#sending emergency Levi hugs to all those who need one
dont-f-with-moogles · 2 years
Nightmare Characters: Levi x Hange  Word Count: 749 words Canon universe
Because I haven't posted any writing on here in a while. This is for @this-is-krikkit and anyone else having a shitty day - have a free Levihan cuddle.
Inspired by the Smartpass story.
The titan lifted its monstrous head, gazing down with eyes like giant, polished orbs. Its stare was devoid of comprehension; empathy; reason. Humanity. It was simply registering the details before it; the small figure standing with their arm outstretched. Any second now, it would lunge. 
Strangely, Hange was unafraid. Their arm was held steady; palm empty. Even as the titan swung its jaw open wide, inviting Hange to a view of its enormous teeth, they remained unshaken in their resolve. It was just as unsurprising when a human voice emerged from the giant’s mouth.
"They don't taste good…"
“Mmm?” Hange returned politely, cocking their head to the side. They clasped both hands behind their back. “What doesn’t? Tell me.”
Suddenly the titan uttered an ear-splitting howl. It gripped the sides of its head, thrusting fingers as thick as tree stumps beneath its eyelids. It prised the thin flesh away as though attempting to tear its skin from its face. 
“Please… help me, Hange!”
Hange jolted awake. It took a moment for their eyes to adjust to the gloom. There was their disordered pile of books upon the bedside table; only the names on the spines were too blurred to read, should Hange have needed to do so. The bedsheet had become tangled around one of their legs, leaving the other cold and exposed. The corner of yet another book was digging into their shin. There came a movement beneath them; an arm shifting then withdrawing from their side.
“You okay?” Levi’s voice; still thick with sleep. They felt him turn onto his back. Hange reached towards the bedside table and knocked their glasses to the floor with a clatter.
“Fuck.” Their arm was trembling now, unlike in their dream. “That- that fucked me up…”
A pale shaft of moonlight fell across them. Hange turned to see Levi drawing back the heavy drape which clung to the window. 
“Thanks.” Hange retrieved their fallen glasses and pushed them up the bridge of their nose. They sat upright; knuckles blanched as they clutched the mattress, feet digging into the floorboards beneath. There came a creak of wooden slats as Levi knelt on the bed behind them.
“What happened in this one?”
Recurring nightmares were, unfortunately, one of an endless list of occupational hazards faced by those in the Scout Regiment. It was often the result of witnessing too many abnormal things. In fact, most considered it abnormal not to be affected in such a way.
“There was a titan. It was trying to talk to me… It… it said…” Hange gripped their head, much like the titan had done in their nightmare. “It told me that they didn’t taste good.” Their hands balled into fists, pressing their eyes with the effort of remembering. As much as they tried to cling to the memory, the details of the dream poured through their fingers like sand.
“It asked me to help them.” Hange’s throat was tight. “Wh-what do you think that means?”
Levi folded an arm around them and they sank against him, their back pressed to his chest. Levi’s chin rested on their shoulder.
“Levi… what if they don’t want to do it?”
“...what if they don’t want to eat people?”
Both stared at the door, under which a narrow strip of light filtered. The absurdity of Hange’s statement, and the silence which followed it, settled over the room.
“I don’t know…” Levi spoke quietly. “That’s a question only you can answer.”
It was as though the burden of that unanswered proposal settled upon them in tangible form. Hange’s shoulders sank, their body curving against his.
“Tomorrow, I’ll…”
“You need to get some rest.” Levi’s tone was firm but without his usual acerbity. He held them to him tightly. 
“I’ve got you.”
Hange’s eyes closed. Gently, he brought them down with him so that Hange’s back remained against his front. He stroked their scattered hair away from the pillow and tenderly kissed the back of their neck. Hange made a small sound and shifted beside him. Levi reached across them, gently lifting their glasses from their face. He hesitated; the table was just out of reach. He lowered his arm, wrapping it around Hange’s waist; their glasses clutched in his hand. Levi buried his face in their warm skin, feeling their breaths come slower as exhaustion overcame them.
But even though he closed his eyes and allowed his own breathing to fall in rhythm with theirs, Levi knew he would not sleep.
Part 2: Dream
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lunaekalenda · 3 years
So I have this idea for the longest time now and I would like to see if you can make something out of it 😂
STORY TIME! Marley has something similar to the witches trial going on and witch!reader runs away to Paradis, joining the scouts and she and levi get all lovey dovey. After a while, they discover that she's from Marley and think that she's betraying them, so they make a pact with Zeke to give her back in exchange to leave Paradis alone. Soon everyone realize that she didn't betrayed them and was about to be burned. Fluffy ending where she's saved or angst 😈
wooooow i'm buYING IT!!!!!! i love witch concept omg, i hope you like it!! <3
❁ levi x witch!reader
❁ mention of death, witches trial, death by burning, stitching :'), mention of con sex, season 4 and manga minor spoilers.
You were only five when they burned your neighbor in the public place. It was a cold day, your mother's arm around your shoulders, her gaze searching silently the other witches of your coven. They were looking at their friend, their superior, being licked by flames. But she was totally straight, her eyes fixed on the cardenal. He was smiling.
Now you're running out of Marley. The trials are more and more popular. They judged half of your coven. Your mother told you to leave, to use your power to escape. So, after taking something to eat and a cape, you started running. Running until you saw the ocean. You look at both sides, making sure there’s no one around you, before closing your eyes and concentrate in the sound of your crow, possessing it’s body. You start to fly, searching land to stop at. You look around, a little island can be seen some kilometers away. You’re tired oof running, but you think you can arrive there. You keep flying, more and more tired. You’re near, but you can see tents in the beach. There are tents. And people. Your mind starts to panic. Transforming in front of this people will make you suspect. You look to the little forest near the beach. It seems empty. You fly towards there, really really tired. You start to notice how your body gets heavier. And, faster than you thought, your human body was back, making you fall into the ocean. The water enters on your nose and ears, and makes your dress heavier. You swim, but you’re so tired, and your head hurts because of the impact. You let your body connect with the sea, the waves hugging you. 
“Please, take me to that island, mother Ocean.” the salty waves start to rock softly, making you near to the beach little by little. Your eyes start to close, the sweet movement of the sea relaxes you. You’re so tired...
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“It’s a girl, captain.” You hear the voice of a boy near. Also, some people mumbling around. You start to open your eyes, finding a girl pointing you with a gun. The boy who talked, extremely tall, looks at you again. “She’s awake.” There is a lot of people around you. Boys and girls, all dressed in black, are talking about the girl that appeared on the sea.
“Who of you took her out of the ocean?” a deep voice is heard. You stay quiet, the brown-eyed girl keeps pointing her gun at you. A man enters your vision camp. His grey eyes examined you from above. His gaze was serious.
“I did.�� a black haired girl talked. “What should we do with her, Captain Levi?”
Levi looks at you, and you keep your eyes on his. His eyebrow raises.
“Should we kill her?” a boy says.
“No! we should interrogate her!” someone says. 
“Tsch, shut up you all.” The man keeps looking at you. His sharp features make him look so attractive... “From where do you come?” he asks. You have to think, or use your powers. It’s highly improbable that they count with another witch on their team, so no one is going to notice how you research a close town. You choose a blonde boy. You concentrate in his brain, searching info. Armin. 19 years. Shinganshina district.
"Shiganshina district." you say. Levi looks at you, trying to know if you’re telling the truth. He clicks his tongue. The blonde boy looks to the girl with a scarf, and she looks to a long-haired boy next to her.
“Do you know her?” Levi asks. The three of them shake their heads, but it was easy to change their opinion. 
Change people’s memories is not that hard for a witch of your level. Just making your face appear in one of them’s memories.
“Oh, I know her!” the long-haired boy talks now. “I think her family lived behind me.”
Levi looked at him, and then back at you.
“Sorry for you, but you can’t go back to Shinganshina. You’ll have to stay here for a bit.” A person with glasses shows behind him.
“Levi, let me talk to her.” they ask. He helps you to get up, but you still feel the gun pointing at your back. “I’m Hange Zöe, the Commander of the Survey Corps. You’re in our camp, near the coast. Since we don’t have information about you, you’ll be held here. You can choose to be helpful for us, either training with our soldiers to help us, or doing some paperwork or cleaning. I’m sure Levi can help you in any way.” The man keeps being on your side. “Then, what do you choose?” They ask, smiling at you.
“I work as a tailor, so I guess I can help with...”
“Oh, so you can sew wounds!” They say.
I wasn’t going to say that... you think for yourself
“Well, I only sewed clothes, but...”
"We need help with that, so you'll stitch the survey clothes and soldiers!" they say. Levi sighed and then reached your back with his hand.
"I'll show you your dorm."
Since a lot of soldiers where living there, as Levi told you, you got a shared room with a couple girls of the military. Sasha Braus and Mikasa Ackerman where your new roommates. Mikasa is really aware around you, just in case you're a traitor. Sasha, in the other hand, is really close to you, although she was the one pointing you with a gun. The first weeks you stayed there, it went really well: Sasha showed you the camp, presented to you the people and sat with you for eating. You tried to not use your powers that much, just in real emergency cases. All this time, you felt gazes on you, curiosity or hate gazes, but one was more heavy than others: a pair of intense grey eyes. Levi Ackerman had his eyes on you since you arrived here, months ago now, maybe because he's a Captain and has to neutralize every single danger he sees. Maybe that's why you feel him when you eat, run or work. He also goes and sits near to you, doing paperwork while you sew someone's coat.
"You're good. I'm sure your stitches won't leave a scar." he says. You keep sewing the coat, this time is Connie's coat. His gaze totally fixed on the letters he has on his hands. He has been looking for you for half a year now. He also has a strange flirty game on going, he likes to get closer to you and look at your body, but then he acts cold for a while. You sigh.
"I don't think so..."
Unfortunately, you had the opportunity to try on him days later, after an attack. His back needed stitches. So, there he was, half undressed and covered on blood, waiting for you to start bounding him. You started to pass the sew. The sensation of the needle trespassing his skin was horrible, but you tried to make your best. He didn't say a thing, with a piece of cloth in his mouth. You felt his jaw bitting the cloth with strength, trying not to move. You thought his endurance of pain is in levels you didn't know a human could reach.
You could have cured him with magic, but if they know it, they'll probably send you back to Marley, if they don't kill you in the moment. Once you finished, he stayed there, sitting, with some saliva dripping from the corner of his mouth after releasing the cloth. He passed his hand fast, cleaning it.
"Try not to move..."
"I got my skin stitched a hundred times and fought five minutes after." he says. "But thank you."
All the hours he spent by your side, doing paperwork and that stuff, you realized you found him attractive. His voice, his grey eyes, the way he looks at his friends. You want to be looked that way.
No, you want more.
Maybe it was a stupid idea. But you felt so attracted to him, like if his aura was calling yours. Your hand reached his back, the way his muscles tense with the touch. He looked at you from above his shoulder. You traced a little drawing on his skin, a no-sense form down his back. Surprisingly, he didn't ask you what the hell where you doing or moved away.
You wanted to know if he was even just a bit interested in you, but using magic will break totally the moment. So you kept moving your hands on his skin. It was warm, almost hot. He sighed. His hands dropped the shirt he was about to put on, and his muscles started to relax. At the same time, you got closer to him. Maybe he needed to unburden. Maybe he has been there for months, in need of a girl like you to help him. Your hands moved to his shoulders, dangerously near his neck. He raises his head, eyes closed. He's enjoying it, no doubt. His bony hands are now on his legs.
"Captain..." you ask quietly. "Are you feeling good?" he hums in answer. His back is totally relaxed now, and his eyes are still closed. The way he has his head, thrown back, lets you see his adam's apple, another attractive point of him. You wanted to kiss the point of his neck where it connects with his shoulders. His lips, always on a inexpressive facade. You wanted him to be a mess, asking for more. You wanted his bony hands marking your waist and his fingers ruining your hair. "Do you want me to stop?" your voice goes out like a whisper. He breathes in, deeply.
"No." His voice is raspy. He looks at you again, his grey gaze shining with... maybe interest? curiosity? desire? Maybe a mix of those three. "I never got someone to massage me after a battle. It feels nice."
Your heart skips a beat when you hear that. Was it your opportunity to tell him you feel attracted to him?
If it wasn't, you didn't care.
"Well, I could do this to you a hundred times, Captain." Your hand goes up and down his back, being careful with his stitched wound. "I was getting kinda confused, Levi..." you say. His back tenses again, but he lets you continue. "Why do you lend closer to me, but then act cold for days? I never got it." He takes a deep breath again.
"I'm a Captain. I'm in charge of a full squad of humans. Really good but kinda dumb humans." he says. "They're my responsibility and my team. I can't get distracted and lose a single one of them." he says. You nod, understanding.
"Wow, that's..." That's exactly how covens work. In Marley, witches are the worst of the worst. And the Island people, demons. You thought maybe you're not that different, after all. "That's amazing, Levi."
His eyes shot open after hearing that. You weren't telling him his sword abilities are amazing or his control of the ODMS. You were telling him his way, his human being, was amazing. But he called you a distraction. You stand up. But his hand reaches your wrist.
"Oi." he calls you. "Come back here."
"I don't want to distract you, I understand your..." his voice interrupts you.
"You asked why I always act cold with you, right? Because if I didn't have to go and kill those damn titans and marleyans I would had kissed you a while ago." he says. So, after all, he does found you interesting, at least.
Your mum always said that a boy only wants a girl because of sex. That's why she obligated you to wear vanila perfume, one that she made. It shows you the true intentions of the people around you. You concentrate on Levi's aura.
You're not going to lie. Levi's aura is a bright red. He finds you attractive, and now he wants you. But even your aura looks like that.
So, two adults that want each other, what could go wrong?
That's why you kissed him. His lips quickly adapting to your pace, owning the kiss. He catches his breath.
"Are you sure about this?" his voice is even lower, his eyes darker. You nod. He caresses your blushed cheek with his thumb. Minutes later, your dress was mixed with his shirt, as well as your breath was mixed with his.
"Your back..." you told him. He was above you, so attractive. His sharp jaw tensed when your bodies touched.
"My back is fine." he says.
His hand traveled down your waist, your hands tangled on his hair, and his name was just a repetition on your mouth.
❁❁❁❁    ❁❁❁❁    ❁❁❁❁    ❁❁❁❁    ❁❁❁❁    ❁❁❁❁    ❁❁❁❁    ❁❁❁❁
Next morning, Levi is still asleep when you wake up. His handsome face is close to yours, and one of his hands rests in your back. You get up silently, dressing fast. You search your necklace, the one with magic properties.
"Searching this?" he asks. Your necklace is on his hand. "Witch." he adds. He gets up, totally undressed, and takes his pants from the floor. Starts to pull them on.
"N-no, you're..."
"We have been in a lot of missions on Marley." he says. "And all the prints in the streets advertised people about women with this necklace." he gets closer to you, really close. His eyes are fixed on yours. "Did you bewitched me?" You shake your head. Twice.
"I didn't"
"I've heard some witches work for Marley's government as spies." he says, looking at your necklace. "Are you also fucking the Marleyan commander?" he asks. He was being mean. "Lucky you, a man is coming later from Marley. Maybe if I give you to them, they will stop attacking us, hm?"
He was angry. He has his reasons.
He wanted to stop talking when he saw the first tears running down your cheeks. He wanted to stop, but he couldn't. He was angry, thinking you bewitched him.
"You slept with me because you witches need a intimate bond to enter on my brain, right?" you shake your head again. He was so wrong, you never wanted to hurt him.
"Levi, I..." he put your necklace on his pocket. You were weak without it.
"Tell that to Zeke."
Zeke Jaeger.
Was him the same Zeke?
Zeke Jaeger never, never, absolves a witch.
"But he's going to kill me." you cry. Levi keeps getting dressed normally. He doesn't say nothing. How could he be so blind? Your necklace was always there, when he was cursing on your neck because of how good you felt. It was there.
But he found it this morning, when he moved and collided with your body.
Zeke landed on Paradis that afternoon. Levi told Sasha to look up for you, and the girl had his gun pointing at you since you came back from Levi's tent. Sasha and Mikasa didn't believe him.
"But if she is a spy, she should have tried to enter the archives or get information from Hange or Armin."
"And she even cured Levi a couple times!" Mikasa says.
Levi thought about it when you were going back to Marley. The pact is done, but, making rewind, you were never a dangerous person. Even Sasha asked you from where you were and she told Levi you were escaping from Marley! He's feeling bad now. He should had listened to you. And, fuck, he had your necklace. You were so easy to kill now. He knows they were going to judge you tomorrow morning. If they're fast enough...
"Damn!" he yells. Hange, sitting on the desk next to him, gets surprised. Levi goes out of the tent without a word, entering the cantina, where Sasha talks with Niccolo, adoration on his eyes, and Mikasa tells Eren to eat more. He searches the crowded table.
"Jean, Mikasa, Sasha. We're going on a mission."
❁❁❁❁    ❁❁❁❁    ❁❁❁❁    ❁❁❁❁    ❁❁❁❁    ❁❁❁❁    ❁❁❁❁    ❁❁❁❁
Moving on Marley at nights is so easy. The amount of drunk people and drunk guards is huge, so entering the prision is quite easy for Paradis' demons. Guided by Levi and his blades, the other ones enter on the prision were you're kept, your arms and legs bonded to a corner. Levi runs on the corridor, searching your cage. He found you easily: your pretty body snuggled on a corner and your low crying sounds making his heart break.
"Y/N!" Sasha says quietly, but with happiness.
"Sasha?" you ask. You see her ponytail bouncing behind her. And also all the other's figures.
They came. For you.
Even Levi is there.
His gaze is low and he's not looking at you in the eyes, as he usually do. Sasha looks around and tells Jean to look to the other corridor. Mikasa and Levi examinate the door.
"It's closed with magic." you whisper. "A witch that works for Marley did it. That's why there's no place for a key." Levi keeps looking at the ground.
"Isn't your magic strong enough to undo it?"
"They made me enter here without my necklace. They know it has all my power inside. Without it, I'm a human."
Levi reaches his pocket quickly, taking out the blue necklace.
"Oh, Captain you have it!" Mikasa says. Levi nods in silence, putting his arm between the bars. You get up and walk towards him. Your hands are really close, but you'll never be close enough to touch him. He swings the collar towards you and you take it, putting it around your neck once again. You feel how magic runs again on your veins.
"Are we going to see how she makes magic?" Jean says, truly amazed.
"Is she going to shine or transform?" Sasha asks at the same time.
"Now you should be able to open." you say. Jean and Sasha look at the other.
"What? Without thunders or lights?"
"Well, she's bleeding." Mikasa says. It's true that unmaking a curse is more tiring than making one, and the ones made to capture are really strong. That's why your nose is bleeding a bit. Once you're out, Levi takes a tissue for you.
"Thanks" you whisper. He also takes out a letter, written with his elegant handwriting. "For Zeke" it prays.
"No one in this door. We can leave." Jean says.
Outside, Levi takes you from your waist, and elevates the two of you with his ODM.
"Sorry." you both say at the same time. You let put a little laugh. "I should have told you the truth."
"You deserved to be listened." he says. His face is buried on your hair. He has you by his side now.
"Tie?" he laughs a bit.
After this, Zeke found the letter, of course. He was there, at Marley, getting angry because of a girl with a dangerous necklace.
Necklace that is stored in a drawer, while your head rests in the Captain's shoulder, back again at Paradis.
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capitainelevi · 3 years
Drabble Challenge!! 5 and 19, can you combine them too???
Thank you for your ask!! ❤️❤️ Drabble challenge: Followers send a number to your ask and you write a drabble using that sentence/prompt in your piece.
“You haven’t even touched your food. What’s going on?” and “And that’s how you ruin a life. Congratulations.”
Growing up Petra has to take an emergency trip back home, leaving Levi to care for the two daughters they have together. Just how wrong could things get?
Canon universe. Word count: 1784
Petra could feel the judgmental eyes of her driver on her as she picked up the “disgusting” habit of chewing her nails again, as her husband would put it. She could feel anxiousness pouring out of her, half expecting to find her house in ruin on her arrival. Had it not been for her emergency trip to see her father in Paradise, leaving Levi alone with their two daughters would have been the last choice Petra would have made. It wasn`t that she didn`t trust her husband, no, but she knew he could be… hard to deal with.
Neither of them made it out of the war unscathed, and while Petra managed to keep her sunny side alive, Levi`s gruffness and pessimism only deepened. But Petra could always glimpse behind the cold exterior, being able to sense just how much her husband adored his little girls, even as they were in the process of putting his hair up in pigtails.
But no matter how much her husband loved his family, he was still a grumpy old man, which often put him at odds with their daughter going through her teen years. No matter how much Petra tried to prepare Levi for the inevitable change, her husband was not ready to accept “his little girl” was not little anymore. His overprotectiveness often suffocated Eve, leading to Petra taking her daughter`s side in most of the arguments between daughter and father.
Left on the sidewalk with her bags by her side, Petra took a glimpse at her house, relieved to see it had not gone up in flames in the few days that she was away from it. She took a deep breath as she gathered her courage to make her way inside to evaluate the damage done. The house was quiet when she stepped inside. Too quiet for her liking. While her daughters took up after their father when it came to their appearance, their personality was all Petra. “Much to their luck”, as their former squad insisted on reminding Levi every time they got to visit.
When she spotted her husband reading by the fireplace, Petra did not hesitate to throw herself on his lap, ignoring the groan it elicited. She threw her arms around his neck, pulling him closer to her.
“I`m not 30 anymore, Petra.”
Petra chose to answer by capturing his lips in a kiss which Levi deepened, the book long forgotten as it hit the floor. She could feel her husband's excitement through the fabric of his pants, and she broke the kiss, worried their time together might get interrupted. Petra laid her head on his chest to listen to his heart beat as Levi ran his hands up and down on her back.
“Did you miss me?”
Levi kissed her again before whispering against her lips- “I think you can feel how hard.”
Petra threw him a dirty look as she got off his lap, much to his displeasure. Despite having been together for 21 years, the flame of their passion never went out. And while her husband had been awkward with showing his love, the time spent by her side changed him.
“You dirty old man.”
Levi just smirked at her playful banter, determined to show his wife just how much he missed her smart mouth once the house went to sleep.
“How`s your father?”
Petra sighed as she threw herself on the couch, still worried about leaving her father on his own until she made the arrangements. She cursed at getting her stubbornness from him when the man refused to acknowledge his old age and the health problems that it brought. After days of yelling and tears, her father agreed to set his worries of being a bother aside and accept Petra`s proposal to be an active part of their lives.
“Stubborn as ever.” Petra rolled her eyes at the smile growing on her husband`s lips, shaking her head in denial at the implication that she is worse than him. “But he did agree to come live with us. I`m just worried about him being on his own for now.”
Levi took her hand in his and rubbed his thumb on her soft skin- “He`ll be fine, Pet. It will be good for him to be close to his granddaughters.”
“Speaking about them, how was your week?”
Levi cleared his throat, quite proud of his achievements while his wife was away. Despite his limited movement, he managed to keep the house up to his cleaning standards, and more than that, he thought he acted fair when it came to the little arguments he had with his daughters throughout the week.
“It all went smoothly.”
Petra was wary of her husband`s confidence, but she chose to leave it alone for the moment. She could see herself once her daughters got back from their classes.
“And I managed to keep all the brats and their shitty germs away from our house.”
Petra groaned as she covered her face with one of the cushion pillows. She often wondered how her husband could be so good with children while also acting like a jerk.
“Levi, our daughters need friends!”
“But Petra, those brats barely know how to use a soap.”
Levi was in the middle of explaining to Petra just how many germs the children brought in his house when their daughters burst through the door, excited to see their mother. Lizzie jumped in Petra`s arms while Eve wrapped her arms around her. Petra squeezed them harder, letting her emotions get ahold of her. She tried to be strong and not show Levi just how soft she was, but her first time away from her family had been hard on her too.
“How is grandpa?”
“He`s fine, sweeties. He will come to live with us in a few weeks.”
Lizzie jumped from Petra`s arms, excited at the prospect of gaining a new partner for playtime, one other than her father- “Another guest to my tea parties!”
Petra just laughed at her daughter`s priorities while Levi announced he had lunch prepared for them. She noticed the half-hearted kiss they gave their father before making their way to the kitchen, and if that was not proof enough of Levi not handling the situation as well as he had claimed, the room being as silent as the grave during their meal was. Levi had managed to turn the most cheerful children Petra had ever seen into… well, him. And in only a matter of days.
“So, did you get along with dad?”
Petra did not miss the grimace on Eve`s face as both girls decided to stay quiet at her question. She turned her eyes to Levi, who just shrugged and carried on with lunch. She turned her attention to Lizzie next- “You haven’t even touched your food. What’s going on?”
Her daughter stayed quiet again, and Petra nodded at her to answer as she ran her hand through her hair locks.
“Daddy takes the fun out of tea parties.”
Petra groaned, not believing the extends his husband would go to for his love for tea. She threw him a dirty look while Levi ruffled Lizzie`s hair.
“Princess, tea time is not for fun.”
“Levi, she`s six! She just wants to serve tea to her dolls.”
Levi was hurt at his wife`s words, as he expected her to understand how important it was for their daughter to understand the art of tea making from a young age. He had even gifted Lizzie a tea set for Christmas for that reason alone.
“But, Petra, she`s not too young to learn how to make a proper tea!”
“Lev…”- Petra was interrupted by Eve- “Dad moved my curfew to 8 PM. And he came over to my friend`s house to scold me for being out at that hour. It wasn`t even dark outside! Mom, he embarrassed me.”
Petra did not even have time to react, as Levi turned to her- “She`s too young to date!”
She rolled her eyes, tired of having the same argument with her husband every time their daughter was out with her friends. Petra was sure everyone in their town knew how scary Levi was, despite being confined to using a cane or wheelchair for movement. Everyone knew who Captain Levi Ackerman had been in his youth. She was sure anyone would think twice about hurting the daughter of Humanity`s Strongest Soldier.
“Mom was in the military at my age, dad!”
Petra did not miss the hurt in Levi`s eyes at hearing those words, knowing he was still haunted by the faces of all the children he had helped lead to certain death. He had once admitted to Petra he wished she could have had a different life, one where a child did not have to embrace the idea of death just for the dream of not living in a cage anymore.
Levi did not raise his eyes from his plate as he talked- “That`s different.”
“The hell it is!”- Eve spit in his face, angry at his father`s stubbornness.
Levi tried to contain his anger as he put his fork down and rolled away from the table- “You can say goodbye to the party on the weekend, young lady.”
Eve got up from her seat as she announced to the table- “And that’s how you ruin a life. Congratulations.’’
Petra hugged her daughters and assured them their father was not mad before she followed her husband to their bedroom. She could see the misery on his face, and she threw her arms around him. Her husband barely whispered- “Do you think I`m a shitty dad?”
Petra squeezed him harder, trying to show him the confidence she had in his parenting- “No, Levi. Of course not.” She kissed his cheek before running her thumb on it- “You`re an amazing dad.” She hated that Levi questioned himself, but she would have never blamed him for it, as she knew all about his childhood and the terrors he went through. Petra knew his biggest nightmare was turning into a parent similar to Kenny.
Petra kissed him again before whispering against his lips- “You just need to understand your daughter is grown up.”
Levi sighed before giving her a chaste kiss- “It`s hard, Petra.”
She kissed his nose, knowing it would get a smile out of him, no matter what, and she was not wrong. Levi wrapped his arms around her again as Petra whispered in his ear- “They love you so much.”
“I adore them.”
Levi felt his heart stop when Petra took his hand and rested it on her tummy as she whispered in his ear- “And you will adore this one as well.”
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vennilavee · 4 years
heat, mind, soul (5)
tsoaf masterlist pairing: levi x reader of color summary: in which there is a party, and you spend the night at the survey corps HQ. and your bar is destroyed. warnings: alcohol, cursing, fluff, smut!!! 18+ word count:  5.3k a/n: i guess 2 months between each chapter is the norm for this story huh
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Notification of the pre-expedition party comes in the form of one of the younger survey corps scouts walking into your bar late one evening. You recognize him as the boy you saw on the wall a few days ago. Eren.
When you had your midnight kiss with Levi on top of Wall Rose. His kiss was something that played on repeat in your head, the soft feeling of his lips against yours, his hands over your hips, the way he pressed himself against you when you both fell asleep…
Despite the grimness of this world, his warmth and the map of his hands is a feeling that has fondly crawled into your heart and bloomed. And over the last few days, he’s stopped by when he can, opting to spend the night with you whenever possible. 
It’s moving fast, but with him, it just feels right. And for two souls from the Underground, taking things slow seems like a waste of time. Considering that you both know how fleeting life is. And that small joys should be cherished and held on to for as long as they can.
So you hold on to him. You cherish him. You ask questions about what it’s like beyond the wall, and he only looks at you as if he can see right through you-
“It’s...it would be better without the fuckin’ titans.”
“Oh, you don’t say?”
“It’s endless. There’s so much sky...trees...you would like it. You like that kinda shit.”
Levi pauses, kissing his teeth.
“I’ll take you someday. When this is over.”
You scoff. Tomorrow is not a promise for today, and you both know that.
“You shouldn’t make promises you won’t keep.”
You’re lost in your thoughts for a moment, thoughts of Levi and his steel eyes, when the boy in front of you clears his throat with wide, green eyes. 
Despite him being just a boy, you can see the undercurrent of tragedy and blood in his bright eyes.
“Think you’re a few years shy of legally being able to buy a drink from me, Eren,” You say dryly, wiping a beer glass with a cloth.
“I’m not here for a drink,” Eren says, sounding affronted, “I’m here because the commander wanted to relay a message to you.”
“Your commander and his captain couldn’t come tell me themselves, huh,” You mutter under your breath.
“Oh, you’re telling me that Captain Levi isn’t going to be stopping by soon?” Eren says smugly, without batting an eyelash and you gasp at his attitude.
“That’s-that’s not-” You sputter, cheeks warming up at his grin, “What is the message, Eren?”
“The commander is requesting your services for a party in about a week. He wants you to provide alcohol and drinks for the Survey Corps.”
“O-oh,” You nod, “Yes, I can do that. Just give me the details and I’ll do my best.”
Eren tells you that he and some other members of the Survey Corps will arrive during the day to help bring the barrels and bottles of alcohol over to headquarters. You don’t bother to tell Eren that you are well aware of where the Survey Corps headquarters is located. 
Because Levi somehow trusted you enough with that information.
The thought of seeing the castle where Levi lives sends a rush of nerves through you. He hasn’t invited you himself, not yet at least. After all, he usually stops by your bar more often than not and you’ve never asked to see the castle.
You think that Captain Levi of the Survey Corps probably has more pressing things to worry about than the blossomed feelings of the bartender pining after him.
Perhaps his leg is still slightly hurting him, you think. Levi had mentioned here and there that sometimes his leg would ache at random moments. You wonder how much of him aches and how much of it he internalizes. He hasn’t been by to see you in a few days, and if you’re a little disappointed, you’ll keep it to yourself. 
Because there are more pressing things, and you’ll see him soon enough.
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Levi wonders if he should ask you to stay the night. After all, you’ll be essentially hosting this gathering for the rowdy soldiers of the Survey Corps. And you’d probably be tired by the end of the whole ordeal.
He’s already tired from it, and it hasn’t even happened yet. But if you’re there, that makes it a little more bearable.
Levi tries not to stare when you walk into the mess hall with Jean and Connie on either side of you, each carrying a barrel of what he presumes is wine while talking your ear off. And you smile with them, laugh with them.
You’ve been here for two seconds and Levi can already tell that you fit in with them. And he struggles to keep his eyes off of you- the fit of your long black skirt hugging your hips and the green blouse tucked into your skirt, gold hoops on either ear…
Pretty. You look pretty and Levi’s throat goes dry.
He catches your eye and you offer him a crooked smile. Levi makes his way over to you and tells (really, demands) Jean and Connie to go get the other crates of alcohol, and you smile a little wider at him.
“Missed me so much that you wanted to throw a party here, huh?” Levi says, letting his fingers brush over your clothed elbow. His touch is fleeting, barely there, but you can’t help but try to lean closer to him for more.
“You caught me,” You reply dryly, “I wanted to see you so bad that I offered more than half of my stash of liquor for you to consume in a single night. You know, I should report you to the MP’s for encouraging underage drinking. Pretty sure your kids were frothing at the mouth just from the smell of beer.”
“Underage drinking? Yeah, right,” Levi scoffs with a roll of his eyes, “Those kids wouldn’t be able to tell water from wine.”
Levi brushes his pinky finger over yours and the small touch sends your heart accelerating. 
You let out a laugh, your head tipping back in mirth and you miss the flash of fondness in Levi’s grey eyes.
“You gonna give me the official tour or what,” You ask. You’re curious about the space that Levi lives in, about where his friends and colleagues live. The Survey Corps has always felt like an enigma to you- a flurry of forest green capes and silver blades. 
“Maybe later. Don’t you have work to do?” Levi says, voice flat but you catch the undercurrent of teasing.
“You gonna help me? You didn’t even help me bring the barrels inside.”
“You had it covered.”
“Oh, did I? If your kids are drunk off of the fumes, don’t blame me.”
Levi exhales sharply, a breathy chuckle escaping his lips. The sound echoes in your heart, a sound you never want to let go of.
“You’re stupid,” Levi mutters and pokes your forehead. You only beam at him.
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Organized chaos fills the mess hall quickly once the Survey Corps begins to fill in to the hall. You can’t help but wonder when the last time any of them had laughed like this- were they laughing for themselves or fallen soldiers and comrades? Both? It’s the least you could give them, you think.
The raucous sounds of laughter and shouts emerge from the corner of the mess hall, where you spot Eren and a few other boys his age. Namely, one of them with brown hair. They’re yelling at each other, about to start throwing fists, while a crowd forms around them.
Nobody moves to stop them, but clearly, everyone’s either too intoxicated or too lazy to try. But really, maybe this is a reprieve that they all need. 
The shouts get louder and punches start being thrown. You pay it no mind, expecting someone in the Survey Corps to stop them. Before you can give it another moment of your attention, your vision is blocked.
You look up, somehow maintaining a perfect poker face when you come in contact with Erwin Smith’s deep, blue eyes.
“Was wondering when the Commander himself was going to grace me with his holy presence,” You remark dryly.
He only looks at you in that disarming way. The same way he looked at you the first time you saw him in your bar. And it’s a look you’ve seen on him from years ago.
You’re very familiar with him, it seems. And the thing you both have in common is Levi.
“I assume you found your way here alright?” Erwin asks. He’s intimidating and his mere gaze makes you swallow nervously.
“Yes, Eren and the rest were really helpful. And thank you for asking me to supply you. I’m really-”
“I trust anyone who Levi trusts,” Erwin says simply and your jaw nearly drops.
“Do you?” You can’t help the question and Erwin looks amused.
“Do you have something you want to say?” Erwin asks, his eyebrow raised.
Your palms sweat- should you tell him? Should you tell him that you recall seeing him all those years ago in the Underground? Should you tell him that you and Liya had been paranoid that he and he team were coming for you and your little not-so-legal operation?
“No, not at all,” You shake your head, “And a word of advice- maybe it’s not a good idea to blindly trust anyone who your Captain trusts.”
“Who said anything about blindly trusting anyone?”
And he walks away from you, effectively rendering you speechless. You think he has that effect on people quite often.
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By the time the night ends, it’s well past midnight. In fact, it’s closer to three in the morning, and your eyes are burning with sharp fatigue. Most of the Survey Corps soldiers had drank their fill and the descent into drunkenness had been a merry one.
You always love to see how people enjoy the things you create. It’s part of why you genuinely enjoy being a bartender. But making drinks for the entirety of the Survey Corps was pretty taxing, even if you had enjoyed every minute of it.
And if Erwin Smith himself had paid you well and complimented your bartending skills, it was a win for you.
You had managed to have a few drinks of earthwater to ease your nerves, but now you were eager to go home and go to bed. Sleep is calling your name, and yet your eyes always land on Levi.
He hadn’t approached you much during the night. Not that it bothers you. You know he wants to let you be in your element without him as a distraction. But really, he’s not a distraction for you.
Levi sees you yawn a few times and something hesitant gets stuck in his throat. What is he so hesitant for? It’s so late already. It would be stupid for you to walk home right now, let alone walk home alone.
He could walk you home, he supposes. But he doesn’t want to do that either. It’s been a few days since he’s seen you last. Since he’s stayed the night with you.
Maybe you could stay the night with him. For the first time.
Levi scoffs at his own internal monologue.
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“It’s late,” Levi says off-handedly. Everyone else has cleared away from the mess hall, taking their drunken antics with them to bed.
“Great observation,” You mutter.
“Stay with me tonight,” Levi says. He says it so easily, as if it’s not the first time he’s asking you to stay with him. He forces himself to look you in the eyes, amused to see a knowing grin on your face.
“I was waiting for you to ask. Can’t believe it took you until three in the morning to ask me to stay the night-”
“Don’t make me rescind my offer.”
“What a gentleman,” You tease.
“Shut up.”
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Once the door of his bedroom closes, you immediately tug his wrist and he turns around, about to ask you what’s wrong. But instead, you impatiently press your lips to his, tasting liquor on his tongue immediately. Levi tastes sweet and minty, refreshing like a cool sunrise.
Your hands are instantly in his hair, chest pressed against his. His hands hover over your hips before sinking his fingers over your ass.
“Missed you,” You say into his mouth, your voice soft and sweet. You press a kiss to the corner of his mouth, somehow already knowing that he was aching to be near you. To hold you, to touch you.
Levi lets himself indulge with you a little longer- the press of your hips against his is too much for him to want to resist. His hand cradles your neck as he steals your breath with soft lips. You don’t think you ever want to live in a world where you can’t feel his quiet desire.
“Wait,” He rasps and you look at him with wide eyes, “Go change.”
“And what would you have me change into?” You ask with a raised eyebrow, “I don’t have clothes here.”
“I have clothes,” Levi murmurs, his thumb caressing your cheek.
“They’ll be small on me-”
“Just try them on,” Levi hushes you and pulls you towards his mahogany armoire. You can’t resist touching the different iterations of his uniform, his dress shirts, his trenchcoat. And then his linen night clothes.
“You’re not shopping,” Levi says dryly, “Stop touching everything.”
You smack his chest lazily. “I’m assessing my options. I guess this’ll do-”
You pull a shirt from his closet, it’s soft under your fingertips and you wonder how it might look on you. Maybe Levi would enjoy the sight of his clothes on you the same way you had enjoyed your own clothes on him. Levi gives you a shirt, similar to the style of the grey linen shirt you enjoy seeing him in.
“Turn around,” You shoo him away.
“I’ve literally seen you naked,” Levi says flatly, but turns around regardless. He hears you rustling your clothes off and hopes that you don’t let your clothes drop to the floor. What a mess.
You neatly fold your clothes and place them inside his armoire, tucked into the corner. Levi can’t resist turning around and catching a peek of your bare legs, a hint of cotton black panties, and the way his shirt cinches around your waist.
Levi swallows. 
“Told you it wouldn’t fit,” You say pointedly, “Look at this-”
Levi’s looking alright. His shirt rides up on you, your bare belly and your hips calling for his touch. The shirt is tight over your chest, your breasts defined and detailed by the fit of the shirt. You’re afraid to raise your arms too high, for fear of ripping the shirt.
“Looks great to me,” Levi murmurs, stepping closer to you. His hands instantly grip your hips, your warm skin under his fingertips and pliant to his touch. 
“You’re only saying that because you have to,” You roll your dark eyes playfully and smack his chest. He takes your wrist, thumb absently soothing your pulse and he raises your wrist to his lips. He presses a light kiss to your inner wrist, leaving your heart fluttering and your lips upturned.
“I don’t have to do anything,” Levi points out.
“Yeah,” You breathe, “But you should kiss me-”
Levi easily picks you up, his hands tight on your thighs and carries you to his bed, dropping you carefully on his crisp, cotton sheets. Everything smells like him, his beige sheets, his pillow, his covers. You could drown, and you’d gladly sink in love with him.
You’re both a synchronized mess of limbs and lips, of murmurs and moans- neither of you can get enough of touching the other. It’s only been a few days, maybe a week or so, but you’re overcome with a familiar feeling. A familiar feeling of longing, of not wanting to let him go. You cross your ankles hastily around his narrow waist, pulling him closer to you.
The dimming light of the candle at Levi’s bedside illuminates the soft planes of your face, giving your brown skin a fiery glow. You look like you belong here, your dark hair a sharp contrast against his sheets. You look like you belong here, with him, in between his sheets and fitting in the rough crevices of your hands.
But your hands are rough, too, in the way that they scale his back. Your touch is rough but gentle against his scarred skin. The scars on your skin match some of his and he squeezes your hands as he dips his head to meet your rouged lips. 
Levi wonders if he should pull away from you. Not just from this moment, but from you in all of your fire. If embracing his feelings for you is dangerous, then he’ll be a risk to himself.
If his feelings are something to avoid for some grand, noble cause that he doesn’t quite understand, he won’t. Not when he’ll regret it if he does. Not when the noises he pulls from you, the soft sighs and breathy calls of his name sound so sweet to his ears. Not when the cacophony of your sweet noises shoot straight down to his cock.
He won’t deny himself of this divine rapture- nothing would ever compare to the way your moans crescendo in his ear, only for your wet, warm walls to squeeze down all around him. Levi kisses the junction in between your shoulder and your neck, panting into your glistening skin as he rolls his hips into yours. His hands are bruising over your hips, hands squeezing every inch of your skin that he can.
Levi’s eyes are blazing, bits of grey steel sputtering out in ash when he looks at you. The intensity of his gaze makes your cheeks heat up, and instead you tip your head up for a needy kiss.
He curls a hand around your warm cheek, stilling inside of you momentarily. “Are you with me?” Levi murmurs. He’s so close to your face that soft puffs of his breath tickles your nose.
“Yes,” You mumble hoarsely, “I’m with you.”
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Waking up next to Levi in his bed felt as natural as anything else in the world. As the sun rose, illuminating his bedroom with soft rays of gold, you did, too. Specifically, you woke up to Levi’s hands on you and his lips attached to the back of your neck.
You could get used to this. You could really get used to this.
“You don’t have anything to do today?” You ask, sleep still curled in your voice.
“Couple things later,” Levi murmurs, “For now, just us.”
“Okay,” You hum, closing your eyes and almost drifting back into sleep.
Mornings with Levi are slow and steady. Just the way you like it. No interruptions outside of the concrete walls of his bedroom, only your breaths and his. He slots himself between your legs and you make a home out of him as the sunlight pours onto your skin.
Levi doesn’t think he’s ever seen anything as beautiful as the golden sunshine on your brown skin. 
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Once you and Levi are both dressed, Levi wordlessly hands you something heavy in your hands. It’s in a sleek, black box and you raise an eyebrow in curiosity.
“What’s this? Parting gift?” You ask. Levi rolls his eyes and opens the box for you. It’s a silver dagger, one that looks a little used.
You look up at him with wide, confused eyes. 
“In case you need it,” Levi says simply.
In case you need something to remember me by.
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A bullet almost as wide as your palm slings past you and into the shelf of alcohol behind you. Before you can shout at whoever it was for destroying your precious liquor, a piercing pain erupts from your upper arm.
Blood drips down your arm, staining the edges of your nice blouse. The bullet grazed your bare arms apparently and Levi meets your eyes from his position behind the bar counter. Silently, you tell him you’re fine and to handle his mess. He gives you a curt nod and eyes the bottle of alcohol in front of him and takes your shotgun.
He always would ask you why you had a shotgun if you never learned how to properly use it. And you’d tell him you’ve always been a knife kind of girl, as he should know.
You briefly wonder how Levi reacts so quickly. Are you in shock? Why are you thinking about Levi’s quick reflexes when your arm is bleeding out? You feel lightheaded but you force yourself to stay awake and stand firm. It’s your bar, and you’ll be damned if anyone gets in the way of that.
Words and the shouts around you sound muffled to your ears. You briefly hear Levi and the stranger with a fedora exchange a few remarks, before Levi lifts your shotgun over his head and shoots. Your ears are ringing fiercely and you barely hear Levi mutter to you that he’ll try to come back to you before tossing one of your bar stools out of the door and into the stranger.
“That’s my fuckin chair,” You mutter, “Ass.”
Levi doesn’t look back at you before swinging away on his cables. You hear the sharp twist of blades and the booming sound of bullets fill the air once more before black dots coat your vision and you pass out.
Cradling your left arm close to your chest, you survey the damage at your bar. The bar top itself is split in half with stray pieces of wood littering the floor. The stench of fear and adrenaline lingers in the air, even though it’s just you in the bar.
You decide to tell Levi that you’re putting the damages on the Survey Corps’ tab.
You had woken up several hours ago in the infirmary, with a nurse and a doctor looking at you warily-
The throbbing in your arm had subsided for the most part but you just felt so… woozy. 
“We cleaned out your wound while you were passed out. Unfortunately, it does require stitches. Eight to be exact.”
“You couldn’t do that when I was passed out, too?” You groan hoarsely. Stiffness begins to settle into your left arm and you wince.
And about thirty minutes after that, you had left the infirmary alone with only the new moon as your company. You vaguely remember Misaki being in the infirmary with you, but you had told her to go home. She had a younger sister to take care of, after all. That much you remember, in your exhausted delirium.
Sweat breaks out over your forehead when you attempt to pick up the pieces of broken wood from the floor. You manage to clean all of two feet of space before giving up from exertion. You sit in front of what remains of your bar counter and lean your head back with your eyes closed.
What a day. You hope Levi’s okay, and that whatever reason he had for dramatically slamming into your bar completely unannounced was worth it.
He’d roll his eyes at you if he heard you.
“You gonna sit there all day or what?” A voice, quite possibly one of your favorite voices, calls from the entrance of your bar.
“We’re closed. For construction,” You reply, still with your eyes closed.
You hear his footfalls before they stop right in front of your crossed legs and he crouches down to be eye-level with you. You feel his fingers brush over your bandages and you finally open your eyes to come face to face with Levi himself.
“Hey,” You murmur, the last bits of your strength evaporating into the air with your words.
“You should be resting,” Levi says, eyes intensely trained on you. 
“I suppose,” You reply, “You should be resting, too.”
You eye the cut over his eyebrow and splotches of dried blood caked over his cheeks. You wonder if it’s his blood.
“Couldn’t even make it upstairs?” Levi asks, ignoring your comment.
“Obviously not,” You roll your eyes.
“I should leave you here. For that mouth of yours.”
“Shut up. I quite literally took a bullet for you, so help me up, Captain Levi.”
His eyes soften marginally at that. He pulls away from you to quickly clear away the broken pieces of wood strewn across the floor. He hoists you up with his hands gently over your ribcage. You’ll never deny his touch on any part of you, and you both know it.
Levi carries you to your small but cozy apartment above the bar when he sees you fighting off fatigue. He wonders if you do that for his benefit. Pretend like you’re not the most tired you’ve been in a long time just so he doesn’t feel bad about it.
He knows of your tough exterior and he knows your smart mouth. But he knows that you’re soft, too.
Levi seats you on the edge of your bed and you watch him flit around your apartment with tired eyes. He’s been here enough times to know where things are- ointment, bandages, medicine, water.
“Eight of them,” You nod.
Levi wordlessly peels your bandages off of your skin. You expect a sharp sting, but there is none. Only Levi’s rough fingers gently prodding at your skin.
“I could’ve done a better job,” Levi scoffs, “Look at this. It’s going to leave a scar.”
“Should I have waited for you while you brought your fancy medical supplies?” You snark, “Besides, it’s okay. Nobody will fuck with me now.”
Levi ducks his head to examine your stitches further, but you’re certain he’s rolling his eyes at you again. His fingers are gentle and warm along the outer areas of your fresh stitches. He washes his hands before dabbing ointment over the gash and wrapping it with new bandages. 
“You should watch what I’m doing, rather than stare at me. I won’t be around to change your bandages every night,” Levi says without looking at you.
“What an honor that would be,” You mutter, “Having you stay longer than a night. What a dream.”
He hears the bite in your teasing, but lets it go. Hands brush over his cheek, fingers flitting over his eyebrow curiously. You pad across the skin there, satisfied when you feel a mostly healed cut.
“And you? You were bleeding when you flew in here. Who was that guy anyway? Can’t believe he fuckin’ shot me. In my own fuckin’ bar. What an ass.”
“That was Kenny.”
“That was Kenny?”
“Yes, close your mouth. You look like a fish out of water.”
“How else do you want me to react? The guy who raised you is trying to kill you? What the hell, Levi?”
“He’s part of the shitty MP now. With the interior police.”
He can’t hide the disdain in his voice.
“Wasn’t he the one who killed over a hundred MP’s? Kenny the Ripper?”
“The one and only.”
You’re quiet for a few moments, fingers reaching behind him to lightly scratch his undercut. Levi dares to let out a quiet sigh, closing his eyes and allowing himself a few moments of silence. And you. You press your forehead to his, a light breath tickling his nose.
Dark circles under his closed eyes are prominent and his shoulders seem to slump in your embrace. He’s tired, even if he’ll never say it.
“Stay with me tonight?” You whisper, breaking the silence. Levi opens his slate grey eyes and peers into your own, reluctance already swirling in them.
You press a kiss to his jaw. His cheek. The corner of his mouth. Finally, his lips. As if you’re trying to coax him into staying with you.
Like he needed any persuasion to begin with.
“I have to leave early tomorrow,” Levi finally says. You nod and he buries his head in your neck, breaths soft and steady against your skin. His chapped lips are rough but welcome over your throat as he kisses you. Levi is gentle with you, mindful of your arm, as he melts into you wordlessly.
You wonder if this man knows the extent of how deeply he’s burrowed himself within you. You wonder if he knows that your blood and your heart belong to him.
The words, the confession. It never comes, no matter how often you think of spilling the words from your lips. It remains silent in your throat, caged away like a bird that will never sing.
You tug at Levi’s shirt, trying to lift it off of him with one hand. Mostly, you want to see if he has any fresh bruises that need attention. But you always get distracted by him and his curious hands.
But tonight, you can tell his mind is wandering. And you can tell he needs to sleep. You wish he’d sleep with you for half a day, or even sleep in with you once in a while. But you can only dream.
“Levi,” You say softly, “Will you help me get out of these clothes? I’m so tired. Kinda want to just… lay down.”
You rub your eyes and press your forehead to his shoulder. You sigh contentedly as his hand rubs your back and you lazily rub his chest.
“Sit up then,” He murmurs. He knows where your sleep clothes are, and pulls out one of two shirts he had given to you weeks ago. To remember him by.
Levi undresses you, deliberately sending you little shocks with his touch across your warmed skin. His lips are upturned slightly. He’s being playful. He tosses your clothes in your laundry bin as you crawl into bed, waiting for him.
“Wait,” You say sheepishly, “Can I have some water? I mean, I’d do it myself. But I’m just so cozy right now.”
Levi kisses his teeth in pretend annoyance but brings two glasses of water to bed with him. One for you and one for him. You drink generously, watching him change into sleep clothes before he blows out the candle on your nightstand. Levi climbs into your bed and immediately pulls you to him, fingers under your shirt instantly. His arm is around your waist, wrapped around you, quiet and steady. He’s careful not to touch your injured arm. 
There are a million things you want to say to him. You want to speak to him until the sun comes up, not wanting to waste a second more with him. You want to hear about every second of his day and you want to tell him about every second of yours. His time with you is rare and limited and you’re always left yearning for more when he inevitably leaves you for the world.
His world. The one without you in it.
You swallow those slippery thoughts down, and instead snake your fingers through his hair and enjoy the way he hums into your neck. Levi rubs the bandaged area around your arm gingerly. His touch is gentle and featherlight, yet still somehow carrying all the words he doesn’t say in it.
“I need to get you another chair, I think.”
“You need to get me another bar, I think. I’m putting it on the Survey Corps’ tab. It’s a Levi tax. A levy if you will.”
“Hilarious,” Levi mutters, but you hear the airy chuckle against your skin. You laugh with him, before turning towards him and cupping his cheek. He meets your dark eyes, peering at you as if he can see your heart beating through your gaze.
“Sleep, Levi. Wake me before you go,” You say softly, pressing a fierce kiss to his lips.
Levi allows himself to get lost in you, in your familiar jasmine scent. He allows himself the luxury of a lover stealing his breath away at least once more.
Sleep comes easily for him that night. As it usually does, when he’s with you.
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tags: @simpingmaize @captainchrisstan @alrightberries @kentobean​ @melancholicmonologue​
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shebitfirst · 4 years
Summer in devil dom- The R.A.D’s students are out of school for 3 weeks.
It’s the first day of the season; throwing on your favourite white satin dress and sandals for a stroll in the gardens.
It’s still the AM the sun and its beams graze your skin for the first time in months. You remove your sandals to feel the grass in between your toes. 
Unknowingly; a pair of eyes quietly observe you. Fem!MC & The 7 Demon Brothers - Subtle Implied Smut, Fluff/Flirting ---------------------------------------
Couldn’t sleep and still in the midst of working on chapter 1 for Our undoing; Wrote this in my insomniac state, inspired by the glaring hot sun and trees outside my bedroom window. I attempted to experiment with various types of reactions that MC could give off not sticking to just being shy and reserved but also playful and occasionally bold- I apologise if this is not 100% accurate to the gameplay of Obey me! As I’m barely halfway into the game and I’m trying not to spoil myself for the storyline! So all this is just based off what I’ve made up in my head, fully. (Psa, if someone could direct me on a blog or forum on how to edit your tumblr blog- that would be helpful! I’m so lost!) All my love,
Angel. ------------------------------
“Yes, have a good summer to you as well, Diavolo. I’ll be heading back to the council room to pick up the remaining pieces of documents for the ter-term.”
His heart swells, spotting you in the gardens from 2nd floor; hair down to your waist, satin fabric hugging your figure as you soak in the heat, hands carrying your sandals as you stroll through the gardens. Lucifer’s presence often made you nervous- rarely revealing a carefree side of you. You’ve always struck the Avatar of Pride’s curiosity but through the semester he has never witnessed you this way. 
“Hello? Lucifer? Are you there?” Diavolo says at the end of the line. “Diavolo.” His voice cuts through the line. “My apologies but I have a.. matter to tend to. I will drop you a message.” 
He hangs up the line to take in the sight of you running your hands against the flowers, laying under the sun while your thighs cushion the grass. “Hmm..” Lucifer whispers as he pauses to admire you once more. You spot a rose in full bloom; you bend over to reveal your white panties. He quirks an eyebrow and chuckles. “I’ll head to the council room in the evening.”  Lucifer makes a mental note. He adjusts the uncomfortable tightness in his pants before joining you. As he reaches the bottom of the stairs- turning into the garden. He notices you’re still picking at the roses. Making sure both of you were alone. “Stopping to smell the roses... As they say?” Lucifer’s stern voice startles you, immediately turning to hold down your short dress. “L-lucifer!” Smiling, he walks over and snakes an arm around your waist- slender fingers softly dipping into your hips, travelling down to your thighs. “I..” You whisper. Heart, pounding rapidly in your chest. His eyes starring intently at you- so close that you could feel his breath against your lips. “Would you allow me to indulge in you this morning, my dear?” All you could manage was a nod. “Good girl.” ------------------------------
“Ahhhhhhhhh! It’s so warm! I just want some A/C up in here! Gah. I can’t keep complainin’ Where is Lucifer? I gotta get some cold air in my room or I wouldn’t be able to sleep the whole summer long!” 
He whips out his D.D.D and drafts a long message to his eldest brother as he approaches the garden, the sun rays cover his face.
He holds a hand up to block out the sun; spotting you.
Stopping dead in his tracks- he sees you laid out against the grass, thighs exposed, chest slowly rising and falling with your every breath.
“Y-ya... Human.. isn’t she gonna get sunburnt..”
He wants to go wake you from your nap- but stopping himself the second time to admire you for another moment. Tossing and turning, you lay on your side. Your short dress rides up along your hips outlining the shape of your ass. The Avatar Of Greed traces over your figure with wanting gazes. He hears indistinct chatter from the hallway and steps quickly towards you. “Tsk, it’s the first day of summer and ya’ already causing me problems! Who told you to just lay here this way!!” “M-mammon! I was taking a nap!” You protest while he drags you by the arm back to the House of Lamentation. “Why are you taking me back! I want to stay outside!” You struggle against his hold. “I’m gonna put some short- No! Some pants on ya! There are other demons around here ya know!! Not just me and the others!” “I just wanted to take a nap!” You scream at the white-haired demon. “Then nap in my room!” Mammon raises his voice, pushes you inside and locks the door. ------------------------------
Satan Dedicated to spending the summer studying new medicine and hexes. Needing a few flowers from the garden just outside the House. He makes his way. Upon arrival, noticing the roses and lilies were short this time. “Huh.. they were full bloom yesterday when I was here.” On closer look, he spots that they were ripped off. “This early... In the morning. On the first day of summer?” Puzzled, he follows the trail of flowers. “Oh?” Satan spots you; elbows propped up with books spread across the grass- Flowers in your hands as you weaved them together- creating what looks to be a flower crown. He goes around the garden- wanting to know what are in those books. So engrossed in weaving flowers- you failed to notice the blonde demon a few feet behind you. You shift on your knees- frustrated. Shaking his head and wanting to assist you, he takes in your figure. Rarely seeing you out of your student uniform, his eyes swallowing your slow movements and how your hips sway. Breaking his thought process He clears his throat- causing you to shift your gaze, “Oh, Satan!” You purr- making him blush. Asking for if he wasn’t busy to help you. Sitting down beside you and explaining how each flower and its colour are used in potions for various purposes. Noticing how plump your thighs were as you kneeled before him. And how the satin material hugged your chest tightly- He mentally reminds himself of his summer research. And.. maybe one more.
------------------------------ Leviathan After being repeatedly told off by Lucifer to try spending the summer other than glueing his eyeballs to multiple computer screens. The simplest activity that wouldn’t require much energy was to take a walk outside of the House of Lamentation. Mindlessly he walks into the garden- Leviathan sulks around the garden, swatting the flowers and picking at weeds. He subconsciously kicks them aside almost walking over them before he hears a giggle emerging from the bench deeper within the garden. Irritated, knowing that he was not alone to get at least get peace of mind by himself. You stretch yourself out on the grass and softly moan as the sun heats up your cheeks. Ignoring the subtle noises of leaves crunching until a shadow looms over you. “Levi?” He scoffs. “What’re you doing here, normie?” You prop yourself up as he slumps down beside you. “It’s the first day of summer, Levi!” You radiate of light and the Avatar of Envy stares deadpan through you. “The sun is out and the flowers are in full bloom! Have you ever seen the sun so up close!” You notice his cheeks flush. “Oh? I guess your pale skin isn’t used to the heat out here in summer compared to us, humans.” You giggle at his red complexion, leaning into him. “What! N-no! Stop laughing at me ya Normie!” Moving away from you, trying to hide his face reassuming brooding. Hmm... Has he been up all night again? You thought. You pluck a daisy and tuck it between his purple hair gently. Let’s hope this wakes him. Snapping a picture on your D.D.D. “Wha..what? Did ya just take a picture of me! Hey!!” Attempting to grab your phone- you stand up, bending over slightly to lower your phone. “But you look so cute!” Before he manages to spit back, he notices how tight your dress hugs your chest and how you’re not wearing anything underneath too. Gleefully, you turn your back to send the image in the House of Lamentation chat. His D.D.D rings in his pocket- snapping him out of his thoughts. As he was about to scold you for your little prank, he looks up to find that your short dress barely covers your ass- let alone your panties. “H..hey.. Uh..” Before he makes out a sentence you cut him off. “Nah uh. I’m not gonna delete this! No matter what you say- or do! Even if it’s to tell Lucifer.” You stuck your tongue out, teasing him.
Later at night- you receive a text message from Leviathan. “I’m coming to your room! How could you post that picture of me on devilgram!” Oops. ------------------------------ Belphegor 
Sleepy eyes hit the sun for the first time in months; Reluctant to leave his room but to avoid the commotion his brothers were causing in the dining hall- He retreats along with a pillow in hand in the search for a comfortable spot away from the noise. Spotting that the gardens were empty- flowers swaying with the wind, plush grass. “That’ll do.” Contently, he places his pillow under a spot beneath the shade. About to lay down- he notices a silhouette from a smaller tree across the garden. Quietly stepping over, Belphegor sees you asleep. Curled up tightly as the tree’s shade blankets you from the morning sun. Your cheeks tinted pink from the summer heat- hair fell across your face. As sleepy as he is, the demon returns for his pillow and kneels down before you; lightly tapping your forehead. “Hey..” He whispers as you open your eyes. Smiling, he’s used to your energetic and excitable nature- but appreciates how your lips are slightly parted and droopy eyes in a daze staring back at him. Belphegor slides the pillow underneath your head as you lay back down, you reach out to hold his cheeks. “Sleep with me.” He quirks a brow. How bold of you he thought, but he was not to resist seeing you in this state and accepts your request, wrapping an arm around your shoulders as you nuzzle into his chest. Both of you enjoy the moment of silence- taking in the summer heat against each other. “What were you doing here, MC?” He breaks the silence as you stretch your legs. “I like the sun, the heat. I don’t often get it when we’re in R.A.D.” He glances down at you, noticing your heated cheeks and how well this white dress wraps around your hips. “Is that so?” He says after a pause. Warm hands make it’s way down and cup your thighs- closing any gap between you two. “Belph-” You barely make out his name. A hot tight feeling began to coil in your stomach- heartbeat picking up. “Sleep with me…” Your own words against you. ------------------------------ Asmodeus 
The heat spilling into his bedroom- covering the floor in gold light- Summer is finally here, isn’t it? Asmodeus thought to himself. He looks to the flowers placed neatly in a vase on his bedside table. Frowning as he notices them wilt away. Remembering how beautiful the roses will be in full bloom- He prepares to head to the gardens. The sun is at it’s highest by the time he arrives. Placing an empty basket down, he gets to work on carefully selecting his spoils for the day. Entering deeper into the garden, he notices a patch of roses were cut off. Questioning who other than him would need at least a dozen roses to themselves! Or maybe was it for their lover? “Asmodeus?” Your voice rings like melody, he turns to see you in your short... short white dress- bare feet digging into the grass as you carry the missing roses in your hand. “What are you doing here? Picking flowers?” Walking over to join him, you kneel beside him and offering one rose. Asmodeus- as this rarely happens, was rendered almost speechless by you. The Avatar Of Lust has always deemed himself the jewel of the world but he questions this statement, especially seeing you in this scene; Fresh green grass, flowers full bloom surrounding you- and here you are, kneeling before him. “Ah! Yes, my love. Yes, I am. What do you need them for? Oh, no! Please don’t tell me you want to give them to someone else! There is no one other than I who deserves a bouquet from you!” You giggle at his worried expression as he pulls you into an embrace. He notices how warm you are, noting how long you’ve been in the garden, 
under the sun by yourself. “I would’ve come sooner.”  He whispers into your hair. He throws his head back feeling your breathing against his shoulder- Temporary bliss? No. He fights his thoughts. “Silly, I was just getting these for my room. I love roses, they’re my favourite.” You slightly pull back taking in the sight of his light hair and yellow eyes, not realizing how flustered you got. “Oh! My love, are you as captivated as I am? And I’m not talking about myself for once, today.” Your cheeks deepen in colour at his response. “W..what! No!” Taking the roses from your hands and into his basket, he turns back to you leaning in close. “You know my love, we have all summer to pick flowers and what not... But.. just spend one night with me, hmm?” He exclaims whilst wrapping a hand to the back of your neck, steading you. “Asmo... I..” Hearing your voice hitch in your throat, his yellow eyes deepen as his hand travels down toward your chest. “Is that a yes.. my love? tell me.” Hands grip your waist tightly- almost worried you’ll disappear if he blinks. “Yes.. Please.” ------------------------------ Beelzebub
He spots your homemade chocolate pudding in the fridge with your name written on it. He shouldn’t be rude but he can’t help himself. Beelzebub remembers the retreat and how good the pudding was, causing his stomach to rumble, again. Asking for you and stopping by your room, he tries to step outside to look for you. You’re not answering your D.D.D As his stomach growls louder, he starts wandering off with the pudding at the back of his mind. “Oh no.” His brow furrowed, “I’m getting hungrier.” He spots a nearby bench in the gardens and takes a seat before attempting to call you again. Just as he dials your number, a vibration can be heard from under the bench. “Is this....” Yes, your D.D.D along with a pair of sandals. Picking it up and placing it in his jacket’s pocket. Worrying about you and how could leave your belongings behind. Grunting, he carries your sandals and peeks into multiple greenhouses for you. Famished when he started- he could chew off the bark of the trees at this point. Not wanting to leave the idea of you barefoot and without a point of contact. He returns to the main garden to wait and in turn, you come back for your belongings. He sees you approach the same time as him. Waving and smiling, he was right. Barefoot but holding roses in your hand. “You forgot your shoes and D.D.D.” Beelzebub warmly smiles and helps you slip on your sandals. Thanking him, you explain how you noticed the roses in full bloom and how you would brew him some rose tea for lunch. You were half his height- having to block out the sun with your palms to get a good look at him. “How’d you find me, Beel?” You ask as you lay ontop the grass, taking in the sun for a moment longer. Before getting to answer, he realises how short your dress was, hicked up to your hips. Often he only sees you in your student uniform- not taking the time to admire your womanly figure. He notices how long your hair has gotten since the first day you arrived. You notice Beelzebub in a daze. “Beel?” You move over in front of the bench he’s seated on and lay a hand on his thigh. Ugh. He thinks. Your messy hair and pink cheeks. How delicious. He notices a fresh cut on your finger, still bleeding. It still stings you tell him, from when you were picking the roses without proper scissors. “Go on, Beel. I know you’re hungry. Just have a taste.” You slide in between both of his legs and raise your finger to his mouth which he gladly accepts. Licking it clean, you hear his stomach grumble. “I suppose that’s it for the garden.” His eyes darkening as he gathers your belongings. “Yes.. we can go back for lunch. I know you’re starving.” Adjusting your sandals as you slip your hand into his. He kisses the inside of your wrist, taking a whiff of your scent. “Not for food anymore.”
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unloved-cadillac · 4 years
Leather Jackets and Glasses: CHAPTER FOUR
This is a pretty long chapter. Probably the longest one in the series. Enjoy.
“Where have you been?”
My father asks me as I step out of the car.
“Somewhere.” I reply as I walk into the house passed him. I wasn’t in the mood for his arguing. I had been thinking of something on my way home, but I didn’t feel like asking him now. “Listen here.”, he grabs my upper arm, “I will NOT tolerate you coming here at this hour. Do you know how dangerous it is out there? And you had not one of your friends with you.” “Ugh dad, I’m not in the mood right now. Plus its not even that late, why are you making such a big deal outta this?”, I ask him. “Because...”, he sighs and lets go of my arm. I’m shocked right now. Why is he so worked up for me coming in at 7pm? “Come into my office. There’s something we need to discuss.”
I nod and follow him to the office. We enter and see Mike with a couple of guys talking. “Everyone but Mike leave.”, my father orders them. They men leave, leaving me with my father and his right hand. “Dad what’s going on?” I ask him. He rests his head in his hands and I look to Mike. He has his head down too.
“Zeke found us.” 
My eyes widen at those words. Zeke? Here? “How? We left no trace.” “I don’t know either. I wiped everything from the computors and burned the place down. But right now, Y/n, he might send someone after you. I can’t risk you going to school. You’re gonna stay here under my supervision at all times.”, he tells me sternly. “WHAT? Dad, no. I can’t do that. I have stuff to do at school. I got finals coming up and prom. I can protect myself. I have Mikasa too, the strongest out of all of us.” I say. “I dont care. you’re staying here.” I start to panic. No, I won’t let him do this. “Dad, dont let him have the winning card here. If he sees me at school, he will think that you have your guard down when actually you keep on eye on us.. This might make it easier for you in finding him. He would be exposed. You guys can keep an eye on the school too. Dad, he is going to need time. he is not going to take me so quickly.” I plead with him. “Please dad. Its my last year. Dont let him take this away from me too.”When I said that my dad lifted his head up. He knew what I was talking about. Mike watches us, quietly. He hadn’t said a word to us. But he knew better than to interrupt us. My dad sighs and wakes up and walks towards me.“I’m gonna have eyes on you at all times. Dont you dare try anything funny. Keep your knuckleduster with you and the emergency phone. I’m not losing you too.”He quickly pulls me into a hug which i return. “Dont worry. I won’t let him.” We pull apart and my dad tells Mike to escort me to my room. Mike and I walk up the stairs when I start speaking.
-You seem quiet. 
-I’m thinking. 
-Hmm. I wonder how he found out, Mike. 
-Are you scared?
-Hell no. That bastard can come at me with all his got and i will fuck him up. The only advantage he has is his size. He’s fucking 6 ft . 
We walk to me room and i open my door to see Mikasa sitting on my bed. “Kasa!” I hug her.  “Hey, Y/n.” “What are you doing here?” “Your dad told me to stay here for you . Also you left school early so I-“
Iquickly close her mouth with my hand. I look at Mike and he makes a zipper motion with his finger on his mouth and closes the door. “Where were you?” She asks when I remove my hand. “I was at Levi’s.” I say with a smile. Mikasa’s widen her eyes in shock. “No way. You finally did it, good job.” “Shut up. He invited me to dinner and...asked me to prom.”Mikasa does something I never thought she would EVER do: squeal. “Oh my god! Really?? Whoa!!” She says excited. I smile and sigh. “You heard about Zeke I presume?”, I ask her as I make the air bed for her. She nods. “I have no idea how he found us. Dad said he wiped and burned everything. It just..doesn’t make sense.”, I say confused. “Unless..”, Mikasa starts to say as she helps with the blanket.
“There’s a traitor.” She tells me. I pick my head and look at her. “You think so? But who in their right head would betray The Scouts?”, I ask her. Mikasa shakes her shoulders. “Dunno. Just a theory. But I’m gonna stick with that theory.”We stayed up all night talking about the future with each other and..boys. “So Jean seems pretty handsome lately,huh?” I ask her slyly as I watch her tense up. “With his long hair and growing beard.” I scratch my chin and raise my eyebrows at her. She drinks her Cola but she’s blushing. “I KNEW IT! You like him back, huh?” “No that’s not it. You described him like he was so hot I couldn’t help it.” She makes a pathetic excuse. “Oh please. Anyway would be fooled by your stoicness, but I can see that you’re blushing.”, I say which makes her choke on her drink. Have a taste of your own medicine. “Ok enough about me. Tell me about Levi.” “What’s there to say? He’s a guy. He’s cute. And I’m going to prom with him.” “Yeah. But there’s more to it. I know there is.Because you said that you weren’t gonna be involved with anyone this year. Just admit it already. You like him.” “I won’t until you admit you like Jean.”She blushes. And looks down.
We laugh and we got ready for bed. Mikasa was out in about a minute while I laid down and thought about Levi. But my thoughts of him were quickly thrown out the window when I suddenly thought of Zeke. That son of a bitch. The things he did. He kidnapped me twice and if it weren’t for my dad stepping in, I swear I would’ve been dead or raped. I need to be careful tomorrow. I’ll tell Mikasa to keep on eye on everyone. Shit. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mikasa and I made our way to school. But before we could go we stopped by Marco’s. “Hey bro”, I greet him happily. He smiles back at me. “Hey Y/n. Hi Mikasa.” She nods at him. “Came for breakfast?”, he asks me as he goes to ready the coffee machine. “Haha no. Just four cups of coffe to go please.” I tell him the order. He nods and Mikasa and I make our way to one of the tables to wait. We play with our phones when I hear the bell ring on the door to the cafe ring. I look up and I smile. Levi. “Good morning Levi. The usual?” “Yeah. Thanks.” He says and pays for his drink. As he turns around he catches my eye. I smile and wave at him. He waves back and comes towards our table. “Hey Y/n.” He greets me and Mikasa suddenly looks up. “Oh hey to you too Mikasa.” “Oh it’s just you. Hey Levi.” She replies to him and she returns to her game.
“Morning Levi. Wanna join us?”, I ask him. “Uh sure. Thanks.” He pulls out a chair and sits next to me. “Thanks for dinner last night. It was great.” I tell him. He smiles. “You’re welcome anytime, Y/n.” He looks at me. I’m taken back with his sincerity. He really got me whipped, huh? We stare at each other for a while when Marco comes with our drinks. “A black tea for Levi and four cups of coffee for the ladies.” He places the drinks down. “Alright, kiddos. Get to school now.”Marco tells us. “Chasing me out already, bro?”, I playfully ask him. “Oh wait. Yeah let me leave before your mother makes a big deal about me being here again.”My smile starts to turn into a frown and so does Marco’s. “Y/n. She has been asking about you.” “Yeah well I don’t care anymore. See you bro. Thanks for the coffee.” The three of us start to leave when Levi grabs my upper arm.
“Hey, uhm. Do you want to, perhaps, ride with me to school?”, he asks me. I smile and look at Mikasa. “Go. I’ll give the idiots their coffee. See you two at school.”
She says and takes the coffee from my hands. I turn to Levi and we make our way to his car. I jump into the passenger seat and Levi jumps into the drivers seat. He takes a sip of his tea and puts it into his cup holder.
“Wow. Car’s really nice.” I compliment him. “Thanks. I hardly use it since Farlan usually takes us everywhere.” “Why is he not here?” “Isabel picked him up. So I was forced to use this car. I’m glad I got to though.” “Why?”, I ask him as I sip my coffee.
He answers simply and starts to drive. I smile behind the cup. For a shy guy, he’s quite smooth.
“Oh. By the way, I heard you called Marco “bro?” You two related?” He asks me. I nod. “Yeah. He is my half-brother. We have the same mother. But due to unfortunate circumstances, my mother didn’t want anything to do with me and so three years after having me, she left me with my dad. But we made our relationship work because no matter what happened between our parents it wasn’t our fault. So we became close. He’s practically my best friend.”, I reply smiling. Levi sneaks a quick glance to me and smiles back. “I’m sorry your mom did that to you. Was that...why you were so uneasy at dinner?”, he asks. “Yeah. A bit. Your mom’s cooking was really good.” He smiles at that. “Now you have a reason to come over.” Levi says. I laugh. He really was great.
Levi drives us to school with “Doubt” by Twenty One Pilots playing on his radio. I chuckle which captures his attention.
“What’s funny?”, he asks me as he turns into our school parking lot. “I didn’t take you for a TØP fan to be honest.” “Oh. Well I’m full of surprises, Y/n.” He smirks at me. I smile. He parks the car and we jump out. Levi gets his bag from his boot and comes to walk with me.
“Y/n, where’s your bag?” He asks me. “In the car. I’ll get it when I see Mikasa.” We walk into school and I see Mikasa with my two idiots. “Kasa!”, I yell at her to get her attention. She nods her head at me. “Y/n! I got your bag for you!”, an excited Eren comes up to me and gives me my bag. “Oh thanks.” Suddenly, I remembered that I need to speak with them. “Uh, what do we have first?”, I ask Mikasa. “The three of us have History while you have Physics.” I smile at Levi. That’s the class we have together. “I’ll see you in class?”, I ask him. Levi’s expression suddenly turns to a sad one. Shit I guess he wanted to walk with me to class. But that expression doesn’t last when he smiles a small smile at me. “Sure. I’ll save your seat.” “Thanks.”I tell him and gesture to outside for my gang. They follow me, leaving Levi to watch me go.
We make our way by the dumpsters on the side of the school. “I assume you two already heard about Zeke finding us?”,I ask Eren and Jean. Jean nods his head, pissed off. While Eren nods, slowly. Oh fuck. He wasn’t here the last time. “Alright, Eren. Since you don’t know I’m going to tell you who Zeke is. He is the leader of a rival gang of The Scouts. The name of his gang is called The Free. Stupid name, filled with stupid members. The last time he found us, he threatened my father for 50 million dollars and used me as a bargain. He captured me and tortured me. Not bad but..” I pull up my sleeve. “He gave me some pretty hectic cuts and burns.” My inner arm is filled with marks and scars. It’s part of the reason I use long sleeves and jackets all the time. Jean and Mikasa turn their head away from the scene. It was still a bad memory for them. Losing me.
“That’s not all. If my dad and The Scouts were a minute late in rescuing me, Zeke would’ve raped me and possibly killed me. They took care of him by beating the fuck outta him and lighting his place on fire. To keep us safe, my dad wiped out all info on us on the computers and burned our old house down and we all vanished from Shiganshina. Now, we got new information saying that Zeke made his way here, to Rose in order for revenge. That means that I’m in danger. If I’m correct in my allegations, Zeke will use someone who we don’t know to spy on me and report back to him. That means all of you should keep an eye out on anyone suspicious. Is that clear?”
I ask them. They all nod. “Good. Let’s go. Bell rang.”We all start to walk into school when Eren stops us. “Wait, so Y/n..” We all turn to him. “What is it, Eren?” “If you said that you removed all evidence from you being in Shiganshina, doesn’t that mean somebody told him you were here? Like..” “A traitor.” Mikasa continues his sentence. I look at Mikasa.
“Yeah, exactly. Listen, I know I haven’t been part of The Scouts for a while, but this seems a little fishy to me.” Eren says as he scratches his head. He and Mikasa had the same idea. And I’m sure Jean thought it too. Which means, I need to bring that up to my dad. But later. Now is school. “Alright. I’ll think about it. Remember what I said and be careful today. I’ll see you all later.” I wave goodbye and we part ways to our respective classes. I go to physics and I see Levi sitting with his bag on my chair. I walk up and Levi sees me. He instantly smiles and moves his bag.
“Hey, you. I thought you got into another fight. Everything okay?”, he asks me. I nod my head, smiling back to him. “Very funny, brainiac. But yes, I’m fine. Thanks.” “Alright, listen up.” Our professor starts to say. Levi puts on his glasses and starts to open his textbook. God, he looks so cute with those on. “On Friday, there will be a test on Newton’s Laws of Motion. One hour, 60 marks. I want you all prepared. This will be part of your final grade.” Oh shit. Damn. Fuck. How am I supposed to cram all that work in a span on two days? I start to panic when I feel a hand on my shoulder.
“Hey.”, Levi says softly. I look to him. “Want to study together?” He asks me. I smile. Of course he would ask. I was going to but he made my life easier. I nod. “Yeah.” “Ok. Now turn to page 89 of your textbook and do exercise 6.3. It’s a good revision exercise. Get to it.” Our professor orders us to do it. I look at the question and answer the stuff I know. Like the definitions.
1. Define Newton’s Second Law of Motion.
Easy. Newton’s second law of motion states that if a net force acts upon an object, the object will accelerate in the direction of that force.
I look at it and then at Levi’s work. Jesus, he is already on the fifth question. I nudge his shoulder.
“Hey.”, I softly say. He picks his head up looks back at me. “Whats up? Need some help?” “Uh yeah. Check this definition for me?” I hand him my book and he reads over it. He furrows his eyebrows. “Out of two marks, you would only get one.” I widen my eyes and my mouth opens. “Wha- Why?” “Well, see. You got the first part. The one about it moving. But then now, you have to state the proportions. So..”He takes out his pencil and writes.
“The acceleration is then directly proportional to the net force and inversely proportional to the mass of the object.” He finishes. “Ohhhhhh. Ok I get it now. Thank you.” “No problem. So, do you know how to do the calculations?”
I look at the questions. Question 2 was to draw free body diagrams which I knew and the third one was on frictional force. What the hell is this?
“Uh....no.” I say softly, and a little embarrassed. “Sorry.” I say to Levi which made him raise an eyebrow. “Why are you apologizing? Come on. I’ll help you. Step by step, okay? You first need to understand what the question is asking you...”
Levi and I spent the whole period doing the examples from the exercise and more. I learnt so much in those 55 minutes than I did in two years of that class.
“Is this right?”, I ask him, handing my book to him for him to check. I see him looking at it, pulling his calculator out to check it. When he was done, he smiles and looked at me. “Yes. You did it. You got it right.” “Yes!” I say a bit too loudly and people turn to look at us. I cover my mouth and look at Levi. His cheeks are red. I laugh a little. “Good job, crazy.” “Thank you, brainiac.” We tease each other. Bell rings and I pack my bag. I feel someone bump into me.
“What do you have now?” Levi asks me. I take out my phone and look at my timetable. “French. You?” “English. Come on, I’ll walk you to your class.” I smile and sling my bag over my shoulder and walk out with him. When all of a sudden.. “Mr Ackerman.” Our professor calls him. “Yes, Professor?” May I speak with you for a moment? Alone.” Levi looks at me and I smile. “It’s okay. I’ll catch up with you later, alright?” “Okay.” I leave him and walk to my class. Well that’s what he thinks. I actually stayed behind to spy on the convo. Bad, I know, but I couldn’t help it. I hear the professor speak.
“How are you, Levi?”, he asks him. “I’m good. Getting late for my class though.” I snicker. Levi...
“I know. This won’t take long. Plus it’s not you will miss out on work. Anyway, I see you and Y/n getting comfortable with each other.” I make a confused face. What did I have to do with anything?
“Not that it’s any of anyone’s business, I’ve been helping her with work. Why?” He asks him. “Levi, you’re a good boy. A star student. I don’t want your name to be dragged down because of that girl. She’s not good news.” He tells Levi. I knew it. I knew from the beginning that that professor had some grudge against me.
“Sir, with all due respect, you don’t know her. She’s a good person and is trying hard to get her marks good so she could get out of this shit school where all people do is judge each other.” Levi defends me. I feel myslef blush. The professor speaks again. “Levi, she is part of a gang. A bad one at that. You could get in danger. I’m just worried abou-..” “No need to worry about me, sir. I’ll be fine. Now if we are done here I’ll be going.”
I quickly run down the hall to my class and go to my seat. I sigh. That professor is right, as much I hate to admit it. If Levi gets involved with me I might get him into trouble or worse. And with Zeke in town, Levi could get in serious danger.
The day drags itself until lunchtime. I walk out of my class and to the cafeteria. I see Mikasa and Jean sitting next to each other and laughing. Mikasa? Laughing? With Jean? “Don’t like him”, my ass.
“Hey guys. Whatcha doing?”, I ask which made Jean flinch. “Jesus Y/n, don’t sneak up on us like that.”, he says as he holds his chest. “Aww did I scare you? Sowi.” I mock him. I sit across them and look around. “Guys where’s Eren?” I ask them. “Went for a piss. He shot down that coffee like his life depended on it.”, Jean says as takes a bite of his fries. Mikasa giggles. That “joke” wasn’t even funny. I squint my eyes at her and she captures me looking and suddenly goes to her usual face.
“Yeah, so anyway. Did you guys see anyone suspicious lately?”, they shake their head. I sigh. God when is this shit going to stop? I think about my dad, Marco and everyone I think that could be in danger. But I’m quickly drawn away from my thoughts when I feel an arm around my shoulders. “Hi Y/n”
Reiner says. “Get your filthy hands off of me.”, I tell him. He doesn’t move. “Aww come on, baby. I haven’t seen you in ages. Let me just savour this moment.”, he says as he moves closer. Alright, that’s it.
“Reiner! Get your fucking hands off of me before I break them!”, I shout at him. Everyone in the cafeteria turn to look at us. I don’t even care, I just need this asshole away from me. “Reiner leave her alone, man.” “Yeah Reiner” some people start to say to him. He grinds his teeth and let’s go of me. He wakes up and starts to leave, but before he dies he leans down and whispers in my ear “You’re gonna pay for this.” And leaves. I scoff and flip him off. “Y/n what did he say?”, Mikasa asks me. I shake my head and tell her nothing to concern herself about.
Little did I know, Levi saw that whole fiasco and he runs up to our table. “Y/n. Hey. Are you okay?”, he asks me. I smile at him and nod. “I’m fine. Join us?”, I offer to him. Levi looks behind him and sees Isabel, Farlan and Hange sitting down. I follows his eyes. “Oh. It’s alright. You don’t have to sit with us. I see your friends waiting for you.”, I smile and tell him. “How about you come join me?”, he offers. I laugh. “Yeah. I’m sure these two won’t mind. Will you?”, I ask Jean and Mikasa. The shake their heads and I make my way with Levi to his table. Isabel looks up to us. “Hi, Y/n!”, she shouts happily. “Hi Izzy. Hi everyone.”, I say. They all greet me and I sit down next to Levi. “Say, Y/n.”, Farlan starts to say as he wipes Isabelle’s mouth, “Have you heard of the proms theme?” “Actually, no. What is it?” “A Dark Romance. The people in 12-5 came up with it. Pretty neat if you ask me.” Dark romance,huh? I look at Levi while he scrolls through his phone. “Whatcha doin’?” I ask as I lean towards him. It was almost funny how fast his cheeks went red. “Just looking through Instagram. See this.” he shows me some stuff. We all chat until the intercom goes off, surprising all of us.
Attention. Attention. Y/n L/n to the principal’s office with your bag. Y/n L/n to the principal’s office with your bag. Thank you.
I widen my eyes and look at Jean and Mikasa. “Oh are you going home early?”, Levi asks me. I shake my head. My guard is up right now. Dad never picked me up from school unless it was an emergency. “Levi. Whatever happens, I’m glad you asked me to prom”, I say which confuses him. “Y/n what’s going-..” I quickly place my lips on his and kiss him. It’s quick one. But it lasted long enough. I pull away and grab my bag and head to the office. Jean and Mikasa are quick to follow with Eren.
“Whoa Levi! She just kissed you!”, Isabel says happily. Farlan and Hange are bombarding him with questions but Levi just stays silent. He’s stunned. Sitting there, red faced he reaches to touch his lips. The feeling doesn’t last long when he realizes what she just said. “Whatever happens”...What is happening?
<-Chapter Three
Here is the fourth chapter. Feel free to message or comment if you want to be part of the taglist. Thanks for reading!
Tagged: @windex-princess-gia @leviswife-of6years @french-girl-online
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pinkykitten · 4 years
meet & greet - part 1
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2845: EXILE
synopsis: It’s the year 2845. A year where Earth is in shambles and space is the new frontier. You are sent along with other cadets to a distress call about some type of unknown creature. You are new as an engineer on the ship Shiganshina and you have to work for your boss and leader of your group Levi Ackerman. But remember, in space no one can hear you scream.
pairing: levi ackerman x female! reader words: 3,406( 〇□〇) genre: fluff, space au, series, future au, romance, comedy 
a/n: this is my first au series. my sis is obssessed w the alien franchise and she showed me alien isolation and it was so good she watched it like all the time and she saw markipliers game through so im excited to show yall my idea, hope yall like it. hope u like some sexy space levi cuz i know i do. 
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You remembered what your father taught you - how to create with your hands. How in your mind you felt lost and insignificant in this vast existence called space. But he explained to you that you could be so much more. With your help people can depend on you and believe in you and that makes you important. That makes hard work payed off when you are there for someone. 
“Hey rookie, make sure to get those screws in. We don’t want this compartment tearing apart.” Hannes, your co-worker, ordered you. 
You wiped the grease from your forehead. Sweat was dripping down your face. “How many times do I gotta tell you this, Hannes, just because I’m new to this job doesn’t mean I don’t know how to seal a door.” You banged the object and rolled your eyes and the insensitive words of that man. He thought he owned the business. “Besides, once I get enough cash, I can buy my own ship and head on out of here like a-”
“-person’s hair caught on fire,” Hannes chuckled. “We know this. You tell us every time.”
You pushed yourself up to get yourself a cup of coffee. “It’s true though, I’m gonna do.” You bit your gloves off as you scratched the back of your head. “Somehow.” It was difficult finding jobs for engineers. Every thing was growing and getting more modern as the days went by. Now robots took care of things and did what you could do but 10 times faster, better, and more work. Plus, you had limited knowledge, you needed to be trained more but there was only so much your old man taught you. “I already know how I’m going to decorate it and the speed.” You whistled. “That baby is going to go faster than a meteorite.” There were stars in your eyes. It was all you ever dreamed of, ever since you were a little girl. It was all you wanted to do. Build things and be on your own. Making your own rules and being your own person. 
You picked up your wrench and went under the compartment to take a look at its legs. 
“Um, Y/N. There’s someone here to see you.” Hannes said. 
You rolled out from under to see your best friend who is like your little brother, Eren, with his two pals, Mikasa and Armin. “No way! Hey guys!” You ran to them for a hug. “I haven’t seen you guys in like 2 years!”
Eren smiled wide as he brought you aside. “Yeah, its been a while.”
“Why are you getting so tall squirt?” You ruffled his chocolate brown hair. You and Eren knew each other as little kids. His father was a doctor and was acquainted with your father. From time to time they worked together. 
“Must be all that food we eat at the academy!” Armin said with a cheerful spirit. 
That’s when you took one look at their attire and saw all of them wearing their space academy suits and that’s when you knew Eren came here to change your mind. 
You shook your head as you walked away to look for parts. 
“Y/N! Where are you going? Y/N!” Eren called out for you. 
“Nice going really subtle.” Mikasa smacked Armin.
“What?” The little sunshine was lost. 
Ever since Eren got into the space academy he had been trying to get you enrolled as well. It was his dream and all but not yours. You didn’t want to be stuck in a room with entitled brats that think they know it all when they really didn’t. It wasn’t your calling and you didn’t want to go and nothing, nobody could change your mind. 
“Please Y/N, listen up.” Eren helped you pick up the box of parts. 
“Why should I? I can’t believe the only reason you would show up and see your friend is to convince her to do something she doesn’t want to do.”
“That’s not true. It’s not like that,” Eren tried to explain. 
“So you didn’t come over here to change my mind?” 
Eren was silent but then gave in, “Okay, yes. But it’s because we need you!”
“Sure,” you said sarcastically. “Like I’ve never heard that before.”
Mikasa cornered you and slapped her hands on the wall near your face. “Listen to what he has to say.”
“Eren you better come grab your friend before I throw hands on a kid.” You gave a warning look. 
You served them coffee as you sat and talked. “What do you need me for?”
“They’ve seen the way you work. They think you’re incredible and one of the best which you are to me and they want you on their team.”
“What makes you think I’m going to say yes?”
“We got in a call, a distress call from one of Warrior’s ships, Marley. One of our own. It’s a real emergency and it sounds like they are in real distress. They’re far away and on our radar it shows the ship is in critical condition. Warrior is sending people out to rescue those from Marley.” Armin reasoned. 
“And why do you need me? Can’t Warrior do it themselves? They’ve got the people and they’ve sure got the money.”
They go silent and Mikasa places her hand on Eren’s knee. “The call that we got from one of our own said that something on the ship was dangerous to the crew. We need capable men and women on this job. Warrior has you in their files and they’ve been watching you on how you react to things. They feel you are really fit for this job.” 
You shook your head, “no. I gotta get back to reality. I got so much stuff on my mind that I have to do.”
“Wait!” Eren pulled your sleeve. “They’re willing to pay a lot.” 
You bit your lip. You couldn’t resist.
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As you walked into the classy headquarters you regretted a bit coming here. Deep down you really didn’t know what danger could they have meant. 
“Hello sir, here is Y/N L/N. She is very strong and highly capable to complete this mission.” Eren saluted to what seemed to be the boss of Warrior.
“Hello there Y/N. We were expecting you,” the man was tall and had short blonde hair. The bangs were split apart and he wore glasses. He gave his hand for you to shake. “I’m Zeke.”
“Nice to meet you Zeke. This a nice place you got here.”
“Thank you, now without further a do I would like to show you the crew that will be assisting you on this mission.”
“There’s more?” You gulped. You were not that spontaneous at working together with others. You had many ideas and usually that clashed with peoples opinions. 
“Yes indeed. You will need the help,” Zeke chuckled. “I’ve seen your work that you do. You’re the one who created that electromagnetic pull to connect and pull together the two trains. I’m very impressed.”
“It’s just, stuff I learned from my pops,” you followed Zeke. Every corner you took amazed you more. Chandelier upon chandelier, buttons leading to new discoveries. You were so curious! 
“I’m sure Eren told you about the distress call and the mission in itself?”
“Yeah, he told me a little about it. It sounds real terrifying. I hope the people are okay.”
Zeke smiled, “that’s why we need people like you that care enough to go save them. Now your crew that you’ll be working on is called the special operation squad, created by their captain of their ship, Erwin Smith.” He gave you a pad to look at captain Erwin’s photo. He looked very handsome and charming. His eyebrows thick and a face of seriousness. You glimpsed over his information and handed it back to Zeke. 
“Looks tough.”
“Indeed he is, he once landed a plain when it ran out of power. It was just falling down to the surface and he managed to let the legs stick out the right moment that it didn’t even have a scratch.”
“We have Eld Jinn, Oluo Bozado, Petra Ral, and Gunther Schultz. They graduated at the top of their classes. This will also be their first mission.”
You saw their pictures and couldn’t believe one of them was that age.
“We have Hange Zoe, smarty that one. And second in command, Levi Ackerman. He is amazing under pressure and is very strong. He is one of our best.”
You saw his complexion and he had bags under his eyes. Not what you were expecting, “he looks short.” You popped gum in your mouth.
“He is but very, very, scary. And he is going to teach you and be beside you mostly during the procedure just so you can understand and get a taste.”
“I think I can handle this myself besides why would I want to take orders from someone half my size.” You laughed as walked right into Levi. 
He raised his brow, “you were saying.” His voice was deep and gruff and he truly looked like he could kill you.”
“Yes, here is the crew. Special operation squad I want you to meet your newest member Y/N L/N.” Zeke presented them to you. 
You waved awkwardly. They all looked like they could eat you alive. 
Oluo walked over with his hands in his pockets, “I hope you can keep up you little,” he bit his lip and started choking.
“Karma,” you smirked. 
“Don’t listen to that idiot. I’m just glad to have another girl on the team! Yay!” Petra ran and high fived you. 
“Hey what about me?” Hange pouted. 
“Fine you too.” Petra gave her a high five. 
“Sir, if I may have a word. We think we might have found a way to get into the breach. Since the power is down there may be a way we can open the latched door and connect Shigashina to Marley.” Erwin walked Zeke over to the map on the screen.
“Actually that won’t work.” You spoke up.
“Who is she?” Erwin questioned. 
“See,” you pulled the blue print of Marley to the crew. “There is only a limited power left on that ship circulating certain items on it and is whats keeping the ship staying up. Light, vents, door, you get the point. If we try to open the gate to connect the two ships all the power left will go to that door. So instead we go over to Marley and get in our suits. Physically walk to Marley and try to open a small vent or door there. It will be safe because we’ll be hooked. I’ve done it many times...Names Y/N L/N.” You shook Erwin’s hand. “And I’m your newest crew member.”
Everyone cooed and awwed at your ability. It was like you said the best comeback. You looked to see Levi not smile but his eyes did the talking. You could tell he was proud of you. 
“Excellent work Y/N. I knew you were made for this job. Levi, make sure you teach her more. She is already a great learner.” Zeke said. 
Hange pushed you to Levi and you wrapped your arms around his head for support. “I guess you’re my student now. Don’t mess this up.”
You weren’t a fond of this amazing hero Levi. 
“Has she heard the call yet?” Erwin asked. 
“No i haven’t.”
The call was shaky at first but then a girls voice came on, “Hello Warrior. This is Marley in the midst of completing the Warrior program. Day 34. Every thing was fine at first. But then everything went to Hell.” There was a bang in the background. “I don’t have much time and I don’t know if I’ll be alive but we need assistance here, asap! Something is here, its coming and its killing! We need someone quick! Please!” It cuts off with a roar and then silence. 
Your heart is beating fast and you feel faint. You take a seat, “that’s awful.” Were you really ready for this mission? “Why did they go there in the first place?”
“To look for more planets that contain life of course. Isn’t that what its always about.” Zeke explained. 
“Our mission crew, is to rescue Marley and bring as many home to safety. We do our best and we make sure we take down whatever that threat may be so it doesn’t come to the population.”
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You ship Shiganshina was being loaded with supplies. Gun were being transported and you almost felt your throat go dry. You tried to keep a tough face but you were never in a situation like this. 
“You okay?” Levi asked. 
He startled you with the suddenness. “Will we be using those?”
Levi saw the fear in your eyes and patted your back, “only if we need to.” He handed you a black space suit. “For you. Put it on, were going to be ready in about 5.”
As you put on the skin tight space suit you began to realize how real this really was. It frightened you and made you want to go back to where it was safe. But you made a promise. Your father taught you to help people and these people needed your help. 
Being and engineer you fell in love with Shiganshina. It was an older model ship but it was redone to look modern. It was bigger than any ship you ever seen that it took more than 20 people to pilot this thing. It was so gorgeous to you every aspect of it. “I’m in love.”
“Did you know that this was the first ship of its kind to be made?” Hange Zoe spat out facts. Zeke was right, she was very smart. 
“It’s so special,” your fingertips grazed the cool metal of the ship. 
Waling into the chilling area you saw the crew playing ping pong and reading. It was announced that the ship took off. You grabbed a coffee and sat next to Eld. 
“Man the way you gave it to Erwin!” Oluo joked. “He looked like he pooped himself!” He laughed. Petra came and sat on his lap. “Don’t act like you’re so cool. You always copy Levi.”
Gunther almost died laughing. “She got you there dude.”
“So this is your guys first mission too. Are you scared?”
“Why are you? Then maybe you shouldn’t be on this ship.” Oluo eyed you down. 
Petra smacked his head, “stop being a jerk! Y/N is part of us now. I am a little scared but I know I am ready to prove myself to Warrior.”
“At least you had training. I’m just learning as I go.”
“I’ll teach you the best way I can.” Levi suddenly appeared holding his cup of coffee odd. “You just have to be teachable.”
“I am!” You were getting aggravated. You were equal to them and you had to start believing it. 
“Psst,” Eld tapped you. “Don’t worry, I’m a little scared too. I’ve got a wife and two kids back at home.” Eld showed you a picture of them in his locket. 
You grinned, “they are a beautiful family. I’m sure you’re making them proud. Thanks by the way. I’m glad someone else is scared around here.”
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You scooped the rest of your stew out of your cup as the others bursted out laughing while saying stories of their training. 
“Remember you fell in the sewer?” Hange chuckled as she picked up the dishes to put away in the sink. “That was pretty gross my man.” 
Gunther rolled his eyes, “I got all that crap in my hair for like months. It was not funny and you know it.”
“What about when Eren slipped and did a split when he was talking to that chick?” Levi recalled, sipping his tea in a strange manner. 
“He did a split?” You almost choked on a piece of meat. “That behemoth?”
“Ha ha very funny.” Erwin said sarcastically. “I thought she was endgame and that was so humiliating.”
“You still went on a date though.” Oluo said, “I remember she threw that cake on your face.”
You raised your brow and tried to hold in your chuckle. “What? She did that to you? Why?”
“It’s because-” Levi started. 
“No let me tell it,” Hange butted in. “Erwin, I don’t think this is gonna work.” She impersonated the lady in a valley girl voice. “Like, you are too much in your job and you will never make time for me. I need a man who will spoil me and who will make me,” they all yelled in unison, “their sexy, little, queen of a thang!”
Oluo banged on the table, cackling loud, tears running down his face. Hange fell on the floor while Erwin was trying to cover his face to hide the blush. You laughed so hard you flipped your bowl. “Oh crap!” You looked and saw a tiny hint of a smile on Levi’s face. It was a different look and you liked it. He looked cute and it made you happy. 
“You finished?” He asked. 
“Yeah,” you yawned. “I’mma hit the showers.”
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You couldn't go to sleep. Tossing and turning you had all these expectations of what this mission entailed. Some were excited while some were terrified of the danger that laid on ship Marley. You didn’t know what to expect. 
Sweat dripped down your back and your heart pounded fast. You shot up and breathed deeply. 
Going to the kitchen you were looking for milk to drink to help with your insomnia. You were searching the refrigerator. 
“What are you doing up?”
You shrieked as you jumped. It was Levi, leaning against the counter. “Oh my God, you scared me!” You clutched your heart. 
“Couldn’t sleep?”
You nodded, “is it that obvious?”
He peered down to the carton of milk. “Eld told me what you two talked about.” Levi crossed his arms and you saw his muscles trying to rip out of his hoodie. “Its okay to be scared. If you’re not scared then you’re not human and when you’re doing this type of job you need everything to remind you that you still are. Besides, I’m not going to let anything happen to you.”
You were silent because no one had ever said that to you. But you wondered if he was genuine. “I’ve never left that garage I worked at. Traveling space like this its always something I wanted but I’m just - the unknown is whats terrifying. I’m scared that I’ve wanted this for so long, what if its not what I expected? What if I fail?”
“That’s why you have to try it though, its to see what you feel about something. Because you’ll live your life not knowing and that being a mystery, and that is the worst feeling ever.”
“Yeah,” you scratched the back of your head. 
“Give me your hand, I want to show you something?” Levi outstretched his hand to you. 
“Where are you taking me?”
“I want to show you something amazing, idiot just take the dang hand.” 
You clutched his palm and he made his way to the window of the ship. It was big and wide. It was as if the world was laid out in front of you. 
“Wow,” you said amazed. Your eyes widened. The amazing galaxies and space reflected into your eyes. The sun was a little far way and was bright and beautiful. “Its so...perfect.”
“Right?” Levi leaned against the wall. “That’s kinda about the good thing about this job. The view is unbeatable.”
“I’ll say.” You smirked. “To think we are just a tiny part of this bigger picture. Makes you feel insignificant.”
“No, to me it makes me feel lucky. Lucky that I’m alive to witness something this great.”
You grabbed a hold of Levi’s hand, still looking at the space. “Thank you Levi.” Tears fell down your face. 
Levi looked shocked and was about to ask but your look turned into something that was horrifying. You covered your mouth as you gasped. “What happened?”
He gazed to where you were pointing and his eyes widened. He ran and shouted and he went to go get the crew. 
The ship Marley was there. Out of power, just floating like a lump of rock in the middle of space. It pieces broken and looking ruined. Something was terribly wrong. 
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a/n: oooh spooky lol i wonder whats gonna happen. phew that was a lot of writing i hope u guys enjoy it bc it means so much to me. but i mean u all can tell that levi is ready to drop everything for y/n, they already having heart eyes!!!
Tag list: @carat-bebe, @angelgl16, @perfectlybeautifulsuit, @hyehoney, @haven-prelude (wont let me tag), @leasly, @totally-alexa21, @creamy-pasta-boi, @multireese, @fanfictionrecommendations-com, @prentisskelley, @malereaderforkpop (wont let me tag), @guardian-of-cookies, @justafangirl-97, @teenageshitposts (wont let me tag), @dippergravity (wont let me tag), @some-booty, @fromfoolishpeopletodeadpeople, @collectiveyou, @wtfisalltherandoms, @dirbel, @eastcoasthaven, @fangirl-4-life415 (wont let me tag), @melonreblogsstories, @fandomchick80, @awkwardspontaneity​
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Guess what Obey Me just dropped?
It starts with a ‘Lesson’, ends with a ‘41’ (and possibly a ‘42’)-
If you ever play it, pls answer this-
(Also, screenshots of the boys (mainly Satan's) clothes pls?)
-Lesson 35 Anon
Hey! Sorry this took longer than normal, I didn’t have my phone for a couple of days cause the its charging port? Area? Spot? I dunno - the place where you plug in the charger, was broken.
Right so lesson 41 starts off in a park (cause I’m almost 80% sure MC’s homeless, I mean they keep disappearing for months with no warning??? Is anyone paying their bills? Their rent?) where they meet Solomon. He asks them how they’re doing, they can either say good or just ask him how he’s doing.  He mentions about how he wanted to meet at this café but they were closed for remodeling (is2g this will be important later.  He asks them if they’ve been the homework he gave them that is harder than what they did at RAD but still just the basics which they will need if they want to work themself up to being able to perform summoning spells. MC says they’re dying to see everyone from the devildom and Solomon says he was worried they would be depressed cause it’s such a difference getting used to the quieter human world and that’s why he recommended the babysitting job to them. He asks whether they are ready to head to the interview and if they are nervous (why? They spent at least 2 years babysitting 7 all powerful ancient entities, this should be a breeze, akdhudsbkhs so I’m typing this out while replaying the game for the second time just to pick the options I didn’t before and Solomon just said the same thing I did about the brothers) Solomon then starts acting a little shifty, tries to tell something to MC but keeps quiet and send them off. MC pulls up at this huge ass house (Serenity Manor) which actually looks bigger than the HoL. Then ring the bell and the door is opened by Asmo and bro his clothes are cute af im dying, MC immediately shuts the door in his face without even saying a word jwdbkidjojS, they silently open the door again to see Levi, Asmo and Satan arguing. Levi’s clothes are also pretty cute, I like them better than his usual outfit, Satan’s should be burned to a crisp. Have you watched two and a half men? They show it here on repeat, and have you seen those ugly ass polo shirts Charlie wears? Satan’s shirt is a dress shirt version of those and I hate it. The cream coloured suit jacket is NOT a jacket but instead a long cream coloured coat it makes me want to throw up in my mouth. The fact that everyone else has clothes that look pretty good and that only Satan has this abomination just makes it that Satan has a horrible sense of fashion. MC immediately shuts the door again without saying a word only to come face to face with Beel and Belphie behind them who have just come back from shopping. Beel has a tattoo??? Like in his human form? He didn’t have one before? Belphie looks more or less the same, his outfit looks only slightly different from normal. They more or less drag MC inside even though MC’s brain is still breaking. All 5 of them then start arguing (about who’s late and Beel trying to eat everything in the shops etc) and it ends up freaking MC out so much they command the brothers to stay. Levi’s apparently being waiting around near the door all morning waiting for MC to turn up.
Satan complains about MC’s command being painful and MC can either apologize for it or say it’s their fault for startling them. Either way he says the surprise wasn’t his fault and it was all Asmo and Mammon’s plan. Asmo says ‘sowwy’ if he wasn’t so cute I’d be pissed. Asmo reveals that they’ll be spending their break up in the human world. Levi says they’ve never spent a long time in the human world and were hoping MC could show them around. Apparently Asmo convinced Solomon to lie to MC for them even though he didn’t want to, (when Solomon later texts MC to apologize for lying he says that Asmo asks him to do a lot of things that are troublesome but that he can’t seem to say no to him). Asmo says that even though he’s the one who initially brought up the idea it was Mammon who went all out on it. MC then asks how Mammon’s doing and Levi says “He’s good but actually not” just to be interrupted by someone asking for help from another room. MC walks into the Mammon hanging upside down cussing at Lucifer for hanging upside down from the chandelier cause ya sure he may have gambled away all their money immediately after coming here but at least he managed to save the house and how he doesn’t want ‘the human’ to see him like this. MC can either say ‘long time no see’ or ‘who the fuck are you calling ‘the human’. He freaks out either way & tells them not to listen in on his private conversations with himself. He welcomes them to the interview for the babysitting gig and they tell him he sure is big for a baby, tells them he’s the one hiring (the babies are his six idiot brothers) he tells them he needs to ask them a question to see if they are still sharp after being in the human world and asks what they would do if Lucifer hid his ‘adorable, sweet little brother’s credit card’ . they can either tell him where the card is or ask who this adorable, younger brother is. The first will make him happy the second will make him grumble about being the one asking questions. He tells them to cut him down and they’ll finish the rest of the interview. They command him to stay and cut him down, he complains about how it hurt to land on his back and if they couldn’t find another way to get him down, they tell him they missed him and that they were so happy to see him again and hug him. He blushes and grumbles about them hugging him out of nowhere, calls them a ‘big dummy’, says he feels the same way, swears, and then says he missed them, really missed them. I love the banter????? And that he somewhat constantly calls them dummy and this chapter just ends on his smiling blushing face. I also really like his outfit? That slight slip showing his shoulder? The fact that he has no sunglasses means that his blush is really noticeable???? All good.
Asmo takes MC on a tour of the house and takes them to a bathroom that’s an identical replica of his private bathroom in the devildom. He reveals that Barbatos opened portals between the devildom and this house so that they’ll be able to access certain rooms from the HoL, including their bedrooms and favourite rooms (I kinda like the HoL better cause it was colourful and had character? The Manor kinda looks like a blank white pristine slate which I guess makes sense but still). Also Asmo had asked Barbatos to make a portal to a club but he refused :/. Asmo says that barbatos and diavolo said they would visit. MC gets to ask about either Simeon and Luke (Asmo hasn’t heard from them), Diavolo (he’s seemed a little sad after MC left) and Barbatos (he’s the same as always). Asmo says that he’s missed MC a lot and asked if there’s something they should do to him. MC can either kiss him, kiss his nose or shake his hand (*SNORT*) and I’m forever bitter about the lack of a hug option if MC kisses his nose he calls them a tease and look I could not try the shake hand option because it’s hilarious given the context of the storyline (he says he’s gonna combust from frustration). Satan cockblocks Asmo (and admits to doing so) and steals MC away to show them a ridiculously large home theatre. While boasting about their high-tech theatre that could easily fit a 100 people Satan accidentally reveals that they’ve been in the human world for at least a week, MC is predictably pretty upset by that and Satan says that Asmo & Mammon were insistent about finding a perfect way to surprise MC. Realizing MC’s now going through kinda a depressed downward spiral Satan tries to offer reserving the room just for the two of them to watch whatever MC wants to, and when that doesn’t work asks them what he can do to make them feel better. They can ask him to either kiss them or meow. He blushes and complains but still does and makes them swear not to tell anyone and then tells them he got some movies he thought they’d like and asks what they are currently in to. If they say cat documentaries he’s surprised that those exist and blushes and says he needs to watch them with MC immediately only for Levi to cockblock him by saying there’s an emergency in the kitchen and he’s needed. It’s heavily implied that after Satan leaves that the emergency is greatly exaggerated. Levi then goes silent for while blushing and stutters before asking if MC wanted to go see what the outside looks like. Me, chanting under my breath: poolpoolpoolpoolpoolpool-
THERE’S A POOL JHVDHDBSJKDHJ IM SO HAPPY????? I haven’t seen a pool in so long that even a little game pool had me hyped :’)))) Levi says that Asmo insisted they have a pool and then the others started making demands too but all levi wanted was his games and henry. He also gets sweetly happy when MC asks to see Henry cause no one ever asks to see Henry. He also reveals that Henry has gotten slightly bigger (Me, side eyeing Henry 1.0: huh). Levi suggests gaming together till dinner is ready cause nothing beats the real thing despite the fact that they’ve been gaming online since MC left. Levi says he has always had when he’s with MC and how even though they aren’t currently playing yet he is enjoying himself. MC can either reply by saying they love him (which leads into a kiss) or cooing with what is a soft look on their face cause it makes levi blush and makes him ask them to stop looking at him like that. He gets cockblocked by Belphie who says Levi has a job to do and should get to it. While continuing the tour with Belphie, he asks them what they think of his outfit and whether he looks human (remember when Belphie wanted to wipe out the human race? A need he probably cultivated for thousands of years? And now he’s just cool with everything cause his heart got a boner for the random ass human he murdered?) MC hears some of the brothers arguing through a door that probably leads to the kitchen from the sound of it and belphie asks them not to listen in.  He takes them to their Devildom bedroom, says they thought about giving MC a bigger room but figured they wouldn’t like it. Belphie says that he really likes MC’s room and that even after they left he would come to nap in it though it wasn’t that peaceful cause the rest of his brothers would always be in the room too (I’m not crying!). Belphie rests his head on MC’s lap while they stroke either his hair or cheek. If they stroke his hair he says that they’ll put him to sleep but to continue. MC can either agree, pinch his cheek or tickle him. He says something about how he missed this and how it’s better than napping alone in their bed. They ask him where he went earlier with beel, he says they went out shopping and that they saw an ice cream truck and if the music playing meant that eating the ice cream made you start playing music out of your mouth and says he’d want to get ice cream with MC. MC falls asleep and wakes up to Beel carrying them. He says belphie was still asleep and he tried waking them up but it didn’t work and he notices that MC has lost weight and starts worrying about them not eating properly (I really love that it’s a continued theme that MC loses weight each time they leave? I mean without the constant parties and the big meals it makes sense plus with the continued theme that they start moping around when they are alone and that going from living with 7 others where meals are a joint and structured event to living presumably alone it makes sense that they would forget meals and ahh I just love it). Beel points out where they have lost weight by tickling them and MC retaliates after blushing and laughing and asking MC to stop, MC asks where they are going (all this happens while he’s still carrying them and he only lets them down when they get to his room and I just love that they’re both so chill and comfortable with each other) and he tells he needs to take them somewhere but first he need to get party crackers from his room. While he searches for them MC can either look under the bed (it’s full of snacks) or flop on his bed (Beel tucks them in). When Beel finally finds the crackers him and MC end up nose to nose and MC can either ask to kiss him or do that awkward ‘haha did you find what you were looking for’ thing, he’s silent then says he did, then blushes and says he spaced out for a bit and how he suddenly just realized that MC was really in front of him again and how happy he was (reminds me of when he was reunited with Belphie). Beel gets a text from Lucifer saying he has come back and asking Beel to bring MC.  
AND HOLY SHIT LUCIFER!????? Any attraction I had towards him instantly died and it’s not that he looks bad???? He just looks like a DAD/MOM. The turtleneck, the necklace, the glasses, the slacks just all of it? I can’t handle that. Also the brothers are having a reunion party in the balcony (which looks like it’s from The Bachelor which…yeah close enough). Mammon says that he’d wanted to see Mc as soon as they arrived and how awful it was that they couldn’t (whose fault was that) and that he felt like a dog whose owner was holding a treat away from him (each they’re separated and reunited Mammon comes back being more emotionally honest, man’s probably gonna propose after the third separation at this rate. Can he even be classified as a tsundere anymore? The others talk to MC about who did what to organize the party. Lucifer toasts to their reunion (and I realized that these idiots, MC included, have taken a 10 year old to a club a bunch of times). Lucifer notes how MC hasn’t been eating much and they say either they’re still in shock or that they have eaten (Lucifer gives Mc food that he made and that he’s proud of). He tells them that if they are feeling tired they can slip away, MC can either say they’ll stay here and have fun with the others – Lucifer is disappointed but understanding that MC would want to spend time with the others and Mammon ends up calling Mc over to get wasted – or MC can agree to leave with him – he ends up taking them to his room and immediately hugging them. While blushing he tells them that he missed them and had wanted to hug them the moment he saw them and had to fight himself to resist doing so in front of the others (At this point MC’s gonna return a third time to Lucifer already in a wedding dress saying his vows). MC can say they feel the same and he says that he knows and asks to kiss them or they can tease him about being sad when they were away and he just agrees. He says he’s been planning this since they asked the brothers for their favourite things but that it was hard to find a place to stay and he apologizes for the time it took and asks them to sleep in his bed for the night.
Lesson 41 ends and I still haven’t got a screenshot of mammon’s outfit cause the man was in our face for the entire lesson and refused to back away.
Lesson 42 starts with them having breakfast (on pristine white couches!??? My soul curled up and died on the spot) and praising human food. Satan complains about the sun and Levi cries about being able to watch anime right as they release now (also he has his longest anime title to date – it takes almost three speech boxes) Lucifer decides it’s time to set up ground rules and shifts for chores. Each brother suggests a game they are good at with the winner being allowed to choose the chores they wanted to do first, in the end they settle on playing rock paper scissors. Rock paper scissors ends up with Levi summoning Lotan, Beel summoning some legendary rock creature and Mammon almost dying (it reminds me a lot of the rock paper scissors my brother and I would play where instead of accepting the initial loss we would keep on calling out things that could counteract what the last person chose until someone ran out of ideas). Beel and MC end going to get groceries from one of those big open air markets (I have literally no idea what you call those in English). Beel says that the previous day the food looked so good that it was really hard to not eat everything and asked MC to stop him if he tried it today – they can either cover his mouth, cover his eyes or hold his hand. In the market Beel buys 5 chickens from the butcher who recognizes them from the previous day. He asks if they are celebrating anything and Beel – sweet innocent Beel who canonically doesn’t know what a threesome is says they are celebrating their first night living together and obviously the butcher takes it as ‘oh a sweet couple living together’ and not 7 children and their impromptu babysitter/therapist/family counselor/marriage counselor. The butcher gives them (really sound tbh) relationship advice (respect each other, take interest in each other but let each other have space to do their own thing). Later Beel’s like ‘holy shit human world butchers are amazing! Not only do they give you food but they also give you advice! Do you think we do all three of those things’ and MC’s like yeh. Okay but look, MC’s gonna have to go shopping with each of the others at some point and they’re all gonna act like couples in love and then the brothers will at some point end up going shopping with each other and yeah they’re gonna argue but it’s still gonna be obvious that they love and care about each other, at some point it’s gonna be obvious that they all live with each other, the butcher already noticed that belphie and beel stood out, he’s gonna notice that the others are weird af too, he’s gonna notice the less inconspicuous names like satan and lucifer. This poor man. Beel and MC run into Mammon and Satan who have abandoned lucifer and fled the house after Solomon came looking for MC and then offered to cook lunch while waiting for MC. They go get pizza from a place where one of satan’s tv shows were filmed (he geeks out in a very levi like fashion) and tells them that they should order ‘the usual’ because that’s what they do in his show and mc says yeah that’s not how it works. Beel’s already ordered and eaten a bunch of pizza and Mammon notes that they are freaking out the waitress. Satan decides to ask how MC’s apprenticeship is going and they talk about magic and Solomon for a bit. MC wonders if Lucifer is okay (he is not. He has been increasingly spamming the group chat asking the others where the fuck they are, who the fuck left him alone with Solomon and lunch and just you fucking wait till you get home I’ll make you suffer. The rest of the group remains silent.) Satan later decides to go visit a bookshop and Beel and Mammon go to a bakery to pick up ‘a dessert that’s to die for’ from a bakery for Asmo. If MC goes with Beel and Mammon – Mammon forgets the name of the dessert but tells MC what he remembers of it and Beel who has taken ‘a dessert to die for’ way too literally. Mammon has to keep telling him that ‘yeah no that’s not what that means’ multiple times. It’s a cute interaction that I really liked. Mammon lets beel buy whatever he wants from the bakery using Asmo’s credit card so now if Mammon fails to turn up for the rest of the season we know why rip. If MC goes with Satan he geeks out about a bunch of rare books and they end up getting lost in the bookstore and can either decide to stick together and find way out or race to find away out. The four meet up in front of the house and note a sense of foreboding coming from it and only remember they left Solomon in the house when they enter and come face to face with him. He tries to get them to have tea and sandwiches with them but they all make excuses about just having lunch (Beel struggles to say the words ‘I’m full’). But lucifer turns up with a sweet smile and says how Solomon had made him lunch and how it was so delicious he had asked Solomon to make tea and sandwiches for the others. I love how these demons all just accept this horrid food and that even though they make excuses they don’t complain to solomon’s face or outright refuse to eat it cause it’ll be rude and hurt his feelings???? Beel, Mammon and Satan suffer while Solomon talks about Mc getting a sorcerer’s (they’ll get a training one and not the actual thing) so that they aren’t limited to having to do spells only with Solomon. MC of course doesn’t really hear any of this cause they’re currently dying. That’s not even a joke – they start seeing spots and stars, they can’t hear what the others are saying, their life flashes before their eyes and they pass out.
MC wakes up in their room at night (the rooms are now light and dark depending on the time of day) and walks out of the room into the demon lord’s castle where they run into lil D no. 2 (who freaks out cause he mistakes MC for ghost and I just love our little demon son so much) who calls barbatos who says they have tea with diavolo. MC can tell barbatos it’s nice to see him again or say it’ll be nice to see diavolo (Barbatos only gets happy when you pick the second option and asks MC to tell diavolo that when they see him cause he’s). Barbatos talks about how it would be nice to visit the human world and that there’s so much he wants to learn from it in regards to cooking, Mc invites him over and offers to show him around. During tea diavolo mopes about having to stay in the devildom even though it’s technically his break too and how barbatos won’t let him come to the human world until he finishes his work but how he doesn’t seem to be able to make a dent in the work even with lucifer helping him as much as he can from the devildom (Chats show diavolo crying to lucifer about his work until lucifer gives him and offers to do what he can. Barbatos calls lucifer out on coddling diavolo). Diavolo says that without the others around he’s even more distracted (which is understandable? I’m less motivated to work when ik that my friends are free and having fun). Lucifer eventually texts diavolo to tell him to stop kidnapping their human and to pls send them back my brothers are about to burn down the kitchen. Levi, Satan and Beel have being trying to figure out human appliances in the kitchen cause even though they have tech in the devildom it’s not as advanced (I really loved the cauldron aesthetic of their devildom kitchen this one’s just white walls and steel). Satan’s insistent that the ice cream maker is to heat up soup. At some point it’s revealed that Beel eats the actual pot part of a hotpot as well. During dinner Asmo asks MC to come with him the next day to visit a café that’s been remodeled called Angel’s Halo
There are 2 locked chapters, presumably one is satan and mammon escaping from Solomon, no idea what the other is.
Sorry this took so long 35, I hope you see this!  Since this is already so long I’ll make a separate post for the screenshots
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animalfalls · 4 years
Never Good Enough
Leviathan X GN!MC (Angsty and unedited)
Warning: this is really angsty and there is a lot about self-hate so if you are easily triggered I don’t recommend this fic for you.
Word Count: 1813
AN: OMG wow I actually finish something lmao. It includes a phrase in Japanese, I don’t speak the language but I did take a few classes a while back. If it isn’t used right or I was WAY off with it’s meaning please let me know lol. I got it off of a site that explained how in Japanese they aren’t direct with speaking so instead of “I love you”, “I like you” would be more appropriate for this situation. Plus to me it fits Leviathan’s personality.
You know you should’ve seen this coming, yet no amount of preparation could he stop the tears from flowing. Your blank eyes stare back into the piercing gaze of the unnamed demon before you. No matter how strong you are physically one thing always hurts more than anything else. A tinge of pain began to stew in your chest, festering up and choking you out. A clawed hand pressed to your throat in a death grip. You knew this would be your fate as soon as you stepped through the gates of RAD. A school of demons was no place for a powerless human. You were surprised how you managed to last this long.
This was not what caused your tears to overflow and flood your face. Nor was it the sharp edges of the claws ripping into your skin causing blood to trickle down from your neck and seep into the clothes on your chest. Not even the growing suffocation of disruption of air to your lungs. No, it was far worse than any physical pain that could be brought upon you. It was those words that made you lower your guard and give in to your fate. You knew you stood no chance once those vile words flittered off of the lips of this demon. You will never be good enough for him.
It was as if the demon had a paralysis spell over you, your body declining any thoughts of running or fighting back. You knew it was true already, but you never wanted to face the truth. Leviathan… He was too good for you. Any fight you had given up to this point had since coming to an abrupt halt. What were you thinking anyway? You were only a human, you had no right to even hope he would view you as anything more than an annoyance. You were just a burden to all of the brothers and you knew this so well. Yet for a moment you thought you could actually belong somewhere. With others that would understand you and maybe even enjoy your company. What a stupid thought, nothing but the fleeting hopes of a useless human. Pathetic human, you really think he could ever love you? No, but I hoped he could.
The world seemed to be so colorful when Levi was around, a smile from him could send a beautiful warm feeling through you. Listening to him go on about any one of his shows was blissful. He would get so excited at times his demon form would emerge and the way his tail shot straight up as he would go into great depth about his favorite parts. That boy’s passion for anime and video games was second to none. You always liked how he would lend you his manga without you having to ask for them. He’d often leave them in a box outside of your door with a note on them in the middle of the night so he didn’t wake you.
You kept every single note, they were your treasures, he may not have the most legible handwriting but it was adorable to you. The last one he gave you had a phrase on it, it was in Japanese and you hadn’t been able to translate it properly yet. It was a shame you were going to die before you could translate it. The characters still haunt your mind. 好きだよ You curse yourself for never finding the answer, you almost wish you would have just asked him. Now is far too late for that though.
Your attention now returns to the demon in front of you, some low life demon you have never even seen around the school. Not like anyone would really remember you to begin with, despite being fairly outgoing you could never fit in here like you had hoped. You were just too weak and helpless to be able to survive in this world. You were just a burden to the brothers, you understood that it would be annoying to have to look after you. So you opted to go alone to most places, it may be dangerous but it was better than pissing off powerful demons like the brothers.
The world started to fade and finally your instinctual will to live kicked in, you claw and struggle with all your might to remove the vice that clamped shut around your throat. Despite all your effort it wasn’t enough to save you, you were so much weaker than this demon. The most you could do was scratch their hand, your vision starts to fade out and you can feel the pain starting to reach your limit. You shut your eyes tight the only thing you wanted to think about now in your final moment was Leviathan. 好きだよ
This was the last thing the third eldest thought he would see on his way back to the House of Lamentation. He had thought he heard the sound of MC’s voice coming from a well-isolated alleyway so he went to investigate. They should already be home so he thought it was strange that they would stop here of all places. He still hadn’t heard back from them since that last note he left with the latest edition of “I am in love with a human but they won’t take a hint and I am too scared to say anything because I am a yucky otaku.” Maybe they couldn’t translate it properly, they were a normie after all. 
Leviathan’s heart stopped the moment he saw you laying there. He had never understood how Satan could lose control to his wrath so easily. This made him learn just how easy it was to let rage control you. Pinned under some demon who would never be missed and being choked out of their life was his beloved MC. They lay there barely able to hold onto the demon’s hand little lone try to pry it off of them. Their eyes shut tight whispered his name and before he knew it Levi was holding you close, you were alive but barely. He hadn’t remembered how he got to this point or where that pathetic waste of space that hurt his MC had ended up. That didn’t matter at the moment, but the blood-covered walls were enough of a hint that the demon wasn’t going to make it far.
Leviathan clung to you tightly, he never thought he would feel so concerned for someone who was 3D, nor a normie at that, yet his heart ached as he called out to you so desperately. Pulling himself together the best he could, he scooped you up into his arms and ran, ran as fast as his legs would allow him to. He knew if you were going to continue to live he had to act fast and get you medical help, not knowing where else to turn to he took you back to the House of Lamentation cursing himself for not finding you sooner.
As your eyes fluttered open the first thing you noticed was the ceiling of Leviathan’s room, the soft glow of the fish tank lit up your vision. Your head was still groggy and you couldn’t remember how you had gotten here. Trying to sit up sent pain shooting through your body, but also made you well aware you were on a bed, not in Leviathan’s bathtub he called his bed. When did this get here? Why was it here? Wait… Why am I here? Memories of what happened before you were about to die hit you like a tsunami. Your breath quickly picks up and you start to lose control of it, your body starting to shake violently. That is when you feel a weight lift off your stomach, and feel a hand in yours holding it tightly.
“I thought I lost you… MC never scare me like that again!” Leviathan cried out to you, quickly pulling you into a warm embrace. His sobs where half-muffled by the crook between your shoulder and neck. “Why wouldn’t you call for my help?! Our pact would have let you contact me! I don’t even care if it wasn’t me! Why didn’t you call anyone?!” He seemed so desperate for answers and he bordered on being hysterical. As you tried to answer him your voice failed you and all you could do was hug him back running your fingers through his hair. This seemed to calm him down enough to stop the never-ending stream of questions. They could wait, right now he had you in his arms, no amount of self-doubt would pull him away at this moment, he needed you to know how he felt. “好きだよ (Suki da yo), it’s what I wrote on the last note, it means I like you… MC I know you will probably never like a yucky otaku like me but I had to tell you. No matter what you feel for me I want to protect you. Even if you can’t be mine I will try to keep my jealousy to a minimum if that means I can just be there with you!” The poor boy had already assumed he’d be rejected.
“Why would you like a useless human like me?” These words hurt him more than any rejection could ever. He was prepared for any type of rejection MC could throw at him no matter how brutal but those words cut deeper than anything he could have imagined them saying. MC thought they were useless… Why would someone he came to treasure so much think they were useless? They were nothing like him, yet they thought they were the one undeserving of him. Leviathan’s heart shattered, he was at a loss of words. His sobs came to a stop right then and there, his grip loosened and he pulled away enough to look into their eyes. He knew these feelings all too well, this wasn’t fair. This wasn’t fair. THIS WASN’T FAIR!
“MC! Why would you think like that?! You mean everything to me! I wouldn’t trade any of the time I have with you even for a limited edition Ruri-Chan figurine! Although that would suck losing the chance to get it... You are so precious to me! You are my Henry and I would be stupid not to like you! Even if you are a normie!” You have never seen him blush so hard, and it was taking everything in him not to flee after saying something so embarrassing. The only thing you could think of to do was pull him into a kiss, your hands cupping his face and you took one last glance at him before shutting your eyes and melting into the kiss. While you weren’t sure if you could ever get rid of these feelings of self-hate, for a moment you had hope that maybe you two could work together to be more confident.
“I like you too Levi.”
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aj-writes-here · 4 years
Remember I posted a tease about a series I wanted to work in? Well, being here 01:19am, Ifinished the first chapter! Hope you find in interesting :)
Predestination [Chapter 1]
Today was a year since the day you had arrived at that weird place. And in one year, you were able to become a fully functional soldier, being one of the strongest in the group, and certainly no one could believe how you managed to become Squad Leader in such a little amount of time. Well, you should blame your previous training. Or the pieces of knowledge that it left you, even the muscular memory. 
But wait a second.
How did all of this happen? A short flashback should help set things clearer. 
Working as a teacher, training every day next to your boyfriend and best friend, and hanging out with your brainy friends seemed to be the perfect match, as if things were predestinated to occur the way they did. That day things were weird, to start with, the window was blowing cold in the hottest day of the year, there were no birds on the sky, and not a single mail notification on your phone.
Things then started as they should, you kiss your boyfriend goodbye and left, heading straight to your job. The day was quiet, the students of your last class had an exam to do, but in the middle of the time given, a bunch of birds crashed on the big windows, catching everyone's attention. As if things couldn't go weird enough. The classroom was evacuated to a safer one, and the examed was postponed to the next week. Things felt weird, as an incomplete puzzle, that hint in your heart was screaming something at you but you couldn't tell what it was. Were you going to be robbed? Crashed by a car? It was hard to tell, but thanks to those feelings you decided it was better to keep an eye open to everything, be more cautious than the usual was not a bad thing.
After leaving college, Matt texted you he had a free hour to have lunch, and as a police Sergeant, those free hours were once in a blue moon. 
The lunch went as usual, with the small difference that a waitress spilled a glass of water over your clothes, are weird things going to keep happening? You asked to yourself.
Oh, believe. The worst was yet to come. 
''So, are we going to Kara's house tonight?'' Matt asked walking by your side.
''Sure! We haven't seen her in a while, besides, I feel bad'' You gave him a look with pouted eyes.
''May I ask why, love?''
''I tumbled her down with just a kick while we were sparring! She said her butt hurt for like a week'' You couldn't help but laugh at the memory, Matt imitating your actions.
''God yes! I remember that!'' he cleaned a happy tear ''But that only proves that you're good at it, babe'' He pressed a kiss on the top of your head easily.
''I think I will buy her some chocolates for tonight'' You said in between laughs again, stopping at the street where your paths separate. But that day? Those paths were going to be separated for more than they should. Or shouldn't they?
''That's a good idea,'' he smiled ''We can go to the market before her house tonight'' Matt looked at his clock and then at you ''Shit, I'm almost late. Gotta go, see you tonight babe,'' He laid a hand on your shoulder and left a soft kiss on your lips ''Love you.''
''Love you too'' You answered, the smile never leaving your face. ''You handsome!'' Matt looked back over his shoulder just to send you a flying kiss, waving his hand, loosing among the people.
So, you had left your job earlier, had lunch with your boyfriend, at it was barely two pm. You didn't go to your apartment, avoiding that tiny voice in your head that told you you should. Instead, that day you decided to pay a visit to the lab your other friends worked at. 
The lab was big, outside big letters were eye-catching. Just as a tech and bio company should be, always looking for different ways of improving mankind. You were known almost by the entire building, so the secretary just let you in. 
There they were, looking tired but excited as usual. 
''We're so close'' Lauren pointed out giving you a tight hug before asking how things were going.
''Yes! We haven't run any test yet, but if this thing works... We will change history.'' Paul looked almost scared, looking at the device on the white table.
''I would ask you how you did it, but I'm pretty sure the only word I'd understand is 'proton', and that's it'' You laughed.
''It is complicated, yes. But as we have tested with small objects, those complex terms had seemed to work.'' He scratched his head.
''That's true. The other day we were able to move a grape. Now we just add some other things to increase the power, we need to try with something bigger.'' 
They were working on how to transport atoms, concrete things. The grape experiment had worked, they were able to make it crossed the room when they activated the small machine. As you spoke, the rest of the team kept on running tests on other things, creating, innovating.
And then what was not supposed to happen, happened.
The building was shaking, was it an earthquake? You could look outside the window, people walking normally, so it wasn't an earthquake. A red light indicated the state of emergency, and the security team was running as fast as possible to get to the floor you and your friends were at. The birds crashed on the windows again, and thanks to the shock you fell to the floor, the tiny little machine your friends were working on started vibrating, and they recognized the blue light it emitted, the same light that appeared when the grape was moved. 
Fear was on everyone's faces, a loud metallic noise was filling the room, and you tried to cover your head from the pieces of the roof that were falling, but then, the box fell from the table and it hit your shoulder.
And then everything was silent.
When you opened your eyes, you were in some sort of cage, a tall blond man looking at you seriously, next to him a four eyed woman who looked more excited. 
Erwin and Hanji. Those were their names.
''Oi, you idiot'' His voice took you out of those memories, so you looked at him instead of you tea cup.
''Don't you have someone else to bother, Levi?'' You raised an eyebrow. It is true, your personality had changed after living in that new but old world.
''Tch, I've been talking to you for about a minute'' His voice was rough as usual. ''Then all of you ask me why I don't speak. It looks that everyone has water instead of fucking brains.
''Then tell me what do you want before I leave'' You stood up, ignoring the rest of his words, in the end, the tea was already cold.
''I was telling you that you should go to bed. Your face looks shittier than the normal.''
''Yeah, I'm aware of it. Thanks for the reminder.''
Your relationship with Levi was... Stressful. You couldn't stand each other, yet you always ended up talking. And throwing shit at each other. Still, you always found yourself near him, because of training, missions, paperwork, or more. The first time you met him he had been rough, not even caring about why were you dressing so differently or where you were from. You didn't join the army, the Survey Corps noticed your abilities in fighting, and surprisingly you were almost natural with the ODM. And besides, how were they going to explain that you were from another era? Another world? You were good in what they needed, so in a little amount of time you got your uniform. Almost against your will, but if that meant that you had food and a roof to sleep under, you were good. With time, Levi asked subtle questions, it was hard to believe everything that you had told him. How the hell was even possible? You couldn't even answer. And the truth was, that you didn't care about giving him explanations, he was an idiot. 
After a year of living inside the walls, being part of the SC thanks your skills, you were still trying to find ways to go back home. How could you pass from being a History and Literature teacher, from being a soldier that was fighting to protect humanity? 
But destiny worked in complex ways, and you could have never imagined that the last thing you were going to want, was going back home. 
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elaianna · 6 years
The Hangman’s Noose - Part Two
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The Company dismounted from their steeds and elbowed, shoved and pushed their way through the crowds. All except for the Admiral.The decision to push through the crowd kept the Company from running through and trampling citizens, causing casualities, but it wasn't without effect as the Rear Admiral took the lead, barging into the crowd, attempting to wade through with a shoulder here and a shove there all while yelling. "CEASE AND DESIST AT ONCE BY ORDER OF THE LORD ADMIRAL!"
A shaky breath left Elaianna's lips as she heard the cease and desist order. She'd live another day.
Dagan pulls on the harness of her hippogryph, forcing him to stop in his tracks, upon him standing in place, the Mercenary looks over to Elaianna, her frail figure, the rope around her neck. "My dear friend, what have your people done to you?" spoken barely above a whisper.
Thomas still did not drop from his saddle. Despite the clamor and the crowd, his steed was faithful. A well bred animal, it did not balk at the noise nor danger of violence. A steady -- and high -- vantage from which to aim from. His hand rest on the stock of his rifle, tendons in the wrist flexing in preparation.
Yet the words stirred protest within the crowd. The people begun to riot every which way. To make matters worse, seeing that situation just went from tense to a possible death toll, the Executioner feigned not hearing the Rear Admiral and hit the lever.
Elaianna looked to Thomas, seeing him sitting up above. This wasn't a hallucination. Relief painted her features. For a moment, she looked elated. "Thom--!" His name was cut short, as down she went, a strangled gulping sound leaving her as the air left her throat. It didn't snap. She was left swinging on the hangman's noose, choking for air with her hands bound behind her back, preventing her from attempting to loosen up the noose or hold herself aloft.
The sudden departure of his wife from solid ground gave flight to Thomas' hand. Even as she was falling, he was raising his rifle to sight in for the bundle of cordage that knotted the line of rope to her neck. Better to risk sending shrapnel and wood down from above than to take a chance at severing the single noose. Yet while his steed was a well bred sort, and not prone to startling, it was still pushed and the rider jostled, causing his aim to miss it's mark. Indeed, shrapnel and wood rained from above as the bullet hit the gallows, rather than the knotted cord.
As she fell, Karthe folded his hands behind his back to try and subtly manipulate the arcane, preparing to Arcane Blast the beam holding up the ropes. He didn't need to shove through the entirety of the crowd when he could cast magic.
As he did so, three men, Joseph, Dhargul and Daniel, came barreling through the crowds, pushing past to where Elaianna gasped and fought for air.
Daniel ran through like greased owl poop, shoving people aside as gently as possible as he moves through. Not listening to protest, attempts to stop him only meeting the shield he wielded, he finally reached Anna. Dropping his shield immediately, the Captain grabbed Elaianna by the feet, lifting her up, so that she can stand on his hands.
Joe let out a bellowing roar as he charged through the crowd, plowing through and shoving everyone aside, knocking folks down left and right without feeling sorry for once! His only focus was to stop that rope from choking her. He helped lift her up in what looked like a hug.
Elaianna was able to gasp for a breath of air as Daniel got ahold of her legs and held her up. She swayed and leaned to one side, but was able to get at least that gulp of precious air before she was struggling-- then Joe joined and held her upright. With the support of both men, she was no longer swaying so heavily to and fro like a helpless rag-doll.
Meanwhile, Dhargul had made his way through the crowd, stopping before the two men holding her up. He had his weapons brandished, offering protection to Elaianna and those that held her aloft, eyeing those that came close.
As the beam above head broke at Karthe's well placed spell, slackening the rope that held Elaianna, she crumpled down against the group holding her. She was passed out. A body could only take so much strangulation.
Dhargul wrinkled his nose as he heard the rustling behind him. "I'll beat up a path fer ye if I have to lad, just give tha word."
As Karthe's spell hits the beam, Danny, luckily, caught her, pulling her into his arms, to carry her like an infant. Anyone trying to hurt the Lady would have to get through the tall, muscled man's defenses.
Dagan, seeing that Elaianna dropped into the waiting men's arms, pushed through the crowd as Warpson did, bursting on through the other side to see a crowd surrounding to where the Lady dropped.
Despite a rough entrance, Marius was soon able to maneuver the dense crowd with practiced ease. As he made his way to the center, a small glass vial was sipped from his belt and casually dropped to the stones where it shattered. He had also lifted an old, gold scarf over his face before doing so. Every aggressor within range of the alchemical fog that emerged from the vial would start to feel... A little woozy but far more passive. However those without strong constitution might just find themselves asleep.
The passing glance of his shot left Thomas' gut curled against itself. But -- by the grace of the Company's good efforts, his wife was relieved from her hanging at the noose. Past his lips a silent prayer of thanks spilled as Captain Conaroy and Mr. Brandstone took her weight -- even Karthe's efforts entered his prayer, despite his feelings on the Graybush. By all manner, it seemed as if Marius' endeavours had worked as well. Rationale over bloodshed -- it almost felt like a first.
As members of the crowd begin to lose interest thanks to the rising mist of that alchemical potion, it gave the Rear Admiral a chance to break through and bark his orders once more whilst reaching down to yank the bell from the poor shell-shocked boy’s hands! As with all Kul Tirans the sound of a bell gradually caught the attentions of everyone. “I SAID CEASE AND DESIST! BY ORDER THE THE LORD ADMIRAL, I AM ORDERING THIS CROWD TO DISPERSE! ALL CRIMES LEVIED AGAINST THE WOMAN, ELAIANNA NESBITT-STALSWORTH ARE HEREBY REMANDED…" He continued on as more of the crowd begrudgingly calmed to listen. ”Furthermore, those responsible for her unlawful and neglectful incarceration will be taken into custody and put to trial for their crimes against a noble woman. Should any here attempt to stop the removal of her presence here, my men and our associates are hereby ordered to shoot at will. AM I UNDERSTOOD!?”
Dagan and Marius converged towards Elaianna, seeing her limp form carried by Daniel, who's main goal was to get the Lady to her husband. Who knew when the crowd would turn volatile again? "Were we too late?" Dagan asked. "Is she conscious?" asked Marius. The questions caused Joseph to frown. He truly didn't know if she was alive or dead. He didn't know if she had made it, or if she was gone.
Thomas bucked his stirrups into the haunches of his mount, ushering the beast to rake hooves through the air and thunder forward. By the clamor of the Rear Admiral's bell and Marius' handiwork, few stood in Thomas' path as he brought himself to the gallows platform. An expression of restrained relief wracked his face as he cast a glance to the unconscious form of his wife -- but he turned to address the crowd from atop his horse. "Men! Women! Lads and girls! We are not your enemy, and neither is the Duchy! A ship is guided by starlight, and you've been led astray under a fog -- will be put right soon, so heed th'words of the Admiralty an' harbour in your homes until things are settled!"
As the Admiral spoke, Captain Daniel carried Elaianna up to him, still cradling her like an infant. " 'ere ya go, lad." Not really one for conversation, he lifted her towards her husband as he finished addressing what was left of the crowd. At the urging of Conaroy, Thomas leaned down in his saddle. With his rifle falling to rest inside its scabbard, he used both arms to carefully lift his wife into his arms. There was a moment wherein he clearly had expected more weight -- surely he had lifted her before. But now, she was slighter -- smaller -- weaker. A throbbing vein amongst his forehead came to life, and stowed it's blood in his jaw.
Elaianna's head lolled to the side as she was hoisted up. The sudden change in her upright position caused her to cough, startling herself to be awake. Through half-lidded eyes she looked upwards, seeing her husband. "...Am I dead..?" her voice asked in a whisper, a hoarse rasp of what her voice often was.
There was a lacking of attention from Thomas to any but his wife. He cradled her against his chest. The gentle clatter of chainmail reminded him of how far apart they still were. No matter, his lips lightened at her voice and he shook his head, "Ain't so yet, gal. I got ya'." After his words, he blew a soft air across her face. Well -- not quite air, but a curling of pale mist. Minor, momentary, but invigorating.
Thanks to the Company, her family, and friends, she would be safe now.
@atc-wra @thomasstalsworth @calling-gull @brandstonethings @adventures-and-artifacts @marius-blackwood @eidrich-crone @gloryofsteel @themercenarycorner @karthe-surick
A huge OOC thank you to Sabine and Eidrich who were major storytellers for this entire story arch. What started out as something meant to be a small personal plot evolved with more and more people, both in and outside of the guild, wishing to become involved and help. It took a lot of work on their ends to make this something they could do so with. Thank you!
A huge thank you to my guild for also not killing me, even though you came pretty close. There was one point where it was a very real possibility. 
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rosehoare · 7 years
The future of love
Published in Sunday magazine, 2014
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Ready for Valentine’s Day? It’s the day we celebrate the romantic notion that you can love the same person your whole life!
I mean romantic, as opposed to realistic. Because, let me tell you, my friend: by committing ourselves to monogamous relationships with one person (just one! That’s half what’s considered reasonable to help yourself to from a biscuit sampler), we are behaving like sexual anorexics, starving our basic, hardwired hunger.
From a computer scientist’s point of view, forging a face to face connection belongs in the too hard basket. And from a philosopher’s point of view, we are living in an age of such overweening narcissism that we might not be capable of real, scary, grown-up love anyway.
Nevertheless, since our weak minds cling to the delusion of love and our culture obsesses over “cute couples”, and since being single can get to feeling like a slow withering of the soul, the question persists: how can we stay in love and be happy?
Last September, ethicist Brian D. Earp and some colleagues at the University of Oxford’s Centre for Neuroethics co-authored a paper proposing a chemical intervention to a crummy problem we have inherited.
That old “men just aren’t built for monogamy” cop-out turns out to be backed by data observable across species, and championed by evolutionary psychologists.
“The engine of natural selection is that you want to maximise reproduction,” Earp says. “We’re not puppets of our genes, but from an evolutionary standpoint, it makes no sense to have one sexual partner your whole life.”
Things were simpler for our Pleistocene-era ancestors. They lived half as long as we do, roaming around in groups of about 150 relatives, raising their kids communally. And after three or four years, the parenting was done, whereas we live in a more information-rich world, where raising a child to the point where it can fend for itself like the feral kid in Mad Max doesn’t really cut it anymore.
(Procrastination being what it is, I could tell you a lot more about this colourful Pleistocene era, with its woolly mammoths, sabre-toothed tigers and other such “megafauna” which we may, in our lifetimes, see “rewilded” in a Jurassic Park-like situation. Google it if you don’t believe me.)
The point is, Pleistocene parents used to be able to get back amongst it very quickly, while today’s parents are committed to parenting until the child is 16. And even after that, couples are expected to spend decades more as monogamous romantic partners.
Clearly, Earp says, “there’s a gap to make up between what our human dispositions are like and what we expect of ourselves. The question is how do we make up that difference?”
Currently, we respond to the problem with infidelity (10-54% of wives and 20-72% of husbands) and divorce (around 42% in New Zealand). We go to relationship counselling but plenty of couples don’t benefit from it. So Earp suggests we try huffing oxytocin.
Oxytocin is the hormone we naturally produce in situations related to attachment. It floods our system when we orgasm, when we go into labour, when we breastfeed, when we hug. When you come home and see your dog, you get a burst of oxytocin, and your dog does too.
On the face of it, oxytocin seems like a miracle drug for couples counselling. It reduces anxiety and stress (even when couples are discussing a ‘chronic source of conflict'). It boosts trust, eye contact, empathy and attentiveness. Under the influence of oxytocin, couples remember their good times more readily.
It even improves monogamous impulses: last year, neuroscientists found that after inhaling oxytocin, men in relationships displayed less interest in a pretty female than single men.
But it has a few wacky side effects. Oxytocin can turn the volume up on us-and-them feelings like envy, schadenfreude and ethnocentrism -- it makes people less friendly to strangers than they would otherwise be. For people with aggressive tendencies, oxytocin seems to actually enhance aggressive behaviour. It also brings up more bad memories for those with anxious attachment to their mother.
“Oxytocin isn’t just this universal enhancer that makes everything more positive, happy and trustworthy,” Earp says. “It interacts with the person, who they are and what their attachment styles are.”
All the same, for the right people and in the right environment, Earp thinks oxytocin shows promise. “I don’t want to have to be constantly spraying something up my nose in order simply to function in my relationship, but if I used it in a counselling session while I’m learning more productive communication behaviours or something like that, and then I weaned myself off of it but I retained what I’d learned, that could be very useful.”
But enough of bringing our Pleistocene impulses into the 21st century with experimental chemicals! Hasn’t technology already brought us further than that? Set the flux capacitor to 2045, Marty. Where we’re going, we don’t need roads!
Dr James Hughes is a sociologist and executive director of the Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies in Connecticut. I wanted to ask him about the possibility of love with an artificial intelligence (AI).
Some futurists predict that, by 2045 or thereabouts, we will experience something called the Singularity, a point when artificial intelligence will overtake human intelligence, and keep improving at an exponential rate, leaving us all in its dust.
Some people find the prospect of AI menacing. Dr Hughes is not one of those people (although he is concerned about the effect it might have on the labour market). He doesn’t find the idea of a relationship with a disembodied AI all that outlandish.
For one thing, he says, we already interact with AI a lot. Software that uses algorithms and big data to predict what we want -- Netflix, Google, dating agencies -- are a form of AI. And Hughes says we already know that humans “anthropomorphize and seem to take a great deal of emotional comfort from relationships with technology”. In the 1960s, an MIT scientist created a rudimentary chat bot and programmed it with a script for psychotherapy. He was disturbed by how readily people opened up to it.
“The Roomba is another example: the little circular robot vacuum cleaners that wander around your house and suck up your dirt? People were naming them. They would feel heartbroken if one got broken and they’d send them back, and if asked ‘do you want a replacement’, they’d say ‘No, I want my one back’.”
Hughes says the attractions of electronic forms of love and romance are manifold: an electronic partner is constantly available, there’s less risk of sexually transmitted disease or unwanted pregnancy, and you don’t ever have to bicker with your robot lover, unless that’s what you’re into.
And yes, let’s get to the part you have probably been wondering about: sex with a robot or a remote human, via teledildonics and whatnot, promises to be fulfilling and, according to robot sex expert David Levy, commonplace by 2050.
When it comes to the burden of emotional and sexual engagement in a relationship, technology is already helping pick up the slack: a new sex app developed for Google Glass allows partners to stream each other’s points of view, can flash up sex advice in flagrante delicto and can even dim the lights. (Can you imagine anything sexier than watching your partner issue a pre-coital voice-activation command to their wifi-enabled home lighting system?)
Researchers are currently programming facial recognition software to help people with autism read emotional cues, so, Hughes says, “We’re looking at a future where ‘Your wife seems to be happy right now, but she’s really mad at you’ suddenly flashes up on your Google Glass.”
Regardless of whether it’s with a human you only connect with in World of Warcraft or a robot, Hughes believes technology will enable unimaginably richer connections. We’ll use haptic technology that responds to touch; facial recognition software that helps read moods, and nano-neural interfacing that enables us to share thoughts and memories.
“There may be AI in the future who, because of the depth of their programmed understanding of the human mind and emotions, knows you ten times better than anybody else could,” Hughes says.
Ah, but would I feel known? However nice it might be to have a robot lover who can suggest a movie I’ll love, wouldn’t I somehow still compartmentalize my feelings for an AI as being of a different, lesser order to what my feelings could be for a human?
Not if you can’t tell them apart, Hughes says. A classic test designed by math genius Alan Turing pits an AI against a human intelligence, and asks us to guess which we’re communicating with. “Every year, we see AI getting higher and higher thresholds of people guessing they’re human,” Hughes says. “The interesting thing about the Turing test is lots of humans fail it. There are humans whose interaction and style of communication is such that they can’t communicate as fully realised human beings.”
Given how important and universal the experience of love is, philosophers haven’t made a very impressive job of explaining its mysteries. In fact, some of the most influential philosophers had abysmal love lives. Nietzsche sprang a proposal on a girl he barely knew, was rejected and died alone. Kierkegaard had a nice girlfriend, but got emo and broke off their engagement. Sartre and De Beauvoir came close with a markedly bohemian relationship - lots of intellectual chats, no fidelity, no marriage, no kids.
So far, so romantic. Then along comes Alain Badiou’s In Praise of Love.
In an interview format, the elderly French philosopher describes love as a sharing of perspectives that creates a new reality, an event as irrevocably life-altering as when Keanu takes the red pill in The Matrix.
Dr Tim Rayner, a philosopher at Sydney-based consultancy Philosophy for Change, has been pondering love ever since he gave a disastrous speech about its essential unknowability at his brother’s wedding years ago, and he thinks Badiou has come closest to nailing love, on behalf of philosophy.
“Badiou thinks when you fall in love with someone, you see your life again -- not just as it could be, but as it should be.”
“It’s a real world that we’re drawn into,” Rayner says. “It’s not like a window that we can look through and go ‘that was interesting’ and move on. We feel compelled to actualize it, because it’s part of who we are.”
That’s Badiou’s philosophical ideal of love, but it’s not how he sees things enacted. Rayner says Badiou is especially cranky about people looking for “risk-free” love based on mutual compatibility -- the kind of casual, exploratory relationships orchestrated by dating services, where, if things get tough, it’s easy to walk away. Anyone hoping to make love more convenient, to gain the ecstatic feelings without hazarding any disruption to their life, is missing the point. Love, the only way Badiou would have it, is necessarily fraught.
“It’s a very frightening place to be,” Rayner says. “You’re violating the sanctity of the ego and putting yourself in a position of vulnerability. But you need to go there to create the common space of love. And since we do live in a fairly egoistic society, for some people, that’s too much of a leap to make. But if you are going to commit yourself to the love experience, you have to say ‘my life is no longer just about me, it’s about us, and everything I do from now on is about strengthening that bond’.” Then you have to figure out how you’re going to change the world together.
Maybe the new reality you create together is being Hollywood’s hottest power couple. Maybe it’s doing a really sensational home renovation. For a lot of couples, it’s having kids -- a transformative experience that can have meaning for couples beyond fulfilling an ancestral drive.
That’s a traditional perspective, but Rayner says you can experience Badiou’s kind of love outside of a romantic relationship, too. For Badiou, a militant Maoist who agitated in the ‘68 uprisings, comrades can have a kind of comradely love forged by being engaged in a common struggle. And Rayner thinks colleagues -- workers or artists -- collaborating on a project can feel powerfully bonded by the experience of co-creation.
And if you’re single this Valentine’s Day, take heart: you, too, can experience Badiou’s world-reconfiguring, romantic love, all by yourself.
“When you meet another person who just sweeps you off your feet and gives you a sense of how your whole life could be different, often those kinds of relationships are unrequited”, Rayner says. “I mean, the best romances are, right?”
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ycmiis-blog · 7 years
now recording {chapter ten}
When upcoming YouTuber Lucy Heartfilia finds herself collaborating with popular channel Fairy Tail, she ends up getting more than she bargained for. ( ff.net // ao3 )
Natsu falls into his and Lucy's room, hanging onto the doorknob for dear life as Lucy giggles behind him. Neither of them are drunk, but Natsu ate far too much at dinner, even for him, and he's paying the price for it now. He doesn't even lean down to pet Happy on his way over to his bed, and so the blue cat heads to Lucy for his attention. Plue is already asleep on the couch.
"This is the real reason fate was kind enough to give us two beds," Lucy says as Natsu lands face-first in his pillow. "It's so you don't end up puking all over me in the middle of the night."
Natsu simply groans in response, shifting so he's lying on his side. Lucy isn't in her bed. Instead, she's rummaging through one of the inner pockets of her smallest suitcase, and in the dim light, Natsu can make out shampoo and conditioner. He resists the urge to groan again when he realises he'll have to take a shower before going to bed. He's already too comfortable to move.
"Don't these places come with free hair stuff?" Natsu asks, voice muffled by his pillow.
Lucy sends him one of those 'you clearly wouldn't understand' looks as she stands, towel and pyjamas draped over one arm. "My hair is long, Natsu. Those tiny little bottles of tiny little shampoo wouldn't even last me one shower. Besides, mine smells nicer."
Natsu nuzzles his pillow. "Whatever, I dunno anything about those name-brand things, anyway. I just use the supermarket one."
Lucy sighs, already halfway to the bathroom. "I'll be out in a bit."
The bathroom door closes and Natsu hears the faint sound of rushing water about half a minute later. He's tempted to fall asleep, but it isn't that late, and so he flicks on his bedside lamp and pulls out his script. He's been reading at least one scene every night before bed as some sort of memorisation tactic, and it seems to be working so far. He starts from where he and Lucy finished and reads his lines at least three times each, imagining how he should say them, muttering them to himself to test different inflections.
When he reaches the last scene of the film, he stops. This isn't the first time he's read through it, but it's the first time his co-lead has been in the other room, and he remembers Freed telling him earlier that Lucy had wanted to change the last scene so it was a hug instead of a kiss. It hadn't bothered him at the time, but now he wonders if there was a particular reason that Lucy was so adamant.
He's up to the very last line when the shower stops, and he places his script beside his pillow, knowing he'll lose it if he doesn't. Happy is curled up by his stomach, eyes closed. He gives the cat a soft scratch behind the ears as he waits for the bathroom door to open. Lucy emerges a minute or so later with wet hair and silk pyjamas, and she's surprised to see him awake.
"I thought you'd be in a food coma by now," she says, dumping her old clothes inside a different suitcase than the one from before.
"Nah, I was reading lines," Natsu says. He watches her for a moment, as if her body language will give him an answer to the question he wants to ask, but when it doesn't, he speaks anyway. "Hey, Lucy, can I ask you something?"
Lucy doesn't look at him as she slides into bed, a book in her hand. "Sure, what is it?"
"Why did you wanna write the kiss scene out of the movie so badly?" he asks, and he swears she freezes for a split second. "Freed told me, and I was just wondering. You don't need to do something you don't wanna do."
Lucy traces the spine of her book (an old classic he's never paid much attention to). "It's nothing to do with you, if that's what you're worried about."
That isn't really an answer, but that calms his worries. Just a little. "It's not that. I was just curious." When Lucy doesn't respond, only frowning at her book, he continues. "Okay, what if I guess what the problem is?"
That gets her attention. She looks up at him with an expression mixed with confusion and exasperation, but that's enough for him. "You're going to what?"
"Is it because you've never been kissed before? Is that it?" he asks, rather than responding to her question. He assumes it was rhetorical, anyway.
Lucy drops her book on the bedspread and glares at him. "I have been kissed, thank you very much. Any other genius guesses?"
Natsu already has his next question in mind, but he pretends to seriously consider it, rubbing his chin with narrowed eyes. Then he says, tone completely serious, "I know exactly what it is. You're a horrible kisser, aren't you?"
He drops the act as Lucy makes an outraged sound, laughing as she chucks a pillow at him. He catches it effortlessly. "That is not the case, you ass! I've been kissed by several people more than once, so your theory is complete and utter trash."
His laughter continues. It's so easy to tease Lucy, and it's quickly becoming one of his favourite pastimes. "Alright, alright, I'll take your word for it. For now. We'll see what the verdict is when we have to do that last scene, huh?" She narrows her eyes at him and Happy mews, as though telling her to calm down. Natsu likes to think that that's what's happening, anyway. "So, what? What's the problem?"
"I thought you were gonna guess?" Lucy grumbles, bringing her knees up to her chin.
"I couldn't think of anything else," Natsu says. "Nothing that would make you react like a crazy lady, anyway. It's not something like being camera-shy, is it? You're a natural, remember? I told you that before."
Lucy sighs and lies back on her remaining pillows. "That's different. I'm just being myself there. I'm not acting, and I definitely don't have to portray a love story. I chose the celestial princess because I love stars and I thought she sounded like a really cool character, but I don't know if I'll be able to do everything right."
Natsu is tempted to tease her again, but then he sees the worry in her eyes, the way she's pulled her bedspread so it covers half her face, as if to hide. This is something she's really struggling with, it seems. He doesn't quite know what to say, but he has to say something, and so he opens his mouth without thinking (as usual, but hopefully something good will come out of it this time).
"Hey," he says, softer than before. "You're Lucy Heartfilia and you're a badass in front of the camera, okay? You're gonna be the star of that film - no pun intended - and you're gonna be amazing, because that's how you are in front of a camera, and that's not gonna change 'cause you have a script. You wrote that script. No one can play the princess nearly as well as you can."
Lucy slowly lowers her covers so he can see her whole face. She's smiling. "Thanks, Natsu. That means a lot."
Before he can say, 'you're welcome' in return, he yawns. "Shit, I'm tired. Bedtime."
He switches his lamp off and Lucy abandons her book before turning hers off as well. They settle into their beds and Natsu closes his eyes, but is very aware of Lucy's presence on the opposite side of the room, barely an arm's length away. The only sound he can hear is the sound of the wind and the sea outside as well as the vibrant hum of the guests in the restaurant.
"Can I have my pillow back?"
"I hate you."
"No, you don't."
"Stay still."
"I would if you'd stop stabbing me!"
"It barely touched you, you big baby."
Natsu swears that Lisanna is doing this on purpose at this point. She's in the middle of fitting his costume, which is taking forever because so much goes into it, and the longer it takes, the more opportunities Lisanna has to accidentally poke him with the sewing pins. Or 'accidentally', in his opinion. Lisanna isn't that clumsy. She's enjoying this, he knows she is.
It's only the two of them and Mira in the room. Juvia is helping with the costumes, too, but she's gone to hunt down Elfman and Evergreen, who have mysteriously disappeared before their fitting was due to start. Natsu can't blame them. If he'd known that Lisanna would take the opportunity to make fun of him the entire time, he would have hidden away somewhere, too.
Still, with just Lisanna and Mira in the room, he can ask for advice, preferably without being made fun of. At least for the most part.
"Hey, guys, can I ask you something?"
Lisanna doesn't stop pinning bits and pieces of his costume, but Mira looks over from the sewing machine. "Of course, what is it?"
"What do you do when someone you're working with is nervous about something, but there's no way to change it, so you wanna make them as comfortable as possible with it, but you don't know how?" he asks all in one go, and he takes a deep breath once he's finished.
Lisanna actually looks at him this time. "This is about the kiss scene with Lucy, isn't it?"
Natsu coughs, but he can't deny it. "How'd you know?"
Both Lisanna and Mira give him a look as the latter says, "It was obvious. Besides, I was there when Lucy was talking about it to Levy and Freed, so it wasn't that hard to guess. Did she talk to you about it?"
"We talked about it last night, yeah." Natsu had been the one to bring it up, but he wasn't about to mention that. Perhaps Lucy hadn't wanted to tell him in the first place? That was plausible. "She said there was nothing in particular she was worried about, just the fact that she's not used to acting in front of the camera rather than being herself."
"I have an idea," Mira says. "Remember when we were all at the orphanage and we put on all those plays to raise money?"
"And you and Erza kept arguing over the lead role? Yeah."
Mira decides to ignore him. "Remember how Lisanna and I made those scented flowers for everyone, the one with the calming aromas, and we all used to keep them with us before we went onstage, and the entire backstage was filled with that calming scent, so we were able to stay focused? What if I made one of those for Lucy?"
Natsu grins, and if Lisanna wasn't holding a pin right by his collar, he would run over to Mira and hug her. "That's a great idea! Could you do it by tomorrow night? I think that's when we start shooting."
"Of course, they barely take ten minutes to make."
The door bursts open then, and Juvia appears in the doorway, Evergreen and Elfman behind her with red faces. "Juvia has apprehended Evergreen and Elfman!"
"And where were you two?" Lisanna asks, momentarily looking up from Natsu's costume. "You were supposed to be here an hour ago!"
Evergreen holds her head up high. "We - we just got sidetracked, that's all."
Lisanna narrows her eyes. "With what?"
Both their faces grow redder and Elfman bellows, "Nothing!"
The following night is when they start filming. Laxus and the rest of the film crew had been out there the previous night, getting in some landscape shots and blocking various scenes, searching the location for the best spots for different scenes. Everything is mostly set up when Natsu and Lucy arrive. Gajeel and Reedus are messing about with one of the tripods, and Lisanna is putting the finishing touches on Cana's costume. They're filming the celestial princess's arrival tonight as well as the fortune teller's scene. Natsu only came for moral support.
Once he's sure no one is around to disturb them, Natsu leads Lucy off to the side where some equipment cases are stacked, and he sits on one while she sits on another. She takes a moment to ensure her costume doesn't crinkle.
"What's up?" she asks, and while she smiles at him, he can tell she's nervous by the way her shoulders are up high, her feet constantly moving.
Taking the flower out from his pocket, he places it in the palm of his hand and offers it to her. "Here, this is for you. To help your nerves. Mira made it. She used to make them for all of us when we had to perform to raise money for the orphanage and we'd get nervous."
Lucy takes the flower, treating it with care as she brings it to her face and breathes in the scent. "It wonderful, thank you," she says, and Natsu is happy to see her shoulders relax. When she looks at him again, though, she seems confused. "You guys were in an orphanage?"
It takes Natsu a moment to catch up. Of course Lucy wouldn't know. He's so used to everyone else on the channel knowing about their circumstances, even those who weren't there in the orphanage days, that he forgot that no one had told Lucy. It's not public knowledge, and when they're asked in Q&As how they know each other, they just say that they're all childhood friends. There's no way she would know.
He responds casually, though. "Yeah, a lot of us are. That's how we all met and why we started the channel. Gramps suggested it to us when we were bored one summer, and the rest was history. Now it's a business, but we have fun."
Lucy's smile widens the slightest bit, and she twirls the flower around in her hand. "Well, thanks for telling me. It's nice to be trusted with stuff like that."
Natsu just smiles as Lucy is called over to begin shooting. "Of course! What are friends for?"
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neen-writes · 7 years
Silver for Monsters -- Chapter 3
Series: Witcher/Fairy Tail
Pairing: Gajevy
Summary: In a world ravaged by monsters where magic is becoming outlawed and nonhumans are hunted, the Witcher known as Black Steel Gajeel takes up a contract. He expects to find a simple old herbalist, terrorized by a beast in the woods. But in his many years he has learned to never trust what he expects.
Notes: I’m a terrible person because I was literally so excited to post that I FORGOT TO TAG/THANK @spikerr for beta-reading this for me!! And sticking through my streams as I hunted for inspiration.
Ch. 1 Ch. 2
Gajeel coughed in surprise as he fell, face first, into the grass.  His hands searched quickly, frantically, for… well he didn’t know what he was reaching for.  One moment he had been in the refugee camp and the next he was swallowed up into a black malestrom. The tug of the sorceress on his chest had disappeared at some point, and he found his stomach in his throat, all senses caught in a headspin with nothing to hold onto.
Then he was on solid ground, somewhere completely different.  He could count on one hand how many times he had gone through portals in the past, and as he rolled over, gasping for air, he remembered why he had sworn to never do it again the last time.  If he could help it.
“Lily!” Gajeel called out gruffly as he pushed himself upright and sheathed his steel blade on his back.  There was no reply at first, then he heard branches snapping and another loud thud… followed by very familiar groaning.
“Bloody… sorceresses!” he heard his friend curse from somewhere in the nearby wood, and moments later the older Witcher stumbled out, trying to get his bearings back.  He staggered and fell sideways against a tree, swallowing hard.  “What… the hell, happened back there?” Lily growled at his friend, who remained on the ground.  Far more affected by the portal than he.
Gajeel shook his head, just as baffled.  He opened his mouth to reply, but sounds elsewhere drew his attention.
“I’m sorry,” the blue-haired mage emerged, her only dishevelment being that which had already been given to her at the camp, but exhaustion was clear on her face.  The Witchers could barely see her sides moving--heaving--under the slightly baggy tunic.  She pushed some hair from her face and leaned forward to pat some dust from her soft leather trousers, which comfortably hugged her legs.  “It would have been a smoother ride but I was in a hurry, and I’m not used to teleporting others with me…”  The mage trailed off, something else bothering her.  It shouldn’t have been that hard for her, but her last ditch attack and teleport had taken a substantial amount of stamina from her.
“We would have rathered you didn’t,” Lily remarked, and Gajeel was halfway inclined to agree with him.
Levy shot him a look, “Oh I’m sorry, I generally assume that people would rather not be stuck in the situation you were.  I recall you being quite vocal about leaving it.”
“It seems we were only in it because of you,” Lily replied, “Either Radovid has gotten bolder or he just wants you so badly that he’d send troops into Nilfgaardian territory for you.  With no promise the Black Ones would even let them back out.”
The mage was quiet for a moment, averting her gaze.  That thought had come to her the moment she heard they were coming for her.  And while she wanted to believe the Redanians were reckless, she wasn’t foolish enough to settle on that answer.  There were parties on both sides of the war that sought to benefit from capturing the remaining members of the Lodge, and the only logical answer was that there had to have been some kind of deal struck, with her as a prize or bargaining chip.
“You’re in the Lodge, aren’t you?” Lily pressed, scrutinizing her.  Gajeel’s gaze flicked between the two; he had come to the same conclusion after he met her the first time, but it was on a hunch.  Lily had been given much more evidence. “There’s no other reason why the troops would bother with a mage so far south.”
“There is no Lodge anymore,” Levy replied, tight lipped and even-toned.  And there won’t be anyone left of it at this rate.  If they know where I am… that I’m still alive…  
The older witcher huffed and crossed his arms, but Gajeel took a hard step forward.  “Back down, Lil,” Gajeel finally found his words, pulling himself to his feet and dusting off his dark armor as he glanced around them.  “The real question right now is, where are we?”
Levy, lifted out of her thoughts, looked to Gajeel now.  “Somewhere near Mulbrydale.  I tried to get us as far north as possible but, you two are heavy,” she smiled, a tiny offering to the tension between the three.  It did little.
The two Witchers glanced to each other, incredulously, and the first thing Lily could think to say was, “My horse.”
There was a beat of silence before the sorceress rolled her eyes, “That’s your concern?”  By the look on Gajeel’s face, he agreed.  
“A good horse is hard to come by.  And ours are the best,” Gajeel replied, “Mine can outrun a pack of wolves easy.”  Lily nodded quickly, knowing his own horse had equal talents.  Both were thoroughbred and they had acquired them as rewards from different contracts years past.
Levy crinkled her nose and stood back from the two.  She didn’t know what she had expected after bothering to help the them, but she was more than used to the scrutiny against sorceresses.  She had hoped with the equal discrimination and ghost stories about Witchers that they might have been more open to her.  However, none of that mattered in the end, because she had managed to escape the threat for now, but was faced with a new challenge.  “So you will go back for them?”
“I will,” Lily responded, glancing to Gajeel as though he expected him to answer differently.  “We failed quite miserably at the camp, I would prefer to not have lost everything today.”  What he didn’t say was that he wished to see if anyone had survived, and if the area could be rebuilt in any way.  The older Witcher studied the small mage for a moment, before finally sighing.  “Thank you.  For pulling us out of there.”  It was a reluctant offering, but he couldn’t in good conscience not thank her.  But it was clear to him that she was far more trouble than it was worth, and with that he turned to leave, and beckoned Gajeel to follow him.  The black-haired Witcher did not move immediately, still studying the mage.  
He wanted to say more to her, to stay, to ask if she was alright, but he had no reason to.  He had every reason to leave with Lily.  And after a moment, he loosed a breath and started to turn.
“Wait,” Levy said, before realizing.  I can’t go back.  I knew I would only be able to stay there for a short time but… now it’s different.  They know it was me.  They know I didn’t die that day.  She looked to them both, knowing which one would be more agreeable already.  “Another contract.”
Both paused, lifting their brows.  Gajeel glanced to Lily, then back to her.  There might be the reason.  
“You’re not gonna go back to Midcopse after what happened; so what’ve you got to pay with?” Gajeel asked.
The woman sighed, knowing secrecy did her little good at this point.  “Midcopse was not my only home, and it was not where I kept all my belongings.  I brought some of my books with me, but I have kept the rest of my property hidden elsewhere, with a friend.  Along with the rest of my money.  I can pay more than I did for the Fiend.”
Gajeel looked to Lily, who still looked skeptical.  But, with their last venture failing so spectacularly, it might not hurt.  “What is the contract?” Gajeel asked, looking more interested than he might have intended.
“I need to get to my friend in Novigrad,” she said simply. “And I need an escort.”
“Why not teleport then?  You’re quite good with that,” Lily queried, a small smirk tugging at his lips.
Levy sighed, “Because I don’t have the strength.  Getting us out here drained a lot from me and I need to save my energy,” she paused, neglecting to mention that her magic felt very different.  Did they feed me something?  As a backup plan?  “Especially if I am going to try to get into the city,” she finished.  She could figure out the ‘what’ later, but she needed to get to the city first.
“And your friend is…?” Lily asked, his tone loaded.  He already had an idea: another member of the Lodge.  Levy did not answer him, which gave him the confirmation he needed.  “I’d rather not get--”
“I’ll do it.”
Both Levy and Lily looked to Gajeel quickly, who looked completely resolved to his decision.  Levy smiled, an air of relief on her face, but Lily quickly stepped up to his friend and took him by the shoulder.  “Are you sure?” he whispered, “Gajeel, you do not want to be between the Lodge and this war.”
The black-haired Witcher met his gaze, yellow eyes glimmering, “I’m sick of not sleepin’,” he replied, tone equally low.  Lily lifted his bows, understanding what he meant.  
Those dreams had plagued him for weeks, and in every one it seemed like she was calling out to him.  Trying to reach him.  And then he finds her trapped in that camp?  He hated the idea of fate, or anything of that nature, but there was something that had brought him to her; twice.  The least he could do was see this contract through.
“Then it is yours.  I’ll return for our horses, and to see what’s left of the camp.  I’ll meet up with you eventually,” Lily said, before looking to the mage, “Best of luck to you.”  She couldn’t tell if he was being sincere, but he shot a look of ‘be careful’ to his friend, before turning from them both.
Levy watching him leave, then looked to Gajeel, “Thank you.  I know it is not a small request, nor is it… what you usually do.”
“It’s a contract,” Gajeel shrugged.  It was more than that, he could feel that it was more than that.  But he had only met her twice, and he was now bound by his word to provide her safe passage.
Levy raised her hand in front of her face, before sweeping it downward.  The filth of her imprisonment disappeared from her clothing, but she didn’t bother to heal her minor injuries.  Over her shoulders a large, navy blue cloak appeared, fastened over the neckline of her yellow tunic with a wing-shaped broach.  She wavered slightly, loosing a breath, I could feel even that...when it should be nothing.  She reached up and pulled the hood of her cloak over her head; she needed to at least try to hide her identity on the way and she wasn’t exactly inconspicuous.  
“We should be able to secure a horse in Mulbrydale,” Gajeel remarked, trying not to stare, “Novigrad is a long way on foot.”
She didn’t love the idea, knowing how much the poor village already struggled, but nodded slowly.  “I’ll leave that to you.”
“Did you at least pay for it?”
“I’m a Witcher not a degenerate.  I don’t actually like stealing from the poor; of course I paid for it,” Gajeel replied from behind her.  The village was slowly fading from view behind them as the horse ambled down the dirt path.  The Witcher did the best he could to ignore how close they were, with the small sorceress somehow fitting into the saddle in front of him.  He could still smell the lavender on her.
Levy sighed, keeping her spine stiff to avoid touching him as much as possible, but it wasn’t entirely avoidable, as their thighs brushed against one another.  “Was there… not a second horse?”
“It was their last one.  They wouldn’t sell it.”  He understood what she implied with the question, and he too would have preferred a second mount, if not for propriety then at least for comfort.  Sitting so stiffly for the both of them was not an ideal way to spend a trip of any length.
Levy didn’t answer him, and kept her eyes ahead.  The road was empty except for the occasional traveller, who barely deigned them with a glance.  Too many of their own troubles to deal with.  There had been no signs of her pursuers.  But she knew the farther North they got, the less that would ring true.  She was headed into the enemy territory for the sake of a friend.  Hopefully more than one.  If she had kept her megascope, she could have tried to reach them that way, but it was ultimately too risky to have something like that in Midcopse.  The books were a danger enough; she would lament the loss of those, but at least the most valuable of her grimoires were in Novigrad.  
At least, she hoped so.  She hadn’t heard from any of the Lodge since Levy had left Novigrad behind.  Some even long before then; there were those who refused to speak to them to avoid drawing any more attention, and then those who just… disappeared entirely.  The witch hunts had gained such traction with Radovid’s underhanded encouragement and the Church of the Eternal Fire had surged to power and reverence that kept everyone of their kind in hiding.  The mages were a dying race.  
Though Levy had some illusions under her belt, she did not have the skill for polymorphy that her friend had; it made sense for her to at least try to stay behind in Novigrad, but not Levy.  She felt she could do more good in the swamps, where people suffered out of sight.
“What’s the real reason ya can’t get yourself to the city?  Did well enough back in the camp,” the Witcher broke the tense silence again. He could see her shoulders slump a little, but when she brushed against his chest, she sat straight again.
“What I did at the camp was all I had left, and it should have been more.  Dimeritium shackles alone don’t have such lasting effects; I suspect they were feeding me something to keep me weak,” she paused, “It should be temporary, I don’t know of anything that will last more than a few days.”
They were poisoning her then.  In case she was strong enough to get out of the shackles.  He’d heard of it before, mages who were powerful enough to bypass the effects of dimeritium.  Did they think she could have been that powerful?  Time would have to show, but they had a different objective to focus on.  “Do you have a plan for getting into Novigrad?  Or across the bridge?  The border station is not far off,” Gajeel broke her from her thoughts.
Levy shifted uncomfortably in her seat, “I had not planned to head back so soon.  I don’t have it all worked out, but I do know that there are always those we can secure passes from ahead of the bridge.  And just hope that word of my escape hasn’t spread this far yet.”  The Redanians had taken over the most accessible crossing over the Pontar, and she already knew the border post would be their first hurdle.  The Redanians vetted everyone that crossed through, and these days you needed passes to get across the river.  Once they got that far, getting to her friend’s residence in Novigrad would be the easy part. Hopefully.
Gajeel sighed, wondering now why he had agreed to this.  “Ya know, if this is the kind of contract that involves me fighting tooth and nail all the way t’ Novigrad, that’s extra.”
Levy laughed a little then, turning her head to peek over her shoulder from beneath the hood.  “While I appreciate the implication that you would, I don’t expect that of you.  Rest assured.  Just because I don’t have a full plan does not mean I am incapable.”  She was talking away her doubts as much as she was his.  “I will get us across the border, and into the city.  If we run into any complications, that is where you come in.”
Gajeel hummed the affirmative after a moment, and heeled the sides of the grey mare to urge her forward.  “Why would your friend choose Novigrad of all places?  Why not Kovir?  Or anywhere but the heart of the witch hunts.”
The mage was quiet for a moment, her words stalled by long practiced secret guarding.  “I thought Witchers were supposed to be the quiet type,” she elected to tease first.
“Rumor,” he quipped with a small smirk.
She smiled slightly, “She wanted to help people.  In defiance of the now infamous Pyres of Novigrad--” she gestured in front of her to try and mime them, ”--she was convinced she could smuggle people out.  Doing that and keeping hold of all our effects, despite the danger, is a smack in the face to the witch hunters.”  The sorceress paused for a moment, and sighed heavily, “A life of hiding can very quickly lose all its meaning unless you do something about it.”
Gajeel had no reply for that, and instead took note of the fact that the landscape had started to change.  He had been through this way before multiple times, but had since lost his previous passes.  Still, he recognized the change; the closer they got to the Redanian station, the fewer trees were left standing.  Many had been cut down for their wood, and primarily cleared out for sentries to see all who came long before they reached the bridge.  For him, trying to smuggle a sorceress across the border, it was non-ideal.  
But as she had predicted, there were already many people mulling about the road leading up to the bridge.  A small line of travellers ahead of them waited to get through, and the people on the side of the road were clearly trying to talk to them.  The Redanians never seemed to notice or, if they did, care that the passes were being traded.  Bigger fish to fry, he thought, scooting back from her a little.  She glanced back at him as he placed his palms on the saddle in the space he had made, and with perfect ease swung one leg back over the rear of the horse to dismount.
He grabbed the reins and walked the horse the rest of the way, taking his time and looking to each individual in front of of him.  
“Witcher,” Levy piped up, quietly.
Gajeel glanced up to her, seeing now that the hair beneath her hood was a dull brown.  Smart, he thought, before following the inclination of her head to a lanky man standing to the side of the road. His garb was simple enough, worn cotton with some red trim that fit fairly loosely over a thin, but sinewy frame.  A leather belt slung over his hips held a square pouch to his side, over which he kept a hand rested as casually as possible.  Russet eyes watched the passersby more attentively than others, passing over those who looked like they already had the papers they needed.  
The Witcher nodded, keeping his eyes on the man while continuing to proceed forward.  Soon enough, his eyes met Gajeel’s, and a satisfied smile tugged at the thin corners of his mouth.  
“Bound for Novigrad?” he asked, tilting his head ever so slightly.  “You look like you’ve traveled far, you may have a look at my wares if you are in need of supplies.”
Posing as a merchant.  That’s one way to do it, the Witcher remarked to himself.  He had opened his mouth to reply, but a small vibration around his neck stole his words.  The Witcher did not move as his muscles coiled beneath his armor.  He did not reach for his humming medallion, but instead watched the man in front of him with an ounce more of attentiveness.  He could not look him over without being obvious, therefore just kept his gaze on the merchant’s seemingly human face, the only abnormality being the dark skin lining his eyes.
“Yes, we have run low on what we need to make it the rest of the way,” Levy had spoken up in his silence, taking hold of the conversation.
“Excellent,” the merchant replied, opening his pouch and pulling two slips of parchment from it.  “You’ll not find better quality anywhere else.”
He’s good.  The facade comes easy, Gajeel thought.  Medallion wouldn’t hum for a doppler, means it might be a charm or illusion.  Could just be in hiding.  Could also be something else.  Whatever he was, he was intelligent, and his illusion, polymorphy, or charm was solid.  But not solid enough in the way a doppler or even high vampire might escape the sensitivities of his pendant.
As though picking up on his train of thought, the merchant flicked his eyes to the Witcher, and ever so slowly trailed his gaze down to the wolf medallion. “Exquisite work, that is,” he commented, his words conspicuously loaded, “Only ever seen one other like it,” he added, visibly fighting his own smirk.  Gajeel had started to prickle, fingers oh-so-tempted to reach for his silver, when Levy bounced a little in her saddle.
“How much,” Levy interrupted, anxious to secure their passage and move on.  She did not know the origin of the tension but with Redanians so close, it was not something she wanted to stall with.  “For the supplies?” she clarified.
“Nothing,” he answered quickly, looking up to her.
“Horseshit,” Gajeel growled, already on edge.  “If they’re free we don’t want ‘em.”
“Wait,” Levy interjected, trying to keep her voice down, “Don’t mind my brutish friend.  Surely there is something that can be used as payment.”
“My apologies.  It seems I don’t speak quickly enough.  Nothing at this time.  But in this profession… you never forget a face.  And I frequent Novigrad for my own supplies.  I am sure I will see you again, you may repay me another day.”  The merchant held out the papers to Gajeel, who sniffed and scrutinized them.  “Call me an advocate for the unorthodox. We need to stick together,” he winked devilishly, ”so for now I only request you two continue as you have, together.  Defiance is the best resistance.”
The Witcher may have been entirely distrusting of this, but Levy leaned over in the saddle and took the papers from him.  “Deepest thanks,” she offered pleasantly, “and we will.”
Something unreadable flickered across his eyes and then was gone just as quickly as it had appeared. “Safe travels to you both, and mind the Pyres,” the merchant offered a bow of his head, flicking his gaze between the two of them before ambling back the way they had come, seeking out other ‘customers.’
Gajeel tensely led the horse forward, tracking how much distance he put between them, and waited for his medallion to calm before speaking.  “It was stupid to take those,” he finally growled, low enough for only her to hear.  
“It would have been worse not to,” Levy replied with equal seriousness in her tone.  She wasn’t dense, she saw what he saw in the man’s demeanor.  “A problem for another day.  And as I was the one who agreed, a problem for me.  You only need to mind your current contract.”
“Lots of beings in this world that can strike deals without you knowin’.  Tie themselves to ya,” he pressed.
Levy was quiet for a beat, intentionally keeping her eyes away from him.  “I’ve seen him before.”
The Witcher swung his gaze up to her, his expression demanding an explanation he did not dare to say out loud.
“I wasn’t sure until we got closer, but he has been to Midcopse before. Came through about a year ago.  He sells magical artifacts and paraphernalia, and he does business in his own way while facing his own risks,” she replied. “Making friends with non-humans and magic-users is good business.”
“And he looked like that?”
“Yes now hush, and take the passes,” Levy shoved them down towards him to quiet him as they approached the bridge, and automatically two soldiers arranged themselves to stop them.  
“Your papers,” one of them ordered.  He sounded like he’d already been doing it for hours, and took the offered slips from Gajeel.  He looked them over, and Levy watched his expression for anything out of the ordinary.  Anything that would set them off.  “What’s your business?”
“Contract,” Gajeel replied calmly.
The guard looked to him now, studying him, and lifted his brows when he caught sight of the yellow eyes.  There was a glimmer of disapproval, but he seemed to understand.  A Witcher needed no other excuse, least of all one so well known.  He glanced to Levy next.  “And the girl?”
“Part of the contract,” he replied as the guard quirked a brow, “Retrieving a wealthy merchant’s daughter.”  The Redanians stared at them both, taking note of the hooded woman’s split lip, the bruise that had blossomed on her jawline.  It was plausible, but a glance between the two of them still held doubt.
There was a heavy moment before the guard finally spoke up again, and in that moment Gajeel’s medallion pulsed again.  Only once, and then it went silent.  “All appears in order,” the guard said, his tone clipped.  The second guard’s face had gone blank.  Gajeel blinked as they stepped aside, opening the way for them to head across the bridge.  
The Witcher only nodded and tugged the horse forward with him.  It looked like they were actually going to get through the post without setting off the whole camp, and he wasn’t going to second guess that.  Not until they were in the clear.  
The first bridge connected to a small islet in the middle of the Pontar where more of the soldiers had gathered.  But thankfully, they were occupied with their own business, with the guards at the head of the bridge taking care of any of the through traffic.  Still, Levy sat stiff in the saddle, focused on the travellers that were in front of them.  Follow them, we are travellers just the same, she told herself.  Eyes forward.
It felt like an eternity of passing by the red cloaks and flags,  The white eagle spread across the banner threatened her; watched her.  She felt like she held her breath the whole time, and she might have, because her lungs were burning by the time they crossed the second bridge and left the station behind.
Levy released her tension in one breath and slumped her shoulders.  “That went smoother than expected,” she remarked, breathlessly.
“It might not have if ya hadn’t cast that charm,” Gajeel replied.  The guard had looked ready to interrogate her moments before his medallion responded to the magic presence, and he let them through.
Levy looked to him, a blue curl peeking out from the hood again as she removed the small illusion. She assumed he meant her hair.  “A simple trick.  But effective,” she replied, looking forward.  In the haze over the horizon, she could see the towers of Novigrad, as plumes of black smoke swirled their way into the sky above, and she swallowed down her nerves.
Every gate leading into Novigrad was always full of activity.  And it was where the first witch hunters could be seen, milling about, watching the people who came in and out.  Today was no different, and she felt a wave of deja vu crash over her.  It had been so long since she had been to the city, but somehow here she was again.  And everything had changed.
Levy was glad to not be heading through them, and Gajeel had been confused when she directed them elsewhere.  She reached out and placed her hand over his, pulling the reins to their left.  It took everything in him to dismiss the flutter in his chest as she did so, and he instead turned his attention to the district they now headed for.
Farcorners was the largest district in Novigrad, sprawling across green farmland outside the walls of the city itself.  Ah, that makes far more sense, he thought.  It was safer here for non-humans, and he’d known of mages to hide here as well.  The witch hunters, for now, focused their activity inside the city, and there was a small chance to keep a low profile in this area.
Levy took charge of directing them through the paths between houses, before finally stopping in front of a two story home near the center of the district.  “This is it,” she muttered, and Gajeel dismounted the horse as he had before.  He extended a hand to her and she looked at it a moment, before finally taking it to help herself down.
The mage took steady steps to the door and knocked quickly.  It took several moments before the door opened, revealing a taller man with glasses, and wild, orange hair.  He looked first to Gajeel, who admittedly stood out a little more than the small woman at his side.  “Can I he--” the words cut off when he looked finally to Levy, who had lifted her hand to pull back her hood just slightly.  She said nothing, but looked expectantly to the man.  She hadn’t seen this one before, and needed to be sure before she fully gave herself away.
Like a ripple over still water, the image of the red-head flickered and nearly lost it’s form for a split second as his eyes went wide, mouth hanging open.  “Levy?!” he gasped, his voice taking on a suddenly more female pitch.  Levy answered with a tiny smile.  He looked around quickly and beckoned both of them inside.  “Get in here…!” he urged, closing the door behind them.  The second it clicked shut, the image of the man melted away… and instead reformed into a very surprised blonde woman, looking like she had a million questions on the tip of her tongue.
“Oh Lucy, you have no idea how happy I am to see you.”
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theolddarkmachine · 7 years
Must Love Cats- Chapter Seven
Levy hadn’t planned on being a pet sitter when she’d moved into the city. She also hadn’t planned on pet sitting for a sex god either, but here she was.
AKA the one where Levy is a pet sitter, Gajeel is her client, and Lily is the glue that binds them together.
What’s that? Vicci actually came through and when she said that the chapter would be up tomorrow IT WAS ACTUALLY PUT UP?! Yeah, I know. I’m shocked too lol Anyway, here’s chapter seven! As always, thank you guys so much for taking the time to read :) I appreciated each and every one of you guys <3
me too
Who knew two small words could set her skin ablaze like they did, yet here Levy was, cheeks on fire just thinking back to the words she’d been sent the night before. Something about those two small words not only pushed her resolve over the edge, but seemed to turn the tide of their entire conversation. After that, though they never really changed their subject matter-- though he did call her Beautiful in his goodnight text-- every text almost buzzed with an electric current. She could only imagine what it would be like talking to him in person. Sometime between that goodnight text and before she got in her car this morning to visit Lily, Levy had decided that she would be seeing him in person again. There were only five days until Gajeel got home, which gave her plenty of time to figure out how.
She hopped out of her car at his apartment, mind still stuck on Lily’s owner instead of Lily himself. The little dude would probably understand, at least, she hoped. Levy was still on cloud nine when she walked into the apartment, and had she not been as preoccupied, she may have noticed that Lily didn’t greet her at the door. Humming to herself as she locked the door, the sitter went straight to the kitchen to start preparing the cat’s breakfast. Had she not been so preoccupied, she may have noticed that the food from the night before had been left untouched. After scrubbing away the old food and replacing it with new food, she went to clean out his litter box, which was located in Gajeel’s room. And that’s when she noticed the spots of vomit all over the floor, and the black cat tucked into the side of a pillow on the bed. Lily was staring off into space, and didn’t make any move to come see her, and that’s when Levy came crashing down from her cloud.
“Lily?” She called, carefully avoiding a puddle of vomit as she walked over to the Bombay. As she got closer, she heard the sound of labored breathing, but he never turned to look at her. Slowly, as to not startle him, she reached her hand forward to stroke his head lightly. Lily’s body shook with every breath and almost as soon as she touched him, he started to wretch. That’s when Levy launched into pet sitter crisis mode. Grabbing her phone out of her back pocket, she called the contact at the top of her message inbox.
“Hey, you’ve reach Gajeel, please leave a message after the tone and I’ll try to get back to ya.”
An angry growl tore from her throat as she was sent straight to voicemail. It was just her luck for this to happen the one time Gajeel decided not to have his phone on. She tried to calm Lily down enough to stop dry heaving as she called her manager next.
“Levy?” Her boss, Makarov, answered.
“Hey Makarov,” Levy’s voice was shaking, betraying her as she tried to keep composed. “Lily is really sick, and I can’t get a hold of Gajeel. He’s acting despondent and it looks like he’s been throwing up all night. He’s dry heaving right now and I’m trying to calm him down but I can’t seem to, and I really need to know if I need to get him to a vet.” Her words sped up as she talked, stringing them all together at the end.
“Take a couple of breaths for me, Lev,” her manager said. He waited as she took in steadying breaths. “Good, you won’t be able to help Lily out if you’re freaking out. Yes, you will need to get him to a vet. Does Gajeel have any vet information in his profile, or do you need me to send you the information for the closest emergency vet?” Levy had never actually checked if Gajeel had any vet information in his profile. It wasn’t like she expected Lily to get so sick so suddenly.
“Can you text me the address just in case? I’m not sure if he does and I can’t check while on the phone,” she responded, trying to keep her mind on staying calm.
“Of course. I’ll continue to try and call Gajeel. Please just get Lily to the vet, and keep me posted on anything. I’ll get the rest of your visits for the day covered so you don’t need to worry about anything else, okay?” Levy nodded at the phone, before she realized that Makarov obviously couldn’t see her.
“Yeah. Yeah, okay. Thanks.” Her voice sounded small, and she hated that. Now wasn’t the time for her to be freaking out. She needed to make sure Lily was okay. It took a second for her to register that Makarov had hung up the phone before she stuffed it back into her pocket and scooped the black cat up into her arms. He’d at least stopped dry heaving. She swiped the key to the apartment off of the counter as she ran out, locking up and shoving it into her pocket before heading to the elevator.
“It’s going to be okay, Lil.” She said under her breath as she hugged him closer to her chest. His breathing was still coming out in scratchy rasps. After getting down the elevator and letting the desk guy know about the situation in case he heard anything from Gajeel, she nearly flew to her car. Setting Lily gently on the passenger seat, she grabbed her phone and opened the cat’s profile to find his vet information. When she saw an address and vet name, she was sure she could kiss Gajeel for providing them with the information. A lot of clients didn’t, as they never felt it necessary, and up until this point, she’d never found it so. Driving both as quickly as she could to get them there, and as slowly as she could to not jostle Lily too much, it felt like a lifetime before she finally got to the address in the profile. Levy scooped Lily back up and ran into the vet office, not even caring that she hadn’t locked her car door.
“Is Dr. Strauss in?” She said, a bit louder than intended, as soon as she got through the door. The receptionist looked up from her computer with wide eyes as she took in Levy’s wild eyed appearance and the black cat in her arms that had started dry heaving again.
“She is,” the long, silver haired receptionist replied, eyeing Levy with a look of confusion. “Are you a new client?”
“No, well,” Levy paused to draw in a steadying breath again. “Lily isn’t a new patient, I’m his pet sitter though. Gajeel is out of the country right now and I’m supposed to be taking care of him.” At that the receptionist jumped up and walked around the desk to take the black cat into her arms.
“You poor thing,” she cooed. Levy wasn’t sure if that was supposed to be for her or Lily. Maybe both. “I’ll get him back to Dr. Strauss right away. What are his symptoms?”
“He seemed fine last night, but this morning he wasn’t acting like his usual self, and it didn’t look like he ate anything last night. He also vomited quite a bit, and seems to be having trouble breathing and also has been dry heaving.” Levy listed off, trying to make sure she didn’t miss anything. The receptionist nodded before turning on her heel and leaving Levy alone in the lobby of the vet clinic. Without Lily to hold onto, she felt the panic starting to course through her veins. Her legs grew weak and she just barely made it to a seat before collapsing into it. Levy’s eyes fixed on the placard on the receptionist’s desk that read “Mirajane.” She read it over and over, trying to calm herself down with the repetition. A hand on her shoulder startled her out of her stupor.
“She’s taking a look at him now,” the receptionist-- Mirajane apparently-- said with a reassuring smile. “Would you be able to fill out some paperwork? You wouldn’t need to know all the information, just the basics like owner name, address, pet name and as much as you know about the symptoms.” Her voice stuck in her throat, so she just nodded. She could do that. It would give her something to focus on. Makarov hadn’t reached out to her about getting a hold of Gajeel, which wasn’t a good sign, and she knew she should start trying to call him again as well. But as selfish as it was, she was terrified to talk to him. C’mon, Lil, she thought to herself as Mirajane handed her a clipboard with paperwork on it. You gotta be okay.
“It’s an inflamed gallbladder caused by gallbladder stones,” Dr. Strauss had told her just a few hours before. “We’ll need to do surgery, but we can’t until we get approval from Gajeel.” Who knew just one sentence would be the start of the worst three hours of Levy’s life. She was still at the vet and had called Gajeel and texted him an obscene amount of times with no luck at all. Makarov also hadn’t had any luck, nor had the vet clinic, so all they could do was wait. Her boss had told her she could leave, but it felt wrong leaving Lily all by himself without anyone, even if he wasn’t even with her. She just couldn’t bring herself to leave the Bombay alone. Many people had come and gone in the amount of time she’d been at the office. Mirajane had tried to offer up conversation with her, but given up shortly after when she realized Levy was a million miles away in her own thoughts.
All she could think about was how Lily had gotten so sick on her watch. She knew it was irrational to think that way, since there was no way anyone could have prevented what happened. It would have happened no matter who was taking care of him at the time. But that didn’t stop her from mentally beating herself up. As much as she wished Gajeel would answer his phone with each call she made to him, a small part of her also wished he wouldn’t just so she wouldn’t have to be the one to tell him. The pit of worry in her stomach continued to grow heavier and heavier. God, why did it have to happen to Lily.
Levy had her head in her hands as she tried to count her breaths while she tried to figure out what to say to Gajeel when they finally got a hold of him. That’s when her phone started to ring. His name flashed across the screen and without thinking, she answered.
“G-Gajeel?” She couldn’t help the lump in her throat that formed when she answered.
“Levy? Is everything okay?” His voice was thick with worry. “What’s wrong? I couldn’t find my phone after last night and when I found it again I had a shit ton of missed calls from ya and the company.”
“Gajeel,” Levy paused, breathing in slowly through her nose and out with her mouth. “It’s Lily. He’s really sick. The vet said it’s an inflamed gallbladder and that he needs surgery but they can’t do it without your say so.” There was a pause that, while most likely only a moment, felt like a lifetime to Levy.
“Hand them the phone,” he said, his voice gruff with an emotion she didn’t quite recognize. Without a word, she walked up to Mirajane and handed her the phone.
“Yes?” The receptionist said. She looked up at Levy as she listened to Gajeel before nodding. “Got it, we’ll get him in right away. He’s going to be fine, Mr. Redfox.” Another pause as she nodded again and passed the phone back to Levy as she got up and went back to the doctor.
“Levy?” Gajeel’s voice pulled her back from the door she was watching swing closed.
“Mmhm,” she hummed, her heart pounding in her ears and nearly drowning out his voice.
“Would you mind meeting me at my apartment tonight?” She wasn’t sure what she’d expected him to say, but that wasn’t it. Her cheeks felt wet as tears rolled down them. “I’m getting the next flight home.”
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writingknb · 8 years
Eren vs. Levi liking the same girl??? Hopefully I made it in time! I love your blog!
You did, yay! And thank you, I’m glad I make people happy with what I post in my blog! 🌸
Thank you for requesting! 💋
“Commander,” she started, her (hair colour)ed locks hugging her face beautifully as she made her way over to Erwin. “The titans are hoarding from the south. We can’t let them go any further, we need to send a defense teaming.”
Erwin nodded and eyed the people that looked up at him. “Sasha, Jean, Levi, Eren, (Name).” he enumerated. At first, everyone was shocked, but after explain Erwin’s reason, they shut their mouths. “Clear the titans closing in. Once I fire an emergency flare, retreat.”
“Roger.” (Name) responded, before turning to the people she was paired up with.
“Oh, great. And I wanted to be on the offense team.” Jean rolled his eyes as he unsheathed his blades.
“On this kind of job, it doesn’t matter if you’re defending or attacking.” (Name) said. “Whatever role you play, you can’t get away from death.”
“That’s gloomy.” Sasha frowned, glancing at the titans that gathered around a particular building. She fought the urge to grab that piece of chicken from her bag and eat it. “Anyways, the titans are pretty scattered. What do we do?”
“Let’s not split up.” Eren suggested.
“We split up.” Levi shot back, causing everyone to turn their heads. “(Name), Eren, you come with me. We annihilate the titans south west.”
“I’m accompanying these two.” she turned to Jean and Sasha. “You go with Eren. It’s our best shot.”
“We’ll be fine.” Jean reassured.
“Levi is worth more than two people.” she pointed out. “And Eren is part of your team. That should be an advantage. You two would have better cooperation.”
Levi scoffed. “Fine. Once we clear all southern titans, we meet here. Once someone gets in trouble, don’t force the inevitable. Some deaths cannot be prevented.” and with that, he shot out of the sky.
Eren clicked his tongue, then turned to (Name). “Stay safe, (Name).” he smiled, before following after the squad leader with a glare.
“That’s cold.” Sasha grimaced.
“I’m saving any of you two in case you do get in trouble.” she grumbled. “Levi is such a gloomy comrade. Though he’s nice, I guess.”
“Nice?” Jean mumbled.
(Name) ignored his small question and eventually jumped from the building, swinging from roof to roof. 
“There!” Sasha pointed to a 5 meter titan staring at a certain building - it was obviously abnormal, as it didn��t mind them. But every titan was dangerous. (Name) gritted her teeth and sliced it’s nape as she flew past it. 
“That was cool!” Sasha smiled widely from behind. 
“At least leave some to us!” Jean shouted from the strong wind as (Name) again cuts through a titan’s nape skilfully. God, even she was worth more than 2 people! 
(Name) landed on top of a roof and eyed two figures flying all around. Sasha and Jean followed after her. “What’s with those two?” 
“They’re not doing things so cooperatively.” (Name) commented as she discarded her blooded blades, replacing them with new ones. 
Jean’s eyes widened as a giant figure loomed over from behind (Name). “Watch out!” 
Too late. He mentally cursed himself for speaking rather than taking action. Sasha fled over to (Name), who’s back hit a wall from the titan that slapped her hard. Jean gritted his teeth. 
“An abnormal!” he spat, quickly glancing at Sasha. “Take her somewhere safe. I’ll take care of the titan!” 
It was another abnormal. When Jean moved closer, it ignored him and followed Sasha, who was desperately trying to bring her comrade to safety. 
Just when Jean flew over to the titan, a satisfying swish rang in his ears. The titan stumbled and fell to the ground face first. 
“Assist your comrade!” Levi shouted, his voice stern as more titans started to follow. 
“What happened?” Eren yelled at Jean. 
“I’ve got orders to fulfill.” he gritted his teeth, and with that followed after Sasha. 
Maybe it was just him, but as he helped Sasha get (Name) to safety, Eren and Levi were killing titans like they were nothing. It didn’t take too long for them to wipe all of them out. 
They flew over. 
“What happened?” Eren questioned again, kneeling next to (Name). Unusually, for killing that much titans, he didn’t seem to interested on talking about his sudden bloodlust. 
“Her arm’s broken.” Sasha frowned, looking up at the two. “She hit the wall too hard. She passed out from the pain, and-” 
“Our mission stands.” Levi said. “Someone needs to take her to the infirmary. She needs to be treated as soon as possible. I have to hold back the titans for safety.”
“I’ll take her-” 
Levi flashed Eren a glare for his offer. “You stay here and assist on exterminating the titans.” 
No matter how hard Levi was to read, Jean could tell there was something more in his emotions rather than to actually annihilate the titans. No more were in sight. He was hungry for titan’s blood. 
“I’m not used to my comrades getting injured rather than being killed.” he told Eren. 
Eren gritted his teeth. “It doesn’t make a difference if I take her to safety, doesn’t it?” 
“Follow my orders.” Levi shot back. “I want to help her too. This is the best way we can.” 
Eren grimaced, looking over his shoulder and to the girl whom he loved. He walked over to her and looked up at Sasha and Jean. “Don’t let anything bad happened to her.” 
Levi scoffed at his words, though everyone but Eren seemed to notice. “No titan’ll dare go near.” 
Sasha and Jean looked at each other nervously as Sasha wrapped (Name)’s arm around her shoulder. “You have our word.” 
Once they fled, Levi flashed Eren a look. “Know your place.” 
Levi looked away, ignoring Eren as he fled from building to building. 
Eren cursed. “I’m not going to lose, you know.” 
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