sweetbitterbitten · 2 years
starter for @shadowselved​
the king sleeps. sheets of rain like the shushing of mothers. alicent, herself, affixed far from any soothing. long years, long nights and still no rest. richest fabric, reddest wine - and still - peace ever pilfered from her pockets. there could be no escape. only the illusion of it. it was not infinite, the minutes, seconds stolen where a sliver of herself existed. outside...of all. reputation. revulsion. required quiet resilience. she scooped and curled about them, an overprotective barn mouse about blessed crumbs. kept them close as cooks kept kitchen knives. cutting herself on ragged edges even as she scarfed what she could in what time she was allowed. just to feel the shadowed satisfaction within the unimaginable prospect of even a twisted sprig of....rebellion. between the scope of sloshing multiple cups across the greystones and blaming rat catching felines for it come the dawn - or depositing herself effortlessly from the highest window...this was the lesser of messes to make. Enrobed, loose gowned, she padded with practiced familiarity to the hearthfire at the center of the keep. her steps are assured, snaking her way to where the vintages are all but fresh from the vine. hand raised to reach for the ghost of a bottle but recently relieved, pausing as a singular log popped in the grate. the shifted sense of suddenly, unwateredly witnessed from happily hidden...is immediate. 
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fingers curl inward, as though ashamed. chin tilts, glance cut to the figure heading the rough hewn, extended expanse of the kitchen table - half sheltered, half shocked in the wreathings of hazy firelight. laid before him, the ambered beacon of the wine bottle beckoned. winking like a w o l f .
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deciphertheriddler · 2 years
Tag a quality blog, You’re it! Quality doesn’t means that you have a lot of followers, or a lot of messages. It means that you’re nice to other people, and you deserve to be happy. If you get this message, someone is telling you that they love you as you are, and they don’t care how many followers you have. Send this to 15 blogs who deserve it. If you break the chain, nothing will happen. But it’s just good to let someone know that you love them. :)
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aaaaa this is so nice!!!! thank you so much, you also deserve it, you're lovely my friend ;www;
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millylouedward · 9 months
24 Books in 2024
I noticed this prompt circulating and listen, I'm a bandwagon hopper. You don't have to ask me twice, or even once, to participate. So these are the 24 books I plan to prioritize in 2024. Books are in no particular order, just whichever came to me in whichever order.
Beach Read - Emily Henry
Shadowselves: Stories - Jason Ockert
Brutalities: A Love Story - Margo Steines
The Colony - Audrey Magee
Small Things Like These - Claire Keegan
Ariadne - Jennifer Saint
Margot - Wendell Steavenson
Hamnet - Maggie O'Farrell
Remarkably Bright Creatures - Shelby Van Pelt
Little Women - Louisa May Alcott
Funny Story - Emily Henry
Flight - Lynn Steger Strong
Study For Obedience - Sarah Bernstein
Teething and Other Tales from the American Dystopia - Stephen Nothum
Ripe - Sarah Rose Etter
My Husband - Maud Ventura
Chalice of the Gods - Rick Riordan
Briefly, A Delicious Life - Nell Stevens
The Pine Islands - Marion Poschmann
My Body - Emily Ratajkowski
Lessons In Chemistry - Bonnie Garmus
Murder on the Orient Express - Agatha Christie
The Wolf Den - Elodie Harper
The Cartographers - Peng Shepherd
The likelihood of me getting through all of this books is statistically very low considering the amount of books that get added to my TBR and never get read. But let's just pretend for a minute that I have some ounce of completionism in me. I'm really looking forward to all these books and will return at the end of 2024 to mark off all the ones I finished. Hope my list inspires some of you readers.
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mr-kiwi-the-wizard · 1 year
Normal folk get therapy
Wizards are locked in their mind in a deadly battle against their shadowselves and I'm scared :(
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persephinae · 9 months
Oh interesting. Instead of fighting your shadowselves you're fighting your dream guardians
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0nemorestranger · 10 months
visualisation meditation where you're walking through a (preferably indoor) liminal space and finding equal amounts of shadowselves and selves you've been too nervous or ashamed to set free shackled to the wall at almost every turn, sitting and talking with them for as long as you need and deciding to take them with you to the exit if they serve you is a great way to die without really dying
corresponding crystals: tourmaline, clear quartz, amethyst, carnelian, moss agate
corresponding scents: birchwood, dragon's blood, patchouli, grass, tobacco
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that1randomname · 1 year
Which of us is the evil shadow self?
idk man, probably not each other since our urls are kinda like cousins than evil shadowselves, their urls might be like, thosemanyexpectedadjectives or thosemanyusualjocks
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cosmichighpriestess · 2 years
Great changes are occurring. Some are subtle, others occur as a loud struggle. You can observe these different aspects around the world.
There are tremendous challenges and frequencies of hatred, fear and chaos. A large section of humanity is numb, too sensitive to handle the intense frequency of devastation and deception. They feel helpless, unaware of their true power.
Now a wellspring of conscious beings is stepping into true power, aware that they can and do make a difference.
Remember that the shadow of humanity dwells in the consciousness of each person. This shadow aspect of one's self is pushed down, denied and projected. No one wants to think of themselves as prejudiced, judgmental, hate filled, or angry.
No one wants to believe that they could kill another or cause suffering and pain. Yet these very frequencies dwell energetically in the hidden recesses of everyone's psyche to some degree. These qualities of behavior have been programmed, patterned and are activated by fear.
When fear rises up, all these suppressed emotional behaviors are activated. Then there is the illusion of justification in judging another, mocking another, killing another. The shadow of oneself is to be loved free. The insecurities, the preprogrammed beliefs of differences, the collective dysfunction is being pushed to the surface of the collective matrix.
Those who are aware, awakening, and embracing their shadowselves, are conscious that they are multidimensional beings living in this programmed illusion. They are disconnecting the circuits that trigger the shadow emotions.
They take personal responsibility for the creation of their experiences. When the experience is unpleasant they look within for the cause rather than project the experience or the blame outward.
This evolution of consciousness is swelling, touching the hearts and minds of many. Those who read these words understand and are awakening from the pattern.
'the team'
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epiphanygoddess · 2 years
[SHORT] 🪄🔮 General energy check for the Sagittarius Collective ♐ 🔮🪄
(Energies are fluid so keep an open mind, and it may or may not resonate, take what resonates with you the most and leave the rest behind. Also, feel free to switch the energies between you and the other person if you think they embody the situation/traits here.)
There's no room for a person who base their soul's happiness externally. You are experiencing a tower moment in the area of your relationships, whether be it romantic, platonic, friendship, family and so forth. Your Job right now is to truly determine what is it you truly want out of this situation in this group setting/person. What drives you to go for it then backing out a minute after you have achieved it?, Put it in this way, you had your eyes on the prize and then you went through trials and tribulations, and as you get there, there's still a sense of lack that is inside of you. I can see that You're struggling between the need to make a decision or to simply go along with 'the game'. The deception comes from what our mind convinces us to believe rather than accepting and seeing things for how they truly are, simply, because we want a specific outcome to happen, stemming from our desires. However, your intuition is trying to pull you out of that pit of Game difficulties that You're playing with yourself, frankly, I do not see the other energy participating at all, and if it does, it's very subtle and distant.
Your advice entails that try to look on the inside and to cultivate a strong self-love and self-acceptance, instead of labeling happiness based on the other person as if they're obliged to fill that sense of lack within you.
The more you try to look at the situation from different points and angles just to deny what's obvious a long time ago, the harder and more confusing it is going to get. And by that, it created a repetitive pattern of a "Game with only one Participant".
We are the only ones who can control our shadowselves, Shadows never leave, they are a part of us, deep in our Subconscious. What matters is, we must know how to tame them and not let them take control over us.
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raven-shaman · 6 years
I have a started a fan fic on shadow selves staring Anticepticeye and Darkiplier, it needs some work and is not cannon in anyway, it’s my own ideas I just felt these guys alter egos were not a creation they were already there but the fans gave them power by naming them. It’s just a friendship and basically they need to make amends with their shadow selves to fight something bigger. This is the help of an OC.1
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fairisfair · 2 years
@shadowselved​  ¸.•* ♡ from vera !
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vera’s trial & error at guessing potential targets for this particular reaper ( or at least that’s what she assumes he is ) have so far been sub par. for most reapers, or those who take up the mantle --- Captain America John Walker --- deaths are not random. the elderly or ships fated for stormy waters tend to have a posted employee, but this dark loom of a man’s destruction is chaotic & void of pattern. 
so far he’s been moving up the pacific; the only tell she has is the echo of power left behind his visits : too extraordinary for an ungifted being. having just shadowed through a small town, foggy docks late at night in the big city a mile away are as good a guess as any for his whereabouts & she’s done a lot of guessing the last few months. 
thankfully a murder mystery setting is exactly the right spot. 
❝ I’m not here to hurt you, reaper,  ❞ vera states clearly, as if that has ever helped anyone upon confrontation,  ❝ I just want to talk. ❞  
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deciphertheriddler · 2 years
🇧🇷 for bruce please!
Send me a 🇧🇷 and I will tell you a Brazilian song that reminds me of your muse || @shadowselved
I thought of a fun one, that I think could fit the relationship between Eddie and Bruce specifically (aka... unwarranted hate)
"Joana" by Ana Carolina. In this one, the singer says how much she dislikes this woman called Joana, but the reasons she lists? Most are very dumb like "I dislike her nails" "Joana is a bit problematic, she wastes her time studying physics and mathematics" "I hate Joana, her pale face with rosy lipstick." The only thing Joana seems to do is implicating with the singer when she puts Billie Holiday to play.
My fav lines are the ones at the end:
This is the song I made in the day I took
To bad mouth Joana
I also dedicate my dislike
To this song without importance
But I know we will be eternal
Billie Holiday,
And Joana there with her notebooks
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fatestricken · 3 years
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                                        ❛   you’ll   be   taken   down   brick   by   brick   by   brick .   ❜
@shadowselved​    (    for   bruce   !    )    //    sc .
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vivalavillain · 2 years
{A closed starter for @shadowselved. For Rogue.}
The mortal realm was always such an interesting place to be, even if only to visit from time to time. They had such curious little places to eat and explore and adventure through that he found it difficult to stay away for lengthy stretches of time. A soft-spot, perhaps, but one he could indulge without drawing too much attention from the other Courts. On that particular afternoon, he was sitting at a table in the sun, just outside a fancy boardwalk-side cafe. He’d been sitting there for some time if the array of empty dishes and cups was any indication.
After several more minutes spent watching beach-goers and families up and down the boardwalk, he stood and gathered his plates and cutlery to return them inside. Across the back of his chair was an ornate-looking cloak, feathers decorating the shoulders and gems sewn into the hood. As if forgetting himself entirely, he left it behind him as he stepped inside and, even as he returned from dropping his dishes off in their proper place, he made no motion to gather it back up as he left, strolling down the walkway without a care in the world.
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boykillled · 2 years
@shadowselved​        >      that wasn’t supposed to happen.
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    “ yet----   HERE   you   are,   scavenger. ”
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horizontouched · 3 years
  The more embarrassing parts are he keeps walking into walls.  Bumping into things that he used to phase through so easily.  Playing it off as a joke only worked the first few times.  Though it was better than the week Will spend near deathly ill that he’d attributed to the curse being broken in an unconventional way.  Not that he blames Calypso directly, but it does seem like her type of humor.  He half still expects her to rise up out of the sea and crabs and kill him or something.   He’d mostly avoided being in public for the time being.  While Elizabeth’s story of her husband being at sea was very much true, he didn’t fancy stirring up gossip when he still feared this wasn’t permanent.  “I heard you were Barbossa’s girl.  Truly an interesting man, though nowhere near as much as Jack.  I’m sorry you didn’t get to know him for longer.  It seems that many of us with parents on the sea are a bit cursed in that way.” 
@shadowselved  from here​
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