#sectarian riots
easterneyenews · 8 months
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werewolfetone · 2 years
Mad that Lord George Gordon wasn't even particularly anti-catholic himself to begin with he just liked attention & hated Lord North & saw a group of lads who also hated Lord North who offered attention to any leaders & was willing to overlook the fact that they were insane sectarian protestant militants until after they had already set the entirety of London on fire
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baeddel · 2 months
on the racist riots in Belfast
i made a post in 2021 titled "dispatch on the unrest in Belfast" (click) trying to provide some local-knowledge context for the sectarian riots in town. i have no such special knowledge to offer this time. it has been, to be honest, shocking to me how many people came to them and how well organized they were. we have seen an increasing prevalence of anti-immigrant racism in the north in recent years; graffiti saying "locals only" (simple meaning: "whites only") on council houses going to market has been reported on since 2014 (click, 2018 click, 2023 click), for example. and in 2022 the PSNI released a report stating that hate crimes of every kind, including racist hate crimes, had reached the highest of any year since they began counting in 2004/5 (click). according to the BBC as of 2014 "on average a racially motivated offence takes place at least once a day" in Belfast (click) and it has only risen since that. but it was obviously not organized at this scale before. my girlfriend remarked that this was the first time Northern Ireland has had a race riot and i think, assuming we treat sectarian riots as something else, that may be true? (the UK-wide 1919 race riots did not seem to affect Ireland from what i could find and anyway were a bit before partition; otherwise they are quite similar to what is happening today).
perhaps no further context is really possible to give; they are race riots and they are happening because of racism. nevertheless i will try and write down some things i've thought about it.
in the 2021 post i talked about the nature of the disorder, where if you looked at the footage mostly people stood on the pavement and watched while the professionals—loyalist paramilitaries—handled the direct action (hijacking and burning busses and such). that is because these demonstrations were organized by the paramilitaries and everyone must obey them. that is not the case here; the crowds attack people of colour and immigrants, their homes or businesses owned by them, wherever they can find them. if they were kicked out of one area they went somewhere else and did it there; or else they did it where they lived as on Sandy Row. so it seems to be genuinely spontaneous and not directed from above.
the paramilitaries claim they did not organize it (the Belfast Telegraph quote what they call a 'senior loyalist' saying "[w]e didn’t start this, we aren’t behind it" click—what a demonstrative article, by the way, the police asking the paramilitaries for help with population control!). they say that about everything, but i think i believe them this time for that reason. it doesn't look paramilitary. i suppose whoever organized it must be taking orders from England. however, we are aware of at least some involvement by paramilitaries. the rightists who travelled up from Ireland were identified by PSNI and Gardaí to be fraternizing with UDA men (click). blueshirts associating with loyalists is not really surprising but i am not sure it has happened before. PSNI also claim there is a "paramilitary element" within the racist riots but are reluctant to say they're behind them (click).
i have talked before about how loyalism has felt a bit of a transition from an armed struggle into something that looks like a popular movement, with demonstrations and direct action becoming the main source of spectacle. it's possible there is a gradual transition towards this point, where paramilitary hierarchy becomes secondary to a spontaneously organized reactionary movement.
it also fits into a pattern that i have talked about before (click, also here), which is that democracy in the north has undergone dramatic changes recently. whereas in the past the national conversation dominated politics, today ordinary issues of civil society are decisive. the DUP lost their monopoly on unionist voters because of how they handled COVID, the border, the cost of living and so forth—problems a normal political party is expected to solve, not a party holding down a sovereignty under siege as they were supposed to be—and that's why SF got the majority. immigration is one such 'normal' political issue, and racist violence breaks out in Belfast in a way that doesn't differ substantially to how it breaks out at the same time in a normal country like England.
speaking of the fracturing of the DUP, i felt that it was significant that we could name, as a precipitating event, the fracturing of the right wing parties in general. in the north of Ireland the DUP lost much of its support, but no single party could replace it; several unionist parties now leech its vote, while moderate unionists vote for Alliance. and in the recent election the Tories lost to Labour, but they also lost many seats to Reform. between SF and Labour we are in an era where for the first time in a long time the UK is governed by center left parties, meanwhile it is unclear what opposition has the mandate of the right-wing voter. this means that for a right wing person electoral party politics looks like an ambiguous, distant and unrewarding terrain of struggle. perhaps that is a background condition as to why racist propagandists have been able to mobilize so many people into joining these events.
something else that struck me as possibly a precipitating event is that for the better part of a year we've had extremely active and persistent organizing around Palestine in the UK, in terms of demonstrations, direct action and even in electoral politics (with several independent candidates who care about Gaza taking seats from Labour in the last election). thus, right-wing racists have seen news about pro-Palestine organizing almost every day for a long time. we know that here in the north when Palestinian flags are flown it isn't long before Israel flags are flown in response. i think it's possible to see the specifically anti-Islamic character of the riots as a kind of counter-revolution or reaction to Palestine.
those were the thoughts i had to share. on Friday 9th (today as i write this) there is a racist demonstration planned, as well as a counter-protest. the counter-protest is backed by NIPSA (a big NI union) as well as the Belfast City Council (! click), so perhaps it will be big. it starts at 4:30pm. stay safe.
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hlaas · 2 months
the uk riots are something else. only the british could complain about being “infested” by immigrants whilst never being victims of colonisation in history where they could feel consequences in the present themselves.
funny how the british people can whine about the “safety of their children” while under 100 years ago, the british empire:
orchestrated famines in south asia killing upwards of 29 million people to the point of genetic alternation in south asians, where they are now predisposed to diabetes and other health issues due to their ingrained auto-survival response to their ancestors famine experiences
shot innocent protestors IN THEIR HOME COUNTRIES and were rewarded for it. i.e. amritsar massacre where ~1000 were killed (the general who ordered the continued killing of protestors, brigadier dyer, was also awarded £26,000 as a show of gratitude), mau mau uprising suppression where it is estimated ~100,000-200,000 died, 5000 were tortured, girls were raped, women were brutalised, and men were mistreated. the british government’s only comments towards this now are that they said they “sincerely regret” this took place. 75 men were killed in batang kali, kuala lumpur (1948) which had generational effects on families. the nyasaland massacre in malawi where 33 peaceful protestors were shot down and buried in a mass grave. bloody sunday, where british soldiers shot 26 unarmed civilians in northern ireland.
the british uprooted south asians in 1947 when cyril radcliffe drew borders between india and pakistan OVER HIS LUNCH, where he split the sub-continent up, ultimately uprooting over 10 million people and causing religious and cultural divisions to ensue as up to 1 million people lost their lives as a result of sectarian killings.
when the british plundered the state of india during its colonisation with figures of up to $45 trillion during the period 1765 to 1938 which apparently “doesn’t matter now” according to the british people in these riots as the past is the past and yet reparations of $45 trillion could make or break india in its current situation and could stop the “mass immigration” if such reparations were paid to help build back the country.
the united kingdom is required to pay £9.5 trillion in reparations to jamaica.
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writergeekrhw · 2 years
People talk about the LA riots as influential to the DS9 pilot, but i wonder also if the Gulf War was in the writers’ minds while developing the show. After all, the DS9 pilot is about a powerful government interfering in the politics of a faraway and unfamiliar nation, and seems concerned with the question of whether or not that interference is ethical. Given that the Gulf War was, shall we say, less than ideal, I could see Sisko’s compassionate leadership among the Bajorans as an attempt to articulate a kind of foreign policy that is ethical and that the US might hopefully practice someday. What are your thoughts? Do you feel like the Gulf War informed the way you tackled the political situation with Bajor, Cardassia, and the Federation over the course of the show? (For context, I was not alive during the Gulf War and I watched DS9 on Netflix, so I apologize if there’s anything about the early 90s that I’ve missed or misunderstood)
Good question!
The Gulf War was definitely an influence and for pretty much the reasons you laid out. The Yugoslav Wars were also going on through the run of the series, and the Lebanese Civil War had just (mostly) ended, and the messiness of those conflicts, with their shifting ethnic and sectarian alliances and clashes, influenced us as well.
Overall, I think these events influenced DS9 to be a bit muddier than other Star Trek shows. The elegant, hopeful, but perhaps overly simplistic, "See a problem, solve a problem, warp away" storytelling of much of TOS and TNG seemed a bit less "true" given the times. We tried to bring in less certainty, more shades of gray, while still telling stories about good people trying to make the universe a better place.
All media are products of their time.
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dailyanarchistposts · 4 months
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G.2 Why do individualist anarchists reject social anarchism?
As noted in the last section, the individualist anarchists considered themselves as anti-capitalists and many called themselves mutualists and socialists. It may be objected that they opposed the more obviously socialist types of anarchism like communist-anarchism and, as a consequence, should be considered as supporters of capitalism. This is not the case as can be seen from why they rejected communist-anarchism. The key thing to remember is that capitalism does not equal the market. So while the individualist anarchists advocated a market economy, it “is evident from their writings that they rejected both capitalism and communism — as did Proudhon.” [Brian Morris, “Global Anti-Capitalism”, pp. 170–6, Anarchist Studies, vol. 14, no. 2, p. 175]
It should noted that while Tucker came to excommunicate non-individualist forms of anarchism from the movement, his initial comments on the likes of Bakunin and Kropotkin were very favourable. He reprinted articles by Kropotkin from his paper La Revolte, for example, and discussed “the Anarchistic philosophy, as developed by the great Proudhon and actively propagated by the heroic Bakunin and his successors on both sides of the Atlantic.” [Liberty, no. 26, p. 3] After the rise of the IWPA in the early 1880s and the Haymarket police riot of 1886, Tucker changed his position. Now it was a case that the “Anarchistic social ideal” was “utterly inconsistent with that of those Communists who falsely call themselves Anarchists while at the same time advocating a regime of Archism fully as despotic as that of the State Socialists themselves.” For Tucker, real anarchists did not advocate, like communist anarchists, “forcible expropriation” nor “force as a revolutionary agent and authority as a safeguard of the new social order.” [The Individualist Anarchists, pp. 88–9] As will become clear, Tucker’s summation of communist-anarchism leaves a lot to be desired. However, even after the break between individualist and communist anarchism in America, Tucker saw that both had things in common as both were socialists:
“To be sure, there is a certain and very sincere comradeship that must exist between all honest antagonists of the exploitation of labour, but the word comrade cannot gloss over the vital difference between so-called Communist-Anarchism and Anarchism proper.” [Liberty, no. 172, p. 1]
Social anarchists would agree with Tucker in part, namely the need not to gloss over vital differences between anarchist schools but most reject Tucker’s attempts to exclude other tendencies from “Anarchism proper.” Instead, they would agree with Kropotkin and, while disagreeing with certain aspects of the theory, refuse to excommunicate him from the anarchist movement. As we discuss in section G.2.5, few anarchists agreed with Tucker’s sectarianism at the time and communist-anarchism was, and remains, the dominant tendency within anarchism.
It is these disagreements to which we now turn. It should be stressed, though, that the individualist anarchists, while tending to excommunicate social anarchism, also had many inclusive moments and so it makes these objections often seem petty and silly. Yes, there was certainly pettiness involved and it worked both ways and there was a certain amount of tit-for-tat, just as there is now (although to a much lesser degree these days). Anarchist-communist opposition to what some of them sadly called “bourgeois anarchism” was a fact, as was individualist anarchist opposition to communist-anarchism. Yet this should not blind us to what both schools had in common. However, if it were not for some opponents of anarchism (particularly those seeking to confuse libertarian ideas with propertarian ones) dragging these (mostly resolved) disagreements back into the light of day this section would be a lot shorter. As it is, covering these disagreements and showing how they could be resolved is a useful task — if only to show how individualist and communist anarchism are not as alien as some make out.
There were four main objections made to communist-anarchism by the individualists. Firstly, that communist-anarchism was compulsory and any compulsory system could not be anarchist. Secondly, that a revolution would be imposing anarchism and so contradicted its principles. Thirdly, that distribution by need was based on altruism and, consequently, unlikely to succeed. Fourthly, that the communist-anarchists are determining how a free society would be organised which is authoritarian. Needless to say, communist-anarchists rejected these claims as being false and while we have already sketched these arguments, objections and replies in section A.3.1 it is worthwhile to repeat (and expand on) them here as these disagreements are sometimes highlighted by those who fail to stress what both schools have in common and, consequently, distort the debates and issues involved.
We will discuss these objections in the following sections.
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crasswench · 2 months
not to let the loyalists win but I do get nervous anytime serious conversations about a united ireland come about bc riots and petrol bombings kick off where I live and sectarian threats start appearing on the walls around the youth groups I used to work at. if that's what happens when conversations take place, what's going to be the response if it's brought into motion... and how will that be responded to by radical nationalists... and so on. aghh.
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jordanianroyals · 7 months
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BBC: Jordan's free speech boundaries tested with satire
By Yolande Knell, BBC News Middle East correspondent, 5 August 2023
One of the most popular satirical websites in the Arab world has hit back after being banned in Jordan by poking fun at the country's new planned censorship laws.
AlHudood, meaning "the limits" or "the borders", publishes articles and social media posts highlighting the absurdities of Middle Eastern politics and everyday life in a deadpan style. It is in effect the region's answer to the US parody website The Onion or the UK's Private Eye.
Its mocking commentary of the lavish wedding of Jordan's crown prince apparently led to AlHudood being blocked by the authorities last month - just ahead of tighter restrictions on the media being introduced.
Legislation currently going through parliament has been denounced by journalists and human rights groups, who say it will further restrict freedom of expression.
In its response, AlHudood - which was started in Jordan a decade ago - has offered a sardonic guide to publishing content in the country "without being fined, imprisoned, crucified".
Another mock article in a series of reports focuses on a "terrorist" who just started to pose a question on Facebook and was arrested for an "electronic crime".
"I think this will probably create a bigger clash [with officials in Amman] than before, but we feel we have no choice because if we don't do this, the longer-term effect for us and everyone else is going to be so much worse," an AlHudood source tells me from London.
In a region of autocratic leaders where state-run media dominates, AlHudood has thrived against the odds over the past decade and is seen as a breath of fresh air by many of its young followers. It says it reaches a million readers on its website and some 30 million a year on social media, which has become the main forum for voicing criticism of Arab authorities.
"We sort of do the journalism and then repackage it with satire," the London source says. "Satire is really great at working with hypocrisy and corruption."
Dark humour is deployed even on the toughest topics such as civil war, sectarian fighting, immigration and terrorism.
"A lot of the news is so overwhelming and it's difficult to find an angle on it," the AlHudood source adds. "Our approach at least gets people curious about what's happening. It helps create a question in people's heads like: 'What should I think about that?'"
Among the online publication's recent satirical reports was one about the Tunisian president condemning sub-Saharan Africans for stealing places on migrant boats from his own people.
Others drily introduce the two latest candidates "who will not end" Lebanon's long-running presidential vacuum and tell of an agreement between Turkey and Syria "to repatriate 50% of every refugee".
One headline: "Saudi government signs Hajj promotion deal with Cristiano Ronaldo" mocks how widely the superstar footballer has been used in marketing since his lucrative transfer to a Riyadh club.
For AlHudood's writers the opulent celebrations for the Jordanian royal wedding in June seemed ripe for ridicule. While Jordanian law has long criminalised speech deemed critical of the king, from experience its team did not think it was crossing red lines.
A satirical Instagram post depicted Jordanian riot police arresting a man for throwing a party for his baby son on the day of the crown prince's nuptials. There was also a joke threatening fines for citizens who were found not smiling sufficiently. Another gag asked how the costs of the wedding were being covered in the country struggling with rising living costs.
Human rights activists say that in Jordan and the broader Middle East, there has been a recent trend for increased state censorship. There have been many prosecutions of social media influencers and bans on TikTok.
A coalition of civic rights groups led by US-based Human Rights Watch (HRW) has urged Jordan's parliament to scrap its new cybercrimes law, saying it could jeopardise free speech and lead to greater online censorship. They criticise how some offences are described in vague terms which could leave them open for the interpretation of prosecutors.
"It makes very clear that the intention of this is to scare people and make them think twice about posting anything online that could be remotely critical or controversial, or something some official won't like. It's deeply concerning," says Adam Coogle from HRW in Amman.
"When you pair it with the real shrinking space for civil discussion that has taken place in this country otherwise in the last few years, we're looking at a clear slide into more authoritarian governance."
The cybercrime bill - which has just been sent back to Jordan's lower house of parliament by the Senate after it drafted small revisions - is also expected to give greater powers to the authorities to block websites and social media platforms.
Jordan's government maintains that the draft law is not meant to limit freedoms but tackle fake news, online defamation and hate speech. It denies trying to stifle dissent but says it wants to protect people from internet abuse or blackmail.
Nevertheless, there has been criticism from Washington, the country's main donor.
In order to work around regional restrictions, AlHudood has now been formally based in the UK for several years. It does not name its contributors from across the Arab world, reducing the chance of direct conflict with officials.
Despite the Jordan ban - which follows on from one in the United Arab Emirates - its writers say that they will continue touching the sensitive nerves of Middle Eastern powers.
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vikkirosko · 2 years
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✈️ John Seed x male!Reader headcanons 🕶
You and John met in Hope County. Then you didn't know about his connection with Father. For you, he was just an interesting and handsome man to whom you had romantic feelings. When you found out that your feelings were mutual, you were sincerely glad about it. You dated for a long time, but when you found out that his family and the people around him were pretty religious, you broke off your relationship. You didn't treat him any worse. You were really in love with him, but you didn't want him to have problems because he was dating a man
You lived quietly in Hope County for a couple of years. You lived in a small house and successfully engaged in your own business. The only problem for you were the sectarians who tried to take your house away from you several times. That was the only reason why you agreed to help junior deputy. You didn't want your house and everything you cherished to be taken away from you
When you had a break between battles, you thought about John. Your feelings for him have not changed, even though you knew that he and his family were to blame for many of the troubles in Hope County. That's why you didn't tell anyone about your feelings and about your relationship. You didn't want the others to think you were a spy. However, sometimes you really missed John
When you found out that several of your friends were taken hostage at John's ranch, you went to help them. You were ready for the fact that you had to fight, but you weren't ready for the fact that John would be waiting for you there. He found out that you often started creating riots with the junior deputy. He saw it as an opportunity to talk to you and try to get your relationship back. John didn't forget you and didn't let his subordinates hurt you. He intended to talk to you so that you would finally understand that he doesn't care about the fact that you are a man and that his family will accept your relationship
When you came to the ranch, you found that the only one who was there was John. You understood that it would be more correct to kill him, but you couldn't do it. John promised he wouldn't attack you and asked you to just talk. You were hoping that you would be able to talk and come to at least some kind of agreement. You understood that it would not be so easy for you to get your relationship back, especially considering the situation you were in. However, you both kept hoping that all was not lost yet
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nijjhar · 1 year
Punjabi:- Latton kae Bhoot Lalae Batton sae nahi maanttae. Pathans and J... Punjabi:- Latton kae Bhoot Lalae Batton sae nahi maanttae. Pathans and Jatts need to use sword power https://youtu.be/lKCSYAUK5IE Sons of Satan by their powers. In the Middle East, the people of the Juda tribe are Baby Princes of Darkness and for them, just a rebuke by Christ Jesus was enough and the money thief Juda Iscariot killed himself as the 30 Shackles had become blood money. He tried to return to the Treasury of Temple but they refused to take it back. So, he threw the money into the Temple of Yahweh, Brahma, Khuda, etc., the Potter of male and female; thus, the Temple Priests bought a field and called it Potter’s Field. There, the use of the sword power was not needed. In the East were the people of the Khatri tribe who became the administrators, Diwans, administrators of the invaders. They were happily fleecing the local people to please the invaders. The Khatris surpassed the people of tribes assigned the duty to lead the worship called Brahmin = Cohen. As the people of the Judah tribe controlled the people of the Levi tribe performing the job of Brahmin = Cohen, the people of the Khatri tribe dominated over the tribes that were doing the job of Brahmin and this is well represented in the Saying:- “PUTT JAMANN KHATRIANIAN; KOI KOI BAHMANIA” That is the sons of Khatris surpassed in the religious knowledge to those tribes who were assigned the job of Brahmin = Cohen”. Thus, when the Mohammedan rulers attacked India, the Khatris became Mohammedans and called themselves “Sheikh, " meaningSheikhs they know the Quran very well. The Khatri Sheikhs also understood the Gurbani; Gur = logical reasoning and Bani means Testament that was not understood by many. A typical example is the Saying:- MITTI MUSSALLMAN DI; PAEE PAERRAE GHUMIAR (Brahma = Yahweh = Khuda) and the Mohammedans do not like to cremate the body but bury it as the Jews advised them.                                                                                                                                                                                                       Gospel is by His grace only if you long for the Gospel Treasures and not of Mammon in greed. Logo = His Word = God. Greatest Blasphemers and Killers Blair and Bush being considered by Anti-Christ Bishops for Nobel Peace Prize. Nobel Peace Prize should rather go to Assange and the Iraqi journalist Muntadhar al-Zaidi who threw both his shoes at the hypocrite Bush in Iraq. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9qHdTpTXHvE&list=PL0C8AFaJhsWz7HtQEhV91eAKugUw73PW1 Blair and Bush’s blasphemies against Holy Spirit are bearing Fruit in economic chaos created by Virus https://youtu.be/0WBYOmpDuCs Shoe throwing at Bush by the Soldier of God Elohim, Allah, Parbrahm, etc., a HERO. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bush_shoeing_incident#:~:text=%22Arab%20moment%E2%80%9D.-,Event,Bush. This is America - Israel in Disguise:- Grim American Jewish Reaper waving sickle to kill more in Venezuela as they did in Iraq, Libya, Syria, Ukraine, etc. www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/GrimReaper.htm   Beware of these robed people as everyone has to give his account to God. This is the Dark Age of Christs, the Innerman, in people. Satguru = Christ Nanak was the second coming of Jesus and this Holiest of Holy Complex in Amritsar has become the epicentre of the crooks. Harmandir Sahib is of the same size as the one that was in Jerusalem and destroyed forever in 70 A.D. But what gold has to do with God? Matt.13.v24-30 is getting fulfilled and the Tares, unfaithful to Abraham Jews outwardly, are getting bundled up in Israel for the Final Burning expected to be on 14/11/2023, the seventh Month of Elohim after Israel is 75 years old on 14/05/2023 when the real war would start. Before the Atomic War, USA or Israel will attack a country making Atomic Bombs, which is Iran. THERE WILL BE NO PEACE IN THE M.EAST OR THE PARTS OF THE WORLD WHERE PEOPLE HAVE FORGOTTEN THEIR TRIBAL IDENTITIES IN ADAM. People like President Morsi exploiting people in the name of religion are Sons of Satan Al-Djmar Al-Aksa, the most powerful sons of Satan that would create sectarian riots. Very few countries would be safe. For detailed information and expositions of the Parables, please watch my Youtube Videos Channel One God One Faith. A T-Shirt design if interested:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/EndT.pdf  Any help to improve the two Photos? Proofs of the Virgin Birth of Jesus: - www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/bojes.htm Here is a related Youtube Video on the Family of God:- https://youtu.be/bzWFWMyKNjE My ebook by Kindle. ASIN: B01AVLC9WO Full description:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/Rest.htm Any helper to finish my Books:- ONE GOD ONE FAITH:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/bookfin.pdf and in Punjabi KAKHH OHLAE LAKHH:-  www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/pdbook.pdf John's baptism:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/johnsig.pdf Trinity:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/trinity.pdf
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werewolfetone · 8 months
Hello! I wanted to humbly ask if you had any pointers on where one could get started on organisations in Ireland in the 18th century that were primarily about harrassing your local landlord for being a greedy asshole? I know I'm terribly simplifying but that is why I'd love to know more and understand how those movements are situated in Ireland's political situation at the time. Thank you for all your history posting btw, it's a fascinating period you talk about and I always know where to look if I want to know more about it.
To hit the main ones, the articles Secret Societies and Agrarian Violence in Ireland, 1790-1840 and The Whiteboy Movement, 1761-5 are good introductions to the Whiteboys + for the Hearts of Steel and Hearts of Oak the best starting places are probably the articles Hearts of Oak, Hearts of Steel and Lord Donegall and the Hearts of Steel + Priests, Parsons and Politics: The Rightboy Protest in County Cork 1785-1788 is a pretty good introduction to the Rightboys. They weren't just an anti landlord group but personally my favourite study of the Defenders is the book The Men of No Property by Jim Smyth but Defenders and Defenderism in 1795 is shorter & also good, if you are curious about the Defenders too.
In terms of books, there's the aforementioned The Men of No Property, and also the book Rituals and Riots: Sectarian Violence and Political Culture in Ulster, 1784-1886 by Sean Farrell, which touches on the Defenders too but I haven't finished it yet so take the recommendation of it with a grain of salt. There exists exactly 1 book afaik about the Steelboys and Oakboys and it is The Ulster Land War of 1770 by Francis Joseph Bigger, which is... basically a tract Bigger wrote to convince more people to join the IRA of the 1910s. Honestly I don't think I can fully recommend it in good conscience but it has its uses. Lastly, if you're interested in contemporary loyalist reactions to these secret societies, Sir Richard Musgrave, an early 19th century Orangeman, talks about nearly all of them (but lingers on the Whiteboys the longest) in his book Memoirs of the Different Rebellions in Ireland. What he says about them is mostly correct, just very opinionated + also Musgrave's nationalist counterpart, RR Madden, talks about all of these groups at different points in his books about the United Irishmen but, again, particularly had a lot to say about the Whiteboys.
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hareefaree · 2 years
Journal - 2022 Fall Reflections - Pre-Production and The Dressmaker Project - P1
EDIT: Part 2 | Part 3 | Final Photos
So perhaps my biggest project of the semester was this several-month long set/stop-motion preproduction project. My working title is The Dressmaker Project since thats the main character's vibe. Basically I just spent 4 months building, texturing, and crafting these two sets and a single puppet to just kinda live in it, based off of old photos and memories (round the 70s/80s) of my mother's childhood home in Bombay.
Process under the cut! Animation reflections here and game design here!
So I knew I wanted to work in 70s-80s india (for some reason this period just sings to me, my first 3D-puppet stop motion project was like 70s bollywood) so I spent most of the early semester watching vintage Bollywood films and asking my parents for photos and stories about growing up in Mumbai. I've also not been back to India in a while - since my grandfather died, actually - and usually when we go I call my grandparents' house/my mother's childhood flat home. I was feeling home(ish?)sick and was also super excited about coming out as a lesbian.
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(photos from my mom's childhood)
So my goal was to capture like... young womanhood/girlhood in Bombay, the feeling you get of desiring something just out of reach, about wanting closeness with your girl peers that you can't cross over. I also learned a lot about the 1990 Mumbai riots, Bal Thackeray, and how that sorta framed modern Indian politics, sectarianism, etc.
Some films I watched for vibe reasons! Arth (1982), Sancharram/The Journey (2004), Parinda (1989), Fire (1996), Bombay (1995). At some point through this I became like, a massive Shabana Azmi fan lol. None of these are from the 70s. I am realizing that now.
I also listened to a lot of 70s bollywood and just general disco-pop music. You can find my work playlist here!
So yeah! Concept wise I was REALLY strong about my set but less so about my character. You'll see how that worked out for me :P
Some concept work:
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(I really want to solidify my puppet making style. I love paper heads and felted bodies and I wanted a very shapey design. I don't think the character design on the left was super attainable or that it reflects the direction I was going with the character... but its a good design that would be fun to animate in a 2D style methinks.) Also the armature drawing looks disgusting bc there was epoxy putty and sculpey all over that thing.)
Some cardboard set experiments (my stop mo professor has been drilling it into our heads to map out the set on paper and test dimensions with cardboard cutouts. She's right):
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So yeah! Two sets, one in which you can look to the other one via window. Pretty ambitious of me on its own, on top of that both sets would have to feel lived in...
Part 2 for texturing process!
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anotherworldnowblog · 2 months
“The beginning of the rise of fascism presupposes a significant series of working-class defeats. These defeats immediately precede fascism, and open the way to it.”  –Nicos Poulantzas, Fascism and Dictatorship (139)
It’s spring, 2020. The third precinct is in flames. The police carry out a hasty evacuation to the sounds of the cheers and threats of thousands of rebels under a sky ablaze with fireworks. The third precinct is in flames. Statues of genocidaires come crashing to the ground simultaneously in dozens of cities across the cursed landscape of the most feared imperial power in the history of the world. Countless police lines are broken, an unprecedented number of cops are hospitalized, the national guard’s equipment fails to intimidate, and it appears as though the age of defensive struggles is over. The new world is on the attack; the real movement has the initiative.
Looting is coordinated electronically; motorized hordes attack the centers of capital accumulation and ceaselessly appropriate the world’s products for immediate use.[1] A hotel becomes fully decommodified housing.[2] Parking lots become distribution centers.[3] Prison riots explode globally as the distinction between inside and outside begins to blur.[4] With the future evaporated into a globally-felt bio-crisis, capitalist subjectivity breaks down completely and a revolutionary coalition emerges at the intersection of interest, morality, and revenge. Despite what amounts to a de facto lockout from the sites of production in the name of public health, the return of the proletariat is marked by a distinct intelligence and awareness of the totality; highways are immediately occupied as if coordinated by telepathy,[5] police power is ingeniously neutralized by virally disseminated tactics,[6] and a general refusal to appeal to representation fans across the networked rebellion. The circulatory system of capital is all but blocked, the paper tiger is soaked through by a movement determined to “be water,” and sectarian fighting and paralyzing paranoia are temporarily neutralized through a combination of good faith and a frank, now-or-never understanding of the tenuous portal pried open in the walls of a crumbling order. My heart breaks all over again with the crashing recognition of what was and did not last.
There are many stories that have been told about the rising of May-June, the George Floyd Rebellion, but very few have felt like the truth. Specifically, many of us, in our attempts to account for how we lost, have pointed to Democratic cooptation, the so-called peace police, outright psy-ops, a vulgarized identity politics, the absence of labor, general disorganization, liberalism, or at nonviolence or violence, too much or too little leadership, depending on who’s doing the talking. All of these things were present to some varied degree, but none of them truly account for the defeat of the May-June Rebellion and the vanquishing of the so-called Party of George Floyd.
Remarkably undertheorized is the way the reopening of businesses and the distribution of vaccinations, coupled with the cancellation of stimulus checks, acted to restart the economic machine, returning the prospect of a predictable future to the consciousness of the most integrated masses, almost instantly resubjectifying the lower strata of the community of capital that had, in crisis conditions, decisively broken with the old order on moral and ethical grounds to stand with the proletariat. A close analysis of this process of desubjectification and subsequent resubjectivication––a process which is at once economic, ideological, and psychological––will have to be the endeavor of some future work, for to speak of solely this still leaves a most critical dimension unelucidated.
The defeat of the Party of George Floyd would not have been possible without a terroristic and murderous counterrevolution, ever-increasing in its intensity, unleashed by the patriotic pig class; the star-spangled shock troops of capital. The vital heat from the righteous flames of rebellion woke the fascist dragon and it has not rested since.
The stability of the capital relation in the USA rests above all else on the maintenance of a centuries old racial hierarchy, affecting all class relations and influencing the outcome of all class struggle. To challenge this hierarchy is to threaten the stability of the capital relation and the existence of the American nation at once. The Party of George Floyd was a world-historic incarnation of the type of movement capable of bringing America to its knees. It was a prophetic vision of the Second American Revolution to come, led by the proletariat, drawing in and subordinating splintered class fractions as it moved, these having been fleetingly cut loose by a crisis that perhaps began as exogenous and biological, but rapidly became endogenic and total.
The uprising of May-June was put down only through a savage concatenation of extrajudicial fascist street violence, the urban warfare of a police and national guard operating within a state of exception, and a bipartisan legal assault on all forms of dissent instinctually choreographed between the lowest of local courthouses and the highest halls of power.
The rebellion of May-June confirmed what several decades of class struggle in the United States had already disclosed many times over: today, the watchwords of the most advanced segment of the proletariat are simply, “fuck the police.” The George Floyd rebellion sought to once and for all make good on the promise of liberal antiracism––to eradicate the scourge of racial and police violence from America––and practically tripped over the truth that the abolition of capital necessarily follows; it is now painfully clear that we will never be forgiven for it.
Below, I have attempted to tell a familiar story in an unfamiliar way. My aim here is not to chart the rise and fall of a noble protest movement; celebrate the unmistakable dialectic of joy and fear, love and revenge, immanent to every insurrection worthy of the name; nor is to theorize the radical desubjectivation and class betrayal brought about by unprecedented crisis conditions. Many other past writings and future works have and will be dedicated to such topics. History tells us that failed revolutions are always periods of incredible transformation and of horrifying violence. What I hope you will see plainly in what comes below is exactly that: a period of unprecedented rebellion and counterrevolutionary violence in all fifty states and an accelerated consolidation of an increasingly coherent fascist bloc in American society, called forth by a triple crisis of public health, social relations, and ideology. The following is not exhaustive or comprehensive, but rather a preliminary gathering up of data points. Today we have no shortage of high definition imagery of each fresh atrocity and injustice; what we lack and what we need desperately is a bird’s eye view of the present. What we lose in detail, we hopefully gain doubly in orientation.
“Between equal rights force decides” -Karl Marx, Capital Volume 1
As the first fires raged at the end of May in Minneapolis, a protester is shot dead by the owner of a liquor-store.[7] The movement is undaunted, but the incident darkly portends a stochastic, extrajudicial countermovement in defense of private property.
In Detroit, as risings explode across the country in solidarity with the courageous actions of the Minneapolis militants, a car pulls up to a growing crowd of rebels and fires several shots in their direction, killing a 21-year-old man.[8]
On May 30th, a black protester in Omaha is shot dead by a business-owner who claimed he was seen vandalizing several neighboring businesses.[9] A few hundred miles east, another man is fatally run over by a FedEx driver attempting to protect his cargo from would-be looters in St. Louis.[10]
On June 1st, Louisville cops open fire on a crowd of protestors, killing one.[11] On the same night, a 22-year-old woman is shot dead by an unknown assailant in Davenport, Iowa as she leaves anti-police protests.[12] Across town, a group allegedly fires upon an unmarked Davenport police van. Officers, ostensibly returning fire, kill one person.[13] In Cicero, Illinois, two men who happened to be near a group liberating libations from behind the liquor store’s paywall are shot and killed by an unknown assailant. The murders are pinned on “outside agitators” by police.[14]
On June 2nd, in Vallejo, California, at least one hundred protestors surrounded the police and showered them with a hail of bricks and trash. Seemingly in retaliation, later that night, a 22-year-old man is forced to his knees in the parking lot of a Vallejo Walgreens by police. He is summarily executed.[15]
On the 3rd of June, a 50-year-old protestor partaking in a march in Bakersfield, California, is run over and killed by a local patriot, undoubtedly inspired by the infamous automotive homicide in Charlottesville, which killed antifascist Heather Heyer, only a few years earlier.[16] In under a month, another brave protestor is murdered in the same fashion, this time in Seattle.[17]
On the evening of June 4th, New York Police kettle a group of protesters and mercilessly douse them in military grade OC spray as soon as they are in violation of the 8 PM curfew. As they choke on their own vomit, blinded by searing chemical burns, the cops beat the disabled protestors without restraint, breaking bones and leaving several to bleed across the asphalt, convulsing and unconscious. Miraculously, no one is found dead when the police finally make way for emergency services.[18]
On June 13th, Atlanta goes up in flames in response to yet another police lynching. This time, an armed occupation forcibly evicts the police from the area surrounding the Wendy’s where the slaughter took place. The movement, sensing both the narrowing window to another world and the fatigue of an already-expiring coalition, openly grapples with the question of armed struggle. With the engine of resubjectification already beginning to hum, the moralistic fraction of the abolitionist machine pulls the eject cord, opening up the now isolated vanguard to the most severe repression.[19]
In Washington, DC, fires burn across the city and the riots’ frontlines move closer and closer to the White House. The President is evacuated to a bunker and aerial photographs of the capitol show columns of smoke pouring from the nation’s nerve center, obscuring the neoclassical architecture universally loved by the world’s fascists. The movement is beaten back after days of fighting only by the deployment of a deluge of chemical weapons. The President stages a triumphant march through the now-cleansed streets.[20]
In July, an American soldier, a 36-year old sergeant, arrives at a Black Lives Matter demonstration in Austin, Texas. Perhaps sensing that the movement for black life was indeed a movement towards the dissolution of his America, he, like so many proto-fascist veterans before him, steps in to do the work his beloved state seems unable or unwilling to do itself. He shoots and kills a white protestor who, as well as providing armed defense for the would-be builders of the new world, was protecting his wheelchair-bound, black girlfriend.[21]
That same month, police riot in Chicago, descending on a massive street action that had cleverly veered off its expected course and began rapidly working to tear down a towering gift from Mussolini himself: a statue of Columbus emblazoned with the fascii, situated in the city’s most central park. The militants had wasted no time in going on the offensive, clearing the park of cops with a barrage of frozen soda cans, fireworks, stones, laser blasts, and day-old pastries from behind a wall of umbrellas. Having been completely embarrassed, forced to frantically retreat, the Chicago police tap their collective memory of the Days of Rage and unleash a fury on the protestors not seen in generations. Gas threatens to drown and choke the movement, batons swing wildly, and an 18-year-old black girl named Miracle, an increasingly visible local leader of the fragile coalition to get free, is targeted by officers and beaten to a pulp by hand. Those unarrested limp to the nearest train. Fingers previously reserved only for flicking off the cops and national guardsmen begin to be pointed at each other. The statue’s partial removal is completed by the mayor herself, an obvious example of the combination repression-coptation that would contribute to the irrevocable fragmentation of the movement nationally.[22]
In late July, videos surface from Portland of unmarked vans kidnapping and disappearing protestors off the streets. It is later revealed that these were in fact federal agents under the authority of DHS, at least partially exposing a government sanctioned terror campaign against a hitherto unbreakable coalition of riotous antiracists and anticapitalists.[23]
In August, Kenosha explodes. Another black man is shot in the back by police and protestors automatically go on the attack. Fireworks are launched into the lines of storm-troopers, commodities are seized or torched, and buildings are destroyed with a hitherto unseen intelligence; notably, a Wisconsin Department of Corrections building is burned to the ground along with the countless records it contained.[24] After multiple nights of all-out insurrection, a cherubic 17-year-old fascist from Illinois drives north with the goal of setting things right. Determined to protect the racialized property regime at the center of the American project, he shoots three anti-police protestors, killing two, before disappearing safely behind police lines.[25]
In September, antifascist Michael Reinoehl is executed in the street by US Marshalls. The assassination was more or less ordered publicly by the President of the United States. At the end of the same month, a grand jury declines to prosecute officers for the murder of Breyona Taylor. Protests continue throughout the country, but the Party of George Floyd has now vanished from the historical stage. Emboldened fascist gangs more frequently begin to menace the now defanged protest movement and hold counterprotests of their own. Police continue to slaughter unarmed black people but it ceases to call into existence a force capable of challenging the murderous status quo. As alluded to above, everything has changed; or perhaps more precisely, things were beginning again to stay the same. In November, Joe Biden is elected president.
The young people involved in burning down the third precinct are sentenced to several years in prison.[26] Many of the protesters across the country charged with arson will serve more time than the few property-loving death-dealers who were performatively punished for patriotically murdering those who dared to challenge America’s racial caste system. Most of these killers are never caught. It’s doubtful law enforcement even made an effort. Derek Chauvin is eventually convicted, if only so the rest of his ilk can go on.
Kyle Rittenhouse is acquitted. Kyle Rittenhouse is acquitted.[27] He walks among us, a free man, while many of our bravest comrades languish in prison or are with us now only as martyrs.
The Party of George Floyd was not neutralized by peace police, or by electoralism, or by bad leaders, or by not having leaders. It was beaten back by frantic, often stochastic and extrastate, terroristic violence, aided and abetted by previously disparate fractions of the capitalist state drawn into unprecedented unity by the layered crisis of 2020. I would argue that the force used to put down the rebellion was far from “excessive,” but rather exactly what was necessary to avert an unprecedented crisis in capitalism spiraling into a full-blown revolution.
The revolutionary energies of the May-June uprising called into being a counterrevolutionary force that, far from dissipating with the defeat of the movement and the election of a new president, has continued gestating, consolidating, and cohering into something that can only be accurately described as fascism.
“Terror tactics like lynching will never be allowed to work on us. If terror is going to be the choice of weapons, there must be funerals on both sides. And let the whole enemy power complex be conscious of that!” -George Jackson, Blood In My Eye (p.14)
[1] Chicago's Magnificent Mile Erupts In Overnight Looting, Violence. August 10th, 2020
[2] They Built a Utopian Sanctuary in a Minneapolis Hotel. Then They Got Evicted. June 12, 2020.
[3] The Heart of the Uprising in Minneapolis. June 15th, 2020. https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2020/06/22/the-heart-of-the-uprising-in-minneapolis
[4] Prison Riots and COVID 19 Pandemic: A Global Uprising? https://blogs.helsinki.fi/gulagechoes/2020/04/15/prison-riots-and-the-covid-19-pandemic-a-global-uprising/
[5] The Racial Injustice of American Highways. June 3rd, 2020.
Protestors, law enforcement clash in downtown L.A. during protest over George Floyd’s death. June 27th, 2020. https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2020-05-27/protestors-block-the-101-freeway [There are countless examples of such tactics in just the first weeks of the rebellion, easily found online. In an effort to save space, the two articles above must suffice for our purposes here]
[6] America is awash in cameras, a double-edged sword for protesters and police. June 3rd, 2020. https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2020/06/03/cameras-surveillance-police-protesters/ [“We have been learning tactics from the protests in Hong Kong”]
[7] Man shot dead outside Lake Street pawnshop during unrest is identified. May 29, 2020. https://www.startribune.com/man-shot-dead-outside-lake-street-pawnshop-during-unrest-is-identified/570865962/
[8] Man fatally shot during protests in Detroit. May 30, 2020. https://www.cnn.com/2020/05/30/us/detroit-man-shot-protests/index.html
[9] Omaha Police investigate Saturday night shooting death of protester. May 31st, 2020. https://www.3newsnow.com/news/local-news/omaha-police-investigate-saturday-night-shooting-death-of-protester [The murderer of James Scurlock was a local bar-owner who later killed himself, rather than be brought to justice.]
[10] Family of man struck, killed during protests fault FedEx. June 3rd, 2020. https://apnews.com/general-news-261c0a07eb120c6ee7fe8890b069b3f0
[11] One dead in Louisville after police and National Guard 'return fire' on crowd. June 1st, 2020. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/one-dead-louisville-after-police-national-guard-return-fire-protesters-n1220831
[12] Woman, 22, killed at protest as civil unrest roils Davenport. June 1st, 2020. https://apnews.com/article/18e8ec5a9b8e7175a128254d55df41e3
[13] Police: 2nd person killed in Davenport was shot at site of officer ambush. June 5th, 2020. https://www.desmoinesregister.com/story/news/crime-and-courts/2020/06/05/davenport-unrest-name-2nd-person-killed-released/3155832001/
[14] Chaos In Cicero: 2 Bystanders Shot Dead In One Incident, Liquor Store Looting Suspects Caught Hiding In Another. June 1st, 2020. https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/news/chaos-in-cicero-2-bystanders-shot-dead-in-one-incident-liquor-store-looting-suspects-caught-hiding-in-another/
[15] SF resident was kneeling when fatally shot by Vallejo police during civil unrest. June 3rd, 2020. https://www.sfchronicle.com/crime/article/Attorney-identifies-SF-resident-fatally-shot-by-15315301.php
[16] Protester dies after being hit by car during Wednesday’s march. June 6th, 2020. https://www.kget.com/news/local-news/protester-dies-after-being-hit-by-car-during-wednesdays-march/
[17] Protester killed on Seattle freeway was dedicated to cause. July 5th, 2020. https://apnews.com/article/us-news-ap-top-news-wa-state-wire-police-racial-injustice-ff3c4fb3a627d694b5d888dcd48c89b0
[18] NYC to pay millions over police ‘kettling’ at Floyd protest. March 1st, 2023. https://apnews.com/article/nypd-george-floyd-protests-settlement-kettling-2b8c40a36e2195b9a4b33fa2efaccf0a
[19] 23 Days: Stories from the occupation of the Wendy’s where Rayshard Brooks was killed. August 7th, 2020. https://www.atlantamagazine.com/great-reads/23-days-stories-from-the-occupation-of-the-wendys-where-rayshard-brooks-was-killed/
[My summary of the events at the Wendy’s in Atlanta is woefully inadequate. The episode is deserving of intensive study. See analysis published at Ill Will under the title “At the Wendy’s” or the documentary called We Are Now,  hosted on Crimethinc]
[20] Peaceful Protesters Tear-Gassed To Clear Way For Trump Church Photo-Op. June 1st, 2020. https://www.npr.org/2020/06/01/867532070/trumps-unannounced-church-visit-angers-church-officials
[21] Armed Protester Shot, Killed By Driver In Austin Identified As Garrett Foster, Alleged Shooter Released From Custody. July 26, 2020. https://www.cbsnews.com/texas/news/armed-protester-shot-killed-driver-austin-identified-garrett-foster-shooter-released-custody/
[22] What Happened July 17? https://protesttimeline.southsideweekly.com/july-17/
[23] ‘It was like being preyed upon’: Portland protesters say federal officers in unmarked vans are detaining them. July 17th, 2020. https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2020/07/17/portland-protests-federal-arrests/
[24] Department of Corrections building burned to the ground in Kenosha unrest. August 25th, 2020. https://www.cbs58.com/news/department-of-corrections-building-destroyed-in-kenosha-unrest
[25] Illinois Teen Arrested After Fatal Shootings Of 2 Kenosha, Wis., Protesters. August 26th, 2020. https://www.npr.org/sections/live-updates-protests-for-racial-justice/2020/08/26/906145086/3-shot-1-fatally-in-kenosha-wis-as-protests-continue-over-police-shooting
[26]St. Paul Man Sentenced To Prison, $12 Million In Restitution For Minneapolis Police Third Precinct Arson, United States Attorney’s Office: https://www.justice.gov/usao-mn/pr/st-paul-man-sentenced-prison-12-million-restitution-minneapolis-police-third-precinct#:~:text=MINNEAPOLIS%20%E2%80%93%20A%20St.,crowd%20of%20hundreds%20had%20gathered.
[27] Kyle Rittenhouse is acquitted on all charges, NPR: https://www.npr.org/2021/11/19/1057288807/kyle-rittenhouse-acquitted-all-charges-verdict
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confettihipster · 4 months
A Jose Old Firm stint feels inevitable at this point
i loved yesterday bc its like this jovial 60 year old man on the tv and you know he is gonna cause a riot in istanbul by christmas. maybe he could go and end sectarianism bc he is very catholic but has a very rangers personality by which i mean vindictive and petty.
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brookstonalmanac · 4 months
Events 5.13 (after 1955)
1958 – During a visit to Caracas, Venezuela, the US Vice President Richard Nixon's car is attacked by anti-American demonstrators. 1958 – May 1958 crisis: A group of French military officers lead a coup in Algiers demanding that a government of national unity be formed with Charles de Gaulle at its head in order to defend French control of Algeria. 1958 – Ben Carlin becomes the first (and only) person to circumnavigate the world by amphibious vehicle, having travelled over 17,000 kilometres (11,000 mi) by sea and 62,000 kilometres (39,000 mi) by land during a ten-year journey. 1960 – Hundreds of University of California, Berkeley students congregate for the first day of protest against a visit by the House Committee on Un-American Activities. 1967 – Dr. Zakir Husain becomes the third President of India. He is the first Muslim President of the Indian Union. He holds this position until August 24, 1969. 1969 – May 13 Incident involving sectarian violence in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 1971 – Over 900 unarmed Bengali Hindus are murdered in the Demra massacre. 1972 – A fire occurs in the Sennichi Department Store in Osaka, Japan. Blocked exits and non-functional elevators result in 118 fatalities (many victims leaping to their deaths). 1972 – The Troubles: A car bombing outside a crowded pub in Belfast sparks a two-day gun battle involving the Provisional IRA, Ulster Volunteer Force and British Army. Seven people are killed and over 66 injured. 1980 – An F3 tornado hits Kalamazoo County, Michigan. President Jimmy Carter declares it a federal disaster area. 1981 – Mehmet Ali Ağca attempts to assassinate Pope John Paul II in St. Peter's Square in Rome. The Pope is rushed to the Agostino Gemelli University Polyclinic to undergo emergency surgery and survives. 1985 – Police bombed MOVE headquarters in Philadelphia, killing six adults and five children, and destroying the homes of 250 city residents. 1989 – Large groups of students occupy Tiananmen Square and begin a hunger strike. 1990 – The Dinamo–Red Star riot took place at Maksimir Stadium in Zagreb, Croatia between the Bad Blue Boys (fans of Dinamo Zagreb) and the Delije (fans of Red Star Belgrade). 1992 – Li Hongzhi gives the first public lecture on Falun Gong in Changchun, People's Republic of China. 1995 – Alison Hargreaves, a 33-year-old British mother, becomes the first woman to conquer Everest without oxygen or the help of sherpas. 1996 – Severe thunderstorms and a tornado in Bangladesh kill 600 people. 1998 – Race riots break out in Jakarta, Indonesia, where shops owned by Indonesians of Chinese descent are looted and women raped. 1998 – India carries out two nuclear weapon tests at Pokhran, following the three conducted on May 11. The United States and Japan impose economic sanctions on India. 2000 – A fireworks storage depot explodes in a residential neighborhood in Enschede, Netherlands, killing 23 people and injuring 950 others. 2005 – Andijan uprising, Uzbekistan; Troops open fire on crowds of protestors after a prison break; at least 187 people were killed according to official estimates. 2006 – São Paulo violence: Rebellions occur in several prisons in Brazil. 2011 – Two bombs explode in the Charsadda District of Pakistan killing 98 people and wounding 140 others. 2012 – Forty-nine dismembered bodies are discovered by Mexican authorities on Mexican Federal Highway 40. 2013 – American physician Kermit Gosnell is found guilty in Pennsylvania of murdering three infants born alive during attempted abortions, involuntary manslaughter of a woman during an abortion procedure, and other charges. 2014 – An explosion at an underground coal mine in southwest Turkey kills 301 miners.
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wikiuntamed · 7 months
Five steps of Wikipedia for Friday, 23rd February 2024
Welcome, velkommen, welcome, მოგესალმებით (mogesalmebit) 🤗 Five steps of Wikipedia from "Wooden idols of India" to "4Kids TV". 🪜👣
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Start page 👣🏁: Wooden idols of India "Wooden idols have traditionally been made in India, as a tractable and commonly-available material to artists and craftsmen in architecture and sculpture. Few specimens survive of early works due to the perishable nature of wood, particularly in a hot and humid climate. However, other sources..."
Step 1️⃣ 👣: Avalokiteśvara "In Buddhism, Avalokiteśvara (meaning "the lord who looks down", IPA: ), also known as Lokeśvara ("Lord of the World") and Chenrezig (in Tibetan), is a tenth-level bodhisattva associated with great compassion (mahakaruṇā). He is often associated with Amitabha Buddha. Avalokiteśvara has numerous..."
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Image licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0? by Hyougushi
Step 2️⃣ 👣: 969 Movement "The 969 Movement (Burmese: ၉၆၉ လှုပ်ရှားမှု) is a Buddhist nationalist movement opposed to what they see as Islam's expansion in predominantly Buddhist Myanmar (Burma). The three digits of 969 "symbolize the virtues of the Buddha, Buddhist practices and the Buddhist community". The first 9 stands..."
Step 3️⃣ 👣: 2012 Rakhine State riots "The 2012 Rakhine State riots were a series of conflicts primarily between ethnic Rakhine Buddhists and Rohingya Muslims in northern Rakhine State, Myanmar, though by October Muslims of all ethnicities had begun to be targeted. The riots started came after weeks of sectarian disputes including a gang..."
Step 4️⃣ 👣: ABC News "ABC News is the news division of the American television network ABC. Its flagship program is the daily evening newscast ABC World News Tonight with David Muir; other programs include morning news-talk show Good Morning America, Nightline, Primetime, 20/20, and Sunday morning political affairs..."
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Image by The Walt Disney Company
Step 5️⃣ 👣: 4Kids TV "4Kids TV (often stylized as 4K!DSTV and formerly known as FoxBox from September 14, 2002 to January 15, 2005) was an American television programming block and Internet-based video on demand children's network operated by 4Kids Entertainment. It originated as a weekly block on Saturday mornings on..."
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