khaleesa · 10 months
for the ask game: 15
Are there words, phrases, mannerisms or scenes you tend to use a lot?
Oh jeez lol. Yeah, I write a lot of scenes were people are eating because it's easy to describe what's going on around the dialogue, natural conversational beats, etc. EXCEPT for that one time I wrote a dinner scene for a Downton Abbey fic (A Girl in Black, I think?) that had like 20+ speaking characters in it? That was kind of a nightmare, I had to draw a seating chart to keep up with everyone.
My characters also do a lot of blinking in reaction to something that is said. And a lot of scrunching their hair in back or stroking beards. Fidgeting, in general.
Anyone got any more fanfic asks for me?
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mariusperkins · 10 months
2 and 7, please!
2. What fanfic do you wish you got more response on?
Maybe Final Girls Club? It's so niche, and not really what other people who are looking for friday the 13th fic are looking for (judging by the rest of the tag), but I wish there was more of an audience for it
7. What trope do you love writing?
I don't know if this is cheating bc it's a fandom trope rather than a broader one but: samsam don't realise fero is dating samol. Every time I write it I'm like hehehe and rubbing my hands together
Curious? Ask away!!
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Tagged by @cha-melodius and @orchidscript today, but a big thanks to @kiwiana-writes and @rmd-writes for their tags this weekend while I was insensible.
“How did your mum take it? When you came out?” Henry asks suddenly, looking right at Alex with those baby blues, and Alex is thrown back in time. Sophomore year. Liam, who answered ‘yeah, they wanted me to visit, but Alex asked too’ when his mom enquired about what his own parents were doing for Thanksgiving. He’s fairly sure she never asked outright, but when Alex returned at Christmas with a new haircut and a broken heart she’d made him cocoa every night for a week. And she sat through Love Actually with him.  “I never did,” Alex says quietly. “I just… just brought a guy home. Maybe she asked June about it, and June might have said something about me dating both girls and boys, but… she knows. I told her about you. I mean, when I thought you were Harry. I told her there was a guy.” “Oh,” Henry says thickly, almost in lowercase, and then he’s pressing a gentle kiss to Alex’s lips, his hands on the back of Alex’s head, and it feels so perfect but Alex can’t take it, not now.
Tagging @clottedcreamfudge @dumbpeachjuice (pls for CRUMBS of witchy fic, pls) @gloriousclio, @welcometololaland, @sherryvalli, @everwitch-magiks!
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lajulie24 · 10 months
First and Last Lines
rules: go to your last 5 fics and share the first and last line with no context :)
I borrowed this one from @walkawaytall who took it from @gloriousclio - thank you, this looks fun!
1. Another time
First: This briefing felt like it had been going on for hours, but Leia was doing her level best to at least appear to be paying attention.
Last: And there would definitely need to be another time.
2. The doorway to a thousand churches
First: Han felt Chewie’s soft fur against his forehead as the Wookiee patted him, Han’s body steadied with a firm arm holding him upright and clasped to Chewie’s chest.
Last: “I’m here,” she said. “I’m not going anywhere without you.”
3. Fumbling Towards Ecstasy
First: Leia’s eyes blinked open, and it took her a beat to remember precisely where she was.
Last: “I love you,” she said, and kissed him.
4. If we survived the great war
First: Luke took a sip of his kaffe and made a face.
Last: “Yeah,” he said, watching her mirror his own smile as they pulled apart. “Yeah, I think we do.”
5. One Half Won’t Do
First: Carlist Rieekan’s head was still reeling. What the hell happened? When did I lose control?
Last (so far, this is a WIP): “Yeah,” Han said. “Yeah, that’ll do nicely.”
Tagging: Please consider yourself tagged if you write fics and would like to do this one! And if you do, tag me so I can see?
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earlgreytea68 · 7 months
Tagged by @iguessaj
10 Tunes 10 Tags
aka shuffling your Spotify "On Repeat" playlist 10 times and then tagging 10 people
Catch - Dresses
Love from the Other Side - Fall Out Boy
Valens - Graveyard Club
Moonglow - Graveyard Club
Oh My Stars - Andrew Belle
July - Graveyard Club
The Patron Saint of Liars and Fakes - Fall Out Boy
Que Bonito - Rosario
Brividi - Mahmood and BLANCO
XO - Fall Out Boy
This was definitely a little skewed by my Halloween fic writing playlist being entirely Graveyard Club lol.
I tag: @sdlibrarian @gloriousclio @novembersnowflake @eclaireevans @amysnotdeadyet @tripocket @millsimagination @headforhalos @steven-cartoons @lolcari
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walkawaytall · 10 months
First lines & last lines
First lines & last lines
rules: go to your last 5 fics and share the first and last line with no context :)
Straight up took this from @gloriousclio.
It's all Star Wars, babes.
First line: None of this was supposed to happen.
Last line (so far...this is a WIP): That was all she wanted for the night.
from Purpose of Heritage
First line: The silence was killing her.
Last line: “Sure, Princess. That’s why.”
from Theories
First line: He was in the Command Center, which was apparently something of note judging by the reactions of the communications officer on duty and a couple of lower-level officers whose names he hadn’t learned.
Last line: “‘Course not.”
from A Billion Ways to Die in Space
First line: There is a day when the quiet seeps into her bones, the burden of memory sealing her lips and causing her throat to tighten until words cannot escape without more effort than she can spare.
Last line: He does not seem eager to leave, so she buries her tired, tear-ravaged eyes in his shirt and waits for another wave to hit.
from Brief Shadow
First line: They’d all lost their damn minds.
Last line: It’s always gonna be her.
from So, Now I Have to Destroy Them
Tagging is self-service today.
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mygangtome · 3 years
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Bonus content includes more conversations about the show, legends, and how we’re still relating to these characters and situations today. Plus things that don’t even have to do with Robin Hood, because it is more fun that way! 
Remember - Never Forget The Outlaws, and We Are Robin Hood!
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Come join us on April 26th when we drop the pilot episode, “Will You Tolerate This?” (a question which goes double for our podcast)!
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lafseanchai · 3 years
Happy April 26th, aka My Gang This Way! The day that fans of Robin Hood BBC's picked to celebrate our love of this show. Glorious_clio, RK and ladyarcherfan watch the pilot episode and fan girl hard. And Never Forget the Outlaws! 
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khaleesa · 10 months
First & Last Lines
rules: go to your last 5 fics and share the first and last line with no context :)
Thanks for tagging me, @gloriousclio! My five most recent fics are all Stranger Things.
What a Girl Wants
First: “Okay, Cunningham,” Eddie called from the hallway, “how do you wanna–?" 
Last: So Eddie did. 
2. Division of Labor
First: “I’m not wearing any underwear,” Chrissy said, walking into the kitchen. “Thought you’d like to know.“ 
Last: And honestly, so did he. 
3. Faint Heart, Fair Lady
First: "Chrissy, take ten!" 
Last: And that was the most surprising thing of all.
4. Tomorrowland
First: The rocketship slide, layered with decades of chipped paint and rust, would've been a better vantage point to watch the Creel house for the signal, but Chrissy couldn't bring herself to approach it.
Last: Gripped with a sudden courage and decisiveness, Chrissy stood up. "Then you can hold my hand," she said, and twined their fingers together. 
5. Guidance Counseling
First: "Ms. Kelley, I have to graduate."
Last (cheating just a little bit because the last line is song lyrics lol): He knew Hawkins High was shrinking in the rearview mirror, but he drove ahead, toward the setting sun, and didn't give it another glance.
School's out for summer 
School's out forever
I tag: @1lostsoul0fishbowl, @a-strange-inkling, @gingertumericlemon, @bratanimus, and @staceymcgillicuddy
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mariusperkins · 1 year
i had a rough anxiety day, but then i came home to your lovely galentine. THANK YOU! I cheered me up so much. <3
I'm so glad you liked it!! Happy early Valentine's Day 💕💕💕
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a genuine and heartfelt thank you to everyone who tagged me - @daisymae-12, @orchidscript, @cha-melodius, @14carrotghoul, @dumbpeachjuice and @affectionatelyrs.
Have some Podcast fic! Not sure when the next chapter will be up due to all-encompassing life stuff happening for the rest of the week but here's a preview.
When June calls again, Alex picks up. He hasn’t been ignoring her calls on purpose, it was just that David wanted some attention. He wonders if she’ll buy that. “Hey,” he says, cringing about how utterly morose he sounds. His sister’s warm voice floods the phoneline. She sounds concerned, and kind of angry. “Alex, what the fuck is going on? What the hell are you talking about, your fucking up again? Are you okay? Do I need to come to Seattle?” “I’m f–” “Do not tell me you’re fine,” June interrupts him. “Nora hasn’t been herself either. What’s going on?” “We, uh.” Alex lies back on his bad, staring at the ceiling. He thinks the person who lived here before was scared of the night-time; there are faint outlines of stars he assumes were glow-in-the-dark. “It’s the podcast again. Sorry. But we’re probably not going to be releasing it. It’s cancelled.”
Tagging @rmd-writes, @welcometololaland, @kiwiana-writes, @clottedcreamfudge, @gloriousclio and @nixieteeth! And anyone else who wants to share in open tag.
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otherpens · 5 years
  Best Wishes and warmest regards ��
you’re right of course but that won’t keep me from feeling sad. i love this show, it makes me feel so soft
I fully understand why people are disappointed, and it’s natural to want more of what we love! I think it’s a bold choice they’re making, and not an easy one, but I want to trust that they’re gonna give us a great, well-written send-off for all these characters we love and we’re going to be able to revisit the whole show on re-watches and not feel like it ever got stale or took a wrong turn.
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some han and leia fluff, whatever you feel
this is kind of a continuation of this
“This is nice,” Leia said. She leaned back in her chair and took a sip of wine.
Han, sitting across the table from her, smiled. His wine glass was still mostly full, but he took a steady drink of it now, gripping the stem of the wineglass tight enough to hide the slight tremble of nerves in his hand.
“I’m glad you think so,” he said.
“How’d you get a reservation?” Leia asked. The restaurant--a brilliantly lavish penthouse outfitted with mahogany tables and seven chandeliers--was typically booked six months in advance.
Han shrugged. “I used your name,” Han said.
Leia laughed. “I see,” she said, and took another sip of wine.
“Listen, Leia,” Han said, leaning forward. He felt the box in his pocket, and quickly took a gulp of wine to steady his nerves.
He was interrupted by the waiter arriving with their appetizer. “Here you are ma’am, sir,” he said, placing a plate of golden-brown rice rolls stuffed with balong, a meat that tasted much like shrimp, on the table.
“Thanks,” Han said, not really meaning it.
Leia took a balong roll and popped it into her mouth. After chewing for a moment, she said, “Were you going to ask me something?”
“No,” Han said quickly. Then, “Yes. Well...yes.”
Leia frowned. “Is everything okay?” she asked, concerned. It was not like Han to express so much uncertainty.
“Yes,” Han said, even quicker. “It’s just...” He took a deep breath.
“Can I refill your wine glasses?”
Han ground his teeth and looked up at the waiter standing over him with a wine bottle in hand. “Sure,” he almost growled, and held up his almost-empty wine glass for the waiter to take.
“So,” Leia said, once the waiter was gone, “what were you going to ask?”
Han reached into his pocket, feeling the box cool and smooth against his fingers. He took it out beneath the table and fiddled with it. “I just wanted to ask...” Han took another deep breath--and let it out along with his courage. “It’s nothing,” he said. “Never mind.”
Leia frowned. “Are you okay?” she asked, leaning forward and placing her wineglass on the table.
“‘m fine,” Han mumbled. The box was heavy in the palm of his right hand, demanding and far too real for comfort. He shoved it back into his pocket.
Leia frowned, unconvinced, but she didn’t press. Instead, she struck up a conversation about Luke’s new batch of Force users that had just arrived on Coruscant seeking training.
“They seem like a good bunch,” she said, just as their main course arrived.
They ate in an awkward silence, Han brooding over the feeling of the box still in his pocket, Leia confused and concerned. They were almost done with Han, not quite to tipsy, yanked the box out of his pocket again and, holding it under the table, took a third large breath.
He wanted this. He wanted this more than anything else he had ever wanted. He wanted to spend the rest of his life with her, and wanted the whole world to know it. He wanted to wake up beside her every morning for the rest of their lives. He wanted to grow old with her. He wanted to see a ring on her finger, and know that she was his for forever and always, til death do them part.
He wanted this.
So why did he hesitate, other than cowardice?
“Leia,” Han said, and with one final gulp of wine, put the glass down and lifted the box from beneath the table. “I have a question for you. It’s actually the reason we came here. I wanted tonight to be special--something we could remember for always. I mean, I hope so anyway.”
“Han,” Leia said, reaching out across the table to put a hand on his arm. “Calm down. What is it you wanted to ask me?”
“Willyoumarryme,” Han said, all at once.
Leia froze. “What?” she asked.
Han took one final, deep breath. “Will you marry me?” he asked, slower this time.
Leia stared.
Han swallowed thickly and clenched the box in his hand. Then he forced himself to loosen his grip and, slowly, he reached out and lifted the lid to show Leia the ring inside.
Leia looked up at him, the faintest shadow of a smile pressing her lips. “Do you really mean it?” she asked. “You want to marry me?”
“You’re my light and life, Leia,” Han said. “Of course I want to marry you. If...if you want to marry me.”
She laughed, sudden and bright. “Of course I want to marry you,” she said. She stood and came around the table, grabbed Han’s hands, the ring box still in his right one, and dragged him to his feet. She threw her arms around him and kissed him fiercely. “Of course I’ll marry you,” she said again, pulling away just enough to speak.
Han smiled, brilliant and broad, and kissed her again. “Good. Thank you. I’m glad,” he said, and kissed her a third time.
He took the ring out of the box and slid it onto her middle finger--the traditional Alderaanian ring finger--and then clasped her hands in his. “It looks beautiful on you,” he said.
Leia smiled. “It does,” she said. “Thank you, Han.” Then, “Does Luke know?”
“I talked to him about it this morning.”
Leia smiled. “Of course you did.”
“I want to do this right,” Han said. “As close to tradition as possible. I know that’s important to you.”
“Thank you, Han,” Leia said again. She reached up, and pulled him down to her again. “I love you,” she said against his lips.
“I know,” Han said, smiling.
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nettlestonenell · 6 years
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@gloriousclio wrote me a BBCRH story “House Call” to a prompt I’d requested around the time of my surgery. It was lovely!
I forgot to thank her here, and let her know that she can certainly post it anywhere she’d liked, so that other readers can also tell her that it was lovely and it made their day as well.
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lafseanchai · 3 years
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graciecatfamilyband · 7 years
alderaanallday replied to your post “jainadurron replied to your post “Literally so jealous of all the...”
Lol enjoy our 1.5 seasons and no snow (or even rain for that matter)
hanorganaas reblogged your post and added:
ill trade you!
frozen-force-leia reblogged your post and added:
I’m one of those people getting the snow.
replied to your post
“Literally so jealous of all the people who are getting snow right now....”
sure it looks pretty but i might have to go and move my car so the snowplow can go by
@@frozen-force-leia @gloriousclio​ STOP BRAGGING. (JK I don’t miss dealing with snowplows and car snow stuff, that’s no fun. BUT I’D TAKE IT ANYWAY)
@hanorganaas DONE, I appreciate you!
@alderaanallday (I just tried to @ you using your first name, it didn’t work ;) :P) SHUT UP. THIS IS STUPID. I HATE IT. I MISS RAIN TOOOOOOO *WEEPING*
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