#seilah ft
sakurakitsume-art · 4 months
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allfiredupfornalu · 1 year
Chapter 370: Demons Reincarnated
SSF: Natsu rushes to the Tartaros guild to save Erza and Mira but is turned to ice by Silver. He was imprisoned and Happy rushes to FT to seek help. Meanwhile, Elfman puts a bomb lacrima inside Fairy Tail as instructed by Seilah.
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As the guild discovers where the location of Tartaros is, the bomb explodes. What would happen to them now?!
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So I'm actually kinda curious to see what people think of this.
Was it ever confirmed who killed Belno?
Cause I was doing some FT quizzes cause I'm bored and procrastinating and one of them was a who killed who quiz and the answer for Belno was Torafuzar. So I did some googling but there is nothing on the wiki and the only thing I could find was a debate on Reddit from 3 years ago where one person thought it might be Seilah and one thought perhaps it was Torafuzar.
I personally don't think its Seilah since she was already waiting at the house where Elfman and Lisanna were so she had the intention of finding someone else.
I like the idea of Torafuzar being the one to kill her because Tartaros is full of fights that have reason for the characters. Mira and Elfman fight Seilah who was the one to kidnap Lisanna and force Elfman to blow up the guild hall. Erza fights Kyoka, the person who tortured her for their own pleasure. Gray fights Silver, who pretends to be Deliora and is also his dad. (Technically Laxus only kills Tempester in the anime while Gray does it in the manga but I like that better seeing as its Laxus getting the blood and beating the guy who tried to kill his friends)
So with that in mind, Gajeel fighting Torafuzar and perhaps he taunts Gajeel about being the one to kill Belno, whether knowingly or not, and this really angers Gajeel to know that the person who killed Belno is right in front of him. Especially as he expresses that he wanted to show her how he'd changed and had found a better life for himself. It gives a little depth to this relationship that was implied with how Gajeel reacted to her death but we only really see one scene where she tells him that sticking with Phantom could get him in trouble (Which it did) which is kinda disappointing, especially as the only council members we know as developed characters are Ultear(who died last arc so she doesn't really count), Jellal(Who doesn't die, just a weird illusion death) and Yajima (who comes close to dying but thanks to Tempestar's blood, doesn't.
If we'd gotten a little bit more on their relationship before. Even a small arc or couple chapters focused on Gajeel where he thinks about Belno or we get a flashback to them interacting before her death would make her death just a bit more impactful. It would link her to a character we know before her actual demise which is a lot more impactful because then we would be rooting for Gajeel to go see her, to show her how he had improved his life only to reach her house to find her dead with no chance of him showing her how he'd changed.
It is still sad how it was done in canon but like this would just make it that more emotional. Besides we are lacking in solid canon Gajeel backstory (I am very disappointed that the Rhodonite manga isn't canon) which is why I'm so desperate to get something out of him. Like we have never even seen a scene of child Gajeel interacting with Metalicana when we've seen that for the other three(Rogue also got this treatment). We didn't even have a voice or possible personality to put to Metalicana until the end of Tartaros where he dies anyway. Like how can you just ignore one of your most fascinating characters. I'm all for giving other characters focus, but we haven't really had an arc that dissects Gajeel the way the early arcs did with Team Natsu. Erza had Tower of heaven, Gray had Galuna and Lucy had phantom. Natsu got the Alveraz arc to explore pieces of his past and character and Edolus does have a decent amount of Wendy focus with her relationship to Mystogan and all.
If 100 years quest gives us a chance to more deeply focus on Gajeel (And Laxus. I want a lot more specifics on him too) Then that would be great. It could be lots of things. Perhaps something to do with a former member of Phantom Lord who's a bad guy or something. Maybe a similar magic to what Neinheart had where someone from his past is brought up like Belno, Metalicana or Jose. Or someone who brings it up. Maybe some Gajeel and Rogue backstory if Rogue really is getting brought into the story. Anything.
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thinking about that time a section of the ft fandom theorized Seilah was Layla Heartfilia all because the people doing the scanlation didn’t know how to properly spell her name and wrote it as “Sayla”
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skytroia · 4 years
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Mirajane Seilah Form!
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silima · 5 years
Would you ever draw ft wlw rarepairs like Kinana x Laki, Anna x Eileen, kyoka x seilah etc?
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yes i would!!!
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reallysaltykou · 5 years
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Seilah (Fairy Tail)
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gavinlightwood · 8 years
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~ The Goddess of the chill moon - Seilah ~
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veenia · 6 years
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Mirajane Strauss 
Satan Soul: Mirajane Seilah
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fuutarous-blog · 5 years
Demon x Demon
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e-r-fox89 · 5 years
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sakurakitsume-art · 4 months
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gaymirajane · 5 years
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📯Being with you has opened my eyes📯
📯They mean everything to me📯
The members of Tartarus were disposable; nothing but Zeref’s pawns. They were not supposed to have their own thoughts or feelings
Kyoka believed that too, believed that she was nothing but a commodity to be used in order to achieve the goals of her creator, but the more time she spent with Seilah, the more her eyes opened to the possibilities of their world
Seilah gave Kyoka hope, and love, and a reason to exist beyond Zeref’s plans; she was everything to Seilah
The other members of Tartarus knew it too, knew that their loyalty to one another fiercely rivalled how they felt about their creator, but none were brave enough to stand between the two woman, because what they had was tolerable; it would stand any test, and they proved that time and time again
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prof-kenny · 5 years
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rybreadable · 6 years
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drawing of Seilah from roughly a year ago, 
i wasnt planning on uploading it but people still seem to like it 
- Do not repost, trace, or use without my permission
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pencilofawesomeness · 3 years
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Okay here’s the next one. So, 
Fairy Tail
Favorite character: Ooooo this is a tough one. Erik is very high up there, but Natsu is also very high up, and he’s got more canon material than Erik for sure. Honestly, I started watching the show because of Natsu’s pure love for his dragon dad and his ability to be reckless and emotionally literate at the same time, so he gets a special place in my heart just for that. Plus I am a sucker for the chaotic energy.
Least Favorite character: Richard Buchanan. I don’t understand. He gets literally magicked into being a good guy by something that’s supposed to turn somebody into the complete opposite of what they are, and now he’s just a swell guy that talks about love? And we’re supposed to be okay with that? “Oh dear oh me where is my little brother?” You were on the same island for years including after the cult was booted how do you not know where—?!
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): Alright time to play the “how will the non-shippy person respond?” game. Ummm... Honestly, most of the FT ships depends on context for me? Sometimes it’s cool and sometimes it’s weird. Though if I had to pick some that I am usually down to see or read, I’d go with Gajevy, Albis, and maybe Jerza, Stingue, and Zervis? (Oh, and Seilah/Kyouka are sexy in a bad-guy kind of way, so good for them.)
Character I find most attractive: Okay so I’ve spent too long thinking of these characters as my babies, so I don’t think I can answer that question. But as far as who I think has a neat aesthetic/character design that I vibe with, it’s Loke’s human design. Lad’s in a parka, t-shirt, and jeans and that slaps. Good for him. 
Character I would marry: Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Ur. (No I don’t want to talk about the inevitable tragedy, but woman knows what she’s about and she’s got that special honest brand of mom energy that’s not condescending, and I dunno, I vibe with that.)
Character I would be best friends with: Mystogan. We’d never talk and vibe in silence and then bond over the stray cat that we are definitely both feeding.
A random thought: The Magic Council is strangely efficient, despite seeming not to do anything, since they managed to become a global superpower when just a hundred years ago, mages were being hunted for sport. And since there’s not any lingering anti-mage sentiment coded into the law system, they technically did their job pretty well. (Yes this is probably just Mashima not world-building, but it’s an interesting thought nonetheless.)
An unpopular opinion: I mean, I have a lot, but let’s go broad here: the racebuilding sucks. (Well, the world-building in general, but that’s not a surprise. Mashima I love you man but we all know you didn’t plan out your world.) But this specifically crops up with the demons. We hear about demons mostly through the context of Zeref’s demons and Mirajane’s experiences, both of which paint them as bad scary evil things. This is fine! This is context! We see Lullaby, and it tracks, but then we see Galuna island—the only instance in the show where we see non artificially created demons—and they’re all nice! This is a pleasant surprise! We get to address societal bias, a bias that runs so deep that even the amnesiac demons that they were hideous and they had all adapted forms to hide— Oh wait nevermind that plot point is dropped entirely and all of Zeref’s demons are treated as evil bad demons despite being normal dudes that are just prideful shits occasionally (ya know, normal traits; see: every other FT villain) but they still get treated narratively like taking them down is no different than destroying ghouls or whatnot. (Torofuzar and Seilah were even at the beginnings of understanding their moral flaws! Some of them cared about each other!!!) And then Natsu has a big ~not a monster demon~ struggle, like wtf does him being part demon matter? Aside from the latent kill-Zeref programming there is literally nothing different about demons from other rational creatures and in this essay I will— *gets dragged away from keyboard*
My Canon OTP: Gajevy. It starts off very awkward, but Gajeel just does the normal ex-bad guy thing of trying to make up for what he did to Shadowgear, because it wasn’t personal before but it’s an awkward little gesture that gets the ball rolling, and it’s pretty slow at first but there’s a developing mutual respect that they get, because Gajeel sees how strong and smart Levy is, and Levy sees how kind he can be, aaaand then they choose to banter at each other’s expense and slowly start sharing a brain cell. Mashima’s inability to write redemption arcs aside (another hot-take, no time to go there) I found the process neat. That, and Levy kicking Gajeel in the face for dying was a great scene. 
My Non-canon OTP: *slaps brain to try to boot up the non-existent shipping program* Stingue I guess? I’m torn on this one, because they absolutely have a dynamic going on, and they have a yin-yang balance while also being on the same brain cell and that’s absolutely amazing, but my ace gen-loving found-family brain kicks in with the dragon slayer sibling dynamic and that supersedes the shipping glasses and then makes it awkward because I’ve been two years into an AU where they’re 12-year-old adopted brothers so... Yeah, it goes back to the different scenario thing. I don’t feel strongly about ships but I can easily brotp things. Heck, I think I brotp-ed gajevy in my fic too; they’re just gremlins that tease each other so I dunno how to ship my dudes
Most Badass Character: I mean, there are a lot of them for sure, but Erza is definitely up there. She’s a one-man army and she simultaneously doesn’t give any flips and she cares greatly about justice, and she follows through. Her Pandemonium fight was one of the reasons I gave Fairy Tail a chance, and I certainly don’t regret it. She’s versatile and extremely skilled in a number of weapons and fighting styles; mad lad. She has my respect. (Shout out to Gajeel though; dude got a sword thrust through his arm and he kept trucking. Absolute machine right there.)
Most Epic Villain: Erik’s terrible at being a villain but he’s an epic dude and I love him. Um, Acnologia was shafted as far as villains/villain arcs go, but he had the build up to be a really great fight, and his attack on Tenrou was mad cool. So there’s that. (*Pencil ignores the question and starts to ramble about her favorite AU characters*)
Pairing I am not a fan of: A lot of them, tbh, but if I’m in the business of sharing unpopular opinions, I don’t like Gruvia or Fraxus for similar reasons: they are one-sided obsessions. Yeah, sure, they have room to be some decent ships, but I’m not a fan of the “learn to love” trope when it comes to good ships. That’s what you do with, I dunno, your estranged family member. Juvia projects adoration onto Gray, and Freed projects adoration onto Laxus, and the other side seems pretty neutral (or down-right uncomfortable) about it, and as somebody who easily gets squeamish with affection, I’m not a fan. (Also I don’t normally vibe with any ship that involves Natsu, but that’s definitely because I have associated him with my own aro let’s-hit-the-found-family-button-instead tendencies and I enjoy that.)
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): All of them. I could be here all day, tbh, because a lot of Fairy Tail characters are rooted in interesting and unique characterizations, but they can be written into archeyped positions depending on the scene. However, for the sake of argument, I’ll open one of my favorite can of worms: Jellal. Jellal is shown to be a caring and optimistic young lad, despite the awful conditions, and he’s protective of his friends. But then this eleven-year-old gets beaten, tortured and taunted, and he finally has this cracking moment by himself when he lets himself get angry, and then!!! he’s immediately brainjacked by Ultear!!! Kid gets sped-run through Brainiac 5′s mind poisoning arc, and unlike with Brainiac 5, there is absolutely no one who honestly tries to beat him out of it until years later. (And Simon! Who knew something was up! Just wanted to kill him!!! *deranged pencil laughing in the back*) So when he shows up later, amnesiac and back to being a self-sacrificial pure-bean, and I’m hyped. This was the Brainy recovery arc I was robbed of when the LoSH cartoon was discontinued. We get to explore the mental repercussions of being manipulated into having ambitions and feelings that are not your own! The magical representation of intrusive thoughts and emotional manipulation! Sure, the amnesia schtick was cheap, but okay Mashima just wanted to speed it along so— NOPE. Jellal gets plucked up by Ultear (the chick who manipulated him), and then all of a sudden he’s this edgy loner who has to ~atone for his sins~ and he’s all cool and mysterious (he occasional has dork moments and I treasure them like a starving dog gathers up crumbs) and he becomes focused on justice or whatever and my dreams of an emotional recovery and re-self-discovery arc are crushed and nothing but broken glass in my hands. *muffled crying pencil noises*
Favourite Friendship: Oooo there’s so many, but sticking to canon-land, I really liked Gray and Loke’s friendship??? Dudes were content to asking no questions and just passively supporting each other, and they way they interacted on Tenrou and tag-teamed, whether in fighting or teasing, so easily was so cute. And then we never saw it again. Gray and Natsu are also a good brotp, even though it has a....rocky start.... But when they got that “nobody can mess with him but me” brother energy, I dig it. 
Character I most identify with: Low-key Rogue. Dude was wall-flowering social-chameleon-ing his way through life, sticking to the fringes of conflict with this little frog sibling, and he can bounce between being forced to have all the brain cells and be the voice of reason and being a chaotic and overprotective gremlin ready to fight people. I feel it so hard. 
Character I wish I could be: You know what? Rogue. I’ll take his magic and I’ll gladly beat Sting (lovingly) over the head too. Plus, Frosch. (I would say Frosch, but I do not want their sense of direction.) He gets to be low-key in charge of a guild while having none of the actual responsibility for it, and I vibe with that position. It’s all about them tag-team skills.
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