#seriously ask to tag
hunterwritesstuff · 5 months
Then gent?
Hell yeah! :D
Pre-Fall of studio:
Hunter: "Stop getting in Mr. Connor's way."(Tension)
Sammy: "Stop complaining."(Tension)
Joey: "We won't let you down, sir."(Friendly)
Rebecca: "Stop flirting with our workers."(Tension)
Bruce: "Keep your son and daughter out of our way."(Tension)
Marcy: "Thank you for the occasional baked good baskets your son brings to our workers at the studio, ma'am."(Friendly)
Susie: "Please don't sing. Our pipes can only survive certain pitches, and your crappy singing exceeds that."(Tension)
Tom: "Stop getting distracted, stop feeling guilt, the payday will be worth it."(Tension)
Allison: "Help your husband relax, ma'am. Please."(Tension)
Kenneth: "Don't question us."(Tension)
Henry: "Weak."(Tension)
Norman: "STOP SNOOPING."(Tension)
Bertrum: "Pretentious. Fuck."(Tension)
Lacie: "Could be a good worker. But, you aren't, so stay out of our way."(Tension)
Mary: "Please stop hitting any representatives who try to scooch you out of the way."(Tension)
GENT(The company): "We're doing good work."(Friendly)
Barley(Hunter's bio dad): "A brave soul lost to chance. or....or something."(Neutral)
Grant: "Stop being a fucking coward."(Tension)
Shawn: "The toymaker."(Tension)
Betty: "Why wouldn't you want them, dear?"(Neutral)
Post-fall of studio:
Hunter: "Should've listened better."(Tension)
Sammy: "Still don't want those flood controls?"(Tension)
Joey: "We haven't let you down so far, sir. We don't plan on it now."(Friendly)
Rebecca: "Why so afraid?"(Tension)
Bruce: "This is all your fault."(Tension)
Marcy: "Oh, stop your fucking crying, at least now you don't have to worry about extra mouths to feed."(Tension)
Susie: "we helped you achieve your dream. aren't you happy?"(Friendly)
Tom: "failure."(Tension)
Allison: "Guess you didn't help him relax enough."(Tension)
Kenneth: "See where questions get you?"(Tension)
John: "let's keep this between us, hm?"(Tension)
Henry: "Still as weak as he was back in the day."(Tension)
Norman: "Courtesy of the GENT corporation!"(Tension)
Bertrum: "ew."(Tension)
Lacie: "Also courtesy of the GENT corporation!"(Tension)
Mary: "Nothing left to fight for."(Tension)
GENT(The company): "We won't fail."(Friendly)
Barley(Hunter's bio dad): "Nothing of obstacle."(Neutral)
Grant: "a shame. really."(Tension)
Shawn: "ooh....yeaaah, strike this one from the record."(Tension)
Betty: "The offer still stands, dear."(Tension)
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communist-ojou-sama · 7 months
I really do have an honest question for libshit voteblues, and it seems like it isn't an honest question because that's what I call them but it's merely an honest descriptor:
Anyway, two questions.
Question the first: If Republicans have managed to game the formal structure of the democratic system so that they threaten to end it each and every election cycle, and the proximate consequence is transition to a fascist dictatorship under God Emperor Trump and his Project 2025, then what the FUCK is the appeal of democracy supposed to be? Why are we supposed to fight to keep this system in place instead of inaugurating some other system that categorically excludes fascists from access to political power?
And closely related question the second: if you really believe, if you really, really believe that the Republicans are getting ready to send my family and me back to the plantations and open up death camps for every central American immigrant and Muslim in the country, then why aren't you moving to make the Republican party fucking illegal? Why aren't you firebombing their offices or assassinating their ideologues? Because that's what people have done in the past in similar situations and your insistence on simply forestaying their sweep into power until 4 years later is not commensurate with the seriousness of the consequences in imminent loss of life that you're claiming to believe is at stake.
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lover-of-mine · 5 months
"does Eddie know he can say no?" WAIT NO NOW THAT'S ALL I'M GONNA BE THINKING ABOUT DOES HE????
bestie, i typed that tag down without thinking, looked back at it, the implications hit me and i just turned around because i wasn't ready to think about it. Seriously, does Eddie know that if he doesn't want to have sex, he doesn't have to? That he doesn't have to give in because she's in the mood or escape the house because she likes it in the morning and he doesn't want to give her the chance to start something? DOES HE KNOW HE CAN SAY NO???????????? Does the show even know what they're implying there? Like, seriously. That's such a wild thing when you think about it. Eddie thinks that if she wants to have sex, he has to even if he doesn't want to. And I'm kinda what the fuck over here, yk?
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So I may have got The Book of Bill and it has me in a slight tiny itty bit of a death grip hyperfixation where all I've been able to imagine is his pathetic toxic ex ass
This pathetic triangle has once again parasitically wormed his way into my brain after years of absence
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Also he totally would try and gaslight Ford and say he probably just lost the shirt when he stole it if ever asked where the shirt went
Ok so I could've put a ton of things in that last, panel, so I did, with some joke suggestive ones as the last two below the cut
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I'm going to explode him with stock video explosions a bajillion times over
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carouselunique · 5 months
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They had a bit of a chance encounter on a day where Blueblood was dealing with something that was very difficult and was so caught up in his emotions he didn’t even care that he was in the garden getting grass stans on his coat and Ditzy, with her natural impulse to cheer ponies up, didn’t even notice or care that she was flying into the palace gardens when she saw someone sat in the rain.
At first he was definitely going to call the castle guards to come apprehend this strange filly with the odd eyes who was intruding when this was the last moment he’d want to entertain any desperate debutantes, however she surprised him by not fawning or anything, not even caring about his status, just putting one of her fluffy wings up and asking if he needed somepony to lend an ear.
“Don’t let my eyes fool you, my ears work just fine!”
She was incredibly disarming and while he didn’t reveal everything about why he was upset, he found himself talking about his feelings to her. And she made such cheerful remarks, and was very comforting. In the end, he felt better and she came to check on him the next day, even sharing a blueberry muffin with him. He remarked that he’d never seen her around before, and that he wouldn’t mind terribly seeing her more often.
The rest, as they say, is history.
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trans-androgyne · 20 days
Hey man, I don’t think you should reblog from spacelazarwolf. He’s a genocide supporter and having people like him in the community gives people amazing ammunition to use against people who believe in transandrophobia.
People have made many accusations against avi to me and upon looking into them not a single one has been true. He's been being called a zionist since way before he said anything about i/p on the basis of him being jewish alone. He has a long post in his F.A.Q. about how he isn't a zionist and doesn't support the israeli government, put up only because people wouldn't leave him alone about it, and he still gets these accusations anyway. He literally doesn't even believe in states as a concept. If someone has genuine evidence that anyone in transandrophobia conversations actually supports the genocide or denies that it is one, feel free to share. But right now, there are tons of antisemitic accusations being thrown at jewish bloggers around here and I'm not going to just believe everything I'm told.
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thatdeadaquarius · 7 months
PowerPoint night with the genshin cast ✨
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You introduce the wonderful concept of powerpoints, then a powerpoint night and you should expect absolute chaos
Mondstadt over here like,
"Why I Deserve Wine:
I am a god
I am YOUR god, give me offerings duh
(insert conclusion here)"
by Venti, he didn't even both filling out some slides, and they're all just plain text with maybe a nice selfie of himself on the first slide lmao
or better yet, Creator!You version:
"An Explanation of Why the One Above Us All Would Enjoy Living in Liyue During Their Stay Here" by Zhongli, which takes approx. 4+ hours to get thru, and its his case for why u should stay in Liyue Harbor - half the ppl there are actually paying attention and the other half are fast asleep (u included)
Meanwhile Yae Miko trying to stir the pot like, "Which Vision-User, God, or Nation is Our Ruler's Favorite" 💀
Also another presentation that would make several ppl give response presentations and it just becomes: HER SISTER WAS A WITCH BRO = THE CREATOR LIKES SUMERU MORE BRO
CRYING- people like Zhongli, Albedo, Alhaitham, Xingqiu, Neuvillette, Xiao, Sucrose, Jean, Ei/Raiden Shogun, Faruzan all misunderstanding and thinking u actually want a real presentation from them 😭😭
ngl all the Sumeru/Akademiya/Fontaine characters have probably gotten somewhat close to doing some kind of equivalent to this, mostly bc ppl will debate abt the stupidest stuff over there so they get it, wonder if they made drinking games out of it lol
(first question from Sumeru characters is "what is powerpoint night, and why has Alhaitham probably already won it")
pls im so braindead rn there are ENDLESS possibilities for this, if anyone has more I am LISTENING!!!
Safe Travel 0rah,
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If you wanna join a taglist, DM me what for! "Pspspsss, please tag me for [All SAGAU posts, Only SAGAU Language AUs, diff fandom, etc.]!"
(If you ever wanna drop, just DM me! "No more taglists/[specifically this AU/fandom] please!")
♡the beloveds♡
@karmawonders / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza / @genshin-impacts-me / @wholesomey-artist / @thedevioussmirk / @the-dumber-scaramouche / @chocogi / @fallen-starr / @areaderofbooks / @devilangel657 / @esthelily / @justinsomniachild / @nanithefuck / @questionotmystopit / @chinuneko
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badlydrawnloop · 29 days
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welcome to my impulsively made badly drawn blog. oops
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pinkhairswagtourney · 9 months
consider helping a homeless + disabled trans lesbian seek shelter this winter
my friend harmony was kicked out of her abusive + transphobic parents' house last month for being trans . she was able to stay with someone for a week before she was once again , kicked out for being trans . the person who let her stay has a partner who was extremely transphobic towards harmony and forced her to leave . she is once again without a place to sleep .
she has a few job interviews set up but needs help until she has a source of income . per her request , she has asked for money for hotel rooms , food , gas , and at the very least , a good winter jacket and a blanket if she has to sleep in her car . if you can , consider helping her by sending a few dollars her way , i'm extremely worried about her and it's been dropping to below freezing temperatures .
please rb this and spread the word
c-sh-pp + p-yp-l
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sirguyofdykesborn · 9 months
top 5 lesbians
(through laboured breathing) on it boss........ separately or at the same time?
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julijbee · 2 months
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liar, lost root.
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hunterwritesstuff · 11 months
What about a sibling coming across Mark post-encounter or Mark's alternate? Yk,,,angst >:3
Gonna try to do this as a oneshot, feel free to send in again if you want hcs for the same thing! Not gonna go fully in depth here, but Mark's death is mentioned here, and I'm combining the two prompts, so, uh, y'know, be careful reading ahead, it could get a little much. Take care of yourself!
Tw: Referenced suicide, self-blame for suicide, Alt!Mark being an ass to the reader, potential implied bad parenting, and the baggage that comes with this kinda thing, don't read if you're in a bad headspace.
You woke up that night. That horrible, dreadful night. You looked at your clock. It read "10:58 PM". You grumbled as you trudged to your brother's door. He was why you were woken up after all.
"Maaarrrkk..." You yawned, walking over, knocking where the door SHOULD have been closed, but you were too tired to notice the door was open. "It's ten at night, why aren't you asleeeeppp...?" You asked sluggishly.
No answer. This frustrated you. "Mark, come on, man...why aren't you answering me? Come on...don't give me this attitude this late at night...go to bed, nerd..."
Still no answer. "Mark, come on, go to-" You finally opened your eyes, finding Mark's door wide open. Not to mention the bullet holes in it. "...Mark?" You gasped softly.
You walked in, looked around, jumping as you stepped on something. "Ow!!" You looked down, finding you stepped on..a...shell casing. "Mark, come on, man, mom and dad are gonna kill you, what the heck is-" You started, eyes drifting to his bed, jaw dropping and eyes widening in horror at what you saw.
Shell casings were strewn on the bed-how did you not hear him fire off his .50 cal?! You just heard him yell and then-Oh God.
You rushed out of his room, hurrying into the bathroom, vomiting into the toilet. Soon, you stood up from the floor, rinsing out your mouth and signing yourself with the sign of the cross before returning to your brother's room.
On your way back, you realized Sarah might have heard Mark and you went to go check on her, finding she was out of bed. "I heard Mark yell...is he okay...?" She asked, rubbing her eyes tiredly.
"Get back in bed, sweetie, I'll handle it." You hushed, tucking her back in.
"What's wrong?" She asked worriedly.
"Nothing, sis, just..." You muttered, kissing her on the forehead. "...I love you...so much..."
"Y/N, did something happen to Mark?" Sarah asked.
"...you won't understand..." You lamented.
"What happened to him?!" Sarah demanded, now wide awake.
"Sar-Sar, please..." You frowned, tearing up. "Just go back to bed..."
After a bit more begging, Sarah eventually gave up and went back to bed while you went to deal with the situation with Mark, grief heavy on your shoulders.
You didn't understand. Mark seemed fine two, three days ago. He promised Sarah he'd play hide and seek, take her out to get a treat, he was Mark, he was FINE.
Was it something you said? Mom? Dad? You shuddered to think of what could've driven Mark to do such a thing. All you knew is that you now had that image burned into your head. That awful, TERRIBLE, HORRID IMAGE burned into your head.
While you were in his room, you found a note in his reassurances book. "I have no choice anymore. The cops never came for me. NOBODY CAME FOR ME. Whoever is reading this, please stop it before it does this to anyone else."
Then it spiraled into deranged ramblings, all just the words "Who have I been praying to all this time?" until it became an unintelligible mess. To say this fucked with you was an understatement. You started to cry.
You slid down the door. God, how were you gonna tell Sarah? You couldn't. It would break her little heart. You sighed, looking up at the bed, again getting the horrible image burned into your head.
Your brother was dead, and you never went to check on him to make sure he was okay. You just assumed he was okay.
Sure, he was a bit of a mess when he came home...from...Cesar's house...
You froze, reading over the note again and again, pretty much DEDICATING IT TO YOUR FUCKING MEMORY.
Then it clicked.
Mark was a victim of an alternate encounter.
You TOLD him going to Cesar's late at night was a bad idea, you TOLD HIM to listen to the broadcast, you TOLD HIM THAT HE COULD ENCOUNTER AN ALTERNATE, but Mark being the stubborn man he is refused to listen.
You didn't hold it against him, though. He just thought he'd be helping out his friend.
You hold it against YOURSELF, however, that you didn't bother to ask him how he was doing afterwards. If you just reached out, he probably would've been fine, but you were selfish and just wanted to go to bed. That's what you told yourself, anyways.
You hoped, against all hopes, that maybe...just MAYBE, if you shook him, he'd wake up. You shook him, ignoring how cold his body was. "Mark...?" You rasped out.
He offered no response. "Mark...! C...Come on...!" You shook harder, still no response. You were in denial. BAD.
You shook harder, stepping back when he rolled over, "looking" at you with his glassy, lifeless eyes.
You ran back to your room, quickly packing your bag. You needed to get out of the damn house. You didn't know if or when you'd be back, you just knew you needed to go.
"Mark isn't okay, is he...?" Sarah asked.
"Sarah! You're supposed to be asleep...!" You frowned.
"What happened to him? I heard his friend, Cesar talking to him, saying something about a gift or present...did they have a fight...?" Sarah asked.
You started tearing up. The Alternate took the form of Mark's best friend. That was the last straw. "Sarah, I...I'm gonna be going away, for a while..." You sighed.
"When're you gonna be back?" She asked, face full of worry.
"I dunno...I'm just...not feeling too good, y'know? Feeling kinda yucky..." You said, trying to beat around the bush.
"Please...what happened to Mark...?" Sarah begged, tears threatening to spill out of her eyes.
"...Sarah, you're...too young to know exactly what happened...but...just know...it's something bad...really bad..." You explained carefully.
"Really...? I-Is he gonna recover okay...?" Sarah asked worriedly.
"...no...he's...mhh..." You frowned. "I-I need to go, I love you, don't ever forget that, you know my phone number, call me if you EVER NEED ANYTHING, okay?" You requested.
"Wh-Why...?" Sarah asked, confused.
"I know you're really confused, and I know this is probably really scary, but I need you to be a brave little girl for me, okay?" You asked.
"I...I'll do my best..." Sarah nodded sadly.
"Excellent...call me whenever you wanna talk, okay? And I mean WHENEVER."
"Okay..." Sarah smiled softly.
"Good." You smiled, giving your little sister a kiss on the forehead. "Now, don't go into Mark's room, okay? Remember how he NEVER allowed any girls in because he thought they were icky and gross?" You asked.
"Mhm, I 'member." She nodded.
"That rule still holds up now and until otherwise stated." You explained.
"Can I kiss it better?" Sarah asked. "Like he always did?"
Your face darkened. "No...I'm sorry, Sarah, this time, kisses won't make it better...I wish they could..."
"Oh..." Sarah frowned, looking down at the floor.
"Okay, I love you, I'll talk soon, okay?" You asked, Sarah nodding.
"If mom and dad ask where I am, tell them I'm staying with a friend. Doubt they will though." You sighed.
You quickly ran into Mark's room, grabbing his car-keys and hurrying into his car. You didn't know where you were going, but you needed to go somewhere that wasn't here.
[Winter Break, 2009.]
You groaned, rolling over in bed, looking at your clock. 3:33 AM. You dragged your hands down your face. You'd been struggling to get to bed for the past few hours now.
You grumbled, getting up to go make yourself some tea. Trudging out to the kitchen, you rummaged around through your drawers, grabbing some lavender vanilla tea and a mug to put it in.
You knew why you were having trouble sleeping, but you would never admit it. You knew you should've been over it by now, but it was so sudden, you couldn't get over it so quickly.
You shut the cabinet as you grabbed your mug, putting water on the stove to boil. "Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y/N..." You grimaced. He was back. "How-w-w-w's my favorite-e-e-e wo-o-o-o-orthless si-i-i-i-ibling-g-g doing?"
You ignored him. It was your best choice at this point. You tried stabbing him, that didn't work, you tried locking him out, he still found ways in, you tried locking him in the basement, but he used your brother's voice to guilt-trip you into letting him out.
You were stuck with him. "Da-a-a-amn, gi-i-iving your bi-i-ig bro-o-other the silen-n-n-nt treatment-t-t-t? How ru-u-u-ude."
You groaned, hoping the water would boil faster. "A-A-A-A-Are you li-i-i-istening-g-g to me? Ne-e-e-evermind. You-u-u-u ne-e-ever di-i-id tha-a-at in life e-e-either-" It started, but you cut it off, snapping at it.
It narrowed its eyes, going to speak before it slammed its hands over its ears, blocking out the loud, high-pitched whistling sound of the tea-kettle. "...you can't handle high-pitched noise." You gasped.
"SHUT UP." It growled.
"I can get rid of you now! Eat it, bit-" You started.
"THIS IS EXACTLY WHY I NEVER TALKED TO YOU AND KILLED MYSELF!!!" It yelled at you in an exact imitation of your brother's voice.
You froze. That was the first time it was able to perfectly mimic his voice.
The tea-kettle's whistling got louder and higher-pitched, driving the alternate away for now, you getting snapped out of your trance from what the Alternate told you. "h....hello...?" You asked, sounding, honestly, quite haunted.
"Sorry, did I call at a bad time?" You sighed in relief. Thank Go...no, there wasn't one. Thank goodness.
"No, not at all, Sarah...thanks...uhm...yeah, no, I-I'm fine, what's up?" you asked shakily.
"You okay? You sound like you've seen a ghost." Sarah commented.
"Don't worry about it, what's up, are you alright?" You asked.
"Well, I was gonna ask if you've heard anything about the group I'm in or heard anything from anyone else in it."
You paused a moment. "That's with, uhh...Marshall and Murray, right?" You asked.
"Mhm. That's the one."
"No, I...I haven't. Why? Did something happen?" You asked, tilting your head in confusion.
"Adam and Jonah went out for an investigation and I haven't heard from them since. It's been three days and I don't know where they are." Sarah sighed.
"Where did they say they were going?" You asked.
"Uhm...6999 Ark drive, why?" Sarah asked.
You choked on air, sliding down the counter to the ground. "Y/n? Y/N, are you okay?!" Sarah asked.
You shakily brought the phone to your face again, nodding. "Sarah...does that address ring a bell to you...?" You asked, shaking fairly badly.
"No, should I?" Sarah asked, confused.
"That's Cesar's old house." You breathed out shakily.
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iooiu · 2 years
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sister of four younger brothers = violence at every corner
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sandflakedraws · 1 month
The way I describe Branch to people who haven't seen these movies is "the only troll openly cognizant of his role as a prey animal"
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reallybadblackoutpoems · 10 months
men aren't women fuck off with the bs
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diamond geezer (2014) - sandra prior
"explode challenge go"
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atoriv-art · 2 months
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the gay thing really takes away from the villain speeches
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