#scrolling by kudos was always not the best option in that tag but now it’s a mess!
jemgirl86 · 8 months
Scrolled SamBucky ao3 the other day for the first time in a hot minute, instead of just relying on email notifications from (and/or the archives of) my favorite authors, and whew chile lol. You know, I could write an essay about the SamBucky tag on there… and I could devote half of it to the way irreparable damage was done to an already… unpredictable place, during two months in 2021, but, well never mind lol
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stormblessed95 · 8 months
How to search some specific genre fics on ao3 ? Like do we put the genre on Google or should put that on ao3 and we'll get? I mean idk exactly what are the things we should use to describe or find specific genre fics on ao3, idk how it works sorry, so if you can just tell me how to search that wil be helpful..
I'm okay with doing a quick little AO3 tags lesson! I'm on mobile for now though, so that's what you are getting.
So idk if there are better ways, but I normally start with the fandom (unless you are searching more specifically off the bat, but I like browsing and seeing what catches my eye.) So for this example, let's say the MDZS fandom is what we are searching in as that's the fandom sandbox that has been the subject of my hyper fixation for a while now! So either find while already in AO3 or just type "x fandom AO3" into Google too, that would work just fine lol. Than once in the fandom tag, click "filters"
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Once in filters, you'll see a bunch of options, the ones you probably want to use first for "genre" type stuff is the relationships, other tags and sort by. Those are the ones I use most anyway
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Under relationships click the pairing you want to read about (if you are searching under BTS, you'd click "Jeon Jungkook/Park Jimin" if you want Jikook fics) and then you could also type in under other tags which type of story you are looking for. And then I always sort by kudos to get the highest rated fics at the top....
So let's do wangxian as my pairing....
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Then I can figure out what type of vibe of story I might want.... Like if I wanted an AU, it would give suggestions as I type too....
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Or a fix it....
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Or time travel....
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Plus the additional tags gives some of the most popular tags in the fandom we are under currently that get used.... You can check off any of those....
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You can also check the other filters to narrow things down further, like if you want completed fics only. The type of relationship (m/m, m/f, f/f, etc), the rating (explicit to general), you can also check off if you want to exclude anything. So if you really don't want to read about a certain tag or relationship, exclude it and any fics with that in it won't show up in your search.
So if I just said I want a Wangxian fic that's in a modern university setting... I can put that into the filters, sort by kudos.... And it'll just give me pages of fics I can scroll through till I find a description/summary that appeals to me lol
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(and in case anyone was wondering, the first two fics are hilarious and adorable and I plan to read ride a socialist now lol)
If this was NOT helpful, tell me and I'll try to do better. Lmao or if you need help finding something specific let me know and I'll do my best!
Thanks for asking!
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bigphatpussylips · 2 years
AO3 Fic Finding Strategies: Notes from a fanfic enjoyer
I've been actively reading fanfiction for a long time now and I noticed some of the different ways I choose to browse my preferred fanfiction platform, Ao3, and have given them silly names.
The Author Stalker- Take that author whose work you liked and go though every available work/bookmark/collection/tumblr ect. You can find. 
I find most of my "diamond in the ruff" fics this way. I don't know how many amazing fics I would have never found if I didn't click on someone else's bookmark simply because I thought they had good taste based on their writing. 
My preferred method of fic finding on most days.
Fresh Fish- Sort by "date updated". Refresh obsessively.
I use this when I'm searching for the serotonin that comes with an update notification in my email. Really good for those looking for active authors/fics. Makes me feel vaguely passive in a way, like a bear trying to catch a salmon by standing still with their mouth open. 
The Indecisive Girlfriend-  Load any and all tags/filters ect. you know you don't want into that handy exclude box. I often add more as I encounter them while I browse. 
Ever ask someone where they want to eat and they say "anything", but every restaurant you suggest gets turned down? Yeah. Sometimes you have to use (and abuse) the process of elimination. Can be exceedingly laborious depending on the amount of tags you wish to avoid that day. Often well worth it though.
The Tall Order - An opposite to The Indecisive Girlfriend method. For when you know exactly what kind of fic you want to read. Add every possible tag/filter/archive warning ect you can think of for your hypothetical fic. If you don't get any results the first time remove tags until you do! 
While not always successful, I usually find something similar enough for the effort to be worth it. Akin to going to Starbucks and ordering the most cracked sounding drink you can think of just to see if they'd actually make it. 
Rainy Day Fund- Going through your Marked for Later folder.
I often send fics to the "marked for later" folder for a variety of reasons. Either the fiction wasn't what I was looking for but sounded interesting or it sounded promising but I wasn't sure. Regardless, I often let this collection of fics accumulate until I'm having a dry spell and re-reading my bookmarks isn't doing it for me. This has saved my poor, dopamine starved, ADHD-riddled brain from content starvation on many occasions. 
Tag jumping- Exploring the fandom specific tags. 
I don't ever start out browsing this way but I end up doing it often enough. Clicking through fun looking tags leads to some weird rabbit holes but I find the BEST au's this way. 
Testing Murky Waters- Giving previously passed over fics a second chance.
For when I'm feeling brave. Or I've just passed over this particular fic a hundred times already and I'm curious. 
The Catalog- I sort by kudos but you can use any sorting option. Exclude any triggering tags. Start on "page one" and scroll through every fic till you reach the end. I call this strategy the catalog because I'll write down what "page" I'm on so I can pick up where I left off.
I only do this if I intend to sort through every fic I can get my hands on for a specific fandom tag. Hyperfixations baby. 
Does anybody else do shit like this? How do you find you fav fanfic?
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spnfic-search-blog · 4 years
Hiya, I was wondering if you could help me find a fic. I know it’s on AO3, it’s a Dean x Castiel x Sam x Gabriel x reader fic were they just came back from the alternative universe and they are all sitting in a hot tub that is in the bunker. The fic is mostly dean x reader but has a lot and I mean A LOT of smut.
The best match I found was Esprit de Corps by sp_oops
Reminders on how not to lose fics
If you’re signed in to Ao3 bookmark the fic
kudos and comment so it can be in your history
If you don’t have an account bookmark it on your phone and comment something memorable about the fic so when the author responds you’ll now have a direct link to the fic in your email
For tumblr reblog with a short easy to remember tag so you can always find it again on your own blog
On mobile there is a symbol on the post that resembles a paper plane when you hit that scroll to the end where it has the more option and click save to reading list. Now the post/fic will be saved to your phones reading list that is easily accessible through your web browser
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shyanlibrary · 6 years
I was scrolling through your blog and you mentioned that faq doesn't work for Android and I have an android so could you please tell me the gist of what I should know? Thanks!!
Okay, so:
~ To know before asking
English is my second lenguage and I’m latina. Sorry for any mistakes I may make with my english and my different time zone.
I have read ALL finished fanfictions tagged under Ry*n B*rg*ra/Shan* M*dej tag at AO3 posted until feb. 14, 2018. I read everything that calls my attention in the tag from that day on.
I have my preferences and I have not read certain fics that may trigger old traumas and etc. Personal preferences are listed here.
Most recs I do are personal and come from my favorite fanfictions in the fandom. I’m a very picky person, so what I may like, you may not. I will not tolerate any kind of hate because of this.
Hate speech of any kind and “anti” sentiments are NOT welcome in this blog. I will never support the bullying and self-righteous feeling some members in certain portions of the fandom may post in the tags.
I only read shyan fanfics and I’m not into polyam. This doesn’t mean these kind of fics aren’t allowed in this blog, just that I won’t be reading them.
This also means platonic stuff will NOT be listed here, since this blog is dedicated to the romantic aspect of this dynamic, as already pointed out by the shipname SHYAN.
I believe all fics deserve exposure, but for safety and the purpose of this blog some may not be listed here.
~ Won’t be on this blog
Contains narrative, dialogues, tropes and speech born from racism, homophobia, transphobia, any kind of hate speech.
Platonic works crosstagged in the Ryan Bergara/Shane Madej tag. Exceptions: Pre-slash and queerplatonic.
Shipping works crosstagged in the Ryan Bergara & Shane Madej tag, since we should not be the problem by invading spaces that does not belong to us.
The author is a known bully, guilt trips other people into doing things for them, is a racist, homophobic, fetishist, abuser, toxic member of the fandom.
Feminization that isn’t born from a kink explored in the story is also not welcomed and will not be encouraged.
Contains queerbaiting.
Fetishises the relationship or one of the boys in any way, especially Ryan.
Abusive relationships that stay that way, especially between the boys.
Contains non-con, underage, pedophilia, necrophilia, bestiality, especially between the couple.
Exposes a kink or dynamic that is not abusive in real life in an abusive way. This applies especially with BDSM fics. Works that expose the dynamics in a negative way without this being part of the story, aka makes believe the reader is a positive rep, are not allowed in this blog.
~ Frequently Asked Questions
Do you know this one fic…?
If you want me to find you a fic you read a long time ago and you can’t remember the name or author, please tell me as much as you can about it and I will try to find out which one is. In case I can’t, I will make you a list with options that may be.
Before sending this, PLEASE, check the finds tag to know if someone else has already asked about it.
I don’t read watpatt fics, only AO3 and tumblr fics.
You think I should post my fic?
DO IT. All authors deserve exposure and I will support you as much as I can. I will read your fic, I will comment it, I will rec it.
You gotta realize that this fandom is small and very nice; people do care about their writers and try their best to leave feedback and is very, very rare that someone would leave a bad comment.
I understand the fear of posting, believe me I do, but I want you to know that you are not alone and you will find your own public, there is always a reader for each author.
What’s the most famous fic in the fandom?
No such thing, to be honest.
But the most hitted and kudoed fanfc in the tag is Foolish Mortal by ghostwheeze, most commented fic is A Ghoul’s Guide to Life, Death & Afterliving by MercurySkies, and most bookmarked fic is two to fall apart by literalmetaphor.
Fics I’ve seen more recommended in lists and so are Foolish Mortal by ghostwheeze (which isn’t actually shyan–  it’s platonic, by the way. But even though the author told this in the story, people still considers it a shyan story, so I’m torn if I should keep including it or not. Let me know what you think), be all my sins remembered by spoopyy (in which Shane is a vampire), Oblivion by InkStainsOnMyHands and contrapposto by spoopyy.
Would you recommend me a fanfic about…?
Here is my personal rec list: post | page. I also check my rec lists masterpost with all the list I’ve made.
Would you read my fanfic?
Please, first read this little page and then, if your fic doesn’t contain any of these things, go ahead, send me a link and I will happily read it.
Can I rec you/your followers a fic?
Sure, submit your fic rec here (and remember to follow the rules). If you don’t know how to submit, visit this page. Do not rec platonic stuff, this is a blog for shyan. Means romantic dynamic.
Allowed kind of platonic: queerplatonic and pre-slash (meaning It is known and obvious they will eventually land into a relationship).
I don’t want my fanfic in your blog.
That’s fine. Just tell me which one is and you won’t see it ever again over here.
Why do you call yourself Nini from Fandom Resources?
My friend, Beru (yaboimadej), always called me Fandom Resources Girl before we became friends while in another fandom. I’m someone who loves to help, and every time someone had a doubt about something in that one old fandom, I tried to help them no matter what.
When I started to do the same in the BFU fandom, she started to call me ‘Nini from BFU Fandom Resources’ and here we are.
Which of the boys is your favorite?
I love both of them, but maybe Ryan is ultimately my “favorite”. Yet, I’m a little more sexually attracted to Shane. Probably because he is the type of man I usually date. My current boyfriend is a 6'4 big guy with sandy blond hair and a devilish smile, so there is that.
What the fuck with the big-dick-Madej thing?
So, abuelas and tías in Mexico say that a man with big hands and big feet have a big dick. In my experience, cocks tend to fit the dude’s body, so me and many other authors came into the conclusion that Shane probably has a fitting cock. And well– he is the Big Guy, you know.
What do you think about their girls?
I respect Sara and whoever Ryan may date in the futre, fanfics that bashes them are not allowed in this blog. I also made a little rant regarding the way outsiders or newies always try to damage our fandom regarding them here.
What else will be in this blog aside from fanfics?
Fanart and edits done for fanfics. In case someone did a fanart and next, an author made a work based on it, it will be reblogged. You will also find prompts, prompts lists, writing memes, writing resources and references that may help for fanfics (aka information about the boys and their work).
Also, I will be reblogging the videos of the episodes and other “official” stuff of BFU and/or the boys.
Can I tag you in my fanfic?
Yes. You can mention the blog or you can tag the blog in your first five (5) tags of your post, and I will reblog it here and (maybe, unless you ask me to) read it.
Tag tag the blog as #shyanlibrary NOT #shyan library, please.
Do you enjoy doing this?
I love it. Please never stop writing and/or supporting fanfiction.
Do you write BFU fanfics?
I do! My AO3 profile is here. Right now, I’m busy with life and other sutff, but I do have plenty of ideas you can check out here.
Other social media I can find you in?
yaboybergara | twitter | letterboxd | instagram
Nina, can you help me with something else?
Fandom related? Of course. Please check this tag with all the thingys I have helped with on my main blog, and if your thingy is not there, send me a message at yaboybergara and I see what I can do.
I help finding information, videos, icons, screencaps, etc.
Writing? Send me a message and let me see what I can do. You can send me your ideas, fic or drafts at the Library’s e-mail. Send me a message for it.
Personal? I’ll try my best.
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I've seen way too many people struggle with this, sit the fuck down while I teach you how to find good fic on ao3
my criteria are:
good writing. that's my priority. the best fic with bad writing is near unreadable for me because I get headaches.
+ if it has favourite my kinks/tropes/pairings
if you're the same, or similar, here's how you work ao3 to your advantage
start with a rec list from tumblr. it may take a while but you can usually tell from the summary of a fic whether the writing is good. read the fic. did you like it? create a rating scale.
for me, 4s and 5s go in my bookmarks. 2s and 3s get kudos. 1 gets a click out. bye.
I'm a terrible person and I only comment if I have something to say. I have social anxiety (before you come screaming at me to always comment). and lemme tell you that no matter what anyone says/tries to guilt you into, you only have to comment as often as you have the energy to. on the other have I leave kudos on almost every fic I read through to the end.
okay now you've read one (1) fic. scroll to the top (leave a kudo). check the tags. does anything there interest you?
option 1- it does, go click on it. chances are it's a filtered tag. so just below the headline telling you # fics in [tag], you have four options. click on filters. let's say you're searching for f/f fics in the alternate universe: soulmates tag, and you only want to read complete fics in the overwatch fandom. there's a little box down that says complete only. check it. note go look for overwatch under >fandoms. if it isn't there, type it into additional tags. it will search within fandom automatically. now here's the fun part. at the top it says sort by. the default option is date updated, but if you sort by kudos, comments, or bookmarks, then you get the best fics at the top.
don't sort by hits–that tends to put the longest fics at the top. longer fics on ao3 always have more hits.
fucking enjoy yourself. you've hit a goldmine of good fic.
you can get more specific in additional tags: type in 'angst', 'fluff', 'enemies to lovers'–go wild.
option 2- nothing on the tags catches your fancy, but you like the author/their writing/the tropes/the way they interpret your faves. whatever. click on the author's name. fantastic! you've accessed their dashboard. the front page shows you their fandoms, their 3 latest fics, series, and bookmarks. look for fics in your fandom. you'll get lucky quite a bit–a lot your favourite authors might turn out to be in your other fandoms. go crazy loving on their work.
OR go to your favourite author's bookmarks. here you'll find your faves' faves, and that's a great feeling. great authors have great taste. you can also filter their bookmarks to search for stuff within your fandom/with your favourite trope.
I have given you all my secrets. go forth and live a blessed life.
give back to your community. make rec lists. talk up your favourite authors and their fics on your blog or to your friends. if you're shy about commenting, that's okay. authors are not going to hate your guts because you felt too depressed to comment that day. leave kudos liberally–they cost you nothing and they may make your favourite author's day. leave kudos even on stuff that wasn't that good. it's okay.
if you're afraid of being judged for your weird kinks or smth like that–it's okay. lots of people out there are into the same niche stuff you are. if nobody is writing what you want, write it yourself. I guarantee that someone will love you for it.
you can always make your bookmarks private. you can always turn a google doc into a private rec list that you only give out to some people. it's okay.
don't be mean. you are going to come across strange and disturbing stuff. click out. use the back button liberally. you are not obliged to read something to the end if it doesn't interest you. you are not obliged to read things that make you uncomfortable. breathe. click out. keep yourself safe first. that's your number one priority.
something makes you uncomfortable/feel some way/freaked out? change tabs. x out of there. drink some water. it will pass. watch some youtube. you will be fine. don't leave a hate comment–things are never that bad. never.
in conclusion: stay safe, make yourself happy first, find the stuff you want to read instead of angsting over how much bad (by whatever standard) fic exists. you're okay. have fun.
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Fanfic posting and reading questions - Makocartwheels
My try answering @makocartwheels ‘s questions! 
You can see the original post here
1. Why did you first start reading fanfic?
When I finished my last run during my holidays in 2016, a stupid thought crossed my mind... ‘I’m sure there has to be someone writing about Vega’... see? stupid reason ever xDDDDD
2. Why do you read it now? Has it changed from the reason you started?
I read it because I love to see how other people understand the stories, the voices they give to the characters, the ideas they have... The reasons are still the same, I want to enjoy more of this fantastic universe, and read more about my favourite characters ^^
3. When are you most likely to be on Tumblr to see a post? (Include timezone, please.) Weekdays? Weekends? Morning? Lunch?
I’m on GMT +2 (+1 tonight xDDD) and EST is 4 hours behind GMT.
I have Tumblr on my mobile and have it opened while working >_< but I tend to look more ‘seriously’ at it first hour in the morning, lunchtime and night. 
4. Same question as above for actually reading the fic.
On my way to work/home (if I’m not writing), but usually I read at night, before sleeping, that’s one of the reasons I tend to not leave as many comments as I want T_T
5. Do you look for fic notifications anywhere else? Facebook group or something? Email notification from AO3 for followed authors or bookmarked stories?
I’m on some FB groups for ME and DA, and have a LOT of users/fics bookmarked on A3O ^^
6. Do you follow authors or bookmark fics? Why/why not?
I do. I like to know when an author I enjoyed with X fic publish a new one, maybe I will discover a new favourite! And with the fics, well, I have a veeeery bad memory for that kind of things xD so having a way to know when a new chapter has been published, to run there and ready it, is wonderful hahaha
7. Do you read fic right away? Why/why not?
If I can, I try to do it, but timezones are bitches, and the chapters tend to be published while I at work xDDD but even then, I try XD
8. Is fanfic a thing you use to escape at work, a relaxing way to end the day, something to do while on the toilet, a break from your kids, something for when you’re just bored? In other words, what’s the context in which you’re reading?
I use it to escape at work, A LOT. I didn’t deal well with stress, and lately, my work has been a mess... Writing and reading fics help  to relax my mind enough to keep the anxiety at bay ^^ I use it too as the good night reading XD if I’m stressed, I tend to have nightmares (my brain is a bitch, what can I say?) and reading fics before sleeping let my mind to dwell on it while sleeping :P what can be better than dream of the things you like instead of dark things?
9. How are you reading fic? On computer? Mobile phone? Tablet?
Mobile and computer.
10. Where do you like to read fic? Tumblr? AO3? Somewhere else?
If the fic is available on AO3, I prefer to read it there, to leave comments and kudos, if it is only on Tumblr, I read it there. Tried fanfiction for a while, but didn’t bonded with the page >_<
11. How do you discover new fics to read?
Right now, with recommendations from friends, and when I’m feeling adventurous, picking a pairing on A3O and scrolling down :P
12. Are you a commenter? Why/why not?
I try!!! If I didn’t do it as usually as I want is because I read almost all my fics from bed, with my hubby sleeping beside me (or over me xD), and write on the mobile gets complicated xD I’m one of those fangirl commenters who fill the comments with YAY! WIIII! Love and emojis xD can’t fight it :P is one of the reasons I didn’t comment in some fics with very well detailed comments from other users >_< I feel like a child playing with the grown boys' toys xD
13. Have you ever donated to a ko-fi or Patreon? Why/why not?
Yep! I did! And I will keep doing it whenever I feel like :P The same way I pay or donate for artwork, if I enjoy a fic, I’ll pay for it. I read books and I pay for them…  
14. What’s your favourite thing about reading fanfic?
Reading other people's headcanons, seeing characters I love out of their element, or just being there in a more deep way that the games didn’t give us.
15. What do you really dislike about reading fanfic?
Besides the stupid side of the fandom and the hordes of haters? XD When the author didn’t tag the fic correctly… I ALWAYS read the tags. There are some themes I didn’t want to read about, and I got some surprises out there that I didn’t enjoyed U_U
Ah! And when people try to put ‘fiction’ over reality, diminishing real problems with they misjudged impression of a character game (let’s talk about rape on games/movies/fiction or PSTD and the stupid misconceptions some of the fandomers have ¬¬)
16. What do you look for in a good story?
Good characters, nice setup, deep background… or good smut if I’m going for that PWP xD
Really, we all can write about good characters (I’m the first to use them shamelessly), because, damn, all the Bioware characters are good, but I need more than that on a fic ^^ and I’m the first to blame when that doesn’t happen XD that’s why I enjoy so much other authors’ work :P (they *you* got them right and give me the ‘edge’ I want ^^)
17. What turns you off of a story?
Huuuh, it’s complicated to turn me off on a story once I begin reading it… I’m that kind of masochist xD but the few times I stop reading has been because the characters didn’t make any sense for me or because something that isn’t tagged appears and turns to be one of my NO-NO >_<
18. What do the best stories have or do?
Niiiiiice dialogues, good development between the characters, and to whom I want to fool… good smut and lovely relationships <3
19. Do you follow along with incomplete stories or wait til they’re marked complete? Why?
I try to keep reading when the chapters are published, but if I discover a series with a number of characters announced and that is about to end (5 or less), I didn’t even begin, just follow it to read it once complete.
20. If you read incomplete fics, how often do you like to see updates?
As every reader out there, I will like an update as often as possible, but being a writer (sort of xD) myself, I know how difficult it can be, so I’m more than happy with a chapter every month
21. Is there an ideal chapter length (in terms of words or read time)? If yes, what?
I like long chapters… veeeery long chapters xD more than 3k-4k words is very nice for me. I like to spent all the time possible in the story, and having long chapters give me the opportunity to do it ^^
22. Is there an ideal story length (in terms of chapters)? If yes, what? If not, at what point do you find closure in the story (or is that not important)?
I don’t have an ideal story length. Sometimes you can see a closure to a fic, but I want it to end? HELL NO!  I like having ‘archs’ closed, to put my mind at ease with the struggles of the characters, but if I can find a story that goes on and on, with sense, of course, I will be more than happy to keep reading it!
23. How important are tags? Are there any that you look out for, either to read or avoid?
SUPER IMPORTANT! There are things in my life I didn’t want to read about in fiction, and having them tagged helps me to avoid them, giving me the chance to not ‘suffer’ reading them. TAG IS A MUST!
24. Any other etiquette you find important, either from the author or from other readers?
For the Authors, TAG WELL!!!!!! And treat the subjects with respect... if you want to talk about transgender, is fine to do it, but do it right! read about it, ask about it, RESPECT the subject you are writing about! is the same for kinks! For mental issues! Anything outhere can be a real struggle for someone! keep that in mind and treat the topic with the respect it deserves ;)
And for readers… let them know you like what they do!!!! A single comment in one of my fics make me wants to keep writing and sharing! If you like something, spread the word, comment, like, reblog, buy kofi is the option exist! Fanfic writers gift us with HOURS of entertainment! And sometimes a simple ‘I FRIGGIN LOVE IT!’ can make a shitty day bright ;)
And even more important.... LEARN TO RESPECT! Yoy may don’t ship a pairing, don’t like a kink, don’t share a concept... fine! world is big! 
25. What do you wish the author knew?
*Puts on the “Renegades rocks”’ shirt* I love your works! And can’t wait to read the originals you are working on too! Come on, girl! You have a fan overseas ;)
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