#serial killer tony
aurumacadicus · 5 months
Ummm 141 please?
Hmmm warning for serial killer Steve I think.
Steve heard something thump to the floor in the living room. Probably Tony's backpack, he figured, tipping his head to the side so he could see how the scratches along the side of his neck were healing. Minor injuries were always the last to heal, after all; his body had been working overtime on the knife wound in his side, but that was finally nothing but pink scar tissue.
He listened to the pounding of Tony's feet toward the bathroom door, considered coming up with a plausible excuse for why he'd dumped his bloody clothes on the living room floor, then decided it didn't matter. Tony knew he was a super soldier, knew that he still went on missions for SHIELD if he thought they had merit. It was just that when he did work for SHIELD, he could go to medical, stop for clean clothes. When he was doing his personal jobs, he didn't have that option.
"Steve?!" Tony exclaimed, throwing the bathroom door open. He was still wearing his coverup clothes, baggy sweatpants and a one of Steve's hoodies. His eyes were wide and frightened as they raked up and down Steve's body.
"Okay," Steve cut in, before Tony really started catastrophizing. "Relax. The blood isn't mine." He turned to face him, resting one hand on the sink and leaning his weight on it to show off his body, show that the only injuries he had were the line of scratches down his neck, the already-fading pink scar. "Calm down."
Tony looked reluctant to believe him, eyes darting up and down Steve's body, just to make sure. He curled a hand around one side of the hoodie pocket, twisting the fabric in his fingers. "It was a lot of blood," he finally managed. He dipped his head and looked up at Steve through his eyelashes, bottom lip caught between his teeth. "More... more blood than I've ever seen before." His eyes finally landed on Steve's hand on the sink, his bruised knuckles and the blood dried in his nail beds, across his fingers. He jerked his gaze back up to Steve, worried all over again. "Steve."
Steve tipped his head, taking a moment to look Tony up and down as well. He looked good in Steve's sweatshirt. But Steve knew, underneath it and the sweatpants, he was wearing nothing more than the thong he performed in. Tony was a brilliant scientist, but he was blackballed from all science and tech industries, even menial jobs, because he refused to make weapons for his former godfather, and every other company was ready to take advantage of him or worse, crush any small company that Tony might try for. So he worked nights at a local strip club, where no one would expect Tony Stark to work, and spent his free time developing and drafting ideas for the day that he would finally, hopefully be able to use them.
"I killed Sunset Bain," Steve finally said.
Tony sucked in a shocked breath, taking a step back. His eyes darted back to Steve's hand and then back up to his face. "...What?"
"It'll make the news," Steve continued, shrugging a little. "They always do."
"They," Tony repeated softly, more air than word.
Steve dipped his head in a short nod. "Yup. Made a list." He glanced down at his hand, remembering how Bain's blood had bubbled up between her lips as she'd gasped for air, how it had dribbled down her chin and onto his hands.
Remembered how she'd finally, frantically formed 'please' with her pale lips, panic rounding her bloodshot eyes, and Steve had told her she should have been begging for Tony's forgiveness instead for her life. Remembered the look of realization in her eyes right before Steve had crushed her throat in his hands, and the light left them entirely.
He wasn't sorry. She'd hurt Tony, left him feeling used and broken-hearted. Hurt him more when she'd used his stolen ideas for her own company. He'd kill her again if he had the chance, only slower.
Just like everyone else on the list Steve had made.
"Justin Hammer," Tony realized, voice faint. "Tiberius."
"Started with that gang that kidnapped you when you were four," Steve answered, meeting his eyes again. "I started small and worked my way up. Do you know why, Tony?"
"I'm sure I don't," Tony whispered.
He probably didn't, Steve figured. Tony didn't have it in him to be truly vengeful. That's why Steve was there, though. He was vengeful enough for the both of them. He leaned in, taking Tony's chin between his fingers, and whispered back, "Stane isn't stupid. He's seeing the pattern. He's beefed up security around himself. He knows I'm coming." He leaned in, pressed a kiss to Tony's trembling lips, then leaned back, making deliberate eye contact with him as he finished, "And I'm going to make him beg for his life."
"Steve," Tony whimpered, eyes wide and frightened, but he allowed Steve to pull him into his arms anyway, and Steve cradled the back of his head and drew him into another kiss.
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marvel-lous-guy · 2 years
Tony: Hey Peter, I read over your English essay
Peter: how was it? Do you think I'll get a good grade?
Tony: Well, I thought the first 2 paragraphs were good
Peter: What about the third?
Tony: well you'd probably get a better grade if you didn't put "the analysis is severely limited by my lack of understanding what I am doing"
Peter: But if I didn't put that then I'd just put nothing because I have no idea what was going on
Tony: yeah but- you know what? That's fair, I don't understand any of this either. I don't know why I offered to read over it
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two types of sunny fans
pre-tumblr sunny fan: omg is dennis actually a serial killer???
post-tumblr sunny fan: dennis is a serial mac driller
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jugheads-choni · 1 month
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I think about this post at least once a day because YES. Lmfao. This is 100% correct. 😭🤭
I think the OP is deleted because I can’t find it on their page, but MAN. What a gem of a post. Hahaha
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starker-sorbet · 1 year
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Serial killer lovers Tony and Peter reveling in the artwork that they make together
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frightnightindustries · 10 months
When they cringed in fear
Semi-graphic murder under the cut.
(@indigo-flightly-falls it's Tony!)
Rescue whump, pet whumpee, serial killer caretaker!
It was the whimpers that stole Tony's attention away from his lesson. The pitiful, sorrowful cries for help that differed from the ones made by the pathetic creature at his feet.
The source of the whimpers had not known joy in a long, long time....Troubling.
He glanced around, looking for some shape in the darkness of this living room that would give him a sign. But no luck.
Fortunately, he had the occupant of the house at his feet, but he had to ask quickly before the thing expired.
Kneeling down, he took out his machete and tilted up the head of said occupant with it's blade.
"The noises. I hear cries. Do you know where they are?"
Twitching and in pain, the creature spoke. ".....basement.....please don't kill me...." Tony gave no verbal response to that, but began moving his machete away from the neck of the thing. He stood up, brushing a bit of dust of his knees, and began to walk towards the basement door, down the rickety steps.
The stairs smelled like bleach and despair. He wrinkled his nose as he walked down, years of practice keeping him from making a sound as he did so.
What he found was certainly a surprise. There was a person curled up in the corner of the basement. Shivering, shaking, and whimpering.
Tony took a couple steps closer, which was proven to be a mistake as the mystery person lunged forward, restricted by what looked like a chain, but that wasn't what caught Tony's eye. No, what caught his eye was a collar attached to the poor person's neck. Putting together the pieces of the puzzle....
This mystery person was a pet. Pity drowned out the rest of his emotions, and he began to speak to the poor person. Perhaps he could make his intentions clear.
"Hello. Do you have a name?" He spoke, trying to seem non-threatening. The person stopped cold in their tracks. Tony wondered if it was out of confusion as to why he had asked, or if it was unused to any kind of interaction with a human being other than it's owner. The thought enraged him.
"No.....sir." He responded, seeming much more like a man now that the poor man wasn't snarling and attempting to murder him. Quelling the rage circling his heart like a wolf on the hunt, he made himself look curious. Kind. Caring. Things that he had long since left behind to the young child he once was.
"Oh. Would you like one?" Tony asked. "Did your....master.....keep one from you?" He took a step closer. "Did he harm you?"
The poor man shook his head. "No. My master is kind. Discipline is....I deserve it." Then he straightened. "Discipline is a necessary and humane event ensuring the continued obedience and wellbeing of a pet."
"Discipline." Tony muttered, growing angry. "What is the discipline that your master applies?" The man in front of him didn't know that his master's death depended on how he responded.
And then came the words that sealed the fate of the captor above.
"Master believes that deprivation of food and water are effective measures."
That lit a roaring flame inside the mind of Tony. Snarling, he turned, stomping up the stairs and grabbing the horrid creature, who moronically hadn't even moved from the spot Tony had left him. A horrid creature who couldn't even learn a simple lesson on how to treat the ones you wish to be romantic with.
Tony dragged him down the stairs, succumbing to an impulsive thought of vengeance and bloodshed. A cry of distress from the poor man gave him pause once he reached the bottom, throwing the creature on the ground and kicking it in the ribs when it tried to move. This man. This man, who this creature had stolen from happiness, joy, even humanity....
This man cared. That wouldn't do.
"Master!" The man cried out, going as far as his chains would allow, but only spurning Tony on.
The creature sputtered, attempting to speak, but Tony cut him off before he began. "Do not speak unless I ask you. You monstrous beast. You treat others like objects, and now I discover you are a thief."
He pointed with his machete at the man in chains, who flinched as he did. Tony's heart ached at that, and he knew he would make sure that never happened again, that the man would see this as a tool to be used and not a cause for pain. "You stole so many things from this man. His joy, his humanity, even his mind. I see now that you are a worthless case. Goodbye."
And then he got to work. It was a bloody thing, as the ends of his lessons always were. By the time he was done the creature was long since dead, the man was shivering and crying in the corner, and Tony was....well, to say he was covered in blood was an understatement. He would have to burn his shoes afterwards, and probably the jeans as well. The shirt would be alright, after a few hours in the washer.
But he had bigger problems to deal with. Tony turned to the man, and stepped closer. "I have an offer for you."
The man looked up and tilted his head, eyes still red from crying. "Are....are you my new master?" He asked trepidatiously, and Tony could've wept from pity. He had heard the stories, of course. Accounts of horrific abuse, kidnappings, and other horrible things going on with these....human pets. But he had never truly had time to do research.
He hadn't imagined it would be this terrible.
"No." He responded. "But I do have two options. If you will not physically harm me, and accompany me back to my home, I will refrain from killing you, and you will have shelter for as long as you wish. If you refuse, I will kill you quickly. After all, you are a witness. You have seen my face. Do you accept my offer?"
The man nodded, though he flinched away as Tony walked over to him to unlatch it.
"I am going to unlatch the chain now. Please, do not run." Tony muttered, though close enough for the man to hear his words. Walking up the stairs once it was unlatched, he motioned for the man to follow, and the two walked up the stairs and out the door. Pointedly not looking at the bloodstains from the lesson that had been conducted upstairs.
The man shuddered as they reached the outside, nighttime had long since fallen upon the sleepy neighborhood. (And the man was wearing a tank top, how had he not noticed this before) Tony went to wrap a hand around the shoulder of the man, but realized that wrapping a still blood soaked hand around a probably traumatized man was probably unhelpful. So, the man shivered in silence during the minute long walk to the car.
Tony led the man around the car to the passenger door, watching as he shakily opened it and sat down inside. Once he had done so, Tony walked back around the car and sat in the drivers seat.
"Would you prefer the radio on, or off?" He asked to his new companion. The man froze like a deer in the headlights, and for the first time that night, Tony got a good look at him.
The man had grey eyes like a storm, and so many scars it disturbed even the well-practiced killer that Tony was. It was wrong to even think of the man next to him bleeding. People who hadn't done anything wrong shouldn't be bleeding.
A trembling voice snapped Tony back to reality before he could spiral down again. "....whatever you prefer, sir. I....I don't have opinions." That wouldn't do, but he couldn't help that now. Perhaps some music could help his friend (was that the right word for it?) clear his mind.
He started the car, then turned on the radio.
That made both of them jump, and gave Tony a laugh. "I didn't realize...." Trailing off, he noticed that his friend had curled up into the seat again, shaking with fear. It had startled him.
"Apologies." Tony said. "I will turn down the volume." The man didn't respond, so Tony turned to do just that, then flipping through the channels to find a song that his friend would enjoy.
Ah, there it was.
"Round, like a circle in a spiral, like a wheel within a wheel...."
And then he started driving, humming along with the music as he drove past rows and rows of houses.
There was still much he had to do. Get home, burn and wash his clothes as he saw fit, make sure that the house was good enough for two instead of one, give his friend a name, tell him about the lessons....
But for now, it was alright.
So, first part in a possible series!
Important notes:
Tony is twenty five, our poor friend is twenty eight.
Tony saw both of his parents shot by robbers at a young age, and was sent to a group home which wasn't exactly watchful of the inhabitants. His actions are the result of trauma, unrestricted access to the internet, and most importantly, the fact that nobody cared or saw what was happening inside his head. The mental illnesses didn't cause him to kill.
He has very poor impulse control, a messed-up view of the world, episodes of mania, and overall a very poor mental state. If we are in his POV, the actions he takes will be portrayed as right, because he believes that he is in the right. This is a healing story for both of them. Tony just has no idea yet.
Now, for our other protagonist.....you'll have to wait and see. I'm excited to write him.
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bitter69uk · 3 months
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Farewell to actor Tony Lo Bianco (19 October 1936 – 11 January 2024), who’s died aged 87. His obituaries are inevitably citing The French Connection (1971) as his most famous work, but I treasure his simultaneously sexy and repellent performance as the conman who teams up with Shirley Stoler as the titular homicidal duo in the disturbing 1970 cult shocker The Honeymoon Killers. (The first time I ever saw this twisted black comedy would have been at the glorious, much-missed Scala Cinema in Kings Cross in the early nineties. It left an indelible impression!). Lo Bianco’s gigolo Ray is a swarthy and manipulative charmer with a thick Spanish accent, a toupée and Latin rhythm in his hips. (As a bonus, we get a fleeting glimpse of Lo Bianco’s pert naked cafe con leche butt!). Now I definitely need to seek out his other cult movie entry, God Told Me To (1976). Read more here.
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midnight-raven · 1 year
Are You Insane Like Me?
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Dark IronDad & SpiderSon Prompt: Prodigal Son AU
"Peter, I want you to remember something. You're my son.... and we are the same."
Peter Parker is a gifted prodigy when it comes to understanding the criminal mind.
Everyday, Peter consults as a profiler for the NYPD to catch killers and solve crimes. However, Peter is also haunted by his past and a dark secret.
His father was Tony Stark, a notorious serial killer who was arrested when Peter discovered his secret.
When a new case hits too close to home, Peter will have to face his demons and turn to Tony for help.
However, the reunion causes repressed memories from his childhood to resurface, and Peter starts to question his sanity.
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riverdale-retread · 2 months
top three riverdale references or riffs?
I've been sitting on this forever because I am not confident at spotting references or riffs, and I'm assuming that the musicals and musical numbers don't count.
I really liked the film noir references in the costumes and lighting for that episode where Jughead starts out by acting like he's a 1940s Bogart type of private eye, and Veronica wears the hat, and she ends by making a direct reference to Chinatowns.
I've never watched any of the movies where a scary man with a chainsaw chases down women, but I've seen bits and pieces, so I liked Betty wielding the chainsaw in S5.
Veronica Lodge and Cheryl Blossom both read a lot of lesbian pulp fiction in their spare time, which I found fun.
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Hey Syn, I have a very serious question: do you think Matt and Frank can co-parent or would these two be constantly at each others throats?
I mean, they have a lot in common but the way they deal with it is so completely different.
Not to mention that Frank sees Daredevil as a pain in the ass and above the "dirty work" aka killing while Matt condems Franks killing spree. Or their background concerning family (Matt = his dad and Stick; Frank = old parents who didn't know how to control him + Maria and their kids)
I mean, it really depends very heavily on the context.
Like, if you pull them out of canon as they are, hand them a random baby, and assign them to raise it like it’s a flour sack for Health class, then that’s gonna be a hard no. They hate each other, Matt definitely does not want to be a parent, frank wants to be a parent but of like, his kids, specifically, and neither of them are going to want to cooperate on an indefinite basis. They would find the nearest fire station and leave the baby on the steps. But, in the spirit of the question, I think it’s important to note that parenting is something you do not something you are.
Like, it’s a million little choices stretched out for as long as both you and the kid is alive. Decisions you make in the interests of the kid. So, lots of room to fuck those choices up. It’s extremely difficult being a parent, I don’t want to diminish that, but you don’t get whacked with the parent stick once you become in charge of a child. It’s something you have to pick, again and again and again, multiple times a day, seven days a week, including holidays, and a lot of parents don’t pick to like, be parents.
It’s about putting your kid first, and doing what you think is best for them. Sacrificing for them if that’s what it takes. Teaching them not to be a serial killer and taking an interest in them and trying to keep them emotionally, physically, and mentally healthy. A million different things. So, for me, the question isn’t more if they can co-parent, but what, if anything, is a situation where they’d both be willing to take on the responsibility of parenthood together, and then we hit whether those choices you make as a parent are gonna be the same for them.
A few notes:
1. They fucking hate each other.
2. They agree on nothing.
Which is really bad for co-parenting because 1) kids can tell when their parents fucking hate each other, and 2) you need to agree on like, parenting at the very least, or you’ll constantly be fighting.
Really, it’d be a matter of finding the hyper specific situation where they have to make it work for the kid and neither of them are willing to walk away.
Because like, hating each other, not agreeing on anything—those are mindsets, not choices. They still have to make choices. Hypothetically, they could choose to suck it up, be civil, and learn to cooperate for the sake of the kid. I just see very few instances where that would ever happen.
It sounds mercenary, but it’s cost and worth, right? It costs mental time and energy as well as physical money and resources to raise a child. Stack on the costs of having to do it with a guy you fucking hate, and the cost of raising a child is enormous.
The thing is, with Matt and Frank, it’s not like the traditional routes of accidentally finding themselves coparenting is open. Like. Okay. One of them cannot accidentally knock up the other, if we’re starting from canonical sexes assigned at birth and assuming like, no mpreg. They have no way of finding themselves with a biological offshoot of the two of them combined. Before we get to the logistics of “would they be able to work out co-parenting logistically,” any mutual kid of theirs is going to first have to jump the hurdle of getting them to choose to co-parent in the first place. This is going to be the step they almost inevitably fail at.
Choosing to parent a child when you're one of the two most unstable men alive is a big decision. It's an even bigger decision when the other parent is going to be the other most unstable man alive. And that big big decision gets even bigger when you simply fucking hate the other guy. So if Matt and Frank are facing the threshold question of "Are we willing to raise this child?" they're going to almost inevitably say, "No, we need to leave this kid on some nice fire station steps."
And I don't want to make it sound like the kid isn't good enough for them. It's more that if Matt and Frank are being faced with the very important decision of deciding whether they are what's best for this child, they're almost invariably going to say "Absolutely fucking not, get literally anyone else."
Because honestly? Matt and Frank are almost never the best case scenario for a child. Matt's business model is "trust in Jesus to provide for the light bill, yes we will accept half a banana and this 1997 copy of the phantom of the opera as payment for our expert legal services, god bless and amen." Frank does not have a single legitimate income stream. Both of them are profoundly mentally ill and would not get therapy at gunpoint. They've both faked their death on multiple occasions, depending on what canon you're talking about. Falling completely off the grid and having all of their loved ones sobbing at their funeral is a repeated life event for them. Both of them could actually die on any given day. There's warrants out for their arrest. There's probably a shoot on sight policy for them. they both have a proclivity for collapsing, bleeding and dying, to the floor. I'm not convinced they know how to file their taxes.
Matt and Frank electing to take a child in involves a much higher level of choice than having an accidental biological child. If we're like, living in the mpreg or gender bend world or whatever and accidental pregnancy was on the table, while termination would be an option and a choice they could make, they have time to plan and get their shit in order if Frank decides he wants to go for parenting round #2 and Matt like, presumably has an undiagnosed head injury or something if he's decided to voluntarily continue his genetic line.
If they are taking in a child, then that is an immediate choice they have to make with immediate consequences. They don't have nine months to get into more stable positions--the child is standing right in front of them in need of a home, has a set personality, has unique and tangible needs and problems, and their life is probably in fucking shambles if matt and frank are even in the running for consideration. At this stage of the game, Matt and Frank are almost always going to say "Hey, I've developed a great deal of fondness for you, in this, our time saving you from that faceless drug lord or whatever brought your life to such a state of crisis. But i'm sort of a fucking mess and there has got to be a better option for you out of the 7 billion people on earth. i will personally find them and make sure you have a home, but it's not going to be with me."
Frank loved Amy in Season 2 of the punisher, but he still sent her off to live in a different, more stable home. "Being raised by the Punisher and daredevil" is just not a very good environment for a kid. It's going to be really really hard to ever get them to consider coparenting simply because them parenting a child at all is not going to be good for the child, and they will find them a different home.
Honestly, the only thing that could really tip them into deciding to take in a kid would be 1) if the kid's life is just that fucked to begin with and 2) overwhelming emotional complications making it so they can't give the kid up.
TO BE CLEAR i am not making any promises about the "these stupid hells we keep" verse but lisa actually happens to be a perfect case study, so we'll bring her in for illustrative purposes.
Lisa actually just is in a unique position where her life is that fucked. Matt only decided to take her in in the first place because the chaste put him in a bind. On a psychological level, Lisa needs some major help right now. She needs support to do it. But she can't get it, because she can't tell anyone about what happened to her without putting them in immediate risk of the chaste and/or hand killing them. She also doesn't want help to begin with, and wouldn't reach out for help and let people in with the way she is right now. Even if she did, Stick's brainwashing was so fucked that it makes it hard for most average adoptive parents to be able to help with that level of abuse.
Matt doesn't even know if he can find the chaste, let alone take them down. Even if he did take down the chaste, he'd effectively be taking out the only force keeping the hand in check, so now the world may fall to fucking ninjas, who also may go after Lisa. On the other hand, Matt would conceivably be able to provide her the support she needed. He already knows about the dangerous facts, so they don't have to worry about him being killed for knowing. He has none of the problems that almost every other adult on the planet would have for lisa's willingness to open up--he's on the inside of Stick's special group. She sees him as someone like her. He can start chipping away at Stick's brainwashing--if he got his shit together and stopped being such a fucking mess. prayers for him on that. it's the fact that Lisa's interests are so boxed in by the threats on her make the chances of Matt and Frank's co-parenting coming into play much higher.
That being said, if matt knew "murder dad" was an option in therianthropy, he probably would have said "good luck and god bless you seem like you have this under control" and fucked right off to be mentally ill and unstable in peace. Frank is sufficiently dangerous enough on his own to keep lisa safe and, as her father, may be a better candidate to give her support. Like, Matt wouldn't leave her life entirely, but he'd be like the sitcom neighbor who shows up on the occasional special episode and helps her through her brainwashing. Matt legitimately only gets to the threshold of "willing to be this child's permanent adult figure" if there are literally zero other options. And I specify adult figure because matt in hells verse very much is thinking of himself as less of lisa's father and more of her adult roommate who can claim her on his tax forms now. he's the spencer to her carly at best.
Lisa is Frank's daughter. There is not a world where he is willing to walk away from her. So he would have to ignore whatever logistical issues there were and find a way to make it fucking work. Matt is one of those logistical issues, and the question is whether Frank decides to resolve it with like, fuckin' couple's counseling or with kicking matt in the ribs.
The other question is whether Matt stays if there is another option.
Because say like, the day after therianthropy ends, Frank Castle shows up on their doorstep ready to take Lisa back in. He hasn't gone on his murder spree yet, amen and god bless, and won't be doing it at all. It's weird that you asked that question, actually, who would even think of such a thing. He has a daughter to raise and will be devoting his time and effort to that.
Matt's already pretty emotionally involved. Like, he already loves Lisa, even if he may not be able to admit as much. But he's very much still in the capacity of doing this as a necessary evil. He does not view himself as like, a good option--he took in Lisa because he viewed himself as the only option. If he has another option? He'd probably bow out pretty immediately and call it a near-brush with adult responsibility. If there was more time to establish a relationship with Lisa?
It sounds bad to say, but it's really hard to say whether Matt would decide to stay not as legitimately the only living candidate on the planet, but as a voluntary parent, just because he loves the kid in question. It goes more to his own doubts as to his ability to be a healthy influence than his ability to love a kid. He just has a lot of issues and he knows that it wouldn't be good for a kid to be dealing with his spiral. It'd definitely require a lot of growth and healing on his part. But it would take this kind of extreme circumstances to even get to the threshold question of "is matt even willing to try to be a parent?" and he will dive back over that threshold if another option arises.
For Frank, it would be more of a question of getting him to understand the severity of the situation. Frank is very stubborn and set in his ways. To get him to accept co-parenting with Matt, especially as Lisa's like, actual father who has some primacy in this situation, he has to accept that Matt's someone who should be in Lisa's life. It would be a question of whether he actually grasps the depths of what happened to Lisa and the things that make Matt good for her life.
Honestly, I just think that the circumstances to get Matt and Frank to agree to coparent in the first place would have to be so hyper-specific and extreme that it'd almost necessarily exclude them as coparents. That being said, the fact that the circumstances would have to be that extreme actually goes in favor of matt and frank working out coparenting. Like, the situation is already fucked beyond all hope if they are the two parenting options on the table. If they had a kid that needs them that badly, and that they loved too much to leave, then they're going to be in the position where they have to work it out. If they don't, they'll fuck up the kid.
Will they be perfect parents together? By absolutely no stretch of the imagination. They are going to fuck up so bad and so often. But, at their core, they do care deeply about the people they love. They're going to try fucking hard to fix their fuck ups and do better. It would be messy and painful and absolutely riddled with mistakes, but I think they'd conceivably make it over the finish line at the end of the day out of sheer burning necessity.
It does help that most of their biggest problems are going to likely be sidestepped. Like, take Matt's "no kill" code versus Frank's "yes kill" code.
They're going to dodge it just because neither of them are likely to actually want a kid to turn out like them. Like, if they're raising a kid, it's not for the kid to be the robin to their batman. They're not raising them to fight crime. The core of the issue ("How do you ethically run a vigilante career") is going to not come into play because they're probably not raising this kid to be a vigilante. It's probably going to be a very touchy subject that Dad and Other Dad simply do not discuss ever.
Honestly, thoughts and prayers for the very confused couple's counselor they're going to have to get, because they'd have to learn how to bear each other's personalities sooner rather than later. But if they don't figure it on their own, Karen or Foggy is going to threaten their lives and manhoods if they don't get their shit together and take care of that kid properly. They'd have to either come to a truce or find a different living situation for the kid, because it'd be toxic to raise a kid in a household where they actively fucking hate each other.
Daredevil and the Punisher is an entirely separate can of worm. Are they both keeping up the vigilante career? That's a huge problem independent from their relationship--they are constantly risking death or prison, and it's going to be stressful for the kid to have them come home injured constantly. If we assume neither of them are giving it up, eventually they're going to have to either come to some kind of middle ground as to working together or take a very extreme "leave it at the office" approach where they simply do not ever talk about it at home ever. Like married professors who are academic rivals.
The is a very long way of saying that it's incredibly unlikely that they would ever willingly coparent and it'd be a non-issue, but if they did end up in a coparenting situation, then they'd probably manage it. It'd take a lot of fucking work and would be extremely far from perfect, but they would presumably love the kid and put in the Herculean effort required to actually exist in each other's presences for an extended period of time.
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souvlakicocaine · 1 year
This is rlly random and niche and no one cares I know but the way people talk about woman characters in the sopranos esp Tony’s family irritates the hell out of me
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pandagirl45 · 1 year
Pepper: tony...
Tony: hm?
Pepper: *deeply concerned* why is there two serial killers kissing your neck?
Bucky and winter: *mouthing at Tony neck*
Tony:...would you believe they followed me home and stayed?
Pepper: tony!! They are the twins axe men!
Tony: which is so dumb, I suggested the ice axe murd--
Pepper: tony!! They are in our territo... rhodey is going to lose his mind
Tony: sorry? *hugging them both* but they like me a lot!
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jjongolese · 2 years
(Spoiler for Dahmer – Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story — up until episode 7, also there’s a bit of a rant)
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Disclaimer: Just to let you know that I’m not one of those fangirls that falls in love with serial killers, this is just me simply commenting on a part of the movie. This does not mean that I condone anything that he had done or even justifying what he did. I’m just a normal guy that is very honest about my opinions and just wanted to express that.
I do give my condolences to the families and friends of victims that are affected by Jeffrey Dahmer though.
Update: I just found out that the part that I spoke about with Tony and Jeffrey didn’t actually happen. He basically lured him into his house like literally every other victims. It’s quite sad that Netflix would make a movie out of something that real and is still affecting families and would get some details wrong. I could see why they changed it slightly for the dramatic effects, but this shouldn’t be taken lightly as it should.
Although I am upset that Netflix would do such a thing and not even at least fact check, I will keep my vent up since I did wanted to let it out. Also, I do wanted to make people not feel alone in this since I also really liked them together.
Please note that I didn’t make this post out of disrespect since this is me reacting to a movie adaptation that I watched. Any misinformation, I will address.
I can’t be the only one that shipped Jeffrey and Tony together. It had seemed as if he found someone that understands him and would do the same back.
I even loved how when they saw each other they would literally hugged and then their little moments on that date. They were smiling and giggling at each other. I really thought this was when we could finally see that he could find this “missing person” that makes him feel like someone after going through a lot of trauma growing up, especially with the fact that he has been an outcast from his high school class where people would bully him so much that they would literally scribble him out of the yearbook.
Even the part where he didn’t ended up drugging him, I thought that was when he finally realised that he did found this person he was looking for all these years and that he could finally change it up. Or even if he doesn’t change, he could still be partners in crime as they would lure more victims in for threesomes or orgies and then drug them before killing them or something. At this point, I didn’t care. As long as Tony would be alive and be Jeffrey’s boyfriend, that was all I ever wanted, and I’d be so glad to hear that.
Sadly, his anger and detachment issues got the best of him as he still couldn’t get the hint that people has lives and needed to work, so he just murdered him just like that.
The moment I found out that Tony died, my heart sank. This was his best match and all of his interactions with the man was nothing but positive and full of genuine chemistry. I even had to awe so loudly when he kissed him on the cheek or when he managed to get his signs right. I was literally rooting for him, like a cheerleader. I was so glad he was able to have those feelings for him and to even have him decide last minute not to poison his drink like he would always do to his victims. I was so happy for Jeffrey and the fact that he could had possibly found his first actual boyfriend.
I’m still sad as I lay in my room thinking about the events that could occur if he never killed him. You know, like more dates such as a walk in the park with Jeffrey holding a camera so they could take pictures since Tony wanted to be a model, or even a road trip or something. Or even them getting married after gay marriage has finally be legalised where they live. I wanted to see them grow old together and maybe even spend the rest of their lives until they died. Even if they do go behind bars due to murder or anything, I’d still be glad because they would always have each other regardless.
Man… if only he knew that people go to work, just like how he did. However, they would still love him just as much. This guy is so fucked up in the head that he was blinded by his own ignorance. Tony loves him, and he knows that. He just needed to go to work because he needs to get money for himself, just like the fact that he needed to get money just to find an apartment that he could afford. Why can’t he just understand such thing?
Tony really didn’t deserve that treatment from Jeffrey. He gave so much love to him that it even touched his heart and yet he still killed him. All just because he works and took that to heart. The man even had to reassure him that just because he’s not with him doesn’t mean he doesn’t love him. Bless his heart. He died trying to explain to his possibly love of his life that he still loves him even though he’s not with him.
I still cry every time I imagine that scene when he confessed. He’s really a sick man that killed someone as innocent as Tony. I know this is a show, but this is based in real life experiences. I’m still upset now, but I know he’s in a good place somewhere. Jeffrey deserves someone, but not Tony. In fact, it should be nobody at all that would give him that kind of love and then get death returned to them.
Rest in peace, Tony.
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gwydionmisha · 2 years
Please don’t do this.  It hurts real people.
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starker-sorbet · 2 years
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Serial killer husbands leaving each other cute love notes in their work for the other to see when it gets reported
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frightnightindustries · 9 months
Finding a name
CW: Past torture, past dehumanization, deconditioning, not the greatest caretaker
Tony fidgeted, feeling somewhat out of place, ridiculously enough in his own house. The poor man must've felt the same, so he had to do something.
"Now that you're here, we should consider choosing a good name." Tony said, hiding his nervousness as he walked over to the one couch he had, sitting down on it and gesturing for the man to do the same. "Do you have any ideas?"
The man shook his head no. Alright, he had planned for this. Pulling out a list of names he thought he would like, he held it out for the man, only to come to a realization. "Can you read? Or did they steal that from you as well?" The avoidance of his questioning gaze, the tremble in the body of the poor man, all of those were certainly enough of an answer for him. But he had to stay calm, unconsciously drumming a familiar rhythm on his leg to steady himself.
"Would you like me to read it to you?" He asked, receiving a nod from the man in response.
It took a while to find one that fit. They had gone over many options, Tony had thought of a lot of possible names. Jacob, Theodore, Ethan, Lucas, Logan, Corden, Brady, but eventually they found one that the man perked up a little at. Louis. It seemed fitting for the man.
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