#shai is sad
shaibonbon · 29 days
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especiallyhaytham · 9 months
It's so funny to me that the moment Arno got kicked out of the Brotherhood I was like "Oh this is going to be a big symbolic Rogue thing where Arno has to grapple with his anger and finally put it away, whereas Shay succumbed to it etc etc" no actually he just loses all his clothes and starts stealing liquor. Élise had to go get him.
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lunarmoves · 1 month
this is a formal apology for all the sad endings i write. i will do it again
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dylanconrique · 21 days
now would be the perfect time to squeeze the juice out of tim bradford like a lemon and make him cry by putting lucy in the hospital while he's still trying to cope with one of his former colleagues committing suicide in front of him, all so i can watch him finally crumble like a house of cards.
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icarus-is-lost · 1 month
I will forever be deep in thought about how Haytham Kenway picked Charles Lee as opposed to connor as his son. Because Haytham just kinda found charles as this kid who really wanted to be a templar, so Haytham (albeit reluctantly) took on a father like role to charles. But then him and Charles freed the natives from Silas and he slept with Kaniehtí:io, and she ended up having Ratonhnake:ton. But then He met Achilles, who had had his son (Named connor) pass, so Achilles named Connor, after his dead son. But Haytham always chose charles as his son instead of connor, which truley is what lead to haythams death, because when charles killed Kaniehtí:io, Haytham defended charles, instead of taking the side of his own flesh and blood, which led to connor killing him
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stickyblazecreator · 6 months
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Lekin muskan ho aisi ki jisme inkaar nhi...
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emry-stars · 11 months
SO interesting thing happened in class today. I'm studying linguistics and in my intro course today we were talking about language disorders and did a bit about dyslexia
And first of all I learned far more about dyslexia than I knew before (we thought I had it for like half my life lol) but there's also apparently more types of dyslexia than I expected which fall under two main categories: developmental and acquired dyslexia
Developmental being something you developed (usually from a v young age) which has no single cause
Acquired is (as the name suggests) acquired (usually later in life) and usually a result of head trauma
So all this very long info dump comes to my question: do you think Neil's dyslexia is developed or acquired after his dad hit him in the head too hard one too many times?
this is so heartbreaking 😭 but yeah… even if it is a mix of both this modern au’s Neil has definitely been knocked around enough for it….. my heckin heart man thank you so much for the ask genuinely 🥲💕
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iceicewifey · 7 months
still feel like moving vanishay to new york was a good call tbh
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shaibonbon · 5 months
matpat is retiring :(
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prettylittleliarsxxxx · 11 months
Lindsey Shaw is reflecting on one of the most difficult times in her life, both personally and professionally.
In Wednesday’s episode of Ned’s Declassified Podcast Survival Guide (which you can watch in the video above), Shaw recalls the painful moment in 2014 when she learned that she was being let go from her role as Paige McCullers on then-ABC Family’s Pretty Little Liars.
“I got called into [series creator Marlene King’s] office, and she was just like, ‘So, we’re gonna let you go,'” Shaw says, adding that she was told, “It’s not because of your acting.”
Shaw knew the real reason. In recent years, she has become comfortable speaking candidly about struggles with drugs and alcohol, as well as with her relationship to food and her body, and the toll they’ve all taken on her life and career.
“I just gave away everything I cared about,” she says. “I don’t know that I’ve ever gotten back to the point in my career that I was before that talk, that meeting, or that whole season of using. It’s a f–ing lot, dude. Caring about your body can make you go in all different directions, from plastic surgery to drugs to withholding to any kind of s–t.”
Still, Shaw remains grateful to the PLL team for handling her exit “with so much care,” both on and off screen. Not only did the writers craft a beautiful goodbye scene for her character midway through Season 5, but Shaw also recalls King asking if she had someone to talk to about what she was going through. When Shaw replied that she didn’t have anyone, King, replied, “We’ll find somebody.”
As for that beautiful scene, Shaw remembers that she and co-star Shay Mitchell “couldn’t even talk” between takes while filming Paige and Emily’s airport goodbye. “We just hugged each other and let it be what it was,” she says.
And Shaw, of course, will forever appreciate that the producers brought Paige back to wrap things up in the show’s seventh and final season.
“I used that show as a therapy session every time I went in,” Shaw says. “I cried harder there than I did in that whole six years by myself. Everything went into Paige. … It was a great and crazy and scary and sad and wonderful and tragic ride.”
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lunarmoves · 6 months
his name is loki and he is burdened by glorious purpose 🥹🥹🥹🥹
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gemgemicus · 2 months
I took that negative energy and created with it 🥳🥳 and I feel so much better honestly. I highly reccomend finding something to dive into!
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petrichorium · 9 months
Happy anniversary of the time I wrote 20k words in a week and got ghosted by the artist who was supposed to make art for the fic lol
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carissimipaixao · 10 months
i'm doing an anniversary celebration for september, and sign-ups begun in the beginning of the month.
unfortunately, it's not going too well. i only have 2 possible people who signed up for the celebration (and they aren't even following the rules properly, but i'm keeping an eye on them).
so, if you're a lupin fan or even other fandoms (as i'll put the tags i write for), please check out my blog and if you'd like to join the celebration, check out the respective post.
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tiredassmage · 10 months
11. Who are your character’s most important people?
[25 Character Questions for the Writer]
Shay's singular devotion remains to Airi (@fatewalker-phoenix); at the end of the day, there's nowhere she could ever lead that he would not follow. Thankfully, for the universe, Airi is a pretty golden soul, a gentle-hearted traveler keen to see primarily the good in the world, as Shay would just as gladly tear it all down for her.
Still, to this day, even after years of fighting at her side, he is reluctant to consider himself a fellow 'Warrior of Light,' though others have hung the title on his shoulders, though the Scions have counted him among their champions. He rests easy among them, but he's known for a long time that, should their paths part, he will not regret wherever it leads him.
That said, she has managed to make some progress in softening some of his edges and getting him to see more of life less like a battle, to see more opportunities than those that lie at a blade's edge. But that does go a way into reaffirming why she is such an intrinsic part of his motivations.
Among others I haven't mentioned as much, the Fortemps are seen more as family to him than his raising under Dzemael banners may suggest. Haurchefaunt was as a brother to him - one of the few relationships Shay maintained that resembled something like family in his own circles. Artoirel still holds some measure of his respect, and is of the few who may count themselves able to carry a civil, polite discussion with him. (It is not Shay's favorite, but he will tolerate advice on manners from the likes of the Fortemps.)
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starswallowingsea · 1 year
Kaoru pushes Rei off and moves to jump from the roof to the sand below. He has half a mind to kick his shoes off before running into the water, shouting Kanata’s name. 
He’s neck deep before he realizes, hot tears running down his face as he tries to keep his head above the water, voice stuck in his throat. One moment he’s pushing himself off the sand and the next he’s too far out and can’t get back up. 
His lungs don’t burn immediately, but it feels like his legs are frozen in place and he can’t move them. He briefly wonders if Rei has chased after him before he’s forced to let go of the breath he was holding. 
Water floods his nose, his mouth, his ears. His lungs are burning now with the lack of oxygen and he knows the end is near. His arms and legs have grown heavy. Kaoru is no longer struggling to come back above the water. 
He inhales and expects the water to rush up his nostrils and fill his lungs, but… 
Nothing happens. He breathes in again. And again. And again and again and again. 
He opens his eyes and looks down at where his legs should be and instead sees, or more accurately, feels a tail. It’s hard to move and see but he gently pushes it forward and feels himself move up slightly. 
He doesn’t get much time to process the change when another body runs into him. Cold arms wrap around him and pull him close and Kaoru’s eyes, still unadjusted to the dark, try to make sense of the shape. His own hands come up to grab the body in front of him and he tries to speak but realizes that even if he can breathe, it’s hard to make a sound under the water. 
You’re okay you’re okay you’re okay he hears in his mind, but the voice isn’t his own. 
It’s Kanata’s.
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