pastalover9 · 13 days
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hes ugly af?????? wdym????
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hatchetmanofficial · 2 years
fun fact: I was originally going to give Alan a mask as part of his design but I couldn't come up with a good mask idea
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myechoecho · 10 months
Love You Seven Times, eps 13 & 14
Chu Kong was not unaffected by the tribulation. He secretly comforted her. He waited for her after nearly everyone had left.
Someone please punch that prince. PLEASE.
YESSSSSSSSSS. Looks like I was right about Chu Kong and Changkong being connected as the writer of the Fate Book says that the personality of the immortal during the mortal tribulation has the the underlying personality of the immortal. They are not the exact same, and will differ but it core is there. I'm even more convinced that Changkong stems from parts of Chu Kong's personality which he's forgotten after that battle 30,000 years ago when he lost half of his primordial spirit.
Chu Kong really wants to know if she was in actually in love with Changkong or if it was just because of the tribulation. Which, if he was completely unaffected, he would not care to ask.
He seeks her out but he doesn't know how to exactly talk to her. When the king suggests that he's not happy with Xiangyun, he praises her.
I also think the king knows/suspects she is Cang Hui. Which is why Chu Kong is so affected by her
If she had thanked him for her promotion, he might not have made her copy the book. But he probably still would have since he needed an excuse to keep her close.
Random, but I enjoy Chu Kong's use of "hmmm" and its multiple meanings
He actually somewhat carefully picking up the scattered pages of the book Xiangyun copied, and thought enough to gave food prepared for her.
I've viewing Immortal Li as a Fan Fic writer
Punchable Prince's plans to help out with the festival are ruined when Chu Kong shows up. He can't get him to leave. And when he tries to be cheeky and makes two of the name plate sfall, they perfectly remind both Chu Kong and Xiangyun of their tribulation and they are essential in sync about it.
I love how Chu Kong comforts her, even though she's asleep. He tells her that Changkong existed and would always exist because she remembers him. And he has the jade piece she gave him in the mortal realm.
She makes the crab apple cakes just for Chu Kong.
I feel so bad for the sister who just wanted to get away from her Big Evil Brother. It seems like she was just tired and wanted to leave everything behind. And then she killed rock boy. It's complicated.
I really loved these last two episodes.
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sparkymalone · 2 months
Evilious chronicles au (play and non play au)
-so if you don't know evilious chronicles is a series is where characters are representing the seven deadly sins ,pride, gluttony,envy,sloth,greed, lust,wrath in this Danganronpa characters are playing the characters so buckle up!
This will only cover the pride and gluttony btw
-sonia is riliane(she represents pride) fuyuhiko is Allen(the princess's servant and twin bro) Sonia is arrogant queen and Fuyuhiko promises that even if the rest of the world turns against her, he'll continue to protect her. One day, he goes to visit the kingdom of Elphegort, and he falls in love with Michaela(who's makoto)servant(who's hajime?! Side note Michaela in the real story doesn't have a servant this is just for ship reasons hehe). However, sonia was supposed to be with nagito but nagito fell in love with makoto instead she got jealous and asked fuyullen to kill makoto's servant so she can enjoy makoto's misery (another side note that in the story of the evilious chronicles Allen was requested to kill Michaela due to riliane's jealousy)Though fuyuhiko states he will always grant her wish, when killing hajime fuyuhiko couldn't stop his tears from sfalling. Sometime after the event, he serves Sonia brioche for a snack and sees her laugh innocently.
Some time the kingdom was starting a revolution against the princess and fuyuhiko realized sonia will get killed. Despite acknowledging this might be a just fate, he still will protect her. He has her switch clothes with him, stating that because they were twins, no one would notice. As the princess, he is arrested and Sonia escapes. At 3pm fuyuhiko got executed and his head got chopped off
Gluttony arc
Akane is banica conchita(she represents gluttony)a well-known Duke of the country, eats up a supper that would sicken a normal person. As the song goes on, it explains how she once ate only the most delicious and exquisite food; now her tastes have evolved so that she could eat anything she wanted
Makoto and aoi are her servants (banica's servants are Arte the girl and pollo the boy) they don't mind her disgusting antics they are way too loyal for that
Her fifteenth chef, Josef ,(who's is going to be hajime)asks for a brief vacation, angering Banica. Later, she devours a special dinner with brown hair as an appetizer for the salad. Not yet satisfied, she also eats her servants but not yet satisfied
She wanted to eat her own baby because of the demon that tempted her but instead ate herself
That's all for now folks! Btw i remember correctly that the evilious chronicles are also made with vocaloid so things might be wrong I wrote and copy things done from their wiki so yea fufu
Here are the cast
Riliane and Allen - Sonia and fuyuhiko (Allen is not a representing sin btw it's riliane)
Banica conchita - akane
Gallerian Marlon(representing greed)-byakuya
Kayo sudou(representing envy)-kazuichi
Margarita blankenheim (representing sloth) chiaki
Nemesis- maki
SATERIASIS VENOMANIA - male mikan(if that makes sense)
Another yap session
I'm not sure I fully follow, but it's interesting!
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thefalloutwiki · 1 year
There's a fair bit of mods and fixes for the retro Fallouts, and some are very impressive. But considering that the original source code is lost, how can modders make these amazing mods but can't decipher the source code? What makes a source code so important? The same thing, IIRC, happened to the original Red Dead Redemption as well, and why it isn't on PC.
I believe you're referring to our previous post about Fallout 2 Community Edition! Fallout 2 Community Edition is actually based on code from Fallout 2 Reference Edition, a reverse-engineering project that restores the Fallout 2's source code as close as possible, with all of its original imperfections and quirks.
As for how modders were able to create Classic Fallout mods before this, there's two projects that can be pointed out that might've helped with this:
One is called Falltergeist, which "is an attempt to rewrite entire game from scratch".
The other is called sfall, which utilize "memory/process injection to replace original functions with their fixed/modified counterparts".
As for why source code is important, there's the preservation aspect of it, the modding aspect and the documentation aspect. It's beneficial to preserve source code for the future, it's useful to have for people who want to make projects based on it, such as mods or even full games, and documenting can help people understand how a lot of things work and provide them with experience!
Alex Batalov, who's behind Community Edition and Reference Edition, did an excellent write up that I recommend checking out. He definitely explains things best:
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scorpio-system · 10 months
washing machine girl (girl who is a washing machine) climaxing by swinging her door open and all the clothe sfall out
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energyfitnessalem · 1 year
7 advantages of regular exercise
You already know that exercise is healthy for you, but how healthy? Learn how exercise may enhance your life, from mood-boosting to increasing your sex life.
Want to feel better, be more energetic, and even live longer? Just get moving.
Regular physical activity and exercise have many positive health effects that are difficult to deny. Everyone, regardless of age, sex, or physical ability, benefits from exercise.
Need more persuasion to move forward? Best Gym in salem here are seven ways that exercising might make you happier and healthier.
Exercise reduces weight
Exercise can assist sustain weight loss or prevent excessive weight gain. Calorie burn occurs during physical exertion. You burn more calories when you engage in more vigorous exercise.
Regular gym visits are important, but don't stress if you can't find a significant amount of time to work out every day. Anything you do is preferable to doing nothing at all. Simply increase your daily activity to gain the benefits of exercise. Take the stairs instead of the elevator or work harder at your housework. Key is consistency.
2. Exercise fights illnesses and ailments
Heart illness giving you pause? Want to lower your blood pressure? Whatever your present weight, exercising increases the "good" cholesterol known as high-density lipoprotein (HDL) and lowers the bad cholesterol known as triglycerides. Your blood continues to flow normally as a result of these two factors, lowering your risk of cardiovascular problems.
Numerous health issues and difficulties are prevented or managed by regular exercise, including:
Diabetes syndrome
elevated blood pressure
diabetes type 2
many different cancers
Arthritis \sFalls
Additionally, it can help with cognitive development and reduce the risk of dying from any cause.
3. Exercise lifts one's spirits
Need some emotional support? Or do you need to unwind after a demanding day? Exercise in the gym or a brisk walk can assist. Different brain chemicals are stimulated by physical activity, which may make you feel happier, more at ease, and less stressed.
Regular exercise can also help you feel better about your appearance and yourself, which can increase your confidence and self-esteem.
4. Exercise increases energy
 Tired from domestic tasks or supermarket shopping? Your muscle strength and endurance can both increase with regular exercise.
Exercise helps your circulatory system function more effectively and distributes oxygen and nutrients to your tissues. Additionally, you have greater energy to complete daily tasks as your heart and lung health improves.
5. Exercise helps you sleep better
Struggling to fall asleep? You can sleep better, deeper, and fall asleep more quickly if you exercise regularly. Just remember to avoid exercising right before bedtime if you don't want to be too stimulated to sleep.
6. Exercise revitalises your sexual life.
Do you feel too worn out or unfit to appreciate intimate physical contact? Regular exercise can increase your energy levels and confidence in your physical attractiveness, which could enhance your sex life.
However, there is more to it than that. Regular exercise may increase arousal in women. Additionally, guys who frequently exercise are less likely than those who don't to experience erectile dysfunction issues.
7. Working out may be enjoyable and social!
Physical activity and exercise can be joyful. They allow you the chance to relax, take in the outdoors, or just do things that make you happy. Additionally, engaging in physical activity might facilitate social interactions with loved ones or close friends.
So join a soccer team, go trekking, or take a dance lesson. Find a sport you like, and just start doing it. Bored? Try something new or engage in activities with loved ones or friends.
The conclusion on exercise
Physical activity and exercise are fantastic methods to feel better, improve your health, and have fun.
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quackityposting · 2 years
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thesilenceofthelambs · 5 months
something is going on w my fo2 sfall script and no amount of troubleshooting is solving it 😭😭 halo
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lichfucker · 7 years
mmmmmmm I’ve been thinking abt url stuff so I made a poll
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rpgays · 4 years
goodbye, solider
Relationship: Jet Rocks and the rest of the pary.
Warnings: Major character death, Suicidal thoughts (for Amethar desire of dying in battle, not really thinking of suicide but stil potentially triggering.
Words: 2k
Summary: War is not fair, and life is even less fair to Candia. Jet is gone, and everyone is heartbroken. An exploration of those moments right before, during and after Jet's quick and senseless death, the families reaction and how much heartbreak one can take.
Link to AO3 version.
Ruby runs away because she knows she cannot save Jet. She needs help. Someone to save her sister. Someone to keep a half of her from dying. Someone to help Jet before it is too late. She fears too late was the moment she convinced Jet to go check the attic. She fears her sister is already gone, although she knows it is not true yet. But she feels time sleeping out, so she runs. Air filling her lungs, feeling like poison. She feels Jet’s poison, in her lungs, in her heart and in her brain. It is killing her too. Not in the way it kills Jet. It kills her souls.
She wants to scream. “Help my sister!”. She wants to beg, to cry, to fall to her knees. But as long as there is a chance, as long as she can get to Theo, or her dad, or anyone friendly, she runs. Her half heart glows up. She knows Jet is fighting. She wants to hold her pinky. She wants to turn around and put them together, help her. She knows she must not. She must run. Run until she no longer can, until she has found help, or until she dies. So, she runs as she feels her heart break. There will be time for tears, but now she must try. Try her best for Jet.
Jet, who is trying her best to stay here. She wants to protect her sister, her dad, her cousin, her uncles. Everyone. She wants to protect everyone. She is happy Ruby ran. Ruby is safe. Liam is safe. She did it, she protected them. Why does it feel so bittersweet? Maybe she is not ready to die. She is trying her best to not die. But poison runs through her body, and she can feel Liam trying to help. Sweet Liam, as much as he says he is a war guy, he still has a golden heart.
She looks at Liam. His eyes clouded with sadness. Jet tries to smile, but the pain stops her. There is so much she needs to say. There is not enough time. Questions run through her head. Will Ruby be okay? Is she safe? Her parents, what will happen now with them? It hurts her more than poison could. She just wants everyone to be okay. No hurt, no heartbreak should come to her family. She loves them all so much. They are her world. All of them. No longer here and no longer moving her mouth Jet talks to Liam.
Liam, a seed guy turned war guy. A young man dealing with pain beyond his age. Bloodied hands way too many times. He could not leave Jet behind. He would not. He wants his friend alive. Too many friends gone. Liam was always alone until he met Preston. Then he met the twins. Two princesses that took him as an equal. Two princesses that when Preston was taken away from him, they kept him close. Two princesses that let him in on their language. Two princesses that became his best friends. And now one of them is dying on his arms.
He feels so impotent. Liam tries his best, but he can not do anything. The poison is far too spread throughout her body. Jet far too weak now. At least she will not die alone. Loneliness is far too close to Liam. He knows this feeling far too well. No way that will be what Jet feels last. Not under his watch. Not when he is here. A war guy does not leave anyone behind. Jet deserves to rest with her aunts. He will carry her home. Saving her was not possible, but Liam will honor her. He honors her by staying by her side. Staying as strong as he can be, making sure Jet’s passing is as sweet as it can be. As sweet as her, as sweet as Rocks. Once Jet is gone, she will take her home. How he wished they had listened to Theo.
Theo. A knight, a protector, a failure. He let traitors come too close. He spent all that time hating on the chancellor but trusting Calroy. He hated a good man; he trusted a snake. Now Sir Toby was dead. He was locked. Did Lazuli die for nothing? Did Lapin die for nothing? He cannot lose anyone else. He has to escape. He has to find the king, the Queen, the princesses, Liam, Cumulus. He has to find everyone. Protect them. Be of use, make their sacrifices worth something. Mean something. He thinks of Lazuli’s sacrifice, and he thinks of his lessons. Knock. He opens the door, sword in hand. He fights for Candia, for the Rocks, for his soul.
He fights with fire on his heart. He will find the King and with Him save everyone. The Unfallen. If he finds Him, everything will be alright. But he needs to be fast, he needs to be quick. Now or never. Now or death. Theo slashes the enemies, angrily. He thinks of Lazuli. He thinks of Lapin. No one else is dying. Not anyone he loves. Not anymore. He tells himself no one else is dying, but then he sees Amethar sfall from the sky.
Amethar. His back hurts. He is still trying to understand what happened. Calroy betrayed him. One of his most trusted allies, one of his longest friends. Stabbed him in the back, like a coward. Murdered two of his sisters, like a coward. Threw him of the castle, like a coward. How he wishes he could have grabbed that stupid snake arm. They would both probably die. He always thought dying was okay if you died winning the battle. This was not winning. Falling to his death, with Calroy roaming his home, was the farthest he could be from a win. He had to live another day, so he could kill that bastard. But poison corrodes his body, and it is so hard. Still, Amethar must try.
He thinks of his daughters as he slowly is able to move his fingers again. He thinks of how graceful Ruby looked as she flew attached to the ropes through the ships. Arrows flying, killing the captain in one shot. He thinks of the pride in Jet’s face as they did the Daddy-Daughter special, how strong she had become. Amethar needs to do this for them. He needs to think of his daughters. Once they are safe, maybe he can die. But first, he has to think of Ruby and Jet.
And thinking of them he does. For a second, the king wants to believe his eyes are lying. The red hue, the glow. He knows is one of the lockets. His stomach turns. Arms awaken. This cannot be happening. Anything but this. Amethar wants to stop time. Run towards them, but he cannot. He is forced to fall as he sees the light of his daughter turn off. Forever. He knows in an instant. Jet is gone. His precious daughter, his precious fighter. She is dead. And he, he is furious. He is raging. He has never felt so angry, at the world, at himself, at Calroy, at who ever did this. He rages with so much ire that he slowly becomes fire. A meteor, ready to strike this planet and destroy it. He no longer is falling. He is coming down with a mission. He takes the damage gladly, not falling to his knees. Why does he never fall, why cannot he die? His sisters, his daughter. Everyone he loves dies. He is so angry. He stands up, and with all the rage he has ever felt he roars. Payment day on his hand, a crater left on impact. He lets out a scream that breaks the sky in two.
When Theo hears the scream, he knows something terrible has happened. He knows he lost someone again. He cannot explain why, but his chest feels it. The air smells like grief. He failed yet again. No time to feel bad for oneself, he thinks. He must find the King, protect Him. Find Liam, and the princesses who he can only pray they are alive. He looks for Cumulous, scanning the area as he runs outside. He needs back up. Sir Toby is dead, someone else is dead. Lazuli, Lapin and now who. He cannot be consumed by grief. He must fight it, and he must protect whoever is left.
Cumulous, who was talking to the Sugar Plum Fairy hears screams. He runs towards them. Death is beautiful, but he is here to protect Candia. To protect the magic of this world. His cousin’s screams, the sound of clashing swords. Something truly bad is happening, and he must save magic. He must save Candia. He could not save Lazuli, it was his time to redeem himself.
Liam stands besides Jet’s body. He hears war happening at the castle. He does not know what to do. Leaving Jet behind, even if it is just her body, feels wrong. Can he do anything else? Liam is so tired of loss, of war, of pain, of loneliness. He wipes his tears of when he hears Jet speaking to him for the last time. “Tell Ruby I love her” her mouth does not move. It is frozen in slightly curved lips, starting a smile. He does not understand, until he looks up. Jet’s spirit talks to him once more “And that she did the right thing.” He wishes he could answer, but all he can do is nod as he sees Jet be taken away by someone he cannot quite see. Tears run down his cheek. He must find Ruby.
Ruby is still running. Every fiber of her being aching from exhaustion, the hits she took and the grief she feels. The Locket of the Sweetest Heart is on her hand, and she can feel it glow. She knows before the light goes out. It is a fragment of a second, but she knows. She feels a part of her die, and then she sees the light glowing no more. How unfair life is. Lapin and Preston hurt, but this destroys. She wants to weep; she wants to wail. For a second Ruby does think she managed to scream. But her lungs are too deflated, her throat to dry. It is her dad. She feels him, and she feels that he knows. A hug is all she wants. Guilt runs through her veins, if only she had listened to Mom. Oh, how is she going to tell mom… Jet is gone, her best friend, her sister, her heart is gone. And she cannot process it beyond wanting to run, kill and cry all at once.
Jet feels herself float away. Her body no longer hurts, and although she is sad she is gone, she is glad Ruby and Liam are safe. She hears a voice, as a hand touches her shoulder. “Good Job solider, you got her home. Ruby is gonna be alright” Rococoa is there, in front of her. Glorious, beautiful and regal. She is smiling at Jet with sadness and love. “Thank you” Jet does not feel scared. She has her aunt here, and she feels calm. “Work is not over, there is plenty we can do from this side. You ready?” Jet laughs. “I mean yeah, that sounds awesome.” Nothing can keep the greatest fighter out of this. Not even death. She is ready to fight for her sister, for her family, for her country. Even beyond the grave. If it is needed, for an entire eternity. Rococoa smiles and looks at Jet in the eyes. “I have bad news. If you thought the adventure was gonna end, it is not. “ Once again, Jet smiles. It is horrible she will no longer see them, but she can still protect them. She was born to protect, and in death, she will save them. “Well if you thought the adventure was gonna die, she definitely fucking wasn’t” A proud smile adorns Rococoa’s face. She kisses Jet’s cheek, and with love and kindness of someone who happily died to protect others she says “Let’s go to work”.
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euphoriarps · 4 years
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❊ ◜ORLANDO.// weather
general //. those who have never made the great pilgrimage to florida often associate the sunshine state with, well, sunshine. they imagine a tropical paradise where they can frolic through disneyworld, contentedly eating a mickey bar and taking wall pictures for the `gram. the reality of the matter is, florida is not the paradise that so many think it to be. and those cute disney instagramers? they thank god for face tune to hide just how fucking awful they feel. the moment you leave the orlando international airport, it feels like chuck norris became the human embodiment of heat and punched you in the face. while there are occasional periods of reasonable temperatures, they are punctuated by a lot of rain and devestating heat and humidity that leaves many a newcomer experiencing this lovely thing called heat stroke. let us dive further into florida's imaginary "seasons." hurricane season //. hurricane season runs from june the first to november the thirtieth. it is during this time that florida's weather is the true embodiment of hell's front porch. on a normal day, temperatures can range anywhere from the high eighties to the low one hundreds with humidity that leaves things feeling like it's twenty degrees hotter than they actually are. those that have keyless start up for their cars are thankful during the summer time, as they can get the a/c in their car going before they get in. for the plebs that do not have those privileges? they have to hachachachacha their way into their car and start the car and get their seatbelt on without burning off all of their skin. and for those of you with leather interiors? you're basically fucked. june and july are certainly hot, but they're not unbearable. morning time is reasonably comfortable, and you can almost certainly guarantee that there will be an afternoon rain storm sometime between the hours of 1PM and 4PM. the period fo time in which it rains varies, it can be anywhere from downpouring for fifteen straight minutes or raining light enough to be an inconvenience for four whole hours. it is a truly floridian thing to place an umbrella into your car, and then to never actually use the umbrella because it rains so frequently that you give up on lugging the umbrella everywhere. during the more dramatic of thunderstorms that occur during the summertime, the thunder can get so intense that it can shake houses and apartment buildings. roads will flood, and everyone will mysteriously decide to turn on their flashers and drive thirty miles over the speed limit on the interstate. because for being a state where it's always raining, nobody actually knows how to properly drive in the rain. most of the tropical storms and hurricanes that form in the atlantic end up affecting florida in some way, shape, or form. in instances of the outer bands brushing up against the state, it'll prompt the usual amount of rain. nothing too shocking or devestating. life will go on as it usually does. if a category 1 to a mid tier category 3 storm threatens to hit the state, floridians will rejoice as work and school are cancelled and go buy out the entirety of the liquor aisle to ride out the storm. "hurricane parties" are a legitimate thing in florida. no exaggeration. for an upper tier category 3 storm to a category 5 storm, floridians will act like it is the appocalypse and will effectively buy thousands of dollars of supplies. for those non native to florida, they typically fall into the "act like it's the appocalypse" category no matter what the level of storm is. they'll barricade themselves in their house or their apartment until after they've done the hurricane thing a few times and then it becomes normal. if you thought the heat before the rain was bad, the heat after the rain is exponentially worse. the humidity increases tenfold and you're not only wet from rain, you're wet from sweat that largely feels you leaving like a drowned rat. the worst of the florida summer is august and september. the heat and humidity can get so bad that it feels like you are venturing outside into soup. the air is thick, and sticky, and forget looking cute because you are guaranteed to have swamp ass two seconds into leaving the air conditioning. influencers and beauty gurus have to pump hundreds of dollars into luxury setting sprays to keep their faces from melting off, and frizzy haired chic may as well become a trend during this time of year. the recommendations for surviving the heat, the rain, the hurricane season? drink water. now drink more water. now drink even more water. find a hurricane buddy, someone that has grown up in florida and can recommend the best brand of tequila to make hurricane margaritas with. keep several changes of clothes and shoes in your car for the inevitable downpour, maybe consider using that umbrella for a change? who am i kidding, we all know it's worth it. and, of course, drink . fucking . water. sfall and swinter //. the end of hurricane season (october and november), and december through february be labeled sfall or swinter ... essentially, slightly less bad summer punctuated by occasional and surprising cold fronts. if the temperature drops below seventy five degrees, that is when you'll see floridians pulling out the knit sweaters, thick hoodies, and the uggs. non-floridians will question what on earth is wrong with them as they are standing their in their t-shirts and flip flops enjoying the fact that they don't feel like death for once. these tiny dips in temperature, however, will typically last all of two to four days before it spikes right back up to being eighty five degrees with humidity making it feel like it's ninety eight again. you see why it's sfall? because it's still summer. late december through february can get a little more brr. temperatures will briefly drop anywhere from the low fifties all the way into the upper twenties depending on the cold front and where it is coming from. the orange groves will threaten to ice over, floridians will descend upon target to purchased puffed jackets to insulate themselves, and the non-floridians will once more question their sanity levels. florida cold should be identified as a wet cold, the humidity having a similar effect to the cold as it does with the heat. it makes it feel colder. factor in the fact that the cold times are also windy with a wet sort of wind chill and it goes highly recommended that you at least wear a light jacket. florida does sometimes have bizarre cold fronts where it'll be thirty eight degrees at 8AM and then by 2PM it is in the mid-eighties. it is always recommended that you plan your "warmer" outfits with layers that can be taken off to reveal layers more suited for the summer. or just carry a change of clothes and shoes in your car. and drink . fucking . water. the pollening //. march begins the season best known as the pollening. the temperatures are finally manageable, ranging anywhere from the high sixties to the low eighties with the bare minimum in humidity. when it is humid, there is typically the presence of a nice breeze to cool you off and keep you from getting too sweaty. so while you're comfortable physically, if you are one of the many to be afflicted by seasonal allergies then your sinuses will be making you miserable. there is only so much that one can do to enjoy the weather when they have a stuffy, runny, crusty nose and watery, itchy, eyes. invest stock in claritin and tissues, my friend, because that pollen is going to fuck you up. the pollening typically spans march through mid to late april. it's gonna be may //. late april through may is the most ideal time to be living in florida. there is some heat and humidity, and there are occasional days of on and off thunderstorms ... but it these times when you need to make the pilgrimage out to cocoa or clearwater for a needed beach day. it's sunny, it's comfortable, there is a breeze, and a distinctive lack of pollen. it's not the best time for theme parks because it's spring break season and everyone from other states are there, but floridians will take advantage of the good weather for barbecues, picnics, and beach days. it does get notably hotter very fast the later you get in may, and the last two weeks of may start that late afternoon rain that you can set your watch by; foreshadowing the june through november misery that is hurricane season. conclusion //. florida, like most places people live, is an acquired taste. there is very little that can be done to warn you about the actuality of the weather. with temperatures that can range anywhere from the hundreds to the high twenties, and a sticky humidity that can make you question all of your life choices ... there is only one thing that can be said about surviving florida: drink . fucking . water.
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illbefinealonereads · 4 years
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Blog tour! Let’s talk about A Beginning at the End by Mike Chen! Keep reading to learn more about the book, read my spoiler free review, as well as an exclusive excerpt from the book.
A Beginning at the End Mike Chen On Sale Date: January 14, 2020 9780778309345, 0778309347 Hardcover $26.99 USD, $33.50 CAD Fiction / Science Fiction / Apocalyptic & Post-Apocalyptic 400 pages
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An emotional story about what happens after the end of the world, A BEGINNING AT THE END is a tale of four survivors trying to rebuild their personal lives after a literal apocalypse. For commercial readers who enjoy a speculative twist, or their sci-fi with a heavy dose of family and feelings.
Six years after a global pandemic, it turns out that the End of the World was more like a big pause. Coming out of quarantine, 2 billion unsure survivors split between self-governing big cities, hippie communes, and wasteland gangs. When the father of a presumed-dead pop star announces a global search for his daughter, four lives collide: Krista, a cynical event planner; Moira, the ex-pop star in hiding; Rob, a widowed single father; and Sunny, his seven-year-old daughter. As their lives begin to intertwine, reports of a new outbreak send the fragile society into a panic. And when the government enacts new rules in response to the threat, long-buried secrets surface, causing Sunny to run away seeking the truth behind her mother's death. Now, Krista, Rob, and Moira must finally confront the demons of their past in order to hit the road and reunite with Sunny -- before a coastal lockdown puts the world on pause again.
Buy Links: Harlequin: https://www.harlequin.com/shop/books/9780778309345_a-beginning-at-the-end.html Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Beginning-at-End-Mike-Chen/dp/0778309347 Barnes & Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/a-beginning-at-the-end-mike-chen/1131202168 Books-a-Million: https://www.booksamillion.com/p/Beginning-End/Mike-Chen/9780778309345?id=7715580291810 IndieBound: https://www.indiebound.org/book/9780778309345 Apple Books: https://books.apple.com/us/book/a-beginning-at-the-end/id1459367026 Kobo: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/a-beginning-at-the-end Google Play: https://books.google.com/books/about/A_Beginning_at_the_End.html?id=nq-RDwAAQBAJ
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Mike Chen is a lifelong writer, from crafting fan fiction as a child to somehow getting paid for words as an adult. He has contributed to major geek websites (The Mary Sue, The Portalist, Tor) and covered the NHL for mainstream media outlets. A member of SFWA and Codex Writers, Mike lives in the Bay Area, where he can be found playing video games and watching Doctor Who with his wife, daughter, and rescue animals. Follow him on Twitter and Instagram: @mikechenwriter
Author website: https://www.mikechenbooks.com/ Twitter: @mikechenwriter Instagram: @mikechenwriter Facebook: @mikechenwriter
Genre: Science Fiction
Rating: 5/5 stars
Review: This is one of the best science fiction books I’ve ever read. Reading A Beginning at the End feels like once in a lifetime experience. It was fresh, endearing and heartwarming, while being suspenseful and thrilling at the same time. The writing and the world building were excellent. They captured my attention from the beginning and kept it throughout. I loved the characters as well, the more I read the more connected I felt to them, and this kept the story dynamic and interesting. The plot pacing started off a bit slow, but once things connected, it picked up and I fell in love with the book even more. In the end, I found this book to be uplifting and unique. I can’t recommend it more, and I look forward to reading more from Mike Chen in the future.
People were too scared for music tonight. Not that MoJo cared.
Her handlers had broken the news about the low attendance nearly an hour ago with some explanation about how the recent flu epidemic and subsequent rioting and looting kept people at home. They’d served the news with high-end vodka, the good shit imported from Russia, conveniently hidden in a water bottle which she carried from the greenroom to the stage.
“The show must go on,” her father proclaimed, like she was doing humanity a service by performing. She suspected his bravado actually stemmed from the fact that her sophomore album’s second single had stalled at number thirteen—a far cry from the lead single’s number-one debut or her four straight top-five hits off her first album. Either way, the audience, filled with beaming girls a few years younger than herself and their mothers, seemed to agree. Flu or no flu, some people still wanted their songs—or maybe they just wanted normalcy—so MoJo delivered, perfect note after perfect note, each in time to choreographed dance routines. She even gave her trademark smile.
The crowd screamed and sang along, waving their arms to the beat. Halfway through the second song, a peculiar vibe grabbed the audience. Usually, a handful of parents disappeared into their phones, especially as the flu scare had heightened over the past week. This time nearly every adult in the arena was looking at their phone. In the front row, MoJo saw lines of concern on each face.
Before the song even finished, some parents grabbed their children and left, pushing through the arena’s floor seats and funneling to the exit door.
MoJo pushed on, just like she’d always promised her dad. She practically heard his voice over the backup music blasting in her in-ear monitors. There is no sophomore slump. Smile! Between the second and third songs, she gave her customary “Thank you!” and fake talk about how great it was to be wherever they were. New York City, this time, at Madison Square Garden. A girl of nineteen embarking on a tour bigger, more ambitious than she could have ever dreamed and taking the pop world by storm, and yet, she knew nothing real about New York City. She’d never left her hotel room without chaperones and handlers. Not under her dad’s watch.
One long swig of vodka later, and a warmth rushed to her face, so much so that she wondered if it melted her face paint off. She looked off at the side stage, past the elaborate video set and cadre of backup dancers. But where was the gaffer? Why wasn’t anyone at the sound board? The fourth song had a violin section, yet the contracted violinist wasn’t in her spot.
Panic raced through MoJo’s veins, mental checklists of her marks, all trailed by echoes from her dad’s lectures about accountability. Her feet were planted exactly where they should be. Her poise, straight and high. Her last few notes, on key, and her words to the audience, cheerful. It couldn’t have been something she’d done, could it?
No. Not her fault this time. Someone else is facing Dad’s wrath tonight, she thought.
The next song’s opening electronic beats kicked in. Eyes closed, head tilted back, and arms up, her voice pushed out the song’s highest note, despite the fuzziness of the vodka making the vibrato a little harder to sustain. For a few seconds, nothing existed except the sound of her voice and the music behind it— no handlers, no tour, no audience, no record company, no fathertelling her the next way she’d earn the family fortune—and it almost made the whole thing worth it.
Her eyes opened, body coiled for the middle-eight’s dance routine, but the brightness of the house lights threw her off the beat. The drummer and keyboard player stopped, though the prerecorded backing track continued for a few more seconds before leaving an echo chamber.
No applause. No eyes looked MoJo’s way. Only random yelling and an undecipherable buzz saw of backstage clamor from her in-ear monitors. She stood, frozen, unable to tell if this was from laced vodka or if it was actually unfolding: people—adults and children, parents and daughters— scrambling to the exits, climbing over chairs and tripping on stairs, ushers pushing back at the masses before some turned and ran as well.
Someone grabbed her shoulder and jerked back hard. “We have to go,” said the voice behind her.
“What’s going on?” she asked, allowing the hands to push her toward the stage exit. Steven, her huge forty-something bodyguard, took her by the arm and helped her down the short staircase to the backstage area.
“The flu’s spread,” he said. “A government quarantine. There’s some sort of lockdown on travel. The busing starts tonight. First come, first serve. I think everyone’s trying to get home or get there. I can’t reach your father. Cell phones are jammed up.”
They worked their way through the concrete hallways and industrial lighting of the backstage area, people crossing in a mad scramble left and right. MoJo clutched onto her bottle of vodka, both hands to her chest as Steven ushered her onward. People collapsed in front of her, crying, tripping on their own anxieties, and Steven shoved her around them, apologizing all the way. Something draped over her shoulders, and it took her a moment to realize that he’d put a thick parka around her. She chuckled at the thought of her sparkly halter top and leatherpants wrapped in a down parka that smelled like BO, but Steven kept pushing her forward, forward, forward until they hit a set of double doors.
The doors flew open, but rather than the arena’s quiet loading area from a few hours ago, MoJo saw a thick wall of people: all ages and all colors in a current of movement, pushing back and forth. “I’ve got your dad on the line,” Steven yelled over the din, “His car is that way. He wants to get to the airport now. Same thing’s happening back home.” His arm stretched out over her head. “That way! Go!”
They moved as a pair, Steven yelling “excuse me” over and over until the crowd became too dense to overcome. In front of her, a woman with wisps of gray woven into black hair trembled on her knees. Even with the racket around them, MoJo heard her cry. “This is the end. This is the end.”
The end.
People had been making cracks about the End of the World since the flu changed from online rumors to this big thing that everyone talked about all the time. But she’d always figured the “end” meant a giant pit opening, Satan ushering everyone down a staircase to Hell. Not stuck outside Madison Square Garden.
“Hey,” Steven yelled, arms spread out to clear a path through the traffic jam of bodies. “This way!”
MoJo looked at the sobbing woman in front of her, then at Steven. Somewhere further down the road, her father sat in a car and waited. She could feel his pull, an invisible tether that never let her get too far away.
“The end, the end,” the sobbing woman repeated, pausing MoJo in her tracks. But where to go? Every direction just pointed at more chaos, people scrambling with a panic that had overtaken everyone in the loading dock, possibly the neighborhood, possibly all New York City, possibly even the world. And it wasn’t just about a flu.
It was everything.
But… maybe that was good?
No more tours. No more studio sessions. No more threats about financial security, no more lawyer meetings, no more searches through her luggage. No more worrying about hitting every mark. In the studio. Onstage.
In life.
All of that was done.
The very thought caused MoJo to smirk.
If this was the end, then she was going out on her own terms.
“Steven!” she yelled. He turned and met her gaze.
She twisted the cap off the water-turned-vodka bottle, then took most of it down in one long gulp. She poured the remainder on her face paint, a star around her left eye, then wiped it off with her sleeve. The empty bottle flew through the air, probably hitting some poor bloke in the head.
“Tell my dad,” she said, trying extra hard to pronounce the words with the clear British diction she was raised with, “to go fuck himself.”
For an instant, she caught Steven’s widemouthed look, a mix of fear and confusion and disappointment on his face, as though her words crushed his worldview more than the madness around them. But MoJo wouldn’t let herself revel in her first, possibly only victory over her father; she ducked and turned quickly, parka pulled over her head, crushing the product-molded spikes in her hair.
Each step pushing forward, shoulders and arms bumping into her as her eyes locked onto the ground, one step at a time. Left, right, left, then right, all as fast as she could go, screams and car horns and smashing glass building in a wave of desperation around her.
Maybe it was the end. But even though her head was down, she walked with dignity for the first time in years, perhaps ever.
Excerpted from A Beginning at the End by Mike Chen, Copyright ©2020 by Mike Chen. Published by MIRA Books.
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victorvcisneros · 7 years
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It’s almost November. Hey, yo Fall. Where you at?! #fallweather #autumn #summerisover #getitogethercalifornia #sfall #itsalmostnovember #fallback #leaves #californiadreaming #brownleaves #vsco #vscocam (at Los Angeles, California)
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babyawacs · 2 years
.@deutschland @deutschland  aber... ein fremdbestimmten rechtlosen-status dank abhaengigkeit sfalle ist aber dochschon nicht dasgleiche wie in der kammer heimsuchen,dank regierungskoma,dem gummittten ankleben und losgehtderspass dann aeh bessssssssssudelt zurueckjebracht und sojet an als seinix weilsonst: naja. knast hald und...das... ineinem spionagefall euer gestuemper
.@deutschland @deutschland  aber… ein fremdbestimmten rechtlosen-status dank abhaengigkeit sfalle ist aber dochschon nicht dasgleiche wie in der kammer heimsuchen,dank regierungskoma,dem gummittten ankleben und losgehtderspass dann aeh bessssssssssudelt zurueckjebracht und sojet an als seinix weilsonst: naja. knast hald und…das… ineinem spionagefall euer gestuemper
.@deutschland @deutschland aber… ein fremdbestimmten rechtlosen-status dank abhaengigkeitsfalle ist aber dochschon nicht dasgleiche wie in der kammer heimsuchen,dank regierungskoma,dem gummittten ankleben und losgehtderspass dann aeh bessssssssssudelt zurueckjebracht und sojetan als seinix weilsonst: naja. knast hald und…das… ineinem spionagefall euer gestuemper ///// .@deutschland @deutschland…
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Could you answer "Falling leaves" and "Big sweaters" ?
sfalling leaves: you’re stranded on a desert island and here’s the twist; what three things do you NOT bring with you?
My alarm clock, my work schedule and my phone. Basically I would want to enjoy that moment of solitude without anyone or anything annoying me
big sweaters: do you prefer the cold, warmth, or a perfect in-between?
Cold so I can wear my wooly socks and sweaters 
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