#sfw: strangers
evedreams · 29 days
Thank You
Entry Number: 31 Dream: Calvin Oftana (15) Summary: Eve's in a daze. Rating: PG
Eve was in shock. She had just discovered that one of her former friends had been talking badly about her behind her back, even while they were still friends. The accusations she learned about herself were devastating:
She was bad at keeping secrets.
She had faked her illness for attention.
She wasn’t as smart as people thought she was.
She talked about people behind their backs.
And, worst of all, she was a slut.
While Eve admitted to having a “hoe phase” in her past, she was blindsided by her friend’s decision to broadcast it. The revelation had caused her social circle to shrink drastically; many friends from college had distanced themselves, leaving only Bea as her sole remaining contact from DLSU.
It was a scorching sunny day, but Eve barely noticed. She had left a party abruptly, not waiting for anyone to pick her up. Her parents would likely be upset, but she hoped they’d understand.
As she wandered aimlessly, lost in her thoughts, she failed to notice what was happening around her. When she finally came to her senses, she felt someone holding her hand and speaking sternly to her.
“Are you paying attention to me? What happened was extremely dangerous,” the voice said. “You were almost hit by a car. Please, snap out of it.”
The person touched her cheek, and it was then that Eve realized she had been crying. She looked up to see a tall figure, his chest before her. As she sobbed uncontrollably, he wrapped his arms around her and patted her back, providing comfort.
After a few moments, she took a deep breath and pushed herself away, embarrassed. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to be an inconvenience,” she said, wiping her tears. She rummaged through her bag for tissues and found a nearby trash bin.
“What happened, exactly?” she asked, still in shock.
“You weren’t paying attention, and a car was speeding towards you. I had to pull you back to the sidewalk just in time,” he explained.
“So… I was almost hit by a car?”
He nodded. “Yeah.”
Eve glanced around and noticed people staring and whispering, which made her blush with embarrassment.
“Are you okay?” he asked, noticing her reddening face.
“Yes, I’m fine. Thank you, Mister… um…”
“Thank you, Mr. Calvin.” She looked up and her eyes widened in recognition. “Oftana?”
He smiled. “Yeah. Didn’t expect you to know me.”
Eve laughed softly. “Of course I know you. I have the biggest crush on you.”
“And you are?” he asked with a grin.
“Eve. Eve Aparri.”
“It’s very nice to meet you, Ms. Eve.” He glanced around. “So…”
“Would you like to go to Starbucks or something? My treat, as a thank you,” she offered with a smile.
He nodded. “Yeah, that’d be nice.” He extended his arm, and she linked hers with his. “Shall we?”
“Thank you,” she said, feeling a glimmer of comfort amidst the chaos.
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evedreamsof · 3 months
two dates a night // c. oftana
entry #67
eve needs to get out of there
It all happened so fast.
Eve was talking to her blind date. He was absolutely boring and obnoxious.
She could not tell where her friend, Laura, found him. Laura knew Eve was eyeing someone else—unreachable though—but Laura was adamant to make Eve realize that there are other fishes in the sea.
He just talked about himself. His “accomplishments”, if you can call them that. His physical appearance, which was decent if he were a decent guy. His projects, which were good ideas but she wondered how well he would execute them given the way he attained his “accomplishments”.
She tried to squeeze herself in, she told him stuff about herself. But he would always have something to counter them with. There were times wherein he asked about her opinions and stuff about herself, and at first he seemed quite genuine, but as the conversation grew, it was just a ruse for him to talk more about himself.
Two hours later, she finally decided to put an end to it. Two hours. Two hours! Two hours of him taking all the credit of everything and anything under the sun.
She already had her money ready, she was paying for herself, of course. Now all she had to do was think of a way to excuse herself.
Then, she spotted him. ‘Oh my God.’ And he was coming this way. She knew it was a long shot but she wanted to try anyway, anything to get her out of this. ‘Alright.’
Once he was near enough, she stood up and reached for his wrist. “Calvin! Oh my God, it’s been so long! How are you?”
He stood there a moment, shocked. She knew what he was thinking but she had to get out. She squeezed his wrist tightly but the same, friendly smile was still on her face. “How’ve you been?”
He finally seemed to get the message because he grinned. “I’ve been good! It’s been a while, yes. How are you?”
“I’m okay,” she replied. “This is my date, Jesse. We were just about to finish. Mind if we take a stroll?” She squeezed his wrist again.
“We’re done?” Jesse asked in the background.
“Of course. It’d be great catching up with you.”
Eve let go of his wrist and unfolded a few bills and placed them on the table. “My share.”
“I thought we were splitting? Fifty-fifty.”
She sighed and rolled her eyes. “I ordered roast beef and a drink, and you ordered…all those. How are we fifty-fifty?”
“Okay, fine. No sharing, but I thought we were having dessert together?”
“Plans change, Jesse,” Calvin cut in. “I’m having dessert with her.”
Jesse glared. “I’m telling Laura what kind of person you really are.”
Eve shrugged. “Okay.” She gave Calvin a smile and they left the restaurant.
“How’s their roast beef?” he asked, holding up the take-out bag.
“Really good,” she replied.
As soon as they were at a good distance, Eve took a deep breath and exhaled before turning to the basketball player. “I’m sorry for what happened. I just needed to get out of there.”
“It’s fine, don’t worry. He sounded like a bore, I get why you wanted to leave.” He chuckled.
“He was worse than a bore. All he did was talk about himself, never once letting me tell my own stories.” She rolled her eyes. “I haven’t really gone on dates but that was already the worst.”
“But he wasn’t hurting you or anything?”
“No, no,” she said. “No hurting in any way. Maybe except my ego.” She laughed.
He laughed along.
Then, she said, “Well, I hate to be keeping you when you’re about to have dinner.” She smiled. “Thank you, Mr. Oftana, really.”
“I’m honestly surprised you know me.”
She shrugged. “San Miguel is my team though.”
He laughed, as did she. “I hope your next date won’t be bad.”
“Thanks,” she replied. “Enjoy your dinner.”
She stepped aside but he stopped her with a hand on her shoulder. “I was hoping your next date would be with me. I’m not all dressed up but you’re really pretty and I’d hate not to take my chances.”
Eve blinked. “Really?”
“Yeah. If it’s okay with you? I can always just eat this tomorrow.” He held up the bag. “What do you say? Can I take you out to dinner?” He smiled.
She thought for a bit. ‘Oh, who am I kidding? It’s Calvin fucking Oftana.’ She grinned. “Yes, of course.”
“Great.” He cleared his throat. “I don’t know your name though. Can’t go out on a date without knowing your name, miss…?”
“Eve,” she answered. “Eve Aparri.”
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blushweddinggowns · 2 years
I can't stop thinking about Eddie having a massive bitch fetish for mean girl Steve, especially after they get together.
Like before, sure, he was just as much in King Steve's thrall as every other high school girl was, even if it was a secret he had planned on taking to the grave. Every time he'd hear him make a snappy comment to one of his friends or say something particularly cutting when he talked back to the teachers was enough to make Eddie flush.
But now that they're together it's even worse than high school Eddie could imagine. Because Steve Harrington is protective as fuck and when you mix that with being gay in small-town Indiana with a boyfriend whose the town pariah for murders he didn't commit, you get a lot of opportunities for bitchy Steve.
The check-out lady at the grocery store scoffs when she sees them holding hands? Steve's jumping in, "Wow Linda, guess you're not a champion for love huh? Is that why your husband left you last year?"
An ex-jock and current gas station attendant makes a comment about how Eddie should be in prison? "Weren't you the guy who shit his pants at Carol's party freshman year? Honestly, I feel like that's a worse social crime than anything my Eddie ever did."
An old teacher comments on how he's not "surprised" that Eddie never graduated when they run into him? "I guess that just goes to show how shitty of a teacher you were doesn't it? He passed his GED test on the first try, maybe you should just think of a different career option?"
He has an arsenal of embarrassing stories and tidbits for almost every person in Hawkins, courtesy of his near-daily gossip sessions with his mom. Even when they move in together, those don't stop, they just switch to weekly three-hour phone conversations. (The apple really doesn't fall far from the tree, does it?)
And Eddie loved how willing Steve was to stand up for him, he did, really. But every time Eddie had to bear witness to Steve tearing someone down for his benefit, it felt like he was losing his mind.
He'd flush, go bright pink, get weak in the knees, everything you would expect from a love-struck sixteen-year-old girl, not a twenty-one-year-old drug dealer. Half the time he had to drag Steve to the nearest unoccupied space just to kiss him, and the other half he was too busy trying to hide a humiliating hard-on.
Eddie keeps that specific obsession to himself, but he knows he doesn't have much time left before he figures it out. There are only so many impromptu make-out sessions mixed with snide comments before Steve puts two and two together.
And Eddie just knows that he will never let him live it down, which will only add fuel to the fire if he starts doing it on purpose to tease him. Steve already had him wrapped around his finger enough as is, he didn't need another thing to make him realize just how gone for him Eddie was.
No, this one was going to stay with him, a secret that he'd actually manage to take to his grave.
Or so he thought.
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mwahmimi · 6 months
Soft touches. Eddie Munson x reader. Fluff. Blurb.
🍯 You had your face nestled into Eddie’s chest, the material of his shirt tucked up under your nose. Breathing in the smell of his cologne is sending you to sleep softly. His hands find your sides, rubbing his fingers up and down them so innocently. You can’t help but wriggle around under his touch, this wasn’t a conversation you wanted to have with your boyfriend. Sure he’d find out sooner or later but it was too embarrassing for you, once he does find out you’re sure he’ll be relentless with the information. Your ‘shameful’ secret was that you’re ticklish. Really ticklish.
You’ve seen Eddie attack his friends with the playful act before, watching on at the onslaught you were blushing the entire time, wanting the ground to swallow you up. You also knew that he was ticklish, Steve had wrestled him to the ground and squeezed at his hips plenty of times. Even signalling to you and saying ‘If he ever gets mouthy, just give him a squeeze.’ Eddie looked back at you and waved his finger as a warning, you’d never been brave enough to tickle him. Mainly because you knew he’d try it back.
You didn’t hate being tickled like everyone else seems to, but it made you shy. Something about it made you flustered, maybe the loss of control or the fact you were rendered to giggles and squeals. But deep down, it was because you knew you liked it.
Eddie notices you squirming under his touch, he pinches at your sides playfully. Experimenting with his new discovery, he drags his nails up and down your sides. Squeezing at your hips just like you’d seen happen to him before.
“Sensitive, sweetheart?” He coos down at you, trapping your arms under his knees so you can’t move. Eddie laughs along with you as he pokes up and down your ribcage. You erupt into laughter, twisting and wriggling from side to side as he continues his attack and you enjoy the moment of closeness with your boyfriend.
“Maybe.” You respond with a smile, lifting your head up to see him smirking down at you. With a gentle stroke to your hair he whispers, “I’m gonna getcha.” His voice teasing and soft, it’s playful. Innocent and carefree, something you crave during the constant stresses of life. It brings you out of the anxiety and into the moment. As much into the moment as you can be as you’re gasping for air through your laughter as he finds the soft spot on your neck.
You’re babbling, begging him to stop. “I’m barely touching you baby! You’re so ticklish.” He laughs along with you as teases as his nails softly scratch behind your ears. Looking down at you, Eddie notices the pink shade that’s flushed across your face, withdrawing both of his hands from your neck and replacing them onto the small of your back and kisses your head.
“Too cute. Can’t believe I haven’t done that sooner. This is valuable manipulation material!” His smile beams down at you, maybe it wasn’t such a bad thing he’d found your dirty little secret if you could see that smile each time you were tormented by him. 🍯
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italiansteebie · 7 months
i really need some casual puppy steve in my life.
like sfw just... imagine like he does a favor for robin and she jokingly says "good boy," and pats him on the head, missing the way steve's eyes glaze over and his head goes quiet for a second.
and then eddie does something very similar but then he notices it, and leans into it. way into it. steve's always had a habit of sitting on the floor, except now eddie will comb his fingers through his hair, mumbling "such a sweet boy, my sweet boy," without realizing what he's saying until steve still under his touch.
and the way steve's eyes soften and droop as he looks up at the other man, "i've never felt like this before," he whispers. "that's okay baby, i'm here." eddie assures, "can i try something?" he asks tentatively, watching as steve nods his head slowly, big brown eyes full of trust. "how does it make you feel, when i call you..." eddie hesitates, "call me what, eds?" steve probes, pushing his head further into eddie's hands. "puppy?" eddie questions, watching as steve's shoulders drop, barely surprised at the way his boy clambers onto his lap, curling into his touch.
"you like that stevie? are you a good boy? hmm? my good little puppy?" eddie coos, steve melting even further. "makes my head go quiet," steve says, nuzzling his face further into eddie's chest. "that's good, right?" eddie asks, unsure, smiling as steve nods. "you're my little puppy, isn't that right?" he asks gently, "mhm, all yours," steve whispers, fully pliant in eddie's arms, soaking up all the soft attention and the way eddie is lightly scratching his back.
oops sorry (not really)
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malereadermaniac · 7 months
sfw & nsfw alphabets ~ Billy Hargrove x Male Reader
Sfw alphabet first, then the Nsfw starts Top!Billy x Bottom!Reader word count: 6k (GAH DAMN) Nsfw / MDNI ~ amab m!reader / FDNI
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Coming from a homophobic household, Billy can't bring himself to be affectionate with you in public - but he fully makes up for it in private. Billy always needs to be touching you when he's with you, so his arms are either around around your shoulders or your waist, or he's holding your hand and rubbing the back of your hand with his thumb. He has never been affectionate with his past girlfriends, but with you, he just feels so possessive over his fucking hot boyfriend that Billy just feels like he needs to show it
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
If you two started off on anything, it was on the wrong foot. Billy was as homophobic as you could get them, so while he would make fun of you for being gay you would snap back at him and shut him up - and that's when Billy started to warm up to you, it wasn't every day that someone would stand their ground against him. Your arguing slowly turned into playful banter and the two of you started to tolerate each other more and more; the two of you going as far as starting to chat in class and even hangout outside of school. Being close friends with Billy came with its social perks too, and if anyone tried to harass you for being gay, Billy would ensure that they shut their mouths.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Again, since Billy can't bring himself to do PDA with you, he really makes up for it in private - one of the main ways he does that he cuddles you non-stop. The man is a big-spoon if there ever was one, while Billy has managed to get over most of his internalised homophobia he still feels like he needs to be manly, so your muscular boyfriend always insists to be big-spoon. Other than spooning, Billy likes to hold you to his side on the couch while you watch something on the TV, and he fucking loves it when you lay on his bare, hairy chest as you both fall asleep - he likes feeling your warmth and your breath against his skin.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Billy had never thought he'd want to settle down - with every single girl he'd been with he'd never pictured a life together, he even felt uncomfortable when she'd demand more commitment from him. But the moment that the muscular man realised that he was in love with you, Billy couldn't help but fantasise about a long, happy life with you. The man can't go to sleep without imagining a life with him coming home to you cooking up a storm in the kitchen and spending the rest of your lives together.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
In the early days of your relationship with Billy, you two would break up quite a but- not every month but from time to time and for different reasons the two of you would find that being separated would be better for the both of you. The one main reason for the constant break-ups were Billy's commitment issues (amongst other things) - the Jock would start to get freaked out by you getting upset at him looking at girls and then arguments would start which would end in a breakup. But the two of you always found your way back to each other. You both struggled alone, and once Billy actually matured, the two of you had never been happier and more stable.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Again, in the early days (like back in high-school and college), Billy would shit bricks at the thought of having ti give up his playboy lifestyle for you - let alone even think of marrying you. But once the man matured and realised you were the one person for him, he could feel his heart yearn for you in so many ways. Billy has fantasised about marrying you many times, he's practically already planned out the wedding and the honeymoon! The two of you cohabitate, but Billy has been trying to work up the courage to take it further - he wants to put the beautiful pair of rings he'd bought to good use rather than letting them gather dust in his nightstand.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Physically, Billy varies in gentleness. During day-to-day activities with you, the muscular man is extremely soft with you, his rough hands slowly caressing you or pushing into your skin if he's holding your body. However when things take a spicier turn, Billy absolutely loves to manhandle you - especially if you've been kind of bratty that day, Billy loves to take control.
Emotionally, your boyfriend has taken a while to come out of his cold and mean shell. Of course, when the two of you met, he was a dickhead towards you - but now, he's a man baby! Billy demands your attention and speaks to you more softly than he does to cute animals.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
In public, this is the one thing Billy does. Your boyfriend has come a long way, he's constantly trying to push himself out of his comfort zone just for you. So the man will give you a warm, tight but sadly short hug in public. In the privacy of your own home, it's a different story - again Billy needs to be touching you at all times to he just goes all in and hugs you. The type of hugs depends on how he's feeling, if the man needs to feels you fully and inhale only your scent, he'll hug you tightly against his chest as he nuzzles into your neck. But side hugs are Billy's specialty, he likes to slyly wrap an arm around your waist and hold you to his side with a grin on his sexy face.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Near the start of your relationship, Billy wouldn't be caught dead saying that word to anyone. You were the first one to say "I love you", that was the reason for your second break-up - Billy didn't even try to fake a response. He just aired your profession of love. After that, you mainly just stuck to "I like you", it wasn't until Billy and you had been dating for one year without breaking up that he realised that he needed to convey how he was feeling to you. Your muscular boyfriend wishes he had a photo of the shock on your face when he first said "I love you" - the tears in your eyes made his heart melt.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
This man gets jealous soooo easy and so, so intensely. Back in his playboy phase, Billy could eye up as many girls as he wanted to, but if another guy even tried to chat you up, he would go fucking mental. Nowadays, Billy doesn't like to show his jealousy to the extent he used to, but he still hates it when other guys talk to you while obviously mentally undressing you - he knows he's dating a hot guy, you were quite the steal, so Billy feels threatened by most other guys. Jealousy is the one thing that pushes Billy to touch you in public like an actual boyfriend; the man will put an arm round your waist and pull you to his side, a shit eating grin on his face as he asks you "whose this, darlin?" While not breaking eye contact with the guy who was talking to you. And god save you the next time you two get freaky after a guy tries to flirt with you...
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
The two of you rarely ever share a sweet and short kiss. If your lips touch, then a kiss easily turns into making out. Billy loves to show off his dominance when kissing you, gently holding your face, his thumb rubbing over your cheek while his tongue toys with yours. Other than your lips, Billy loves kissing your thighs and your stomach. When you two get intimate, Billy loves to gently kiss your stomach while holding your waist, slowly making his way down to your thighs- he loves kissing and marking your thighs.
Billy fucking loves it when you kiss at his neck or at his collarbone - the way you push yourself closer to him and nuzzle at his neck while kissing and marking him really gets him going.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
He'd never thought of himself as a family man, the type to settle down - but since he fully fell in love with you, he can't stop thinking about it! It actually frustrates Billy that he can't stop thinking about you taking care of some little ones, him playing with them and the two of you helping them with school work. He used to fantasise about his next sexual escapade, but now he can only fantasise about you, having a domestic life with you. He wants children, you two have talked about it in passing and you seem to be on-board - Billy wants to raise his children the exact opposite of how he was, he wants them to grow in a love-filled household - which will be easy, he knows he's capable of love because of how much he loves you.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
This man is sooo groggy in the morning. He'll tighten his hold around you when you try to leave, and he'll whine about you having to go. Buy once you force your manchild boyfriend out of bed, he likes to cook together with you - essentially slowing you down but he's cute with it so it's fine.
On the weekends, Billy forces you to have a lie in with him - kissing you to shut you up and holding you closer to him.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
The two of you like to do your night routines together: after you both eat, you each go for a shower (sometimes together), you both brush your teeth and do your skincare, then you cuddle up in bed.
Nights with Billy are usually less domestic and more risqué, but when either of you are too tired to get down and dirty, you both enjoy reading or watching something together while cuddling - warm skin on warm skin.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Again, Billy took a while to open up to you, to come out of that shell that he was clinging on to. But even near the start of your relationship with the bad boy, you two would do your fair share of late night talking and pillow talk - so you knew some of his situation at home, which made you be more lenient towards Billy's behaviour. Of course, now you know everything about him, and he knows everything about you. Even back in college, Billy knew everything about you - he could never understand why he just liked to listen to you talk.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Billy rarely gets angry with you. He gets jealous, but that's often directed at other men, not at you. Back in the day, though, the man would bully you, so of course, when you started talking more, he would get angry at little things. Billy would like to take his anger and frustration out on you, not in a physical way but definitely in a sexual way - but the man quickly learnt that if he were to shout at you or anything else, you would snap back real quick.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Billy has always liked listening to you talk, he never realised that he found your voice so fucking calming; you could take his mind off of his shitty homelife. The handsome man knows almost every little detail about you, everything you mentioned in passing takes up a little part of his brain - and he puts this knowledge to really good use on special occasions. For example, Valentines Day is full of sweets and flowers that you like, as well as a date he's planned out based on your 'ideal date' you've talked about.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
While it might be easy for Billy to say that anytime you two have sex is his favourite memory, his real favourite moment in your relationship was when you let him come to you with open arms after an argument with his dad. You two were broken up. You had him blocked on everything, but when you opened the door late at night to a teary-eyed Billy, you let him inside in an instant. It was at that moment that he realised he had no one to go to. He instinctively went to your house. When you let him in and comforted him, he really realised that he loved you.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Billy would risk his life for you. The strong man is so protective over you that he once punched a guy in the street when he called you a f@g.
But you like to show your protectiveness over Billy in a more emotional sense. He'll always remember the day his father phoned him up and around 10 minutes into the phone call the man was shouting at Billy over the phone. So you acted on impulse, grabbed the phone and calmly said to the man who calls himself a father "Hi mr hargrove, if you talk to Billy like that again I will contact our lawyer and sue you for verbal threats and threatening behaviour" and then hung up the phone. Billy could feel his heart skip a beat and his blood rush downstairs.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
At the start of your relationship, Billy couldn't really care less about dates or anniversaries - he just wanted to get his dick wet, and you two had good sex. He would get you gifts from time to time, mainly just to butter you up, but he never even bothered with things like Valentines Day or anniversaries.
Now, Billy is the sappiest man on earth. He's still cool and charismatic about his dates and gifts, but this man will buy you flowers and constantly replace them once they wither. He plans dates almost months in advance, and he has a list on his notes app of gift ideas for you, organised by occasion. He puts in so much effort for you, he believes you deserve them for putting up with him for so long.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Because he smoked back in high school and all throughout college, Billy literally can't quit smoking. You used to find it hot, and you kind of still do (he likes to do this thing where he looks up at you while he licks the rolling paper) but you know it's bad for him. You've tried to get him to quit before, but he would start to go crazy - he'd start with the shakes, then Billy would be constantly eating sugar (which would make him angry because he's obsessed with his body) and then he would replace the dopamine from the smoking with other activities that release dopamine - activities that costed you heavily ;)
So Billy had to go back to smoking, he's tried alternatives, but he just went through those quicker - it's bad, but hey, he does look hot when he smokes.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
It's no surprise that Billy cares about his looks. He used to be a massive playboy - that kind of lifestyle is literally based on sex appeal. He still gets stuck in front of a mirror if he sees one in passing, and shopping for clothes with him takes ages. He's the one that got you into skin care, and he's 100% improved your fashion sense. You can't complain too much though, your boyfriend is a piece of eyecandy that you just can't stop looking at - his looks sugar-coat his personality, they were even more helpful back when you two would mainly only have sex.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Definitely. Not only were you Billy's first time with a guy but also his gay awakening, you're also the only person he's been with for a few years - the man wouldn't know what to do without you. He feels incomplete when he's away from you for too long and you're always on his mind - the man even dreams about you! Even back when you two would break up from time to time, Billy felt like shit without you - he would sleep with a fuck ton of girls and he still couldn't fill the hole that you would in his core.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Driving with Billy is an experience. Not only is the man extremely proud of his chick-magnet of a car, but he insist on being your personal driver. But his driving isn't incredible, you fear for your life every time you're in that car - but it makes the man so happy to do such a small task for you that you feel obligated to get into that death machine. But the grin on Billy's face when he calls you his passenger princess is worth it.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Billy hates it when someone is overly clingy - it's what has caused most of his breakups all of his life. That's something he really liked about you to start with, the two of you would do it in his car and the next time you two saw each other you would scowl and roll your eyes away from the man. Maybe it's the thrill of the chase or the commitment issues Billy used to have, but he can't deal when someone is clingy. He likes his personal space, so his heart skips a beat when you ask if you're doing too much when you cuddle him.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Billy needs to hold you to be able to sleep. He likes to sleep only in his underwear, so you get to cuddle up against his warm, built body every night. Unfortunately, this man snores like a mother fucker - he sounds like a mechanical drill! It can be hard to sleep with Billy's snoring in your ear, but the relaxing rumbling of his chest lulls you to sleep every night.
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Billy used to SUCK at aftercare. The playboy was a fan of the term 'cum n go' and he very much lived by it until he slowly started to stay longer and longer with you after sex. But now, Billy swears by aftercare. He likes to rest for a quick second and then immediately clean you both up. He changes the sheets and then cuddles you while the two of you chat until you both fall asleep.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Billy is a simple man, so he likes his dick. He loves it when you blow him, and when you rub him through his jeans - Billy fucking loves to watch you play and struggle with his big dick. Other than that he also likes his arms/his back, the muscular man loves the size difference in his built arms to yours. He likes to manhandle you with them and hold you with his strong grip while he fucks you.
For the body-part of yours which he likes the most, it has to be your waist. Billy goes fucking feral for your waist, he loves how his hands fit so perfectly around your waist and his favourite thing to do is wrap his arms around your waist as he pulls you in to fuck into you easier.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Billy doesn't cum a lot, surprisingly. He cums an average amount, but from the amount of times he cums in a night you wouldn't be able to tell. Billy's favourite place to cum has to be inside of you - ever since you two ditched condoms, Billy hasn't been able to cum anywhere other than within the tight warmth of your ass. But before, when you two would wear condoms every time, Billy would love cumming down your throat; he loved watching the tears start running down your face as he forces his dick to stay all the way down your throat while he cums.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
While Billy likes body worship, part of him would really want to go a step further and try things with sweat. He has gotten hard st the idea of forcing you to smell his sweaty pits and dick after the gym and tell him you love it while you like at his armpit hair and balls. But another part of Billy is worried that you'd find it weird, so he hasn't told you about this little hidden kink and probably won't unless he's very drunk and very horny.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Billy "playboy" Hargrove has been fucking since high-school - he's the most experienced. But he was thrown a curveball when you were his first time with a man - Billy thought he knew what to do, but was shocked when he found out that men and women are pleasured differently. He was shocked to find out that you needed to be prepared first - but didn't mind it too much, Billy likes to finger you until you came before even putting his dick inside. But once Billy got used to fucking a guy, he was able to put his previous knowledge to excruciatingly good use.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Doggy. Billy loves it when he pushes you down so you arch your back down to the bed, your head in the pillows as they barely stifle your moans while Billy jackhammers his dick into your hole. He loves holding your waist, pulling your back so that his hips crash against your ass - but Billy also likes to wrap his arms around your waist and chest, his bare chest against your back while he ruts and fucks into you, his warm breath and grunts against your ear.
Other than that, Billy also likes it when you ride him, him sitting up and wrapping his muscular arms around you while you bounce on his dick and make out with the strong man - loud moans and the sound of kissing echoing pornographically throughout your bedroom.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
While Billy is usually serious about sex with you being pleasurable, he understands that it needs to be fun too. He won't exactly crack jokes, but Billy will compliment you in funny ways, or you two will laugh if you accidentally crash your noses into each others from your desperation to kiss each other.
"Fuck, (y/n)... your ass is fatter than the Michelin man!"
"... Thanks? Haha..." You chuckle in confusion at your boyfriends compliment.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
The carpet most definitely matches the drapes - Billy's pubes are even curlier than regular pubes and they match his hair colour very nicely. Grooming wise, Billy mostly likes to go 'au naturelle' - but he does trim his bush if it starts to turn into a forest. Billy mainly likes to keep his pubes uncut to be able to stuff your nose when you suck him off, forcing you to smell him while you taste him - it turns him on to an insane level.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Billy used to see sex as just sex, you two would fuck fast and hard and then go your separate ways - even kissing was rare. But now that the two of you are in a committed relationship, sex with Billy is equally romantic and sexual. The built man likes his foreplay, fingering you while kissing all over your body, your moans music to his ears. Billy fucking loves kissing you and your neck while he fucks you, whispering 'I love you's along with other compliments into your ears when his lips aren't on your body.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Because Billy used to get so much action, he never really masturbated - if he was horny, he'd chat up a girl for five minutes and then go do her. He'd do the same with you, less of the chatting up, however. And that's affected him now, Billy hates jacking off so much. It just doesn't feel as good as your mouth, your tight ass, even your hands feel better than his. So it's really hard on Billy when he gets horny and you aren't around. That's why you two made a fun investment one Valentines Day. That investment being, an extremely expensive custom penis and fleshlight making kit. So if you aren't around, Billy uses the fleshlight as a weak substitute for your hole, and if Billy isn't around, the dildo shaped exactly like his dick comes in handy.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
First and foremost, Billy likes being the dominant half of the relationship. The strong man likes to manhandle you in bed and tell you what to do, guide you during sex and praise you if you do good. He likes spanking you or refusing to shove his dick into you unless you call him a title he likes or unless you compliment his or beg for his dick. Speaking of titles, Billy's all time Fave is most definitely Sir - calling Billy sir makes him salivate and his pupils dilate, it makes him hungry for you.
Billy's second biggest kink has to be body worship. And that goes for the both of you - Billy loves to watch you worship, kiss and compliment his muscular, sexy, hairy body but he also fucking loves rubbing his hands all over your body and compliments you whole kissing your soft skin.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
This man's libido knows no bounds, so you two have fucked in public bathrooms and shady alleyways from time to time - but you both can't deny the comfort of your own bedroom. Nothing specific in your bedroom though, Billy likes to fuck you on all kinds of surfaces - such as your desk, the floor, against the mirror and most importantly the bed.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
If Billy isn't horny, your soft touches to his body, and the way you carry yourself and dress is enough to rush gallons of blood down to his dick. Billy just fucking loves you and the way you dress, your clothes either making you look fucking cute or sexy as hell. If Billy's already balls deep in you, calling him a title makes him speed up (if that's even possible) - and if you're sucking him off, Billy's dick twitches when he sees the size comparison of his dick to your face when his wet cock is laying on your face.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Billy used to smoke during sex, the dopamine rush from the cigarette and the adrenaline from sex mixed so well that it made Billy feel so incredibly euphoric - and you had to admit he look fucking hot smoking while shoving his dick deep into you. But one time, he was about to cum, so he was speeding up and loosing control of some of his muscles, one of those muscles being his jaw. With his jaw agape, the lit cigarette fell onto your back, burning you. It wasn't even a 2nd degree burn, but Billy's heart stopped when he saw the pain on your face and the way your body jolted forward. Since then, Billy hasn't smoked during sex, and if he smokes after it, he keeps the cig slightly away from you.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Billy is a sucker for you sucking his dick dry. This man loves to get you on your knees, licks and kissing his dick then taking him down your throat - cumming down your throat also gets Billy going for a second round easily.
When it comes to giving you head, Billy loves to tease your dick. He takes you whole in his mouth and twirls his warm, wet tongue around your tip. He also likes to eat you out. When it comes to preparing you, Billy likes to eat you out, shoving his tongue past your gummy walls. He puts in his fingers while he eats you out, then fingers you loose.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Fast and rough is the usual with Billy. The man goes wild once he gets inside of your tight, warm walls. Billy loves to rough you up and fuck hard into you, but more sensual sex isn't exactly rare. There will be parts of the night (or day) when Billy slows down and focuses on almost overstimulating you with pleasure - pinching and kissing your nipples as he slowly fucks against your prostate. Either way the sex is very hot and very pleasurable for the both of you.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Billy is impartial to quickies, he does love the long, multi-round sex that the two of you usually have, but if he's horny and a quickie is the only option then you two are 100% having a quickie. Don't ever underestimate how quick Billy can get hard and even cum
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Even though Billy isn't the biggest fan of PDA, you two have fucked in public many times. When it comes to trauma and libido, libido always wins over Billy - so many a public bathrooms have heard your moans and have been soiled with your cum and Billy's.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
This man can go until the world ends - Billy not only works out everyday, but he's been having sex forever, so he can go until your muscles no longer work, and comfortably too, Billy is rarely extremely tired afterwards. He also has good self-control, so if Billy wants to last longer he can, but he can also let loose and fill you with cum in 30 seconds.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Only when the two of you can't have sex for whatever reason do either of you resort to sex toys. Billy has a fleshlight which is a poor substitute for the warmth and tightness of your ass - at least to him. And you have an exact replica of Billy's dick as a dildo, but even that isn't perfect, the heat of Billy's dick unable to be replicated - and the rough pace of sex with Billy can't be copied by a shitty dildo.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Teasing is one of Billy's fortes. The mean man loves to tease your dick with soft touches while he pounds into you, the way your walls tighten around him from the lace of his hand feeling euphoric. The man also fucking loves overstimulating you just a little bit, rubbing your dick after you've just came, using your spunk as lube to send you over the edge again a mere 2 minuets after your first orgasm.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
If you played ear rape at full volume put of a speaker, Billy would still somehow be louder. Your horny boyfriend moans like a bitch in heat, moaning your name and grunting in a dominating way while he compliments you and repeats your name like a mantra. Billy likes to vocalise how you make him feel, he wants you to know how good you are and how much he loves you - and he does that with loud, masculine groans and moans along with staggered breaths and a few whimpers sprinkled throughout.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Back in the day, when Billy was still openly homophobic and bullied you, he did something that changed the trajectory of his life. Billy would rarely want, he had called up a girl and fucked her, but he was still horny. So he decided to jack off once he got back to his house. But when he started to rub his dick, Billy couldn't get your stupid face out of his head! His dick got harder and harder the more he thought if you and he couldn't help but think of himself fucking you, the sounds you'd make and the way his name would roll off of your tongue so well. Once the post-nit clarity hit, Billy realised that maybe men do have a use...
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
It's no surprise that Billy is big. He isn't massive, but he's definitely above average - he hits all the right places inside of you. He's uncut and very veiny, he likes it when you use your tongue to play with his foreskin and likes to force you down on his dick randomly - which is easier to do than with other guys because of his downwards lean.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
As previously mentioned, Billy gets horny at any given moment and at every little thing you do. Even if you two have had sex that day already or if you've literally just had sex, do something that turns Billy on (so mainly just existing as yourself) and you two will be going at it like rabbits once more.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Usually, Billy is the first of you two to fall asleep. But if you two have just gotten down and dirty, Billy makes sure to stay awake to clean you both up and by the time he's done cleaning, you're already fast asleep. Because of the amount of rounds you two go for and because of how rough and tiring sex with Billy can get, you have to fight to stay awake during the final few rounds, let alone afterwards!
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The way I just fed you guys so, so much... YOU'RE WELCOME
I'm going to bed now 😭
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mrsjellymunson · 2 months
🌸🌼 One Fine Day 🌼🌸
Adapted from this ask from @celestialbat for the @steddiemicrofic June 1-year anniversary prompt, ‘one’. WC: 1,111. Rating: G. CW: tooth-rotting fluff, romance, flirting, mentions of food (no actual eating) and Eddie’s difficult childhood (not detailed).
Before today, Eddie never would’ve believed that one day could mean so much.
He and Steve haven’t been together long, and haven't really even gone on a proper ‘date’. But Eddie’s decided: today's the day.
He’s not usually one for cuteness and grand romantic gestures - he’d usually take someone to The Hideout, or spend time in his van out by Lover’s Lake. Not because he doesn’t want to, more because he doesn’t know how to, and prefers to keep things simple rather than run the risk of embarrassing himself.
But with Steve, everything’s different.
Before Steve, he reckons he wouldn’t’ve known how to be romantic if his life had depended on it. But now, he’s finding he loves to do things to make Steve laugh, to make him blush, even just to make him smile, and he doesn’t even care if he makes himself look like an idiot while he does it.
So today, he’s packed up as much of a romantic picnic as he can manage. He’s borrowed a basket and cooler from Robin, along with some tips on what to pack, after he admitted he was just going to get Twinkies, chips and Mountain Dew from Melvald’s. She’s even let him raid her fridge for a few things.
He’s shaken out the blankets from the back of his van, and has borrowed a few pillows from the trailer, so they’ll both have something comfortable to sit on. He’s brought camping plates and cutlery, usually reserved for Wayne’s fishing trips, so Steve doesn’t have to pick things out of packets like Eddie usually would, and purchased some of Steve’s favourite name-brand soda (rather than the store equivalent). He’s discovered he and Wayne don’t own napkins, so he’s Origami-ed some kitchen paper into bird-like shapes so they stand up on their own - fancy.
Steve assumes Eddie’s just taking the pair of them to the local park, perhaps picking something up from Benny’s on the way, but Eddie surprises him, swinging the van along one of the exit roads to a ‘secret spot’ outside of town.
It’s down a quiet lane, a pretty meadow filled with tall grass and wildflowers. And it’s beautiful.
Eddie doesn’t mention that he used to come here with his mom. It’s not far from the house they used to live in, and she’d bring him here when things got really bad with Al. Sometimes they’d even camp out under the stars. It was one place where Eddie felt safe.
Maybe he’ll tell Steve about it one day.
He grabs Steve’s hand and unnecessarily helps him down from the cab with a gallant, “This way, sweetheart”, and insists on carrying everything himself, even though Steve offers to help. (And, as Steve suspected he would, he almost trips twice.)
Eddie chooses a patch that’s more grass than flowers, explaining to Steve that, “I don’t want to hurt them”, and lays everything out on the well-loved blanket.
Steve can’t believe he’s gone to all this effort. There’s cold meats and cheeses, small tomatoes, carrot batons, berries, nuts, apple slices and a few grapes. And because Eddie can’t forego the snack food, there’s also pretzels, breadsticks and, yes, chips.
Steve thinks it’s wonderful; thinks Eddie’s wonderful. And the two of them spend an idyllic afternoon snacking and chatting and laughing and playing with each other’s fingers and tracing their fingertips up and down each other’s arms.
Steve asks about Eddie’s tattoos, and Eddie enjoys telling Steve the stories behind them. He makes up outrageous tales about the creatures and how they fought for their places on his human canvas, occasionally lifting his shirt and enjoying the way Steve’s eyes glitter as they roam his torso.
Once most of the food is gone, Steve helps Eddie to pack away the leftovers and encourages him to lie down, insisting he deserves a rest after all he’s done today.
Eddie smiles softly at him, and says he will, but,
“Only if I can choose the best pillow in the state.”
Confused, Steve glances around at the worn cushions brought from the trailer, and Eddie smirks as he drops down onto his elbows and wriggles backwards to place his messy mop into Steve’s lap. He moves his head back and forth a couple of times, settling, humming to himself, mumbling,
“Mmmm, definitely the best pillow in the state. Wait, the country! No, I’m so stupid, of course I mean the whole entire world!”
Steve chuckles down at him and the corners of his honeyed eyes crinkle as Eddie peeps up with those coffee coloured pools Steve adores so much.
Steve enjoys the weight and warmth of Eddie resting against him, and runs his fingers through Eddie’s bangs. They talk about everything and nothing, and Eddie begins to doze in the afternoon sun. He stirs a little as Steve periodically leans to one side, but thinks nothing of it.
He rouses as he feels Steve playing with his hair again, and thinks he might just be in paradise. Surely, there’s no earthly reason why the two of them couldn’t stay like this forever?
But then something unfamiliar tickles his cheek, and he opens one eye to see Steve leaning over him, examining a small yellow flower with a long stem before cocking his head sideways and appraising Eddie, squinting a little.
Placing it carefully into Eddie’s hair between an orange and red bloom, and just above a tiny purple one, Eddie sees the tip of Steve’s tongue emerge from between his teeth as he adjusts it before leaning back and admiring his handiwork.
Eddie brings a hand gently up to his hairline, careful not to dislodge anything, and discovers he has quite an array of blooms adorning his waves.
Steve reaches into his bag and pulls out his Polaroid camera, wanting to capture Eddie’s beautiful visage. Taking a couple of snaps, he places them face down on the blanket to develop as Eddie gleefully makes grabby hands, wanting to take one of his own. He hadn’t realised Steve had brought it, and he’s not missing this opportunity.
Steve won’t know it, but the sun that’s dipping low behind him is giving him a glorious golden halo that Eddie thinks makes him look like an ethereal, heavenly being. If he can capture even a tenth of that in a photo, he thinks he’ll keep it close to his heart forever.
Eddie’s convinced this is definitely the best picnic, and possibly the best afternoon, of his life. He wonders whether Steve feels the same.
Before today, Eddie never would’ve believed how much romance he actually had in him, or that one day could mean so much.
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Thanks so much for reading!!
My masterlist
Tagging my general list (open): @joejoequinnquinn @jamdoughnutmagician @guiltyasquinn @madaboutmunson @airen256 @sunshinepeachx @the-unforgivenn @skrzydlak @comeonatmebruh @jamiecb66 @80s-addict @abellmunsonmovie @definitionwanderlust @sheneedsrocknroll92 @munson-blurbs @wonderlanddreamer @daisy-munson @maedesculpaeusoubi @kurdtbean
Reblogging divider by @strangergraphics 💚💚
And how could I possibly pass up yet another opportunity to reshare this beautiful and rather gloriously appropriate piece of art by @themultiverseofmars 😉😘 YES I AM OBSESSED, WHAT OF IT HUH? HUH??
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celestibabs · 9 months
pairing; billy hargrove x f!reader
contents; 18+ mdni. boudoir photography, heavy petting, dry humping if you squint | wc: 1k
note; starting off simple for my return to writing... nothing too long or too spicy, but we all know that won't last very long.
Billy snatches the cigarette from his mouth as if it scolded his taste buds, flipping the envelope you’d handed him in his hand with intrigue. His perfect blonde eyebrow raised in query, he raises his gaze at you pointedly. 
“What is it?” He speaks flatly, exhaling the smoke in his lungs slowly so it kisses at his cheekbones. 
“Just open it,” you murmur quietly, worrying your lower lip with your teeth. Billy hums softly, fussing with the lip of the envelope with his fingertips and teasing your nerves. 
You’d tortured yourself over a Christmas gift for Billy, thinking of all possible options and how he’d be entirely unimpressed. Minus a new set of weights or a large tub of some kind of protein-shake powder, you knew he’d probably shove your gift in a cupboard and forget about it until he needed to take the Christmas lights out next year. 
Desperation had kicked in around two weeks before Christmas day. Wandering in and out of the few shops in Hawkins like a demented zombie had resulted in empty hands and muttered curses of frustration. Unprompted comments by Billy insisting that he didn’t want any gifts had fueled your indignation, especially given his tone had somehow strayed into something pitiful in comparison to the monotonous, bored drawl he usually offered.  
The idea came to you spontaneously. Nancy had called to tell you about a playful tiff she’d had with Jonathan over some Playboy magazine’s she’d found in his bedroom while moving her things in for Christmas. Her voice had practically faded into oblivion when you’d remembered the torn-out Playboy pages plastered to the wall above Billy’s dresser. 
It had seemed like a good idea at the time, but now that Billy was pulling apart the ribbon you’d tied around the neatly wrapped gift, you’d begun to feel queasy.
Before tearing the wrapping paper, Billy prolongs your suffering with a smug smirk, clearly noticing your anticipation. He lifts the item, shaking it like a five year old rattling their present box as though it would offer insight into what lay inside. “Give me a hint.”
“Billy,” you huff, exasperated already with his antics, “Just open the stupid thing before I take it back.” 
He hums, finally pinching the edge of the wrapping between his thumb and forefinger before pulling upwards, the paper ripping open to reveal the contents inside. 
Billy paused, slowly exhaling the dregs of his cigarette in a gentle stream of smoke through his nose. 
Your heart catches. 
The glossy pages of the personalised Playboy Magazine rippled slightly as Billy brought the images closer for a better look. It was unmistakably you on the front cover, perched in a seductive position on a stool dressed in an unbuttoned blouse with peaks of the black, lacy lingerie you wore underneath. 
Poor Jonathan had been mortified when you’d begged him to take the last minute images. Despite his reluctance, and Nancy observing his every move to ensure he didn’t stare too long, he’d worked hard to ensure he could emulate the magazine quality. Of course, you hadn’t told him who they were for.
You knew you looked fantastic, but Billy’s silence was unnerving you. 
“There’s more inside,” you murmur, cheeks burning, “Some don’t have my face in them so you can tear them out and put them on your wall.” 
Another slow exhale, Billy’s eyes flitting over the magazine cover had your heart lurching in fear. Was he angry? He still didn’t say much when he began to thumb through the pages, stopping on a particularly scandalous page where you swept aside the bounce to reveal the curve of your breast, lips parted seductively but the image excluding the rest of your face. 
“Billy, I’m–” 
“Look at you,” he murmurs, taking his cigarette from his lips and stubbing it into an ashtray settled on the arm of the sofa you’re both perched on. “You want me to pin photos of you half naked on my wall, for everyone to see?”
Billy reaches forwards, taking a hold of your chin in his palm and pulling you forwards so your noses bumped together. Your breath hitches, seizing in your throat when you feel Billy’s breath fan across your face. 
“You little slut,” Billy coos, his free hand working its way between your knees to inch up the inside of your thigh. His touch leaves a delicious burn, like the smouldering embers of his cigarette end had set his fingertips alight. 
Billy’s lips brush against your own as he speaks, his fingers ghosting over the seam of your trousers to apply slight, teasing pressure to your clit. “I’ll put them up on the wall opposite the door. Make sure everyone gets to see how much of a slut you are for me.” 
You can see Billy’s cock straining against the right denim of his jeans. He’s all worked up at the idea of showing you off like this, and seems intent on dragging you down into a horny-haze too. 
“If you’d like that,” you whisper, voice catching slightly in your throat as Billy leans his head down to drag the flat of his tongue across your pulse point. You hear him chuckle softly, feel the rumble against your neck, and you’re almost certain it’s because he can somehow taste your arousal through your skin. 
“I’d love that,” he smirked, his hands slowly working their way beneath your shirt and pushing it upwards to expose the naked flesh of your stomach, squeezing at your breast when you arch your back for him. 
“Merry Christmas, Billy,” you laugh at that, your giggle faltering into a soft whine when Billy punches at your nipple, rolling the stiffened bud between the pads of his thumb and forefinger to tease you further. “Mhmmm,” Billy hums, nipping at your neck and slowly laying you back against the couch. He doesn’t seem to mind that the ashtray that had balanced on the arm of the sofa tips off onto the floor, or that the magazine falls to the floor. He’s far too busy grinding his hard cock against you. “A very merry Christmas it is.”
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strawberrysodaslut · 3 months
On the Road Again - Rockstar!Eddie Munson x GN!reader
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tags/warnings: ~700 words // SFW, fluff, no use of Y/N, established relationship no descriptors for reader, sleep troubles, slight mentions of nausea and vomit as well as mentions of the standard toilet system in tour buses, in my writing world the bunks are big enough to fit you and eddie no matter what!
i wrote this for @corrodedcoffinfest’s writing event day 5 prompt as it has officially been the 5th of July for about 2 hours for me so.. yeah. I had fun writing this so i hope you enjoy!
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You’d grown used to the quirks of the tour bus. It wasn’t easy at first. Eddie warned you about the difficulties when you first agreed to come with him on his band’s tour. Living on the road has its challenges, and the bus is as cheap as they could get it. But you’d survived 14 hour road trips, and this time you’d have the love of your life and, most importantly, a bed. How hard could it be?
It was fine, mostly. Although not ideal in the long run, relying on gas station snacks worked for now. The toilet had an odd design where you couldn’t flush toilet paper or any solid waste. Gareth proved this when he forgot and caused a lingering stench on the bus for 3 hours, but you could manage. What you weren’t prepared for was the disastrous effect it would have on your sleep.
At first Eddie; ever the man-child, called dibs on a top bunk. He assured you it would work fine, and while the bed had enough space, the swaying was so bad you almost vomited 3 times in two hours. Jeff only offered to trade after Eddie had convinced the group that the smell of vomit would be even worse than the Gareth incident.
Despite the warm welcome of your stomach settling once you were in the bottom bunk, you still struggled to get to sleep. It seemed every time you would drift off, the bus would make a sharp swerve, drive over what seemed to be the largest rock possible and crash back down, or enter complete road rage over another vehicle and blare the horn.
The next morning when you stopped at a gas station, the first thing you went for was earplugs.
It’s hard to say if the road conditions have gotten better the further on the tour you got, or if your body has gotten immune to disruptions. But, over time, it got easier to get a proper night’s rest.
Still, you dealt with the occasional jolt.
In all honesty, you hadn’t even realised you had fallen asleep. One minute you’re resting your head on Eddie’s lap, his fingers lazily stroking across your head, and the next you have the adrenaline of a caveman being hunted, shooting up into a sitting position and looking around for the source of your distress.
Your panic settles when you feel his warm hands on you. “Hey, hey.” He whispers, gently running his hands up and down your arms. “That was a big one, eh? It’s okay, come back to me, sweetheart.”
You angle your head to look at him. Judging by the deep croakiness of his voice and the light redness of his eyes, he must’ve fallen asleep as well. The constant shows taking a toll on him. He wears a bashful smile as he looks at you through his eyelashes.
Stretching your back, you let out a groan and look out the window, seeing the busy streets of the town where Eddie’s next gig was.
“Are we here already?You ask, looking back to see the other band members staring out the windows like you.
Jeff stifles a laugh. “Already? You slept for four hours.” He says, gingerly pointing to the clock above his head.
He was right. It was almost 4 o’clock, four hours was being charitable.
“Huh,” you say, turning to your boyfriend, who was rubbing his eyes in earnest. He scrunches his nose as rolls his shoulders back slightly. He has less freckles now that he’s not in the sun as often, his under eyes darkened to the point of needing to buy concealer for shows. Yet you still think he’s the most beautiful man in the world.
When he notices you staring at him, Eddie flashes you a smile before wrapping his arms around your waist to turn your back to him and pull you closer. “Guess you’re getting better at this sleeping thing than you thought, huh?” He says, tucking your head under his chin.
You look around at your friends, the energy and excitement of the upcoming show beaming from them and filling the bus, feeling the warmth of Eddie and even the rumble of the old, cheap bus, and you feel at home.
“Yeah, I guess I am.”
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eddie munson masterlist
comments + reblogs are always appreciated <3
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lemonys-place · 1 year
heyyy gentlest reminder, my friends, that you do not have to disclose your trauma and mental illnesses to justify your age regression. it's perfectly fine to regress/dream "just because" and strangers are not entitled to your sensitive information/past just because they want to validate it FOR you. don't let anyone make you feel like you have to explain yourself just for coping/soothing/self-parenting in a way that feels good + healing for YOU. there is no criteria to meet to be yourself!
but also, it IS sensitive information and there are some people around the community especially predators who will use that information to get closer to you and/or hurt you. so please practice internet safety, be careful who you share your details with, and block ANYONE who doesn't seem right or play nice.
protect your space and be safe everyone! 🙏
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taintedcigs · 2 years
i think you would be the one to introduce the idea of cockwarming to eddie, i mean that as in like he would probably discover it through punishing you, he wouldn't even think of that until one day he would discover it when he was particularly busy trying to work on his d&d campaign, and you were pissing him off that day by being an absolute brat while he was trying to focus, you were doing the most to get his attention, just to have his fingers, tongue, cock anything, you would probably walk around in your lingerie, giggling to get his attention, and he would roll his eyes at your bratness as he would sigh, telling you that he needed to work and if you kept up your attitude you would be sorry for it, and you would huff and pout, leaving the room, only to come back and sit on the couch across him, while he paid no attention to you, you would slip your hands inside your panties, rubbing yourself in the slowest motion while whining quietly, 'yes, eddie, right there' you would moan to spite him.
and eddie's head would almost whip up at the sound, his eyes would be dripping with lust as they turned darker and he immediately would rush to your side, telling you that you were an impatient bratty slut, and slapping your hand away, he would stand you up, as you would smirk slightly, knowing you had him where you wanted, he would sit down and then order you to take off your lingerie, his pants would tighten at the sight in front of him, he would still appear to be pissed as he unzipped his pants, taking his hard cock out of his pants, but then he would groan as he watched your eyes drool at the sight, telling you 'sit on it, my greedy bunny' and you would oblige happily, sinking onto his cock as he would groan and you would whimper, biting your lips as your head would throw back in pleasure, his thick cock would fill you to the brim, and he would grab you by the waist properly adjusting you as your eyes would roll at the back of your head, making you so full of him, and once you realized there were no movements from him you would attempt to have some friction, attempting to move back and forth, but his waist in your grip would tighten as he would slowly tsk at you. 'nuh uh, princess, you're staying right here' he would tell you as you would start whining, and begging but he wouldn't take any of it as he would held you in place despite your desperate attempts to squirm under his touch, 'this is what you get for being a greedy little slut, princess, now stay still, i need to finish this campaign' he would send you a smirk as you would huff, resting against his chest as you could feel your juices run down your thighs, when he finished his campaign, immediately you would start pleading, squirming, and begging for any kind of friction, eddie would smirk again as he would realize the tears were pricking your eyes, 'aww is my baby that needy? does she need my cock that badly?' he would hum as you would nod eagerly, telling him that you needed his cock more than ever, and you would tell jim 'please eds, im s'soaked, feel how soaked i am for you,' that's when he would pull out of you and lay you against the table, he would first flick his tongue against your entrance as you would moan loudly, happy to get whatever he would give you, but then he would immediately stop and before you could complain about it he would enter into you without any warnings, plunging his hard cock into you, making you groan as he fucked you into oblivion.
that day he realizes how much he loves to see you squirm, beg for his cock, all he wants to do is edge you by making you sit on his cock for so long that there are tears in your eyes, begging for any movement.
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evedreams · 29 days
The Trade
Entry Number: 21 Dream: Calvin Oftana (5) Summary: Eve's first PBA Game Experience (and hopefully only). Rating: G
Eve had finally gotten tickets to a game that pitted San Miguel against TNT. She was able to get seats closer to the SMB side, which she loved, but sometimes it was hard to see Calvin. During halftime, MC Cholo asked for volunteers. Sage quickly raised her hand.
‘What the—?’
“Yes!” MC Cholo walked over to them. “And what is your name?”
“Oh, not me. Her.” Sage pointed towards Eve. Eve jerked her head back. “She’s a really good singer.”
“Alright! But are you willing?” MC Cholo asked.
Eve nodded slowly. “I guess.”
“Oh, and MC Cholo, may I request something?” Sage added.
“A song?”
She shook her head, stood up, and leaned towards the man. Eve tried her best to eavesdrop but to no avail. MC Cholo chuckled and nodded. “Alright, I can do that.”
Eve had no choice but to hope it was nothing embarrassing.
A few minutes later, it was Eve’s turn to be part of the PBA game experience.
“And what is your name, young lady?”
“Eve,” she answered.
“Alright, Eve. Ready to sing your heart out?”
She smiled and nodded. “G.”
The song was "Domino" by Jessie J, and Eve had a great time singing along. Finally, the first chorus ended, marking the end of her performance. As short as it was, she enjoyed it.
MC Cholo praised her voice while Sage and the rest of the people in the arena applauded.
“And now, Ms. Eve, which team are you rooting for?”
“San Miguel,” she replied proudly.
“If—just if—there was a trade between the Beermen and the Tropang Giga, who would it be?”
There it is.
“Well, I love the SMB team, so trades are always hard for me, especially when someone leaves… you know, like Paul Zamar.” ‘Play it safe, Eve.’
“I get you. But if a Tropang Giga player were to be traded to become a Beerman, who would it be and why?”
Eve fought the urge to look back at Sage, but she did hear her friend giggle.
“Calvin Oftana!”
Eve jumped a little when she heard Sage call out the name.
“And why?” MC Cholo asked, chuckling.
“Tell him, Eve.”
“‘Cause she loves him," Sage said, answering for her in the end.
“Okay, thank you, MC Cholo, we’re going to sit down now.” She grabbed Sage’s hand and pulled her down as she sat. “Let’s be happy that Calvin is still in the locker room.”
“Um… no, he’s not.”
Eve’s eyes widened, and she dared to look at the TNT bench. When she noticed Calvin had been looking at her, she quickly turned away, only catching a glimpse of his smile.
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evedreamsof · 3 months
the talk // c. oftana
entry #60
surprise, she's a basketball fan
Eve hurriedly ran to the bookstore. She had to get the book, it was selling fast so she made sure to grab it as soon as she could. Her friend, Elena, had reserved a copy for her but another employee was not informed that it was for Eve. Elena, who was having her day off, tried to notify another employee about the mix-up. Eve was nervous because the employee had promised it to someone else.
When she reached the bookstore, she entered quickly and saw that a very tall guy was heading towards the customer service.
She quickened her pace and she reached there first. “Ma’am Jacky,” she called, a little out of breath. “Ma’am Jacky.”
The store manager appeared and smiled. “Elena said you’d be coming.”
“I heard about the mix-up. I had to come here as soon as I could.”
But Ma’am Jacky has also noticed the man and asked what she could do to help.
“Oh, I’m here for The Kept Man of the Princess Knight? Someone said that there’s a copy reserved for me?”
Eve turned to him and gasped, “Oh!.” She did not gasp because they were hoping for the same book but because she recognized him.
He looked down. “Is something the matter?”
“May I have your name, sir?”
“Calvin Oftana.”
Eve bit her lip from sighing. She was starstruck. It was Confirmed. 
“Oh.” Ma’am Jacky frowned. “This must be the mix-up.” She pursed her lips. “Well, Ms. Eve did reserve first but it’s already under your name.”
Eve sighed. “It’s fine. I’ll just wait for another copy.” She smiled. “Just reserve one for me.”
“Oh, but—” Calvin started. “If you reserved it first, it’s yours.”
“No, it’s alright. It’s already under your name.”
“But this isn't for me,” he said. “It’s for my friend. He doesn’t know there’s a copy, I was hoping it would be a surprise.”
Eve giggled softly. “That makes things better for you.”
Calvin sighed. “No really. I insist that you have it. You asked for it first.”
She turned to Ma’am Jacky, who gave her a look that said “your call”. Then she smiled. “Thank you.” She took out her wallet and paid.
“As usual, ten percent off…” Ma’am Jacky types away.
“A ten percent off?”
“She has a Fully Booked discount card,” Ma’am Jacky began to explain, “and then twenty during days near and on her birthday.”
“That’s so cool.”
Once Eve got the brown bag from the manager, Calvin asked if there was any other store that had a copy of the manga. Ma’am Jacky tapped away on their computer and scanned the list. “Oh! Wow. There’s a copy in the Glorietta branch. I’ll have it reserved. Would you rather wait here? We can have it brought here. Unless you wanna go for a walk.”
Calvin chuckled. “I’m not entirely sure if I can get there without getting lost. I’m not really familiar with these malls.”
“Alright, we’ll have it brought here. Why don’t you take a seat outside or maybe grab a quick bite.”
“Sounds good.” He nodded. “Alright. Thank you, um…Ma’am Jacky, right?”
She nodded. “Your number is already in the system. We can give you a call.”
“Thanks.” He smiled.
Eve felt like she wasn’t needed so she decided to say goodbye to the store manager. “Thank you, Ma’am Jacky. I’ll see you again.” Then she looked up at Calvin. “Thank you, Mr. Oftana. I really appreciate it.”
He shrugged and smiled. “Don’t worry about it. And you don’t have to call me ‘Mr. Oftana’, sounds like my dad.” He chuckled and both Eve and Ma’am Jacky giggled. “Calvin is fine. Just call me Calvin.”
“Okay then, Calvin. Thank you.” She nodded. “I’ll be watching you on tv–”
“Do you really mean that?” He chuckled. “Or are you just saying?”
“She really means it,” Ma’am Jacky said. “She’s a huge PBA fan. I’m a witness to her obsession with the league.”
“Oh really?” Calvin looked and sounded surprised. “That’s…I didn’t expect that, honestly. I didn’t expect you to be a fan.”
Eve exhaled with a smile on her face. “My dad and I are…fanatics, I guess? Pretty much my whole family actually, both sides. My mom is the odd one out, but she cheers for our team.” She shrugged.
“And what is your team?” he asked, a smirk on his face.
Eve looked away, her smile still plastered on her face. “Well…” she started then looked back at him. “San Miguel.” She shrugged once more.
Calvin chuckled. “You seem more like a Converge fan.”
“After that Patrick guy became BPG with his fucking twelve points while you had your thirty-three? Ugh.” She rolled her eyes then began to ramble, “They were okay before. I liked them. But after that game…and besides Patrick probably still thinks that the PBA is still college basketball. I swear, that guy…he infuriates me!”
He cocked his head. “That game was months ago.”
Eve looked away again, this time, embarrassed. “I…it was…I was…I…you know, it was a memorable one.”
“Because of Patrick?”
“Because he was BPG and didn’t deserve it! Yeah, sure, Converge won that game but like, did it really have to be him? I get if Melecio or Stockton but whatever his last name is? Unacceptable! Unforgivable!”
“See what I mean,” Ma’am Jacky said, laughing.
“Why is our game more memorable than any San Miguel game?”
“Not true. Game seven of the Philippine Cup in twenty twenty-two was a memorable one. I actually have the highlights in my phone.” She let out a giggle. “I think you were still in NLEX at that time. That was a memorable one, really memorable. Fourth quarter was amazing. I mean, don’t worry, TNT did really well, too, but…you know, of course, I’d cheer for my time.”
Calvin smiled. “Most memorable player then, SMB players not counted.”
Eve’s smile faltered. “Well…it’s a secret.”
“I won’t get mad.”
“You shouldn’t.”
“Then who?”
“Take a wild guess.”
“I don’t know you enough to take even just a wild guess.”
“Then you are stuck wondering who it is.” She shrugged.
Calvin smiled and scoffed. “Do you wanna have a quick bite to eat and maybe drink? My treat. I’m really curious as to who you think is the most memorable player.”
“Oh, you think you can break down my walls by offering me food and drinks?” She scoffed. “Well, you’re right. You can.”
He laughed. “Let’s go then. I’ll just come back, Ma’am Jacky.”
“You two have fun.” Then she winked at Eve. “Have fun.”
Eve couldn’t help her grin so she bit her bottom lip from making it any bigger.
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munsonluhvr · 9 months
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pairing: drug dealer!eddie munson x reader
word count: 1.1k
warnings: mentions of drugs/dealing, cussing
author's note (!): I don't know if it should be a nsfw part 2 or sfw? Let me know what you guys would want, please!!!!
installments: part 1 | part 2
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You cross your arms across your chest while you sit on the picnic bench. Out in the distance, you see the baseball team making their way onto the field that you sit behind, in the wooded shade. School has just been released and you’re waiting for your weekly appointment. 
You huff, bending over to conserve some of your body heat; the weather had suddenly dipped into a solid chill, which is emphasized by the gusts of wind that whip around. “Why does he always have to be late?” you mutter to yourself, annoyed by having to wait. 
Off to your left you hear the cracking of sticks, and you see the figure of a person walking your way. It was Eddie Munson, the person you were waiting for. 
You stand up, arms still crossed. “Jesus Christ, Eddie. You sure know how to make a girl wait.” The wind blows, tossing your hair around you. Your fingertips dig into your arms as a chill drives through you. 
Eddie coos, shaking his head. “Sorry, y/n. Hellfire Club stuff.” Eddie steps over the roots of trees that are pronounced on the ground, and he makes his way towards you. His eyes grazes over your body and you take notice. “You didn’t have to wait for me.” 
“What was I supposed to do? Leave? You’re the one with the lunchbox full of drugs.” You say sitting back on the picnic bench, tucking your legs in to face the other side. Eddie comes around the picnic benches other side and sits down, placing his black, metal lunchbox on the tabletop with a clank. 
Eddie laughs, unlatching the lunchbox. “That’s right, I know you love what I have.” 
You laugh sarcastically, ignoring his slight sexual reference. “I only like your drugs, let’s not get things twisted.” 
Eddie pauses, putting a hand to his heart. “I’m so deeply hurt, y/n. I thought we were heading places.” 
“The only place I’m headed is home with some weed, now show me what you have today.” You say, lifting up to peek inside his lunchbox. You hadn’t smoked in several days, having run out of your stash earlier than anticipated. You were stressed with school, and you just needed to relax. Today was the only day Eddie could meet you to do your weekly exchange. 
“Fine, fine,” Eddie says, plucking a few small, plastic bags from the container. “How much do you want?” 
“An ounce, maybe two?” You say, watching Eddie’s ring-covered fingers fiddle with the bags. 
Eddie looks at you, frowning. “That’s more then you usually get.” 
“Yeah, well I have more stress then I usually have right now.” You say, propping your elbow up on the tabletop. Eddie combines one bag of weed into another, estimating that there was close to two ounces in the small, clear bag. 
“Want to talk about it?” Eddie says, looking at you curiously. 
You scoff, rolling your eyes. “Did you go from drug dealer to therapist? Not a chance. How much?” 
Eddie eyes the bag, lifting it up into yours’s and his eyesight. “How about thirty-five, I added a little discount for all your stress you’re going through.” 
“Don’t patronize me,” you say, leaning forward to slide your hand into your pants pocket. “Some discount, by the way. You took off, like, three dollars.” You pull out the money Eddie requests, splaying out the bills in front of him. 
“I’ll raise it back to nearly forty if you want since my discount means nothing to you. I also gave it to you because you happen to be my favorite customer.” Eddie says, putting his elbow on the tabletop and resting his chin into his palm. 
You roll your eyes again, moving the paper bills towards Eddie. “Oh, I’m sure. I count down the days until I see you again.” You say, taking the plastic bag from Eddie. “Isn’t Chrissy Cunningham one of your clients now? You’ve always liked her.” 
Eddie closes his metal lunch box, locking it swiftly. “Oh, y/n. Chrissy Cunningham has nothing on you.” 
You scoff, tucking the plastic bag into your jacket pocket. You swing your legs over the bench seat, moving to stand up. “Goodbye, Eddie,” you say, tossing a glance at Eddie. 
“Wait, wait, wait.” Eddie says, leaping up from his seat to follow you. “I actually had something to ask you.” Eddie slings an arm over your shoulder, bringing your side into him. 
You look over at Eddie, slightly amused by his confidence to get physically close to you. “And what is that, Munson?” You walk side-by-side out of the woods, Eddie’s arm still around your shoulders, and you catch his scent which smells lightly of cologne and cigarette smoke. Your eyes flutter at the scent. 
“I was thinking,” Eddie says with a pause. You hum for him to continue. “-That we should do our little weekly deal at my house next time. Perhaps you could stay longer afterwards, and we could hangout or something.” 
You feel a smirk coming across your mouth. You and Eddie had been somewhat friendly, always taking pleasure in sarcastic, playful banter but by no means were you friends. You had friends in common and had been in the same classes at some points. When you picked up smoking, you were referred to Eddie by your friends and you began to frequently meet Eddie to buy from him. Seldom did you dive deep into conversation with Eddie, you only delved into surface level conversations, the common simple pleasantries. Only recently did Eddie begin to linger a little longer, silently requesting for you to stay in his presence a little longer and share little pieces of information about yourself. 
“Or something?” you say with a laugh. “Are you trying to fuck me, Munson?” 
Eddie lets go of your shoulders, his eyes growing wide and his cheeks growing pink. “No, that’s not what I meant.” Eddie catches himself becoming embarrassingly flustered and tries to regain his composure. “Unless that’s what you want.” 
You playfully shove Eddie with another laugh. “You wish, Eddie.”
Eddie laughs, coming back to stand next to you. “No, really, I just thought it would be nice to get to know each other outside of the few minutes we meet a week. If you’re interested.” 
You hum again, folding the thought over in your head. Eddie seemed like a nice enough person. He’s edgy and interesting, always seeming to have a flock of freshmen that admire him. Sure, there’s rumors about him and what his club get up to but aren’t there rumors about everyone? You decide to see what Eddie Munson is all about. “Sure,” you say. “Next week, same day and time?”
Eddie nods, glancing at you with a smile on his face. “Yeah, I can drive you over to my house if you want.” 
You nod, glancing over at him too. You catch his eyes and for the first time you really look into them; they’re pretty and brown. “Great. I’ll meet you in the parking lot.” 
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mimimunson · 8 months
wedding day / steddie / one shot
cw- ??
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When Steddie are planning their wedding, Steve begs Eddie to book a proper wedding singer and Eddie swears he’ll get round to it. Cut to like a week before the wedding, he has the realisation that he forgot to do just that. When the wedding rolls around, he spends the whole night juggling having to run backwards and forwards from the stage with Corroded Coffin and back to Steve. Steve would be upset if it wasn’t so amusing watching Eddie shred the guitar like a god and then having to act composed while giving his speech.
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greenandsorrow · 5 months
You're my best friend
✨Eddie is in love with his best friend (fem!reader)✨
feelings of inadequacy, fluff, comfort, light angst
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"Damsel I'm back!!!! It's so excruciating going grocery shopping..."
It's the melodramatic entrance and the small pout at the end of his sentence as he kicks off his stinky shoes that makes you chuckle.
"Glad you survived Edds."
You two used to talk at school and were on good terms. After he failed to graduate twice you became classmates and got so so so so so close. The truth is that he always had a crush on you, but regardless of that your friendship is real and runs deep.
When you were looking for a place to stay after deciding you needed some time away from your family, Eddie told you that you can stay with him -his uncle is barely at home anyway- as long as you do the cooking. Least to say, you accepted the offer.
You listen to him playing his electric guitar, he keeps you company while you study, you have laughed and cried together. He doesn't mind you're not a complete freak like him, but more of a black sheep at school. There have been rumours you're dating and at first you liked being dramatic about it. Unfortunately for him, you're actually dating someone now so the "being dramatic about it" has stopped. Eddie doesn't enjoy your romantic interest taking your attention away from him, but he respects you too much to say anything that could even remotely throw you off.
You are roommates, you have your rules, your movie nights... and he's a gift from God you can't lie. He has learnt and accepted your every little quirk and peculiarity.
Sometimes you make hot chocolate and play Scrabble with Dustin and him. Sometimes you play with his hair while he's stoned. He has significantly cut down on smoking all this shit since you moved in.
Eddie isn't the jealous type, but the pit at his stomach envious type, the delicate disappointment that he can't have you the way others do type.
You'll be his first and last kiss.
Eddie drives you everywhere with his trashy car. He's the best company you could have ever asked for. You love your friend. You wish more people could see him the way you do.
The night is uneventful with you falling asleep on the couch as per usual. In the morning, Eddie wakes you up by ruffling your already messy hair and singing "you are my sunshine" in an ear bleeding frequency.
You're too sleepy to care and just stretch, your lack of a bra not going unnoticed. An awkward giggle is all he lets out, but internally he's so grateful for his hair covering his ears. They're burning too intensely for this time of day.
You get ready for school. It's all routine.
After school, you have your shift at the same place Mrs. Wheeler works in. At least it's quiet.
At this point you feel too bored for your own good, not to mention how your date canceled on you a third time in a row. You return home so done with life. Your hero, Eddie, has prepared the hot water just for you. He welcomes you in by telling you that you're late and have missed the DnD match, but he quickly realizes you're not in the mood.
You're so mentally exhausted, fed up and frustrated with your canceled date that you try to kiss him, wrapping your arms around his neck. Eddie gets a little hurt because the rules say no pitty fucking amongst pals.
When there's no reaction from him you just pull back and shrug. You won't show how embarrassed you actually feel. Not in this already pitiful state. Eddie knows about the canceled dates.
He does try to move on and get some snacks and a movie ready. He is flustered... your breath was so hot on his face... good thing he has time to shake the feeling off while you shower.
"The grime has been washed off!"
"We can talk about it, ...if you want to that is?"
Eddie is genuinely worried about your emotional state and he makes you open up and even break down in his arms. You have been living in denial but your love interest has been distancing themselves from you.
After this crying session, with you holding onto Eddie's warm body and wetting his Hellfire Club shirt with mascara tears, you put on a horror film. He even lets the fact that you're wearing your now ex's hoodie drop. Even though the revelation makes his chest tighten and his breath canal feel like it's been blocked.
You fall asleep on him.
He can feel the outline of your curves and your breasts pressing against him but the way he's holding you is gentle, like he's afraid you'll break into a thousand small, sharp pieces if he squeezes you too hard. You're even snoring softly, completely drained from all the crying.
At least you can't notice the silent tears running down his face. It's unfair. He's choking up in all the unsaid things. He had to see you crying over someone that doesn't even appreciate you while he was there. Exposed to you, ready to give you all he had.
Is he not your best friend? Who is there painting your nails and giving you scalp massages when your period headaches torment you?
Maybe if his mother hadn't abandoned him he would have been able to ask her for advice. He feels like crap now. Are you really that blind? Do you take him for granted to such an extent as you showed him tonight?
Another morning comes, but insecurities gnaw at Eddie. He can't fake a smile when you yawn and open your eyes, realising you're still wrapped around him.
"You look like shit."
Normally he wouldn't mind your choice of words at all, probably finding something even worse to say to you, but in his fragile state... Eddie snaps.
"It's not funny y/n! Do you think it's funny when someone spends the night sleepless?!"
You tilt your head, your mouth forming a straight line.
"I didn't mean to-"
"Oh no, I don't wanna hear it! Are you really as insensitive as you let out?"
"Edds I... I-"
"Shut up! Just shut up! I can't take it anymore! You have me wrapped around your finger y/n, feeding me hope and baked goodies.. but I've never heard a single I love you Eddie, not a single I actually care for you Eddie... Nothing!"
His big eyes are glassy now, tears threatening to spill down his freshly shaven cheeks. It breaks your heart to see him like this.
"B- but I do... I do love you!"
Your voice cracks as you feel your own eyes swelling up with tears.
"Then prove it! Prove it goddamn it! Wear my hoodies, worry over me for a change... Just please... Please-"
All the energy and anger have vanished from his expression and tone. Your gaze has softened as well and he feels like he's melting under it.
You extend your arms, wrapping them tightly around him. Eddie returns the embrace like you're gonna vanish into thin air if he doesn't hold you close enough to be able to feel your heartbeat against his own.
"Have I been so blind?" you ask without breaking the hug.
"Yes you glorious idiot of a girl..."
The pout... the melodrama. He's okay now. You stay like this for a while, missing your classes but at least settling into the conclusion.
You two belong together.
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my masterlist
I found all my shifting scripts from quite some time ago, so since I'm still in this stupid writer's block I thought it'd be fun to work on some pre existing material. I had to edit this ALOT, but it came out cute ngl✨
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