#shai is sO oCd
mementoshay · 4 days
Hello. When I read the tragedy about Shay, I could not believe that this was someone else's problem. Because right now I want to be gone. And not only from fandom. I would like to talk to you if you would like. I feel as if I am the only one in the world right now. I have been a Radiohusk shipper for about two years now, posting pictures on Twitter and even interacting with some of them. It has been a fruitful environment and time for me. It was a peaceful time, as Doc said. I have OCD and often feel unstable. Radiohusk and my shipmates were the ones who calmed the waves until now. Since the publication of this edition, those waves have remained rough. My favorite ship is constantly denounced, and even my not-so-great drawings get cruel quote retweets. I hated drawing. Now I don't even pick up a brush. Also, a number of shippers who were my friends have already left the fandom. It is like an island in the sea. My OCD has been tormenting me for a long time, but what torments me the most is that the trend doesn't seem to end. Is there any safer space anywhere? I am despairing because I am sure there is no more. Thanks for reading, and I hope you have a great time. I hope you will reply to me.
Hello, I'm very sorry for the big delay, but as we said, we all took a break for mental health reasons.
Before we continue, here's a list of hotlines that might be able to help you whenever you feel like there's no escape. Also feel free to reach out to us via DM at any time either here or via Twitter to let us know how you're doing.
Please do not neglect your mental health. Make sure to be followed by professionals and regularly express your thoughts and emotions with them so that you can be supported and advised properly.
This ask brings back strong memories because this theme is a recurring one, first with Shay, then with other people who came to us in private.
The bad news is, we have really no way of going back in time. But the good news is, painful as it can be, we can adjust and make the best of what comes our way going forward.
If these characters and their relationship are important to you, it's okay for you to not let go of them, but it's also important that you try to not connect them to your own pain. Fortunately, they're fictional: no matter what you or other people choose to do with them, nothing really changes, so you can really do whatever you please with them.
I think what seems to have worked for most of those we have spoken to is to form their own little "niche" of like-minded people. Value quality over quantity, so to speak. Find those who feel the same as you (and trust me, they exist), create your own little community, may it be on Twitter, Discord, etc. Draw together, write together, share ideas and build up from there.
What seems to have helped another member is to make their own iteration of some of the characters, with a mix-and-match of Ms. Medrano's old versions, which they liked better. Again, it's fiction, so the limit truly only is the sky.
However, please do not make Shay's mistake to try and find the solution to your personal struggles within internet communities. Reach out to your friends and family, talk to them. Find like-minded people to connect with.
And never forget how strong and resilient you can be! Thank you for your trust. I'm so sorry for the long wait. Hoping to hear from you soon. - Eden
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realhousewives-fan · 3 months
The Days in the Doghouse Aren’t Over
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After Lisa Vanderpump had a conversation with Lala Kent and Scheana Shay about her worries about Tom Sandoval’s wellbeing, they’re trying to be nicer to him.
And he got excited and hopeful that he would get back into this group. But his days in the doghouse aren’t completely over for him yet.
He walked into this trip with a lot of anxiety, they all did apparently, and his path forward is a rocky one at best.
He cried a lot by the fact that Scheana had greeted him, which seemed a little much to me. It’s difficult to believe that his tears are genuine.
He has been caught lying, trying to manipulate the narrative, and constantly painting Ariana Madix to be the villain during his affair.
He’s therefore not trustworthy and it’s difficult to believe that him and his tears are genuine.
But Scheana and Brock Davis are in a rocky place as well. They keep arguing about the nanny situation, and she blames her OCD for her anxiety.
I just don’t understand why they’re arguing so much. They were yelling at each other in a store!
The only ones who seemed genuinely excited about the trip to Lake Tahoe was Lisa and Graham, who flew on a private jet.
James Kennedy wanted to surprise everybody with Graham, and as he told the story he had been given by Lisa, Sandoval claimed that he knew the truth.
Well, Rachel Leviss’ version of the truth.
James later had a decent conversation with Sandoval, and James told him why he felt so betrayed by him.
Things will probably never be the same again.
A stain has been put on this entire group, and according to Sandoval, his affair with Rachel wasn’t even worth all the backlash they received for it.
The problem with refusing to be around certain castmates is that you’re going to miss out of filming. It’s a punishment you give yourself.
And that’s what Ariana and Katie Maloney-Schwartz did by refusing to go on the trip.
They will becoming irrelevant if they can’t give the producers something more interesting.
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prettyhennytea · 4 months
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The highly anticipated season premiere of Vanderpump Rules kicked off with some intense drama and strained relationships. Let's dive into the key moments and dynamics that unfolded in this episode. One notable absence in the episode was Sandoval Maloney, who was unable to participate due to his involvement in another series he was filming. However, Ariana opens up in her room about the ongoing communication between Sandoval and Rachel, who ultimately decided not to continue on the show. Ariana reveals that she now only communicates with Sandoval through his assistant and shares her struggle with him trying to get her to move out so he can stay. She finds this unfair, especially after he was the one who caused their initial separation. James Kennedy, on the other hand, is excited about his new house that he purchased for himself and Ally Lewbar. he has made positive changes in his life by abstaining from drinking and focusing on meditation, working out, and smoking marijuana instead. During a meeting with Tom Schwartz, Tom brings a plant and candle as a housewarming gift. Tom, as well as his employees at the bar along with Sandoval, have faced harassment and business loss due to the scandal involving Sandoval, have faced harassment and business loss due to the scandal involving Sandoval. Tom feels excluded from the group's activities because of this ordeal and shares an apology he received from Sandoval that essentially acknowledges the damage caused and his use of Tom as a shield for his affair. Tom responds by stating that Sandoval should stick with Rachel, Tom's ex-fiancé, after what he put their business through. Scheana Shay and her husband, Brock Davies, reached out to Sandoval after the loss of one of his close friends but received no response as Sandoval has blocked Scheana, her podcast, and even her daughter. Scheana, who is dealing with her OCD diagnosis, has refrained from smoking and drinking but admits that the scandal has skyrocketed her anxiety. James later has a DJ job at TomTom, and while everyone is excited to attend. Ariana experiences anxiety due to her previous experience at the bar where she discovered her fiancé's infidelity. She calls her new boyfriend, Daniel Wai, to express her concerns, and he provides comfort and encourages her to create new memories. Scheana shows support for Ariana's new relationship. Meanwhile, Tom is feeling ignored by most of the group and seeks solace from the bartender with a hug. He desperately wants to make amends with Ariana, but she remains stubborn, rejecting his apologies and continuing to block him. Lala Kent, who is going through a challenging custody battle with her ex-husband Randall Emmett, confides in Lisa about the similarities she sees between her past relationship with Sandoval and her current situation, Lala reaches out to Rachel, extending support and companionship. During a girls' night out, Ariana, Lala, Katie, and Scheana play 'devil's advocate' while discussing their relationships. Ariana reveals that she had wanted to get closer to Katie for a long time but was warned off by Sandoval, and Lala shares her belief that Tom has also endured mental abuse from Sandoval. Lala then drops the bombshell that she reached out to Rachel, which confuses Ariana. While she wants the best for Rachel as a person, she wants nothing to do with her. The season premiere of Vanderpump Rules certainly set the stage for a season filled with complex relationships, unresolved issues, and plenty of drama. Fans will have to stay tuned to see how these dynamics evolve and if any reconciliation can be achieved.
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gay-otlc · 3 years
Can we talk about how Sophie has trichotillomania?
Because I've been involved in KOTLC fandoms for over two years and I've heard it mentioned exactly once.
Trichotillomania is a disorder characterized by uncontrollable, repetitive pulling of hair. This can be scalp hair, eyebrows, arm hair, leg hair, eyelashes, really any type of hair. Even though the person knows they aren't supposed to enjoy pulling, they get a weird sense of pleasure or calm from it, and it's difficult to stop. Pulling is frequently done in stressful situations.
Does that sound familiar to anyone? Ring any bells?
Yeah, it sounds like Sophie Foster.
In the books, it's played off as sort of just another nervous habit, a weird quirk of Sophie's. It's mentioned a few times by other friends/adult figures as they ask whether it hurts, but when she says no, they don't tell her to stop. She's often described as "pulling on an itchy eyelash," but it seems to be more of a stress response than something causing her stress.
I thought it was just another weird quirk of hers until I started pulling out my hair. I would pull it most when I was stressed, and it always felt "itchy" just before I did.
It was horrible. Trichotillomania is fucking destructive. At my worst point, I had a huge, gaping bald spot. I didn't talk to people because I was ashamed of my hair. I missed class once because I couldn't tear myself away from the mirror and stop pulling. I spent hours in front of the mirror each day, checking and checking to make sure no one would know anything was weird if they looked at me.
It was so hard. And I felt so alone.
Now, as I said before, I read KOTLC nearly three years ago and have been making fan content for over two. Suffice it to say that series means a lot to me. How do you think it would have felt, if the protagonist of this huge part of my life, was just like me, struggled like me, and it turned out okay for her? I would have had so much hope that it could get better instead of climbing and clawing for every shred of progress.
Now, how do you think it felt to see that protagonist go through something similar, but it didn't matter much to her? It made me feel like some whiny bitch for being this upset about my hair. If Sophie Foster could have trich and go through life functioning fine (well, not really, but the trich doesn't make anything worse for her is my point), why couldn't I? Pathetic.
Like most days, today is a good day to get pissed at L*ura, so I'm going to use her art as an example. This is a close up screenshot of Sophie's eye (please ignore the cursor in the middle, my computer hates me).
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[Image ID: A close up picture of an brown eye. It has long, dark eyelashes surrounding it and a cursor covering the pupil.]
(Please tell me if my image ID is shit idk how to write these.)
As we can clearly see, Sophie has long, dark eyelashes. The top eyelashes are most obvious, but there's a fair amount on the bottom as well. It's been a while since I've read the books, but Sophie doesn't wear makeup much, if I recall correctly. So she probably wouldn't be wearing mascara.
Then why the fuckity fuck do her eyelashes look so, for lack of a better word, normal, when she pulls them every three paragraphs?
People with trichotillomania look like they have trichotillomania. I have a bald spot. When I did all my research on trich in an OCD spiral, one writer said she had to wear wigs. Another said she had zero eyelashes for years. Someone on here (not saying who just in case they don't want me to) said their left eyebrow was nearly gone.
I hated how I looked in the worst of my trichotillomania days. It's less noticeable now, but I still hate it. I feel like a freak, to not have hair like a 'normal' person.
Now, Sophie Foster is described as beautiful. She has all the boys and the girls after her. She's an elf, all elves are beautiful. But she pulls out her eyelashes, and she pulls out her eyelashes so often, that unless elf hair grows at really different speeds (which I doubt it would, considering that would have been very noticeable when Sophie lived with humans), she would have no or very few eyelashes.
And yet, that was erased in her official art. Why? Because apparently, people can't look like they have trich and still be beautiful.
But that's bullshit. People with trich are beautiful. I am looking in mirrors and trying to tell myself I look beautiful instead of crying. Bald spots are beautiful. Eyes without eyelashes are beautiful. Brow ridges without eyebrows are beautiful.
People with trich are beautiful, dammit!
So give us that, Shannon. Give that to your readers who don't have trich, so they understand it, and your readers who do, so they see themselves for the first time and don't feel alone.
Give us Sophie Foster thinking she's ugly and a freak because she doesn't have eyelashes, and give us Keefe or Fitz or Biana or whoever telling her she still is.
Give us Sophie Foster trying to sit on her hands, telling herself not to pull, doing it anyway, and hating herself.
Give us Sophie Foster standing in front of the mirror and crying because she can't stop, she can't stop.
Give us Sophie Foster seeking help and trying to get better, trying to heal.
Give us Sophie Foster trying and relapsing and trying and relapsing and trying and relapsing and trying.
If you're going to give us Sophie Foster with trichotillomania, give us a character with trichotillomania.
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shaykeijser · 5 years
‪ 0:01 3:29‬
Clout from Grandma’s Closet
‪ ◄◄⠀▐▐ ⠀►►‬
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Hi shai I love your blog what's going on?? Are people attacking you?? I can't understand it lol
Hi!!! Copied and pasted but you can scroll through discourse for more context </3
I made a post last night about the connection between ocd and gender/pronouns. OCD can be triggering to think about so I tagged it “ocd tw“
When I woke up this morning someone was pissed that I trigger tagged ocd. I explained that it actually can be triggering. Anons told me I was ableist and duhumanizing neurodivergence for… trying to not think about my mental illness?? Or something??
So anxiety was kind of spiking today but I got a lot of nice anons so I’m doing better now.
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maxbernini · 3 years
idk if youre still doing them, but if you are: 3 headcanons about jazmine torres/american!even (or technically 3 pieces of canon)? really liked the twist on the first kiss you wrote for shay and jazmine btw!
hey!! absolutely still doing them, feel free to send more if you want!! ty for reading my fic ❤️
jazmine torres/american!even (from this fic):
- i know american!even is often headcanon’d as a photographer and i LOVE that, especially since it means she could photograph cfgc’s concerts and they’d be an artsy power couple. however, i’m going to say jazmine loves photography - and loves photographing her loved ones, especially shay - but poetry is her main art thing in this AU. i think she’d combine them actually, à la david with his collage scrapbooks. jazmine would fill up notebooks very quickly. one of the things that lead to her getting diagnosed (she has OCD & BPD) was when she decided it’d be cool to write a poem for every photo she takes, which she then prints and sticks in a notebook. it was fun and challenging at first, but eventually became upsetting when she couldn’t even take a screenshot of a meme or an accidental selfie without feeling like she had to scribble a poem down immediately. she comes up with haikus as a mind game when bored now. she has a haiku for each and every mole/freckle shay has. she’s corny.
- if shay loves summer, then jazmine loves winter. i just like when couples are opposites especially in silly poetic ways (light/dark, sun/moon, sky/ocean, etc), and i think this’d be fun given how hot austin is (and florida was; she literally can’t escape lol), and that i’d want shay’s season to be set during summer. and if we wanted to get even more sillier and poetic, i love the idea of shay being this burning warmth to jazmine’s icy cold, literally melting the latter’s heart 🥺 anyways they build snowmen together during december. kelsey: “as a proud ally, i’ve decided to make mine gender neutral snow- people”. jazmine: “that’s cool. ours are gay and definitely hooking up tho.”
- random, but she’s a really good navigator. as in, jazmine can and will locate any super niche spot in a new city as if she’s lived there her entire life. if she stood next to a guy wearing a shirt that said ‘i am a certified tour guide and historian with decades of experience’, tourists would still approach her first because of the sheer confident, determined, kind energy she radiates lol. what i’m getting at is that the scene in the fic where she’s asking for a tour and stories about the school was more so she could listen to shay talk and not because she actually wanted to know (because she already knew), which is fun because shay’s exaggerating those stories purely to get jazmine to laugh. they’re both corny! but in very cool and cute ways!
- bonus headcanon is that she doesn’t really like tyler much, but occasionally marlon will do something that is so incredibly annoying that tyler, shay, and jazmine all immediately look up and lock eyes and there’s this unspoken “maybe the three of us should stage a coup and take over cfgc” vibe. she helps with songwriting sometimes though, and she and megan fight for the title of being president of the unofficial cfgc fan club
give me a character and i’ll tell you three pieces of headcanon i have about them!
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ezxgreene · 4 years
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[ ALEX FITZALAN , CISMALE , HE/HIM ] do you hear [ MODERN LONELINESS BY LAUV ] coming from the beach ? oh, that has to be [ EZRA GREENE ] . they are a [ TWENTY-THREE ] year old [ ARTIST ] from the outer banks, and they’ve been living there for [ FIFTEEN YEARS ] . they were chosen to be on the show because they are a [ KOOK ] , but really , i heard it’s because they can be [ NEUROTIC & PESSIMISTIC ] . if you get to know them though , they’re pretty [ THOUGHTFUL & KIND ] . they might become a quick audience favorite due to their [ HABIT OF TALKING TO CATS LIKE THEY’RE PEOPLE, ACCIDENTALLY DRINKING PAINT WATER, AND ARMS COVERED IN TATTOOS ] . ooc – b, 21, est, she/her
[ playlist ] [ pinterest ] [ connections ]
TW: Mental Health and Drug Use
name - Ezra Atticus Greene
birthday - July 14, 1996
zodiac sign - Cancer
hometown - Los Angeles, California
height - 5′11″
sexuality - Bisexual
character inspiration - Nino Quincampoix (Amélie: The Musical), Spencer Shay (iCarly), Chris Miles (Skins), Nick Miller (New Girl), Joey Tribbiani (Friends)
positive - loyal, caring, passionate, easygoing, kind, thoughtful
negative - passive, unorganized, irresponsible, idealistic
b a c k g r o u n d
- Grew up with celebrity lawyers for parents, so everything was always very strict and serious around their house  He Spent the first few years of his life being raised by nannies, but as time went on his mom wanted to spend more time with him, so she quit being a lawyer to be a stay at home mom.
- Ezra absolutely adored his mom, whenever it was just the two of them things were much more relaxed. She was the one who introduced him to art. She bought him his first set of paints, and took him to museums. While his father always expected him to go to law school, his mother supported his dreams of going to art school. This led to a lot of arguments between his parents.
- When Ezra was fifteen his mom got sick, and not long after his sixteenth birthday she passed away. Both him and his father took it really hard, but instead of bringing them together it forced them further apart. Their house was mostly filled with silence, and Ezra’s dad started working more, which left Ezra home alone most of the time.
- During winter break Freshman year, Ezra came home to a new stepmother. His father hadn’t mentioned getting married until they were in the car nearly home, and it all came as a big shock to Ezra. Suddenly there was another woman sitting in his mom’s seat and drinking out of her favorite mug. It’s not that he doesn’t like his stepmother, she’s perfectly nice and he’s cordial towards her, but he can’t get past the feeling that she’s trying to replace his mother.
- Went to undergrad for English, and is now in law school at his father’s insistence. He hates it, and is definitely experiencing major burnout, but doesn’t want to leave in fear of being cut off. If Ezra had it his way, he’d pursue art full time.
- Struggles with untreated depression and OCD. He’s on and off medication, but prefers to self-medicate.
- He’s doing the show on his summer break because he’s seeking any kind of change from his normal routine. He feels like he’s starting to lose who he is, and he’s hoping the show will be able to help him remember.
- Doesn’t care much about the rivalry, but understands why some people do. He has a big heart, and will hang out with almost anyone.
- Ezra spent the break still at law school, absolutely hating his life, and counting down the days until graduation. He took his bar exam shortly before returning for season 2 and spoiler alert he did not pass.
- Broke things off with his Season 1 boyfriend Connor not too long into the break. Ezra was incredibly stressed out by school, Connor wasn’t a very good boyfriend, and eventually he snapped. He’s definitely not over it, though he’ll be acting like he is.
- Is definitely not happy that his older brother, Tristan, is now on the show- and will honestly be garbage at hiding it. Tristan’s never really done anything to him (besides be successful and get to do what he really loves), but its obvious (to Ezra) who their father’s favorite is.
- Overall, is just a huge mess this season. He’s not taking care of himself (even more than usual) and it won’t be hard to tell. Eventually I’ll let him be happy, I swear.
- After failing his bar exam he finally stood up to his father and told him he would not be retaking it or becoming a lawyer. This, of course, led to a huge blowout and Ezra hasn’t seen his father since. He’s been living off of the money he’s made on the show (which is a decent amount), using his instagram to be an “influencer”, and selling art. 
- He spent the entire break between seasons 2 and 3 in Italy with Luci and Connor, who he’s now officially back together with. He kept himself basically closed off from the world (no phone except to make ads for profit and no live tv) in order to help try and start fixing his mental health. He wasn’t exactly thrilled to be called back for a Season 3 so quickly, since he’d been enjoying the drama-free environment, but he’s excited to head off to Australia and see everyone again. 
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kcwcommentary · 5 years
VLD2x11 – “Stayin’ Alive”
2x11 – “Stayin’ Alive”
Allura’s playing a Hunk-suggested “Earth road-trip game” to pass time. This isn’t just Allura playing charades with the mice, it’s a small moment that reveals an exchange between Hunk and Allura, even if that exchange happened offscreen. Little moments like this help establish and affirm that these are people who are living with one another. Allura is taking the Castle Ship and travelling to the Balmera, and it’s taking her some time to get there. Given that the other parts of this mission included her creating a wormhole for the Paladins to go where they were going, I don’t understand why she hasn’t used a wormhole for herself.
We finally get information on where Coran went for his part of the greater mission: Olkari. There, he and the Olkari engineers have been working on the teludav necessary for the plan. He says they’ve been working on it “day and night,” which suggests a timeframe for what all has been going on. Allura has heard from Shiro, Lance, and Pidge, who’ve located Slav, so that puts this scene sometime before the last chronologically. She also says she hasn’t heard anything from Keith and Hunk. If Coran has been on Olkarion long enough for them to have been working “day and night,” then he has to have been there at least several days. Realistically, it would take a substantial amount of time for a major construction project. This all makes me feel like I don’t know what the timeframe of everything everyone’s doing though. This makes it seem like they are taking some time for everything to come together, but “The Belly of the Weblum,” and to a lesser extent “Escape from Beta Traz,” made me think they were working in a much faster timeframe than they apparently are. It’s not a huge issue, but it makes me feel a bit off.
Allura becomes pensive, saying she’s been thinking about her father and his sacrifice and how Team Voltron is closer than they’ve ever been to stopping Zarkon. She also expresses some apprehension about potential failure. She really does have to deal with a lot of stress and pressure from the responsibility she feels. Coran reassures her, citing their progress. Allura reaffirms his statement, saying that their success will come because they have allies (currently the Balmerans and the Olkari). This is the first instance in which I feel the show demonstrates the value of the coalition. It’s just Team Voltron, the Balmerans, and the Olkari, but they together feel more significant than later in the series when supposedly a lot more join the coalition.
I love the music during the Castle Ship’s decent and landing on the Balmera. This series has significant flaws, but the music is excellent. Allura informs the Balmerans – including Shay! it’s great to see her again – that she needs a crystal that’s even bigger than the one they needed for the Castle Ship last time. The music turns ominous as the camera shifts to the Robeast that the Balmera had trapped in crystal back in 1x10 “Rebirth.” There has been a substantial amount of screentime since the show last dealt with that Robeast, but it was unresolved. I’m of two minds about it. One, I like that the show hasn’t forgotten about it and is going to resolve that thread; however, I also kind of feel that dealing with this Robeast again is a bit of a retread of a past plot.
Two Druids report to Haggar that they found Thace’s chip that he’s been using to hack systems. She instructs them to put the chip back and wait to see who comes to get it. I’ve thought the show has been sort of spinning its wheels with this part of the plot, but this scene adds some movement to it finally. I’m kind of tiring of Haggar’s creepy space witch vibe though, or at least I’m feeling tired of it right now in this specific moment of my rewatch of the show.
The Balmerans take Allura to a huge crystal. She touches it and the hand-glowing thing happens, the Balmerans kneel and do the hand-glowing thing on the ground. The crystal begins to rise. The cavern rumbles, Shay wonders if it’s because of how big the crystal is, but the old Balmeran woman says it’s “something different” and says they should let Allura finish the ceremony. Then cut to back at the Castle Ship, where the crystal’s been loaded. Clearly some time has passed since the ceremony in the cavern. Everyone’s still calm. The way the old woman spoke though, it seemed she sensed something being a problem, and Shay seemed to register the old woman’s comment that way in the moment, but there’s no sense that they’ve followed up on that disturbance. This feels narratively dissonant. Did they forget to say anything after Allura was done? Wouldn’t the Balmerans, in sensing something off, have assigned someone to investigate further?
Everyone’s standing around for an unbothered goodbye when there’s a quake, everyone seems shocked (so no one followed up on what Shay and the old woman sensed before), and they watch as the Robeast breaks out of the crystal it’s been encased in. Allura sends the Balmerans to take shelter and plans to face the Robeast with the Castle Ship. The Robeast, once freed from the crystal, levitates and turns purple two big chunks of the crystal. It also has several large crystal shards embeded in its body. Allura directs the Castle’s weapons to shoot the Robeast, but its crystals shield it and it returns fire. Allura pilots the Castle to take off in hopes of luring the Robeast from the Balmera, and it follows her.
The music during this sequence is again excellent! The distance shot of the Castle Ship launching from the surface of the Balmera and the Robeast in pursuit is beautifully animated, having a wide sense of planetary-level scale.
Cut to Keith and Hunk leaving the Weblum, with a repeat of Keith’s frustrated yell from the end of 2x09 “The Belly of the Weblum” that he “didn’t just turn Galra.” Keith suspects that Hunk’s glaring at him is because he’s trying to tell if Keith’s skin is purple. Allura’s communication comes in with her telling them to return immediately. Shiro, Lance, and Pidge are on their return trip from their mission. Slav freaks over the idea that they’re going to travel via teludav, and Shiro’s frustration with Slav results in him giving a bit of a rant. Yet still, even though he’s fussing with Slav, he’s still not condemning Slav for having OCD, and instead tells him to just do whatever he needs to, whether it be counting hair follicles or fluffing a pillow. Slav, it turns out, wasn’t freaking out because of his OCD but because he likes the idea of travelling via teludav. Allura contacts them and calls them home.
Once returned, Lance sees that the Robeast is actually operating without a head. This makes the Robeast now relying upon the show’s not defining how much of anything works; without a head, the purple crystals have to be what’s directing it, but why are they purple/villainous? The Robeast sends a blast toward the Blue and Yellow Lions, which dodge out of the way. The blasts hits two moons above the Balmera. Since when does this Balmera have moons? I’m not saying that it couldn’t; in fact, it very much could. It’s large enough to generate enough gravity that it could very much pick up two moons in tow. I just don’t remember ever seeing them until now. The blast destroys both moons. The shot of the explosion and the next shot of the Castle and the two Lions silhouetted by the explosions are beautifully animated. Shiro says they have to have Voltron to deal with this, so Hunk has to cover them all while Blue drops Shiro and Pidge off on the Castle Ship to get their Lions. I feel for Hunk in his expression of being overwhelmed.
Back on Zarkon’s ship, Thace captured when he retrieves the chip.
A blast from the Robeast knocks out the Castle’s shields. Hunk maneuvers Yellow to ram into the Robeast. The distance shot of the two after he hits it, like the earlier distance shot, gives a great sense of scale. The Robeast starts chasing Yellow. The Paladins head to rejoin Hunk, and Shiro asks Slav to help Allura (though nothing really comes of Slav doing so). Lance provides cover in Blue for Hunk to take Keith to get Red. The shuffling that has to occur to get all the Paladins their respective Lions could have felt cumbersome, but the show actually pulls it off nicely without the sequence creating a pacing problem.
The Robeast blasts Yellow, which loses power and falls toward the Balmera. Lance and Pidge move to engage the Robeast while Shiro takes Black to get Yellow. Shiro has to abandon taking Yellow back to the Castle so that he can engage the Robeast. Keith leaves Yellow and jetpacks to the Castle. A stray blast from the Robeast nearly hits Keith and sends him careening away. The Red Lion senses Keith in trouble. Yellow regains power only to be grabbed by the Robeast. Everyone else blasts the Robeast, including Keith in Red.
I love that Red’s sensing Keith in trouble comes into play again here. The bond between him and Red is given a lot of significance through this. It also infuriates me that the show then eventually puts Keith in Black and Lance in Red without dealing with the fact that the show has spent so much time showing us the bond between Keith and Red.
The distance shot of the Lions circling around the Robeast, blasting it in unison is excellent. Keith says they don’t have the time needed to form Voltron. With the way the show usually handwaves that it would take time for the Lions to convert, usually pausing the plot to allow it to happen, it’s interesting that this time it’s an issue. Timing should be an issue, so this episode is doing it right. Pidge hits the purple crystal in the Robeast’s chest with Green’s plant cannon, buying them time to transform into Voltron. I think the plant cannon is inherently silly, but I do like the way it buys relief from the tension of the narrative and its use here has actual weight of a minor victory.
The Robeast finally shrugs off the plant, only for Voltron to stab it with Voltron’s sword, doing enough damage that the Robeast explodes.
The team is ready to meet up with Coran. Allura thanks Hunk for getting the scultrite, and Hunk responds that Keith was part of that mission too. Allura glares at him and walks away. The way she’s treating Keith is not okay!
They arrive at Olkarion, where the teludav is nearly complete. Coran privately talks to Allura about their plan, the risks, and how she might not survive how much energy is necessary for her to operate the teludav. He says her father “would be proud of the leader [she’s] become.” There’s a setting/rising sun shot, with the light over the five Paladins. Pidge asks what everyone’s thinking about. Zarkon is a popular answer, but Hunk is thinking of calzones. I actually don’t mind this food joke for him right now. They all reflect back on some of what’s happened over the past two seasons. It gives weight to the coming conflict. Shiro, however, is notably quiet during the whole conversation, only to point out that once Zarkon’s defeated, the universe won’t need Voltron. I can’t say I agree with that statement. They might won’t be facing an immediate threat, but that doesn’t mean that there won’t be anything for Voltron to do in the universe. Defeat Zarkon/the Galra and Voltron’s finished is a very narrow perspective.
After Shiro speaks, heightening the tension, they all stand quiet, the music builds into a dramatic group shot. It would have made an excellent end to the episode. That energy however is ruined by having another scene afterward of Haggar threatening Thace.
This episode was very action heavy, and yet, unlike with episodes later in the series that are action heavy, it doesn’t feel unwieldly here. It’s easy to track what’s happening at each stage of the action. As I said several times throughout this, there are some beautifully animated shots in this episode. This episode concludes the sequence of the past several episodes in setting up for the end of the season. It’s like a period at the end of a sentence, with the next sentence getting ready to start.
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gay-otlc · 3 years
Having OCD isn't my only personality trait. I'm also a lesbian.
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thisisocd · 6 years
Hi, I was wondering how one would begin to get a therapist? I don't have a doctor, or anything like that, so I'm not sure where to start. And, do you have any tips on how to bring up the thought that you might have OCD (esp "pure o" since it's not as well known?) to a new therapist? Sorry for all the questions and if you don't know or don't want to answer that's okay. Thank you for running this blog. I feel less alone because of its existence. I hope you have a nice day.
I have some links to help you get started with the therapy search, including tips and tricks to finding the right person:
And in terms of bringing stuff up like that, just do it!  Make sure to talk about all the reasons why you feel you fit that label if they’re skeptical--even if it feels embarrassing or weird, it’s important that they hear the full story to give you an accurate diagnosis and treatment.I hope you have a nice day too; take care -Shay
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snowtattoous · 4 years
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Perfect eyes will have perfect aim, tattooed with my signature Fine-Line custom script for Shay ✨👁✨ I always thought that when we cry, our tears flow out to wash our eyes, so we can see life a little more clearer after. . . . POP-UP TATTOO UPDATE: We have decided to host a few more limited private pop-ups in Montclair !!! [..before we open (with caution) our NYC TriBeCa Studio completely - TBD - stay tuned for announcements!] All bookings are by appointment only. *As it ALWAYS has been.* Love you all!!! . . Montclair Pop Up Requests: •Follow @goodplanscafe and •Follow and •DM @snowtattoonyc ***requests must include all requirements *** 1. NAME 2. EMAIL 3. DOB & Photo ID - Must be 18+ 4. Design idea/concept 5. Inches & Placement ✨Blow a kiss and make a wish!✨ . . . Placement is so so so important. Sometimes having OCD as a tattoo artist is a good thing. My signature lines will flow along the natural chi/energy of each individual’s human body. 🙏🏻 I focus on your vibratory alignment. Each person is different and all tattoos are custom designed. Inking my Fine-lines for 12 years and still dedicated to making all my tattoos one of a kind and unique just as each and every one of you all are so beautifully, magnificently unique! #originaldesigns #customtattoos . . #staysafe #wearamask #vegantattoo #veganink #vegantattooartist #sarahgaugler #sarahgauglertattoo #sarahgauglertattoos #snowtattoonyc #snowtattoo #turbogoth #goodplans #goodplanscafe #customscript #snowtattoocafe (at Montclair, New Jersey) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDMmDdNJn_h/?igshid=5p78nx6khppa
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bux-blurbs · 4 years
Genre: Psychological thriller, Crime Fiction. Year: 2018 [Season 1], 2019 [Season 2].
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Jaime Lannister from GoT dialogue utterly resume the show ‘You’: ‘..the things I do for love..’ as we discover Joe, a bookstore manager, who will do anything to keep the love of his life closer to him. Using social media and the internet, he uses every tool at his disposal to become close to her, even going so far as to remove any obstacle --including people -- that stands in his way of getting to her.
As Joe invisibly and obsessively takes control of Beck’s life, he orchestrates a series of events to ensure Beck finds herself in his waiting arms. Moving from stalker to boyfriend, Joe transforms himself into Beck’s perfect man, all while quietly removing the obstacles that stand in their way—even if it means murder.
After watching Season 1, I felt like graduating in Stalking course. Joe’s stalking skills reached a whole new level when analyzing people’s activities deeply. Also, Joe’s attitude reflect to some of us, especially those who had an obsessive kind of crush on someone where you keep checking on that person’s activity on the social media and browse through his/her past posts, as well as checking up on his/her close friends profile. It’s like you want to know every single details of that person. Hence, becoming obsessive. Joe, somewhat suffered from OCD (Obsession Compulsion Disorder). Being a book lover, I first of all started to love the show when Joe started speaking about his passion of books.
In Season 1, Joe met Beck when the latter came to his bookstore to purchase a book. Beck is a struggling writer and a university student who is a loner by heart as she’s separated from his father when the latter re-married, and got three friends who acted fake and a boyfriend who doesn’t really love her. She’s also a nympho. Joe eliminates the first obstacle, that is, her boyfriends who got a shady past and was cheating. And then, one of Beck’s best friends poses as a threat when he discovered her obsession to Beck which is more than friendship. Despite her bitchy roleplay, I felt sad to see Shay Mitchell getting eliminated in Season 1 itself. But soon, I find out Beck isn’t even staying longer. Joe discovered her cheating, but still forgive her later on. Upon doubting her at first, Beck retaliates with ‘If we don’t have trust, we have nothing.’ Yet, in the end, it turns out as Joe said his instincts never failed him. Beck did cheat with her therapist. Beck decided to break up since she felt suffocated in that relationship and wanted space. Joe finally let go. ‘If you really love me, you’ll let me go.’ Another amazing thing in the show is Joe’s monologues that reveal deep thoughtful truths: ‘The second it’s over, all you can remember is the stuff that made you fall in love. Blazing through your mind, this rom-com montage made of sweetest poison.’ For some days, Joe couldn’t stop stalking over Beck when the latter finally deactivate all her social medias in order to be able to concentrate on her writings. Joe got a new girlfriend but he soon cheated on her when he meets Beck after ages and they have sex. Joe decides to break up with his current gf who instantly fly off without any argument but meets Beck on her way and she mentioned Joe’s first gf to her. Beck can't shake the feeling that there's more to the story of Joe's lost former love, Candace. Determined to find out the truth, it's Beck's turn to go to shocking lengths to dig up the truth on Joe. But she might have gone too far that she eventually went through the same situation as Candace. Beck getting killed sent a wave of shock to me. Thought of pausing for a while, but I soon hit the next season button on Netflix, which my bro just added an account for me during lockdown for only one month.
Season 2 starts with Beck’s book sale in Joe’s bookstore which narrates the story between Joe and Beck. Candace is not dead and she’s back. That’s enough to peak up our intrigue. Joe flee to another town with the resolve of starting over. He tried really hard not to commit the same past mistakes by staying away from any form of love but finally gave up when the owner’s sister who also work at his workplace fell for him and eventually turned out she got the same obsessive syndrome as Joe. In this season, we see Joe’s side of parenting as he acts protective towards a smart and cute teenager who is the little sister of Joe’s landowner. The ending episodes of season 2 is chaotic and left me in utter disarray. The season ends with Joe settling with Love who is pregnant, and ending with a glimpse of Joe fantasizing over a new neighbor reading a book. I bet season 3 will be about Love stalking Joe and eliminating any obstacles in between them including that lady Joe been fantasizing about. Or it may also be another plot twist with the appearance of one of Joe’s ghosts just like the appearance of Candace. Can’t wait for S3!
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ezxgreene · 4 years
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[ ALEX FITZALAN , CISMALE , HE/HIM ] do you hear [ ROCKET MAN BY ELTON JOHN ] coming from the beach ? oh, that has to be [ EZRA GREENE ] . they are a [ TWENTY-THREE ] year old [ LAW STUDENT/ARTIST ] from the outer banks, and they’ve been living there for [ FIFTEEN YEARS ] . they were chosen to be on the show because they are a [ KOOK ] , but really , i heard it’s because they can be [ IRRESPONSIBLE & IDEALISTIC ] . if you get to know them though , they’re pretty [ THOUGHTFUL & EASYGOING ] . they might become a quick audience favorite due to their [ ARMS LINED WITH TATTOOS, IMPULSE PURCHASES FROM AMAZON, AND HABIT OF FALLING IN LOVE WITH STRANGERS ON THE TRAIN ] . ooc – b, 21, est, she/her
TW: Mental Health and Drug Use
name - Ezra Atticus Greene
birthday - July 14, 1996
zodiac sign - Cancer
hometown - Los Angeles, California
height - 5′11″
sexuality - Bisexual
character inspiration - Nino Quincampoix (Amélie: The Musical), Spencer Shay (iCarly), Chris Miles (Skins), Phoebe Buffay (Friends)
positive - loyal, caring, passionate, easygoing, kind, thoughtful
negative - passive, unorganized, irresponsible, idealistic
b a c k g r o u n d
- Grew up with celebrity lawyers for parents, so everything was always very strict and serious around their house  He Spent the first few years of his life being raised by nannies, but as time went on his mom wanted to spend more time with him, so she quit being a lawyer to be a stay at home mom.
- Ezra absolutely adored his mom, whenever it was just the two of them things were much more relaxed. She was the one who introduced him to art. She bought him his first set of paints, and took him to museums. While his father always expected him to go to law school, his mother supported his dreams of going to art school. This led to a lot of arguments between his parents.
- When Ezra was fifteen his mom got sick, and not long after his sixteenth birthday she passed away. Both him and his father took it really hard, but instead of bringing them together it forced them further apart. Their house was mostly filled with silence, and Ezra’s dad started working more, which left Ezra home alone most of the time.
- During winter break Freshman year, Ezra came home to a new stepmother. His father hadn’t mentioned getting married until they were in the car nearly home, and it all came as a big shock to Ezra. Suddenly there was another woman sitting in his mom’s seat and drinking out of her favorite mug. It’s not that he doesn’t like his stepmother, she’s perfectly nice and he’s cordial towards her, but he can’t get past the feeling that she’s trying to replace his mother.
- Went to undergrad for English, and is now in law school at his father’s insistence. He hates it, and is definitely experiencing major burnout, but doesn’t want to leave in fear of being cut off. If Ezra had it his way, he’d pursue art full time.
- Struggles with untreated depression and OCD. He’s on and off medication, but prefers to self-medicate.
- He’s doing the show on his summer break because he’s seeking any kind of change from his normal routine. He feels like he’s starting to lose who he is, and he’s hoping the show will be able to help him remember.
- Doesn’t care much about the rivalry, but understands why some people do. He has a big heart, and will hang out with almost anyone.
- Ezra spent the break still at law school, absolutely hating his life, and counting down the days until graduation. He took his bar exam shortly before returning for season 2 and spoiler alert he did not pass. 
- Broke things off with his Season 1 boyfriend Connor not too long into the break. Ezra was incredibly stressed out by school, Connor wasn’t a very good boyfriend, and eventually he snapped. He’s definitely not over it, though he’ll be acting like he is. 
- Is definitely not happy that his older brother, Tristan, is now on the show- and will honestly be garbage at hiding it. Tristan’s never really done anything to him (besides be successful and get to do what he really loves), but its obvious (to Ezra) who their father’s favorite is.
- Overall, is just a huge mess this season. He’s not taking care of himself (even more than usual) and it won’t be hard to tell. Eventually I’ll let him be happy, I swear.
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eenefangirlanalysis · 7 years
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“Gah! So much undone, unsaid! Mother and Father will be so annoyed!”
Edd is lamenting about how they may not make it out of this chase alive. 
There is so much emotion behind Edd’s character that it is sad to think about what he is/has gone through. The dodge ball incident affected Edd’s life in many ways. Before that it’s suggested that he was bullied which is the reason why he ended up building the dodge ball machine. Edd never meant to injure people he was only trying to get revenge. 
After the damage he caused he is expelled from school, has a scar, his parents are cold to him because of what he did, and Edd never receives any mental help. Edd is not right in the mind. He has to be orderly and everything must be done in his way. He also has PTSD. Since nobody ever helped Edd he has to live with the event being all his fault along with living in constant fear. Edd should not be living this life. His parents made a horrible mistake.
Let’s talk about Edd’s parents.
Edd’s parents will be annoyed? That he died? Ran away? Went missing?
I don’t like Edd’s parents and I am sure many of you eene fans will agree with me. The communicate with their son through sticky notes. All the adults are off screen. They’re never seen because this is a show about kids growing up. The audience knows the adults are there because they’re being watched over while playing around in the neighborhood. 
Edd’s parents are not just working. They’re avoiding Edd. They treat their own son like their maid. Who needs to triangulate towels? They’re taking advantage of Edd’s OCD. There are little moments where they care such as the time where Edd’s mom made Edd a tuna sandwich believing it would help him stop crying. She noticed him crying, yet she doesn’t do a thing to help. A tuna sandwich isn’t going to help out the sandwich. Edd lives by routine.
Edd also longs for physical affection or any kind of affection. By A Fistful of Ed Edd stops relying on his parents all together. They have never been there for him. Edd gave up being a kid just to act like an adult for their sake. He goes above and beyond to make them notice him, like joining the football team. 
Edd has had it with his parents. He can’t bare another sticky note which have been increasing each day. He’s not getting the love he deserves. Edd is living in a dark world.
The dodge ball incidence got in the way of so many opportunities that it took away Edd’s chance at trying to live a life. Does he like himself? Does he like what he does? And if his parents are ever around have they told him that he could have better friends? That’s the ultimate reason why Edd’s whole character changed in season 5.
He wants so badly to talk about the incident, but doesn’t know how.
The confession scene should never have been deleted from the movie. It was a very important scene.
BTW, Ed and Eddy also look so concerned for Edd. They all know one another’s home situation. Then again Ed and Edd aren’t fully aware of Eddy’s. Eddy gets the attention he needs, but doesn’t take notice. I know Eddy feels for his friends. That’s why he looks out for them and leads them. He teaches them that their is more to them then what their parents think.
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Suddenly, Ed screams out in pain.
Side Note: Does anyone remember how/when Ed lost a tooth?
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Rolf grabbed Ed by the leg savagely pulling him out from the car.
The kids motivations throughout the movie are really unsettling. Were they planning to kill the Ed’s? Or injure them as horrible as they are? The kids are sadistic bullies since they have been taunting the Ed’s for ages. It goes as far as verbally, emotionally, physically, and psychologically. 
How did you feel when the kids quickly accepted the Ed’s at the end of the movie? They witness the Ed’s stand up for themselves and saw them in different lights. The kids automatically believe that all will be forgotten.  Nobody can forget what a bully did. They were so blind to the Ed’s true objective being acceptance. Nobody deserves a friendship with the cul-de-sac kids.
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“They got my, guys! I’m a goner!”
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“Save yourselves!”
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“Don’t forget about me!”
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To anyone who believes that Edd and Eddy would forget about Ed if they were ever a couple, think again!
This is the BEST, out of a zillion, Ed’s friendship moment. Edd and Eddy cannot live without Eddy. Ed is the glue that holds them together. He brings so much joy and wackiness to their lives. Edd and Eddy also learn to open up and enjoy life. There are times when Ed will get in the way, but at the end of the day it’s all love between these three guys. They’ve learned that being different brings so much into a person’s life. 
They have gone through rifts. Their friendship hasn’t been the healthiest since their is still tension flying through the air. You can feel it in every corner as the Ed’s are on their journey. Eddy was not wise to mess around. Still, this journey made them open up and understand how important the Ed’s are to one another. They’re friends for a reason. 
They face all their dangers or successes together. Not alone. 
Edd and Eddy work together pulling Ed back into the car. 
There was an unneeded slapstick joke where Ed hits his face on the license plate of the car. I don’t understand why the writers do that to the characters when they’re already been through enough. 
It might be a way to test the audience for them to see what is funny or not. It all leads up to a very important scene.
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Ed’s leg slips out from Rolf’s grip.
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In this wonderfully animated sequence the Ed’s fly back inside the car.
Aw, Edd and Eddy are so close to one another.
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Rolf smashes into the dumpster at the end of the lane while the Ed’s wicker-shay into the woods. 
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ao3feed-klance · 7 years
Fix Me
read it on AO3 at http://ift.tt/2vLyjU3
by KittyChanXP
Lance brags about how loving and happy his family is, hiding the truth behind smiles and a cocky attitude. But that's his instinct. Really he wants to cry and scream, come clean about all of the horrible abuse he's suffered for years now. Even his best friend Hunk and their friends online don't know the whole story. Keith has dealt with his constant mood swings all his life so by now he isn't surprised when he suddenly gets angry. Of course this has left him with few friends and the ones he does have all live in different countries. Pity too because the Cuban boy's cute.
Words: 614, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, No Archive Warnings Apply, Rape/Non-Con, Underage
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Lance (Voltron), Keith (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Hunk (Voltron), Pidge (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt, Allura (Voltron), Coran (Voltron), Original Characters
Relationships: Keith/Lance (Voltron), Allura/Shiro (Voltron), Hunk/Shay (Voltron), Pidge/OC (Voltron)
Additional Tags: Beware it's gonna be gay, Female Pronouns for Pidge | Katie Holt, They're all online buddies, Hunk and Lance are irl besties, broganes, they're bros, Pidge just wants a gf, Pining Lance (Voltron), Mega pining Keith (Voltron), Probs gonna get depressing, who am I kidding, Strap in kids, I'm gonna be dragging tears from your eyes, But don't worry there'll be fluff, Social Anxiety, Anxiety in general, ADHD, OCD, Bipolar Disorder, Asperger Syndrome, PTSD, Depression, Eating Disorder, They're all going through shit, Oh yeah there's swearing, I'd apologise but I'm a bitch, Alternate Universe - High School, except shiro, Allura - Freeform, and coran, They're adults
read it on AO3 at http://ift.tt/2vLyjU3
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