#security!chai au
pegasister60 · 1 year
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AU where Kale doesn’t just yeet Chai across the room.
He’s about to, but the look of absolute outrage on Peppermint face makes him reconsider. Kale has only ever seen her that pissed when he revealed he’d been controlling their mother. Clearly she’s grown attached to this defect.
And it’s not hard to see why. As dim of a bulb as he is, Chai’s quick and strong and good for field work. Why, with his help even someone like Peppermint could rise up and cause some actual damage after she’s been swiping at his shadow for who knows how long.
Kale’s no stranger to taking chances on potential assets, not when they’re worth the work. He invested in giving Roquefort a bite to match his bark because he was brilliant. He put up with and enabled Zanzo’s eccentricities because he produced results.
And this defect? He’s clearly something special. With SPECTRA already active, that takes care of any risk involved with employing him. It doesn’t matter if Chai’s one of the dumbest people he’s ever shared the same air with; he’s really good at hitting things with his guitar and Kale would be remiss to let that go to waste.
Hell, he’ll even follow through on making him world-famous. It’d save him the PR headache of explaining away Chai defeating Mimosa in front of a fucking crowd. And when SPECTRA really takes off it’s not like they’ll have a need for a proper marketing department anyway.
So he makes Chai his new head of security and makes a note to promote someone from within to handle the cybersecurity aspect. Begins planning to make Chai the new face of Project Armstrong. Things are smoothing themselves out already.
And if he can piss off Peppermint and Korsica while also filling out his ranks? All the better. Chai’s first assignment is getting these intruders out of his sight, and he’s all too eager to follow through.
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marshmurmurs · 11 months
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MJ! @pegasister60
Character uses they/them, sun/sunself, rose/roself, moon/moonself, it/its, fae/fair pronouns :]
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redrose10 · 6 months
Chapter 4
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Here it is! I was nervous to put this out here so I hope it lives up. Yoongi realizes some things in this one but it might be a little too late. Chapter 5 should be out within a few days!
Yoongi X Female Reader. CEO/Arranged Marriage AU
Summary: You were selected to marry the wayward CEO/Billionaire/Heir, Min Yoongi. You went into it with an open mind and heart determined to try and make it work. Yoongi on the other hand had no intention of ever letting you in let alone allowing himself to fall in love with you. Slowly you start to associate the smell of cinnamon and vanilla with the feelings of hurt and sorrow.
Word Count: 3,404
Warnings: (May get updated as chapters progress): Arranged marriage, cheating/infidelity, hints of smut (Probably won’t get very explicit but we’ll see how it goes), Sexual Assault, Brief mentions of death, Reader grew up an orphan, General Angst, Swearing
Waking up with a long stretch you were more than surprised to wake up in your hotel bed. The last thing you remembered was falling asleep on the beach but you have no memory at all of walking back to the room. You figured that hotel security probably found you and thought you were just a drunk so they brought you back to the room after finding your room key on you.
Looking over to the empty space next to you memories from the night before came flooding back to you. The delicious dinner you had and the joyous company of the waiter Hoseok. The sight of Yoongi and the brunette that was all over him. How he lied and called you his sister instead of his wife. How you felt lonely and betrayed and you just wanted to wish everything of the past couple months away.
Suddenly as if your brain finally caught up you realized you were sleeping in the same bed that Yoongi and that woman most likely hooked up in and that caused your skin to crawl. You jumped out of bed like something bit you tripping over your suitcase in the process and landing on the ground with a loud thud. You’d never been so happy for a vacation to end before. Getting in the shower you scrubbed your skin so hard you’re pretty sure you did damage but you wanted to scrub until you no longer felt dirty. After packing up your few belongings you walked out to the living room of your suite. Yoongi was already sitting at the dining table. You scanned his body for any new marks but nothing was visible even with the v neck tshirt he was wearing that caused you to internally scold yourself for staring at him a little too long. When he finally noticed you standing there he pointed to the seat across from him,
“It’s a chai tea. Jimin said you don’t really like coffee so I didn’t know what else to get.“
Sitting down at the table you noticed that the selection of food was all of your favorites. Chocolate chip muffins, a bacon croissant sandwich, crispy potato hash, strawberries, pineapple, a glass of fresh squeezed orange juice. Yoongi cleared his throat, “Jimin also told me some of your favorite foods so I had them bring what they could.” Unable to hide the shy smile nodded before taking a bite.
“Umm do you know when or how I got back to the room last night? I don’t remember walking back so I wanted to go thank whomever brought me here?”, you awkwardly chuckled trying to break the silence but also piece together last night. He took another sip of his coffee, “Yeah actually I carried you back to the room and put you in the bed.” His statement caused you to choke on the strawberry you had just popped in your mouth, “I’m sorry you did what?”
He repeated, “I saw you laying on the beach so I went down and brought you back and put you in the bed.” You looked at him with wide eyes, words escaping you. You ate another strawberry trying to stuff your mouth before saying something you’d regret.
“Why is your skin so red? It looks like you washed yourself with sandpaper?”, he asked looking you over.
“Oh when I woke up in the bed I felt kind of gross, you know since you hooked up with some woman in there, and I’m sure the sheets weren’t changed afterwards. Guess I got a little carried away.”
Yoongi nodded before taking another sip of coffee, “I didn’t hook up with her.”
You laughed, “Come on Yoongi. I saw the two of you. If you didn’t hook up then what did you do with her in here? I know you guys didn’t play a game unless it included clothes coming off.”
“I told her to leave.”
“I told her to leave.”
“I know I heard you the first time but why?”
He returned back to his bagel without a word and you rolled your eyes, “Okay fine. Don’t tell me. I don’t really care at this point anyways.”
Yoongi let out a long deep sigh, “After a while I realized that you didn’t come in the room with us. I didn’t know where you’d be able to go at that time of the night and I didn’t think it was a good idea for you to be wandering around by yourself so I told the woman that we should continue somewhere else and that I’d book us another room so you could come back to the room. So when I went to grab my wallet on the table next to the balcony I saw you laying out on the beach. It looked like you were sleeping and I didn’t want you to stay out there like that because it was late and it’s dangerous and you might get eaten by a crab or something so I told her that we were done and that she needed to leave. I walked down to the beach to bring you back. I was gonna wake you up but you looked really comfy so I just carried you here and put you in the bed and went to sleep myself.”
You were dumbfounded at his story. Your face was full of disbelief. Taking a bite of your muffin you nodded, “Oh well uh thank you for bringing me back.”
He nodded.
“Also if there was a crab out there big enough to eat me I think we’d have some major problems.”
He rolled his eyes before he walked off to the bathroom trying to hide the blush creeping down his neck. You continued to eat but confusion plagued your mind. You just can’t figure him out. One minute he’s hooking up with some random woman on your honeymoon and the next he’s going out of his way for you and trying to be kind, almost seeming kind of protective. You really weren’t sure what to make of him but you wished he would just make up his mind because you’re starting to get whiplash from the back and forth.
The flight back home was uneventful. The two of you sat in comfortable silence other than the occasional statement. Yoongi sipped on a whiskey and you even decided to get wild and sip on some champagne.
The car pulled up to an extravagant looking building confusing you as to where you were and then it hit you. You had to move into Yoongi’s place and of course he lived in the most luxurious building in the whole country. You thought spending a week in the same hotel room was awkward so you had no clue how living together was going to go but part of you hoped that maybe the two of you can finally work on some things in your relationship.
Once in Yoongi’s penthouse he gave you a very brief tour. The home was incredible. Jimins apartment was nice but didn’t compare to the penthouse. Floor to ceiling windows that looked out over the city. All the furniture appears to be high end and high quality. You’re pretty sure your entire apartment back home could’ve fit in the kitchen alone.
Thankfully Jimin was able help you coordinate with the movers to have your stuff shipped over. You didn’t have to bring much since Yoongi already had a fully furnished home. You just brought some clothes and a few sentimental items.
“My office is the third door on the right. If I work from home I’ll be in there but please keep interruptions to a minimum and only if necessary. My bedroom is the second door on the left. Don’t go in there. Your room is right here.”, he said opening the door. You were thoroughly confused. “Wait we have separate bedrooms?” Yoongi sighed irritation evident again, “I have the space so I figured why should we have to share a room. This way we can stay out of each others way.”
When you saw his eyebrow move up you knew what he meant by that. You sat on the edge of the bed staring down at the floor. Sure it was a nice room and bigger than any room you’d ever had before with it even having a private bathroom. But that didn’t stop the loneliness and hurt that you felt. You were more like a roommate or even worse, a nuisance that that he just wanted to shove away so he didn’t have to look at you.
That thought made you chuckle though, “Good thing you don’t have any staircases in this place or I’d be stuck sleeping under there I guess.”
Yoongi looked at you with eyebrows furrowed.
“What you’ve never seen Harry Potter before?”
“Do I seem like the kind of guy that watches Harry Potter?”
“I guess not but you sure have a lot in common with a certain he who shall not be named.”
“What are talking about?”
“Nothing never mind.”
Yoongi noticed your change in demeanor. Stuffing this hands into his pockets he spoke, “You’re welcome to paint or decorate the room however you want.” You met him with continued silence. He continued, “I have to go into the office to catch up on things. I ordered some groceries to be delivered later. Jimin told me about you liking to have a mug of warm milk before bed and I was out so that’ll be here later along with some other things for you.” You nodded in acknowledgment whispering a thank you before he turned and shut the door behind him.
Due to your small amount of belongings you were unpacked in no time. Luckily you just put your last piece of clothing away when the doorbell rang signaling the grocery order arrived. Taking the bags from the delivery driver and thanking him profusely you set to work putting everything away while also familiarizing yourself with the kitchen. As you pulled out the groceries you chuckled a little more each time. There was the milk just like Yoongi had promised. There was also a large package of chocolate chip muffins, multiple containers of strawberries, your favorite ramen, some cookies, a box of popcorn, and cookie dough ice cream. All of your favorites. You made a mental note to thank Jimin and maybe also send a thank you to Yoongi depending on how he was acting later.
Over the next few weeks things between Yoongi and yourself didn’t improve much. The two of you barely spoke other than the occasional question or statement and that was if you even saw each other at all. You spent most of your time in your bedroom while he claimed to be at the office or other work functions. The one time you did venture out and sat in the living room your movie was interrupted when Yoongi came strolling in with a woman in each arm heading towards his bedroom after giving you a quick nod like you were just one of his friends who he was trying to brag to about his “score”. Suddenly not feeling so well you turned off the tv and got in bed. It didn’t take long to hear moans and a headboard banging against the wall from down the hallway so you grabbed your headphones hoping to block out the sound and fall asleep as quickly as you could.
The next morning Yoongi and his new friends were long gone by the time you got up. You set out on checking off some things on your to do list that you created. One thing you wanted to work on was learning Korean. You knew a few phrases thanks to Jimin but now that you were living in Korea you thought it would be a good idea to get to know the language in a proficient way so you started calling around to different companies trying to find someone to give you lessons.
That’s how a few weeks later you were sitting at your kitchen table with the teacher the company you chose had sent you. Kim Namjoon was a handsome man no doubt about it. He was tall with broad shoulders. The cutest dimples you’d ever seen. His glasses framed his face perfectly and they looked great with his caramel colored hair. His cologne the complete opposite of Yoongi’s cinnamon and vanilla scent. Namjoon smelled light and citrusy. It was clean and refreshing and somehow managed to take the stress away from you. The way he spoke was so elegant. It was nice being able to have a full conversation with someone. You loved Jimin but you guys mostly just goofed off and went on rants to each other and trying to have a conversation with Yoongi was like pulling teeth. You hadn’t realized just how lonely you were before Namjoon came into your life. This was only your fifth session and you found yourself really excited that you were getting to spend some time with him again.
“I don’t know Y/N. How will baking cookies help you learn a language?”, he sighed trying mask his playfulness. You giggled, “Well I could learn all the names for the ingredients and I can try to give YOU the instructions in Korean while you make the cookies.” He sat there and pondered before you continued, “Come on Joonie. Back home I’m famous for my double chocolate chip cookies and I know you can’t say no to chocolate.” Finally he ran a hand through his hair, “Alright but you have to tell me each step in Korean.” Excitedly you jumped up running around to collect the ingredients.
Watching Namjoon try to make cookies was one of the funniest things you’ve ever witnessed. He told you he had no business being in the kitchen but you didn’t think it was this bad. He was currently trying to mix in the flour to the chocolate batter and you couldn’t stop laughing as you watched half the flour fall onto the counter which covered him in a puff of white smoke.
“Here Namjoon let me help you.”, you said placing your hand on his much larger one so you could guide his movements to slowly mix in the flour. You looked up to see him smiling down at you dimples on full display. His lips looked soft and warm. The thought of kissing him definitely crossed your mind. Yoongi hadn’t kissed you since your wedding day and the most physical he’s got with you was carrying you to the room from the beach and to be honest you wouldn’t let him touch you anyways without seeing some test results first to make sure he didn’t pick up anything along the way. The ring on your finger caught your eye before you could act on your thoughts. Yoongi may be an insufferable adulterer but that didn’t mean you had to be one too. Two wrongs don’t make a right in your book but damn if Namjoon wasn’t making you think about doing all the wrongs regardless of the rights.
You were so focused on trying to explain to Namjoon how to add the chocolate chips in Korean that neither of you noticed Yoongi walk in. He watched you gently grasp Namjoon’s hand while smiling up at him. You looked so cute in your daisy printed apron. Namjoon said something that made you burst into a fit of laughter. Yoongi felt a pain in his chest. He had never heard you laugh like that before. You looked so happy with Namjoon. He knew that was all his fault so he didn’t understand where this jealous feeling was coming from and why his brain and heart were betraying him.
He watched you reach up to wipe away some of the chocolate that had gotten onto Namjoon’s cheek. The two of you definitely sharing a moment and Yoongi felt his heart rate increase. He quickly pushed that feeling aside as he had no right. He had slept with multiple women since you got married and he was the one that told you that you were welcome to see other people so if you took Namjoon to your bedroom right now he had nothing to say.
He thought back to that night he carried you back from the beach. You looked so adorable with your lips slightly parted, your skin a beautiful hue of pink thanks to the sun, the way you wrapped your arms around his neck nuzzling your face into his shoulder. At that moment on the beach he realized how harsh he had been and that you didn’t deserve any of it. It’s not your fault that at 19 years old another woman ripped his heart out and stomped on it and then lit it on fire and he decided he’d never allow himself to go through that ever again instead choosing to be the breaker of hearts. The night after he carried you to the hotel while laying in the bed next to you he made a decision that he’d change if not for him then at least for you. Obviously, he failed once he returned to Seoul and he was introduced to the two female interns that he brought back home while you sat innocently watching a movie waiting for him. He knew he was a coward. He was too scared of getting his heart broken again that he decided to continuously break yours and now it looks like you found someone to help mend it and who was he to take that away from you. Deciding he saw enough he rushed off to his bedroom before you could find him standing there.
Once the cookies were baked and cooled you packaged most of them up before handing the box to Namjoon.
“Here take these. There’s no way I’m going to eat them all.”
He smiled but shook his head, “What about Yoongi? I’m sure he’d love to have some of these. I don’t want to take them all.”
You chuckled, “Yoongi never eats anything I cook. He’s probably worried I’ll try and poison him or something so I could get out of this marriage.”
Namjoon laughed at your joke and then confirmed again he was okay to take all the cookies before thanking you and heading out the door. You did a quick clean up of the kitchen before heating up a mug of warm milk and grabbing the two cookies you had saved and headed off to your room for the evening after shutting off the light.
Later that night you woke up hearing a loud bang come from the kitchen. It sounded just like a cabinet closing so you assumed it was Yoongi making himself something to eat. Not being concerned you turned over and went right back to sleep.
Yoongi however, had checked every cabinet and drawer looking for the cookies you made. He always snuck little tastes of your food in the middle of the night when you weren’t there even though you always offered him food each time. Part of him being too stubborn and not wanting to give you the satisfaction of eating the food you cooked and another part of him just felt like he didn’t deserve your food and was too embarrassed to eat it in front of you. He had heard all about your famous cookies from Jimin and he was really looking forward to trying one when he saw you and Namjoon baking them. Giving up he turned to shut off the light and that’s when a little baggy on the counter caught his eye. Inside a perfect looking double chocolate chip cookie with a stick note attached to the bag saying ‘Yoongi’. He took one bite and was in heaven. He thought back to you and Namjoon looking so happy together. Like a real couple. How you smiled and gently touched him. How Namjoon made you laugh. Yoongi finished off the cookie but he was no longer enthralled by the chocolate goodness. Suddenly the cookie tasted like a mix of heaven with a pinch of jealousy and a dash of regret.
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allwaswell16 · 5 months
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All the One Direction fics I read and enjoyed in January 2024. You can listen to my podcast to hear me talk about each of these fics as well as an overview of what was posted on ao3 including the fics on this month’s fic roundup which you can find here! Please let the writers know if you liked the fics by leaving kudos and comments! Happy reading!
Fanfictional Podcast #58 |  ko-fi | fic recs
- Louis/Harry -
❄️ and i would search the night sky to find you by devilinmybrain / @thedevilinmybrain
(E, 56k, omegaverse) Harry Styles is a high class, well-bred Omega attending Bosworth Academy - a prestigious boarding school looking over the small town on Kinsey. He has his whole life already planned for him, learning his place as the potential mate for an important Alpha, practicing his home making skills, and be obedient above all else.
❄️ You're Not My Type (still I fall) by Imogenlee / @imogenleewriter
(M, 38k, omegaverse) This is just a bit of rain; it'll blow over. Then Harry will just... well, alright, he isn't entirely sure what to do when the rain stops because he'll still be stuck and lost. 
❄️ I Really Like Your Styles: The Baking Advent-ure by @homosociallyyours
(T, 35k, coffee shop) Louis isn't much for frills, and the coffee shop he co-owns with his best friend Liam is evidence of that. Yes, it's got a decent sized, well-kept industrial kitchen, but Louis insists that people come to coffee shops for coffee, not mediocre pastry and plastic wrapped cookies. 
❄️ Until the Pearls Get Lost by LadyLondonderry / @londonfoginacup
(M, 25k, omegaverse) With rumours swirling around about the reason for the rejected bond, Harry gives in to Liam’s pleas. He hasn’t the slightest idea how that decision will shape the rest of his life.
❄️ Something To Remember by @parmahamlarrie
(T, 25k, soulmate au) Will a trip to Maui’s most exclusive and private resort bring these two soulmates together, or will their bodies be constant reminders of what they missed out on?
❄️ Rolling Stone UK Awards AU (series) by INnenaHeart / @thechavier
(M, 15k, canon divergence) Harry started walking away from him and he felt like he was missing the moment, if he let him go like this he would lose on something. Something great. Something beautiful.
❄️ Sex Drunk Suckerpunch by thinlines / @thinlinez
(E, 7k, sugar baby) Sugar Baby Louis did what any sugar baby should avoid doing but (clichely) end up doing anyways, that is, failing for his sugar mama.
❄️ Harmony by @nouies
(E, 6k, omegaverse) When they get stuck together in an elevator, Harry scents Louis after nothing else works to bring him out of his panicked state.
❄️ Saving Sweet Creature by The_Halcyonic_Lachesist / @chai-hat-tea
(G, 6k, mermaid) Louis lives a life he wouldn’t change anything for, with Cliff by his side. What happens when he meets a mermaid who quite likely hates him?
❄️ powerless (and i don't care) by localopa / @voulezloux
(E, 4k, daddy kink) everyone on tour calls each other daddy, don’t ask why. and louis is so used to calling everyone “daddy” that, when he finally comes home, naturally he calls harry that.
❄️ Tuca Tuca (ILikeYouILikeYouILikeYou) by @persephoneflouwers
(E, 4k, canon) The San Francisco getaway AU, where Harry is needy and Louis has a flight to LA in a few hours.
❄️ Stuck in Midnight Traffic by LetTheMusicMoveYou / @letthemusicmoveyou28
(M, 3k, Christmas) the one where two broken people meet in an empty tube car on Christmas Eve. Can they find a way to heal each other?
❄️ Just Hold On by @silverstuff50
(M, 3k, security guard) “Harry, I’m fine.” Louis says soothingly. “I know I’m safe because you and Joni are there. As long as I can feel you holding me I know I’ll be ok.”
❄️ tuck a knife with my heart up my sleeve by padfootyoudog / @louisisworthit
(G, 2k, royal au) Doncaster loses the war, and Louis is the prize.
❄️ Mistletoe Kiss by @neondiamond
(G, 1k, roommates) A little bit of mistletoe is just the thing Louis needed to let his roommate Harry know he’s got quite the crush on him.
❄️ Oh Christmas Three by @tommokat
(M, 1k, omegaverse) A birthday surprise goes awry. Louis doesn’t understand. Harry blames the oven.
❄️ Always You by @enchantedlandcoffee
(G, 1k, exes) Louis calls his ex on Valentine's Day.
- Rare Pairs -
❄️ like a moth into a flame by we_are_the_same / @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed
(T, 5k, Zayn/Louis) A student writes Zayn a sex poem. The only logical conclusion is for Louis and Zayn to fake date.
❄️ Fine Line by LadyAJ_13 / @ladyaj-13
(G, 1k, Louis/Nick Grimshaw) Telling his family was always going to be a big deal, but doing it alone was a sacrifice he could make. He never thought they’d fall about laughing.
❄️ to wake up by your side is all I wanna do by @beardyboyzx
(G, 1k, Zayn/Niall) Sometimes, Niall still thinks about the way Zayn’s laugh sounds when they watch TV and Niall makes up fake answers for whatever quiz show they’re watching.
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spiritualviolation · 1 year
yknow what? fuck you. *hi-fi rushes your cod duo*
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anyways i’ve given this au a slight bit more thought so click read more to see my inane ramblings which are. not much.
- it’s literally just an mcc9 pink parrots x hi-fi rush au where nothing really changes except for the main heroes... yeah. i was 3 months late to martyn’s hi-fi rush playthrough...
- tbh i’m not sure whether i should put cc’s as the bosses or just keep them the way they are... i’m apprehensive because the bosses are kinda ableist and putting a mcyt character in their place feels... wrong. the alt option is making ocs but even that i’m kinda bleghhh......
- ANYWAYS martyn is korsica bc ‘self-proclaimed datastream defender’, ‘head of security’, it’s literally right there. martyn is trying so hard to keep a straight face at his own accidental ‘strong arm’ joke during his boss fight. his backstory largely remains the same as korsica’s, except martyn leans more to wanting to work in a position where he could also help people the way he has been helped, rather than korsica who wanted to work at vandelay because she idolised the company. martyn is somehow more and less stubborn than korsica.
- joel is macaron because i think it would be funny but also just could not genuinely think of anyone else. (maybe would’ve used big b...) joel’s backstory is the one that deviates the most from the original, if only to fit his personality, but i kinda think it parallels zanzo a little (as former head of r&d) which would be fun (also hermes is cnmn)
- as seen above, jimmy is chai and grian is peppermint, their backstories remain pretty much the same as chai and peps’, except jimmy isn’t as adamant on being a rockstar as much as chai is, just thinks being a rockstar would be an easier way in life.
- 808 is pearl! i considered using maui at first, but i thought it would be nice to reference both pearl (grian’s cat) and pearl (pearlescentmoon) for 808
i wish there’s more character content bc i genuinely do love the main team a lot
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snickerdoodlles · 1 year
📒📓📔📕???? Pretty please :3
sometimes @majestictortoise and i toss around story ideas that are less plot and more of us just chucking our favorite things in the communal soup pot and letting them stew. case in point:
Kim and Porsche meet first AU! 🥳
Porsche rescues Kim from mafia thugs
why does Kim need rescuing? unimportant! what matters is Porsche sees a nong in need and rushes to his rescue. Kinn-shaped people get charged 50k baht for his assistance, Kim-shaped people get help whether they like it or not. and afterwards Kim, who's father taught him that everything has a cost and how to keep a mental ledger of favors and debts, tries to pay Porsche off for the help.
Porsche, who's 'tips' have always been for sex work, sees the wad of cash and goes "you want a post-fight fuck????"
Kim, an awkward turtle-duck, bolts away like ???nO????!!!!!!
Kim hires Porsche as a bodyguard
how did we get from "hire me for sex?" to "hire me for protection?" unimportant! what matters is Kim secures Porsche for himself and Porsche thinks "how hard can guarding one moderately popular youtube star be?" and the raccoon shenanigans that ensue. and, of course, Kim finding the connection between their families and investigating his own hire. then 2 days later, because Kim doesn't have a crush to draw out the investigation and Porsche couldn't do subterfuge to save his life, Kim confronts Porsche with his evidence and Porsche goes "what the FUCK do you mean our families are CONNECTED?!" and these two going full gremlin investigator mode together.
Porsche brings Kim home
when exactly does this happen? unimportant! what matters is Porsche and Kim smuggle themselves into the neighborhood late at night, which results in Chay looking up from playing a videogame or doing homework or whatever to see his brother standing there with ✨Wik✨ in his own living room and his first response is "why'd you bring me my favorite musician" because clearly that is the only reason why his beloved older brother, who keeps trying to give him the moon and stars even though he didn't ask for them, would bring home Wik. also;
Chay: *thinks about his idol wall one floor above* Kim: *stares at cute boy* Porsche: i see i'm not needed here
Chay learns Porsche is mafia
how exactly does this come up? unimportant! what matters is:
"he's mafia" "i don't care that Kim's mafia, why are YOU mafia hia!!!!" "...i'll just uh... be over..... there......." Kim says to no one before awkwardly shuffling himself off to a corner.
naturally, this is when Kinn decides to show up
why does he choose now to stop by? because older brother instincts drive you to always be the most annoying person in the room, next. Kim hired a guard out of nowhere without telling Kinn or Papa and the guy's stayed on for longer than 24 hours, Kinn is suspicious as shit and worried as hell. he's been keeping it under wraps, but Kim and Porsche trying to fly under the radar right now gives him a good opportunity to investigate. and lo and behold, Kim appears to have made two new friends, one of whom keeps making him blush and the other who's the prettiest man Kinn's ever seen. Kinn is absolutely not just leaving Kim, he wants to know everything 👀
Kinn, Porsche, Kim, and Chay get snatched ala ep5
why are they kidnapped? unimportant! we do not question kidnapping plots in this household. Kinn, Porsche, Kim, and Chay all escape into the jungle but get separated. Kinn and Porsche have a journey not unlike ep6, except with more yelling, more bickering, and more trolling. Porsche's view of Kinn is colored by Kim not the guards here and then his main introduction is in the jungle not the compound, so he's charmed pretty quickly and judging himself for it every time Kinn falls back on his asshole training. Kinn's main introduction to Porsche is a caring guy who's also a troll and won't hesitate to punch him in the dick when he's being a jerk so...not too much changed there, actually. they are still handcuffed together.
Kim and Chay are having a nice time. bonding over music, trading stories about brothers, asking questions so that they can unravel Korn's 15 year long conspiracy--it's basically a scenic date. they are not handcuffed together because Kim carries three lockpick sets minimum at all times and was out of the handcuffs before they were even out of the truck. Kim and Chay are just holding hands, because Chay asked Kim to hold his hand, and Kim grabbed it saying it's the best way to ensure they aren't separated, and Chay responded "that's nice, but i asked because i want to hold your hand," and Kim blushed bright red. nerds.
the four of them reunite...eventually, idk when, but the first thing Chay does when he sees Porsche across the ravine is holler "DID YOU REALLY THINK KIM WAS PAYING YOU FOR SEX HIA" and Kinn's head snaps around so fast Kim and Porsche get secondhand whiplash.
Korn dies
how does this happen? unimportant! but he's dead before the fic ends.
[[ fics im not writing ]]
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teaandtime · 11 days
Creloise University AU
this is a excerpt from God, I'm Actually Invested (how did that happen?) which I have posted over on AO3!
Eloise shoved her silenced phone into the deep recesses of her tote bag; in the few days that had passed since her concussion and the failed Bridgerton sibling dinner, Penelope Featherington had been relentless in trying to contact her. She had emailed, texted, rang, messaged and even went so far as creating new social media accounts (which were promptly blocked) and she had also enlisted Eloise's siblings for help. Francesca had remained steadfastly loyal but both Daphne and Benedict had messaged her in an effort to convince her to talk to Penelope. It had been a nightmare trying to avoid her, the other day she even spotted the redhead waiting outside her lecture. Luckily she had been able to spot her in time and leave out of the back door but it had made traversing campus increasingly hard. So this morning, Eloise was taking a much needed break. She had no classes on Wednesdays, so she had gone for a morning walk upon which she had discovered a busy little coffee shop in a part of town she’d yet to explore. Here she had ordered an oat chai latte and pain au chocolat, food and drink secured, she managed to snag a corner table from a couple who were just leaving- no mean feat it seemed, for the shop was full to the rafters- and pulled out her book. 
It had been barely a few minutes before she was interrupted.
“Bridgerton, who knew you had such taste?”
She looked up and was greeted with the sight of Cressida Cowper, standing over her table and gesturing to the book she was holding. Eloise placed it down in front of her, eyebrows raised in disbelief, partially because it seemed like Cressida Cowper was deliberately speaking to her and also because- “You’ve read it?”
“Is that so hard to believe? I read.” Cressida’s eyes narrowed over her takeaway paper cup.
“Well- I guess I didn't know you liked reading.” How could she know? Cressida didn’t like her. Usually she went out of her way to avoid Eloise and now for some unknown reason here she was striking up pleasant- or at least something adjacent to pleasant- conversation. 
“Did you know she went here?” Cressida ploughed on, “To Cambridge?” 
“I did, and if I wasn't reading this for the third time I might be mad at you for spoiling it.” Eloise couldn’t help but jab, her bafflement growing when Cressida boldly took the empty seat across from her. What is happening right now?
“It’s a wonderful book, isn't it? I rather believe every woman should read it-”
“I don’t mean to be rude,” Eloise, who was now briefly entertaining the idea she had somehow wandered into a parallel universe, cut in, “But do you want something?”
Cressida glanced quickly over her shoulder, before leaning forward and hissing, “Can you at least pretend to be interested in my conversation?”
Eloise leaned in and hissed back, “Cressida, I really have no idea what's going on, so unless you wish to enlighten me-”
“The man by the counter in the purple jacket was hitting on me the whole time I waited for my tea, so I told him you were here for me.” The words tumbled from Cressida’s mouth almost as if she were embarrassed by them, “Please just let me sit here until he leaves, then I’ll be out of your hair.”
Eloise glanced over towards the counter and sure enough, a man in a purple jacket was just picking up his coffee. He had an unpleasant, greasy look about him and Eloise took an immediate dislike to the man- though to be fair that wasn’t unusual for Eloise when encountering men. 
“Why didn’t you just tell him to bugger off?” She asked, looking back at Cressida, “Or hit him with your-” Eloise made a face and brought her fingers up by her eyes to mime tiny little laser beams coming from them,”-laser vision.” Eloise had watched grown men wither under Cressida’s glare more than once at many of the weird, stuffy, old fashioned events their parents insisted on dragging them along to. It was perhaps the single faucet of Cressida she actually held a teeny little bit of admiration for. 
Cressida rolled her eyes, “Because I kind of know him. He’s the son of a business associate of my father’s.” 
“Right.” Eloise conceded, perhaps a teeny bit disappointed she wouldn't have the pleasure of  witnessing Cressida’s glare causing Mr Purple Jacket’s balls to back crawl up inside him. 
Mr Purple Jacket took that exact opportunity to grace them with his highly unwanted presence, “Ladies,” He arrived in front of their table and nodded in what he probably thought was a gentlemanly manner, though it came off quite smarmy in Eloise’s opinion. “Cressida, I know you are meeting with a friend,” He nodded at Eloise, who thought he was doing a rather swell impression of those little bobble headed dolls truckers often stuck to their dashboards. “But I was hoping, before I go that I might get-”
“I’m sorry but who are you?” Eloise (who sensed where this was going) cut him off abruptly.
“My apologies, I am Roland Burbank, an acquaintance of Cressida’s.” He offered his hand to Eloise, who left it to hang in the air until he gave up and lowered it to wipe his palm nervously on his jeans. “I was hoping to-”
Eloise cut him off again, “I’m sure you were, but you see I was rather hoping you wouldn’t.” 
“Oh?” Mr Purple Jacket looked rather taken aback and Eloise continued before he could try to embarrass himself further.
“As you can see, Cressida is otherwise occupied-”
“Eloise!” Cressida’s quiet reprimand held undertones of shock but lacked any true vexation. Eloise took Cressida’s hand from where it was resting on the table and squeezed it gently in an effort to communicate to the other girl she needn't worry.
“-so I think it’s probably best you give up now, don’t you?” She finished.
“My apologies, I didn't realise-” Mr Purple Jacket stumbled over his words as he nodded yet again. Perhaps he could take up a career as one of those dolls, Eloise thought as she watched him hastily begin his retreat. At the very least he could earn a fortune doing impressions at birthday parties.  
“Lovely to meet you, Ronald!” Eloise called after him as he hurried out of the coffee shop. They managed to contain their laughter until the door swung shut on his purple back. “Honestly the audacity men have,” Eloise shook her head when they were able to catch their breath again. 
They sat for a moment, each nursing their drink, before Cressida gestured to the book, “It really is a favourite of mine,” she said, “right at the end, when her aunt tells her her grandfather cancelled his plans in case she came by, and then that she's counting the hours until Tara arrives- it makes me cry every time.” 
Eloise was taken aback by the admission, “Me too.” She admitted.
“Thank you, for getting rid of Roland.” Cressida had pulled the cardboard sleeve off her tea and was slowly pulling apart the layers, “I was afraid if I was frank with him he might go crying to his father and that it could affect my fathers business. Though, I suppose he still could.”
Eloise waved her concern away, “If he does, just blame me.” 
“Well I don’t think I’ll have to worry about him again, I think my father told his I was ‘available’.” She shuddered slightly and began shredding the cardboard.
“And you’re not?” Eloise asked, picking up her mug.
“Certainly not for him.” 
“A tragedy, really, you could have had the most beautiful maroon babies.” 
Cressida threw a wadded up piece of cardboard at her head and Eloise ducked out of the way, laughing. 
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live-from-flaturn · 5 months
KimChay: under the mask
I didn't see this coming, but, uh... here we are.
In this au, Kim and Chay do not meet during the canonical timeline. The Kittisawats still move into the compound, though, and Porsche's photokinetic powers activate/turn Korn to dust during the first Nampheung reveal.
With Kinn's funding/support Porsche starts taking down large swathes of the criminal underworld. He becomes an established Bangkok superhero, known for his charm: The Phoenix.
Kim is a wide-eyed, soft-smiling pop idol by day... and a superpowered vigilante by night.
After his Father's ruthless experimentation activated a dormant gene in Kim's DNA - and therefore his latent psionic powers (telekinesis, pyrokinesis, and teleportation) - he's been donning a special suit built for him by Arm & Co. in secret to help take down Korn's empire. Kinn wants to legitimize the businesses and secure them a real place in the word and Kim wants to help.
So he helps whenever he can by aiding The Phoenix in the guise of his own alter ego, Masked Shadow (he let Khun make it up, okay? it's his own fault for wearing an all-black ensemble and full facial covering).
Chay, still smarting after everyone he loves made enormous and life-changing decisions on his behalf (without once consulting him), decides to take a walk on the wild side.
Shortly after Phoenix and Shadow have cleaned up the neighborhood, they find themselves directly targeted by a new face on the scene. A young, brash, dangerous villain who dresses in bright colors and goes by the nickname 'Songbird'.
His fights with Phoenix are brief and tumultuous, ending with bruises for both parties, but something about his energy with Shadow is different. Like he wants to be caught in some moments and can't live without catching Kim the next.
And Kim has been caught. Several times. He (absolutely, definitely has not) been flustered by the tall, somewhat familiar villain tilting his chin up with one finger and calling him 'naughty' for ruining a well-laid plan.
Okay maybe he gets caught on purpose sometimes.
But he needs to find out who exactly is under that mask. Definitely for justice and no other reasons at all.
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chvnnie · 11 months
Letter Two: Nightmares
Tumblr media
Love Letters Series Page
wc: 4.7k
genre: angst
warnings: apocalypse au, creature feature, use of weapons, HEAVY MENTIONS OF PTSD AND DESCRIPTIONS OF ANXIETY ATTACKS. this chapter is heavy and sad as it dives somewhat into the backstory of one of the members. please keep these warnings in mind. if i missed anything, PLEASE LET ME KNOW.
summary: when the world's a nightmare, it's hard to deal with your own.
this is a work of fiction. this fic in no way represents the stray kids members as people or as a whole. you are responsible for the media you consume. please read responsibly.
series taglist: @straystayvlive, @fawnpeaks, @strayingawayy, @almighty-obsession, @ershyni, @chai-papa, @moon0fthenight, @djeniryuu, @boomfrogg, @everglowdaisies — comment to be added
Hey, you.
You know what I’ve been thinking about lately?
The day the world went to shit.
I know a lot of people consider the day of the lab breakout the turning point, but I don’t. That was to be expected; we knew nothing about Nots. Keeping them in those glass chambers, studying their habits and transforms didn’t help much. A domesticated animal always acts differently than a wild one.
The day that I consider the end, we didn’t even know about Nots. You and I were in bed for the evening, the television playing softly while you read. I was in the bathroom shaving, hardly paying attention to the cheesy sitcom joke and recorded laughing. 
I remember the razor nicking my jaw, tongue between teeth as I hissed. Fuck, the sting of it was awful. The razor fell in the sink, taking your attention from your book. 
“You okay?” You ask, leaning in the bed to get a look in the bathroom. You laughed when you saw the little toilet paper square stuck to my face. 
“It’s not funny.”
Though, I was smiling. I like hearing you laugh. God, I can’t wait to be with you again. 
I remember washing my hands before I started to clean the wound, the show cutting to commercial break. 
If you or your loved one have ever taken the drug by the name Nottingal, you may be entitled to financial compensation.
You asked what that medication was for. I said I wasn’t sure, but texted Seungmin to ask. He responded within seconds: A blood thinner. That’s all it was, just a simple pill taken once daily to reduce the risk of blood clots. A lot of people take it. Nothing out of the ordinary. 
It still gives me the chills how easily we forgot about the medication, going to bed without a second thought. We moved past it, went to work the next day. The world kept turning, and the name faded from our memory. 
Just a common, everyday drug. Why would we give it more thought?
An oddly cold weekend in March. You walked the dog, I went to the gym with Changbin. Our lives crossed over around lunchtime, stuffed in the tiny apartment kitchen as we tried to make our meals. 
“We need a new apartment.” You complained. “I can hardly move in here.”
“What, you don’t want to be pressed up against me all the time?”
You scoffed at my joke, taking your sandwich and chips over to the couch. I was steps behind you, leaning close to my bowl of cereal so I didn’t spill any as I walked and ate. I sit, and you turn the tv on, left on the news channel for some reason. 
“Ah.” I said through a mouth full of cheerios. “Turn this shit—“
And then, we saw it. The early stages of a Not. A woman in her 40s, hospitalized for an adverse reaction to Nottingal. She reported having chills with extreme nausea, nothing holding in her stomach. Admitted overnight just for observation, her symptoms got worse. At first it was just a fever — but then it kept climbing and climbing and climbing, to the point where the woman was almost boiling. She would claw at her hospital robe, screeching from the intense heat. Doctors eventually had to secure her to the bed. 
Then, it started to get weird. They called it mania, at first. She wouldn’t speak, only responding with this terrible screeching sound, comparable to metal doors scraping against concrete. Her nails started to grow (both hands and toes) at a rapid pace, which was odd enough on its own. 
Only made worse by the way they started to fuse into the skin, the color darker than the night sky. Claws. A nurse checked on patient zero one day and reported hearing something that sounded like the snapping of bones. After further examination, she saw that the woman’s back was starting to arch, spine taking a new shape—
The claws scratched the nurse across the forearm. The nurse said it didn’t feel like anything more than a deep cat scratch, bandaged up and went about her day. Just to end up at her workplace that night, stumbling into the emergency room. Chills. Nausea. A fever that’s a little too high for comfort. 
That’s how we found out that it’s not only the pills that could cause a transformation. If the claws scratch you, the tip comes in contact with your bloodstream. That’s what it all comes down to; blood.
Two months. That’s all it took. From that commercial to the fall of humanity. Two months, and the world went to shit. 
I’m not really sure why I wrote all of that. You experienced it too; the fear, doubt. Really, does anyone see the end of the world coming? I don’t think I’ve fully grasped that this is my reality now, that it’s not some kind of fucked up dream an edible gave me. 
I so badly wish it was. Because even if this is the demise of mankind, not having you by my side is greater than my worst nightmare. 
Speaking of nightmares, Jisung’s are back. I was sure that after we settled at our new base (right next to the mail stall, conveniently) that they would settle more. It’s been a while since he’s had one, especially this extreme. 
We found an abandoned house. It’s not very big, but it fits all of us comfortably. Two floors, four bedrooms. The bathroom is still functioning, which is a treasure we’re not taking for granted. It’s funny how we still have running water, yet most places we hide out are missing that feature. The first shower I took in there almost made me cry; it was freezing, but it was a shower. Little things really do make the apocalypse easier. 
Jisung’s in one of the upstairs rooms. It looks like it belonged to a child — bunk beds decorated with floral sheets and stuffed animals. The walls have drawings tacked on them, a bulletin board with movie tickets and notes from friends. It’s hard to look at. Wherever that child is, I hope she is safe. She was well loved. 
Nobody wanted to stay in that room. It’s difficult to swallow, to be surrounded by the reminders of such an innocent life. But it has the best view of the front of the house, the boarded up windows have enough space for the barrel of Jisung’s sniper to fit through. He dropped his duffel by the closet, setting up his gun. 
“Are you sure?” I had asked Jisung, an uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach. It still happens now whenever I walk in there. “There’s space on the office—“
“I’ll be fine.” He looked through the scope, positioning the gun accordingly. “It has the best view.”
“I can stay in here, too—“ Hyunjin started to say, but was quickly cut off. 
“I said I’m fine.” Jisung doesn’t spare us a look. “Don’t worry about it.”
It was weird how he snapped at him. Honestly, ever since we left midtown, Jisung has been a little rougher than usual. Especially with Hyunjin. Remember how long it took to convince him that picking him up was the right thing to do? I feel like every letter I wrote you after we found Hyunjin was about his distaste for him. But I thought we had turned a corner — in fact, they were literally inseparable in midtown. Then we left, and…
Jisung is hiding something. 
There was no reason to push the issue. You know Jisung, once his mind is made up, it’s almost impossible to change. Hyunjin is bunking with me in the master bedroom. He’s a cold sleeper, I’ve learned, often waking up with him huddled by my back. It’s made me miss you even more; how many mornings have I woken up with you attached to my back like a koala? Face buried in my shoulder blade, snores vibrating against it. 
I can’t wait to wake up to that again. To you again. 
The nightmare came a night when I wasn't on guard. I had been sleeping pretty soundly, actually. Hyunjin’s fluffy hair was right in my face, the cotton sheets nice and cool against my bare chest. It had been a while since I slept so well.
Earth shattering screams tore me from that peaceful sleep. Both Hyunjin and I practically jumped from the bed, weapons easily accessible and in hand. Did something get in? Were one of our men hurt? 
Hyunjin’s face went pale when we heard the scream again. He dropped his knife, mumbling the younger man's name before sprinting from the room. 
Jisung was on the bottom bunk, comforter low on his hips. He wasn’t dressed in anything other than sweatpants, the scar on his left rib cage looking more red than usual. Almost irritated, raised. The perfect circle as angry as the cries coming from its owner. 
His nails were scratching at his neck, thrashing in the bed as he cried. Round tears rolling down his cheeks in earnest, voice cracking and turning raw. Whatever was happening behind his eyelids was devastating, all of his fears brightly burning for him. 
“Jisung.” Hyunjin had said, climbing into the tiny bunk with him. His body jerked, trying to resist the hold he was put in. Head cradled to his friend’s chest, he starts to rock. “It’s not real. It’s not real.”
Jeongin came over the walkie. It’s his night on guard. “No breaches at the back. Bin?”
“Front is clear.” Changbin responds quickly, the unasked question obvious to all of us. 
“Clear up top.” I responded, keeping my voice as low as possible. “It’s Jisung.”
No response. None needed. Everyone will keep their post, or try to go back to sleep. Too many hands and it only makes things worse for him. 
Hyunjin is good at soothing him, bringing him out of the nightmare with minimal damage. Softly, he brushes the fluffy hair from his face, keeping a firm rocking motion. Gentle reminders whispered to him; he’s safe, it’s just a dream, it’s not real. I watched him rock my friend for at least five minutes, the screams coming to an end as he started to twitch awake. With a string of fearful whimpers, Jisung’s eyes finally opened and found Hyunjin’s. 
The moment felt like years. Their eyes locked, the tears finding an end as they stared at each other, seemingly lost in the gaze. Hyunjin smiled softly at him, and it looked like Jisung was melting. An immediate peace washing over him, the nightmare so far out of grasp it’s forgettable. 
Then he’s shoving himself out of his arms, cursing and mumbling under his breath to “let him the fuck go”. It was hard to miss the way Hyunjin’s face crumbled, though he quickly composed himself. 
“You had another nightmare.” Hyunjin’s voice is so gentle, though it cracks with an emotion he’s trying to suppress. 
“I know.” Jisung snapped, bringing his knees to his chest as he huddled into the corner. Body pressed against the wall, avoiding his gaze. 
“Do you want to—“
“Can you fucking leave?” He asked, though it didn’t sound convincing. “I want to talk to hyung.”
Hyunjin smiled, but it didn’t reach his eyes. With a nod, he climbed out of the bunk bed, patting my shoulder as he walked past me. When the door shut, I heard him release a shaky gasp. 
I stayed by the door, wanting to give Jisung as much room as I could. He kept his head facing the wall, breaths starting to even out as he worked on grounding himself. In and out, like you taught him. Think of happy thoughts, remind yourself that the world is more than the darkness that consumes you. I watched as his shoulders relaxed, body starting to slump as he found the peace he was looking for. 
“Sit with me?” It was hard to hear, the question whispered into the foundation of the house. I crossed the tiny room, sitting by the ladder leading up to the top bunk. Giving him as much physical space as I could. 
It was silent between us. Our breaths filling the dark room—
Wait. It’s completely dark. When I stood, I could hear his lips part, the start of protests rolling from his tongue. I didn’t walk far, only to the closet. Flicking on the light, I pulled the door open, letting just a sliver of it spill out. 
“Why didn’t you turn this on?” I asked softly, trying to keep my tone steady. I didn’t want him to think I was accusing him, or blaming him for the nightmare. 
Jisung shrugged. “I wanted to try.” He pressed the heels of his palms to his eyes, rubbing tight circles. “Obviously it didn’t work.”
I returned to my seat. With the light on, it was easy to see what Jisung was doing before he fell asleep. His journal face down on the floor, an uncapped pen right beside it. His favorite book, worn out and damn near falling apart, was tabbed open with a photo of the two of you (remember that beach trip we took last year? When he was home on leave? It’s from when the two of you were building that sandcastle, the polaroid still as clear as the day I took it. It’s one of my favorites) and a sketch of what looked like daisies. Yellow and pink, they cover the page, only broken up by a little signature in the bottom. One we all know too well at this point. 
There was something missing from his pile, something that the picture reminded me of. “Where are your dogtags?”
He seemed tense at that question, sighing as he brought his hands down. “I think I lost them in midtown.”
It didn’t feel like the truth, but there wasn’t any need to press it. I simply nodded, taking the lie for what it was. 
“I’m sorry I woke you.”
I huffed a laugh. “Don’t apologize for that shit.”
“Sleep is so precious now, I hate taking it from you—“
“Seriously, Sung.” I looked at my friend, who I was surprised was looking at me. When our eyes met, I gave a reassuring smile. “You know we don’t mind.”
Jisung didn’t believe me. He never does when I tell him that. Yet, he nodded, knowing that doubt will never leave him. “It was bad.”
“Sounded like it.” Never push him. That’s what I’ve learned. If he wants to open up, he will. But when it’s so fresh, so heavy in his mind, focusing on the details could drive him mad—
“The Nots.” He said softly, resting his chin on his knees. Not once did his gaze stray from me, wide eyes filling with fresh tears. “They came. Here.”
I will admit, it confused me as to why this upset him so badly. We had seen at least five groups of them by this point, a few even crossing the front gate. They never stayed, always distracted by something in the distance. He had even shot a few. 
Staying in this room was a bad idea. I knew it from the moment we arrived, even though he was insistent. I should have forced him into a different room, made him sleep anywhere else but here. It’s no surprise that the previous owner appeared in his dream, her small body twisted into the horror that we’re too familiar with. 
“It got me thinking.” Jisung started to cry again. “Nots like to stay close to home—“
“No.” I cut the thought off before he could finish it. “You can’t go there, Jisung.”
He knew I was right. But you know him; stubborn as can fucking be, clinging to things with an annoyingly tight grip. As soon as it crossed his mind, there was no way he was letting it go. Instead of arguing, he just nodded. Mumbles something in agreement. It wasn’t going to escape him, and it would be silly for us to pretend it would. 
“Will you sleep in here with me?” He asked. 
I couldn’t help but wince. It didn’t feel right, the idea of resting here. “Why don’t you come to the master bedroom with me? There’s enough room for you, me, and Hyunjin—“
As soon as I mentioned his name, Jisung’s eyes went dark. “No.” He said simply. “I would rather stay here.”
I wanted to tell him no. To go back to the comfortable bed where I could sleep easily, not worrying about being haunted by a life not fully lived. 
“I just don’t want to leave my gun.” Jisung said. “That’s it.”
Another lie. I had no choice but to take it as is. Nodding as I climbed the ladder. 
As far as I know, Jisung didn’t talk about the nightmare with anyone else. The day following was spent with Minho, organizing the weapons in the living room. He sat on the ground, wiping the blood and dirt from barrels of guns. Sweat beaded his forehead, glasses low on his nose. But he laughed, joking with everyone who walked past.
Except Hyunjin. 
I cleaned out the old pantry with Seungmin, still keeping the good food while disposing of the others. “They left in a hurry.” He said as he chunked another fruit cup in the trash. “Something must have happened here.”
They must have recently gone grocery shopping. A lot of snack boxes were untouched, the expiration date still a month or two away. “Can’t blame them.”
“No.” He threw a can of expired condensed milk at the trash can, shooting it like a basketball. Somehow, it made it. “You really can’t.”
That night, Jisung and I took every precaution to avoid a nightmare. The closest door was cracked open, yellow light filling the room. His old radio was tuned to some station that hasn’t been manned since the fall, playing the same jazz songs on repeat. The loop starts again every three hours, but even in the annoyance, it’s enough noise to help him sleep. 
I had barely fallen asleep when he had another nightmare. To the bottom bunk I went, holding my friend and rocking him until he woke up. We did it again the next night, and the next, and the next. Nightmare after nightmare, though the details were always the same. A group of Nots, the smaller one in the back of the group. Vicious and hungry. 
It was the room. It had to be, baby. I’ve been racking my brain for an explaination, because if it isn’t the fucking room, then I don’t know. And not knowing is the scariest part; all of this is so…predictable. 
But these nightmares. They were anything but. 
Jisung couldn’t sleep one night, the impending nightmare driving him mad. He sat by the gun, rereading his book with his feet propped up on the window sill. Or, it looked like he was reading. When I got closer, I saw him tracing the painted flowers with his finger. 
“I’m going to bed.” He snapped the book shut when he realized I was there. “You should, too.”
Jisung pushes his glasses up, nodding as he rubs his eyes. “I’ll try in a bit.” He gave me a weary smile. “Sleep well, okay?”
I didn’t. My eyes didn’t even shut, focused on counting the bumps on the ceiling. I couldn’t allow myself to, not until I knew Jisung was on the bed beneath me, trying to rest despite his fears. You made me promise I would take care of him, and it was an easy one to make. I’m trying my love, even if his stubborn ass makes it incredibly difficult. 
He was mostly quiet in his corner, humming a song or two before falling silent. Every time I glanced at him, his back was to me. Same position as before, thumbing through the book this time. Actually reading. 
My eyes had started to shut when I heard the walkie click. 
“Min.” Hyunjin’s voice cut through. “How’s the back?”
A beat. “Meh.” Seungmin responded. “Per us—ah, fuck.”
“Don’t say it like that.” A whine came from the older man. 
“You’ll see them soon. Mid sized pack, moving quickly.” The walkie cut off, familiar squawks of Nots heard even from my bed upstairs. “Must be hungry.”
The book snapped shut, chair squeaking as Jisung pushed it out. I watched him stand, lean over the scope as he focused outside. 
“Look at those ugly fuckers.” Hyunjin says with a sigh. “There are so—Jesus!”
Click. Hyunjin is gone, his exclamation is enough to make me sit up in bed. Jisung fumbled for the walkie, his hand shaking as he pressed the button. “Stop messing around, Jin.”
“Sung—“ He clicks back immediately, shock heavy in his tone. Is it from hearing Jisung’s voice, or what he saw? “Sorry, that pack just took out a stray.”
I listen to Jisung curse under his breath, annoyed at how the older man frightened him. Made him think we were under siege. He puts his eye back to the scope, and the walkie falls from his hand. 
Then screams. Earth shattering screams. 
Jisung is on the ground, sitting beneath the window with his hands over his ears. Back and forth he rocks, sobbing loudly with his eyes shut. “No, no.” He cries out. “No, no, no, no—“
I don’t have to ask. I don’t even have to look through the scope, but I do anyway. In the back of the pack is a smaller Not. Brown hair, waves breaking the straight pattern.
The worst thing about Nots is if you know who they were, they won’t be hard to spot after the transformation. There goes the little girl whose room we’ve slept in, tailing behind what looks like her parents. 
“Jisung?” Hyunjin cuts through the walkie again. “What’s going on? Answer me.” 
He responds with another scream, kicking the walkie as far from him as he can. The weight of it is weighing down on him, crushing his already fragile being into nothing but dust. His back is hitting the wall, nails in his throat. My friend, almost unrecognizable on the ground next to me. 
“I’m coming up.” Hyunjin says, and I snatch the walkie from the ground. 
“Keep your post.” I said. “I’m with him. If they get close, shoot.”
I don’t hear what Hyunjin said to me. Dropping to a squat in front of my friend, I gently remove his hands from his neck. “Jisung, talk to me.”
“I t-told you.” He says in a broken sob. “I told y-you, I told you—“
“Shh, I know.” I tried my best, really. I think you would be proud of me; everything you taught me about him, how to be the friend he needs in big moments. Though I’m convinced no one could ever be as good as you at this, I think I’m a pretty good third. Or like, fourth or fifth option. “I’m sorry I didn’t listen better.”
He shook his head, hiccuping through his tears. I kept a firm grasp on his wrists, letting him rock as much as he needed to. Tears stung my eyes; it’s kind of a given that watching your friend experience something like this is hard. But rarely do we talk about just how gut wrenching it is. My brave friend, nothing but a shell in my hands. 
“Jisung.” I said his name softly. “We have to do it.”
“No!” He shouted loud enough to make the earth vibrate. “H-hyung, can’t. I c-can’t—“
“Hey, hey.” I grab him, pulling him into a hug. He fought it for a second, pushing at my chest to try to escape, though he eventually caved. The tears were warm against my shoulder, violent sobs muffled. “You don’t have to. I will.”
That’s when his eyes shot open, the fight returning to him. “D-don’t do that to her.” He cried. “She’s just a k-kid—“
Baby. I don’t know how to do this. I don’t know how I can pretend that this didn’t hurt me. Her pictures were everywhere; in the living room, across the hallways. The bulletin boards held strips of her and her friends. No more than nine or ten. A life barely lived, forced into an existence that she can never escape. 
I cried. Sniffling in Jisung’s ear and swallowing dryly. “It isn’t fair to leave her like this.” I told him, though it was more for myself. Trying to convince both of us it’s the humane thing to do in a society that’s anything but. 
Jisung was limp. Sobbing into my shoulder, mumbling weak pleas. Reconsider. Let her go—
“Seungmin.” Hyunjin’s voice cut through. “How’s the back?”
“Clear. You?”
“Not. They’re approaching.”
It had to be done. I had to let Jisung go, to let him curl into a ball as he covered his ears, awaiting the inevitable. Picking up the walkie, I clicked through. “Changbin, are you awake?”
He didn’t even wait a second. “Yeah.”
“Relieve Hyunjin. Take Minho with you.”
No questions were asked. There was no protest from the ball at my feet, shaking as he quietly sobbed. I waited, the sound of footsteps rushing past the door until the ones I needed found their way inside. 
Hyunjin’s hair was a mess. A headband kept the frizzy locks out of his face. But that isn’t what caught my eye. The tags resting in the center of his chest, the ones we know all too well. 
He moved to Jisung, the younger man letting him pull him close. Carefully, he sat him in his lap, rocking him. Back and forth, back and forth. Whispers of comfort heard even through the hands that clasped his ears. 
When it comes to Jisung’s comfort, you are first. But there’s no doubt that Hyunjin is second. 
Through watery eyes, I look through the scope. The gun is lightweight, easy to maneuver. Bodies of Nots litter the front yard, the ones who haven’t taken a bullet yet clawing at their own. I watched as another was it, terrible squeals released into the night as it twitched to its death. It took me a moment to find her. Behind the gate, lost in the body of an unrecognizable animal. 
After I aimed, I shut my eyes. I don’t know how she died, my love, but I know I’ll never forget how painfully human her cries were. Freshly turned, returning to her home. Nots don’t like to wander far. 
I boarded that room up today. Lock the door and hid the key somewhere no one will ever find it — within our group, or others who seek refuge here. She deserves to rest, and I’ll be damned if anyone disturbs her. 
Jisung requested the sniper be moved to the office. Minho and I worked on it for him. He refused to touch it. It’s been a few days, but I’m the only one who has used it. I don’t know how long it will take him to be comfortable with it again. 
At least he’s finally sleeping. The master bed was big enough for all three of us, though now Hyunjin seems to cling to Jisung. When he wakes, the younger man will shove him away. Though, I’ve caught him pretending to sleep. Enjoying the hold the artist has on him. 
It’s a good home. I think we’ll be here for a while. The guys seem to like it a lot, and the normalcy that’s felt here — well, you don’t need me to explain how valued that is. 
I’m glad to hear all has been going somewhat well for you guys. Felix has been asking nonstop about you. I think he’s a little obsessed with the idea of a ranch. You’ll have to teach him about the horses; he’s been reading up about them since his injury (which has gotten better, by the way. He’s off crutches as of yesterday according to Dr. Kim. Don’t tell him I called him that). The idea of getting to ride one has kept him going. 
We’ve been mapping a route out there, but still have some things to finalize. I don’t want to get your hopes up, so I’ll tell you more when I know more. 
I love you, you know? If it’s possible, this shit has made me love you even more. In the nightmare of this world, you’re like a guiding light. I hope I don’t have to wander much longer to find you.
Stay safe, my love. I’ll be upset if I have to cuddle Hyunjin forever. 
Forever yours,
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luckydragon10 · 9 months
FIC REC TIME! KimChay fans, may I recommend this lovely AU by AirGiodSLV? It has art theft! Grown up Chay! Formalwear! Shenanigans! Heartbreak and all the messy stuff that comes after it (even hope?)!
Read and join me as we shake our heads over Kim's ridiculous self.
Restoration for Beginners (9983 words) by AirgiodSLV Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: KinnPorsche: The Series (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Porchay Pichaya Kittisawat/Kim Khimhant Theerapanyakun, Porsche Pachara Kittisawat/Kinn Anakinn Theerapanyakun Characters: Porchay Pichaya Kittisawat, Kim Khimhant Theerapanyakun, Porsche Pachara Kittisawat, Kinn Anakinn Theerapanyakun, Khun Tankhun Theerapanyakun, Arm (KinnPorsche: The Series) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Art Heists, Reconciliation
Summary: “There’s been a security development,” Arm says from the front seat of the limousine. He holds up his tablet so Chay can see the display.
He recognizes the fan site banner immediately. Under the red carpet snapshots are the hashtags #wik #appearances #iiagala.
Chay is here tonight to do reconnaissance and lay the groundwork to steal several billion in gemstones.
Only now, presumably, so is Kim.
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ditch-lily · 1 year
hello my dear! as i was falling asleep last night i thought about your oceans 8 kimchay au again and then this thing popped out of me as soon as i woke up:
Kim surveys the gallery with a nonchalant air. "So what exactly am I stealing?" 
"My heart," mumbles Chay.
"What?" Chay looks at her audio controls, and sure enough, her mic is on. 
"Uhh, art. I said art."
"Okay," laughs Kim. "I deserved that. But seriously, Chay, what art am I stealing?" 
Chay eyes Kim's image on the security footage. Even on the grainy screen she looks better than everything else in the room.
"It's that sculpture 45 degrees to your right."
"This hideous thing?"
"Well, it's worth 2.4 million USD."
Chay can hear the scowl in Kim's next words, "Why do rich people have such bad taste?"
"P'Kim, aren't you rich too?"
Kim's laugh sets Chay's ears on fire. "Okay, to be fair, most of my life consists of choices made in bad taste. And the rest… well there's more than one way to bad, isn't there, Chay?"
"Can you two please stop flirting on the channel? I don't want to hear this."
"Je!" Chay nearly screams into her mic, but she manages to rein it down to an outraged whisper at the last minute. "As if this is as bad as the time we walked in on you and Kinn having sex on the couch?"
"It's not my fault you barged in," whines Porsche.
"It was in the living room? In a shared space?? In the middle of the afternoon???" Chay feels nauseous just thinking about it. She hasn't so much as looked at that couch, never mind sit in it, since The Incident.
Chay can see Kim nodding on the screen, as if she's contemplating one of the paintings on the wall. "She's right, Porsche. One of these days I'm going to burn that couch."
That of course spurs Kinn to open her big mouth. "We'll just have sex on the new couch."
"Oh, fuck you," says Kim.
"Yes, I will," says Porsche.
"I quit. Can I quit? I suddenly don't want to be here. Chay, meet me at the coffee shop around the corner. Kinn, Porsche, the two of you can steal this shitty trinket yourselves. I don't need a cut of the 2.4 million. This isn't worth it." 
Kim's mic feed goes dead and Chay tracks her annoyed power walk through the various camera feeds.
Hell yeah! Chay fist bumps in celebration. A date with Kim is worth way more than 2.4 million.  
i hope you think about this kimchay oceans 8 universe so much that you'll write it once idolistic is done okay ilu bye 😇
SOBBING YELLING THROWING UP!!!!! what a beautiful gift to grace my inbox this morning!! i'm so full of emotions ahhhhhhhh
Kim surveys the gallery with a nonchalant air. "So what exactly am I stealing?" 
"My heart," mumbles Chay.
"What?" Chay looks at her audio controls, and sure enough, her mic is on. 
THIS BIT!!! THIS BIT STOLE MY HEART it's perfect thank you. love these pda siblings (poor chay, poor kim, porsche and kinn listening to them flirt is what they deserve) and ahhh chay getting a date with her girl!! chay's little fist bump 🥺
now they're gonna have a cute little coffee date with kim (in her incognito casing a joint clothes?) which is like a very gay leather jacket and ripped jeans, big boots. grunge art school student style. while chay just beams at her with big eyes and holds her hand. kim orders her everything on the menu
also repeat this in the future. kim dressed up fancy fancy (cape, we all know which one) abandoning some gala job to hole up in a late night take out joint, ethereally pretty and jewellery sparkling in the dingy decor while chay sits across from her, smiling adoringly. that's her girl!! chay proceeds to order her everything on the menu
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pegasister60 · 1 year
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Head of Finance: Monterey Jack!
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the-cookie-of-doom · 7 months
KP Witcher AU
I was listening to Toss a Coin and thinking about how post-breakup Chay would totally write something like Burn Butcher Burn, then this happened!
Not all of the Theerapanyakuls are Witchers. Only Tankhun and Kim; Khun, because Korn thought he could train his eldest heir into a killing machine, further securing their legacy. Khun couldn't withstand the training, though, and ultimately failed.
Wanting to ensure he would still have a functional heir, Kinn is spared from similar training. Tankhun, having been trained in the Manticore discipline, now functions as a palace apothecary. Mostly he creates poisons for Kim.
Kim trained at the school of vipers, ensuring he's a lethal assassin. If Kinn can't defend himself then Kim will serve as his guard, for as long as Korn can keep him in line. Kim eventually leaves, though. Times are peaceful enough, Kinn is a skilled fighter in his own right, and Witchers aren't a seemly companion for a lord, let alone a prince.
In his travels, Kim meets Porchay, a sweet and earnest bard traveling with another Witcher. Porsche trained in the school of griffins. He's flashy and obnoxious and Kim hates him, but they work well together. And if he's also maybe sticking around to spend more time with Chay, listening to him write his pretty songs, well... that's no one's business but his own.
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margoshvets · 9 months
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Rumors say there used to be a person under that metal.
(A little WARNING rn because some of this stuff may be sensitive (depersonalisation / dehumanization))
I haven't done anything new with my AU in a while, so it's time to fix that. Your beloved head of security - K0R-S1KA.
K0R-S1KA is referred to as "it". It also refers to itself as "it" and denies ever being a human (the only human thing it has is the brain, but again, it won't admit that). Usually emotionless, but persistence on that topic will make it hyperaggressive. Loyal to Pepper and obeys all her orders.
Its key feature is magnetism. K0R-S1KA can move really fast and can also levitate.
It was the first thing Chai met (and it wasn't pleasant). Chai's magnet doesn't work on K0R-S1KA. Chai's magnet doesn't work like in general now because it broke it when he tried to flee. It captured Chai and then, after receiving instructions from Pepper, threw him into a cell.
Little note to its and Pepper's relationship: Pepper likes to play with her toys, and she also really likes to break them.
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sublimecatgalaxy · 2 years
i feel like the sugar daddy/ sugar baby au would suit negan really well, especially with the prompts “No one’s ever made me feel like this.”, "Are you blushing?" and "If I ask you to kiss me, to be with me, in front of all these people, will you do it?" 🥰
MAN. I love the sugar daddy vibe with him since he totally would be one in my head. I changed up one of the quotes a tiny bit because I had a good idea LMAO.
I've decided the next novel I write, it will be literally based on this whole entire blurb. And it will be dedicated to you my friend because you inspired me.
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"Ya know," Negan pauses but continues dancing his fingers up and down my bare back, "there's more to me than money and sex." My eyes roll teasingly as I lift my chin to rest on his sternum.
"I'm aware. If those were the only two things I liked about you then I wouldn't respond to your 'you up?' messages." I laugh, drawing circles on his chest as I take a deep breath, no worries or anxieties to be had. He grins softly down at me, hand raising to brush against my cheek as I bite back the bashful smile that wants to rise to my lips.
You'd think after all the fucking I'd get a little less coy.
"Are you blushing right now?" Negan asks, making me fold in on myself, tucking my face into his chest as he bellows a laugh. "Never woulda had you pegged as someone who gets timid." He teases, tone hinting with mischief.
"I'm not blushing." I huff, rolling off of his chest to lay down beside him, watching the ceiling fan spin around and around. "It's just," I sigh, giving him an apprehensive look before continuing. "no one's ever made me feel like this."
"Like what?" He asks after a few seconds of silence, brows furrowed as he rolls onto his side, propping his head up on his elbow.
"Safe. Secure. Consistent." I avoid his deep gaze by playing with the edge of the blanket, feeling his arm sneak under the blanket to rest on my naked waist.
"I'm happy you feel that way, sweetheart." He whispers, leaning forward to press a gentle kiss to my temple and I feel my heart practically melt at the softness.
"If I never had to leave this loft ever again, I wouldn't." I huff, stretching my body before rolling into his side, letting him hug me close to his chest once more as I listen to his heart thump.
"I'm really sure- that if I got over my feminist agenda- I could be a really good housewife." He laughs loudly but doesn't realize that I'm dead serious, the smile on my face not flirty but sincere as I look up at him. "Can I ask a question?" He nods, cradling my cheek in his hands like I'm made of glass. "If I were to hypothetically ask you to kiss me, to be with me, in front of actual people- not just your cat- would you do it?" He looks surprised at my question, probably expecting something less serious but he smiles after a few moments go by, his lips briefly meeting mine in a kiss before whispering.
"In a heartbeat."
-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- Taglist: @bubblebuttwade @rafelover2405 @leslienjazzy @sorceresss @grxnde-dwt @alex–awesome–22 @bunnietoof @niyamar1e @serialghost @plantlungs @geniusohn @akaliltimmytim @lilaalouuxx @xshariex @elliotsbeigeguitar @elle4404 @lelieja @srhxpci @joselyn001 @taysirene @spinkspanther @thedivineuphoria @peter-maximoffs @tsukishimawhore @poohkie90 @szlaco @distantsighs @nstyles4299 @wolflover384 @givemefoodandlovesstuff @vane28282 @yeswhatever33 @amirrahfranson @vvaalleennttiinna @f-mu @yaspillz @jeyramarie @skylievin@abbybarnes17 @jointherebellion215 @visiondaddy
@steezysimfinds @its-ya-gay-boi-luigi @crunchytoenailsyum@glizzymcguirex @beth123lg @melovesmut @rafecameronswhore @ariianelle @write-from-the-heart @vampviolets@haylee-e@popehaywardssecretgf @honee-chai-tea @lokiandbuckywife @smoke-and-fire @officiallyunofficialperson@heyaitsklaudia@rosepetalsparks @bluetreecloud20 @scenesofobx @double-shot-of-tequila @1dluver13xx @colbysbrocks @iamasimpingh0e @loveshineslikethesky @id-3-kbro @diorsitgirl @errorfound101-allideasburnedout @neverwillknowme18 @ellyskey @taylors-folk @loversjoy @myaloveee @thyris-is @lagataprrr @aaaaslaaaan @minjix @luvrosee @storytellingwitht @savageneversaw @admiringlove @witxhy-lexx @starlightandfairies
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ahdriking · 2 years
you tend to write more porn but I've read some of your meta on the end of S1 so I'm really curious what your take would be on an AU where Porsche refuses to take the minor family ring 🤔
FAm DON't EVen GEt Me STarTED.
This Idea, This Concept, lives in my brain, haunting my every waking moment. WHAT IF. WHAT THE FUCK IF.
WHAT IF this show had paid more close attention to the continuity of Porsche's emotional arc and had given us a more conclusive ending that actually addresses all the ways in which Porsche LEADING THE MAFIA is counterintuitive to his character. You know, the man who had a minor breakdown over 'collecting the debt', an issue that's never addressed again (even if you read his character development as being a steady decline into moral ambiguity because of his growing relationship with Kinn, Porsche's attitude towards the mafia families has always been ambiguous at best and openly hostile at worst) WHAT IF Porsche had actually acknowledged the way in which his relationship and feelings for Kinn would always be tempered and limited by Kinn's devotion and sense of obligation to his family and his father? WHAT IF Porsche refused to settle for second, refused to lay down his life and dignity for Kinn for scraps in return, refused to succumb to Korn's obvious machinations?
I feel like the one major thing missing from Kinnporsche, for me, was the clear lines between family and Porsche that Kinn was never truly forced to draw. Yes, he went against his father's wishes by falling for Porsche and entering into a relationship with him, but he also defended his father, stood at his side and even in front of a gun for him when it mattered the most. Kinn's loyalty to his father was tapped at, niggled at, but never truly tested, not in any definitive way from which we can draw conclusions about whose side he would fall on if it ever came to it. Kinn gets to have his cake and eat it too: his family, his father's approval, AND Porsche.
What does Porsche get, though?
He gets to be manipulated, toyed with, used and controlled. He gets to have his mother back, but only because Korn needed the trump card to secure his loyalty. He gets to have Kinn, but only because Korn can better control them both by keeping them close. He gets to have power and autonomy, but only at the whims of Kinn and Korn's say so. He gets to have Chay at his side, at the cost of his little brother having lost everything, information which he never even learns about.
Porsche gains Kinn by taking the ring, but he loses everything else. So what if he had refused it?
Would he have lost Kinn?
The most interesting headcanon worth exploring to me, in this delightful little hole of woe, is Kinn being forced to choose. Porsche, or his family. Porsche, or his father. Porsche, or the mafia. I think Kinn is fucking lucky that Porsche never had any wants or expectations from him about how far his feelings for Porsche go compared to his obligations. Porsche seems very understanding and sympathetic to the position Kinn is in, which not everyone would be. Knowing that you'll always take a back seat, that you'll never truly outweigh the value of something else, is a heavy burden to carry. And for all intents and purposes, Kinn pushes that burden on Porsche. Their relationship is fraught with examples of Kinn exercising power and authority over Porsche, but never truly having to accede any to him. Even in the end, Porsche is head of the 'second' family, empowered and equalised only by Kinn's grace.
So what if Porsche said no, and made Kinn choose?
I want to see Kinn faced with losing everything he's ever known, or losing Porsche. I want to see Kinn confront the ways in which he's corrupted Porsche, made him into a man he would have hated for the sake of love, and ask himself whether it was worth it. I want to see Kinn suffer with the fact that his selfish need to have everything is going to be the thing that destroys it.
I honestly don't know how it would go down. I struggle to imagine Kinn abandoning his family or mafia ways, considering how deeply entrenched they are to his very being. I equally struggle to see how he would ever let Porsche just walk away. If Porsche doesn't accept the ring, the only thing Kinn can do is try and mitigate the fallout from Korn's machinations being uncovered, and try to convince Porsche to give him a second chance as leader. Perhaps if Kinn can facilitate a life for them away from the depths of the mafia, somewhere were Porsche can be separate to it all, maybe they could make it work. But they'd be apart practically all the time, and even when they are together, the looming threat of danger would never give them peace (Along with the hordes of bodyguards following them around).
There's no perfect solution. There's no easy answer. Either Porsche sacrifices everything, or Kinn does.
And isn't that angsty.
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