#sea breeze echo event
seaofgoldensand · 6 months
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DYUSKOPO this event hurts in all the ways that speak to my soul
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rainbowsalt0412 · 6 months
So... I've already given up on getting those new limited myth cards.
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dekariosclan · 3 months
A Tav who, from the first moment they meet Gale, knows they could never be his equal. A Tav who is painfully aware that they are lacking in intelligence, but not wise enough to know how to improve it. A Tav who isn’t handsome, beautiful, or attractive. A Tav who doesn’t love their own body, the sound of their own voice, or the face that looks back at them from the mirror. A Tav who is kind and gentle with others, but not with themselves.
A Tav who cannot understand why Gale fell in love with them, much less why he was so eager to wed them. A Tav who now constantly asks themselves: How did they get so lucky as to be loved by this man?
They watch Gale with affection as he pours over tomes in their home in Waterdeep, night after night, breezing through ancient writings that they themselves know they would never be able to comprehend or follow. They love to listen to him talk, and nod with genuine interest as he tells them everything he’s discovered; not completely understanding, but only asking questions on the rare occasions when they truly cannot grasp what he’s trying to convey. They wonder if their stretches of silence secretly annoy Gale, or if their occasional questions do, but he never seems to be anything other than elated as they listen to him. How did they get so lucky as to be loved by this man?
At his request, they often join him at Blackstaff Academy for lunch. They watch as his colleagues engage him in scholarly discussions that they cannot participate in. They see the glances he gets from his more attractive colleagues, interest that goes beyond professional courtesy; yet he still breaks away as quickly as he can to whisk Tav off to the solitude of his office, sit down next to them, kiss them, ask them about their day. How did they get so lucky as to be loved by this man?
They greet him warmly when he arrives back home every evening. On the nights that Gale cooks, they love to watch him prepare meals, his hands as graceful and deft as when he’s casting spells. On the nights that they cook, they always feel a slight pang of anxiety, wondering if the simple meal they’ve prepared is good enough, but Gale showers them with compliments and cleans his plate every time. The stories Gale shares from the Academy over dinner are as interesting as they are amusing, making Tav laugh almost as much as the bad puns he sprinkles into the conversation like seasoning. They try their best to match his wit when they tell him about the events from their day, but they always feel that the stories they share are much less amusing or interesting than his, even though Gale listens with rapt attention to every word. How did they get so lucky as to be loved by this man?
One evening, as the sun dips slowly into the sea from their view on the balcony, Gale suddenly stops speaking. Tav looks up in surprise, as he’d been regaling them with discoveries from an ancient text he’d finished reading.
“Is everything alright, love?” They ask, their heart suddenly pounding as they see Gale staring at them intensely. He responds with a soft apology, and says that it just occurred to him that he has a question he needs to ask them. Most urgently.
The pounding of their heart now fades to a hollow echo, as they’re sure they know what he will ask: Why would a man of his talent and understanding continue to stay with someone as mediocre, unimpressive, and plain as they are?
…but instead, he takes both their hands in his, holding them gently but firmly, and gazes lovingly into their eyes. “I spend my days caught up in academic discussions, decisions and debates. I do enjoy it of course, for the most part, but…to come home to you, to be able to talk without being judged or spoken over, to have your calm attention, the balm of your quiet intellect and understanding…you are an oasis for my soul.” He smiles and lifts their hands to his lips, kissing them reverently. “I’ve read so many books, learned from the brightest scholars, and yet, I still cannot understand…how did I get so lucky as to be loved by you?”
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pretzel-box · 22 days
I’m back!! And I have an idea!
Mkmk so could we please get a Happy Ending type fic where after reader and Sebastian escape the facility, reader brings him home and makes him a good, home cooked meal?? I’m such a sucker for sweet domestic shit and I NEED Sebastian to finally be able to relax.
Thank you so much!
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Tags: Established Relationship, Happy End, Fluff, Domestic Life, Reader and Sebastian are living together in a sea-side home. Both are emotional.
Words: 2,2k
Authors note: I wrote it on two different days and isn't proof read, so maybe it sounds weird.
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Sebastian’s heart pounded in his chest, the echoes of gunshots still reverberating in his mind. He stared at you, disoriented, his eyes wide with the lingering terror of his situation. It took him a moment to realize where he was, to understand that the screams, the glass shattering, and you. He saw you in front of him, screaming in panic, yelling, pulling on his coat as if your life depends on it. And somehow, he couldn't hear your voice no matter how hard he tried, his ears blocking out the sound.
He blinked a few times, his vision adjusting to the soft morning light streaming through the curtains that floated gently in the sea-breeze. The smell of the salty ocean mixed with the delicious aroma of the breakfast you had prepared for him. His body, tense and curled up, began to relax as the reality of the present settled in.
You stood by his bedside, your expression a mix of concern and tenderness. Your hand rested gently on his shoulder, the warmth of your touch grounding him, pulling him back from the depths of his nightmare. A nightmare. It was just a memory after all and the realization made him sink back in the pile of pillows you got him.
"Sebastian," you repeated softly, your voice steady and calm. “You were having a nightmare again.” You offered a small smile, trying to comfort him. It wasn’t the first time and wouldn't be the last. The events were still fresh in your memories. "I brought you breakfast. I thought it might help."
He looked at the tray, eyes lingering on the sunny-side-up eggs, the crispy bacon, the fresh slices of bread, and the hand-poured coffee that steamed invitingly. His stomach growled in response, reminding him that he hadn’t eaten properly in… well, he couldn’t remember how long. The sight of the food, the smell of it, suddenly made him aware of just how hungry he was.
“It looks… really good,” he murmured, his voice still a bit shaky. “Thank you.”
You smiled warmly, setting the tray down on the small bedside table in his reach. "It’s the least I could do," you said softly, sitting down on the edge of the bed beside him. His body was squished in the bed, his tail sticking a bit over the bed frame, so there wasn't much space for you. “You’ve been through a lot. I thought maybe a good meal might help you feel a bit more at home.”
Sebastian nodded, his eyes still searching your face, as if looking for reassurance that this wasn’t another cruel trick of his mind. That you were really there, that this place—this peaceful, cozy home by the sea—was real.
He sat up slowly, the rather small blanket falling away from his shoulders. His tail, which had been twitching anxiously, calmed as he reached for the coffee. He took a careful sip, savoring the rich, warm taste. It was a simple thing, but it was the best coffee he had ever had.
“This is… nice,” he said, his voice soft, almost uncertain. “I’ve never had anything like this.”
You chuckled, brushing a stray lock of hair away from his eyes. “It’s just coffee, Sebastian. Nothing fancy.”
“To me, it is,” he replied, his gaze meeting yours. There was a softness in his eyes, a vulnerability that he rarely showed. “All of this… it’s more than I’ve ever had.”
You reached for his hand, squeezing it gently. “You deserve this, Sebastian. You deserve a home, a place to feel safe. And I’m glad you’re here with me.”
He felt his heart swell at your words, a mix of emotions swirling inside him—relief, gratitude, something warmer, something he hadn’t allowed himself to feel in a long time. He had been through so much—too much—but here, with you, he felt a glimmer of hope. A chance for something better.
He set the coffee down and turned to you, his hand still in yours. “Thank you,” he said again, his voice thick with emotion. “For everything. I don’t know what I would have done without you.”
You leaned in closer, your forehead resting against his. “You don’t have to thank me, Sebastian. We’re in this together. Always.”
He closed his eyes, taking in the comfort of your presence, the softness of your touch. He breathed in deeply, letting the scent of the sea and the breakfast you made fill his senses. For the first time in a long time, he felt… at peace.
“Do you want to eat together?” you asked softly, not wanting to break the moment but knowing he needed to eat.
He nodded, a small smile tugging at his lips. “Yeah, I’d like that.”
You moved the tray onto your lap, cutting into the eggs and bacon, offering him a forkful. He hesitated for a moment, blushing hard at the sudden offer, then leaned forward, taking the bite. His eyes closed as he savored the taste, a soft hum of approval escaping his lips. The taste of a lovingly self-made breakfast filled his mouth and it touched him to have such a meal after years of isolation and trauma.
“This is amazing,” he said, opening his eyes to look at you with genuine appreciation. “You’re amazing.”
You laughed softly, a blush creeping onto your own cheeks. “I’m just glad you like it. I wasn’t sure if you’d have an appetite after… well, everything.”
He nodded, understanding. “It’s… it’s a lot to take in. But this,” he gestured around the room, “this is good. Better than good. It feels… right.”
You smiled, your heart warming at his words. “I’m glad you feel that way.”
For a while, the two of you ate in comfortable silence, enjoying the simple pleasure of a home-cooked meal. The tension from Sebastian’s nightmare slowly ebbed away, replaced by a sense of calm, of normalcy.
After breakfast, you helped him out of bed, leading him to the small kitchen where you started brewing another pot of coffee. The room was filled with the rich, warm scent, and Sebastian leaned against the counter, watching you with a soft smile.
As the coffee brewed, you turned to him, reaching out to brush a thumb across his cheek. “You’re safe here, Sebastian. I promise. No more nightmares. No more running.”
He leaned into your touch, closing his eyes once more to savor the moment. “I know,” he whispered. “With you, I finally feel… like I’m home.”
You pulled him into a gentle hug, his arms wrapping around you in return. You stayed like that for a while, just holding each other, listening to the soft rhythm of the waves outside.
When you finally pulled back, you cupped his face in your hands, looking into his eyes. “Stay with me, Sebastian. We can make a life here, together. A real life.”
He nodded, his eyes brimming with emotion. “I’d like that,” he said, his voice a soft whisper. “I’d like that a lot.”
And in that moment, in the quiet comfort of your kitchen, with the sea breeze drifting through the open windows, you both knew that you had found something precious—something worth fighting for. A chance at happiness, at love, at a life free from the horrors of the past.
The sun had risen higher in the sky, casting a warm, golden glow over your small seaside home. The breakfast dishes were cleared away, and the rich aroma of fresh coffee still lingered in the air. Sebastian was seated at the kitchen table as best as he could with his tall size, his eyes following your every move as you bustled about, wiping down counters and humming a soft tune.
You could feel his gaze on you, warm and intent, and it sent a pleasant shiver down your spine. Ever since you had rescued him from the facility, brought him back to this sanctuary you called home, there had been a quiet understanding between you—a deep, unspoken bond that had grown stronger with each passing day.
Finally, you turned to face him, leaning back against the counter with a playful smile. “You know, you’re allowed to help around here,” you teased, crossing your arms over your chest. “I’m not your maid, you know.”
Sebastian chuckled, his lips curling into a soft smile that reached his eyes. “I would, but I’m not sure I’d do it right. You seem to have a system,” he said, his voice warm and teasing.
You raised an eyebrow, feigning offense. “Are you saying I’m a neat freak?”
“Maybe,” he teased back, his smile growing wider. “But I don’t mind. It’s… comforting. Feels natural.”
Your heart swelled at his words. You knew how much he had been through, the horrors he had witnessed and endured, and to hear him say that this place—the home you had made together—felt like home to him meant more than you could express.
Pushing off the counter, you moved to stand in front of him, placing your hands on the back of the chair he was sitting in. “Well,” you said softly, your tone turning more serious, “I want you to feel at home here, Sebastian. I want you to feel like this is where you belong.”
His gaze softened, his eyes searching yours. “I do,” he whispered, his voice barely audible. “I really do.”
There was a moment of silence, the air between you thick with unspoken emotions. Then, almost without thinking, you reached out, your fingers gently brushing against his cheek. His skin was warm under your touch, and you felt him lean into your hand, his eyes fluttering closed.
“Sebastian…” you whispered, your voice barely more than a breath. “I… I’m glad you’re here. I don’t know what I would have done if…” Your own memories of the escape flashed through your mind.
He opened his eyes, capturing your gaze with an intensity that took your breath away. “I’m here,” he said firmly, his voice steady. “And I’m not going anywhere. Not without you.”
The weight of his words settled over you, filling you with a warmth that spread from your chest to the tips of your fingers. Without thinking, you leaned down, your forehead resting against his. The world seemed to pause, the only sound the gentle crashing of the waves outside and the soft beating of your heart.
“I’m glad,” you whispered, your lips so close to his that you could feel his breath against your skin. “I’m really, really glad.”
And then, as if drawn by some invisible force, you closed the distance between you, your lips brushing against his in a soft, tentative kiss. Sebastian’s breath hitched, and for a moment, you worried you had crossed a line. But then his hand came up to cup the back of your head, pulling you closer, deepening the kiss.
It was slow and sweet, a gentle interaction, a promise of something more. His lips were soft against yours, his touch tender and careful, as if he were afraid you might disappear if he held on too tightly.
When you finally pulled back, both of you were breathless, your foreheads still touching. You looked into his eyes, searching for any sign of hesitation, but all you saw was warmth and affection—a deep, unspoken love that made your heart flutter.
“Sorry,” you murmured, a small, shy smile playing on your lips. “I just… I needed to know.”
Sebastian smiled, his thumb brushing gently against your cheek. “Know what?”
“That this is real,” you replied, your voice barely more than a whisper. “That we’re real.”
He nodded, his smile soft and reassuring. “It is,” he said softly. “It’s as real as it gets.”
You smiled back, your heart swelling with happiness. “Good,” you said, your voice light and teasing. “Because I’m not letting you go anywhere.”
Sebastian chuckled, his eyes twinkling with amusement. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
You stood there for a moment longer, just holding each other, savoring the quiet comfort of the moment. Then, with a soft sigh, you pulled away, your hand slipping into his. “Come on,” you said, your tone bright and cheerful. “I’ll show you around the rest of the house. There’s a lot more to see than just the inside. I haven't showed you the back.”
He grinned, standing up and following you as you led him out of the kitchen and into the cozy backside of the house. The sun was streaming down from the blue sky, casting warm patches of light on the worn but comfortable outdoor furniture. An old wooden bench, placed with pillows and a jar of seashells you had collected over the years.
“This is nice,” Sebastian said, looking around with a smile. “Feels… free. "Comfortable."
The back of the house is directly connected to the sea, like a little porch hovering above the water.
You nodded, squeezing his hand gently. “It is.”
He looked at you, his expression soft and full of affection. “Thank you,” he said again, his voice full of sincerity. “For everything.”
You smiled, leaning up to press a soft kiss to his cheek. “You don’t have to thank me, Sebastian.”
He nodded, his smile widening. “Yeah,” he said softly. “But I still want to.”
Your eyes sparkled in the sunlight. "Let’s go back inside...P.AI.nter must be awake by now too."
And as you walked together, hand in hand, the sun warming your skin, you knew that no matter what the future held, you would face it together. Because here, in this cozy home by the sea, with Sebastian by your side, you had found something precious—something worth holding onto after all the pain.
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leona-hawthorne · 7 days
INTERRUPTIONS / mattheo riddle
aurora part 1 / part 2
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mattheo riddle x fem reader
summary: part two of aurora. months after the events of part one, you and mattheo find peace with your daughter.
warnings: fluff, kissing, a little suggestive towards the end
word count: 1.9k
a/n: you don’t HAVE to read part to read this piece, but i’d recommend doing so. i wanted to include fluff in this universe but there just was NOT enough space in part one so here you go <3 @isntthatsweetiguessso
navigation mattheo riddle masterlist part one
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The golden sun dipped lazily into the horizon, casting hues of orange and pink across the water as the gentle waves of the Mediterranean Sea lapped at the shore. The salty breeze played with the strands of your hair as you stood on the balcony, a soft smile tugging at your lips. Laughter drifted up from the beach below, where Mattheo and Aurora were splashing in the shallow water.
It was surreal, this happiness—like something out of a dream you hadn’t dared to imagine. After everything that had happened, all the hurt, the lost years, the anger... you never thought you’d find this peace again. But here you were, with Mattheo and your daughter, the man you loved more than anything and the little girl who had become his entire world.
Mattheo’s deep laughter rang out, followed by Aurora’s shrieks of delight as he scooped her up into his arms, spinning her around in the water. Her curls—so much like his—bounced with every spin, and the look on her face was pure joy.
“Higher, Daddy! Higher!” she giggled, her small arms flung around his neck.
Mattheo obliged, lifting her high above his head as she squealed with laughter, the two of them a picture of pure bliss against the backdrop of the fading sun. You couldn’t help the warmth that spread through your chest at the sight. It had been only three months since Mattheo had reentered your life, but it felt like he had been with you and Aurora forever.
You leaned against the railing, watching them with a soft smile, your heart swelling with love for both of them. It hadn’t been easy. There were still moments where the past threatened to creep up on you both, but every day, the wounds healed a little more. Every day, Mattheo became more of a father to Aurora, and the anger that had once consumed him slowly melted away.
It was strange how life could change so drastically in such a short time. Six months ago, Mattheo had been a broken man, torn apart by years in Azkaban, weighed down by the burden of the war. But now, as you watched him with Aurora—his laughter so unrestrained, his smile so genuine—it was as if he had found a new kind of freedom. The kind he had never known before.
You were so lost in your thoughts that you didn’t hear him approach until his arms snaked around your waist, pulling you close from behind. “Hey,” he murmured, his voice warm against your ear.
“Hey,” you replied, leaning back into him with a contented sigh.
Aurora’s laughter still echoed from the beach below, and you both watched as she twirled in the water, chasing after the waves like they were her own personal playground.
“She’s got your energy,” you said with a smile, turning your head to glance at him.
Mattheo grinned, pressing a kiss to your shoulder. “She’s got your stubbornness,” he teased, his voice soft. “She never gets tired.”
You laughed, resting your head against his chest as his arms tightened around you. The weight of his body behind you was a comforting reminder that he was here, with you, with Aurora. And that he wasn’t going anywhere.
“You’ve been quiet,” he said after a moment, his voice dipping into something more serious. “Everything okay?”
You turned in his arms to face him, your fingers brushing through his damp curls. “More than okay,” you whispered, your gaze tracing the familiar lines of his face. His eyes, so intense and filled with emotion, held yours in that way that always made your heart skip a beat. “I’m just... happy. I didn’t think this was possible.”
Mattheo’s brow furrowed slightly, as if he understood exactly what you meant. He leaned down, pressing his forehead against yours, his voice barely above a whisper. “I didn’t think I’d ever have this again either,” he admitted, his hand coming up to cradle your cheek. “But we’re here. And I’m not going to waste another second.”
You smiled up at him, your heart swelling with so much love that it felt like it might burst. You stood on your toes, capturing his lips in a soft, lingering kiss. When you pulled back, Mattheo was smiling that lazy, lopsided smile that had always made you weak in the knees.
“Race you to the beach?” he teased, mischief dancing in his eyes.
You raised an eyebrow. “You know I’ll win, right?”
He smirked. “I like a challenge.”
Before you could respond, he grabbed your hand, pulling you toward the stairs that led to the beach. You laughed, letting him tug you along as the two of you sprinted toward the water. Aurora’s eyes lit up when she saw you both coming, her little legs kicking up sand as she ran to meet you.
“Mama! Daddy!” she called, her laughter infectious as she threw herself into Mattheo’s arms.
He caught her easily, spinning her around again as you stopped to catch your breath, watching them with a smile. It was moments like this that made everything worth it—the laughter, the love, the feeling of being a family.
Mattheo set Aurora down gently, and she immediately ran to you, wrapping her arms around your legs. “Are you gonna play with us, Mama?” she asked, her wide eyes filled with hope.
You knelt down, brushing a few loose curls out of her face. “Of course, sweetheart,” you said softly, your heart melting at the sight of her happy, smiling face.
As the three of you played in the sand, chasing waves and building castles, the sun dipped lower in the sky, casting a golden glow over everything. And for the first time in a long time, you felt completely at peace.
Mattheo caught your eye from across the beach, his smile soft and full of love. He mouthed something to you, something that made your heart skip a beat.
“I love you.”
And in that moment, surrounded by the people you loved most in the world, you knew that no matter what had happened in the past, no matter how many years had been lost, you were exactly where you were meant to be.
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The villa was dimly lit, the soft glow of candlelight flickering around the room as you and Mattheo lounged on the bed. The sounds of the summer night drifted through the open window, a gentle breeze carrying the distant murmur of the sea.
You and Mattheo exchanged a glance, a mutual understanding passing between you. Aurora had finally gone to bed after a long day of beach games and ice cream, and the two of you were eagerly anticipating some alone time. The anticipation had been building all day, and now you were ready to let loose.
Mattheo's hands roamed over your body, his fingers brushing against your skin as his lips found yours. The kisses quickly grew more intense, filled with the heat of both longing and frustration.
The two of you were so caught up in each other, you nearly forgot about the world outside.
Just as Mattheo's fingers began to explore more eagerly, a small, high-pitched voice cut through the darkness.
"Mama! Daddy!"
You both froze, eyes wide as the sound of tiny feet scurrying across the floor reached your ears. Your heart skipped a beat as you pulled back from Mattheo, trying to gather your composure.
Aurora's little face peered around the door, her wide eyes taking in the scene with innocent curiosity. "Mama, I need to tell you something."
Mattheo let out a groan, his head falling back onto the pillow in frustration. You scrambled to cover yourself, desperately trying to hide the evidence of your interrupted plans.
"Sweetheart, what's wrong?" you asked, trying to sound calm despite your racing heart and the heat rising in your cheeks.
Aurora, still standing in the doorway, shuffled her feet and glanced around. "I can't find Mr. Fluffypaws."
You blinked, your mind struggling to process the interruption. Mr. Fluffypaws was a well-loved stuffed bunny that Aurora couldn't sleep without. "Oh, honey," you said, trying to keep your voice steady, "Mr. Fluffypaws is probably just under the covers or somewhere in the room. We'll find him."
Aurora's eyes filled with tears. "But I can't sleep without him! And I was so scared, I thought he might be lost!"
Mattheo, now propped up on his elbows, shot you an apologetic look, a mixture of exasperation and amusement in his eyes. "Of course, we'll find him," he said with a sigh, his tone softening as he slid off the bed and walked over to Aurora.
He crouched down to her level, forcing a smile. "Okay, little one, let's find Mr. Fluffypaws together.”
Aurora's face lit up with hope, and she skipped into the room, her tiny hands clutching the edge of her blanket.
Mattheo began to search the room, lifting pillows and checking under the bed while you tried to pull yourself together, your cheeks still flushed.
You took a deep breath, adjusting your clothes as you joined in the search.
"Aurora, sweetie, where did you last see Mr. Fluffypaws?"
Aurora thought for a moment, her brow furrowed in concentration. "I think I left him in the living room.."
You and Mattheo exchanged a look of relief and barely concealed frustration.
Mattheo let out a quiet chuckle, shaking his head as he stood up. "Alright, let's go check the living room."
The three of you made your way to the living room, Aurora bouncing with excitement at the thought of finding her beloved bunny. Mattheo and you followed, trying to ignore the lingering heat between you, which had all but evaporated with the interruption.
As you entered the living room, Aurora's face brightened when she spotted Mr. Fluffypaws on the couch, looking as if he had been waiting for her all along.
She picked him up with a triumphant cheer and hugged him tightly. "You found him!" she exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with relief.
Mattheo and you exchanged a knowing smile, your frustration melting into laughter as you watched Aurora cuddle her stuffed bunny. You gently ruffled her hair, leaning down to give her a kiss on the forehead.
"Now that you've found Mr. Fluffypaws, are you ready to go back to bed?" you asked, your voice soothing.
Aurora nodded vigorously, her tired eyes already drooping. "Yes, Mama. Thanks, Daddy."
Mattheo smiled, lifting her into his arms and carrying her back to her room. You followed, your heart swelling with affection as you watched them.
Mattheo tucked Aurora into bed, brushing her curls away from her face.
"Goodnight, Aurora," Mattheo said softly, pressing a kiss to her forehead.
"Goodnight, Daddy," she murmured, already half-asleep.
As you and Mattheo finally made your way back to your room, the earlier tension had faded into a comfortable camaraderie. You both knew that there would be other moments for intimacy,but right now, the joy of seeing Aurora happy and safe was more than enough.
You climbed back into bed, settling against Mattheo's chest as he wrapped his arms around you. He kissed the top of your head, his laughter soft and warm against your ear.
"Well," he said, his voice tinged with amusement, "at least we know Mr. Fluffypaws won't be interrupting us again."
You laughed, your heart full and content. "Yeah, I suppose so."
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herstoryheaven · 2 months
Descendants Harry Hook x Reader: Hooked On Pan
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Request: Hear me out... Harry Hook with the daughter of Peter Pan and Wendy Darling? Maybe she's helping out with everything in the third movie and they meet there. He finds out who her parents are and enemies to lovers shenanigans ensue. Also reader is an absolute menace to society because there's no way she got raised by Peter Pan and isn't.
Reader: Female
Word count: 3349
Average reading time: 12 min 10 sec
Category: Hurt/Comfort
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: All events portrayed in my stories are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events is purely coincidental. Any actions or behaviours portrayed by the characters may differ from reality and cannot be connected to any actual person. This work is purely fictional and intended for entertainment purposes only.
Ben and Mal had both agreed to bring more kids from the Isle of the Lost to Auradon, hoping to bridge the gap between the two worlds. They believed that by giving more kids from the Isle a chance to experience the opportunities in Auradon, they could create understanding and unity. Y/n Pan, always up for an adventure, was right in the middle of it. Her role was simple, distracting Uma’s crew or more specifically Harry Hook.
Y/n found Harry by the docks, where the salty sea breeze rustled through the sails of Uma’s ship. Harry was leaning against a post, his hook glinting in the light as he lazily flipped it between his fingers. His ocean blue eyes were distant, lost in thoughts that were quickly interrupted by Y/n's arrival.
"Hey there, Hook." she called out, her voice laced with playful mischief. She sauntered towards him, each step measured, as if she were a cat stalking its prey.
Harry's eyes narrowed as she approached, his guard instantly up. "What do ye want, lass?" he asked, his tone playful but laced with suspicion.
Y/n grinned, her eyes sparkling with a mix of challenge and amusement. "Just thought I'd see what the infamous Harry Hook was up to. You know, keep you company," she said, her voice dripping with flirtation.
Harry's suspicion deepened, his grip tightening around the handle of his hook. "Company, huh? More like a distraction," he shot back, leaning closer, his voice dropping to a low, seductive whisper, Holding his hook to her chin. "What is Mal up to now?"
Y/n shrugged nonchalantly, her posture relaxed despite the tension radiating from Harry. She tilted her head, her expression one of feigned innocence. "Wouldn't you like to know?" she teased, a sly smile playing on her lips.
Harry's jaw clenched, and he took a step closer to her, his eyes boring into hers. "Aye, I would," he said, his voice a dangerous growl. "And ye'd best start talking, or else—"
"Or else what?" Y/n interrupted, her tone light and mocking. "You'll wave that hook of yours around? Come on, Harry, you're not scaring anyone."
Harry's eyes flashed with anger, but he took a deep breath, forcing himself to remain calm. He knew better than to let someone provoke him. "You think you're clever, don't you?" he muttered.
Y/n laughed, a musical sound that seemed to echo around the docks. "I know I am." she replied confidently, her eyes locking onto his. "But seriously, Harry, why the hostility? Can't a girl just want to chat without underlying motives?"
"Not when that girl is from Auradon and her friends are here too." Harry retorted, his curiosity piqued despite himself.
Y/n sighed, rolling her eyes dramatically. "You really are paranoid, aren't you? Maybe I just wanted to see if the stories about you were true."
Harry raised an eyebrow, intrigued despite himself. "And what stories might those be?" he asked, leaning in closer, his eyes never leaving hers.
Y/n leaned in closer, her lips almost brushing his ear as she whispered, "That you're the most dangerous pirate on the Isle." her eyes danced with mischief. She pulled back slightly, letting her gaze travel slowly over him before meeting his eyes again. "But all I see is a boy who's all bark and no bite."
Harry's eyes flared with anger, but before he could respond, a commotion from further up the Isle caught his attention. He glanced over Y/n's shoulder, his expression darkening. Y/n took the opportunity to slip out of his grasp and follow his gaze, seeing Mal, Evie, Jay, and Carlos helping four new Isle kids into the limousine.
"Looks like your distraction worked," Harry muttered, his voice laced with frustration.
Y/n turned back to him, her smile playful and triumphant. "Looks like it did," she grinned, her eyes sparkling with teasing challenge. "Better luck next time, Hook." She threw him a wink before sauntering away, leaving him staring after her. As she rejoined the others, she couldn't help but feel a thrill of victory. The mission was a success, and they had managed to bring more kids from the Isle to Auradon.
Over the next few days as Y/n sneaked often on the Isle, their encounters became more frequent. It seemed like every time Harry turned around, Y/n was there, always with a witty remark ready and a mischievous glint in her eyes. Harry found himself increasingly intrigued by Y/n. She was different from anyone he had ever met, fearless, spirited, and maddeningly hard to pin down. He would catch glimpses of her around the Isle, always just out of reach, slipping away before he could get too close.
One afternoon, Harry was on the docks again, lost in thought, when he heard the now familiar sound of Y/n’s laughter. He turned to see her balancing on the edge of a barrel, arms outstretched, grinning as if she didn’t have a care in the world. He couldn’t help but be drawn to her carelessness and the effortless way she seemed to navigate the chaotic world of the Isle.
Their eyes met, and she hopped down, walking over with that same teasing smile. "Missed me, Hook?" she asked, her tone light and flirtatious.
"Not in the slightest," he retorted, though the smirk on his face betrayed his words.
"Sure," she said with a wink, then jumped away before he could reply.
Each encounter left Harry more captivated, his curiosity about her growing. She was a mystery he wanted to solve, a challenge he was determined to meet. But everything changed when he discovered her true identity.
It happened one evening when he overheard a conversation between Y/n and a few little kids from the Isle. Harry was lurking in the shadows, trying to get a sense of what Mal and her friends might be planning next. He froze when he heard Y/n mention her father.
"My father always told me—"
"Wait," one of the kids interrupted. "Your father is Peter Pan?"
Harry's blood ran cold. Peter Pan. The name that haunted his nightmares, the source of his family's suffering. He stepped out of the shadows, his face contorted with rage. "You!" he spat, eyes blazing with anger. "You're Pan's brat!"
Y/n turned to face him, crossing her arms, unfazed by his outburst. "That's right, Hook. Got a problem with that?"
He sneered, the name 'Pan' dripping with venom. "Of course I do. Your father is the reason my family suffered."
Y/n's playful demeanor faltered for a moment, her eyes softening. "I'm not my father, Harry." she said quietly, a hint of vulnerability in her voice.
Harry took a step closer, his anger warring with the confusing feelings he had developed over the past few days. "Doesn't matter." he growled. "You're still a Pan."
Y/n held his gaze, her expression resolute. "And you're still a Hook. But that doesn’t mean we have to be enemies."
Harry's sneer faded slightly as he considered her words. There was something about the way she looked at him, something that made him want to believe her. But the wounds of the past were deep, and the name 'Pan' was a constant reminder of everything he had lost.
"Why should I trust you?" he asked, his voice a mix of anger and uncertainty.
"Because I'm not here to hurt you, Harry. I'm here to make things better." Y/n said, stepping closer, her eyes searching his. "I want to help bridge the gap between our worlds. But I can't do it alone."
Harry hesitated, his heart and mind at war. He had spent so long hating everything connected to Peter Pan, but Y/n was different. She was offering him a chance to move past the hatred, to find a new path.
"Maybe," he said finally, his voice softer, almost hesitant. "Maybe we can try."
Y/n smiled, a genuine, warm smile that made Harry's heart skip a beat. "That's all I'm asking for, Harry. A chance."
But as she walked away, the words "Peter Pan" echoed in Harry's mind, reigniting the anger and bitterness he had held onto for so long. He watched her go, the conflict within him far from over. Trusting a Pan, even one as intriguing as Y/n, was no small feat for Harry Hook.
Harry clenched his fist around his hook, his eyes narrowing. "All Pans are the same." he muttered under his breath. No matter how charming or different Y/n seemed, she was still a Pan, and Harry knew better than to trust anyone with that name. His mind was made up, he would never let go of his hatred, and he would never trust Y/n Pan.
Despite their initial dislike, Y/n and Harry were forced to work together when Audrey took Maleficent's wand, and chaos threatened to engulf Auradon. Mal had been spelled by Audrey, and they needed all hands on deck to help her and get Hades ember back on the isle.
The air was thick with tension as Y/n and Harry found themselves side by side in the bridge of the Isle to Auradon, their previous friction simmering just beneath the surface. Uma stood confidently, her gaze flickering between the two unlikely allies and Mal, who was pleading for the ember that could save Auradon.
"Well, and who is this?" Uma said with a mocking smile, her gaze landing on Harry and Y/n. "Seems like you’re in quite a tight spot."
"Cut the games, Uma," Mal snapped. "We need that ember to break a spell Audrey cast. People’s lives are at stake."
Uma’s eyes gleamed with mischief as she held up the ember, her grip protective. "And why should I just hand it over? What’s in it for me?"
Mal’s frustration was palpable. "We can negotiate, but not right now. The urgency of the situation—"
Uma interrupted with a smirk. "Oh, I’m sure it’s very urgent. But I need a guarantee. Every single villain kid who wants out gets a chance to leave the Isle."
"I can’t promise that," Mal said, shaking her head.
Uma’s face hardened, her eyes narrowing. "Then we’ve got a problem. How about a deal? If you can assure me of that, I’ll consider returning the ember."
Mal’s shoulders sagged in resignation. "Deal," she agreed through gritted teeth.
Uma’s grin widened. "Good but don’t think I’m going to just hand this over easily. If you think I’m going to trust you to fix everything on your own, think again. This is a job for pirates!"
Harry’s eyes were fixed on Uma with immense respect. He glanced at Y/n, a scowl still present on his face. "Looks like we’re working together." he muttered, his tone heavy with irritation.
Y/n shot him a sharp look, her patience wearing thin. "Let’s just get this done. We don’t have time for your grudges."
Harry snorted, not bothering to mask his contempt. "Yeah, sure. Just remember, this doesn’t mean I’m suddenly going to like you. I’m only here to follow my captain."
"Fine by me," Y/n retorted, her voice cold. "Just stay out of my way."
As they arrived at the castle and night deepened, the castle’s hallways seemed to press in on them, their shadows flickering like restless spirits. Harry and Y/n, though still struggling with their complex feelings, moved together with a newfound sense of cooperation. Their earlier tension had softened, if only slightly, as they navigated the castle hallways in search of Ben.
The silence between them was accentuated by the occasional murmur from Uma and Mal, who were engaged in their own banter. Uma’s taunt broke the quiet. “I bet you lost some sleep thinking about me on the loose, huh?”
Mal raised an eyebrow, her response dripping with disinterest. “No. Dragons don’t really lose sleep. I was more curious about what fried octopus tastes like.”
Evie, ever the mediator, interjected with a hopeful tone. “Okay, why do we always have to focus on the negatives? Why not appreciate the adventure we’re on?”
Mal and Uma shared a look that seemed to say they’d heard this speech before. “We’re celebrating our differences,” Uma quipped, her smirk widening.
Harry, who had been lost in thought, suddenly became more alert as the doors closed behind them. “I believe we’re being challenged.”
Before anyone could question him, the echo of clanking metal interrupted their conversation. The sound grew louder, more insistent, until enchanted armor guards emerged from the shadows, their eyes glowing with dark magic. The armor moved with a jerky, unnatural precision, and the creak of metal against metal filled the air.
“Girls! We have a situation here!” Harry’s voice cut through the chaos.
Without hesitation, the group sprang into action. Y/n, ever light footed, darted towards one of the armored guards, her sword clashing against the enchanted steel. Harry, though visibly annoyed, couldn’t help but notice Y/n’s grace and determination. He found himself instinctively moving to her side, fending off a guard that had swung its sword towards her.
“Watch your back!” Harry shouted, his voice tinged with frustration, though beneath the irritation, there was an unmistakable edge of concern. “Do you ever stop getting into trouble?”
Y/n shot him a quick, appreciative glance, her movements fluid as she took down another guard. “Got it, Harry. I’ll try not to make you worry too much,” she said with a playful smirk, the gratitude in her eyes softening the edges of her teasing tone.
Despite his best efforts to remain distant, Harry’s protective instincts were clear. He parried blows with precision, making sure Y/n had a clear path to strike. The two fought side by side, their coordination improving with each passing second. Harry’s earlier reluctance was replaced with a focused intensity, his actions betraying his true feelings.
In the midst of the battle, Y/n turned to Harry with a teasing grin. “So, Harry, I’ve been meaning to ask, do you always scowl like that, or is it just when you’re around me?”
Harry’s stern demeanor faltered momentarily as he deflected a guard’s attack. A rare, genuine chuckle escaped him. “I suppose you bring out the best in me.”
Y/n’s eyes sparkled with mischief. “Well, I wouldn’t want you to be anything less than your charming self.”
Harry’s smirk was short lived, quickly replaced by his familiar scowl. “Don’t get used to it. I’m still not going to be nice to you.”
Y/n’s grin widened as she ducked under a swinging sword, her playful energy undiminished. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
With the enchanted guards finally defeated, the room fell into a brief, uneasy silence. The group came together, catching their breath and assessing the situation.
“Let’s move,” Mal said, her voice firm and urgent. “We still have to find Audrey and end this.”
As the final battle raged outside Auradon prep, the chaos intensified with every passing moment. Mal and Audrey's confrontation crackled with magic, while Uma helped to turn the tide in their favor. Amidst the commotion, Harry and Y/n found themselves close together, their earlier hostility replaced with an unexpected closeness.
During the battle, an explosive burst of energy from Audrey’s attack sent shockwaves through the ground. Harry’s protective instincts kicked in, and he abruptly pulled Y/n behind him, shielding her from any possible danger.
“Stay behind me!” Harry said, his voice filled with authority and urgency as he faced where Mal and Audrey were still in a heated battle. His usual scowl was replaced with a fierce determination to keep Y/n safe.
Y/n, caught off guard, blinked up at him in surprise. “Harry, what—”
Before she could finish her question, Harry's hand tightened around hers, his grip firm and reassuring. “Just stay close, alright?” His tone was less harsh and more protective, revealing an underlying care he hadn’t shown before.
Y/n’s confusion turned into a playful smirk as she tilted her head. “You know, I thought you hated me. Now you’re acting like my personal bodyguard?”
Harry’s eyes met hers, and for a moment, the intensity of the battle seemed to fade. “I might have had my issues with you,” he admitted, his voice softer, “but I’ve got to admit, I’m not letting you get hurt.”
Y/n’s playful expression softened into one of genuine warmth. “I never knew you cared, Hook,” she teased lightly, her heart fluttering at his unexpected protectiveness.
Harry’s face twitched with a hesitant smile. “Don’t get used to it,” he said, though his eyes betrayed his true feelings. “But for now, just stay behind me.”
As the last echoes of battle faded and the castle grounds began to calm, Harry and Y/n stood close, their earlier friction now replaced with an undeniable connection. The night sky above them sparkled with stars, casting a calming glow over the school grounds.
Harry, with his usual confidence restored, looked at Y/n with a playful yet intense gaze. “You know, Pan, I’ve had quite a few realizations tonight,” he said, his voice smooth and flirtatious.
Y/n, her heart fluttering at his tone, tilted her head with a teasing smile. “Oh really? And what exactly did you realize?”
Harry stepped closer, his gaze locked on hers. “I realized that despite your troublemaker ways and that pesky Pan name, there’s something about you that’s irresistible. And I’m not one to back down from what I want.”
Y/n’s smile widened, her eyes twinkling with both affection and challenge. “Is that so?”
Harry’s smirk grew. “Absolutely. Though, if it really bothers me, I could always change that name of yours to Hook instead of Pan. Seems fitting, don’t you think?”
Without missing a beat, Harry closed the distance between them, his confidence radiating. He cupped her face gently with one hand, his thumb brushing her cheek. “But for now, let’s focus on what really matters.”
Before Y/n could respond, Harry pulled her into a deep, passionate kiss. The world around them seemed to blur as his lips moved against hers with a fervor that spoke of all the feelings he’d kept hidden. The kiss was filled with intensity and emotion, leaving no room for doubt about his feelings.
When they finally pulled apart, their breaths mingling in the cool night air, Harry’s eyes were filled with a mix of satisfaction and tenderness. Y/n’s cheeks were flushed, and her smile was both shy and radiant.
As Y/n whispered, “I promise I’ll try to be less of a troublemaker.” Harry leaned in, his lips brushing her ear as he spoke in a low, teasing whisper.
“I don’t think so, darling. That’s exactly what I like about you.” he murmured, his breath warm against her skin. “You’re never boring, and that makes you even more irresistible.”
Y/n’s laughter was soft and delighted, her hand still clasped in his. “I guess I’ll have to keep you on your toes then.”
Harry’s grin widened, his eyes dancing with mischief and affection. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
Just as they were lost in their moment, Uma’s voice cut through the night air, filled with annoyance. “Seriously, you two? Major battle just finished and you’re over here making out? Can we have one minute without you two being all lovey-dovey?”
Harry and Y/n broke apart, their faces flushed with a mix of embarrassment and amusement. Harry chuckled, giving Y/n a playful wink before turning to Uma. “Well, Uma, can’t blame us for wanting to celebrate, can you?”
Uma rolled her eyes but couldn’t hide a small, amused smile. “Whatever. It’s great that you two don’t hate each other anymore, but we’ve got a lot to sort out. So let’s keep the PDA to a minimum, okay?”
Y/n laughed, her hand still in Harry’s as they joined the others. “Don’t worry, Uma. We’ll keep our celebration within reason.”
As they rejoined their friends, the air around them was filled with a sense of newfound joy and promise. The battles of the day were behind them, and the future ahead seemed full of potential, excitement, and undeniable chemistry. Harry and Y/n, now more connected than ever, faced the world with a renewed sense of purpose and affection.
Copyright: All stories contained herein are the intellectual property of the author. Unauthorized copying, reproduction, or distribution of these stories, in whole or in part, without explicit written permission from the author, is strictly prohibited and may result in legal action. Respect the creator's rights and creativity. For permissions or inquiries, please contact: [email protected].
Request Guidelines: When submitting a request, please ensure that your request does not contain any explicit sexual content or graphic depictions, and avoid any form of extreme violence or graphic descriptions of violent acts. I appreciate your understanding and cooperation in maintaining a respectful and inclusive environment for all readers. If you're unsure about your request or want to request about someone I haven't written about yet, feel free to ask me anytime.
Requested by: Anonymous
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obsidian-pages777 · 5 months
Pick a Card: Aphrodite Messages to your love life
Pile One (Left) Pile two (Right)
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Pile 1 Reading 1: The Whisper of the Rose
Aphrodite's message is carried on the petals of the rose, the symbol of love and beauty. Close your eyes and envision yourself standing in a garden filled with roses of every hue. As you breathe in their sweet fragrance, feel a gentle breeze brushing against your skin.
In this tranquil setting, Aphrodite's voice reaches out to you. She whispers of a love that is as delicate and beautiful as the petals of the rose. She assures you that love will find its way to you when the time is right. Trust in the process of life, and remain open to the possibilities that await you.
Listen closely to the whispers of your heart, for they will guide you towards the love that you seek. Just as the rose unfolds its petals in the warmth of the sun, so too will love blossom in your life when the conditions are ripe. Embrace the journey with patience and grace, knowing that Aphrodite's blessings are always with you.
In the quiet corners of fate's library, where the pages of destiny are written, I see a chapter unfolding for you, dear friend. Amidst the dusty tomes and whispered secrets, there is a partner waiting to step into your story unexpectedly. Picture a scene where the scent of aged paper mingles with the aroma of freshly brewed coffee, where the quiet hum of academia fills the air. It is here, in this sanctuary of knowledge and wisdom, that you will encounter someone who shares your passion for the written word.
This partner, with a penchant for literature and a love for learning, will enter your life like a plot twist you never saw coming. They will be a stable presence, anchored by the weight of battles fought and victories won. Through the trials and tribulations of their journey, they have emerged stronger and more resilient, a testament to their unwavering spirit. As you engage in spirited discussions about your favorite books and delve into the depths of academia together, you will discover a profound connection that transcends the pages of any novel. With each shared chapter, you will come to realize that this unexpected partner is not just a character in your story, but the co-author of a love story that is just beginning to unfold.
Pics that give Pile 1 vibes:
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Pile 2 Reading 2: The Song of the Sea
As you stand by the shore, gazing out at the vast expanse of the ocean, let the rhythmic sound of the waves wash over you. Close your eyes and feel the gentle caress of the sea breeze against your skin. In this moment of stillness, Aphrodite's voice echoes in the depths of your soul.
She speaks to you through the timeless melody of the sea, reminding you that love is as boundless and eternal as the ocean itself. Just as the waves ebb and flow, so too does love come and go in its own natural rhythm. Trust in the ebb and flow of love in your life, knowing that each wave carries with it the promise of new beginnings.
Embrace the depths of your emotions, for it is through vulnerability that love finds its truest expression. Allow yourself to be swept away by the currents of passion and desire, knowing that Aphrodite's guidance will always lead you back to the shores of love.
In the tapestry of your love life, there emerges a thread woven with the fabric of fate, guiding you towards a partner whose arrival is marked by a series of serendipitous events. Picture a map spread out before you, its edges worn from countless adventures, and the faint scent of distant lands lingering in the air. It is through the call of the unknown and the allure of far-off horizons that this partner will find their way into your life, their passion for travel igniting a spark of wanderlust within your soul.
But heed the whispers of destiny, for this partner is not one bound by convention or weighed down by the burdens of responsibility. Instead, they live lightly, dancing on the winds of spontaneity and embracing the joys of living in the moment. Despite their tendency to escape the confines of routine, they bring a sense of adventure and excitement into your life that is both exhilarating and intoxicating. As fate unfolds its intricate design, you will find yourself swept up in a whirlwind romance, where every twist and turn leads to unexpected discoveries and moments of pure bliss. Embrace the unpredictability of this journey, for it is through the unplanned detours and unforeseen obstacles that the true magic of love reveals itself.
Pics that give pile 2 vibes:
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quinnylouhughesx43 · 3 months
Say Yes - qh43
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Summary: Quinn’s girlfriend attends the Hughes Bowl at Rogers Arena. She’s overtly in love with him (kind of annoying tbh) Quinn surprises her after the game.
Warnings: fluff, obsessy gf, eyes don’t leave bf, use of y/n, oc?
Word Count: 2.35k
Notes: I chose a random name for readers best friend. Ahem split second appearance of other nhler with bff. May or may not have successfully? wrote something.
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In the hustling and bustling heart of Vancouver, nestled between the towering skyscrapers and the gentle caress of the Pacific sea breeze, stood the mighty Rogers Arena. Its gleaming exterior reflected the city's vibrant energy, a beacon of excitement that drew in locals and tourists alike. The chilly winter evening had descended, casting a soft glow upon the cobblestone streets, as the anticipation for the night's event grew palpable.
The Hughes Bowl also known as the Vancouver Canucks versus the New Jersey Devils
Inside the arena, the air was electric. The mouthwatering scent of popcorn and nachos mingled with the faint aroma of fresh lemonade and the mixture of alcohol in some areas. The thunderous roar of the crowd grew louder with every passing second, echoing through the vast space like a crescendo of anticipation.
Y/N and Mia, perched in the first row by the glass barrier, were surrounded by a sea of blue and green jerseys. A few red and black jerseys sprinkled in the mix. Guests in attendance dressed out were the die-hard fans, their eyes glued to the rink, where the players currently skated about in a blur of motion, warming up for the night’s showdown between the Canucks and the Devils.
When the lights had dimmed and both national anthems for Canada and the United States had a chance to play, a collective chorus of cheers fell over the stadium.
The spotlights that once bathed the ice in a soft multicolored glow lifted replaced with the bright white, and the players took their positions.
Quinn, was the center of y/n’s attention, his eyes focused and intense. He looked over at Y/N and Mia, flashing a quick smile that sent her heart racing. The puck dropped, and the game was underway.
Throughout the first period, Y/N did all she could to try and memorize every move Quinn made. An attempt to hold on to his years in the league for when they’re long over. His stick-handling was mesmerizing, a dance of precision and power that left the opposition scrambling. Whenever he checked one of his brothers, she held onto a strange mix of pride and protectiveness that swelled within her. She knew that behind the smiles and jovial rivalry, they were all fighting for the same thing: victory.
Leaning over to Mia, she whispered excitedly, "Did you see that? He totally outplayed them both! Jack and Luke!" Each time she spoke, her voice grew a little louder, the excitement spilling over like a fizzy drink. Mia, ever the supportive best friend, nodded and cheered along, even though she wasn't as versed in the nuances of the game. Y/N's eyes never left the ice when her love was on for a shift, captivated by the grace and strength of the man she loved.
Midway through the second period, Quinn scored a breathtaking goal through the goalie’s 5-hole. He spun around, stick in the air, as the crowd erupted in a cacophony of cheers. Y/N's face lit up brighter than the goal lamp as she jumped to her feet, slapping the glass in exhilaration. Quinn skated to where she was sitting behind the glass. He blew her a kiss and yelled to her, “that was for you babygirl.” She turned to Mia, her eyes sparkling with pure joy, "I knew he was just as bad as you are!" Mia giggled, pulling her best friend in to a hug, the sound of their laughter lost in the deafening applause.
The game continued, each play more intense than the last. The tension grew as the score remained close, neither team willing to concede an inch of the ice. With every check, every pass, and every shot on net, Y/N felt her heart pound harder in her chest. Her eyes never left Quinn, not even when his brothers had the puck. It was as if she could feel his every move, his every breath. Her cheers grew louder, her hands slapping the glass more vigorously, leaving behind a smudge of her palm print like a silent applause.
In the third period, the game reached a fever pitch. The crowd was on the edge of their seats, a symphony of hope and nerves. The Devils had managed to tie the game, and the Canucks were desperate to pull ahead. The air was thick with the scent of sweat and the metallic tang of fear. With minutes to go, Quinn stole the puck from his youngest brother, breaking away on a two-on-one. The arena held its collective breath as he streaked down the ice, the sound of his skates slicing through the frozen surface like a knife through butter.
Y/N's eyes were glued to him, her heart racing in her chest. The play unfolded before her in slow motion, every second stretching into an eternity. Quinn passed the puck to his teammate, who whipped it back to him with the grace of a ballet dancer. The goalie saw it coming, but it was too late. Quinn's shot was a rocket, flying straight into the top corner of the net. The arena erupted into a frenzy of cheers and the sound of thousands of hands clapping together in unison. The goal lamp flashed red, the buzzer sounded, Quinn’s media tape looped on the scoreboard. His teammates rushed him for a celebration. Y/n was watching in awe of her man. Mia was watching her best friend in happy wonder.
Mia nudged her, "Looks like you got yourself a star player!" she said, her voice barely audible over the din. Y/N nodded, her smile so wide it hurt. She felt like she was floating, the adrenaline from the goal still pulsing through her veins. The final buzzer sounded, signaling the end of the game. The score was 3-2 in favor of the Canucks. The arena echoed with the chant of "Quinn! Quinn! Quinn!" She could see the pure elation on his face as he skated over to her, the grin stretching from ear to ear. He tapped the glass, his eyes gleaming with excitement.
Quinn had the last scoring game puck in his hand. He had already wrote on it and brought it straight to her, he pointed up towards the top of the barrier and then to her, a silent message he was tossing it to her. With a flick of his wrist, he flung it over, sending it soaring through the air. Time seemed to slow as it spun, a perfect arc of twisting team logos and black against the vibrant backdrop of the cheering crowd. Y/N's hand shot up, her palm open and ready to receive it. The puck smacked into her palm with a satisfying thud, the residual ice shavings from the game still clinging to it.
The crowd's roar grew even louder as they noticed the gesture, the cameras flashing from the stands and the Jumbotron spotlighted on her, capturing her disbelief and pure happiness. She clutched the puck to her chest, feeling its coldness against her skin, a stark contrast to the warmth flooding her cheeks. The moment was surreal, a memory she knew she'd cherish forever. She mouthed a silent "thank you" to Quinn, who was already being dragged away by his teammates for an impromptu interview.
As the players filed off the ice, the tension in the arena didn't dissipate. Instead, it transformed into a buzz of excitement and congratulations. Y/N watched Quinn closely, her eyes tracing his every move as he was interviewed, his voice steady and humble despite the victory. He talked about teamwork and the importance of family, never failing to mention his brothers and their shared love for the sport. Her heart bursting with pride as she heard him speak, his words resonating with the audience.
Finally, the moment came. The Zamboni glided onto the ice, smoothing out the battleground where Quinn had just claimed victory. He skated over to the bench, his gaze seeking hers through the throngs of people. She waved, the puck still clutched in her hand, a symbol of his triumph. He pointed at her, then at the locker room, signaling for her to wait for him. The crowd began to disperse, the blue and green jerseys forming rivers of humanity that flowed through the arena's exits.
Y/N and Mia remained in their seats before heading down to wait outside of the locker room, the excitement still coursing through them like an electric current. They chatted animatedly about the game, replaying Quinn's heroics in their minds, their voices a mix of disbelief and pride. As the last of the fans trickled out, the arena staff started prepare for the post-game cleanup.
The doors to the locker room finally swung open, and the players began to emerge, their faces flushed from exertion and their eyes gleaming with the adrenaline of victory. Quinn spotted Y/N immediately, his grin growing even wider when he saw the puck in her hand. His strides to her were urgent and quick, the sound of his skates, that were hanging off the side of his bag, clanking against one another echoing through the now-quiet corridor. He was dressed back in his game day suit, no tie, but perfectly put together.
Y/N looked up at him, her confusion palpable. "Why aren't you in your comfy clothes?" she questioned, gesturing to his suit.
Quinn chuckled, the sound rumbling deep in his chest. "I had to make an impression, didn't I?" He leaned down, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Besides, I had a surprise for you."
Y/N turned the puck over in her hand, her eyes widening as she read the message scrawled in black sharpie. "Best game of my life," it read, "make it better by saying yes." Her cheeks flushed, and she looked up at him, her eyes filling with unshed tears as he’s down on one knee. "Quinn, this is..."
"It’s crazy, yes but I couldn't wait. You're it for me, you're everything. And after that game, playing against my brothers, I just know this is right." His voice was earnest, his gaze unwavering as he pulled out a small velvet box. “Yes I know in front of the locker room isn’t ideal, but I just had the best game I’ve had in months, I finally beat my brothers. You’re the girl of my dreams and I can’t hold onto this any longer because I’m afraid the yahoos behind you will let it out while they’re here. So baby, please will you marry me?” Quinn asks tears of love in his eyes.
Y/N felt as if the world had stopped spinning. She looked down at the box in his hand, her heart racing like a bullet train. She assumed this was coming later on in life, but she never expected it to happen here, in the lower interior of the arena she had watched him play in so many times before. An indescribable warmth spread through her, expansive spread across her from her toes to her fingertips. She looked into his eyes, her voice shaking with raw emotion, "Yes, Quinn. Yes, I'll marry you."
The words hung in the air, suspended for a moment before reality crashed back in. The locker room doors opened wider, and his remaining teammates spilled out, cheering and clapping. They had been waiting for this moment, and now it was here. Quinn slipped the ring onto her finger, the diamond sparkling under the harsh fluorescent lights. It fit perfectly, as if it had been made just for her. She couldn't help but admire it, the way it caught the light and danced across her skin. Y/n turned to Jack and Luke to greet the brothers she was unaware were there until Quinn said something, but instead was met by Jim and Ellen.
“You’ll officially be our daughter!” Ellen saps pulling y/n into a hug.
“Can’t wait to have another female Hughesy!” Jim laughed with her, ruffling up her hair.
Y/n’s eyes are misty with happy tears. She hadn’t seen this coming like this at all, she had thought maybe it would happen in a year or two but not now.
It doesn’t matter the timing, Quinn is forever hers and she’s forever his.
“Quinn, This, here. It’s perfect.” She says, her voice full of wonder and love. “I wouldn’t want it any other way. So it is ideal. Don’t worry about what it looks like.”
Quinn broke away from Elias and Brock’s playful teasing, his smile growing as he wrapped her in a warm embrace. The cheers of his teammates and the small gathering of family erupting once more, but all Y/N could hear was the steady beat of his heart against her chest. He leaned down, cupping her face in his hands, and kissed her.
It was a kiss filled with the passion of a thousand suns, the promise of a lifetime together, and the sweetness of a love that had only grown stronger with each passing day. His lips were gentle yet firm, a declaration of his love and commitment. Hers responded eagerly, her arms snaking around his neck, the coldness of the ice forgotten in the heat of the moment.
Mia had been standing off to the side watching her best friend happily. As the couple kissed she muttered to what she thought was just herself “I’m so painfully single.”
“You and me both. Hi, name is Nico. Captain of the New Jersey Devils.”
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tokiloki · 3 months
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Character (s) : Argenti (Honkai Star Rail)
Tags: Knight x Princess AU, reader is not trailblazer, implied fem.
Description: Argenti was thorough in his duties, and in his devotion to you.
Words: 2200
Warning; Maybe a bit ooc and self indulgent.
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Sugary sweetness slid down your throat after you popped a small, iced delicacy into your eager mouth- the roll of flavour offering a momentary relief from the dizzying and tiring ball.
But alas, all good things must come to an end- as the sudden voice behind you signified.
“My Lady, that is your fifth cake bite of the night” Argenti’s voice bordered on exasperation and amusement at once, his attentive remarks making your heart flush despite their promises of reprimand.
You turned to face him with a pleasant smile
“My dear knight, are you not eager to let me out of your sight for a mere second- so that you may enjoy the festivities of this ball?” This was the same thing you suggested some minutes ago when he found you watching the flame swallowing performers a tad bit too closely.
Argenti sighed briefly and bowed his head
“My lady, an event flourishing with activity and seas of bodies is also the best opportunity for danger” he explained before gesturing forward.
“A number of…interested nobility are actively searching for you,” his hand was vaguely in the direction of a number of gentlemen.
“Let them keep searching,” you muttered. Between the too bright lights and the echoing, drowning sound of heels and boots, laughter and conversation- tiredness cleaved at your bones, and a few gentlemen were not the remedy to that tiredness.
Argenti looked down at you quietly for a moment before lifting his head up to observe the ballroom. He too, was being eyed by several attendees as his red hair, paired with his ethereal visage simply summoned onlookers. You made a movement to walk towards the open doors, hoping that the fresh air outside would bring a cooling relaxation.
Argenti, of course followed.
“I am not going to leap off the stairs, dear knight” You chuckled as he stopped behind while you leaned over a white balcony railing.
“No my lady- you are aware I would not support that decision” he smiled, amusement teasing his voice.
“But I am your knight, and thus I must remain close to you,” he reasoned.
“Ever so thorough in your duty”you chuckled, gazing up at the flickering stars above.
“Duty, yes- and in my devotion to you” he added- the words seemingly harmless had they not caused your stomach to flutter again. You hummed, playing off your internal turmoil as you wrapped your satin shawl around your shoulders when a cold breeze brushed by.
Immediately, two heavy gauntlets fixed your shawl properly around your body, Argenti’s hands quick and easy even in their armour.His breath ghosted over the back of your neck as he ensured you would not be excessively exposed to the cold, but the motion caused your neck to stiffen and goosebumps to rise.
“Perhaps you should return inside, Your Grace” he suggested before pulling away “You may fall ill due to this cold weather” His reasoning was sound but…returning to the loud ball was not an agreeable notion to you.
You expected the scent of a grassy floor coupled with the  pain of a smashed nose- but instead, a pair of arms easily scooped you up and cradled you close before you could meet an unfortunate fall. A flush was already forming on your cheeks as you looked up at Argenti, who’s breath was coming out in quick puffs, his red hair slightly dishevelled while he held you against his armoured chest.
Your gown twirled as you turned to face him, taking a step forward in your tight heels.
“Just- a few moments Argenti” you breathed, his name falling easily from your lips as you stood close together in the balcony. You hardly recognized why you moved closer to him- you could easily take the other side of the stairs to the gardens below.
“As you wish- My Lady?” Argenti’s voice was in worry as he noted a slight twinge in your step, green eyes trailing over your figure before he extended a hand warily.
“Huh- oh, nothing” You laughed, assuring him that nothing was wrong- even though your ankles screeched otherwise. “ it is nothing-ah!” 
You attempted to take a step down the balcony stairs that extended to the garden, but a  heeled foot twisted as you descended down the stairs, making your heart plunge as you  tipped forward into airy horror. 
“My Lady! Do not cause such senseless worry!” he breathed before descending down the stairs hurriedly.
“Are you alright? I specifically asked your maids to not allow you to wear unfitting heels” he sighed while cradling you close- he was breathing heavily and his eyes were widened with worry.
“It’s alright- just a throb” you told him, brows furrowed as you winced when a weaker throb of pain pulsed in your foot, making him hold you closer.
Suddenly the heels felt far too tight and Argenti’s cold, armoured hands were freezing against your bare arms. His gaze softened when he noticed this shiver before he carried you bridal style towards a smaller entry of the palace.
Subconsciously, you held on tighter to him- a habit you had when you were injured as his familiar grip and scent carried the promise that you would be alright. You turned your face over to the armour he wore, even if this was all an over exaggeration of the pain.
“It’s not a serious injury, Argenti” you told him “there is no need to go to a physician- just sit me down on a bench.” 
Argenti began to emphasise that your injury was no light matter but you cut him off
“Please- I can’t bear to have any more fuss around me today.” you breathed so pleadingly that he blew out a long breath and nodded before gently lowering you into a garden bench seat that was hidden from view by the towering flower bushes.
A small pain shot up from your ankle again as Argenti knelt down on the grass, his brows drawn together and his eyes focused as he gazed up at you- it was also an overreaction on his part, but you supposed it meant he cared.
With surprising gentleness, Argenti lifted your skirts and slowly lifted your ankle up, never handling the skin too harshly.
Despite the sensible reason for his action, you found yourself blushing as Argenti focused entirely on your ankle.  He loosened the bands and clasp of your heels that wrapped around your ankle before tugging them off to bare your foot to the cool breeze. 
“Does it hurt if I do-” he pressed a finger against your ankle, but there was no pain “this?”. He gazed up at you intently, apple green eyes searching yours for any pain- but all they found was an unusual flush across your cheeks.
“No-no Argenti, it does not hurt” you swallowed and avoided thinking about why he was looking up at you so closely. “Perhaps it was just a minor twist, nothing to worry about.”
Of course Argenti would be so direct.
Argenti hummed in acknowledgement before lifting your ankle to his lips. His crimson hair brushed against the skin before his lips pressed to your ankle ever so gently before gazing back up at you. At this stage, your heart wasn’t just beating fast- it was a galloping horse or a cage of butterflies.
“My Lady…you seem to be embarrassed” he murmured, a faint hint of amusement in his voice.
That was a very good twist of words, and a wonderful, brazen lie. But it passed the silent understanding between the two of you- under the pretence of ‘care’ and devotion, Argenti would sometimes hug you, hold you close,  and press his lips to an injury now.
“Embarrassed? No my dear knight- it’s just the cool air” you smiled falteringly. 
“I know you too well to know that a flush, accompanied by a widening of your eyes is not the result of a shiver” .His words backed you into a corner, much like his precise eyes.
“Ah…is my lady perhaps embarrassed because I kissed her ankle? It is only a comforting touch” he smiled and repeated the gesture again.
“Yes- yes I am- that is not something you do usually..” you breathed, causing Argenti to tilt his head.
“Have I not been clear in my affections, Your Grace?” he wondered aloud with amusement before slipping your heel back on. “Do not fret, I am not doing something untoward, I am merely showing my care to the princess.”
“You are a distinguished liar” you smile, leading him to match your expression, lips curled up as he presses boundaries further by taking hold of your hand and bringing it to his lips.
“Do you doubt my devotion to you, My Lady?” He kissed your knuckles again
“I believe there is a personal motive, disguised as devotion that lurks in your actions”. 
A hushed silence fell between the both of you after you spoke, and Argenti looked up at you with a faltering expression.
“Would you prefer it otherwise?” he questioned. Would you? Would you be as comfortable with him if he was strictly your knight, and not Argenti?
Argenti smiled and kissed your hand again
“Then I believe we are in understanding”
Argenti moved up to sit beside you on the bench, turning his face to whisper in your ear
“Would my Lady allow me to continue displaying my devotion?” His words were honeyed and sweeter than any delicacy, raising a shiver in your body as he spoke.
“You know I do not like to speak in riddles,” you turned to look at him as well. 
Argenti’s eyes lowered to your lips, his gauntlet covered  hand holding yours before he spoke again;
“Then would my Lady allow me to display a show of treason? To act on my most…closeted and ardent desires that have been most arduous to restrain?”
How could anyone refuse him? Your throat tightened and your heart nearly stopped as you searched for any amusement in his eyes, but there was nothing but the expression he wore in serious times.
Even the night air stilled around the two of you, and it almost seemed like the flower bushes were leaning closer.
“I.. I allow you.” There. You stamped his treasonous request with approval, moments before he cupped your jaw and kissed your cheek.
“For so long, I have guarded you with nothing but pure devotion,” he whispered against your cheek before kissing your forehead. “But one can only withstand so much in the face of your beauty”
“You…exaggerate” Your voice came out breathy as your free hand dug into the bench you sat on.
“It is impossible to exaggerate your beauty, but describing it with this unpracticed tongue is a disservice as well”
A shiver trailed down your spine and you swallowed as he kissed the bridge of your nose and your hairline.
“May I?” he breathed, the cool air and the heat of his breath turning you into a puddle of nerves as you spoke; “Yes.” 
Argenti wasted no time, angling your jaw so that your lips met his sweet kiss, his free hand securing the small of your back while he kissed you. The two of you shifted on the bench and he held you closely, gently lowering you into his embrace. Every fluttery sensation you felt in the past exploded into a million stars, splashing across your heart as he embraced you so firmly and gently at once when he pulled away.
“I fail…I fail to describe you, My lady- My princess, the object of my yearn and passion” he whispered before kissing you again, closing his eyes and breathing in your sweet scent.
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The night breeze turned into a feather caress against your body and you were certain no sweet or bliss in the world could compare to the fulfilment you felt as Argenti embraced you with his flowery kiss. 
This was, on one hand a horrific image of treason and shame, a princess and her knight engaging in unrestrained yet improperly guided affection- but on the other hand, it was the sweetest bliss to be held in the arms of a lover beneath a canvas of stars, curtained with roses and flowers on either side. Your heart sang it’s desire strongly in the face of worry- for now, it was best to hold Argenti close- the world could wait a few moments or so, and even if it couldn’t- the sweetness you felt was a wonderful momentary bliss that you couldn’t abandon just yet.
AN: I have not written a fic in like...years.
Reblogs appreciated! <3
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nayziiz · 5 months
Stay | LN4
Summary: A new romantic prospect puts things into perspective in the best and worst ways possible.
Pairing: Lando Norris x OC (Cara)
Warnings: None
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Lando, ever the social orchestrator, found himself entangled in a serendipitous twist of fate when he first met Cara. It was amidst the blossoming romance of Max and Pietra that their paths intersected. Cara, a pivotal figure in Pietra's life, seamlessly integrated into their circle, her warmth and vivacity leaving an indelible mark on Lando's heart.
From the moment they met, Lando felt an instant connection with Cara. Her infectious laughter and genuine kindness captivated him, drawing him in with an irresistible pull. As their friendship blossomed, Lando found himself gravitating towards her, cherishing her presence in his life more with each passing day.
Amidst the whirlwind of adventures and travels that defined Lando's lifestyle, Cara became a constant, a beacon of familiarity and comfort in a world of fleeting moments. Whenever Max and Pietra planned their escapades to Monaco, Lando made it a point to extend the invitation to Cara, ensuring she was always a welcomed addition to their gatherings.
So when the allure of Monaco beckoned once again during the summer break vacation, Lando found himself yearning for a respite from the relentless pace of his jet-setting lifestyle. Despite his love for travel and adventure, the weariness of constant flights and bustling airports weighed heavily on him. Opting for a tranquil retreat at home in Monaco seemed like a balm for his restless soul, and it was only natural for him to extend the invitation to his friends, including Cara.
As the summer breeze swept through the elegant streets of Monaco, whispering secrets of love and adventure, there was a new chapter unfolding in Lando's life, one tinged with controversy and uncertainty.
In a surprising turn of events, Lando found himself entangled in the enigmatic allure of Maya, a woman whose reputation preceded her. Known for her tumultuous dating history and a penchant for playing fast and loose with the hearts of her partners, Maya was a figure of intrigue and apprehension among Lando's friends.
While Lando's heart may have been captivated by Maya's charm and charisma, his friends couldn't help but feel a twinge of concern. They had heard the whispers, the cautionary tales of broken hearts and shattered trust that seemed to follow in Maya's wake. They worried for Lando, fearing that he might be stepping into a tempest of emotional turmoil and uncertainty.
Despite their reservations, Lando remained steadfast in his affection for Maya, seemingly undeterred by the warnings and red flags that others saw so clearly. His friends watched with bated breath as their carefree companion ventured into uncharted waters, hoping against hope that he wouldn't become another casualty in Maya's tumultuous journey.
Yet, amidst the uncertainty and apprehension, there lingered a glimmer of hope. Perhaps, in the boundless depths of Maya's complexities, Lando saw something worth fighting for, a chance to unravel the mysteries of her soul and discover a love that transcended the confines of judgement and expectation.
The sun danced lazily across the azure expanse of the Mediterranean as Lando, Max, Pietra, and Cara lounged on the sun-drenched terrace, the scent of freshly brewed coffee mingling with the salty tang of the sea air. It was a picture-perfect afternoon in Monaco, yet beneath the veneer of tranquillity, tension simmered beneath the surface.
Lando couldn't shake the lingering doubts that clouded his mind, the whispered warnings of his fans and the quiet concern of his friends echoing in the recesses of his thoughts. Sensing the weight of uncertainty pressing down upon him, he finally broached the topic that had been lingering like a shadow between them.
“So, what do you guys really think about Maya?” Lando's voice was tentative, the words hanging in the air like a fragile promise. “Why is this such a big deal?”
Lando's brow furrowed in confusion, his gaze shifting to meet Max's unflinching stare.
“Because no one likes her,” Max's words were blunt, his tone devoid of apology.
“Max, that's a bit harsh,” Pietra, ever the voice of reason, interjected gently. But Lando, his patience wearing thin, couldn't help but push back.
“No, let him speak his mind, he clearly doesn't like her either,” Lando insisted.
Silence descended upon the terrace, broken only by the rhythmic lapping of waves against the harbour wall.
“They don't have to. She's built up a reputation that she can jump from one guy to the next. It seems like she gets bored quickly,” Pietra added, her voice tinged with a hint of concern.
Lando's brows furrowed at Pietra's observation, a flicker of defensiveness sparking within him. He opened his mouth to protest, but before he could utter a word, Max's voice cut through the tension like a knife.
“Mate, you asked for our opinion on the situation, so don't get mad when we're honest,” Max's tone was firm, his frustration palpable.
Lando's jaw clenched as he grappled with Max's admonition, his pride warring with the unsettling truth of his friends' words. In that moment, the terrace felt suffocating, the weight of their unspoken fears pressing down upon them like a heavy shroud. Realising the futility of the escalating tension, Cara, ever the voice of reason, intervened with a calm authority.
“Alright. Perhaps we should table this discussion for a different time. Max, you two have plans for the afternoon,” she asserted, her tone gentle yet unwavering.
The tension in the air dissipated as Cara's words hung between them, a silent agreement to set aside their differences and move forward. With a reluctant nod, Lando acquiesced, his gaze lingering on Maya's nameless face in the recesses of his mind.
As Max and Pietra begrudgingly rose from their seats, a sense of unease lingered beneath the surface, a silent reminder of the fragile balance between love and loyalty, trust and uncertainty.
“Are you sure you don't want to come with us?” Pietra offered, her voice laced with genuine concern.
Pietra's gesture of extending an invitation to Cara shimmered with warmth, a gentle offering amidst the lingering tension that hung in the air. Cara offered a soft smile in response, her gaze meeting Pietra's with a quiet gratitude.
“Yeah, you two go. I'm just going to head down to the pool and do some reading,” she assured her friend, her tone gentle yet resolute.
As Pietra and Max exchanged a knowing glance, a silent understanding passed between them. With a nod of acknowledgment, they bid Cara and Lando farewell, their footsteps echoing in the tranquil courtyard as they made their way towards the awaiting adventure that beckoned beyond the sun-kissed horizon.
Left alone amidst the serenity of Monaco's lavish surroundings, Cara breathed a quiet sigh of relief, her heart heavy with the weight of unspoken worries. Cara, ever the picture of effortless grace, retreated into the spare bedroom to prepare for her afternoon by the pool. With practised ease, she shed the confines of her clothing, slipping into the comfort of her one-piece bathing suit before draping a slip dress over her slender frame. Gathering her essentials—a well-loved novel, a plush towel, and a pair of sleek sunglasses—she tucked them neatly into her bag, her anticipation mounting with each passing moment.
As she emerged from the bedroom, ready to embark on her solitary retreat, she found herself met with a pleasant surprise. Lando, adorned in a pair of swim trunks and a loose-fitted shirt, stood before her, a warm smile playing at the corners of his lips.
“Mind if I join you?” Lando's voice broke the tranquil silence, his eyes glinting with a hint of uncertainty as he addressed Cara. Cara met his gaze with a soft smile, her expression warm and welcoming.
“Sure,” she agreed, her voice carrying a sense of genuine camaraderie as she motioned for him to walk alongside her.
The two of them traversed the familiar hallway, their footsteps echoing in the hushed stillness of the apartment building, until they reached the inviting oasis of the pool area. Deck chairs adorned with plush cushions awaited them, their comfort beckoning amidst the sweltering heat of the afternoon sun.
As they settled into the shade cast by the giant umbrellas, Lando's gaze lingered on Cara, his thoughts swirling with a multitude of unspoken questions. With a steadying breath, he broached the subject that had been weighing heavily on his mind.
“You've always been honest with me,” Lando began, his voice tinged with vulnerability as he sought her counsel. “What's your opinion on Maya?”
“I've only met her in passing twice before, so I can't give you an opinion without knowing her better,” she began, her voice measured and earnest. 
As Cara settled comfortably into her deck chair, her words carried a weight of thoughtful consideration, her gaze shielded behind the tinted lenses of her sunglasses.
“But, like Pietra said, she has a reputation, so it's difficult not to look at her with this idea of her, you know,” Cara continued, her tone tinged with a hint of empathy. “Maybe her intentions are pure, but I just don't think you can trust that until she can prove it.”
Her words hung in the air, a poignant reminder of the delicate balance between trust and scepticism, hope and apprehension. As Lando absorbed Cara's insightful words, he mirrored her actions, settling into the deck chair beside hers with a sense of quiet contemplation. With a fluid motion, he peeled off his shirt, the warmth of the sun kissing his skin as he surveyed their surroundings.
Spying his bag nearby, Lando rummaged through its contents until he unearthed his sunscreen, a faint smile playing at the corners of his lips.
“Do you have sunscreen at all?” he inquired, his voice laced with a note of curiosity as he turned to Cara.
Cara met his gaze with a nod of affirmation, her own sunscreen nestled safely within her bag. With a graceful motion, she retrieved the bottle, offering it to Lando with a silent understanding. As he accepted the sunscreen with a grateful nod, Lando's thoughts drifted to the task at hand.
“You mind doing my back?” he ventured, his words tinged with a hint of self-consciousness. “Then I can do yours?”
Cara's response was a soft chuckle, her eyes crinkling with amusement behind her sunglasses.
“Of course,” she replied, her tone warm and reassuring as she settled into the role of caretaker.
Cara squirted the sunscreen into the palm of her hands and with a sense of purpose infused in her movements, her touch gentle yet deliberate, prepared to tend to Lando's sun-kissed skin. Lando shifted to sit in front of her, his back exposed to the warmth of the afternoon sun.
Cara's fingers danced across his smooth, tanned skin, the cool sensation of the sunscreen leaving a trail of comfort in its wake. With meticulous care, she worked the lotion into every crevice and curve, ensuring that not a single spot was left exposed to the relentless gaze of the Mediterranean sun.
Once satisfied with her handiwork, Cara passed the bottle of sunscreen to Lando, a silent invitation for him to return the favour. With a grateful nod, he accepted the bottle, his fingers deftly navigating the contours of Cara's shoulders and the sliver of exposed waist peeking out from her one-piece bathing suit. As he massaged the sunscreen into her skin, a sense of intimacy blossomed between them, a silent acknowledgment of the trust and vulnerability they had shared since the day they met.
“Can't people just be happy for me for once?” Lando's words escaped him in a quiet murmur, the frustration evident in his tone as he grappled with the weight of his emotions. Cara, ever attuned to his inner turmoil, turned to him with a gentle expression, her eyes reflecting a mixture of empathy and understanding.
“Do you like her?” she asked, her voice soft yet probing. Lando's gaze flickered, his hesitation fleeting as he met Cara's unwavering stare as she glanced over her shoulder at him.
“Yeah, I do,” he admitted, his voice carrying a note of quiet resolve.
“Then we just need to accept that and make an effort to get to know her better,” Cara stated matter-of-factly, her words ringing with a sense of pragmatic wisdom. Lando's fingertips lingered on her exposed waist, his thoughts swirling with uncertainty as he contemplated her words. 
“You might, but there's no way Max will do that,” he countered, his tone tinged with resignation. Cara's response was swift, her conviction unwavering as she offered him a gentle reminder.
“He's known you forever. He's literally just being protective,” she stated, her words carrying a note of reassurance.
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bluecapsicum · 4 months
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Night and dusk skies illustrations for my daily meteorological fiction project, Reports From Unknown Places About Indescribable Events (Twitter, Instagram, Mastodon, Bluesky, archives on my website).
Keep reading for the companion texts.
March 25th: We report: it is marshy here, and we are struggling to pick our feet back up every time we put them down. We speak low, but the sound of our steps is louder than our voice anyway. We watch our expert's back through the fog of our breath. The full moon is completely obscured.
April 2nd: We report, tonight, from the depths of soggy darkness. It is a day for night set out here, the clouds are practically shining in the sub-horizon light. Our expert talks at length about the Purkinje effect, the fact that the colour our human eyes see best in low light is blue.
April 14th: We report between one breath and the next: colours are not burnt out yet, there are a handful lying around there. In just a beat, the day will have been consumed, down to the very last bit of candlewick. We are trying to cram all our hopes and dreams into that last second.
April 22nd: We report after staying alone in the dark for too long: it is a nice thought that after the Sun burns out, so many of those stars will be left. So that the small handful of minerals that is in our ribcage and our teeth and nails may yet be part of something else, in a long time.
May 4th: We report at the hour when ghosts appear, walking in the middle of the road. It is not enough of a place that we imagine any cars could come by here and now, but we keep listening for them anyway. Instead, we hear echoes of a motorway in the distance, and the wind in our ears.
May 8th: We report on a moonless night: the power is out in the neighbourhood. Our eyes are tired, it is a balmy spring evening, and when we look up, we cannot help but think the stars are about to fall on us. They flicker. We lose our balance as we forget where the ground is.
May 12th: We report at dawn: when we got up during the night, the sky was clear and full of stars, but this morning, we can smell rain and shivers on the wind. The clouds brood, big and dark; we appreciate their languidness in the face of the breeze. In time, the sunlight will break out.
May 20th: We report about early in the night, when there is still blue to be found in the remnants of light. This is not anywhere near a clear night - we can tell by the brushstrokes across the vault - but we see more than a few stars. They come out shy and dim, but we see them.
May 25th: We report: morning, the sunrise is starting to show colours through the clouds. The leaves are heavy with dew, and rain is fast approaching. The air is already charged with that humid morning smell, but there is definitely rain on top. It feels icy as it goes through our nose.
May 28th: We report: there was fog when we fell asleep last night, and it has not entirely lifted yet in the blue morning. There is a sea in the field. We are squinting at it as though it were the glare of the sun, hoping to see through it. We get mist in our eyelashes for our troubles.
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buggysangel17 · 1 year
The Bride of A Warlord
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Summary: You have arrived to what you now call your new home, it was scary and confusing, but at least you have someone else to keep you company. Characters: Dracule Mihawk x Wife!Female Reader (Amihan). Perona Word Count: 1,198 Chapter Warnings:  Alternate Universe-Canon Divergence (I am still in episode 20 of OP Anime so please bear with me on the fucked up timeline of events here)
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You were consumed by a cocktail of fear and excitement.
But that was only natural to feel in your current predicament. Taken from your home due to circumstance that was no longer in your control. You turned to what you now call your husband. Dracule Mihawk was a man not to be trifled with, one of the Seven Warlords and dubbed the Greatest Swordsman in the world.
“I will have your room prepared as soon as possible.” Mihawk spoke, interrupting you from your train of thoughts.
All you could do was nod. You were taken from your own home, miles away from what you had once been so familiar with, a place that you had deemed had become your own prison. Any form of freedom you would take, even if it means being under the circumstantial marriage with one Warlord such as Mihawk.
“Yes, Sir.” You nodded, having no right to complain or react negatively for a short wait.
Even without looking at him, you’ve noticed his sharp yellow eyes glued fall to you. Turning to looking up at him, you noticed his narrowed eyes, a frown that was something you had gotten so used to rest on his lips.
“You will call me by my name, I do not agree to have you calling me of anything else while under you are under my care.”
You gulped, but nodded your head in agreement. This man, as handsome as he was, still scared you. Having caught firsthand the destruction his sword could make to your entire island should his will make it.
“You are not here as my prisoner, you can freely explore the castle should you wish to do so. All I ask is you not to leave unless you tell me or have me to accompany you, is that understood?”
“Yes—Mihawk.” You responded quickly.
As you step off the grandiose boat onto the rocky shore of Kuraigana Island, your heard races with anticipation and uncertainty. The sea breeze carries the scent of salt and new adventure, but it’s the sight before you that leaves you breathless. Your new husband’s castle, looms high above, perched on a ragged cliff that seems to defy gravity.
The castle is a dark, imposing fortress, its jagged spires reaching towards the heavens like the fingers of a giant’s skeletal hands. The stone walls are as grey and foreboding as the thunderclouds that hover over the island. You can’t help but shudder at the stark contrast between the castle and the vibrant, tropical island that surrounds it.
Your arrival has not gone unnoticed. From the castle's towering parapets, you catch glimpses of shadowy figures watching your every move. As you start to climb the narrow, winding path that leads to the castle gates, your footsteps echo in the eerie silence.
The closer you get, the more details you can make out. The castle is adorned with intricate, Gothic architecture, with gargoyles leering down from the eaves. The windows are narrow and slit-like, like the eyes of a predator, and they seem to be keeping a watchful gaze on you. The walls are covered in ivy and moss, as if nature itself is trying to reclaim this imposing structure.
You can't help but feel a sense of unease as you approach the massive, iron-bound gates. The air feels heavy with centuries of history, and you can't shake the feeling that the castle holds secrets, both wondrous and sinister, within its ancient walls.
As the gates slowly creak open, revealing the cavernous darkness beyond, your heart pounds in your chest. You have entered a world unlike any you have ever known, a world of mystery and danger. And as you step across the threshold, you can't help but wonder what awaits you in this forbidding castle on Kuraigana Island.
As you step through the imposing gates of Mihawk's castle, your heart is still pounding with trepidation. The exterior of the castle had filled you with a sense of foreboding, but as you cross the threshold and enter the grand foyer, you are struck by a stark contrast.
The interior of the castle is a complete surprise. The space is bathed in warm, inviting light that spills from ornate chandeliers hanging from the high ceilings. Elaborate tapestries hang on the walls, depicting scenes of epic battles and exotic landscapes. The polished marble floors beneath your feet reflect the glow of the many candles that line the corridor leading deeper into the castle.
Your husband, Mihawk, takes your hand and leads you forward, his expression unreadable. His grip is reassuring, grounding you in this unexpected change of atmosphere. You exchange a glance with him, and for a moment, you both share a silent understanding of the paradoxical nature of the castle.
The air inside is fragrant with the scent of fresh flowers, and the walls are adorned with vibrant paintings and delicate porcelain vases filled with blossoms.
As you explore the interior of the castle, you discover cozy sitting rooms with plush sofas and grand dining halls set with opulent feasts. The contrast between the grim exterior and the opulent interior is almost surreal, and you can't help but marvel at the transformation.
Mihawk guides you to a balcony overlooking a breathtaking garden bathed in moonlight. The sight of it takes your breath away, and you realize that the castle holds a world of beauty and wonder that you could not have imagined.
As you stand together on the balcony, surrounded by the enchanting sights and sounds of the castle, you can't help but feel a glimmer of hope and excitement for the future that awaits you here, in this magical, enigmatic place.
It wasn’t your home, no, far from it, but with this new found freedom, all you could think of right now is what the world could possibly be able to give you now.
“You have a guest along? That’s surprising from you.”
You tensed, immediately finding yourself stepping closer to the man you now call your husband. Turning to the owner of the voice, the sight of a pink-haired girl over a decade younger than you had floated towards your direction with what you think were ghost accompanying her.
“Not a guest.” Mihawk explained his gaze was on you, you tensed as his hand had rested on the small of your back. “My wife.” He introduce without much of a hesitation in his tone.
“Wife?!” The girl gaped and was immediately all over you, questioning you and your life decisions and how much of a sour sport Mihawk was to her especially as he had left her all alone in the castle.
“You have a daughter?” You inquired.
“No, just an unwelcomed guest.” He explained earning the offense of the girl that you now learned was named Perona. “But she will keep you company for the instance that I will be out for a while.”
You nodded turning your attention to the package that came with now living in the same home, in the same castle, and in the same Island as your new husband. It was a chaos that you were slowly but surely coming to enjoy as time goes by.
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arcielee · 7 months
We gave our time to something undefined
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Summary: Aemond receives a late night visitor. Paring: Aemond Targaryen x Rhaena Targaryen Word Count: 2.7k+ Warnings: Kissing, oral (f receiving), fingering, loss of virginity, and Aemond is still the consent king 👑. Author's Note: This is part 2 of Quietly, it slips through your fingers though I may do a third, as they have me hostage Gif edit by the wonderful @myfandomprompts. A big thank you to my beloved @aemondsbabe for being my beta reader and helping me hone my craft. Also ñuhon is Valyrian for mine, and sȳz riña is good girl, but I trust you all already know that one. 😈
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Aemond was poised in front of the fireplace, dressed in cotton sleeping trousers and a tunic that was unbuttoned to his navel; his silver hair was slung over his shoulder in a low braid. A golden hue spilled from the hearth and washed over his practiced stoicism, his one eye trained to the flames that were crackling and curling around the blackened logs.   
His arm was stretched on the rest, his fingers drumming a slow rhythm to battle how his heart was still rattling against his ribs; his other was bent, fingers pressed into his prominent chin. He swore he could still smell the remnants of the heaven he had touched earlier, something that was both sweet and intoxicating, something that now consumed him wholly. 
He thought back to earlier that night, to after he had torn away from the small hall, his heated steps leading him throughout the corridors in a desperate search for an exit that would bring him outside of King’s Landing. He knew that Vhagar would be awaiting him, the she-dragon keenly aware of her rider’s agitation. Aemond longed to climb aback of her, to tear over the night sky, as if his ire could only be sated by dragonback. 
Or so he initially thought. 
He could not say what had stopped him—perhaps the low rumble of his nuncle. It pulled him to watch from the shadows as Daemon and his daughter, Baela, took their turns to growl at one another about the night’s events.
Rhaena was also present, also watching. 
She was a woman now, with the same quiet confidence Aemond recalled as he watched her observe her father and her sister. He noted that she did not meet with their bravado on display, but instead remained watchful; her head tilted slightly with a flicker of amusement across her lovely features. 
It reminded Aemond of Driftmark, all those years ago when everyone gathered to grieve, to pay their respects for Lady Laena. He was only a boy but still aware of the  heavy sadness in her eyes that absorbed everything around her. He recalled when her gaze fell to him, how it rooted him to the stone. Rhaena watched at his failed attempt to try and speak from his heart; she did not scowl, but merely held a clear curiosity for whatever he had to say. 
Instead, his tongue thickened and he  walked away, the grief unsaid. 
How quickly her expression changed later that night, how her lovely eyes burned with betrayal when he sauntered back, covered in ash, dragonless no more—
“—I know Dark Sister sings for blood,” and the taunting words brought Aemond back to see Baela  squaring off towards Daemon. At that same moment, Rhaena noticed him, as if she was drawn to how his blood now burned in his veins. 
Aemond stalked away, quickly and quietly, his ire rekindled. He thought of the patronizing expression that had shown in the lines of Daemon’s face. Arrogance will weigh the dragon down, his sister often sang; Aemond only scoffed at the thought.  
You have lived too long, nuncle.
He heard the footfalls echoing behind, though he did not think they would follow him out to the terrace. Aemond planted his palms to the cool stone of the balustrade, greeted by the sea breeze and the distant rumble of Vhagar. He then felt her presence, that same curiosity from long ago. 
You are lost, princess.
Aemond wished to frighten her, but she did not balk, but remained stance, facing him just as Baela had Daemon. Her gaze was unwavering, analyzing, almost desperate to see what was underneath. His fingers itched to show her, removing the eyepatch but even then she responded in a way that he never thought possible. 
There was no pity to be found, just a genuine remorse that left him shattered—the softness and the warmth of her lips against his marred side, his skin prickling from her touch. 
Back in his room, Aemond could feel the warmth emitting from the embers in front of him, or perhaps it was from the memory of what had followed that kiss, of how she fit against his chest, of how she looked up at him unabashed, unafraid, unwilling to leave him. 
His fingers flexed, balling back into a fist, still feeling the ghost pulse of her erratic heartbeat from the pleasure he had pulled from her… 
His blood simmered, but a soft tap on his door brought his mind back into his room. Aemond moved, a flash of silver to welcome the distraction. When he opened the door, Rhaena slipped in; she was quick to pull it closed behind her, her back pressing against the oak, breathless. 
His every nerve was alight as he drank in the sight of her–her deep breaths, the rise and fall of her chest, her lithe curves pressing the pastel silk of her nightdress and her skin peering through the matching silk robe hastily pulled over. Her silver locs had been knotted back into a long braid, accompanied with a pleasant scent of rose water. 
Her eyes held the same look from earlier, wide and glassy, uncertain but also unwilling to leave. 
Aemond swallowed. 
You came, he wished to say, but his arrogance won his tongue. “So soon, princess?” 
I had to see you, she did not reply, but instead her face shifted into a coy facade. “You told me to come find you if I wished to find satisfaction…” 
Her words ignited something within him and Aemond closed the space between them. His one palm grabbed her hip and the other moved to touch her jaw, gently tilting her head to claim her lips just as he had out on the terrace. Her trepidation from before was gone, now replaced with a warm familiarity as her tongue curled in rhythm with his own. 
Aemond hummed his pleasure and Rhaena pulled him closer until he melded against her, the surge of fire meeting fire with a burning desperation. She gasped softly and he deepened the kiss, drawing the air from her aching lungs. His leg shifted between her thighs with a pressure that made her mewl, softly, sweetly. It trilled the length of his spine, his cock throbbing against the seams of his slacks. 
He pulled back and reached for her hand, her fingers lacing as though they belonged in his grasp. She followed quietly as he pulled her towards the bed, a giggle spilling, gleeful. Then Aemond paused and turned to face her again; his large hands moved to cradle her jaw, holding her gaze, and her skin rippled with gooseflesh from the contrast of his gentle touch and the roughness of his palms. 
“This will only go as far as you wish it too,” his voice was low, his words tinged with a fear that she would simply change her mind and leave. 
But instead hope bloomed with the flutter of her lashes, her lips curling into a smile as she stepped closer to capture his lips. Her hands knotted into the loose fabric of his tunic and she pulled him closer still, smiling. Aemond thrummed from the taste of passion, tilting her head to savor the kiss. 
The silk she had been wearing was now a puddle at her feet, and Aemond discarded his tunic, his hands pausing at the waistband of his pants. He looked at Rhaena, watching her carefully, the black now swallowing the blues and the purples of his one intensive eye, an amber gleam flickering in the sapphire of his other. 
Her smile remained as she took a step back, resting on the edge of the bed. She did not look away from him as his eye trailed over her soft curves, admiring the golden glow of the fire on her brown skin, how it rose with the night air, her nipples pebbling in response. 
Beautiful, he does not say but instead swallowed to wet his throat. “That bastard does not deserve you,” his rasped confession wrenched from his lungs. 
Only then did she look at her hands resting on her plush thighs, and offered a soft hum in return. The boldness that had brought her to his room continued her motion, her hands reaching to grab the waistband of his slacks, her fingers precariously placed above the heady bulge that pressed against the crotch. 
He felt his blood roaring to stain his cheeks as her eyes washed over his bare body, trailing the silver scars now displayed, the lines that cut into his trim waist before she met with his gaze again. Aemond allowed himself a step closer, a heavy sway, moving between her parted thighs until he was close enough for her to softly touch his unmarred side, until he could feel her breathless whisper hot against his skin– 
“Then claim me.”  
And he burned with how each syllable dripped with the honey that spilled from her kiss-swollen lips. “Aōhon ynot sahās,” she said, her eyes locking onto him. 
Make me yours.
His hand covered her own, turning his head until his lips feathered the pulse of her wrist. “Ñuhon,” he growled against her skin, mine, and then he pushed forward until she melted into the mattress, lifting her legs and welcoming him into the cradle of her hips. 
His mouth was hot, ravenous, only allowing her a moment to breathe when he moved his attention to the curve of her jaw and to her neck. His teeth nipped at her skin, leaving dark plumes of color in his wake. 
He could feel her trembling beneath him, her head falling back with a gasp. “Aemond!” 
It was his siren song, those sweet sounds from the terrace. They remained with his steps that brought him back to his room, echoing in his mind until it curdled the marrow of his bones, a dull ache that knotted his lower organs. He wished to draw those same sounds but with his tongue; his hands pressed to open her thighs further, and he sank between them to place an intimate kiss that made her shudder in response. 
She was slick, a taste divine, and his tongue trailed between her folds until he felt her hands knotting in his hair. He feasted between her thighs with a hold that dimpled the softness of her skin, anchoring himself to her core. Aemond pulled her towards a new plateau of pleasure with his mouth, his tongue laving until she tried to writhe away. 
Her back arched with the expanse of her chest begging for air, her hands moving for fistfuls of bed linen to ground herself. Her lips parted with a wordless cry as his dexterous fingers curled within her. “Aemond,” she panted, panicked, but he touched her with familiarity, feeling how her every fiber sang for him: heart thrumming, muscles tensing, desperate for more. 
Aemond hummed against her cunt and the low vibration caused a soft cry, a pulse of her velvet walls around his fingers. “Sȳz riña,” he murmured, adding another finger that met with the tandem of his first. His tongue returned to carve through her sweet lips with an unrelenting pace that pulled her towards her peak. 
It shuddered throughout her, a sob spilling that Aemond moved to muffle with a kiss, his praises soothing against her lips: “Sȳz riña, sȳz riña.” He melted into her warmth, her body pliant and molded against him. His arms caged her to the bed and his cock twitched, the heat from her bare cunt calling and pulling him closer.
Rhaena squirmed beneath him, and he tried to lift his weight but her nails bit into his waist, stopping him. “Aemond,” she was breathless, almost begging. “Please, I–” but she faltered to find her words. He could feel her pulse still fluttering against his chest, and she swallowed thickly. 
“Aōhon ynot sahās,” she repeated, a desperation now touching her tone.
Aemond felt his heart seize in his chest, and he tilted his head for a gentle kiss. “We will begin slowly,” his voice rasped with his reserve, “I promise.” 
She nodded and he was careful to slot his slender hips between her thighs, his swollen cock heavy and pressing against one side. She sighed, and he looked to see her drunken smile splayed on her lips as he nestled against her. His arm weaved between to guide himself, and she tensed from the unfamiliar pressure, his swollen head sliding through her folds and lining with her entrance. 
A muscle ticked in his jaw with his concentration, his slow thrusts sinking into her warmth with a shuddering halt when his hips met with hers. Aemond then stilled, watchful, worried, seeing how her face was clouded. He moved to kiss her, his body shifting against hers, and she let out a small noise that he swallowed. 
Her eyes fixated on him, and he felt the fire in her veins pressing towards the surface. Her head nodded yes, a whispered, “Kostilus,” please, and only then did his hips begin to move. Her tension began to fall away with his slow rut, his rhythm continuing. She mewled softly, canting her hips to meet the snap of his own, sparking something different, something deeper, and he felt her tighten around him.
Aemond hummed, and his pace quickened with the lewd sound of skin-to-skin. The heat curling in his core began to spread under his skin, a bowstring taut to nearly snap at the sound of her breathless cries, the pulsing of her velvet walls that pulled him after. 
He groaned, his hip stuttering, and his brow pressed to her own. He felt her legs wrapping around his waist and  looked at her. Rhaena combed her fingers through the silver hair that spilled from his braid, pulling him close for a kiss. 
“Stay with me,” his voice was low, blooms of red staining his cheeks. “Kostilus,” he added.
Rhaena kissed him with the promise to stay and only then did he pull away. He pulled on his slacks again, unbuttoned, and moved towards the wash basin to grab a clean cloth. Aemond turned on his heel and saw her, bashfulness now replacing her boldness from before, wrapped in the sheets. Her eyes were wide, glassy, and filled with something he now understood.
Desire, thrumming with the ichor of Old Valyria that ran rampant in their veins. 
He moved towards her and a smile curled on her lips, her eyes falling to the sway of his hips and the silver patch that peered lewdly above the waist of his trousers. His hand reached to pull the sheet away while his other began to carefully wipe away his pearly spend. 
She sighed, different than before, now with contentment and a consideration as her thighs fell open to welcome him again. He burned under her sense of awe as she watched his hands move over her skin; Aemond murmured his questions and she promised she felt fine, catching his wrist and bringing it to meet her lips for a kiss. 
He pulled away a second time–the last time he swore–discarding the soiled cloth and pulling through his drawers to retrieve a silk scarf that had been gifted from across the narrow sea. He watched her hands move to wrap her hair and he shyly offered to knot it at the nape of her neck, pressing a chaste kiss there when he finished. 
With their earlier tension spent and staining the sheets, their exchange was now natural, a tethered bond that seemed to be planted on that fateful night of Driftmark. Aemond climbed beneath the covers and his hands could not leave her, pulling her until her back was flushed to his chest, fitting like a missing piece. His arm wrapped around her waist, holding her close enough to feel the thrum of his heart. 
Her voice was soft, breaking the quiet that had settled over them. “What will happen now?” 
His hum reverberated through them and he pulled her closer until his lips could touch her shoulder once, twice, following the curve and pressing against the soft spot under her ear, pressing contemplative kisses before he said: “Tomorrow I will petition the king for your hand in marriage.” 
Rhaena shifted in his arms. “What if he says no?” 
He nuzzled into her neck, smiling against her skin. “Vhagar remembers you,” he began, his breath tickling; she bloomed with his words. “If they say no, I will take you to Driftmark and we will have a ceremony anyway, just as our ancestors did.”
“But what–”
“But nothing,” his tone cut through, a gentle resolve, and he pressed another kiss to the nape of her neck. Rhaena relaxed against him. “Iksā ñuhon.”
You are mine.
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Taglist (Tumblr kindred spirits): @aaaaaamond @annikin-im-panicin @watercolorskyy @black-dread @fan-goddess @httpsdoll @theromanticegoist @assortedseaglass @amiraisgoingthruit @theoneeyedprince @babyblue711 @itbmojojoejo @girlwith-thepearlearring @lauraneedstochill @theobjectofyourire @troublesomesnitch @hb8301 @snowprincesa1 @namelesslosers @darylandbethfanforever9 @helaelaemond @qyburnsghost @niocel
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arcie's hotd masterlist
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mrsnancywheeler · 7 months
the river (6) // finnick odair x f. reader
summary: the Capitol has taken you away from Finnick, the life you've been trying to build together and now he has to fight to get every part of you back
previous chapter
7.1k words
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warnings: hurt/comfort, smut, angst, fluff, arguments, a wedding, pnv, unprotected sex, f receiving fingering, he doesn't pull out, cursing, allusions to trafficking, paranoia, violence, mentions of death, suicidal ideation, self-hate, dount, mentions of pregnancy but she's not pregnant, distrust, brainwashing, mentions of Snow, unedited, no use of y/n
You looked so beautiful, so angelic, so unspeakably alluring standing in front of him in your borrowed dress. Never had he felt more excited than when he'd realized this was in fact the day you would become not just his wife in spirit, but legally, Mrs. Odair. The way you'd so delicately smiled up at him made him feel like his grin was more like that of a mad man, and maybe he was. Madly in love, madly obsessed, madly in need to spend the rest of his life with you. He needed the revolution to be over so he could have a billion kids that looked just like you, that laughed like you did, and smiled like you did. How soft your fingers felt when they brushed his lips with salt water was addicting just as it was when his fingers did the same to your lips. He felt blindly dazed by your smile as you recited the vows, Finnick barely remembered that there were cameras around.
Your genuine happiness was something he had come to miss, yet here it was once again. The feeling that made all the rough times worth weathering the storm, how unequivocally enamored of you he was with each smile and sweet word. Your sugary repetition of what the officiant said eventually waned, Coin had insisted on less flowery vows to keep the event concise, but that was okay because he'd spilled his heart before. It also helped that now he wasn't sure he'd be able to form any coherent proclamations of love when looking at you put him into a stupor.
“I, Finnick Odair, take you as my wife from this day forward. Together or apart, we will always be united. One life, one purpose, one destiny.” He'd never get sick of the way you were looking at him right now, like that same girl from the market that he'd approached all those years ago who was joyously stunned that Finnick Odair would even talk to her.
“You may kiss the bride." The officiant announced and Finnick had never been more pleased for his lips to touch yours. The salty and peachy taste that lingered on your lips that he adored, compounded with the sound of the children's choir beginning to sing, a confirmation that his official voyage with you had really begun. Ever so slowly he pulled away to gaze at you further.
“Hi." You whispered softly through your perfect smile.
“We're married." He whispered back, the giddy smile almost hurt, but he couldn't make himself stop. “Like actually married."
You nodded with a light laugh, "Yeah, we are!” The words left you so breathily before you'd kissed him once again and he wanted to drown in your lips. His mind seemed to echo the same words over and over again, a never ending stream. She's actually my wife. She's so happy and pretty and my wife. My wife. The way you danced and laughed was exhilarating, this was the you that the Capitol had chipped away at making a glorious appearance. You could have another breakdown tomorrow, but right now you shone brighter than the sun and it was all that mattered. It wasn't home, there was no sea breeze in the air, there had been no net to cover you both, or sending the couple off in a boat at the end for farewells. It wasn't even the spring time wedding you'd once whispered about on late nights, but it seemingly was exactly what you both needed.
Your feet had only stopped moving once the cake was rolled out, glorious in its waves of blue frosting. It truly left him amazed in the attention to detail of each sea creature so delicately placed. “Oh, it's perfect." You muttered, squeezing his hand.
Finnick nodded in agreement, “It's amazing." It was the closest to home as either of you could get, he ached to be able to know he'd be carrying you over the threshold of a tiny cottage by the sea, but he couldn't until this was all over. Until they'd won. So the cake would have to be sufficient enough and in the joy, it was. Especially when you so carefully fed him a bite of it, blue staining his teeth as he took the bite. Before the blue and green had just as equally begun to stain your lips when he did the same, and it made him feel so young again. A kid who'd eaten too many colored sweets.
Eventually the propo had to come to an end and with it, the fun and dancing. But his happiness didn't subside, even if it was no traditional reception of dancing all night, at least he could carry you through the door of the compartment and be with you for eternity.
“Hello, Mrs. Odair." He'd whispered after carefully placing you on the floor of the shared room.
“Hello, Mr. Odair." You responded absentmindedly, eyes so loving as your fingers played with his hair.
“We're actually married, officially married, forever and ever and ever."
“Yeah." You glowed, all of you was so bright. “Don't get cold feet on me now."
"Never.” He affirmed, kissing you again.
"Good because I'm rather attached.” He smirked and quickly pulled you back into his lips. Slowly, but surely your lips attacked him more feverishly, with more passion. It had been so long, but it was a feeling he missed so much, until your fingers had slidden down to the buttons of his jacket, where some sort of panic permeated his happiness. He longed for you more than he'd even let himself ponder, but he couldn't risk it when you were still at risk of a meltdown at any turn. So reluctantly he pulled away.
“Angel, what are you doing?"
He missed the cooling feeling of your skin the moment you pulled contact away and hated how embarrassed you suddenly looked. “I'm sorry, I should have asked, Finnick. If you don't want to, I won't.”
His hands reached out to assure you otherwise and caress the side of your head. “No, no, sweet girl, that's not it. You're all good."
For a moment you seemed relieved before the confusion seemed to settle back in. “Then what's wrong?” Finnick sighed, how could he tell you he was terrified that you'd have a mid-thrust mental breakdown that threw you into some kind of terrified hysteria? He sat down on the bed, preparing himself for the hole he was digging himself into. At the very least, talking to you about it now was leagues better than going along until you cracked.
“Honey, I just don't think it's a good idea."
“Oh, okay." Shit. He always ruined everything. You'd been so open and happy all day only for your voice to slightly break with a speck of insecurity. You were so sweet with the way you'd move on to pretend it didn't upset you somewhat and find something else to do.
“Not because I don't want you, trust me I do." The words tumbled out of his mouth as fast as he could form them to try and reassure you.
“If you want to, then what's stopping us? I do too."
"Honey, come here.” He patted down on the bed and you sat, carefully he grabbed your hands, hoping his warmth would provide some sort of comfort. “I just think maybe we should wait until you're feeling like there's less of a chance that you'll get scared when we're in the middle of something.
"I'm not gonna get scared, Finn, I want this.”
"You're not right now, but say you get hit with those thoughts that say I want you dead, which I don't, and I'm on top of you. That'd be scary for you.”
"I haven't had an episode for a couple weeks.” Your head turned to stare at the wall in front of you.
"You haven't had a major one and I'm so proud of you for that, but you've had some small ones. I don't want one getting bigger because of the circumstances.” Your hands pulled away from his, covering your face where stray tears must have begun to fall. “Hey, no, don't cry. I'm just trying to look out for you."
“I make everything so difficult, I'm sorry."
“No you don't, it's all okay."
Quiet sniffles filled the room before you laid your hands back down on your lap to look at him. “Finnick, I get you're worried about me and I love that about you. But I could freak out waking up in the middle of the night or when we're just cuddling. I want this, I want you, and if the worst happens then it happens and we cross that bridge, but I'm really sick of letting it control me.” He wanted you too, he'd felt guilty for any fantasies he'd had of you, but he had missed every part of you beyond belief.
“I just don't want to do anything you might not be able to handle, I'd need you to constantly communicate with me, so I know you're okay."
“I will, I promise."
You were so ethereal, he hated that it made parts of him throb when his brain had already found another dilemma. “I don't think they've got birth control here, or at least we don't have any."
“That's okay, I don't care." No, he couldn't do that to you. How could you handle being pregnant in the midst of everything else?
“It's not a good idea, angel."
“Why? We'll win the war soon and be back home." He wished it was that simple, but poor you having an episode would only complicate things.
“Honey, I just don't think you're ready right now."
“You're?" Fuck. Why the fuck would he say that.
“I meant to say we. We're not ready." Why was he so stupid? How could he manage to be trying to protect you so hard that he caused an episode instead? He'd have to brace himself for the mess he was causing.
“You’re lying to me. Why am I not ready?”
What he'd give for this blip to be over, to be at the point where there could just be children without all the worry about your health. "It's our wedding night, let's not argue. Let's go to bed, I'll read to you.”
But your walls were slightly raised and he could feel it as you stood up. "I wasn't trying to argue, I was trying to consummate the marriage. And instead of just saying you weren't feeling it right now and letting us move on, you said you thought I'd be a bad mom.”
"That's not what I said, don't put words in my mouth.” He said it too sharply and instantly regretted it.
“Then what are you saying, Finnick?” He despised the fact that he was only confusing you more when he was supposed to be letting you know what was real and what wasn't. The stress in your voice was evident as your arms protectively crossed around your body, foot tapping.
“That I don't think this is a good time for a baby, we should jump over a few more hurdles first." Finnick stood up, desperate to touch you, to soothe you. Trying to hide how mortified he was that regardless of all the talk he could still feel himself straining against his pants. “I just didn't say it right, I'm sorry, sweet girl."
"If you don't want to have sex that's fine, but stop trying to come up with excuses.”
"Angel, I do, I'm just…I've gotten so focused on trying not to set anything off that I've started planting the thoughts instead." He should be stronger, more able to read you so that he wasn't the one instigating the thoughts. Instead he was becoming overly paranoid himself, he hated the idea that he could need care when he was finally trying to care for his girl. “What I meant was, I think we should wait until the war is over for certain, so I'll just pull out." Slowly he approached you, hands softly urging your arms to uncross.
He could feel the way you began melting into his touch and it made him feel whole again. "Do you actually want to? I don't want you to feel like you have too because I'm in a mood.” Your eyes glistened with a sincerity that warmed his heart as your arms succumbed to his movements.
"Wanna make my sweet girl feel better, want to make it up to her.” He could basically hear your heart pounding and he loved that you still got somewhat flustered.
“You're absolutely sure though, right? This isn't just you-" His lips on yours cut off the further listings of any anxieties. Free hands searching for the zipper on the back of the dress as he quickly slid it down. He only pulled away long enough to make sure the dress had successfully become a pool at your ankles before his lips were on your chest. “Finnick?" Your voice snapped his head from his assault to look at you, who looked so sheepish to say anything at all. “Can that wait? I'm just… you know.”
With a smirk he raised his head, makitsure to stand fully back up as he looked at you. "You're just what, angel?”
"Finn, you know.” Your fingers messed with his jacket sleeves as you avoided his gaze.
Softly he pecked you on the lips,"Communication.” Another quick peck, "Need you to say it for me.”
"Finny, please don't be mean.” Fuck. Pulling out that nickname ever so sugary sweetly made him want to cave, to get straight onto taking care of you for life. “Already spent all that time arguing."
"Not being mean, angel, we just have to practice using our words.” You lifted his hand to your face, touching the heat of it to your face, which was oddly hot already considering how cold your hand was, per usual.
Your breath fanned across his hand as you quietly gave the confession, “Been aching for you all day, Finn."
“All day?" His hands moved to slowly unhook your bra, “Waited so well for me." The way you needed to just be coddled and taken care of was evident, he wanted nothing more than to love on you any way that he could. He let the bra fall to the wayside so his fingers could focus on how soaked your panties had become. “Can tell you've been waiting." It had been so long it was no wonder you were shy under his gaze. “Gonna make it better, show you how sorry I am." He could fall into the endless depths of your eyes that drew him in and fall forever with a smile on his face.
“I love you." The way you said it so tenderly made his heart skip a beat, he couldn't help but smile and place a small kiss on the tip of your nose.
“I love you, sweet girl.” Your fingers slipped up to continue the unbuttoning of his jacket which fell into a pile on the floor.
“Are you sure-"
“Yes, I'm sure." Finnick tried to back up this assurance through his eyes, hoping you could read through the depths of his soul. He slid his shirt off and you nodded, a signal that you had accepted what he said as truthful. Your fingers had settled on the button of his pants which you'd slowly undone as he stood there in utter awe of just you, all of you. He stepped out of his pants and boxers, leaving you on a nearly even playing ground. His fingers made their way to your hips, to the hem of your underwear to start pulling them down and the way your skin was so cold was startling. You'd always been freezing to the touch, but it made him feel guilty that you'd been stripped of any warmth besides his fingertips. “You're basically shivering, angel."
“You're burning up, so I'll be okay." It was true, the way your body temperatures aides the others had felt like another way you were made for each other. So slowly he'd pulled the panties off your body until they hit the floor as everything else had. Without another word your lips had crashed onto his which he used as an opportunity to slowly guide you towards the bed while you were lost in the feeling of his lips. He laid you down as your hand on the back of his neck dragged him down with you.
He took the opportunity to slide his fingers into your core and reveled in the feeling of you moaning into his mouth. A sound he hadn't heard in so long that it rang in his ears like music, a symphony that he could listen to for days. “You're so perfect." He muttered through the seconds you pulled away for air. You laughed breathlessly, shaking your head, “Yes you are." Finnick reiterated, thumb finding your clit causing another moan into his mouth the moment your lips had reattached to his. “Melodic to my ears angel, so perfect." Your hands tugged at his hair and he couldn't suppress the groan that came out.
"Love you so much, Finn.” The way you talked through the whimpers every time he added more pressure to your bundle of nerves made him an obsessive man. Your lips had become swollen from your prevalent addiction to his mouth, but you didn't seem to care, whining when he pulled his head just out of reach, trying to tug him back down.
He began thrusting his fingers in faster, mesmerized, as he always was and would be, by the way your face contorted with pleasure. “Love you too, angel, love my wife so much." In his daze of fascination you were able to pull his face back towards your own, fingers knotting in his hair.
Your voice was airy as you smiled softly through small whines,"Your wife.” He felt the clear heat your face exuded when he pressed his forehead to yours, it felt like your souls were one.
"My beautiful, perfect, gorgeous wife.” Your lips raised just enough to steal another peck from him as he kept rubbing harsh circles onto your clit. For a while he became enraptured just by your sounds, he didn't know how long had passed as he took in every small whimper to the loudest moans that you tried to cover.
“Oh my god, Finn!" You writhed slightly, a tell-tale sign of how near you were to release.
"You close, sweet girl? You gonna come for me?” He does his fingers up, as well as the intensity of his circles. Lips meeting yours once again as you nodded, eyes scrunching closed.
“So, so close." He began kissing at your neck, beguiled by the somehow lingering smell of the ocean on your skin.
"Come on, you can let go for me, sweet girl.” His kisses trailed down to your chest once again, utterly addicted to leaving the lingering feeling of his lips wherever he could. Upon your release the climactic end of the symphony blessed his ears and he was certain that if it was somehow possible, it had certainly made him harder. "So good for me." He slid his fingers out of you, the need to taste you winning when he brought them to his mouth.
“Need you inside, Finny, please." Your hands lead his face back close enough to kiss as you tried to catch your breath.
“You sure you're ready, angel?” You nodded eagerly, legs lifting to cross around his torso, pulling him closer.
“Yeah. Are you?" Your voice was so sugary sweet and addictive, every part of you was, if he died he was sure every part of you would consume his senses first.
“Yeah." His hand moved to softly caress your face, moving small strands of hair that had begun sticking to it away. Carefully he lined himself up with your entrance, stroking your cheek before he slowly pushed himself in. The sounds of both of your moans mixed in the air, intertwined as your bodies were. “Feel so good, angel. Fits so perfectly, you were made for me, we were made for each other." It was true, he wouldn't be complete without you. He'd gone his whole life needing nothing more than you, in every sense of the way, you fit one another flawlessly. He felt so sensitive that he was scared he might already be on his way to the climax, which he only dreaded because of how close he felt to you when he was in the warmth of your walls. That you were as close as you possibly could be, yet he still longed to be nearer.
“Faster, please?" It was nearly incoherent as you babbled through your whines, arms wrapped tightly around his shoulders, as if you were still somehow trying to pull him in further. He happily obeyed your plea and sped up his ministrations, thrusting through his own climbing pleasure as he moaned. “Missed you so much, Finn. Can't live without you, you're-" Your own moans interrupted your train of thought and you took a moment to regain some type of verbal composure. “Only ever wanted you, only needed you. Meant to be." He was able to decipher your proclamations through the whines and over the sound of his own noises, it brought him ten times closer to feel so basked by your love.
“Not gonna let anyone hurt you ever again, I'm gonna take such good care of my wife. Promise." The security you both needed, that you both ached for and could only be guaranteed once the reign of Snow had toppled entirely. You looked ethereal, your face scrunched up with each noise you made, hair splayed out around you, eyes glazed over with adoration and pleasure. He was so hypnotized by the way love seemed to have filled every crevice of the room and whisped around that he barely even registered that he was at the very top of his climax. He'd let go at what felt so suddenly that he'd simply thrusted further inside of you as you moaned at your own release. It wasn't until the thrill had mostly passed that he remembered his own fears. “Shit, shit, shit.” He muttered as he pulled out of you completely.
You sat up almost instantaneously and he could feel the panic radiating off of you. "What, are you okay?”
You were so sweet. "Yeah, I'm fine, sweet girl. I just…" He trailed off, staring at you, wide-eyed, anxious to help at any indication something was wrong. For years, nearly a decade he had loved you, something that somehow seemed to be constantly, rapidly increasing. Besides all the troubles you'd both endured he knew there was nothing he would trade any of it for if he knew he could have you and now that life you both yearned for was just in grasp. Finnick had and would dedicate every second he could to sustaining that dream and keeping you afloat, and if he could do that, he could do the same if you did get pregnant. He sighed and leaned closer to you, “Nevermind, angel, just didn't pull out, but it's okay. We're so close to freedom I can taste it and I want a family with you so bad. Finally going to be able to have our perfect little family and perfect little life." He crawled into the bed near you, kissing your face.
“You really want a family with me?" Your eyes were wide with an adorable hope, like you hadn't really accepted that he really wanted to be with you. He scoffed like the doubt was ridiculous.
“Of course I want a family with you, my sweet girl, I married you." He pulled you as close as he could get you, foreheads pressed together once again, making his heart buzz with contentment.
You smiled before looking for reassurance once again, which he was happy to deal out. “And you're gonna stay with me, right? Never gonna be a part or split up again?"
With all the sincerity possible he caresses your face again, “Never gonna leave you again, I promise, angel." You were blissfully pleased with his answer and kissed him once again.
But maybe Snow was right, even if it was unintentional, Finnick Odair was a liar and he in some ways resented himself for it. Yet it felt like there was nothing else for him to do when weeks later he found out about the squad Coin was putting together and he was absolutely certain that regardless of the shared training, the promises, he had to be on that squad, and you absolutely could not be.
Finnick couldn't remember the last time he'd be physically ill, but since you entered the arena, he'd spent every day fighting the nausea. The Capitol's medicine certainly helped, but when he got feverish he barely wanted to take the concoctions. No if you died, he'd let himself die of fever to be with you. This was all his fault for ever even breathing in your direction, for caring, and now he'd have to suffer for it. What kept him going was how he had to be presentable and therefore healthy enough to get you sponsors, to rally for you. So he downed the medicine and copious amounts of caffeine to try and stay awake, he couldn't risk missing anything regardless of the alliances supposed to keep watch when you slept, he knew how fickle those could be. He rallied harder than he ever had to keep the public opinion on your side, you were sweet, delicate, a hopeless romantic, trying to stay alive for love, so pure, naive, a princess being forced to slay the dragon. Per usual people gobbled up any word that fell from his mouth and the sponsors came when called.
Then the rain started and he prayed that the arena would flood, you could swim, you'd survive that way, but it didn't flood. Raindrops just pattered down as the temperature dropped and then in what seemed like a matter of minutes, a few days into the rain, you were sick. Never had he been so grateful to have withheld the money for gifts beforehand because now he could get you what you needed to stay alive. Your lips were turning blue and he felt like he was tripping over himself in anxiety to send it to you. The sound of the rain echoed in his ears as he desperately waited for the blanket to arrive. For you to be warm, to stay alive. That night was the first one he had let himself cry, where death felt so imminent that he was plotting ways to go with you.
You persisted, you were like that. He felt his spirits rise as you continued on, so smart, so resourceful. His stomach wasn't in complete knots until suddenly your facade was slipping. What the fuck were you doing? What the fuck were you saying?
“Seems there's a lot about you I don't know then.” Conway stood and stared at you, Finnick could feel the illusion cracking through the screen. It was never going to continue forever, but this was too soon.
You tried to be quick on your feet, to throw together words to save yourself. “I’m not saying that I want to, just that sometimes you have to do what it takes to survive. Even if it's difficult -”
Conway interrupted your attempted safe and in that moment Finnick's stomach dropped. “Untrue?" Fuck. Fuck him. Fuck himself and Conway and fuck your slip of tounge. The stress had clearly gotten to you and was messing with how articulate you usually could be with your words.
“Yeah, I guess."
Finnick couldn't help but start muttering out loud, “No, no, no, no, don't say that. Angel, please.” He felt like he was going to cry again, you were on the edge of a cliff and the rocks were cracking.
“I'm sorry if that upsets you, I'm just doing what it takes to get home." Of course you were, you were doing what you had to, like every victor had, but you shouldn't have said it. It definitely didn't help that the frustration was evident in your voice. There must have been a brick of lead in the bottom of his stomach. Now he could never be home with you. Conway knew, there was no way he didn't.
“It’s okay, I understand.” No he didn't. “It's just hard to come to terms with, when you remember that this is all designed to bring that out in us. To see the other side, not through rose colored glasses.” Then he kissed you and Finnick knew the tides had turned. You needed to catch on, you could not be the prey, not now. Say you have to pee and run. Dart to wherever you can and hide.
Yet you didn't, you stuck by his side, and didn't follow when he and the male tribute from 7 went off alone for a second as you all ate. Finnick felt numb as the two discussed how they would get rid of you and the girl from 7, eyes red and stinging as he stared at the screen. He was helpless, he could only hope you could get his telepathic message that you were in danger. You didn't and your death warrant had been signed.
He saw how disenchanted Conway was by you when you killed the girl from 2. How dare he be disgusted when you were doing exactly what you had too in order to survive. Finnick was screaming at you through the television when Conway led you away. Stay. Stay by the girl from 7, let her take out the threat of Conway. Don't go with him. It was so hard to watch, but he persisted because he had to make sure you were alive. Finnick despised the way Conway was luring you in, he didn't care if it was hypocritical, you needed to survive, to come back home to him. When Conway's lips crashed into yours as he pulled the knives, your only protection, out of your hands Finnick felt like he'd lost all grip on reality. He threw a glass at the screen which shattered with a resounding crash, bubbly liquid cascading across the room, but he didn't care. Not when you were being led straight to your death, a ticket to a train that kept you forever away from him on this Earth.
You appeared so innocent and trusting, but with a glance Finnick could tell how scared you were, that you knew something was no longer quite right. Then the foot tapping started and if Finnick's stomach could get heavier then it did, too obvious. Any chances of you being able to play the role of the naive ingenue were long gone because Conway knew what it meant too. Then you did as Finnick had begged you to do long before, you ran. Predator and prey. You ran, he chased. Conway's long legs gave him an advantage as he sprinted after you, calling your name out in the tense air. You tried to hurtle yourself upon the closest tree and Conway had pulled you down in seconds.
This was it, the end. Finnick could feel his eyes welling with tears as his yells intertwined with your screams of begging Conway to let you go. He didn't know when he did it, but the coffee table had been toppled over on the floor, objects scattered across the carpet. Conway spewed on and on about how he knew you didn't love him, your heart was clearly owned by another, and how he was getting back at you now. You fought like hell, trying to squirm your way out of his arms until a knife was firmly plunged in your side. The scream you let out was so gut wrenching that let himself crumple onto the floor. Knees pulled up to his chest, face wet with a steady stream of tears, he was so helpless, so broken to not be able to save you.
You, however, made the tides change when your hands, now covered in defensive wounds, sharply forced themselves into Conway's eye. He screamed, trying to cover it, and you'd instantly darted up. Suddenly there was light at the end of the tunnel again, you were so smart, you'd halted him long enough to grab the spear. Finnick held his breath until the cannon went off, you'd overcome it, and he hated that he'd doubted you would.
Regardless of the fact that there were two tributes left, part of the weight on his chest lifted. He knew the feeling of how adrenaline pushed through the body to get you through every kill to the victory when one was in the arena and he could see it in you. His eyes stayed glued to the screen and he felt like he was stuck to the floor. Fingers knotting into the carpet as he anxiously watched. Time passed agonizingly slow, it hadn't been long, but each second you were still in there was hell. A hell that burned his chest just as yours must have been was the girl from 7 was holding you under the water. Just hold your breath, don't panic, just keep holding it as long as you can. You were an excellent swimmer, you could do this. Your body flailed about, trying to break free, but the other girl was firm in her hold. He'd sink into the bathtub himself, go overfill it and drag his head under, force the instincts to hold his breath wouldn't kick in.
Oh how the Capitol would mourn but love the tragedy of every single lover dead. The story they would tell of how heart wrenching it was. A story that wouldn't be told because you'd found the spear and quickly thrusted it upwards. A cannon echoed. You'd won. You'd come back to him. He'd be yours. You'd be his. You'd be each other's. Tears of relief, of happiness racked through his body. Fate had granted you both more time, he would forever be indebted for it. He shot up from the floor, staring at you, “I'm gonna be with you so soon, angel, right with you. Never gonna leave." He'd do whatever he could to be with you as soon as possible, to hold you once again, it was exhilarating to know the work had not been in vain. He'd have to comfort you, console you, but it would all be worth it just to be with you once again. He couldn't even dream of ever leaving your side when he had you so securely back, the one person he loved more than life itself.
Finnick thought he'd had plenty of preparation for how you might respond when you found out that he'd convinced Coin you weren't mentally stable enough yet to be on the squad. He'd done it to protect you, to make sure you were safe, but he needed to be involved. It felt like a no-brainer that he had to help really take the Capitol down, take Snow down. Your emotions made his skin bristle with cold, you were stormy, hurt, betrayed. Which he hadn't done, he responded, he'd done it to save you.
“How could you do that to me?" Your voice shook as you wiped away the tears creeping up in your waterline.
“Angel, I can't let you go out there and die. I'm just keeping you safe." He tried to get closer, if he could just touch you that could reassure you of his pure, loving intentions.
“You think I'm gonna be safe when you die out there and I'm stuck completely alone?"
“I won't die." His eyes were pleading and yours were full of a white hot rage he'd never had directed at him on full blast before.
“I went through all the same training as you, I am my own person, you don't get to make decisions for me.”
“I don't want to control you, I want to keep you safe." How could you not understand? He sighed and took a step closer, which you countered. "Honey, I don't doubt that you're getting better, but this is war and if something happens that makes you go off…” Like him dying, like you being out there with him when his soul left the binds of the planet. “You could be a danger to yourself."
“I’ll be a danger to myself here too."
“There are doctors here who can take care of you, sweet girl. Please, I love you and need you here." Finnick tried to ignore the pressure of tears building up.
“All they'll do is sedate me and I'll never recover. I have to go with you, Finnick, you can't let me rot away alone." You got closer, hands finding his face. He adored the feeling but he couldn't savor it when your eyes were digging into his, bargaining with the depths of his soul. Which would not bend, it couldn't fold to you, no matter how much he wanted to be attached to you for every waking and sleeping moment. You must have sensed this incoming rejection when your face became stony and your grip began to slip away.
He tried to pull your hands back towards him, to keep contact, “It's just a couple of weeks, then we'll be free. We can go home together, live our lives, and have our perfect family. Just one more thing I've got to do."
You fully pulled away and he grieved the loss of contact. "You're punishing me, for leaving you in the arena, you're trying to get back at me for it.”
He shook his head as quickly as he could, "No, I'm not. You were just trying to follow the plan, I don't have any grudge over that, sweet girl. You did what you had too.”
"Like how you're doing what you have too, now?” The air felt stagnant in the silence of the beat as you stared at each other. You stepped closer again, hands grabbing his arms, pleading. “I know I was terrible, that I'm terrible, but please don't punish me for it. Please, Finn, don't do this to me." His head ached, his heart ached, everything ached.
“You're not a terrible person, I love you, and you can't go."
“You promised me-" You choked for a second on the tears in your throat, “You promised you wouldn't leave me." He thought about how you'd done the same and hated himself for thinking it. That was the thinking you already assumed he had and that's what he had to fight against.
“I know and I'm sorry, honey. It won't be long." Once again you pulled your body away from his, you looked so betrayed that it felt like he'd been stabbed in the stomach. “I promise."
He felt like he watched something frightening click in your brain, “You promised last time too." Your voice was low before your hands started moving rapidly around while you spoke. “This is you trying to get into my head, they were right, but you're in my head instead. You're trying to psychologically get to me, oh my god, I get it now."
“No, no, no, no, no, no, honey, no. That's not real." Another step forward and you stumbled slightly as you quickly went backwards.
“Yes, you've been toying with me this whole time. That's why you keep pulling shit like this, you're trying to break me.” He was always digging himself into much deeper holes.
"Angel, I'm not. I'm trying to keep you safe. I swear, the stuff you're thinking, that's not true.” Your arms crossed around your chest. “This is why you can't go, this is dangerous."
“I'm not crazy!" You looked at the ground, shaking your head as the tears began falling.
He stepped closer, “Nobody's saying that, you're not crazy. I know that. You just need some more time."
“If I needed more time, why wouldn't you stay?" You pointed at him, “You are a fucking liar and I wish you'd just have killed me instead of playing mind games on me."
You moved around so frantically that he had no choice but to grab you and he wanted to die himself when you flinched and shrunk into yourself. “I don't want you dead. I'm keeping you safe, I know I lied, I didn't mean to and I am so, so sorry.” His own dam protecting him from tears had broken and he began to cry. "I will come back so we can be together forever because I love you, that's what's real. When I'm gone and you're confused, know for a fact that I love you.”
“You can't go. If you go, I have this horrible feeling something bad will happen. Please, Finn, just stay with me.” The way his chest squeezed with guilt was nearly unbearable.
"I have to go.” He whispered and the way you completely broke down made him wish he'd never gotten close enough to be the one who hurt you like this. He caught you before you hit the ground and held you close. "We have time, I've got you, sweet girl. It's okay.” He soothed, rubbing the top of your head, rocking you back and forth to try and call you down.
When it was finally time for him to, the doctors did have to sedate you. It left him with echoes in his ears of how pleaded with him and how you cried. The thought of how much he would really be betraying you if he died kept him going. Every step of the journey was thoughts of you, echoes of you. Wondering if you were still sedated and how he'd make it up to you when you could finally be together again. Free from the reign of the Capitol and together. At least you were safe in District 13, you'd be upset, but protected until the world was ready to stop reigning terror on the two of you. That was until Coin sent in the replacement members for the squad and Finnick was sure he would absolutely lose it when you and Peeta walked off the craft, straight into another set of trials and tribulations determined to tear apart his happiness.
thank you all so much for reading and all the fun discussions we've been having about all the details, I love you all so much. as always likes, reblogs, comments, feedback is all very very appreciated. love you all so so much 💋
taglist: @aegonswife @avoxrising @artsyaquarium @jennaaaaaaaaaaaa @secretsicanthideanymore @darlingsoulbeautifulthoughts @thatonegayloser616 @libertyybellls @meri-soni-meri-tamanna @ravensinthedaylight @innercreationflower @uhnanix @aesthetic0cherryblossom @yourdailymemedelivery @ang3lflor @maxinehufflepuffprincess @prettybiching @miserablebl00d @wowzabowza69 @nomorespahgetti @problematicpastries @abaker74 @nj01 @whens-naptime @sarcasticbooknerd12 @cakes-hq @honethatty12 @s1lngwns @alliex-o @mushy-mushroom04 @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @korra-rail-me @scoliobean @quack-quack-snacks @itsrainingbisexualfrogs @chqsing-annabcth
247 notes · View notes
guiltysungho · 2 months
— Daybreak
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genre : tags. fluff, summer romance, small town romance, angst (?), found family (?)
pairing. barista!sungho x fem!reader (she/her used)
wordcount. 3714
a/n. submission for the onedoornet summer event. i love writing stories set in the summer tbh most of my stuff is set in summer lol. this is heavily inspired by summerstrike, favorite k drama !! ty to @ddingdongz + @loserlvrss for helping beta reading this.
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Picture this. An empty room, your empty room, with you in the middle of it taking in the nothingness of it all. You tried to see it a different way, but that was all it was, an empty room that would probably stay that way unless you chose to fill up the space. A thought that often crossed your mind but never got any further.
The summertime somehow made it worse for you, with no plans you were forced to stay 24 hours in that void. The hours you would have usually spent in the office performing remote tasks with radio noise thoughts, you now have to spend in complete consciousness. You would try to distract yourself, but it was always the same thing every day, the same dreams wasting away.
This was the only life you knew; you had a job and place to stay, you had to find contentment in what you had, but it was harder than that. Maybe you had to seek out new perspectives to understand how to live again.
Run away and leave it all behind, the first step would always be the hardest but once it was done, it would be up to you. Small drops make a mighty ocean, right?
One day was all you needed, you would take the first bus in the morning to wherever it leads you and then… you would just try to live for once. Forget that your room is empty and that your dreams aren’t as easy to achieve so you could have a clear mind for the future.
No matter how much you planned, you would never know what exactly you would meet there so you kept the planning minimal, trusting fate to make the day memorable.
At 4 am, you were ready at the bus stop waiting with three other people in complete silence, half asleep as you stood there. The bus arrived soon enough, and you let yourself doze off by the tinted windows, counting the cars passing by.
8 am and you were finally there, you weren’t entirely sure where “there” was, but you were somewhere else and that felt like an achievement in itself. The sky was already well lit up, clear and blue. Everything seemed so new, so different even the sky looked a different shade of blue. The seagulls cried loudly echoing back and forth as you walked along the roadside, the ocean filled the horizon swaying along with the wind, crashing against the sandy beach.
You made up your mind to stay on the beach for a while, long enough for hunger to settle in, and you would figure out your next stop from there. You had been used to seeing crowded beaches so much in your life that you had forgotten how beautiful the ocean was, how calming the beach could be. The fresh smell of sea-life, calm breeze rushing through your hair as you sat there on the sand watching the push and pull.
You thought of taking a commemorative photo, but you had the funny idea to “forget” your phone this morning. You had this useless attachment to it, even when you were doing nothing productive on it. So, you figured it wouldn’t be necessary, and maybe you were right, but you wanted to keep this image safe from the inaccuracy of memories.
It was just as you dreamt it, the quiet, the peace, you could sit there for ages, let the sand envelop you and become a timeless myth, an artifact forever tied to the spot, but you had other plans.
Checking the watch around your wrist, you read the time, 9:43 am. A good time for breakfast. The problem now was finding where to eat breakfast, but you needed to not know so you could want to find out. So, you walked around, letting your feet lead you wherever, through all sorts of streets looking around for any kind of food.
It felt like a long search, but you had walked for less than 30 minutes before you found a nice cafe, deeper into the town, further from the beach but it held the essence of the ocean, encapsulated in all sorts of trinkets decorating the space.
A chiming ring echoed across the room as you stepped in, not a single person in sight for the first few minutes. It seemed empty despite the sign on the door that read “open”, so decided to move on. Almost like he heard your footsteps, ready to walk out the door, a tall young man came out from the back, tying his hair together and out of his face as he smiled at you.
“Welcome, please make yourself comfortable, I’ll be right with you.” You took a couple steps closer, completely hypnotized by the young man’s beauty, taking a seat right by the counter.
He somehow looked the part, exactly how one would imagine a barista in a small town in the middle of nowhere, precisely out of a daydream.
He handed you a menu before retreating back to the kitchen in the back. You scanned through meticulously, picking enough food to keep you filled for the rest of the day.
He came back out to meet you, this time with a name tag on, Sungho you thought as he asked you for your order.
“Long trip?” He smiled at the small list you had picked out from the menu, you nodded in response with a thin smile trying to ignore the urge you felt to stare at him. 
“It might take a few, I’m the only one in today.” you let him know you were in no rush, and just like that he left the room with a thumbs up and a smile.
It was a shorter wait than you’d expected considering it was just him in the kitchen. He’d started bringing over side dishes for you 10 minutes in, his sleeves rolled up to his elbows as he placed the plates in front of you. A few strands fell out of the grip of the hair tie falling perfectly on his face, he sighed, shaking the hair at his face before looking at you. 
He thought about it for a second, leaning in as he spoke, “Sorry to ask this but could you push this strand behind my ear?” you stared at him wide eyed, blinking at his face right in front of yours.
You reach for the hair hesitantly, carefully pushing it behind his ear. He flashed a thankful grin, backing up completely and out of the room.
After nearly an hour you got your full meal, your first meal of the day, and probably your last, so you ate it like it was. Big portions, cheeks filled, satisfied groans. Completely forgetting the other presence in the room.
He was looking at you, watching you purse your lips as you chewed on the food, the moment you looked up you were met with his stare, your eyes widened from the sudden eye contact.
“Sorry,” he chuckles nervously looking away from you, “…Are you here on vacation?”
“Oh yeah, I’m just here for the day.” you answer finishing the last crumbs off your dish. 
“What are you hoping to find here?” He asks curiously with an amused expression. The question sets you off into a whole explanation on your boring life and your strong will to see new things. You aren’t sure you will find what you were looking for here but that’s somehow part of the journey.
“…I guess I just want to see the world now, instead of locking myself inside.” you let out a light laugh, as if to lighten the mood after your slight rant.
“That’s really cool. I think you’ll like it here.”
“Really?” you beam, he lets out a light chuckle as he nods grabbing your empty plates to clear the space.
“Honestly. I could show you around a bit if you want.” he disappears into the kitchen as he suggests it. You sit  there with a smile on your face waiting for him to enter the room again to accept his proposition. 
“I’d love that, I didn’t really have a plan so you’d be helping me out a lot.” 
“Perfect. I’ll just clear up this place and close up for the day.” you mouth a quiet oh, surprised he would close the whole shop to help you. He notices and smiles reassuring you, “Don’t worry it’s usually empty on Saturdays.”
After a short wait he steps out with a light linen summer shirt, his hair is untied, shaping his face perfectly. When you thought he couldn’t get more attractive he just embodies the idea of a summer crush. He gives you a gentle smile gesturing for you to follow him out the back door, you watch him lock the doors waiting closely behind.
This was one of those things you would have never done a month ago and standing there you realize how absurd the idea of following a man around in a place he knew so well while you knew nothing about was, but for some reason you felt you had nothing to lose in the moment. Maybe it’s ‘cause he’s incredibly attractive.
He introduces you to his bicycle, letting you know that that was his means of transport and so it would be yours. Biking seemed more appealing to you, it had been a while since you had been on a bike so when you hold onto him as he rides by the beach it feels like a lost memory that you had forgotten in the midst of all your working. You listen to the seagulls cry, feel the nice summer breeze on your face as the hot sun taps on your skin reflecting yellow beams onto the canvas.
Even his presence feels like a strongly cemented part of the memory, like he made it whole, you could feel him so close under the thin fabric of his shirt and it made you realize that the touch of a human was something you had been missing for the longest time.
“It’s really nice here.” You hum, resting the side of your face on his back.
“Yeah it feels like home.” He says with a smile looking over his shoulder to look at you. 
“Isn’t it home for you?” He nods as he turns back to the road, turning into streets, waving to the townspeople, before answering you. 
“I guess you’re right..” he let out a light chuckle, his bright smile lingering as he continues, “I actually moved here when I turned 18, I just needed to get away and I found myself here.” 
“Wow, that's such a bold move.”
“Yeah it was so out of character for me but I needed to and it was probably the best decision I’ve made.” he slows down his peddling gradually before stopping in front of a big house. You had been riding uphill for a while and now you could see why. 
The whole ocean right beneath you, you could see everything so clearly and it was so beautiful. You could feel your eyes glistening as you looked at the landscape with so much marvel. A sudden realization that life isn’t supposed to be dull, it’s meant to be filled with beauty and splendor. 
“This is so…” you look around searching for a greater word to describe all that you are feeling but nothing comes close. 
You only realize you are still on the bike once he gets up, taking your hand to help you off as well. He looks at you pleased, that you enjoy the sight as much as he did when he’d been here for the first time. 
“Come, let me show you something.” You follow behind him eagerly, watching him ring the doorbell to the only house that stood on the hill.  
The door opens soon enough and there stands an old lady with the kindest smile and soft rosy cheeks. You watch him give her a hug as he greets her, letting her place a kiss on his head.  
“And this is your girlfriend.” Before either of you is able to deny the claims, she gives you a warm hug. Such a loving hug you don’t want it to end, the type of hug you needed daily. 
“Such a lovely girl, what’s your name darling?” You give her a polite smile as you answer, letting her soft hands hold onto your for a little longer. 
You glance up to find Sungho staring at the both of you with a soft smile, your eyes meet and he gives you an apologetic pout. 
“Mamie,” she turns over to him still holding your hands, “I wanted to ask you a favor.” She rushes over to him. 
He leans towards her and whispers a few words to her, making your curiosity grow, her smile grows as she listens to his request and as soon as he’s done she goes back into her house, leaving you there clueless. 
You turn over to him, narrowing your eyes with curiosity, he flashes a smile before turning away, waiting for her to reappear. 
“Here you go darling.” She walks up to you and hands you an ethereal conch shell. You had never seen one before but you never knew they could be so pretty. You stare at it for a couple seconds completely in awe, before looking up to her with a grateful smile. 
She stretches her arms out once again for you, hugging her tightly as you thank her. “Sungho could use the company. He doesn’t like mentioning it but I know. So if you’re ever thinking of coming back, don’t hesitate, just come, okay?” 
After saying your goodbyes, you get back on the bike, riding downhill back into town. Her words stay stuck on your mind as you ride through the small streets, a reminder that you would be leaving after today and you would have to accept that. Every part of you wanted to stay.  
“Was she a relative of yours?” you ask looking over his shoulder, arms still wrapped around his waist and he peddles. 
“Not biologically. When I first got here I was stranded but she took me in, and I stayed there on the hill for a while.” He explains as you arrive on a market street, a small crowd walking through the street, “This is where the fun happens, trust me.” 
He parks his bike in a hidden spot, helping you off and ready to guide you through the small market. You glance up at him amused by the liveliness in the street, such a crowd in such a seemingly empty town. 
A light tap on the back of your head makes you look down at your hand, you look up at him curiously. He takes your hand in his as you stare into his eyes with a puzzled look, pulling you closer, and leaning to your ear. 
“It can get a bit rough so just stay close, okay?” You nod at him, letting him guide you through the small crowd. 
As you walk together, he tells you about each stand and how the market works, how it changes depending on the month and the regular stands that people line up for. It could have been the least interesting topic but for some reason you were fascinated by the community, the dedication of each person to hold a stand as early as 7 in the morning. 
“Do you hold a stand for your coffee shop sometimes?” He smiles at the question, nodding in response. 
“Sometimes, but it’s mostly for festivals or big events. The market is more for the necessities and street foods.” Just as he mentioned it a savory smell hit your nose, you turn to the stand beside you watching the lady behind it cook the snack with extreme focus.  
He notices you staring and stops in front of the spot, to let you taste the speciality. The lady looks up from her workspace and her expression brightens as she sees Sungho, and even more when she notices you. 
“Sungho! Is this your girlfriend?” He shakes his head letting out an awkward laugh. “What are you waiting for?”
“She’s not from here.” She frowns for a second before glancing at you. 
“Do you like the town?” She asks you, hands still working on the food making. You nod, answering her with a polite smile. 
“She likes it here. You’re stalling.” 
“How am I—“ 
“Here’s a snack young lady, take care of the boy for us, okay?” You laugh softly as you accept the treat, he reaches out for his wallet and the lady smacks his hand. “Keep it and start saving up for the ring.” She laughs a mocking laugh before going back to her work, leaving the both of you stunned.  
Walking away neither of you speaks for a bit, just snickering as you walk side by side, “I’m sorry about that.” He says with a smile, you shake your head completely dismissing it, giggling as you did. 
You walk around a bit more, eating your snacks together and looking at the different stands. Watching the owners show off their craft, getting interrogated by the townsfolk on your relationship. You enjoy every moment with him, even just walking in complete silence feels right and you just met him. 
All your life you had been looking for this, you dreamt of being close to someone beyond the materialistic standards, of being with someone you could just be with and right now that was all you could feel. You hadn’t come to this place to find someone to help you out of your misery but you found someone and it was nice. 
But it only makes you dread the moment when his comforting presence wouldn’t be so close. He stops by one of the stalls, and you follow. A jewelry stand, handmade crafts with sea life trinkets, pearls, shells, squid ink, it is all so unique. You watch him look at the pieces, scanning through the selection before landing his eyes on one. 
He takes it from the display, a teardrop shaped pendant with sea water inside, dangling off a silver chain. He glances at you and then at the necklace, before asking to pay for it. After that he keeps it to himself, fidgeting with the paper bag it was in, waiting for the right moment to hand it to you. 
The walk soon ends and you take the bike once again, this time he rides you down to the beach, almost as empty as in the morning. You sit together on the sand just as you did in the morning and for the first time since you saw him you check the time. 5:27 pm, the day is nearly over, but you’re still enjoying it. 
“When will you be heading back? I’ll take you to the station.” He says quietly, eyes on the vast horizon. 
“I’m not sure I was planning for 7:30 maybe?” He nods, registering the information. “When is the last bus?” 
He turns to you, surprised by the question and somewhat relieved, that you didn’t want to leave so soon, “10pm, they don’t go too late here since nobody is really coming and going.” 
Those 5 hours seem like nothing, you want to stay forever but it would be irresponsible, irrational, you had to go back. You sigh, it wouldn’t be responsible to tell him how much you enjoyed his company today, since you weren’t sure when you would be back but you could feel the words itching at your throat. 
“I really liked spending time with you today, y/n.” He says, staring at the sand below you, voicing out your thoughts before you can. 
“I did too, you really did make me like it here.” 
“I’m glad.” He turns to you with a smile, it takes everything in you to not kiss him then and there. His hair flows in the wind, orange sun shining on his skin.  
“I don’t want to leave.” The words slip out mindlessly, as you stare at him.  
“Then don’t.” His stare shows more intent, all the begging he couldn’t do, his eyes reveal, “You came just like I did, with a backpack and now look at me, I’m running a coffee shop.” 
You give him an apologetic smile, it was too much for you leaving a whole life behind. You could come back eventually, but right now you couldn’t stay. 
“You can come work with me at the shop. The ladies in town are so welcoming, they’ll help you with everything.”
“Sungho… it’s not that easy.” He sighs, nodding as he turns back to the calm ocean view. 
“I know… It was worth the try though.” He laughs softly, you smile, taking his hand in yours. 
“I promise I will come back though.”
“I’ll be waiting.” You feel your heart bounce at the sound of those words, he makes you feel so special in everything he does. 
You stay there on the beach till the sun sets, enjoying the last moments together without thinking of the looming separation that is awaiting you. Once you reach the bus station, it’s about 9:48 pm and time is still moving as much as you wish it would stop for you. 
You look at him once more, one last time, he finally hands you the paper bag with the necklace he’d bought earlier. “A small souvenir, just for memories.” 
You ask him to put it on for you and he does. Pushing your hair aside, standing so close behind you, you could feel his breath. He comes back to your view after hooking it, looking at you with a pleased smile. Such a small pendant, yet it elevates your beauty in so many ways. 
The last call for the bus brings you both back to the moment. You both walked towards the bus the whole way in silence, waving each other goodbye as you entered the vehicle. You watch him out the window, as the bus starts he stands there looking at you. The words are inaudible but you can tell what he says as the bus drives off: “I’ll miss you y/n.”
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Hi there! I really like your writing! ☺️ I have a request can I get a Sabo x Strawhat pirate reader please? Thank you! 😊❤️
Sabo X Strawhat Reader @ Dressrosa Fluff and NSFW w/ Sex Pollen
Authors Note: SO… not much in actual canon to set this up, so I struggled a bit. Anyways, here is the Sabo x Reader meeting at Dressrosa. Wasn’t sure if we wanted  Fluff or smut, so figured why not both? Smut is labeled as such. Enjoy. 
Warnings: FLUFF, MDNI, NSFW, Fingering, public sex, p in v sex, finishing inside reader, i don’t own these characters, glove kink
You exited Kyros’ cabin to get some air. The excitement of the past 24 hours on Dressrosa was overwhelming. You were exhausted and yet, the continuing adrenaline prevented you from sleeping.The world outside the cabin was quiet and still. The voices inside the cabin echoed from within the walls, reminiscing about the events of the day. A breeze blew past your face, catching in your hair as it lay behind your shoulders. The air was cool, but comforting. Wanting a break from the voices, you slowly wandered your way up the hill from the cabin towards a large tree surrounded by wildflowers. 
You stopped at the base of the tree and admired the flowers at your feet. Shades of pinks, yellow, oranges and red surround you. The air smelled of a floral sweetness, with a hint of dust from the destruction in the village, just beyond where you stood. A deep orange flower with gold tips caught your attention. You knelt down to pick it up, smoothing your light blue sundress as you did. You brought the petals to your nose and breathed in a sweet honey scent with a touch of vanilla.
Its scent transports you back to a moment at sea with your crew. Sanji had picked flowers from an island you stopped on for supplies. Robin had set them on the table as a centerpiece. Sanji made a big dinner for you all and you gathered at the table for the meal. Luffy, Usop, and Chopper were all doing something silly that made you laugh. Sanji and Zoro argued about gentlemanly behaviors. Nami had to stop their argument by hitting them over the head with her fists, for fear they were going to knock over the table. Franky told you about an invention he was working on that made Usop, Luffy, and Chopper swoon. Brook sipped on some tea and told you about a new melody he had been working on before cracking a bone joke. Robin made a cynical joke in response to Brook’s bone joke, then softly chuckled as Usop screamed in terror. It was the first time you had realized how at home you felt with the crew. Smelling the wildflower, you missed the Sunny. You missed being with your whole crew. You missed home.
You were awoken from your flashback by the snapping of a twig behind you. You quickly stood up and turned to face the cause of the disturbance with a gasp. Before you, stood a tall man with blonde hair and a top hat. He was dressed in vintage clothing. You tensed as your eyes met his. You had seen his picture in the paper and recognized him from Doflamingo’s bounty presentation earlier in the day. However, you were unsure as to whether he was friend or foe  as you knew little beyond his name and occupation. Sabo, Chief of Staff of the Revolutionary Army, was standing before you, but why, you did not know. You took a deep breath and relaxed your muscles as he smiled sweetly at you.
“Hey. Sorry to scare you. I’m Sabo, I recognized you from your wanted poster. I was just here to see Luffy, but then I saw you here.” Sabo said as he took off his hat and repositioned it under his left arm.
Your body stiffened at the name of your captain coming out his mouth. Your breath caught in your throat as you raced through scenarios. You had read about Sabo, you knew he was tough. You weren’t sure why he wanted Luffy, but you knew he was in no state to fight, frankly none of you were. It was your duty to protect your captain. You clenched your fists and took a deep breath as Sabo fumbled at his gloves.
“What do you want with Luffy?” You asked as you took a step towards the man.
“Luffy?” He said with hesitancy as he studied you. “Luffy is my brother. I’m here to see if he’s alright.” He added.
You gasped at his announcement. Your breath caught in your chest as your mind raced through every story Luffy ever told you. Within them you searched for mention of a brother besides Ace and found nothing. Your eyebrows furrowed as you stared at the kind face of the man before you. 
“What are you talking about? Luffy never mentioned another brother. I met Ace, you’re not him.” You harshly responded with a raised voice as you took another step towards the man.
“He’s dead.” He replied calmly as he replaced his hat atop his head. “Luffy never mentioned me because he thought I was dead. Frankly, I forgot all about him until… Ace…” He paused as his gaze left yours for a moment to stare at the ground before you. “Sorry, I had just got done explaining this to your crewmates. Then I walked out of the cabin and saw you here.” Sabo smiled as his eyes flickered back up to meet yours.
You swallowed hard as the breeze blew your hair into your face. Sabo took a step closer to you and laughed softly. You looked at him through furrowed brows as you tucked your hair behind your ear.
“Luffy always planned to have a tough and loyal crew. I’m glad he found you, Y/N. I’m only sorry I couldn’t have recruited you to join the Revolutionary Army effort first.” He said with a disappointed tilt of his head.
“Me? The Revolutionary Army? How do you know anything about me? How do I know you’re really Luffy and Ace’s brother?” 
Sabo just laughed.
“If I wanted to hurt Luffy, I would've done it already. But, Luffy named his first move gum-gum pistol because he thought his punches were as strong as pistols. He wants to be King of the Pirates so he can be freer than anyone else.” Sabo said as you gasped.
“You on the other hand. I’ve read about you in the paper and heard stories. You saved your country with Luffy’s help. You motivated your people to seek the change they deserved. You have been through the hardships of revolution and come out on top. The Revolutionary Army seeks people like you who are willing to take a stand for their countries. You did it without our help and by doing so, you would’ve been quite the asset to us.”
Sabo stepped closer, now inches from you. He looked down into your eyes. You breathed in deeply, catching his scent as you did. He smelled of ash, vanilla, and pen ink. You broke your gaze from his and looked at his chest. Your hands relaxed from their clenched position and the wildflower you forgot you were holding fell from your grasp.
Pen Ink. You thought to yourself.
You lifted your chin up, so your eyes met his onyx ones. He smiled at you. You laughed as the memory of a conversation you once had with Luffy flooded your mind.
“He did mention you.” You said as you tucked your hair behind your ears and smiled. “He told me I reminded him of his brother once. I thought he meant Ace, but then I meant Ace and well, now knowing he had another. It makes sense now.”
“What did he mean by that?”
“I think because I never understood royalty or the celestial dragons, he said you passionately spoke of the same hatred at a young age. That and I want to travel the world and write stories about my adventures and the world’s beauty. He said you wanted to do the same.” 
Sabo nodded at this and chuckled to himself. 
“Luffy always did have a good way of making people remember and realize their dreams.”
“That he does.” You replied with a nod.
Your eyes returned to lock onto his. His scent was intoxicating. He was handsome in a way you hadn’t seen before. He had scars visible on the outside and one he tried to hide within. His vulnerability about his brother’s made that evident. He was kind and yet incredibly strong, you had seen the damage he inflicted at the stadium. He saw in you something only Luffy before him had seen. You felt as if something within the two of you was pulling you closer together. You couldn’t help, but want to be closer to him. You stepped forward, standing only an arms length apart from him.
“Y/N, Keep him safe for me will you?” He asked as the gloved fingers of his right hand lightly wrapped around your forearm. 
His expression was soft, a small smile of support rested on his face. Behind his eyes, you could see the pain of losing Ace as he spoke of Luffy. The pain of forgetting his family. You lifted your hands and rested them on his chest, his hand fell from your forearm to his side as you moved. His eyes widened and his breath caught in his throat in response.
“Sabo, Luffy has a loyal crew, nothing is going to happen to him. We won't let it.”
“Thanks. If he’s ever in trouble. I won’t be far away. You just have to keep him out of trouble until I get there.” He said as his hands gently fell to your waist. “In the meantime, you think of joining the Revolutionary Army. Why did you join up with Luffy anyway?” He said with a laugh.
His hands pulled you closer to him. He was a stranger just moments ago and yet your love for Luffy and for helping others, made it feel like you had known him your whole life. You felt safe in his arms, you never wanted the moment to end. Your nose wrinkled as you laughed in response to his question.
“Good try. You know Luffy, he has a way of being convincing and now I’m not going anywhere. At least, not until my king says he no longer needs me. Until he helps me see my dream out.” You smirked at him as you replied.
Your expression fell blank as you watched his eyes studying your face. One of his hands raised to your cheek and you lifted one of yours to meet it. Your lips separated as you tucked your cheek deeper into his palm. You licked your lips as your gaze fell from his onyx eyes, to his lips, then returned to meet his gaze. 
You wanted this to happen and yet, his actions surprised you. Your body tensed as he pulled you into his chest and pressed his soft lips to yours. Your hand fell from his arm to his chest. You melted against the warm feeling of his lips and his embrace. You didn’t kiss back at first, too distracted by the sensation of him. A man you met only five minutes ago and yet, nothing had ever felt as right as being with him. The scent of the wildflower you smelled earlier felt like home with your crew. A home full of laughter and adventure.  Sabo’s lips felt like a home of love you’d never known before and you couldn’t wait to experience more of. 
Sabo must have noticed your stiffness because he pulled his lips from yours. His hands fell from your cheek and waist and he took a step back from you. Panting, he raised an arm to rub the back of his neck. He shook his head and tried to laugh it off casually. You stood still staring at him, mouth slightly agape.
“I’m sorry. I got carried away, lost in the moment. We hardly know each other.” Sabo nervously spoke.
“Sabo. You have nothing to apologize for.” You whispered as you stepped towards him.
You raised your hands into the blonde curls at the back of his neck and pulled his lips deep into another kiss. His gloved hands found and tightened around your waist. He pulled your chest flush with his. He nibbled at your lower lip as the passion grew within your interlocking lips. You opened your mouth wider allowing his tongue to enter. It found yours and danced with it. His hands explored your waist and lower torso as you backed your intertwined bodies against a nearby tree. 
“Brrrring. Brrrring.” The sound of a transponder snail ringing resonated from within Sabo’s chest pocket. 
He separated his lips from yours and stared deeply into your eyes, letting the snail ring a moment. Panting from the heat of the kiss, he removed the snail from his pocket. He kissed your forehead and answered the call.
“Click.” The snail said.
“Sabo. Where are you? It’s time to go!” Koala yelled through the speaker of the snail.
“I’ll be right there.” Sabo replied as he hung up the transponder snail and shoved it back in his pocket.
His nose fell to rest flush with yours. He kissed you softly, then took a step back from you. His hands remained on your waist. His expression fell from a soft smile to one of sorrow and longing. Your hands fell to his chest and your fingers curled in his white shirt and vest.
“Guess, I have to go.” He said. “It’s been fun, sorry it was so short.” Sabo said with a chuckle.
Your hand raised to his cheek and he turned his head into the warmth of your palm. His eyes met yours. A smile grew across your cheeks as you looked at him before you.
“I’ll take good care of Luffy for you. Just promise me… Promise me we'll meet again.”
“We will. I’ll make sure of it.”
Sabo leaned forward and kissed your cheek. His hands fell from your waist as he stepped away from you. As he walked away from the tree and the cabin, you wrapped your arms around yourself, missing the warmth of his embrace. Up the hill from you he turned and looked at you over his shoulder. He tipped his hat and a wide smile grew across his face as he nodded his head at you. Then, he walked beyond your view. You took a deep breath and gazed at the moon and wildflower field beyond you. You smiled as you headed back to rejoin your found family in the cabin.
You exited Kyros’ cabin to get some air. The excitement of the past 24 hours on Dressrosa was overwhelming. You were exhausted and yet, the continuing adrenaline prevented you from sleeping.The world outside the cabin was quiet and still. The voices inside echoed from within the walls, reminiscing about the events of the day. A breeze blew past your face, catching in your hair as it lay behind your shoulders. The air was cool, but comforting. Wanting a break from the voices, you slowly wandered your way up the hill from the cabin towards a large tree surrounded by wildflowers. 
You stopped at the base of the tree and admired the flowers at your feet. Shades of pinks, yellow, oranges and red surrounded you. The air smelled of a floral sweetness, with a hint of dust from the destruction in the village, just beyond where you stood. A bright pink flower with dark red tips caught your attention as it was the only one you could see of its kind among the sea of colorful petals. You knelt down to pick it up, smoothing your black skirt as you stood up. Another breeze blew through the collar of your white button up shirt. You brought the petals to your nose and breathed in sweet honey with a touch of vanilla and a hint of spice.
The scent of the flower suddenly made you feel very warm. You felt a bit out of it for a moment, but were brought back to by the snapping of a twig behind you. You quickly stood up and turned to face the cause of the disturbance with a gasp. Before you stood a tall man with blonde hair and a top hat. He was dressed in vintage clothing. You tensed as your eyes met his. You had seen his picture in the paper and recognized him from Doflamingo’s bounty presentation earlier in the day. You were unsure as to whether he was friend or fore as you knew little beyond his name and occupation. Sabo, Chief of Staff of the Revolutionary Army, was standing before you, but why, you did not know. You took a deep breath and relaxed your muscles as he smiled sweetly at you.
“Hey. Sorry to scare you. I’m Sabo, I recognized you from your wanted poster. I just came by looking for Luffy.” Sabo said as he took off his hat and repositioned it under his left arm.
Your body stiffened at the name of your captain coming out his mouth. A bead of sweat rolled down your forehead. You wiped it away. Your breath caught in your throat as you raced through scenarios. You had read about Sabo, you knew he was tough. You weren’t sure why he wanted Luffy, but you knew he was in no state to fight, frankly none of you were. It was your duty to protect your captain. You clenched your fists and took a deep breath as Sabo fumbled with his gloves. Your body felt off, sniffing that flower was a bad idea. Something was wrong with it. You felt hot and restless, but you had to make sure this man wasn’t here to hurt your captain.
“What do you want with Luffy?” You asked as you shakily took a step towards the man.
“Luffy?” He said with hesitancy as he studied you. “Luffy is my brother. I came to see that he was alright.” He added.
You gasped at his announcement. Your breath caught in your chest as your mind raced through every story Luffy ever told you. Within them you searched for mention of a brother besides Ace and found nothing. Your eyebrows furrowed as you stared at the kind face of the man before you. You bit your lip as you felt the heat continue to build within you. You weren’t sure what the scent of that flower had done to you, but you had a need and you weren’t sure how to get the ravenous feeling within you to calm down. 
“What are you talking about? Luffy never mentioned another brother. I met Ace, you’re not him.” You harshly responded as you took another step towards the man.
“He’s dead.” He replied calmly as he replaced his hat atop his head. “Luffy never mentioned me because he thought I was dead. Frankly, I forgot all about him until… Ace.” He paused for a moment, breaking his gaze from yours. “Sorry, I had just got done explaining this to your crewmates. When I walked out of the cabin and saw you here, I wanted to meet you.” Sabo said as his eyes glanced to the ground in front of him then back up to meet yours.
You swallowed hard as the breeze blew your hair into your face. Sabo took a step closer to you and laughed softly. You looked at him through furrowed brows as you tucked your hair behind your ear. You closed your eyes and swallowed hard.
“Luffy always planned to have a tough and loyal crew. I’m glad he found you, Y/N. I’m only sorry I couldn’t have recruited you to join the Revolutionary Army effort first.” He said with a disappointed tilt of his head.
Your knees began to buckle and you stumbled where you stood. Sabo ran to you and caught you before you could fall. You blinked your eyes as you raised your head to look up at the man before you. His arms wrapped tenderly around you. His touch felt wonderful, but it wasn’t enough to cure you of this odd sensation building with you. Your lips fell apart and you began to pant.
“Y/N. Are you okay?” He asked as he studied you and held you against his chest.
“I’m fine. Just feeling a little off.” You replied. “Me? The Revolutionary Army? How do you know anything about me?”
Sabo just laughed as he tucked your hair behind your ear. A slight moan left your lips as his fingertips brushed down your neck. You slammed a hand over your mouth and your eyes widened at the sound that had just escaped your lips. His eyebrows raised and he tilted his head as he looked down at your flushed cheeks. His expression softened as he stared into your eyes.
“I’ve read about you in the paper and heard stories. You saved your country with Luffy’s help. You motivated your people to seek the change they deserved. You have been through the hardships of revolution and come out on top.You would’ve been quite the asset to us. Now, Y/N. Tell me what’s wrong. You can hardly stand, you're flushed, is it your injuries?”
Sabo raised his gloved hand to your forehead. You tucked your head deeper into the gloved back of his hand. His gaze met yours again. You breathed in deeply, catching his scent as you did. He smelled of ash, vanilla, and pen ink. You blinked half-lidded as you looked at him. The heat was now between your legs. His scent clicked. Luffy had talked of him before. His scent, you knew what you needed to feel better. You knew what that flower was.
Pen Ink. You thought to yourself.
“He did mention you.” You said as you exhaled. “He told me I reminded him of his brother once. I thought he meant Ace, but then I meant Ace and well. Now knowing he had another. It makes sense now.” You replied as you swallowed hard. 
“What did he mean by that?” Sabo asked as his hands wrapped tighter around your waist. You continued to pant as his eyebrows furrowed.
“I want to travel the world and write stories about my adventures and the world’s beauty. He said you wanted to do the same.” You said as your lips grew into a soft smile.
Sabo nodded at this and chuckled to himself. Your hands fell from around his neck to your chest where they tried to open your shirt wider. Your breathing grew more ragged. You bit hard on your lips trying to distract yourself from the need growing within you.
“Y/N. What is going on? Do you need a doctor?” Sabo asked.
“I’m fine. Just… Did something stupid and now paying the consequences.”
“What do you mean?
“I sniffed a pretty flower… and well… turns out it was full of sex pollen.”
“Sex pollen?” Sabo’s eyes widened and his jaw clenched. “You… you…”
“I feel like I’m going to die unless I do something… So it’s been nice meeting you and all, but I can’t take this anymore. I need to go get some relief.” You replied trying to pull yourself from his embrace.
“How?” He asked, gripping you tighter. 
“I don’t know. I’ll have to use my fingers. I don't know. Sorry. You didn’t need to know.” You replied as a pink hue fell across your cheeks.
“I’ve heard about sex pollen… Is that going to be enough? You look terrible. I mean you’re beautiful, but you look. I’m worried about you.” He responded with a hard swallow. 
You laughed as you squeezed your legs closed beneath you. You licked your lips and tried to breath through the need growing in your core. You looked down at his chest as his eyes continued to stare into you with concern.
“It’s all I have, so it’s going to have to be… unless.” You said as you lifted your eyes to meet his.
Sabo swallowed hard again as he forgot how to breath. He exhaled quickly as you licked your lips and pulled yourself deeper into his chest by gripping tightly onto his shirt. Sabo took a deep breath as you began unbuttoning your shirt. Your eyes kept darting between his onyx orbs and his sweet pink lips.
“Sabo. Please. Help me. Fuck me. I can’t take this.”
“Are you sure?” Sabo questioned, with widening eyes and a head tilt as his mouth hung agape.
He licked his lips and looked up and down your body. You nodded as you wrapped your arms tightly around his neck. His eyes met yours and he tucked a stray hair behind your ear. His hand caressed your cheek as he gently pressed his soft pink lips to yours without wasting another second. His kiss deepened and he pulled you closer to him with a tight grip around your waist. He bit your lower lip as your fingers entangled in his hair. You opened your lips allowing his tongue to intertwine with yours. His hand on your cheek fell to your waist. As the two of your lips continued to intermingle, Sabo slowly walked forward, still kissing you, until your back was flush with a nearby tree.
One of Sabo’s gloved hands fell from your waist and began stroking up your outer thigh, stopping at the hem of your skirt. From there, his gloved fingers danced across your skin at the hem of your skirt until they found your inner thigh. His lips parted from yours and nestled against your jaw bone. You panted and moaned as his lips nibbled down your jaw and neck. One of your hands left his neck. You placed your hand on your chest near your collarbone where your finger trailed down your cleavage until they reached the buttons of your blouse. One handed, you began unbuttoning your top as Sabo’s hand traveled further up your skirt. 
As you exposed your chest, your breast still held inside by a black lacy bra, Sabo’s teeth found your collarbone, causing you to moan out his name. His gloved hand from your waist found yours and brought it to his chest. Wet kisses sloppily painted your chest until Sabo released your breasts from the fabric cups they were held in. Sabo’s lips backed away from your chest as his eyes met your hard buds in awe. His eyes glanced back up to meet yours. A smile grew across his face as his hand beneath your skirt found your clothed, wet core. Your breath caught in your throat as he teased you through the cloth between your legs. You swallowed hard as you stared at the man before you with need.
“Sabooo.” You moaned. “Please.” You begged.
Sabo chuckled softly, then pulled back the fabric between your legs. His fingers traced up and down your slick several times before stopping at your bundle of nerves. His middle and third finger played with your clit as his lips crashed against yours, to suppress your moan. Heat built in your stomach as his fingers ran different shapes across your clit. Sabo’s lips left yours. His wet tongue began lapping at your hardened nipple as his hand between your legs returned to intensely tracing your slick folds. Without a warning, his middle and third finger entered you. They scissored in and out of your entrance as his teeth met your nipple. Your head fell back against the tree and you moaned as he continued to play with you. Your grip tightened in his hair and his clothed chest. Sabo’s gloved fingers curled within your core and found your g-spot as his tongue flicked your nipple.
“SABO. Yes. That’s it. Don’t stop.” You moaned.
Sabo’s lips pressed against your hard bud sweetly and his fingers left your entrance. He stood tall and his eyes met yours. Your eyes widened as you raised your head from the tree to meet his gaze. The two of you panted looking at one another. A smirk grew across his face.
“Why did you stop?” You desperately begged.
“Thought you wanted me to fuck you? You said your fingers wouldn't be enough? May I?” He asked with an eyebrow raise.
You nodded and bit your lip. You breathed raggedly as you watched the man before you undo his belt buckle and unzip his pants. He dropped his pants and briefs to his ankles, causing his length to spring out against your exposed abdomen. Your tongue lathered your lips as you, drunk with need, stared at his large girthy cock. His length was dripping with pre-cum. As you watched, panting in need, he pumped up and down his veiny length a few times, spreading the substance down his shaft. His eyes raised and met yours. 
While staring at you, he used a gloved hand to spread your legs further apart and pull down your panties. He reached for your right calf and raised it up to his waist, so your leg was bent against his side. As he held your leg against himself, his other hand grabbed his length and brought it to trace the lines of your slick. Your eyes shut and you moaned as his tip teased your clit. Your fingers danced up his clothed chest until they found his neck. You pulled him towards you until his lips were passionately locked against yours. Sabo lined himself up with your entrance and slowly dipped his tip in, causing you to moan. Your head fell to his shoulder as he pushed himself in slowly, inch by inch. Sabo moaned as you clenched around him.The two of you paused to catch your breaths and stood still a moment allowing your bodies to adjust to their newfound intimacy.
“You fill me so well, Sabo.” You moaned.
“You’re so tight for me, Y/N. Are you ready for more?” 
You nodded and bit your lip as Sabo’s length backed out of your entrance. His grip on your leg and waist adjusted. His lips rested in front of yours, but didn’t touch. You moaned as his length slammed back inside of you. He pumped in and out of you, gripping your leg tighter and wider to get deeper in you as he entered in and out of you. His length perfectly hit your g-spot as he pounded you against the tree trunk. The heat built in your core again as a breeze blew past you hitting your exposed nipple. You moaned. Sabo tucked his head into your shoulder and clenched his teeth. He thrusted in and out of you more fervently, balls slapping your ass.
“Yes. Sabo. YES!” You screamed as your head fell back against the tree.
Your hands clawed at his clothed back as he raised your leg higher and wider allowing his length to slam against your cervix. Tears welled up in your eyes and drool dripped down your chin as Sabo slammed in and out of you harder and faster. His hot breath hit your nipples as he panted against your chest.
“Almost there, Y/N. Finish with me.” 
You nodded against him, unable to form words as the heat within you grew and grew. Your eyes rolled back in your head as his length continued to pound against your cervix. He thrusted into you again causing you to clench around his length. His length twitched within you, sending you over the edge. Sabo moaned against your collarbone as you felt warmth fill your entrance. Your legs shook against his body as your juices mixed with his between your legs.
“SABO.” You moaned as your eyes rolled back.
Sabo and you stayed interconnected for a few moments, just trying to catch your breaths and process the rush of the last few minutes. You petted the back of his head as he laid against you. As his head rose from your chest, he kissed you and pulled his length from between your wet entrance. You smiled against his lips as his hand caressed your cheek.
“Feel better?” He asked as his lips left yours.
“Much. Can I ask for a repeat?”
“Brrrring. Brrrring.” The sound of a transponder snail ringing resonated from within Sabo’s chest pocket. 
“Shit.” He muttered. 
One of his hands returned to your waist as his other removed the snail from his pocket. He kissed your forehead and answered the call. You stared at him, still trying to catch your breath. 
“Click.” The snail said.
“Sabo. Where are you? It’s time to go!” Koala yelled through the speaker of the snail.
“I’ll be right there.” Sabo replied as he hung up the transponder snail and shoved it back in his pocket.
 Your hands lifted to his chest as he redressed himself and buckled his pants. You stared at him with longing as his head turned for his eyes to meet yours. You had just met Luffy’s long lost brother, but you knew after this, you’d never forget him. You were already looking forward to your next meeting.
“Guess, I have to go.” He said. “It’s been fun, sorry it was so short.” Sabo said with a chuckle.
Your hand raised to his cheek and he turned his head into the warmth of your palm. His eyes met yours. A smile grew across your cheeks as he buttoned your top and fixed your skirt and panties. He gently pressed his lips against yours and tucked a few flyaway strands of hair behind your ear.
“I’ll take good care of Luffy for you.”
“I know you will, and in return, I’ll give you a repeat next time we meet.” He replied with a wink.
Sabo leaned forward and kissed your cheek. His hands fell from your waist as he stepped away from your embrace. He turned and walked away from the tree and the cabin. You wrapped your arms around yourself, missing the warmth of his embrace. Up the hill from you he turned and looked at you over his shoulder. He tipped his hat and a wide smile formed across his face. He nodded his head at you and walked beyond view. You took a deep breath and gazed at the moon and wildflower field beyond you before heading back to rejoin your found family in the cabin.
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