#scuba diving license
wuxian-vs-wangji · 28 days
So do you watch the dive scenes from the early eps of Love Sea like "Oh god why?"
They seriously don't fuck around, they were very very clear about dive safety, even including Tongrak being told off for diving alone (a gentle telling off). Also the toothpaste on the dive mask to prevent fogging is legit.
I only feel bad for Peat and Fort whenever you see them discussing something or on the boat with the suits zipped up. Yes, they're in 3mm or less (I think the lowest you can get is 2mm), but I cannot stress enough how ungodly uncomfortable suits are when they're dry.
And I cannot imagine how miserably hot Fort and Peat were when they were filming in those- if for no other reason than BLACK FABRIC... But also THICK black fabric.
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scubascoolmexico · 6 months
ScubasCool Mexico is a great option to offers scuba diving, first dive, cenote diving, ocean diving, padi courses adventure in Playa del Carmen, Cozumel and Tulum.
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junius1312 · 2 years
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先月末に認定されたダイビングのCカード、お願いしていた実物が届きました🙋 近頃は、テキストも認定証も全部手元の端末で表示するんだよね 蒐集癖としてはヤッパリ物質的に持っておきたいワケよ😗 #ダイビング #ダイビング好きな人と繋がりたい #スキューバダイビング #趣味 #scuba #diving #scubadiving #licence #license #divinglicense #mares #mareshorizon #scr #scrdiving #hobby #analog (Tokyo, Japan) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp_MFMYBc_n/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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crowleyholmes · 1 year
Guys help I think Crowley is possessing me I am very suddenly overcome by such a WAVE of love for Aziraphale????
I mean I've always loved him but Jesus Christ it just got turned up to 100 suddenly I mean he's just so GOOD isn't he???!!!
He's so kind and he's so nice and he's so PRETTY I mean have you seen him in his little outfit with the comfortable-old-couch waistcoat he refuses to ever take off and the silly little bowtie he thinks is so stylish and you know it actually KIND OF IS but ONLY on him??!?! and that beige coat that suits him so well and he just looks so well put together and also so soft and cozy at the same time like HAVE YOU SEEN HIM???
And he's so gentle and he's so full of love for everyone and everything and he always tries So Hard to do the right thing... and he's so ready to change his mind about what The Right Thing is when he is presented with new information like that is such a rare trait!
And he's so FUN, you know all his weird little hobbies I mean who collects old prophecy books and misprinted bibles ONLY this weirdo!! And he's so obsessed with silly little magic tricks that aren't even magic at all when he could very easily do real magic instead but noooo, making people think you're doing real magic when your Not Actually doing real magic is so much more fun apparently idk??? And he collects licenses (shooting guns, driving cars, literally who knows what else, at this point I wouldn't be surprised if my guy knew how to scuba dive and fly a plane), and he learned French the hard way just because?? He likes learning I guess?? And he's so bad at it, it's so silly it's Infuriating but it's also so endearing he's taking such JOY in it!!
And maybe you'd THINK that's all he is, sweet little goofball, but no!!!! Beneath all that soft exterior, this very intentionally soft and fun and kind exterior that he's carefully cultivated for millennia, he's also so incredibly brave. I think about how he was ready to face the thing he feared the most, to save three innocent kids. He was so ready to give up everything he had, fall from grace and spend eternity in hell, just so these kids could live. Just so that family would be spared the grief. Just so they could have a few more short years of human happiness. He lied to his boss for justice and he lied to GOD for justice and he somehow got away with it who does that??? AZIRAPHALE IS WHO. And he Never backs down did you see him pick up his little sword at almost-Armageddon when Lucifer himself rose from hell to end it all and my angel was ready to fight Satan Himself if he had to HELLO???
And then he blew up his halo and casually declared war on hell to save two humans and his former boss and his bookshop what a fucking badass!!?!?
And have I mentioned how pretty he is yes I have but it's worth mentioning again because have you seen his eyes?? Color of the fucking sky, they are, and his nose is so perfectly shaped and his stupid lips with his stupid cupid's bow, and his hair!! Is just so Damn soft it's and I just want to watch him be himself and do his thing but I also want to HOLD him and protect him and keep him safe from everything because if anything ever happened to him I-... UGH.
I don't KNOW.
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starrydust-npc · 2 months
Primal Sirens AU Info 1: World Building/Several Siren Details
In this AU setting, sirens are known to humans. Uncommon sight for said humans, but their presence is not a secret. Often seen in a fascinated light in human culture while most sirens are wary of human presence. Highly social or placid sirens do sometimes get near humans during scuba dives, but if disturbed or threatened they will get violent. Worst cases are from solitary sirens who are either too old or injured to hunt their normal prey and go for easier human targets. Sirens all have tails and traits similar to existing sea creatures. It’s not uncommon to see sirens of different types gather up to create pods, but normally it’s those who have similar tail types that create pods(Cetaceans with cetaceans, sharks with sharks, etc…). While each siren have their own personality, they might follow instincts similar to the animal their tail is based on. Scientists are still researching siren evolution and trying to figure out how such a diverse species came to be. Said research did bust many myths including ‘mermaid tears being pearls’ and ‘eating mermaid flesh gives immortality’, which helped conservation. Poaching is sadly still around due to the high market value of certain siren scales, parts, and eggs. There are specialty conservation sanctuaries that do have sirens in captivity. However, there are very strict rules in place including a boatload of licenses required. Sirens that are too injured, vocal cords permanently damaged, imprinted on humans at a young age are the sort allowed to be taken care of in captivity. Most of these sirens are mainly rescues from poachers. 
Siren songs are indeed as dangerous as the legends. Research and observation has proved however that the songs do drain the siren a lot of energy so they use it conservatively or for special purposes. Human scientists reason that the reason why the songs have a massive effect on humans is due to the vocal notes ‘harmonizing’ with the human brain, causing a hypnotizing effect. It’s theorized that some humans are harder to be hit by the effect, but the longer the siren sings the higher the chance of success with the backlash being the siren getting fatigued and weakened.
It’s also been proven false by the main majority of the research community that the myth of a human being ‘turned into a siren’ is just impossible. There hasn’t been any proof or attempts of any such ‘turnings’, neither in the wild or captivity. So it has been dismissed Not knowing it’s the species-wide guarded secret and it's dangerous process…. One that might be discovered as a certain primal-type siren had reunited with his human best friend
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marinememes · 1 year
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lermisv4 · 2 years
Reasons why Maya Amano is the best thing to happen in MegaTen ever
1. She is a functioning adult in exactly ONE (1) aspect of her life (her job) and a disaster in everything else.
2. Twenty-three and still sleeps with her favourite plush toy, which same bestie. Same. Thank you for validating me.
3. Carries that plush toy EVERYWHERE. Including alien spaceships, underwater ruins and other life or death situations.
4. The only thing she ever bothers to clean (other than her clothes) is her stereo.
5. Was given a pair of custom handguns by a high-schooler she literally just met and never questioned it.
6. Pacified Cthulhu - like, the actual literal Cthulhu - by giving him canned tuna.
7. Ironically, while she has pyrophobia her solution to almost everything is fire.
8. Gunned down mobsters and the army for the sake of talking to a kid who does everything in his power to avoid her.
9. Ever seen Megidola reflected in someone’s face? Maya can do it!
10. Scuba diving is a very cool hobby.
11. Nobody knows how she got her driving license, but she makes everyone regret it.
12. She is oblivious to the above.
13. Once tried to interrogate a corpse right after she killed him.
14. Not afraid to swear in front of elementary schoolers.
15. Only person ever to make Tatsuya fucking Suou shrug helplessly and coming from that guy you know it’s a big deal.
16. The mom friend, except that she’s the “that’s cool sweetheart, let me show you how the experts do it” type of mom.
17. Was also given a pair of hundguns by a serial killer who tried to kill her, but she decided to keep them anyway.
18. The guns are pink. Imagine being a special forces operative powered by magitech, killed by a cute reporter chick with pink handguns.
19. Can and will interview ANYTHING. Including gods.
20. Also killed the serial killer twice.
21. Abducted the dude who conned her bestie. Yes the police knew. They did notthing to stop her.
22. Someone put a hit on her for being too cute. To their defense, there was too much alcohol involved, but still.
23. Despite befriending Cthulhu, she hates squids.
24. Her response to killing demons is “Sorry~! ;)”
25. Thinks that eating squid is the ultimate sacrifice she can make.
26. Accidentally made her boss regret her life choices.
27. Kicked her own ass twice.
28. She’s a closet gambling fanatic.
29. Burn scars are valid even if they’re hidden.
30. She finds crabs so cute that they’re her favourite food.
31. The female bartender and that high class casino bar is openly gay for her.
32. Killed the god who killed her.
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starwolfie · 9 days
Silly Game Time: Let's play "2 Truths and 1 Lie" about yourself and see if I and your followers can guess which is the lie!
I have more than one cat
I’m not allowed to do scuba diving
I don’t have a drivers license
Have fun guessing 😉
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cantsayidont · 10 months
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August 1952. One of the more remarkable things about Golden Age and Silver Age Batman stories is that the vast array of gadgetry Batman and Robin used was not originally created with merchandising in mind. There was some Bat-licensing in the 1940s and 1950s (you can see examples in Chip Kidd's 1996 book BATMAN COLLECTED — if you squint enough to decipher any of it through Kidd's pretentious production design), but it was not until after the debut of the 1966 TV show that the Bat-floodgates really opened — and it wasn't until much later that amazingly toyetic concepts like the Flying Batcave were translated into toys and collectibles.
The focus of the original Flying Batcave story is actually on the promise to which Batman alludes on the cover: At the beginning of the story, gangster Diamond Lang captures Robin and threatens to kill him unless Batman signs a written pledge that he "won't set foot in Gotham for a week." Batman responds by rolling out this enormous rotary-winged temporary headquarters (which is big enough that it actually carries some of the trophies from the Batcave, including the giant penny) and using an array of gadgets ranging from enormous cameras to powerful electromagnets to thwart crime in Gotham from the air. He even testifies against Lang in court via special closed-circuit TV link.
Why Batman goes to this much trouble is never very clear — it's not like Lang would have any legal recourse against him for breaking the agreement, which was made under duress, and Lang has, rather nonsensically, already fulfilled his end of the bargain by releasing Robin — but the crooks and the public take it as an article of faith that Batman would never break his word, however silly. Batman does, however, violate the spirit of the agreement pretty egregiously, including diving into the river in scuba gear to capture some thieves escaping through the drainage tunnels and finally parachuting onto the roof of a Post Office building, which he's quick to note is federal property and technically outside the bounds of Gotham City.
An "improved" Flying Batcave appeared in a story in DETECTIVE COMICS #317, 12 years later:
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This time, there's no legalistic pretense for employing the flying headquarters; Batman and Robin take it out to visit a police convention in Center City and then use it to capture the intercity Condor Gang.
In 2016, Eaglemoss Collectibles produced a die-cast Flying Batcave as part of its "Special Batman Automobilia" collection. I've never seen one in the metal, but I kind of wish I had one.
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(I feel like this should really have little figures of Batman and Robin at the controls, but this is perhaps nitpicking.)
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scubascoolmexico · 6 months
ScubasCool Mexico is a great option to offers scuba diving, first dive, cenote diving, ocean diving, padi courses adventure in Playa del Carmen, Cozumel and Tulum.
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creatorimagines · 2 months
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"Under the Tropical Islands"
POV: You didn't move much when admiring the coral reefs. A fish slowly approaches you, seemingly want to accompany you too :)
Competition Entry for "What Summer Is To You" in a gaming server.
This is my first time ever drawing ocean themed artwork. The following is how the artwork had been made. If you guys are interested, I can write about the ideas of each finished drawing :)
Q: What Summer Is To You?
Summer is the season filled with the things I want to do. Due to the fast pacing of where I live, there's hardly any time for me to actually do things I want to do.
Growing up, I really love nature, ocean is just one of those things. Recently I've joined a activity with youngsters to learn kayaking, and snorkelling to see some of the adorable fish and beautiful coral reefs. This leaves a deep impression for me because the extreme weather condition hasn't affect the waters from our location.
After that activity, I remember Red's house was by the ocean in the Angry Birds Movie. This gives me a impression that Red loved the peacefulness in urban areas. If he wasn't a clown/cake deliverer, I wonder if he would get a license and went scuba diving instead.
To describe the drawing, Red decided to go scuba diving. Here he realized under the tropical island, the ocean is filled to the brim with coral reefs and different kinds of fish. Since he didn't really move much when admiring the bright colored reefs, a fish gently swam closer to Red with curiosity, seemingly want to accompany him too. :)
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outisgivingpac · 1 year
PAC: Your Impact on Other People🌱🦋💞
Today I'm excited to deliver a pick-a-card reading with the most popular theme in the last poll 🤗 Thank you all so much! In this PAC, we shall look into what lasting impression and influences you gave to people in your life.
If you find this reading helpful or entertaining in any way, you can support me through Ko-fi or simply by liking/reblogging this post. Check my pinned post for personal readings, and feel free to send me requests. ☀️✨
My Masterlist
💖Pick the pile/image you feel most drawn to💖
Pile 1. Pile 2. Pile 3.
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In the first part, I would focus on your impact on strangers and acquaintances; people who don't know you so well. In the second part, it involves your friends, family and loved one; people who are in your close circle.
Pile 1
The impact you have on strangers and acquaintances: King of Wands, King of Cups
Group 1, to most people who come to know you in public, you gave them a lasting impression as a charming and charismatic individual. You come across as someone who know who you are and what you want ("someone who has their shit together"), without appearing arrogant and overbearing. The thing is, while asserting yourself and your needs, you always leave space for others to express themselves. If anything, the way you treat yourself with respect and boldly go after your goal inspire others to do the same. On a more specific note, I also see the images of you take over the unnamed role of an organizer when your group of people going out. Like you would ask for everybody's order in an restaurant and go tell the server/cashier what you guys want ("Sorry but he asked for no pickles" kind of thing haha). If you're a leader at a workplace, thanks to you, people feel like their work has meaning, personally and interpersonally. They would go out their way to make sure your common goals will be realized, so that you won't have to shoulder all the responsibility during difficult time. 🥺
The impact you have on friends and family: The Sun, The Chariot
With your loved one, you shine through with the same compassion and warmth, but even more brightly. Cliche as it might sound, you're their pride and joy; hanging out with you put a smile on their face. You inspire them to have a more positive outlook on life, and to seek for happiness in the little things. On the other hands, when they're in trouble, you could offer them your insight and bring clarity to their situation. You taught them how to keep up with a long term goal, as something not just requires resilience, but also the ability to adapt to changes. On the other hand, you could be that one friend in the group who has a driver license and/or a big car, that people feel like they could go anywhere with you behind the steering wheels. You could also be the one who knows a lot of niche but nice travel destinations/routes. I feel like your close relationships experienced a lot of their first with you. First time going out of the city, first time going scuba diving, first time trying certain food etc. And of course, you could also be someone's first kiss, or your parent's first child. It could be clumsy or awkward experience, but it has a "before and after" effect. People think fondly of the memories they share with you. Comparing to your public self, you allow yourself to be more stubborn and argumentative with your close circle. And they find it endearing as well. 😊
Pile 2
The impact you have on strangers and acquaintances: Two of Swords reversed, Ace of Swords reversed
Oh wow, before starting, I must say you have such a cool, fierce and sorta "untouchable" energy. You are someone with a sharp mind. You might not talk much or be the loudest, but the arguments you put through when it's called for always stun people, for how keen your observations and logics are. The impact you leave on the general public is: you make them think twice before speaking and develop critical thinking lmao. Because, if they do speak and spread hatred and misinformation, you won't hold back your voice to call them out and hand their ass back. On the other hand, you lend your voice and inspire the underdog. The onlooker who would want to speak up and defend themselves and their community, but couldn't find the courage and/or the mental energy to do so. The only downside to this is, people could find you too opinionated. Some would feel so intimidated by you that they would hold their tongue whenever you're in the room lol. Even when you view it as harmless and non-personal discussion, people could take your counter points personal and take a run from it. 😅
The impact you have on your friends and family: Death, The Emperor reversed
Among your close circle, you also bring in the similar elements to your relationships as described above. However, your impact runs deep; it won't be exaggerating to say you walked in people's life and changed their world. It could be the advices and influences you give them. But it could simply be how you chose to live your own life that, with or without your awareness, changed other people's way of thinking. Such changes always come with an ending. Due to your impact, some shredded their self-limiting belief, or their attachment to a certain place or people. You could have challenged some authority figures, letting them know they are not as "mightier then thou" or in control of other's and their own's life as they believed. On the other hand, you inspire some to reclaim their rights to take space and have more autonomy in their decisions. Either cases, you're a ground shaker. Many people feel deeply grateful for you and the experiences you gave them, some even long after you left their life. Surely, you could make some enemies along the way. But, "hatred is the most sincere form of flattery"; who can say one lives their life "right" without earning some nemesis? 🗡️
Pile 3
The impact you have on strangers and acquaintances: 10 of Cups, 5 of Cups
For people who picked this pile, your energy is quite complex that I hope you would sit with me as I go through every aspects one by one. On the most surface level, you're someone who wear your emotion on your sleeves. People can tell right away if you're happy or miserable at a time just by looking at you. Your mood will seep through the way you dress and hold yourself, and people can gain updates on your life easily through small talks. As it goes, you can just mind your own business, but you might attract a lot of jealousy. Some people would compare themselves to you and evaluate how they are doing in life, by looking at you. They could have false impression, which leads them to have false expectation and values with their own business. I won't be surprise if you have secret admirers as well. Some would look up to you and carefully follow your steps. They hope they would avoid all the traps and missteps, and ripping the same success by doing so. Since you seem to be someone who won't shy away from taking risks and trying out new things in life, people would turn to you and your opinions to see if certain directions is rewarding or a big thumb down. Lastly, you could be someone who make (acquaintances) friends quickly and have a wide circle of people. However, only a few can come forwards and form a relationship with you beyond the surface level. This naturally can cause certain sense of disappointment and regret. If you're extra active and big on social media, look out for parasocial relationship. Though I feel like many would have their fantasy shattered and shred their colored-glasses once they meet/see you out of the usual context. 😂
The impact you have on your friends and family: 8 of Swords reversed, 8 of Cups
For those who are in your closer circle, their relationship with you could be described as liberating. You are the go to friend when someone needs to get out of their mind! ("Up you go, ladies! No more crying, no more whining!" quoting Bacchus). You could be sitting there eating chips, listening to your friend's rant and then dropping a single question/comment and they would have an "Aha" moment. I can also see you dragging your friend out of their rut by inviting them on a trip or to an activity. Anyhow, you are quite spontaneous, people could drop what they were doing to follow you. One sentiment that you help them process is: how the way that it's always been done is not necessary the only way. People get attached to things because it's all they know, or because they have invested a lot of time, money and emotional commitment to it. You kind of knock it off for them, pointing out how those things no longer make them happy, and that it's okay to turn around and take a new path. Thanks to you, a lot of people become more fearless.💪
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popculturelib · 6 months
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The Poisoned Pussy: An Espionage Novel (1969) by Rod Gray
My name is Eve Drum--The Lady From L.U.S.T.--the sexiest spy in the world. Anything you can do I can do better. They call me Oh Oh Sex, because sex is my favorite weapon, but I'm just as good at Karate, safe-cracking, knife throwing, scuba diving--you name it. Don't tangle with me: I have a license to kill and I don't care if I use my body--or a Beretta. Swing along as I go into action against a supervillain who wants to wreck N.A.T.O. and heat up the Cold War to the flash point. It will blow your mind.
The Lady from L.U.S.T. was a series of erotic spy stories about Eve Drum, aka Agent Oh Oh Sex, who worked for the League of Undercover Spies and Terrorists (L.U.S.T.). Rod Gray was a penname for DC Comics writer Gardner Fox, who created co-characters such as Barbara Gordon and the Flash.
The BPCL has other books in The Lady from L.U.S.T. series:
The Lady from L.U.S.T. (1967)
Lay Me Odds (1967)
The 69 Pleasures (1967)
South of the Bordello (1969)
The Copulation Explosion (1970)
Turned on to L.U.S.T. (1971)
The Browne Popular Culture Library (BPCL), founded in 1969, is the most comprehensive archive of its kind in the United States.  Our focus and mission is to acquire and preserve research materials on American Popular Culture (post 1876) for curricular and research use. Visit our website at https://www.bgsu.edu/library/pcl.html.
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copepods · 1 year
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cawdra · 5 months
I love Tumblr. It's so unlike most social media apps. And not for the reasons you might think.
If you make a claim on Twitter, you can just post something like
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And list absolutely ZERO sources for your claim and people will, most of the time, believe you
But on Tumblr, there are entire scientific papers worth of sources, links, and references. You could submit a Tumblr post to Science or Nature.
Might as well just give them a scuba license with the amount of deep-diving they do.
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cadmusfly · 8 months
🌸 If you get this, answer with 3 random facts about yourself and send it to the last 7 blogs in your notifications, anonymously or not! Let's get to know the person behind the blog. 🌸
No pressure of course!
1. I fuckin love juice but I don’t keep it at home so I just become a juice fiend whenever I’m out of the house
2. I used to scuba dive and do occasional sailing on a two person sailboat, the best part was when it’s windy and intense because sunny days are kinda just Extreme Floating, I should also renew my scuba diving license one day but my diving buddy sold off all his shit a while back, being 30m underwater is very relaxing and you see fun guys
3. I nearly developed a strong Scottish accent when I was a kid on account of spending a chunk of my childhood in Scotland, and it is a tragedy that I didn’t
Thanks for the ask!
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