#yes hi sorry this headcanon was longer than i expected but oh well
callofdudes · 1 year
Once again gracing the feed, cause the people deserve it so so much. Being best friends with Alejandro and Rudy headcanon please !!!
Thank you for gracing us with your presence @itsscromp 😌 always a pleasure to have you.
Being best friends with Alejandro & Rudy
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Alejandro is generally a very touchy person. And if not touchy then very verbally aggressive in his affection. You are no exception to this. He's always right there, loud and proud of you. Encouraging you.
Rodolfo is much quieter. He keeps his hands to himself and gives you reassuring nods or occasional encouragement.
The two are like day and night and it was hard to get used to both of them each. But they complimented each other nicely.
Starting with Rudy, at first his mute expressions set you off a little. You were unnerved slightly as first by his silent, watching eyes. Always on you, always watching and yet you were unable to read him. You admit you might have been a tad scared of him at first.
Until he started to speak, loosening up around Alejandro when you were all together and it finally gave you the opportunity to crack into him and understand him some more.
Slowly Rudy became a little more expressive around you. His training always kicks in and sometimes he forgets to smile, or it's strained when he tries. But you know he means well and slowly that smile loosens and feels natural around you.
You make him smile.
Whenever going on beach outings Alejandro would much rather stay on the beach by the food and drinks. While Rodolfo is always in the water. He loves to surf and when you wanted to learn he immediately perked up in a way you hadn't seen before.
He is skilled on his board, and the first time you heard him really laugh was after attempting a trick and falling like a ragdoll into the wave.
Despite the laughter he was still very concerned for you but still.
You loved to play videogames with Rudy. Even if he had way more experience with videogames, and he'd been playing them longer. It was always fun.
And they both could make the most amazing food. Rudy always has a music playlist he puts on when him and Alejandro are cooking. Often Alejandro trying to push Rudy out of the way and get you out of the kitchen so he can cook for you two.
"Y/n- get out of my kitchen, estoy tratando de hacer que la comida, Te voy a dar una bofetada con esta espátula si no salir!" I'm trying to make you food, I'll slap you with this spatula if you don't get out! (Apologies if the translation is wrong.)
"Ok ok, I'm sorry oh mighty cooking one." You back out of the kitchen, chuckling. You know he doesn't mean any harm, he's just passionate.
"Rudy! Smash bros, with me while cooking king is doing his thing."
Rudy chuckles, leaving his speaker in the kitchen. "Fine, but don't expect to win."
"I will too win!!"
"No you won't."
"Yes... yes I will!"
"Not a chance."
"Rudy stop that!"
He chuckles and sits down, taking his controller.
He did in fact beat you. No surprise though.
Ale loves to cook for you both. He loved to cook for everyone but other than affection and words of affirmation, food is his love language. He absolutely loves showering you in delicious pounds of food. Making sure You're well fed every single time.
Both of them get pretty touch starved. Along with being proactive, they too are in the group of soldiers who happen to get carried away in their work far too often.
It has happened a few times where you've had to drag them away from their desks or get them out of the sun and make them take a break. Or they'll get so exhausted on their own they'll drag themselves to come find you.
Whenever Rudy gets to the point of needing emergency cuddles you better be prepared to never move from that spot again.
Rudy slipped into your office, noticing you were particularly busy. He could work around that. Instead of trying to grab your attention he pushed the chair back slightly. Getting down on his knees and leaning forward to wrap his arms around your waist, forehead on your knees. He closes his eyes, relaxing.
You smile softly, noticing his attempt to not disturb you. You run your hand over his scalp and through his hair. "Hey Rudy."
He hums in reply, not moving.
"I'm almost done and then we can go somewhere more comfy ok?"
Rudy hums again, nodding a little.
Ale in the same sense. But he's at least cuddly in a way that if you need to get up for the bathroom or vice versa then he will let you go. Rudy won't. So better be prepared.
They both care for you and incredible amount as well. Ale was always joyful around you but when you get hurt or kidnapped or anything he's afraid. Confidence going down and nerves working up as he scrambles to do everything he can. He manages to keep it together with Rudy until they get in and find you.
Rescuing you they finally can hug you tightly and hug you in absolute relief.
Rudy unlocked the door, opening it and rushing in, Ale following. Their eyes immediately locked onto your body at the back of the room tied to a chair.
"Querido Señor gracias - y/n!! ¡Estás bien!" Dear Lord thank you- y/n!! You are ok!
Alejandro rushes up to you, kneeling down. He tilted your head, cursing when he saw your wounds. Rudy came over and cut the ropes, gently bringing your arms down.
"There, just relax, we've got you."
"Rudy... Al..." you whispered, looking at them with droopy eyes, filling with relief.
"We're here y/n, we came as soon as we got word. We're getting you home ok?"
They are incredibly respectful when if you introduce them to your family. They trust you and invite you into their family that they invite you down to celebrate holidays with them like Day of the Dead and Christmas. Really any holiday, or special occasion they make sure you get an invitation, whether you can go or not.
"So... you set these up for loved ones??" Al nodded, showing you the ofrenda that they had made for you. "And for you, for anyone you know."
You reach in your jacket and pull out the photo you keep there over your heart, smiling seeing it. Walking over and putting the photo up. "I miss you..." you whisper, seeing the photo surrounded by the flowers and gently flickering candles.
Rudy and Al also having their photos set up of family and fallen close friends.
You were glad you were invited to join in this special celebration with them. It made you feel special and a part of them family in a new way.
Alejandro is very open about his background. Telling you how he grew up, about his family, crazy and funny stories growing up working hard in the military. He always gets a laugh out of you.
Rudy is a little more hush hush about it. While Alejandro doesn't tell you things about Rudy he knows Rudy wouldn't appreciate, it just makes him more of a mystery.
Alejandro teaches you self defense and loves to spar with you all the time. Intense training, casual, he loves it all.
Rudy teaches you how to use a giant police taser.
Rudy has many taser, all shapes and sizes, he teaches you to use them all.
"Are you sure this will actually work on the field??"
Rudy nods. "Of course it will. Just turn it on and-" The taser crackles as he jabs it. "Get them where it hurts. Stomach or below really does the trick."
"Rodolfo!" Alejandro chides him from across the room. Rudy just nods to you. "He knows I'm right."
It's a chaotic, loving relationship you have with them. They do everything to make you smile, happy, comfortable, and they are amazing role models of respect. (most of the time 🤭)
Let's be honest they were the rowdy ones when they were in the military in the younger years and nothing has changed. They aren't called Los Vaqueros for nothing y'know.
So they do become incredibly rowdy. Smart men but you are a little stunned when they are put in a room together they go dumb. They do some wild shit together and often end up dragging you into their antics.
Yes, yes Rudy plays pranks and no one is safe. But instead of pranks he calls them solutions. He rigged air horns in the barracks when the recruits felt like getting up slightly later so 5:30 on the dot they go off in every room. He always can hear it from far away and it's a joy.
He did it to you once. You were pissed at him but this time he managed a smile, playing it off like nothing and inviting you on his morning run around base before it started to really warm up.
Hiking buddies.
Like you can hike with all of them but these guys are the hiking guys. They both have a very good grasp on the nature around them, Alejandro knowing more about the wildlife when Rudy is way into all the plants, fungi, and what not.
Not only is it a beautiful hike in nature but it's also pretty nice to learn some stuff along the way.
Both of them tell dad jokes. It's a rule, they just do. Rudy started doing it a lot more when he realized Ghost also has dad jokes for you and then Al picked up on it and now you're aren't safe from anyone.
Dad jokes everywhere. Rudy's are a little more morbid and along Ghost's lines but Al just had really shitty ones that make you smile.
And there is probably so so so much more that I'm missing right now but I hope this suffices for now. Go out into the world and take a Vaquero with you.
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spacebarbarianweird · 9 months
Astarion with gnome Tav HC?
Ok, we all know Astarion hates gnomes. And his facial expressions during the first date if you play Gnome Tav are priceless. Like, he doesn't smile and definetely does his best trying to hold back slurs.
I have been to his shoes coz I found gnomes weird and freaky. To write this Headcanon, I read manuals about them and got to this description:
It’s rare for a gnome to be hostile or malicious unless he or she has suffered a grievous injury. Gnomes know that most races don’t share their sense of humor, but they enjoy anyone’s company just as they enjoy everything else they set out to do. It’s rare for a gnome to be hostile or malicious unless he or she has suffered a grievous injury. Gnomes know that most races don’t share their sense of humor, but they enjoy anyone’s company just as they enjoy everything else they set out to do.
And then I googled gnomes.
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Honestly, if you think gnomes are ugly - you've met the wrong gnomes!
Thanks @evillittlebirdie for the next concept
A gnome that hates elves and an elf that hates gnomes
Astarion x Gnome!Tav
You are tiny, only 3.2 ft.
All your life you spent far from "big folk", living deep in the woods.
But you were always warned against the elves, those arrogant pricks who think the world belongs to them.
Astarion… hates gnomes. It's not uncommon for elves to be weird about them but he has some personal issues.
Maybe it's his "brother's" fault, maybe some dating preferences.
"Dwarves are fine, but gnomes! Freaky and ugly."
You can't understand where this comes from.
Gnomes are peaceful. Kind. Never malicious to anyone. Always accepting strangers in their homes and caves. So why is your kind so hated?
You bicker but eventually you fall for Astarion's charms (and he suppresses his disgust to seduce you).
Maybe elves aren't that bad, after all.
And Astarion suddenly realizes he isn't averted by you.
Tiny. Yes. You are barely tall enough to reach up to his hips.
But you are cute. Beautiful, even.
Like a small elf.
Finally, Astarion confesses to you.
That he manipulated you. That he used you.
And what is worse, he hated the mere idea to touch you. As if you were some nasty creature.
Like a goblin.
He apologizes for that and is waiting for your verdict.
He expects you to yell. To curse him.
You do nothing of that. You approach Astarion and hug him.
Well, for him you are the most beautiful person in the world.
To kiss you, he has to kneel (or pick you up like a child)
You were embarrassed first to be carried around - besides, you are considered "tall" by gnome standards!
But you learn to like it. Your weight is 40 pounds and Astarion can carry you on his shoulders as long as you want
And, the hells, you enjoy it!
Firstly, because Astarion can go faster and longer if you don't slow him down, and, second, you can see the world around not being blocked by taller people.
When you go like that, you play with his curls and carefully touch his ears (it's impossible to resist when you are so close).
He loves your feather-like touches.
He still laughs at your height, though
"Oh, I am sorry I can't hear you from up here!"
"Apologies, darling, I thought someone was squeaking!"
And you wait for the opportunity to mock him for heing the tall one.
"Oh, I am sorry, I forgot I travel with a brainless giant!"
As a gnome, your desire to help is innate. It's just against your nature to deny someone's needs.
And more often than usual, Astarion has to carry you away before you agree on something too dangerous or too cheap.
"I am Astarion and this is my micro-wife. Ouch!"
When you stay together in taverns and inns, you don't have to pay for two beds - a single bed fits you both.
And Astarion always presses you to his chest - you drown in his arms. You feel safe and protected.
Sometimes, you hear mockery and evil laughs.
"An elf and a gnome, can you fucking believe it?"
You usually let these words go but Astarion doesn't.
He beats those who dare speak ill of you two and makes them kneel and beg for forgiveness.
Gnomes live long, up to 400 years. And you are young. As a gnome, you want a stable home (when you get tired of travels) and somewhere to stash things.
And you understand Astarion craves stability as well - so he will get it with you.
A comfy home in the woods among your kind.
Gnomes are accepting, after all.
Even if it's a vampire.
Tag list
@tugoslovenka @marcynomercy @wintersire @vixstarria @not-so-lost-after-all @ashiro20 @theearthsfinalconfession @herstxrgirl @starlight-ipomoea @micropoe10 @astarion-imagine-archive @veillsar @elora-the-slutty-songstress @fayeriess @lumienyx @astarion-beloved @tallymonster @caitlincat-95 @tragedybunny @valeprati
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15-lizards · 5 months
what looks do you think the westerosi are showing off at the Tourney of Harrenhal?
biggest gathering of the year, first inter-kingdom gathering after winter, first King Aerys public appearance in forever, some peeps expecting a secret meeting with rhaegar about taking over for his father — it was THE party!
oh bitch the girls were turning ouuuuuut!
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The Starklings were dressed in very Riverlander-like clothing (early to classic Medieval-ish) for the trip, which were very well made, befitting their status as children of the Warden of The North, but probably way simpler compared to most of the southerners. Probably a muted grey-black-deep blue pallet too, so that Rickard could cement their Serious Stark Vibes at the function. Brandon probably thought it made them look cool. Lyanna had the traditional wide flowing gowns and loose veils that I guess make blonde predators go oh wow I need to kidnap her for a prophecy
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Tywin couldn't have his children looking like bums ofc. Cersei was still in the throes of her teenage Higharden fashions era, with a very high waist, pushed up bosom, and puff sleeves. Jamie's doublets all fitted perfectly and was made sure to have his fur-trimmed overgrown fall at just the right angle. And he probably had the best armor at the tourney, gilded with lions and vines. Because even though Tywin would rather kill Jamie than see him in the kingsgaurd, his son couldn't be caught not looking fresh. The tailors at Casterly were worked so hard they probably had the first ever medieval thoughts of unionizing.
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Rhaegars bitch ass. Probably tended to wear longer coats/gowns/talbards, except for when he was sparring or jousting of course. They were obviously very well made, but were almost underwhelming for the heir to the kingdom, as he tended towards the simplistic side. Also I think they sometimes bordered on feminine bc he was a fairly androgynous figure To Me.
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I think the Daynes were wearing their usual (Turkish) fashions, liking to stand out a bit from the crowd, but didn't stand out so much as the Martells. Ashara was the belle of the ball with her insanely detailed over gowns and fur linings in almost foreign styles. Yes it made Arthur extremely jealous when he saw Brandon and Barrister tripping over themselves around her (yes I'm going with the Dayne incest headcanon sorry). Also, the men in the family wore the traditional tightly wrapped styles as well, except for Arthur who probably slept in his kingsgaurd armor.
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thswrtchdthng · 8 months
YOU. give me your jonah magnus headcanons
oh FUCK yes.
let me preface this by saying I could talk about this piece of shit for HOURS. also these range from completely random trivia things to silly to oddly specific. also I may have projected a bit too much but oh well, that's what fictional babygirls are for
- I'm a trans Jonah truther. but also he'd been going exclusively by he/him pretty much his whole life until someone in the middle of an argument called him "it" and he had one of those "wait am I even a person" moments and since then he does not know wtf he is. is he a man? is he a thing? is he a creature? is he a concept? none of the above? all of the avobe? who knows. not even the Eye knows what's going on with that.
- he grew up on the outskirts of Edinburgh, and he has very mixed feelings about it. like on one hand he did not like it and was overjoyed to leave, but on the other that is his home and you will not disrespect it. to this day if anyone talks shit about Edinburgh or Scotland in general he has to stop himself from acting bothered about it.
- I'm sorry but I can smell his daddy/mommy issues from MILES away (he has both).
- he used to be super self-conscious. the "shit they're all staring at me but I need to pretend to be confident and respectable so fuck it" sort of way.
- he was especially insecure about his freckles. he was convinced they made him look like a little kid (which is not true, freckles are gorgeous and fuck anyone who thinks otherwise).
- he's always had a huge staring problem. and he originally had really big eyes so if anyone caught his interest they'd just be doing their thing and then turn around and catch him like 👁️_👁️.
- also he was always that kid that asked too many questions, especially regarding god (another thing I can smell from miles away is the religious trauma).
- he was born on november 13th 1787 (a tuesday the 13th, which in some cultures is believed to be a bad luck day, like friday the 13th) and officially founded the Institute on his 31st birthday (november 13th 1818, a friday the 13th).
- he has a collection of lover's eyes gifted by his many boyfriends acquaintances. he's got them all in a little box at his place and he remembers the exact moment each was gifted to him.
- I'm not going to get into how I imagine the time between when Barnabas got chucked into the Lonely and when he went to get his bones (it would take far too long) but this bitch was Not Having A Good Time. those broken glasses and torn pages Barny mentioned in his last letter? all him baby.
- also after Barnabas died he had a period of a couple weeks where he did not speak. not one word. he looked completely normal otherwise but people did notice. after that he just acted like nothing had happened and pretended to be clueless when people asked him about it.
- speaking of Barnabas's bones, he got a quill made of the bones in the ring finger of his left hand. he never uses it (no occasion is special enough) but he takes it with him any time he leaves the Institute for longer than a day (he couldn't take it with him to jail though :( ).
- speaking of leaving the Institute, he travels surprisingly rarely. it's not that he doesn't like traveling or that he can't afford it, he simply doesn't do it.
- Jonathan Fanshawe's last letter hurt him far more than he expected, and so did Albrecht's death. he thought he wouldn't feel much after Barny's death but that shit hit him.
- his eyesight gets worse every time he gets a new body. as Elias his glasses are so thick it's almost comical.
- he loves fluffy blankets with a PASSION.
-but he despises fluffy sweaters. he cannot wear them.
- he also loves pillows, cushions etc. he has at least 10 in his bed.
- you can't tell me his egotistical ass doesn't spend AT LEAST 2 hours getting ready every day (and 50% of that time he spends just staring at himself, checking that every minute detail is absolutely perfect).
- he's a raging hypochondriac. this man (gender neutral) will sneeze once and he's already thinking about his next body.
- his favorite cake flavour is red velvet. also black forest cake reminds him of Albrecht.
- as much as I like the joke of Jonah being the Lukases communal bootycall, he actually despises most of that family.
- aside from his long list of "acquaintances", he did have a super short fling with Simon Fairchild. Simon still jokes about it to this day and Jonah hates him for it.
- when he's angry or under a lot of stress he'll just stop blinking. like he usually doesn't blink as often as The Average Human, but if he's mad he'll just stop entirely. this started happening after the failed Watcher's Crown, but he didn't notice it until one time Gertrude pointed it out (that was a fun conversation, I might write something about this eventually).
- sometimes he'll forget or just not feel like doing normal bodily functions like eating or sleeping, and when he remembers that he has to in order to, you know, function, he gets so mad about it (why are human bodies so high maintenance and so unreliable at the same time istg).
- he used to be a sacredy cat. not anymore because he can See when people are close to him, but if you were to come up behind him to scare him back in the day he would leap.
- he has an odd fondness for amaranth flowers. I doubt he's a plant person but he likes those a lot (and tbh now that I think about it the mental image of plant mom Jonah makes me very soft. he'd tell the plants his Evil Plans and shit).
this is all I could think of off the top of my head but I'll probably add more as time goes by. I loved finally listing my headcanons for this little fucker so thanks for giving me the chance lol
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amaritious · 1 year
Gn! Readers reaction to Matpat's death + resurrection (beware)
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He IS the skrunkly. I want him, I need him.
Happiness, death, sadness and then happiness again.
Mat is a malewife.
Relationship isn't necessarily described but Matpat and Reader are close, implied romantic if you squint.
To the deliver best service, I did headcanons and some small oneshots (even though I'm better at headcanons)
However, my service is extremely late. Sorry @tzurue.
Coming into whatever this twisted game Joey had pushed you in, you expected Matpat to come in top.
Matpat was strong, intelligent and a people pleaser (in a good way).
But it wasn't enough.
What went wrong? You asked yourself over and over again. The question never leaving your already scattered brain.
He wasn't strong enough.
The rest knew they fucked up, they didn't know. They realised what they had done when your cheerful personality had completely shattered, leaving only fragments of it behind. They were like little children, experimenting with danger like a toy, unknown to what came ahead. It was too much.
Witnessing his death, it changed something in you.
The desperate cries for help, the pained yet panicked look in his eyes, the "I want to go home" body language and the sorrowful cries of your name...
He was being dragged away before your very eyes and you wanted to reach out, help him or grab him and mourn.
But there was nothing you could do.
And you were useless yet again.
His Resurrection ONESHOT
You sat there, devoid of thoughts yet it seemed as if millions muffled voices marched into your mind. You didn't register your friends' worried comments, you couldn't anyways. You didn't know if you could even call them your friends. They killed him, they knew he would die. You carried on mumbling, looking, glancing, searching - just any sign he was there, you would accept anything. Ro gave you his badge, knowing that you felt even worse than her but it just heightened your concerns. What would you do?
Then next thing you knew, you were getting chased by crazy doll twins, torturing dolls, connecting dolls, you see the pattern here.
You couldn't care anymore. Maybe. You don't know. And that was until Joey found the much needed Lazarus coin. You gaped at it studying every crevice carefully. This was Mat's dying wish.
Was it worth it? Yes. The man had dedicated precious time to finding this seemingly precious coin, awaiting its use.
Now flash forward to when Joey and Safiya get to choose who can live even an hour longer. You don't really care how selfish it may be but surely there's one right answer. And if they don't bring that person back you might as well pull a Colleen, call Joey shady and get them to kill you. That would be best.
You're not sure what facial expressions you're pulling because you see everyone look strangely confused at you. But it doesn't really matter because no matter how much you don't want to, you're pacing around the lounge while they attempt to solve some puzzle.
This is why we need Mat, you think with your head in a hand.
You've already been tricked by some boring suitcase so when your 'friends' begin to yell in the direction of the doorway, you only just lazily looked up.
And there was that son of a bitch.
Mathew Patrick.
"Mat? Holy I- Oh. My. God."
You run the few steps and trap him into a bone crushing hug. He wearingly hugs you back, obviously dishevelled.
"I can't believe you died on me," you begin, acting like you weren't just having a silent panic attack over it "here, take a seat. you deserve it."
You turn to Joey and Safiya, "Joey, everything I thought about you is very wrong. Safiya, you're beautiful and you're amazing I love you guys."
Not bothering with their reactions, you plop down next to Mat and gently rub his arm.
"I missed you," you state, looking into his eyes.
Despite his distressed state, he replies with "Right back at ya."
You proceed to hug the life out of him (pun intended).
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heiayen · 2 years
a rose for you - albedo x gn!reader
tags: headcanons (longer ones!!), modern au, fluff!! you get transported into a dating sim. what can possibly go wrong. it's very silly and cute trust me
summary: after making the mistake of playing game during a thunderstorm, you get transported into your favorite christmas themed dating sim... oh well. chaos ensures.
a/n: is it too late of me to say happy holidays. anyways. @venexus hello!! i might not be your actual secret santa but i do have a gift for you! i tried very hard and oh no writing this much after another impromptu break was... fun. in more than one definition of it. but i hope you'll enjoy it! i am very bad at summaries. im sorry okie bye
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- Imagine this– Your friend gifts you a silly, short, christmas themed dating sim to play. It's cute and fun, they say. You won't regret it, they say. So you play it. You play as a simple primary school teacher overseeing a Christmas performance of their class, and later on, fall in love with one of the supporting teachers. You don't… expect much, no, and yet you totally fall in love with the game and its characters.
- You liked all the characters, but of course you have a favorite. The art teacher, Albedo Kreideprinz is the sweetest guy ever, with an even cuter younger sister, Klee. He is loved by all the students, younger or older and has amazing artistic talent. Your heart melted when you saw him teaching your students, how much they adored him and, you too, wanted to take part in his class, just to listen to his voice. Oh, how good life would be if you could meet someone like this in real life!
- …well. One day, as you were playing as usual, a thunderstorm broke out. You shrugged it off, you used your computer plenty of times while a thunderstorm was happening and it was all okay, so why would it be different now? You were happily playing until a massive lighting struck with a loud thunder and then everything went dark. You thought to yourself that maybe just electricity went off. And you were very sure of that until you opened your eyes and noticed that you are standing right in the middle of… the main character's from your favorite dating sim room?! 
- Oh dear. That was not in the plan. No. This isn't even real, it can't be. You blinked once, twice– still their room. Even their clothes on you. This is real. Very much real and according to the clock on the wall, if you don't go now, you will be late to school– to your job that you never worked at. Just how exactly you are supposed to survive this sudden turn of events?! 
- You arrived late, blame it on spending like five minutes figuring out the car and everything else. According to the game, you should first meet Albedo and start his route. After finishing it, you would start another route, and then another and another, and after finishing all of them, you would be given a free choice of routes and a chance to explore all the other dialogues, secrets and side characters. And you were right, because when you arrived at your class, panting and still in your jacket, you saw Albedo, surrounded by a bunch of second graders. Your students. None of them noticed you, being too busy with Albedo. You sighed and  walked closer. You cleared your throat to get their attention. 
- "Oh, good morning, (y/n)." 
- You had a moment of shock when Albedo said your actual name, until you realized that, yes, he will say your real name because this is the name you used for the game. You politely smiled at him and replied with a greeting of your own. His voice was even nicer here than in your headphones! And he just... was so nice to look at. Even better than on your screen.
- "I was wondering, would you mind if I took your students to help me with the stage decorations?" It would be good for their artistic development, a good way to start their school day, yes, yes, you almost memorized this dialogue already. The game gave you two choices– you could agree, just like that, or say no and deal with a bunch of whining… which would make you change your mind and agree for it anyway. 
- "It would be no problem! We can spend the next class on it too." This, however, was not in the game. You were meant to spend only one class with the kids and Albedo, but since you saw Albedo's class schedule (an easter egg, of course) you knew that his first classes were in…  three hours! Really, this man got up so early just to paint some decorations at school… 
- And so it was no surprise that he agreed and soon your students and Albedo were walking to his classroom, for paints, crayons, colorful papers and everything else. It was a pain, bringing it all later to the wooden stage where you would be making the decorations, but! You divided the kids and gave them all tasks to do, and with Albedo you started cutting out cartoon stars to decorate for the kids later. 
- You two sat in silence for a bit. In the game, your character was meant to start some small talk, feeling too awkward in total silence, but, oh, you weren't that good at it! And to that, the game offered you few choices and you somehow forgot them all! You had to think of something, you had to think… 
- "Your students are very talented," said Albedo suddenly, looking at the students. Some of them were dutifully doing their tasks, let it be coloring the trees or painting ornaments for the big christmas tree on the stage. Some of them were just playing around, having fun. "It's a pleasure to work with them."
- That was not in the game. No. You were supposed to start the small talk, not Albedo! You blinked in momentary confusion before smiling. 
- "They have a great teacher, after all." 
- You wanted to slap yourself. Really. Maybe quit your job and never come back here again. You were meant to make small talk, not instantly compliment the teacher. Luckily, Albedo let your compliment go with just a smile and a quiet 'thank you'.
- "Your students are very passionate about all the art projects I give them and they enjoy talking with me about art. I must say, your class might be my favorite to teach."
- You weren't even their actual homeroom teacher, yet you couldn't help but feel so proud of them. You looked around the groups and a smile appeared on your lips." "Yes, they enjoy your classes a lot. I remember once they just couldn't stop talking about you and…  your pretty paper roses you showed them." 
- You said with a chuckle. It also was an easter egg you discovered on your fourth gameplay. You never got to see the roses, but you assumed they were really pretty… 
- Albedo smiled shyly and you could swear on the stars that his cheeks got a little pink. You wanted to scream inside at how adorable he was. "I could make one now, I just need paper and a string." 
- You quickly gave him both things he asked for and soon he started making the paper rose. You put your half-cut star away and focused all your attention on his work. After a bit of time, the rose was finished and, wow, yes, it really was so pretty… 
- "They weren't joking when they said that it's beautiful…" Your words seemed to have a similar effect on him as previously, the smile and all…  
- "You can keep it if you want, (y/n)." 
- "I can?" It was a stupid question. You really wanted to slap yourself today. You laughed at yourself and gently took the rose, "Thank you, Albedo." 
- Maybe… maybe this whole thing with teleporting into your favorite dating sim wasn't that bad, with Albedo on your side. And a bunch of second graders under your care. And a car you didn't yet know how to exactly use. But you could get used to all that, if that meant spending more time with everyone's (and yours) art teacher. 
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yellowsugarwords · 2 years
idk if you still do wolf among us Headcanons but saw the newest trailer and wanted ask for some Flycatcher (Aka frog prince) ones please. Maybe some on him turning back into a frog?
awe this is gonna be so fun!!! I’m so excited for season 2 it’s unreal omg omg
Flycatcher didn’t mind his cleaning work.
In fact, some days, he rather liked it.
He could let his mind wander and roam,
And he could remain by his lonesome.
However, being alone all the time would start to get to him.
He longed for more connections in his life.
More friends, a partner, a family,
Someone or something he could trust.
And one night, as he worked, that was all he could think about.
He finished the mopping plainly,
Headphones on,
Mind elsewhere.
Y/N wandered through the front doors,
Hoping the business was still open,
But spotted Flycatcher instead.
He turned, startled at the sight of a stranger in at this hour,
Fell back,
And poof.
In a puff of smoke, there he was.
A frog.
It happened whenever he got intensely scared or shocked.
That, and him running out of Glamour.
Y/N paused, then smiled,
Chuckling to themselves.
“Sorry?” They said, more a question than a statement,
They chuckled to themselves again.
“I wasn’t expecting that.”
Flycatcher croaked.
How embarrassing.
“What are you looking for?” He asked sheepishly.
“A map. Do you guys have any?”
“Shit,” Y/N sighed,
Then shrugged.
“Oh well. Thanks anyways.”
Instead of leaving, Y/N knelt down,
Scooping the frog into her hands,
And setting him down on the front counter,
Ensuring he wasn’t at risk of harm.
After giving a small wave, they left,
The door, jingling behind them.
Flycatcher sighed, croaking to himself,
Then hopped into one of the back rooms,
Waiting for it to wear off.
The next morning, no longer dejected,
Flycatcher rolled in at opening time,
And clocked in,
When he wandered back into the lobby, Y/N was there,
And smiling when they locked eyes.
His eyes widened.
Teasingly, Y/N lifted th3eir hands. “Don’t freak out,”
They chuckled and Flycatcher gave a nervous smile.
“I don’t want you turning again.”
“Trust me, I don’t want that either.”
Y/N smiled sweetly,
Charmed by the redhead.
“I wanted to come by to apologize for scaring you last night,”
Flycatcher felt heat in his chest.
Wow. How sweet of them.
“Thank you,” he said with a chuckle.
Quickly, he cleared his throat and spoke again.
“U-Uh but you don’t need to apologize,” he finally fumbled out.
Y/N grinned.
“I’m glad it wasn’t too much of a bother.”
“Not at all,” he said,
Waving one of his hands casually.
With a nod, Y/N turned and started for the door.
“Until next time,” they said,
Then vanished.
Every now and then, Y/N would pop in.
To say hi and make small talk before leaving.
Eventually, they started coming in later and later,
Closer and closer to closing.
Finally, when they popped in one day, Flycatcher jumped,
And boom.
Y/N jumped.
“Yes! I did it!”
Flycatcher croaked.
“You were trying to?”
“I wanted to see it again,” Y/N said plainly,
Wandering forwards and picking the creature up.
Suddenly, Flycatcher felt flustered.
“I think it’s adorable,” Y/N said softly.
“Because now I get to talk to you about more than just the weather and you can’t go anywhere.”
Flycatcher smiled coyly,
Finally understanding.
If only Y/N knew he would’ve chatted with them regardless.
He loved their company.
He didn’t need to be forced.
“Works for me,” he said through a chuckle,
And Y/N tenderly smiled.
They might have been the first person to be charmed by Flycatcher’s ‘real self’.
He loved that.
𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘬 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘴𝘮 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨 💌☕️♡
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Hii Jalebi! How are you doing? Diwali anon here!(idk you remember my last ask to recognise my but oh well!) So I'm on IPKKND re-watch sapere again cuz I'm trying to cope ever increasing anxiety of going to start college and moving to a new city and also living in a hostel for the first time ever
So this might be a long ask lol, but i feel so deprived of Arnav and Khushi actually being parents to Aarav yk? I feel like Khushi and Arnav reacting on completely opposite ends of spectrum during Diwali was a set up for a new track, which was scratched out? Also your take on how asr and Khushi would eventually have convo with Aarav about being orphans, and i personally think that if aarav had even a bit doubt about them accepting him or vice versa would be cleared from his mind. Also this could be headcanon or whatever down the line aarav would have taken some characteristics from Khushi (like he likes sweets like she does) maybe daily horoscope or finding a new best friend in Devi maiyya!? Also i imagine Aarav having to tell Arnav why Khushi is teary eyed because during her infamous morning vegetable shopping (where mother and son first met, this is their bonding time without any verbal confirmation about it) fellow shopper aunty comments on how aarav's nose is just like hers. Another one where aarav might be feeling down cuz he's done a bit bad on a test and he NEEDS to be best like his father but sabka Devi swooping in and telling him that being mediocre is okay, he doesn't need to be best for them to love him as much they do now and much much more.
Am i projecting my mommy and daddy issues in there? Maybe but who cares lol
This turned out longer than i expected, it's not a rant it's an essay, I'm so sorry. Fingers crossed i hope Tumblr doesn't eat my ask😭.
Please add your own headcanons and ideas I'd love to know (more like I'm desperate to know lol)
Thank you so much for bearing with me! I love your blog and podcasts!<333
Diwali Anon!!!
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Do you know I too watch IPK to cope with anxiety - especially when I move into a new housing location? So giving you the biggest hugs cause watching our favorite show truly gives us the comfort we need during the hardest times *hugs*
How am I doing? Dying due to periods *cry*
Aarav and his role in the show was very undecided. They developed the relationship well between him and Arnav, but completely underdeveloped the relationship between him and Khushi. Of course it should've been complicated considering the little child was indirectly conditioned to think that it's this woman in his "dad's" life that results to him not having his dad...
The whole parenting thing also could've been an excellent track considering both Arnav and Khushi are orphans so they could connect with the child.
But it was very clear at that point that the writers really did not know where to take the story. And they were in this spot of not knowing how to write ArShi if they're not in conflict with each other. And they swore by the guideline of making Khushi childish. So what could've been a serious difference of opinion on how to parent and raise Aarav - led to the harebrained Mrs India.
Also they never setup Khushi as a maternal figure to Aarav. She overnight forgets to wear heels, forgets to wear makeup, forgets styling, forgets she has a child. They do remember to at least show Arnav helping Aarav with homework.
I don't think they could strike a balance between a childish Khushi and mother Khushi. Which, again shows where their 'priorities' were.
And yes, children do subconsciously absorb a lot of behavior from the adults around him. I absolutely agree he'd outwardly be a lot like Arnav cause it's tough to unlearn that he needs to not be like his father to get his approval. It will take some time and acknowledgement of the family to help Aarav find his own personality and identity that isn't influenced by Arnav's behavior.
I do think from Khushi he might learn distracting his stress by doing something that controls his impulses. For Khushi it's jalebi, for Aarav it could be something else.
I do think Khushi-Arnav would communicate with Aarav early on about being orphans considering their struggle to adjust as parents and Aarav's struggle to accept a new family. You must read @ridzmystique 's beautiful OS called Under the Starlight
I'd like to quote a head canon about Aarav from one of my previous posts;
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#6 “Mom”
Never, in a million years, with all her twenty imaginary babies would Khushi have ever imagined to be called ‘mom’. In her fantasies of Laad Governor & Sanka Devi’s Shaadi Shuda Zindagi she thought she had imagined it all;
A hot, passionate but crazy marriage. Their brood of children would be half western, thanks to English Singh Raizada, and half traditional. Her son would probably take after his father in looks (which she would be grateful for) and in temperament (which she would curse Arnav for). Their daughter would be just like Khushi (which Arnav would be grateful for) and naively believe in all love and romance (which Arnav would curse Khushi for).  And then Arnav and Khushi would have another set of a son and daughter to have the roles switched.  Arnav would be positively traumatized upon being called “Babuji” and would drop all his business to make sure his brood calls him “Dad/Papa” and Khushi would leave all her jalebis and shop to make sure her little army of Raizada’s called her “Amma” instead of “Mom!”
That is until the day Aarav calls her mom. Suddenly, that is the sweetest word Khushi has ever heard and she does not want Aarav to call her anything else. Because it’s what Aarav calls her. 
Aarav, although shown to be identical to Arnav and immediately close to him because he believed all along that Arnav was his father - hence tried to impress him as much as he could - grows to become mamma’s boy. It’s Khushi’s childishness, sense of humor, joy for life, maturity and zest that brings out the boy’s childhood. 
I am sure one day Khushi sits and talks about being an orphan - and Aarav would be surprised at Khushi’s happiness despite her tragedy. I feel Khushi would actually play a key role in nurturing Aarav and making him a wholesome boy who can laugh, dance and enjoy life like his mother. 
In a nutshell, Aarav grows to become the perfect combination of his parents; slightly religious, loves sweets, plays pranks, is extremely sharp at mathematics, sarcastic, introvert, dry sense of humor, values relationships, values money and is temperamental enough to get people to obey him. 
Oh, and did you think Arnav was a terror if anyone insulted Khushi in front of him? That Arnav would slap and rip away the person from planet and protect his wife from all costs. 
Don’t even think of insulting Khushi with Aarav Singh Raizada around. 
Even Arnav can’t raise his voice on Khushi in front of Aarav. 
Aarav is obviously, protective about his father too - except he’s not too vocal about his. Arnav becomes a mentor, guide and a loving father for Aarav, while Khushi becomes Aarav’s best friend. 
The End,
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loveriotss · 1 month
Hii! Could you do some Mr.Compress headcanons pls? Tysmm! 💗
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HCS OF HIM AS YOUR BOYFRIEND ⸻ atsuhiro sako / mr compress
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INCLUDES — gn! reader, fluff, headcannons, drabbles/one shots WARNINGS — reader is implied to be part of the lov/lives together with the
main masterlist — mha masterlist ༊*·˚
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he lovess bragging about you to the other members.
literally will not shut up!!
atsuhiro leaned back in his chair, a smug smile on his lips as he sipped his drink. across from him, sat twice who looked like he was being held hostage. "you wouldn't believe the day i've had," atsuhiro began, his eyes sparkling. "y/n cooked for me today! it was so remarkable and exquisite! they made this-" "listen man," twice interrupted, trying to put on a pleasant expression. "i'm really happy for you and i love that you enjoy your time with y/n! but..how long are you planning to keep talking about them? it's been like almost 4 hours."
dates with him are always unique and memorable. private magic shows, picnics in scenic spots or romantic candle lit dinners in secret places.
a HUGE gift giver!
he will go all out! oh you were eyeing a pair of cute shoes today? he stealthily compressed it and presented it to you proudly. or maybe you had to reluctantly leave a cute giant teddy bear behind at that one shop...only to find out that the marble atsuhiro left on your desk was actually the teddy bear!
yeah he's technically stealing them instead of buying but its the thought that counts! (he is a villian after all, what can you expect?)
he's not afraid to show you his love openly.
expect grand declarations of love, like surprise dates or writing you countless romantic letters as if he were a lovesick teenager.
the other lov members are sick and jealous of you two.
he always respects your personal space and boundaries and makes sure you don't get overwhelmed by his dramatic personality.
as much as he is confident and flashy in public, he's incredibly affectionate and sweet in private.
late night cuddle sessions while you two talk for hours on end, comfortable in each other's arms. honestly, that's his favorite part of the day.
he can be a bit possessive, but not in an oppressive way.
usually more dramatic and pouty when he's jealous, making the situation more silly than serious.
in the dim glow of your room, atsuhiro sulked dramatically on the edge of your bed. you were completely engrossed in your book, sitting with your back pressed against the headboard of your bed. "do you know," atsuhiro began, letting out a melodramatic sigh, "how dreadfully overlooked and unimportant i feel at this moment?" you glanced up, an eyebrow raised. "oh really? and what is that supposed to mean?". atsuhiro shifted, leaning forward with an exaggerated pout. "well, it's not everyday one finds themselves overshadowed by a book of all things." you giggled softly, setting the book aside. "aww are you jealous of a book?" "jealous?" he scoffed, "whatever made you think such a thing? i simply can't bear to see my amazing presence overshadowed by..pages. that's all!" "alright, oh great one, i apologize for this disastrous behavior of mine. please forgive me" you reply, matching his tone playfully. his pout softened into a smile, the dramatic flair melting into warmth. "well, perhaps if you could indulge me with a bit more attention, i may consider forgiving you." "yes yes, my attention is now all yours." you reply, wrapping your arms around him as you place a soft kiss on the top of his head.
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NOTE — omg i can finally make posts with the asks!! it used to glitch for some reason before when id try to make longer posts with it 😭. anyways i kinda giggled while writing this ugh im so delusional 🤭🤭. also added two drabbles/one shots (idk what to call it) just becauseee. sorry if this might seem a bit ooc, i referred solely to google to get an idea of his personality because honestly i dont rmb shit of what he said or did in the anime 🧍.
©loveriotss — all rights reserved to me. please don’t try to copy/steal my work. please do not use any of my ideas/translate my work without my permission.
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gleefullypolin · 5 months
I agree, I think people had 2 years of headcanons in their heads and a lot of people hung a lot of meaning on one sentence where Anthony calls him green and where he says he's sworn off women, the implication for a man of the time he's in is, of course, being that he's sworn off love. Not sex. We have no idea of knowing what he did or did not do on his first trip out of the country. There's nothing in the show that made me think he was saving himself. Tbh, the only time I ever heard of Colin being a virgin was in fandom, that was their idea, not the show's.
And to be frank, though I know I may not express it as delicately as I mean to, the way people want her to sleep with Debling is not the same as him sleeping with sex workers that he's paid to entertain him. The equal comparison would be Marina (in show canon) and yeah, give me a brothel scene over that any day of the week. We are not meant to take these 20 second scenes of the male leads being with other women seriously to their love story. I know it sounds terrible but if you take the time they're in and the women they're sleeping with, there are no feelings there. Anthony stops sleeping around when he starts courting Edwina seriously (or at least they don't show it). I think Simon almost goes to a woman but can't go through with it in his season (it's been a while since I've seen it) when he started to have feelings for Daphne.
Oh yes, book Colin is experienced and s bit cocky but that's part of what is so important to their spicier scenes in the book, he's like, overwhelmed at being with her? Like, he's had sex and been with women but he's barely hanging onto his senses with Penelope because he's so in love with her. Even before he realizes he's in love with her, he's damn near worshipping her. Which is fair because the man declares he worships the ground she walks on later, ha. I think him having experience is probably integral to their scenes somewhat because, well, there's no real way to have two virgins be anything less than awkward, it's not going to be sexy at all. That carriage scene doesn't work with a man who has never touched a woman sensually.
(Please direct all potential pitchforks you get for my opinion to me, I can handle it, haha. I'm turning into a Lord Kenebling hater at this point so I'm ready for it.😄)
Oh my god, Neal. My villain origin story. I have never actually detested a character quite like that. Even actual villains I'm like...I get it a little bit. Him dying off was truly the best thing, I was like wooooo! yeahhhhh!! The most annoying arc on that show was always his, ha. He was trash and I can never be convinced otherwise.
Man, if I never have to see her onscreen again that would be fine. She's truly just so unlikable. I didn't even know Phillip for more than 30 seconds in s2 and I was like I am so sorry my guy, go tend to your plants. I feel you.
They love to inflate everything a character does when it suits their narrative. The girl doesn't lie about what she's saying and they totally ignore that LW is only relevant to their society because society is buying her paper, they're the ones eating it up. Suddenly they can't see and can't hear when you mention that. If you give me a teenage/young woman with a complex character who acts like an actual human being I can give you never ending examples of people who suddenly think misogyny is cool actually.
(Double that if there's a ship war of some kind happening)
I agree with you. 2 years was a LOOONG time to build up a headcannon while waiting for this season to launch. And even longer considering people who were into the books and waiting for this to come. I stumbled into this not even knowing they ended up together, so I was just following along and went aww aren’t they cute, I want them to end up together. Lucky me it ended up being a canon ship. HAHA!
But honestly for a man traveling the world, gaining experience in Paris and Greece, I would expect he stumbled into a lady’s bed now and then, he’s quite handsome. ESPECIALLY because he’s trying to find something, he’s out looking for his purpose, running from whatever he left at home (don’t tell me he didn’t feel anything for Pen, I’ll never believe he felt nothing and that didn’t confuse him) and has no idea what that may his purpose is and you are right, he swore off women and after Marian that equaled love! Because that is what burned him. So, he was not looking for a woman to LOVE. That did not mean he was not looking for experience or otherwise. So, I never really thought he would come back “untarnished”.
I am with you on the Debling of it though. I have ZERO interest in Pen sleeping with him or otherwise. Zilch. I will not be delicate either and I think you may be the only person who reads my blog anyway so I doubt I see any hate for this, so I am of no concern, but that is of no interest to me for her. Because she is not out searching for that. Pen is looking for confidence, yes. She is looking for someone to see her for her, yes. But it was a different time back then. And I do not think she will be getting what she needs from Lord Obi Wan, it will be nice, it will be sufficient for what she thinks she can get, but it will be lacking and that is not what our Pen deserves.
I read a Shondaland piece today and boy did it hit me because it hit to what I really wanted to drive home about Pen’s coming of age story.
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Then there was the video of LN and NC saying what they disliked about their characters, and she said it was that her character was a compulsive liar. And I was like GIRL YES! I know people don’t want to hear it but YES, that is the part of growing up I want to see. You can’t build love and an adult relationship on a lie, and this is why I need him to find out about LW BEFORE he proposes and they get together because adult Colin and Pen need to bare themselves to each other with no lies. All truth. Pen cannot be herself until she is both Pen and LW and then show him who she is and that she loves him before he can truly love her as who she is and she is Pen but she is also LW. I was like YAS QUEEN!
Sorry I ran off on a tangent. Where was I…After the lying is over EXPERIENCED Colin knowing who she is can then worship the damn ground that the queen walks on. Sorry that his Pen walks on. And I do think that he will worship the hell out of her because you don’t get a man yearning like we have seen on his face in like every damn scene we have gotten so far without him never wanting to touch another woman and constantly calling her “my wife” like we are getting.
I’m always so glad to meet a fellow Neal hater. The Captain Swan ladies always seemed to enjoy that every fic I wrote would never paint him in a positive light and would always end up killing him in some painful and ridiculous way. I appreciated him dying, good on you sir, but man their shippers were insufferable.
I don’t think they will bring her back…fingers crossed because its not necessary. And I think it just confuses the plot and makes it icky. I know when I figured out who he was I was like…oh eww. Plants…yes tend to the plants.
Right, no one mentions the fact that everyone buys the “trash” she writes and slurps it up like a dessert. I’m just so curious how he figures it out. I’ve actually been dreaming up so many different scenarios. Eloise lets it slip, Pen says something that he traces back to a phrase in an article, he follows her, a glance, she yells it at him in an argument, my goodness I’ve pretty much dreamed it all up. I’ve quite enjoyed trying to come up with new ways to make the time go by. I don’t get why people get so angry, make it a game and play on!
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lucilucialu · 2 years
teen wolf movie post credit scene:
"i'm baaack!" liam walks into his apartment carrying a duffle bag and a small plastic bag "i stopped by the store and bought you those disgusting cookies you love so much". he puts the bag on the kitchen counter and gets the food out "i don't get why you like them tho, they smell like cat food". getting no response, he leaves the kitchen and goes to his bedroom
"hey, where are you? please tell me you're not-" there's a large dog lying on the bed "oh c'mon! seriously? how many times do i have to tell you not..." the animal, that was previously sleeping, growls at him "...to get on the bed- did you just growl at me?" the dog just ignores him "ok, get out of here. im gonna throw away your cookies i swear-"
liam ends up pushing the animal off the bed bc it refuses to move. he groans when he sees all the short black hairs on the white comforter. "oh you fucking stupid dog" he tries to get the hair out of the bed "you always do this. i don't understand why you always do this" he can hear the animal moving around the room behind him while he complains. "are you seriously gonna make me buy one of those pet hair remover brushes? is that what you want?"
suddenly there are two strong arms wrapping around him from behind and someone snuggling against his neck and hiding a smile on his shoulder and kissing the back of his head and "i want you to shut up"
liam sighs and stops what he was doing. "and i want you to get off me" but he's not that mad anymore. how could he?
"i thought you liked me naked and behind you?" "no-" "oh, right. you prefer to be behind me" "i prefer you to not be anywhere near me when you just were a dog like two minutes ago"
theo just hugs him tighter
"and even less if you're naked" "you know, i wish you could stop calling me a dog. it's a coyote" "it's a dog. a dumb dog leaving hair all over our bed. also you stink, go get a shower"
theo grabs liam's upper arms and turns him around so they are facing each other. he puts his hands on liam's shoulders, one of them traveling up his neck and cupping his jaw. "shower with me?" "no" but he stills put his arms around theo
"i haven't seen you in months. i missed you" he starts caressing liam's face with his thumb and wow theo remembers all of his manipulative tactics perfectly. "and i missed you. so much" liam leans closer so their foreheads touch "so so so much. like. you have no idea" theo snorts and the sound is so simple and stupid and fuck he really missed him "which is why im gonna make dinner for us while you take a shower. lydia taught me this pasta recipe... you're gonna love it" "fine, pup" "i can't believe i missed hearing that" "you love it"
theo drops his arms and starts walking to the bathroom but liam grabs his wrist before he can get too far and just
just looks at theo and stays there holding his hand and "i'm serious, theo. i missed you so fucking much. i don't ever wanna do this again if you're not coming with me. and i don't care if i sound needy or whatever". theo smiles and uses his hold on liam's hand to pull him close and kisses him, soft and sweet and slow. he kisses liam for the first time in what feels like an eternity
liam gives him one last kiss before pulling away, but not too far, arms around each other, liam loving the feeling of theo's warm naked skin. he looks so dumb and in love and theo loves it him. "hi" "welcome back, by the way. and thanks for the cookies" "i love you" "i know. i love you too. tell me everything about your little adventure?" "i will, during dinner. i promise"
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mi6hub · 3 years
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꒰🖇꒱ nsfw alphabet with mycroft holmes ; — [ requested by @ilovealbert. song in banner: earned it - the weeknd (slowed + reverb by me) // tw: lighy mention of: daddy/sir kink, feet fetish, dacryphilia, toys (dildo and ben wa balls) // this is my first ask, and also my first and proper ns/fw headcanon. this ended up longer than i expected. i’ve read other people’s ns/fw alphabet and none of them are as long as me. starting to think i’m weird. anyways, thank you for the request! this was fun to do i’m sorry it took so long though, and if it’s boring. anyway, here’s your meal you mycroft whores. ]
[ ↗ click here for ynm masterlist ]
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oh, mycroft would be so sweet and gentle with you. whether it’s after a rough or soft sex, he’ll always get up from the bed and fetch you a clean towel already dipped in warm water. he’ll wipe clean all the love juices from your body. he’s also very thorough while doing so, occasionally asking you questions like, “is the towel too hot?” or “is that all of it?”, just to make sure. once he’s done with you, he’ll clean himself up a bit before flopping down on the bed beside you, hugging you close as he lightly kiss your forehead.
mycroft’s favourite body part of his are his shoulders. they’re not too broad or too narrow. he loves it even more when your legs rest on them for support as he pounds into you. as for your body part, he loves your thighs and feet. YES, YOU READ THAT RIGHT. mycroft enjoys seeing your thighs shake a little when you’ve reached your high, his cum leaking from your hole and trailing down the skin of your thigh, or when you rest them on his shoulders as he eats you out. (i mentioned) he likes your feet, especially when they’re in the shoes he bought for you or in cute a pair of socks. mycroft doesn’t mind railing you with them on.
usually, mycroft would wear a condom as a precaution. but if you ask him not to, he’s fine with that as well, just as long as you’re sure. he tries to avoid coming in you, so he prefers to dump his cum on your back or on your stomach. a little mess is fine for him. in fact, it arouses him for some reason. there’s something lewd seeing your skin tainted with his cum, like he’s marking you. sometimes, he’ll ask for your permission on where he could come. he just wants to do whatever makes you feel good.
despite mycroft being ‘the government’, you’d think the last thing he wants is a ‘scandal’ about him. but no. he may always put on a stoic face and give off an intimidating aura, but mycroft have always loved a little challenge. he likes the feeling of getting caught when he’s sexually teasing you in public, although it’s nothing too extreme. it could be just him sneaking his shoe inside your dress or skirt, and then gently dragging it on the side of your calf, making its way to your thighs. or if you’re thigh-riding him in the stranger’s room, he’ll try to make you whine. “don’t hide your voice, love. i want them to know who you belong to. you’re mine. my good little pet.”
he’s a workaholic and rarely has the time to hook up with someone. plus, he’s not a one-night stand kind of guy. so, he’s likely never been with anyone before you. he’s also the kind of man who view romance as ‘a waste of time’. but that changed when he met you. he may not be experienced, but he’s not completely lost either. if a certain thing that he does makes you feel good, he will always remember that for future use.
he’s a simple man, missionary is always his go-to. since he adores your thighs, he’ll likely pull them up, either hug them with his arms or hook the back of your knees on his shoulders. he also likes it when you get on top of him. the weight of you on him and the way he can feel your thighs rubbing his waist as you grind against his cock just drives him nuts.
mycroft’s rarely ever funny in bed. he’s the type of man to get straight into business and that’s making you cry while you beg him to let you come. if you as so much let out a giggle over his actions that you think is funny, he’ll give you a look before putting you back in your place.
mycroft’s pretty self-conscious, so, he shaves diligently. before having sex with you, he checks and keeps them trimmed short and clean. and yes, the carpet does match the drapes.
oh, mycroft’s not romantic in bed. he’s just mean; endlessly teasing you and denying you your orgasm. he juggles between degrading and praising you. your embarrassed face drives him crazy, always.
of course, he does. he jacks off to thoughts of you. it’s the only thing he’s able to do when he’s cooped up with work and can’t return to you sooner than he expected. it keeps him sane, at least. that’s why he keeps a picture of you in his office, both in his work place and the diogenes club. he only does this behind locked doors.
daddy or sir kink. something in him just snaps when you utter the word “daddy” while he’s balls deep inside you. it encourages his hips to move faster. or when you say “yes, sir” when you comply to his wishes. he also developed a liking towards light bdsm, like blindfolding you. he loves how you become even more sensitive and can’t stop squirming under his touch. if you can’t stay still, he’ll softly slap your inner thighs.
anywhere private, his place, or your place, or shared flat if you live together. but mycroft can be a bit shameless sometimes. he has thoughts of fucking you in the table of his office or in his club: the diogenes club. specifically in the stranger’s room. if it’s in the modern era, he won’t hesitate to defile you in his car.
you leaning down to whisper his name in his ear, when you tug at his tuxedo and call him, “daddy”, you wearing the shoes he bought for you, seeing you cook in the kitchen and only wearing his shirt, panties and socks, you being a slight dom! and say things like, “i want you flat on your back. helpless. tender. open. with only me to help” as you push him back on the chair or bed and climb on top of him.
threesomes or any kind of group sex. he’s quite possessive of you, so, don’t even think about it. you’re his and his alone. and also doing things that might hurt you, like knife or gun play, he doesn’t like them.
BOTH. mycroft lives to offer you pleasure. during the day, he serves his country. at night, well, he serves you, and he does that by eating you out. with every sex session, he gets ridiculously good at it too, and won’t stop until you come on his face. but once in a while, he’ll want you to give him a blowjob because nothing empties his mind quicker than his cock around your mouth. just take him out, honestly. he’ll praise you for it.
this depends entirely on his mood. most of the time, he’s somewhere in between, not too rough, but also not too soft. when you’re being a brat, he will be rough, though.
mycroft’s not a big fan of quickies because he thinks there’s nothing intimate about it. the idea of quickies is that you have to do it fast. but mycroft loves taking his time with you. he views sex as a sacred act, so he’d rather hold himself back. besides, mycroft’s always busy and he prefers not to have any sort of distraction when he’s working. it can be challenging, to hold his desires in, though he won’t admit that. but he knows that he can get what he wants with you once you’re both alone, far, far from the sights of people.
yes, he’s game to experiment. he won’t know if he likes it until he tries it. not only does he want to know the stuff that make both of you feel good, but he’d like to know the things you don’t like as well. if you don’t like to do a certain thing, he won’t force you to do it again. that’s final. mycroft likes a little risk, despite what his occupation says. refer to alphabet D.
prepare for your soul, thighs and holes to get wrecked because he can go for hours. sex is where he gets to release all of his pent-up frustration caused by his work. so, he’ll only stop when he doesn’t feel stress anymore, or at least less stress than before. so when he says, “i’m not done, yet” you best believe he is not yet finished with you (r.i.p that pussy, aye *peace sign*).
i don’t know what kind of sex toys the victorian age had, or like, if they ever had one, haha. but, let’s pretend they do. mycroft would have a dildo and ben wa balls (i think he prefers the balls more). mycroft will tell you to use the kegel balls when going out on dates, or worse, a very formal party where mycroft had invited you to come as an escort.
OH, HE’S UNFAIR, ALRIGHT. such a devil and a menace in bed. he’ll keep on edging you, deny you of your orgasm. if you’re not crying while pleading and calling his name, he won’t give it to you. only when you’re not able to say his name properly, he’ll let you come.
mycroft’s not loud, but also not silent. he can control his own voice, and reserves it only for your ears. oh, he definitely moans. and his moans are fucking glorious—deep and erotic. when he does that, you know you’re doing him right. but he’ll hiss every time he tries to hold his moans back, because he knows that you get off on it. his deep and husky voice always wreck your poor soul when he leans forward to whisper an order or request or little praises in your ear while panting for breath. “you’re being so good for me, sweetheart.”
as said before in alphabet Q, mycroft would rather hold his horniness in than having a quickie that’ll probably last less than ten minutes. so, be ready when he starts to unleash all of his demons upon you in private. because of this, his sex drive is almost endless. he won’t stop until you’re a quivering mess and he’s satisfied (still practice safe sex, of course). you’d know that he’s in the mood when he starts poking at your feet or the side of your leg with his shoe, while giving you a gaze that’s eerily calm. it can only mean one thing, and you’d instantly know.
it doesn’t take him long to fall asleep after sex. the man already used up all of his energy to pleasure you and himself. combined with how physically and mentally taxing his work is going to be in the morning, he deserves some proper rest. he’d always hold you close to him when he sleeps, wrapping his arm around your waist. you would know that he has fallen asleep when he begins to snore lightly. it’s cute, honestly. sometimes, you can’t help but watch him sleep. because it’s the only time you get to see him at peace.
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beanswrites · 3 years
Headcanons for characters Pt. 4: Sleepy Julian Devorak
Hey everyone! Look at me, finally continuing this series!
(Me, looking at the Muriel, Portia and Lucio Fluff, some characters from MHA, and ship headcanons that are hiding in my drafts: 😶)
Anyway, the requests for headcanons and fanfics are still open! Just as a reminder, I don't only do The Arcana characters, so you can request literately anyone you want!
This part will be headcanons for sleepy Julian Devorak, from the mobile game/visual novel "The Arcana"! (So incredibly cute) Requested by anon!
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♥︎Julian Devorak♥︎ - Sleepy
- You and Julian were laying on the bed, taking a break after the exhausting day you both had. He was laying besides you, nuzzling his head into your hair and shoulder, since your scent calms him.
- Even tho Julian is usually the smaller spoon when you cuddle, this time he laid behind you with a hand around your waist. This was supposed to be a quick cuddling session before both of you returned to your tasks, but he yawned a few times too many for you to not notice he's tired.
- "Babe.. Babe... Julian! Are you awake, honey?"
- "Hmm, what..? Oh yeah, yeah, I'm *yawn* awake.."
- A few moments later, his cute snores muffled by your hair could be heard echoing thru the room. You smiled to yourself, knowing damn well that cuddling is one of the very few things that calms him down, and heaven knows he needs the rest.
- About half an hour into his nap, you started to drift off yourself, but there was a problem. Of course, just as you found the most comfortable position to sleep, and just as you actually were trying to sleep, you had to pee!
- Julian is a tall man with strong arms. That, therefore, means his grip is unescapable, especially if he loves you and wants to keep you close, so wiggling out of his arms took longer than expected. To not wake him up, you tip-toed your way to the bathroom.
- Once you were finished, you tried to sneak back in under the covers just as quietly as you left, but were surprised to find your boyfriend awake.
- "Oh goodness, I can't believe you would just leave me like this darling!"
- He said, dramatically putting his hand against his forehead. You chuckled a little, and approached him.
- "I didn't leave you, I had to go pee! Sorry if I woke you up.."
- As soon as you stood on the edge of the bed, he pressed his forehead to your stomach, and let out a huge, tired sight.
- "No, you didn't.. Just couldn't sleep without you..", he hummed as you hugged him tighter.
- You laid down, bringing him down with his head on your chest. He immediately got excited, nudging his nose into your chest and completely relaxing as you stroke his back.
- "You know I love you, right? I love you, MC... Did you hear me..? I love you.."
- With a huge smile on your face, you told him: "Yes, Julian, I heard you.. I love you too, you idiot, rest now!" He really does turn into a sappy ball of mush when he's sleepy.
That would be all for this one! Thanks for reading, and thank you anon for requesting such a cute idea! The next one coming is the main 6 Modern! AU, which was, also, requested.
Follow me for more headcanons and fanfics, if you have a request or some random scrabbles and rankings!
Request anything/anyone you want, I'm accepting all ideas!
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floyrid · 2 years
Now that it is pride month it is time for the most serious question
Dating headcanons!
If I could ask for a side dish could I maybe ask for headcanons of their kid(s) reactions to pride/if they came out
HI I'M REALLY REALLY SORRY FOR ANSWERING SO LATE I've been so busy I'm not even checking my account <//3
But yes pride month! Aka florid month, as we all know~ I have lots of headcanons on this but I'll go with a date planned by Floyd cause that's what I ended up writing and I think I like how it went aksjdnajknf I could also talk about my "first date" hc but I think this would get longer than it should, so let's go!
A date planned by Floyd
We all know Floyd's carefree personality keeps him from putting any effort on anything unless he gets really excited about it. And we also know going out with Riddle definetly would be one of those things. So we have an excited Floyd and a rigorous Riddle. What could our eel do plan a date that satisfies both of them?
I think Floyd would try to think on what he knows that will make Riddle happy. He would enjoy himself if he saw his Goldfishie having fun, even if it's not one of his favorite activities. Like, he thinks maybe going to an opera concert or idk somthing as boring as it sounds to Floyd would please his boyfriend.
So he makes his best to look presentable, makes his research and buys two tickets for a concert. Now it's time to invite Riddle.
Floyd makes his way to Heartslabyul with lots of eyes falling on him, as he looks nothing as the casual Floyd Leech. People start to talk, of course, but the whole school knows they're dating (cause they couldn't be more obvious even if they wanted to-).
Anyways, he knocks at Riddle's door expecting to find the boy studying, as always, but he's determined not to get carried away by the urge to tease the redhead.
Floyd is actually surprised by Riddle coming up behind him, and asking "what are you doing here… and dressed like that?". Floyd cleans his throat to say "I'm here to request the Goldfishie Queen's presence this sunday, your Majesty", as he had practiced, but the only thing that comes from his mouth is "What?", as Riddle looks like he's going to burst out laughing at any moment.
"It's you!", Riddle finally laughs while unlocking the door. "What happened to your clothes, Floyd… to your hair…! Oh my God, you look like Jade. Come here", and as Floyd do as he's told, Riddle messes up his hair and unbuttons his vest. "There. Better."
Floyd doesn't know why, but that makes him blush. He thinks it's because now his looks are ruined, and his character won't fit.
"What are you doing here, by the way? Did you come see me?", Riddle asks, and now Floyd is embarrassed about the lines he prepared to recite. He's not used to the feeling.
"I came to ask Goldfishie… Well I thought you might like to see this", he hands the tickets for the concert, and pouts. "But Goldfishie ruined my looks! Now there's no point on following the whole prince and queen script."
Riddle doesn't know what he's talking about, but the tickets caught his attention. It really doesn't look like the type of concert Floyd would spontaneously watch.
"I'm surprised you bought these. Do you really want to go? I know you don't like opera", says the dorm leader.
"Wha? Why are you askin', Goldfishie, course I wanna go! I want to take you to every concert until you get tired of them! I mean, you're coming, right?"
"So this is what this is about…"
"Making Goldfishie realize this is boring as hell, yeah!"
"No. I mean, going on a date."
Floyd is caught off guard when he hear Riddle drops the word so casually. He's always the one with the romantic words, with the romantic meanings. And everytime Riddle shows that he feels the same, Floyd can't help but to blush upon the feeling he's the happier eel in the world. So he just opens the brightest smile he can and confirms it as he leans to kiss the redhead until he's kicked out of the room for taking too much of Riddle's precious study time.
But hey have a promise.
And when sunday comes, Floyd knows he's going to have fun even if he sleeps for half of the thing (what actually happens and doesn't surprises Riddle at all), cause the first thing Riddle did when Floyd tried to act like someone else was try to turn him back to himself. And when Floyd realized that, he thought anything he did would worth it, if it was with his boyfriend. Cause he loved Riddle, and he was sure Riddle loved him too.
Noooooow for the kids question, I don't think I've ever thought about that specific point?? I only have one fankid for them and she's like, five years old aksjanjkdnf so she doesn't really understands that the world is a shitty place where you can't just be yourself and love whoever you want </3 and, well, I didn't think about this side of her yet.
Although!!! I do have something in the matter, it's just that it will involve another ship, so I don't know if you'll like it but I'll tell it either way. The other ship is treyjade btw!
My marriage/parenting AU is florid centered, but they interact a lot with treyjade and their kids because the characters are quite close. Trey and Jade are parents of five! I don't even have their names yet, but I have this:
One of their kids is like 13/14 when they starts to think about gender and sexuality, and things doesn't make much sense to them. I won't get into details but they end up reaching to Floyd and Riddle to talk about their questions and I think Riddle, specially, would help a lot with this subject as I think he spent a lot of time thinking about this when he was a teen.
Anyways, they would talk to florid a couple times and at some point they (probably Floyd) would about pride after sharing their own personal stories. I their nephew would be comforted.
But again, it's not a big of a headcanon and It's not actually what you asked so I hope it's okay 😭😭
I hope you like the dating headcanons btw!! And again sorry for the late, I'll try to check this account more frequently. Happy pride month!
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shadamyheadcanons · 3 years
Headcanon #252
Sequel to Headcanon #251.
Vanilla returned home after a book club meeting one night to find Shadow washing remnants of macaroni and cheese from a saucepan. He looked up when the door opened and nodded in her direction.
“So sorry for the wait, Shadow!” she apologized. “That went on longer than I expected. How was she?”
“An angel, as usual,” he replied. “I just put her to bed, but she’s probably still awake.”
Vanilla checked the clock, noting that it was 9:00. Perfect timing, as always. She smiled benevolently. “Wonderful. Thank you so much as usual, Shadow! You can get going if you like. I can finish up the rest of the dishes.”
“Are you sure? I don’t mind.”
“It’s no trouble, Shadow! You had to stay longer than expected as is.”
With that said, she paid him and the two said their goodbyes. She ascended the stairs, smiling as she went. I’m awfully lucky to have such good babysitters for Cream, particularly Shadow and Amy. They’ll be great parents someday, I’m sure of it!
The door to Cream’s room creaked softly as Vanilla opened it. “Cream? Are you still awake?”
Cream’s response to her whispers was surprisingly chipper. “Yes, Momma!” Cheese looked up sleepily and rubbed his eyes, evidently more tired than she was.
Vanilla crept farther into the room. “Did you have a nice time?”
“Yes, Momma!” She sat up in bed and nodded excitedly, making her ears flop around. “And guess what I found out?”
“Oh? What is it?”
Cream clasped her hands into little fists under her chin. “Shadow has a crush on Amy!”
Vanilla’s eyes widened. “Is that so?”
“Yeah! I asked him, and he told me!” Her eyes were shining. “I could totally tell. He loves her!”
She sighed dreamily. Vanilla chuckled at the dramatic response. “Well, isn’t that sweet!”
“It is!” Cream suddenly gasped. “Momma, we should do something! They belong together! What if we--”
“Ohhh, no,” Vanilla stopped her, shaking her head firmly. “You shouldn’t get involved with others’ relationships, Cream.”
Cream’s face fell. “But why not?”
“Things can get complicated,” she explained, keeping her expression serious. “They need to figure these things out on their own, and it’s not our business to decide for them.”
“Aww...” Cream pouted, and Cheese matched her expression with a sad noise. She looked back up hopefully. “But...what if we...”
“Cream? You know Amy’s a smart girl. She’ll figure it out. Shadow will, too.”
Cream’s face stayed petulant for a few more seconds, but then she sighed in assent. “Okay, Momma.”
Vanilla smiled. “Good girl.” She pressed a gentle kiss to Cream and Cheese’s foreheads. “Don’t worry, these things have a way of working themselves out.”
Cream beamed up at her. “Thank you, Momma. Goodnight!”
“Goodnight, dear.”
Vanilla shut the door quietly behind her and headed downstairs to the kitchen. My, my...Shadow and Amy? She scratched her chin. Cream may be overzealous...but she’s not wrong.
Vanilla’s smile gained the slightest hint of mischief.
All the same...some things are best left to the adults.
She picked up her phone, scrolled through her contacts, and dialed one of them as she stepped into the kitchen. Vanilla tucked her phone into the crook of her neck to speak into it as she finished washing the last saucepan.
“Why, hello, Vector! I do hope I haven’t caught you at an inconvenient time.”
The stuttered response from the other end of the line charmed her. “That’s nice to hear! Do you remember that weekend getaway we were planning that got interrupted by that urgent assignment you had?” The response was surprised and endearingly excited. “I thought you might. You know, we never had the chance to reschedule.” Her heart warmed at his flustered reply. “Lovely. How does the weekend after next sound? I have something special in mind.” She rinsed out the pan and set it aside. “Oh, Espio’s busy that weekend? You mean there’s no one to watch Charmy?” she lamented, pretending to be disappointed. “You know what? I’ll take care of it. I know exactly what to do.”
She left the kitchen and entered her living room as they hashed out the details and said their goodbyes, still smiling at his nervous replies. She opened up a group text as she sat down in her favorite armchair.
Good evening, you two! I have a huge favor to ask, if you don’t mind. Vector and I are going out the weekend after next. We need someone to watch both Cream and Charmy, and you two always do such a good job, so I was wondering if you wanted to team up for the weekend! I’ll pay extra! :)
Vanilla had to stifle her laughter at Shadow’s immediate reply. Cream wasn’t kidding, was she?
After another minute or two, Amy chimed in as well.
I’d love to. That sounds like so much fun!!! :D
Wonderful! I’ll give you the exact details later. I knew I could count on you two!
Content, Vanilla picked up the embroidery hoop she’d left next to her chair and got to work finishing the phrase she’d begun to stitch in neat cursive the night before.
By the time it was finished, it read, “Mother knows best.”
Am I implying a little Vectilla here?
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You decide.
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hwasong · 3 years
#ᴀᴛᴢ | 𝗯𝗮𝗶𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗺𝗮𝗳𝗶𝗮!𝘁𝗲𝗲𝘇 𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝗼𝗳 𝗷𝗮𝗶𝗹
sᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ: they get caught and you have to bail them out before the police find out they’re apart of a gang
ᴀ/ɴ: gn reader, implied violence
⤷ inspired by @lovesanmotion ‘s prompt from this headcanon <3
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“Someone bailed you out” The guard announces as he sticks the key in the lock, scoffing as he meets Hongjoong’s eyes.
The guard continues, stopping Hongjoong in the doorway, a cocky expression crossing his face “Next time, you won’t have chance for a bail”
“There won’t be a next time” Hongjoong stares at the older guard with a belittling smile, eyes briefly meeting the mans before he’s brushing past him, shoulder bumping into the police officers as a simple sign of disrespect.
Unfortunately for Hongjoong, you don’t look as happy. No, you’re literally glaring him down with your arms crossed over your chest paired with an unreadable expression.
“Sorry to keep you waiting ba-”
“Just get in the car, Kim”
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Seonghwa had got caught the previous night in the middle of an exchange and was immediately ambushed with little-to-no time to escape. He was immediately put in handcuffs and had to rely on Yeosang to get the message of him being arrested to the group. Well, at least before they authorities realised who he is.
He heard some commotion, though, fellow “prisoners” in the bailing cells whistling or rattling the bars as what seemed to be a visitor walked down the halls, barely out of his line of sight.
“Alright, you’re very lucky your [pronoun]’s here to bail you out” He hears keys jangling and sure enough, you’re standing beside the taller officer with an unimpressed look on your face. You told Seonghwa not to go that night. You had a bad feeling from the second he volunteered to go but he ignored you.
“Oh. Thanks baby” Seonghwa smiles awkwardly, hand scratching the back of his neck as a sign of embarrassment or shame. A simply eyebrow raise concretes his feeling of guilt at the small movement.
“Yeah? You owe me £150”
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Yunho is in charge of weapon exchanges and he was unfortunately baited by the authorities. The meet-up spot had been ambushed and the receivers had tattled to the police who then sat in a stake out. Luckily, it was only a regular gun and not a military grade one. Yunho would have definitely been thrown in jail straight away and not in holding.
He heard you though, making a commotion at the front desk, presumably slamming stacks of money down on the desk until the guard let him out. It worked of course! A good bribe always does the trick.
Yunho offers you a small smile when you appear in front of him paired with the expression of a kicked puppy. For a man who had been caught exchanging weapons, he looked eerily similar to a child who had been caught doing something they weren’t supposed to do.
“You’re going to make this up to me, you know that?”
“I’m already planning it..”
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Yeosang stole money from an ATM. Yeosang also got caught. Did I mention Yeosang, the notorious “H3H3TM0N” or “ATZ Pretty Boy” got caught using a fake card to steal money from an ATM, as a skilled hacker? No? Well now you know.
You’re undoubtedly pissed off, already having dealt with the other members barely escaping getting caught a few days prior and having scolded the boys earlier for their behaviour. You left Yeosang without supervision for an hour and now here he is in a holding cell with his head hung low.
“Just bring me to him” You sigh, rubbing your hand against your head as a sign of frustration, trying to wear away at your stress before you muster the strength to shout at Yeosang once again.
“This is why you don’t date thugs” The officer makes an off handed comment which you scoff at, ignoring him as Wooyoung runs over to the cell to begin mocking the hacker. ( Yes you brought Wooyoung. A little moral support wouldn’t harm anyone. )
Yeosang hangs his head in shame as he quietly walks out of the holding cell, offering his hand to you and you grab it with a little more strength than necessary.
“Hongjoong and I will deal with you”
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You knew that Choi San’s cocky attitude would always get him in trouble, and especially one day with the authorities. His ego and extreme confidence would only lead to his demise one day. Lethal or not.
He still smiles behind the bars, pearly whites on a display frame behind a perfect grin. His eyes sparkle under the lighting too - although the yellow lights surely does no one a favour here, he makes it work.
“Wipe that smile off your face, boy” The officer scowls as he aggressively jams the key into the lock, glaring at San’s positive attitude. San continues to smile though, throwing a hand out to gesture at your very displeased being.
“How can I not when my baby is here!” He almost giggles, charging past the officer and nearly knocking him off of his feet as he jogs over to you. You’re still frowning as San throws his arms around you and nuzzles his head against your own.
“Your baby ain’t happy to see ya” The officer observes as he walks past the two of you, raising an eyebrow at your position between San’s arms.
“My darling, I’ll make this up to you~”
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Mingi, although extremely tall, looks harmless with his boyish smile and soft eyes. No one would expect him to be apart of anything dangerous, so when he was caught with some suspicious items on his being he was thrown into holding and they contacted his ‘guardian’. Who knew his baby face would come in handy?
“Oh? I thought that you would be older..” The man sitting at the front desk observes as you inform him why you’re at the station. You simply hum though, waiting for him to receive the BFG. (ironic - really)
He comes out with a charming smile on his face, receiving a lecture from the man who still assumed that Mingi was a teenager about to participate in antisocial behaviour.
“Don’t worry, I’ll make sure to ground him!”
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Wooyoung was caught due to his cockiness. Although his ego had been brought down a few pegs by yourself he still had his narcissistic moments. That was exactly why he got thrown into holding when he didn’t get caught through a crime, but when he mouthed off an on-duty officer.
The young man was only thrown in for about 10 minutes before he started causing trouble by singing obnoxiously, telling the officers working anecdotes from his days and by ratting his jewellery against the cell bars.
“Take him.” The officer practically begs you, almost throwing Wooyoung at you by the collar of his silk blouse. Wooyoung is of course himself, throwing his arms around you as he plants kisses and announces his love for you as you graciously “saved him from these evil men!”
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Jongho had thankfully only been caught speeding with some suspicious items on his being so he was temporarily thrown into holding while they examined his vehicle. They contacted his emergency contact and it turns out that because Jongho is Ateez’s baby, the whole squad pulled up along with you.
The officers seemed a little taken back with the eight of you crowding the front area but they still brought Jongho back out to the group who were currently teasing Jongho who was about to get scolded by not only the leader but his partner.
As the two of you settled into the back of San’s black car, you leaned over to Jongho and whispered harshly “You’re going to regret being so stupid Choi Jongho”
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please give me feedback on this longer style of writing 💛
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