#send an x-files episode and I'll say something about it
xf-cases-solved · 22 days
S2E1: Little Green Men
Case: Welcome to season 2, where we start our journey with a melodramatic Mulder monologue. We love to see it. Or... hear it. Whatever. Point is, Mulder is feeling very poetic and melancholic about the Voyager program and the High Resolution Microwave Survey (both are real, btw), and this is relevant, bc at the long abandoned HRMS observatory in Puerto Rico, a transmission has suddenly started coming in. Could it possibly be from... aliens???
Well, Mulder certainly thinks so, and apparently so does his friend in congress, who tells him about the situation in Puerto Rico, and tells him to get his butt down there while he tries to hold off whoever it is who wants Mulder not to learn things this episode. Mulder—having no sense of self-preservation in the slightest and also a new job that he fucking hates—goes without a second thought. From there, the episode becomes a fun back and forth between Mulder's exciting Puerto Rican holiday (in a dark, abandoned building, as he makes melancholic tape recordings for Scully, bc that's who he was talking to in the voiceover, the fucking sap loser), and Scully desperately trying to get to Puerto Rico so that she can drag him back to Washington like a dog that got loose from its collar. Again.
Mulder and Scully both miss the X-Files and each other and it's cute as well as sad; Scully's "Mulder is doing something stupid" senses start tingling, so she guesses another password and breaks into Mulder's computer files; Mulder plays charades and pictionary with a terrified Puerto Rican man named Jorge; and Assistant Director Walter Skinner says NO to secondhand smoking. 
We're off to a great start, fam!
Does someone die in the cold open: Yes. Senator Richard Bryan murdered the High Resolution Microwave Survey project in cold blood 
Does Mulder present a slideshow: No, but he does eat an INSANE amount of sunflower seeds
Does the evidence survive the investigation: Well, Mulder literally says the words, "Nothing but evidence, and again, no evidence at all," so I'll let you take a guess.
Whodunit: You know, I don't think either of them were technically on a case this episode, so. No one, ig. 
Convictions: See above.
Did they solve it: Nothing to solve bc it wasn't a case, but also... yeah, no. They did not. -sad trombone sound-
[how do i determine if a case is solved? check the scale here: x]
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THIS EPISODE IS SPONSORED BY: The Duolingo Owl. There are over seven thousand languages in the world, and yet, we as a species know so few (especially if you're American -- y'all, we do not do enough language learning in school). Learning a new language can broaden your mind, open you up to new cultures, and expand your social circle. You also never know when you may be trapped in a derelict building during a thunderstorm/alien invasion with a frightened Puerto Rican man you are incapable of communicating with because you didn't pay attention in Spanish class.  Lucky for you, the Duolingo Owl can help! By sending you moderately threatening lesson reminders every day, the Duolingo Owl helps ensure that you're on your way to learning a brand new language. So don't hesitate! Download Duolingo now to get started. The Duolingo Owl — our favorite little green man!
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[as of the moment i am posting this, my duolingo streak is 2,632 days. anyway]
General Total Stats:
(green means stat has changed since last ep; red means new stat added to list)
Total Cases *Definitively* Solved So Far: 12 (nothin'. off to a good start guys!)
Total Number of "Mulder/Scully, It's Me": 3
Total Number of Times Scully Has Conveniently Not Seen Something Crucial: 6 (yeah, you know what, i'll say her conveniently not getting to puerto rico until after the whole -gestures at whatever that whole bright light situation was- counts)
Total Number of Times Mulder Has Been in Mortal Danger: 8 (i feel like if he had been in legitimate mortal danger then he would have died, but nothing hurt him, just freaked him out a little)
Total Number of Times Scully Has Been in Mortal Danger: 8
Total Number of Sexually Charged, Uncomfortably Intimate, and/or Flirty Moments Between Friendly Coworkers: 13 (there were a few i could count here that are borderline, but the two that definitely cross the line are mulder saying "i used to only be able to trust myself... now i can only trust you. and they've taken you from me," bc what the fuck, and then also the end where he says "i still have my work, i still have you," and scully grabs his hand, bc again, what—and i cannot stress this enough—the fuck)
Total Number of Autopsies Scully Has Performed On Screen: 3 (none, but it was actually really adorable how mulder was dictating to her in the recording about the state of jorge's body. i mean, rip jorge, but he was doing his best to give her information about the scene, not just for himself, but bc he knew she'd need as much documentation/evidence as possible to come to any conclusions)
Total Number of Times Scully Plays Doctor: 2
Total Number of Times Mulder Talks to an Informant: 14 (he doesn't come up much, but i'll count senator what's his face as an informant, sure) 
Total Number of Times People Making Out in a Car Are Hurt or Killed: 2
Total Number of Times Someone Correctly Guesses a Password: 3 (the impenetrable computer password of special agent fox mulder: trustno1. god i love the 90s)
Total Number of Nosebleeds: 4
Total Number of Times Mulder Has Tasted/Sniffed/Touched Something Questionable Without Following Proper Safety Procedures: 2 
Total Number of Times Someone Says "Trust No One": 3 (ok, i wasn't sure how to count this bc it was said aloud, but then it was also caught in a loop being said on the tape, and so instead of counting every individual time, i'm just going to a singular blanket tally for the whole episode)
Total Number of Times Someone Says "I Want to Believe": 3
Total Number of Times Someone Says "The Truth is Out There": 2
Total Number of Cigarettes Cigarette Smoking Man Has Smoked: 8 (but skinner told him NO SMOKING!! 😡) 
Total Number of Maggie Scully Sightings: 1
Total Number of Lone Gunmen Sightings: 1
Total Number of Alex Krycek Sightings: 0 :(
Total Number of Times I Had to Look Up What State the Episode Takes Place in Even Though I Literally Just Watched It: 9½ 
Total Number of Times I Had to Look at an Episode's Wikipedia Page to Fill This Out Because It Was Fucking Confusing and/or Too Boring for Me to Pay Attention: 5 
[oh good, the next episode is the host. that's definitely an episode i don't find unbearably disgusting and haven't watched in years bc i always skip it when i rewatch the series. so excited. hooray 😐]
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layla4567 · 11 months
Too close
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Pairing: Brad!wolfe x fem!reader
Summary: Brad or X5 is closer to you than with other workers and you don't know why.
Word Count: 3.6k
Warnings: Fight in an alley, violence (not very graphic), bad words, use words to describe the reader's appearance such as height or eye shape but nothing too specific to be considered an OC, not proofread
A/N: Ok after episode 5 I have to admit that I doesn't hate Brad that much anymore as much as Sylvie and now I need to see him in the final episode at least so that he can redeem himself or know that he is still alive idk. Btw, how difficult it's to write something about a character who appears so little and says so little and try not to always repeat or recreate the same scenes.
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You ran as fast as you could with your ponytail swinging from side to side and your brown skirt flowing with every movement of your legs. On your chest you clutched a yellow folder with papers that threatened to fly away. Your face reflected the urgency and concern of receiving a warning for being late. You were an analyst and your duty was to report any possible trace of variants and then file them to give them to Mobius, your job was also sometimes to go out and look for variants like Mobius and Loki did.
Jogging through the halls of the great TVA you passed Hunter x5 and didn't realize until he exclaimed
"Whoa whoa stop there, don't you say hello anymore?"
You stopped panting tiredly in front of him and with a distressed face, you didn't have time for this. He was wearing his typical short-sleeved black uniform with his gloves that marked his name. His hands were holding his collar in an intimidating pose.
"I'm sorry x5 but I'm really in a hurry right now"
The hunter pretended to be hurt and put his hand on his chest, closing his eyes and making a sad face. You rolled your eyes and gasped in frustration. He seemed to always want to keep you and waste your time.
"Ouch, that hurt, you know? Someday you're going to kill me" he said sarcastically.
"I'm serious x5, I have to go but I'll see you later, ok?"
Before he can say anything you touched his arm tenderly, forcing a smile despite your worried frown and ran off gracefully. He stared at your hand as you touched him and then turned to see you running away with an amused smile.
When you got to where Mobius was, your hair was disheveled and your clothes were a little disheveled from running so much, but a smile appeared on your face as you held the folder high, triumphant and proud. You didn't say anything waiting for someone to notice your presence and then you would catch your breath. Mobius and Loki were talking about something in whispers until the gray-haired man saw you and turned to look at you completely.
"Oh y/n there you are! and you finally bring the folder, we were waiting for you"
You sighed in relief even with your smile on your face, happy to be able to accomplish your mission. You always stood out for being efficient in your work apart from your warm, sweet and helpful personality.
Loki approached you smiling and took the folder, you were turning around about to leave feeling free of responsibilities when Mobius turned his head to look at you and say
"Oh y/n, wait, don't leave yet, we have an alert about a variant in London. Could you please take care of it? Don't worry, you won't go alone."
You opened your eyes wide in surprise and you were left speechless, you did not expect to have another task to complete so quickly, you planned to have some tea first.
"Oh..but I- uh..". You mumbled awkwardly and in a low tone.
"I promise it will only be a second, we can't do it, we're busy.". He said referring to Loki and himself.
While he said that, he took out his tempad and began to send orders to someone. You didn't know who Mobius was talking to, but a growing premonition took over you. That feeling became palpable when a figure you already knew entered the room and stood behind you.
"X5 just in time, you will accompany y/n to look for the variant, alright? I will send you the coordinates and all the necessary information in your tempads"
X5 nodded without removing his hands from his collar and standing firm, you closed your eyes and sighed as you turned around and met his mischievous eyes, giving you a small lopsided smile. You frowned and pressed the corner of your lip, it's not that you didn't want to work with him but every time they assigned the two of you together he got a little annoying and wouldn't stop teasing you. You both left the room and walked through the hallways with X5 following your step.
"How soon we saw each other again little mouse". He said looking at you without stopping walking.
That nickname almost made you freeze in place but you simply turned your head and gave him a playful smile, he always called you that since you were petite than him, in fact you were the shortest worker almost O.B's height and every now and then you had to look at people with your head slightly raised or stand on tiptoe. Anyway, that silly nickname didn't bother you, on the contrary, it made you smile because you knew he was like that.
"Don't get excited, it's just for work reasons". You said without stopping smiling at him as you took a funny turn and walked backwards.
"How mean". He said with irony
You gave him an innocent smile as you shrugged and turned to walk normally again. He came forward and started walking next to you.
"By the way, isn't it strange that they always put you with me on missions? Could it be because I'm stronger than you?". He asked with a mocking tone but with an intention underneath.
This time you did stand up and turn around to face him with your hands on your hips, frowning and pouting a little, you looked so adorable that he just smirked, proud that he had made you fall into his trap. You raised your head to get a good look at him.
"Hey, be careful what you say! I can be strong if I want to."
Then you gave him a small punch on his arm, to which he leaned back a little, laughing and pretending to hold his arm in pain.
"Oh be careful with that, you almost sent me to the hospital."
You exhaled air through your mouth as you looked up at the ceiling in annoyance. You took out your tempad and touching a button on the screen made a bright orange-yellow time door appear.
"Let's not waste any more time, will you? The faster we do this, the better."
"After You"
He let you pass and you crossed the door, disappearing while X5 followed immediately behind you.
You two arrived at a branch in London in the 70's where there seemed to be the big premiere of a movie, so you discovered it from the large billboard that was at the entrance to the theater and that said "ZANIAC". X5 next to you seemed to admire the big lights and the elegantly dressed people as if those spotlights only shined for him. He gave a surprised whistle before saying
"Wow the people here really have fun". He said as he turned around and looked around and up.
"You could be a good actor". You told him laughing
"You really think that?". He turned to see you with a sparkle in his eyes, he seemed to like the idea.
You shrugged, smiling. "I don't know, we're in the TVA anyway, remember?"
"Yeah right..". he said somehow serious
At that moment you realized that you two were still wearing your uniforms and people would start to see you strangely, you had to change your clothes to fit in now. You took out your tempad and told it to do the same, luckily that device included the appropriate clothes that Mobius had assigned for you, all you had to do was press a button and you were fully dressed.
"What do you think if we go somewhere to change and then we meet to see each other? That way it will be a surprise!". You said, biting your lower lip and smiling playfully, sometimes you were childish but so genuinely and with so many good intentions that it was difficult to say no to you.
X5 rolled his eyes but smiled at you
"Ok if you prefer, let's meet in a minute in the back alley"
You nodded and trotted towards a dead end and he walked in the opposite direction. You pressed the button on your tempad and magically your uniform disappeared in an orangey holographic snap, as if a portal had passed through you and had exchanged your clothes for a beautiful long navy blue dress with a train, even your typical ponytail had been replaced by a high bun with curly strands framing the sides of your face. The dress was strapless and the final part of the skirt was decorated with pearls that varied in size. You wished you could have a mirror in front of you. You took a graceful slow turn trying to see your back and admire the train of your dress. You have never felt so beautiful. And that was not all, the dress had a small hidden pocket to store the tempad, Mobius had thought of everything, the dress was practical, beautiful and functional. When the agreed time had passed, you headed to the alley where X5 was waiting for you. You walked a little self-conscious for wearing something so elegant and not your usual casual clothes. You looked down, playing with your fingers nervously as you walked, you saw your partner's back turned and you stopped. You could see that he had a new haircut that suited him really well, and a black tuxedo.
Your soft and melodious voice made him wake up from his lethargy and he turned around distractedly to see you. When he did, he was left speechless with his mouth barely open. His gaze swept your figure up and down.
"Well? How do I look?". You asked him innocently with a worried frown forming between your eyebrows as you held your fingers anxiously.
X5 still couldn't say a word, he moved his mouth trying to say something but he couldn't. He never imagined seeing you with something as beautiful as that night. In front of him you stood out like a shining star, your tight dress highlighted your figure making you look sexy but your locks framing your face, your soft tilt of your head and those beautiful doe eyes that made him melt gave you a sweet appearance.
"You y-you look... I mean-... you". He started saying but no matter how hard he tried he did nothing but babble.
You laughed softly, slightly covering your mouth with the tips of your fingers without stopping to look at him. He cursed himself for acting like a fool in front of you, but your elegant gestures hypnotized him and he couldn't get angry with you. Finally, he sighed and said.
"You look beautiful"
You opened your eyes wider, if that was possible, and looked at him like a lost puppy, standing up even more and straightening your back in surprise, he almost had to close his eyes to take your penetrating eyes off of him. Right there you realized how good he looked, more than good, hot. You had always admired men who wore tuxedos and knew how to dress well but he had taken it to another level, he had adorned his black tuxedo with a white scarf around his neck resting on his shoulders, underneath his white shirt was slightly open, now his Brown hair had grown out and was no longer short on the sides but was slightly combed back with a nice tuft of hair on her forehead pushed back. You could stare at it for hours and not get tired, but you smiled and sincerely exclaimed
"And you look very good, I like your tuxedo and especially your new hairstyle"
He seemed to smile delightedly and ran a hand through his hair, combing it with his fingers. He murmured a thank you and then seemed to remember the mission and approached you, grabbing you by the arm so that you could rest yours on his, to which you were surprised by looking at him, blushing
"You will be my date tonight"
He smiled innocently but then he saw your rosy cheeks and realized what he had just said so he quickly corrected himself.
"I mean as an alibi! We have to hide so they don't discover us, you know.". He cleared his throat, trying not to look at you.
You sighed nervously, trying to hide your face with your hand, trying to push your curls away from your face. Without further ado, they both entered through a glass door. Inside there were many well-dressed people gossiping and laughing, several photographers were taking photos and waiters passed by with silver trays serving drinks. You weren't used to so much opulence or parties surrounded by people but X5 seemed to enjoy it. Feeling somewhat intimate, you clung to your partner's arm with both hands, squeezing it a little and bringing your tense body closer to him. He looked at you confused and noticed your strong grip and immediately became serious and brought his lips to your ear, causing a pleasant tickling that made you more nervous.
"You alright?"
You raised your head not expecting him to speak to you and when you did you felt that his face was very close to yours, you could almost feel his warm breath on your face, he looked at you with a hint of concern.
"Yes, thanks". You simply said nodding, you didn't want to overwhelm him with your worries, although you didn't know that he could listen to you for hours without getting bored.
You started weaving around people remembering that you had to catch a variant so the two of you looked around the place with your eyes scanning for the person you were looking for. The cameras didn't stop firing their flashes. Suddenly your fellow hunter spotted a man who was behaving suspiciously.
"Come to the back of the room, I think I found it."
Without hesitation he took your hand and guided you to where the guy was looking from side to side trying not to be seen. As they walked X5 smiled at the cameras even though they weren't really pointed at him, you frowned in confusion and an amused smile crossed your lips.
"What are you doing?". You laughed softly
He answered you without looking at you while he continued smiling looking at the photographers. "What do I seem to be doing? Smiling at the paparazzi"
You shook your head smiling, you forgot that he could be a little…vain sometimes.
"I noticed that but why? You're not famous"
"It's to blend in with people, darling"
You rolled your eyes even though you liked the new nickname better, it sounded elegant.
"Yes, of course, whatever you say, sometimes I think you enjoy this more than I do." . You laughed
They were both about a meter away from the variant, a man with short black hair with a scar over his right eye. His eyebrows were bushy and his prominent, square jaw gave him a threatening appearance. Some men and women were in front of the two of you and due to your height you had to crane your neck to see well, X5 took you by the shoulder and gently dragged you towards a space in the crowd where the man they were looking for could clearly be seen.
"Ok now we'll get closer, you just humor me"
You were about to protest but he pulled you to follow him until you were face to face with the man. You cursed inside, sometimes X5 was too impulsive and then he didn't know how to act and got into trouble.
"Hey man! How have you been? Do you still remember me?"
The man opened his eyes while furrowing his eyebrows in an expression between terror and disgust while your partner patted his arms with a big smile. You prayed inside that he wouldn't find out.
The variant forced a teeth-clenched smile that was intended to be natural. "Excuse me, have we met before?"
X5 pretended to be offended, muffling a somewhat exaggerated exclamation, you had to make an effort not to roll your eyes and facepalm.
"So I'm really sorry you've forgotten about me! What a shame because I still remember every day."
You bit your cheek to keep from letting out a smile that would turn into a giggle. Now more strongly you thought that he could really be an actor.
"I'm sorry but I don't know who you are.". Growl annoys the variant
The man was about to turn around to leave when X5 stopped him with a quick gesture, making the man look at him with hatred.
"No no wait don't leave yet, I haven't introduced you to my girlfriend." He said pointing at you with his open palm.
You hoped with all your might that your face hadn't turned red from what he had just said, you knew it was an alibi but still having that word come out of your mouth made you tingle. Smiling, you extended your hand to shake it.
"Jack has told me a lot about you."
X5 turned his head to look at you with a frown and big eyes, confusion was present in his gaze. His face almost screamed: what are you doing? don't screw up!
The handshake the man gave you was short and rough, almost disgusting. Your partner turned his head again to see the variant with a forced smile.
"So, how about we go outside and catch up?"
The man was obviously not an idiot, luckily he still didn't know who we were or what we really worked on but even so he could sense something suspicious so for a second he narrowed his eyes studying us and then smiled unconcernedly.
"Sure, I just have to go to the bathroom first."
The man walked away with sure steps and your companion stood watching him laughing as he left. When he turned to see you he frowned again like before when you had shaken the man's hand.
"What, Jack? What kind of name is that?"
"I don't know! I couldn't think of anything better, sorry!"
X5 sighed with his hands on his hips opening the jacket of his tuxedo, suddenly you saw that the variant was not heading to the bathrooms but was running towards the back door.
"Uhm.. X5..". You said pointing towards the background
"What? what's wrong?"
"He's running!!"
They both started running through the alleys following him, you had to take off your pretty heels and carry them in one hand to be able to run better. The fear of stepping on some glass or something sharp was always present during the chase, X5 knew that so from time to time he looked back to where you were and looked at the ground in case there was something that you would hurt yourself with.
The man with the scar was in the lead but soon found himself trapped between a fence that prevented him from escaping on the other side. You and X5 arrived just in time as the man spit insults at you. When your partner approached to take him by the arm, the variant struggled and the two became intertwined in a fierce fight with shoving, until the black-haired man gave him a good punch in X5's face. You screamed desperately, approaching your partner who staggered and fell to the ground, losing his balance, you grabbed his face looking for wounds but he was focused, snorting like a bull and looking at the man who had hit him. You stood up and struggled with the man ready to drag him with you and take him away from there. But he was too strong and he pushed you sending you to the ground in pain, you landed backwards on your butt with your palms resting on the cement.
"You stay out of it, bitch!". He shouted degradingly
This seemed to light a fire in X5 because he stood up with a scowl and grabbed the guy by the neck and slammed him against a brick wall.
"Listen to me, you idiot, you will come with me and learn to treat women well. And you better obey.". He said angrily with his face close to the man looking with hatred
You were still on the ground looking at the scene scared, you had never seen your partner so angry before. It is true that he was tough when he pruned the variants and he was not afraid to demonstrate authority or dominance with his pruning cane. But you had never heard so much hate in his voice while he defended you.
X5 took out his tempad and furiously pressed a button to open the door of time, then he pushed the black-haired man abruptly and mercilessly. He was agitated and his brow furrowed at his growing fury, then he saw you lying on the ground and his face softened. He bent down to extend a hand to you and ask if you were okay. You nodded still in shock and thanked him with your eyes for his help. You stood up without difficulty and then squeezed his hands in relief.
"Thank you really, for defending me"
You wanted to show him your eternal gratitude, to let him know and understand that you were eternally grateful to him. You would never forget what he had done for you today. He smiled at you and then straightened his clothes, you helped him with his hair that had become disheveled. Then you crossed the door of time. X5 took a moment to breathe deeply and then walked in behind you.
I don't know if I'll do another part or some kind of series about this, I honestly don't know if I'll publish it either, this was actually going to stay in drafts as a silly self-indulgent fic. If I get to publish it, well, you're welcome tumblr
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abstract-crossverse · 2 years
Because no one asks for him, I'll just do it myself, this is mainly because I keep associating him with someone and need to fix him in my brain, so bear with me, 'kay?
Also its a bit long, got carried away <3
Cw: loosely described violence, but aside that, nothing
Hofnarr x Reader Headcanons
→ Hofnarr is... Quite the character if I'm honest, he's way less bad than other grunts, that's for sure, he tries his best not to anger the Director or get himself in stressful situations due to.. well, I'm sure you've seen that one short
→ when you both met, it was while Phobos put him in charge of one of his Lesser Important projects, you were one of the lower-grade scientists who were passing him while he carried one ungodly amount of books and files and a cup in his arms
→ of course everyone knew he was gonna fall with that eventually, and he did, he tripped one of the wires on the ground as he tried to balance the workload Phobos dumped on him
→ you waited a moment while he grumbled to himself and gathered his things, waiting if anyone would help, but no one did, of course, most of these people were just there on autopilot. So you decided to help, crouching to help him gather everything- thankfully the mugs from the Tower aren't porcelain-
→ he kept quiet, giving you slight glances from time to time as you focused on helping him gather the workload up, you felt like he didn't trust you, but that wasn't much of a problem, people barely trusted each other anyway so you didn't take it to heart.
→ after you gathered the paperwork and mug, you offered to help him get all of this to his office. He reluctantly agreed, usually, he'd say no need but by the amount of paperwork, Phobos gave him today... It was bound he'd have an accident by not being able to fuckin see where he was going, it'd be a matter of time until he'd fall down a flight of stairs that way and he would rather not end up in medbay
→ and so you two were on your way, you made small talk by asking how the projects going, or what he thought of his coworkers. To which you were slightly surprised to learn he didn't really like or wasn't that acquainted with most scientists that weren't the other two Head Scientists, or at least ones who didn't work under the Projects he was in charge of. You noticed he had a slight stutter to his speech, something you hadn't heard before when you heard him talk about the projects with the Director or others, maybe stress or anxiety related?
→ after that day, you two talked a lot more, becoming closer and closer, he lost most of his stutters as he didn't feel as anxious around you anymore, only stammering over his words when he was going on about some of his passions, such as Slaughter Time! The way he excitedly talked about the traps and plots for every episode had you both stunned and a little terrified if you'd be honest-
→ he's expressed many times how he wanted to one day participate in an episode with his clown persona, Tricky the Clown. He showed you his costume when you both were hanging out in his apartment, he even put up a small show for you with juggling and acrobatics, you were impressed with his balance and flexibility, and agility even with being on the heavier side. he told you he's been working out, and that about 40-50% of his figure was muscle. he looked very proud of himself with that, flexing a little to show off, it got an amused laugh out of you
→ you suggested he sign up to be part of one of the episodes, though he was hesitant about it- doubting himself if he would be able to take the waves, it scared you a bit too, you didn't want him to walk into his favorite show and straight up die-. Though after a while of him brainstorming with you about how to go about the traps and most possibilities of enemies, he was confident he'd survive, and so, you helped him get him into the show, sending letters to Goyle's studio with the request and recommendation, even with video proof in a pen drive of his abilities
→ while you waited for a callback, he introduced you to Dr. Christoff and Dr. Crackpot- who was a bonus due to finding both of them bickering. The older Scientist was quite serious and distant, though he seemed to approve of you, with how he mentioned Hofnarr would ramble about you sometimes, only good things he assured, much to Hofnarr's embarrassment. It got a small blush out of you too as you chuckled
→ "sometimes? He would mention you every opening he got!-" Crackpot butted in before Hofnarr shoved his mask to the side, cutting him off with a small 'ack!-', face red. Your blush increased at that- making you laugh a bit more in embarrassment, Christoff glared at Crackpot, you felt like Christoff and Crackpot didn't like each other very much
→ you noticed after that day, Hofnarr would initiate interaction a bit more than usual, wanting to be close to you and help in any way he could if you had to fix some system or were struggling with some code you couldn't figure out what you mistyped. He lightened up at your gratefulness when he helped, dare you say you saw a bit of a pink tint to his cheeks when you did, he felt useful as he soon continued on his own work. He'd call for your input on small theories he'd brainstorm as well, or ask for you and Christoff to listen to his presentation practice before he had to show something to the Director, Christoff even mentioned how he seemed to be putting even more effort into his work lately
→ it wasn't long before Hofnarr came running to you as you entered the Tower saying he got a letter back from Goyel, he said wanted to read the letter with you so he waited for you to punch in before running at you, you grew excited and nervous for him as you both rushed off to his office to see what it said. after some back and forth of excitement and him being scared he was denied, he opened the letter and read it, you waited patiently as he read, seeing the light in his eyes grow more and more as he read, and soon, he jumped from his chair happily, exclaiming he was accepted! You cheered for him and celebrated, he hugged you and thanked you multiple times for the help, and you hugged him back, though you still dreaded this wouldn't end as planned, you hid that fear for his sake
→ he told Christoff the news later that day, and as much as Christoff wasn't the biggest fan of the show, he was happy for his friend, you managed to get you and Christoff tickets to see the Episode live with some of your savings, the taller scientist was hesitant but he caved in after you and Hofnarr gave him puppy eyes. Jump cut to the day or the episode, Hofnarr showed up in his full costume, nervous as ever, you and Christoff hyped him up before you were escorted to the crowd
→ Hofnarr- or should I say, Tricky, was amazing, the way he moved around precisely and calculated through the arena was incredible, as much as you and Christoff winced at each gory death, you cheered him on. though there was a time his movements were no longer calculated, feeling a lot more sudden and sporadic, he smiled like a madman.. you almost didn't recognize him as Hofnarr, but you still cheered him on, as much as he seemed to shake with every life he took. you looked at Christoff, he looked concerned, which scared you a bit, something's wrong, you can feel it..
→ at the end, he won. The ratings were through the roof, Goyel thanked him for coming and they said their goodbyes, he met you two outside, greeting you both with a rib-crushing hug, surprising you and Christoff as he squished you. "How'd I do?! Amazing, right?! Did you see the spin I did when I cracked the Brute's neck?!!" He spoke, quickly and louder than normal, he was still shaking as he put you both on the ground, smiling widely. You shrugged it off as him still riding off the adrenaline, he didn't even look tired-
→ "y-yea! You did great, Hof! But- are you okay?-" he cut you off "Okay?? I've never felt more alive!! I wanna go again!!!" He exclaimed, you gave him a nervous smile and glanced at Christoff, he had a knowing look on his face. "Hofnarr, my friend, I believe you need to wind down a little, come on, I'll get you home." He said, placing a hand on Hofnarr's shaking form, the same nodding his head slightly. Hofnarr looked back at you, having a crazy look in his eyes as he hugged you tightly again, you winced and hugged him back "See ya soon, [Y/N]!! Byeee!!!" He let go of you and began heading off, almost too quick for his usual pace, you gave Christoff a concerned look, he returned the same look, mouthing an 'I'll tell you later.' before heading off after Hofnarr, leaving you confused and worried in front of Goyel's studio
→ the next day, Hofnarr was back to his usual self again, apologizing for hugging you so tightly the other day, you said it was nothing even though it bruised your sides. Chritoff pulled you aside at lunch as Hofnarr was getting his food, Christoff vaguely explained that Hofnarr had some issues due to working with Dissonance a lot, very vaguely saying that what happened the day prior with Hofnarr's attitude and shaking was a result of those issues. You felt like he wasn't telling the whole truth but as soon as you were going to ask more about it, Hofnarr came back, asking what you were talking about, Christoff simply stated that it was some boring work stuff, and you rolled with it, especially because Christoff isn't one to lie without a reason, you knew that.
→ you tried asking Crackpot about it but he seemed clueless, as was anyone else that worked with Hofnarr, and asking the Director was off limits so you just resorted to patience, maybe he'd tell you what that's about eventually
→ sometime later, Hofnarr nervously pulled you aside, face red with blush you almost thought he came to work with a fever. He revealed he had feelings for you, listing emotions you made him feel and how special your cheering made him feel back at Slaughter Time, your face grew red with every word, listening intently to his stammering speech, he asked you if you'd be his partner at the end, you smiled fondly at him, saying you felt the same and accepting his request, he was ecstatic, pulling you into a hug again, gently leaning his forehead on yours
→ now that you were dating, you would both walk around the halls of the Tower holding hands or with looped arms, sometimes just hooking pinkies due if the Director was walking around the halls, talking either about life or work as you always did, cracking jokes or anything that could make you smile
→ sometimes when he gets to work earlier than usual and you're not there, he leaves a lil gift at your desk, be it some snacks, lil trinkets he made himself, or whatever he knows you like
→ he puts up small clown performances to try and cheer you up, if it's at work he'll do little juggles with paper balls or just do silly things that could get a laugh out of you, if it's in private he whips out the whole Tricky fit for you and goes as extra as your comfortable with!
→ to him his partner's happiness is his happiness, as long as you're okay and safe he doesn't care what happens to him, which worries you since he's been taking the blows of whatever mistake you accidentally make so Phobos doesn't kill you- since he has a higher chance of being kept alive due to being one of his head scientists and more important to Phobos, with scientists in your grade- Phobos deems you replaceable. You have to give him a light bonk upside the head for him to stop that or else he'll get either demoted or fired and let you deal with the consequences yourself
→ he's a huge cuddle bug, a switch between a little and big spoon, while he likes being held, he loves having you snuggled up to his side/holding you
→ adding onto that, he's a big fan of PDA, likes holding your hand when you're walking together, and just randomly giving you kisses as you pass by each other
→ he has weird ideas sometimes- of course he does- but sometimes you'll be sleeping over at his apartment or him at yours and while you both are about to doze off he just pitches something like "yknow those catgirls from anime? What if they were real?.." "..." You lifted your head up from its place on his shoulder, giving him a look ".. I swear it's not for any of those weird reasons, just wondering how the anatomy and nature would work, yknow? Like would they have the agility of a cat and night vision and stuff? Or would they just be normal grunts with weird ears and a tail?" You hummed, snuggling back into him, a muffled hum leaving your lips
→ kisses with him are very gentle, kisses soft and gentle you can feel all the love he has for you, he has a very soft touch as if you'd break if he's any rougher
→ eventually a few months into your relationship he got the courage to tell you about his.. issue
→ explaining how sometimes he needs to directly inject a substance he found into his bloodstream to keep from going insane because of the dissonance, how he'd need you to run to get the syringes once he showed signs of insanity prominently
→ and like that it was, whenever he began to shake more often and smile more eerily than normal you'd run to get a syringe, even if it wasn't on the point he instructed you to inject it was good to have one on you so you didn't have to run back and forth. Once you forgot to keep one in your pocket and came back with the syringe, he was scratching hard at his jaw, he sighed in relief once he calmed from the 'antidote', giving you kisses and generally being very lovey while you disinfected the scratches. Thankfully you were already at his apartment when he started shaking so the rest of the day you just cuddled, you comforted him as he snuggled up to you
→ as much as it's not his fault his mind is deteriorating slowly, he apologizes every time you or Christoff have to help him keep from harming himself or others, and apologizes for giving you both such stress/anxiety spikes when it happens, you both assure him its okay, he still feels guilty
→ he has humor much like Brandon from the Youtube channel Imbrandonfarris. It's weird but weirdly funny or ridiculous enough it's funny, something like that. He has indeed filled his room with Ballpit balls and you both have indeed gotten lost in it once, then Christoff showed up and was confused about it- even Phobos emerged from the ball pit, none of you know how he got there since Hof didn't let him in, nor did he leave the ball pit since he set it up- Phobos doesn't know either, one second he's in his office, he closes his eye and then he's here-
→ either way, you're always by his side, you help him and he helps you. Through better or worse times.. Hofnarr told you about his and Christoff's plans to take down Phobos, at least to a degree he said he had a hiding place set for you to stay safe while they recked havoc
→ and so when that was to happen, he led you to the hiding place, telling you to lock the door and only open it when you hear the specific knock he made up for you to know it's him, it looked like a small storage room with bed and rations set up for you, as well as some clown equipment, guess that's where he kept his stuff for Tricky, it was also outside of Nexus City, thankfully a good distance from it in an abandoned neighborhood. He said he'd come back soon, you trusted him, giving him a goodbye kiss and wishing him luck as he left, you locked the door after he left.
→ and he did stand for his word, he came back! He was fine, if not a little shakey, he claimed it wasn't the insanity and just adrenaline, believing him- you were still weary about it, he said Christoff told him to look over the city while he needed to resolve some things out of the city. so the weeks past you both(you insisted to go with him) would be gearing up and protecting the city, helping any survivors to stay hidden or fend off any threats you need to kill
→ eventually, Hofnarr was hired by the AAHW to help with the Sheriff's cause as Tricky, which this time Hofnarr insisted you stay home after Hank started fucking around and finding out. He wants you safe, and he won the argument this time, and so you did, Hofnarr sometimes wouldn't come home too late at night, you understood the agent job took a lot of time but it didn't make you worry less for him
→ until one day he didn't come home for a while, leaving you to worry, you were almost going out to find him, mid-gearing up until you felt a shock through your body straight to your head, making you lose balance and hold your head in pain with a groan, hearing loud static in your head and red words flashing in front of your eyes
→ you heard a small poof to your left and some green glitter float when you looked over, your eyes widened at the zed in front of you, smeared blue and white facepaint, scratched jaw and crazy red eyes, a bleeding gaping hole on its chest and bleeding bullet wounds tainting the so familiar jumpsuit with red shades, the red hair in shape resembling devil horns as it held a stop sign in its hands, it wouldn't. Stop. Shaking.
→ your first instinct was to crawl away a bit until you recognized the clown, "... Hofnarr?..." Your voice is barely a whisper, the clown seemed to pause for a moment, still shaking violently, it blinked, trying to recognize you, you felt familiar... Until it clicked, it perked up, squinting its eyes in a smile as it dropped the sign
→ "[Y/N]!!!" it teleported in front of you with the same green glitter as before, hugging you tight, the static screaming in your head lowered enough that you could think clearly but not enough you wouldn't know its still there, happy words flashing in front of your eyes, all affectionate, but it made your eyes sting, or was that the tears welling up in your eyes? You buried your head on his shaking shoulder, wrapping your arms around him just as tight...
→ it's shaking subsided as it felt your shakey breaths and choked sobs on its shoulder, resorting to changing positions and having you lean against him as he sat against the wall, glitchy purrs and gentle circles on your back with his hand as you cried away, trying to soothe you as much as he's confused as to why you're crying, he just knew to let your get it out before asking what's wrong..
→ nothing hurt more than learning your lover was gone, not only to being a zed but to the insanity too, and you've run out of the antidote recently. You cant get him back, but at least what's left of him is here.. and it seems to remember you so maybe... You lifted your head to look at the clown, he looked back at you, lifting a shaky hand to wipe your tears, giving you a smile with what was left of his lips, speaking of that- he peppered your face with kisses quickly, making you let out a weak giggle before he landed a kiss on your lips, long and loving as he pulled your head with a hand to deepen your kiss, this was still your lover, just- not the ex-scientist you knew before, but he's still there
→ once you separated he leaned his forehead with yours, and you let out another sob, apologizing, "For what? Ya have nothin' to apologize for! I got a little carried away-" he spoke with an inside, not yelling like before, knowing being so close to him with yelling would hurt your ears. he chuckled, placing your head on his chest, thankfully the bloody hole was more down than up.. though the lack of heartbeat and warmth made you tear up again, his green hand playing your hair gently. You let out a shakey sigh and let your eyes close, hoping this would just be a nightmare and you'd wake up with Hofnarr snoring beside you in the morning
→ though deep inside, you knew this was real... this was your new reality, but it's still him... at least he's not completely gone, you'll adapt.. Im sure you will.
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Broken Dreams pt.1
Pairing: Cg!Jason the Toymaker x little reader
Contains: very dark, abusive themes, forced Littlespace, kidnapping, toxic cg/| dynamic, unhealthy relationships, humiliation as punishment, time confusion
*This is very different from my regular stories on this account, please exercise caution*
**Ageregression and Littlespace will never be sexualized on this blog**
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"Fuck this shit." I mumbled under my breath,
I watched with rising anger as my soda was now busted on the concrete, the fizzy liquid now running down the sidewalk. I bit back tears, today was just not my day at all. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair nervously, I was broke and tired. I used what little money I had to buy a polar pop and now I wouldn't even get to drink it.
I walked over to my shut box of a car and got in, locking the doors as soon as I was on the inside and rested my head on the steering wheel. Doing my best to choke down the tears, I turned my car on and drove home. Once I got to my apartment I parked and went inside hoping to make myself a nice meal and go to bed.
I was stopped by a package on my doorstep, I inspected it, there was just my address on it written in sharpie. I felt weird so I simply sat it on my counter and went about my night, I made myself some dinner and settled down on my couch to watch a few episodes of Forensic Files while I ate. I pulled out my phone and checked my email, at first it was just junk mail and sales until something caught my eye
Stratton State Mental Facility - Interview
My heart jumped as I clicked on the email and read it
We received your application and after some consideration we have decided to proceed with an interview. We will be interviewing you for a psychiatric technician position. You will be responsible for the following duties: observing patient condition, organizing recreational activities, restraining violent patients, admitting and discharging patients, and helping them with personal care. If you feel you are capable of this please give me a call at 555-782-3490 to schedule your interview.
Excited to hear from you,
Dr. Edward Loomis
I hit the blue underlined number and waited for it to ring, I prayed that someone would answer.
"Hello, Dr.Loomis's office how can I help you?" A female answered
"Oh hi! I received an email about scheduling an interview and it told me to call this number." You explained
"Okay, I'll transfer you back now." She says before hold music takes over, it takes a few rings before he answers,
"Hello, I was told by assistants you were calling to schedule a interview." He said
"Yes, hello, this is (first and last name) I received an email and called the attached number." You said
"Great! That's awesome, I actually have availability tomorrow at 3pm. How does that sound?" He asks
"That sounds perfect actually, I'm in between jobs so the sooner the better." You say
"That's no problem, we desperately need technicians currently, your previous job spoke very highly of you and was definitely upset to have you leave." He says
"Well that's a relief, I'm a great technician, will you be sending me an email with the address and additional information?" You ask
"Yes, I will be doing that, I'll see you tomarrow." He says
"Sounds good to me, see you tomarrow." I say and hang up before laying back on my bed.
Things are finally looking up.
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dalesramblingsblog · 11 months
Not sure if you're going to do answering questions this way but why not! Do you think that the way the Silence arc was concluded in The Time of the Doctor was the best that could be managed in the circumstances or do you have another opinion? I personally find it a bit rushed and sort of understand the negative reaction but think that Moffat probably just wanted to complete it.
I'll absolutely do asks if people send them in to me!
The Time of the Doctor is interesting, because I do agree that it's very clearly rushed. There are undeniably issues there, and it does perhaps end up a tad overstuffed as a result. This shouldn't exactly be surprising when one considers the sheer, monumental workload Moffat was facing at the time, between helming the fiftieth anniversary of Doctor Who and following up a watershed cliffhanger over on Sherlock, as I think you kind of allude to.
Like, frankly, it's a wonder that what we got was at all watchable, and I think that it broadly hangs together on a plot level. On a thematic level, the points it's making are also remarkably cogent, but I suppose there will always be some fans who will dock points because we didn't get an answer to how the TARDIS blew up in The Big Bang.
As you can probably guess, I don't really consider the problems with The Time of the Doctor - such as they are - to be especially novel, as the fan reaction often strikes me as just another reiteration of the age-old issue where shows are treated primarily as an excuse to tick off narrative beats, when I think that Moffat's oeuvre is usually interested in something far more interesting.
Even if, as some fans seem to demand from their media, Moffat had gone into The Eleventh Hour - nay, into Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead, I say! - with a Straczynski-esque five-year "novel for television" blueprint, well, even Babylon 5 had to deal with grubby production realities like "actors leaving."
The amount of shows that can honestly profess to have successfully pulled off that kind of intricate planning is vanishingly small, so I don't think it's *quite* fair to fault an episode of Doctor Who for not managing it, when that's never really been the programme's strong suit anyway. It's always much more favoured the Deep Space Nine and/or X-Files approach of "Make it up as you go along."
It's perhaps unsurprising that I just named three of my favourite shows, right there.
(As an addendum to this, it is a bit ironic that the one Capaldi season that even the staunchest of critics tend to enjoy is Series 10, aka the one which would be least likely to happen under a Straczynski-modelled method of showrunning, both because of its status as the sixth season and its existence only having come about due to a desire on Moffat's part to give Chibnall a chance to wrap up Broadchurch.)
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scullysflannel · 4 years
thoughts on roadrunners and beyond the sea?
roadrunners: logically I get the problem with the x-files inflicting more body horror on scully while she’s pregnant, but I really love roadrunners. it’s the most an x-files episode has ever stressed me out, because what roadrunners taps into so well is the way everything feels more dangerous without mulder there. it’s more unsettling for the audience (our trust that scully and mulder will save each other every time has been violated, so anything can happen), and obviously scully is not only in more danger without him but also deliberately putting herself in more danger because he’s not there. she’s taking risks because she’s trying to be mulder, and that’s what he’d do, but also because she doesn’t have as much to lose without him. it’s heavy. and this is the episode that tipped me from liking doggett to loving him, specifically the “hey!” followed by the punch, which is so charmingly to-the-point. he’s got good instincts, and he doesn’t let scully off easy.
I think roadrunners works as a great short story; the cold open evokes shirley jackson’s the lottery, obviously, but the way the town closes in on scully is suffocating in a way that feels to me like some of the best twilight zone episodes. I love a good story about someone very slowly realizing she’s trapped. the creepy details, like the bible study looking at scully through the window, pile up well. and thematically I like the way roadrunners plays scully’s isolation (literal and emotional) against the idea of becoming part of something “greater than you are.” giving herself over to mulder’s cause was her choice, and the horror of roadrunners is that this is not. this isn’t her religion, literally or metaphorically. the idea behind the cult is basically that dedicating yourself to a belief system is a form of voluntary self-flagellation, which dovetails really tragically with the way scully is essentially looking for punishment out of devotion to mulder. and she finds it. this is why the body horror works for me; it’s a physical manifestation of scully’s feeling, at some level, that her body isn’t worth what it carries.
beyond the sea: a showcase for gillian anderson, obviously, and a definitive episode in terms of mulder and scully’s characterization, especially scully’s. beyond the sea makes clear what I think the show was already saying in subtler ways from the start: mulder and scully have each got something of the other in them, which is one of my favorite things about this show. nothing that looks simple really is. you can’t have mulder without scully, but also, you can’t have honest belief without honest doubt. that’s the point scully is making at the end, too. she admits she’s afraid to believe. she understands that believing may look easy or childlike, but it’s actually terrifying to open up your whole worldview like that. I love that she’s able to simultaneously tell mulder that she thinks he’s brave and to basically say, surprisingly early on, “wait for me.”
it’s also interesting that it’s juxtaposed against the purity of scully’s own belief in her father (she knows what he wanted to tell her, because he was her father) and to a certain extent in mulder too (she’s already vouched for his whole soul to boggs). so we already see that scully is not only capable of belief but that the x-files’ most simple faith is in relationships, in love. that’s what makes sense when the rest doesn’t.
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michelleleewise · 2 years
Could you write something that involves a reader finding out their pregnant unexpectedly and thinks Loki won't take it well, while Loki figures it out on his own (or someone tells him or something) and they both don't bring it up until the secret slips out on its own?
I dunno, its sounds like a sitcom episode, but maybe you can make it into something cute.
Sorry this took me an eternity!!!!! I got super busy, but here I am!!!!!! Thanks so so much for sending this to me!! I hope you like it!!! 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚
Pairing: Loki x reader
Warnings: mentions of morning of morning sickness, mentions of pregnancy test, swearing, anxiety, stress, jumping to conclusions,some angst, fluff.
Sunmary: you've felt ill for the last week, not sure what the cause is, you decide to rule out the one thing your sure it can't be......
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"Shit" You said to yourself, looking down at two lines mocking you. You stood up, pacing in the bathroom "shit, shit, shit." You said as you ran a hand through your hair. You put the test back in the box, heading back to your desk. You sat down, sliding the box discreetly in a drawer as you sighed, laying you head on your desk. "Shiiiiiit." You sighed "well your a barrel of sunshine aren't you?" You heard, your head shooting up seeing Bucky "Oh, hey what are you doing here?" You asked looking at him. "Tony wanted me to drop these off, you ok?" He asked handing you some files.
"Yes! Yes I'm fine, why wouldn't I be? What makes you think somethings wrong?" You rushed out as he stared at you. "I think you need to cut out the caffeine doll." He said sitting down. "Everything ok with Loki?" He asked watching you "why wouldn't we be?" You rushed "why do you keep answering my questions with questions?" He asked raising an eyebrow as you sighed. "Loki and I are good, great actually." You sighed looking down. "Then..." he waved his hand. "I....im...." you stared as he watched you, realization hitting him "really!?" He asked leaning forward.
"Shhhh. Keep it down." You said looking around. "What did he say?" He asked smiling "he doesn't know" You said looking at him "why haven't you told him?" He asked "because, we've only been together a year, we don't even live together! We've never even talked about kids. W...what if he doesn't want them, what if he...leaves me?" You said fidgeting with your hands "please, He loves you to death, he won't leave you. Just talk to him, it'll be ok." He said as he stood up.
Your thoughts ran rampant the rest of the day. How was he going to react? Was he going to hate you? "Are you ready darling?" You heard Loki, throwing your pencil across the room. "You ok love? You seem jumpy." He said picking up your pencil. "I..I'm fine, everything's fine. Let's go." You said jumping up walking to the door. "Shit. I forgot my keys in my desk." You sighed turning around. "You go ahead. I'll grab them." He said kissing your forehead. You nodded heading out the door as Loki went to your desk, grabbing your keys as the box caught his eye.
He looked up seeing no one was watching as he opened the box, seeing the test. He scanned the box, looking back at the test as his eyes widened "no, it can't be." He whispered, looking over the box again. He hurried and put it back as he closed the drawer, making his way to the door. "A baby, we're gonna have a baby." He whispered to himself smiling as he opened the door following you.
You sat down at the restaurant, sipping your water "loki, how do you feel about kids?" You asked looking at him. "Well, I'd never really thought about it, but I would love to have a family, why?" He asked watching you "just curious." You said looking down. "How do you feel about it." He asked "Well, I'm not against it, but I mean....I......I don't know I guess eventually I would." You said nervously, you felt like your brain was disconnected from your mouth, nothing was making sense. "You know, I'm kinda tired, I think im just gonna head home." You said getting up. "Would you like me to come with you?" He asked "No, no I'm fine." You urged as you grabbed your purse "I'll call you tomorrow." You said running out of the restaurant.
You made it home, seeing Loki had tried calling several times. "What am I going to do." You sighed flopping on the couch. You laid down, pulling the blanket up you closed your eyes, trying to forget today. You woke up a few hours later, rushing to the bathroom, losing everything you had eaten. You sat back against the wall, rubbing your stomach "your gonna be hard on mommy aren't you?" You whispered looking down. You crawled back to the living room, grabbing your phone you called the tower, telling them you wouldn't be in the next day before putting it on silent as you climbed in bed to attempt to sleep.
You heard a knock on the door, as you slowly lifted your head. "Whose there?" You called out laying your head back down closing your eyes. You felt a cold hand on your forehead making you sigh. You opened your eyes seeing Loki's concerned face. "Darling, are you alright?" He asked "I'm just tired, I'm fine." You said pressing your head to his hand. I've tried calling several times. Why haven't you answered?" He asked sitting down. "I put my phone on silent last night after I called work." You said rolling over. "Love that was two days ago." He said as you looked at him. "Come on, your sweating to death, you need a shower and I'm taking you to Bruce." He said pulling the blankets back. "But Loki I don't want.." you started "your going, now come on, I'll help you." He said picking you up.
You made it to the tower as Loki carried you bridal style to Bruce's office. "What's going on?" He asked as Loki layed you down. "She has slept for two days, she's been ill, and sweating profusely." He said pushing your hair back. "Ok, let's run some tests, Loki you go sit over there." He said as a nurse came over to look your over. "Y/n, I finished all your tests, I think you know what I found." He said looking at you as you nodded. "I'll send him over, you need to talk to him. This may be harded on you because of his heritage." He said rubbing your shoulder.
Loki walked over, kissing your forehead "did he tell you anything?" You asked as he shook his head "no, he said I needed to hear it from you." He said pulling a chair up, holding your hand. "Loki..." you said clearing your throat "i....I'm pregant." You said looking at him. "I totally understand if you want to leave, or break up with me, I just..." you rambled as Loki's hand covered your mouth "You think I would leave you?" He asked pulling his hand back. "I don't know, we never talked about kids, and I didn't even know if you wanted kids." You fidgeted with your hands. "I'm not going anywhere y/n." He said standing up.
"Bruce thinks that maybe your heritage, if the baby is a frost giant, that that may be making things harder." You said looking up at him. "Well, I may have to stay with you all the time to take care of you then." He smiled as he kissed your forehead. "I will speak with Tony about your condition. I don't want you losing your job." He said "t..thank you Loki" you smiled up at him, feeling a tear fall. "No, thank you darling, you two are the best things that ever happened to me." He smiled rubbing your belly. "I love you Loki." You said pulling him down to you "and I love you, both of you." He said kissing you deeply.
You couldn't wait to start a family with him...
@vbecker10 @high-functioning-lokipath @buttercupbestie @cabingrlandrandomcrap @lonadane @mcufan72 @daggers-and-mischief @lily-sinclair-2006 @lokisninerealms @lokiprompts @limiworld @mochie85 @sinsandguilt @chickencouncilrep @lulubelle814 @midnights-ramblings @commanding-officer @xorpsbane @waiting-for-cas-to-save-me @stupidthoughtsinwriting @lokixryss @froggiecky @intoxicatinginsanity @huntress-artemiss @sekaishell @slpnbty2001 @your-taste-on-my-lips @usagishira @lokis-coffee221 @kats72
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the last episode i watched was one breath! so there you go! <3
One Breath is like, the GREATEST example of Mulder choosing Scully over everything else, even the elusive Truth he so desperately needs (actually now I'm thinking about it, that's a theme of season 2). he can't imagine his life without her anymore and when he's sure he's going to lose her he chooses to stay with her for however long is left instead of trying to exact revenge or find answers, and that's possibly the most valuable choice he's ever made and ever will make. he chose her. and that makes all the difference.
also that scene where Melissa is like "why is it so dark?" and Mulder goes "because the lights are off" is PEAK sibling-in-law behavior and you will not change my mind.
send me an X-Files episode and I'll say something about it!
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jaysevhls · 4 years
There's A Bomb | Jay Halstead
Request: Jay falling in love with Voight's daughter.
Pairing: Jay Halstead x Voight!Reader
Author's note: Requests are open. (The moment with a bomb was inspired on episode from "The Flash" when Joe saved Cecile.)
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Your dad was always worried about you, especially when you told him that you want to be a cop like him. First he didn't approve your decision, but when he saw you graduating the police academy, he knew that it's your right path. He wanted to keep you safe and close, at least he could do that, so he brought you to Intelligence. You were happy there since day one, it was your dream to watch him catching bad guys.
He partnered you with Erin, because he trusted her the most, like you. She wasn't from Voight's family, but she was like sister to you, she knew everything about you.
But after few years it was her time to go and she moved. You took it hard, just like Jay, who wanted to propose to her. You weren't close with him, but the pain he had was very similar to yours. After she left, Voight partnered you with him and Hailey, the new girl, was now a partner to Kim.
Cases that involved drugs were your favorite. Going undercover, to make a deal, that was your favorite part of the job. You were the best in this and you were happy to do it every time. But when kids are involved... This hits just different. You usually took it very personal, it was just too hard to see them working for those bastards.
"Okay guys, we've got a case involving drugs and a murder of mob boss. I think we all know who that is, Alejandro Cortez. 32 years old, he's chasing by police and FBI for 2 years. He killed his own wife, then mob boss, two murders with a bomb. One pinned to the car, the second one in club. He's hiding since then, we can't reach him." Kevin pinned his photo to the board and gave you files about the case."But, we know that his niece was taken from her family and we all think that he took her, because he wants to take a revenge on his brother for turning him to the police."
"All of this because he's angry? And why the kid?" you asked.
"We don't know yet. She's missing for 4 days and the people who saw the kidnapper described him. Description matches to Alejandro. They're living in Chicago, that means he's here and this might be our last chance to get him." you sat on your desk and started to look into the files.
"Hey, you okay?" Jay asked you. Before nodding to him, you brushed his hand with your fingers and smiled at him. He was always caring about you in cases like this, you were so thankful for him. "Let me know if you need anything."
"Y/N? Can we talk?" your dad asked.
"Sure." you walked into his office and closed doors.
"I'm worried about you. If you want I can take you off the case." he said.
"I'm fine, really. It's just... I don't understand some things, I need to figure them out. Don't worry." you hugged him and went back to your desk.
The tension was thick, everyone were working on the case, while Jay was trying to figure out his feelings. He couldn't talk to anyone about this, because they knew that person, especially he couldn't talk about it with you.
God, he wished that you noticed how much he adored you. He stood up and walked to your desk.
"Y/N? Y/N?" he tapped your shoulder.
"Hmm?" you muttered.
"You kinda zoned out, I brought you some coffee."
"Thanks. Do you want to go with me and check on this woman who saw Alejandro? I don't want to go there alone." you asked.
"Of course, partner."
You drove in silence, Jay was watching you the whole ride. He loved to look at your smile, eyes, when you tried to be serious, but he always made you smile and laugh. He trusted you like no one, he could put his life in your hands, because he knew that you'll help him no matter what.
"Chicago PD." you said and knocked on the doors.
"What do you want?" a woman appeared and looked so scared.
"Sophia? We're from Chicago Police Department, I'm detective Halstead and this is detective Voight. We wanted to ask you few questions."
"There's no need to, I already spoke with police." she answered.
"We know, but we wanted to ask about description you gave us. Are you sure that this was the guy?" you showed her a picture.
"Yes, definitely. Now leave me alone." she said and walked away, then closed the doors.
"I think she won't say us more." you laughed and made your way to the truck.
"Yeah Adam, what's up?" Jay said, answering his phone.
"We've got a possible location where Alejandro can be, go and check this place."
"Alright, let's go." Jay said.
"5021 Frank, detective Y/N Voight, we're heading to a possible location where our suspect can be. Plain clothes officers on the scene, roll a backup and ambo."
"Copied 5021 Frank, sending a backup and ambo."
"Do you think he's gonna be there?" Jay asked you.
"I don't know, I just hope to find his niece sooner than him so I could kick his ass after. I mean, she's a kid... How can he do that?" you answered. Jay looked at you worried. After few minutes you were on the scene.
"Take the back, we're going from the front." you said to officers who were there already.
"I'm coming in." Jay went first, you right after him.
"I'm covering you." you pulled your gun low, until you noticed blood on the carpet. "Blood." you both raised your gun and checked the first floor.
"Stairs." Jay said and again you followed him.
"You heard that?" the sound reminded you a cry.
"Chicago PD! Alejandro, put your gun down and come out!" Jay yelled. "Let your niece go first!"
"Stop! Stop!" you looked at Jay confused.
"Alejandro, if you won't come out we'll come for you" he yelled again.
"Wait, it's not him." you looked at Jay and nodded over the mirror where you saw a little girl tied up, sitting on the chair.
"Please, it's gonna blow!" you hid your gun and walked into the room while Jay was calling for a bomb squad.
"Hey, what's your name?" you asked her.
"Lauren." she cried so hard. You needed to calm her down when you saw a bomb pinned to the chair.
"Okay Lauren, I need you to sit there carefully, don't move, okay? We'll get you out of here."
"He said that he's gonna make them suffer!" she yelled.
"Jay? Call for a backup, send them to her parents." you knew that at this point he wanted to kill all of her family, to make them suffer, especially this little girl. "It's gonna be okay. I'm gonna check on timer right now okay?"
"Mhm." she calmed a little. 6 minutes you saw. You knew what kind of bomb was that. Jay told you his stories when he was in the army, you knew more than he thought.
"Y/N? What are you doing? Let's go, bomb squad will help her!" Jay showed up in the room, watching your actions.
"It will be too late. Hey, Lauren. I need you to switch places with me on 3 okay?" you looked at her, she nodded slowly.
"You've got to be kidding me! You want yourself killed?"
"Jay! Just let me do my job. It has 5 minutes timer now, when she'll stand, it's gonna run down, we won't be able to get out of there and they'll be too late. I'm gonna sit there to stop it from going down fast."
"Y/N, please..." he walked closer and hugged you.
"On 3 Lauren. 1... 2... 3..." you pushed her to Jay and sat on the chair. You looked at the timer. 3 minutes left.
"Take her out, I'll stay on the line." you said.
"5021 George, I'm going out with a hostage. Detective Voight will stay on the line." he felt tears in his eyes. He let go her hand and went outside. Lauren went to the ambo to get checked out.
"Halstead, what the hell? Where's Y/N?" Voight asked him.
"She switched places with Lauren, she's holding out the timer."
"Y/N?" Voight spoke.
"D-dad, I'm fine. Just tell the squad to come here asap."
"They're 6 minutes out."
"Well... We've 2." you said.
"I'm calling them." Jay said. He put them on the line to speak to you.
"Y/N, we need you to say how this looks like."
"Well, it has a timer and 3 colors inside. Black, white and blue."
"Okay, that means he used the same bomb as on the vehicle. You need to stay calm and carefully remove the blue one." they instructed you. Your hands were shaking, eyes were blinded and your heart was pounding so hard.
"Okay, yeah, I'll do it." you took a deep breath and take moved slowly to blue cable. You looked at the timer. It has stopped.
"Y/N? Y/N!" Jay was screaming to his radio, but you couldn't respond. You immediately stood up and went downstairs. Tears blurred your vision. You reached out to the doors and opened them. All the members looked at you relieved. "Shit." he said and run to you.
At this point you were crying. He took you in his arms, softly stroking your hair.
"I can't breathe." you choked.
"Easy honey, easy. It's the adrenaline rush, everything is okay." he hugged you tighter.
You had still covered your face with your hands. They were shaking so bad. Jay tried to calm you down, so he took them from your face and kissed."Come on, I'm taking you home." he held you close and went with you to Hank.
"Oh god Y/N! What were you thinking out there?!" now he was the one holding you.
"I was doing my job, I needed to help her." you said as you felt something hugging you from the side. Lauren held your hand hard and cried.
"Thank you, thank you. I wanna be strong as you! I'll be a cop one day!" she was full of energy, she didn't realise what just happened, she was only 8 years old after all... And that fact was making you sick. That little girl almost died because of payback.
"I'm so glad you're okay baby. Go to see your mom." you pointed at police car, who just arrived.
"Hey, you sure you're fine?" Jay asked you when Hank left to speak with Lauren's mom.
"I just want to go home." he nodded at went with you to his truck.
You held Jay's hand the whole ride to your home.
"Can you go upstairs with me? I need someone right now... Also, I have your favorite beer." you smiled.
"Yeah, I'll take that beer." he answered and followed you to your apartment.
You closed the door and went to the kitchen. Taking a beer, you noticed Jay standing in the hallway, looking at the picture frame with you and him. You put the beer down and walked to him. He turned to face you, when you hungrily kissed his lips. The kiss was so desperate, but at the same time filled with passion and love. He put his hands on your back, bringing you closer. When you couldn't catch a breath, you pulled back.
"I love you. I love you so freaking much. I think about you day and night, if you're okay, if you slept enough. When I pushed Lauren into your way... I knew that I'll always want you to be the one who won't leave my side Jay. I want you to be here. Right here, with me." he pulled you into hug, just like before. It was different than the others time when he was with you. This time, there was a real love between you two.
"Y/N, you don't know how happy I am right now. You saved me so many times, you're my little miracle. I was so afraid to tell you that, but now I wish I could say it earlier. Holding you in my arms is the best thing in the world and I'll always be here for you baby. I love you." he kissed your forehead and took you to the couch. You sat next to him and covered you with blanked.
He couldn't stop thinking about how lucky he was to have you. You were his light.
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larriottpub-blog · 7 years
Christian Gospel Music - I\'m Gonna See Jesus Someday
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A version of christmas christian music that will help you appreciate your relatives more...
This particular song is entitled “I\'m Gonna See Jesus Someday” It comes off of my CD entitled” Call 9-1-1 Heaven” my gospel CD by Larry Elliott which of course is out on “You-Tube”,CD Baby and a few other places. It was inspired by a partially written song that was in her possession when she passed away. She was my Great Grandma Edna Rose of Glasgow Missouri. We believe she wrote these lyrics Christmas Eve just before she passed away Christmas morning. Her words were later to become the chorus to the song of “I\'m Gonna See Jesus Someday” which my mother Irene Elliott was able to write after receiving the lyrics from her children to try and do something with.
The chorus of the song a friend found written on a pad on her night stand next to her bed as the song story describes.
The friend found her on Christmas morning she had died somewhere in the wee hours of Christmas morning. They knew mom wrote songs and so thus began the finishing of the writing of the song. So the song does come from a true story.
I need to give you a little bit of input before I tell you the story as it was written.
Great Grandma Rose had little of any formal education back in the day times were hard and most folks could not afford to send their children especially 8 in number to school usually the older kids had to help their folks make out a living. Grandma from what I am told learned to read and write by reading old letters of friends or relatives she may have known the alphabet then she would sound out the words. She did know 0\'s and X\'s meant hugs and kisses. She didn\'t know much if anything about Jesus other than what she heard from her folks or friends.
Later on some missionaries and teachers started telling her about Jesus or God or even the Holy Spirit.
I heard she did go to church for a short spell til her husband Great Grandpa Frank Rose heard people after church talking trash and derogatorily about the other members of the church behind their backs and none of the others would leave the church last for fear of being bad mouthed. You might call it the local rumor mill back in the day. So that ended Great Grandma’s church going Grandpa wouldn’t allow her to go there anymore. He said in his opinion they were a bunch of back biters and hypocrites in his opinion and he would not allow his wife to go to such a place and that was the end of that. To make a long story not too much longer thus my mother Irene Elliott wrote the story.
At first she did not know how she was gonna write the rest of the song.
Then she thought I\'ll just tell the story as it happened As you can probably guess Great Grandma wrote her part of the song shortly before her passing away. I know Great Grandma was saying I\'m old and I\'m gray and well on my way and I\'m gonna see Jesus someday and
...so now you have the story behind the song...
as co-written by Great Grandma Rose and my mother Irene Elliott. Keep in touch with my blog for the next episode of the story behind the song. Sincerely yours truly Larry Elliott. Help spread the word and help us make more music:
==> Get the song here for 99 cents and help others
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scullysflannel · 4 years
thoughts on Unruhe?
I’m a sucker for Unruhe because I love Mulder rescuing Scully (I Am Part of the Problem), but also because it’s a much more balanced rescue than, say, Fight the Future is. Scully is saving herself the whole time Mulder is coming for her; I like that she gets that agency, but also that she doesn’t have to do it alone and that needing help isn’t treated as weakness. also, I’m grateful to Vince Gilligan for single-handedly introducing The X-Files to novel concepts like “foreshadowing” and “continuity” via the placement of the howlers (I get chills every time Gerry taps her forehead there). but I always want Unruhe to end on something other than that voiceover monologue case report that feels like a throwback to season 1 and that I’m convinced Chris Carter heavily rewrote. I would have liked something more of the aftermath between Mulder and Scully. thoughtographs are a VERY cool concept though
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scullysflannel · 4 years
so self-evidently incredible I don’t know where to start. but one thing I’ve been thinking about with pusher lately is that it’s basically about the way it feels for mulder and scully to be caught in the conspiracy—going up against a mediocre man who’s totally rigged the game because he can manipulate “the truth” as everyone else perceives it. so it’s a monster-of-the-week episode that says something about the dynamic of the mythology. I don’t know if vince gilligan went into it with that idea or was just tapping into the feel of the whole show, but I do think it’s a huge part of why pusher is one of the x-files’ best episodes. everything is working together. the case and the character work and the bigger thematic arc of the series are all the same here. mulder and scully are afraid of being pawns in a losing game, and what pusher does is distill that fear down into a single dramatic showdown and prove to them that the care between them is enough to save them both. also the russian roulette scene changed television!! so jot that down
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scullysflannel · 4 years
Pine Bluff Variant
King of the vibes. I love how atmospheric PBV is; it’s basically all mood, as a lot of X-Files episodes that are all about trust are. But in this case the trust in question is between Mulder and Scully, and it’s so all-consuming the show doesn’t even need anything supernatural to couch it in. (Technically what makes Pine Bluff Variant an X-Files episode is that the government is up to something shady, but the only X-File here is Scully doubting Mulder. That’s what goes against nature.) This episode feels like being submerged: It’s just Scully grasping for this intangible thing between them while Mulder drifts. And it’s a perfect fit for Season 5, when they both feel just destabilized enough that you can buy Mulder not telling Scully what he’s up to or Scully questioning his endgame. 
The part of me that cut my teeth watching Alias responds to spy drama at a gut level, so I really click with that aspect too; Scully’s “are you the wife?” “not even close” scene gets me every time. It makes me wish the show had given us Scully and Mulder spying undercover together in a dramatic context; I know they’re already us-against-the-world-ing every week, but it’s thrilling when it’s more explicit. The noir styling of it all fits them so well, too.
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scullysflannel · 4 years
tell me about field trip <3
it’s primal! I mean those two skeletons are in the same position mulder and scully are in on the bed at the end of “the truth,” and even if I don’t believe anyone other than vince was ever intentionally trying to do continuity, it’s definitely screaming something at me about how these two are going to be together at the end of it all. real hozier’s “in a week” vibes. mulder and scully are home with each other. I think this episode says a whole lot about mulder and scully’s insecurities around how they challenge each other, which they’re both starting to take personally (love this post from @thegrotesckque) because they don’t know where this relationship is headed. and I think it’s sweet that above all field trip affirms for them that they like being challenged by one another, and that it’s not a problem in their relationship but a strength of it. they push each other because they trust and care about each other so much. ultimately they’d each sacrifice everything if it meant the other could find what they’re looking for. field trip is high romance
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scullysflannel · 4 years
it’s funny to me that so much of the x-files’ technophobia is dated and just a little bit justified at once. wetwired gets into that very ‘90s debate about whether violence on television leads directly to violence in real life, and scully’s argument is such an oversimplification that to even put those words in her mouth is a little offensive to me. and yet! when the x-files tells me the news is bringing people’s worst fears to life I nod and say yes, that’s correct. there’s something visceral about the nightmarish side of this case that keeps it from feeling like a total relic. and obviously paranoid scully is so great and moody; it’s so rare that we see her go off the edge. it’s dizzying. mulder and scully are each afraid in their own way that they’ve lost each other, but while mulder holds it in (id-ing the body) scully gets to trash a motel room about it, which is honestly cool. let her go nuts! I also like that scully is given the space to at least acknowledge how much she’s lost and how much she has to be afraid of
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scullysflannel · 4 years
i’m such a whore. ghouli
my favorite revival episode! love that it’s so compassionate toward a bunch of frightened people making messes. ghouli is about how we hurt ourselves when we fight monsters that aren’t there (the girls hurt each other when they see ghouli; scully hurt herself when she imagined the monsters that scared her into giving up william). but the flip side of that is that we can make our own meaning, like scully and jackson meeting at the gas station in the end because scully decided the snow globe was important, and jackson went with it. they made a connection out of the smallest thing. the gas station scene is too much for me every time. he wishes he could know her better. he likes her.
and the way jackson is characterized in ghouli is dead on (not ms4, chris carter do not interact). of course he’d be angry and reckless and confused. but he’s also smart and curious and trying to do the right thing, and I like that the show doesn’t try to use either side to cancel out the other. he’s a mess and I love him. and he’s mulder’s son! that little baseball boy is mulder’s son.
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