#secret host
blueberrymclean · 5 months
Well,Yeah..New au (TDI plus Hello Neighbor)
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Plus Secret Host
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anicream · 9 months
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Hi @just-anarchie, I was your @mp100secretspirit secret spirit this year! You said you liked serirei/serizawa so here's a moment in which umbrellas get left behind for a bit so serizawa & reigen can play in the rain. Hope you enjoy and happy holidays!! :)
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ukiyoebirds · 1 year
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"An Aunt May Seminar: So Your Kid Is Spiderman"
She also has an upcoming seminar called "A close friend is actually a backstabbing villain who tried to destroy your kid: How to let go of toxic people in your life."
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theladysunami · 2 months
I had a very odd dream where a train (or bus?) I was on got yanked into another world. While my dream had nothing to do with SVSSS, it did have my waking self thinking about how hilarious and/or horrifying such a thing could be as an AU.
Imagine Shen Yuan riding the subway, train or bus one day, when something happens and his whole car gets yanked into the world of PIDW. Nobody else in the car knows anything about PIDW, so Shen Yuan finds himself with the self imposed task of keeping this eccentric group of strangers alive in a weird world full of demons, monsters, and aphrodisiac plants.
The group’s first assumption would probably be that they’re still on modern earth, and just got teleported somewhere. Their second assumption, if they come across common folk, might be they somehow ended up in the past.
Then they run into some monster, or people riding on swords with specific uniforms, or a commoner mentions a name or event only Shen Yuan recognizes. The rest of the party debates what sort of Xianxia or Wuxia world they’ve ended up in, while poor Shen Yuan sweats bullets. He knows exactly what world they are in, and they are so screwed.
I have this image of poor beleaguered nerd Shen Yuan successfully protecting and leading this group of primary school kids, their cute teacher, and a handful of grannies and grandpas, while all the other adults and older teens keep wandering off and getting themselves in trouble.
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shrewdoodle · 8 months
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RAHHHHHHHH‼️‼️‼️‼️ I LOVE SECRET BOSSES‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
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animeyanderelover · 30 days
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Tw: Yandere themes, possessive behavior, obsession, delusional mindset, clinginess, isolation, abduction, toxic reader
Tags: @leveyani @nightmaresprophet @iloveeyanderes
S/o is like Makima
Hinata Shoyo
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☀️​The human brain tends to find unique ways to prevent someone from falling into utter despair and this is exactly what happens when the daunting truth threatens to burst Shoyo's happy bubble. There has never been anything wrong with his relationship as far as he could tell. You were always kind and caring and never made him feel self-conscious about his height, even encouraging and defending him when he felt bad about it or when others made fun of him for it. Your behavior only ever fueled his delusion that the both of you are a perfect match, there were never any indications in his eyes that you were manipulating and using him. So why do others try to shatter his happiness now all of a sudden? Hinata is in violent denial, refuses to even listen to to the words of the people who truly care about him even if they are his own friends. His mind drowns out all words and sounds and in the worst cases he reacts hostile, accusing them of just being jealous that you two are together. You two love each other! You love him! Tell it to them. Say it to him as well so that he may brush of their words in live happily in the present, wrapped up in your lies and own delusions until you decide to bring his world zo a stop.
Kageyama Tobio
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🌧️​Initially Tobio's reaction is not too dissimilar to Shoyo's. Only that Kageyama never stays in the stage of denial until there is no way out. He may lash out on the people who warn him, may accuse them that they are just envious and spiteful yet their words stick with him like leeches, slowly sucking away at his view of the world. He may reassure you that their words are nothing that could drag him down yet there is a growing sense of paranoia that he feels in the pit of his stomach, a slimy worm that wriggles around and puts him constantly on edge. Kageyama doesn't want to believe their words yet the sparks have already been lit inside of him, the inferno just waiting to happen. He clings to you much more of a sudden, his jealousy at an all-time high as he can't help but observe you closely, gauging your every gesture and reaction. He leans into every touch of yours yet gets a cold shiver when your skin initially brushes against his, a sensation of dread seeping into his skin together with the comfort your touches always bring him. He constantly asks of you to tell him that you love him and always wants to be with you, his paranoia unquenchable. It's only a matter of time until he will explode.
Kozume Kenma
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🐱​It has taken quite a bit of effort out of the introverted boy to work up the courage to confess to you, stepping out of his own comfort zone whilst doing so. It all worked out though. So imagine how Kenma feels when he is told that all of the silent pinning and yearning was essentially for nothing as he still doesn't have what he desires from you the most. Your love. Obviously he turns away from the conversation, deletes the messages and ignores the phone calls from people who are trying to warn him. At least until he has calmed down and decides to at least listen once. Those warnings stick with him from that day on and it affects how he starts acting around you. Golden eyes follow you with a sharper gaze as if trying to detect any flaws within your facade and you take notice of the way he subtly tries to question you when the both of you talk to each other. There is nothing that would hint at you merely using him yet he can't let go either as those words have rubbed him in the wrong way. He needs to be 100% sure, starts stalking your social media accounts as well as reverting back to his old habits of following you around again. If it turns out to be true, he wants at least some leverage against you.
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🟢​Gyutaro has always struggled to accept your words and touches even if a part of him desperately craved for your act to be true. His bitter personality and lingering memories of his human life have taught him though that no one could truly love someone who looks as hideous as he does. Your kind words feel like needles puncturing his ear drums and your touches scorch him, feeling as if rays of sunshine dance across his pale and sickly skin. Something about your gentleness repulses him, your calm personality even whilst he is screaming at you whilst his nails are digging into your flesh confusing and agitating him. He shouldn't be shocked when the truth eventually comes out. He knows how your kind works, he knows that you could have never loved him truly yet the pain of unrequited love still hurts him greatly, fueling his anger. A part of him yearns to rip the organ out that you call heart yet he is unable to do so. Not only because his feelings for you hold him back but also because it is then that he truly learns just how frightening your gentle personality is as well as your lack of fear even whilst he's choking you. In a way you are also a monster, only that you kill him in a different kind of way.
Itadori Yuji
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🩷​Feelings truly can blind someone and the same counts for Yuji when the both of you intially meet and hang out together. Gojo has jokingly warned him, Megumi has done so much more bluntly and even Nobara has told him that you creep her out yet Yuji, firmly believing in the quote that one shouldn't judge a book by its cover approaches you, gets to know you and falls in love with you. He doesn't understnad why people are so frightened and wary of you. All of that changes as time passes though and the innocence of Yuji is brutally stripped away. Corruption, greed and violence are subjects he finds himself confronted with and it forces him to develop a new sense of maturity as his blissful simplicity is unable to exist with everything he finds himself surrounded with. Only then does he finally see what his younger and more naive self was either unable to see or just decided to ignore. You're manipulative and continue to do so even when he confronts you about your lies yet he is no longer deceived by your kind words. He notices the indifferent look in your eyes when he breaks down in front of you even whilst you soothe him, realising that you have already won. He's chained to you.
Kamo Choso
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🩸​From all the sorcerers that he met after he chose to fight on Yuji's side you are the first one he has gotten close with as you approached him from the very beginning. In his eyes you are kind, gentle and patient as you teach him about social norms and the world around him as Choso has only been recently born into a new body, meaning that there is a huge gap of knowledge and this dedication of yours is one of the many things that leads him to fall in love with you. The rumors start flying around as some sorcerers joke that you have gotten yourself a new toy but Choso believes none of them. How could they even dare? You are kind and gentle, always willing to help. Especially when others make such jokes within your earshot does Choso get hostile and defensive, threatening others to take those rude words about you back whilst you watch him with intrigue. By now he is following you around everywhere you go, insisting that he needs to protect you and that he could never bear if something were to happen to you and he wouldn't be there for you. It is likely that deep down part of him fears that their words may be true which is one of the reasons why he is so needy and soon abducts you.
Fujioka Haruhi
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👑​There has always been a part of Haruhi that has had a feeling that your every word and gesture isn't quite as sincere as others think they are. She is surrounded by people who put on an act to appeal to the customers of their club and she has a distinct feeling that you are putting on an act as well, though Haruhi doesn't know what your motives might be. As someone who has never believed in the concept of buttering up her words nicely for others she is very blunt to tell you that she has a bad feeling about you, much to the shock of the people around her as you are well-known and quite liked as well. You do not seem to take it personally though, the calm expression on your face never fading away. Haruhi doesn't even notice her own feelings developing into something else for you and perhaps that is her downfall as you very much notice what she has yet to see and use that to your advantage to coax her closer to your side. By the time Haruhi finally recognises what has happened and what you have done to her it is already far too late to recover and for the first time in her life her usually unflappable attitude is shaken. What have you done to her?
Chae Yul
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💜​Chae Yul on his own is already a very toxic person yet with someone who is even more deceiving and manipulative than he is this relationship is about to be lethal. Even whilst Chae Yul is under the illusion that you are in love with him he continues with his manipulative behavior, faking tears to gain affection and sympathy whilst remaining extremely jealous of other people you choose to surround yourself with. Between the two of you only one is aware of the manipulation of the other one though and that is you yet it is fairly easy for you to coax Chae Yul to simply do what you wish of him to do as long as you coddle him afterwards and give him what he craves. When the truth comes to reveal itself though the first emotion that Chae Yul experiences is neither betrayal nor is it aggression. It is fear. Fear to be abandoned and left behind by you. The only one getting messed up is ultimately him, far too addicted to you to ever think about leaving you and living without you. So instead he abducts you, begs of you to stay with him, promising with teary eyes that he'll be useful to you and will be your slave as long as you act as you have always done with him, even if none of it was ever genuine.
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wanted-game-if · 8 months
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Wanted Game is a cowboy fantasy with some lovecraftian horror interactive fiction game
You wake up in the middle of nowhere, the sun blistering hot
no food,
no water,
and probably the most concerning thing of all you don't remember anything not your name, not where you are and not what you look like
You are found by a gang of outlaws the leader (or who you assume the leader to be) takes you captive but then offers you a deal you can't possibly pass up but things smell fishy.. they are outlaws who are there for their selfish reasons how can you truly trust them;
especially when they all seem to know something about you even though you have a mask stuck to your face they aren’t willing to tell what they know about you
no matter how close you get or how many tricks you try
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• A customizable Mc though physical customization is somwhat limited until later in the story.
• Paint/design the mask and thought out the story their will be some options that will affect your mask
• Romance 10 of the charaters 7 main ones and 3 youll just have to figure out, one of the secret romances is a poly route with Oscar, got commitment issues or just looking for fun theres a large aray of flings along the road so dont you worry
• Doom or help the jobs succeed with your choices
• Grow relationships with the rest of the gang {{and even the group of bounty hunters chasing after you and the gang}}
• When not doing jobs entertain your self with a hobby or work on your skills
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Oscar || He/They || 24 || 5’3
{{ Attracted to Men & Non-binary people }}
Growing up in the gang most would probably assume Oscar is mean, greedy, selfish but if given the chance you would find a soft caring man with a love for literature almost always with a book when he is not scouting or helping his ma with sewing up clothes the gang tend to wreck
Emile || Xe/Xem || 27 || 5’10
{{ Attracted to Everyone & Anyone }}
Oscars older brother Emile is very protective of Xyrs little brother emile is known to sleep around and be a massive flirt but never actually letting anyone be anything to Xem then a pretty face Xe can fool around with. sometimes you catch Xem staring at you with a expression you don’t quite understand
Louis || He/Him || 30 || 6’2
{{ Questioning }}
A very quiet man always tending to the horses or making wood sculptures hes very quiet keeping to himself not because of anything distrustful or rude he seems to just like being alone he is always looking to help out with jobs as long as he can keep his distance with people
Boss || He/Him || 58.. || 6’0
{{ Attracted to anyone but must be close to them emotionally before he does anything sexual in nature }}
A very talkative older man with alot of elegance for a outlaw he always has plans brewing though his number one goal is keeping the gang safe. He tends to be overprotective of everyone and can be a very hotheaded man its very easy to press his buttons
Ares || he/they/she || 28 || 5’11
{{ Attracted to anyone }}
Growing up in high society Ares learnt to be a very charismatic and social fellow most people would call her a charming, gentle, kind person but if you peer close enough through their wall you will soon learn that she is not at all what she appears and she has a more nasty complex towards commoners, rich folk and especially outlaws
Clara || She/Her || 40 || 5’5
{{ Attracted to men }}
Clara a sweet older lady recently joined up with the gang temporarily to help get funds to get her home but something about her story doesn’t add up, she seems like she wouldn’t hurt a fly so many dismiss her but some ought remember she is still an outlaw no matter how sweet she seems
Adelaide || She/Her || 37 || 4’9
{{ Attracted to women and non-binary people }}
Adelaide is the best with all things traps, distractions and explosives she cant be a bit much always adding a flare to everything and talking so fast you only barely understand she isn’t very observant when it comes to body language and tone so don’t expect her you realize your emotions straight away. she is also Boss’s Niece
T} ??? || he/him || 30 || 6’0 || Poly route with Oscar
{{ Attracted anyone}}
“They are so utterly perfect for him I’m jealous of them but i also want them aswell how selfish my heart is”
S} ??? || They/Them || 29 || 5’8
{{ Attracted to women }}
“In darkness she is the one stray ray of light that kisses my face”
J} ??? || they prefer just to be called by their name || 33 || 6’5
{{Attracted to women & men}}
“Its against my job, my morals,my life so tell me why it feels so right”
||Demo:TBA || Pinterest || Art Acc || My boundaries and asks boundaries
Sorry for any misspellings or weird way i worded things
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scoobydoobaday · 8 months
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The Scooby Doo Show S01E02 - The Fiesta Host is an Aztec Ghost (1976) Hanna Barbera Productions
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ahsoka-in-a-hood · 3 months
Love that stupid hairbrushing scene where Padme pretends to brush her curly hair. It's so doll-like, but the doll she's playing with is herself. Putting on a performance for her husband, but really acting out a fantasy for herself.
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galaxyhanart · 9 months
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Jay lets out an ear-piercing, agonized scream. He stops resisting the electricity and it runs free. It strikes around him from overhead, it’s dancing all over his body.
my secret santa gift for @mondothebombo !! i obviously had to do when you think you're all alone fanart this fic lives rent free in my skull at all times
hope you like it dude!! :D
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blueberrymclean · 1 year
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They frenemies…This is a joke (no)
Mystery @askkassandragf-v-2 Since she's having a birthday soon, I'm giving a little gift (from me…and Chris too..shh)
Secret host @ me
By the way, I was inspired by this song (only chorus) 💀
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wormturned · 2 months
I think Jade should have survived to the end of Captain Laserhawk not just bc I hate fridging characters in any context and she fully deserved better but also it would've made the remaining crew at the end of s1 so much funnier.
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I choose you as you are a million times 'Cause I am not ashamed of you I won't walk away from you I will carry you Through your darkest night When you're terrified I will carry you When the waters rise When your hope runs dry I will carry you ~ I will carry you by Ellie Holcomb
My School President
The Untamed
Addicted Heroin
Ghost Host, Ghost House
Secret Crush On You
You Make Me Dance
Takara-kun to Amagi-kun
Roommates of Poongduck 304
Favorite piggyback rides (Part 1/?) as part of my favorite bl-trope collection (no particular order).
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celtrist · 9 days
How awkward would it be if Alastor was just never a radio host in life
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blmpff · 7 months
✨ Various Tropes: Forehead Kiss (2/?) ✨
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TITLES IN ORDER: 1&2&3. 2 Moons 2 (2019) 4. We Best Love Fighting Mr. 2nd (2021) 5. To My Star (2021) 6. Love Mechanics (2022) 7. Big Dragon (2022) 8. My Tooth Your Love (2022) 9. My Secret Love (2022) 10. Roommates of Poongduck 304 (2022) 11. Ghost Host, Ghost House (2022) 12. Blueming (2022)
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moonboundcollective · 7 months
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is this anything
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