#sentence diagramming
Pronoun this and pronoun that; gerunds are the most trans part of speech. You were assigned verb at birth and you identify as a noun? I respect that.
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egodb · 1 year
घृष्टं घृष्टं पुनरपि पुनश्चन्दनं चारुगन्धम् छिन्नं छिन्नं पुनरपि पुनः स्वादु चैवेक्षुकाण्डम् । दग्धं दग्धं पुनरपि पुनः काञ्चनं कान्तवर्णम् प्राणान्तेऽपि हि प्रकृतिविकृतिर्जायते नोत्तमानाम् ॥ २०॥
अन्वयः —  पुनःपुनः घृष्टं चन्दनं चारुगन्धम् इव, पुनःपुनः छिन्नं ईक्षुकाण्डं स्वादु इव ​, पुनःपुनः दग्धं काञ्चनं कान्तवर्णम् इव, प्राणान्ते उत्तमानां प्रकृतिविकृतिः न जायते।
Translation — Like repeatedly levigated sandalwood is fragrant, repeatedly chopped sugarcane is sweet and repeatedly scorched gold is golden, at the end of life, the nature of the best [people] does not change.
पदच्छेदः — (घृषुँ सङ्घर्षे + णमुल्) घृष्टम् घृष्टम् ०.०, पुनः ०.०, अपि ०.०, पुनः ०.०, (चन्दन​, अ.पुं) चन्दनम् २.१, (चारुगन्ध​, अ.पुं.) चारुगन्धम् २.१, (छि॒दिँ॑र् द्वैधीकरणे + णमुल्) छिन्नम् छिन्नम् ०.०, पुनः ०.०, अपि ०.०, पुनः ०.०, (स्वादु, उ.नपुं.) स्वादु २.१, च ०.०, इव ०.०, (ईक्षु + काण्ड​, अ.नपुं.) ईक्षुकाण्डम् २.१। (द॒हँ भस्मीकरणे + णमुल्) दग्धम् दग्धम् ०.०, पुनः ०.०, अपि ०.०, पुनः ०.०, (काचिँ दीप्तिबन्धनयोः + ल्युट्, अ.नपुं.) काञ्चनम् २.१, ((कमुँ॒ कान्तौ + क्त) + (वर्णँ प्रेरणे + अच्), अ.नपुं.) कान्तवर्णम् २.१, (प्राण + अन्त, अ.पुं) प्राणान्ते ७.१, अपि ०.०, हि ०.०, ((प्र + डुकृ॒ञ् करणे + क्तिन्) + (वि + डुकृ॒ञ् करणे + क्तिन्), इ.स्त्री.) प्रकृतिविकृतिः १.१, (जनँ जनने, कर्तरि, लट्) जायते प्र​.१, न ०.०, (उद् + तमप्, अ.पुं.) उत्तमानाम् ६.३॥
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thesobsister · 3 months
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A poster of the longest sentence in the Moncrieff translation of Proust's Cities of the Plain diagrammed.
Linking to the zoomable version.
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puppet-purgatory · 1 year
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was looking at the watcher store again and noticed this puppet university has a latin motto on it, "disce aut pereant". this means, of course, Learn Or Perish. my university latin classes Did prepare me for this day :)
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fluent-in-lesbianism · 3 months
I for the life of me cannot fathom your girlfriend. Goes into abandoned buildings, but comes to complete stops for right turns? Is an equestrian and tennis player and you say she’s short af. Sounds like an enigma I swear.
She's also from a southern state but has zero southern accent. Truly baffling ❤️
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inlowearthorbit · 6 months
Ok look, I don't honestly care about the Oscars like, at all, but it seems pretty clear that Glazer said he "refuted" what he saw as a "hijack[ing]" of Jewishness (his and others) and the Holocaust to justify violence. Whether you think this is a worthwhile statement or not is irrelevant to the fact that acting as if he said he was refuting his Jewishness followed by a full stop, disregarding everything else he said, is pretty disingenuous.
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ava and bea, in a hospital
mother superion squeezes your shoulder gently and then takes her leave, the door clicking shut quietly behind her. it’s hard to get the image out of your head, on a horrifying loop: beatrice, blown backward by an explosion you hadn’t been quick enough to shield her from, her body hitting the wall with far too much force and your world turning to red as you ran, battle forgotten.
you scoot closer to the side of the hospital bed, where she’s so small, so human, wrapped in clean, white bandages, connected to way too many tubes and wires; you smooth down her hair, kiss her forehead, lace your fingers together, and then — everything in heaven and earth righting itself — she opens her eyes.
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orthodoxxing · 5 months
alyssa edwards is the gerard manley hopkins of drag
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ursa-mediocre · 4 months
Accessibility is so so so important but when I, a graphic designer with ADHD, am suddenly expected to write alt text for technical diagrams I did not create nor understand beyond the point of making visually clean, I do want to die.
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egodb · 1 year
ज्येष्ठत्त्वं जन्मना नैव गुणैर्ज्येष्ठत्त्वमुच्यते। गुणात् गुरुत्वमायाति दुग्धं दधि घृतं क्रमात्॥
अन्वयः — ज्येष्ठत्वं न जन्मना। ज्येष्ठत्वं गुणैः एव उच्यते। गुरुत्वं गुणादायाति, दुग्धं दधि घृतम् इव​।
Translation — Superiority* is not by birth but is said to be by qualities alone. Superiority comes from the quality, [like] milk, curd and ghee, in order.
पदच्छेदः — (ज्येष्ठ + त्व​, अ.नपुं.) ज्येष्ठत्त्वम् १.१, (जनँ जनने + मनिन्, न​.नपुं.​) जन्मना ३.१, न ०.०, एव ०.०, (गुण, अ.पुं.​) गुणैः ३.३, (ज्येष्ठ + त्व​, अ.नपुं.) ज्येष्ठत्त्वम् १.१, (व॒चँ परिभाषणे, कर्मणि, लट्) उच्यते प्र​.१। (गुण​, अ.पुं.) गुणात् ५.१, (गुरु + त्व​, अ.नपुं.) गुरुत्वम् १.१, (आ + या॒ प्रापणे, कर्तरि, लट्) आयाति प्र​.१, (दु॒हँ॑ प्रपूरणे + क्त​, अ.नपुं.) दुग्धम् १.१, (दधँ॒ धारणे + इन्, इ. नपुं.) दधि १.१, (घृ॒ क्षरणदीप्त्योः* + क्त​, अ.नपुं.) घृतम् १.१, (क्रमुँ पादविक्षेपे + घञ्, अ.पुं.) क्रमात् ५.१॥
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* T/N: ज्येष्ठत्वम् can be translated as excellence or superiority. गुरुत्वम् can be translated as “bigness”, superiority or “the state of making it big in [life]”.
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itmeblog · 1 month
This book is trying to gaslight me into believing I can't read. I have resorted to sending passages to the group chat to make sure I'm not being weird.
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wishing-stones · 1 year
how did you come with the plot for r&r? its so nicely written and i constantly struggle with coming up with plots for multichapter fics despite desperately wanting to write one, so im wondering what your process was?
This one got long
Originally, the plot came about from a one-word prompt done for my oneshot collection. The story wound up with more background to it than I intended, and I decided to try and fill it out a little more. I'm kind of old-fashioned, so I used a plot diagram and slapped the important bits in there before thinking about what all else I'd like to put in a story like this.
Picking a villain was pretty easy; who is stupid and/or ballsy enough to pick a serious fight with Nightmare? XGaster, who could be made a main antagonist easily. He also has the added bonus of having a personal investment in fighting Nightmare (Cross) That gave me my conflict, and filling out what needed to happen between that and the resolution got handled too.
I knew I wanted this to be a reverse harem sort of dealio, so everyone needed to have their own arc with the reader. Everyone needed to have character development. To do that with Nightmare meant having to include his brother, and it gave me an avenue to do their resolution and also include the stars. Killer and Cross needed to come to an understanding, but after realizing that would only really come about after they go to blows, they needed a doctor.
Enter Baggs, who I have sort of stuck with the Bad Sanses for a hot minute in my own sort of personal plot space and in general thought mess. Formally including him would also just be a nice little self-indulgent thing since he's a seriously bastardly brainrot. It also gave me an excuse to work with him more, and, unintentionally though it was, introduce more people to him and his AU.
With the cast figured out, I could start placing little scenes I wanted to happen in the appropriate places on the timeline. As I wrote it, some things were off-the-cuff, some things popped up early, some things got nixed, and a whole character who I hadn't originally intended to include got included anyway due to source material being released between plotting and writing (XChara.)
The actual ending got pulled out of my ass because I only had a couple bulletpoints for the post-fight resolutions. There's a couple whump lines there I'm especially proud of.
That being said, there's a couple continuity errors that need fixing and places where things didn't quite go according to plan, so always be prepared to compromise and fix in post. I also never had a beta reader and basically went "FUCK IT WE BALL" with every update. (I did re-read them and fine-tune them after the initial write before posting them, but that's it.)
In short, the process was: 1. Come up with the initial idea 2. Refine the idea (Starting point, rising action, conflict, resolution) 3. Place the idea on a plot diagram 4. Figure out scenes you want and place them accordingly 5. Figure out how characters are (or are not) going to change and place the catalysts for the actions and where/when their arcs will conclude/when they have gone through their development 6. Pad it out-- make scenes connect and plot points make sense 7. Start writing. Keep writing. Pace yourself. You'll finish it eventually and with a roadmap, you'll always know where you're going. Feel free to embellish on the details and don't be afraid to move things up or back in the progression of the plot if it makes more sense while writing it.
And if there's anything I've learned from this, it's that:
a. Your audience is a lot nicer than you think they are. You are absolutely your own worst critic. b. Don't be afraid of mistakes, just go with the flow. You can edit things in post when you re-read it, even if that's after you posted it.
I really hope this helps!
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bandomfandombeyond · 10 months
ok but let's talk about how even after socially transitioning i'm still afraid to take up space in a way that makes me feel like the forceful pruning of femininity's shears upon my personal development is, perpetually, externally perceptible as a squelching tar pit that i'm slowly dragging my hunched, grotesque form out of, only to then cower in a damp corner, begging for either exultation or invisibility from those same true arbitrators of the masculine idyll, with little conviction that the situation shall materially improve, regardless of their inclination towards benevolence or disdain, for the sticky strands cling, as they always have, and they shall always still, as inseparable from my ownership of self as the heft of my soul's hollow cage, the flesh.
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twig-gy · 11 months
sina olin e musi CCCC la pana e sitelen ni.
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thebigcomed0wn · 5 months
what did jeff mangum mean by "knowing god in heaven no could never could forgive him"
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jlf23tumble · 1 year
So you argue radio is irrelevant but labels spend huge sums of money and have campaigns to push their artists on to radio. So why are they bothering if it’s irrelevant?
I don't argue shit because I'm happy to say I don't know shit! And further, I don't actually care, so yeah, I'm not doin' any (frankly, easy) homework for someone who genuinely doesn't want the answer
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