#self spoiling anon
adilynnyuri · 6 months
heyy, can you maybe show us some good affirmations to get rid of smile lines? <3
Hii love!! 🤍
🍧Affirmations for perfect smile + to get rid of smile lines
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(It's kinda exaggerated lmao)
🍬 I am so happy that I got the perfect smile with perfectly aligned teeth which is so clean and perfect!
🍬 I never get smile lines in my face! Smile lines?? Whats that?? My face is clear as crystal with no lines being visible
🍬 People are so shocked by seeing how perfect my face is without any single flaw
🍬 People want to see me smiling and smiling because they are just so obsessed with it!
🍬 People be paying me tons of money for me to just smile because it's too precious and perfect for this world!
🍬 My smile brights up the whole damn world and makes all the lazy ass mfs to get their ass up and work towards their goals
🍬 My smile is capable of both, making people weak for me and also making them feel motivated!
🍬 I have that captivating smile which could drive anyone crazy for decades
🍬 "You know what? I get everything and anything I want by just smiling" This is how it works for you
🍬 Hm... My smile reminds of so many amazing things people would only see in their dreams.
🍬 Babe, I always had the perfect smile!
With lots of love,
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extravalgant · 2 years
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that yum isnt even alcoholic its like kombucha
traced over some its always sunny screencaps that i had collecting dust in my computer +_+ its been a while since ive hastily drawn some funnies... now feat. a background (from the game)
LETS SEE WHAT ELSE... some older wizseins and novus funnies from when test realm barely dropped back in november. and a comic about how i think the comfort process would go when dealing with ~worldly responsibilities~
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angelexotica · 1 year
😯😯 ehem, well a proof of that would confirm it 🤔
is this enough proof? :)
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bunnymedley · 8 months
Like the gameplay is innovative and all but it has no story or memorable characters.
Zelda games were prided on their stories as these grand adventures, and the puzzles. And they kinda scrubbed off all but the puzzles and a vague sense of charm from the world?
I'd say return it, nobody's pressuring you to enjoy it. If you want a story look anywhere else.
yeah like im sure its very well made and innovative and all but that fancy construction stuff felt clumsy and annoying (idk if im just dumb but i couldnt figure it out in any way that felt fun and i didnt feel encouraged to learn) and slowly running around this generic fantasy land looking for something to do just wasn't compelling to me. and i rly dont care for the characters theyre so boring
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edgarallen-foe · 3 months
what do you mean every one else looked after me?! what are you TALKING about?! this is all wrong!!
"everyone" didn't look after him. i looked after him, and when i couldn't, because of a head injury, or because my death was traumatic enough to kickstart an episode, i called in help. asked for favours. i owe dove a lot, in particular. i loved juno's abrasion, but it meant that when i had to call someone for help, when he wanted nothing to do with me, it was a favour to be repaid to ask someone to sit with him and let me be sure he wouldn't hurt himself.
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of course its ok to send links on ask anon! your post has been quequed <3
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i've been on the hellsite (affectionate) for almost a decade and i literally never once tried to reblog something privately before, and so i did for the hell of it, just to see?
and it was your 'shoutout to writers who get bkdk relationship' post, and i just saw i must have been the last person to reblog it before you turned off reblogs 😬 so in case it wasn't just coincidence and i committed some faux pas i wasn't aware of, sowwyyyy!
(and uh, if it's not too presumptuous to ask, hello now that i'm here, care to help a boy in need lmao? i'm brand new to this fandom and it's so big i don't know where to start, would you happen to have any recs of fics that do understand the bkdk relationship? 👀👀)
Hello hello!! First of all, welcome to the mha fandom!!! It gets a little crazy here sometimes, but I hope you enjoy your stay here nonetheless! Anyways, I haven't turned off reblogs on that post to my knowledge (to be honest I'm not even sure I know how to 😅) so you're totally good!! My best guess as to what happened is that someone else reblogged my post and turned off reblogs and you saw it there Also, fics!!! Where do I even begin? There are so many amazing fic writers out there that I know. Still, if you're specifically looking for people that understand the bkdk relationship, I'd start off with any of amarisllis' fics. She's fairly popular on ao3 and her portrayal of bkdk is *chefs kiss* Also also!! ladyofsnails makes amazing bkdk fics too!! Highly recommend too!! Now, if you're looking for specific fics instead of just authors, I'm gonna throw some in here below and give a brief summary of them (these are all on ao3 by the way): The Way You Used To Do by edema_ruh (Look. I know it's long, but it's the bkdk fic. Like. It's predicted events that happened in the manga. Anyways, this fic has a whole lotta forced proximity and slow burn.) warm hands by flowercafe (I used to reread this fic over and over again. Basically it's just a 5+1 of Katsuki taking care of Izuku's hands by massaging them.) you dragged me out (of a mile deep hollow) by deadwriter16 (Katsuki looks after Izuku post vigilante arc and gives him the love he deserves. Great hurt/comfort fic.) All We Ever Knew by dynamics (The writing for this fic is stunning. Goes really into depth with Katsuki's psyche and why acts the way he acts.) Halfway to the Moon (But the Sun is So Bright) by Catsired (Middleschool bkdk fic, but Bakugou realizes how much he's fucking Izuku over and tries to fix things.) in your dreams, nerd! by sapphic flower (Katsuki and Izuku can see each other in their dreams. Amazing concept. So well written)
message delivered by dekusneakers (Chat fic that goes really in-depth with Katsuki's feelings when Izuku had his vigilante arc. The way bkdk is portrayed in this is so aaaaaaaa I love it sm) Your Hand In Mine (In Every Universe) by panpanicatmha (Oh my god. This fic changed something in my brain. So alternate versions of Katsuki come and meet Izuku, share their stories and try to find a common link between all of them to be able to get home. The author also writes a bunch of companion fics to this, so I highly recommend reading those too if you're interested!!) Well, this post is already pretty long so I'm going to have to restrain myself from adding more. I hope this was helpful!!! But if you ever do need more fic recs, feel free to ask and I will deliver!! That goes for anyone <3 Take care anon <333
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Me, a very tall but not as much as Jack, male mc!: Ah! What a wonderful experience, I enjoyed every job scenario... I wonder how much will it change if I had a kit?
Me, five minutes into a scenario with my baby: I don't care if I have to use the strings of my guitar or my Colt 1911... If you even *dare* to think about hurting a hair of *MY AWESOME BABY* you would wish you could taste the moonshine when you'll be BURIED under it!
No but seriously, that Brooklyn 99 meme with Rosa, the one that goes "I've only had my baby for a day and a half, but if anything happened to him I would end everyone in the room and then myself"? Yeah I felt that with my sunshine when I read the musician!mc POV and found out that I serenade the little one with a song before sleep!!!! My heart ❤️💕❤️!!!
You have done and excelent job with UtDM!! I love it so much!!! I can't wait for what comes next! (Of course I will, take as much time as you need because is been so awesome!!).
(and sorry for the broken English, is not my native language so apologies 😅😅)
Just wait till you get a phonecall with the kitten 🥺🥺🥺 He loves his parent sm
Thank you for the kind words!!! ♡♡♡ im happy youre having so much fun and trying other occupations heh heh
(and YEAH... i cant wait to write mamabear MC. There WILL be hell if anyone threatens him, even accountant/musician!MC will fuck your shit up)
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In 2023, please put yourself first. Take this as a sign. Start manifesting what you've always wanted. Start focusing on your inner self, and watch everything fall into it's place...
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edalynn · 2 years
I haven't unfollowed you because the rest of my friends have you blocked and I'm the designated sufferer who updates them when you go on some insane breakdown
LMFAOOOO get fucked shithead
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reinabeestudio · 2 years
hi hiiii i didn't know you liked inside job you're insane/pos
Oh yeah, one of those things I enjoyed silently. The news about the show's cancellation changed that tho. One of the few adult shows that has made me laugh genuinely, I miss it (´。_。`)
I even made a few self-insert doodles during my binge-watching, bare concepts for a s/i. These were only posted on IG (then deleted) but I can bring them back ig.
Maybe if I go back to Inside Job someday, I can develop more s/i stuff for it :]
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r, o, and n (for the ship alphabet) with ronno!
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Remember- Is there a memory that any member likes to recall when they feel sad and/or alone?
Ronno remembers not having the best family life from his childhood which is why he was so desperate to be liked and wanted by Faline. Ronno of course didn't go about it the best way with Bambi and Faline and it's not to excuse his childish bully behavior (which he still damn does anyway), Mika can understand wanting to be accepted by something. He and Ronno are like outcasts. Alone. And that's a memory that he can recall is running away from his previous herd which is how he got adopted into Great Prince's Herd. All he had all his life is just the herd and later into adulthood, Mika.
Observation- Who is the most observant? Do they worry a lot about their partner, or do they notice more positive things?
Mika is the more observant around Ronno. Mika has a LOT more empathy and emotion sense then Ronno does. Not to say Ronno is incapable of feeling emotion, but most of those emotions are repressed or held down to not look weak or fragile. Ronno wants to prove he's a 'manly man' or.. is it bucky buck... regardless! He's trying his best to prove he's got everything under control, and Mika can see through the bullshit easy. Mika worries about Ronno doing something stupid in the process to make Mika stay or not to leave him, which Mika never would anyway. But as always, Ronno has something to prove. He's lost Faline and doesn't have too many friends that can stand him, so Mika is the closest he's let get close.
Nostalgia- Is there a part of their relationship that they feel has been 'lost' since starting the relationship?
Mika feels as though they've lost their humanity a bit or what makes them a human in the first place once he truly started to solely live in the forest with Bambi and Ronno. Mika tries to identify more with the Deer and Does here then he does then being themselves. Of course, Ronno has to remind Mika that he should just worry about Mika being Mika and being a Man since he's got no horns or fur, so no deer will actually take them seriously of a Man trying to be Deer.
Ronno on the other hand, he does have to have SOMEWHAT of a filter in front of Mika, because Mika is fun, loving, adventerous and loves the thrill of exploring so, he doesn't want to lose them; but Ronno really doesn't like weak people which Mika is. That's just a flaw he's trying his best to accept for Mika. After all, Ronno and Mika are still individuals. They have personalities. They have flaws. Mika is more emotion sensitive and with Ronno, it can be a lot. So; He felt like he's able to say whatever. But, maybe Mika teaching him not to say some mean things that PROBABLY shouldn't be said is probably a good idea.
Alphabet Self-Ship Asks!
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acid-ixx · 3 months
Ghost-Anon here!! 😋
Ooof the new chapter was good! I especially loved the part where Dick goes kinda nuts after Reader blocked him (as deserved :p ) more so I’m so excited for Yandere!Damian too xD
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hii !! tysm for enjoying the first chapter ^^ i was afraid that i wrote dick's descent to madness too quick but then i realized that "oh yeah it's literally dick we are talking about, times where he is at his limits are times where he lets the emotions control him." dick really does love his family, as proved in the comic panels i have read, and I don't like how most other comics picture him as just this silly guy who never gets mad at anyone.
he had his immense bouts of anger and frustration, it would be worse if it was caused by you, directly or not. the thing is, he understands where you're coming from. one of the things about dick grayson is that everyone loves him but himself. he has flaws that take a lot to fix, and they simply worsen when it comes to you because he had caused the same mistake bruce has committed. he was the same guy who criticized his own father for his mistakes, angered by jason's death and killing the joker after tim's own 'jokerfication' and yet he had never once noticed your demons, he allowed the world to take you away and destroy you; a crime greater than anything he could imagine.
the worst thing was, he was the same brother who had led your hopes high and crashed it at the same time. dick is the man who was described to be giving empty promises to you. it's bad enough that bruce had never even known about your presence, had never once talked to you, but dick had every opportunity to grab because truly, you saw him as your favorite before anyone else. everyone praised dick and you wanted the same praise from the next thing closer than your father— and he failed because he never tried, he failed his cute, little baby bird.
he knows that he needs to make it up to you before it gets worse but he also doesn't know that it's already too late.
you don't see him as the dick grayson. you don't see him in any positive light anymore other than the sheepish grins he would give you right after he rejects your offers.
if he wasn't so damn stupid, then you would've been there with him, at the mansion flipping through movies, pranking each other, throwing flour at one another when you bake, decorating your next diary entry with him.
and he needs to experience all that because you're the only normalcy that life has to offer. he momentarily relishes in the fact that you think so highly of him, but he breaks at the same time because all your other diary entries began to paint them all as your demons.
dick would ward the monsters away from you, he promises.
and this time, he genuinely means it.
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i am so excited for yan! damian too! i wrote his character to be terrible towards you (he doesn't know he's self-projecting lmao) but i had hinted in one paragraph of his relationship with the reader. you see, most of his feelings towards you may have stemmed from some sort of jealousy, or the feel the need for competition. he had already fought tim before, it's only right that you get to experience the same pain— and i'm not expanding on this because then it would spoil the future chapters hehe, but i'll be giving one small spoiler and say that damian would go through some sort of immense, internal breakdown at the thought of you.
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somerandomdudelmao · 5 months
I honestly have to disagree with previous anon's take on Oscar being the bootlicker "gotta survive at all cost" kind of rich kid for the simple reason that Oscar doesn't look away from Ecliptica attacking/killing the Teegardian Oscar "pointed out" to her. Generally, the kind of cowardly person who latches onto the "biggest meanest person in the room" would turn away from the consequences of their actions--especially when it harms others. It's both from guilt/horror, but it's also easier to explain away those consequences when they don't witness them.
Oscar is 100% a spoiled rich kid, we see that in how he reacts in Ward's flashback to why Oscar was in that little spaceship with him. But Oscar's not a coward, and he's not only siding with Ecliptica's violence in a sense of self preservation. He seems very determined, and willing to face the consequences of his choices! I can only guess WHAT his decision is--he genuinely seemed to like Ward, even if he was dismissive of Ward's valid warnings about Ecliptica and Sculptor. He could be trying to stay on Ecliptica's good side to try and find Ward and rescue him, he could be trying to gain sympathy from Ecliptica to spare the rest of humanity from her. We don't quite know yet!
But if Oscar is one thing besides a monster lover, it's not a coward.
Oooooh mmmm mhm uh-huh interesting
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siscon-stsg · 5 months
Hi 💖 would ya write momson with satoru? Please 💗
(CW: incest, bratty and spoiled 'toru, mommy kink obsly, idk is satoru a dom or a bottom in this? can't tell you but he whines and whimpers a lot. he's kinda pathetic tbh. titplay, mentions of pregnancy cuz of toru's lactation kink, oral (f and m receiving), unprotected sex, toru getting pussydrunk, belly bulge, creampie)
thank you anon thank you SO FUCKING MUCH. i swear if satoru called me "mommy" my pussy would vibrate so hard it'd come off. ~BLOSSOM
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MAMA'S BOY!TORU who makes you wonder who is the parent in the relationship. not because he's more responsible and grounded than you, god forbid. but because, god knows how, you always end up agreeing to everything he says instead of the other way around. you could say “no” a thousand times but next thing you know, one pout later, you're saying “yes”.
MAMA'S BOY!TORU who loves acting like a brat only so you'd scold him. (he deffo doesn't get off to it...)
MAMA'S BOY!TORU who is the clingiest mf imaginable. he doesn't care if he's a grown ass man who towers over most people, he still walks around holding your hand when you're out and demands to go everywhere you go.
MAMA'S BOY!TORU who showers you with gifts and luxury and everything you want. a vacation to some expensive beaches in a remote touristic island? he'd have the tickets the next day. a whole week at a stay-in spa? he's always wanted to go to those! you mention in passing that you need to buy a dress for an event? your whole closet is getting renewed by the end of the week.
MAMA'S BOY!TORU who still calls you “mommy” and “mama” and no, don't argue him on this.
MAMA'S BOY!TORU who also demands to be called all the petnames under the sun. call him by his name and he'd get pissy and bratty.
MAMA'S BOY!TORU who loves hugging you while you just do stuff. his favorite is definitely wrapping his arms around your waist, burying his face in the crook of your neck, and complaining about his coworkers and fellow sorcerers while you cook or work.
MAMA'S BOY!TORU who starts getting handsy. his hands would rub at your hips, nuzzling into your neck as he plays this off as “making sure mommy's hips are not sore”.
MAMA'S BOY!TORU who presses into you from behind, trapping you between the counter and his large frame.
MAMA'S BOY!TORU who whimpers like a big baby when you lightly smack his hand with a wooden spoon for squeezing your breasts. and he answers with a whiney: “but moommyyyy, so meaaan!” while sliding his hands under your top. “pleeease, 'm all stressed out from training. you never pay attention to me! just this onceee?”
MAMA'S BOY!TORU who hauls you over the counter as soon as you, expectedly, say yes, and latches his mouth to your nipple. if he can squish your breasts together and suckle on both then he'll turn into a whiny, needy mess.
MAMA'S BOY!TORU who tells you he “might give himself a little brother” only so he can slurp the milk from your sweet titties again. and no, he wouldn't share!
MAMA'S BOY!TORU who's obsessed with your pretty pussy. he's so sloppy because he doesn't know if he wants to tongue you or finger you or do both of those at the same time. “mama's pussy's so sweet,” he'd say, shoving his face between your legs.
MAMA'S BOY!TORU who'd get you all squirmy and whiney and overstimulate you, almost on accident, from how needy he is. and still would pout up at your barely coherent self and beg you to use your mouth on him too.
MAMA'S BOY!TORU who loves the sight of his mommy's plushy lips all stretched out around his cock. “deeper, d'per please,” he'd whimper, holding the back of your head with one big slender hand while his hips buck at your rhythm.
MAMA'S BOY!TORU who'd edge himself on purpose on your mouth, then beg through tears to please please please let him fuck your cunny.
MAMA'S BOY!TORU who holds you open on the counter, moaning around your nipples as he pounds into you. he'd babble the most needy things, getting mad pussydrunk on his mama's slick and pulsing hole. “s-so hot, mama's pussy's suckin' me in s'good! feel it 'n 'r tummy!” MAMA'S BOY!TORU who's obsessed with the bulge his cock makes on your pretty belly, who presses down on it with some sort of debauched fondness while rutting into your like an animal.
MAMA'S BOY!TORU who's a sweaty, crying, flushed, loud, disheveled mess of a son. grinning down at his screaming, shaking mommy before diving into her mouth with a kiss.
MAMA'S BOY!TORU who sobs “i love you mommy”s against your lips, slurping the drool from your tongue as his pace turns sloppy and sluggish and hard and deep.
MAMA'S BOY!TORU who begs and begs and smooches you and nuzzles your cheek as he just pleads you let him cum inside.
MAMA'S BOY!TORU who says, “mommy'sso g'd, can' pull out! pl'se please pl'ase d'n make me p'll out mama, please please please please!” getting louder and whinier and rougher and faster with each plea.
MAMA'S BOY!TORU who fills up your womb regardless, because he's your petty prince and you're his sweet, spoiling mama. 🩷
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pomefioredove · 1 month
I LOVED the stim headcanons sm! it scratched my autistic brain in a good way :333
I was wondering if you could possibly do headcanons with the rest of Diasomnia, Pomefiore, and Heartslabyul with the same premise (the stimming thing)? I can see Trey being very accommodating for the reader :3
Thank you! 🩷🩷🩷🩷
hi anon I was in therapy yesterday for the first time in a while and when I got out I realized I had been stimming the ENTIRE time
dorm leaders + jamil
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ reader who stims!
type of post: headcanons characters: ace, deuce, trey, cater, epel, rook, sebek, silver, lilia additional info: romantic or platonic, reader is gender neutral, reader is yuu
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now, I don't think Ace makes fun of it, but he definitely...
"you're doing that thing again,"
listen, it's not that it bothers him, or distracts him. it's not even weird!
he just... finds you really... interesting?
will say you're an "interesting critter fr bro" and leave it
Deuce is the complete opposite
he will never ever say anything about your stims
won't even ask
he just really doesn't want to be rude. he's not that guy anymore!
(you don't know how to tell him that he stims without realizing it)
he's like your knight in shining armor... kind of
guys I hate to say it but Cater has 100% armchair diagnosed most of the people he knows
and like... he's right... but come on!
at least he usually keeps it to himself. so when he picks up on your stimming he just... doesn't say anything
it's just another nice little tidbit of information on you :) of which he has many
for normal reasons
of course
now, Trey is a sweetie, as always
but he's also a liar
he is not, in fact, "this nice to everyone"
he actually does the bare minimum he needs to do to get by
the guy is spoiling you
making sure you're fed and warm and comfortable the moment you step over the threshold
stimming is no problem
if you like the feeling of dough, or the sound of eggs cracking, he'll have you in the kitchen with him :)
he rather likes you, and your stims
I know Rook's autistic self isn't about to say anything
but, really, he already stims. subtly, but constantly
and seeing you mirror his own behaviors...
he is smitten
as if he couldn't grow any fonder of you...
now, unless it becomes upsetting or harmful, he sees no reason to stop you. he rather likes watching your every little move
and Epel is a loyal little thing
once you're his, that's it, it's over, you could literally kill someone and he'd show up with bleach and a mop like "where's the body"
so, yeah
some humming or tapping or clicking isn't going to bother him
honestly half the time he doesn't even notice
bro is too busy fighting his sensory issues with his uniform
(the sensory issues are winning)
Sebek scolds you for distracting him
he can already hardly think straight when his eyes are always drawn to you!!! >:(
now you're moving, too?!
he can't help but stare, which just upsets him more
it's not until Lilia takes your side that he calms down
the aforementioned having his own... quirks
(and much louder ones, too)
this is all background noise for Silver
is he just used to it? is he currently half-asleep and wouldn't notice if a bomb went off behind him?
who's to say!
he's passing out on your shoulder while you repeat the same word over and over either way
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