#seriously all i can look at is theo in the cup
I need you to understand that I am OBSESSED with Sunshine and Logan 😭😭
And I love the idea of holidays at the cabin with teenage Theo and his friends, like Harry Potter style
I can just see Sunshine trying to make sweaters or something
"We need to remember this forever. I'm gonna make commemorative sweaters. MATCHING commemorative sweaters."
"Princess, you don't knit or sew or ... anything."
"I can learn. I've been meaning to pick up an old person hobby so I'll have something to do in a couple a years-"
"A couple?!?"
"-I'm sure it can't be that hard. I'll figure it out. Can't you just see us all in cute matching sweaters?"
I can just see Sunshine smothering Theo and his friends in that over the top momma bear way. The sweaters, food and group activities. Ugh, I just think she has so much love to give and she would love anyone her baby loves.
Honeyyy thank you so much! ❤️
I AM CRACKING UP OMG I LOVE THIIIIS! ❤️ Like, can you imagine the look of absolute terror in Logan's face when he hears that? 😂
I'm gonna make commemorative sweaters. MATCHING commemorative sweaters." Oh she's going to be so determined 😂
"Princess, you don't knit or sew or ... anything." Logan is like "First the names for the animals, now this?" 😂
I can just see Sunshine smothering Theo and his friends in that over the top momma bear way. This is so good!
I absolutely love the idea that Sunshine will be the mom and Logan will be the dad to everyone in Xavier's school even if he vehemently denies it 😂 But Sunshine would love it! ❤️ And like, all Theo's friends would go to her for like advice, to the point that Logan would like, wake up in the morning and go downstairs to see Sunshine having a cup of coffee with like a couple of students from school, and he'd be like,
"What the hell are you doing here?"
"Hi Mr. Logan."
"Hi. What are you doing here?"
"They're here for advice and breakfast!"
"I'm sorry, what?"
"Anyways, as I was saying Mike, you need to give her some time. That's how relationships work, you can't just push her to talk to you after a disagreement. Logan agrees, right Logan?"
"Seriously, don't you guys have classes?"
"He's very happy to see you here."
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zriasstuff · 7 months
The real thing- Theodore Nott x reader
Short, fluffy drabble
Theo dislikes you reading romcoms lol (tbh I wrote this in like 30 minutes out of boredom :’))
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After everyone had left your dorm, you let out a sigh of relief. Finally, you thought to yourself. Unfortunately, due to the terribly cold weather, you had caught a cold. It wasn’t anything dramatic, but enough of a reason to not attend a class.
It turned out to be a blessing in disguise even. Now you could curl up in your warm bed, enjoy a hot cup of tea, listen to some relaxing music- and most important of all, read your favorite books.
Today's read was “the Spanish love deception”. Although reading and understanding classic literature was amongst your passions, cheesy rom com books still hit differently. Besides, since you were sick, you didn’t feel like thinking too hard.
Having read halfway through the book, you have to internally laugh. Not because it was funny, but because it was so utterly ridiculous.
“What’s so funny?”, you suddenly recognize an all too familiar voice. You move your head up, and break into a smile upon seeing your boyfriend standing at the door.
“Feeling better?”, he asks gently.
Even if you weren’t, simply seeing him already brightened your day by so much. When you first started getting to know each other, seeing him always made you nervous and fidgety. Now, every time you saw him, there was nothing but warmth and intimacy.
“Yeah, I am”, you reply. “Wait, shouldn’t you be in class?”
“Why would I be in class when I could be next to you?”, he answered naturally, hopping right into bed with you. Immediately, he starts telling you about how boring his day was without you, while lightly caressing your hair. You look deep into his glistening brown eyes, realizing yet again how lucky you were to simply have him next to you.
While he’s talking, his eyes glance towards your lap, where your book was lying. Theo, seeming highly intrigued, picks it up and starts checking it out by flipping through some pages. Feeling happy that he has taken an interest, you start telling him what it’s about. Perhaps you could read it with him.
“Basically, there are these two people that work together and they hate each other. But, in reality the guy doesn’t hate the woman. Quite the opposite actually. Ugh- and he’s sooo sweet, does all these things for her, protects-
“Soo, you enjoy reading about perfect fictional men?”, he interrupts you mid speech. Theo didn’t sound so sweet now, rather a little doubtful.
“Well, it’s fun”, you admit. “It’s not the best literature ever, but a girl can imagine right?”, you say hoping for some form of agreement.
“Why imagine when you can have the real thing?”, he says insistently, which makes you chuckle. So that’s why he was a little off, he was jealous of a fictional man? Theo was of course just as perfect, and even better- he was real.
You take the book from him and put it on your night stand. “Theo, don’t take it that seriously, you shouldn’t care about what I read”, you say. Still, you couldn’t believe that his reaction was…well how he reacted.
“I don’t care, I just don’t understand why you would read about something like that, if you weren’t trying to tell me something…”
Hell, why was he being so difficult about this? You didn’t imagine that one could read into this so much. But, you had the perfect response for him.
Not letting him say anything else, you cuddle yourself into his arms and give him a small peck on his burning cheek. It was your way of telling him to stop worrying so much and to just shut up.
He must’ve picked up. Soon, he hugged you even tighter, and gave you a kiss on your forehead, whispering “I love you”. “And remember”, Theo adds quietly, “the real thing is so much better than anything you could ever read about”.
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skinny dipping // theodore nott x fem reader
playlist: skinny dipping - sabrina carpenter
"itd be so nice right? if we could take it all off and just exist and skinny dip in water under the bridge"
summary: y/n and theo have known eachother their whole lives but when sorted into different houses and fears of unrequited feelings take over , they lose their bond- but not really.
no real skinny dipping just the song LMAO its metaphorical , ravenclaw reader , use of y/n , fluff , childhood friends wtih obvious feelings
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it was just any other weekend on the hogsmeade trip when you heard the barista of the small cafe you sat in call out his name.
"theo!" she said , placing down a black coffee and moving on to serve more people , but you left your eyes burning holes into the cup.
until his hand went to grab it , giving a quiet and dull thanks before moving over towards the tables , where you sat - not noticing you yet.
you quickly moved your eyes away and pretended to be busy when his body turned in your direction , your acting cut off by your name being called in a voice you could hardly recognise.
"y/n?" he said as you looked up to see him stood infront of your table.
you took your time to study his face , he looked so different it was terrifying , he wasnt the same eleven year old boy you were attached to. but you werent so suprised by how he looked , you always watched him from afar.
"hey.." you let out softly , smiling at him anxiously.
it seemed weird to be anxious around your best friend , except you werent really best friends anymore , just two stanger with memories. memories you can never forget.
"we go to the same school but ive not seen you in ages!" he said excited by your appearance.
"really cause i see you everyday" you chuckled as he laughed too , sitting in the chair in front of you.
"yeah well you know i have bad eyesight," he shrugged with a bright grin.
"how could i forget , having to read everything at a distance to you as kids was a daily occurance" you both laughed as you forget all of your past worries.
"no seriously , its really good to see you , i dont know why we stopped talking anyways!" theo smiled.
you sat in silence for a second , you knew exactly why. the second you gained feeling for theodore at the end of first year you immediatly ghosted him for the next 5 years- and here you are now , sitting opposite the boy you never really got over.
"yeah...well how are you theodore?" you gave him your best smile.
"merlin dont call me that , its theo or dory , remember the name you came up with when we were 5!" his eyes sparkled in the nostalgia.
"i still have no idea where i got that nickname from," you both laughed.
"anyways , im okay. i was having a bit of a shitty day but its better now ," he replied.
"oh really , what happened?"
"nothing just boring studying for exams and my friends were all busy, but i guess it was fate that i came in here," he grinned at you as you felt your heart melt. this was exactly why you stopped talking to him , he could make you go crazy and not even know.
"yeah , so you could run into your shy ravenclaw friend you havent talked to in 5 years," you laughed.
"5 years 1 month and 12 days," he said as your laughing ceased, "i counted the days , i....i really missed you."
your whole demanor softened as you watched him stare down at your coffees unable to hold eye contact , "theodore i wouldve talked to you sooner if you said you wanted to talk .i know i kinda iced you out but im always here."
"i know bella , i just guess something changed that day , you...changed," he said softly.
"yeah well you did too theo , not talking was best for us , we needed to grow and be our own people," you reached out to hold his hand , not realising your seperation had effected him.
"i kinda lied when i said i hadnt seen you , i...well i find you every day, to make sure youre okay," he admitted with a maroon blush across his cheeks, "i guess i hoped you looked out for me too."
"of course i did, i still do. just because we dont talk doesnt mean you arent important to me theo."
he stared into your eyes , seeing his sadness begin to fade and be replaced with a fond adoration as you gazed back in the same haze. looking at him in this way didnt help with your unrequited-
"i love you," he whispered never once breaking eye contact.
your jaw dropped in suprise , "t-theo do you mean..."
"i love you and i always have , the day you stopped talking to me i think a part of me died or something. do you not realise how my friends seem to bully everyone but you? how im at all of your quidditch pratices and games? do you not wonder why no guys approach you? they all fucking pity my unrequited pining," theodore dropped his head and let go of your hand , frustration building up.
"theo," you gained his attention as he hesitantly brought his eyes back up to meet yours , "i love you too, more than words could describe. i guess i just thought youd never like me that way so i left you alone. i couldnt deal with my own feeling and i let it out on you im sorry-"
"dont say sorry bella," he said softly as he held the side of your face , tracing his thumb across your cheek softly, "water under the bridge?"
you smiled at him , holding the hand that rested on your blushed cheek , "water under the bridge."
stream skinny dipping by sabrina carpenter
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berryz-writes · 3 months
It's only a game
Summary: Convincing Theo to have a snowball fight with you and your friends (he takes it extremely seriously)
Grumpy x sunshine
Theodore Nott x reader
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"Come on Theo, it's snowing! Don't you think it looks gorgeous outside?"
Theo pulled me closer into his warmth not bothering to open his eyes and look through the window, where I was enjoying the view of snow gently falling onto the Hogwarts grounds. "I think your gorgeous."
I rolled my eyes but a smile still reached my lips at his sweet words. I rested my head on his chest, his body cocooning me so thoroughly that I could not feel cold ever again.
"We're having a snowball fight outside. Your supposed to be on my team but you can't do that if you stay in bed all day"
He let out a groan at my persistence and retracted his head from the crook of my neck, his hair falling forward in soft brown waves.
"I've always been on your team. We can team up in bed if you really want" His expression remained innocent his eyes roving over my face for a reaction.
I opened my mouth and closed it a couple times before covering my face with my hands, my cheeks probably a bright pink by now.
"Sorry sweetheart" Theo said letting out a small laugh at my embarrassment, slowly pulling my hands away.
After another half an hour of convincing and cuddling Theo finally relented, his hands in his pockets sending dirty looks to anyone who dared throw a snowball his way.
"Theo! Stop being a Grinch and come play. I didn't drag you out here for nothing" I dodged a snowball that came hurtling toward me from Pansy, Blaise's laughter in the back delighted that she had missed and stomped over to Theo.
"I am playing, sweetheart. I'm merely playing tactically. Do you see any of my clothes wet?"
I reached down and splatted a handful of snow onto his arm and grinned at his expression "There you go. It's better now don't you think?"
He leaned in closer to me his arms coming around my waist so there was no space left between us "I think-" He started, his voice promising revenge but was cut off by a snowball hitting him square in the back.
I couldn't stop laughing. At Theo's horrified expression and Draco's grin at his successfulness. I thought he was going to walk straight back into the castle but instead he bent down, crafted a perfectly round snowball and hit Draco straight in the face "How the fuck do you like that?"
Draco took it well and wiped the snow off his face, readying another one. He couldn't do so properly because Enzo had hit him with a snowball he had been enlarging for the past 5 minutes.
"It's only a game Theo"
He grinned at me, his hand coming to cup my cheek "And we're going to win, sweetheart"
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HIIII I wanna request something with draco mafoy x reader where he's nervous for him and readers first kiss
Short (Draco Malfoy x Fem!Reader)
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Warnings- use of Y/n, kissing, flirting, Fuckboy!Draco, they're cute Word count- 688 A/n- I had a lot of fun writing this and am actually really proud of it, thank you so much for the request, I hope you like it!
“How far have you and Y/l/n gone?” Mattheo says, taking a big puff of his cigarette.
“We- well- we haven't really gone anywhere,” Draco responds, choking a little bit on the fire whisky he was drinking.
“You seriously haven’t even kissed her? That’s a new one for you,” Pansy says, snorting loudly.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Draco asks, putting down his drink and furrowing his eyebrows.
“Well you know how you are with girls,” Pansy replies, shrugging at the blonde.
“Y/n isn’t just another girl though, I don’t want her to think that I’m just using her for sex or whatever,” Draco says, crossing his arms and sitting back.
“But it’s been a month,” Theo says, joining the conversation, “how do you think that Y/n feels knowing that usually you kiss girls during the first week but it’s taken you almost two to kiss her?”
“You guys are being ridiculous, she knows I like her… right?” Draco says, suddenly second guessing his current relationship. Draco spends the rest of the night contemplating how to kiss Y/n. He hasn’t admitted it to anyone but he’s definitely nervous about kissing Y/n, she’s not like all the other girls he’s slept with and kissed. She’s Y/n Y/l/n.
“Good morning Dray,” Y/n exclaims, sitting next to the blonde, “Did you and your friends have fun last night?”
“I think it would have been a better time if I’d been with you,” he replies, giving the pretty girl a smirk.
“Well what are your plans for the rest of today?” The girl asks, blushing at the blonde's comment.
“I thought that maybe you and I could hang out later? Before dinner maybe?” He asks, glancing towards a smirking Mattheo.
“Oh I would love that!” Y/n responds, her face lighting up ever so slightly, then she stands up, “I’m gonna go to Herbology, I promised Neville I’d help him.” Draco only smiles and waves at the girl.
“Please tell me you’re finally going to kiss her,” Lorenzo, Y/n’s best friend says, his mouth full of bacon, “She won’t stop talking about wanting you to kiss her.”
“Does she really?” Draco says, raising his eyebrows, “She knows I like her right?” Lorenzo nods in reply, shoving more bacon into his mouth. Draco smirks looking down at his plate.
Draco being who he is decided he would spend the rest of the day mentally preparing himself to kiss the beautiful girl he’s been pining over since 4th year.
“Hello beautiful,” Draco says, opening Y/n’s dorm room, sitting on the foot of her bed.
“Hello Dray, did you have anything specific in mind?” The girl asks, scooting over so the boy could be closer to her.
“I just wanted to talk to you,” He says after a couple seconds of silence, pulling the girl into his side.
“Talk to me about what?” she replies, turning towards Draco, a look of fear quickly flashing over her features before she masks it with a closed-lip smile.
“You know that I like you right?” He says, pushing a strand of hair behind her ear.
“Well I like you too, Draco,” Y/n replies, giving him a shy smile.
“I really like you, though,” he says, cupping her cheek and pulling her closer to him, “and you’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever met.”
“You’re just saying that,” she replies, laying her head more into his soft palm.
“I can promise you, I am not just saying that,” He says, leaning closer to her, brushing their lips together.
“I think that I want to kiss you,” Y/n says quietly, leaning further into Draco's warm and welcoming lips, putting her hand on his firm chest. He pecks her lips softly before pulling away and leaning back into her, giving her multiple more pecks.
“I’m so sorry I didn’t kiss you sooner, love,” Draco says, pulling away and leaning his forehead on hers, “You mean so much to me.”
“You, Draco Malfoy, are the most amazing guy I have ever met,” She says, closing their lips together again.
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suugarbabe · 1 year
Hi, I hope you’re doing fine❤️ I love your fics! If it’s not a problem i would like to please request Theo Nott + soulmate trope where before the soulmates meet they sometimes throughout the day feel each other’s sensations (I don’t mean feeling, mostly just things like touch, pain, smell, taste) and Theo is kind of an annoying soulmate for the reader because he drinks black coffee all the time and the reader hates it and also he has all these quidditch practices and fights so she often wakes up with bruises and all that? But it’s all lighthearted and fluffy if it’s not a problem haha. Thanks ❤️
soulmate tropes are honestly one of my favorite because you can do so much with it, it's always a fun time.
You slouched in your seat next to Luna at breakfast as the sudden taste of straight black and bitter coffee consumed your senses. You nearly gagged, causing Luna's face to turn to one of soft concern.
"Black coffee again?" You nodded, "Yeah, and ribs are fucking killing me, I woke up with a huge purple bruise on the back of them and my jaw is sore. I swear to Merlin, whoever my soulmate is is about to get a howler from me because this is just ridiculous."
"Blaise and I think we know who it is if you'd like me to share it with you." Luna said it like she asked if you wanted to know who was on the cover of the Quibbler this month. Her ability to discuss anything like it was just normalcy and average never ceased to amaze you.
You stared at her and she just stared back, small smile on her face and a twinkle in her eyes. "Yes, Luna. Please tell me because I need to confront him."
Luna took a bite of her blueberry muffin, "Did you know that the reason why some blueberries are sweet and some are sour is because gnomes actually-"
"Oh, yes, right. It's Theodore Nott." She says it like it's obvious. Like you should have know this whole time. But now that you think about it, it makes perfect sense. The bruises, the soreness, the smell of broomstick wax that will assault your nose.
You looked toward the Slytherin table in search for sandy brown curls. "He already left for class," Luna's voice cut in to your inner thoughts. "Erm, right, thanks Luna. I'll see you at lunch?" She nodded, "The four of us can sit together. Have a good talk with Theodore."
You thanked her, setting off down the hall toward your first class. Your plan was to search for Theo during your free period, but as fate would have it, you spotted him down the corridor.
You pushed through the crowded hall until you had to practically crane your neck to look up at the man in front of you. You reached out, boldly grabbing his arm, "Theo, we need to talk."
He looked down, slight confusion on his face. "Go on, bruv. I'll see you in class," Blaise gave you a subtle wink before walking off.
You pulled Theo to the side, giving the illusion to yourself that you had some privacy. "Been smelling vanilla lately, Theo?" you crossed your arms as you leaned back against the corridor wall.
Theo quirked an eyebrow, "How did you now that?"
You sighed, "Because that's the scent of my shampoo." Theo placed a hand on the wall behind you, the other gently cupping your face as he leaned down, gently pressing his nose to the crown on your head.
"So what you're suggesting then is-"
"We're soulmates," you cut him off, "and I am seriously angry with you."
Theo scoffed, the hand that once cupped your face now placed on his own hip, "Why? What did I do?"
You lifted your school shirt high enough for Theo to see the deep purple bruise on your ribs. He quickly grabbed your hand, forcing your shirt back down and scanning the hall, making sure no one else was looking.
"Are you mental?" The slight protectiveness in Theo's tone made your stomach flutter. "Are you mental? What happened to you? Get in another fight? Because we're going to have a problem."
Theo chuckled softly, "Well the one you should have a problem with is Bole because he's the one who hit me with the bludger at practice yesterday."
You frowned, "I'll fight the git, where is he?"
Theo couldn't contain the look on his face, "Calm down, anima gemella, we can't both be fighters."
You looked up at his big blue eyes, "Oh, darling. You have no idea what you're in for."
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writingroom21 · 1 month
Sweet Escape
Pairing: Rafe x single mom reader
Summary: Moving to Kildare with your best friend and daughter was the perfect move. The little island is perfect, the people are nice, and you are finally at peace. Then Rafe comes in with his perfect smile and charm, sweeping you off your feet. The only issue is if you are ready to let someone else in.
Warnings: 18+, mentions of abuse(Theo being physical with reader), mentions of cheating(Not from reader or Rafe), making out, grinding, (Let me know if I missed any)
Wc: 6.8K
Chapter Five: I'm Here
“Let’s just take a moment to relax and take a deep breath.” Rafe is rubbing your back trying to help you calm down. “Relax! He’s trying to take my baby away and you want me to relax?” You croak out in between sobs, slapping his hand away from you. He Raises his hands, eyes widening as he looks to Jo for help.
“Babes no one is telling you to not take it seriously. We just need to make sure you are okay too. Just take a deep breath.” Jo’s reasoning only makes it worse. Another sob rips through you as you clutch your chest. “I can’t breathe. He can’t be doing this to me.”
You look up at her and then look at Rafe. Your tear stricken face breaks their hearts. “He can’t take her away from me.” Rafe takes a deep breath before wrapping his arms around you. “We won’t let him. I’ll call my lawyer and see what he can do.” Jo comes to kneel down before you. 
“Plus he hasn’t been in her life at all until this point. What dumbass would give him full custody?” You don’t listen to what they are saying. Well you are but none of it matters right now. All your brain can focus on is the words on the document in front of you. 
This is an official summons. Theodore Mitch Wixx is petitioning for full custody over Violet Dunn. You will have 14 days to respond to the summons before proceedings occur. If not heard from within the time frame it will be seen as an agreement to the terms listed below.
He doesn’t even know her middle name. Somehow he got all the paperwork through without even knowing her middle name. “What’s funny?” You didn’t even realize that you had started laughing but you did. Now you can't stop it. “He doesn’t even know her fucking middle name and he thinks he should have full custody.” Rafe and Jo share concerning looks. She nods for him to scout out of the way so he can let her take his place.
Rafe lets her comfort you while he makes a quick call to his lawyer. He seething with anger if he’s being honest. It was one thing for him to think it was easy to weasel his way in. But to try to take Vi away from you is crazy. When he gets back to the living room you are now curled in a blanket with a cup of tea in your hands. Jo passes him on her way to her room, leaning towards him to whisper something. “Just gave her some chamomile tea. Think she just wants you right now.”
He nods at her and makes his way to the spot next to you. You watch him with a calm look as he places your legs on his lap, rubbing your calves. “What did he say?” The voice that hits his ears is not the same one he’s been listening to for the past hours. It’s small and afraid. “Said we can go meet him on Monday. His wife is a family lawyer so she’s going to help us. But he thinks we got a good case.”
There he goes saying we again as if it's easy. “You don’t have to do all of this. You can back out anytime, I wouldn’t judge you.” Rafe has half a mind to be offended, you would think that of him. But you were just told your shitty ex is trying to take your kid away. He understands you are vulnerable and probably just thinking the worst. To be fair he’s kind of doing the same thing right now.
“I’ll keep saying it until you believe me. I’m not leaving. I care about you and Vi, I’ll protect the both of you.” Tears well in your eyes again. “What if he does win? What if I never see her again?” Rafe takes the mug and puts it on the ground before pulling you into a hug. “He would have to pry her from my cold dead body before he could take her.
You giggle at his absurdity. “I’m serious. I won’t let him hurt the two of you.” You squeeze him tightly, grateful to have him here. “Thank you.” Rfe buries his face in your shoulder. “Nothing to thank me for.”
The rest of the weekend was like a slow action movie where you are just waiting to be over. Rafe had cuddled with you all of Friday night, falling asleep on your tiny bed with you practically on top of him. You didn’t know when he had moved yall but was glad you didn’t have a crick from sleeping on the old couch. Vi had been excited to see that Rafe was still there the next day when she woke up.
It should have warmed your heart but the worry kept nagging at you. It was the only thing you could focus on. You had decided to stay home, wanting to watch movies with her just to be close. It became a whole house thing which you were happy for because you don’t think you would be able to keep your emotions in check with just you and her. Rafe had even invited Wheeziewho then told Sarah.
Both girls could sense something off with you and Rafe wouldn’t give anything away. Only telling them you just needed the company. Which seemed to be the right choice because they got a few smiles even a laugh out of you throughout the day. As Saturday night was getting late the girls decided to go home. “Rafe are you going to be home?” Rafe freezes at Wheezie’s question looking at you to see what you wanted.
But you don’t say or show him anything. He takes a wild gamble and makes a decision. “I’m going to stay. Text or call if you need anything okay.” He misses the smiles on your and Jo’s face as he looks at his younger sister. “Okay. But I swear if Rose makes me do another late night girl talk you are compensating me.” He laughs and agrees. “Deal.”
The rest of the night goes by the same as the previous day. You fell asleep and woke up in his arms which was actually nice. Only if your brain would let you focus on the feeling instead of the scenarios it’s creating. You seemed like a shell of yourself. You moved like a robot only really showing emotions with Vi. No one says anything, not knowing the turmoil you are going through.
Rafe worrily chews on his nails, afraid that his presence is too much. Then you reach out for his hand to hold and things feel good. In all honesty the whole house is shaken up about the situation. Vi is the light of the house and losing her is a scary thought for everyone. June had some choice words when she was debriefed on Saturday. Let’s just say it’s a good thing she has a bad hip or else she might have found Theo by now.
Everyone is just concerned with what will be said tomorrow. The thought of that scumbag being anywhere near that precious baby is rage inducing. The only person who seems to not notice the tension is Vi herself. Or maybe she did and that’s why she’s being extra cute today. Either way it’s a good distraction from what’s going on.
As the clock kept ticking closer to night, the nerves seemed to rise with the stars. “Hey I should probably get back home. I’ll be here exactly at eight to bring you. Make sure you bring the papers.” Rafe is putting his shoes on at the edge of your bed as Vi tries to climb on his back. “Do you think you could stay again tonight?” He automatically stops tying his laces and looks back at you. 
“Of course. Let me just call Wheeze to let her know.” Wait Wheezie, what were you thinking? “No no. Nevermind you should probably get back. You’ve been here all weekend and should spend the night at home with her.” Rafe grabs Vi’s arms as he stands up, giving her a piggyback ride as he walks to your side. Right before he sits down he pulls her over his shoulder, laughing as she giggles while being tossed around.
He sits down with her on his lap now. “Um this maybe a little out of line for me but… you could come stay with me. We can set Vi up in the room across from mine or even in my bed, it's big enough.” You think about it for a second. “You’ve been staying here for the past two days. It’s not out of line suggesting we go to yours.” You play with her hair as you speak, kissing her forehead as you get up. “I’m going to pack our things.”
You’ve seen his house before but somehow it still shocks you. Sometimes you forget that he has money. Rafe leads you up the stairs holding a sleeping Vi. He said it's because he doesn’t want you to hurt yourself but you feel like he wants to be close to her too. Instead of bringing her to the guest bedroom like you thought he was doing, Rafe actually takes her to his room. 
The only time you’ve been in it is when you were waiting for dinner that Rose insisted you came to. It looks clean and not lived in which could be due to the maids. There weren’t even any decorations which made you feel sad. It’s like when you go to tour a house and everything looks picture perfect.
Rafe places her down on the bed, rearranging some pillows to create a fort around her. You place your overnight bag on the desk chair getting your pj’s out and toiletry bag. “You can go get changed first if you want. I can stay with her to make sure she doesn’t fall off the bed.” When you don’t respond he turns to look at you and sees you staring at the picture frame on his desk.
“This is new.” Is all you say. Rafe blushes and rubs the back of his neck. “I thought it was a nice picture. Wanted to liven up the room.” Staring back at you is the picture you had taken at the zoo. It shows the three of you all sporting face paint Vi had begged for. 
“Mommy Waint!” Vi shouted tugging at your arm. You had just got done looking at the elephants and were now walking around. She tugs on your arm again pointing as she says “Waint!” You and Rafe both look at the way she’s pointing to see an older lady painting a little boy's face. 
Rafe crouches down. “Want to get face paint?” Vi nods her head excitedly screaming “YES!” You laugh as she tugs your hand for you to follow. Turning your head to Rafe you shake it. “When she doesn’t want to take it off you are the one dealing with it.” He didn’t know he was signing up for a job when he suggested it but her smile made it worth it.
She squirmed the whole time the lady painted a butterfly on her face. Jumping up and down when she saw it. “Ra twurn.” Rafe looked at the little girl and then at you. Yeah he definitely didn’t sign up to get his face painted. “How ‘bout mom gets something?” He suggests but Vi shakes her head and points at him. “Ra.”
Reluctantly he sits down in front of the lady, shyly smiling at her as she stares at him. “Um I’ll get the tiger?” He looks at Vi and she nods her head in approval. You giggle as you watch Rafe get his face painted and you aren’t the only one. People kept looking over to watch this six foot two guy get painted as a tiger.
Vi’s smile when he was done was so bright and of course you got dragged in. You decided to let the two of them pick what you get. That’s how you ended up with a fox on your face. After you three headed over to a pretzel stand. As you all pick at it you wipe out your phone.
You hold it up catching the three of you. “Say cheese.” Vi turns her head smiling widely at the camera. Rafe moves his face closer so the two of you are blocking her head in. The phone makes a fluttering noise as you take the picture. You look at it and smile, hearting it to save for later.
The memory warms your heart. You kiss Rafe’s cheek pulling his hand to drag him to the bathroom. “Come on. I need a shower and you need to show me how to use your fancy one. Plus she’ll be fine.” He gladly follows along not seeing any reason to argue. 
That night the two of you sandwich Vi in the middle of the bed. Your fingers are running up and down on her arms. Rafe is rubbing small circles on her back as he stares at you. “We’ll be okay. Everything is going to be fine tomorrow.” You believe him. Even if you are scared you know deep down everything is going to be okay.
“Hi I’m Carl and this is my wife Diane.” You shake his hand before shaking hers. Rafe greets them like old friends but if you think about it they might be. The four of you settle down at a table. Diane takes out a notepad and pen, clicking it so she can write. “Why don’t you tell me what happened from the start Ms. Dunn.”
Taking a deep breath you begin to spew everything. How you two were dating but then you fell pregnant. From there how Theo dumped you when he found out and how you had to raise Vi on your own. But now he’s back wanting full custody of a kid he doesn’t know or wanted. Rafe’s hand holds yours as you tell her the story. 
You shake with rage as you hear yourself talk. HIs audacity is honestly baffling. “How was your relationship before the pregnancy?” The room gets silent as they wait for you to answer the question. Rafe turns his body to look at you, placing his left arm on the table. “Babe?” Blankly you look at him, tears pooling in your as you do. “Sweetie, you can tell me what happened.”
Diane was soft spoken making you feel more comfortable. Clearing your throat, you fix your posture and take a deep breath. “In the beginning it was fine. He would always see how I was doing or surprising me. Um but after like a year he just got mean.” You take a sip of water to swallow the lump in your throat. 
“What do you mean by that?” She’s writing down in her pad. “A little after our first anniversary I found out he was talking to another girl. After I confronted him he got a little physical.” The sound of your voice is brittle as if it is breaking with every word. “What do you define as a little bit physical?”
“He pushed me against the wall and slapped me. He yelled at me for a while after and then apologized. Said me accusing him of something so bad made him snap.” The only sound in the room was the sound of the collective breathing and pen scratching paper. “It didn’t take long after for him to start putting me down. Saying I was stupid if I got a slightly lower grade than him. If I didn’t wear makeup he would tell me how ugly I was and said I embarrassed him.”
Rafe’s hand squeezes yours. He’s trying hard to stay calm right now. A tear falls down your cheek and he wipes it away. “How long did that last?” You laugh at the answer. “The rest of the relationship. I was stupid enough to think he actually did love me and that's why he said all of it.” Diane stops writing and looks you in the eyes.
“It doesn’t make you stupid hoping someone cares for you. He was your boyfriend and it’s not your fault he took advantage of that.” You shake your head, wiping the tears that are falling. “When I found out I was pregnant I thought he would change. For some reason I had hoped things would be normal just so Vi would have a normal life.”
“I’ve seen hundreds of women in your same position. Everyone of them is a survivor just like you. Don’t let him make you feel crazy for wanting basic respect.” She reaches over and takes a hold of your hand that’s around the cup. She rubs her thumb over your knuckles. “What you went through and how you felt is real. You had no control over it. None of it was your fault.”
You look at her for a moment, letting the tears fall. The only people who believed you were Jo and her family. When you had told your parents they had blamed you. “What is so wrong with you that he could do that? Why are you trying to destroy that poor boy's life?” “Sometimes a man needs things and you can’t fault him for that. Grow up and accept the fact you weren’t good enough.” Their voices still ring loud and clear in your ears.
“He would hit me when he got made. One time he caught me talking to a class about a project and spent the whole car ride berating me. Honestly, I thought he was going to crash the car just to prove a point.”  
“Why would you think that?” The way Rafe’s fingers are gripping yours is causing you to lose circulation. “He was driving crazy, started to speed and swerved. I had to beg him not to do anything just for him to stop.” Rafe grabs a tissue and wipes more tears off your face. He grabs a few more and hands them to you. 
You take them and blot away any excess moisture. “I’m sorry if this question seems insensitive but it’s important I ask. Do you have any documentation of all of this? Text messages, audios, pictures, or diaries?” The question isn’t one you were prepared for. After your parents didn’t believe you, the thought of telling anyone else was pointless.  
You did write in your diary but that has to be somewhere in New York. “I used to write in my diary but I stopped when Vi was born. I think I still have our old messages but I would have to check.” You are sniffling throughout the whole time you talk. It feels refreshing telling someone else about it and not having to keep everything in. Jo is the only person who really knew what your relationship was like.
Everyone else got a watered down version where he’s just a dick for leaving you pregnant. Not like you believe anyone would believe you anyway. “Okay good. Find the diary and bring it in and look for those messages. I’m going to send over an appeal and we will work out the case once it’s approved. But from what you said I think we got a solid case.”
As she’s packing up her things you remembered something. “He sprained my wrist once. I had to go to the emergency room because I thought it was broken.” Diane pauses her movements. “Do you still have the papers from that visit?” You straighten in the chair. “I have an electronic copy.” She sits back down whipping out a tiny notepad. “How did it happen?”
“We were hanging out with some friends and one of them asked me what he got me for my birthday. I said nothing and he got upset that I told them the truth. He made us leave early and dragged me out to the car. He told me I embarrassed him and I deserved nothing because that's what I was. I tried to just open the car door to get in and he slammed it shut right on my wrist.”
Diane takes a deep breath and writes it all down. “If you could send me a copy of those papers as well that would be perfect.” She packs her things and walks to your side of the table. Bending down she gives you a hug. “You didn’t deserve any of that.” She pulls away giving you a warm smile before walking out with Carl who gives you a nod on the way out. 
You and Rafe still sit there for a second soaking it all in. Silently he gets up still holding your hand and waits for you to stand before walking. The walk to the car seemed shorter than it was before. You get to the passenger side door when Rafe pulls you back, spinning you around so he can hug you. He squeezes you tight, wrapping himself around you. Your arms wrap around his waist holding on for dear life. 
“You’re everything. I’m sorry no one has seen how special you are. But I see you.” You grip him tighter as you try not to cry. “I’m not perfect but you make me want to be. You deserve nothing less than perfection because that’s what you are.” Tears stain his shirt as you both stand in the parking lot. You pull your head back to look up at him. “I don’t want to be perfect. I just want you.”
He takes an arm away, strips the heat with it. His hand cups your face as he leans in. He kisses you deeply, conveying his emotions through the action. Disconnecting, he looks you in the eyes and smiles.
“You have me.”
After you had gotten back home that day you called Jo’s mom. You asked her if she would be willing to go through the old things you left in the attic. Once you explained the situation to her she was more than willing. After hanging up you and Rafe tackled trying to go through the leftover boxes to see if it was in there. When you both found nothing it switched to downloading the old text messages you shared.
It took the rest of the afternoon to download everything and send them over along with the ER papers. The two of you didn’t really talk about what you had mentioned. You know that at some point you will need to talk, but this doesn’t seem like the right moment. Dinner time comes and everyone sits at the table to eat. Rafe had taken Wheezie and Rose to dinner so it was just the girls at home.
“How did it go today?” Jo drinks some water to alleviate the dryness in her throat. You swallow the food you had been chewing. “Um, I think it went good. I told her about how he just left and now he’s back.” You don’t want to bring up the other topics because you know she will go into a rant about it.
She doesn’t mean any harm and you know that. But you hate bringing up that time of your life. You already dealt with it all when you went to therapy after having postpartum. It was all hashed out and you want to leave it that way. If you keep talking about it you know old wounds will open up.
The conversation dulls and the only sound comes from the scraping of cutlery on plates. Towards the end June gets up and gives you a hug. “They would be idiots to believe that dumb fucker.” You can’t help but to laugh. She’s always been foul mouthed even since you were a kid. “Thank you Juney.” 
Jo cleans up the plates as you start on the dishes piled in the sink. As you are scrubbing a plate the doorbell rings. “Got it!” Jo yells. You keep washing the dishes trying to entertain Vi at the same time. She squeals as the water you flick at her hits her forehead. Footsteps are heard walking up the hall. You turn to the kitchen door to see Rafe.
“Hey. What are you doing here?” You’re confused, you thought Rafe was going to stay at home. Looking down you can see that he has a small duffel with him. “Jo and I talked, we think it’s best if you have a distraction. Diane still needs to draft an appeal which then has to be approved. It could take a few days so I want to take you away.” He drops his bag and walks over to you, picking up Vi on his way.
“I have the shop.” He smiles and gives you a kiss, wrapping his free arm around you. “Already thought of that. Jo said she could look after it or if you do want to work…” He pulls out a singular key, showing it to you. “I got the keys to the little beach house Rose just got. It has a private beach and like no neighbors.” He leans down and pecks your cheek then your neck. 
“Just you, Vi and I.” You pull back smiling at him. “What would you do when Vi and I are at the shop?” Taking that as a yes to the beach house, he drags you to your room. He plops himself down on the bed, watching as you pack your things. “I’d go with the two of you. I took the time off of work.”
You stop packing and look at him. He’s playing with Vi, making her giggle every time he tickles her. “Won’t they need you there?” A nagging feeling is creeping up. You can’t be the reason he misses work. “I own the company along with Rose. She doesn’t care that I’m taking some time off. I think she actually likes it better since it's her way all the time.”
He looks up at you and smiles. “Plus I want to be there for you. This is a lot to handle on your own. You don’t have to go through it by yourself.” You walk over to him, crawling on the bed to be next to him. “I don’t know what I did to find you but I’m glad I did. I” Rafe waits patiently for you to finish. The way your eyes flicker between his, he thinks he knows what it is. “I’m really lucky to have such a great boyfriend.” He’s slightly disappointed that’s all you had to say.
He shakes off that feeling and gives you a kiss. “Come on. We have to finish packing so we can get there fast. There’s a hot tub I want us to try.” You laugh at him and get up. “Yes sir.”
“You’re cutting the stems too short. Try measuring them in the vase.” Rafe stares at you blankly as he holds a pair of scissors in his hand. “I thought you had to cut the ends off.” You smile as you take a flower to show him. You demonstrate how to measure it according to the vase and cut the stem. Taking the flower out of his hand you put it in the vase along with yours.
“You see how the one I cut is out of the vase while yours is stuck in the neck? Flowers come in all sizes and sometimes if you eyeball it they come out too short.” You take his flower out and bring it over to a small vase and add it. “This way all the flowers align to the vase.” Rafe can’t help but be in awe of you. You talk about the flowers as if they are a form of art. Well he guesses that they are. 
“Okay boss, what else should I know?” He’s been calling you that for the past two days. It started on Tuesday. You had woken up to Rafe gently shaking you holding a cup of coffee out to you. “Morning boss, I’m ready for work.” He had talked your ear off asking questions on what you will have him do. You had to explain to him that you couldn’t say anything until you went to the shop.
Once the three of you got there Vi started to wander the shop as you set your bags down. “What should I do?” You looked over orders and inventory before telling him he can rearrange some displays so you can gather flowers to make more.
It took him a while to weed out any displays with wilting flowers and rearrange the good ones. But by the end he was done. Which only made him want to keep doing other stuff to help you out.
On Wednesday he saved the boss' comments until he was helping out a customer. You honestly thought he quit with it but guess not. An older lady was asking him to help her find a nice bouquet for her daughter in law. He didn’t know what the flowers even looked like and was getting nervous. “Um I would have to ask my boss I’ll be right back.” His nervous expression was cute.
From then on he kept referring to you as boss, even when at home. Well the little beach house. As the two of you were cooking dinner last night he brought it up again. 
“Where do you want the pepper boss?” You roll your eyes at him. “Are you really going to keep calling me that?” He wraps his arms around you from the back. Feather light kisses are placed on your neck. “It should be chef right since we are in the kitchen?” You groan at him. You knew watching The Bear was a bad idea.
He lets go of you, going to get Violet to parade her around the kitchen. “Vi say ‘Yes chef’ to mommy.” The little girl giggles as he tickles her stomach. “Yes chef.” The way she says it is so adorable. Rafe throws her in the air and catches her, swaying her from side to side in the air. 
“Go play in the living room. The two of you are stressing me out.” You joke as you add the peppers Rafe cut to the pan to saute. He pulls her down, carrying her over his shoulder as he walks to you. Vi laughs as she wiggles against his back. Rafe places a hand behind your neck forcing you to look at him, leaning down he kisses you.
“Yes chef.”
Which leads you to know. 
“You can take those out to the front. I’m going to grab the next batch of flowers for some orders that we can start on.” Rafe nods as he takes the vase and walks out of the attached room. You turn to Vi and tickle her with a left over flower. “Come on sweet girl. Let's go get some flowers.” As you and Vi grab flowers the front door bell rings, alerting you that someone walked in. 
Normally you would go out there but with Rafe being here you can take a step back. You’re cutting some stems when he walks back in. He looks back out front before looking at you. “Man, that girl was weird.” You shoot him a look.
“Rafe don’t say that.” He makes his way over looking at a slip and finding the bundle you set aside for it. “Babe, I'm telling you she’s weird. Kept asking if I was the only one working.” You look over at him, finding it slightly odd. “Maybe she’s not comfortable around guys?” Trying to give her the benefit of doubt you make up an excuse. 
“When I told her the boss was in the back she kept asking what your name was. I told her if she wanted flowers she could get them but if not to kick it.” Sighing you put your scissors down. “Baby next time just get me. Can’t just tell people to kick it.” He leans over the table grabbing one of your hands. “Sorry but I still stand by what I said.”
You shake your head and laugh. “Get back to the order.” Rafe just smirks as you try to ignore him. Your eyes keep looking over at him just to see that he was doing the same. The rest of the day was nice. You are all caught up on orders and sold a good amount today. Overall it was a great day.
The three of you had gotten home an hour ago. As soon as you stepped foot in the house Vi was begging to go swimming. Rafe offered to take her if you made dinner or he could make it if you wanted to go in the water. You jumped at the opportunity to not be in the sea so you opted for dinner.
Rafe and Vi came in soaked when you said food was ready. She showed you some of the rocks that she collected. After dinner she was so tired that it made the bedtime routine even longer. All she wanted to do was sleep so she kept protesting. By the time she was in bed it was already eight thirty. Rafe closes the door to her room as you both sneak out. “Let's go in the hot tub.” He whispers.
Since you got here every night ends with the two of you in there. You went to get changed and met him outside. Rafe was already in the water when you exited the house. His head rests back against the edge as the water laps around him. His eyes open to watch you get in, his hands find your waist to pull you closer. “Hi.”
You giggle and lean in closer. “Hi.” Rafe moves a piece of hair behind your ear and kisses you. The two of you kiss for a bit, enjoying the way your lips move together. The kiss heats up a little. His lips leave your, kissing their way to your neck before lightly sucking on it. You lean your head to the side giving him better access as your hip rolls over his. 
Rafe moans into your neck before gripping your hair, maneuvering your head so he can kiss you again. It goes like this for a while longer, the two of you getting lost in each other. After some time he pulls away from you. The whole relationship till this point has been just kissing and little make outs.
At this moment things are going the furthest they have been. You’re still rolling your hips with your eyes closed. Rafe watches with his mouth open, staring at how pretty you look. He brings a hand up to cup your cheek, caressing his thumb on your bottom lip. His eyes widen when you stick your tongue out to lick it and give it a kiss.
You open your eyes to look him in the eyes only for yours to fall shut when an orgasim courses through you. “Oh fuck.” Rafe moans out gripping your hips trying hard not to cum. You slump over resting your head on his shoulder. “That’s the hottest fucking thing I’ve ver seen.”
You can still feel that he’s hard but he’s not making any moves. Rafe catches your internal freak out and kisses you. “I’m not in any rush. Let me take care of you.” You play with his hair and move closer to him. “Okay.” He wraps his arms around your waist holding you to him. It’s silent as you two sit there.
“I’m going to miss having you around at the shop when you go back to work. It’s been nice having another person there even better that it was you.” He snuggles his head in the crock of your neck, pecking the skin. “I’m going to miss you too. It’s going to be weird not being around you and Vi for so long.” You laugh and pull back to look at him. The water splashes around from your sudden movement. 
“Ray, you're acting like you aren’t going to see us ever again.” He shrugs, smirking at you. “Sue me for missing my girls.” You smile down at him, cupping his checks to give him a kiss. “If you’re feeling lonely, maybe Wheezie can go and help you out. She’s out of school for the summer now so she has the time.” You think about it for a moment. It’s kind of perfect, the shop has been doing well. The country club has even been regularly buying big orders from you.
“Sounds like a deal.” Your hands find his hands, pulling them away from your body allowing you to get up. “Let’s go. We have to go to the craft store so I can get more chalk pens in the morning. So we gotta get up earlier.”
He followed you, drying off and waiting his turn in the shower. He may have taken longer in the shower taking care of a little problem. By the time he went to lay in bed you were already asleep. Quietly he gets into bed next to you, looking at the baby cam on the nightstand. Seeing that Vi is sleeping soundly he lays down wrapping his arm around you.
“Do you think the letters look good?” You turn the chalkboard so Rafe can see it. He squints to look at the fourth rendition of the same sign. Every single one looks the same but you insist that there was something wrong. “I think it’s the best one. What do you think Vi?” The little girl looks up and nods her head in approval before playing on her own board.
You smile and turn it back around, beaming at your work. “I’m going to put it in the front window.” As you are about to turn around the front door opens. “Hi how can we hel-” You turn around to see Theo standing there. “What are you doing here?” 
“You told them I was abusive. Are you that fucking stupid?” Rafe comes to stand by you, slightly pushing you to back away. “Don’t talk to her like that.” Theo looks at Rafe, narrowing his eyes. “You know I’m getting really sick and tired of you always getting in the middle. Back the fuck off.” Rafe stands a bit taller looking down at him. “No, I won't back off. I see you for the deadbeat that you are. I won’t let you hurt them.”
“You are really believing her right now. She’s just upset I left when she got pregnant. I never laid a finger on her.” Rafe rolls his eyes and pulls out his phone. “Get out before I call the cops.” Theo pauses for a second trying to call his bluff. But once he saw Rafe press a number he went to back away. “You really think he cares about you, Prim? You’re probably just one of his new challenges. The single mom with baggage, the perfect sucker.”
Rafe steps forward ready to grab him by his shirt and punch him. But he stopped himself plus the door opened. A woman walks in and makes her way next to Theo, grabbing his hand. “What are you doing here?” Rafe asked her. You look around him and catch his eyes. “You know her?”
Rafe nods. “That’s the customer I was telling you about.” She smiles at you but you can tell it’s fake. “Hi I’m Delia. Theo’s fiance.” You and Rafe are shocked, looking at each other as if saying ‘what the fuck’. Delia then tries to walk around you towards Vi. “You must be Violet. I'm so excited to meet you.” You block her from going further.
“Please don’t go near my child.” She looks at you and scuffs. “I’m going to be her step-mom. She needs to get used to me. Plus when we get custody she won’t be scared.” You feel as if you were slapped. How dare she have so much entitlement to a kid that’s not hers. “Yeah no you need to leave. You don’t need to meet my kid.”
“God, are you still trying to keep him away from his own kid? You are lucky he didn’t get a lawyer involved sooner.” You look at her dumbfounded. “Excuse me?” She crosses her arms and rolls her eyes. Rafe doesn’t even get what is happening. Where is she getting that idea from? “If I hadn’t forced him to get a lawyer involved, who knows how long this would have gone on. You’re evil.”
“I never once ke-” “Del let’s go. It’s no use arguing with you. I told you coming here was a bad idea, she never listens.” You and Rafe watch as they walk out not saying a word. The door closes and the shop is now empty. The air conditioner can be heard running with a faint hum. The two of you turned to each other saying the same thing.
“What the fuck just happened?”
@haruvalentine4321 @namelesslosers @ijustwanttoreadlols @drewsphswife @corpsebridenightamare @actorslover @juniperbaies @fionaswifeyy @dark1paradise @stoned-writer @notafairyteen let me know if you want to be added
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landos-meat-rider · 3 months
mastermind, part eleven
we’re so back,
last gcse on friday AND bridgerton AND euros???😟😟 getting spoiled stoppp😍😍
goodness gracious im so sick and tired of this exam rubbish gosh i cant wait to be done😫😫,
anyways if you’re reading this rn im eternally grateful to you bc the way i wouldve left if i was you…
no but seriously i love you guys so so much😕😕, this is a very short one (apologies) bc its the first time ive written since like last year (we’re ignoring that) and i really hope you enjoy the scraps ive put together while on no sleep for the past 72 hours. as a result (look at me using exam terminology in my day to day life😋) there may be some typos or like whole sections that arent meant to be there so very sorry for that, i think it should be fine though
anyways have a great day/night, pls pls pls lmk what you think of it and PLEASE send me requests for absolutely anything🙏🙏🙏
warnings: none i think!!
theodore nott masterlist
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“Here,” Theo hands me a sandwich he had managed to make with the little supplies we had left, “You need to eat something.”
I absent-mindedly take the plate from him and take a bite as he sits besides me on the tattered sofa and grabs the radio on the table, fiddling around with it.
“They’ll be okay darling,” he reassures for the millionth time, switching between stations, “I promise.”
I look to him with glassy eyes and lean my head on his shoulder as he kisses the top of my head.
He finally finds the right channel and holds my hand as I continue to eat the sandwich. We listen out for any news of our families or Harry, Ron and Hermione.
Theo and I had been moving around, camping here and there for a few months now. Lord knows where the other three had gotten to. Looking for them would be foolish and most likely unfruitful under these circumstances. Theo had been comforting me and making sure I sustained myself this whole time, I don’t really know what I’d’ve done without him.
“Theo, can I ask you something out of the blue?” I asked him as he lifted a cup of tea to his lips, raising his eyebrows and humming, “Do you still love me?” I questioned in a way that wasn’t accusatory, but rather of wonder.
His eyes glassed over slightly as he put his cup away and looked to me with a confused- almost offended expression. “Why would you ask that?”
“I don’t know we just haven’t been this close and alone since.. The Yule Ball and I wasn’t sure where we stood.” I shrugged, trying to read his thoughts.
“Tesoro,” he started “I look for you in every crowd, I search for your eyes in the nature around me. I savour and stretch any moment we have together. I endlessly shame myself for leaving you  that day, but it was a necessary evil. I couldn’t let you get hurt. Not even a little bit. I lett you patch me up after fights even when I don’t like people helping me. I talk to you about my mother and father and I take delight in all your accomplishments. I love the way you talk to me, I love the way you are and I am eternally grateful that you’ve forgiven me somehow.”
I look at him with teary eyes and big smile on my face as he recisprocates and grabs my face in his warm hands smiling at me, “Doubt whether stars are fire; or the sun moves across the sky; or truth itself be a liar; but never doubt whether I love you.”
I kiss him softly.
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“Hey I wanted to ask you,” I began as the smooth chatter of the radio fades into the background and he looks at me with his blue eyes, “Do you think we should go back to Grimmauld place? I mean it’d be a lot safer than us being in the middle of fucking nowhere, we’d be able to see everyone else and we’re running out of supplies anyways.”
Just as Theo opened his mouth to respond, a letter flew into the tent in front of us as Theo and I instinctively grabbed our wands before seeing the parchment.
Theo gives me a confused look as I say, “Who’d know we were here?” and grabs the envelope.
He opens it cautiously as I keep my wand pointed at it, just in case, and starts to read the contents aloud.
“Dearest Y/n, it pains me to have to invite you to this bloodbath or anywhere near it but I am doing so with The Order’s direct command. We are all either stationed or arriving to Hogwarts for the upcoming battle, you and Theodore should get here as soon as possible, and please darling at least for my sake, try and keep out of danger. I cannot say much at this point but you must get here quickly. Come to your common room and when you arrive, I’ll be there. Yours, Sirius.”
Theo and I stand in silence for a few minutes, rereading the letter again and again until Theo backs away and starts preparing a bag big enough for one. I break out of my gaze and collect some of my things I need to bring and pass them to Theo to put in the bag but all he does is give me a look of confusion.
“What’s this for?”
“My things?”
Something crosses Theo’s face before he hides it with a blank look, he returns to his packing and clears his throat before saying, “No, you need to stay here.”
“What?” I say, astounded at his words, “What do you mean stay here?! I’m coming with you, Sirius told both of us to come.”
He abruptly stopped packing and sighed, giving me a look of desperation and exhaustion. “Listen to me,” he begged, stepping closer and taking my hands in his slightly shaky ones, “You need to stay here. You’ve already been though too much and if Bellatrix sees you I have no idea what she’ll do but I will not risk your safety. Not ever. So please darling, please listen to me for once and stay here.”
“Theo that’s so unreasonable, what if I’m in-”
“If you are in danger,” he breaks me off “Go to Grimmauld Place and send me a patronus immediately. If you come to Hogwarts with me, I’d be worrying about you the entire time anyways, and you’d be targeted along with Harry.”
“What if you get hurt?” I ask, shoving my thoughts aside for a moment, lowering my voice at the thought.
He pauses, staring at my eyes, his swimming in hesitancy, “Darling I’d rather it be me than you.”
“Theo-” he kisses me suddenly before I can protest, he runs his hands though my hair and the other on the small of my back. He kisses me for the first time, and he kisses me as though its our last. 
He breaks away and looks at me with teary eyes,
“Sei il mio cuore, la mia vita, il mio unico e solo pensiero.”
You are my heart, my life, my one and only thought.
He looks lovingly into my eyes as though trying to memorise every detail about me before rolling is eyes, sighing and blinking tears away as he smiles and looks to the ceiling before bringing me to his chest and saying, “I know you.”
I look up at him with confusion as he holds me in his arms, his hands on either side of my waist as he looks down at me, “I know you, and I know that you’re going to come to Hogwarts anyway. No matter what I say.”
He smiles at me sadly as I snicker in his chest amongst tears, “But I swear if you hurt yourself,” he warns, resting his chin on the top of my head.
✧ ‧˚₊ ❆ ‧ ₊ ⊹˚✧ ‧˚₊ ❆ ‧ ₊ ⊹˚✧ ‧˚₊ ❆ ‧ ₊ ⊹˚✧ ‧˚₊ ❆ ‧ ₊ ⊹˚
LOLL that was so shit im so sorry...
anyways im so happy i FINALLY got this out like omggg it had been a MINUTE...
pls lmk what you thought and pls send me requests on what else to do‼️‼️‼️
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iwritesickfic · 7 months
An Unmissable Night
New fic! warnings for emeto
Seamus can already hear tomorrow’s blind items - “infamously awful popstar is noticeably absent from his all-too-forgiving boyfriend’s birthday soiree. is their relationship on the rocks? again?!”
He knows why Theo’s not here, and he knows it’s not because their relationship is on the rocks. Theo’s been sick as a dog for the past two days, and there was no way in hell Seamus was going to wake him up to get to his birthday party.
So Seamus is here alone. Not really, all his friends will be here soon, but he still feels like he’s here alone. If so many people hadn’t already been invited he would’ve just cancelled, but it’s way too late for that. He’d so much rather be at home with Theo, puking or otherwise. Pretty much anywhere he is, he'd almost always rather be with Theo.
They’re at a small but incredibly extravagant spot downtown, with maroon velvet curtains and low lights and a mahogany bar. The crowd has only just begun to arrive, and though he said no gifts, a pile of them are accumulating by the entryway.
As he’s grabbing another drink, he hears more than the average chatter from the door. He turns to see Theo, looking incredible in one of Seamus’s cream fisherman sweaters. It’s cuffed at the sleeves so it doesn’t fall over his hands. He’s talking with the bouncer (and a few of the other guests) as he’s taking off his coat, and Seamus almost thinks he’s made a miraculous recovery.
He knows better than to assume Theo showing up means that, though. Then Theo catches sight of him, beaming. Seamus smiles back, and then Theo’s making his way over to him.
“Happy birthday!” he says, and kisses Seamus’s cheek. He clasps his hands loosely behind Seamus’s back, so his arms are around his waist before kissing him again, this time on the lips. Seamus leans back against the bar top, letting himself enjoy this for a moment before making himself acknowledge how feverish Theo feels against him. He lays his palm on his cheek, and sure enough, he’s burning. Still, he’s so happy to see him he can’t quite wipe the smile off his face.
“Feeling better?” he asks, still half hopeful, and Theo snorts.
“No, absolutely not. But I’m fine. Tylenol, Pepto, whatever. You look so goddamn beautiful.” He’s smiling like he’s being completely sincere. Seamus sighs, cupping his hot cheeks.
“Thank you Teddy, but there’s a reason I didn’t wake you up. You should be in bed. Seriously.” He tries to keep his tone admonishing, but it's hard when Theo is between his legs and has him pinned to a bar. And is calling him ‘so goddamn beautiful.’
He tightens his arms around Seamus’s waist, grinning like a devil.
“And miss your birthday?” He asks, and it’s clear he’s putting every ounce of seduction he can into that one sentence.
“Yes. And miss my birthday. You’re…” He tucks some of Theo’s hair behind his ear. “You’re really burning up.”
Theo tucks his face against Seamus’s neck as Seamus wraps his arms around him. They stay that way for a while, and eventually Seamus finds they’re ever so slightly rocking from side to side.
“I don’t think the tylenol is working,” Seamus finally says as they pull apart. His voice is still low. Theo sighs, closing his eyes.
“That would make sense. I threw up like…almost immediately after.”
“Oh, baby…” Seamus is back to stroking his hair. Theo relaxes into his touch for a moment before straightening back up.
“Look, I’m fine. I’m not missing this.”
“Yeah, because it's gonna be such an unmissable night,” he says, even though he knows that's not what Theo means. “I don’t care what people are gonna say,” he finally whispers and Theo’s brow furrows.
“If you’re not here.”
Theo’s brows shoot up.
“Oh. I didn’t even think about that.” He pauses, he looks around the room.
“Then… Why do you wanna stay so bad?” This all makes even less sense knowing that the idea has just occurred to Theo. His face softens, almost hurt.
“Because it’s your birthday,” he says, voice quiet. Seamus's chest immediately aches. Part of him feels terrible for assuming it was Theo’s desire for good PR that drove him here, another is guilty for his stupid birthday being the reason Theo’s not in bed where he should be. Instead he's here, burning up a fever, swaying in Seamus's arms. “You don't want me here?” Theo asks, and Seamus cups his cheek.
“Oh my god, of course! Jesus Christ, of course I want you here, Theo. You're just-” he cuts himself off, tucking a bit of hair behind Theo’s ear. The fever heat pouring off him is astonishing. “You're so sick, baby.”
Theo lets out a shuddering sigh and, again, turns his face into Seamus’s touch.
“Don't make me leave, Shay. I wanna stay,” he murmurs, his big brown eyes pleading in the way Seamus can never resist. The hint of a smile has returned, like he knows how irresistible he's being. It doesn't help that Seamus’s thumbs have found their way under his sweater, to the hollows of his hips. Seamus sighs and looks up at the ceiling, as if the strength he needs to send him away is up there somewhere.
Before he can reply, a voice cuts in.
“Sorry to interrupt the love birds but I just wanted to wish you a happy birthday!” It's Elise, one of the assistant engineers from the studio, and Seamus (very reluctantly) breaks away from Theo to return her hug. As they start to talk, Theo catches Seamus’s eye, raising his eyebrows. After a moment, Seamus nods back, and Theo smiles before going off to talk to another of their mutual friends.
Over the next half hour the crowd grows, and Seamus makes his rounds. It feels like an eternity before he finally spots Theo on one of the maroon velvet tufted couches, laughing with a group of a few other people. When he spots Seamus he beams.
“Hey!” he says, resting his hand on Seamus's thigh as he sits down beside him. Seamus's stomach tightens as he feels the fever heat from Theo’s palm. Seamus kisses his cheek.
“Hey, love.”
As the conversation picks back up, he's almost able to forget what's going on, just able to enjoy the company. God, his boyfriend is so funny. God, he's so charming.
Then Theo’s fingers stiffen where they rest on Seamus's leg, and all of that ease disappears. He turns to him, looking very pale, and all of Seamus’s attention snaps to his face.
“I'm gonna go get a drink,” he says, and Seamus can hear the breathless nausea in his voice. “Do you want anything?”
“No, no, I'm ok. Are you -” He takes Theo’s hand as he stands up, shaking his head.
“Be right back,” he says, and disappears back through the crowd before Seamus has a chance to ask him anything else.
Seamus tries to fall back into the flow of conversation, but he can't quite relax.
“Where's Theo? It's been like, 20 minutes or something,” one of his friends finally remarks, and someone else shrugs.
“Bar’s probably super backed up.”
“20 minutes backed up?”
“Know what? I'm gonna go grab something, I'll find him,” Seamus says, standing up and making a beeline for the bar. It's moderately busy, but Theo is nowhere to be seen. Seamus starts to make his way to the bathroom, and when he tries the handle, he finds it's locked. He knocks.
“Sorry, I'm - Someone's in here,” he hears Theo’s voice say, muffled through the door.
“It's me,” Seamus says, and it takes a few moments for the lock to click. He slips inside quickly, only to see Theo bent over the sink, his sweater rolled up to his elbows, flushed and trembling.
“Hey,” he murmurs waveringly.
“Hey, love,” Seamus says. He doesn't need to ask what happened, he already knows. And Theo knows he knows. So instead, he starts to comb his fingers through Theo’s hair, removing the hair tie that's already begun to fall out. He takes his time gathering his hair into as neat a bun as he can while Theo breathes slowly and deliberately. He rests his palm on Theo’s back when he's done. His fever is raging, his whole body shaking.
“So…” Theo swallows thickly, finally pushing himself upright. “So should I go out first, or you? Or at the same time?”
“Same time I think,” Seamus says, and Theo raises his eyebrows.
“Why not? Oh god forbid someone think you gave me head on my birthday.”
Theo laughs, sniffling.
“Yeah, I guess you're right.”
“You ready?”
Theo nods, even though his expression says that he's the opposite of ready. They leave together, back out into the party, and Seamus wraps his arm around Theo’s waist, pressing a kiss to his sweaty temple.
“You wanna go sit back down? Or you wanna come with me to the bar?”
“With you.”
They make their way through the crowd, and the bartender is immediately in front of them as soon as they approach, despite the bar being completely crowded.
“Hey, um, do you have anything with, like, ginger in it?” he asks, and the bartender blinks.
“A Moscow mule?” She asks, verging on condescension.
“No, no I mean… Ginger beer? Or grated ginger or something? No alcohol.”
“Well I can make you a virgin Moscow if you want?” She asks, and Seamus nods.
“Perfect. Two of those.”
She goes back down to the other end of the bar to make the drinks, and Seamus turns to Theo. He just stands beside him, breath shaky and intentionally slow.
“I can't wait to give you your present when we get home,” he says, his voice still wobbly. He's forcing himself to smile, and Seamus smiles back.
“I don't know if you're in any state to give me what I really want,” he whispers back and Theo laughs softly, a genuine smile growing now, and presses himself closer. He bites his lip and leans in.
“I thought you like when I gag on it,” he whispers, and it's so filthy and unexpected that Seamus bursts out laughing at full volume, turning a few heads. He quickly tries to compose himself.
“You are fucking disgusting,” he whispers back, his cheeks aching from how hard he's smiling.
“You can't set me up,” he says, and leans in closer, pressing a soft, open mouthed kiss to Seamus’s throat.
The bartender sets down the two copper mugs in front of them wordlessly before walking away and Seamus feels his face flush as he picks them up.
“Thanks,” he calls to her, and Theo laughs again against his skin. Before he can return to their rapidly escalating banter the lights dim, and he hears Happy Birthday begin in about 7 different keys.
Then Theo is singing too, and the crowd parts as someone wheels forth a gigantic birthday cake with about a thousand candles.
He doesn't have to fake his smile as the song finishes. As he blows out the candles the room cheers, and the lights come back up.
He's relieved the only real event of the night is over, because now he's free to leave whenever he wants. And judging by Theo’s fever that's going to be sooner than later.
A server is cutting and passing out cake, and Seamus rubs Theo's back gently. He's holding his mug with both hands, taking tiny sips, his chin quivering.
Seamus gives him a look, and Theo seems to understand because he nods back, his mouth in a tight line.
“I'm gonna go start saying bye, maybe you can go get some air?” He asks, and Theo nods again, eyes closing as he swallows thickly. He gives him a peck on the cheek before making his way back through the crowd.
It's about 15 minutes before he finally makes it back to the front door where Theo is. He's in his coat, leaning against the wall with his eyes screwed shut, cheeks flushed red. It only takes Seamus's thumb brushing his jaw for him to open his eyes.
“Ready?” Seamus asks, and Theo nods, eyes half lidded. Seamus takes his sweaty palm and they walk outside only to be met by the flash of about a dozen cameras and shouted questions.
He hears Theo take in a sharp breath, and he squeezes his hand.
Just before they make it to the car Theo stops short. Seamus is just turning back to see what's the matter when Theo doubles over and vomits into the gutter. The sound of the camera shutters doubles, and Seamus feels awful about it but he practically drags Theo into the car despite him clearly not being finished. The last thing Theo needs are tabloids writing about how he left a bar “hammered” when his sobriety is already a constant topic of speculation.
When they’re safely inside, the driver is prepared with a bag. Seamus just rests his hand between Theo’s shoulder blades not saying a word. The car pulls away, and the flashes of cameras and muffled questions slowly fade as Theo heaves.
When he's finally done they’re on the Manhattan Bridge, and he leans back, still shaking.
“I'm so sorry,” he breathes, and Seamus frowns.
“No, no, no. Stop it. Nothing to be sorry for,” he says as Theo wipes his mouth.
“You're too nice. I'm such a fucking idiot for coming out tonight, I feel like I'm gonna die,” he whimpers, and Seamus kisses his fiery temple.
Theo's arms are wrapped around his stomach, his shoulders tense.
“I'm not going to not be nice. But, yeah,” he teases gently. Theo's head leans down to rest on his shoulder.
“You're supposed to argue and say I'm not an idiot,” he murmurs back. The car goes over a bump and he moans.
“Well I'm not going to lie either,” he says, before pressing another kiss to Theo’s damp hairline.
“I'm gonna make it up to you. With your present,” he mumbles.
“That's alright, it can wait.”
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usermischief · 6 months
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♞Pairing: Steo ♞Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Theo Raeken ♞Tags: slice of life, alpha!Theo, future fic ♞Words: 1754
The blaring of an alarm startles him awake. His hand grasps at nothing, and he topples to the right. A noise rivalling the sound of the alarm escapes him. His stomach drops like a stone as the ground comes to meet his face at lightning speed – and then it stops moving, or rather, he does when the arm around his waist tightens and pulls him back on the couch.
It’s too early for his heart to pound as hard as it does right now. Holy shit.
The alarm stops, and Stiles sucks in a breath, craning his neck to check outside. It’s still dark. Why the hell did he wake up to an alarm? It’s fucking Sunday.
He squints. “What time is it?”
Theo nuzzles the nape of his neck, scruff scratching the sensitive skin. “8 pm.”
Goosebumps spread across his skin. Stiles shudders at the sensation. He honestly wouldn’t mind if Theo kept doing that for the rest of the day, well, night.
Stiles groans. “I was supposed to call dad before work.” It’s a thing they started doing after everything they’ve narrowly survived in Beacon Hills, especially before the nightshifts, and after Stiles left for college. Knowing he’s spoken to his dad in case of a shift gone wrong makes him feel at ease.
“He called,” Theo whispers against his neck, “told me not to wake you up. Apparently, he’s got a full night of paperwork ahead of him.”
Frowning, he shuffles around until he can face Theo without craning his neck. They’re squished together on Stiles’ couch, almost nose to nose now, breathing each other’s air. Only nine months ago, Stiles was willing to throttle Theo on sight. Now, they’re spending almost every night together, and Theo is answering his calls, apparently. It snuck up on him, slow and steady, and sometimes, Stiles still waits for the other shoe to drop.
And then Theo brings Wedel chocolate and Delicje and his favorite butter and salt chips to their movie nights, he cuts out pork on during pack dinner night because Stiles allergic, watches Star Wars and comic adaptions without complaining, and listens to Stiles’ info-dumping on random topics with the patience of a thousand saints. He even makes sure he eats and drinks when he can’t bring himself to stop doing whatever he’s invested in at the moment.
He indulges him.
So much so, that his pack complains about Theo playing favorites.
Theo brushes hair out of Stiles’ forehead, small frown wrinkling the skin between his eyebrows. “what’s going on in that pretty head of yours?” He cups his cheek, brushing his thumb over Stiles’ mole.
The crush he has on the guy is already unhealthy enough, all this caring alpha act is going to drive Stiles up the wall. Theo wasn’t supposed to be a good alpha, he was supposed to be the lethal solution to all of his problems. That’s how their relationship of convenience started. Stiles was sick of allowing hunters and monsters to walk away, Theo was willing to dispose of all those problems.
Then the feelings came.
And decided to stick around.
Stiles scowls, “you should’ve woken me up anyway.”
“You seemed like you needed sleep.” Theo curls his fingers around his chin and tips his head slightly back. “And you looked soft, like someone I'd ruin with a touch.” He brushes his mouth against Stiles’, more a whisper than a kiss, before pressing his lips to the corner of his mouth. Fucking give him a break. Seriously.
His fingers find Theo’s collar, and he tugs at it, holds him close. “That ship has already sailed, trust me.”
Theo growls, deep and low, a dark rumble in the evening of his apartment; it’s the hottest thing Stiles has ever heard. The grip on his hip turns vice-like as anger and frustration fill the air around them. It’s a warning, a saving grace, the only thing keeping Stiles’ sanity intact while every fiber of his body tells him to take what’s offered.
The is unstable, even more than Stiles himself.
He combs his fingers through Theo’s messy strands instead. “What’s wrong, buttercup?”
Theo curls his lips disapprovingly. Turns out, he’s not a fan of nicknames – even less when used mockingly. But he’s given up pointing that out long ago. So, he sighs instead, a sound only capable of being produced by someone who resigned himself to his fate. “I don’t want to go.”
Stiles runs his fingers up the nape of Theo’s neck. A low heat spreads from his chest to the rest of his body, almost as if his heart is slowly replacing his blood with molten lava. “What do you want instead?” Because, truth be told, as much as this started out as using Theo’s obsession against him, Stiles wouldn’t mind spending every night for the rest of his life just like this; limbs tangled, pressed together as close as possible, and their hearts beating in sync.  
“My teeth,” Theo whispers, brushing his closed mouth over sensitive skin, “in your neck.”
Fucking hell.
Stiles hooks his left leg around Theo’s and pulls him between his legs. “Sexually or violently?”
Another growl fills the silence around them before Theo nips Stiles’ jaw. “You really have to ask?”
Hands wander under Stiles’ shirt, and he shudders, pulling his shoulders up as goosebumps spread all over his body. The power this man has over his body should not be allowed — it wasn’t even planned. But Theo just showed up and turned Stiles’ whole world upside down, and when it comes to the chimera, Stiles is a weak, weak man.
He leans up, brushing their noses together, and presses a quick kiss to the corner of his mouth. “Then stay?”
Theo lets out a breath. “I can’t.”
Stiles tries his hardest to keep his disappointment buried. “The duties of an alpha.”
Sighing, Theo sits up. “It’s more about keeping Donovan out of prison.”
“If you ask me—“
“I’m not asking.” Theo grabs Stiles by his shirt and pulls him back onto his lap. It is fascinating that, out of all the issues that could have possibly arrived between them, Donovan is the only one that constantly causes an argument.
Stiles huffs but as he tries to get up, Theo pulls him back down, a hand tightly around his neck. “He tried to eat my legs. Sorry, for still holding a grudge.”
Theo chuckles, dark and strangely enticing. “You’re not sorry.”
“Just saying,” Stiles mutters and scrunches up his face, “I’m not getting him out of prison.” If he’s entirely honest, he’s just waiting for the moment Donovan fucks up royally, and Theo admits that he’s more trouble than he’s worth. Donovan is constantly two seconds away from doing something stupid. All Theo needs to do is let him take the fall for once. Stiles’ dad can’t wait to put him behind bars again either.
This time for good.
“Hence why I need to be there.” His smirk doesn’t quite reach his eyes, but Theo tugs him closer by the nape of his neck regardless, curling his free arm around Stiles’ waist to pull him as close as possible once more. “You could join me,” he whispers pressing short little kisses from the left corner of Stiles’ mouth to his right. It such an intimate gesture, like they’ve known each other for years already, like they’ve known each other all along, and they haven’t just started fucking two months ago.
It would be their first outing as whatever they are, but that’s not the reason Stiles is more than willing to decline that offer. He’s not exactly in the mood to be around people today – aside from Theo, that is. Besides, “so, I’m one stupid comment away from getting my face rearranged?” They both know Stiles wouldn’t be able to keep his mouth shut, and Donovan wouldn’t be able to control himself – not even for Theo.
Theo narrows his eyes. His grip tightens to a point bordering on pain. “He’d be dead before he touches you.”
“Then maybe I should join you.” Stiles quirks a brow and puts a finger under Theo’s chin, raising his head – fully unimpressed by the red eyes glaring back at him. While it is more than unlikely that Theo will be voted “most-caring alpha” anytime soon, he’s not the biggest fan of jokes about weakening his pack; killing Donovan, unfortunately, means exactly that.
Instead of arguing, Theo huffs out a breath.
“Fine.” Stiles moves off Theo’s lap and flops onto the couch next to him. “Then maybe consider getting him laid. It would do him some good to get rid of all that pent-up up rage.”
Theo narrows his eyes. “I hope you’re not offering.”
“I’d rather make out with a dung beetle than let this guy get anywhere near me, thank you very much.” Stiles gets to his feet, stretching languidly.
Chuckling, Theo wraps his arms around Stiles’ waist and runs his lips along the side of his neck.
A shudder runs down Stiles’ spine. He hates Theo has to leave, and he hates that he hates it so much. If he had any energy left, he’d probably drag himself into the club and play nice just to make sure Tracy isn’t trying to climb Theo like a tree again.
Under normal circumstances, he lives to disappoint, and watching Tracy’s face fall whenever he strolls onto the scene is a special kind of pleasure.
But work has been torturous for the past few weeks. He’s drowning in overtime and doesn’t have any percent left in his social battery. He’d only end up moody and grumpy and be pissed at Theo for agreeing to come along, ruining a perfectly good weekend filled with sex, cuddles and good food.
Not necessarily in that order.
“I’ll come back later,” Theo whispers against his skin. “Just going to get Donovan through the night then I’ll be yours for the weekend.”
Stiles smiles, trying to ignore his heart dancing in excitement. “Sounds promising.”
“I’ll make it worth your while,” Theo whispers.
“I’m expecting nothing less.” Stiles closes his eyes, enjoying the last moments before Theo leaves to hang out with his pack. Turns out, he’s gotten embarrassingly attached already. “Make it quick.” Stiles doesn’t like how needy he sounds.
Theo laughs. “I haven’t left and you’re already missing me?”
“Don’t ruin the moment.”
Theo lips curve against the nape of his neck.
Stiles’ heart skips a bit. Yeah, he’s never going to live that down.
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jjsstars · 1 year
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lydiaweek2023: Day 3, What-If Wednesday
|| for @lydiamartinappreciation event
|| tags : underage smoking, established lydia/theo/allison, weed, swearing
“You’ve seriously never done this before?” Theo laughs as he leans forward to cup the air around Allison’s joint, his lighter flicking on so the flame can hit the edge of the joint.
“Will you even get high? You’re a werewolf.” Lydia huffs and looks around for the umpteenth time. She’s nervous doing this, which is the entire reason they’re even sitting on the schools bleachers about to smoke weed in the middle of fifth period; Lydia’s been anxious all week and Allison and Theo want her to calm down.
“I smoke special stuff, you get the normie weed.” Once Allison takes the joint in her fingers Theo turns to Lydia, pulling another pre-roll from the small tin he has stuffed full. Lydia wonders just how much money he’s been spending on drugs, and how much Allison has been smoking if she’s able to do it so effortlessly.
“What if I freak out?” She’s read all the anti-drug information that the schools pump out yearly and she’s heard horror stories of weed sending people into panic attacks. But Theo’s eyes level with hers and he slides in closer, pushing her hair behind her ears as if it needs to be done before she starts to smoke, maybe it does? Maybe he’s worried that it’ll fall into the flame and catch fire, that thought only makes her feel worse.
“Get out of your head, I can hear you overthinking. Just place it in your mouth and let me light it then inhale.” He holds the end of the joint out towards her and she hesitantly leans forward to slip it between her lips, trying to focus on Theo’s face of concentration as he lights the end and holds it for Lydia instead of how her nerves are buzzing under her skin. She inhales as deeply as she can, holding it because that’s what Allison’s been doing behind them, and Theo pulls the joint away when he figures she’s had enough of a hit.
“Damn Lyds you took a big hit.” Allison’s voice is tight as she holds smoke in, Lydia exhales with a nod. She doesn’t cough, her throat is too used to screeching to cough over a little smoke.
“And you just said damn.” Usually Allison isn’t one to swear, maybe occasionally around Theo but that’s always a ‘fuck’ or ‘bitch’ when they’re playing video games or training.
“Argent learns how to relax when she’s high, which is what we want to happen with you.” Theo pulls out his own joint, Lydia’s pretty sure there’s wolfsbane in it, it’s thicker than hers and Allison’s and she figures that’d be the only way Theo would get effected by smoking.
“I think I like it.” Martin takes another puff of the weed, a grin spreading over her face when Allison and Theo chuckle at her.
“Yeah you do.” Allison sing-songs and sends her partners into a small fit of laughter.
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Here for you, always | A Station 19 fanfiction
Summary: After leaving Beckett’s house, Vic is very anxious and understandably upset. Maya and Carina are on their way out when they hear her crying in her bunk. They help her out.
Trigger warnings: Mentions of Beckett’s suicidal thoughts, suicide in general, mental health struggles, and alcoholism. Please don’t read if not comfortable, otherwise, enjoy!
Vic isn’t sure how long she sits in her car sobbing. Could’ve been hours, could’ve been seconds.
Eventually, she turns her car on and pulls herself together enough to see the road.
It’s a ten minute drive to the station. Once she arrives, she’s reprimanded by Theo for being gone all day. He doesn’t even ask if she is ok, or anything. She barely responds to him, she can barely even look at him. He is being a terrible captain, and an even worse boyfriend.
Or, whatever they are right now.
Vic retreats to her bunk, just barely getting a glimpse of Maya going into the shower stalls.
And then, she breaks.
Carina allows Maya to get changed, helping her comb out her hair. “Ready to go, bella?” Carina asks. Maya is about to respond, but stops. She furrows her brow, and listens out to confirm what she just heard.
“Is everything ok?” Carina questions. “Do you hear that?” Carina listens closer, and her eyes widen slightly.
“Someone is crying.” Carina states.
They walk along the bunk room together, and the crying gets louder as they get closer to Vic’s bunk.
Maya looks at Carina, who nods. “Vic? It’s Maya and Carina. Can we come in?”
No response. Maya is seriously starting to become concerned. Carina is too.
“Vic, we’re going to come in. Please say something if you don’t want us too.”
Again, silence.
Maya nods at Carina, before opening the door slowly.
What she sees breaks her heart.
Vic, who is usually a ball of sunshine, is curled up in a ball, visibly crying and whimpering.
“Vic, hey. What happened?” Maya questions, placing a hand on Vic’s back. Vic doesn’t respond, but sits up and hugs Maya tightly. “I’m so glad you’re in my life, Maya.” Vic whispers. “I’m so relieved you didn’t let your mental health struggles drive you to death.” She continues.
“Hey Vic, look at me.” Maya coaxes. It takes her a minute, but Vic eventually looks at her. “I appreciate what you said, but where is this coming from?” Maya asks.
Vic composes herself, and Carina begins tickling Vic’s back gently, something she always does to soothe Maya.
“You guys can’t tell anyone I told you this. But today, I responded to a suicidal first responder. It…It was Beckett.” Vic confesses. Maya’s eyes widen, and Carina inhales sharply. “Did…did someone call it in?” Carina questions.
“No. The way he was acting last shift, the fact that he called in sick today…he gave Theo his axe which is like, super personal. I just had a bad feeling and had to go see him. He was so guilty about Cooper’s death, he was going to kill himself. And I stopped him, and convinced him to finish his rehab program.” Vic explains.
“It was weird, seeing someone who is so tough and harsh, break down like that. I know none of us liked him, and the way he treated you, Maya, was not ok. But nobody deserves to go through that.” She continues.
Maya and Carina listen to her, absorbing the information. “I’m so sorry Vic. But I’m glad you saved him. He will get better now, because of you.” Carina murmurs.
“It’s just been so much lately. First, you got hurt, Maya, and I was so scared you wouldn’t be ok. Travis has been so absent lately, Theo is being an absolute dickhead, and I just feel so alone right now.” Vic sobs.
“Hey, hey. Look at me.” Maya commands softly, cupping Vic’s cheek. “I’m right here with you. I know it was really scary, but I’m here and I’m much better. Theo is an asshole, you deserve much better than him. You’re a badass who doesn’t need a man. And Travis, I can talk some sense into him and kick his ass if you want.” Maya jokes towards the end of her pep talk, drawing a small giggle from Vic.
“Victoria, if it’s ok with Maya, why don’t you come back to our place tonight?” Carina offers. Maya nods in agreement. “Yeah, yeah. We got You, Hughie.”
“No, I can’t intrude. I heard you you guys by the lockers, it’s your first night together after so much time apart.” Vic protests.
“Hey, Carina and I will have plenty of time to reconnect. But right now you need us. Now go get changed, and we’ll meet you in the lobby ok?” Maya says. Vic nods, not protesting any further.
Vic changes into her clothes, and goes to the lobby, where Maya and Carina are waiting for her.
Maya climbs into the back seat with Vic, wrapping an arm around her shoulders, while Carina gets into the drivers seat.
Vic is nearly asleep by the time they reach Maya and Carina’s apartment. “Hey Vic. We’re here.” Maya whispers gently, causing the younger women to stir slightly. “Come on.”
Maya keeps an arm wrapped around Vic, making sure she is close to her. Maya has always felt this overwhelming urge to protect Vic, since she is so young. The youngest at their station, actually.
Carina unlocks the door, opening it wide enough for Maya and Vic to fit through the threshold.
“Come on, I have some pajamas you can wear. Baby, can you make us some tea?” Maya asks. “Of course, bambina.” Carina replies.
After some time, Maya and Carina get into bed with Vic squished into the middle of them.
“Thank you guys.” Vic says. “I know this was your first night back together but…I really needed some comfort.” She continues, her voice cracking.
Carina wraps Vic in her arms. “Hey, we got you tesoro. Maya and I will have plenty of time together. You need the rest, in a safe place. And tomorrow, I will give Travis a piece of mind. I’m very scary when I go full Italiana.”
Vic giggles at Carina’s teasing tone. “Don’t be too hard on him. He still cares about me, and loves me.”
Carina nods. “Rest, both of you. We all need it.”
Surrounded by two of her closest friends, Vic feels safe and comfortable after a terribly heartbreaking day.
A/N: Thanks for reading! I miss Maya and Vic’s friendship, and this was the result. Hope you enjoyed, and remember, you aren’t alone.
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beembeem · 7 months
some headcanons for Keith shadis and his s/o / wife in au au where he survived the rumbling?
I can try! I've never written headcanons before, so please dont flame me too hard if i get a few things wrong! (Tw:mentions of suicide)
Thank you for the ask anon but I definitely went way too far and wrote a fic instead of just headcanons (*´∀`) my next post will probably be headcanons about post rumbling shadis and his wife ah! The thought of them have me giggling and kicking my feet! I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it!
The minute keith stepped foot in your shared home, he collapsed. He was exhausted, stressed, and overwhelmed, and once he closed the front door, those feelings crashed into him all at once.
Thankfully, his house was on the countryside of Wall Rose and didn't fall victim to the attacks of the pure Titans. The colossal titans were another story. The rumbling shook his home and left the inside in shambles. Dirt from potted plants were scattered on the floor, doors were barely hanging on to their hinges, and his wife was nowhere to be found. That's what really made him panic.
With everything that just happened, keith wasn't sure what he'd do with his wife missing, or even worse. 'Was she in town when the pure titans transformed? I would've seen her, right?' 'Was the house raided? Did the raiders take her?' A million thoughts raced through Keith's head, and he could feel his breathing becoming more and more erratic. "Y-y/n!" He yelled, his voice shaking, and he felt as though he'd pass out.
Suddenly, the door to the garden swung open, and y/n walked in with a basket of vegetables. "Can I help yo -" Once her eyes met Keith's, y/n dropped her basket and ran to give keith a hug, "I thought you'd never come back!" Y/n sobbed loudly her arms squeezing Keith's body tightly, "I tried my hardest to come back to you, I'm sorry it took this long" He squeezed his wife back, the panic from earlier slowly washing away. Y/n broke the embrace and cupped Keith's face examining the scar on his left cheek, "a-are you alright?! What happened? Are you hurt? I thought I'd never see you again!' Y/n sobbed before hugging keith again, even tighter than before.
"I'm so glad you're alright!" He said before kissing y/n's forehead, y/n at keith, tears still falling from her eyes. "we should probably get off the floor" keith snorted before taking y/ns hand and helping her up.
"What happened?" Y/n asked as she led keith to the couch to sit down. "After the rumbling began, I saw a few of my old cadets at the docks. When I got there, they were already on a boat out, and the yeagerists boat was about to push off. There was a man there named Theo magath, me and the man decided to blow up a yeagerist boat from the inside. Before we blew it up the man asked if I had any family to go back to" keith readjusted in his seat and took a slow breath " I told him I had the prettiest wife back home, but that she'd find someone better once I was gone. 'And if she doesn't? Then what' that's what the man asked me. I looked him in the eyes and told him that I wouldn't know what to do with myself if that happened. So he told me to leave. And that he would take care of the rest." When keith was finished telling his story, y/n stared at him in disbelief."I don't know what to say." y/ns eyes filled with tears again. "y-you were seriously going to kill yourself!?" She yelled,"and leave me alone?" Tears fell from her eyes, and keith moved to console her."dont do that ever again, keith shadis!" She sobbed before hugging him.
"How could I ever find someone better than you?"
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mydarllinglover · 1 year
SafeHouse || Nine
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I had spent the Summer holidays going back and forth between Draco and Blaises house's, I rarely spent time at my own.
Only when I had missed my family I stayed at home, but that was for a weekend, then I was out again.
Mum and Dad didn't mind that much, they were glad I had friends to spend time with, although they were a bit sceptical because of all three of said friends parents, but Mums heart was too big to hold that against them.
Ron was the one who had a problem, he thought it wasn't right for me to be spending all my time with them, but I think most of it was up to Harry not being at the burrow yet, jealous that he couldn't see his friend but Dad had plans to pick him up on the twenty-forth of August, which would be very soon.
Adrian and I spoke a lot during the holidays, and we had met a couple of times in Diagon Alley, Draco, Theo and Blaise all made up excuses on why they had reason to be in Diagon Alley coincidentally at the same time.
He was really sweet, and I was beginning to like him a lot. I was developing feelings, like more than silly crushes like Wood and Diggory.
I Had met both of Draco and Blaise's parents whilst I was at their houses, Meeting Blaise's Mum was just, awkward, She kept asking me questions about myself, my family's wealth and If I had any interest in the boys and which one I would end up with, She didn't like me that much when I said neither and that they were all just friends. But she was really pretty.
Lucius was just uncomfortable, it clicked instantly for him that I was A Weasley, and he didn't look to thrilled for me to be hanging around his son, thinking I would have some influence on him, He had also told Draco about not inviting such people into his house, many times, in front of me.
Narcissa was the best, For a Malfoy, she was so kind and warm, and we would have tea quite commonly when the boys played quidditch and I didn't want to go outside.
We would just have random conversations, although she did try teaching me how to act like a lady and gave me tips on how to be a good wife, I just bit my tongue and went with it.
"Wake up, pspspsp, wakeup sunshine" A voice was whispering in my ear
"Theo! Leave her alone, she's quiet for once" Another voice said,
I flipped over on the bed, trying to ignore The person bothering me, Theo, and tried slipping back into my dream.
But that didn't stop him, as he started poking me in the ribs. Causing me to whine and slapping the air trying to make him stop.
"Careful before she cries again" Blaise sighed
"seriously, out of all the girls we could of befriended, It had to be the one who cries for every emotion"
"she can hear you, pricks!" I barked at them. "Its too early, why are any of you awake"
"I- Weasley, Its the bloody afternoon" Draco stared at me
"Doesn't matter" I brushed him off. Sitting up and stretching my arms up over my head "Where are we?"
"Draco's" Blaise said
"Ah, right" I pulled off the duvet and walked up to the window to check for post, Draco had a large enough room for the four of us to have a bed each for when we stayed, Theo had demanded him and Blaise had a bunk bed to share.
I took the letters from the owl, giving him some treats from the dish I made Draco put out.
There was no post for them, must of took theirs when I was asleep.
I had a Letter from Mum and Adrian.
Opening Mum's first It read:
Your Father is picking Harry up tomorrow with the twins and Ron, then they are going to the Quidditch World cup the next day with the Diggorys and Hermione, do you know what you are doing yet? Will you be joining them?
Lots of love, Mum
"Oh! They're going with the Diggorys, that means with Cedric" I grinned
"Okay and?" Draco asked, emotionless.
"Which means, If I ditch you lot, Then I can go to the World Cup with Cedric" I wiggled my eyebrows
"No! Then what the hell am I supposed to do? Your not ditching me with these righteous gits!" Theo protested
"Oi! Who are you calling Righteous gits!" Draco said, before throwing a pillow at him
I switched Mums letter for Adrian's and dived on to my bed, Chewing my lip as I read:
I am going to the Quidditch World Cup, It would be amazing if you were there, Let me know if you will be as I would love to join you, there's something I want to ask you as well.
I am excited to see you
Love, Adrian x
"Oh Merlin!" I squealed, and hopping up to stand
"What now?" Blaise asked me suspiciously
"He's going to the World Cup, and he wants to ask me something! What if he asks me out?! Oh no, what if he asks me out?! What do I say, what if he actually wants to tell me that he doesn't like me and wants to stop talking, what do I do oh Merlin, Hes going to tell me he likes someone else and that I am annoying, I just know it!"
"Weasley, chill out, Its probably nothing, but maybe you should write back and tell him you're going" Blaise told me
"Brilliant" I snapped my fingers and rushed to reply to him. "Dear, Adrian. Good News, I just so Happen to be attending the Quidditch World Cup as well. It would be oh so delightful to see you there, I am excited to hear what you have to tell me. Can't wait to see you. Love Keira xx" I read out loud whilst I scribbled with my quill that was given to me by Blaise last Christmas.
"Oh, so delightful" Draco mocked me, putting on a high pitched voice that sounded nothing like me.
"Wow, two kisses huh? How scandalous" Theo said
"Shut it, Nott and Malfoy!"
I then wrote out a reply to Mum about my plans to go with the boys and to tell Harry and Hermione I said Hi when they arrived and sent them off with the Owl.
There was a pop and suddenly one of Malfoy Manors house elf's were stood in the middle of Draco's room.
"Master is wanted in the Masters office" and with that they popped out of the room
"Whats that all about?" I asked Draco
"Nothing" Then he Left to go to his Fathers office
I looked towards the other two and they just shrugged
"Its Malfoy, so who know's" Theo said before throwing himself at me, causing us to both fall on my bed laughing.
"Get off me you troll" I giggled.
"Wanna repeat what happened last year in my dorm, Weasley?" he smirked
"Piss off, Nott" I laughed before shoving him off the bed.
"Merlin! There He is, I'll see you guys later" I waved to the three guys after spotting Adrian.
"Weasley, wait" Draco caught my arm
"Hurry up, I gotta go meet him"
"Just, Just be careful yeah, and hurry back, don't stay away for too long, there's a lot of people here" There was something in his tone that sent a shiver down my back, Like he knew that something is going to happen, which put me on edge, what if it had something to do with what his father wanted to discuss with him in his office? When Draco got back he looked scared and grey but shook it off as soon as we saw him.
"I can handle myself, Malfoy, I am quite capable" I said, craning my neck to look up at him, before disappearing into the crowd of cheering and booing people, it depended on what team they were after the Match that the Irish had won. Even though it was Krum of Bulgaria who had managed to catch the snitch.
I could already take a guess in what kind of mood Ron was in right about now.
"Hey, Adrian!" I called to him.
"Hi, Keira, Its so great to see you" He said, Hugging me "Listen, do you wanna go somewhere quieter? I wanna talk to you about something"
"Yeah sure, come on" I took his hand in mine and lead him to an empty spot in the field where no one was "So that thing you wanted to ask me?"
"Oh right, yeah, well Keira, I really like you...and I think your great, do you like me?" There it was, Oh Merlin's beard, my heart was pounding and my hands were growing sweaty.
Shit can he feel that?!
"Y-yeah, I like you too" I tried to say as coolly as possible
"Really? well do you wanna be my girlfriend perhaps?" He asked me and it felt as if fireworks had gone off
"Yes! I would Happily be your girlfriend" I grinned
"Great, because theres something I've been wanting to do for a while" He then bent his head down, His lips landing on mine, Like a proper kiss, not the one I gave Theo last year...my first kiss... this was a real kiss.
Bloody hell was he a good kisser. "Was that Okay?" He asked me as he created some space between us
"That was more than Okay!" I said.
We had kissed a few more times after before deciding to go back to our own tents, kissing one last time before promising to see each other on the Hogwarts express.
I felt giddy, I kept blushing like mad.
I had a boyfriend. I had an older boyfriend. I had an older boyfriend who was a chaser on Slytherin's Quidditch team.
I giggled all the way to the tent I was Sharing with the three boys as I thought about him.
"What in Salazar's name is wrong with you?" Blaise asked me as I waltzed in the tent
"What's wrong with your face?" Draco asked "you know, more than normal"
"Nothing" I attempted to say but I kept giggling, giddily.
"Don't tell me you've just been snogging the bloke" Theo said.
"Merlin's beard, Weasley are you serious?!" Draco demanded
"Well, he is my boyfriend, why wouldn't I" I quirked an eyebrow
"Wait, He made it official?" Blaise asked "Wow, Weasley can pull someone, I'm not the only one shocked, am I?" he teased.
"Oh shut it Blaise, at least I have someone, what about you lot?" I said, crossing my arms
"She's got a boyfriend" I heard Theo murmur to himself, I furrowed my eyebrows but decided to ignore it.
"can't believe the Irish are still at it, I'm knackered" I laughed, stretching my hands over my head. Listening to the Bangs, and noises from outside
"Guys, I dont think thats the Irish" Theo said, poking his head outside of the tent, then looking at us. Panic clear in his eyes
"We need to go, now" Draco said urgently
"What the bloody hell's going on Draco?" I asked him but he just grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the tent, the other two following.
There were adults and children running around everywhere, mostly into the woods. screaming and crying could be heard. The Place was chaotic.
There was a group of wizards marching, laughing and had their wands pointing upwards, green lights shooting all over the place.
There were four bodies floating in the air in horrible shapes, I couldn't help but stare, I could feel tears burning in my eyes just at the sight, But Draco pulled me away and towards the wood where he was dragging me until I ran like them.
"What the hell is going on?!" I shouted over all the noise
"Be quiet, keep your head down!" Draco told me.
Draco lead us into the woods, we had stopped running as soon as we were out of sight.
Thats when my siblings, Harry and Hermione came hurdling in, They hadn't seen us yet and Ron had tripped over something
"Tripped over a tree-root" He spat and stood up quickly
"Well, with feet that size, hard not to" Draco said from beside me.
"Draco! Stop it" I told him
"Keira?" Hermione had shone her wand at us, so they could see the four of us leaned against the tree's
"Whats going on? Where's Dad?" I ran towards Ron to give him a hug
"Him, Bill, Charlie and Percy are helping out the Ministry" Fred said, he was holding Ginnys hand.
"Wait Bill and Charlie are here?"
"Hadn't you better be hurrying along, now?" Draco said, directing our attention back on him, but he was looking towards Hermione "You wouldn't want her spotted, would you?" A blast sounded and another green light was shot near the trees, making me jump a foot in the air
"What's that supposed to mean?" Hermione asked, I could tell she wasn't impressed or even intimidated by his statement
"Granger, they're after muggles" he said "D'you want to be showing off your knickers in mid-air? Because if you do, hang around ... they're moving this way, and it would give us all a laugh."
"Draco, stop!" I repeated, what the hells wrong with him, seriously?!
"Hermione's a witch" Harry snarled
"Have it your own way, Potter" he grinned, I could punch him "If you think they can't spot a mu-" He glanced at me before finishing his sentence "Muggle-born, stay where you are."
There was another bang, I let out a yelp
"I think its a good idea if we go, don't you think?" Theo said, his eyes kept flicking to me and Draco
"Scare easily, don't they? I suppose your Daddy told you all to hide? What's he up to- trying to rescue the Muggles?" Draco chuckled.
"Where're your parents?"Harry snapped "Out there wearing masks, are they?" I looked towards Blaise and Theo, but they just shrugged.
"Well... if they were, I wouldn't be likely to tell you, would I potter?"
"I really think we should go, now!" I could tell everyone heard the panic in my voice which was okay, making the situation seem more urgent, which it was.
"Lets go find the others" Hermione said
"Keep that big bushy head down, Granger" Draco sneered "Keira, you coming?" His mean tone dropped when he talked to me, all eyes were on me, I could feel Ron's arm tighten around my shoulders
"No! I'm going to go with my family, talk to me when you decide to stop being a prat, Theo, Blaise, be safe, and make sure he doesn't do anything stupid" I told them, they nodded in return.
"Whatever, Weasley, keep an eye out for your boyfriend" Draco laughed before walking off, Theo and Blaise waving bye before following him.
I could feel the trio's eyes on me.
"Boyfriend?" Ron repeated
"Shut up Ron, lets go look for the others" I walked away from him and down the path.
"I'll bet you anything his Dad is one of that masked lot!" Ron said after we walked down the path for a bit
"Well with any luck, the Ministry will catch him!" Hermione said "Oh, I can't believe this, where have the others got to?"
Fred, George and Ginny had left us whilst they were all arguing.
The Path was crowded with teenagers in pyjamas
I Recognised one of the girls "'Ou est Madame Maxime? Nous L'avons perdue-"
"Er-what, Keira, you know french, what's she- Keira? where'd she go?" I hid behind a group of other kids, desperately trying to hide from any students from Beauxbatons before they could notice me, it didn't help Ron was saying my name, loudly.
I reached over to yank Ron's arm over to where I was
"Don't worry about it, lets just stay focused, yeah?"
"Fred and George can't have gone that far" Ron said, him and I both taking out our wands to copy Hermione and casting Lumo's
"Ah, no, I don't believe it ... I've lost my wand!" Harry gasped
"You're kidding?" Ron said
The three of us who did have wands raised them high enough so that we could see more ground and Harry could look for his wand.
But we couldn't see it anywhere.
"Maybe it's back in the tent" Ron suggested.
"Did you have it when you left the match?" I asked
"Maybe it fell out of your pocket when we were running?"
There was a rustling noise behind us, making the four of us jump, a house elf was struggling to get herself out of the bushes.
"There is bad wizards about!" she squeaked "People high- high in the air! Winky is getting out of the way!" then she had disappeared into the tree's
"Whats up with her?" Ron asked, looking after her curiously "Why can't she run properly"
"It's like she was trying to stop being controlled by some invisible force
"Bet she didn't ask permission to hide" Harry said.
"You know, house elf's get a very raw deal!" Hermione said "It's slavery, that's what it is! That Mr Crouch made her go up to the top of the stadium, and she was terrified, and he's got her bewitched so she can't even run when they start trampling tents! Why doesn't anyone do something about it?"
My heart bled for poor Winky, I knew how horrible I felt up in the stadiums, I had to constantly cling to one of the boys arm, scared I would go falling at any moment. A majority of the time was spent with my eyes closed.
"Well, the elves are happy, aren't they?" Ron shrugged "you heard old Winky back at the match ... "House-elves is not supposed to have fun" ... that's what she likes, being bossed around ..."
"It's people like you, Ron" Hermione said, hotly "who prop up rotten and unjust systems, just because they're too lazy to-" Another bang had gone off yet again.
"Lets just keep moving, shall we? Ron said, Harry and I both caught the glances he kept giving Hermione.
Draco was most likely right, it was more safer for her if we carried on.
"you know, 'Mione, I agree with you, There has to be something we can do! Maybe start an organisation" I told her
"Really? you think so" she asked me
"Yeah, you're brilliant, Hermione I feel like you could really do something to change things"
"Hm, I'll think about it" She rubbed her chin in thought.
"I pull down about a hundred sacks of Galleons a year" I looked up to see a group of young Wizards surrounding three tall Veela "I'm a dragon killer for the Committee for the Disposal of Dangerous Creatures."
"No, you're not" Yelled another "You're a dish-washer at the Leaky Cauldron ... but i'm a Vampire Hunter, I've killed about ninety so far-"
"I'm about to become the youngest ever Minister for Magic, I am" a pimple faced wizard cut in
I heard Harry snort.
"Did I tell you I've invented a broomstick that'll reach Jupiter?" My twin shouted
"Ron! Stop it" I shouted at him, the three of us each grabbed Ron firmly and marched him away "What the bloody hell is wrong with you?"
Ron shrugged, like I was the one with a problem
"I reckon we can just wait here, you know, we'll hear anyone coming a mile off" Harry said.
At that precise moment, Ludo Bagman emerged from behind a tree right ahead of us.
"Who's that?" he blinked down at the four of us "What are you doing here, all alone?"
The four of us exchanged looks of confusion.
"Well- theres a riot going on" Ron said flatly.
"What?" The old man stared at my brother.
"On the campsite- some people have got hold of a family of muggles ..."
"Damn them!" he cursed loudly before disapparating with a pop.
"I'm sorry- is he okay?" I asked aloud.
"Not exactly on top of things, Mr Bagman" Hermione frowned
"He was a great Beater, though" Ron said, Leading the way off the path and sitting down in a clearing "The Wimbourne Wasps won the league three times in a row while he was with them."
I watched Ron's stupid Krum doll walk around the ground. Listening to them talk.
"I hope The others are okay" Hermione broke the silence
"I'm sure they will be" I said, leaning my head on her shoulder
"I'm more interested in hearing about this supposed Boyfriend, Malfoy mentioned" Ron glared at me.
I could feel my cheeks blushing as I tried to concentrate on anything else.
"I- uh, I sure hope everyone's okay, maybe we should go look for them" I said
"Is it true?" He asked me I hesitated already giving him the answer "Who is he?!"
"shradiangusey" I mumbled
"What?" Hermione asked me
"Fine! Adrian Pucey, on the Slytherin Quidditch team" I sighed
"Hm, He's a pretty good chaser, probably the only one on the team who doesn't cheat" Harry said
"Him?! but Isn't he the year above us?" Ron said
"Yes, and? Merlin, you sound like the guys" I rolled my eyes
"Don't you dare compare me to them, Honestly, I have no idea how you can stand them"
"I have more self control than you, I guess-" I paused.
We all turned to hear someone staggering towards us
"Hello?" Harry called out.
But he was met with Silence, I could feel the goosebumps forming on my arm at the eeriness.
"Who's there" Harry called once again, standing up to go investigate.
Better him than me.
"MORSMORDRE!" A voice shouted out. A green light was shot from the darkness and a Colossal skull with emerald stars and a serpent acting as a tongue was hanging over us in the sky.
"What the-" Ron gasped
"Bloody hell" I finished. it was like it was rising just like gas.
The screams coming from the Forrest were deafening.
I looked over to the others in panic, Harry was looking around in confusion, like he was trying to figure out what was going on, did he not know what the Dark Mark was?
"Who's there?" He repeated, Hermione was desperately trying to pull him back
"Harry, come on, Move" She pleaded, I looked over to Ron, and his face was mirroring my feelings, Panic and worry.
"Whats the matter?" He asked.
Is this kid serious?
"Harry, Thats the bloody Dark Mark, we need to get out of here!" I told him
"It's you-know-who's sign" Hermione said
"Harry, Now!" I urged
Ron had scooped up his Krum figurine and we had started across the clearing, getting no further than maybe a hundred steps, a series of poping sounds announced the arrival of twenty wizards apparating to the area, shit. every wand was pointing towards the four of us.
"DUCK!" I heard Harry yell, before I was pulled to the ground
"STUPEFY!" Yelled the wizards, all I could do was keep my head down and pray nothing bad would happen.
"STOP!" a voice yelled, Dad? "STOP! Thats my kids" I raised my head to see Dad marching towards us "Ron- Keira, Hermione, Harry, Are you all right?"
"Out of the way, Arthur" Mr Crouch told Him.
The four of us rose to our feet quickly to face the Wizards, I was terrified.
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splendidissimus · 1 year
July 1999 - Type
((turns out that the unrelenting angst of writing and scheduling Whumptober submissions for a few weeks is a bit much and can use some fluffy palate cleanser. To whit:
Imagine if you will, a pair of teenagers in the '90s, without access to the internet, in an isolated culture which trends decades behind the times, of which they come from the most conservative subculture, trying to identify and understand sexualities for which the words have not even been invented yet. With a reminder that Theo's sexuality is "straight + Draco" because of an Amortentia accident.))
((Content warning: none))
Genre: fluff
Romance level: moderate
Angst level: 0/5
Draco's headspace: light / normal
((words: ~1500))
They'd taken over the first-floor sitting room at the far end of the guest wing to listen to Quidditch on the wireless — Draco's mother disapproved of the wireless as being 'too Mugglish', but even she had to acknowledge that that was an opinion too extreme to expect to enforce, considering it had been invented before her parents were born, so it was a semi-spoken rule of the house to just not annoy her with it. 
It was Harpies versus Portree. Draco's Arrows weren't playing, so he was only mildly invested, and was simultaneously decoding the gossip pages of the Prophet, but Theo was engaged; he was lying with his legs over the arm of the sofa and his head on Draco's leg, eating popcorn and occasionally trying to make Draco eat some by throwing it at him. It didn't work, and Draco was instead using it as practice to try catching it out of the air wandlessly, which also didn't work, though he did manage to deflect about half of them. Understandably, the room was becoming a mess.
Theo celebrated another Harpies goal by throwing a bunch of popcorn into the air and trying to catch it in his mouth, largely unsuccessfully. The game cut to an ad break while Draco was sweeping popcorn out of his lap without taking his eyes off the paper, and Theo spoke up to fill the space apropos of nothing.
"What kind of guys do you like, like to look at?"
"I've never thought about it," Draco said distractedly.
"No, seriously. I assume your type isn't…" He pointed his finger up and down himself — skinny, stooping, messy, and plain.
"Seriously, I've never thought about it. You're fine." 
Theo sat up, taking his head out of Draco's lap, and looked hard at him. 
Draco dropped his paper in a few seconds. "What?"
"Are you sure you're bent?"
Draco blinked at him. "Are you sure you want me to rethink that?" he pointed out.
"Well no, obviously you need to keep snogging me. Never think twice about that. But seriously? So is it actually girls you think are fuckable?"
"I think I was pretty clear how uninteresting I found Pansy's kisses."
"That's not what I'm talking about. I mean… Put me in a room for three minutes and I'll rank every witch's hotness there, on multiple scales if you want. If you like blokes, I figured it'd be the same, just less looking at tits, more looking at… well, I dunno, that's what I was wondering."
"And you're a pervert," Draco pointed out. 
"Admitted, but I'm pretty sure I'm not the weird one here. You really don't think people are hot? Anybody?" 
"Obviously I can tell when people are attractive," he said with some exasperation. "That's just aesthetics."
"Yeah, I'm pretty sure we're not talking about the same thing… Didn't you get why people were tripping over themselves to talk to that Veela Beauxbatons girl, what, Fleur whatever?"
"No, I get it, she was very pretty."
He scoffed. "'Pretty'? Fuck, I'd've cut off my left arm if I could touch her. Just the left one, mind, I'd still need the other." He made a crass motion with his hand. 
"Oh come on." 
"Hey, just speaking truth. All the guys felt it. Maybe not that strong," he admitted. It wasn't just a joke that he was a perv. 
"I saw full-blooded Veela," Draco commented. "At the World Cup. I did get to see some weak-minded spectators acting like fools. It was amusing."
"I listened to the match… With the Leprechauns too, right?"
"Oh yeah. I remember. I remember they were described dancing or something. I really… really wanted to be there. You didn't feel anything?"
"No." He said that knowing he was about to be judged for it.
Theo slid down in the corner of the sofa, laughing. "You didn't feel anything from dancing Veela and you still didn't know you were gay? That's as bent as a silver Galleon. Did you think they were 'pretty', too?"
"I could see perfectly well that they were beautiful," he said patiently.
"Yes, that's literally in the meaning of the word."
"But you don't feel it. That's like how I can tell you Blaise is almost as good-looking as you, that doesn't mean I want to look at him. Never have I seen a fit girl and I was like," he stretched out his words in a mimicry of Draco's posh drawl, "'I say, that young lady is rather aesthetically pleasing, old bean'."
"Is that meant to be me?"
"Yes, that's exactly what you sound like, word for word."
"Whereas I suppose you 'wanna give that bird a right proper shagging, innit'."
Theo cackled and fell into his shoulder. "Never, ever do that again."
Draco smiled a bit. "Likewise."
Theo sighed and grabbed another handful of popcorn. "So that's what it's like to be gay? You just don't notice people except on an 'aesthetic' level?" 
"I don't know; it's what it's like to be me. It's not like I've ever talked to another one to compare notes." 
"Huh." Theo leaned back and studied Draco's profile. "I never thought about that. That must be weird, in— I mean, right? To've never talked to someone like you?"
Draco raised a judgemental eyebrow at him. "People 'like me' are my parents, the Greengrasses and Parkinsons, you…"
"Yeah, yeah, good Pureblood breeding and manners. That's not what I meant."
"And I mean you're talking about the absolutely least interesting and important part of my personality. It's not even part of my personality. It's barely even a footnote. It shouldn't even be." 
"Well, 'good breeding' isn't a very interesting personality either, as far as that goes. There are obviously at least a few wizards into wizards, I'll find you some to talk to."
"Perfect, so I'll know exactly whom to never be seen with." 
"Come on… I'm just trying to help you get some friends." 
"It's hilarious that between us you think you are the one who should be giving advice about making friends." 
"Oh, an insult based on how I haven't got any friends, that's really creative. Did you just think that up?" He flicked popcorn at his head. 
That one he managed to deflect with a flick of his hand so it veered away toward the window. "Classics are classic for a reason," he sniffed. "I don't know why you think I need gay friends. Are you part of the local voyeurs' club?" 
"Hey, now…"
"Or do you have a bunch of likeminded blokes who are bonding over the fact that you, too, like to ogle women?"
"Well that's just every conversation I had with Vince since third year, innit?" 
He rolled his eyes. "Of course it is."
"Don't judge, I had to take what I could get; you and Blaise were too stuck up to talk about girls, and Greg's too slow to hold a proper conversation. Oh, hey, shut up!" Draco thought about pointing out that he wasn't talking, but it wouldn't have mattered. Theo stood up on his knees on the sofa, looking back at the wireless, where the announcer's voice was rising in volume and tempo, excitedly describing the neck-and-neck race between the Seekers as they dove for the Snitch. Now Harpies' Firth was ahead, now Portree's Robbins… 
Draco watched Theo with a small smile, the way he unselfconsciously leaned forward over the back of the sofa, muttering, "Come on, come on, come on…" Maybe Theo was right that he wasn't, objectively, anything conventionally special to look at — he'd been born with his father's crooked nose, nut-brown hair that couldn't decide if it was curly or not that he barely bothered to comb and never tried to manage, gangly limbs like a baby horse he never seemed to figure out how to completely control, and a fashion sense that was aggressively nonexistent. But Draco liked what he saw. 
When the announcer yelled that it was Portree, Portree had the Snitch and had won the game, Theo yelled "No!" and threw up his arms, sending the bowl of popcorn flying. Draco covered his head with the paper to try to protect his hair. "Bloody Robbins!" Theo huffed as he threw himself back down on the sofa. "I swear he's got longer than regulation arms, somebody should look into that." 
Draco shook out the paper and casually snaked his leg through Theo's.
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lucilucialu · 2 years
teen wolf movie post credit scene:
"i'm baaack!" liam walks into his apartment carrying a duffle bag and a small plastic bag "i stopped by the store and bought you those disgusting cookies you love so much". he puts the bag on the kitchen counter and gets the food out "i don't get why you like them tho, they smell like cat food". getting no response, he leaves the kitchen and goes to his bedroom
"hey, where are you? please tell me you're not-" there's a large dog lying on the bed "oh c'mon! seriously? how many times do i have to tell you not..." the animal, that was previously sleeping, growls at him "...to get on the bed- did you just growl at me?" the dog just ignores him "ok, get out of here. im gonna throw away your cookies i swear-"
liam ends up pushing the animal off the bed bc it refuses to move. he groans when he sees all the short black hairs on the white comforter. "oh you fucking stupid dog" he tries to get the hair out of the bed "you always do this. i don't understand why you always do this" he can hear the animal moving around the room behind him while he complains. "are you seriously gonna make me buy one of those pet hair remover brushes? is that what you want?"
suddenly there are two strong arms wrapping around him from behind and someone snuggling against his neck and hiding a smile on his shoulder and kissing the back of his head and "i want you to shut up"
liam sighs and stops what he was doing. "and i want you to get off me" but he's not that mad anymore. how could he?
"i thought you liked me naked and behind you?" "no-" "oh, right. you prefer to be behind me" "i prefer you to not be anywhere near me when you just were a dog like two minutes ago"
theo just hugs him tighter
"and even less if you're naked" "you know, i wish you could stop calling me a dog. it's a coyote" "it's a dog. a dumb dog leaving hair all over our bed. also you stink, go get a shower"
theo grabs liam's upper arms and turns him around so they are facing each other. he puts his hands on liam's shoulders, one of them traveling up his neck and cupping his jaw. "shower with me?" "no" but he stills put his arms around theo
"i haven't seen you in months. i missed you" he starts caressing liam's face with his thumb and wow theo remembers all of his manipulative tactics perfectly. "and i missed you. so much" liam leans closer so their foreheads touch "so so so much. like. you have no idea" theo snorts and the sound is so simple and stupid and fuck he really missed him "which is why im gonna make dinner for us while you take a shower. lydia taught me this pasta recipe... you're gonna love it" "fine, pup" "i can't believe i missed hearing that" "you love it"
theo drops his arms and starts walking to the bathroom but liam grabs his wrist before he can get too far and just
just looks at theo and stays there holding his hand and "i'm serious, theo. i missed you so fucking much. i don't ever wanna do this again if you're not coming with me. and i don't care if i sound needy or whatever". theo smiles and uses his hold on liam's hand to pull him close and kisses him, soft and sweet and slow. he kisses liam for the first time in what feels like an eternity
liam gives him one last kiss before pulling away, but not too far, arms around each other, liam loving the feeling of theo's warm naked skin. he looks so dumb and in love and theo loves it him. "hi" "welcome back, by the way. and thanks for the cookies" "i love you" "i know. i love you too. tell me everything about your little adventure?" "i will, during dinner. i promise"
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