#self reblog hehe
crowvainn · 4 months
(gonna attempt to make a tag game lmao-)
list your top 5 favorite songs !! it doesn't have to be in order,, and also tag ur mutuals!
dead man by self
spring and a storm by tally hall
southwest voodoo by insane clown posse
meteor shower by cavetown
inertia by ajr
tags (no pressure !!): @sstarpopp @northern-wanderers @theworstcreature @inurecity @neo-xolotl @circusclowne @dizzynotez @trashofspace + any one who'd like to join ! (again, no pressure ^^)
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Pairing: Ash (self-insert)/Commander John Shepard
Word Count: About 1.2k
Warnings: A bit of swearing, lots of making out. Slightly steamy if you squint, but it's mostly fluff. Also Shepard needs a vacation.
Synopsis: Set in the midst of Mass Effect 3, Ash can't help but notice that Shepard hasn't been doing well. After all, he could he? With the Reaper War upon the galaxy, it was up to him to save all organic life. Still, Ash worries for him. Building model ships has always been a hobby of his, and Ash thinks that perhaps building one together could help his tired mind relax.
Knock knock.
Knock knock knock.
Ash sighs, staring at the metal door in front of her blankly. She looks down at the cardboard box in her hand, a toy model ship waiting to be built and assembled.
He must be sleeping... She thinks to herself. Usually, as soon as she knocks on the door of Shepard's cabin, he's rushing to open the door, to pull her into his strong embrace, tilt her chin up and kiss her.
Shepard doesn't seem to register the knocking at all. He's just staring blankly at the wall, lost in thought. It had become a regular endeavor for him these past few weeks. Fuck, there was always too much happening. Every single second he spent here wasting time, another planet was being attacked. The constant feeling of unease had him growing thin, as was being pulled in what felt like every single direction of the galaxy.
"EDI, you mind opening Shepard's door for me?"
Ash asks, looking up at the ceiling. The Normandy's AI companion could hear her regardless of where she was looking, but it was a habit Ash couldn't seem to drop. The response comes almost immediately, as it often did when EDI was involved.
"Past data indicates that Shepard's dopamine levels increase when he hears your voice, so yes. Yes I can."
As the door opens with a woosh, Shepard seems to be snapped out of whatever trance he was in. He's still sitting on the edge of his bed in a pair of sweats and his favorite N7 hoodie, but he looks over at Ash.
"Hey, Ash. You need something?"
He's happy to see Ash, and his tone is plenty chipper, but Ash can tell just how exhausted he really is. Perhaps it was her magical girlfriend senses, or maybe it was that it was plain to see that Shepard was exhausted. Still, she smiles, just happy to see him. Not even an intergalactic war could stop the way he made her heart flutter.
"Nope. Didn't realize I needed an excuse to see my boyfriend now."
Ash's tone is sarcastic and light-hearted (as it often is), but John just shakes his head and sighs, rubbing at his temple with his hand,
"I'm sorry. There's so much to think about. The deal with the Salarian Dalatrass-"
"Can wait. It can wait."
Ash approaches the bed and pulls his head into her chest, giving her the best hug she can muster with one hand still holding the cardboard box (hidden very stealthily behind her back).Ash's voice is a whisper as she kisses the top of his head, the familiar prick of his buzzed hair on her lips.
"When's the last time you slept, John? Joker told me your stress levels haven't been this high since the Blitz. I'm worried, baby."
"... I'm not tired. At all. I'll be okay."
Ash sighs, letting go of him and rolling her eyes. Shepard raises an eyebrow,
"Hey, what are you hiding behind your back?"
Ash shows it to him. To be completely honest, model ships were much more his department than Ash's, but she still did her research, and this particular model took her nearly a month of hunting down.
Shepard's blue eyes go wide,
"This model is a hard one to find. You got this for me?"
"Yeah." Ash smiles, "I thought maybe it would help get your mind off things."
"Ash, I... Thank you. Thank you so much."
Shepard looks up at her, and his eyes are so earnest and sweet. When's the last time he took a break, did something for himself? Ash puts a hand on his cheek, feeling the small poke of his stubble against her palm. She leans in for a soft kiss, pressing her lips against his, and it's a gesture that Shepard is more than happy to reciprocate.
"Where would I be without you, honey?"
It's more of a rhetorical question anyway, but Ash kisses him again, this time on his forehead,
"Dunno. And we won't find out either, since I'm with you until the end."
"In that case..."
Shepard takes the box from her, looking at it front and back,
"Wanna build this with me?"
"Fuck yeah, let's do it."
It takes nearly an hour of long work, gluing and linking together wooden and plastic pieces to make what seemingly resembled a small figurine of a warship, but seeing John's smile made all the hard work more than worth it to Ash. Shepard yawns, settling the ship down.
Ash grins,
"Finally tired now?"
"Yeah. Think I'll take a nap, then shower."
Ash runs a hand down his arm,
"Hm... Mind if I join?"
She doesn't miss the smirk on Shepard's face, and she fucking loves it.
"The nap or the shower?"
"Heh, both. Looking forward to the shower, though."
Ash can feel the smile on his lips as he pulls her into his lap where he sat on the ground, wrapping his arms and kissing her deeply. His breath is soft on her lips as he pulls away just enough to speak.
"'Course you are."
It takes much more kissing, but Shepard eventually, Shepard picks her up with ease and lays her down in bed. He took his N7 hoodie off while they were building, so he takes his shirt of before laying next to her. Admittedly, Ash is soaking in the sight of his bare chest, her eyes drifting down to his muscles... There were scars, both from the Blitz and his miraculous coming back from the dead, but to Ash, there was nothing more attractive.
Shepard wraps his arms around her, and Ash giggles. His arms always felt so perfect. Ash was so soft, and she smelled so sweet too. She was Shepard's happy place. Ash laughs as he buries his face in her neck, soaking in the scent of her cologne barely clinging to her skin after a long day, and starts peppering her with kisses there.
"Shep! Your beard! It tickles!"
But he doesn't stop. He has a massive grin on his face. He loves hearing her laugh so much.
Still, it doesn't take long before Shepard is ready to drift off to sleep, the exhaustion of a day of meeting with aliens and humans alike kicking in.
Shepard squeezes Ash, holds her tight in a big ol' hug. Honestly, his grip is a little too strong, but Ash doesn't mind. He was showing her affection, and she was glad he didn't have to hide parts of himself around her. Whenever they sat around and built figurines together, it was so easy to pretend that they were just the run-of-the-mill couple, and not a supersoldier back from the dead and a decorated Alliance soldier.
"I love you, Ash."
He loosens his grip and lets her snuggle into his chest like how she always loves to.
"I love you too, honey. Let's get some sleep. I'm sure Garrus will wake us up if anything happens."
"I could stay with you forever."
Ash smiles,
"When it's all over, you will."
Shepard, already half-asleep by his point, grabs gentle hold of Ash's left hand and runs his thumb over her ring finger, right where a wedding ring would rest.
"Yeah, I will."
The next thing Ash knows, Shepard is out like a light, his breathing being enough to lull her to bed too.
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copepodkisser5000 · 4 months
Hiii again self ship community!
For the rest of this month only, i have a special offer of £8/€10/$11USD for one character (your fav? your f/o? just your self insert if you haven’t got a picture of them yet and you wanna change that?? ;))
Or £10/€12/$13USD for two characters!! Fully coloured, any size from headshot up to full-body
Please have a ref ready or a description, we can discuss what you want as thoroughly as needed, no problem :)
Payment will be through k-f (strongly preferred) or p.p, 🔗:
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I'm a traditional artist, so i can mail it to you for an extra small cost if you'd like! : D
Just message me or reply/reblog to get started!
No slots- first come first served. can get it done within a week or sooner most likely
art examples:
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my most recent general art can be seen here
Thanks for reading! 💖
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yandere-sins · 2 years
You know what I just thought about? Fanfiction blogs always get asked for recommendations like them, but readers should actually have even better recommendations!
That’s to say, it’s been a while that I read some nice yandere stuff that is not my own and doesn’t make me crazy reading it over and over for mistakes. Does anyone have some recommendations? Maybe some fresh, new blogs/stories I don’t know about yet?
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sleepis4theweak · 10 months
Thank you <3
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I finished the Firelit Sky event
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iisthings · 1 year
Yes hello coming on here to say that everyone should try drawing in the mutant mayhem artstyle AT LEAST ONCE
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Wip of Mikey to prove my point!!!
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maddilynmuse · 3 months
Two Stars
Chapter 2
Me: So… should we finish Bared Teeth and Open Hands? Should give those guys some closure and-
Brain: No, more angst
Me: Honestly valid.
A second chapter to my Body Swap Fic! Enjoy~
<< First || Next >
2hats spoilers and post game spoilers for In Stars and Time. Also available on AO3.
CW: Body dysphoria/dysmorphia, derealization, dissociation, abnormal body signals, panic induced self harm, talking to yourself, general panic
Siffrin stared at the dots littering the back of his hands… his hands? Were these his hands? His hands were pale, near-darkless. But between the little specks of light, there was almost nothing but dark.
He flexed his fingers, and they moved. Paper pose, rock pose, scissors pose… they followed. It should’ve been clear they were his! But still he kept moving them, flitting between gestures and poses, open and closed, bending and unbending fingers, desperately trying to outwit himself. Maybe if they couldn’t keep up, he’d wake up from whatever dream this was! He just had to do something complicated enough that these not-his-hands couldn’t catch on in time!
But of course it didn’t work like that. This wasn’t a dream, these weren’t someone else’s hands, it was no strange mirror image. They moved “along with” his hands because they were his hands, no matter how violently his mind tried to reject this fact.
Even his panic felt wrong. He had no human heart to beat, no proper lungs to hyperventilate with, no physical means by which to get lightheaded except in the most painfully literal sense possible. Hah! Get it? Light headed! His head was a light! Wait was it? Yes! Yes it was! There was a subtle flare ever-present in the edges of his vision, and he could see the bark of the tree all too well.
His skin crawled… or flared? Was this how that felt? It was disconcertingly buzzy, like a buildup of static in one particular spot making nonexistent hairs stand on-end so much it prickled with something not-quite painful. It was distracting, and normally, a bit of discomfort would be welcome! Much easier not to think when you’re in agony! But this only scraped at the already fried edges of his mind.
He grabbed at one “flare” as it shot down his arm, but it did nothing to stop it. Invisible fingernails dug into lightless skin. He was seized by an irrational urge to tear it off. Yes, yes! It was just…
A suit.
A strange suit! So just… tear! Come on. Tear! It wasn’t like it was his cloak, he could rend this! The pain wasn’t enough to ground him, wasn’t enough, wasn’t enough. He needed, needed-
He needed his friends, his family, Isabeau, Mirabelle, Bonnie, Odile, Loop! Anyone, please! Anyone!
He needed to cut it off. The fabric was just too strong, right? And he couldn’t find the seam, so he’d make a new one! Now where was his dagger? Around his waist belt…
Oh stars he was completely nude.
Nope! Nope nope nope nope nope! Do not look at the starry skin! Don’t look at the fact that you’re built like a children’s toy! Don’t look don’t look don’t look!
He wished he could feel nauseous. Instead he just felt itchy. Constrained. Suffocated. Wrong. He needed to get this off. Minus the dagger, he just used his fingers, tearing at his own not-flesh with a desperate fervor. It stung, but not enough; his pain tolerance was too high. He needed to bleed, needed to see he was still human, needed to have some way of getting all this frantic pressure out! Get it out get it off get it out get it off get it out get it off get it off GET IT OFF!
There was a wet sound followed by a muffled cry of pain as he stared at the too-bright, misty fluid running out of one arm. The opposite hand was held in a scissors position. He had cut it…
And that was not blood. It wasn’t even fully liquid, some of it evaporating into mist. His mind went fuzzier than the flares on his body as he watched it, imagining that to be all the pent up panic leaking out. Too soon it tried to stop, so he picked at the wound, fingers tearing it just a bit more open. The relief was tangible, skin settling and the over-bright flare surrounding him dying down to something manageable.
Maybe best not to think about the reality of what he just did.
“Let’s talk about something.” At least his voice sounded similar… wait, why did it sound similar? Hah! Had Loop been pitching their voice up the entire time? That was kind of funny, in a way.
He sat down on the opposite knoll that he woke up on, taking his normal seat. If he closed his eyes and tried to block out the itch of his skin, it was easy to imagine Loop sitting across from him instead of… whatever this counted as.
“So, stardust!”
Oh. He said that. He was talking to himself. Okay then!
“So, stardust! Now can I help you this wonderful new loop? Or whatever this counts as! Because wow, you’ve managed to mess up in a blindingly bright NEW way! You really thought that messing with wishcraft again would end well for you? Stars, how did you even make it this far, you absolute idiot!”
… no. That was wrong. Loop was rude and obnoxious sometimes, but always nice when he needed it. Well, usually. Except when he REALLY upset them, but he couldn’t ask them to be infinitely okay with everything. Still, they were nicer than this.
So he tried again. “… sorry stardust. I got a bit carried away… so let’s try that again! How can I help you?”
“… I’m scared,” he admitted to himself, pulling his legs into his chest. With his eyes closed, he could pretend they looked normal. “And breathing won’t help. It feels wrong.”
“I know exactly what you mean, but don’t worry! You’ll get used to it! Or not! Who knows! I’m literally just you putting on a voice! Even less Loop than the real one!”
“Shut up.”
He was losing his mind, wasn’t he? Well, at least he wasn’t literally attacking himself anymore? Ugh, hopefully no one was listening, but wouldn’t they have said something by now if they were…?
“Ahem. So, stardust. Let’s go over this. How exactly did you manage this?”
He took… whatever counted as a breath. Seemed he still breathed, even if the mechanism was different. Good to know? “I made a wish for you, Loop! I- I wanted you to have a chance to be happy too, so I wished that you’d be able to be yourself with us, and I did use us specifically so that, you know, I could also be included and we didn’t have to kill each other or fervor…”
“And now you look exactly like me?”
“Apparently??? Which??? I don’t get??? Why would you being yourself mean I’m you?”
“Oh stardust, don’t flatter yourself. You already ARE me, and vice versa, and-“
“Oh my stars, I’m so stupid.”
Loop was him, so being themselves meant being Siffrin. He was in their body, so presumably the reverse was also true. But he’d used us! He was supposed to be included! But…
Well. What exactly was stopping him from joining them? Other than, well…
Looking like this.
And being naked.
He would like clothes, actually.
Being an infinitely easier goal, he decided to focus on that one. Step one, obtain a cloak or pants or skirt or SOMETHING, step two… everything else. Step out and- oh! It’s night time. Convenient? It looked like most would were inside for the night, and Vaugardiand rarely locked their doors, but they’d still hear him, right? And going into a house to steal somehow felt worse than walking in to chat or explore…
Oh! Clothes line!
And that was how Siffrin ended up robbing some poor person’s skirt because they couldn’t be bothered to take the wash in on time, scribbling a note of apology.
… everything else.
This was going to be a long trip.
That’s all for now~
I prefer tea, but buy me a Kofi?
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chateau-dilf · 12 days
Welcome (evil intent)
This blog may contain some nsft content (art, headcanons, aus) which will be tagged and filtered accordingly.
About us v
🦇 | Ross | @moltenhare
Ink Potts got me into this in 2014 and I'm still here, able to draw humans at last. I read the book in 2024 (unlike the fake fan below who hasn't even started.) Edmond and Villefort when I GET you ‼️
🦔 | Bryn | @jarvis-cockhead / @dearcarnifex
Ross got me into the 2002 film in late 2022 but I promise I have since been properly educated and will read the book 🙏 2024 film brainrot has taken hold... I stand by my embarrassing cancelled wife (Fernand 😬). Feel free to interact in French if you don't mind me using it as practice.
Original art is tagged #Our art and original posts are tagged #Our posts
Tag directory:
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tiny-cloud-of-flowers · 11 months
✧ "May it light the way to your void-kissed fate." ✧
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My name is Void (or Echo) - friends can also call me Aria
she/her or she(?)/her(?) | 21 | sapphic ace | selfshipper ^-^
series I selfship in include: Pokémon, Xenoblade Chronicles, Kingdom Hearts, Fire Emblem, and many more!
selfship info carrd (please read this before following)
my tag form (if you'd like a personal tag on my blog, or to be tagged in what I make, then please have a look at this!)
This is my selfship blog - my primary blog that I follow from is @flowering-darkness
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(Anyone is welcome to reblog this if they wish to, as long as my DNI is respected! To those who have read this, I hope that you have a good day~)
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novemberthewriter · 3 months
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I try not to do too much tag watching/getting mad over replies but 'don't pretend like that's not what you're doing' ohhhh my god shut uppppppp
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lieutenantselnia · 1 year
Selena and davy jones headcanons
Oh I do have some of those! This ask actually got me motivated to finally write some of them down so thanks for that <3 I haven't done a ton of writing in recent years aside from school/university papers (unfortunately), but I tried! This list is neither ordered nor exhaustive, I just picked out some headcanons for them that I've been thinking about recently💖
Davy Jones x Selena Finley Headcanons
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One of the first ways for Selena and Davy to connect and get closer is music. Selena was taught playing the piano when she grew up, and was captivated when she heard Davy playing the organ for the first time. When she finally witnessed him playing, she was also fascinated by the way he utilised his beard tentacles to play (though, to be honest, who wouldn’t be? It’s quite a sight after all). She asks Davy if he’d allow her to try playing the organ, and although he’s reluctant about it in the beginning, he lets her and even kind of starts teaching her later on.
Even though he slowly starts to emotionally open up to her, Davy is very reluctant about touching Selena at first. Although he has resigned himself to his appearance decades ago, once his affection for her starts to develop, he becomes afraid that she will find him appalling. In reality, Selena doesn’t actually have any problems with his look at all - if anything she finds it rather intriguing. But she also is a bit hesitant about touching him at first, mostly because she notices there’s something about it bothering him and she doesn’t want to make him uncomfortable.
When they finally manage to overcome that barrier though, it becomes obvious how touch-starved Davy is. He loves feeling Selena’s hands on him, especially on his face. In turn, Selena loves caressing his beard. The tentacles fascinate her, in the way the move, sometimes even as if they had a mind on their own, but also in the way they feel. She adores the way they react to her touch, how they’d wrap around her fingers and wrists as if they wanted to hold her close. Another thing Davy is desperate for is just feeling her body closely against his. The sensation of her warm, living, breathing body pressed up against him when he hugs her or when they cuddle is everything to him, especially as he notices that she feels completely comfortable in his arms.
At some point, Selena starts helping Davy to rid himself of some of the barnacles and sea life growing on him. Not because it bothers her in any way how he looks with them, but some of the growths have become uncomfortable for Davy. They hurt him when he’s trying to find a comfortable sleeping position - one of the reasons why he’s grown accustomed to sleep while sitting at the organ - or get in the way during their cuddling sessions. It’s a tedious work, and Selena’s fingers can hurt a little afterwards, but it’s so rewarding for her to see how much more relieved Davy feels. She doesn’t remove more than necessary, it’s mostly the coral growths around Davy’s back and shoulders that bother him, because they pinch uncomfortably when he’s trying to lay down. She’d also scrape off some of the mussels and barnacles with sharp edges, so she won’t cut herself when she hugs Davy - she knows he’d feel bad about it.
Davy is initially not too enthusiastic about the idea, insisting he doesn’t need any help with cleaning himself, but he grows to adore their little care sessions. They allow him to become completely relaxed, at times so much that he’s almost falling asleep. He loves it when Selena gives him gentle touches on his face or his arms in-between. Luckily, most of the growths are just on his clothes and not directly on his skin, so Selena doesn’t have to be too worried about hurting him when removing them with a knife. She’s still careful though, since his tentacles like to get in the way when they’re searching for contact with her hands, and she has to shoo them away a little. Sometimes, Davy will also just end their session before she's actually done by pulling her into his arms and just holding her tightly, as he whispers to her how thankful he is that she’s with him and takes him exactly the way he is.
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p1nkpdf · 7 months
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serenanymph · 1 year
two truths and a lie
Tagged by @lorenfinch! Gonna go ahead and gently tag @arctic-oceans, @loopyhoopywrites, @reneesbooks, @hallwriteblr and anyone else who wants to join in! Sorry this took so long fshdgskhdd I was trying to figure out what to put.
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doodlboy · 1 year
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Ok so I might've popped off with this one
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lielove · 1 year
dairy entry ; hoshino ai's twelfth birthday.
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the caretaker read off the names of all the children who had a birthday this week. it was so monotone and boring, i could tell that she didn't care at all... some of the other kids smiled and clapped when they heard their names... or a friends. but nobody did that for me.
but that's fine, i wasn't expecting them to anyway.
there was a small, round chocolate cake this time. the caretaker said to make sure all the birthday kids got a slice but, as usual, the kids just run up and take it. she doesn't do anything to actually make sure that the birthday kids get anything, and the cake is too small.
i didn't get my slice again this year. but that's fine, too. : )
dairy entry ; hoshino ai's thirteenth birthday.
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it's my first birthday working under strawberry productions as an idol. there's only four of us in b-komachi right now; watanabe, nino, takamine and myself. nino seemed a bit annoyed at the whole thing, but the other girls were nice.
director ichigo bought a big cake... it said "happy birthday ai" in big letters.
this is the first time i've had a cake just for me.
i split it with the girls, but i was able to take the rest home with me. it was shaped like a strawberry, and tasted like it too.
after we ate cake the girls gave me some presents, watanabe's gift was my favorite. ✰
diary entry ; hoshino ai's fourteenth birthday.
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b-komachi had a mini concert today, so i spent my birthday performing with the girls. director ichigo still brought a cake, he sliced it and let us have some after the meet and greet.
so many of my fans brought me gifts and wrote letters... i've never had so many people care about my birthday... care about me. i'm going to take the time to read them all when i have some time off.
these people... they really love me. i'll have to keep lying to them so they'll always see me as their picture perfect star. ♡
maybe a day will come where i can shout "i love you" out into the crowd and mean it, that'd be nice.
diary entry ; hoshino ai's fifteenth birthday.
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the people at lala lai are nice.
they were just as... no, maybe they were even more enthusiastic about throwing a party for me than director ichigo was. is this how life at the theater always is ?? i'm still pretty new here but everyone is treating me like i've been there for years already. it'll take some getting used to... but i can just lie my way through it so nobody realizes, eheh.
i had to step away from the party for a bit.
i found a boy standing outside when i did, he was smoking a cigarette and looking up at the sky. i think his name was hikaru ?? i've met so many people since i came here... it's hard to remember everyone... and i've never really been good with names.
he's got a memorable face, though. so i don't think i'll forget him.
i don't even think the rest of the theater group realized that i spent the rest of the party out there with him. ✨
diary entry ; hoshino ai's sixteenth birthday.
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i'm staying the night at hikaru-kun's tonight.
spending the entire day with him... feels kinda romantic, aha... ♡
i was able to get a reservation at that nice restaurant, we've got a private place tucked away for ourselves there, no one should bother us at all, and it's all thanks to that director for helping me find restaurants and places where we could keep meeting in secret.
i haven't been able to tell him i love him and mean it, but i do like him a lot... it sounds kinda silly when i write it out like that.
but being his girlfriend, and calling him my boyfriend. it's nice.
i think today is going to be a really fun day.
diary entry ; hoshino ai's seventeenth birthday.
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it's my first birthday since the twins were both... now that they're here i don't think i could ask for a better gift. they're so small and cute... just looking at them makes me so, so happy.
miyako and director ichigo stopped by with a small cake and a few necessities, he gave me a small bonus as a birthday gift... he didn't have to, but i think he did it so i could have more to put towards my kids.
i've gotta do even better as an idol so i can keep seeing their cute smiling faces, i want to give them the best life that i can... as their mother... i'm all they have, and i have to give it all i've got.
diary entry ; hoshino ai's eighteenth birthday.
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i think miyako tried to help the kids make a birthday card for me, it was the first thing i saw when i woke up this morning. it's a little hard to make out but it's cute... i'm going to put it up on the fridge anyway. i'll have to thank her later for that.
today i have a photoshoot at nine, an interview at noon, and i'm going to be a guest star for a radio station from three to five. that's how most days have been recently, though.
i'll probably ask director ichigo if he can pick up a cake that we can all share once i'm home, the kids probably shouldn't have sugar so late at night but... it's a special occasion so i think it'll be okay, just this once.
diary entry ; hoshino ai's nineteenth birthday.
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the filming for that was the start is still ongoing, but i think it might wrap up soon ?? the cast and crew threw a little party for me for my birthday. it was sweet of them. i had fun, but i was really looking forward to getting home... i picked up some board games to play with ruby and aqua the other day... spending some time with my family is all i want for my birthday this year.
i've been so busy that i've spent more time out of the house than in, i know miyako is taking care of the kids but... as their mother, i should still make sure to spend time with them, too.
diary entry ; hoshino ai's twentieth birthday.
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b-komachi is going to be performing at the dome today. director ichigo talks so highly of it... i wonder what it'll be like. there'll probably be a lot of people.
he said he was going to get some of the nicest champagne he could find and we'd have a toast once we gets me back home after the show. does alcohol taste good ?? i don't really see the appeal but... i'll still try it. he seems to really like it, at least.
there's front row tickets for ruby, aqua and miyako. as long as i can see my kids in the crowd then i'm sure i'll be shining just as bright -- no, i'll shine even brighter than usual.
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