#señor señor señorita
gaysamurai · 6 months
they would cancel me on twitter so hard for my guernican moon (masc) x guernican moon (fem) atsushi
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lieutenant-amuel · 1 year
I’m editing the old chapters of WBTL again. The fourth chapter, and oh my goodness Ángel is so insensitive, it’s insane.
#Personal#Was Born To Lead#He’s not letting me cheat 👍🏻#We have enough time to make cribs 👍🏻#I offended you but you know you offended me too 👍🏻#He’s (Señor Bravo) so awful 👍🏻#And if we’re being honest Ángel is still insensitive :’D#And I sure thing already edited the first three chapters too and once again Roberto is the worst <3#Ajhdnfj I feel like I used to be better at writing ‘bad’ characters#Now they all are too wise and thoughtful ajjdkf#I can’t believe I legit named Ángel Ángel because of that angelic personality pun and now I realize it’s actually extremely bad#and just makes zero sense#Anyway I’m editing again because first I have no energy to write the new chapter#second I need to edit punctuation marks because I formatted dialogues wrong all that time#so yeah I’m just peacefully changing points to commas and vice versa#and third I certainly need to make some stylistic changes because those horrible he feels upset fill my heart with sorrow#And random but Señor Bravo calling his students Señor/Señorita also makes zero sense?#I just really don’t know whether it’s appropriate to do it in Hispanic countries?#I mean I’m sure I heard it in some American movies that the teachers call their students Mister and Missis#but Señor Núñez and Señorita Aakster when referred to little kids sounds odd to me#Although Señor Bravo basically was the only one who referred to them like that so maybe it could be explained by his age#but I already changed it to their names it sounds more natural to me so I won’t think about it anymore#Hm but you know in my uni my teachers call us ‘colleagues’#which also sounds odd aihdkf#What is the name of our new history teacher?#Valerio Álvarez#<3
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catlvrmax · 2 months
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summary it's race day! you and amara decide to spend your sunday night out in the city. you make new friends in the process.
cw ONE use of [Y/N] - it was inevitable. idk the deets of how f1 works exactly, but i tried. this is a work of fiction: i don't know these people irl, i don't know how they act. NON-DESCRIPTIVE READER.
face claims girls on pinterest, but you can obviously disregard them, and imagine whoever you want. (the pictures are for aesthetic purposes.)
a/n i feel like the alonso scene is kinda useless but idk i put it in ite.
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"I'm so excited!" Amara squealed as you grabbed her wrist to keep her close.
Today is race day. You woke up early, buzzing with anticipation. Amara tried to (poorly) contain her excitement and constant giggles until you had at least one cup of coffee in your system but failed ten minutes into breakfast. You don't blame her—she loves the sport.
She also loves the drivers. Loves the gossip and the drama on and off track. A new thing she has picked up, one you really want to put a stop to, is teasing you about a certain Dutchman. It was already bad enough that your conversation kept replaying in your head, and her playful teasing increased the thoughts of the two-time world champion.
You tolerated it on the walk to the circuit, rolling your eyes at her dreamy sighs and romantic scenarios, which she mostly made up to annoy you but changed the subject as you approached your destination. You refused to look or sound like a crazy fangirl in case... well, in case of actually running into him.
Arriving at the circuit and checking in the paddock had been a nightmare. You and Amara were not huge fans of crowded places you more than her, and the heat of the sun beating down on you made it ten times worse. Alas, you finally found yourselves away from the masses and around the corner of the Aston Martin hospitality building.
Amara was not paying attention to where she was going, and you were listening intently to the plans for the day. At the last minute, you saw a green shirt from the corner of your eye. You pulled on her wrist, and she stumbled towards you, but not before softly colliding with the side of the tall man in the green shirt.
"Oh, shit. ¡Lo siento, señor!" The apology comes in Spanish. (I am sorry, sir!)
"Esta bien, señorita? I was not looking in my path." You try to catch your jaw from falling to the ground when you eye the Green Shirt Guy. (Are you okay, miss?)
That's Fernando fucking Alonso. Fernando Alonso, the man you may or may not have a tiny crush on, is helping Amara stand up after she bent over to grab her discarded water bottle.
"Ah, si. Lo siento, señor Alonso. Estaba mostrando a mi amiga alrededor—"
"It's you from yesterday, no?! The girl with the great, uh, Spanish skills!" He talks to her as if they've known each other for years.
You stand there stunned, trying to compose yourself as your F1 crush stands before you, casually conversing with your best friend. Amara must be ready to explode right about now. You would laugh if you weren't fighting the urge to scream and run around from the joy.
You hear your name fall from Amara's lips, and your gaze focuses back on them. "That's my best friend. I gave her the hat!"
Fernando nods, his gaze on you as a polite smile causes his dimples to appear. You show him the signed Aston Martin cap by tilting your head.
"Amara said you are a big fan. I appreciate it. Do you want to take a photograph?"
"Uh-Yeah! Yeah, I'd love to!" You take your phone out. Oh-em-gee. Oh-em-gee. Is this really happening? "It's nice to meet you, sir!" You can feel the heat radiating off your cheeks.
Fernando, being taller than you, asks for your phone. He raises it above your head and takes a couple of selfies. You muster the brightest smile, copying his funny faces and poses. When he hands it back, thank yous stumble from your lips faster than any car on the grid.
"Mucha suerte para ti hoy!" (Best of luck to you today!)
Fernando laughs but bows his head in appreciation. "Muchas gracias, querida." He turns to Amara, who's watching you both with a smile. "Enjoy the race, girls!"
And with that, he's walking away. You and Amara stand still for a few seconds, watching him disappear around the corner. You lock eyes, jaws on the floor. Squeals escape the both of you as you grab each other for support.
"Oh, my fucking God! We just—I—You—"
"I talked to Fernando fucking Alonso, and you took a photo with him. Shit!" Her tone betrays her disbelief.
"Oh, pinch me, 'mara, because this can't possibly be fucking real!" You cup your red cheek with one palm. "He remembered you. That's crazy!"
Amara giggles. "We talked in Spanish yesterday, and he told me he was impressed by my fluency!"
You smack her arm, suppressing a smile. "What? Why didn't you tell me all of that!? From past experiences, your Spanish has been shit."
She gasps dramatically, feigning offence. "How dare you, missy?! My Spanish is almost perfect. I just happened to get nervous around native speakers!"
You laugh and raise your hands in surrender, muttering my bad. Amara links her elbow with yours. "Are you ready to watch twenty cars go in weird-shaped circles?"
"Yup," you answer, popping the p before pulling her towards the building you will be watching from. "He is hotter in person." You cannot help but add.
Amara rolls her eyes but hums in agreement.
"Max Verstappen wins the Spanish Grand Prix! Another flawless performance by the current World Champion!"
You can't help but smile as the camera cuts to his team celebrating. Amara claps in delight, gathering her scattered things from the table to put inside her bag. The VIP room you watched the race from is slowly emptying as everyone walks down to where the celebration will take place. Amara wants to go and get as close as she can to the front, so she can take pictures of the podium. Lewis Hamilton came second, followed by George Russell, and your best friend was beaming and eager to see the podium from up close.
"You don't have to come with me. It's pretty tight there, with the crew, and fans, and stuff." You nod, thankful to her for not forcing you to tag along. "You can wait by the Red Bull hospitality. I think it's closer to the exit." She pauses as you stand from your seat. "And who knows. Maybe a Dutchman will pass by, and you deliver on your plan."
You huff at her wiggling eyebrows. "Seems kind of impossible since Max is celebrating on the podium, 'mara. You have a better chance at meeting him." You snort at her deflated expression.
"Oh, yeah, you're right." She shrugs. "Well, who knows? You might bump into each other again."
"I highly doubt that. Now, give me everything you don't need. I'll put it in my bag. I don't want you losing anything in that crowd."
Amara hands you her handbag and kisses you on the cheek before walking away. You're the only guest in the room now, accompanied by the bartender on the other side of the room. You contemplate staying here or leaving for the Red Bull hospitality. The track fills with fans, as is the ground below the podium. Lewis and George are already there, which means that—
"Here's Max Verstappen, the winner of this year's Spanish Grand Prix." Crofty, the commentator, announces the champion's arrival at the podium's top step.
He looks handsome, with a smile decorating his face and high cheekbones glistening with sweat. He waves at the crowd and takes his Pirelli hat off. His hair is messy, but it just makes him look hotter. Wow. You need to stop, or you'll salivate all over the bloody floor. You turn away from the TV as the Dutch national anthem starts playing.
One thought keeps repeating as you walk out of the building and to the sunny paddock. Max Verstappen is undoubtedly handsome.
You're aimlessly pacing in front of the Red Bull building, skipping through the pictures you'd taken. Most of them were of Amara posing in front of different buildings, eating or walking. You don't notice a chest heading your way until it's too late, and you collide. Ouch, you mumble as you rub your forehead.
"We should stop meeting like this." You recognise the voice immediately. How could you not? The man has been plaguing your thoughts.
Your heart is racing. You don't meet Max's eyes at first, hoping that a simple apology will make him walk away. "Oh, sorry. Wasn't paying attention."
"Are you lost again? Do you need help?" Max is quick to offer, but you shake your head negatively.
A hand comes forward, a featherlight touch on your elbow. You finally meet his gaze, rubbing on the spot that stings. What the fuck is he made of? Rock? His eyes hold concern as they rake over your face.
"What are you made of? Rock or something? That stung!" You offer a shy smile and a joke, for his worried expression makes your palms sweat.
He returns the smile. "Hey! You were the one not paying attention."
You shrug. "I was looking through the photos I've taken." You raise the old camera for him to see.
"Oh, yeah? Any cool ones?" He asks, stepping closer to you to see.
You notice a man behind the driver, wearing a Red Bull polo and an impatient expression. Anxiety sparks at your chest. He's got somewhere to be. Leave him alone. "Don't you have media duties to attend? You did just win a race." His smile turns guilty at your words.
"Yeah. I've got to change from this," he points at his racing suit," and attend interviews." He doesn't look too excited to do so.
"Well, then, I shouldn't be keeping you." You move a step back, nervously glancing at the other man.
Max does as well, the flush on his cheeks bolder than before. He opens his mouth, and you watch him have an internal war with himself before he decides to voice whatever thought he has. He motions to the man to go ahead without him. I'll be there in a minute, he mutters.
"I'd love to see those photographs."
Your eyes widen in surprise, and you know you look like a fish as your mouth opens and closes. Your face heats up. "Uh—They're really nothing special. This is an old camera."
Max shrugs. "Why don't you give me your number? I can be the judge of that." Oh, shit. You nod.
He does an immaculate job of looking confident as if this isn't affecting him. A pretty girl agreed to give him his number. It's dangerous for a person with the number of young fans he has to give his phone number to a stranger, but he feels he can trust you. You haven't given him a reason to think you might be a crazy fangirl.
"D'you have a pen? I don't have my phone with me." You nod, rummaging through your handbag to find the emergency glittery pink pen.
Once you pull it out, Max can't help but comment on it. "Nice colour." You send him a playful glare.
He stretches his palm, and you softly pull his fingers closer. You scribble down your number, writing your first and last name underneath it. Max feels remorseful for not even having asked you your name. He knows that you no doubt know who he is now. He repeats it, and your breath hitches. He says it so perfectly, you might melt in a puddle. Caaaaaalm down. You sound insane. He's just stating your name.
"Pretty name," he thinks out loud. You don't believe you were meant to hear that, yet your face grows a shade darker.
Before you can say anything, the man shouts his name from the building's door. "Come on, mate! You're going to be late!" You can see the disappointment Max feels from his deflated smile.
"I have to go. Media duties." You chuckle when he rolls his eyes and nod. "I'll, uh, text you. For the pictures." He takes a step back, eyes locked with yours.
"For the pictures, yeah."
His face is flushed. You blame the race he just won. It's a poor excuse to give someone your number, no matter how famous they might be, yet you did. Amara will have a field day with this information. You half expect her to revive her old Tumblr account for the sake of acting on her scenarios.
"Bye." You wave, and he waves back, exchanging bashful smiles.
You watch his figure approach the man by the door when it hits you. "Oh, Max!" He turns quickly, eyes searching for yours. "Congratulations on your win!"
His eyes crinkle from the smile that he gives you. "Thank you!" He adds your name, and you don't deny it this time; Max Verstappen is extremely handsome, especially when he smiles.
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MESSAGES: two. From > unknown number.
unknown number
hey, it's Max!
Verstappen. The guy in
the RB shirt.
hm... i don't know anyone
with this name. sorry!
max verstappen
Two-time world champion?
never met any world champions
in my life, sorry.
max verstappen
I helped you yesterday
and saw you today outside of
the RB hospitality.
This is [Y/N], right?
🤣 yes!
i'm just messing with you max!
max verstappen
*phew* had me thinking you
gave me the wrong number
*dramatic gasp*
i am NOT that cruel, mr verstappen!
btw, i havent transferred the photos yet!
camera's charging.
max verstappen
That's totally okay!
Soooo, what are you doing tonight?
contemplating whether i should share my
whereabouts with a random man....
max verstappen
HEY! you've met me!
two times already!!!
and how do i know this is the REAL
Max Verstappen????????
max verstappen
....you gave me your phone number.
oh, yeah. that makes sense.
i'm very sleep deprived haha
max verstappen
Soooo, what are you doing tonight?
  ↪ to answer your previous question,
me and my bff are going clubbing
in Barcelona!
max verstappen
Oh, that sounds fun!
i'm secretly terrified of getting lost
in the city, but hey! i'm only here for another
night. might as well have fun
plus, i've heard Spaniards party hard!!!!!
max verstappen
plus, i've heard Spaniards party hard!!!!!
   ↪ THAT'S TRUE. Carlos is an
expert in all things nightclub when we're
here for the GP
you have any places to recommend?
amara is still looking on trip advisor
max verstappen
max verstappen
the Vault is a really great place. Great
drinks and the DJ plays nice songs.
You should try that one!
i'm guessing it's expensive
as fuck
max verstappen
not as expensive as it is packed
BUT there's always the Disco Diva
and other clubs down that street
max verstappen, you know your
clubs, i see.
(the disco diva? really?)
max verstappen
you caught me ahahahahah
(the disco diva? really?)
   ↪ it plays really cool stuff
it plays really cool stuff
   ↪ i trust ur judgement.
so what are YOU, race winner, doing
max verstappen
how do I know I'm not giving away
my location to a super crazy
you dont! YOU wanted MY number.
soooo.... 🤷🏻‍♀️
max verstappen
LOL. you're funny.
so what are YOU, race winner, doing
  ↪ I was thinking of gaming, but the
boys want to party.
WELL, YAH! you totally deserve to let loose!
max verstappen
Hm, I might think about it.
Ha! Maybe we'll find each other in the club!
hahahahah it would be pretty embarrassing
if i ran into you again.
for the third time.
have fun with whatever you choose
to do, Maximus Verstappen.
max verstappen
that is definitely NOT my first name.
but i thank you, schat 😁
seen, now.
"Who are you talking to?" Amara asks, her eyes glued on TripAdvisor.
"H-Huh?" You barely register her words, fingers tapping on your screen incredibly fast.
"You've been giggling for, like, ten minutes now. I'm assuming it's not your mom. She's probably having lunch."
"Oh, you know. Just this guy I bumped into today. You might know him. His name's Max. Ma—"
"Fucking Verstappen?!" Amara all but yells, sitting up swiftly.
Your eyes meet her shocked expression, and you can't help the chuckle that escapes at her priceless reaction. You shrug in response, feigning nonchalance. Truth is, your best friend has hyped this guy up a lot, and your poor heart beats somewhat faster now that you're talking to him.
"You told me to get his number, didn't you?"
"W-Well—Yeah. But I didn't actually think you'd do it!"
You gasp as if offended. "You dare think so little of me? Think that I wouldn't honour my promise to feed your delusions?"
Amara laughs, lightly smacking your arm. "Okay, weirdo. Tell me what the fuck happened."
After pushing yourself to a sitting position, you tell her every detail of your second meeting with the world champion, including the texts. Amara's reactions are comical. At the end of your story-telling process, she's sitting there, with her jaw mere inches from touching the ground.
"So, do you think we'll meet him in that nightclub?"
You shrug. "I don't know. He said he'd think about it." You show her your phone, scrolling to the text he had sent you mere minutes ago. "Doesn't sound that eager to me."
"Well, it wouldn't hurt to go by the Vault, or whatever its name was." Amara wiggles her eyebrows.
"Are you trying to get me laid with a celebrity?"
She grimaces. "Pfft. He's hot. You're pretty. If you take out the millions on Instagram—" "—and his bank account." Amara shoots you a pointed look. "He looks like a pretty normal guy." She exhales before continuing. "You should have fun. We didn't come here just for me. And he seems like a lot of fun."
Amara wasn't wrong. Yes, you had come here for the Grand Prix, which was her thing, but there was plenty of time for you to have fun. And if fun meant drinking and meeting with an extremely handsome guy, who were you to refuse? You'd probably never see him again, either.
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"Finally!" You shout excitedly.
After waiting for a solid thirty minutes in a very long line outside of Club Vault and paying an entry fee that you're sure is way too expensive, you have finally made it inside. The place is flooded with people drinking, dancing, and talking. The lights are dim, and the music loud; a promising, fun night.
You barely dodge swaying on the dancefloor as Amara drags you to the bar. She orders for you while you look around. The DJ and his setup is on a balcony, above which there is a VIP sign. You squint your eyes as another face comes into view. Is that...Lando Norris?
You blindly reach for Amara, turning her around by the wrist. "Hey, isn't that Norris?"
Despite the ear-deafening music, you're able to hear your best friend's gasp. "Oh, my fucking God! Yes, that's him!" She looks at you, a knowing smile on her lips. "Does that mean that he's here—"
"I don't know!" The bartender nods at you, showing you your drinks. "Let's drink!"
And that's exactly what you do. Your drinks are cold enough to help with the heat of dancing, and you can't lie, Lando—with the help of the actual DJ—plays decent music. Max was right about the place being fun. Amara is doing her weird dance moves, and you're copying her, trying to best her.
You're two drinks in, back turned to the DJ booth, when your best friend's eyes widen, dance moves faltering, and you hear everybody cheer. She elbows you to turn around, and your breath hitches: it's Max. He's actually here with Lando and the DJ. And your heart is racing with excitement. He waves at the crowd below, and everyone cheers louder.
Your lip twitches as an idea forms in your mind. Taking your phone out of your boot (an extremely smart and safe place to hide it—if it fits—btw), you snap a picture of the champion, sending it to your chat.
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MESSAGES: two. To > max verstappen.
one file attached.
just found your lookalike!
max verstappen
THATS ME! WhEere are yoU?!?!8@
how much have you had to drink? lol
max verstappen
not drunk .
just shvoing past poepel to get to you
where re uoy?????
by the bar
max verstappen
real helpful
im wearing black?
seen, now
You wait a couple of seconds for the grey bubble to appear. When you don't receive a response, you shrug, putting your phone back in its hiding spot. Your gaze focuses on Amara; she's biting her lip while holding two shots in each hand.
"I stole them!" is all she says.
Your jaw drops, and you giggle, accepting the tiny glasses. You yell cheers before chugging down both of them. Tequila. Nice.
You take a step back, eyes blinking away tears caused by the burn in your throat. You don't realise you've stepped into someone's toes until a shout almost bursts your eardrums.
"Jesus Christ!" You yell, covering the side of your head.
Turning around, you're faced with the one and only; Max Verstappen, holding on to the bar railing with a pained expression. Your eyes almost bulge out of your skull.
"Oh, shit! Are you okay?" You can barely hear yourself.
He nods, throwing a smile your way. "Yeah, I'm good! It's nice to see you!" You're barely able to read his lips.
A pinch on your lower back startles you, and you turn around with a gasp. Amara's standing there, expectant, wide eyes moving from you to Verstappen.
"Oh, Max! This is my best friend, Amara!"
She smiles politely, shaking his offered hand. "Nice to meet you!" You wonder if she's close to passing out from internal fangirling.
His eyes return to you. "Hey, you wanna join my table?"
Shaking your head with a confused grimace, you shout. "I can't hear anything you're saying!"
"I can't hear any—"
It's futile to communicate this way, he decides. Max's slightly cold hands are suddenly pulling on your wrists, gently guiding you closer to him. Goosebumps take over your entire body, forearm burning as he moves his fingers to your elbow, keeping you steady, and he leans toward your ear.
"Wanna join me and my friends?" He feels your breath hitch and pulls back to meet your hesitant gaze.
"We don't want to bother you," you say once you pull him down.
Max shakes his head. "Nonsense! I won the race, and I want to celebrate with my friends."
He hears your breathy chuckle. "We're friends, now?"
"Unless you're some super crazy fangirl I should be worried about." The smile in his voice gives away his amusement. He's quoting his texts.
You pause for a second. Knowing Amara, she would agree immediately. You should have fun, you recall her words from earlier. And he seems like a lot of fun. Yeah. She's right.
"Let me ask 'mara." You point to your best friend, awkwardly standing by the bar.
He watches you talk in her ear, a smile forming on your best friend's lips before she eagerly nods. "You're coming?" He asks once you approach him as if he hadn't been staring at you already.
"Okay." As soon as you nod, Max's smile widens, eyes shining.
You nod, and he feels his cheeks hurt from smiling so hard. "C'mon," goosebumps raise on your exposed arms as Max grabs your hand. His hand is so soft. "I don't want you getting lost." The wink he throws your way only fuels the flush on your neck and cheeks.
It's definitely going to be a fun night.
The walk to the VIP section is extremely difficult, with Max getting recognised and patted on the back every few seconds. When you finally make it, you sigh in relief before Max pulls you both by the wrist to meet his friends. Be cool, you mouth to Amara who only nods, wide-eyed.
"Pierre and Kika, Charles and Alex, this is [Y/N] and Amara!" You're sure they can barely hear him over the loud music but wave at them anyway. Charles shares a look with Pierre, the latter unable to contain his smile.
Max leans down, his nose brushing your temple. "Wait just a moment. Lando's around here somewhere." Before you can say a word, he flashes you a smile and disappears into the crowd, leaving you gaping like a fish.
You have no time to recover when the pretty girls approach you. Alex introduces herself as Alexandra, but she doesn't mind going by Alex. Kika's name is Francisca, but she goes by Kika. It's nice to meet them, and you don't hesitate to tell them so.
"Shots?" Amara reappears with four shot glasses passing them to each of you. "Cheers!" You clink your glasses before downing them.
"Oh, are you doing shots without me?!" A new voice pops up from behind you. Amara's eyes widen momentarily, meeting yours in poorly contained excitement.
You turn, gaze landing on Lando Norris and then gluing on Max Verstappen. This lighting makes him look even hotter. Is it normal to be thinking that? Probably not.
He introduces you to the tipsy-looking Brit, who shakes your hands in return. Amara's pulled to the side by Kika, something about doing more shots, and Charles motions for Max to go over to him. Once you're alone with Lando, a smile breaks onto his face.
"He's said a lot about you!" Your brows furrow, confused.
"What? That I tend to get lost easily in big places?" You nervously laugh, but Lando just shakes his head.
"Somethin' like tha'!"
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You haven't had this much fun in a while. You and Amara usually go to two clubs as a duo, but you admit having more people to dance and do shots with is way more fun. You're usually the sober one, having a higher tolerance for alcohol than your best friend, and this time you're extra careful since you're in a foreign place.
At some point during your dance battle with Kika and Amara, you grow tired. As much as you liked exaggerating your moves, your boots were made for walking, not jumping. Max had been out of your vision for a while, and you decided to look for him. He wasn't hard to find, considering he was nursing a drink on a couch further away from the action.
"Hey!" You plop down, bumping your elbow with his.
Max grinned. "Hey, stranger. Are you having fun?"
You nod excitedly. "Your friends are really nice." He snorts at that. "No, really! Drive to Survive does justice to none of you!"
Max's eyes widen, mouth hanging in shock. "Your source of information is a Netflix show?"
"Hey! I had to start from somewhere. I knew next to nothing about racing."
Conversing with Max comes naturally. He's funny, and he listens to what you have to say. He asks about your job: a photographer for brands. He laughs when you tell him you prefer the make-up brands because they're easier to manage than people.
He explains racing to you in simple terms. You nod along, trying your best to take in the information. It's harder with all the music and dancing bodies, but you make it work. You've shuffled even closer to him as Max leans down to talk directly in your ear while his hands move animatedly in front of you.
At some point, the conversation shifts to cats. You're delighted to learn that he has not one, but two big babies. Jimmy and Sassy. Max is a very proud cat dad, you conclude, from the excitement that exudes from every pore of his body as he slides from picture to picture.
"Oh my goodness! They're so cute!" You try not to literally squeal as Max stumbles upon a picture of them napping on his chest.
"They sleep all day and ask for treats all night." You laugh as he rolls his eyes, probably recalling every time this has happened.
"Oh, I'd love to meet them one day. They look lovely!"
"Yeah, I could introduce you someday," he says, and you turn to look at him with a huge smile.
"I should bring my Cheddar when it happens."
"My cat. He's a big fluffball." You reach for your phone, unlocking it to search for pictures of your orange cat.
"And you named him Cheddar? After the cheese?" He looks at you incredulously.
You giggle at his expression. "He's as orange as the cheese. It was my mom's idea to name him that."
You turn your phone his way, showing him a selfie of the fluffiest cat Max has ever seen on top of your shoulders. You're clearly giggling in it, a hand over your mouth. Cute, he thinks.
"He's adorable."
"And fat," you add.
Tapping a most recent picture, you show it to Max. Cheddar is on his back, his fat ass making him look like a pear. Your mom had sent you this just a day before.
"He's staying with my mom right now. And she's feeding him more than needed."
"We should arrange a playdate." You chuckle at Max's suggestion.
"Sure, if you fly out to England."
Before Max can respond, a very loud and drunk Brit makes his way to you. Lando grins when he spots you two sitting close, indiscreetly winking at Max. Your face feels warm.
"Do you guys wan' t' leave?" You barely make out his words.
Charles notices the three of you and pulls a dancing Alex with him, who pulls Amara with her. The three make their way to where you're seated.
"What are you guys talking about?"
Lando turns to him. "Are you hungry, mate?"
Charles shakes his head, leaning close to Alex to ask her the same. She also shakes her head with an apologetic smile.
"I am!" Amara nudges Lando, and his eyes light up.
He turns to Max and you. "Me and my new friend," he pulls Amara by the shoulders, and she drunkenly stumbles, "are hungry. Will you take us somewhere to eat?"
You look at Max, who mirrors your smiling expression. Lando says something about Max promising to be his chauffeur if he got too drunk.
"I could eat," you shrug. Max nods, agreeing.
He stands up, looking at the drunk pair. "Okay, let's go."
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[ taglist @alexmarie29 , @angelfreckless, @algae-tm, @chonkybonky, @lovely-blackinnon, @namgification, @taygrls, @ssprayberrythings, @ilove-tswizzle, @leclercdream, @halleest, @yaesflorist, @liafterhours, @mrsbrxkkxr ]
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marlenesluv · 1 year
Moments. Part 2. (LN)
summary: some more posts, but this time you make your own .jpg insta and share your boyfriend and friends
oc: ig im using lexi jayde as my oc for this little series, lol
this is part two! i’m not sure if i’ll make a part three or not yet.
masterlist here -> masterlist link
^ check my list for the other parts ^
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liked by: landonorris, maxfewtrell, and 102,198 others
y/n.jpg: finally made one of these things..am i doing it rt?
view comments…
y/ns.fanpage: i’m freaking out, this is exactly what i needed to make my day better
danielricciardo: you’re doing great sweetie🤗
|> y/n.user: thx dan🤗
|> f1.updates: more of this duo pls
|> y/n.user: i wont deny this request
f1.wags: y/n is dominating the .jpg accounts
carmenmmundt: you are my inspo in the second pic
|> y/n.user: you’re mine all the time
|> carmenmmundt: stopp🤭
|> georgerussell63: ugh
|> landonorris: next time we go on a double date, y/n and carmen will be the ones acting like a couple
|> georgerussell63: don’t remind me
formula1.fan: living for this content rn
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liked by: chalres_leclerc, lilymhe, and 113,184 others
y/n.jpg: snow angels & skiing 🤍
view comments…
maxfewtrell: cutest couple on the grid
|> pierregasly: a bit biased, no? i mean, they are your bsfs, so is that rly true?
|> francisca.cgomes: they are the cutest couple, it’s okay
ln4fanpage: all hail, y/n for all of the lando content lately
p1formula: so cuteeee
lilymhe: these pictures are everythingg👏✨
|> y/n.user: i love youu
|> lilymhe: i love you moreeeee
f1page: you both ate in these photos🙏
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liked by: danielricciardo, landonorris, and 134,729 others
y/n.jpg: buddies🤠
view comments…
danielricciardo: buddy🤠🤠
f1pics: if you look at the photos above, you will see one of the greatest friendships to exist
y/nbiggestfans: y/n is slaying that cowboy hat
landonorris: my favorite ppl
|> danielricciardo: lando, don’t make y/n suspicious of us….
|> y/n.user: 🙄
wagsoff1: iconssss👏👏👏
carlossainz55: you guys look great in these hats
|> y/n.user: thanks carlos ☺️
|> carlossainz55: you’re welcome 😊
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liked by: alex_albon, landonorris, and 148,204 others
y/n.jpg: i’m a passenger princess through and through👸 he’s my driving prince🤴
view comments…
landonorris: i will drive you anywhere and everywhere ❤️
|> y/n.user: ❤️❤️
f1fanpage: if you look closely out of the window, you can see me crying while being single
olliebearman: mom and dad 🤗
|> y/n.user: OLLIE 🤗
|> ollibearman: i found your account 😆
y/n.lando.fp: their comments?? i’m sobbing
f1memes: lando is such a simp
|> y/nfanpage: aren’t we all a simp for y/n?
(in order: lily, you, kika, carmen)
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liked by: lilymhe, landonorris, and 156,927 others
tagged: lilymhe, francisca.cgomes, carmenmmundt
y/n.jpg: little spa day before bfs do the vroom 🏎️
view comments…
landonorris: my job is actually just vroom
|> y/n.user: and how good you are at vroom, lan
lilymhe: i had so much fun💓
|> carmenmmundt: i did too🩷
|> y/n.user: my cutiessss
|> francisca.cgomes: it was so fun!!
y/nandnorris.4ever: was lando and y/n’s comment a barbie reference….
|> y/n.user: hehe, sí
|> carlossainz55: my spanish lessons must be rubbing off on you from lando!
|> landonorris: sí senorita sainz😊
|> carlossainz55: lando. i am a señor, since i am a man. señorita is female
|> landonorris: i meant what i said
formulaonevids: i need more girlie content
|> f1fan: no fr. feed me more plz
(reposts, comments, and likes are appreciated!^-^)
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melanieph321 · 1 month
bae please write something for one of the barca boys😩
Pedri/Fermin x Reader - Nude
Who's more artistic, Pedri or Fermin? 💅
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Pedri and Fermin are tricked to take an art class by some of the Barca boys. Things get a little heated as the two of them are expected to portray a nude model, the nude model being you.
"I can't believe we're doing this?" Said Fermin.
"We?" Pedri pushed open the door to the arts department. They had struggled with directions on campus and were most likely running late for the class. "Look around, Fermin. It's your big mouth that keeps getting us into shit like this. If you and Cancelo would just stop betting your well-earned salaries, we could be having a day off for once. Instead, we're in The University of Barcelona, fulfilling silly side quests such as this one."
"Okay, okay, Gonzalez. I get it, I messed up....again. But let's see the positive in this."
"Which is?"
They paused on the top of a stairscase. People were passing them by, students, turning their heads at the sight of them.
"Our parents would be proud to finally see us attending university."
Pedri rolled his eyes and shoved Fermin for him to keep walking.
The boys eventually found the right classroom and stumbled through the door in chaotic fashion. Students, seated before large canvasas, shifted their heads.
Pedri and Fermin looked at each other hesitantly. "Erm...Buenos días?"
"You made it!" A woman stood from behind a canvas, approching them where they stood awkwardly by the door. "Señores! You must be Pedri, and you must be Fermin." She shook their hands vividly. A surprisingly strong grip "I'm Martina Ramirez, the teacher of this class. My husband and children are big fans of Barça. Matter of fact, they still don't believe that the two of you are participating in my class today."
"This is it?" Fermin frowned, which earned him a slap in the back of the head from Pedri.
"Puta! Why did you do that for?"
"Yes, yes, of course." She directed them towards the circle of students, sitting them down before their blank canvasas.
Pedri ignored his friend, smiling at the woman. "Thank you for having us today Señorita Ramirez. Should we take our seats?"
Fermin looked to Pedri, shaking his head in disbelief. However, as the class began, the boys found themselves surprisingly engaged. Señorita Ramirez was a great teacher, and she made the class fun and interactive. They started with drawing, and before long, Pedri was actually creating some pretty impressive sketches. Fermin, on the other hand, struggled a bit more, but he found joy in experimenting with different colors and textures. That is, until you stepped into the room.
You were late, slowed down by the unexpected rain. Luckily, your clothes were meant to come off anyway. You entered the dimly lit classroom unnoticed so as not to disturb the students, deeply immersed in their work. But of course, Señorita Ramirez spotted you and waved for you to take your place in the middle of the circle.
"Señoras y señores, our object has arrived."
Like clock work the students flipped the pages of their sketchbooks, none of them bothering to give you a second glance, none of them expect for two boys who seemed a bit lost at what the other students were doing.
"Yes, boys, just like that." Señorita Ramirez encouraged. "Flipp your pages. It's time for a new drawing."
They did what they were told. Meanwhile, you took your place in the circle, untying the ropes of your bathrobe, the fabric sliding down your naked shoulders.
"Joder!" Someone gasped. One of the lost boys. His eyes were wide, staring at you like a maniac on ecstasy.
"Now Señor Lopez...." Señorita Ramirez approched him, pointing to his blank canvas. "Paint what you see, honey. Paint what you see."
He swollowed nervously but managed to diverge his eyes back to the canvas. Beside him his friend was already getting busy with his paint brush, a slight blossom to his cheeks.
"You holler when you need a break cariño."
"Yes, señorita Ramirez."
You usually lasted the whole class without a break. However, you could feel drops of water from your wet hair running down the length of your naked back, which could be a problem for later. But right now, your main focus was to pose for the students, two of those students who looked awfully familiar to you, but from where, you had no idea.
At one point, you tilted your head to get a better look at the other. The one with the dark hair and blushing cheeks. However, some students would hiss at you, urging for you to stand still. You did this repeatedly, curiously regarding the new boy who kept his eyes on his canvas, refusing to throw glance your way. His friend on the other hand, grinned at you like a kid in a candy store. He seemed more fascinated by your nakedness than Jack did Rose in that Titanic movie.
"There, times up!" Señorita Ramirez announced.
"What, already?" Fermin sighed.
Pedri, on the other hand, stood, swiftly grabbing his coat.
"Puta." He hissed, seeing as Señorita Ramirez made her way over to them.
"I hope you enjoyed attending this class as much as I liked having you here?"
"Oh, I enjoyed myself for sure." Fermin said, slapping the canvasas tucked underneath his arm. "Trust me, this one is going up on my wall at home."
Pedri wanted to slap his friend again. But just then you were seen walking up to his canvas, clutching your bathrobe around your body. You were regarding Pedri's painting, making him even more nervous.
"Excuse me?" He said, pushing pass Fermin and Señorita Ramirez. He pushed passed them and lunged for his canvas, pulling it away, out of your site. "I'm sorry, but it's not finished." He muttered.
"I can see that." You giggled. "A good start though."
Pedri looked up, meeting your eyes. "You think so?"
"I mean you only drew my face, but I guess that's the best part of me, no?"
"Yes, yes it is...."
You frowned.
"No!" He blurred out. "Not only your face looks good. All of you looks good. I just wish that I had more time to finish it."
You smiled. "Well, there's always sametime next week."
Pedri nodded, however did not raise his head to meet your eyes again. "Yeah, maybe next week..."
"Great, I'll see you then." You offered him your hand, which he shook almost immediately.
"Pedri, Pedri Gonzalez."
"Nice to meet you Pedri, my name is Y/N."
"Y/N." He said it almost dreamingly.
"....And my name is Fermin, Fermin Lopez, if you please." His friend disrupted the moment. Pedri looked to want to kill him. Nevertheless, the boys left shortly after that, never to be seen again. That is, until you turned on the TV that following night.
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spidybaby · 1 year
Family Night
Summary: homemade pizza and a uno game are the perfect combination if you want to meet your in laws.
Warnings: none 😋❤️
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You park outside of Pedro's house, nervous over the fact that this would be the first time you are meeting his family.
You knew his brother because he lives with him and to he honest your relationshipwith Fer was really good. His parents knew about you, they heard good things about you and how good you treated their son.
That didn't stop you from worrying about them not liking you and that affecting your relationship, especially because Pedro is a family person.
You check yourself one last time on the mirror of your car and grab the bottle of wine you bought for Pedro's parents, you make your way to the door.
You can feel your hands slightly shaking when you knock on the door.
The waiting was short, the nervous feeling making it seem like it was a lot of time.
"Hola y/n, estábamos esperandote" (Hi y/n, we were waiting for you). Fer say as he opens the door for you to enter the house.
"Hola Fer, perdón la demora, el tráfico esta horrible" (Hi Fer, sorry for the waiting. Traffic was terrible.) You gave him a little hug.
You wait for him to close the door, and both make your way inside.
"Mami esta emocionada por conocerte, Pedro ha estado hablando todo el día sobre ti" (mom is excited to meet you, Pedro has been talking about you all day.) He grabs you by the shoulders and shake you slightly.
"Espero no esté aburrida de mi" (Hope she's not tired of me) you laugh.
He was going to answer, but Pedro interrupted the conversation by greeting you.
"Preciosa, que bueno que llegaste." (Baby, so good you're here.) He was excited for you to meet his parents. He knows you're kind of shy about meeting new people and trying to make the situation more comfortable for you he organized a family night. "Mis padres están en la cocina, ven" (my parents are in the kitchen, come.)
He grabbed your hand and dragged you to the kitchen. His mom was the only one there.
"Mami, mira quien llegó." (Mommy, look who's here.) He says getting his mother attention.
You smile and wave at her.
"Hola, Señora Lopez, es un gusto conocerla" (Hi Misses Lopez, it's so nice to meet you). You feel tense because you really want to make a good impression.
"Tu debes ser la famosa y/n, créeme que Pedro no deja de hablar de ti, es de lo único de lo que habla, Por favor dime Rosy." (You must be the famous y/n, believe me when I say that Pedro won't stop talking about you. You're the only thing he talks about. Please call me Rosy.) She smiles and goes for a hug.
"Espero que sean cosas buenas de las que habla" (I hope he's saying good things about me) you laugh a little looking at him.
"Hola, llego tarde a la presentación?" (hello, am i late for the introduction?) The man that you identified as his father says while he enters the kitchen. "Pero mira que linda señorita, venga Pedro, presentala bien." (But look at this pretty lady, c'mon Pedro, introduce her to me) he says happily.
"Papá, ella es y/n, mi novia. Y/n, este es Fernando, mi padre." (Dad, she's y/n, she's my girlfriend. Y/n, this is Fernando, my dad.) He introduced you in a funny way.
"Mucho gustó, señor González." (Nice to meet you, Mister González.) You put your hand out for him to take. But he went for the hug, just like his wife.
"Venga, hemos escuchando tanto de ti, ya se había tardado este muchacho en traerte. Por favor dime Fernando, no me hagas sentir como un viejo." (C'mon, we heard so much about you. He took too long to bring you around. Please call me Fernando, dont make me feel old.) He hugged you tightly.
The smile on your face doesn't go unnoticed by your boyfriend, that only makes his own smile grow.
"Qué tienes ahí, cariño?" (What you have there, honey?) Pedro's mom asked, noticing the bottle on your hands.
"Oh, Pedro me dijo que les gusta mucho el vino, les traje una botella, espero os guste." (Oh, Pedro told me you guys like to drink wine, so I bring a bottle for you. I hope you like it.) You hand the bottle to her.
She took it, saying her thanks to you for bringing it.
"Ya acabamos con todo esto de los holas y las buenas noches? Estoy hambriento, por favor." (Are we done with all the introduction and the hellos, good nights? I'm hungry, please.) Fer says hugging his brother.
"Empecemos entonces, y/n, Pedro nos dijo que te gustan mucho las pizzas, así que vamos a preparar una especialmente para ti." (Let's begin then, y/n, Pedro told us you love pizza, so we're making some pizza for you.)
You felt so special. His family was doing everything to make you feel like one of them.
"Lavate las manos, vamos a amasar hermanita." (Wash your hands. Let's knead some dough, hermanita.) Fer was the most excited. He loves pizza as much as you.
You both wash your hands and begin with the dough while his parents are preparing the sauce and Pedro is cutting and preparing the toppings.
"Dime algo, y/n. Pedro te trata bien?" (Tell me something y/n, is Pedro treating you well?) His father asks you while you're spreading some flour.
You fix your eyes on Pedro. He was looking at you with a funny expression. You were about to answer, but Fer had other plans.
"Honestamente, yo creo que Pedro podría ser mejor novio, deberías hablar con él, papá." (Honestly, I think Pedro can be a better boyfriend. You should talk with him, dad.) He says with a serious expression.
You wanted to laugh, Fer, and you are used to joking with him like that.
"Venga Pedro, qué haz hecho para que tu hermano hable así?" (Pedro, what did you do for Fer to talk like that?) His father wink at you, catching your joke.
Pedro, on the other side, changes his expression "joder, ahora vas a creerle a este tonto?" (Oh c'mon, now you're believing what he says?) He was serious. "Preciosa, defiende mi honor, por favor." (Baby, please defend my honor.)
"Tu tranquila, y/n. Acá estamos papá y yo para defenderte, di la verdad." (Calm down y/n. Dad and I are here for you. You can tell the truth.)
His mother is laughing with how Pedro is getting worried. Not catching the obvious joke you three have going on.
"Preciosa, por favor." (Baby, please), he says, looking at you.
"No, déjala que diga su verdad, vamos y/n, estamos contigo." (No, leave her to tell her truth, c'mon y/n, we are here for you.) Fernando says, passing his arm around you. You start laughing at this point and so did his father.
"Ya Fer, déjalo" (Stop it Fer, leave him alone). You carefully take his arm away from you, still laughing. "Respondiendo a su pregunta, si me trata muy bien, es el mejor." (To answer your question, yes, he treats me so well, he's the best.)
"Toma, capullo" Pedro came close to you "mi preciosa jamas diría nada malo sobre mi, verdad amor?" (Take it, dumbass, my baby would never say anything bad about me, right love?) You only nod smiling, kissing his cheek quickly.
You push him lightly with your arm "sigue cortando, aun nos falta mucho." (Go back to cutting, we still have a lot to do.)
The conversation after that joke was easy, Fer and Pedro throwing jokes around, his parents telling you about his restaurant, some stories about Pedro and some plans they have as a family.
Once the pizzas were in the oven, Pedro, Fer and you told his parents that you were cleaning and that they can enjoy some of the wine you brought.
While they went to prepare the table you helped Fer with loading the dishwasher while your boyfriend put back all the ingredients you didn't use.
Thirty minutes later you seated at the table, Fer idea was to play a UNO game while you eat.
"Quieres un poco de vino, y/n?" Rosy asked you, serving some wine for Fer, her husband and herself. (Would you like some wine, y/n?)
"No gracias, estoy bien con mi agua" you smile while mixing the cards. (No thank you, I'm good with my water.)
Fer serves you a big slice of pizza, knowing you'll try to grab a small one for the shame of the meeting.
"El más grande para ti, por ser la invitada de honor." (The biggest slice for you, because you're our honor guest.) The pizza looked amazing. It was made with love, and things made with love are the best.
The game begins with Fernando giving Pedro a +4, everyone laughs at him getting mad with his father but grabbing the cards.
"No, cariño. Debes agarrar dos cartas, no puedes poner otro +2" (no, honey, you have to grab two more cards, not pile another +2) Fernando laugh.
"Espera, yo siempre agrego otro +2, esta mal eso?" (Wait, I always pile another +2, is that wrong?) You were curious because you were ready to add another +2 if she did the same. "Pedro igual lo hace" (Pedro does the same thing) you point to him laughing.
He shush you, laughing. Obviously, by the rules, it wasn't legal, but you weren't changing that tonight.
"Para mi que ignoremos esa regla, Rosy, que piensas?" (I propose that we ignore that rule, Rosy. What do you think?)
She agreed with you, even when both Fernandos didn't.
The game continues, and Fernando was the first to win. You play a few more rounds, in one of the rounds you won.
After the pizza is done and you all agree with ending the game, you notice the time.
His parents also noticed the time, as Rosy was getting tired.
"Bueno, yo creo que ya me retiro, estoy algo cansada." (Well, I think I'll better go to bed, I'm tired.) She says, yawning. "Pero y/n, por favor quédate el tiempo que quieras, te quedas en tu casa, espero verte luego, nos encantó tenerte" (Y/n, please stay as long as you want, you're on your home, I hope I see you later, we love having you here.) She hugs you and say her goodbyes to her kids.
Fernando and Pedro pick the table while Fer and you get the cards on place.
"Dame, llevare esto a la cocina." (Here, let me take this to the kitchen.) You say picking the wine glasses. "Puedes poner mi teléfono a cargar? Esta a punto de morir." (Can you charge my phone, it's about to die).
"Vale, no hay problema, no quieres ayuda con eso?" (Okay, no problem, you sure you don't need help?) You say a quick no and walk over to the kitchen.
"Creo que tomaste una buena decision, hijo." "Y/n, es muy especial para mi, me alegro que la quieran." (I think you made the right choice.) (Y/n is very special to me, Im happy you liked her.) You heard the voice of your boyfriend and his father.
You stopped in your tracks, obviously hearing other people conversation was wrong, but you wanted to know if you did a good job.
"Bromeas? La adoramos, hijo. Es perfecta para ti e incluso tu hermano la adora. Por favor portate bien, ella lo vale. Además sabe escoger vino, cuidala por favor." (You're kidding? We love her, she's perfect for you and even your brother loves her. Please behave, she's worthy. Plus, she's good at picking wine.) Pedro laughs with his last words. Thanking his father for the words and promises to behave.
You feel so happy with his words. Giving a good impression was all you wanted, and you got it.
"Pedro, estas aquí?" (Pedro, you're here?) You say acting like you weren't listening to them. "Traje las copas" (I got the glasses.) You leave them in the counter, turning your body to the two men. "Señor González,fue un placer conocerlo." (Mister González it was so nice to meet you.)
"Ey, en que quedamos?" (Hey what did I say?) He points at you.
"Perdón, Fernando." You laugh.
"Fue muy bueno conocer por fin a la que trae a mi Pedro como niño enamorado." (It was so nice meeting the one that has my Pedro like a kid in love.) He pinch his cheek making Pedro blush.
He excuse himself, going upstairs to where his wife is, ready to go to bed as well.
"Bueno, no fue tan malo como creías, no?" (It wasn't that bad, right?) Pedro asks you, hugging you tightly. "Te quieren tanto como yo a ti, no puede ser mejor." (They love you as much as I do, it's the best thing.)
Kissing him was the only right answer, you were whipped for him.
All the fears and worries about them not liking you are long gone. You feel thankful for meeting someone as good as Pedro.
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senig-fandom · 11 days
Señorita senig podría dibujar a SEDENA como jaguar
La amo
¿Esto sirve? No se si lo querías como jaguar animal, como guerrero jaguar o con las orejas y cola de jaguar XD así que hice este para recordar la actitud de centro hacia SEDENA el cual es picara y burlona.
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-Señor, le pediré que se abstenga a decir cualquier comentario sobre mi apariencia en este momento.
-Pero si eres adorable...
Espero y te guste 💚🤍❤️
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spanishskulduggery · 2 years
Most Essential Vocabulary #1
I decided to compile a list of some of the most basic and essential vocab for Spanish since I couldn’t totally find a lot. 
These are going to be the words that you’re going to be using and seeing the most for Spanish, so it will come across as very basic for some
I decided to do this in multiple parts because there are lots of topics - so if you have suggestions on certain topics, please let me know! There probably will be words repeated for different “categories”
yo = I
tú = you [informal]
usted = you [formal]
nosotros = we [m+m, m+f] nosotras = we [f+f]
ustedes = you all [for Spain it’s formal, for Latin America it’s formal and informal]
vosotros = you all [m+m, m+f; informal, Spain] vosotras = you all [f+f; informal, Spain]
él = he
ella = her
elle = they [no specified gender; this is not considered “proper” Spanish, but it is used in many queer communities for someone non-binary; “proper” Spanish only really has “he” or “she” or refers to someone of unknown or unspecified gender in vague terms like alguien “someone” or una persona “a person” and conjugates them with 3rd person singular]
Question Words
qué = what que = that [connecting clauses] lo que = what, “the thing that”, that which [a stand in for a noun]
por qué = why el por qué = “the reason why”, “the motive” porque = because [connecting clauses]
cuál, cuáles = which, which ones
dónde = where donde = where [connecting clauses]
cuándo = when cuando = when [connecting clauses]
cómo = how como = as, like [connecting clauses]
cuánto/a = how much/many  cuanto = so much [or en cuanto “insomuch” or “as far as”]
cuánto/a is used with countable objects
For using “how + adj/adv” you have to use a separate expression; in more literary Spanish this is cuán which is not used very much now except in some lyrics and poetry. For everyday Spanish there’s a separate word/phrase:
qué tan = how + adj/adv [Latin America] ¿Qué tan rápido es? = How fast is it? ¿Qué tan larga es la historia? = How long is the story? ¿Qué tan profundo es el océano? = How deep is the ocean?
cómo de = how + adj/adv [Spain] ¿Cómo de grande es? = How big is it? ¿Cómo de alta es la montaña? = How high is the mountain? ¿Cómo de ancho es el río? = How wide is the river?
Please be aware certain prepositions are used differently than others. The main ones to be very aware of are: a, de, en, por, para, and con
...By far, a is the most versatile and has the most uses, followed by de
Primarily this is just a list of things to know, but some of them require proper context to fully understand in my opinion
a = to
de = of / from
en = on / in
por = for / by, via 
para = for / up to / in order to
con = with
sin = without
sobre = on, upon / about, pertaining to acerca de = about, pertaining to
hacia = toward, towards
bajo = under debajo (de) = under, underneath
encima (de) = on top of
desde = from, since
hasta = until, up to
según = according to
antes = before
después = after
tras = following, after
entre = between
enfrente (de) = in front of, facing
junto/a = together junto a = next to, beside
al lado de = next to
durante = for (a period of time) / during
mientras = while
a través de = through a lo largo de = throughout
alrededor de = around, surrounding
mediante = through, via, by means of por medio de = through, via, by means of
vía = via
versus = versus [exactly like English... because it’s Latin; the pronunciation is different obviously]
contra = against, versus/vs / against, up against [e.g. contra la pared “(up) against the wall”]
Standard Spanish 101 Vocab
algo = something
nada = nothing la nada = nothingness
alguien = someone
nadie = no one
el hombre = man el caballero = gentleman / man [lit. “knight” or “horseman”] el señor = sir, gentleman / lord / Mr.
la mujer = woman [potentially “wife”] la dama = lady / woman la señora = lady / madame, Mrs. la señorita = miss, (young/unmarried) lady
alto/a = tall, high
bajo/a = short, low
gordo/a = fat
flaco/a = skinny, thin delgado/a = skinny, thin
grande = big
pequeño/a = small
inteligente = intelligent
(ser) listo/a = (to be) smart (estar) listo/a = (to be) ready
rico/a = rich
pobre = poor
guapo/a = good-looking
lindo/a = cute, good-looking bonito/a = cute, good-looking
feo/a = ugly
joven = young
viejo/a = old
menor = younger / minor
mayor = older, elder / major
justo/a = fair, just
injusto/a = unjust, unfair
fácil = easy
difícil = hard, difficult
apenas = hardly, barely a duras penas = just barely
fuerte = strong
débil = weak
veloz = quick rápido/a = fast [adj] rápido = quickly, fast [adv]
lento/a = slow [adj] lento / lentamente = slow, slowly [adv]
trabajador(a) = hard-working
perezoso/a = lazy
tonto/a = stupid, silly
ingenioso/a = ingenious, clever
bueno/a = good
bien = good, well [adv]
malo/a = bad
mal = badly, wrong [adv]
equivocado/a = wrong, incorrect
genial = wonderful, amazing
maravilloso/a = wonderful / wondrous, marvelous
pésimo/a = really bad, awful
alegre = happy
feliz = happy
triste = sad
enojado/a = angry
preocupado/a = worried
asustado/a = surprised / scared
enfermo/a = sick
mejor = better el/la mejor = the best
peor = worse el/la peor = the worst
largo/a = long
corto/a = short
vivo/a = alive, living
muerto/a = dead
presente = present, here
ausente = absent
Time - Days
Note: All days of the week and all months are masculine
lunes = Monday
martes = Tuesday
miércoles = Wednesday
jueves = Thursday
viernes = Friday
sábado = Saturday
domingo = Sunday
la semana = week
el fin de semana = weekend el finde = weekend [regional slang] 
el calendario = calendar
el horario = schedule, timeframe
el día [m] = day
la fecha = date (calendar)
la cita = appointment / date (romantic)
hoy = today
ayer = yesterday anteayer = the day before yesterday
esta noche = tonight
anoche = last night
mañana = tomorrow pasado mañana = the day after tomorrow
la tarde = afternoon / evening el atardecer = evening, dusk
la mañana = morning el amanecer = morning, daybreak, sunrise
el mediodía = noon
la medianoche = midnight
la madrugada = the early morning, “wee hours of the morning” [when it’s morning but still dark]
el alba [f]  = dawn la salida del sol = daybreak, sunrise
la puesta del sol = sunset ponerse el sol = for the sun to set
el crepúsculo = twilight / dusk
diario/a = daily [adj] a diario = daily, happening every day [adv] cotidiano/a = daily, everyday
temprano/a = early temprano = soon [adv]
tarde = late [adj / adv]
próximo/a = next
siguiente = following al día siguiente = the next day, the following day
anterior = previous
primer, primera / primero = first
segundo/a = second
la mitad = half [n]
medio/a = half [adj]
tercer, tercera / tercero = third el/un tercio = a third / one-third, 1/3
cuarto/a = fourth
quinto/a = fifth
sexto/a = sixth
séptimo/a = seventh
octavo/a = eighth (or “octave”)
noveno/a = ninth
décimo/a = tenth el décimo = decimal
último/a = last, latest
Time - Months
enero = January
febrero = February
marzo = March
abril = April
mayo = May
junio = June
julio = July
agosto = August
septiembre = September
octubre = October
noviembre = November
diciembre = December
el mes = month
mensual = monthly
la quincena = fortnight, two weeks
nuevo/a = new la luna nueva = new moon
lleno/a = full la luna llena = full moon
la medialuna = half moon / crescent
creciente = growing la luna creciente = crescent moon
la primavera = spring
el verano = summer
el otoño = autumn, fall
el invierno = winter
la estación = season
la fiesta = holiday [or “party”]
la Navidad = Christmas
la Nochebuena = Christmas Eve
el Año Nuevo = New Year’s
la Nochevieja = New Year’s Eve
la víspera = eve / evening [with holidays it’s used as “the day before”, or sometimes “vigil”; so la Nochevieja is also sometimes la víspera del Año Nuevo]
Día de los Reyes Magos = Three Kings Day / The Epiphany
San Valentín / el Día de San Valentín = Valentine’s Day
la Cuaresma = Lent
Miércoles de Ceniza = Ash Wednesday
el Carnaval = Carnival / Mardi Gras
la Semana Santa = Holy Week
la Pascua = Easter
el Día de (los) Muertos = Day of the Dead (el) Halloween = Halloween
el Día de Acción de Gracias = Thanksgiving [North America; sometimes just called Thanksgiving or Sangiving]
el Día de Todos (los) Santos = All Saints Day
Día de (la) Independencia = Independence Day
Other countries have their own holidays like Día de la Constitución “Constitution Day” or Día de la Revolución “Revolution Day”, or something more regional like la Tomatina in Spain, or Día de los Santos Inocentes which is “the Day of Holy Innocents” but sometimes translated as “April Fool’s Day”
This is also not counting certain religious holidays or folk holidays, which can vary from country to country
For dates in Spanish, you typically use the number + the month: el diecisiete de marzo for example reads as “the 17th of March” or “March 17th”
The ONLY exception is the 1st of every month is el primero instead of saying el uno. As an example: el primero de enero is “January 1st” or “the 1st of January”; this is done because it would be awkward to say “the one of January”
For days of the week you will see something like Viernes 13 [trece] “Friday the 13th” or Martes 13 “Tuesday the 13th” (which is the day of bad luck in Spanish) 
Nature / The World
el sol = sun
la luna = moon
la estrella = star
el planeta [m] = planet
el mundo = world
el árbol = tree
la flor = flower
la hoja = leaf
la semilla = seed
el jardín = garden
el bosque = woods, forest
la selva = forest
el océano = ocean
el mar = ocean [sometimes feminine]
el río = river
el arroyo = stream
el lago = lake
el estanque = pond
la orrilla = shore
la isla = island
la ola = wave (water)
el volcán = volcano
la montaña = mountain
la sierra = mountain range [or “saw” in tools]
la piedra = stone la roca = rock
el tiempo = time / weather [or “grammatical tense”]
la hora = hour
la lluvia = rain
la nieve = snow
el granizo = hail / hailstone
el hielo = ice
el viento = wind
la ventisca = blizzard
la tormenta = storm
la nube = cloud
la niebla = fog, mist la neblina = mist, haze
el relámpago = lightning [commonly refers to “the flash of lightning” specifically]
el rayo = lightning, bolt (of lightning) [commonly “lightning” or “lightning strike”]
el trueno = thunder [refers to “the sound” specifically]
la arena = sand
el desierto = desert
el cañón = canyon
el risco = cliff
el monte = wilderness / mountain, mount
la hierba = grass / herb las malas hierbas = weeds [lit. “bad grasses”]
alto/a = tall, high la altura = height
profundo/a = deep poco profundo/a = shallow la profundidad = depth
The Human Body - Basics
el cuerpo = body
el peso = weight
la altura = height la estatura = height, stature
el hueso = bone
el órgano = organ
la sangre = blood
la vena = vein
el sudor = sweat
la cabeza = head
la cara = face
el cerebro = brain
el ojo = eye
la nariz = nose
la oreja = ear [outer]
el oído = ear [inner]
la ceja = eyebrow
la frente = forehead
el cuello = neck
la garganta = throat
la espalda = back
la columna (vertebral) = spine / spinal column el espinazo = backbone, spine
el hombro = shoulder
el brazo = arm
la mano = hand
la muñeca = wrist
el dedo = finger el pulgar = thumb el índice = index finger, pointer finger el dedo medio = middle finger el dedo anular = ring finger el meñique = pinky
el puño = fist
el nudillo = knuckle
el tronco = torso [or “trunk” for trees]
el pecho = chest
el seno = breast / bosom [in everyday speech - and vulgar speech - this is la teta “boob” or “tit”]
el estómago = stomach
la barriga = belly / gut la panza = belly
los intestinos = intestines, bowels la tripa, las tripas = “stomach” / innards, entrails
las entrañas = innards, entrails, “one’s insides”
la cintura = waist
la cadera = hip
la pierna = leg
la rodilla = knee
el tobillo = ankle
el pie = foot
el dedo de pie = toe el dedo gordo = big toe el meñique (de pie) = pinky toe [the other toes are known as el segundo dedo “second toe”, el tercer dedo “third toe”, and el cuarto dedo “fourth toe”]
el corazón = heart
el pulmón = lung
el hígado = liver
el músculo = muscle
el tejido = tissue (medical)
la uña = nail (finger/toe)
el pelo = hair (any kind)
el cabello = hair (specifically on the head)
los sentidos = the senses
la vista = eyesight, sight
el oído = hearing, sense of hearing
el olfato = smell, sense of smell
el gusto = taste, sense of taste
el tacto = touch, sense of touch
Around the House
la casa = house
el hogar = home / hearth
el apartamento = apartment
el piso = floor [el piso in Spain is typically “apartment”, most commonly translated as “flat” for British English]
el techo = ceiling / roof
el tejado = roof
la mesa = table
la silla = chair el sillón = large chair / armchair
la cama = bed
la almohada = pillow
el sofá [m] = sofa, couch
los muebles = furniture [el mueble is one piece]
el espejo = mirror
el reloj = clock / watch, stopwatch
el estante, los estantes = shelf, shelves / shelving
el gabinete = cabinet
el refrigerador / la refrigeradora = refrigerator la nevera = refrigerator
el congelador = freezer
la tarea = task, chore [commonly meaning “homework”] los deberes = chores / duties los quehaceres = chores
la puerta = door
la ventana = window
la sala = room el salón = room / large room
el cuarto = room
la habitación = bedroom el dormitorio = bedroom [lit. “dormitory” or “sleep-room”] el cuarto = bedroom, personal room
la sala de estar = living room el salón = living room [again, just “big room”] la sala = living room [again, just “room” but it’s any kind of room you might invite someone into] [some places have other words for it]
la cocina = kitchen [also “cuisine” or “cooking”]
el comedor = dining room [or “mess hall”; but any room for “eating”]
la lavandería = laundry room / laundromat
el vestíbulo = foyer, vestibule
la escalera = staircase / stairwell las escaleras = steps, stairs
el baño = bathroom [lit. “bath”] el cuarto de baño = bathroom
el inodoro = toilet bowl [sometimes el váter]
el clóset / el armario = closet / armoire, wardrobe
el garaje = garage
el sótano = basement
el ático = attic el desván = attic
el pasillo = hallway 
el estudio = study
el gimnasio = gym
la biblioteca = library
la despensa = pantry / cupboard
el almacén = storeroom, storage closet [you might see this as “warehouse” for buildings; it means a “storage area” literally]
la oficina = office
la lámpara = lamp
la luz = light las luces = light
encender = to turn on (electronics) [otherwise it’s “to kindle” or “to set on fire”]
apagar = to turn off (electronics) [others it’s “to extinguish” or “snuff out (fire/candles)]
la televisión / la tele = television / TV
el teléfono = telephone, phone
el celular = cellphone [more Latin America] el móvil = mobile, cellphone [more Spain]
el tenedor = fork
el cuchillo = knife
la cuchara = spoon
el plato = plate
el tazón = bowl el bol = bowl el cuenco = bowl
el horno = oven
la estufa = stove, stovetop
el vaso = glass [for water]
la taza = cup / mug [for tea/coffee]
la copa = glass [for wine]
la vela = candle
los trastes = “the dishes” [regional, I think]
la plancha = iron (for clothes) [lit. la plancha is a metal thing you use to “press” on either food or clothes; not to be confused with el hierro “iron” the metal in English]
Basics of Clothing
la ropa = clothes, clothing
la prenda = garment, item of clothing
la ropa interior = underwear el calzón / los calzoncillos = underwear las bragas = panties, female underwear
el sostén, el sujetador = bra
los calcetines = socks
las medias = socks [las medias can also mean “stockings” or “tights”]
la camisa = shirt
la camiseta = t-shirt
los pantalones = pants, trousers
los zapatos = shoes los tacones = heels las botas = boots
el vestido = dress
la blusa = blouse
la falda = skirt
la chaqueta = jacket
el abrigo = coat, overcoat [usually a “warm coat” or sometimes “winter coat”; a coat specifically to keep you warm outside]
el cinturón = belt
la bufanda = scarf
el guante, los guantes = glove, gloves
la cartera / el monedero = wallet
las gafas / los lentes = glasses las gafas de sol = sunglasses [the older word for “glasses” is los anteojos - it comes across like “spectacles” and shows up in some textbook, but las gafas is the most common one today]
el bolso = purse [some people will use la bolsa - typically though, la bolsa is “bag” like a shopping bag or trash bag]
el bolsillo = pocket
el botón = button
el broche = clasp, fastener, button
la joyería = jewelry
el collar = necklace
el anillo = ring
el pendiente, los pendientes = earrings [regional] el aro / el arete = earring [regional]
el brazalete = bracelet [often on the arm] la pulsera = bracelet [often at the wrist where one’s “pulse” is]
el pijama / los pijamas = pajamas, PJs
el paraguas = umbrella la sombrilla = umbrella [regional]
el impermeable = raincoat [regional]
la gorra = cap [small hat]
el sombrero = hat [with a wide brim, usually all the way around]
el suéter = sweater
la sudadera = sweatshirt
los jeans = jeans los bluyines = jeans [lit. “blue jeans” but could be any color in Spanish] los vaqueros = jeans [Spain; lit. “cowboy (pants)”] [there are LOTS of regionalisms for jeans]
la seda = silk
la piel = leather / skin el cuero = leather
el algodón = cotton
la lana = wool
el terciopelo = velvet
el encaje = lace
la tela = fabric
el mezclillo = denim
Basics of Colors
Note: Some names of colors do not change for gender as they are derived from nouns - to distinguish them, I’m not including the definite articles to identify them as adjectives. 
As an example, rosa “pink” comes from “rose”, so la camisa rosa “pink shirt” or el abrigo rosa “pink coat” 
Note 2: When talking about colors as “the color” itself, it is always masculine; el rojo is “the color red”. This is important for distinguishing certain nouns - el naranja is “the color orange” vs. la naranja “orange (fruit)”, or el rosa “the color pink” vs. la rosa “rose (flower)”, or el turquesa “the color turquoise” vs. la turquesa “turquoise (gem)”
rojo/a = red
naranja = orange anaranjado/a = orange, orangey
amarillo/a = yellow
verde = green
azul = blue azul claro = light blue azul celeste = light blue / sky blue azul oscuro = dark blue azul marino = navy blue
añil = indigo
turquesa = turquoise
lila = light purple / lilac, lavender (color)
morado/a = dark purple
púrpura = purple
rosa = pink rosado/a = pink, rosy
marrón = brown (color) café = brown
negro/a = black
blanco/a = white
gris = gray
oro = gold dorado/a = gold, golden
plata = silver plateado/a = silvery
bronce = bronze bronceado/a = bronzed, tanned
arcoíris, arco iris = rainbow
oscuro/a = dark
claro/a = light (color)
castaño = brown (hair/eyes) [lit. “chestnut”]
caoba = mahogany, auburn (hair/eyes) [lit. “mahogany”]
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gadriezmannsgirl · 1 year
Hola chicaa i have a request!
You’re a waitress in pedri’s parents restaurant so you know them for a while and pedri is slowly fallin in love with you🙈
Changed this up in the tiniest bit
This was rushedly ended and it's not revised, sorry if there's any mistake or misspelled word😭
El Bar Tasca -Pedri González
Summary: You're a worker in El Bar Tasca Fernando and managed to catch the attention of your bosses youngest son, Pedro.
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"¡Y/N, hija!" Fernando, your six months boss said with a smile on as you waved at him through the screen of your phone.
"Señor Fernando" You smile "¿Cómo están? ¿Qué tal Barcelona?" (How are you? How's Barcelona?)
"Pues todo muy bien" He smiled "¿Qué tal ha dido el día de hoy?" (Everything's good. How was today?) You nod smiling.
"Pretty busy but nothing la señorita Candelaria and I couldn't handle" You show the old lady into the camera as she smiles and waves "We're actually closing up now"
"Hombre, pues eso está muy bien. Me alegra mucho" (Man, that's really good. I'm glad) He smiled.
"¿Qué tal el partido? He visto que ya han levantado el trofeo, Rosy me ha estado enviando fotos de ustedes sin parar" (How was the mathc? I saw they already lifted the throphy, Rosy has been sending me pics of you nonstop) You both laugh "Fer me ha enviado un video suyo como guardametas" (Even Fer sent me this video of yours as a goalkeeper)
"El muy pillo me ha agarrao' fuera de base" (The smart one has gotten me when I least expected it) You laughed.
You knew about his oldest son, Fernando and often when he came here, you talked to him and the two of you spent nice time, laughs and jokes thrown all over the place, you chatted when he's at his Barcelona house and keeping a nice friendship but you still haven't met his youngest son, Pedro. With him being the star of the family, he was always busy and couldn't travel back home the same amount of time his brother did.
And now, he had won LaLiga and Rosy and Fernando were desperate to go and be with him but they were hesitant to leave the restaurant since their manager left but you told them you could take care for a few days of the Bar and tried to relieve some of their pression out. Of course, they didn't wanted to at first, not liking to put more pression on your shoulders, they knew you had work and Uni work and combined were a lot but you brushed their comments and grabbed the Bar's keys softly from Rosy's hold.
"Go and see your boys" You said "The Bar will be on good hands"
And they knew it would be. Even with the relative short amount of time you have been working there, they had grown to love you like a daughter and you love them like your second parents and they knew you were such a responsable, smart and overall good girl. That's why after a long talk of how they were going to make it up for you and you trying to dismiss it, accepted and left.
That's how you came here on the facetime thing, they didn't wanted you to pressure yourself and often Rosy or Fernando checked up on you with a message or a call, this time Fernando was truly excited that he called to show you around the whole place since he knew you liked football.
"¡Y/N, cariño!" You heard Rosy before you could see her but once you did you smiled brightly at her
"Rosy, you're looking gorgeous! I'm glad you're having a good time over there!" You replied excited
"We are, Y/N/N" She smiles "Have you seen this? Is gorgeous!" You nod lightly
"Fernando was showing me around a bit, it does look very hermoso" Rosy was about to talk but you soon saw Fer coming in, you first saw a part of his hand, then his hair and his eyes to finally see his whole face in a smile
"¡Señorita!" (Young lady!) He said as you giggle
"¡Señorito!" (Young man!) You reply
"Estos viejitos me han dicho que te iban a matar sino tomabas el puesto para que ellos pudiesen venir" (These old people told me that they were going to kill you if you didn't say yes to take care of the bar so that they could come) He said as Rosy hits him in the back of his neck
"Ya, déjate de payasadas, Fernando González Lopez" Rosy says as you laugh lightly
"Sí, deja esos cuentos pa'otro tiempo, están celebrando el triunfo de tú hermano, debería dejarlos pa' que sigan con ello" You said (Yes, leave those jokes for later, you're celebrating your brother's triumph, I should leave you guys to it)
"Oh no" Fernando says frowning "We wanted to keep showing you around and maybe meeting Pedro? He's taking pictures somewhere but-" You cut them off shaking your head
"Don't worry about it. I have to help Candelaria to mop and close the shop" You smile "You come back here in two days, right?" Fernando nods as you nod back "See you in two days!"
"Maybe you see us as well soon, Y/N! We'll go there when Pedro gets his vacation time, we can meet up!" Fer said pushing his head into the screen once more as you laugh watching his nose and big eyes appear on half of the screen
"That we'll do, Nandito. Se me cuidan, por favor" (Take care of yourselves, please)
"Igualmente, hija" (Likewise, love) Rosy says as you smile but seconds before you cut the call you could heard another Canarian accent speak
You sighed happy, those two grown-ups were absolutely the best and you loved them deeply, it didn't hurted you a single bit trading some of sleep time to catch up, do inventary, count the money and clean the whole Bar for them, instead of being stuck into a book alone at home whilst you wait for your parents to come from their work.
So you stuck your phone in the back of your pocket and went behind where the dishes were to keep doing your work.
"¿Estamos bien, señora Candelaria?" (Are we good, miss Candelaria?)
"Que nada de señora, mijita" (None of miss, daughter) You smile "And yes, we are all good" You nod accepting her hand
"Bueno, let's go then"
Everything was chaos.
Fernando and Rosy had came back three days ago and today Fer and Pedro were coming, they both were excited and all over the place, making you do this and do that, then sent you to the other thing and then other. You tried as much as you could but you were getting tired of running all over the Bar.
"Calm down, Rosy" You said "Everything will be fine, they're just your sons, they know this place top to bottom and in it's best and worst conditions. This is their home and all they would want is to relax, so please, with all due respect I suggest you to stop overthinking and take it easy"
"And she's right" An unknown voice said as you turn around finally facing the last and youngest member of the González López family "Que papá me había dicho que estabas un poco fuera de lugar, estresada y demás" (Dad just told me you were a bit out of place, stressed and everything else)
"I was a bit stressed out, you haven't been here in a long time, I just wanted everything to be perfect"
"And it is, mamá" He smiled before looking at you "Pedro" He pushed his hand out as you took it and you both gave two kisses in your cheeks
"Y/N Y/L/N" His eyebrows shot up
"Finally I get to met the awesome Y/N" He said as you blush lightly
"Bueno que asombrosa, asombrosa no soy" (Well awesome, awesome I'm not) "...Pero igualmente es un placer" (But anyway, it's a placer)
"What do you mean not awesome?" He says shaking his head "Que me han dicho las mil y un cosas de tí" (People have told me the thousand and one things about you)
"Good ones, I hope so" He laughs
"All good. I even got told por ahí que haces tremendas croquetas, incluso puede que mejores que las de mi mamá, he venido a comprobar eso" You laughed (...got told somewhere that you make tremendous croquettes, maybe even better than my mother's, I have come to verify that)
"They really are" Rosy says smiling as you look at her
"Oh shush! You were the one who told me the recipe, they are basically yours!"
"She adds a little something, we don't know what it is but she made the recipe her own" You blush "Gotta go and see if Fernndo needs something from me" And with that she left you guys
"Are you up to do them, right now?" You smile nodding
"Sure" You smiled grabbing your hair in a low ponytail
"Can I help you?"
"Wash your hands, then"
You instantly got into it, you gotta admit you liked croquettes too, often giving Pedri some indications of cutting the dresses and both of you asking question about the other, getting to know yourselves, your voice talking with Pedro and laughing at his jokes was the only thing you could hear at the kitchen and the ocasional sound of an electrodomestic.
"Oh vaya! What do we have here?" Fer said coming up "Pedro cooking?" He made a face making you laugh and the youngest González gave him a look and throw him a carrot peel "How's it going?"
"He is better assistant than you, so..." You said as Fer, who's face falls as Pedro laughs "We're going great"
"I'm better than him, you're only saying that because I don't follow your instructions!"
"I'm the chef here so of course it annoys me when I say put the chicken in the grill and you say: 'But let's do it baked'" You imitate his voice making him laugh "No! No, no, no! I want the freaking chicken grilled, I prepared it for the grill and you just went ahead and putted it inside the oven"
Fer came up to you to hug you but you didn't hugged him back "That was the best chicken I have ever done and you messed it up, get off!" You both laughed
"At least I help you, you're choosing to stay with the one who burns a simple pan con queso"
"I'll be looking at this so it doesn't burn, let him alone!" Pedro was laughing at your interaction with his brother
"Gotta go and so do you, Pedro. Dad wants us to greet people"
Now, that statement made Pedro furrow his eyebrows.
He was having a good time with you, he wanted to stay with you, get to know the girl his parents and brother were basically head over heels for and guess what you had that drew them this bad at you.
He had already seen you in pics and heard your voice when you talked with Fer but never got to meet you properly and now, after two hours of meeting, he never wanted to leave the kitchen if that meant you were besides him.
Without knowing it, he was already realizing what it was that thing of yours that drew him to you and he was also finding himself wanting to be around you, see your pretty smile and hear your laugh.
You were la chica más bonita, he has ever seen.
He didn't wanted to leave. Not when you just got to know each other and were having a good time.
"Do I have to?" Pedro asked
"I don't want to, I wanna stay here and help Y/N" Silence took over the kitchen when you broke it
"These are almost done, I just gotta cut the salad and it'll be ready. It won't take more than a few minutes so, why don't you wait outside? You precisely won't eat here in the kitchen and you have your old neighbours wanting to see you" You gave a solution and after he thought of it, nodded as you smiled lightly clapping
"Venga, vamos. Personal autorizado en la cocina" (C'mon, authorized staff in this place)
"Somos hijos de los dueños" (we are children of the owners)
"No me importa, acaban de decir que se van así que personal autorizado, dije" (I don't care, you just said you were leaving, so only authorized staff, I said) They laughed as you ushered them out
"Is it just me or you have a crush on her?" Fer, asked in a low tone to his younger brother once they were away from the kitchen
"Hombre, I just met her"
"Are you telling me you don't find her attractive at least, the tiniest bit?"
"¡Fua!" Pedri shook his head with a smile on "¿Atractiva? Joder, hombre; es la niña más bonita que he visto en mi vida" (Attractive? Fuck, man; she's the prettiest girl I've ever seen in my life)
"Yeah, I knew you were gonna say that" Fer smiled "She indeed is pretty, but not only she has looks, she also has this intelligence that's out of this world and the humility that she possesses... She's awesome" Pedro smiled "She has this internship in la Universidad Europea" Pedro opened his eyes
"La de Santa Cruz de Tenerife?" Fer nodded "¡Joder!" (Fuck!)
"I repeat, she's awesome and perfect for you, hermanito"
"Ya, ya. I got the point" Both brothers laughed as they came across their dad along a few of their old neighbours "¡Señor Juan!" Pedri exclaimed meeting the old man and meanwhile he was glad to be back in his hometown and see his people, all he wanted to be was back in the kitchen with you.
"Hope you like it!" You placed several plates in front of them as they smiled, thanking you
"Y/N, ven a comer con nosotros!" (Come eat with us!) Fernando said as you slowly shook your head
"You're having a family lunch, sir" You said "Besides, gotta keep working"
"None of that, I'm your boss and we're all family here. Take a little break, young lady" You smiled
"Venga, Y/N" Rosy says "Que es más, el fin de semana vamos a la playa, estás más que invitada a venir" (Even better, we're going to the beach this weekend, you're more than invited to come with us)
"Yes, she will be coming" Pedro replied before you could "Tengo que seguir conociendo a la increíble Y/L/N" (I have to keep knowing more about the incredible Y/L/N)
"You guys will end up bored of me"
"Nunca" (Never) The four of them said as you smile blushing
"¡Hostias!" You all laughed at Fer who fell and incidentally, a wooden stake was embedded in his foot. He limped towards Rosy who pulled it out as he yelled a femenine "¡Ay!"
"Told you to be careful!" Rosy said as you kept on laughing
"Y/N, how you learned to cook?" Pedro said taking to his mouth another croquette that you made "They're delicious!" You smile
"I've always loved it since I was a little girl" You smiled "My older brother was sick and my mom was doing this soup and I love that annoying guy so much I didn't liked seeing him down" They laughed
"...so I wanted to help and I started stirring and chopping some things with her help, of course. I didn't played a single thing but she said that I did and once my brother ate it, he started feeling better and I guess-" you lift your shoulders "I liked the feeling of him being healthy and happy for something I "helped" doing, I started to help her more and more, they played it off like I used to do everything until I did learned"
"I started cooking for real, I keep on loving it and I guess I combined my mom's, my grandma's cooking and I added to the mix my own stuffs, like throwing a bit of what seemed it could go good with to whatever I was doing" they laughed "I fell for this world"
"That's nice" You smile at Pedro nodding
"And you do amazing" Fernando said as you blush
"And of course, I'm mixing Rosy's and Candelaria's techniques and recipes into the mix as well" You laugh
"Oye, debes de darme la receta de ese pescado que haces" (You need to give me the recipe of the fish dish you do) Fer says "Little man here has this diet-that he's currently breaking at the moment with the amount of croquettes he has consumed" You laugh and Pedro lifts his shoulders
"¡Están buenísimas, hombre!" (They're so good, man!)
"Stop doing that, you will not get any muscles from it!"
"Yes, please, stop. I don't want to be the culprit of that happening" You said slowly taking the plate out of his hold
"Hey, hey, hey!" Pedro chanted going forward and grabbing three croquettes more "I will lose these" He says as you laugh
"Anyways" Fer keeps talking "He has to eat almost everyday fish and I keep thinking of the tastes it had and everything but I can't do it, it doesn't come nicely as yours... I need to know it!" You smile nodding
"Text me later and I will send it to you" You said grabbing a croquette "Ingredients and preparation"
"Ok, I'll try doing it and I'll text you how it goes"
"Or we can met up and do it?" Pedro proposed
"That also sounds good, that way I can see if you're doing something wrong" You smiled at Fer
"I already have this week busy with a few friends"
"I can go" Pedro said
"You don't know how to cook"
"Pero puedo aprender" (But I can learn) Fer was about to talk but Pedro interrupted him "It's done!" He turned to look at you "When are you free?"
"Sunday after 2pm and Wednesday"
"I'll be there on Sunday"
"Where will you be at if we haven't said anything from a place?" You smirked
"Well, we can meet up here in the beach and then we'll go anywhere for you to teach me how to do that fish dish" You nod "And then, we can go out if you'd like" You raised your eyebrows
"Go out?"
"Yes, you and I, go out" You duck your lips thinking. You only have four days knowing this guy but he wasn't joking around, subtly flirting with you any chance he gets.
And you won't lie and say you didn't find him attractive at all because, he was; in fact, you were flirting back most of the times.
"But that sounds like a date"
"It can be if you want to" You blush and smile widely, his parents were here and listening to the whole thing.
This boy.
"Oye, que no sé si sea buena idea salir con el hijo de tus jefes" (Hey, I don't think it's a good idea going out with your bosses son)
"Oh, que no te preocupéis por nosotros dos" (Oh, don't you worry about us two) Fernando spoke "We'll be more than happy if you date our son"
"Que ya eres parte de la familia, Y/N" Rosy says smiling
"¿Ves?" (See?) Fer jokes as you all laugh
"¿Y?" (And?) Pedro asks with a smile on as you slowly nod
"Pues... al parecer tendremos una cita" (Well, it seems like we'll have a date) You smiled back at him
"Y aprovechamos el miércoles para la segunda también" (and we take advantage of Wednesday for the second one too) You smirked
"Pero, ¿Y a ti quién te dijo que tendremos una segunda cita?" (But, who told you we'll have a second date?) He smirked winking at you
"Bonita, perderás la cuenta de las tantas citas tendremos en el futuro. You'll see" (Pretty girl, you'll lose count of the many dates we'll have in the future)
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Taglist: @gaviypedrisbride @stuckinaf4nfiction @elijahslover @azzpenswrld
367 notes · View notes
analisword · 7 months
high infidelity (Enzo Vogrincic x Fem Reader)
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Capítulo 10:
—Hemos llegado—anunció el taxista. 
Alana se sobresaltó al escuchar la voz del hombre, estuvo todo el camino absorta en sus pensamientos que no había estado prestando atención del recorrido, se limpió las lágrimas rápidamente y agradeció que la ciudad estuviera a oscuras como para que el pobre hombre pudiera notar que ella había estado llorando desde que se subió al auto, había una tonelada de emociones en ella: la nostalgia de estar cumpliendo años lejos de su familia y amigas, la discusión que había tenido con Enzo el día anterior y claro, la cereza del pastel, Sebastián olvidando su cumpleaños.
—Eh, aquí no es—respondió Alana mientras entrecerraba los ojos para poder tener una mejor visión desde la ventana, no se encontraba muy lejos del departamento de Enzo, reconocía esa avenida,  pero definitivamente no estaba frente al edificio como había planeado. 
—Es la dirección que puso en la aplicación—dijo el señor, Alana sacó su celular y abrió la aplicación, efectivamente, había colado el pin del destino en el lugar incorrecto del mapa, había salido tan apresurada del departamento y había tenido tantas cosas en mente que no se había asegurado de colocar la dirección del departamento correctamente, soltó un suspiro de desesperación, todo en ese día estaba saliendo cada vez peor. 
—Mierda—maldijo para sí misma—. Puse la dirección mal, el lugar al que voy está a unos 15 minutos de aquí—dijo. 
—La puedo llevar si gusta, pero serían unos 5 euros más. 
—¿5 euros?—exclamó sorprendida—. Son menos de 2 km—dijo casi ofendida. 
—La tarifa es más cara durante la noche—dijo el hombre con tono de obviedad viéndola por el espejo retrovisor.
—Vale, aquí tiene—dijo ella dándose por vencida y entregándole los 5 euros que faltaban de la cuota. 
—Eh…le faltarían los otros 15 de este viaje. 
—¿Cómo qué otros 15?—preguntó ella confundida—. La cuota de este viaje ya la pagué desde la aplicación. 
—Señorita, puso que iba a pagar en efectivo—respondió el señor. 
Alana volvió a ver su celular, tampoco había pagado el viaje con tarjeta como había creído. 
Era una idiota.
Esto era culpa de Enzo por siempre pedir los taxis por ella. 
—Mire, déjeme aquí—dijo ella—. Y aquí tiene lo del viaje—le entregó el resto del dinero, aunque quisiera, no podía tomar otro viaje hasta la casa de Enzo, pues ya no tenía suficiente efectivo. 
—Buenas noches—dijo el taxista de mala gana, probablemente por el lío que Alana acababa de hacerle pasar. 
—Buenas noches—salió el auto.
Caminó rápidamente hacia la dirección del departamento, por suerte se sabía el camino de memoria, apenas dio unos cuantos pasos más volvió a llorar, al menos podría hacerlo tranquilamente hasta que llegara al edificio de Enzo. 
Pero claro, porque el universo la odiaba en su jodido cumpleaños, una gota cayó sobre su cara y comenzó a llover.
Enzo no tenía idea de cuánto tiempo había estado viendo la pantalla de su celular fijamente.
 Tal vez sí tenía idea, pero se encontraba demasiado avergonzado como para admitirlo. 
¿Había sido demasiado la manera en la que había felicitado a Alana? No había dicho nada que no sintiera, en verdad apreciaba a la chica, más que eso, la quería. 
Era imposible no hacerlo, no cuando era tan inteligente, carismática y divertida, no incluso cuando estaba de malas lograba continuar siendo graciosa, no cuando se movía con una elegancia y con un precioso descuido que sólo ella tenía, no cuando lo había besado y tocado de aquella forma la noche anterior. 
Una llama de esperanza se había incendiado en él cuando notó que ella claramente se había puesto celosa de Lucía, esa llama había crecido aún más cuando se atrevió a besarlo, pero todo se apagó cuando ella  le recordó que seguía siendo novia de Sebastián y se fue del set de grabación después de decirle que no lo haría, se sentía patético, Enzo siempre había sentido desagrado hacia las personas que eran infieles, no veía el sentido de engañar a una persona, no encontraba la lógica de seguir con alguien cuando querías estar con alguien más y si hace 4 meses le hubieran dicho que él sería partícipe de una infidelidad, pensaría que eso sería una vil mentira. 
Pero esta ocasión todo era diferente, se encontraba en una situación jodidamente difícil, le gustaba Alana más de lo que creía, no sólo era su belleza y que siempre había estado enamorado de su forma de escribir, eran las noches que pasaban juntos, conversando durante horas, era la forma en la que lo miraba con sus enormes ojos color miel y la forma en la que lo había besado, como si se encontrara  desesperada de tenerlo cerca, justo como él se sentía con respecto a ella, era la conexión que ambos compartían, una que Enzo nunca había experimentado con alguien más, eran tan diferentes y similares al mismo tiempo. 
Alana no había respondido su mensaje de felicitación, había escrito durante unos segundos para después no terminar de envíar nada.
Enzo en verdad sentía de la manera en la que le había hablado en el set, pero no se arrepentía de las cosas que le había dicho, ambos sabían que eran ciertas, ambos sabían que Alana no era feliz con Sebastián, pero Enzo era conciente  que desgraciadamente, Alana era la única que tenía el derecho de decidir permanecer con el idiota de su novio o irse. 
Lanzó el celular al lado de la cama, tenía que dejar de sobrepensar tanto, lo único que quería es que Alana fuera honesta con él, si decía permanecer con Sebastián, por más que eso le doliera a él, no le reprocharía, sólo esperaba que al menos siguieran siendo amigos, que al menos ella se sintiera cómoda de seguir escribiendo en su departamento, lo único que le importaba era la felicidad de ella, incluso si eso significaba sacrificar la suya.
Quería que las cosas volvieran a la normalidad, quería regresar a casa del trabajo y encontrar a Alana escribiendo hasta que sus dedos estuvieran entumecidos, él se los masajearía y después cenarían hasta hartarse, si se encontraban aburridos verían alguna película o simplemente pasarían horas echados en el suelo. 
Se preguntaba dónde se encontraba ella en estos momentos, probablemente cenando en un lujoso restaurante con Sebastián, quizá en alguna fiesta que la editorial le había organizado o haciendo videollamada con sus padres. 
Se dio una, dos y hasta tres vueltas en la cama, no tenía sueño, pero no encontraba otra cosa más interesante por hacer más que dormir, apenas cerró los ojos, escuchó unos golpes firmes en la puerta principal. 
De un brinco se paró de la cama y se colocó la primera camisa que vio, no sabía quién pudiera estar llamando en su departamento tan noche, pensó que probablemente algún vecino necesitaba ayuda con alguna tontería. 
—Ya voy—gritó caminando hacia la puerta, se pasó la mano por el pelo para estar aunque sea un poco presentable y la abrió. 
Alana estaba ahí, empapada de pies a cabeza y con los ojos inyectados de sangre, seguramente de tanto llorar, pues justo ahora lo estaba haciendo. 
—Lana—susurró ante la imagen, no sabía qué hacer primero, si felicitarla por su cumpleaños  o preguntarle qué mierda había ocurrido, sintió una enorme preocupación y cuando estuvo apunto de decir algo, ella se le lanzó a los brazos rodeando su cuello con sus largos brazos y llorando sobre el—. Chiquita—susurró abrazándola  sin importarle que lo estuviera empapando también. 
La sostuvo entre sus brazos tan fuerte como pudo, estaba helada producto a la lluvia torrencial que se escuchaba desde fuera.
—Vení, te me vas a resfriar—le susurró despegándose de ella y tomando su mano, la adentró al departamento y sintió su corazón caer a sus pies cuando volvió a observarla. 
Por más que intentaba quitarse las lágrimas del rostro estas no dejaban de caer, temblaba de frío y se abrazaba a sí misma al no sentir el calor de Enzo. 
—Tenés que bañarte o te vas a enfermar—le dijo tomando su rostro, ella negó con la cabeza—. Tenés que hacerlo, ahora te presto algo seco y te preparo algo ¿te gusta la idea? ¿tenés hambre? ¿sed?
Alana no respondió y se limitó a volver a abrazarlo, Enzo sintió las comisuras de sus labios caer, sentía una pena profunda,  deseó nunca haberse enterado que la tristeza de Alana era tan contagiosa como su felicidad. 
—Por favor—le dijo, no dejó que ella respondiera y simplemente la encaminó hasta el baño de su habitación, la usual mirada curiosa de la chica ahora  se encontraba puesta fijamente sobre él, como si tuviera miedo perderlo de vista, Enzo abrió la llave de la tina, esperó que se llenara y que el agua estuviera caliente, rebuscó en su cajón de pijamas y sacó ropa seca para ella. 
—Tomáte el tiempo que quieras—le dejó un beso en la frente y salió del baño dándole privacidad. 
Estaba dando todo de sí para no quebrarse frente a ella, no podía hacerlo, siempre se había sentido incómodo cuando la gente lloraba frente a él y no se consideraba para nada bueno consolando a las personas, pero quería hacer lo posible para traerle algo de alivio a ella. 
Se encontraba actuando casi de modo piloto sacando ingredientes y ollas lo más rápido posible, no dejaba de preguntarse qué había sucedido para que Alana terminara así en su maldito cumpleaños, empujó la idea de Sebastián siendo el culpable porque una rabia profunda lo invadió. 
Miró los pancakes que preparó en menos de 15 minutos con disgusto, estaban bastante delgados, lucían algo quemados de las orillas y crudos por dentro, si hubiera sabido que Alana iría a verlo en su cumpleaños le hubiera comprado un jodido pastel, por un momento pensó en salir a comprar uno a la panadería de la esquina, pero el lugar seguramente ya se encontraba cerrado y aunque no lo estuviera, no pensaba dejar a Alana sola. 
—¿Qué es eso?—preguntó tímidamente  aquella dulce voz que tan loco lo volvía, se giró sobre sus talones, Alana estaba recién bañada parada en la cocina, el suéter que le había prestado le llegaba casi hasta las rodillas y los pantalones de pijama tenían un montón de dobladillos para que no se arrastraran sobre el suelo. 
Jamás había lucido así de sexy antes. 
—Eh…pancakes—respondió—. Creo—Alana soltó una pequeña risa al escucharlo y él sintió que su estómago se volteaba de felicidad al saber que al menos había provocado que ella riera un poco. 
—¿Queŕes hablar al respecto?—preguntó acercándose a ella, sabía la respuesta de antemano, pero aún así quería asegurarse de no ponerse a cantar las mañanitas en un momento inadecuado.
—No—respondió, como era de esperarse—. Más tarde—dijo apretando los labios, él asintió y la rodeó con sus brazos. 
—Feliz cumpleaños, Lanita—susurró—. Te quiero un montón, en verdad.
Escuchó otro sollozo por lo cual la abrazó más fuerte.
—Ya son casi las 12—dijo ella tristemente. 
—Aún quedan como 15 minutos de tu cumple, hay que  aprovecharlos. 
Se separó de ella y le indicó que se sentara en la silla de la mesa de la cocina con los pancakes frente a ella, ella los miró como la cosa más preciosa del universo cuando claramente eran una tremenda aberración culinaria. 
—De haber sabido que vendrías te hubiera conseguido un pastel apropiado, me sorprende que haya tenido harina para prepararlos—dijo él con tono apenado.
—Son perfectos—respondió ella con la voz llena de amor. 
—No tengo vela de cumpleaños—advirtió Enzo sacando un fósforo y perforando el pancake que se encontraba en el superior de la pila. 
—No tienes que cantarme o algo así—dijo Alana riendo. 
—No pensaba hacerlo, soy malísimo—respondió él—. Pero al menos tenés que pedir un deseo. 
Alana sonrió tristemente, cerró los ojos y sopló el cerillo.
—Gracias por todo, en serio.
—No tenés nada que agradecer, vení a la sala para darte tu regalo.
Alana lo siguió no sin antes llevarse el plato de pancakes con un tenedor, se sentó en su típico espacio del suelo, Enzo le entregó la caja de regalo y se sentó frente a ella. 
—Pensaba dártelo hasta el lunes, pero ya que estás aquí. 
Alana sonrió ampliamente y abrió caja en menos de cinco segundos.
—¿Te gusta?—preguntó él nerviosamente—. Me parece un poco raro darte libros siendo que sos escritora, pero…
—¡Es el mejor regalo del mundo!—exclamó ella lanzándose a sus brazos nuevamente, Enzo no podría estar más feliz de cuantas veces se habían abrazado en la hora que Alana llevaba en el lugar—. ¿Cómo sabías que quería estos tres?—preguntó ella viendo las cubiertas de los libros completamente embellecida, para ser alguien que se la vivía entre libros y hasta los creaba, ahora mismo los veía como si nunca hubiera visto unos en toda su vida.
—Revisé tu lista de deseos en Amazón—carraspeó, esperando no sonar como un psicópata, por suerte Alana lo miró con adoración. 
—Alana—murmuró Enzo una vez que vio que Alana volvió a guardar los libros  cuidadosamente en la caja—. Lamento lo de ayer, tal vez no usé las palabras correctas, estaba cabreado por…
—Sólo decías la verdad—respondió Alana tristemente—. Tengo que terminar con Sebastián, no lo he hecho por el miedo a estar acá sola y cosas superficiales, pero está claro que  somos buenos el uno para el otro. 
Enzo tragó saliva en seco al escucharla, había tristeza en su voz ante la declaración, era de esperarse, llevaban años de novios y se notaba que Alana le tenía un gran aprecio al chico, a pesar de que era un completo idiota.
—Se olvidó de mi cumpleaños—dijo, Enzo apretó la mandíbula, pensaba que Sebastián no podía ser más estúpido, pero se equivocaba, ¿cómo podía olvidar el cumpleaños de su novia de hace años?—. Claro que no esperaba un regalo costoso o una celebración, pero no sé, al menos una felicitación, ¿sabes?
—Alana, vos merecés ser celebrada cada día de tu existencia,  ¿me escuchás?—dijo él tomándola de las manos.
—Te quiero—dijo ella. 
Enzo no resistió más e hizo lo que estaba pensando durante toda la noche, tomó su rostro entre sus manos y la besó. 
Sus labios sabían y se sentían justo como los recordaba, suaves y dulces, pero desesperados y firmes al mismo tiempo, olvidó por completo lo que había sucedido en las últimas horas y se centró en sentir el cuerpo de Alana junto al de él.
Jadeó cuando dejó ella rompió el beso, pero de pronto sintió sus labios recorriendo su cuello,  él  se mordió la lengua al sentirla por primera vez ahí, dejó que la chica hiciera su trabajo por un buen tiempo hasta que no resistió más y la recostó suavemente sobre la alfombra con él encima de ella. 
—Sos la persona más maravillosa que existe—dijo, no le importaba el tiempo que llevaban conociéndose o la situación sentimental de ella, lo único que le importaba es que la quería y haría lo que fuera por tenerla entre sus labios, Alana respondió volviendo a besarlo fuertemente, lo único que se escuchaban eran sus lenguas chocando y los jadeos que soltaban de vez en cuando, adoraba que ninguno tenía miedo de admitir lo mucho que sentían ante el toque del otro, así fuera una simple caricia. 
Enzo metió las manos por debajo del suéter encontrándose con la tersa piel de Alana, trazó las líneas de su cintura y sin poder evitarlo comenzó a moverse sobre ella, ambos gimieron fuertemente al sentir sus proximidades rozando con la ropa puesta.
Las piernas de Alana le rodearon la cintura provocando que estuvieran aún más juntos, Enzo hundió su cara en el cuello de ella, olía a su propio jabón por haberse duchado en su baño, pero aún así podía percibir toques de ese auténtico olor a lavanda que tanto le encantaba. 
Enzo no creía poder más, o paraban ahora o terminaría pasando lo predecible, la necesitaba sentir rodeándolo cuanto antes, la chica pareció leer sus pensamiento porque se detuvo en seco y lo apartó suavemente.
—En verdad quiero esto—dijo como pudo intentando recuperar la respiración, Enzo sintió cientos de fuegos artificiales en su abdomen  al escucharla y decidió acariciar su cabello, el cual seguía bastante húmero—. Pero quiero hacer esto bien. 
—Ehh, lo estás haciendo bastante bien—exclamó él burlonamente  bajando su mirada hacia su propio short, el cual delataba lo mucho que estaba disfrutando del momento.
—Idiota—respondió Alana con el mismo tono y le dio un ligero golpe en el brazo. 
—Sé a lo que te referis—dijo él inclinando la cabeza, sin dejar de observarla como ya lo estaba haciendo—. Todo a tu tiempo, bonita. 
—Mañana mismo romperé con él—dijo ella firmemente, Enzo asintió haciendo lo posible por mantener la compostura y no ponerse a brincar de la felicidad—. Después de eso haremos cualquier cosa que quieras.
—Ahh, ¿sí?—preguntó él volviendo a besar su cuello.
—Sí—respondió ella riendo. 
—¿Y por ahora?—preguntó él despegándose de ella levemente.
—Por ahora comeremos esos horribles pancakes que preparaste. 
—Suena bien—respondió Enzo sentándose de vuelta al suelo y ayudando a Alana a hacerlo también. 
No recordaba haberse sentido así de feliz alguna vez en su vida. 
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charlesslut16 · 1 year
-sunset walks-
summary : george and you take a walk and just enjoy your time in your own world...
PAIRING : george russell x fem!reader
WARNINGS : fluff
note : PLEAASE send in requests, i don't know what to write anymore. Also the carlos fic will come tomorrow, sorry loves.
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After george got on the podium, the third place, at the spanish grand prix, you all went out to celebrate his podium. You ate, sang and danced the whole night long, enjoying your time.
You were so proud of him. He always tried his best and it was worth it. George was on the podium and he was happy. The sleepless nights and the uncertainty of not being enough were also worth it.
Furthermore, you were both staying in Spain longer because you wanted to see your family, which lived in spain. Today was Wednesday, one week before you were going to Canada.
George, you and your family ate together in this evening. You all had fun and a good time together. He was playing and talking to your little nephews and nieces that were there too.
After the dinner, you and George decided to go on a little walk, while the sun set, and it was still warm and sunny. You both said goodbye to your family and went on a walk.
"I'm so proud of you, georgie" you said to him, while you walked on a field with a little sidewalk, which had fairy lights over it and a railing on it. It was a beautiful day to take a walk.
"Thank you, baby. Your support means the world to me." George answered as he took your tangled hand up to his lips and kissed your knuckles on your hand. Then he let your hands fall down and tucked you into his side some more.
"I love you"
"I love you too, pretty girl"    
Just as you wanted to go back home, george had another idea. He took his phone out of his jeans pocket and played a song, you liked, to dance to. As he found the song, he played his phone on the side and took your hands in his.
"Care to dance with me, señorita."  
"Of course, señor."    
You slow danced to the song playing on his phone. Being happy and content in each other's arms. The love you two shared for each other was too strong to even put it in words
He pulled you closer to him and danced with you. George twirled you around, while you laughed at how clumsy he danced. As George twirled you back into him and saw you still laughing, he tickled you. 
"You're not too bad at dancing, georgie. I thought you would be miserable."
"Hey! I'm the best dancer on this whole earth."
You tried to get away from him, but he was too strong and tickled you until you apologized to him. After the apology, you both continued dancing until the clouds were darkening the sky and small light rays lit through them.
When you saw the sky, you both decided to go back. George picked up his phone, stuck it into his jeans pocket, and tangled your hands with his. You were walking and telling jokes to each other. 
As you were in front of the house, you said hi to your family and stood in front of the sidewalk with the railing and the fairy lights over it. George had pulled you into him, your hand on his waist and his over your shoulder to keep you close.
Both of you were talking and hugging as you looked at the sunset. He was talking about the race, while you listened to his talk, admiring his smile as he talked about the sport, he was so passionate about.
You were also talking about your job and the things you did there. George listened and smiled too. He was mesmerized by how cute you looked while talking about things.
For george, you were the prettiest, smartest and funniest person on this earth. He loved that you were open to anything and to always try things that you weren't totally comforatble with.
George loved you to the moon and start. He loved you until the end of this world. He would do anything for you if you asked him to. If you are happy, he is happy.
You both didn't realize that your brother was standing behind you guys, taking pictures of you both, hugging, smiling and talking. You heard a ping coming from george phone, so you pulled away, so you could see what it was.
He opened the message from your brother, which was a picture of you two hugging each other. The picture of the two of you was captioned with the sentence, 'You two are being too cute for this world.'
You looked behind you to see if your brother was still there, but he was going inside to give you some privacy. In the meantime, george posted the picture of you two on Instagram.
Then you looked back at him, to look at the photo, and then george put it back into his pocket. He pulled you closer to him and continued hugging you. He gave you a kiss on the forehead and looked at the sunset with you in his arms. He was content with you in his arms.
Just being in your own bubble, that no one could ever burst.
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liked by gino_rosato, yourusername and 384.666 others
georgerussell63 Spanish sunset with my señorita
view all 970 comments
yourusername love you more than anything, mi amor.
georgerussell63 love you, my señorita.
user George is the type of guy to go "oh c'mere you."
lewishmamilton you are such a simp.
yourusername he is.
georgerussell63 i'm not!
alex_albon he is. George always talks about y/n.
georgerussell63 i do not.
yourusername you are a simp, baby.
user how are your captions always so goofy.
susie_wolff you two are just the cutest.
user i don't know if i want to be george or y/n.
user i love how y/n, george, alex and kewis are talking about how george is a simp for y/n.
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mhmmaybe · 5 months
Buenas noches señoritas y señores
I come with a half-assed drawing of Hush but as a prince from space because I said so. (It's cuz I was drawing Hush in the fucking void with Vega and got side tracked by a song I like that talks about the moon and how she wants children lmao)
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babybluebex · 1 year
Idea para un Fic
Joseph Quinn x Latina!Reader
Donde Reader habla Cariñosamente a Joe en Español
i'm gonna write this in english bc my spanish is NOT good enough to write a whole fic lmao, but i'm gonna try my best with the spanish i DO use!!
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He had been charismatic all night, smiling at your nieces and winking at your abuela, and you loved it. Usually, your Joseph got all clammed up whenever he was around your family, but something about tonight made him easy and loose. Maybe a wedding was the place for guys to bond with their girlfriend's family.
"Alright," you giggled as Joseph sat down next to you, eagerly taking the water that you offered him. He had been dancing up a storm with your abuela, twisting his hips and tapping his feet and clapping to the beat, and his curls hung on his forehead in a sweaty mess. "What's gotten into you, acting so crazy?"
"Just having a good time," Joseph shrugged. "Your grandmother is a fantastic dancer!"
"Aww," you cooed, reaching over and playing with his hair as he sipped at the water. "You like my abuela? You're cute. Mi chico lindo."
"Mm," Joseph grunted. "I don't know what that means."
"It means you're cute," you giggled. "Seriously, though, did my tio convince you to do tequila shots? That's one of his talents."
Joseph bunched up his mouth playfully, and he chirped, "Maybe". You grinned and twisted a curl around your finger, and you leaned your head on his shoulder and whispered to him.
"Eres tan especial," you told him, and Joe looked at you with all the love in his big eyes. You knew that he had no clue what you were saying, and that made it easier to admit everything to him. "Nunca quiero dejarte ir."
"Te amo," Joe said, the only little bit of Spanish that you had taught him, and he kissed your forehead. Before you could say more, a new song came on, trumpets blaring, and Joe grinned wildly, jumping out of his seat and offering you his hand. "May I have this dance, señorita?"
You smiled. "Si, señor."
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quennyquinn · 1 year
Oliva biscuit e hijastra reader de cuatro años, se conocen por primera vez.
Oliva: hola señorita.
T/N: hola señor, eres muy grande.
Oliva: soy oliva biscuit, y empeze a salir con tu mamá.
T/N: ¿quieres jugar a la fiesta de té de princesas?
Oliva: claro.
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survivalist-anon · 4 months
Log 24: Burned at both ends
In a dark, makeshift medical room, a doctor had been meticulously constructing a device for mobily assisting a very, impatient patient.
"gGAHA! WOULD BE CAREFU- *COUGH COUGH*", Sleen may have come out of Wick's grip miraculously alive......but not unharmed.
His collar bone, left shoulder, three of his vertebra and his arm had been severely damaged from his last encounter with Wick. Having been crushed and thrown into a metal carrier with the speed of a moving car.
Now, metal extension to his whole body has covered all his extremities, forming a powered exoskeleton over what is usually a stout, unathleticly flaccid body. However, it was now a permanent part of his body, keeping his ribs and spine from collapsing in onto his organs.
"I-I am sorry M-Mr.Sleen, i-its just that this is a relatively new medical device. Or at least n-new to me...", the doctor was attempting to figure out the foreign mechanics of this device, completely unknown to him. "...it's so...so..".
"Alien? Yah. *COUAGK*", a wet, mucusy cough croaked. "Mr.Fe really has some *couack* nice...toys...hehe.... he's outdone himself", he tests out the metal exoskeleton like brace on his shoulder and arm. Moving it with an auditable revving of gears and motorts. "Heheh.", he looked to a metal table next to him.... grabbed it, crushing it in his hands like an empty can. "Hehehe.... haven't felt this good *cough* since that time in LA....hmm....are you doing?", he turned menacingly towards the doctor.
Stuttering in fear, "I-I ugh believe so, but I m-must warn you. All of this...is linked into your brain M-Mr.Sleen....if anything happens, you will severally damage yo-", Sleen leaned close to the doctor's face, growling at him, "...j-just don't do .... anything reckless?", the doctor's eyes locked into Sleen's now cold, soulless stare.
A sickening smile creeped ear to ear, "Reckless? Me?....nah.....", his eyes trail over to other parts. Some miscellaneous bits that look like they're used for fighting; drills, mechanical claws, what looks like a gun rail, "maybe....I should be a little more..... prepared", his grin had grow more toothy, as the cogs in his brain were turning, the unfortunate doctor had figured out what Sleen was thinking.
He had no choice.
Trapped in a clean but bare room, Selene had stayed in a corner. Her make-up running down her face, now with bruises on her body. She had felt hopeless, "oh mon corbeau, where have you flown off to...", she had muttered to herself.
She knew Wick was likely preparing to rescue her...but it was only a matter of time.
A few knocks at the door had startled her, her head shot at the direction of the door. Shaking in fear if it was Sleen again.
"Disculpe señorita, espero que se encuentre bien.", a gentle voice, finally.
The door had locked open, as the door creeped open, it was Señor Mateo. "I...hope you do not mind my poor English. My...ninos are a still helping me learn.", he greeted her with a friend smile. "oh tu pobresita, that fat man has hurt...did he not?".
Selene was prepared to fight back, she has been bruised but she wasn't beatin yet. "If you lay a hand o-", she could see Señor Mateo's hand raise.
"no no. I just do not like when a man...hurts a woman.", with a snap of his finger, his own personal physician comes in with everything to tend to Selene. "I do not a plan to harm you....I had heard the screams....".
Selene was understandably hesitant to let the physician near her, worried if he was doing to put her under or drug her.
Mateo could see her reluctance, "Senorita, it is ok. Doctora Jaun will not harm you.", as he stated this, Doctor Jaun has taken out a pair of gloves to examine any possible injuries or bodily harm to her.
The situation felt strange, why was Señor Mateo being so kind, was he the next.... client that Selene was going to be forced upon?
Señor Mateo simply gazed at her with a stern but soften look of concern, "I have never understood....why men like Sleen must hurt their ugh..... prettiest girls....it is...not like as if any real harm shall come to that....caracol.....but is it because of your ferocity? Your origins? Maybe....I do not know.....to my knowledge....true caballeros do not lay their hands on any women....ugly, fat, old, young, beautiful....none....our Virgen María was a woman...thus...no woman... should be harmed...evil women yes....but women...no.", he had paced around the small room as if he was lecturing her.
"...why...why are you... doing this?", she looked to the doctor who had found a significantly deep whelt on her arm. Wincing in pain, her eyes glanced over to the crack of the door, hunched over, just barley comfortable enough peak from the head of the doorway, there....her eyes met.....
...with 'El Nino'.
Her blood ran cold, eyes widen in horror at the looming monstrosity in white, red and blue at the door.
Covered in gnarled angry scars, 'wires' hanging from the back of his head, his crimson, blood shot eyes meeting hers.
What had made the whole ordeal even worse was his grin. Jagged, sharpen teeth, from ear to ear.
To poor El Nino, he didn't mean any harm at the moment. However, as he had gotten so use to his adoring fans accepting his grotesque appearance, he had forgotten to the average viewer....he was a monster of a being...no matter how 'healed' he has become.
Señor Mateo has noticed her expression, turning to the door, "Ah Alejandro! They you are. Come and greet the nice young lady....", he had motioned for Alejandro to simply crack the door open, he could barely fit through the doorway.
Selene turned to Señor Mateo, holding back her fear of what he had planned for her. And if it involved his own personal Astartes.
"...why...", she looked at him.
The soft smile he had on his face dimmed somberly, "I am here to ... apologize on Alejandro's behalf....I have been informed by Sleen that you and one of the 'steers' are.... intercoursing? Si?".
The questions had ran through her mind like bullets, "....a-apologize for what?", she asked cautiously.
A deep, regretful sigh flew from his mouth, "Because.... Alejandro will kill your 'steer', I had been a paid a considerable amount of money to make sure of that....it would not make me a good business partner...not to... comply.". Although Mateo had shown a deep remorse for what he accepted to do......El Nino had reveled in the idea.
"Hehehe, sorry nina....your bird's wings-", as he tried to cram himself through the doorway, crushing it in his grip,"-are going to be clipped.", a devilish grin had creeped across his face. He felt nothing.
The fact he could fight, be appreciated for it and kill any loyalist Astartes found was already the closest thing to paradise in his mind.
The tears flooded through, and as the physician finished, all Selene could do was sob. She knew Wick was strong, but was he physically capable of handling what she could only comprehend....
As a true monster.
"I could simply take you off of Sleen's hands...it is the most kindness I will be able to grant you....but you will have to comeback home with me, to Guadalajara. After all, you do not have any choice...... staying with Sleen.... could be...a problem.", there was an air of malicious intent in the whole ordeal; the physician, the conversation of chivalry, the apology....was it all to truly display cruelty?
"I will give you until the end of the match, to make your decision.", motioning to his physician and Alejandro to leave.
As the door closes, Selene wipes her tears. Remembering what she has gone through most of her life by this point, hopelessness washed over her like a heavy blanket. Wiping her tears away, she had lifed her head.
The door.
It wasn't fully closed....thanks in part to the enormous hand mark left by Alejandro.
"......une évasion", she whispered to herself. Slowly, she checked if anyone was passing by. Hearing carefully for any footsteps down the hallways.
Slowly opening the door, she peaked over the corner.
And bolted to down the hallway as fast as she could.
At the holding blocks, Sten could suddenly sense Selene was on the move. Practically hearing her heartbeat and smelling her presence.
The only problem? She was heading into the wrong direction.
Sten stepped over to Toke's cell wall, banging it lightly to get his attention.
Waking up from a nap, the sudden banging had gotten his attention, "aye?"
"we must make haste, that girl Wick was with may be unknownly heading to danger.", Sten had shot to Toke's brain with his psykic transmission. "I will alert the others.".
Toke, rarely having to experience Sten's psykic communication, shutters from it. "Aeecchh, got it...but how do you recon we escape?", whispering a little to make sure none of the guards hear him.
"I'm not certain yet....but I fear in spite of the timing, we do not have much time.", Sten turned his head towards Cahrilo's cell and relayed the same message. Lastly he relayed to Bilhard, who had been quiet this whole time.
After a few minutes pensively waiting, the plan commences.
Sten, drops to the floor with a loud, audible thud.
One of the guards would begrudgingly came over to his cell, "what the hell do you want?!".
With tears in his eyes, "Please help my battle brother! He hasn't taken his medicine! He need it or his hearts will stop! Look!", he points to Sten's cell.
Sten was unresponsive.
The guards from earlier cautiously check what was going on. Seeing Sten, motionless on the floor.
"Hey! Get up freak!", one of the guards yells at him. "oh shit come on! You can't kill these guys with a 16-wheeler but a fuckn bad ticker can?! Hey! Get the doc here now!", as he commands this request, one of the guards calls up on the walkie.
The chaos Marines across the room had become interested in what was unfolding.
Bilhard was next.
He violently shakes and screams in his cell, making for a fantastic impression of someone having a seizure.
"OH WHAT THE HELL?", the head guard quickly steps over to Bilhard's cell.
One of the more reluctant guards unlocks Sten's cell, pointing the gun at him while cautiously approaching him. Hoping this wasn't some cliche trick.
Poking and prodding the barrel of his gun at Sten's shoulder, he could see how firm the shoulder muscles on his back were. "Woah... getting punched by these guys must feel getting hit by a fright train.", two other guards come into the cell. Unsure of what to do, they tried carrying Sten by his arms.
The head guard was still dealing with Bilhard, "QUIT FUCKING SHAKING YOU BIG BASTARD!".
His assistant was right behind him, "Hey come on man! He's having a seizure you got to give him some air and space! Seriously man, my cousin had them-" as he removed Bilhard's muzzle....
Bilhard stopped, looked him dead in the eyes, and spat on his face.
"AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!", suddenly the smell of acid burning the guard's face had sizzled in the air.
"HOLY SH-", the head guard had been given an extra helping of acidic spit to the face and neck.
"HA! I have been waiting to do that!", after hours of silence, Bilhard had finally broken free. Taking a few shots at the harnesses, he lets himself free, heading straight to Cahrilo.
Across the block, the chaos marines were reveling and cheering the escapees, more so out of morbid amusement than anything.
The three guards in Sten's cell has noticed the commotion, as soon as they had been distracted, two of the guards had felt a bone crushing pressure on their ankles, Sten had grabbed on to the both of them as he was laying down.
Lifting up and tossing one against against the wall and the other on to the electric bars.
The third had taken out his cattle prod, as soon as he was about to land a hit, Sten had quickly turn around, grabbing the guard's wrist.
Roaring like a beast, his golden eyes practically burning into the guard's soul.
Trembling as he now was looking at something closer to animal than a man.
Sten had yanked the prod from his hands and tossed him out of his cell. Running to Toke's cell to let him out.
"Wait Sten! Let's get Joe out of here two!", Toke looked up above his own cell, Joe had been quietly above them, simply hearing the scene. "HAHA! Come on lad! We're heading out of here!".
Joe had peeked his head and looked around, hardly believing this was actually working.
After Cahrilo had gotten free, he headed to Joe's cell to free him.
However, just as few seconds of victory has lead to an alarm being set off. The sound of metal doors in the back of the cell rooms had opened. The chaos marines had stopped making noise and began walking through the doors.
"What the? What's going on?", Toke had stepped out, the two Space Wolves look to what looked like an exit BEHIND their cells.
They couldn't help but feel there was an extra purpose to those doors.
"we must head to the guard entrance, those doors must be a trap.", Sten growled. He knew something was off.
Selene had been running down different hallways to find the exit, or at least a hiding spot, but there was nothing but different rooms and holding blocks. As the alarm blared above her, she could feel that something was happening. "I have to get out of here.", she thought to herself.
She was only able to find one open door, 'Back Stage Entrance', this had to have felt like a well planned nightmare. She slowly goes through the door into a dark, dimly lot room.
There was nothing, inside.
She knew better. No one is that foolish to go into an empty dark room.
She turned to leave but a hideous surprise had been waiting two inches away from her face.
A large, gun barrel... pointed to her face.
"Hey there, my little pigeon.", Sleen, who has modified himself to a semi-mechanical monster...only leaving his pale, sallowed face, showing what humanity he had left. "Your little flying rat's friends are costing me a pretty penny in henchmen......so here's the deal....you are going to wear the nice, pretty dress I picked out for you ....and you're going to get a front row seat....to watch Wick....and his pals be beaten to horse glue....*click*", his threat was very much real.
"espèce de cochon inconcevable......", was all she could mutter.
Sleen's sick, twisted chuckle creaked from his throat, which was now a tangled mess of tubes and wires. "Yah still sound ....so cute when you insult me....", guess he found out what cochon means.
End of log 24
@kit-williams @barn-anon @egrets-not-regrets @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan @walking-natural-disaster @starfrost740 @squishyowl @sleepyfan-blog @lawnchair86
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senig-fandom · 2 months
hola y buenos días,tardes o noches tengo una pregunta como sería la reacción de sedena (o las demás organizaciones de seguridad) ante una situación como la de la historia de la plaga de la ira? Si no es mucha molestia señorita senig
(Si no sabes que es en Youtube estan los vídeos originales)
es que es uno de mis EAS Scenerio favoritos y se me hizo interesante saber la reacción de ellos y amo tus dibujos <3
Me puse a ver el video completo de la plaga de la ira y realmente sentí mucho dolor por el triste final y agradecida que sea una historia.
Y pues por el final, no me da mucha esperanza con nuestros 3 representantes Norte, Centro y Sur... Es como cuando Sur dejo morir a la tierra mexicana cuando su hermana murió y ya no había ni rastro de Centro, dejando un basto océano entre USA y Guatemala y Belice.
Así que aquí una pequeña narración...
(Situación toque de queda)
-Señor...¿Qué hacemos?- Algunos soldados estaban rodeando el Zócalo intentando proteger a los integrantes del interior, SEDENA estaba en una encrucijada, pues la plaga del virus había avanzado rápidamente. Ante su único ojo, el representante del Sur, estaba frente a ellos con la enfermedad en estado avanzado.
SEDENA observaba como Sur intentaba aun luchar con la enfermedad, pero era evidente que era doloroso para el, por lo cual su pregunta fue lanzada a su único jefe, México Centro.
Desde el Zócalo Centro observaba a su hermano, Norte en sus pies le suplicaba que capturaran a Sur y que buscaran ayuda para el, pero que no mataran a su hermano, Centro dudoso ante la situación no podía elegir algo para hacer felices a todos, apretando sus mano entre puños y sintiendo grandes dolores de cabeza.
Abajo los soldados seguían matando a los civiles contagiados, pero todos evitaban a Sur, no podían matar a alguien tan importante, no podían matarlo frente a los ojos de sus hermanos.
-Señor...-SEDENA miro hacia donde estaba Centro, pero Sur empezó a moverse, sus movimientos eran erráticos y pareciera que su alma ya dejo este mundo, gritos de dolor era lo que se escucho al moverse.
El mundo para Centro fue lento, entre su hermano enfermo y su hermana llorando, no podía pensar mas opciones.
-abran fuego...-su susurro lo hizo soltar lagrimas- ¡ABRAN FUEGO!-Y así policía militar quien lo tenia en blanco al representante del Sur, lo miro por ultima vez y para el dijo ''Adiós, descansa en paz'', y así un ultimo disparo hizo desaparecer a Sur, escuchando de lejos los gritos de norte.
(Ataque al presidente)
-Hermano...no llores, hiciste lo mejor que pudiste, hicimos lo mejor que pudimos...así que no llores.-Centro estaba parado afuera de un domo, donde Norte yacía acostada, Centro lagrimeaba aun si su mirada era fría, norte estaba muriendo, despues del ataque que sufrió el presidente, Norte tambien fue afectada.
La secretaria de salud, lloraba por no poder encontrar una cura para la amable representante, que parecía ser la única que podía controlar todo, pero la infección terminaba dañándola mas que ella curándola.
Centro agacho la cabeza, y cerro los ojos, solo para escuchar a Norte decirle ''Gracias por tu esfuerzo y trabajo'' Y así dejan morir a Norte, y a un centro, solitario y una mirada decaida.
Centro camino fuera del lugar, intentando una vez mas crear un plan para este triste e infernal momento, pero poco a poco, los que lo rodearon, y los soldados perdieron la esperanza.
(Señor...Ten piedad de nosotros.)
-Eduardo...-SEDENA junto a otros integrantes militares, estaban alejados de su gran líder, que aunque parecía estar tranquilo, su mirada estaba lleno de un vacío, todo rastro de fuerza y esperanza, se habían ido junto a su ya fallecidos hermanos.
-Hicieron un gran trabajo, me corresponde a mi como su líder liberarlos para que puedan irse de aquí, nuestra antigua nacían a caído, los demás países nos han abandonado, pero ustedes junto a otros representantes aun pueden vivir en paz en otro lugar.
-¡NO LO ABANDONARESMO!- Grito la secretaria de relaciones exteriores, que era sujetada por MARINA.
-Es una orden, todos aquí presentes han sido fieles a mi en cada momento y lucha, seria doloroso para mi llevarlos conmigo a la desgracia, aun mas con las perdidas que tuvimos.
-Pero Señor...-Centro detiene a SEDENA, con una mano levantada.
-Pero solo les pediré a todos ustedes, un ultimo trabajo, antes de que me vaya, no me queda mucho tiempo y quería cortar cabezas antes de morir, pero no podre, así que les pidiere un ultimo trabajo.
Todos miraron con a Centro, si su líder quien si lucho por toda su gente para intentar ganar esta guerra contra un virus les pedía un ultimo favor antes de su muerte, todos ellos, escucharon atentamente su petición.
-Quiero que traigan a todos esos traidores aquí, quiero a todos esos partidos políticos que se cambiaron de bando para irse a otro pais, y quiero que vayan a Asia del Sur y maten de la manera mas dolorosa posible a quien trajo esta enfermedad, no quiero contagios, no quiero que esto se expanda, pero si quiero al quien la creo o quien sea que tenga esto. Todos ustedes ya conocen los síntomas, serán de ayuda en otros paises por si alguien mas expande esto, este es mi ultimo deseo.
Centro empezó a desvanecerse, por fin despues de años sufriendo, y viendo y viviendo en tragedia, es libre, junto a todas las organizaciones que el creo a su lado, saludando a la bandera y cantando el himno nacional.
Así centro sonríe y una lagrima cae de su rostro, diciendo adiós a este mundo.
Y así es como termina, iba a hacer un dibujo, pero lo hare en otro momento TvT mas porque estoy llorando.
No se si esto es lo que querías, pero espero y te guste VwV
Y muchas gracias por seguirme y espero seguir dándoles hermosos dibujos a futuro
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