#seb should've gotten one...
snowysakusa · 10 months
Okay by now we all know Charles bleeds red, will it really be a surprise if he signs another 5 year contract with Ferrari? no... not really. That man wants Ferrari dot com, he supports Ferrari rights, mostly Ferrari wrongs, but it is like this.
I really thought this year, 2024, would be the decision maker in regards to the contract, like the outcome would be it. If Ferrari does poorly or do they actually become a threat to other teams.
But now these rumours, listen 5 years is a long time, Fred has got to be making the boat move in the right direction... otherwise why 5 years Charles...
Lets trust that Fred Vasseur is making magic happen, next year's car will be competitive and that's why Charles is going for another 5 (if its true).
The fact that Carlos Sainz wants a 2 year extension and Ferrari would rather have only 1 year... that's also pretty much speaking for itself: will Carlos adapt to the a car that leans more towards Charles? if not, Ferrari probably would rather see him go, than adapt the car to a middle ground that doesn't benefit the driver they offered a 5 year deal...
anyway idk what im talking about but yea, basically i think for this 5 year contract to be even put on the table and considered, Charles has to truly trust in Fred Vasseur and next years car. I think more than anyone he might be seeing the changes happening and believes heart and soul in them because 5 years... is a lot of time.
Charles Leclerc WDC soon trust-
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landoscaring · 24 days
my thoughts on monza '24
let me preface this post with a big fucking heave of a sigh
i gotta admit that i was nervous for this one. the tension has been building up, the pace has gotten stronger, and the media have had a field day commenting on mclaren's strategy. it's been stressful.
on the one hand i gotta say as a mclaren purist that yeah, this blows, but also the fact that this is what we're worrying over? two wdc-potential drivers in our team??? the pace being too good??? like. yeah. give me this over the DNFs and the shit car.
but then.
i support lando and oscar equally. always. until the day their contract's up. that being said:
McLaren need to make up their minds
Oscar didn't do anything wrong today
Lando wasn't going to win the race even if he'd kept P1 from the beginning because the tye strat was off anyway
the media NEED TO STOP THE NARRATIVE AROUND OSCAR HELPING LANDO SCORE A WDC BECAUSE THAT'S NOT WHAT LANDO WANTS. do you think he wants to win a wdc because his teammate, who he knows is competitive enough, rolled over and let him through? fuck no, that's not the lando we know
i completely understand the frustration some fans have, but it's misdirected. IF mclaren stepped the fuck up and gave clear orders to both their drivers, this wouldn't be such a shit show
i don't fully agree that team orders are the way to go, but also, i would appreciate if they just made up their minds about it already? time's running out
some fans' takes about this whole thing are just...bad
insert taylor swift quote about "you wouldn't have survived in the asylum they raised me" or whatever because hah, this is nothing, you guys. a few people would've fainted with the way things happened with lewis and nico, mark and seb, prost and senna... and countless more. this sport is RUTHLESS. and CUTTHROAT. it's not tiktok edits with taylor swift songs in the background. oscar did what he knew he could do under the orders given to them both (papaya rules)
in a way i think this needed to happen -and has been building up for a while- for a few reasons, a) for mclaren to wake the fuck up and make up their minds already, b) for fans to realize that oscar is not lando's lapdog and he fully intends to fight for race wins, and c) that just because we like to imagine they're bffs or boyfriends in our fan spaces it doesn't mean they got to be okay with each other all the time. let them be upset. let them be angry. it is what it is.
it was a great race. probably one of the best we've seen all season. as a retired ferrari fan (but really, everyone is a ferrari fan in this sport) i thoroughly enjoyed watching charles win today. he deserved it on grit alone. and their strategy worked, which is something that mclaren needs to learn from.
i will continue to support these two idiots in their highs and lows. neither of them are perfect, and there's so much room for improvement. they're young. allow them some grace when you comment about how this or that should've happened. lando is wdc material, yes, but he wants and needs to earn it.
that's all, folks
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the-kcm-muggleborn · 5 months
Spin Off
"Kind For You"
"A Glipse Into The Future"
Fandom: Hogwarts Legacy
O/C: Sebastian Sallow x Edwart Thompson (My OC) ✨️Romantic✨️
Warnings: angst, swearing, lil kissing;)
Word count: 2k>
Sebastian was sitting at the table. Sipping tea while carelessly browsing through a small stack of papers he took home. He was all finished with the important ones, now he was just waiting. Ominis went to sleep long ago. but Sebastian couldn’t not until Edwart was home. Three men have been living in a house for about 6 years now. Edwart has been a few hours late… again. “That man always finds himself getting into more trouble.” Sebastian thought. He was worried sick, Ominis tried to calm him down earlier but to no avail.
 Edwart and Sebastian were both Aurors. Sebastian stepped down from fieldwork after he’d been seriously hurt a while ago. Now he’s taking care of recruitment and general paperwork. It pays a little less but he’s grateful to work in a safe environment. The same can't be said for Edwart. He was obsessed with field work, never stopping or taking a breather not even when he was sick which was why Sebastian was so worried. He hasn’t been sleeping well for a long while. He refused any help, even Ominis’s as he was a Healer.
Sebastian took a deep breath. Looking at the clock: 01:28 a.m it read. As Sebastian finally got up to his feet, giving up the wait and deciding to go to sleep, he heard the front door quietly open. 
Sebastian stopped dead in his tracks. Waiting for Edwart to undress and come in. 
“Hello Seb…” Edwart’s quiet voice sounded through the quiet house. 
He looked awful. The dirt covering Edwart's hair was visible and sweat glistened his skin. Sebastian also noticed a few blood stains covering Edwart's clothes but no cuts or holes.
“Where have you been?” Sebastian said with a clenched jaw “Do you know what time it is!? I-”
“I’m sorry.” Edwart interrupted. “I know I should've owled you. The haunt took longer than expected…” Edwart was covering the right side of his face as he moved to the kitchen to grab something cold from their refrigerator to keep his right eye covered. But of course, Sebastian took notice of that. 
He took Edwart’s hand holding a cold beer and moved it aside. Then Sebastian noticed what Edwart was trying so desperately to hide.
“What the-!” Sebastian said as he gently touched the purple bruise covering Edwart’s hazel eye. Sebastian looked at him bewildered as Edwart took his hand and kissed it gently on the knuckles. 
“I'm fine! I swear Seb. I just made a mistake. It will be mitigated soon enough. Already took a Wiggenweld.”
“I hate your job.” Sebastian shook his head as he put a hand on Edwart's left, not bruised cheek. “I wish you would just change the department like I di-” 
Edwart signed annoyed as he stepped away from Sebastian. “And do what exactly? Go through papers like you do?” Edwart said with a grimace. “We've been through this! Not. Happening.”
“You're going to get yourself killed,” Sebastian said quietly with disappointment knowing he would not convince his stubborn boyfriend. “If you'd only take less hours then-.”
“There's nothing to talk about.” Edwart just shut down as he usually did lately
“Ed-” Sebastian began but Edwart just pushed him once again.
“I don't want to hear it, Sebastian!” Edwart said and locked himself in the bathroom. 
“Edwart! Come back out here! We have to talk about this!” After a minute Sebastian heard a shower and decided to give it up and go to sleep. 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Sebastian was doing less paperwork and more actual training than the 18-year-olds who had just graduated from Hogwarts. The past year field work has gotten as dangerous as ever. Poachers were at it again and for some reason cutting deals with Goblins. As much as Sebastian wasn't keen on Goblins nor Poachers. Unfortunately, he was aware Edwart wasn't going to step back from fieldwork. It was too important for his Hufflepuff righteous heart to drop it and focus on his health which was quickly worsening. Sebastian was unsure what would need to happen for Edwart to take more than one day off.
Sebastian looked at a wall clock in his office. Only half an hour of paperwork till his day comes to an end. He sent an owl to Anne this morning yet to receive an answer, when someone stepped into his office space...
“Oh! Nice to see you Natty, how are you?”Sebastian smiled.
Natsai Onai has gotten a big promotion this morning. Not counting a new spiffy paycheck, she's been moved to a different department. "Overseeing Outside Mission" meant she would be working in the field much less but would be earning much more. She and Edwart were working quite often together. Getting into different sorts of trouble but Sebastian was sleeping better knowing someone as competent as Natty was overseeing him. 
“I’m good actually. I was just hoping you had that holiday form so I could fill it out. I just got approved.” She gave Sebastian the letter to confirm
“Oh Nat! That's wonderful! I heard of your promotion! Congratulation! Where are you off to?”
Sebastian took it. He rummaged through one of his desk drawers to find the form and give it to his friend.
“Thank you, Sebastian. I am going to travel to Uganda, again! Oh, I am so excited! Are you and Edwart planning to go anywhere soon? I know he has a lot of unused vacation days. It seems he never stops working against those nasty poachers. Very noble of him but...” Natsai's glee has subsided for a moment. “Seems he really needs it…”
She quickly filled it out as Sebastian took notice of Natty’s words. He knew exactly what she was talking about. As a little side work, Sebastian has volunteered to organise off days for the Auror Fields department. He has seen debriefing of many field missions mostly to keep a close eye on Edwart since he was no longer his field partner. As Sebastian has stepped down, his lover, on the other hand, has gotten almost obsessed over the past year. He was glad Natty was his new partner. That was until today when she got that great promotion...
She handed the filled-out forme as Sebastian put the ‘APPROVED’ stamp and hid the copy in another drawer.
“What do you mean?” Sebastian asked with concern. 
Natty sighed. “He didn’t tell you?” Sebastian shook his head as Natty continued.
“He fainted yesterday, I tried to ask him to go home but he wouldn't.”
Sebastian hid his face in his hands with frustration. Natty kept on explaining. “He wanted to finish the mission. You know how he is… anyway I’ve got to go now. Thank you. And see you soon.”
“Goodbye…” Sebastian was frustrated. Edwart was really going to get himself killed if he continued like this! Thank Merlin he had a day off today. Sebastian has run out of ideas as to what to do. He tried talking with Edwart, but he wasn't having it. Sebastian didn't know what he would have done if he found Edwart working today...
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
“I'm home.” Ominis sounded as he was back from his late evening shift.
“Hi,” Sebastian spoke as he was reading a book. “There's food on the stove if you're hungry…” 
“Oh? Who cooked it?” Ominis asked as he tried to feel a smell. ;;
“Edwart did. But he's out cold. Sleeping I think but I’m not sure. He actually went to bed this time. Not that bloody couch.” Sebastian spoke without raising his sight. 
Ominis came into the kitchen. Grabbed himself food and sat at the table with Sebastian with a sigh.  “What time did he return yesterday?”
Sebastian put down his book as he spoke. “Almost 2 a.m… He was foul-looking and had a big bruise over his eye. Looks to be better today.”
“Merlin… Seems Poachers are getting active again. I've read the Daily Prophet. ” Ominis spoke as he took a spoonful of a delicious stew Edwart prepared. Then Ominis signed. "Edwart is going to kill himself off with that job."
“He won't listen to me. Natsai told me… he passed out yesterday on the job. She was pleading with him to go home. He wouldn't budge.”
Ominis took a deep breath. “What do you want to do?”
“I have no clue…” Sebastian hid his face in his hands in frustration. “...any ideas?”
“Hmm…” Ominis thought. “I can write a recommendation for Edwart to get a medical check to determine if he is fit to work. He'll most likely fail it and then he will have to take a mandatory week off. Is that's what you want..?” 
“Oh, that's a great idea. Please do that, send me the details and I'll forward it with a report of last night's job. That should work.” 
Just then as If Edwart’s ears had been burning he came down the stairs in silence. He poured himself a cup of tea and he sat down at the table.
“Hi.” His voice was quiet and marked by tiredness. “I wanted to apologise for yesterday. I-I made your favourite...” He looked shamefully at Sebastian.
“Were you sleeping alright?” Sebastian asked as he took Edwart's hand and gently kissed it a bunch of times.
“No. I had a nightmare again…” Edwart sighed as he sipped his tea.
Sebastian looked at Ominis who frowned and nodded slightly in understanding. “Listen, we think-.”
Edwart interrupted. “Before you say anything. I-" He took a deep breath. “I've just requested two weeks off.”
Sebastian and Ominis looked surprised as if they were in school again. Amazing Edwart could still shock them like this after all these years. Or maybe he was listening to their conversation.
“Why the sudden change?”Sebastian squeezed Edwarts's hand.
“I'm not doing okay.” Edwart shook his head. “I haven’t been for a while. I can't pretend. I just-. I can't do it anymore.” 
Ominis put his hand on Edwart's shoulder. “That's completely fine Ed! More than fine! You need this break more than any of us.” 
Edwart sniffled slightly. Sebastian could see he was on the brink of crying. 
“Alright. Let’s get you to bed. Not a couch. Come on.” Sebastian instructed as Edwart followed “Goodnight Ominis.”
“Goodnight,” Ominis spoke with a small smile.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
As Sebastian and Edwart settled into bed together. Sebastian has laid Edwart on top of him trying to comfort him. Sebastian knew Edwart was a mess. He needed that form of affection now, more than ever. Then as Sebastian predicted Edwart's walls crumbled down as he started silently crying.
 “I'm sorry,” Edwart said just below a whisper. “I'm so sorry. I was such a dick to you. You didn’t deserve it.” 
“I'm sorry I didn't press harder.” Sebastian kissed Edwart’s forehead as he gently flipped the position to be on top of his boyfriend. “But you have nothing to apologise for. Weeks, I've let you sleep on that dreadful couch… in your own house  nonetheless. Let me make this up to you…” 
Sebastian started kissing Edwart gently and slowly as if to make a statement. He started with his earlobe.
 “I’ll kiss away every bad dream,” Sebastian whispered and he moved down to Edwart’s neck. Sucking the skin earned him a throaty low groan from his boyfriend. As Sebastian progressed to make Edwart feel good for the first time in weeks. He sucked different areas until a moan was extracted. Sebastian kept going as Edwart kept squirming; he grabbed Sebastian by the roots of his hair to steady himself. 
“Sebastiaahh..!” Edwart tried to get a word in but was unable to as Sebastian started a make-out session trying to make Edwart think of something else. Or not to think at all. Edwart was a moaning mess when Sebastian was kissing and sucking every inch of his upper body. Edwart had his hands locked on Sebastian's neck deepening the kiss. This time Sebastian groaned as Eddie kissed his neck. Sebastian started kissing Edwart’s collarbone leaving love marks and bites. Before going lower to receive from Edwart, more pleasant noises. He was moaning and groaning as Sebastian held Ed’s hands above his head as he was pestering him with deep chest kisses. 
Sebastian hung low again just above Edwart's ear as he said. “I'll make you forget your nightmares…” 
This time Edwart didn't have any unpleasantries, just pure pleasure at the simple yet very effective affection given by his freckled boyfriend.
- - - - - - - - - Author's notes- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Ahhhhh! Thank you so much for reading! I AM NOT writing smut and even writing heavy kissing like this is new territory to me. Especially male. Either way I love this part. Sebby being comforting again Edwart being sleep deprived again. Beautiful mix. And Ominis is living with them, bc why not? They're still young and it's good to have roommates. I think this one is my favourite one so far:) there are more to come.
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People who say that Horner didn't want a "merc lapdog"(😐 saw that yeah) next to his team and that Ricc test come in handy could be right.. If I remember correctly at the beginning of the year the engineers weren't impressed by his lap times. While Liam should've gotten the seat at the start of the season it still made some sense that DV came as a seat filler for Liam this year but now? I'm in my delulu era and convinced myself to believe M&L in Red Bull at 2025. What do you think happened? They choose PR-wise? They went this direction because this is what Max wanted (saw that too)? I have a tons of questions I won't get answers because a) can't ask those or they won't answer or b) most journalist don't care about this topic 😫
I distinctly remember reading stuff like AT wanting to get out and Hugo Boss being interested as a title sponsor (correct me if I'm wrong on this one) so, DannyRic would certainly interest HB way more than Liam.
Honda might take Yuki out and bring him into Aston Martin when they become their engine supplier (bye bye Nando) and only then Liam can get in AT. I guess Danny will continue with him after that, too. You know, as experience...
Who will take Checo's seat in 2025, then? Certainly not Danny. And if Checo continues like this, certainly not him, either.
Now, I like Lando and Charles a lot and rate them very highly, especially Charles. RedBull will possibly try to negotiate with them both. But Alex is also there and while the Reg Change of 2025 might fuck RedBull over just like it did to Mercedes in 2022, it wouldn't be worse than Williams currently and he might consider it.
Honestly, it all depends on how much these guys will trust their teams about them being the ones nailing the new regs of 2025.
Currently, more than Lando or Charles, I think Alex is more likely to be Max's team mate. But he might be waiting for Lewis to retire, so he can have his dream team mate Georg, who knows.
In my opinion tho, Seb should return back from his sabbatical 😂
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protocolseben · 2 years
i can't write a story so instead i will. write the idea down horribly like the digital version of writing on a napkin, because I know it will disappear. and draw something to make a point
pretend this was barcelona or whatever and i'll just leave it hanging because i dont know how to connect 5 (for 14 haha badumtss)
Tumblr media
The red carnation is said to be the national flower of Spain. Fernando is unconvinced, because he’s from the North and maybe he's not heard of it, and maybe that flower is a more Southern Spain thing. Either way, he's somehow gotten a hold of one, because today he woke up with one goal, everything else be damned : put this flower on Sebastian's hair.
He's shit at romantic gestures, he knows that, and he would rather marathon cycle from Portugal all the way to, dunno, the Finnish Lapland than deal with the reality that is Cupid's hammer. Yes, hammer, because the realisation that he liked Sebastian for a while hit him quite hard in the face.
Right now, he is dealing with it. first step to admitting and all that. except he's not that poetic regarding personal relationships. sure he could recite the right calculations and bends of a tricky painful track like Singapore. how do you convince the World's Most Loved Driver that you sincerely like him, when there's seven billion other people who could do it better ? To the media, he's always seem annoyed at everything he's done. now you say you love him? Yeah, right.
Even worse, how would you string your words together, when he realises he's somehow made his way straight to the Aston Martin hospitality building, without remembering a single moment of it? Somehow tell Britta who is looking at him with a raised eyebrow, like he was up to no good, that he would want to meet him personally. now they're both standing right in front of the door to Seb's room, somehow.
well, too late for that. she's knocked on the door and gone off, and he's met a pair of sleepy but curious blue eyes that are looking right at him. the same beautiful eyes that has never changed even from 15 years back.
the way Seb simply looks at him, sunlight from the window illuminating his golden curls, makes the flower pale as a gift. Fernando thinks maybe he really should've just cycled those feelings away.
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musette22 · 2 years
hey! just a lil question in case you know the answer but why did so many people expect the sexiest man alive to go to Seb? I'm seeing so many comments about that and even in the just Jared account, those are two of the top comments "it should've been Seb" but i don't get it. did he mention anything or what did I miss? 😅 as a Seb Stan i feel like i failed this one and I'm only *confusion* ps: congrats to you and the Chris fandom<3
Hi lovely! Thanks for your message. I've gotten quite a few asks about this, but I'm just going to answer this one, because I don't want to dwell on the negativity that's attached to it.
Thanks so much for the congratulations, and thank you for not being argumentative or polarizing in your ask, but let me first of all reiterate, just in case, that I am just as much as Seb stan as I am a Chris stan. I can hear some people rolling their eyes because they're like 'hello you've literally only reblogged chris today' but like........... if it had been Seb, I'd have done the exact same thing obviously, so come on. (I'll put the rest of my reply under the cut because it got long)
Now, I don't know for sure why some people thought it would be Sebastian (I think some people started discussing that it *should* or could be him and that created rumours, but correct me if I'm wrong). As far as I'm aware, there was no real indication that it could be him, beyond that apparently the SMA title is 'supposed' to go to someone who's had a 'big' year in their career, however that might be defined. We can all agree that Sebastian 1000% had a big year, and that he's been doing incredibly well for himself, and that he's looking sexier than ever, so OBVIOUSLY he would have deserved the title, I'm not at all debating that.
But while Sebastian has been doing amazingly well for himself and is much more well known that he was a few years ago, I think he's still not quite at the level of stardom that most people who get 'crowned' SMA are. So to me, it's not a surprise that he didn't get it, and I would have never expected him to get it (at least not this year). Again, not because I don't think he deserves it, but just because I don't feel like he's at at level of fame (yet). And even if I'm wrong, and he is on People's radar, then he'd still have to accept the title, and honestly, I'm not sure if I could see him doing that. Maybe not ever, but especially not at this time in his career. He's focusing on being taken more seriously, and I'm not sure how well a title like this one would help with that. This is just my personal feeling though, and I'll readily admit I might be wrong.
However. That still doesn't change the fact that Chris getting the title does not mean he's stolen it from Sebastian, which is apparently how some people have been acting. That's just complete bullshit. Only one person can get the title every year, and it's a tribute to that one person, NOT a slight to literally every other man on the planet. I personally find it unbelievable that some of Sebastian's stans are saying that Chris doesn't deserve the title because Sebastian should have gotten it. That makes no sense. Maybe if People had announced a shortlist and Chris and Seb had both been on there I'd have sort of gotten it, but that wasn't the case so ???
I've also seen people say Chris hasn't had a big year in his career and he therefore doesn't deserve the title ('what has he had? two bad movies?'), which, with all due respect, get lost. Chris has worked his ass off this year too, he's given us two movies (which I personally genuinely loved, for the record), done two world press tours and given us a whole lot of other stuff too (puppy interview and ASP to name but a few) and in my opinion it's incredibly rude and entitled to say he doesn't deserve the title because his movies didn't do as well as Sebastian's, or because you personally didn't like them. AND THEN, apparently now there are also Chris fans actively mocking and picking fights with Sebastian stans over this, which.... lord help me.
They BOTH did well this year. They're BOTH sexy and wonderful. They BOTH deserve the title, but only one person can get it, and this time it was Chris. Deal with it. Maybe some other year it's gonna be Seb, that would be wonderful!
Pitting these two against each other is something I'll never understand. It's so childish and lame, my god. Do these Seb stans honestly think that Sebastian saw the news and thought 'fuck this guy, it should've been meeee!!!!' or something? Or that Chris is gloating, thinking "I outsexied Sebastian, mwahaha!' Like? Chris and Sebastian are friends. Sebastian is without a doubt happy for Chris, and probably mostly amused about the whole thing. Knowing Sebastian, he'd be embarrassed and upset to know his fans are fighting Chris's fans online, saying it should have been him, and Chris would be disgusted that people are being mean to each other online in his name too. So just... don't do that. Grow up. Stop being negative about literally everything and try and contribute something good and positive to the world instead. In other words: take a leaf out of your faves book.
(just for the record, nonnie, I'm not talking to you here, just the people who are being idiots <3)
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leqclerc · 2 years
The thing that is different from the past is that Charles went straight to the top team ; and Lewis and Seb were both WDC when they made choices.
On paper Ferrari is the ultimate f1 team. And in the past n1 drivers who joined were not that young. On Lewis part that was a very brave choice , heavily criticized but what a clever move !
Nowadays Charles gets more compared to Max because of age and also the way they went to top teams pretty straight away. Of course Max has more f1 experience. Now he could get compared to George : very promising but bad car … except Mercedes are known to turn things around more quickly that Ferrari (2nd part of 22, hello) so for now there is no fear for George future.
The storytelling is so great with Max to, we all want to see them fight !
Anyway we know Charles and his team are not stupid. Even if they don’t talk about it publicly, and are pretty great at PR, I’m sure they know where their best interests are and what they can do to achieve what they want.
But Ferrari is something. I can see Max changing teams, George, Lewis, Seb … but Charles for me made that Ferrari passion come back. I really hope Ferrari (and Charles) can achieve great things together sooner than later. I mean the passion au round that team + F1 thriving that would be some show !
No for sure the ideal scenario is not only Charles winning but winning with Ferrari specifically. He's the first academy alum to make it to the main team and there's all this talk about his special he is, the way he's been linked to the team even indirectly since childhood. It would make perfect sense for him to be the one lifting that trophy for Ferrari after a dreadful 16 years, for them collectively to prove that they can break the cycle of shooting themselves in the foot and basically throwing away championships.
The Max-Charles comparison is lowkey depressing 😭 The parallels were going strong and I can see why the media really latched onto it in the first place but it's depressing to see how much the circumstances have shifted over the past few years. In 2019 I mean... they were on equal footing, more or less. Neither had a championship winning car but they had good cars, capable of taking a win, and it was exciting to see them go wheel to wheel on the occasions that they did. Now you've got Max as a 2x WDC already and Charles's total is still zero. 2021 was obviously out of the question because of Ferrari's midfield mishap, but last year was largely self-inflicted by the team and it should've been much, much closer. So you're kind of losing the parallel there because one is a champion, twice over, and the other still hasn't gotten there.
And you're so right about Mercedes being able to turn things around more quickly. It's why Lewis still hasn't walked away from the project despite a disappointing (but not disastrous - that car was still regularly making it to the podium) season. They don't look too great so far but again, they've proven they can turn it around so I wouldn't be surprised at all to see them in regular contention this year. Which obviously works in George's favour. He might be frustrated now and wanting to be where Max is, but... God. That's the thing about Ferrari. Magical, beautiful, gorgeous on paper. Their highs are so glorious but their lows can be disastrous and there's been more of those than the high points recently. George can afford to play the long game a bit longer, but Charles... ~fear~
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hyacinthsdiamonds · 2 years
I don’t think Seb meant it badly. I do actually think it is a good and an important point to make here. If there’s a 7 year old kid out there who wants to be an f1 driver and being emotionally and/or physically abused by one/both of their parents, hidden behind a ‘tough love’ facade, seeing max being successful and seeing that “oh tough love works! look at max verstappen” it is important to also see that you don’t have to have been treated like shit to be successful. Sebastian Vettel was incredibly successful with the same team but with a completely different upbringing. He was supported and loved no matter what his results were and managed to live a fairly normal life before he went into f1. It says, you don’t have to be treated like shit to be given the drive and resilience to make your dreams possible. Also, if I heard a kid say in school “oh my dad left me at a petrol station because I came second in my race” I would absolutely report that to authorities it’s not fucking ok? That’s child endangerment, abandonment and emotional abuse? Why would anyone even try to entertain that that is a healthy relationship. Maybe it’s better now between Max and Jos, and they were the 1% that it worked for and we will never hear the 99% of other stories where kids were abused to be successful in their sport and the traumatised kids who didn’t make it and were broken by it will remain unheard. And if it’s never called out how do we know that the cycle won’t continue.
You have very valid points. And yes, we absolutely should call out abuse and advocate for victims but it's important to take care not to speak over or to re-traumatize the victims in question. Recovery and healing is a lifelong process. It's a long journey and it takes some victims decades before they can even acknowledge that what they went through was abuse and that what happened to them, what was done to them, wasn't their fault. There isn't a step by step guide to healing, every victim has their own journey.
I'm not going to speculate on Max's private life or his relationship with Jos now. But Seb (allegedly) discussing the things Jos did to Max as a kid to a journalist, isn't going to magically make Max's entire perceptive shift. Publicly he has never said he regarded what happened to him as abuse. If anything Max will probably double down and say that he's glad it happened because of where he believes it got him, if asked about Seb's alleged comments.
I'm not defending Jos or condoning his behavior in any way shape or form or saying his relationship with Max was healthy in anyway. We've heard those stories, heard the allegations regarding Jos' behavior and conduct towards his partners and towards others. Jos should've been held accountable years ago. It's says so much about our society that he wasn't. Our society has been closing our eyes to this sort of abuse for decades, whether it be parents of athletes or performers etc, time and time again they've gotten away with it so long as there's a new talent, a new prodigy in the industry in question. And you're right, we don't talk about the kids who endured the same abuse but didn't make it. That has to change, it all has to.
We absolutely should call out abuse but by centering that quote on Max, the focus is shifted away from the issue and onto "oh how Max will react!" By shifting the focus onto Max, he is going to be made to answer for what happened to him. The media doesn't actually care about victims. The media only cares about the story they can get out of them, about how they can exploit that story for views. Max was likely only referenced for the click bait, as he one of the most recognizable drivers on the planet and is likely to claim his second world title soon.
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0nlinejournal · 1 year
04/07/2023 2:04pm
I love doing absolutely nothing on my days off. I used to feel so much guilt/shame around not doing anything, but now I am so grateful to be able to have days like this. I should probably shower, though.
I went over to Alex and Liz's apartment for a couple hours last night. Watched them take turns playing Little Nightmares 2. It was a fine visit, glad I was able to make it out. I didn't particularly enjoy Alex screaming at the top of her lungs right next to me, but nothing I could do except gently remind her she has fucking neighbors.
I always have to park in visitor parking when I go over there and wait for one of them to open the gate (like the whole ass car gate). I called and texted but Alex's phone was face down on the coffee table. I didn't text Liz because Alex has gotten upset in the past that I only talk to Liz, so I was trying to include Alex through small actions. Anyway, two gals left through the gate after only about a minute of me standing there, so I slipped in while they slipped out. But, when I left, so on my way out, I also texted Alex to let me out. I stood there for like two minutes (and it was cold) before she finally texted me that there's a foot door on the side of her building to get out. Which meant I would have to backtrack, go through the gate, and then walk to, and past where I was already standing. I'm not gonna lie I was a little salty about it. Ultimately it's whatever, but jeeeeez alriiiiiight. Liz texted me when I was pulling out asking if I made it to my car alright. I said yes but it was cold I didn't like that, and she said I should've texted her she would've let me out. And I know I should've. I wanted to, but I was still trying to make Alex feel more involved and special and it was all for nothing whatever.
Such a minor event, but still. It's stuff like this that seems to build up when it comes to Alex. Things have to go how she wants them to go and also fuck other people's feelings. I don't know if that last bit is true at all, I'm just a little pissy from last night and the previous text message conversation I had with her. Which, I still didn't get to talk to her about. I honestly don't know how to bring it up? Like, "hey you can't say shit like this to me even when you're upset". I don't feel like I can tell her how to behave. I mean, I know if I think about it for more than two seconds I know I wouldn't phrase it that way, but it still feels like it could come off that way.
"I want to be there for you when you're upset, but I am not capable of doing that if you start to get accusatory or try to guilt trip me. There are certain phrases that you have said in the past (insert: but like fuck alex right? that's fine, i just don't have any friends. i just want to hang out with my friend's for once) that are not accurate and overdramatize reality that I feel are intended to make me feel terrible. I don't react well when people intentionally try to guilt trip me, because of my mother. It will have the opposite affect that you want." blah blah blah something along those lines, I'm still kind off irritable so there still might be some aggression in between the lines, idk. I'll work on it.
You know, I was talking about the trivia night texts with Seb and he stopped me early on into me relaying the conversation to him to say that she (Alex) for some reason is putting her not-being-able-to-go onto me. That she is putting this restriction on herself (she doesn't want to hang out with my bf anymore) but putting her deciding to miss out on things on me because I said yes to something we were invited to. And like, yeah, she is! I think she 100% is and that's why she said the things she said. I don't think she even realizes that that isn't an okay thing to do. Ah, that's something else I'll have to add into the conversation I want to have with her.
"This is a restriction you have chosen to put on yourself (mind you, she won't go to things at all if we'll be there, even when she wouldn't have to interact with my bf at all) and it is not my responsibility to bare the weight you feel from the consequences of that decision." Something like that.
God, I am so tired of thinking about this. I literally don't ever think about people this much when I'm alone. I like to fuck off and do my own shit, but this whole ordeal has really consumed my brain and I feel like a fucking crazy person. At least it's not a constant thing, but it is still far more prevalent than I'd like for it to be. I didn't even mean to write this much. I'd love to talk about literally anything fucking else, but I guess I don't have much else to say since this is all I could manage for today.
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buckysboobs · 3 years
Annnd Chris and Anthony haven’t given him a birthday shoutout. Anthony gave one to Holland recently. Kinda odd. It’s still 13th in the US but it’s already 14th in Spain where Sebastian is.
yeah... if both of them don't start typing up an essay real quick i'm gonna have to throw hands i fear
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mrs-nate-humphrey · 2 years
what do you think about carter baizen
i love him, we should've gotten more of him, he was really interesting &. the wasted potential of having seb stan play a character like baizen, sleazeball w/ a heart of gold, but making him such a minor character is just. :(
carter/serena is my #1 serena ship as far as endgame ships go, i would've loved for the show to end with carterena, or with serena being single but being happy w/o a boyfriend. i feel like carter was one of the only people who saw serena just for serena, and not as ✨ Manic Pixie Dream Girl Serena van der Woodsen ✨ - so i liked that.
i also loved the brief blair/carter we got, and how blair was just. all over the place and carter actually wasn't bad to her at all, despite serena and chuck's concern.
carter/nate, though? ahhhh, what a tragedy. baizen my man broke natie's heart so badly. i love the angst potential, but i always feel a little sad on nate's behalf.
anyway, ships aside, i feel like he could've been a really interesting character. being a few years older than most of the main crew, he could've brought in some more layers of history re: constance/st jude's history and culture, in the way that alumni can do, and it would've been a valuable and interesting sort of insight to have carter show what things were like, while we see blair's era pave way for jenny's era pave way for sage's era (i hate sage spence but whatever). like. who came before blair? old serena being queen s, maybe. but who came before that? carter could've opened a lot of interesting narrative doors if he'd been given main character status and that kind of space within canon.
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gay-jewish-bucky · 2 years
considering how RDJ was allowed to improvise so many lines and even whole speeches despite contradicting past movies in them, Chris Evans should've stepped up and improved after: "He's my friend." "So was I." and then add: "Since when?!" because really... since when? off screen? The copy-pasting of actors' dynamics onto their characters and its consequences fr
no fr. don't even get me started on things that man has improvised, like the transphobic joke in one of the im movies (a joke that could have gotten Rhodney dishonourably discharged (bc don't ask, don't tell was still in effect)) or the "you weren't there" rant in eg that ignores that the reason steve even had to go on the run was bc of him and that steve left him a way to get in touch... i hold nothing but contempt for this man.
that would have been great, they really are not friends. like. at all. he's friends with maria (can't believe she wasn't in cw considering her role in tws), nat, and sam. he was friendly with the other avengers, but he and tony only ever fought and tony actively hated him. how dare he put himself on the same level of importance to steve as bucky.
i only know of one (alleged) chris evans improv and that was "Bucky. Is. Alive." which explains why it's the only in-character moment in that whole movie.
and you're so right about copy-pasting the dynamics of mcu actors being harmful to the narrative, f-tws is the greatest example of that, even seb was leery about if the writing was in character. you just erase what makes these characters and their relationships so compelling.
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ammoniteflesh · 2 years
Curiosity has gotten the better of me so I am asking for Sebastian too. If you haven’t played with him much or are not comfortable, how about Sigrun?
Why not both!
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They are soooooo cool looking - He's extremely pretty and I like his accent a lot.
Wasted potential/why was this character in the work at all - I am twisting the meaning of that second one to mean 'why was he in the specific work that he was in' aka 'why was he a DLC companion?' He feels very integral to the game and I'm not sure why BioWare made a DLC that can change the way the climax plays out so much? Also there's so many instances where it feels weird that you can't have more interactions with him. I happened to have him in my party when Elthina just casually watched Mother Petrice get murdered, for instance. And it's just... hey, Seb, are you okay? Your mother-figure just sat by and let a murder happen, do you not wanna talk about that maybe? (I probably should've also marked 'should have gotten more screen time' but I, uh, failed to notice it whoops)
They're deeper than they seem/they got done dirty by fans - He's not the stick in the mud everyone makes him out to be! I feel like there's a weird thing that goes on where a lot of other characters make assumptions about him and then some fans just... take those assumptions at face value? I also think it's a pity that more people haven't played his DLC - I'm kind of sad it took me so long to play his DLC! They've never done anything wrong in their life - He's so kind! And I really like his locational comments where he looks at poverty and gets very surprised and/or upset - like, this is a guy from a very sheltered upbringing but he cares, y'know? And I think that's very cool and sexy of him.
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They are soooooo cool looking - The facial tattoos slap, this is self-evident. If they were real I would marry them - She is a plucky and sensitive goth gf, this is also self-evident. Didn't get enough screen time/they got done dirty by fans - a) That one Awakening glitch where you don't get any content with the person you recruit last is a goddamn travesty and b) she is terminally underappreciated! Then again, given the scrapped Bury Your Gays comics plot with her, her lack of screen time might be for the best. :( They've never done anything wrong in their life - This is possibly a consequence of her lack of screen time but I genuinely cannot think of anything particularly #problematic she says or does? Yes, she was a criminal, but that's on the Dwarven caste system. They're deeper than they seem - The very fact of being in the Legion of the Dead makes Sigrun SO compelling, honestly - and then moving from that into the Wardens, which is also a form of symbolic death but one taken way less seriously than the Legion. Coupled with being a formerly casteless dwarf on the surface for the first time... There's just so much there and I wish she got more attention from both BioWare and fans, tbh.
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violethoneyb · 3 years
Prompt “One kiss is just never enough.”
Thank you for the prompt! This one was so much fun and allowed me to write the scene we should've gotten in 2x11 where Seb comforts Carlos before the show and the I love you scene we deserved in 2x12🥰 (also i didn’t proof read this before posting because it’s 1am where I live rn so if there’s any spelling mistakes, i apologize) (prompt list)
TW: Panic Attack
“There you are.”
It was opening night of Beauty and the Beast and Seb had been searching for Carlos for a good 15 minutes. They were starting to get worried until they found their boyfriend tucked away into a small corner of the hallway.
Seb noticed that Carlos was on the floor, already in costume, with his knees tucked into his chest and head down.
“Hey, hey,” Seb said softly, kneeling down in front of Carlos, “What’s wrong sweetie, are you okay?”
Carlos tried to speak but nothing came out. Instead, his breathing became faster and shaky, and he was clearly on the verge of a panic attack.
“Oh no, you’re panicking.” Seb realized, worriedly. “Okay love, I’m gonna try and help. Is it okay if I touch you?”
Carlos nodded and Seb took his hands into his own.
“Alright Los, I need you to try to breathe with me. Inhale for 4 seconds.”
Carlos did as he was told and shakily breathed in for 4 seconds while Seb counted.
“Good job. Can you try and hold it for 7 seconds?” Seb asked.
Carlos held his breath for about 5 seconds before having to let it out, a small sob escaping.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay baby. I’m right here.” Seb squeezed Carlos’s hands a little tighter to show him that it was okay and they were still right there and then brought one of their hands up to Carlos’s face, cupping it gently and wiping away the tears that were flowing.
“You’re doing great. Can we try it again?” Seb asked, voice low and soft.
This time when Carlos did the exercise, he was able to hold his breath for the whole 7 seconds.
“Now exhale for 8 seconds.” Seb instructed, and Carlos let out the air in his chest.
They did the exercise a few more times together until Carlos’s breathing became steady again.
“It’s okay love, you’re okay. Here, take a drink of this.” Seb said, handing Carlos a small bottle of water he had and letting him take a few sips of it.
“Do you wanna talk about that? About what caused it?” Seb questioned, still holding onto one of Carlos’s hands and letting their thumb caress the back of it as a sort of soothing gesture.
Carlos hesitated for a few moments.
“I’m so scared. Like gut-wrenchingly, panic-attack-inducing type of scared.” He finally utterted, voice slightly groggy from the situation that just took place. “It’s my first opening night ever as an actor and now I have to walk on that stage knowing I’m actively going against North High. I mean, I know we all are but, their Luimiere was literally on fire! How can I even begin to compete with that? And worse, what if I mess up? If I forget a line or a dance step. Then we’ll lose and it’ll be all my fault–”
“Carlos.” Seb cut him off. “Listen to me. Yes, North High performance last night was good. Great even because they have the budget, and the costumes, and the sets. But they don’t have the heart that we do. We care about our performances. Plus,” Seb, hooked one of his fingers under Carlos’s chin, forcing him to look up at Seb, “We have talent that they’ll never have. How could you possibly think you’d ever miss a step? I’ve watched you dance with your eyes closed in the middle of a test. If anybody is gonna carry us to that first place prize, it’s gonna be you.”
Carlos finally began to smile. “Thank you, honey.”
“And no matter what happens tonight, I am so proud of you.” Seb leans forward and kisses Carlos’s cheek. “Now, let’s go play some games with everyone else while we’ve still got time.”
“Carlos!” Seb exclaimed.
Curtains closed about 10 minutes ago and Seb was already out of his costume, looking for Carlos that way they could congratulate him.
This time, Carlos was found in the dressing room, standing at the mirror, removing the gold glitter that Kourtney had smeared all over his face. Everyone else had already left to greet their parents and head to Slices so it was just the two of them.
Seb ran up and hugged Carlos from behind, causing him to erupt into giggles.
“I’m so so proud of you! Your first opening night and you absolutely killed it. With your ‘Be Our Guest’ performance, there’s no way we didn’t leave a good impression on that judge!”
Carlos turned to face Seb.
“I couldn’t have done it without you. I don’t think I would’ve been able to move from that little corner without your pep talk earlier.” Carlos said sincerely, wrapping his arms around Seb’s neck.
Seb smiled. “You know I’d do anything for you.” He says, before leaning in and kissing Carlos.
They pull away from each other, and the words come falling out of Carlos’s mouth before he can even try to stop them.
“I love you.”
Carlos watches as Seb’s eyes widen. They had only been dating for a few months now but there was no denying how he felt for Seb. Carlos was completely in love with him. However, Seb’s still staring at him with a deer in headlight expression and now Carlos is nervous that they don’t feel the same. Scared he made the wrong choice, he tries to take the words back.
“Er, I mean, uh–”
He’s cut off by Seb’s lips on his again in an attempt to shut him up. It’s quicker than the other one but it works.
Seb pulls away with a massive grin on his face.
“I love you too, you big dork.”
Carlos lets out a sigh of relief and wraps his arms around Seb in a big, tight hug. He can’t believe this. He loves Seb. And Seb loves him back! He wants to scream it from the rooftops. “I love you so so much!”
Seb giggles and peppers kisses all across Carlos’s face.
When their lips meet again for real, it’s a passionate kiss that’s filled with so much pent up love that’s finally been let out. It’s a little messy because both Carlos and Seb are smiling like idiots but it's perfect and they wouldn’t have it any other way.
When they pull away, they take a few moments to just stare into each other’s eyes. Their faces mirror each other with the big dopey, lovestruck grins that are plastered across them and the moment is flawless.
Finally, Seb breaks the silence.
“We should probably get going before everybody wonders where we went.”
Carlos agrees. “Can we find Miss Jenn before we leave? I want to have her sign my program.”
“Of course. Let’s go look for her.” Seb says, grabbing Carlos’s hand and beginning to walk out.
Before they make it out of the dressing room though, Carlos spins Seb back around and kisses him one more time.
“Sorry, one kiss is just never enough.”
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stiles-hoodie · 2 years
Episode 6
Ricky vs Bowen Count: Ricky [5] Bowen []
This Episode:
Hair Ribbons: [1]
This Episode:
This opening is so chaotic
Gina getting a little jealous in the background.
Ricky seems genuinely taken aback and slightly confused that Nini is saying something nice
Seeing Ricky, Gina and Seb talking reminds me that Seb and Ricky are technically love interest in the play. Seb is Sharpay, Ricky is Troy. I really wish we got to see them rehearsing together or at least saw a small scene on opening night.
I like how Mike cared more about how late the party would be and who he was going to be hanging with more then trying to stop him from going.
EJ has been caught up with trying to be perfect and being seen that way that when he finally admitted his mistakes it actually felt good. It made him feel free from this thing he's been trying to be and felt more like himself. Not because he was being an honest person but because he finally admitted to not bein perfect. This episode is when he goes overboard with the honesty, but honestly (not intentional) I think he needed it. It said it feels right, and it probably does. To move forward you need to deal with the past sometimes. Getting everything off his chest gives him a step forward to being his actual self.
Redlyn my heart obviously!
HIs mom still should've been the one to try calling him not the other way around. I will say through how Todd says his name it's like he thought Ricky actually knew about him, maybe he thought Lynn mentioned him.
It was one thing when he thought his dad was starting to look for other people, that obviously bothered him but I believe they probably talked about how that happened and how it only happened once (as of now), so he was able to try putting on his facade a bit. But finding out both his parents are moving on and not only moving on, but that his mom has a full on new boyfriend out of town would be a lot. You brain would start going to different places. He's not just thinking about the change, he's thinking about how long they could've been together, is he the reason she decided to stay in Chicago instead of coming back. Cause lets think about this his mom could've very easily just gotten a different place in town so it be easier to see him at least, but she chose a completely different city to get away, then decided to stay there to stay away.
I love how Gina obviously never really been to a party before especially with people she feels comfortable around so she made cupcakes.
The hate is absolutely adorable on Josh
Ignoring your feelings is obviously a bad idea but she's saying what she personally does, which eventually doesn't work for her and she obviously realizes that it's not a good idea probably.
I love how they use West Side instead of North High the feud was there
The scene of Ricky and Ej doing the exercise with each other the first interaction they've had since the bathroom scene. Doing that exercise probably helped ease the tension a bit and realize they at least on their way to being better around each other.
I never realized how the kistechne scene with Nini and Gina reminded of Sharpay asking Gabriella about her staying in the second movie.
Gina's little happy dance is still very cute
The moment Gina's mom gets serious on the phone everyone is awkwardly smiling or just making an award face simply because she was on voicemail and everyone heard it, except Ricky. Ricky is the only one who knows about FEMA so it's safe to say he immediately knew something might truly be wrong.
Ricky is the first to get up, he knows whats about to happen and he gets Gina's stuff ready for her she doesn't have to deal with the awkwardness and uncomfortableness of getting everything ready in front of everyone.
I feel really bad for Gina here
Ricky was trying to reassure her that she still has him and that he's there for her, but because Gina has been through this before she automatically assumes there's no point in Ricky calling her. She's never really made friends that she's gotten close to before so she thinks he wouldn't actually want to keep in touch with her and pushes him away
Ricky at this point is thinking I started getting close with someone and now she's leaving. Just like his mom did. Gina telling him she doesn't think there's any point in calling her I feel like is what got Ricky to think about calling his mom again. Cause he's willing to try and stay in touch with Gina, so he'll try better to stay in touch with his mom
Nini running up to say sorry is has good intentions but after her conversation with Gina talking about how she wished she was the one to be able to leave it comes across weird. Especially with how later on what happened didn't seem to face her how leaving might actually effect her or her friends.
Honestly even though it feels out of nowhere and Ricky could've tried staying calmer at this point Ricky is probably really confusing him and not actually making him feel better at all. Gina was the only to properly understand what he's been going through. For majority of the show Nini has been going out of her way to avoid Ricky and then all of sudden is acting like everything between is immediately okay. He obviously still loves her to. HIme mentioning his mom getting a new boyfriend after two weeks of leaving sounding familiar makes sense here. Nini did quickly move onto to EJ no matter what she would've tried saying here, which most likely would've been aimed at him and start a fight that he didn't want. Nini would've easily declined this thought and pass the blame to Ricky but in the end Ricky did call her out on the truth
NIni getting annoyed by the word buddy is honestly annoying she seems more annoyed by him using it because he didn't let her talk. He used the buddies in his voicemail to show whatever she chose he'll try dealing with it. She then continued to avoid him then came out nowhere acting like hadn't then used the word buddies herself she doesn't really have a right to then get annoyed what he said to her.
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musette22 · 3 years
Minnie!!! your ask about the josh interview! 👀 i actually keep thinking about something he said in that interview. He said he's been around a lot of time and it's been hard to keep people "paying attention", so i wonder if he works so much because he actually likes it or because he feels like he has to in order to stay relevant? because for example Chris, Chris does anything, whatever and he's a trending topic, he's relevant without having to work his ass off in the way Sebastian does so i truly wonder if Seb feels it as an obligation or what's going on there, i don't know but i can't stop thinking about it. Also because I think he's still pretty present at least with his fanbase, let's just remember 2019 when he was pretty much hidden yet we never forgot about him <3
And by the way i know he loves his art, i mean the men went to college to study it and he keeps on studying (he's said this) but I'm still wondering if maybe he'd like to slow down. For example this year, he doesn't have any upcoming project to film but he does have projects coming out this year so he's still working but i wonder if he might take this year as a "free" one from filming? he seems to be gaining monumental attention with pam&tommy and fresh so i really wonder if he's considering relaxing a little
Hi lovely!! Hmmm that's a good question! I definitely think there's an element of wanting/needing to stay relevant behind Sebastian's decision to work almost non-stop, but I don't think it's the only or even most important factor, personally. I feel like if it was, he'd make more of an effort to pick more high profile roles, you know? He does do high profile stuff as well, but he's also talked at length (in the Josh interview too) about the kinds of things that influence his choices of projects, and it doesn't seem like how much attention those projects are likely to get is usually the deciding factor in that.
I think the love for his trade and his hunger to grow as an actor and person are the most important elements for him, but of course he wants people to see his work and to get the appreciation he's due, after working so hard for so many years! And that's also partially why I don't really think Sebastian will take it too easy this year: he's come so far, and he's finally getting the recognition from critics and non-Marvel audiences that he should've gotten years ago, so I feel like this would be a strange moment for him to take a break, you know what I mean?
If anything, you'd think he'd want to use the momentum, because with the success of Fresh and P&T, and even with his role in The 355, I'm sure he's getting offered a lot of new and exciting things now! So maybe he's just taking his time picking the right projects? Or maybe he's already attached to something new he can't talk about yet (he did seem to imply that in that one interview)? Or maybe he is taking a break, but if he is, I personally don't think it'll be longer than a few months, not least because he just loves acting and working too much! But we'll have to wait and see, of course, I may be wrong 🤷🏻‍♀️
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