#sfw heartstopper
babyboyblues-world · 5 months
hi! (my agere blog is @is-it-nearly-naptime) i wanted to ask for some little!Charlie and cg!Nick headcanons? thanks and have a wonderful day! :D
Charlie is really shy about his regression and he was so upset when nick found out about it but Nick promised he stil loved him
Charlie's first time regressing was not too long after the two got together and Charlie slipped in to one of his younger mindsets after a very bad day
Nick could tell something was up but it wasn't until that Charlie actually told him
Nick keeps a little fidget or a tiny stuffd animle on hand incase Charlie slips when out
Charlie have a stuffed cat in his room that he loves especially much when he regress
He have a range at 3-6 on very bad days he might be about 2
He gets clingy and more whiny and nick is well aware how to handle boo boos
Charlie loves playdates whit tao
Padded headcanons under more
Charlie might have the occasional accident especially when asleep First time it happened was at a sleepover and the was out of it
Nick allowd him to cry while holding him afterwards getting him in to the shower
He doesn't wanna wear anything to help prevent accidents so he just trys to keep himself scdueld about how much he drinks and when he gose to the bathroom but it doesn't always help
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blazybunnyy · 10 months
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heart shaped things <3
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nitoriii · 1 year
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heartstopper is like my favorite show
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ian-gallagher-is-hot · 2 months
liking men is the worst
tw: I briefly mention COCSA/Abuse
I’m a 15 year old guy, masc presenting when I can, fem presenting when I have to. I’m bi, asexual, and have a preference towards men, but I think if I were a girl I would be more inclined towards women. In my personal opinion, I’m a faggot in every universe.
I’m going into 10th grade and I’ve been single for the past year. I had one brief talking stage with a trans girl I was friends with, but it went no where because of her mental health. I had a crush, well, less of a crush, an infatuation with my friend, but she’s straight and I only girlmode around her, so that’s a dead end. In 8th grade, I had 3 boyfriends. All of them were physically and emotionally abusive and one SA’d me frequently, so this is all to say, I’ve been through some shit, but I think despite this I’m a hopeless romantic.
With all the factors below, the three things I have to hate the most as infantilization, feminization, and purely sexual/physical relationships. That’s not to say it’s wrong, to each their own, like what you like…but I hate it.
I couldn’t imagine myself falling in love with someone that isn’t my best friend that I can playfight and be an asshole with, so imagine my fucking surprise when I get to see two masculine punk dudes call eachother fags and fall in love. I applaud Shameless.
Despite the shit they’ve been through, Mickey and Ian have the relationship I can only dream of. Straight men treat me like a girl and so many gay/bi guys want Heartstopper/Love Simon/Glee love stories. This isn’t to say those stories don’t carry weight, they definitely do, but I’m sick of it.
I want a faggy, masc boy friendship turned love story and I won’t stop until I have that.
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chaoticklesblog · 10 months
Let Me Show You How it's Done
Ler! Charlie Lee! Nick with some Lee! Charlie
Heartstopper Tickle Fic Incoming! It's no secret that Nick always tickles Charlie every chance he gets. Charlie, being a bit smaller and weaker than his boyfriend, never seems quite able to turn the tables, that is, until he recruits the assistance of Nick's older brother David who wants to help Charlie get some well deserved revenge. (Set in a context that David isn't a jerk of a brother/human being).
Charlie and Nick spent plenty of time spending afternoons and evenings together doing homework, playing Mario Kart, and on particularly nice evenings, walking Nellie.
This was a particularly rainy and chilly evening, and Nick and Charlie had just finished their end of term essays for literature and history and were getting ready to watch a movie. They were at Nick's house this evening and Nick's mother was working a bit later than usual. She'd promised to pick them all up a pizza later when she returned. Nick's older brother David just so happened to be home for spring break from university and had left Nick and Charlie alone in the den to finish homework and enjoy each other's company in peace.
Well, as much peace as the couple could have, considering that Nick frequently would wrestle Charlie onto the sofa during movie nights and video game sessions to tickle the snot out of his lanky and curly headed boyfriend. This was nothing new, of course. Nick felt that Charlie's squeals and snorts were precious, and Charlie could hardly mind. After all, he deserved it for laughing at Nick for his choice in cinema taste for their impromptu movie night.
"NihihihIHIHICK, stahahahaHAHAHPIT," Charlie squealed as his brawny and much stronger boyfriend pinched at his tummy, easily a bad spot for Charlie.
"I don't think so, Charlie," Nick chuckled down at his boyfriend teasingly. "You enjoy laughing at my expense so much, laughing at my movie selection. Besides, there's nothing wrong with The Princess Bride! It's a fantastic film!" Nick dug into Charlie's sides with renewed vigor, pretending to be insulted.
And poor Charlie was now realizing he never should have commented that it was ironic that the Captain of the rugby team's favorite movie was something as hokey as The Princess Bride.
"ALRIHIHIHIGHT! I'M SORHEHEHEHEHEHEEEEEEEEEE!" Charlie screeched as Nick reached for his sensitive knee caps, squeezing into the muscle right above and relishing his boyfriends precious laughter.
"Hmmm, I don't know if I believe you," Nick smirked as Charlie squirmed desperately.
Eventually, Nick ceased his tickle attack in favor of making them some popcorn, leaving Charlie to giggle and rub the residual tickly sensations from the backs of his knees. Man, some days he wished Nick never discovered just how ticklish the backs of his knees were.
Charlie heard a soft chuckle from the staircase. Unknown to Nick, David had observed their one-sided tickle fight from the stair landing.
"You really make him happy," David commented.
"Er, thanks..." Charlie replied awkwardly.
"I'm sure Nick is happy not to be on the receiving end of tickle fights anymore as well," David snorted slightly.
"Oh, believe me, I've tried," Charlie could hear the popcorn in the microwave from the kitchen start popping. He dropped his voice, "Nick just isn't that ticklish."
"Rubbish. You just aren't getting his tickle spots," David supplied with a wink.
"But he's a lot stronger than me," Charlie grumbled. "Anytime I try to tickle him, he quickly turns the tables."
David laughed fondly. He was rather amused watching their antics. But David was Nick's big brother. He had loads of experience tickling the snot out of Nick and had no problem with teaching Charlie his little brothers worst spots.
"Why don't I give you a hand?" David dropped his voice upon hearing the microwave ding. Nick would be on his way back with the popcorn in just a few moments.
Charlie nodded, excited at the idea of learning how to tickle Nick and getting some well-deserved revenge for all the times Nick tortured him.
David walked over near the entrance of the kitchen, just out of view, to sneak attack Nick.
When Nick returned with a giant bowl of popcorn, David tackled him sending the buttery popcorn flying and Nick letting out a surprised yelp.
"David? What the hell?" Nick attempted to escape the expert hold but was unsuccessful and still in such shock that the popcorn lay scattered about, forgotten. Charlie watched with a smirk, enjoying the show.
"Come here, Charlie, let me show you how it's done!" David plopped Nick down on the sofa, still confused before Nick felt his heart drop.
"Now Nick has two death spots," David winked at Nick, who was now pinned beneath his brother and the sofa, writhing about, knowing all too well where this was going.
"D-David, don't!" Nick yelped.
"Don't what?" David asked innocently.
"Tickle me!" Nick screeched, suddenly realizing what a fatal mistake he made. He could've kicked himself! How could he fall for the teases he pulled on Charlie all the time?
"Hear that, Charlie? He's given us permission. Hell, he's basically asked for this!" David crowed.
David had Nick's arm pinned above his head and had his fingers wiggling just above Nick's underarm.
"His hips and armpits are really ticklish, if I remember right..." David chuckled darkly. Of course, he remembered correctly. Big brothers don't forget tickle spots of younger siblings.
Charlie climbed over to smirk down at Nick. "Not so tough now, are we?"
"Bite me!" Nick growled, but it sounded more like a whimper.
"You better get your revenge now, Charlie!"
Charlie looked into Nick's pleading eyes and almost took pity on the older boy. Almost.
And that's when Charlie latched onto Nick's hips, and David dug roughly into his underarms, and Nick absolutely shrieked with laughter. Charlie couldn't help but chuckle at Nick's plight.
"Jeez, Nick! You're worse than me!" Charlie crowed triumphantly, digging harshly into the hip pockets, causing Nick to flop around uselessly.
Nick hadn't been tickled in two of his worst spots in a very, very long time. Even when David had tickled him in their younger days, it was only one person tickling him. Now, both his older brother and boyfriend were torturing his two worst tickle spots. Not fair!
Nick continued to gasp and spultter as Charlie and David exploited his worst tickle spots.
Charlie enjoyed watching Nick come apart at the seams. After all, the rugby captain deserved it for tormenting him so many times.
Finally, David gestured for Charlie, who had gotten too carried away with tickling Nick to tears, to cease their tickle attack only after Nick's laughter had gone silent and wheezy.
Charlie had reluctantly stopped tickling his boyfriend and gave him some space as David released his hold and affectionately ruffled Nick's already messed up hair.
"Sorry, Nick, but I felt like your boyfriend could use some revenge. You were pretty brutal while you were tickling him earlier," David chuckled.
"Did we go too far?" Charlie peeked sideways at his boyfriend after David retreated upstairs after cleaning up the popcorn mess scattered on the floor.
"Just wait until I get you back." Nick wrapped his arms around Charlie, not tickling him, not just yet, as he knew anticipation would drive Charlie mad. Charlie tensed but giggled as he enjoyed knowing he could now reduce Nick to a squirmy puddle of laughter.
"I would be careful if I were you," Charlie murmured. "I now know your worst spots, and I'll just get you back."
Nick shivered, but he couldn't help but be excited to find out if Charlie really would get him back. Nick really didn't mind it so much, after all.
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pastelearthling65 · 5 months
little!charlie moodboard and outfitboard
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🩷regresses to the ages of 2 al the way to 5. The youngest he has ever went was like 6 months.
🩷his cg is nick. (No shit)
🩷sometimes he puts blankets like a tunnel and snuggles with stuffies (or nick)
🩷he either babbles, goes non verbal or talks non stop. Either way, its really cute
🩷he loves the smell of baby oil, it makes him feel calm
🩷a huge crybaby. His paci can soothe him
🩷his sister tori supports him,
🩷he has tried to eat glue on multiple occasions
🩷he loves to watch bluey while sitting on nick’s lap.
🩷why do i feel like he would love to have boba when he is regressed. Idk it popped in mind (pun intended)
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sunbl0ndie · 3 days
hai hai!!! iz luv ur acct :3 so silly!! /pos
if pozzibl,, nd if u haven't done already,, would u be able to do a cg nick nelson moodboard :3 itz oki if not!!
hope u hav an amazing day/night!! :3 👑🧸
Caregiver Nick Nelson Moodboard 🍂
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THIS WAS SO FUN !! — he's bi, actually ! 🍂
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(dni poster from my other blog, it was the first one I could find ! @comicfive)
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xflippinfrogx · 1 year
……1 with nick and charlie…..
Tickletober Day 1~ Anticipation
~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~ FANDOM: Heartstopper
LEE: Charlie LER: Nick ~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~ 💙WARNING~ THIS IS A SFW TICKLE FIC NSFW DNI!!💙
Charlie was going to crack.
His so called loving boyfriend has been teasing the crap out of him ALL DAY!! He couldn’t take it anymore.
Charlie wasn’t even sure if Nick knew what he was doing to him..
He had been on edge all day waiting for him to just go for it and finally put him out of his misery. But the more that Charlie thought about it he felt.. excited? The thought of Nick tickling him was something that made Charlie feel extremely giddy but god the embarrassment was hard to deal with. It wasn’t until the two left school and went to Nicks house that the teasing started again. They were watching a movie on nicks bed, what movie you may ask? Charlie had no idea because of focused he was on the placement of his boyfriends hand. It was originally playing with his hair but it had made its way down to the base of his neck. Charlie was finding it extremely difficult to stay calm, his neck had always been one of his worst spots. It wasn’t until one of Nicks fingers lightly grazed against Charlie’s ear that he let out a quiet snicker. “Char, is something funny?~” Nick asked with a very subtly teasy undertone to his voice. Ok so he definitely knows what he’s doing then, and Charlie’s screwed. “Oh would you please just get it over with.” Charlie whined covering his face with the nearest pillow. “Get what over with Charlie?” That little shut was going to make him say it wasn’t he..
“Will you please.. tickle me?” The last part was barely audible and of course Nick chose to comment on it. “What was that? I didn’t quite hear you.” The boy was smirking now!! “Nickcanyoupleasetickleme?” “Well since you asked so nicely.” he shrugged and moved over to gain better access to his boyfriends neck. He skittered his finger beneath his jaw and around the shell of his ears. Charlie erupted in streams of giggles which Nick just adored. He switched to tickly kisses next which were his favourite because Charlie snorted whenever he would do that!! Nick continued his mini attack until the two were tired out and they fell back into their original position. That was definitely worth the anticipation.. Charlie thought to himself.
(Sorry it’s so short I’m running out of time lol)
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littlebabyself · 29 days
hihi! (this is my main but please imagine im asking from my agere account @is-it-nearly-naptime!)
i saw you write headcanons? I'd love to hear your heartstopper headcanons! especially little!charlie and cg!nick :))
have a wonderful day! <33
I’m like a billion years late to this request but I’m here nonetheless.
Anyways, here we go!!
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Charlie’s age range is 3-5
They have set meal times three times a day to make sure charlie eats
nicks favorite thing to do with little charlie is playing LPS with him.
Charlie CONSTANTLY has to have skin to skin contact with nick when he’s little.
Charlie loves to have stories about outer space read to him 
Nick uses boomer emojis, sorry guys.
Charlie is always super bundled  up by nick before they play in snow
Nick always understands charlie’s random babbles 
charlie is a huge stuffies lover and has a very old comfort puppy plush named scruffy.
Charlie calls nick puppy and bubby because he sees him as a golden retriever (as everyone does) 
Nick dresses charlie in his clothes
charlie loves having his hair played with 
Nick always cries at the sad dog movies
Nick takes charlie out for drives to help him sleep.
Charlie loves bathtime
Nick lets charlie do his hair and nails
They watch the stars together :) 
Sometimes charlie gets really bad panic attacks and has to have nick there to calm him down 
Nick loves to play peekaboo with charlies
Charlie isn’t entirely paci dependent but it does help him calm down when panicked 
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party-po1s0n · 21 hours
Anyone else ever get so full of love and yearning that you feel like you're dying or is it just me?
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beaistiny · 1 year
hiii can I get a nick Nelson mood board and maybe some headcanons if your up to it? thank you for your consideration!
Regressor! Nick Nelson
Caregiver! Nick Nelson moodboad
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🐶 Regresses to kiddo age (5-7)
🐶 Likes sports, video games, going on walks, stuff like that
🐶 Has a dog stuffie that looks like Nellie called ‘Nellie the second’
🐶 Still loves to watch marvel movies when regressed
🐶 Not really clingy but he does like holding peoples hand when he goes outside
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babyboyblues-world · 5 months
hihi !! could u write some heartstopper agere hcs with little!tao and cg!elle ? :D
Elle onec took tao to the movies when she saw no one had booked any seats and after the movie was over allowed him to review everything about the movie
He really likes hotwheels so elle got him some to play whit even keeping a few at her place for when he comes over
Elle was first person in the friend group to find out about his little space after he had a difficult day and spilled something on his shirt whice at the moment was just too much
He normally stays in an older range as 7-10 but onec in a while he may slip to around 4 or 5
He have a stuffd cat from when he was a kid that he absolutely adores when he's small and refuse to sleep whitout it
Elle often takes tao to the park and push him on the swings
When tao is upset elle wil put on a movie and makesure tao is comfortable whit his stuffie and a blanket
A small bonus for the wait
Tao and Charlie have playdates sometimes whit Charlie being in the range of 3-7 whare
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rats-agere · 1 year
Regressor Charlie and Cg Nick moodboard!
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Follow for more moodboards! :3
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kenascutecorner · 1 year
heartstopper paci edits!
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aninsomniacsmemoir · 23 days
I am thrilled for the new season of heartstopper but I’ll probably cry like I do every time about it because I know I missed out on queer love specifically mlm/nonbinary as a teenager and then I think about how I don’t even have that now lmao so fun !!
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twys-little-corner · 9 months
25 Days of Agere Moodboards
Day 5: Your Favorite Show to Watch
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