#sfw: friends
evedreams · 28 days
Rain Check
Entry Number: 36 Dream: Calvin Oftana (20) Summary: Rain check? Really, Eve? Rating: G
Calvin Oftana was one of the Chasers on the Quidditch team. He had been a part of the group since his second year at Hogwarts.
He and Eve Aparri had entered in the same year and were both sorted into Gryffindor. He was a Pure-Blood while she was Muggle-born. Ever since she laid eyes on him when he was sitting on a chair on their first night, she admired him and wished that one day they would interact.
Luckily, the school, like any other, had group work and projects. And, once again, she was grouped with him from time to time. And, once more, they had become good friends.
It was only Bea, Sage, and Kathleen—Eve’s best friends—who knew about her attraction to the athlete. Everyone was attracted to Oftana; Eve did not want to be one of them, even though she knew she already was.
And anyway, he had a girlfriend already—Ena from Ravenclaw, who was a year younger. They seemed really serious. Although she had heard rumors that Ena was a lesbian, and as much as she tried not to, she could not help but feel hopeful that maybe she would actually have a chance.
“I’m not like the other girls who fawn over him,” she said once, sighing. She and Kathleen were the only ones in their room, and she was able to confide in her. “Even if she is gay, Oftana would never look my way.”
“You guys are friends; I’m sure he’s looked your way.”
“Not as much as he looks at Ena.”
Kathleen pursed her lips. “Don’t worry about it. There are plenty of other guys who look at you.”
“But they’re not Oftana!”
That made Kathleen laugh. “It’s only our sixth year; we still have the end of the next school year to get him to look at you.”
Eve laughed. “Didn’t expect that from you.”
“It’s what you wanted to hear, right?”
Eve snorted. “Yeah…but whatever happens, I’ll be happy for the two of them.”
The “whatever happens” turned out to be them breaking up due to Ena finally admitting her orientation. Eve could see how Calvin was devastated by the news, but she also saw how he tried to be strong and not let things bother him. He would talk about it from time to time if people asked, but he never said anything outright.
One day, Eve was walking along the corridor after dining in the Great Hall. Kathleen had been resting in their room, tired from the day’s schoolwork, and wanted some food. As she walked, she passed a sullen-looking Calvin Oftana.
She thought about whether to say hi or not, but he was looking down at the ground. She figured she could say hi, and if he did not reply, then no harm done. But just as she opened her mouth, she closed it and continued walking.
Days later, there was a group project, and Eve and Kathleen were assigned with Calvin, Sage, Bea, and Isaac. Sage and Isaac worked together on one part while the remaining four did another. Kathleen and Bea, however, volunteered to do a part by themselves. Eve knew it was just a ruse to get her and Calvin together.
They began to work together, and there was an awkward silence that Eve could tell was lingering around them. For their first three sessions together, it was all professional, not a single friendly tone.
Then, on the fourth, while in the middle of an important finding, he put down the pen and sighed. “Why are you avoiding me?”
Eve’s eyes widened. “What?”
“Why are you avoiding me?” he repeated.
“I’m not avoiding you,” she answered.
“You passed by me once. You were coming from the Great Hall. I saw you first. I was going to say hi, but I noticed you opened your mouth. Then closed it and walked away.”
“You…saw that.” She blushed.
“And then you avoided me since then.”
“Oh. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to.” She turned away. “Sorry.”
“Also,” he cleared his throat, “I heard that you like me.”
She could feel her face heating. “Where’d you hear that?” She bit her bottom lip. ‘No use denying it now.’
“The walls talk. Well, the paintings.”
“Right,” she murmured. She took a deep breath, then faced him. “Yes, I do like you.”
Calvin nodded. “You’re a great person, Eve. Really. But…I’m still kinda hung up on Ena.”
She smiled. “Don’t worry, I don’t expect anything from you. Just being your friend is good enough for me.”
He smiled back. “Thank you for understanding.”
She nodded, then said, “Shall we go back to the project?”
That night, Eve cried as quietly as she could, unaware that her friends could hear her.
The group passed with flying colors, and Eve and Calvin went back to their normal, friendly relationship. However, she did notice that they had been spending more and more time together, which she waved off but definitely did not mind.
She was in the Great Hall, having lunch with Bea, Kathleen, and Sage when Calvin appeared and sat beside her. She was surprised but relaxed when he spoke to her friends about a paper they had to write.
Eve gave some of her insights, and Calvin took note of the understanding of the four. Before he left, he looked at Eve. “Are you watching the game later?”
“Of course,” she replied. “Can’t not cheer for my favorite Chaser.”
He chuckled. “Make sure that’s me.”
“Always.” Eve nodded.
He placed a hand on Eve’s shoulder and brushed away some of her hair. This made her question her hairstyle.
“I’ll see you later then,” he said as he stood up. “All four of you.”
They watched him leave before Eve asked, “Is my hair not okay?”
“What?” Kathleen raised her eyebrows.
“You guys pretty much flirted with each other, and then he brushes your hair, and you’re wondering if there’s something wrong with your hair?” Sage rolled her eyes.
“Well…yes,” Eve said with a shrug. “So I can change it before watching the game. I can’t go out cheering for someone who doesn’t like my hair.”
Bea stifled a giggle. “It’s fine. Don’t worry.”
Later, before the game started, Eve, Bea, Sage, and Kathleen tried to find good seats. The bleachers were packed, but they were finally able to secure seats. It was a Gryffindor vs. Ravenclaw game, and everyone loved the new Seeker of Ravenclaw.
Before the game started, the players flew around the arena before huddling on their side. Eve tried her best to look for Calvin; she finally found him when they flew by their side of the bleachers.
She clapped and cheered, “Go, Calvin!”
As soft as her voice was, he must have heard her because he looked to their side and grinned when he saw her. He waved before giving her a thumbs up. She gave him two thumbs up, then he nodded before flying off.
“I thought you two were just good friends,” Sage teased.
“Are we not?”
Bea and Kathleen rolled their eyes.
The game began, and non-Gryffindors cheered more for Ravenclaw. The Seeker was really good, Eve had to admit, but he was not as good as their own Seeker. Kenneth Tuffin, the Ravenclaw Seeker, was just really good-looking and athletically built. He was no match for Oftana though.
Eve cheered for the team as much as she could, mostly for Calvin, of course. Whenever he had the Quaffle, Eve would jump on her seat, screaming for him to shoot. Luckily, his game was on today, like most of the time. He only had problems after the break-up with Ena.
The game ended about two hours later. The Snitch was getting quicker with each level of the game. It was Game 2 of the Best-of-5 semi-finals. Ravenclaw won Game 1.
It was CJ Perez who caught the Snitch, and the Gryffindor team roared. There would definitely be a Game 4 now. The Gryffindor team rejoiced while the Ravenclaw team headed for the locker room. Eve could not wait to congratulate Calvin.
The four headed for the Great Hall to get snacks and refreshing drinks. Just as they were about to leave, some of the Gryffindor members of the team arrived. Eve did not see Calvin at a glance, so she and her three friends moved on. But she was stopped by a hand hooking around her arm and pulling her back, making her nearly drop her drink.
She was standing face-to-face with Calvin. He looked down at her as he smiled. “Thank you for cheering for me,” he said. “I couldn’t have done it without you.”
“I didn’t realize you could hear me,” she said with a giggle.
“Well, not really,” he told her with a chuckle of his own. “But I knew you were cheering for me.”
“I was,” she admitted. “Kathleen, Bea, and Sage will attest to that.”
“I’ve got faith; I don’t need them to clear your name.”
She laughed.
“Did you enjoy the game?”
“I did! CJ is as good as always.”
“Well…what about me?”
“You are as great as always, no doubt about that.” She smiled. “You’re always great. One of your best actually.”
Just as Calvin was about to reply, Ena stopped by and congratulated him. He paused, and Eve could feel her heart drop.
“Thanks, Ena,” he finally replied. He turned back to Eve and said, “When we go to Hogsmeade, do you want to…maybe have a meal together? You can choose where, of course.”
Eve wanted to say yes; she was dying to say yes. But his reaction when Ena congratulated him was burning in her head.
“That’d be great, Calvin,” she replied and saw him beam. “But I already have plans with Bea, Sage, and Kathleen. I have to talk to them about…something.”
“Is it serious? You can talk to me about it. I just want to spend time with you.”
“Um…sorry, Calvin. It’s something I’m not comfortable talking to other people about. I’m sure you understand.”
“Oh um…yeah. Yeah. I get you. Rain check?”
“That’d be nice.” She looked back. “I have to go.”
“Right, right. Okay. I’ll see you.”
“Congratulations again,” she said with a smile before turning back.
Later that night, Eve was lying down on her bed, wondering if turning down Calvin was a good idea. All Bea, Sage, and Kathleen agreed that it was not, but what could they do now?
“It’s just… the way he looked at Ena, the way he froze when Ena congratulated him. It was just… such a turn-off. And then he had the guts to ask me out right after?” She scoffed. “Like what the heck.”
“Maybe he was just surprised. Was Ena with Jamila?” Kathleen asked.
“No, she wasn’t.”
“I haven’t heard any news about them breaking up. But I have heard that they’re stronger than ever.” Sage shrugged.
Bea asked, “Has he said that he talks to Ena?”
“Not that I can recall.”
“Maybe you can still un-rain check that rain check?” Kathleen suggested.
“You want a relationship with him, you have to make things right,” Sage said.
Eve sighed and sat up. “I guess. Alright, I’ll go to him tomorrow.”
“No, you go to him. Now,” Bea demanded.
Eve groaned but got up.
She walked out of their room and into the Common Room. She looked for him if he was in the area but did not find him. She did, however, find CJ. She had never spoken to him; he was a year above her. But here’s to trying.
“Hi, CJ,” she greeted, walking up to him.
“Oh, hey. Eve, right?”
She nodded. “I was wondering if you know where Calvin is. Oh, and congratulations, by the way.”
“Thanks,” he replied with a smile. “As for Calvin, I can check if he’s in his room.”
“I’d really appreciate that. Thank you,” she said with a grin.
CJ headed off, and Eve waited. When he arrived, he raised his hand and shook it. “Sorry, he’s not there. But you might find him in the field.”
“Thank you!” She rushed out of the Gryffindor room and headed straight for the Quidditch field. When she got there, she saw him flying around with the Quaffle in his hand. “Calvin!” she shouted.
He did not seem to hear her, so she ran to the bleachers’ entrance and took the stairs up as quickly as she could. When she finally reached the top, she saw Calvin flying towards her.
“Eve,” he called out. When he reached her, he asked what she was doing up there. “Is anything wrong?”
“Um…no. But,” she stopped and took a deep breath before exhaling, “can we un-rain check that rain check?”
He put down the Quaffle beside her and said, “Why?”
“If you don’t want to, it’s fine; you might already have made plans. I’m sorry—”
“Eve,” he started as he placed a hand on hers, “Un-rain checking that rain check is great for me. What made you change your mind, though?”
“I talked to Bea, Sage, and Kathleen. They said I was dumb for asking for a rain check.” She bit her bottom lip. “I was.”
He smiled and chuckled softly. “Why did you decline in the first place?”
“I saw the way you looked at Ena when she congratulated you. I thought she still had an effect on you…” she bowed her head and said quietly, “or something. I don’t know.”
He pursed his lips and nodded. “I understand. I was just taken off guard; she hated Quidditch.”
“Oh really?”
He nodded. “But I did hear that Jamila’s quite into it. Guess she got attached to it, too.” He shrugged. “Maybe she just liked the game.”
“You’ve got nothing to worry about, Eve. I promise.” He leaned forward, which made Eve tilt her head. “May I?”
She licked her upper lip and nodded.
Calvin leaned forward again and captured her lips with his own.
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evedreamsof · 3 months
rain check // c. oftana
entry #65
a rain check? really, eve?
Calvin Oftana was one of the Chasers in the Quidditch team. He had been a part of the group since his second year in Hogwarts.
He and Eve Aparri had entered in the same year and they were both sorted into Gryffindor. He was a Pure Blood while she was a Muggle Born. Ever since she laid eyes on him when he was sitting on the chair on their first night, she had admired him and wished that one day they would be able to interact.
Luckily, the school, like any other, had group works and projects. And luckily, once again, she was grouped with him from time to time. And luckily, once more, they had become good friends.
It was only Bea, Sage, and Kathleen, Eve’s best friends, who knew about her attraction to the athlete. Everyone was attracted to Oftana, Eve did not want to be one of them. Even though she knew she already was.
And anyway, he had a girlfriend already. Ena from Ravenclaw who was a year younger. They seemed really serious. Although she had heard rumors that Ena was a lesbian and as much as she tried not to, she could not help but feel hopeful, and then maybe she would actually have a chance.
“I’m not like the other girls who fawn over him,” she said once, sighing. She and Kathleen were the only ones in their room and she was able to confide. “Even if she is gay, Oftana would never look my way.”
“You guys are friends, I’m sure he’s looked your way.”
“Not as much as he looked—looks, at Ena.”
Kathleen pursed her lips. “Don’t worry about it. There’s plenty of other guys who look at you.”
“But they’re not Oftana!”
That made Kathleen laugh. “It’s only our Sixth Year, we still have the end of the next school year to get him to look at you.”
Eve laughed. “Didn’t expect that from you.”
“It’s what you wanted to hear, right?”
Eve snorted. “Yeah…but, whatever happens. I’ll be happy for the two of them.”
The “whatever happens” happens to be them breaking up due to Ena finally admitting her orientation. Eve could see how Calvin was devastated about the news, but she also saw how he tried to be strong and not let things bother him. He would talk about it from time to time, if people asked, but he never said anything outright.
One day, Eve was walking along the corridor after dining in the Great Hall. Kathleen had been resting in their room, tired from the day’s school work and wanted some food. As she walked, she passed by a sullen looking Calvin Oftana.
She thought about whether to say hi or not, but he was looking down at the ground. She figured she could say hi, and if he does not reply then no harm done. But just as she opened her mouth, she closed them and continued walking on.
Days later, there was a group project and Eve and Kathleen were assigned with Calvin, Sage, Bea, and Isaac. Sage and Isaac worked together on one part while the remaining four did another. Kathleen and Bea, however, volunteered to do a part by themselves. Eve knew it was just a ruse to get her and Calvin together.
They began to work together, there was an awkward silence that Eve could tell was lingering around them. For their first three sessions together, it was all professional, not a single friendly tone.
Then, on the fourth, while in the middle of an important finding, he put down the pen and sighed. “Why are you avoiding me?”
Eve’s eyes widened. “What?”
“Why are you avoiding me?” he repeated.
“I’m not avoiding you,” she answered.
“You passed by me once. You were coming from the Great Hall. I saw you first. I was going to say hi but I noticed you opened your mouth. Then closed it, and walked away.”
“You…saw that.” She blushed.
“And then you avoided me since then.”
“Oh. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to.” She turned away. “Sorry.”
“Also,” he cleared his throat, “I heard that you like me.”
She could feel her face heating. “Where’d you hear that?” She bit her bottom lip. ‘No use denying it now.’
“The walls talk. Well, the paintings.”
“Right,” she murmured. She took a deep breath then faced him. “Yes, I do like you.”
Calvin nodded. “You’re a great person, Eve. Really. But…I’m still kinda hung up on Ena.”
She smiled. “Don’t worry, I don’t expect anything from you. Just being your friend is good enough for me.”
He smiled back. “Thank you for understanding.”
She nodded, then said, “Shall we go back to the project?”
That night, Eve cried as quietly as she could, unaware that her friends could hear her.
The group passed with flying colors and Eve and Calvin went back to their normal, friendly relationship. However, she did notice that they had been spending more and more time together, which she waved off but definitely did not mind.
She was in the Great Hall, having lunch with Bea, Kathleen, and Sage when Calvin appeared and sat beside her. She was surprised but relaxed when he spoke to her friends about a paper they had to write.
Eve gave some of her insights and Calvin took note of the understanding of the four. Before he left, he looked at Eve. “Are you watching the game later?”
“Of course,” she replied. “Can’t not cheer for my favorite Chaser.”
He chuckled. “Make sure that’s me.”
“Always.” Eve nodded.
He placed a hand on Eve’s shoulder and brushed away some of her hair. This made her question her hairstyle.
“I’ll see you later then,” he said as he stood up. “All four of you.”
They watched him leave before Eve asked, “Is my hair not okay?”
“What?” Kathleen raised her eyebrows. 
“You guys pretty much flirted with each other and then he brushes your hair and you’re wondering if there’s something wrong with your hair?” Sage rolled her eyes.
“Well…yes,” Eve said with a shrug. “So I can change it before watching the game. I can’t go out cheering for someone who doesn’t like my hair.”
Bea stifled a giggle. “It’s fine. Don’t worry.”
Later, before the game started, Eve, Bea, Sage, and Kathleen tried to find good seats. The bleachers were packed but they were finally able to secure seats. It was a Gryffindor vs. Ravenclaw game and everyone loved the new Seeker of Ravenclaw.
Before the game started, the players flew around the arena before huddling on their side. Eve tried her best to look for Calvin, she finally found him when they flew by their side of the bleachers.
She clapped and cheered, “Go, Calvin!”
As soft as her voice was, he must have heard her because he looked to their side and grinned when he saw her. He waved before giving her a thumbs up. She gave him two thumbs up then he gave a nod before flying off.
“I thought you two were just good friends,” Sage teased.
“Are we not?”
Bea and Kathleen rolled her eyes.
The game began and non-Gryffindors cheered more for Ravenclaw. The Seeker was really good, Eve had to admit, but he was not as good as their own Seeker. Kenneth Tuffin, the Ravenclaw Seeker, was just really good looking and athletically built. He was no match for Oftana though.
Eve cheered for the team as much as she could, mostly for Calvin, of course. Whenever he had the Quaffle, Eve would jump on her seat screaming for him to shoot. Luckily, his game was on today, like most of the time. He only had problems after the break-up with Ena.
The game was over about two hours later. The Snitch was getting quicker by each level of the game. It was Game 2 of Best-of-5 semi-finals. Ravenclaw won Game 1.
It was CJ Perez who had caught the Snitch and the Gryffindor team roared. There would definitely be a Game 4 now. The Gryffindor team rejoiced while the Ravenclaw team headed for the locker room. Eve could not wait to congratulate Calvin.
The four headed for the Great Hall to get snacks and refreshing drinks. Just as they were about to leave, some of the Gryffindor members of the team arrived. Eve did not see Calvin at glance so she and her three friends moved on. But she was stopped by a hand hooking around her muscle and pulling her back, making her nearly drop her drink.
She was standing face to face with Calvin. He looked down at her as he smiled. “Thank you for cheering for me,” he said. “I couldn’t have done it without you.”
“I didn’t realize you could hear me,” she said with a giggle.
“Well, not really,” he told her with a chuckle of his own. “But I knew you were cheering for me.”
“I was,” she admitted. “Kathleen, Bea, and Sage will attest to that.”
“I’ve got faith, I don’t need them to clear your name.”
She laughed.
“Did you enjoy the game?”
“I did! CJ is as good as always.”
“Well…what about me?”
“You are as great as always, no doubt about that.” She smiled. “You’re always great. One of your best actually.”
Just as Calvin was to reply, Ena stopped by and congratulated him. He paused and Eve could feel her heart drop.
“Thanks, Ena,” he finally replied. He turned back to Eve and said, “When we go to Hogsmeade, do you wanna…maybe have a meal together? You can choose where, of course.”
Eve wanted to say yes, she was dying to say yes. But his reaction when Ena congratulated him was burning in her head.
“That’d be great, Calvin,” she replied and saw him beam. “But I already have plans with Bea, Sage, and Kathleen. I have to talk to them about…something.”
“Is it serious? You can talk to me about it. I just want to spend time with you.”
“Um…sorry, Calvin. It’s something I’m not comfortable talking to with other people. I’m sure you understand.”
“Oh um…yeah. Yeah. I get you. Rain check?”
“That’d be nice.” She looked back. “I have to go.”
“Right, right. Okay. I’ll see you.”
“Congratulations again,” she said with a smile before turning back.
Later that night, Eve was lying down on her bed, wondering if turning down Calvin was a good idea. All Bea, Sage, and Kathleen agreed that it was not but what could they do now.
“It’s just…the way he looked at Ena, the way he froze when Ena congratulated him. It was just…such a turn off. And then he had the guts to ask me out right after?” She scoffed. “Like what heck.”
“Maybe he was just surprised. Was Ena with Jamila?” Kathleen asked.
“No, she wasn’t.”
“I haven’t heard any news about them breaking up. But I have heard that they’re strong than ever.” Sage shrugged. 
Bea asked, “Has he said that he talks to Ena?”
“Not that I can recall.”
“Maybe you can still un-rain check that rain check?” Kathleen suggested.
“You want a relationship with him, you have to make things right,” Sage said.
Eve sighed and sat up. “I guess. Alright, I’ll go to him tomorrow.”
“No, you go go him. Now,” Bea demanded.
Eve groaned but got up.
She walked out of their room and into the Common Room. She looked for him if he was in the area but did not find him. She did, however, find CJ. She had never spoken to him, he was a year above her, but here’s to trying.
“Hi, CJ,” she greeted, walking up to him.
“Oh, hey. Eve, right?”
She nodded. “I was wondering if you know where Calvin is. Oh, and congratulations by the way.”
“Thanks,” he replied with a smile. “As for Calvin, I can check if he’s in his room.”
“I’d really appreciate that, thank you,” she said with a grin.
CJ headed off and Eve waited. When he arrived, he raised his hand and shook it. “Sorry, he’s not there. But you might find him in the field.”
“Thank you!” She rushed out of the Gryffindor room and headed straight for the Quidditch field. When she got there, she saw him flying around with the Quaffle in his hand. “Calvin!” she shouted.
He did not seem to hear her so she ran to the bleachers entrance and took the stairs up as quickly as she could. When she finally reached the top, she saw Calvin flying towards her.
“Eve,” he called out. When he reached her, he asked what she was doing up there. “Is anything wrong?”
“Um…no. But,” she stopped and took a deep breath before exhaling, “can we un-rain check that rain check?”
He put down the Quaffle beside her and said, “Why?”
“If you don’t want to, it’s  fine, you might already have made plans, I’m sorry—”
“Eve,” he started as he placed a hand on hers, “Un-rain checking that rain check is great for me. What made you change your mind though?”
“I talked to Bea, Sage, and Kathleen, they said I was dumb for asking for a rain check.” She bit her bottom lip. “I was.”
He smiled and chuckled softly. “Why did you decline in the first place?”
“I saw the way you looked at Ena when she congratulated you. I thought she still had an effect on you…” she bowed her head and said quietly, “or something. I dunno.”
He pursed his lips and nodded. “I understand. I was just taken off guard, she hated Quidditch.”
“Oh really?”
He nodded. “But I did hear that Jamila’s quite into it. Guess she got attached to it, too.” He shrugged. “Maybe she just liked the game.”
“You’ve got nothing to worry about, Eve. I promise.” He leaned forward which made Eve tilt her head. “May I?”
She licked her upper lip and nodded.
Calvin leaned forward again and captured her lips with his own.
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mercurials · 2 months
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beautiful with you (even the darkest parts of me)
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puppyeared · 4 months
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renaissance dogys
characters belong to @canisalbus
#i love i loveeee ludovica sm shes so cute. ive only known her for 5 min but i fell in love with her design and i love her friendship#with vasco ^_^ i think them having each other makes hiding their sexualities a little less lonely so thats sweet#ik in modern au shes considered an old friend of vascos but i originally assumed she and vasco fake dated in college or smth#to get their parents off their backs until they came out properly and continued to stay in touch as friends after LMAO#im not very familiar with period fashion so i had to look at renaissance costumes as reference. but i have to admit i love the#high waistlines used in some of their dresses.. i have a minidress with a similar high waistline pressed against the chest and sleeves#also if u squint machete is holding a little paper bag in the 2nd photo which is supposed to be his lunch courtesy of vasco <3#idk what ludovica would wear in modern au but i thought poet shirts might suit her because theyre like somewhere evenly between#masc and femme. to me anyway.. based on observation lesbians seem to love poet shirts and i think she looks good in one#these are all shitposts.. ill draw serious art of them one of these days i promise#i listened to fools rush in and it reminds me of them.. especially when it goes 'though i see the danger there / if theres a chance#for me then i dont care' like its so poignant and bittersweet.. a little indulgent when u think of those small moments they have togethr#save me gay catholic furries... gay catholic furries... gay catholic furries save me#my art#myart#doodles#fanart#others ocs#canisalbus#fur#furry art#machete#vasco#vaschete#ludovica#sfw fur#furry#anthro
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itymnro · 4 months
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Trip down memory lane 🚗✨️✨️
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sugarfrostedmoth · 5 months
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age + pet regression art :D i’ve been age regressing a ton lately so i felt like drawing this :3c
(SFW interaction only ^_^))
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smallsafespace · 28 days
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Bean Buddies: Pumkin and Spooky!
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hyenakat · 13 days
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isabelle, the cutest boy in the world, for @lilacsmothership <3
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thatshadowcomic · 3 months
Page 4!
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Thank you all for your patience!! ;v;
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Sonic is such a flirt hahahaha
Sonic was listening, I promise, he's just trying to get shadow to loosen up with some play fighting/silliness.
I'll upload more headcanon lore eventually :)
Masterpost for ya
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evedreams · 28 days
The Note
Entry Number: 20 Dream: Calvin Oftana (4) Summary: Eve and Calvin finally meet. Rating: G
Eve had always loved Calvin from the moment she laid eyes on him during her first live TNT game. She knew about his family, his baby Khalel, and his wife, who had just come out as a lesbian.
What luck when he befriended her after she scrolled through social media and liked all his posts on Instagram.
They were always just communicating online. Calvin would often invite her to games, but she would have to decline for different reasons.
“I’m beginning to think you just don’t want to see me play, or me...” he said once during a video call.
“That’s not true!” Eve said in defense. “I really can’t due to—”
He chuckled. “I’m kidding, I’m kidding. But promise me that if we make it to the semi-finals, you’ll watch at least one game.”
“As long as you’re not up against San Miguel,” she joked.
Calvin scoffed. “Fine, if we’re not up against San Miguel.”
She nodded. “I will, I promise.”
TNT did reach the semi-finals. They were up against Barangay Ginebra. Eve feared for their lives as she knew Ginebra wanted a great comeback after losing the championships for a few cups. But TNT won the first two games, and Calvin even made sure she would watch the third.
“Please come,” Calvin pleaded. “I really want to see you.”
She smiled. “I will. I really want to see you, too. And I want to see you guys win.”
The day of the game arrived, and Calvin surprised Eve by sending her VIP tickets. Of course, she brought Sage along. “I’ll see you soon,” the cute stationery inside the envelope read.
They entered the Mall of Asia Arena and were immediately led to their seats. Eve didn’t know which seats they had until they found themselves behind the TNT bench.
The players began to arrive, and Eve clutched her seat as she watched each basketball star come out of the locker room. A few seconds later, she saw him. There he was. She couldn’t look away; her eyes were glued to him. She didn’t even notice Calvin smiling until Sage nudged her. She looked away slowly, embarrassed.
“C’mon, you’ve been waiting for this moment,” Sage whispered.
Eve nodded and looked up again as Calvin leaned on the railings.
“Hi,” he greeted. Even Eve could tell he was nervous, too. “I’m so glad you came.”
“I’m really glad, too,” she responded. “This is Sage.”
He nodded. “I’ve heard a lot about you.”
Sage smiled. “I know.”
Calvin returned to Eve. “I can’t stay long, but um…” He reached into the pocket of his hoodie and brought out a small piece of paper. “Could you read this when the last two minutes are announced?” She nodded and reached out for the paper.
“Sure. Can you give me a clue as to what’s inside?”
He opened his mouth, then closed it. “I’d rather hear what you have to say in the most… natural voice ever.”
Sage giggled. “I’ll make sure she doesn’t even take a peek.”
Calvin thanked her and leaned closer. “I have to tell you something,” he whispered.
Eve leaned in closer and tilted her head slightly so her ear was closer to him. “Yeah?” But to her surprise, instead of saying something, he kissed her cheek. It was a quick one, but she surely turned beet red.
“For good luck,” he said as he walked away.
Eve could feel her heart beating fast, maybe even too fast. What was written on that piece of paper?
The game was a good one, the scores were so close to one another. And then she heard the announcement, “Last two minutes!”
Sage nudged Eve. Calvin was still playing, and she couldn’t take her eyes off of him. Her friend had to nudge her again. Eve looked at her and nodded. “Oh, right.”
She unfolded the paper and began to read.
‘I’ve fallen for someone,
You need to know who it is,
This is cheesy and I don't think it's coming out the way I wanted it to be, but I thought I should give it a shot.
I love…
(See the first word of the second line.)
That’s right. I love you. I’m going to make sure I give the winning shot. Once the ball is with me as the seconds dwindle, please shout your answer to the question below:
Do you love me, too?'
Eve looked up and saw that the clock was down to fifteen seconds. How did the time go so fast? She saw Calvin fighting for the ball from Christian Stanhardinger.
She stood up, ran to the panel table, and grabbed the mic. “I love you, too, Calvin Oftana.”
And without much effort, Calvin swiped the ball from “The Bulldozer” and sprinted to their basket. As the seconds closed in, he jumped and dunked, and TNT won by one point.
The TNT crowd cheered, and the players and staff all tried to grab a shot at Calvin, but he was too quick. He was next to Eve without her even noticing. She never realized how much taller he was than her. Without saying a word, he leaned down and kissed her.
“Congratulations,” she said when they separated.
“Thank you for reciprocating my feelings.”
“That’s so formal.”
“I love you, Eve.”
“I love you, too, Calvin.”
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evedreamsof · 1 year
we are // j. arana
entry #30
summary: what do you do when you put two clueless idiots together?
“why don’t you just tell him?” mary sighed. “come on, i’m sure he feels the same way.”
“you can’t be sure.”
“i know that i am sure. now go tell him.”
eve nodded and sat beside justin, who was busy fiddling with his phone.
he turned to her and smiled. “hey. what’s up?” he leaned forward, his face inches from hers. “anything on your mind?”
“i’m in love with you,” she said quickly. she shut her eyes and repeated, “i’m in love with you, justin.”
when she opened her eyes, he was looking at her quizzically. “i know that.”
she turned beet red. “WHAT!?”
he nodded.
“how’d you know!?”
“‘cause we’re dating?”
“calm down, you’re acting strange.”
“we’re dating?”
justin nodded.
“since when!?”
“we’re dating?”
“i didn’t…know that….”
“we’re NOT dating!?”
they stared at each other. “mary,” they said in unison. at that exact moment, they heard her laugh loud and with glee.
“oh my god…this is so embarrassing,” eve said while shaking her head, “i am so sorry.”
justin laughed nervously. “i’m more embarrassed…i really thought we were dating, eve.”
“what made you think that?”
“i…our actions?”
eve gave it some thought. “i guess you’re right.”
justin licked his lips. “i…um…mary told me you were in love with me, and i told her i’m in love with you, too. i didn’t…well, i assumed we got together since…since you started kissing my cheek.”
“no, there was a difference.”
“it’s why you’ve been flirty.”
“i thought you were just too shy to say it out loud and you weren’t ready to tell the world about us…so, i wasn’t too loud about it, either.”
“i do love you, i really do.”
he kissed her. “so do we both know that we’re dating now?”
she laughed. “yes, we do.”
he kissed her again. “i love you, too.”
0 notes
elsecrytt · 24 days
Satoru Gojo goes to the same cafe every day for his coffee-flavored confectionary beverage. You are the barista tasked with pumping his drink with the unreasonable assortment of syrup squeezes.
You don't blink at it. You've been in customer service forever. Everything is second nature to you. But you give him a look when you hand him a drink and he just starts going.
He likes to make small chat, you learn. About meaningless things - desserts, drinks, the weather - but he makes you laugh, and he laughs at your jokes, too. He's smiling every time you talk.
He's beautiful - in that way that makes you uncertain if he's really there - and friendly, and he seems a bit lonely, eager to converse.
Something tells you Satoru probably doesn't have a lot of close friends. He's rich, too, judging by the massive tips he leaves you.
The thing is, you do a lot of things on autopilot. It's just the way these things get after a while. Pouring drinks, "What would you like today?", "I'll have that out for you soon!", "Have a nice day!", all that stuff.
Sometimes, though. Sometimes. Wires get crossed.
He's picked up his drink to leave, giving you a cheeky smile and a little wave, and you tell him, without thinking twice:
"Love you, bye!"
Oh. Oh fucking hell -
"Love you too!"
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pipinpali · 10 days
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Someone draw their ocs like this
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odd-chips · 4 months
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(Tents fingers) So I've had a very indulgent Lethal Company OC concept on the mind for a while, and now that I've drawn it, of course it's spiraled into a 80+ panel comic HILJKFD
Employee names are tentative right now, but they go by Cap'n, Kid (shortie, actual name is Scoot), Skeets (tall one, short for Skeeter) and Mav (wide one, goes by that or Maverick). Genders are also tentative, but I'm warming up to the idea of them all being women with Kid being the only boy!
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Value keys for the comic are under the cut, along with some story beats/thumbnails and the uncensored version of Cap'n's injuries from the attack! (It's sketchy, but it is drawn gore so be warned!)
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kingkatsuki · 5 months
Men that stroke their cocks to your most innocent selfies.
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heartnosekid · 7 months
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glow in the dark miffy charms 🐰✨ | kawaiiminico on ig
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