#seto is my number one obviously
dealterspam · 2 years
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Mitch and Jerome Town AU designs bc they rlly needed one 
I’m redesigning the whole Pack since I’ve been on an og mcyt kick recently :)
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gx-gameon · 5 months
Gx watch through continues
This is the part of Gx where they start throwing things at the wall and see what sticks. It makes the show both endearing and ridiculous
Episode 12
Jaden your a butthole. Walking three batters so he can get the chance to pitch to Bastia and get even. I love your competitive spirit but my boy rein it in.
Crowler why are you putting down Chazz to put up Bastian? Like I get you want and obelisk blue to beat Jaden but to publicly humiliate Chazz and tell him you will drop his dorms if he loses all because he lost to Jaden is wild. (Like I want Chazz to become a better person but Crowler stop bullying your students)
I love Bastian getting Jaden and Syrus to help him paint his dorm and hang out. Also I love how much they support Bastian.
Meeting Chases brother for the first time. I hate them just as much as I remeber
I love Bastian coming to sleep over at the Slifer dorm. (This is setting up for all the students who start living there in season 2)
I love Dorthy coming to tell Jaden about Bastian’s cards getting thrown into the harbor. I love Jaden’s worry for his friend. (Chazz that’s such a dirty trick)
I love Alexis and Zane coming to rat out Chazz’s actions. (But Alexis why didn’t you get the cards out of the water? Like I get it it’s dark and harbor deep but Joey Wheeler jumped off the side of a moving ship to get Exodia. You knew those were someone’s cards and you act like your deck is your life, so why not try and save a few? By the time Jaden gets there they are ruined but not when Alexis is there. Obviously the current is nonexistent if the cards haven’t moved between Chazz dumping them and Jaden finding them. Fl just jump in!)
Love the reveal that Bastian has six decks strapped to him at all times.
I love Bastian’s chemistry deck. I wish they did more with it. Making creatures based on the elements of the period table and then creating fusions for compounds would be sick. (I know they have something similar but I want more of these element themed dinosaurs)
I love Jaden and Zane (we will throw Alexis in to) complementing Bastian’s dueling skills to Syrus
Bastian proving that Chazz stole his cards by showing the formula he wrote on one, amazing “Chazz you stole you cheated, you lost, you deserve to be demoted.” Why didn’t we get more of this Bastian?
Also Bastian refusing to become obelisk until he’s the number one duelist in the freshman class. And then turning to Jaden and saying that’s you.
Episode 13
The monkey looks like and Xenomorph with the helmet and wires on it.
Chazz leaves the school. Jaden calling out how awful Chazz’s friends are. Then they all decide to go and look at him.
A dueling monkey named Wheeler. Enough said.
In this au this episode is summed up with a picture of Jaden and Wheeler going in the family group chat. “It’s me and Uncle Joey.” Joey is high key offended, how could his littlest buddy betray him like this. The. Jaden tells them what happened. Joeys still mad but now at Kaiba.
Jaden also tells them about how the scientist were going to take all of the monkeys and the student if Professor Banner didn’t come to their rescue. Seto’s furious. “Oro-san I never ask this, but can you fire these guys?”
Episode 14
I love the duel spirit is showing up this early.
Jaden not going home for the holidays shows that his cannon parents and him aren’t close. In this au I think he stays because Syrus and Chumley are staying.
Using jinzo to call back to the DM show (Joey’s getting so many shout outs)
Jaden offering his soul to save three other people, it’s very heroic, but Jaden please work on your self-sacrificing attitude before people (your friends) take advantage of it.
I love that Jinzo see Kuriboh and is surprised Jaden has a duel spirit beside him. Jaden’s “he’s a friend first and a spirit second.” I love them.
Jaden ending the episode knowing that duel spirits are real, and dangerous. Great set up.
Episode 15
This dumb episode.
Why are we dueling over Alexis? To be her fiancée? Her and Jaden are first years and this guy is a third year. (It’s giving ‘where my hug at?’ Energy)
Alexis saying the only reason she’s still there is to see if Harrington is as strong as Zane. Fair. But also I wish she was more active.
I already said that Jaden doesn’t know what a fiancée is in this au because Yugi and Seto skip that step. But I also see him being very upset at the way Harrington talks about Alexis. He was raised around Mai and Téa. He’s not taking this.
He was already annoyed with the way Harrington kept interrupting their conversation with his over possessiveness. I think when Harrington challenges him and says ‘winner gets to be Alexis fiancée,’ Jaden might not know what that means but he’s not a fan of this guy trying to make decisions for Alexis. He turns to Alexis and points at the guy. “Do you want to duel him or do you want me to?” Harrington is upset because he challenged Jaden! But Alexis is touched that Jaden puts the ball in her court.
Harrington is throwing a fit so Alexis tells Jaden he can duel but she’s not going to be anyone’s fiancée. After the match Haden goes over to her and asks ‘what’s a fiancée anyway?’ Which surprises everyone and allows Alexis to responded with “it doesn’t matter. We’re friends.” And Jaden just shrugs it off. If Alexis doesn’t care why should he.
Episode 16
Crowler being stressed about his obelisk’s losing duels and having Antes with are against the school rules. (Didn’t Chazz’s first duel with Jaden have an Ante? Look how many rules that boy broke)
Also him comeing to Jaden to fix his problem. (And so it begins, Jaden being the school aron boy.) “no homework for you and Syrus for the rest of the year!”
Chumley asking Jaden “do you even know how to say no?” And Jaden looking confused that’s it that’s the root of all of Jaden’s problems
I love how much more active kuribih is. And that there is a track in the academy for kids who want to design games, not just play them. Since that is what Seto and Yugi do they grow up to make games/game tech.
Jaden you did not just put Winged Kuriboh up as an ante. Atem is going to lecture you hard when he finds out
Jaden figured out the duel giants identity in less then 24 hours. Anyone who says Jaden isn’t smart is wrong. He just has tunnel vision.
These two losers being willing to sacrifice their dreams for each other. Jaden not turning them in because he knows what it means to be made fun of. I wish these two were reoccurring characters. Jaden is such a good person
Also the two returned all of the ante cards. Way to go Jaden.
Episode 17
Unlabeled sandwiches! This place is ridiculous
A whole episode to practice the destiny draw.
Over all thoughts for the au
These probably won’t get full chapters
Bastian’s duel probably will as will Alexis. And the jinzo episode defiantly will get covered.
but the duel monkey, duel giant and destiny draw episodes will be covered in text messages between Jaden and his family.
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changeling-fae · 9 months
G, L, Y, U for the asks!
G - Have you ever had an OTP? If so, do you remember your first one? Who was in it?
Lol, boy, and how! I live and breathe otp’s. My very first otp was probably Seto Kaiba x Serenity Wheeler, from YuGiOh. They were the first fanfic I ever read on fanfiction.net, lol. First otp ship I ever contributed to fandom for was Sesshomaru x Kagome from Inuyasha, where I wrote my very first fics and did fanart.
Though if we want to get really cheeky, I could argue that my very first ship was the knife and the spoon, from cutlery and making them kiss as a tiny kiddo, lol.
L - Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves. (Characters you’re neutral about are fair game, as are characters you merely dislike. Characters that you absolutely loathe with the fire of ten thousand suns are exempt, as there is no point in giving yourself an aneurysm over a character that you hate.)
Hmmm, this is weirdly tough for me, not the complimenting part, but because I have a weird metric of how I view characters. Hm, let’s go with… Mizora. I’m overall neutral on her but I appreciate her petty bitch energy. If I were a cambion, I’d like to be as ambitious as Raphael but in reality I’d be like Mizora and I do appreciate a good petty play. It’s the Gemini in me, lol.
U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites.
I have many favorites but I’ll go with Harley Quinn from Batman, Grunkle Stan from Gravity Falls, and since brainrot be real, Raphael from BG3.
Harley Quinn has been a favorite character of mine since I was a kid watching Batman the Animated Series. I’ve always been a fan of theatrical aesthetics (circus, theatre, commedia dell’arte, etc) and she’s just such a fun character. I’ve really liked over the years how she’s waffled between villain and anti-hero and how she’s not a perfect victim. Also Harley Quinn x Poison Ivy is a top tier ship.
Grunkle Stan because one of my biggest weaknesses in fiction is a sad morally grey older man but who is also protective of his family. He’s fucked up in his life so many times but he keeps trying. I’m a sucker for that. But also he’s just a great character. He’s made me laugh and cry and honestly that’s just a good criteria for any character. I’ve 100% played the fanmade Grunkle dating simulator and no regrets or shame.
And speaking of morally grey, or in this case, completely terrible older men. Raphael, my beloved. I played BG3 in its EA days and the very first time he appeared I was smitten. His voice obviously but also he had my favorite introduction into the game (and still does). The fact that his devil transformation involved a snazzy belt and different shoes is what really sold him to me. He’s so stupidly extra and it calls to my theatre kid nature, lol. I do miss the EA days of him roasting our camp 5 sec after inviting himself.
All that being said, I just enjoy his character within the game too. I like that he’s obviously a villain but he’s chill with us. In part because he wants something from us but I like that it kinda transforms for him into a double obsession. Obviously, crown comes first but there’s something just so delightfully fun about him writing about our character in his journal (entry number 2 is the stuff ships are made of). That he’s a cringefail theatre kid with daddy issues while being thousands of years old is partly what makes him endearing. I loved finding his fanfiction in his house and I love how stupidly bad his hell domination plan is (you’re doing amazing sweetie).
And one other bonus to liking his character is I got to make new friends and moots in particular in his corner of the fandom. 💖
Y - What are your secondhand fandoms (i.e., fandoms you aren’t in personally but are tangentially familiar with because your friends/people on your dash are in them)?
Hm, I’d say currently, Helluva Boss, I’ve got a couple friends into that show. It’s certainly on my list of things to eventually sit down and watch but for now I see it through what my friends show me. Looks good though!
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universestreasures · 3 months
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Haruto and Kaito's relationship, similar to Seto and Mokuba's, is very much that of a 'father and son' in practical terms (and I very much think Kaito took on the role of Haruto's father after disowning Dr. Faker). However, unlike Seto, his actions are much more obviously parental, and the pressure of taking care of Haruto weighs on him very intensely, and we see that weight of having to take care of him clearly in canon, something even Haruto notices and feels guilty about despite his current condition.
In notes of being more parental, he does a lot of the typical bedside manor stuff. He makes Haruto his fav food. He holds his hand. He hugs him close. He checks on him constantly. He reassures him and talks to him gently. All behaviors that scream are obviously parental. And while they are ones I can see Seto do (or have done in some circumstances), Kaito does them constantly. He is always like this with his brother, while Seto usually isn't with Mokuba, but that is probably due to the unique circumstances of Haruto's condition (and if Mokuba was like him, I can see Seto doing the same in his desperation).
Haruto, unlike Mokuba, is not only terminally ill and lost his sense of self (the manga describes it as his soul is lost in Astral World) but literally the only person who he can rely on is his brother (until meeting Yuma and his friends, of course). Sure, there is Heartland's staff and Dr. Faker (who does care about his son, that's how the whole plot got started, after all), but obviously are more looking to 'use' him than anything else. Now, this is too like Mokuba in that there are Kaiba Corp's staff (and the many villains who have tried to kidnap him), but there are people obviously in Kaiba Corp who care about him (Isono for example) and respect him. No one in Heartland really truly (cause, again, Dr. Faker cares, but it's clearly been twisted) cares about Haruto's well-being other than Kaito, and he has to handle that.
Not only that, Katio has to bear the emotional pain of Haruto's current state constantly and for years. It pains him to have to see his brother like this, frail, with his smile erased, memories gone, and enjoying screams of agony over smiles. That is a terrible thing for anyone to experience, and then you add on top of that that his own Father is using him for his own gains despite Haruto being sick? And that situation forces Kaito to ruthlessly hunt Numbers and steal people's souls? I can't imagine how much pressure he is under, and it makes my heart ache for both of them.
Like imagine if Mokuba was like Haruto with Seto, like if Atem Mind-Crushed Mokuba in the manga verse/or his Gozaboru trauma was too much and he just didn't seem to recover. Would he not be soul crushed? (Okay that sounds like a tragic AU idea I might write down for later... LOL)
And in spite of this, Kaito goes out of his way for his brother all the time, even leaving his duel with Yuma early to check on him. He is the very definition of a selfless person when it comes to Haruto and in general, something that Seto is when it comes to Mokuba, but in general, is very selfish in many ways and has done things to hurt his brother, intentionally or not. Kaito has never hurt his brother and always treats him with care, unlike what Seto has done (intentional or not) in some instances in the past (Death-T in the manga for example).
In short, Kaito and Haruto have a 'father-son' akin to Seto and Mokuba, but it's intensity and tragedy level is turned up to 11 because in a way, it feels like it's a 'worst case scenario' the Kaiba Brothers could have fallen into if Gozaboru was still alive. Both Kaito and Haruto are being manipulated by selfish adults (mainly their own father), both are forced to be tools for the sake of their ends (relating to war), have a bond that is strained and one of them has lost a part of themselves from their childhood, and both pushing themselves to the brink for someone else's goals and for the chance of saving the other. I don't doubt something like this would have happened if Gozaboru stayed alive, and I honestly could see this being a sort of inspiration for the Tenjo Bros to begin with (Since Zexal has some DM Parallels / Inspiration in it's makeup).
These two boys deserve love and happiness I swear and are the very definition of 'doomed siblings' ;;;;;
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vespertin-y · 2 years
-not tsumugi’s idea of god just being izuru 😭 how did i not catch this easter egg before,,,
-”...cults like these can be reaaally annoying if you get on their bad side.” how do you know that, kokichi?
-i HIGHLY doubt angie was meant to smash that flashback light...in a more interesting version of ch3, tsumugi kills her for this and gets away with it until ch6....i just really wanted them to use the first-come-first-serve culprit rule ok.
-”ummm...what if we get another time limit motive, like the one that got rantaro killed? ...shouldn’t we have a sacrifice prepared, just in case?” “you mean...if someone has to die, we should volunteer someone we resurrected?” COLD, angie, cold. anyway this scene is made WAY funnier if you imagine an extremely offended kaede, rantaro, ryoma, and kirumi watching it on TV.
-kaito is Going Thru It...it’s impossible to tell how much of his suffering is because of his illness worsening and how much of it is his genuine terror at the supernatural, but either way he is straight up not havin a good time rn.
-ok so shuichi and kokichi proceed to have a very long (and completely optional!) side conversation and literally all of it makes me insane so here it is, line-by-line:
-”oh, but angie wants to make rantaro the transfer student, huh? i don’t want him to come back to life.” “why?” “it’s cuz...i love you most, shuichi. i’m always thinking about you...and you’d rather see kaede brought back to life, huh?” “th-that’s...” “you’re so admirable! that’s why i wanna support you! oh wait, that’s a lie!” “...” the og explanation i made for this got a little too personal and a little too sad, so i’ll just say a) again, it’s much easier to make people *think* you’re lying than it is to actually lie, and b) adding ‘but that’s a lie!’ is like saying it’s not gay because you wore socks, OUMA.
-“come to think of it, i once saw this anime that was also about a death game...the mastermind sacrificed a family member as the first victim to get the killing started.” PIN! BOARD! PIN! BOARD! PIN! BOARD!
-“sacrificed a family member? as in...killed them?” “yeah, as a show of force. maybe that’s what happened to rantaro...what if rantaro was working for the mastermind? bringing him back might be a bad idea.” “n-no, that’s idiotic! rantaro couldn’t have been working for the mastermind...” [but...is it really impossible? we only knew rantaro for a short time. he did seem as though he was kind of used to the killing game.] “nee-heehee...looks like you’re starting to understand what i’m getting at, shuichi.” FROTHS AT THE FUCKING MOUTH,,,they both clocked how sus rantaro is but because of the way kaede’s death spent them tailspinning in opposite directions (natural extrovert kokichi becoming isolated and paranoid bc he thinks he’ll end up like her + natural introvert shuichi fighting his own caution to integrate into the group bc he has to fulfill her wish) they can’t have a real conversation about it. I Am So Normal About This.
-FTE time - this time kokichi’s second one! (this is just his episode, apparently). the fact that we know his love of yu-gi-oh is genuine because he really obviously based his outfit off of seto kaiba is fantastic, but my favorite bit is that he “plays” by drawing random cards and seeing who’s number is bigger - the hallmark of kids who collected the pretty cards but had no idea what the actual rules were (like me and all seven of my siblings hpshjdhbsgdh).
-one of maki’s next! shuichi telling her her backstory sounds fake is funny for like, eight different reasons. the holy salvation society’s strategy of being so suspicious for cult reasons no one realizes they’re suspicious for assassin reasons is also great. (shuichi is...bizarrely slow on the uptake here, though. maki saying ‘god really doesn’t exist in this world’ and shuichi responding with ‘so, you’re a devotee in the cult?’ made me ?????. it’s so out of character i can’t even be mad at maki calling him a fucking dumbass. she’s right!)
-kaitoooo :[ don’t call yourself pathetic for being sick, please,,,,
-”i think...himiko has gotten so lazy, she’s given up on thinking for herself...that’s why she’s depending on angie.” bold move to describe joining a cult because you’re suicidally depressed as “lazy”, but i suppose i can’t fault tenko for something that’s more a flaw with DR itself. her heart is in the right place, at least.
-”she thinks she’s [kami-sama]’s vessel, so she doesn’t feel guilty about anything she does.” “and that’s why you want me to kill her?” “huh!?” “asking someone like me for a “favor” can only mean one thing.” “...i...won’t deny that. i’ve wanted her gone even before all this happened. and i think everyone has wanted someone to die at least once in their life...but going through with it is a different thing! it’s wrong for a person to commit murder! it doesn’t matter what the reason is!” i disagree but i think it’s Neat seeing where all the V3 characters fall on this moral spectrum!!
-not maki and kaito having the exact same ‘just bang on the door 1 billion times’ strategy 😭 that’s rlly funny actually.
-”no, angie. that’s not possible. the bodies were not fakes. i’m positive. especially after seeing the wax effigies. the effigies were nearly perfect, but the real bodies still had traces of a soul. a soul desperate to live, struggling, fighting for life...that’s something that can never be replicated. no matter what technology you have, you can’t fake a soul.” how does he apply this to kiibo, i wonder...?
-”[kami-sama] says that if we do the ritual, everyone who has died up till now will come back. so...if those four really are dead, then the resurrection ritual will surely work.” she’s switched from bringing back rantaro to bringing back everyone...!? that’s not what monokuma promised.
-”if you’re gonna slow me down, i’ll turn you into a wax effigy! nyahahaha!” JESUS H CHRIST
-tenhimi breakup scene :((( the babygirls r so toxic,,,
-”you should let shuichi tell you how to apologize. he’s really good at it.” i...can’t tell if this is meant to be an insult or not......
-that’s the end of day twelve! see you next time :]
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stillness-in-green · 3 years
Brand's being anti-capitalist is actually kinda funny since he's one of the few Advisers that's in a business suit XD
It’s exceptionally funny for a guy who used to work under (and I say this with only the greatest of affections) a bunch of upper management types and a politician. But you’d better believe I was obsessively taking notes about it anyway!
The Japanese word there translates somewhat more literally as "mammonist"—what Viz uses—or, if you don’t want to put a Bible-derived term in the mouth of a Japanese character, just “money-worshipper.” And that is extra funny to me because it was not even twenty-five chapters ago that we were told about Nedzu’s “deep pockets” such that he could afford to pay for the upgrades to U.A.’s security systems,(1) so it’s not like Brand’s even wrong.
I mean, obviously we’re meant to see Brand as wrong about his summation of the heroes’ motives, but with this most recent chapter especially, I am once again left shaking my head that, on one side of this fight, we have the wealthy, handsome, popular, elite, well-educated, powerful heroes who had ample time to lay battle plans, painstakingly plot out where all their people would be, and allocate all the resources they could possibly need to build “a coffin in the sky”…
Meanwhile, on the other side, we have the guy who has spent most of the last month writhing on the ground in a cave, probably eating canned food when he could eat at all, fighting against his own power, barely able to communicate, and promptly separated from all of his friends and allies so the heroes could immediately seal off his quirk(s) and start bouncing him off of electrified walls as a warm-up before they have Deku and company beat him into a thin paste.
Fuckin’ hell, when you phrase it like that, the heroes sound like Yu-Gi-Oh! villains. This is Seto Kaiba level excess. This is Marvel villain Arcade killing people in a place literally named Murderworld. Yet somehow, it’s the heroes I’m supposed to be rooting for? Horikoshi, you can’t possibly be serious, can you?
Yes, yes, Shigaraki is a murderous terrorist, a big threat, blah blah blah. But look, this is a damn shonen story. It matters who the underdog is, and right now, the underdog is Shigaraki Tomura.
Tangent onto my fave aside, I would love to see more villains continue to call out heroes for all of the resources they endlessly dole out on beating up villains without ever even contemplating dropping some of those resources on trying de-escalation tactics now and again. And as to Brand and his business suit, I suppose he can still wear a sharp suit for work and have exceptionally strong opinions on where one’s money ought to be going. Presumably making obscene buckets of money is fine as long as it’s being used to fund as worthy a cause as Liberation!
I hope we get some more good stuff out of him; I’m going to be extremely annoyed if he gets taken down by Crust’s dad or whatever. I’d initially been strongly hoping he was a clone—now that Toga has Twice’s blood on hand, if she were running this like a power gamer, then technically any, even every villain on the field right now could be a clone! I’m not really expecting that to be the case at this point, though I’d be thrilled if it were, but I was high-key annoyed that Brand was on the cliffhanger page of 341 with the Sludge Villain and the heteromorph uprising, suggesting he’d be with them, only to have him get ‘ported in by AFO maybe, what, a day or two later at best? Sigh.
In any case, I’ll certainly be keeping an eye out for him and the rest. Thanks for the ask, @shockersalvage!
1: “Way more than a few hundred million yen!” said Kaminari, a number that roughs to $1.75 million. And that’s before even getting into the specialized battlefields and upgrades we’re just now finding out about!
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shinayashipper · 3 years
Thinking about yet another idol AU because I'm sad my idol's radio show ended last night
This time it's Rivalshipping with both Kaiba and Yugi being idol-otakus. They have the same oshi/one-pick (bias) and that is Atem. (This might seem like Flareshippy but not really because they don't really interact with Atem, he's just the idol they both like and Atem doesn't have connection to them except idols to fans) (but who knows maybe it can also be flareshippy? However you like it)
So like Kaiba is still KC CEO and all, extremely Famous too and he's a closeted idol-otaku. He never lets anyone buys Atem merch for him because he has to Do it himself, so for the merch that he can only buy in-store, he goes by himself, full "disguise" get-up: hat, sunglasses, mask, just so that no one knows he's out here for Atem pop-up store and buys freaking Atem standees 😂😂😂
Meanwhile Yugi is just a nerd and he's not keeping it a secret. As another big fan of Atem he goes out to buy merch too, and somehow Yugi and Kaiba always meets (just see each other, never really talks, doesn't even know each other's names but recognize the other as fellow fan they constantly meet).
Somehow Kaiba always sees what Yugi buys and just think I MUST NOT LOSE as if buying merch is a competition, so if Yugi bought one keychain, Kaiba bought TWO. Two posters for Yugi? Then he bought THREE. Kaiba just thinks he must Show Yugi that he is the Superior Fan 😂😂 (Mokuba is a bit Concerned with the growing pile of Atem merch at home, with more of them being identical)
Yugi just sees Kaiba and thinks "wow Sunglasses-kun really LOVES Atem huh" (Yugi probably gives him a nickname based on what he wears just so that Kaiba has a name in his mind 😂)
Then there's this limited Atem poster in the store and when Kaiba and Yugi arrived, turns out there's only ONE of it left. And both of them really really want it, but Yugi's the first one in line, so he got it and Kaiba don't.
Kaiba, being what he is, follows Yugi out the store and finally speaks to him and it's "give me the poster" all gruff and intimidating 😂😂😂 but Yugi just "??? No. Why should I??? It's Mine" and Kaiba just won't give up "I'll give you whatever you want" but Yugi STILL won't give him the poster "sorry it's not for sale" then Kaiba reveals his identity that he is Kaiba Seto aka CEO aka Richest Man in whole Domino but Yugi just "cool! I'm Yugi btw. Ok then see ya :D" STILL NOT GIVING HIM THE POSTER AND KAIBA JUST ????? IS THIS MAN FOR REAL???? DOESN'T HE KNOW ~WHO~ I AM??? Unbelievable!!! And somehow Kaiba just follows Yugi around right to Kame Game Store where Yugi works (Yugi not living there anymore now)
And somehow Kaiba keep coming in there, sitting on small chairs that look smaller with him on it because obviously those are for the kids who play games in the store 😂😂😂 Yugi finds it Amusing but also some kids starting to complain that this "scary uncle is hogging all the place" so Yugi finally comes up at him, "so you really want the poster so badly?" Kaiba nods, all Determined, but Yugi just laughs and asks him if he wants to go have lunch.
And so Yugi and Kaiba starts to spend more time together, they exchanged phone numbers and stuff, sending each other Atem-related news. And of course at first it was part of Kaiba "must do this to get the Atem poster", but slowly the poster issue is forgotten between them as they got closer 😂😂
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get-chazzed · 3 years
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The first and easiest thought at the string of strange texts was that it was one of Yugi's friends. It sounded like it could be Wheeler, almost, though he would've called him Rich Boy or Moneybags, not slacker. Seto Kaiba was many things, and he'd heard just about every insult under the sun, but a slacker? Really? Whoever this was clearly didn't know him very well, if they thought he was lazy! Or they were just trying to get under his skin and provoke a reply! ('Next time they saw him?' Was this someone he'd recently met? He hadn't given his number out to anyone lately...)
He shouldn't respond. Shouldn't give whoever-this-was the satisfaction. Too late, he's already typing.
[Text > Unknown Number:] I'd like to see you say that to my face, instead of cowering behind a screen. [Text > Unknown Number:] How did you get this number?
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Chazz stared at his phone for a second.  ... Jaden never used proper punctuation. Not even in actual school work. Did Misawa have the phone, then. Improbable. He was too busy with his actual studies to be dragged into juvenile things such as pranks.  Syrus was the only person he could think of who would go along with Jaden’s idea. But he wouldn’t have been able to sound that authoritative and confrontational, not even through text. No, then.
There was that last option. Which was just obviously not the one. Fuck this prank honestly.
[Text > Schmaden:] Oh come on [Text > Schmaden:] Jaden gave me the fucking number and you know it don’t play dumb [Text > Schmaden:] Also really? I mean come on a Blue Eyes profile picture??? That’s too cliché to fall for [Text > Schmaden:] I am not that stupid you know [Text > Schmaden:] Try actually using your brain if you want to outsmart me so bad
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apparently-artless · 3 years
Call Me Eijun-Senpai! [A DnA Fanfic]
Summary: Sawamura couldn’t help but think that maybe, just maybe, Okumura hates his very existence but he’s just being considerate enough not to say it straight to his face. Seto, Okumura’s best friend, thinks otherwise.
Relationships: Okumura Koushuu & Sawamura Eijun || Okumura Koushuu & Seto Takuma || Sawamura Eijun & First Year Seidou Members
Additional Tags: Slice of Life || Kuramochi is a Doting Brother || Okumura is Emotionally Constipated || Sawamura Eijun Learned a Thing or Two from Miyuki || Fluff & Humor || Attempt at Humor || Sawamura Eijun is the Ace || This is not Romance BTW
It was the day their last practice game had ended. As usual, Sawamura was off to the cafeteria to watch the recorded video so he can check his form again. With the summer tournament coming up, he needed to make the Numbers near to perfection.
Upon arriving at the cafeteria, Okumura was already sitting in front of the television, a scorebook on his left hand and the remote control on his right. Also, there was a vacant chair right next to him.
“Geh! You bit me to it again, Okumura-shounen!” Sawamura bellowed upon seeing the 1st-year catcher.
Okumura did not respond but just glanced at the southpaw pitcher.
“Well, why don’t we watch it together, then? I have a lot of things to say regarding your play in that last game,” the catcher stated with his typical vacant expression.
“We-Well, I don’t really mind watching it with you.”
“Please take a seat. I’ll be playing the video now.” Okumura motioned Sawamura to sit right next to him.
The whole game was one-and-a-half-hour long which means it took Okumura to make some comments about the southpaw pitcher’s performance for 1.5 hours. As usual, Okumura was very willing to give the pitcher compliments when needed and scold him unreluctantly on pitches he thought might not be good. Also, let’s not forget the part where the younger would seamlessly remind the older to be calm and quiet on the mound.
It was almost dinner time when they finished reviewing the game. Halfway while watching the video, Watanabe had already joined them and would add some comments as well to Sawamura’s performance. When they noticed a lot more of the members were now entering the cafeteria, they decided to call it for now as they turned off the television and fixed the chairs.
Okumura gently placed the scorebook that he borrowed from Umemoto on one of the tables to help his senpais from arranging the chair. As they were still conversing while dragging the chairs, one of the members placed an open bottle near the scorebook. Sawamura, who’s busy scratching his head while having an idiotic smile upon hearing praises from Watanabe, accidentally pushed the chair too hard right next to the table, making the opened water bottle tumble and spill right on the scorebook.
Upon seeing the mess he had made, Sawamura hurried to the kitchen to ask some of the staff some clean rags. Only when he returned did he notice that the scorebook was already drenched with the water that spilled from the bottle.
“Wah! I’m so sorry Okumura-shounen! I didn’t mean for that to happen.” Sawamura was obviously panicking while gently cleaning the table together with the scorebook.
“It’s okay, Sawamura-senpai. Thankfully, it’s just water so I can just rewrite the scorebook again,” the catcher responded as he tried to retrieve the scorebook from Sawamura’s hands.
“No! It’s my fault that this happened to begin with. I should be the one to do it!” Sawamura retorted as his nostrils flared.
“Reading a scorebook and writing one are two different things, Sawamura-senpai,” Okumura said inattentively. “Have you ever tried writing on a scorebook before?”
“Well, I…” Sawamura hesitated in responding. “No, not really.”
Okumura just sighed. Honestly, he wasn’t really angry. It was an accident and he can’t seem to find the right words to make the southpaw pitcher understand that he was not the least bit bothered about rewriting one scorebook. Aside from that, he only felt that it was right to take responsibility as he’s the one who borrowed the scorebook.
Watanabe, who noticed the awkward silence between the two, decided to intervene so as not to make matters worse.
“Don’t worry, Sawamura-kun. Okumura’s pretty much used to writing in a scorebook. It will be done in no time if it’s just rewriting the pages,” he said as he tapped Sawamura’s shoulder. “Okumura, we still have an hour before dinner, I’ll go and get a new scorebook so you can rewrite it before we eat. In that way, you can still read the scorebook properly before the ink fades.”
Okumura just nodded.
“Then, I’ll be accompanying you so I can go straight to my room afterward,” Okumura responded.
The two walked out of the room while Sawamura was left in the cafeteria, still bothered about the incident. To clear his head, he decided to do some batting practice first before eating dinner.
Sawamura gloomily walked his way to Field A with his bat in his left hand. His thoughts were put to a halt when he heard Asada’s voice calling out to him. Rather than joining Kominato and Kuramochi with their batting practice, he decided to join the first years instead.
“You did so well on the last practice game, Sawamura-senpai!” Asada initiated the talk as soon as Sawamura reached them, Kuki and Seto were with him.
“Oh, thank you, Asada!” he beamed at his kouhai.
“Where’s Koushuu? I thought you were watching the video together?” Seto asked while swinging his bat in the air.
Sawamura went stiff upon hearing the catcher’s name.
Did they fight again? Seriously, these two.
It was all Seto, Asada, and Kuki could think upon seeing the pitcher’s reaction.
“Did something happen with Koushuu?” Seto decided to ask. If they did actually fight, the sooner he can help in fixing it, the better.
Sawamura flinched even more as he heard Seto’s question. His hands fidgeted visibly as he averted his gaze on the 1st-years while he pouted his lips.
“I think he’s angry at me right now,” Sawamura whispered and the three freshmen couldn’t help but huddle towards him.
Unsure of what they heard, Seto couldn’t help but ask again.
“Sawamura-senpai, can you please say that again?” he asked, silently praying that what he heard was wrong.
“Wah! I bet he’s really angry at me! It’s my fault, to begin with! What should I do, Seto? Okumura-shounen is angry at me again! What do I have to do now??” Sawamura was clearly agitated, he kept on pulling on his hair with both his hands as he dropped the bat that he was initially holding.
“Calm down, Sawamura-senpai!” Asada exclaimed.
“First, please tell us what happened,” Seto added awkwardly.
Sawamura stopped for a while as he tried to remember what happened a while ago, sweat dropping.
“I accidentally spilled some water on the scorebook that Okumura borrowed. I volunteered to rewrite it but he declined. He said it’s fine and silently left the cafeteria with Nabe-senpai and the scorebook.”
“Well, he did say it was fine so I don’t think he’s angry. As you said, it was an accident, so it can be helped, really,” Seto replied to which Asada and Kuki nodded vigorously to convince their worried senpai.
“No! No! No! No! No! We’re talking about that wolf-boy, you know?? Uwah! Just remembering that time when he told me to disappear still sends shivers down my spine.”
The 1st-years were at a loss for words. It seemed like no matter what they say, the pitcher was convinced that Okumura was indeed angry at him for what just happened. And then, it occurred to Seto — that maybe, just maybe, he can still help in fixing the relationship of his best friend with his pitcher. After all, he wouldn’t want to have a repeat of that last time while he was not around.
Seto cleared his throat before speaking. He wouldn’t want to mess this up.
“Sawamura-senpai, I think you just misunderstood Koushuu. He didn’t say anything because he wasn’t bothered by it. If it had indeed bothered him, he would have scolded you just like how he’s reprimanding you whenever you’re being noisy on the mound.”
Sawamura did not respond, however, it could be seen that the boy was trying to ponder what he just said.
Yosh. He seems to be listening and considering things for now.
A few seconds later, Sawamura seemed to have calmed down. He was no longer fidgeting his fingers nor pulling his hair as if telling Seto to continue with his sentiments regarding his best friend.
“He already reflected fully on what he said to you the other day. He just kinda misunderstood your personality, that’s all. Koushuu can be scary sometimes, but really, that’s just part of who he is. No need to beat yourself up over what happened last time and even for today, Sawamura-senpai.”
“D-Do you really think so?”
“Of course I do! I’ve been his best friend since we were kids so you can say I’m an expert in interpreting Koushuu’s seemingly unreadable moods!”
Kuki and Asada just smiled. They’ve just known Okumura for a few months. They already know how scary his aura can be especially when he’s not talking. But they also know that he’s making an effort to make people understand that he’s not such a bad wolf that bites people.
“With the way I see it, I think he already admired you quite well, Sawamura-senpai. And I think his admiration for you is not so light that spilling water on a scorebook would make him hate you.”
“Well, if you say so,” Sawamura commented, looking more convinced as he listened attentively to Seto.
“If I’d be honest, I was kinda surprised when he made a promise that he’ll only catch for you once he made it to the first string. That’s the first time he made such a promise to someone, you know?”
Seto continued with his rambling. This time, it wasn’t only Sawamura, but also the two freshmen who got more interested in listening. As pitchers, they also wanted to understand Okumura a little bit more.
“He even went so far as to refuse to catch for you even if the order came from the coach. That just showed how much he wanted to follow through on that promise. Because at that time, he’s still not part of the first string. And being not part of the first string meant that his skills were not recognized yet. He believed that he’s not qualified to catch for you because he felt like he still lacked the skills. That only shows how much he looked up to you as a pitcher.”
Sawamura couldn’t help but agree with Seto’s statements. Upon hearing what he just said, he suddenly remembered Okumura saying something like that.
“And now, to the most exciting part, what I’m gonna tell you should only be kept between us,” Seto winked as he placed his index finger near his mouth.
Kuki and Asada slightly nodded, but with mixed anticipation. Sawamura, on the other hand, nodded violently as if to swear that he will not be blabbering anything that Seto will be telling them at this point forward.
“Ever since he volunteered to catch your pitches during the Spring Tournament, he kept on borrowing almost all of the scorebooks of the games that you played at, Sawamura-senpai.”
“Ohhh.” The three responded in unison.
“I think he was so delighted to learn about your Numbers. As a catcher, he wanted to study how effectively he can use your arsenal. So when the time comes that he’ll be given the chance to be your catcher in an official match, he’ll be ready.”
“I see. So he’s been studying my pitches, huh? I guess that explained the aggressive calls he made during our game with Seiho,” Sawamura interjected to which Seto simply nodded.
“Aside from that, he also watches the videos of your matches,” Seto continued. “Do you still remember that time when you were about to watch the Hakuryu video but Okumura was already there at the cafeteria and about to watch it?”
“Oh! You’re right!” Sawamura responded as he put his fist on his palm. “Now that I think about it, he was already at the cafeteria ready to watch the recent game by the time I arrived.”
Oh boy, I’m actually enjoying this, aren’t I? Sorry, Koushuu, but think of this as me helping you.
Before going on with the conversation, Seto snickered upon seeing the reactions of the group, especially Sawamura.
“Lastly, he decided to join Seidou after watching your play against Teitou,” Seto added with finality and pride. “He thought that you are an interesting pitcher so his interest as a catcher was piqued. We even watched your game during Finals. You did great there, by the way. Too bad, you’re not the one who closed it.”
Well, he’s also interested in Furuya-senpai’s pitching, but he doesn’t need that information, for now, right?
“Heh,” Kuki responded. “I wanted to watch that game too but I wasn’t able to go.”
“Was it interesting?” Asada asked.
“It was! I watched the recorded video that one of my teammates took. It was a bit blurry though due to the heavy rain. At some point, they even stopped the game,” Kuki replied with enthusiasm.
They were about to talk more about the game when they noticed that Sawamura turned quiet.
“Sawamura-senpai?” Asada called as he swayed his hands in front of him.
“He’s frozen.”
“Yep, he really is.”
Sawamura was indeed frozen on the spot. His cheeks blushing just like the way he did back when his teammates told him that he’s become more reliable as a pitcher.
“I see! I see! He could have just told me that! Geez, that wolf boy, really!” Sawamura beamed in response after being stiff for about half a minute as he gently scratched his head.
The freshmen were happy to see the idiotic smile of their senpai once again. At least for now, this resolved things between the pitcher and the catcher. They noticed how they got along well together right after Okumura became a first-string member. They wouldn’t want an incident like this to disrupt the relationship that the two of them are trying to build.
“Yosh! Time for batting practice! Let’s not waste a second and practice some more, first-year boys!” Sawamura bellowed as he swung his bat with all his might.
The four of them continued talking about Okumura during their batting session. Sawamura also asked personal questions about them as well and he would answer some questions from his underclassmen.
“Hmm… Since I’m trying to build rapport with wolf boy, shouldn’t I do something that might help improve our battery?” Sawamura blurted out after what felt like an hour of batting.
“For starters, why don’t you try addressing each other on a first-name basis?” Kuki suggested.
“Yes, I think that would be a good idea too, Sawamura-senpai,” Asada agreed while Seto only nodded.
Oh man, this is getting more interesting. I wonder how Koushuu will react once he hears the senpai that he admired address him by his first name.
Seto was lost in his thoughts. He remembered the first time he called Okumura using his first name and the boy turned silent for a moment. And then, while emitting an ominous aura, he had called Seto as Taku as if to inform the other that if it comes to being on a first-name basis, he surely won’t lose.
Giving me a nickname right off the bat! Just how much does that guy hate losing?
Seto’s reminiscing was cut short when he noticed Okumura walking towards them, a bat in his left hand.
“Okumura-shounen! Have you finished rewriting the scorebook?? That sure was fast! As expected of wolf boy!” Sawamura greeted the boy as soon as he reached them.
“Yes, the game was still fresh in my memory so it wasn’t so hard,” Okumura responded.
“I’m sorry for what happened.” Sawamura apologized awkwardly, his voice smaller compared to his typical one.
“I told you already, it’s not your fault. No need to feel so bothered about it, Sawamura-senpai.”
“Then, just accept my apology! Was it so hard??”
“Fine. Apology accepted, then.”
“Hahahaha! See, it wasn’t so hard, was it?”
“Please be quiet when practicing on the field, Sawamura-senpai.”
The three were smiling as they observed the battery with their bantering.
Yep, it’s the usual conversation. I’m glad they’re back to normal.
“Oh, by the way, Okumura-shounen, before I forgot. I was soliciting some advice from them as to how to improve our battery. And as a first step, I decided that I’ll be calling you by your first name!”
“Relationship? First name? What are you talking about?”
“Don’t mind the small details!” Sawamura responded as he patted the boy’s shoulder while laughing.
Okumura had to guess what happened within the time that he was busy writing the scorebook. And of course, it all boiled down to his best friend, Taku.
“Taku, you said something to Sawamura-senpai, didn’t you?”
“Of course not! I just told him that you’re not angry and that he should not think too much about it,” Seto replied as he tried his best to hide his guilt.
“Let’s both do our best, Koushuu!” Sawamura shouted with glee as he chuckled once more.
Okumura was so shocked it took all he’s got to respond to the southpaw pitcher.
“Don’t hold back and call me ‘Eijun-senpai’ !”
Seto, Asada, and Kuki were trying so hard not to laugh upon seeing Okumura’s reaction. The younger might not admit it but no matter how hard he resists, he can’t help but get caught up on the older’s pace.
And then, after a few seconds, Okumura spoke.
“I’m sorry, but I’ll have to decline.”
“Ehh??” Sawamura and the other freshmen shouted in unison.
“I’ll take you up on your offer once I am already the main catcher. So for the meantime, please allow me to call you as it is,” Okumura responded as he bowed slightly towards his senpai.
Sawamura was smug upon hearing what Okumura had said.
This brat. As expected, he really is a passionate guy after all.
“Then, I’ll also stop for now.”
“Ehh? Sawamura-senpai as well?” Asada exclaimed.
“I’ll call you by your first name once I become the ace of this team!” Sawamura declared with confidence as he laughed some more, with both hands on his hips.
“Another promise then, huh?” Seto commented as Kuki and Asada looked at the pair with admiration.
The corners of Okumura’s lips went slightly upward for less than a second. Or Seto might have just been imagining it. Sawamura and the rest decided to call it quits for now as they will be eating dinner anytime soon. They walked back towards their dorm as they continued their conversation.
For starters, if you want to be the ace, how about you try to lessen your voice? You’re too noisy, Sawamura-senpai. Especially when you’re on the mound. I’ve been telling you multiple times, a good ace pitcher shouldn’t be recklessly letting his emotions show while on the mound.
Geh! Here we go again with your harsh criticisms! You are too wild, Okami-kozo!
And while the two were busy bickering, Seto, Asada, and Kuki were observing them happily thinking about how the two actually get along so well.
The day after Sawamura became the Ace of Seidou
Sawamura was already seated between Kominato and Furuya, busy eating his breakfast when Seto and Okumura arrived in the cafeteria to join Asada, Kuki, and Kagami.
Before Okumura could take one bite off his meal, the obnoxious loud southpaw pitcher walked towards them as he waved his left hand.
“Good morning, Seto, Asada, Kuki, Kagami!”
“Good morning!” the freshmen responded.
“Good morning, Koushuu!”
The whole cafeteria went silent. Okumura went stiff upon hearing his name came out of Sawamura — their current southpaw ace pitcher.
“Koushuu??” Kuramochi and Zono bellowed in unison upon hearing Sawamura addressed the catcher by his first name.
Curiosity filled the air as the rest of the Seidou members eavesdropped between Sawamura and some of the first years’ conversation.
“I’ve kept my end of the promise. So I’ll be waiting for you to keep yours. Na? Koushuu!”
Seto, Asada, and Kuki were snickering on their seats as they watched Okumura feeling awkward towards their new ace’s advances.
“Please be quiet, Sawamura-senpai. Also, please finish your breakfast first before starting a conversation out of nowhere,” Okumura responded ineptly as he noticed how almost all of the eyes inside the cafeteria were directed towards him. He couldn’t help but wish that a hole would open right on his spot and swallow him up.
“No worries, even if you start ahead, I’ll still finish my breakfast faster than you, Koushuu!”
As much as he liked to stop the pitcher from calling his first name, a promise is a promise. And now that Sawamura is now the ace of Seidou, he is now allowed to address Okumura on a first-name basis. He’ll have no choice but to get used to it.
“This is so fun to watch! To think the day will arrive that Sawamura will learn how to harass his kouhai,” Miyuki commented as he giggled upon hearing Sawamura and Okumura’s conversation.
“Oi! It’s not even funny!” Kuramochi snapped as he kicked Miyuki’s legs under the table.
“It’s fine, isn’t it? Let him enjoy the privilege of being the ace for once!”
“That’s not the point! The point being is that one of your worst traits is rubbing off on the kid!” Kuramochi pointed his chopsticks towards Miyuki, proper manners be damned.
“Eh? But it should be fine if it’s just from time to time, right, Kuramochi-kun? Also, your big bro complex is coming out. Did Ryou-san rub off on you as well?”
“Don’t you ‘from-time-to-time’ me! Act like a real captain, for once! Don’t go around influencing your teammates negatively!!”
“Are you sure you don’t have anything to worry about though, Miyuki?” Watanabe interjected while secretly having some fun listening to both conversations.
“Huh? What’s there to worry about, Nabe?” Miyuki asked with curiosity.
“You’ve been a battery with Sawamura for almost two years now. Now that he’s the ace, you two will be the main battery for this summer tournament. Sawamura and Okumura formed a battery just recently and he’s already calling the first year by his first name. I guess that says something,” Nabe commented objectively as he continued eating his meal.
“But Sawamura is calling Miyuki by his full name. He hasn’t called anyone by full name except Miyuki. That’s saying something as well, no?” Zono interrupted.
Some of the first-string 3rd-years who were eating on the table together with Miyuki couldn’t help but laugh at Zono’s statement.
“Hyahaha! Zono! You’re so mean!” Kuramochi guffawed as he harshly tapped the table with his left hand.
“Zono, I’ll have you know that that’s not a good follow at all,” Shirasu added as he patted Zono’s shoulder while Kawakami nodded silently as he wiped the tears on the side of his eyes because he was laughing so hard a while ago.
“Eh?? Is that so??” Zono asked, totally unaware of the blow he'd dealt Miyuki.
“Oi. Why do I feel like I’m being a laughing stock right now? Learn to respect your captain, for once!” Miyuki exclaimed upon noticing that almost all of the people at their table were laughing at Zono’s comment.
“D-Don’t mind, Miyuki! If you want, I’ll convince Sawamura to call you by your first name too!” Zono added as if that’s the right thing to say.
Kuramochi and the rest of the gang laughed some more.
“Zono, don’t you think it’s time for you to shut up now?” Miyuki said annoyingly.
“But why?? I’m just trying to help!!”
“I don’t need your help! And keep your comments to yourself!” the captain replied coldly.
“Don’t be like that, Captain! As your vice-captain, it is my responsibility to help you on things that you’re not good at.”
“Hyahaha! Zono - 3, Miyuki - 0!” Kuramochi was laughing furiously again as he continued listening in on Miyuki and Zono’s exchange.
Miyuki only sighed and stayed quiet until he finished his breakfast, putting some of his leftovers on Zono’s plate when he’s not looking. Sawamura, on the other hand, went back to his seat. He asked what they were talking about but they were kind enough not to embarrass their socially awkward captain any further.
But really, it’s good to know that Sawamura and Okumura are getting along just fine. Once I graduate, and if ever Okumura will be chosen as the main catcher, then I guess there’s nothing for me to worry about.
Miyuki smiled secretly as he drowned himself in his thoughts.
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hergan416 · 3 years
First Line Meme, Second Edition
SO. Someone (maybe a bot? but their blog actually looked pretty normal) liked this really old post of mine where I did a "first line meme". You put the first line (or paragraph) of your last 15 stories and then see if you can find patterns. Anyway... I had found some interesting patterns in my writing last time I did it.. and I have written nine more stories since then... so I think I'm going to do it again, but change the number to 9.
I'm (obviously) not tagged by anyone this time, and I'm going to leave this open to anyone who wants to do it. If you think it will be helpful or sounds fun or literally anything, please steal this from me.
Patterns: First on the pattern I noticed last time... it seems that some of my works have stronger starts now. Especially Lex Talionis and Food Fight start short and sweet and to the point. I still use introspection to set up scenes more often than not though, and after reading through some of the older fics from the last meme (Seek and Ye Shall Find), I wonder if I could achieve a similar effect better if I simply removed the first paragraph and started on the second. I may have to attempt to try this method more often in editing. Second, I noticed that I write differently (a bit) depending on what character I'm trying to channel. I don't know if I always like it. For instance... the beginning of Sanji's Respite speaks with Sanji's voice but with my introspection. It's not thought through as much as I could have. And considering my methodologies for editing and posting fics ....I'm not honestly surprised.
The First Lines
Just like last time, all my pseuds are together. This includes my omorashi kink pseud, yugiomo. If you are over 18 and don't know what omorashi is, here's a definition from urban dictionary.
Unlike last time.. the first lines are not all safe for tumblr, so I'm going to add a read more.
If you click "read more" you are verifying you are over 18 and that you have read this warning that there is explicit omorashi content below the cut.
And without further ado--
9. Gone Wrong (Fandom: Yugioh, Relationship Tags: blindshipping/puzzleshipping Yugi/Atem, Rating: E(xplicit), Pseud: yugiomo) Yugi wasn’t used to this. The Pharaoh’s slave and Chamber Pot, he was used to a lot: namely taking piss in his ass and holding it for a given period of time, often while the Pharaoh attempted to get him to fail. Licking up the spilled piss when he did. Sometimes being used by the Pharaoh as a sex toy when the Pharaoh was particularly lonely at night. These were all things Yugi was used to.
8. Neoptera (Fandom: Yugioh, Relationship Tags: revengeshipping Alister/Kaiba, Rating: E(xplicit), Pseud: hergan416) Five years had passed since Alister had last seen Dartz, the seal of Orichalcos, or any other hint that DOMA had even happened. Five, blissful years. He was still haunted by the omnipresent force of Kaiba Corporation, and Seto Kaiba’s stupid stupid face being plastered everywhere for each new tournament, mistake, and project that he announced. But Alister’s life had drastically improved.
7. Lex Talionis (Fandom: One Piece, Relationship Tags: katamar Katakrui/Marco, Rating: E(xplicit), Pseud: hergan416) “Sphinx Island,” Blackbeard stated, as he passed the eternal pose to the sniper. “He might not be alone,” he warned, snickering loudly, as though laughing at a crude joke.
6. First Day at the River City Journal (Fandom: Magical Kitties Save the Day RPG, Relationship Tags n/a, Rating: T(een), Pseud: Victoria Treasure) Hi! My name is Victoria and that's my human Bailey. Bailey calls me "Treasure," but that's because humans can't be trusted to keep a True Name secret. You will though, right?
5. Sanji's Respite (Fandom: One Piece, Relationship Tags: Sanji & Trafalgar Law, Rating: T(een), Pseud: hergan416) Shortly after the coup de burst away from the massive hailstorm that the amazing Nami-swan had avoided, the crew managed to go back to normal. Of course, Usopp, Chopper, and Nami-swan were all concerned about their ability to fight Kaido, but Sanji knew nothing would change their stubborn captain’s mind. For instance, despite everything that had just occurred, Luffy was already passed out on the figurehead of the boat, rubber arms wrapped around the lion’s face like nothing was wrong.
4. Law's Introspection (Fandom: One Piece, Relationship Tags: Sanji & Trafalgar Law, Rating: T(een), Pseud: hergan416) Even as he moved from bumming one cigarette a week, to one every four or five days, to two a week, Law couldn’t bring himself to purchase his own cigarettes. He could pass a few berri each time to Sanji, helping cut the cost of his ever increasing usage, but planning out the purchase would be like admitting defeat. Cora-san had never wanted Law to be a smoker, but here he was chasing Cora’s memory in the tendrils of smoke anyway.
3. Food Fight (Fandom: Yugioh, Relationship Tags: Prideshipping Atem/Seto Kaiba, Rating G(eneral), Pseud: hergan416) “Pass me the flour,” Kaiba asked Yugi, gesturing at the cake flour on the counter behind the shorter man.
2. Doctor's Orders (Fandom: One Piece, Relationship Tags: Trafalgar Law x Reader, Rating E(xplicit) Pseud: yugiomo) It was after hours. The clinic had opened easily to his keycard, as promised, and he dragged you inside by the hand, guiding you through the staff hallways lit only by emergency lighting. Your eyes barely glanced at the tattoos covering the back of his hand in favor of following closely behind him, ensuring you would not be left behind. Excitement bubbles in your chest, the transgressive feeling you’ve come to associate with trespassing enough to distract you from the heaviness of your bladder, and you follow confidently behind him without squirming.
1. Remuneration (Fandom: Yugioh, Relationship Tags: Prideshipping Atem &/ Seto Kaiba, Rating T(een), Pseud: hergan416) Exodia’s forceful devastation knocked Kaiba out quickly. Despite the poetic justice, Kaiba did not think about how his obsession and vengeance had created the conditions in which he was now losing consciousness. The punch’s inertia pushed past his physical body, shattering even his mind.
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Could I have some headcanons of Seto Kaiba with a chubby reader who's sassy and doesn't take any crap from anyone? Awesome blog!
My first request :D YAY FINALLY! Hopefully it’s not horrible D:
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One would assume that Seto is rather choosy about the people he dates and they are quite correct. With people constantly after him for his company and money combined with the abuse he experienced from his adoptive father, he has issues with trust and getting him to open up is like trying to make Yugi grow taller. Being in a relationship with Seto will require a lot of patience and effort on your part but it’s definitely worth it once you get past his Blue-Eyed shield and can actually attract his attention to begin with.
Contrary to popular belief, Seto doesn’t really care about looks or even social status when it comes right down to it so don’t even worry about your chubbiness! If anything, that’s just more of you to love according to him even though he won’t say it out loud! If anyone even dares to crack a “Number 10″ joke (since he’s pretty skinny LOL) or attempts to give you shit because of your size, Seto will shut that down REAL quick assuming you don’t beat him to the punch that is. God forbid if the offender in question works for KaibaCorp! I don’t even wanna imagine the nuclear revenge that would follow! If you do put an asshole in their place before he does, Seto will definitely have a proud smirk on his face and will let you take out the trash while he stands by your side, glaring at the prick.
Seto can be quite an asshole sometimes so your sass and “take-no-shit” attitude will definitely be helpful in this relationship! Since it will lead to quite a few arguments due to Seto’s stubbornness and own bad attitude, Mokuba will be the mediator between you two since he ships y’all like FedEx. You and Seto will definitely have some back-and-forth banter since he’s pretty sassy himself and holy shit it can go on FOREVER! Thank God for Mokuba!
Speaking of Mokuba, it goes without saying that if you want to be close to Seto, you have to obviously deal with and get along with the younger Kaiba as well. But that’s no issue since he’s so adorable and lovable! You two make a great team and your sassiness just makes everything better and also funnier! Even Seto can’t help but chuckle at the banter and one-liners you and Mokuba will deliver sometimes!
Expect to be showered with the finest clothes and jewelry money can buy. Especially clothes that show off your chubby figure! If you’re gonna be Seto’s lover, you gotta deal with being spoiled even if you don’t need or want it. If you have your own dreams and goals, that’s even better because Seto will definitely be there to support you! Can’t afford college? He’ll make sure you’ll get into the best school with all expenses fully paid. Have issues finding a job? Don’t even sweat it! With Seto’s influence, you can get a job practically anywhere! Of course he’ll be subtle about it in his own special way but it’s so irresistible and who can turn that down?! If you love Duel Monsters, you’ve bought a one-way ticket to his heart! Enough said.
Any insecurities about your figure will quickly be forgotten with Seto as your lover and anything negative that you say about your body he’ll turn into a positive. Seto shows his love for your body in more subtle ways such as lingering touches and stares and suggesting more form-fitting clothing for you to wear. He definitely has the “If you’ve got it, flaunt it” mentality when it comes to combating insecurities and self-confidence issues which is no surprise since he’s richer than Bill Gates.
Seto will definitely be a great guy for a sassy, chubby person to have as an S/O! He’ll never let anyone pick on you because of your weight nor will he allow you to feel self-conscious because of it! Your sass will match his perfectly and the fact that you don’t take shit from anyone is something that Seto adores (even when you direct it towards him)! 10/10 Best lover hands down!
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liya4kar · 4 years
Liyada’s Pokespe AU Masterpost
I decided to do a Pokespe AU Masterpost because I have a lot of them and unfortunately never get to speak of them with anyone because nobody knows them. And doing a master post with also help me to actually keep track of all of them.
I’ll also probably do one post for the more developed AU where I can develop them fully, as I’ll try to keep this post short.
If you want to send me an ask about any of them, please do! I’d love to speak of them more~ If you want to know more about a character in an AU, or how some events happen, I will love to answer you!
Also, every work relate to those AU will be tag on my blog, you can find the tag name at the beginning of each AU, as well as the related fics if there are any!
The Magical Dexholders AU
The Magical Pokémons AU
Humans Gods AU Number 1
Humans Gods AU Number 2
Kagepro AU Number 1
Kagepro AU Number 2
Kagepro AU Number 3 (Though the only link between this AU and Kagepro is the idea behind Ene)
Yorozuya no Lack-Chan AU
Legendary Dexholders AU
Blond Family AU
One Piece AU
Natural Spirits AU
Ducktales AU
1. The Magical Dexholders (Will have a special post)
(Fic for it: The Magical Dexholders)
Tag: #The Magical Dexholder AU
A canon-compliant AU, where all the canons adventure has already taken place, and when a new adventure arises. Except that this time it’s not an Evil Team but the Darkness Force of the Evil that is so Bad that They stole the Snack of a Four Years Old Child, and that the Dexholders are not fighting with their Pokémons but with their Magical Powers they obtained from some random strange sassy colorful creatures, and they fight with the power of Friendship, Anime, and Protagonist on their side.
Aka a total self-compliant Magical Girl AU where I put whatever strange idea I have. 
In this AU, you can find:
Sassy little creatures
Characters being dumb
Diamond and Silver bonding over their passion for Proteam Omega while fighting The Darkness of the Evil that is blabla Snack of a Child blabla.
Blue and Yellow kicking ass.
Hippie Celebi (oops this one is a spoiler)
Not all the characters are Magical Holders right now but they will all appear up to Sun and Moon at least. Maybe SWSH if I or someone finds a way to incorporate them. (Though if you ask for the destiny of any specific character of this AU in an ask, I’ll surely answer!)
Some people bonding over their friends being dumb (Or how Pearl, Green, Crystal, and Y ended up in a group chat with a Satanic God) (Ooops Spoiler again)
2. The Magical Pokémons (Will have a special post)
Tag: #Spe Magical Pokémons AU
This AU, though created before the Magical Dexholders, is actually linked to the Magical Dexholders. Technically, they happen in the same setting and meet at one point. But of course, when I wanted to write a fic for it alongside the Dexholders, I realized I actually have no time to write it! Ahah-
Basically, still a Magical Girl AU, still a parodical AU where the only goal is to have fun and laugh, but this time it’s not the Dexholders that are the Magical Boys or Girls but their Pokémons! Well, not all of them. Two per Dexholders. Do you realize how complicated it’s to manage all the DH? So all their Pokémons? No way- So only two Pokémons per DH.
Warning, this AU happen before Black was released from the Light Stone. But Sun and Moon are already out of the Ultra-Dimension. Respecting the timeline? It’s my AU I do what I want. (Mainly cause this AU was created back in 2018 actually)
In this AU, you can find:
Pokémons doing dumb sh*t when their trainers are not in sight.
Black being the only humans having powers because he was in the Light Stone when Reshiram received powers, and now he can sometimes go out of the Light Stone when the situation is desperate enough.
Also when Black activates his power he wears a white wedding dress.
Yellow also joining sometimes?
3. Human Gods AU Number 1
Tag: #Spe Human Gods AU Number 1
I always found weird there were only Pokémon Gods in the Pokémon Universe. So what did I do? I created not only one, but two Humans God AU! And here we go for the first.
So. Once Upon a Time, there were Human Gods. But they were not really nice. Actually, they wanted to destroy all the Pokémon Gods and to at best, reduce Pokémons as slaves, at worst killing them all. Of course, the Pokémons Gods did not agree, and after a (little) war, the Humans Gods were sealed by the Pokémons Gods and erased of mainstream history. But of course, things are not that easy, Humans Gods still have secret followers and are planing for their return.
Centuries later, when those followers are finally close to getting back their Gods and need to steal some old parchments for that, they are noticed by Cynthia who asked the help of the Sinnoh Trio. Of course, nothing works like expected, and when the Human Gods finally break their seal, they need bodies to reincarnate in and it’s really convenient that Diamond and Platinum are just right there. Now, the Humans Gods free and ready to put their reign of terror in place, it’s up to Pearl (who saw his best friends lovers possessed in front of him yeah!), the other DH, and the (for once) united army of the Pokémon Gods to stop them before it’s too late. Oh, and also maybe get Diamond and Platinum back.
In this AU you can find:
Epic fights
I mean there are powerful Gods so EPIC FIGHTS
Even more angst
Maybe Major Character Death. To see.
Development of Pokémons and Humans relationship
Did I mention Angst?
4. Human Gods AU Number 2 (Will have a special post)
Tag: #Spe Humans Gods AU Number 2
And yeah, there is a Number 2- They are not the only AU that ends to have several versions of it at the end.
So. Basically, like in the previous AUs, thousands of years ago there was a war between the Pokémons and Humans Gods, each other judging the other being invasive and dangerous to the other being. Normal Humans and Gods also participate in this war. But on both sides, some start to lose faith in this conflict and believe that cohabitation is possible. Things become more complicated when Gods from both factions start to bond. Together, they decide to end the was so everyone can live peacefully together. If the Pokémons Gods accept it pretty well, the Humans ones don’t, especially after one of the most vehement deity simulated a Pokémon attack, and they decide to end the war by using a magical machine to destroy the Pokémons Gods (the one used in the Kalos war is a less-powerful derivate of it).
 As the Humans Gods working for the peace don’t have much time left before the arms use, they take an extreme measure and seal their fellow Gods to the price of their own life. The Pokémons Gods then decided to end the war and to let the Pokémons and Humans live together without interfering with them anymore. They also used a bit of their power to grant the last wish of the Humans Gods who sacrificed themselves, who wanted to see a world where everyone can cohabitate. The said Humans Gods, no longer Gods, reincarnate as normal Humans once in while, still having a little fragment of their powers, 
Thousands of years later, the seal finally breaks, and the Humans Gods come out, some planing their revenge, some wanting to see how the world has evolved in their absence before taking a decision. Obviously, the DH gets involved. Either by meeting the gods and decide to help or fight them depending on the situation or by being one of the reincarnated Gods themselves.
What do you find in this AU:
Angst, surely
Some DH in God versions with cool designs
Human and Pokémon relationship development
Lore created from crap by me, with some inspiration from the real world but with also a lot of invented stuff, because hey it’s my AU and I do what I want
Magic. Everywhere.
5. Kagepro AU Number 1 (Aka the Fidel to the Kagepro Plot)
Tag: #Liya’s Spe Kagepro AU 1
I used to be in Kagepro a lot last, so OF COURSE, I ended doing an AU of it. Wait, not only one actually- I’ll list them by “How close to the Kagepro plot they are”.
So, in this first one, it’s basically “We replace the Kagepro characters with Pokespe characters”, though some things change, depending on the personality of the chosen characters. But they still have the same powers as the originals Kagepro cast.
Here the main cast!
Red as Ayano
Green as Shintaro
Blue as Takane/Ene
Yellow as Haruka/Konoha
Prof Oak as Kenjiirou (Ayano’s father)
Platinum as Kido Tsubomi
Diamond as Seto Kyousuke
Pearl as Kano Shuuya
White as Momo
Whi-Two as Mary
X as Hibiya
Y as Hiyori
What you can find in this AU:
Angst, I missed you!
Family relationship between several characters because ships are great, family is better.
Major Character Deaths. Like, they all die at some point but come back to life because of time loops reason!
Damn, there is so much angst possible with this one.
6. Kagepro AU Number 2 (Aka I take a lot of liberty from the original plot but you can still see the Kagepro influence) (Will have a post)
Tag: #Liya’s Kagepro AU 2
So... How to explain this one... 
It’s my most developed Kagepro AU, and so my more complex one. Too complex to even summarize it in this post (I try and stop when it became longuer than all the previous AUs combined ahah-), it’s why it’ll be the first one to have its post. Please be patient, I’ll link it as soon that I'll post it!
It also follows the canon, though some events/characters interactions change.
What can you find in this AU:
Angst, to change
Four DHs that are not all related being a found family because I can.
Major Characters Deaths. Once again.
Friendships too. Friendships are great.
7. Kagepro AU Number 3 (aka there is nearly no link to Kagepro by this point)
Tag: #Liya’s Spe Kagepro AU 3
So. In Kagepro, I always loved Ene. And all the angst include by everyone believing you are dead while you are transformed into a virus/computer program.
So basically, there is a crazy scientist organization that is doing all sorts of experiments on humans, to get immortality. Those experiments are killing nearly all the people who go through them, the rare survivors being broken beyond repair and not immortal at all. If they took random people at first, they end up taking more different people, from all backgrounds with all kinds of lives, to see if there is any difference. They tend to socially isolate their prospect guinea pigs before simulating their death in an accident.
One of this experience include separating the soul from the body: they transform the brains data into informatical data and transfer it in a computer. Like any of their experiments, there is a lot of death. But for once, it succeeds, and they end up with one person with their body in a coma while their “soul” is on a computer. Thrilled by this success, they do other attempts and end up with two other survivors. All of them are determined and stubborn people who have some people they hold dear to see again. At some point, the organization decides to try to kill the bodies to see if the informatical data stay, and the three of them decide to run away on the Internet, so the scientists can’t try this new experiment. They change of appearance, name, and end up in the computer of the BW Agency, and after some misunderstood, end up working for them.
White is glad to have three artificial intelligence helping with her work, she did not remember her software supplier having programs that powerful.
On the meanwhile, Pearl, Shauna, and Green are glad to not be experiments anymore, nor do they mind helping White with her work, though they would like to get their bodies back one day.
And far from the Agency, Platinum, Blue, and X, after a rather strange meeting, end up investigating their friends' mysterious deaths of their friends with the help of Lack-Two.
What do you find in this AU:
When was the last time I saw you; Angst?
Pearl, Shauna, and Green are doing shenanigans. And also end being close friends/found family?
White is also joining them in shenanigans
Funny and light with White and the three “Yes yes we are AI, absolutely not humans!” while the others are more on a dark, crime movie atmosphere
Also, some characters don’t cope well with their friends' deaths
Do we tag Major Character Deaths when someone believes someone else is dead even if it’s not the case and that the reader knows it?
8. Yorozuya no Lack-chan AU
Fics for it: Dogwalker Lack and The Begining of Yorozuya no Lack-Chan
Tag #Yorozuya no Lack-chan AU
Got a drabble request once and ended up doing a whole AU of it because meh why not? Like you can say with the title, it is somehow Gintama inspired.
So basically, at the end of BW2 Lack-two got fired from the International Police and start doing odd jobs for a living. He even created an agency for it, who do any work from you as long that you pay. He even has two employees, who he doesn’t really pay, aka Whi-Two and X. Yeah.
What do you find in this AU:
Furry Neko Sun
Characters being dumb
Do you wanna laugh?
Characters doing odd jobs
9. Legendary Dexholders AU (Will do a post about this one)
Fic for it: Giratina
Tag: #Legendary Dexholders AU
Being an immortal god can be boring after a few thousand years, especially when nothing had happened for a while. And one of the advantages of being a God is to left a copy of yourself while you are wandering around in a human body.
Aka several Legendaries Pokémons decide to just reincarnate in humans and, of course, they had to end up becoming Dexholders and have a complicated life. Well, at least they did not have that much fun since the last drinking contest between Kyogre and Lugia five hundred years ago.
What do you find in this AU:
An AU firstly created to be funny but the only fic I wrote about it ended up being a character study fic
But at the end, the Legendaries Pokémons are just doing shenanigans
Arceus is so done with them
Also feature mainly the main Sinnoh Legendaries Pokémons because I love them but there are also a few others
10. Blonde Family AU
Fics about it: Don't listen to others confessions or you'll end as responsible as them and To be a Cousin
Tag: #Spe Blonde Family AU
What if several blonde characters were related? Aka the AUs where Yellow, Pearl, Bianca, and Y are all cousins, and Emerald is the son of Palmer but neither Em nor Palmet know it until Ruby and Sapphire decide to investigate what happened to Emerald’s parents.
In this AU, you find:
Yellow, Pearl, Bianca, and Y are cousins, pretty close to each other, but when they see each other it usually ends up in a catastrophe
Emerald could not care less about his father because he has a found family but Ruby and Sapphire still decide to investigate (notably to kick their b*** if one of them is still alive and abandoned Emerald).
To Palmer’s defense, it was an adventure before he met Pearl’s mother, and Emerald’s mom ran away without telling him she was pregnant
Either cousins doing dumb cousins stuff together or Ruby and Sapphire going on a hunt to kick Palmer’s a** while Em and Pearl look and eat popcorns.
11. One Piece AU
Fic about it: Bonding on the Grand Line
Tag: #Liya’s Spe One Piece AU
With this AU, we arrive in the AUs that don’t take place in the canon world! The other AUs where all somehow link to the canon world and the canon adventures of the DH, except for the Kagepro number 1. But starting from this one, they all take place in other worlds!
This AU was created for the Pirate Summer Event of the Pokespe Art Community Discord and but I like it so I’ll probably write more about it if I find time to.
So basically, your One Piece AU, that happened 20 years before the death of Gold Roger (so 40 years before Luffy & Co.). To protect his best friends, Pearl ends up becoming a pirate, captain of his own crew (with the Sinnoh Gym Leaders!). And being a pirate on the Grand Line is not always easy.
What do you find in this AU:
Pearl's and Cheren's friendship. I’d die for it.
Pearl, Cheren, and the Sinnohan and Unovan Gym Leaders doing shenanigans
But also a bit of angst because hey, you know me now
Also other characters but I need to plan more their role in this AU
12. Natural Spirits AU (there will be definitely a post about this one)
Tag: Spe Natural Spirits AU
There are two beings on Earth: Humans and Natural Spirits, magical beings close to nature, each one of them being connected to a natural concept. The Natural Spirits stay hide in their cities, with only a few humans knowing their existence, and tend to despise the humans, destroying the planets at a ridiculous rate. But the Natural Spirits society is complicated, and as the human society, is far from perfect.
X, a prodigy Spirits, can’t take the pressure anymore and isolate himself far from his city, near the human town. Whi-Two, another Spirit, have a strange fascination for the humans but never go through the forest and the human town frontier. Until the day when they each meet one human, and befriend them, despite the warnings they had heard since they were children. Hiding that they are not humans, they end up joining their two new friends to a rather strange place call High-school. 
Pearl and Sapphire have rather normal lives. School, homework, friends... But since they met two new people in the forest, things start to become more interesting. Especially with the wave of people trying to take over the world... Wait, what?
What do you find in this AU:
A friendship between four characters who never met in the canon
But all the other DHs and several secondary characters have their roles
And some of them are also Natural Spirits
High-school life
Magic too
Both Humans and Spirits teams trying to take over the world and the four friends had to stop them every time
Also, the Natural Spirits society is like humans one, very far from perfect
Secret identity problems like hiding to your human friends that you can actually speak to mushrooms.
13. Ducktales AU (Will have a post because there is so much to say about this one)
Tag: Spe Ducktales AU
Ducktales, Woo-Ooo!
I love Ducktales. I have been hyperobsessing on it recently, so of course, I had to make an AU out of it! Special thanks to Vex who supported my random brainstorming in her DMs.
So... Basically, once upon a time, the richest Duck of the world, Prof McWak, had four grandchildren, two pairs of siblings: Green and Blue, and Red and Yellow. Like any normal family, on their weekends they used to go on ancient temples with deadly traps and fight monsters to get new treasures. When Prof McWak died, the four cousins, now young adults, continue to go on adventures, while Red, Yellow, and Green found their own families. But everything ends one day when, following some disastrous event, Yellow disappears, more likely to be dead. The three left cousins argue and end up splitting up, Blue founding her own company, Green becoming the CEO of their grandfather empire, and Red leaving with his new-hatched son and Yellow’s egg, never contacting his cousins again.
Ten years later, Diamond and Pearl, two cousins who grew up as brothers, accidentally break into the infamous McWak Enterprise CEO manor and met his oldest daughter, Platinum. After she brought them in a self-proclaimed adventure, when the trio became good friends, they have the surprise to find that first, Diamond’s Dad/Pearl’s “Uncle” Red and Platinum’s Father Green are actually cousins and that since they blew up Red’s houseboat during their adventures, they now get to live in the McWak Manor.
What happens next is history.
What do you find in this AU:
The Kanto quartet, the Sinnoh Trio, and Moon being all relatives because FAMILY TROPE YEAH
Pearl and chibi sassy Moon investigating Yellow’s disappearance
Family, Humor, Adventures, Angst AU
Red and Green need to learn how to communicate
Also, Sinnoh Trio adventures because those three are too precious
It’s all for the moment! I’ll probably add more AUs as I’ll inevitably create more. Thank you for reading this AU Masterpost!
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steve0discusses · 4 years
Yugioh S4 Ep 24: Someone Actually Called the Cops.
So recently I was like, “I should do something different than my usual” and I decided to open up a little thread for critiquing ppl’s short stories, and I kid you not, the very first story I got was someone’s Seto Kaiba erotica. Which, even in erotica form, did not have very much romance in it. So, now that Yugioh will apparently haunt my every waking move forever until I die, lets get back to S4. Lets desperately get back to canon. I miss canon.
Last we left off, Kaiba lost KaibaCorp...again. Really feels like he loses this company once every couple of years (weeks if we count season 1-3). Except, this time, Dartz didn’t read the fine print in the legal files that says the company must be run by a member of the Kaiba family. While that was a huge plot point with Pegasus, turns out that Seto and Mokuba’s memories have been blended so thoroughly, like a very fine Shadow Realm smoothie, that they just...forgot.
And like I’m positive that Roland remembers, but Roland’s not gonna say something and accidentally reveal he’s the 4th Kaiba brother and have to get abducted all the time and actually work for a living. Anyways, they forgot why Pegasus abducted them in the first place in Season 1, and honestly, so did the writers of this season 4 years later. Not like it mattered, because if Seto and Mokuba did take Dartz to court, the world would end before their case would even start.
Which is how, after one talk with Roland, Seto and Mokuba just sort of laid prone on the metaphorical ground and let it wash over them that yes, KaibaCorp is gone.
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I really like this extra-long helicopter, PS.
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Both members of Kaiba’s Sunglasses Army decided to align themselves with Kaiba, although honestly, I don’t think anyone else in this company has realized that they’ve been bought. It happened...1 hour ago. Like what do you even do if your company randomly gets bought in the middle of a workday? Like no lead up, no indication, just BAM you’ve been bought?
And if Duke works for Pegasus who got bought out by Dartz and then Dartz bought Kaiba Corp-------What does that make Duke? Is he gonna have to start wearing sunglasses inside?
Anyway, Roland knows better than to tell Seto Kaiba he doesn’t work for him anymore while still in the same helicopter as Seto Kaiba, who already crashed one plane today and will crash yet another plane before this episode is through.
(read more under the cut)
Seto decides to align with Yugi since he needs to confront Dartz eventually. Which is when we find out that Seto always planned to align with Yugi and was just giving him a really hard time.
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Because over the last several episodes, Seto has had an entire team at this random museum in Florida in order to take some pictures (that really should have already been on the internet but wtv, it was 2003 so maybe it wasn’t?)
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It’s like most of the way through s4 and the biker ninjas still send me. How did he make SO MANY biker ninjas? At what point was Dartz like...and now...all my mooks...will be ninja bikers. Or orcs. Mostly Ninja bikers.
Did Alister or the others ever tell him “hey, Master Dartz, I get that your 10000 years old but like...do you not understand what a biker is?” and was Dartz like
“clearly bikers are the most evil thing in the world, obviously.” completely unaware that most bikers are just 45 year old accountants.
In these scenes we also get a gander at their laptops and, if you ever want to see high level life crippling OCD anxiety in picture form, it’s illustrated very clearly right here:
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Not only did they draw this keyboard in 1 pt perspective, they used like a ruler to draw all those letters so they were the same size. Some artist put so much time getting this nice and crisp and smooth...and then this happened.
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And I’m pretty sure they died after that. I’m pretty sure this scene killed an artist.
It’s at this point that Yami kinda puts two and two together and was like “WE BOUGHT PLANE TICKET’S, YOU ASSHOLES.”
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(It’s been such a long time since we’ve seen Mokuba smile like this, and it’s because he’s been hiding the fact for So Many Episodes that he and his brother prepped like hours ago to get this huge dunk on the rest of the party. He just wants to dunk on them so bad. Look at him. His company was bought today. BUT he gets to spend time with his bro dunking.)
Serious question, will Delta refund your flight if the Great Leviathan appears in the sky and tries to eat your soul to reboot the world from the ground up?
Of course not. They will never refund your flight. Trick question.
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We switch back over to Rebecca and Duke, who have been absent from this show for so long, I actually forgot what Duke’s name was and had to think for like...5 entire minutes until I remembered that his nickname sounds like a poop and I was like “oh man, what name of poop would it be???” and then I recalled “Dookie. Yes. His name is literally Dookie. Wow that took way too long!”
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Then we start a story arc I’d to call “My Kingdom For a Sharpen Filter” where, much like King Lear, the Yugi crew splays themselves on a battle field just strewn with different ways to sharpen an image, but can’t for the life of them use any other one, but the one deep in the heart of what is now DartzCorp.
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And so yes, we are going to fly to San Fransisco, hop into ye Olde KaibaCorp, and log into proto-Noah in order to read a language that Arthur Hawkins can already read.
This is nonsense, but they put it there because it’s something to do. And honestly, it’s not a card game, so I’m down for this change-up. Lets go visit a version of Noah’s brain. At least they won’t drop an orichalcos for the 12th episode in a row.
On the way, Seto decides to try and egg on Yugi.
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This backfires as you expect it will because Yami doesn’t freakin care. Like he’s not Yugi, he doesn’t care who the King of Games is, he harnesses freakin Dark Magic. The Wizard never cares if he’s King Arthur or not, and in fact, he probably prefers it....
..................Except in that spinoff where they had Yugi as a reincarnation of King Henry VII.
...................................................never mind.
And then Seto Kaiba says this actual line and I just...
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This entire show is just watching Yugi desperately cling to his scary ass hobbies. The tagline of Yugioh is “1001 reasons to go back to school and get a real job.”
What does Kaiba think Yugi does when he’s not around? Does he actually think Yugi attends school or sleeps at night or works an actual job? Like...he thinks Yugi has...NO HOBBIES.
Very interesting insight into what Seto considers a hobby and not hobby.
Especially since this Yami, who spends most of his spare time farting around his scary ass brain castle and getting lost. Occasionally he is forced on a date with Tea and wipes minds. That’s it. That’s all the things Yami does outside of hobbies.
Anyway, what is Dartz doing during all of this?
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After this, Dartz pulls back the literal curtains on this room to reveal these candles that each hold the soul of someone he’s murdered.
There are not NEARLY enough candles for this segment.
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A very brave man to have candles littered on the floor when his hair is down to his ass and all of his mooks have floorduster coats.
I really want to know what the local arts and crafts store thought when Dartz strode in there and bought every single tiny styrafoam skull during the Halloween sale and was like “can I put souls in these? You sell the kind I can put souls in, right?” and then immediately pulled out like a dozen 50% off coupons like a complete asshole.
Anyway, using this candle hocus pocus, Dartz uses the Orichalcos powers to take advantage of something Yugi did in the first episode. We distantly recall there was a giant eyeball in the sky--turns out if you bust up the eyeball with, lets say, a card that has a dragon on it, the eyeball will explode into many tiny Orichalcos pieces that will fall all over planet Earth.
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So apparently Yugi didn’t save anyone at all when he busted that eyeball, because he instead set in motion Dartz’ evil plan to eventually use these many tiny Orichalcos pieces like the one seen here, to kill the hell out of people.
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Good job, Yugi. Too bad you missed the Actual Bakura.
In fact, actual Bakura is probably the only one who survived this incident because I guarantee that Ryou Bakura is too busy eating all the contents of his fridge out of stress. He’s probably opened his window at this point, seen the crazy lights in the sky and in the street and was like  “Blooooooody nope nopenopenopenopenope” and just locked the windows and doors, turned up Hercule Poirot to max volume, and stuffed his face with cookies.
(Or biscuits, I guess.)
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I don’t know how to tally that.
Yugioh not only broke the tally I was using to measure the distance they spent commuting this season, it also broke the tally on the amount of people who have died on this children’s show.
That’s a really big number.
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We’ve had real duel monsters for a couple weeks but youknow...this time they’re extra, extra, extra real. More so than the last times. Also they’re all Orichalcos versions of their cards so their extra edge now. They’re the hot topic versions of what were already pretty hot-topic ass cards.
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MMM. We come full circle, back at a dock, a warehouse, and some huge ass boat.
Right where we belong. Where all friends meet, where we can all finally be one.
Yugioh found one of the only cities that has a very famous and tourist heavy pier/warehouse district in it just so the Yugi gang could finally feel comfortable in their natural habitat. HOWEVER, there’s just one tiny problem in this scene, and it’s that it’s not overlaid with the actual soundscape of a SF pier, which is that of 100000 screaming seals
I don’t have a seal problem, you have a seal problem.
Anyway, the only healthy adults here attempt to follow the children into danger but someone on the animation team was like “we just lost the keyboard drawing guy to that capslock! We cannot lose any more interns to a crowd scene with 9 people in it and 2 dead bodies!” and they uh...
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And we immediately eject Roland and whoever that weird sunglasses guy is out of the script. Mokuba gave them a longing glance as they helicoptered away. Maybe because he missed his Dad stand-ins that he went through such efforts to call in the first place. Or more likely, because Mokuba would have preferred to be on that helicopter and far away from whatever the hell is going to go down on this dock.
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Honestly the rest of Joey’s storyline this episode is him going rogue because of Mai rage, and it both comes out of nowhere and also seems very on point for him.
Meanwhile, Rebecca’s unbridled rage towards Yami Muto is still low key hilarious to me.
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Witness the only character here who thinks Yami should suffer actual consequences and witness Yami just appear to not give a single damn about it.
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Nearly spat out my own drink watching this.
...exist in this universe?
Anyway, while Tristan and Tea try to locate a payphone to dial 911, Seto and Yugi decide to invade Seto’s own company by going through an elevator that you have to reach through the sewers.
Straight up I don’t think SF even has sewers. At least, not in the sense that you can walk in em like New York or Paris or other cities that have sewers. Our sewer systems are very small cuz we got something called “liquefaction” which means our ground is so soft (and artificial--a lot of the land is fake), that when there is an earthquake, certain parts of the city will...liquefy. It’s Terrifying. We kind of...avoid going and building underground except in certain stable places. (like even BART gives me the heebies.)
I just have a very strong distrust of basements, caves and other underground places in general and it’s not because of spiders, or ghosts or whatever, I’m just afraid of faultlines. It’s like having an active volcano, but you just don’t see it, and we haven’t had a Big One since 1989 so...any day now (I mean, 2020 has been such redic content, that I think we’re finally ready)
Again, Japan has way more intense Earthquakes than we do, and yet they have a billion underground subways and very, very tall buildings, so like, this is mostly a big cultural difference between the two of us. And the bedrock. They probably have better bedrock than we do (honestly, I just have no idea).
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Almost as good as that time he hacked into Pegasus’ company by dropping a satellite on it. I’m starting to think Seto actually doesn’t know how to use a computer.
Anyway, Seto is faced with...real cards, real monsters, indisputable evidence, and he decides, it’s time. It’s time to finally face facts.
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So, while these two are just flinging cards around willy nilly, Tea and Tristan are ...actually talking to police.
4 seasons. They’re actually doing it.
Although, TBH, they probably should have gone to the Japanese Embassy first? Just throwing that out there.
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Ah Yugioh, the only kids show around that tells you point blank not to trust cops. Timeless.
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In some weird underground earthquake hazard, Rebecca proves that she is smarter than Seto Kaiba. She’s maybe even the smartest person on this show. Nice that we gave her nothing to do this season but pine over Yugi who is already taken by Tea who he is also not even dating.
Not that I love Rebecca or anything, I actually have a hard time with her voice, but like...they really dropped the ball on Rebecca.
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If she does end up joining Kaiba corp as their back up Felicity Smoak while Seto just runs around aimlessly punching stuff that really is just offbrand Arrow but with cards. And with slightly less resurrections.
So, lets get a gander at that computer.
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We didn’t get to see Kaiba pull out 12 other discs to complete the installation process for these all these Hard Discs. Maybe the lure of throwing a very aerodynamic CD across the room like a paper card was so strong that his dev team forced him to switch to these defunct squares?
PS, I am a true millennial, OK? But, I don’t remember Hard Discs.
Hard Discs were SO long go. I stopped using these damn things in Elementary school. The last Hard Disc I ever touched was in college, when I had to put my art portfolio on a disc to submit it to my degree. I don't know even why. Everyone had a mac, so I knew no one’s computer in the department even...HAD a disc drive so it was like...whomst among you has this damn computer from 1997? Whomst among you is still using Windows 95? WHY would I put IMAGES on a floppy when I can just email them to you?
Anyway, I had to get a USB hard disc reader, and to get that reader, I had to call my Dad who had legacy software because he’s a computer engineer, and he had to mail it to me.
In that same portfolio review, PS, I also had to submit my portfolio as slides.
I didn’t even know where to produce slides so I had to ask all these old people and go to the last photo processing store on earth to get digital pictures turned into negatives and then turned into freakin slides.
I honestly think they just did that to weed people out of the art degree.
Anyway, I tell you this story just to say that there is no way in hell that Kaiba was using a hard disc during the height of the CD era. We were CD or go home since 2000. We had pretty decent jump drives at this point. We had wifi. It was realllly bad wifi, but we had it. Your phone could connect to the internet. It would charge you 50 bucks, but it COULD connect.
Who on the Yugioh team DID this?
Anyway lets see these pictures that for which, we spent thousands of dollars in unused plane tickets, destroyed a Caltrain, killed 2 ancient Atlanteans (and their dog), killed 3 random mid-villains, walked across the entire Peninsula, crashed an international plane, and left both the plane and the train to rot gas fuel into the nearest lake which is right next to a ghost graveyard?
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Like he reads it and is all “They’re gonna resurrect Atlantis” and it’s like WE KNOW. Dartz and his hooligans have talked about starting their Utopia to reboot the world since Gurimo. Since Day 1.
Anyways, there was one plus to the pictures, and it was that Seto Kaiba recognized the Oricalchos logo.
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The Oricalchos logo is...
...This logo, Seto?
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You...didn’t recognize...seriously? Not until just now? You have been inside of this logo, rearing to lose your soul to Alister 2 times, and he only recognized it...just now.
I mean Seto takes a while y’all. He’s a genius, but his memory is so, so bad, that he will Eventually get smart, but you have to wait until like episode 24. But he’ll get there. Just gotta be patient.
And, when he saw it, he wigged out in a way I wasn’t prepared for.
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Y’all I feel like I’ve seen to many weird zooms on Kaiba’s crotch in this show. Or just in life in general, especially after that surprise fic. That’s all.
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I don’t know why everything exploded, but maybe the logo is cursed in the same way as God Cards? I dunno.
Anyway, this is when Dartz shows up with his brand new dog.
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So they run outside onto the roof.
Now listen, does every Kaiba Corp building need the same weird ass roof? Is it like a McDonalds?
Because I’m just picturing this type of roof in SF and I’m having a time.
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Forgive me if I made this lemming joke already. He’s just stood on a cliff’s edge so many times I can’t keep up.
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RIP Dragon Jet, who took us from S3-S4, you’ll always live on in our memory, you glorious, wasteful, beautiful death trap.
Seto and Yugi are fine by the way, they just kinda jumped out, as you do when you’re an immortal god possessing a small boy and a...whatever the hell Seto is.
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It’s at this point we reintroduce Valon because Joey went rogue and has decided to take on Dartz by himself. This is what happens when Tristan leaves the party. You always need Tristan to hold back Joey by his armpits to keep him from fighting random people.
So I guess Valon’s gonna die next episode. That’ll be nice.
What’s great about this show is each arc is just watching each villain die. You know they’ll die. But...how much?
Anyway, that’s all for today. I’m still drawing a hell ton of stuff so I don’t know when the next update will be...but just now I haven’t dropped off or something. I’ll...eventually get to it.
And if you just got here, this is a link to read all of these in chrono order.
Anyway, I mentioned Hercule Poirot, (because watching a hell ton of BBC was how I spent time with my family when I was a kid, and my very Southern Grandma freakin LOVED Hercule Poirot) So here is the best subplot of that show, which is David Suchet eating stuff.
And which doesn’t want to embed for some reason. Probs can’t embed more than one video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=17antzzJrzQ
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duelistas · 3 years
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@kaibacorpbros​ / @indioragod​ has sent: ❤❤ for Seto and Diva
ULTIMATE SHIP MEME - Send my character a ❤ and I'll fill in the form of what my character would do with yours. [Accepting, mutuals]
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Affectionate; Holding hands | Cheek kisses | Hugs from behind |  Cuddling | Hand kiss | PDA | Spooning | Shared baths | Whispers |  Affectionate texts | Caressing | Stroke hair | No displays of affection
Sex; Shower sex | Wall sex | Neck bites | Oral | Morning sex | Drunk sex | Public sex | Backseat of car | BDSM | No sex
Dates; Picnic | Cinema | Restaurant | Sports game | Hike | Coffee | Museum | Club | Bar | Beach | No dates
Would my character…
Marry them? Yes | No (It is one of those things she dreams of and wishes for someday, but realistically she knows very well how that is just impossible. Mostly because of their relationship dynamic, not being suitable for it in a legal way. But also, she gets a feeling it is impossible to expect that from both Diva and Kaiba [especially Kaiba].) Have sex on the first date? Yes | No Confess their attraction first? Yes | No (I can’t recall if we’ve settled in a “order” of confessions for them. But Ishizu is definetely the first one to confess her attraction to Kaiba, and then reciprocrates it with Diva’s. Kaiba is the last one to do this.) Have children/adopt? Yes | No (Similarly with the marriage answer. She wants to be a mother, she hopes of becoming a mother [having her own child] at some point in her life. She obviously, isn’t against adopting but she wants to go through the pregnancy process. Unlike the marriage, that is something that she struggles a bit more to drop and abandon entirely. We have yet to settle on this, but I remember you saying how Kaiba has no interest in becoming a father. So that is kinda of depending on Diva, and a number of other factors.) Die for your character? Yes | No Cheat on your character? Yes | No (Yes, they are in a ployrelationship. No, they are not open for new folks. -Insert here all the stupid prejudices/ideas ppl get when they hear those three are together-) Lie to them? Yes | No (It depends on the situation, & what this is about) Cuddle after sex? Yes | No (they all cuddle up v close. Usually, Kaiba is the one who stays in the middle.)
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dazeandhaze · 4 years
What is the kagerou project?
This post is for those who are interested in interacting with my muses Kido, Kano, and Konoha, but maybe don’t know enough about the series to really know where to start plotting wise. I’ll be linking this post to their abouts (when I make them) and I welcome any questions you might have on it!
First off, the Kagerou project is originally a set of vocaloid songs / videos that later got translated to a manga, novels, and an anime. It’s a story told achronlogically, meaning pretty much out of order and not straight forward at all - another reason I wanted to make this post so newcomers don’t feel confused.  That and all the mediums help tell the full story - so unless you’ve taken in all of them it’s hard to piece together the story from start to finish, and there is still a lot of details we don’t know. The kagerou project isn’t perfect but it’s a good story overall.
The actual story / character info will be below the cut cause this is gonna be a super long post.
Also if you get weirded out by snakes it’s probably not the best idea to read this - there’s no pictures but the word ‘snake’ comes up ALOT. Also please don’t read this if Suicide is a trigger for you, as that is something that I will be mentioning a few times aswell.
First off I’ll introduce the characters / what their powers are and then explain the songs then the story and how the powers are significant and how the characters play into the story as a whole.
Azami - the medusa. Creator of the abilities.
The Mekakushi Dan - the ‘blindfold’ gang. It started as a childhood fantasy but Kido, Kano, and Seto kept the group name after Ayano’s death. Kano was the one that came up with the name.
 Ayano Takeyama - Number 0, Foster older sister to Kido, Kano, and Seto. Has the snake of favoring eyes. She is able to project her feelings and memories onto others.
Tsubomi Kido - Number 1, technically the leader. Has the snake of Concealing eyes. She can make herself effectively invisible and unable to be perceived by others as long as she doesn’t touch anyone. She can use this ability on other people, and any sound they make while the ability is active is unheard of by others.
Kousuke Seto - Number 2. Has the snake of Stealing eyes. He can read people’s minds and when used to its full potential, he can read a person's memories.This ability also lets him understand the thoughts of animals, though they can still not understand him.
Shuuya Kano - Number 3. Has the snake of Deceiving eyes. It allows him to change what people perceive him as. He can change his appearance to impersonate other people and even animals. He can only use this ability on himself and not others.
Marry Kozakura - Number 4. Has two ‘eye’ abilities technically, Locking Eyes and Combining eyes. Locking eyes she inherited from her mother Shion and her grandmother Azami. It allows her to temporarily stop the movement of whoever meets her gaze. She is not able to turn people into stone, but it can paralyze them for a short amount of time. The Snake of Combining Eyes can combine and therefore control all snakes. It was directly given to her by Azami when she died and entered the Kagerou Daze. This ability causes her to automatically obtain a snake after its owner has died and also allows her to take a snake directly from them.Combining Eyes also passively causes the other snakes (and thus their owners) to be drawn towards its owner.
Momo Kisaragi - Number 5. She has the snake of Drawing Eyes. This ability can draw peoples' attention to herself regardless of their preferences in tastes or interests. She is also able to tell where a person's attention is drawn to.
Ene / Takene Enomoto - Number 6. She has the Snake of opening eyes. This allows her to to split her consciousness from her body, which then can reside in electronic devices (such as a cellphone) as a cyber-being. After regaining her body as Takane, she is still able to send herself to other electronic devices as Ene, but doing so causes her body to lose consciousness.
Shintaro Kisaragi - Number 7. Has the snake of Retaining eyes. This allows him to remember everything he sees. When his ability is fully activated, he is able to remember the events of past routes and speak with the Snake of Retaining Eyes.
Hibiya Amamiya - Number 8. Has the snake of Focusing Eyes.This has the power to perceive objects and details that are far away from an aerial view.
Konoha / Haurka Kokonose - Number 9. Has the snake of Awakening Eyes. This gives him the power to remake his body into one that he finds to be his "ideal" - as Haruka was physically weak and sickly, this meant for him to become supernaturally strong. He can also heal from even fatal injuries with this ability, which looks like multiple black snakes wrapping around his body when activated.
Hiyori Asahina - Number 10. Depending on the route she will have the snake of Focusing Eyes instead of Hibiya. 9/10 times though it is Hibiya. Just mentioning this fact for technicalities sake.
The Snake of Clearing eyes - the story’s main antagonist. This ability can interfere with and stop the use of other eye abilities completely. It normally possesses either Ayano’s father or Hibiya depending on the route. In every route it will always possess Konoha towards the end - as he is the strongest member and none of the others in the Dan can stand a chance against him. (if you see me reblog a black haired konoha, it’s him being possessed by this ability)
As mentioned before, this started off as a set of vocaloid songs. So I will list SOME of the songs below - there’s over 33 songs related to the kagerou project but these are ones with MVs (or at least fan made ones) that have the main characters as the focus.
Shinigami Record - Azami Song
Jinzou Enemy - Ene and Shintaro song
Mekakushi Code - Kido’s song
Headphone Actor - Takene song
Imagination Forest - Mary song
Kagerou Daze / Heat Haze Days - Hiyori and Hibuya song
Konoha’s state of the world - Konoha song ft Hiyori and Hibuya
Yobanashi Deceive - Kano song
Shouen Brave - Seto song
Kisaragi Attention - Momo Song
Ayano’s theory of Happiness - Ayano song
Yuukei Yesterday - Takene and Haruka song
Children Record - everyone is here lmao serves more like an opening if anything
Moon Viewing Recital - Momo and Hibuya song
Outer Science - Clearing eyes song / The Bad ending
Lost time memory - Shintaro song
Summer time record - everyone is here but there is a focus on Haruka / the good ending
Additional memory - Ayano in the daze song
Never lost world - kido post story song
the first thing to know about the kagerou project story is that it is a time loop story. Each medium contains its own loop (or in the manga’s case, multiple), which is why someone has to consume all the mediums to really get the full story. Some character details or interactions only happen in one route / loop.  I’ll be going over what people are most likely to find out through google searches / the easiest medium (the music or anime) but will mention other routes here and there for context. Generally most routes we know of follow most of the same story beats but some differ dramatically - and I don’t want to confuse people.
For the overall story though - it starts with Azami. She is the medusa, but not in the traditional greek myth sense. It is just what humans started referring to her as thanks to her snake-like features. Truthfully she doesn’t know entirely what she is, she was born at the beginning, and lasted through the ages with not even a physical form until she met two beings - humans and a snake. The humans tried to kill her on first sight while the snake was kind and explained what the humans were to Azami. Her physical form ended up being a mix of these two species, hence humans calling her a medusa. (pictured below is azami from the novels)
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Overtime she tried to interact with humans but they always shunned her and tried to kill her until one day she met an albino man named Tsukihiko. I will skip over the specifics but she ends up falling in love with him and building a family with him. They were both considered ‘monsters’ by society and thus made a perfect pair. They even had a daughter, Shion.
Now it’s important to note that during this time she made her abilities. considered ‘eye’ abilities or ‘snakes’, Azami had the ability to create almost sentient forces within her to help her solve problems. For example, the ‘favoring eyes’ ability was created so she could properly show her emotions to her infant daughter, pass on all the love that she had onto Shion in a way she would understand even as a baby.
However after Shion was born, after creating these abilities, she realized that both Tsukihiko and Shion were going to out live her and die. She had lived thousands, maybe even millions, of years by now and hadn’t aged a day - but her husband obviously had. In this fear a new power was born, the snake of clearing eyes. It offered a solution to Azami, for them to create an entirely new world where death and time didn’t exist, where she could simply be happy with her family. She does this, and tells her husband and child they would leave the world together. They agree, but Tsukihiko wants to officially marry Azami before they leave the world. She allows him to go back to his old home to get wedding rings and someone to marry them officially, but doesn’t return. What does return are humans, out to kill Azami and her daughter. Azami defeats the men with ease but believes now her husband is all but dead. In her grief, she escapes to the world she made - the Kagerou Daze - and leaves her child behind.Tsukihiko manages to return, escaping from the confinement the other humans had put him in, and knows once he finds his daughter alone that his wife left the world. They are not upset with her, and continue to live out their days in their home in the forest.
Tsukihiko eventually dies of old age and Shion grows up. Shion has her own daughter called Mary, who is a quarter medusa. Shion is extremely protective of her daughter after the events of her own childhood, and tells Mary never to leave the house. However being the fun loving child she was, Mary disobeyed her mother once. It wasn’t long after she was found by humans who were proceeding to beat her to death when her mother found her. They were both about to die at the hands of these humans when Azami decided to intervene.
She wasn’t gone completely, she had been watching over her daughter and grandaughter from the Daze. Knowing what was about to happen to her family, she issued a command to the world to take in the two people dying and bring them up into the world. The date? August 15th.When the two arrived in the world they were dead. The world brought them back to life but they couldn’t leave back to the ‘real’ world without a new lifeforce. Azami, wanting her daughter to live, gave her the core of her power - the snake of combining eyes, also known as the ‘queen snake’. But Shion wanted her own daughter to live, and passed it onto Mary. Mary was able to return to the real world, but had no memory of the Daze or what her mother and grandmother had done for her - she was now alone.
The combining eyes was the core of Azami’s power, and without it she could no longer control the Kagerou Daze. She couldn’t tell the world to stop bringing people into it, to stop giving them powers,and to stop returning people to the real world. This was the mistake that costs the main character’s so much grief.
Each of the members of the mekakushi dan (besides Shintaro) died on the day of August 15th. The Kagerou Daze, still fulfilling its order, took them and whoever they were with at the time up into the world, and if they resonated with one of Azami’s abilities, gave them the snake before putting them back out into the real world - the snake/ eye ability being their new life force and the reason they’re alive.
Kido died in a fire with her sister, and got the snake of concealing eyes. Seto drowned with his dog and got the snake of stealing eyes. Kano died in a robbery with his mother and got the snake of Decieving eyes. Momo also drowned and got the drawing eyes ability. Takene was poisoned and got the opening eyes ability. Haruka had a heart attack and got the awakening eyes ability. Hibuya and Hiyori were in a traffic accident and depending on the route - one of them gets the Focusing eyes. As stated above, 9/10 times it’s Hibuya, Hiyori only gets it in the manga route/loop.
Ayano is a special case. She committed suicide with the goal in mind to go to the Kagerou Daze. She stays in the daze with her eye ability for a reason which I’ll get to later.
Now Shintaro does have an eye ability of his own, however it was NOT one of Azami’s abilities. I will also get to this later.
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Kido, Kano, and Seto all end up being orphaned around the same time and ended up in the same orphanage. Forced into the same room together as they were the ‘strange’ kids. They were all adopted by the Tateyama family, Ayano’s family, who were researching the Medusa aka Azami. they took these kids in for their research but also genuinely cared about them. With the help of Ayano - the three children come to be not so scared of their abilities and learn to like humanity again. The hoodies the three wear were gifts from their foster parents and Ayano to hide their eyes - as when their abilities were being used / went out of control, their eyes turned red.
One August 15th, Ayano’s parents were involved in a mudslide. They went to the Daze, and her father returned with the snake of clearing eyes. This wasn’t apparent to Ayano or any of the children at first, but Ayano soon found out that her father planned to kill her two friends at school (Haruka and Takene, who have pre existing health conditions and were in his ‘special education’ class) on August 15th so that they would go to the daze and get more snakes.
She found the clearing eyes wanted all the snakes in the real world for some reason, and thus on August 15th, she committed suicide by jumping off the roof of the school building, going into the daze and holding one of the eye abilities hostage by never returning from the daze. The clearing eyes still continued with his plan, Takene and Haruka died that day as well and got their respective powers. Haruka and Takene were strange cases though, they didn’t die with another person. Instead the clearing eyes tricked the world of the Kagerou Daze, getting it to recognize the mind and body as two different entities. So Takene’s body was left in the Daze while her mind returned to the real world as ‘Ene’, and could only exist within cyberspace. Haruka’s mind was left in the Daze and the perfect, healthy, body that he wanted returned to the real world as Konoha, who had no memories and seemingly little personality.
 But left the only one of their friend group, Shintaro, alive with all of his friends having died on the same day. He became a shut in, and for two years did not leave his home. The story officially ‘starts’ with Shintaro and Ene. Ene pretending she did not know Shintaro at all, found his computer during the two year timespan and proceeded to make his life hell, but also give him company within those two lonely years.
It’s important to note that Ene is crucial to Shintaro’s overall development. In some loops, her presence wasn’t enough and he ends up committing suicide out of grief. But emotions and lessons learned are kept throughout the loops, and eventually Ene came to realize that she had to help Shintaro no matter what.
Anyways, in a series of unfortunate events, Shintaro ends up needing to leave his house to go shopping as August 14th is a part of the obon holiday in Japan and he couldn’t survive one day without his precious computer being operational. On his one outing in two years - he ends up being wrapped into a robbery / terrorist attack on a shopping center and meets the rest of the Mekakushi dan (at this moment, only Kido, Seto, Kano, Mary, and Shintaro’s sister Momo). They help diffuse the situation at the shopping center and Shintaro ends up passing out (just due to nerves or he actually gets grazed by a bullet, depends on the loop), and brought back to the Mekakushi Dan hideout aka their apartment. It’s here he learns about the eye abilities, how his sister has one, and the exact events after this differ from loop to loop. Either way Shintaro becomes a sort of ‘unofficial’ member of the Dan and spends time with them over the next few days as he tries to wrap his head around the mysterious powers of the Dan and what they mean.
How the Dan ends up recruiting Hibuya and Konoha differs as well, but generally the group comes across the traffic accident that Hibiya and Hiyori were involved in and Konoha being there as well. Sometimes Ene will ask Shintaro to chase after Konoha, recognizing him as Haruka, and then they end up at the hospital and wait for Hibuya to be released / able to have visitors so they can talk to him. At this point in some of the loops, the Dan knows that August 15th is an important day to them, they’re just not sure why.
Hibuya leaves the hospital, determined to find Hiyori - not quite sure what has happened to her but knows she might be dead or lost or looking for him. Momo manages to get Hibuya to calm down and control his new eye ability, just in time for the Dan to be put into trouble.
It should be noted that technically, Azami had only 10 powers. And now with the exception of the power now taken by Ayano, all of those powers are in the real world. Which means it was time for the Clearing eyes to make its move. In the Novel and Anime route, the Dan ends up taking the fight to the Clearing eyes. (Possibly in the manga route aswell, I haven’t finished it).
Regardless, the Clearing eyes objective becomes clear rather quickly - it plans to kill every member of the Mekakushi Dan except for Shintaro (who doesn’t have one of Azami’s powers, but he still dies in some routes just for getting in the way) and Mary (who has the queen snake / snake of combining eyes, which clearing eyes wants). With each member of the Mekakushi Dan that dies, Mary gains their ability and grows closer to a full medusa. When she has five snakes - she can control the Kagerou Daze itself. The Clearing Eyes plans to kill the Mekakushi Dan, possess Mary, and become immortal + have control over the Daze and all of Azami’s abilities.
This is how most routes end. As soon as Mary has five snakes (four or more of her friends die), she has the power to control the Kagerou Daze and she has the world take in the Clearing eyes and thus trapping it there forever. After this she uses her new found powers to rewind time to sometime after her mother’s death but before everything else happened. This is how most routes start.
In the manga route specifically, the only ones alive after Mary has trapped the Clearing Eyes is Ayano (as she didn’t stay in the Daze in this route), Shintaro, and Mary. Everyone else is dead and gone and Mary is about to rewind time. Before she does though, she has Mary do something - give Shintaro an eye ability. Ayano gives up her life so that Mary may make her life force into an ability - the snake of retaining eyes. It is so that Shintaro ‘will never forget the tragedy that occurred here’. Shintaro has the ability to retain everything he sees, even across timelines. This route happens early on in the number of routes, but it’s never told to the audience when exactly it happens.
But, the problem with this is that he doesn’t remember he has an ability, it has to be triggered somehow. But it’s because of this that Shintaro killing himself out of grief in some timelines is so detrimental to the overall story - if Shintaro dies then he can’t activate his power and he can’t help save everyone. So for the story to truly be realized and head towards a good ending, Shintaro can’t die until after he remembers his ability.
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In the novel route, only Seto, Mary, and Hibiya are alive after the confrontation with the Clearing eyes, and they live out their lives for almost two years before Mary decides to rewind time. Hibiya is able to contact the people who died and are now stuck in the Kagerous daze (death doesn’t exist there, so people are ‘alive’ there but trapped forever) and they all collectively make the decision to turn back time. Shintaro even comments that they’ve probably done this dozens, or maybe even hundreds or thousands of times by that point.
In the Anime route is when Shintaro remembers his ability. He remembers this due to something he knows but he shouldn’t have known. While he was friends with Ayano in school, he never knew that her siblings that she spoke about were Kido, Kano, and Seto. Yet while at the Mekakushi Dan apartment, he finds a picture with them all in it - and somehow knows that it’s the truth despite being surprised to find it out. This one event was enough for him to get things rolling and eventually remember his ability. He ends up killing himself and going to the Daze to see Ayano.
This is also shown in Route 1 of the lost time memory music video. He gets shot trying to protect Konoha (who was getting possessed by the clearing eyes, and thus tried to kill himself so that he wouldn’t hurt his friends), and he appears in the Daze to speak to Ayano and bring her back to the real world. The combination of Shintaro’s Retaining eyes, and Ayano’s favoring eyes, is enough to help get Mary to calm down. Ayano’s ability also lets her put the memories of others into other people, so she helps Shintaro show Mary that everything will be fine and that no matter what happened in every other route, they all love and care for her. This was enough to get her to calm down and for her to take everyone up into the Kagerou Daze, not just the clearing eyes.
Once trapped there, the Clearing eyes had nowhere to go and also was tricked by Konoha and Haruka into becoming the new snake / life force for Hiyori so that she could come back to life. I should note here that it is possible for those with snakes to sort of come and go from the Kagerou Daze as they please - people in the daze just can’t leave without a snake, so Mary also returns the snakes to those who had died up until this point so that they could leave the kagerou daze afterwards. Haruka is able to get back into his body after Konoha willingly gives it over, Takene gets her body back, and they are all able to have a few moments with those that they had died with to get some closure.
They then leave the daze together, and are able to continue on with their lives. (also shown in sumertime record)
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Again, I skipped over ALOT here. But this is overall the major plot points of the kagerou project.
The Kagerou project is about dealing with loss, about looking forward to the future, about learning that you don’t have to deal with everything alone - there is always someone willing to help you. It’s about overcoming fear and despair, and learning to take a step forward. There is a lot of death and sadness in this story but there’s also a lot of goofy fun moments too - to remind us that even dark moments have a little light in them.
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alectoperdita · 5 years
I followed you because of Lucifer but now I am getting interested in Yu-Gi-Oh and was wondering if it has a manga and if so is it good?
Ah! I’m gonna be honest, I always assumed if I was gonna sway people from one fandom to the other: it was going to be the other way around. So cool that the random YGO posts actually piqued your interest!
Yes, there is a manga! It is 343 chapters long. I’m personally quite fond of it. Keep in mind that it is a product of its time so the early humor is very mid-late-90s (especially in its treatment of female characters/the male gaze, which mostly drops off by about volume 7). If you want to read the manga in English, the official translations are done by Viz’s English division (I think they’re mostly sold as omnibus with multiple volumes now). I cannot attest to the quality of Viz’s translation though. I originally read the manga in Chinese and have since reviewed the unofficial English scanlations instead. There are a number of sites out there where you can find the scanlations, but they are of varying quality (from good to bad).
I think reading the first 60 chapters/7 volumes will help determine how you might want to continue consuming the canon. Obviously, if you like the manga, you can and should finish it. It will give you the entire story.
If your favorite parts were the following, you may want to consider also looking at the following:
You liked the varied games/episodic nature/dark mood/high stakes of the early manga, you might want to watch the first Yu-Gi-Oh! anime series by Toei. It was never localized in English, so you would have to watch it with Japanese audio and English subtitles. There appears to be an English fandub project on Youtube, but I cannot attest to its quality. This anime is a bit hard to find now, but it must still be out there for torrenting if you want. This anime adapts those first 60 chapters with some creative license.
If you crave the card game and somewhat higher quality animation, check out the Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters! There are 224 episodes and completely glosses over those early 60 chapters. Some of it is implied to have happened, but it can taken as a separate continuity. The story still more or less ends up at the same place as the manga’s ending.You can legally watch all the seasons except for the last one (for some reason) in the Japanese audio with subs in the US on Crunchyroll.com. If you want to watch it in English, the 4Kids dub is available in the US on Hulu. I honestly do not recommend the English dub if you’re interested in the story. We didn’t have readily available options back in 2005, thankfully we do now.
If you enjoy Kaiba Seto as a character, omg, definitely watch the Duel Monsters anime. There are entire filler arcs devoted to Kaiba’s characterization/development. No one stans Kaiba Seto as hard as the series animators istg.
“Oh, this is all so dumb, how can anyone take this stuff seriously?” Check out Yu-Gi-Oh! The Abridged Series, a fandub devoted to lampooning all the ridiculousness 10+ years in the making
Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
Also if you’re looking at my YGO content, you’re also looking at my puppyshipping/violetshipping content? My ship is so very not canon. I dunno. I feel like I should flag that since Deckerstar is very canon and Kaijou is very not. Yay! Expectation setting!
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