his face was anything to go by. He pressed an open-mouthed kiss to her neck, before straightening up and turning so that he stood next to her. One of his hands found its place dangerously low on her back, as he guided her towards the door.
Leia decided that just for tonight she didn´t care what anyone else thought.
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reallybadfeeling · 3 years
FanFic Reclist May 2021
This month I truly struggled to focus on doing anything, and I ended up reading a lot of fics on the shorter side, like around 10-20k. Usually I enjoy reading more plot heavy fics, so I had kind of a hard time to really point out which of the many fics I read to suggest (especially because my memory is shit and I forgot to write down which ones I loved from each week). Long story short, this month's list is actually of 4 fic only. Hope you enjoy my suggestions anyway.
The Witcher
-Customs of Courtship and Marriage by Jack Ironsides (@jackironsidesfic) Geralt/Jaskier - 14.553 words - Rating G - Friends to lovers, Courting rituals, Fluff and humor, Self-esteem issues
I absolutely adore the courting rituals tag and this fic is absolutely lovely. The whole story is based on the idea that people think Jaskier has a wife and he rarely tells anyone otherwise and… Those two dorks, you guys! Such a lovely "feel good" read!
-I will not kiss you by akindofmerrywar (which tumblr won't let me properly tag 'cause today it's being weird) Geralt/Jaskier - 22.837 words - Rating E - Curses, Sickfic, Near death experience, Pining, Angst
This fic reduced me to tears so many times! I absolutely adore Geralt's POV fics and this one has him being (not so) secretly VERY emotional. I just loved how bad it hurt, especially with that lovely ending to make up for all the crying.
Star Wars Rebels -Chef’s Kiss by HixyStix (@x-wing-junkie) Kallus/Garazeb - 13.818 words - Rating E - Modern AU, Rivals to lovers, Kitchen sex, Chef Zeb, Manager Kallus
I haven’t made it a mystery that I absolutely love HixyStix’s Kalluzeb fics, and it’s always nice to find a new one to read. The bickering between Kallus and Zeb is so good in this one! Absolutely a must read, like any other fic from her, really..
Star Wars Sequels/Originals -Saving the Last Hope by Aaveena (@aaveena) Rey/Ben, Leia/Han - 262.160 words - Rating T - Time travel, Family reunions, Fluff & Angst, Happy ending, Force Dyad
I gotta admit, I’m absolutely surprised that the only really long fic I managed to read this month is this beast. Mostly because it has one of the tags I hate the most: time travel. The reason for this unexpected love is most likely the whole “let’s fix the entire Skywalker family” kind of theme of the fic. Can’t help it, I want good things for the entire family! It also helped that the narration switches between so many points of view, you get a chance to be in everyone’s mind, and hear their thought process. Highly suggest giving it a read. It’s technically a series and the author hinted at a possible sequel so… I’m waiting patiently to read more (possibly about Ben and Rey building up a family of their own?).
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i-want-to-bethlieve · 2 years
Fic Rec! Every fan of Han Solo and Leia Organa should be reading 'In a World Where You Are Possible' by Keys 2 the Falcon on ff.net
It is a work in progress and it gets better and better with each chapter. She writes Han and Leia wonderfully. They are both complex characters and you'll be rooting for them to get it together already. I highly recommend it.
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buffshipper8490 · 4 years
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Summary: If C-3PO didn't interrupt Han and Leia's kiss in "The Empire Strikes Back"
From the moment he met her, Han Solo knew that he was either going to fall in love with her or kill her. Princess Leia Organa. She was shrewd, spoiled, headstrong. Beautiful, a giant in a tiny body. Since the moment they met, Leia never missed an opportunity to knock him down down a peg or two.
He should of hated her, but instead, he was absolutely enamored with her. She was perfect.
Now only if he could get her to admit that she felt the same way....
Likes ❤ and Reblogs 🔁are much appreciated
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starlockedst · 3 years
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jakku-princess · 5 years
Hey Star Wars fandom: I really want to start writing fanfiction (specifically Han/Leia) but I’m having trouble continuing my WIPS because I’m kind of nervous. So if anyone can give me a little encouragement I’d greatly appreciate that. I’ve been hanging around the fringes of the OT fandom for several years now, and you all are wonderful writers and seem like such lovely people and I really want to be a more productive member of the community. ❤️
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mira-gilastorm · 5 years
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Stardust & Steles - a #starwars and #shadowhunters crossover fic. New chapter up! Read now -> http://ow.ly/bfJW30nBAyb . . #rebelcaptain #saveshadowhunters #fanfic #mgwrites #writeblr #writersofinstagram #writing #scoundress #jedipilot #malec #clace https://www.instagram.com/p/BtjapdVAaRD/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=y8eneqt7mvob
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some han and leia fluff, whatever you feel
this is kind of a continuation of this
“This is nice,” Leia said. She leaned back in her chair and took a sip of wine.
Han, sitting across the table from her, smiled. His wine glass was still mostly full, but he took a steady drink of it now, gripping the stem of the wineglass tight enough to hide the slight tremble of nerves in his hand.
“I’m glad you think so,” he said.
“How’d you get a reservation?” Leia asked. The restaurant--a brilliantly lavish penthouse outfitted with mahogany tables and seven chandeliers--was typically booked six months in advance.
Han shrugged. “I used your name,” Han said.
Leia laughed. “I see,” she said, and took another sip of wine.
“Listen, Leia,” Han said, leaning forward. He felt the box in his pocket, and quickly took a gulp of wine to steady his nerves.
He was interrupted by the waiter arriving with their appetizer. “Here you are ma’am, sir,” he said, placing a plate of golden-brown rice rolls stuffed with balong, a meat that tasted much like shrimp, on the table.
“Thanks,” Han said, not really meaning it.
Leia took a balong roll and popped it into her mouth. After chewing for a moment, she said, “Were you going to ask me something?”
“No,” Han said quickly. Then, “Yes. Well...yes.”
Leia frowned. “Is everything okay?” she asked, concerned. It was not like Han to express so much uncertainty.
“Yes,” Han said, even quicker. “It’s just...” He took a deep breath.
“Can I refill your wine glasses?”
Han ground his teeth and looked up at the waiter standing over him with a wine bottle in hand. “Sure,” he almost growled, and held up his almost-empty wine glass for the waiter to take.
“So,” Leia said, once the waiter was gone, “what were you going to ask?”
Han reached into his pocket, feeling the box cool and smooth against his fingers. He took it out beneath the table and fiddled with it. “I just wanted to ask...” Han took another deep breath--and let it out along with his courage. “It’s nothing,” he said. “Never mind.”
Leia frowned. “Are you okay?” she asked, leaning forward and placing her wineglass on the table.
“‘m fine,” Han mumbled. The box was heavy in the palm of his right hand, demanding and far too real for comfort. He shoved it back into his pocket.
Leia frowned, unconvinced, but she didn’t press. Instead, she struck up a conversation about Luke’s new batch of Force users that had just arrived on Coruscant seeking training.
“They seem like a good bunch,” she said, just as their main course arrived.
They ate in an awkward silence, Han brooding over the feeling of the box still in his pocket, Leia confused and concerned. They were almost done with Han, not quite to tipsy, yanked the box out of his pocket again and, holding it under the table, took a third large breath.
He wanted this. He wanted this more than anything else he had ever wanted. He wanted to spend the rest of his life with her, and wanted the whole world to know it. He wanted to wake up beside her every morning for the rest of their lives. He wanted to grow old with her. He wanted to see a ring on her finger, and know that she was his for forever and always, til death do them part.
He wanted this.
So why did he hesitate, other than cowardice?
“Leia,” Han said, and with one final gulp of wine, put the glass down and lifted the box from beneath the table. “I have a question for you. It’s actually the reason we came here. I wanted tonight to be special--something we could remember for always. I mean, I hope so anyway.”
“Han,” Leia said, reaching out across the table to put a hand on his arm. “Calm down. What is it you wanted to ask me?”
“Willyoumarryme,” Han said, all at once.
Leia froze. “What?” she asked.
Han took one final, deep breath. “Will you marry me?” he asked, slower this time.
Leia stared.
Han swallowed thickly and clenched the box in his hand. Then he forced himself to loosen his grip and, slowly, he reached out and lifted the lid to show Leia the ring inside.
Leia looked up at him, the faintest shadow of a smile pressing her lips. “Do you really mean it?” she asked. “You want to marry me?”
“You’re my light and life, Leia,” Han said. “Of course I want to marry you. If...if you want to marry me.”
She laughed, sudden and bright. “Of course I want to marry you,” she said. She stood and came around the table, grabbed Han’s hands, the ring box still in his right one, and dragged him to his feet. She threw her arms around him and kissed him fiercely. “Of course I’ll marry you,” she said again, pulling away just enough to speak.
Han smiled, brilliant and broad, and kissed her again. “Good. Thank you. I’m glad,” he said, and kissed her a third time.
He took the ring out of the box and slid it onto her middle finger--the traditional Alderaanian ring finger--and then clasped her hands in his. “It looks beautiful on you,” he said.
Leia smiled. “It does,” she said. “Thank you, Han.” Then, “Does Luke know?”
“I talked to him about it this morning.”
Leia smiled. “Of course you did.”
“I want to do this right,” Han said. “As close to tradition as possible. I know that’s important to you.”
“Thank you, Han,” Leia said again. She reached up, and pulled him down to her again. “I love you,” she said against his lips.
“I know,” Han said, smiling.
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