#I offended you but you know you offended me too 👍🏻
lieutenant-amuel · 1 year
I’m editing the old chapters of WBTL again. The fourth chapter, and oh my goodness Ángel is so insensitive, it’s insane.
#Personal#Was Born To Lead#He’s not letting me cheat 👍🏻#We have enough time to make cribs 👍🏻#I offended you but you know you offended me too 👍🏻#He’s (Señor Bravo) so awful 👍🏻#And if we’re being honest Ángel is still insensitive :’D#And I sure thing already edited the first three chapters too and once again Roberto is the worst <3#Ajhdnfj I feel like I used to be better at writing ‘bad’ characters#Now they all are too wise and thoughtful ajjdkf#I can’t believe I legit named Ángel Ángel because of that angelic personality pun and now I realize it’s actually extremely bad#and just makes zero sense#Anyway I’m editing again because first I have no energy to write the new chapter#second I need to edit punctuation marks because I formatted dialogues wrong all that time#so yeah I’m just peacefully changing points to commas and vice versa#and third I certainly need to make some stylistic changes because those horrible he feels upset fill my heart with sorrow#And random but Señor Bravo calling his students Señor/Señorita also makes zero sense?#I just really don’t know whether it’s appropriate to do it in Hispanic countries?#I mean I’m sure I heard it in some American movies that the teachers call their students Mister and Missis#but Señor Núñez and Señorita Aakster when referred to little kids sounds odd to me#Although Señor Bravo basically was the only one who referred to them like that so maybe it could be explained by his age#but I already changed it to their names it sounds more natural to me so I won’t think about it anymore#Hm but you know in my uni my teachers call us ‘colleagues’#which also sounds odd aihdkf#What is the name of our new history teacher?#Valerio Álvarez#<3
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sithbvcky · 10 months
Sweetest Thing
Synopsis: You join Sam and Bucky to assist them with the Flag Smashers. Since you're a telepath, you come in handy. One night, while Zemo and Sam are out, you and Bucky have a little heart to heart.
Warnings: angst and a little fluff 💝👍🏻
Word count: 1.3k
Note: I do not give permission for my work to copied or translated anywhere else but this blog.
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Since The Blip, you started working more with Bucky. Assisting him and Sam when the fiasco with the Flag Smashers became bigger than expected. As a telepath, your abilities came in handy quite a bit. Nothing could be hidden from you, though you had a rule about invading peoples minds. You never did it without permission unless it was essential to an operation.
Bucky wouldn't admit it but he was nervous about working with you. His mind had been invaded so many times before. Molded to whatever was needed of him. But you showed your trustworthiness, and Sam vouched for you too. In time he began to ease up when you were around.
Often he'd find himself enjoying your company and preferring it to being alone like he usually was. He wasn't used to this feeling and he suppressed it as much as he could. He was unstable and never truly felt like he was worth all the trouble Steve had gone through for him. Even if he was free from the programming he still didn't feel comfortable and he was scared to let anyone else in.
Sam had forced himself in, somewhat against his will. But you, you were different. He didn't want to hurt you and he knew if you saw everything he was you'd turn and run.
One night, while Sam had taken Zemo off somewhere to gather more intelligence, it was just you and Bucky alone in the apartment.
The place was spacious, way too spacious for two people. Bucky was in the kitchen fixing himself a drink and you were sitting in the living room typing away on your laptop. As he watched you, he felt his heart rate speed up and he started feeling a nervous itch. Like he needed to move or he'd jump out of his skin. He took a sip of his drink and continued to observe you. Admire was a better word for it but he wasn't ready to admit that.
You were a pretty closed off person, didn't let a lot of people know much about you or where you came from. Other than what was on file. Bucky related to that in a way, he figured with your power it must be hard to let people in. Hearing thoughts and seeing someone's intentions before they act on them. He didn't realize he'd started tapping his foot anxiously until you spoke,
"You know, Sam did warn me about the staring thing." He stiffened and downed the rest of his drink as you closed your laptop.
"I'm used to people staring but it's usually after they find out what I can do. It's typically a disapproving, disgusted look but." You shook your head. Bucky felt like a deer in headlights. He hadn't meant to make you feel like he was disgusted by you. He just couldn't keep his eyes off you, they were drawn to you like magnets. He was wondering if you could sense it. Sense the feelings he'd been working to bury underneath layers and layers of gruff aloofness.
You stood up and walked over to the record player in the corner. You hadn't taken Zemo for a musical guy but he had an extensive record collection.
"Do you mind if I put on some music? It sort of helps keep me from hearing-" you waved your hands around your head mimicking the thoughts you often heard from unsuspecting strangers. If someone's mind wasn't strong enough, even without you trying you could hear them. Their deepest, darkest secrets and desires. Bucky nodded and you spun back around to place the record you chose onto the needle.
Music started gently drifting and echoing around the apartment. You breathed a deep sigh of relief, looking over at Bucky who was still standing stiff in the kitchen. You chuckled lightly as he averted his gaze to the floor,
"You don't have to ignore me either. I understand the staring, it's okay I'm not offended."
Bucky looked up at you, his eyes looking to you then back to the floor. His heart began to thump again and the song playing seemed to be spilling his secrets for him.
I wanna get close to you, tug at your ribbons and pearls
Just feel my heart go bump, baby
Feel it coming on through
He took in a breath and moved towards the living room. Finally leaving the sanctuary of the kitchen. He realized he hadn't spoken a single word and now he wasn't sure he could. He stood before you, a healthy distance away still, and parted his lips to speak but couldn't find the words just yet.
What he asked you to do next took you by surprise,
"I want you to read my mind." The statement was simple, but you never imagined him ever saying it.
"You want me to what?" You retorted, utterly floored at his request.
"I want you to read my mind. I'm- I can't express things correctly." He stuttered and you felt a twinge of pity.
"Why do you want me to read your mind?" You wondered, this was sort of sudden. You hadn't meant to make him feel guilty for staring. You truly didn't mind it, you kind of liked his attention if you were being honest.
"Just do it." He said, and you didn't argue any further. You closed your eyes and tuned the music into a low tone in your mind, you reached out to Bucky's mind. At first there was nothing, just emptiness and silence. Then, you saw flashes, images. Some you recognized but it wasn't from your perspective, but from his.
You saw Sam and the glares and eye rolls. The jokes and the sarcastic remarks. Then you saw yourself, laughing and smiling. Bucky seemed to hold onto those moments with you. He watched you more than you noticed and you felt that twinge in your heart. That pull on something you'd been ignoring since you agreed to work with them.
The warmth you felt from those memories of his was overwhelming. You knew you were blushing and you would deal with the embarrassment later. You were going to end the connection when you saw new flashes, Steve, Hydra, he still remembered everything. You pulled yourself out before you saw too much.
Tears were welling in your eyes as you opened them. You brought the sleeve of your shirt up to wipe them away quickly. Bucky still stood in that same spot, watching you. His face anticipating your rejection, readying himself for you to walk out the door.
"What did you see?" He asked, his voice a little more broken than he liked. You steeled yourself as you met his gaze.
"I saw myself. Your memories, with Sam and some with Steve." You didn't mention the ones of Hydra. That was something he probably didn't mean to reveal and you'd never speak of it.
"Bucky. I-" you paused, trying to gather your thoughts.
"It's okay." He said, shaking his head. "You don't have to reciprocate or respond or anything. I just wanted you to know and that was the only way I could do it." He looked down at his shoes and you felt that pull again. That tugging on your heart. He moved to turn around and you grabbed his hand, pulling him back to face you.
You reached up and kissed him. It took you both by surprise, but he kissed you back and you relaxed. You felt his arms hovering nervously at his sides and you broke the kiss to guide them to rest on your hips. You looked up into his blue eyes before going in to kiss him again, softer this time.
"You know." You whispered against his lips. "Next time you want to tell me something, just tell me." You joked and he flashed a smile as he leaned down to peck your lips.
"Understood." He mumbled.
When Sam and Zemo came back later that night, they found you both asleep on the couch. Your head on Bucky's chest and Bucky's arm around you, his head leaning back on the couch.
Zemo looked at Sam,
"I told you so."
"Shut up." Sam grumbled and left the room. Zemo smirked to himself, and went to his quarters. Leaving you and Bucky in each others embrace.
Song referenced in the fic is Sweetest Thing by Gene Loves Jezebel
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rose-tries-to-write · 3 months
Things I’ve learned about Danny Phantom after finally watching it as a person who avoided watching it for months and read fanfiction instead. 👍🏻✨
Spoiler warning, just in case!
They call themselves the Phandom. (Super cute, I love it, 10/10)
Everything, and I mean Absolutely Everything I’ve learned, is a fucking Lie. (Not fun. I have to rewrite my entire understanding. I feel betrayed. Offended. Gobsmacked. My flabbers are mf gasted. -5/10)
The show is actually really funny. (I enjoyed my experience. 9/10)
Fuck Phantom Planet. (What the fuck was that shit? Um, rewind, redo, no thx, give me back the ghostie boy please. I genuinely didn’t even finish the episode, I got to where he un-died and had to turn it off. I refuse to watch it now. 0/10)
The Phandom was right to steal canon and make it our bitch. (Trans Danny? More Dani/Ellie screen time? Actual plot and lore for the show? Actual in-depth thought to ghosts and their culture? Um, yes please. 1000/10)
Frostbite actually is a doctor. (I don’t know why, but I thought it was another thing the Phandom made up. Love to see it, 10/10)
Wes Weston deserves his own episode. (What do you mean he doesn’t actually exist. What do you mean I don’t get my LGBTQ+ undertones. This is homophobic /j. -10/10)
How do you tell when a ghost is intangible, invisible, or both?? (The show doesn’t have a differentiator between the two, so I’m always confused if people can just see him floating through walls. 3/10)
Guys in White literally do nothing but be annoying. (Another case of the Phandom Lying to us. I love it though, they make really good antagonists. 7/10)
The Fentons are stupid and mildly aggressive, but they do love their kids. (I read a lot of vivisection, child neglect, and general Bad Parents fics so excuse me on that front. 8/10)
Danny didn’t actually beat Pariah Dark? (I love the Ghost King Danny fics, so to find out all he did was shove him into a sarcophagus was a bit of a bummer. He struggles more with Undergrowth than the actual king, like?? 6/10)
He can reach inside himself to take things out. (He ate a spoon in one ep and just reached inside himself to take it out. Pretty cool. 9/10)
Is he actually dead? (Phantom Planet makes it seem as if he just got a bit too high a dose of ectoplasm in his system and it fucked him up, how else could he have just undone the damage? But, most of the Phandom says he legit died in the portal, in which case he could not have gone in and just un-killed himself like he did in Phantom Planet. I think he died, personally. More trauma and angst for my writing. ??/10)
Clockwork appears a lot less than I thought he would. So does Frostbite. (I thought with how much they appear in the Phandom, they must have really important and constant roles, but no. They appear very rarely. Sad face. 5/10)
Vlad sucks. (Vlad fucking sucks. 0/10)
Dani/Ellie is much younger in appearance than I thought. (I looked her up for reference when I first started reading the fics, but she looked 14-15. She actually looks 6-7 years old in show. They literally call her a kid. 8/10)
Dani is what she chose to be called, not a funny joke the Phandom played on itself. (I though it was a silly little haha moment. Nope. The show just… named her that. I think Ellie is the Phandoms choice in calling her?? 8/10)
Why is Danny obsessed with Paulina even while crushing on Sam? (He is actively blushing and flirting with Sam and then they’ll turn around and he’s jumping at the chance to talk to Paulina?? Hate it. 0/10)
Danny and Dash don’t actually date. (I saw this circle around the Phandom a bit, thought it was cute if a bit weird, and then it didn’t happen? 6/10)
No obsessions, no cores, no real reason for the ghosts to be terrorizing Amity Park. (I legit thought it was real in-verse stuff, I’m so disappointed in the lack of it in the show. It could have been so good. 3/10)
Danny doesn’t actually become friends with his ghosts. (They don’t really get along, ever. They don’t talk outside of fighting, except for those who actually like him. Missed opportunity. 4/10)
His Space obsession is actually just a few mentions of him wanting to be an astronaut? (I thought he genuinely had an obsession with the stars and we’d see a lot of him stargazing or word-vomiting about his hyper fixation, but no. Sad. 4/10)
He does go stargazing (maybe?) and flies around when he’s not fighting. (We see him going off as Phantom in the episode where Jazz finds out about him. There are no battles and he looks like he’s having fun flying around. 10/10)
He was called Inviso-Bill?? (Hilarious, I love it, why did no one ever tell me this. 7/10)
He says “Going Ghost!” every time he transforms. Every fucking time. (It’s annoying, it’s ugly, I hate it. I am so glad no fics mentioned this or used it, I think I’d go insane. -1000/10)
That’s all I got for today, and probably for a while. I just wanted to write it down for fun, but I might post more like this eventually.
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socialfakes · 5 months
crossing enemy lines- connor bedard
part 1: the tale of the 3 brothers
nhl players x platonic hughes sister
connor bedard x hughes sister
series masterlist
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Liked by jackhughes, trevorzegras, _quinnhughes and 215,618 others
y/nhughes | lucky for me, i have 3 brothers who take care of me. therefore, i am basking in happiness forever ❤ tagged: jackhughes, _quinnhughes, lhughes_06
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lhughes_06 you're my favorite ❤ | y/nhughes i love you the most
jackhughes happy to provide the happiness | y/nhughes you're so cute 😊
trevorzegras you are aware that they'll pretty much kill anyone to protect you, right? | y/nhughes i am well aware trev | trevorzegras so would i 😏 | y/nhughes i know & i love you for it ❤
user1 they are so cute <33
user2 wow look at luke's smile 😍
nicohischier good guys
jamie.drysdale best friends
rutgermcgroarty 😊😃
bradytkachuk the best brothers
user3 they're so gorgeous
user4 are you as good looking as the rest of the family? | y/nhughes i don't think so 🤔 | _quinnhughes she's the best looking hughes | rutgermcgroarty she's better looking than all of them | luca.fantilli definitely
edwards.73 😊 don't forget me. i'll protect you with all the effort i can | y/nhughes very much appreciated ethan 😎
colecaufield miss you guys so much
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Liked by y/nhughes, edwards.73, lhughes_06 and 317,981 others
jackhughes | happy birthday to the best big brother there is 🥳 tagged: _quinnhughes
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_quinnhughes thanks jack 🤙🏻
y/nhughes my favorite brother ❤ | lhughes_06 i thought that was me | y/nhughes it is. i have 3 favorite brothers | jackhughes unacceptable 😯
user5 so cute
bboeser happy birthday quinn
tdemko30 happy birthday huggy bear 🥳
lhughes_06 he really is the best big brother | jackhughes im offended 😯 | y/nhughes awe don't worry jack. check your dms | jackhughes 🥰
user6 quinn is the better looking hughes | lhughes_06 disagree | _quinnhughes agree | jackhughes disagree. it's definitely luke 😂 | rutgermcgroarty no. it's definitely y/n | luca.fantilli i agree with rut | trevorzegras i agree with luca and rut | jamie.drysdale i agree with you guys | y/nhughes awe you guys 🥰
canucks happy birthday captain quinn!!
nicohischier happy birthday 🎉
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Liked by jackhughes, trevorzegras, jamie.drysdale and 209,157 others
y/nhughes nobody actually knows who my favorite sibling is. good luck trying to guess 👍🏻
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user7 if i were you, my favorite would be luke. he's just too cute | lhughes_06 agreed
_quinnhughes you've told me hundreds of times that it was me 😂 | jackhughes only hundreds? she's told me millions of times 😏
jackhughes i don't care who your favorite is because i know you love us all anyway ❤
user8 a bunch of studs istg
trevorzegras i know who your favorite sibling is 😆
user9 i don't think i would be able to handle being siblings with these 3. they're too good looking
user10 tough choice, i get it
jamie.drysdale please explain how your family has the best genes ever? | y/nhughes sorry but i can't
user11 my favorite family ever
bboeser quinn is my favorite of course
elblue6 babies ❤
nhl 3 promising stars
user12 they're so hot. omg 😯😭😍🤤🔥
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taglist: @worldlxvlys @fearfam69691
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alaskasmonsters · 2 years
𝖕𝖚𝖑𝖑𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖕𝖎𝖌𝖙𝖆𝖎𝖑𝖘 (michael kaiser)
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pairing: michael kaiser x gn!reader
contents: playful insults, teasing, mistaking attraction for hatred, foreign language (french), enemies to lovers (hinted)
w/c: 1.842
summary: when you accompany your friend noel to blue lock you did not consider that kaiser, aka the bastard’s most infamous asshole, would be there, too. luckily your favourite pastime activity was throwing french insults into his face that no one but noel could understand.
a/n: this is based on a request i got :) this isn’t really love-hate and more another ‘attraction mistaken for hatred’ buuut if you’re all nice i’ll make a second part about when they move into the love-hate stage :) also can i just note how eVIL it is to ask a german person to write about the fRENCH. we are natural enemies yall 😔😔 we meet behind a denny’s to fistfight (and kiss) whaat who said that?!?! anyways i did love this prompt despite not being able to speak french. i was able to ask my friend to give me some phrases, their credentials are *checks papers* mediocre school french 👍🏻👍🏻 so let’s just hope my friend can be trusted, if not hope kaiser being hot makes up for it! (also french people <3 if you wanna correct my french pls do 🙏🙏)
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You grumbled to yourself, regarding Kaiser with a glare. Not one he could notice since he was currently standing with his back turned towards you, conversing with Ness.
“Blaireau,” you muttered under your breath, eyes narrowing at the boy.
Noel, who was sitting next to you, let out a sigh but didn’t even raise his gaze from his clipboard to regard you with one of his typical deadpan looks.
You guessed it wasn’t necessary, he knew you well enough to know you were sitting there with a frown edged into your features and your arms crossed in front of your chest.
“So you’ve started doing it even when he’s not close enough to hear you,” he asked you.
“Pardon me?”
“Muttering insults in french. I thought you were doing it to infuriate him but I am sure you know he cannot hear you from this distance.” To emphasise his statement he lifted his hand to point towards Kaiser, who was standing several feet away fem the two of you, before returning the pen he was holding to the paper, scribbling down another number.
You wondered how Noel made sense of it all. Keeping track of the stats of all the new team additions and transferring these numbers into percentages. What those percentages exactly meant you were unsure about. All you knew was that your friend spent a lot of time on them.
You sighed, trying your best not to glare at Kaiser again as you turned to look towards him. You failed.
“Infuriating him is only an added benefit. I do enjoy just insulting him for the sake of it.”
“I see.” Although Noel sounded unimpressed you could tell he would lose his patience with this little thing you and Kaiser had going on, sooner or later.
Especially if it would end up distracting the boy from soccer, not that you thought that was ever possible. Kaiser would rather ignore you for the rest of his life than endanger his soccer career.
You turned towards Noel again and let out a dramatic sigh. Time to make this predicament you were in known to him once more.
“Noel, i need you to look me in the eyes and tell me Kaiser isn’t one of the most annoying assholes you’ve ever met.” You challenged him, lowering your voice as to not catch the attention of any of the boys standing nearby.
The corner of Noel’s lips twitched up at your frustrated tone. Almost like he didn’t take you seriously. You frowned. Rude. This matter was dead serious.
“He doesn’t know how to behave. I trust you to be the mature one. Unless you want me to get you thrown out of this building. You’re only here because i consider you a dear friend, don’t forget that.”
You gasped, offended at the insinuation he’d be willing to throw you out, his best friend, in favour of keeping Kaiser’s ego intact. It was true that you were only allowed to accompany him to ‘Blue Lock’ because he had requested your presence, seeing as you were his best friend. You needed to emphasise that because ‘dear friend’? Yeah right. He wouldn’t know what to do without you. He’d certainly lose his mind.
“You wouldn't. You need me. My presence is precious to you,” you insisted, digging your finger into his arm, not unkindly. “But okay, I promise to behave since Kaiser is clearly not able to.”
You thought offering this was extremely kind of you since it was Kaiser who needed to learn some manners, not you. You were extremely well behaved.
“Aww you’re quite obsessed with me, aren’t you, darling?”
Your blood turned cold. When you turned your head back forward you were met with the sight of none other than Michael Kaiser standing only three feet in front of you, a shit eating grin on his face.
“Casse-toi, Kaiser.” You cursed before you were able to stop yourself.
Kaiser’s grin grew. Noel let out a sigh next to you.
“You promised,” He reminded you and looked up from the clipboard to regard you with a pointed look. “Please, Y/n.”
“It’s not my fault. He’s started it!” You gasped, pointing at Kaiser childishly.
He laughed, waving his hand.
“I just came to say hello after hearing my name come out of your mouth so often. I was afraid you’d wither away without my attention.” His voice was dripping with sarcasm, his innocent smile fooling no one.
Your jaw ticked and before you knew it you had risen to your feet and stomped forward to close the remaining distance between you two to start cursing him out in french.
To your growing anger Kaiser took it in stride, cocking his head at you and listening with interest as you threw insult after insult at his head before Noel apparently had enough of you. He grabbed your wrist and yanked you back telling you to sit back down and ignore Kaiser. He sounded exhausted.
Easier said than done. Kaiser’s whole nature demanded attention. It was impossible to ignore him. But you had promised Noa you’d behave, so you guessed you should at least try.
“T’es chiant!” you snapped at Kaiser, seeing this as the end of your fight, before you let Noel pull you down into the seat.
Noel gave you another pointed look before his gaze shifted back to Kaiser who was watching your interaction with amusement though there was a dark edge to his gaze that wasn’t there before.
“You’re not done with your training, yet, are you?” Noel asked Kaiser
The boy grinned and gave a halfhearted shrug.
“I’m taking a break.”
“Take it somewhere else,” you bit out, feeling Noel’s disapproving glare burn into the side of your face.
You were trying!
“I prefer your lovely company over the one of the common folk,” Kaiser replied easily, waving his hand in the general direction of where you saw the boys of the ‘Blue Lock’ project talk.
Kaiser didn’t like them much, especially Isagi, who has already declared war on him in a very dramatic way that had you questioned the boy’s mental health. Like really, was the boy okay? Talking about devouring people and ruining their life and all.
At least Isagi managed to infuriate Kaiser in a way that no one else was able to. Of course, this meant that you did like Isagi if only because he actually managed to get under the boy’s skin. Unlike you. Kaiser never seemed impressed when you threw french insults into his face, no, it was the complete opposite. He seemed to love it. He seemed to bash in your attention. This only made you angrier.
Entitled jerk.
Maybe you’d just have to take your ‘lovely company’ to Isagi and his friends the next time you saw Kaiser coming your way. That would keep him away.
“They’re not common folk and you’re not an emperor, Kaiser, at best you’re the roi des cons,” you fired back, regarding him with an unamused look.
Nowl let out another sigh, though you thought it was quite a clever word of play. He just didn’t know how to appreciate it or you for the matter.
Kaiser hummed, taking a few steps forward and lowering his head. His gaze was intense as he fixed yours behind the curtains of his hair that fell into his face. Your heart beat wildly in your chest at the sudden air of seriousness surrounding him.
“Is that a new petname, my love? How precious.” His voice was low and smooth and it took you a second to process his words.
When you did you felt your cheeks explode in heat and you had half a mind to jump up and wrestle Kaiser to the ground if it wasn’t for Noel’s hand grabbing the back of your jacket and pulling you down again.
“Stop provoking them and go back to your training, Kaiser.”
Kaiser just snickered, eyes twinkling with mirth as he took in your red face and the snarl on your lips.
“Don’t miss me too much, i’ll be back in a bit,” he mocked with a grin that reached his eyes but still didn’t look genuine.
He turned around to walk away.
“Va te faire enculer!” You called after him but he just laughed and waved his hand at you without turning back.
You huffed and sunk back in your seat, arms crossed in front of your chest as you pouted. You fucking hated that guy.
Noa watched you quietly for a moment before he shook his head and moved to stand up, pushing his clipboard into your hands for you to hold.
“Your taste in men is horrible,” he told you as nonchalantly as one would discuss the weather before shrugging out of his tracksuit jacket and throwing it on the chair he’s been sitting in.
You shot up, shrieking. “Excuse me?”
A few boys close-by turned to stare at you and you ducked your head in embarrassment at your out-lash but you couldn’t believe the words that had just left your friend’s mouth.
“Kaiser is bad news. You can do better than him.”
You gasped at him, cheeks burning from embarrassment. Where did that just come from? Was he seriously insinuating that you? And Kaiser?
“I’m not- You’re- I-” You stuttered, your heart racing in your chest.
This was- You couldn’t believe this!
Noel rolled his eyes and gently pried the clipboard out of your eyes, levelling you with a calm look.
“If you want to deny it, go ahead. But either way stop pulling Kaiser’s metaphorical pigtails already, it’s exhausting.”
He gave you a gentle clap on the shoulder and a small smile, before walking off towards the direction of the ‘Blue Lock’ boys. You stared after him, your face hot and your mouth agape.
You weren’t-
You and Kaiser? That was ridiculous. Absolutely impossible. You would never, not in a billion years, be attracted to him. He was such an asshole. A complete jerk. Completely infuriating. Why would Noel even think that?
You huffed again, shoulders bunching up as you tried to take a deep breath to calm yourself.
Noel had no idea what he was talking about. What did he even know about romance? Nothing. That’s right!
You lifted your gaze and- You froze when your eyes locked with Kaiser’s. He was standing on the other end of the field, football secured under his arm. He was watching you intensely. From this far away it was hard to make out the look in his eyes but you felt a shiver rake down your spine and the itch on your tongue.
You gave him the middle finger, biting your tongue to not throw another insult his way as you would have had to shout it over the whole field. When the boy did nothing but laugh and blow you a kiss, you quickly turned away. The heat in your cheeks never fading.
Noel was wrong. You did not have a crush on Kaiser. You did not.
Not even a little.
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Blaireau — Asshole
Casse-toi — Fuck off
T’es chiant — You’re annoying
Roi des cons — Complete idiot/King of idiots
Va te faire enculer — Go fuck yourself
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cindylouwhooo · 9 months
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Chapter Three
Gigi’s POV
A pounding headache and a dry throat greet me with the morning sun, as I struggle to get out of bed. It must be the thirtieth minute of my daily aimless scrolling through Twitter and Instagram, and I find myself looking for the negative comments. In my head, I’m fully aware how wrong it is, how I’m not supposed to give into the haters, how I’m supposed to close my eyes and move on with my life.
But some hopeless, insane part of me believes that every negative thing that I come across social media will light that fire that’s long put out inside me—that I’ll take the bait and get into the studio, write the greatest album of all time and be rid of all the weight of what my name brings me.
Of course, by the reach of the hour, my brain has been convinced that my previous albums were a pile of shit and that I’ll never be able to write anything in my life, ever again.
The phone drops from my hand and I dig my body further into the mattress, letting the peace and comfort of my bed convince me into getting some more sleep. I dream of nothing, and I wake up realising that I might have dreamed of my future career.
~ ~ ~
Lando’s POV
“I can’t help you.”
“Yes you can.”
“I absolutely cannot. Kika will kill me and then break up with me. And I can’t have that.”
I let out the longest sigh as I walk beside Gasly. Journalists, photographers, engineers and other drivers walk past us, looking, whispering. Not that I care. I couldn’t even if I tried.
“Fine, just give me Kika’s number and I’ll ask her.”
After glaring at me for mentioning his girlfriend’s name, he begrudgingly pulls out his phone and brings it to my face. I scramble to grab mine from the pocket of my sweats and hastily tap down Kika’s number.
“I’m choosing her contact name.” He demands, but I’m only half listening—too focused on trying to transfer the numbers correctly from his phone to my contacts.
She’s ethereal. I don’t even know how I went all my life without glancing twice at her—speaking as a person who happened to have done just that the previous night, as is now unable to look at anything else.
Gigi Santos could easily be way out of my reach, but I’d be damned not to try extending my arm towards her; just to see if angels really exist.
“Honestly, I can’t even believe she followed you.” Pierre admits as we keep walking towards the media pen.
I let out a huff, slightly agreeing with him, yet still offended he’s find that surprising.
“Gigi is super private, doesn’t like people much.” He goes on. “But maybe that’s good, that she followed you. I don’t know. Anyways, I gotta go—watch what you say to my girl.”
I roll my eyes and start walking the other way, eyes fixated on the screen in front of me.
Hi Kika. It’s Lando
From formula one
Pierre’s girl
Everything okay?
Lando from formula 1
Yeah, no all good 👍🏻
I was just wondering, I mean,
I was thinking about your
Gigi Santos
She is, she’s cute
Pierre’s girl
She sure is
Lando from formula 1
Yeah and I was hoping
maybe I could get her
number? From you
Pierre wouldn’t give it to me
Pierre’s girl
Sorry!! She doesn’t like random people having her number without her knowing :(
But I’m sure you’ll have your chance at talking :)
Lando from formula 1
What do you mean?
Pierre’s girl
I mean, it seems like you’re already in contact
Kind of
I smile, knowing exactly what she was talking about.
The post I made just this morning on instagram, was a long shot, risky and could possibly lead to Gigi Santos thinking I’m a cocky arsehole. But my fingers itched as they lingered over the post button, my whole body vibrating with a random need to interact with her—without looking like a needy fucking chad, who DMs her with no cause.
My heart almost stopped when my eyes caught her name on the liked list, and I swear I stopped breathing when her post popped up on my feed—I’m single too btw.
I nearly hop over to Kaylee, my PR manager, who seems much too irritated for a Thursday.
“Good morning, Kaylee.”
“Just morning will do, Lando, since you decided to make a social media uproar by declaring your marital status.” She eyes me, surely picturing how it’d be to strangle me. “I want no mention of anything close to your relationship status, Instagram, plans of partying after the GP or Gigi Santos.”
My eyes pop out of their sockets, shocked to have someone else acknowledge our little interaction.
“I’m not dumb, or hiding under a rock. Neither are the journalists, nor the people who’ll view your interviews. Just be mindful. ‘S all I ask.”
I nod, not trusting myself to say the appropriate thing, and try to prepare for a day of avoiding my favorite subjects.
~ ~ ~
Instagram Reels - Lando Norris, Media day, last interview of the day
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LLL4NDO.NORRIS bro literally changed ten colors when asked about his post LOL
ln4fan what a cheeky shit, pretending not to know mother Gigi
gigimothersantos this man better be joking
f1fan63 am i the only one that’s confused?
gigisantos at least he said he loved my songs 🤷🏻‍♀️
-> santossssslovr MOTHER
-> gigiismyqueen go get em girl
-> hayleelovesgigi give us the album!!!!!
~ ~ ~
Gigi’s POV
I smiled at my phone, overly amused by whatever game I decided to play.
I don’t know what made me rise from the hungover/coma I was in a few hours ago, just to make a post about being single and commenting on that reel.
There’s no logical explanation other than the sudden need to be in this man’s world.
It was clear the post Lando made was about me, and, honestly? I found it terribly adorable. My heart flipped and my lunges filled with an energy I hadn’t felt in a long time…plus, he’s a race car driver and I’m single.
Having fun and playing this little game with him while I’m here won’t hurt. I need a new distraction from whatever’s going on in my career anyway.
Maybe coming to Monaco was a better idea than I originally thought.
SMALL, SHITTY AND ALMOST POINTLESS but I suck at intro chapters and I promised two chapter before the new year
i will definitely do better next time and get into the characters and ACTUAL plot lol
anyways, i hope you enjoy your New Year’s Eve!! 🥂
(ps. my inbox is open if u wanna say hi 👋🏻)
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curdled-blood · 9 months
I would like to know your headcanons for Splendor and Fen 👀 Basic stuff like personality and hobbies. I have my own versions of them that I’m in love with, but I love seeing other people’s stuff too. -🎀
OMG I HAVE MY OWN VERSIONS TOO!!! I'm so happy you asked because Fen is one of my favs ever !!!
To start things off it is my version of them used to be humans that died and came back, same with the rest of their family!! I'm not quiet exactly sure how Splendor but I know that Fen's death was a murder that happened due to a series of unfortunate events that happened in his life.. Don't make deals with a man claiming to be the devil, kids.
Splendor - to be honest his personality is about what you'd expect. Very much up beat and happy go lucky optimist type deal that has definitely been influenced by past traumas in his life 😃 He's especially peppy around kids and REFUSES to swear cuz yk... but around other adults he kindaaa loosens up a bit but he can still be a bit uptight. Even then, he still has a chaotic side that RARLEY peeks out. Sometimes he gets so wound up that he just eventually breaks down and starts freaking out but he usually finds a way to survive 👍🏻 fighting the urge to call him a prude cuz thats mean but its so truuuuuuuuuue
Offender - Okay so like imagine if Deadpool was more cut off and distant. Flirty, witty, kind of a prick but secretly has a heart of...silver. If you wanna get to know him, and I mean REALLY get to know him, it's pretty much impossible unless you were quite literally hand picked and/or forced upon him (i.e. his proxies *wearing a t-shirt that says ask about my fen proxy ocs*) Bro doesn't even trust his own fucking family, so he tends to be stand-off-ish if that makes sense 😭
I should see what personality types they have 🤔
Splendor -
Cooking - OKAY BUT YOU CANNOT TELL ME THIS MAN WOULD NOT MAKE THEEEE BEST COMFORT FOOD YOU'VE EVER FUCKING TASTED. You eat one of his dishes and suddenly you have fat puppy syndrome. Fat, full, and tired. I like to think him and his family was from Germany and that he specializes in German dishes :D
Baking - Same with cooking, you CANNOT disagree that he'd make the most delicious goodies. He also definitely makes weed brownies, though he may deny it.
Music - Splendorman may not play an instrument like some of his other family members, but boy does he love listening to music. Him and Trenderman both LOOOVE to collect vinyls together <3. Splendor definitely has a record player that he uses RELIGIOUSLY and a phonograph somewhere around his big ass cottage teehee
Tea - OH yeah, ya boys a tea conisour. He has like every tea you can think of AND THEN SOME. he probably has an entire room just for storing all that damn tea.
Offender -
Gardening - Since Fen was a kid he's been absolutely in love with nature, especially flowers specifically. Sometimes he'll spend hours, even entire days, messing around out front of his broken down mansion and about his forest, tending to the flowers and other floura.
Violin - Another hobby Offender has had since he was a small lad!! Over the many years of his existence he has had plenty of time to master the craft of violin playing. Though since his death he stopped playing as often as he used to but he still does every now and then!!
Singing - Fen may not sing often but when he does, he has the voice of an arch fucking angel. He likes singing just fine but if he's being completely honest with himself, he enjoys playing the violin more. Though he does occasionally use his hypnotic voice to lure people in so he can steal their souls but that's business, not a hobby.
Painting - Yet another activity Fen is incredibly skilled in, but does not often indulge in. But since Fen has access to so many different flowers with many varying colors, sometimes he'll make paint to make something insanely beautiful.
Random Fun Fen Fact: After his death, Fen has this snake tattoo implanted on him by the devil that is slowly moving and slithering around his body!!
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alanjeffbrainrot · 4 months
You know when you have one thought about a ship and suddenly it’s all you can think about but there’s no fic out there to scratch that itch ? I’ve hit the point where I’m just gonna write it myself 👍🏻
TW// SA & cannon typical violence
These are the vibes currently:
- [ ] Jeff got bitched on his 18th birthday while he was at Tony’s (it was an experiment, Tony wanted to see if special alphas could be bitched, Jeff was the quietest/most timid alpha so Tony figured he’d be the easiest to break)
- [ ] Jeff went through 2 heats at Tony’s place before he and charlie escape. Goes on suppressants as soon as they get out.
- [ ] Yada yada he ends up working at X-Hunter because charlie/babe etc.
- [ ] all’s fine until the first night Alan and Jeff are together, it triggers Jeff’s heat and he absolutely panics
- [ ] Alan calls Charlie, charlie kicks him out of his bedroom to get Jeff back to a non-panic state
- [ ] Uncomfy convo with Alan because he’s a himbo and doesn’t fully understand what Jeff is trying to say (re: didn’t even question the remains of a shrunken knot or that Jeff was bigger than any of the omegas he’d been with in the past) until Jeff cracks and shouts that he was bitched (he immediately hides behind charlie because he 1- just shouted at an alpha and 2- he just shouted at /his/ alpha)
- [ ] Charlie gets Jeff to calm down again and when he’s finally able to face alan he’s only met with love and adoration for being able to talk about it
- [ ] General fluff ensues. Building a nest/cuddling/general hurt/comfort shit
Here’s a little bit of what I’ve written. I haven’t written fics in like a decade so please let me know what you like/what you would change ! If I ever end up posting this officially it’ll likely be on AO3 :))
Jeff’s 18th Birthday
He couldn’t breathe. The air around him feeling too thick. Constricting.
Suffocating. I need to get up. Just get UP. Jeff screamed at himself, willing his body to do what he wanted. But nothing happened. All he felt was a deep ache make its way through his body. Sore in places he never had been before. The pain brought tears to his eyes and, in a sick way, he was grateful for the moisture as it aided in getting his tired eyes to open. Everything was blurry at first, Jeff blinking a few times to rid his eyes of the offending tears and quickly survey the room he was in.
A small room, gray walls, gray floor, gray ceiling, with a cold steal door staring back at him. The bed he was on was old and uncomfortable. And… wet?
Shooting up, Jeff began to feel around the bed he was on, trying to find the source. Feeling the way his boxers stuck to him quickly answered his question. Falling to the floor, Jeff is overcome with memories. Flashes of the night before, Tony’s cold voice echoing in his mind. Just do what I’m asking, make me proud. We need to see if this works so we can make more like you.
Shuddering he tries to block out the memories but they just keep coming. Soon this will all be over Jeff. You’ll be my most important asset.
Chocking back a sob, Jeff crumbles to the ground. He clutches at his chest, desperately trying to rip away at the dingy white t-shirt he wore. He was suddenly too hot, feeling like fire was licking through his veins as unwanted arousal thrummed underneath his skin. He didn’t want this. He didn’t ask for this. Letting out a small whimper he curls further into himself, willing the concrete floor to take some of the heat away from his skin.
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itsdark0ut · 1 year
„No One Sleeps At Night”* [Info panel]
[*or „It’s Dark Out”]
Mcyt AU by: @littlescammer & @pvmpkim
Ilustrated by: @pvmpkim & @ari-axis
Basic info:
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What caused the apocalypse?
Due to unknown reasons Earth has stopped moving around its axis. It caused half of the globe dive in non-passing night while the other half become dry and burned because of the sun.
- - -
Why is the action taking place only on the non-passing night side?
Despite the darkness, most of the survivors decided to fight for their life on the night side, because it is easier to find water there. It is also possible to grow plants in greenhouses thanks to that. You only need to find a good source of energy (other than solar energy).
- - -
Is this world build more in Minecraft world of more classic postapo world realities?
Due to the fact that postapo is a science fiction sub-genre and the situation with the Earth just stopping is unlikely to happen, we decided not to include the classic mobs that can be found in Minecraft as an everyday element, so that we can get closer to real life world. Therefore we will put redstone connotations and the story will most likely include [SPOILER ALLERT!]:
- minecraft origins (or at least those that managed to survive ehe) which will be refereed as “hybrids”* and “races”**
- Warden (:D), Ancient City and Deep Dark stuff
- overgrown spiders, phantoms and new additions to the Earths fauna and flora. 👽👍🏻
- - -
Hybrids and Races case
For example - Jimmy is a hybrid because he has human and non-human genes, but in reality he is a different race because he is an so called avian. He has many changes that make him unlike a human, despite having a partially humanoid appearance.
Races that have human genes in them can be called hybrids (although some may be offended), but not all hybrids can be called a race. There are cases of mutations that are too few to be passed on to offspring, or to create any at all. Changes to the appearance or function of a hybrid that is not eligible to start a new race are lost with them upon their death.
It's too early to tell yet, but it is suspected that by stopping the Earth, hybrids' ability to procreate has decreased, thus preventing races from settling, which may explain why is it easier to meet a one-of-a-kind hybrid than a representative of a particular race.
- - -
Who will be included in the ido/nosan series?
Minecraft personas mostly from so called Hermempires (Hermicraft + Empires), maybe NewLife SMP, don’t know yet. I don’t plan on adding anyone from DSMP or QSMP.
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How will the series begin? How will your posts look like?
I ( @littlescammer ) will be posting here something similar to chapters or diaries if I feel a need to show you how a single situation looked in mind of a character. The “chapters” will mix of different POVs of various groups or duos starring in the series and I will be using omniscient narrator for that. Diaries will be posted as 1st person narrator, obviously.
Also sorry for my mistakes, this is my very first time writing something like this in English which is not my native language. 🙏🏻 Fell free to correct me. 🧍🏼‍♂️❤️
So I am the writer and @pvmpkim & @ari-axis are illustrators. 🤝
Btw we are starting with ranchers POV, because the illustrator 1 said so. ;)
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How should I call the series? “It’s Dark Out” or “No One Sleeps at Night”?
Well… First name for this AU was “No One Sleeps at Night” and it was my idea. I liked it, because it sounds nice and poetic in my native language and it was pretty spontaneous. Also the acronym for this in English translation is NOSAN which sounds like “no sun” which is… Correct. XD But before I noticed that @pvmpkim decided to call the AU “It’s Dark Out” (instantly in english) because it’s more clear and plain. So yeah…
I guess we will be using two for now and we will se which one will work better in future. Maybe I will make a pool if the series would gain more attention.
- - -
This post will be edited to add more info! :D
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celiastjamesoscar · 8 months
Dream update: it was some sort of zombie apocalypse just that the zombies were stoll completely human and functioning. They were scared of water and wood so we had to use that to keep them away. We were running, climbing and hiding. THEN a zombie twin duo had the real Chucky as their companions, twice. So 2 Chuckies chase us. BUT my group had an ape/monkey and our pig, Dot, as protection. The best thing is, however, that Tara and Sam were part of my group. After finding them again, Tara and I decided to get married. I actually married Tara! (Sad though because Sam was right there in her Scream 6 tank top). Tara was a great wife though 👍🏻
Okay, good good. Not that you were in pain but this way I don't seem like a total pussy for suffering this much while getting my thigh blasted.
OH MY GOD are you hitting on me? Cause I heard that munching box is what killed Michael Douglas! (Chanel numbet 3 knows everything) But don't worry, I was always the best at interpretations, so the Europe tour will be a lot of fun 😏
I... wow. I'm speechless. I gotta be honest, I don't know what Canada's food has to do with Franz Ferdinand (we have one cat named like that) and the Genova Convention BUT I completely support you! You are so right, Grace. You should fight him and I KNOW you will come out victorious! How dare he be offended by Canadian food causing international humanitarian laws!
Zombies mixed in with Chucky sounds terrifying, but at least you had Dot there to protect you! And hey, you still married a Carpenter, that has to count for something!!! But oh my god with Sam in her tank top… I would have ran off the altar with her
There’s no way you are comparing the pain I felt to yours 😭 but honestly, it wasn’t too bad at all and I am already wanting another one!!
Is it bad that I’m still on the first episode of Scream Queens? Because I feel like it is. This Europe tour will be fun, you have my word :)
I honestly can’t remember how I connected Canada’s canned food grenades to Ferdinand, but it somehow ended in an argument😭 I will have to fight him and let you know of the results!!
Also, here are some highlights from Zoey. Along with this, I have come to the conclusion that I will die for Aitana Bonmatí, she’s the current love of my life
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ruminate88 · 8 months
Be careful for what you want:
I wanted to share my story/journey in efforts to make sense of myself and my life and possibly someone else will be able to get some clarity as I did. TikTok is where I saw my first post on “narcissism” and it made so much sense to me and I’ve been putting pieces together ever sense ❤️‍🩹🥺
while I was hoping for something good to come of this, I seem to have offended some folks and that wasn’t ever my intentions but it’s done. I could delete the post but why should I?? Am I not allowed to think and write freely as others??
I never heard of “nice guy syndrome” and now that I’ve been made aware of it, I can ponder on it awhile . No one is perfect and everyone makes mistakes!! I certainly mess up and I need to better myself like everyone else 👍🏻👏🏻 I’m trying but maybe I won’t say everything right or get everything right and you probably don’t either!!
Also, my story is PERSONAL to me and when I write about my exes, I’m writing from a place of pain…: not that anyone needs to feel sorry for me or care about what I’ve been through. I know what I experienced and it can’t be undone other wise if it could, I would change it in a heartbeat!!! I never wanted to be angry or hurt at my exes. I adored them and wanted them to be happy but truth is truth! They don’t care about me and that’s their choice but it sucks for me and that’s my life. I’m dealing with it best I can 🤨
IF I HAD MY WAY, I wouldn’t even consider my exes narcissist. I would still be with Cody in love and treating him like a king but he ghosted me with NO GOODBYE and then when Andrew came along, I thought he was better than Cody and I tried to also treat Andrew like a king but he confused me just the same and I was left with no answers for so long. I suffered mentally and physically!!
I WILL NOT apologize for what was done in my past. I’m not the one that needs to apologize… and I’ve come to terms that my exes will probably never apologize and that’s what it is. Nothing I can do about it but until I’m healed and tired of talking about it, I’ll continue to share my story and speak what I know. I’m still learning too!! Maybe I’ll know more down the road…. One can only hope ❤️‍🩹
And I hope you all well too on your journeys may you all find what you need and grow too!
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chainsawselfships · 1 year
I'm so curious about Tuco's hacker lapdog plsss tell me about him 🤲
ALRIGHT ALRIGHT I'LL REVEAL MY HALF-BAKED BACKSTORY (<- guy who writes smut and poetry, not plot.)
This ended up... so long somehow. I was worried that I wouldn't have much to say, but it just started pouring out of me as soon as I started typing (much of it made up on the spot 👍🏻)
Tw for violence, abuse, dubcon, and drugs (obviously lol.) I can have a dark self ship. As a treat.
I'm tentatively trying out giving my S/I a name that isn't my irl one. For whatever reason I just cannot use a name that doesn't have some connection to my irl one, so it had to start with a T at least, and hopefully this isn't weird but I wanted it to have a similar meaning to Rivera (ignore me feeding our red string of fate into our self ship canon) so I ended up on Trent!
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I haven't really landed on a surname for him but I'll probably just go with something common and simple. I like how Trent Adams sounds.
Trent was born in WA in 1980, making him 22 at the beginning of B/CS and 28 at the beginning of B/rBa, although he didn't start working for Tuco until 2003 when he was 23.
Growing up, he was fascinated by media depictions of hacking, and when he was a teenager an older friend-of-a-friend (Doug) took him under his wing and taught him coding/hacking.
As an adult, Trent had trouble keeping a job and as a result borrowed quite a bit of money from Doug over the years. His debt piled up but Doug accepted small payments and Trent working odd jobs for him. Doug moved to NM in 2002 for a mysterious "job opportunity" that he wouldn't tell Trent about.
In early 2003, Doug called Trent and begged him to let him bring him to ABQ and do some work for his boss. As it turned out, Doug had been dealing for Tuco Salamanca while he'd been living in NM and he fucked up bad by getting mugged while carrying a huge amount of cash. He didn't have any way to pay Tuco back quickly enough, so in a fit of desperation he offered up Trent's services, as Trent still owed him a lot of money, so both of their debts could be squared off at once.
Tuco initially had no interest in some random guy who had no experience in the business, but Doug talked up the usefulness of having someone with hacking experience. Now, we know that Tuco can be swayed it you know how to talk to him, so he got into the idea of having his own personal hacker (not that he knew what that really means or entails as he's pretty much computer illiterate, but he likes stuff that sounds cool) and accepted Doug's offer of having Trent come work for him for free.
Doug drove all the way to WA to pick Trent up and gave him the rundown (much to his horror) during the drive back to ABQ about who Tuco is and what kind of business he deals in. He advised Trent to keep his mouth shut as much as possible and stay out of the way when Tuco's temper flared up. Naturally, Trent wanted to back out of the whole thing, but he didn't want his friend (who had helped him so much over the years) to get hurt, or potentially killed, plus the idea of squaring his debt was appealing, so he went along with it.
When Tuco and Trent met for the first time, Tuco literally laughed in his face and made fun of his stature and appearance. He obviously didn't take Trent seriously at all. Trent was offended, but too intimidated to say anything (<- which of course is a good thing as there's a good chance that Tuco would have just killed him.)
Doug put Trent up in a motel (as this whole thing was supposed to be a temporary arrangement), but Trent ended up at Tuco's place pretty much every day, as he needed a computer to work on, which Tuco provided. This had the added benefit (for Tuco at least) of letting him keep on eye on Trent.
Tuco started making passes as Trent pretty quickly, but Trent isn't great at reading social cues (he also assumed that Tuco was straight) so he kept brushing it off (but not actually turning Tuco down as he didn't realize there was an offer in the first place.) This pissed Tuco off as he felt as if he was being teased or possibly made fun of and in true Tuco fashion he flipped out. After shoving Trent into a wall, putting his knife to his throat, and accusing him of fucking with him, Tuco realized that Trent was genuinely unaware of how he'd been coming across. He found it pretty funny, and made his advances much more obvious and aggressive after that.
The beginning of their sexual relationship's consensuality was... questionable at best. Trent of course was terrified of Tuco, was his direct subordinate, and had gotten a sense of "no one says no to a Salamanca." He did find Tuco physically attractive from the first day they met, but he never had any intention of pursuing anything past a professional relationship (and he didn't even really choose that.)
Nacho got a sense of what was going on between Tuco and Trent pretty much immediately and took pity on Trent. He told him that it was for the best, as the more Tuco liked him the safer he'd be from his random violent outbursts, and the more protection he'd have from outside parties (this might seem like a cold way to comfort someone, but this was before they became friends, when Nacho viewed Trent as just another person he had to corral to keep business running smooth.)
Tuco saw Trent's presence and work very much as just a novelty for the first couple of months. Only after Trent crashed the fledgling computer network of a major competitor did Tuco realize that Trent could actually be useful to his business. This made him like Trent on a more serious level and start to want to get to know him for real. This and another incident where Tuco almost killed him (beat and strangled him while high, Tuco felt guilty about it when he sobered up) made him realize that he was actually becoming genuinely fond of him and he ended up going to Nacho for advice on how to make Trent less scared of him.
Somewhere around that time, (do I have an actual timeline worked out to make this story more clear? Hell no!) Tuco moved Trent into his house (under the guise of "keeping an eye on him", when in actuality he was beginning to feel deeply possessive over him, and let's be real, he wanted easy sexual access.)
Their relationship is (and was to an even higher extent during the beginning) closer to owner-and-pet than an equal romantic partnership. Tuco views Trent as more of a thing that he owns than a person who works for him. Tuco was, and is, extremely possessive and jealous over Trent. He's frustrated by his inability to publicly "claim" Trent due to being unable to be openly bi and struggles with letting Trent be alone with other men (Nacho and his cousins are the exception to this.)
Over time their relationship became sort of an open secret as Tuco insists on keeping Trent close even when there's no business-related reason for it, dressing Trent up how he likes (very expensive and gaudy, the complete opposite of how Trent naturally dresses), and becoming enraged any time someone insults or snubs Trent in any way. The people around them started catching on pretty quickly, but generally know better than to bring it up.
Tuco was/is very afraid of Trent betraying him (whether it be cheating on him or something to do with business) and once Lalo entered the picture, he asked him to keep an eye on Trent and report back anything suspicious.
Tuco made it crystal clear from the beginning that he would kill Trent if he tried to run or betray him, so Trent really has no intention of doing so. That doesn't stop Tuco from making him swear that he'll never betray him and that he belongs totally to him pretty much every day. No one has ever claimed that Tuco isn't exhausted to deal with, least of all Trent :^P
Alright, this is way too long. I could talk about Trent and Tuco's fucked up relationship for a year straight if you let me :^P And that's not even getting into his relatively normal friendships with Nacho, Domingo, and Rivera, and his mutually suspicious, tentative friendship/cousin-in-law-ish-thing with Lalo and the twins.
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badberry123 · 1 year
What do you love about Broodwing from Power Rangers S.P.D.? (I ask out of curiosity since you reblogged a post from my acquaintance @chaoticgirl23 about the hottest Power Rangers villain(s) and you mentioned Broodwing, which got me curious as to why you love the emotionless, yet greedy vampire-bat-like-alien; I’m not asking this to be mean though, again, I’m just asking out of curiosity) 🦇💷❤️🔥😍🥰😘❤️‍🔥
Honestly I have no idea I just really like him. Don’t know whether it’s the fact that he’s got the smarts and badassery to take on Gruumm or like the fact that he has loads of money is a bonus too either way he’s the only Power Rangers Villain I’ve liked in a fictional crush way. 🥰❤️🦇
I’m so sorry I got back to you so late though, was not offended by your question one bit. 👍🏻😊🩷
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I wanted to drop by and give you carte blanche for one (1) Indiana Jones fic request. Twosome, threesome, group, etc. There’s no configuration of people I won’t write. You want some twisted, tragic, desperate-for-approval, wistful, heart-wrenching father/son stuff? I’ll write it. You want to read about Indy and Marion’s first time? I’ll write it. You want Sallah and Indy getting way too drunk, crossing the friendship line into something more, leading to a romp that they’re not quite sure how to process, so they end up doing nothing about it and never talking about it, but sometimes they look at each other and know exactly what the other is thinking and feeling? I’ll write that, too! Your tags suggested you had something in mind, so feel free to throw some ideas my way, and I’ll see if I can whip something up for you! I don’t do bathroom stuff, blood/gore, hard-core bdsm, or mommy/daddy/sir stuff. Pretty much all else is fair game though. Let me know! Here’s my AO3 page so you can get a feel for my writing style to see if my style is to your taste. I won’t be offended if it’s not. 😉👍🏻
Wait, I did the thing where I forgot to attach the attachment. Here’s my AO3 for real this time lol
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You are too kind! Honestly I wasn't really expecting you to reach out like this!! It feels like an honor! Thank you!
If you want (totes don't have to if you are busy) I really could get behind Indy just being fucked by someone rando(randos, dealer's choice) in a tomb. Like they just found this well sought tomb, high on adrenaline and excitement, and the guy Indy is with just bends him over the nearest surface and fucks him. Just both of them fucking and having a blast in the tomb. That is what I really am into right now~ Hope that isn't too vague~
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karmaismyfriend · 25 days
Do you believe that every person can change?
Hi there and thanks for putting me on a block list I must have gotten under your skin!
A little backstory on me for you to realise something as you attacked be before you even found anything out!
I have a narcissistic father and I would never hurt him but he’s hurt me time and time again.
He still does to this day and I try and not visit him unless I have too.
I then fell into a relationship with a narcissist man who left me feeling like a failure. I was with this man for 3 years in the beginning it was amazing but he love bombed the whole time, he cheated made me feel I was going crazy he also targeted everything about me. Made me feel worthless 😔
After many months of therapy I know my self worth and have rebuilt myself to become a voice for narcissistic abuse.
So no I don’t believe they can change as twice I’ve been burnt and decided to learn about narcissistic personality traits via a psychologist course.
I’m sorry if it offends you when I put these posts up as all I want to do is make people aware they are not going crazy and they aren’t alone.
So next time you backlist someone do your research 🧐
And for others reading this this just proves it doesn’t it they don’t like to be called out.
And @rainbowstarheart my inbox is open if you wanted help or advice but I presume you won’t so have a nice life I wish you nothing but the best 👍🏻
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ddostoyevskyy · 2 years
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Armed Detective Agency!
𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄... won’t write for Kyouka and Kenji since, both are still young to be a college student:) And, I won’t write for the rest of BSD characters because, it was really hard to imagine their possible courses, especially the Port Mafia members. 😭👍🏻 Anyway, I hope you enjoy and I’m sorry if I offend you in a way with this headcanons.
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Financial Management (BSBA, MAJOR IN FM) (Four year-course)
↪ We all know, Atsushi was really desperate for money — not in a bad way, but because he never really experience things and suffered a lot, without food or a nice shower and he was really treated badly at the orphanage.
↪ So, I think, this would be his possible course and anything related to business and income. I would also like to put Accountancy, but that would be different.
↪ Atsushi was a hardworking student. Maybe, he’s not that smart. But, he’s one of those flexible student that can do many part-time jobs and can still study, at the same time.
↪ Atsushi got a hard time to adopt in college, since he wasn’t so exposed to the city (So, basically, he’s the countryside type like Kenji).
Computer Engineering (BSCE) (Five year-course)
↪ This was his possible course, because I see Dazai as a person who likes to take and accept challenges.
↪ (this was also my choice of course)
↪ I also think his possible course would be Forensic Science, because just like Ranpo, he can see through anything with just one glance.
↪ But, since, I saw him as a person that always think frankly, I wouldn’t think, he could fit on that course.
↪ Because, I don’t think, Dazai is the type to think “scientifically” as possible since, he’s rationally as possible.
↪ He’s one of those troublemaker students, but reliable, when the time comes, like having a group project, research, thesis, etc.
↪ He’s really smart, but is a procrastinator (just like me, lol).
Humanities (BS in Psychology) (Four year-course)
↪ We all know this man used to be a math teacher. But since, his patience wasn’t something to start with, I won’t think he would take the Secondary  Education course.
↪ Not Bachelor of Science and Journalism too. Man hates politics and authorities so, I wouldn’t think, he would be that type to appear in a broadcasting show/news.
↪ Don’t get me wrong. I know Kunikida was somewhat, a short-tempered man, it was all because of a certain brunette.
↪ He’s sympathetic and emotionally logic, as far as I’ve known his character.
↪ And, having this as his possible course will help him understand more of human emotions, physical movements, and he won’t get fooled by Dazai with his tricks anymore (Because, goddamn, Kunikida’s canonically naïve when it comes to common sense/joke things).
↪ As expected, he’s one of those organized student. He’s not a procrastinator, on top of that.
↪ I think, he’s one of those students who’s a dean lister/top notcher.
↪ Or the class President.
Forensic Science (Four year-course)
↪ We all know this man. Should I explain it further? (Chos)
↪ This was probably his course, canonically.
↪ He’s logically smart, maybe, one of those dean listers/top notchers like Kunikida. But, I believed, this man was a procrastinator like Dazai.
↪ He’s that classmate who would brag about anything you’ll asked about some topics.
↪He’s a living dictionary.
Information Technology (BSIT) & HRM
↪ IT for Jùunichiro, since I often see him typing away on the computer in the anime. So, I think, his possible course would be close to computer programming.
↪ He’s one of those hardworking student like Atsushi, since it’s only him and his sister.
↪ HRM with Naomi? Hmm. Since, I don’t really see her working with computers or papers. HRM is a course for employee development amd strategies to retain employees so, her possible course is HRM.
↪ Well, I don’t hate this siblings, but we all know how they act with each other. But, putting that aside, Naomi is that type of obedient student. She was surprisingly reliable and is kind.
↪ Both of these characters were good. But, just don’t put them together in one room.
Medical Technology (BS MedTech) (Four year-course)
↪ Do I need to explain this? Chos.
↪ She’s one of those (pretty) students who can be also a class officer.
↪ She’s also well respected and famous too.
↪ And, choosing this course would probably widen her learning capacity about medical technology, since this was the “modern” type other than BS in Nursing.
↪ I don’t think Yosano wants BS in Nursing as a course, because she’s healing her members alone. But, that doesn’t mean, I’m saying that nurses were sidekicks — they are more than that and studying medical courses was really a challenge.
↪ But, we are talking about their possible courses here, so I think, It was MedTech:)
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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.
All Rights Reserved 2022 © ddostoyevskyy. Do not repost without permission or plagiarized.
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